Dominique Visse
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###!rsbar is s!co" ###!rsbar is s!co" rsb@rsbar - 724 4 617 - 861 30 6 +33 97 Fax Tel 747 +33 - France - F-69340Francheville A2- - Falconnière La Agence artistique / management Artists artists RSB Photo © Eric Larrayadieu C D OUNTERTENOR OMINIQUE V ISSE BIOGRAPHY $n 2014-2015, the co'ntertenor (o"iniq'e *isse reappears on sta,e in his #ell kno#n roles ./thonisse in David et Jonathas in a pro0'ction o1 the Atelier L/riq'e 0e To'rcoing& in #hich he also "akes his 0ebu as cond'ctor. 2e is also anno'nce0 1or the Mémoires de M. D'Artagnan #ith La Fenice 3Palais 0es 4ea'x-Arts 0e 4ruxelles, A'xerre5 and in a 1rench-6apanese creation 7umé a the 8eims 9pera and at he 2o'se o1 :'l 're in ;apan. .erformances #ith he ense"ble :l<"ent ;ane)'in and (iabol's in ='sica are also +art o1 his pro6ects. Last season he #as present on opera sta,es all aro'nd the #orl0 : he sang ?atirino, La Na 'ra and F'ria in :avalli's La Calisto at ='nich ?taatsoper, has once a,ain been Narciso in Agrippina on the sta,e o1 4arcelona Lice'. 2e #as also invite0 in Poland by the Wrocła# Baro)'e Orchestra! (o"iniq'e *isse be,an his singing career at the a,e o1 11 as a chorister in the :athe0ral o1 Notre-(a"e 0e Paris. At he sa"e time he be,an s '0/ing he organ and D' e at the *ersailles :onservator/. Alrea0/ passionate abo' 8enaissance and =e0iaeval "'sic, in 1976 he "et the ,rand pioneer o1 the co'ntertenor voice, Al1re0 (eller, and beca"e his +'pil. 2e also #orke0 #ith Ni,el 8o,ers, 8ené ;acobs and Billia" :hristie!E E $n 1978 (o"iniq'e *isse 1o'nde0 the Fnse"ble :l<"ent ;ane)'in #ith #ho" he has "a0e a series o1 bench"ark recordings o1 French pol/phonic chansons o1 the 16 h :ent'ry. Ge 1ollo#ing /ear he beca"e one o1 the 1o'nding "e"bers o1 Les Arts Florissan s an0 e0i e0 "'ch o1 he ense"bleAs re+er oire in i s earl/ /ears!E E ?ince hen (o"iniq'e *isse has beco"e one o1 the "ost po+'lar l/ric artists in the #orl0 o1 4aro)'e opera, #or-in, #ith 8en< ;acobs, ;ean-:la'0e =al,oire, .hilip+e 2erre#e,he, Ton Koo+"an, Billia" :hristie, Alan :'rtis, Nicholas =cGe,an, :hristophe 8o'sset, $vor 4olton, 8obert King, 2arry 4icke and F""anuelle 2aJ" in he opera ho'ses o1 Paris, 4erlin, :olo,ne, A"sterda", La'sanne, Tel-Aviv, =ontpellier, 2o'ston, 4arcelona, ='nich, *ersailles, at the =onnaie in 4russels, at the G<Ktre 0' :hKtelet and the G<Ktre 0es :ha"ps Fl/s<es in Paris, Ge 8o/al 9pera 2o'se in London, on to'r in ;apan and North A"erica, and at the Fes ivals o1 Il/ndebo'rne, Aix en Provence, Innsbruck and E0inburgh. RSB artists Artists management / Agence artistique La Falconnière - A2 - F-69340 Francheville - France - Tel +33 6 747 617 97 - Fax +33 4 861 724 30 rsb@rsbar is s!co" - ###!rsbar is s!co" 2is "ost "e"orable appearances incl'0e pro0'ctions o1 :avalli's Calisto, 2andelAs Giulio Cesare 39+<ra 0e Paris5 and Agrippina 34erlin, Paris and 4arcelona5, =onteverdi's L'incoronazione di Poppea and :harpentier's David et Jonathas #ith Les Arts Florissants cond'cte0 by Billia" :hristie, in Aix-en-Provence, F0inburgh Festival, Paris 9+<ra co"iq'e, the T<K re de Caen and the Brookl/n Aca0e"/ o1 M'sic. (o"iniq'e *isse 0oes not li"it himsel1 to 4aro)'e and earl/ repertoire. 2e has s'ng in 9fenbachAs Les Brigands, 0irecte0 by ;<rô"e (escha"ps and has recorde0 the role o1 La =arq'ise in Po'lenc's Le Gendarme incompris 1or (ecca 0irecte0 by :harles ('toit. 2e sang the role o1 9reste in 9fenbachAs La Belle él!ne sta,e0 by 2erbert Bernicke at the Festival o1 Aix en Provence and revive0 in ?alNburg. 2e also 1re)'entl/ performs conte"+orary "'sic and has participate0 in L'ciano 4erioOs opera "utis at La ?cala in =ilan and at the G<Ktre 0' :hKtelet in Paris& Perela, l’homme de %umée by Pascal ('sapin at he 9+<ra national 0e Paris& La Fronti!re by Philippe =ano'ry at the 4o'fes 0' Nord in Paris, Ka,elOs Mare &ostrum #ith ;ean-:la'0e =al,oire and in a pro0'ction #ith the .<niche 9+<ra and 4enoit =ernier's La Dispute creation a La =onnaie Geatre o1 Brussels! As #ell as his #ork in opera, (o"ini)'e *isse continues to perform and recor0 #ith his Fnse"ble :l<"ent ;ane)'in hat celebrate0 its 30th birth0a/ in 2008 and #hose extensive 2armonia ='ndi 0isco,raph/ has #on nu"ero's +rizes. 2e also sings #ith :a1< Zim"ermann and the ense"ble Flectrocento, and ,ives recitals #ith l' e, or piano Q accordion, o1 "'sic ranging 1ro" =acha't to 4erio via (o#land, ?ch'bert, 9fenbach, =assenet, ?atie, Po'lenc and Take"its'. 2e has "a0e "ore than an h'ndre0 recordings, principall/ 1or 2armonia ='ndi, "ost recentl/ the Fnse"ble :l<"ent ;ane)'inOs L’Écrit du Cri #ith "'sic 1ro" the 8enaissance to the +resent 0a/. 2is recording Parole e (uerele d’amore with A,nès =ellon #as recentl/ release0 on the Zig-Za, label. $n 2012 his (o#land recital, recording #ith he celebrate0 Fnglish viol consort Fre #ork and the French l'tenist Eric Bellocq, was release0 by Satirino records! Nov2014 - Not to be altered without permission. We update our biographies regularly. Please contact RSB Artists before reproducing this biography. RSB artists Artists management / Agence artistique La Falconnière - A2 - F-69340 Francheville - France - Tel +33 6 747 617 97 - Fax +33 4 861 724 30 rsb@rsbar is s!co" - ###!rsbar is s!co" REVUE DE PRESSE Il Paride Giun!ne" Ecuba" $upin!& avec ()Arpeggiata * Innsbrück * a!-t ./0. O%1ra maga2ine * !ctobre ./0. * 3ran4!is $e5e( R STU FnVn& on a +laisir W re rouver, en belle voix& 'n D!minique Visse )'i nAa rien +erd' 0e sa verve en scène e 0e son a+ it'0e exce+ ionnelle a' ravesti, +our 0es Iiunone e Fcuba irrésistibles& e le 1orgeron L'+ino, a'ssi ha' en coule'rs. X David et Jonathas (a P6th!nisse& avec (es Arts 3(!rissants * 3estiva( 7)Aix9en9Provence * :uil(et ./0. O%1ra maga2ine * septembre ./0. * ;6ril Ma2in R STU F,al W lui-"Y"e& le con re- <nor 1ranZais D!minique Visse ca"+e 'ne ./ honisse +lus roublan e )'e 6a"ais STU X ResMusica * 0<//=/./0. * ;5arpentier c5e2 Ikéa > Srebrenicaix en Provence * Ma8ime ?aprie(ian R STU Le +la ea'& 0' "oins +our les +re"iers rôles, ne 0<Zoit +as non +lus. STU! ['an W D!minique Visse& il reste ou6ours <,al W lui-"Y"e STU X ;!ncert Les Cantates Comiques avec (e ;a@1 Aimmermann * 3estiva( 7e Dardil(6 * mai ./0. $e Progrès * 0C//C/./0. * $e @estiva( 7e Dardil(6 !uvre sur un gran7 1c(at 7e rire * Antonio Ma@ra R STU .ionnier 0e la re0<couverte 0' ré+ertoire baroq'e& com+lice 0e 8en< ;acobs, 1on0a e'r 0e lOense"ble :lé"en ;ane)'in& l’in'sable con re- <nor SD!minique VisseU W la voix 0e sorcière a in erpr< < les can a es R comiq'es X 0e :ourbois e 0e Iran0val a' sein 0O'n +rogra""e en ière"en 0<0ié W la "'siq'e 1ranZaise 3:orre e& =arin =arais.!!5 où la "'siq'e savan e "e son alen a' service 0' rire! STU X ;!ncert A corps et à cris avec ()Ensem#(e ;(1ment Danequin * P1nic5e O%1ra Paris& * avril ./0. On9Mag * /E//F/./0. * Yvette ;ana( R LOFnse"ble :lé"en ;ane)'in& c’est cin) voix "asculines 3'ne basse& re"ar)'able 0Oaille'rs 38ena'0 (elaig'e5& 'n bar/ on 3FranZois Fa'ch<5& 0e'x <nors 3Vincen 4ouchot e 2','es .rimard5 e le célèbre con re- <nor D!minique Visse + 'ne +ianiste& *<roniq'e 4riel e 'ne organiste 6oue'se 0O<+ine e& Flisabe h Ieiger. Le spectacle nOa++ar ien W a'cune ca <,orie habit'elle 0e concert& +'isq'Oil "Yle a'ssi bien "'siq'e ancienne )'e con e"+oraine avec 0e la varié <& 0e la +arodie ou 0e la chanson 0< ourn<e& ainsi )'e 0es +rojections visuelles 0Oin ervie#s, ou cela sur le cri. STU A' otal& ce concert-spectacle& )'i re+ren0 0es "orcea'x 0e spectacles +récé0e""en chan <s +ar ce "Y"e ense"ble a ,a,n< en 0iversit< e 1ait +asser 'ne excellen e soirée& sans 6a"ais en baisser le nivea'! Le +'blic s’est ré,alé! X RSB artists Artists management / Agence artistique La Falconnière - A2 - F-69340 Francheville - France - Tel +33 6 747 617 97 - Fax +33 4 861 724 30 rsb@rsbar is s!co" - ###!rsbar is s!co" RSB artists Artists management / Agence artistique La Falconnière - A2 - F-69340 Francheville - France - Tel +33 6 747 617 97 - Fax +33 4 861 724 30 rsb@rsbar is s!co" - ###!rsbar is s!co" .