06 04/00934/3 LAND ADJACENT TO HAWFIELD HOUSE, ASCOT ROAD, NUPTOWN, ( AND WARFIELD WARD) Formation of 3m. wide bridleway with associated fencing and landscaping. (Regulation 3 application)

This application is reported to Committee because the applicant is Forest Borough Council.


The proposal is to create a 3m wide bridleway, about 65 m long, that would link up with a separate scheme for a new length of bridleway, submitted by Syngenta (04/00869/FUL) that is currently under consideration.

The proposed bridleway applied for by Syngenta would run from the main entrance to the Jealotts Hill Research Centre (opposite Goughs Barn Lane), up to what was the boundary with Hawfield House, Ascot Road. The length of bridleway the subject of the current application would link up with Syngenta’s proposal at Hawfield House and take the completed bridleway out onto Penfurzen Lane, Warfield.

The site falls within an area defined by the Borough Local Plan as ‘Green Belt’ to which policy GB1 applies.

Site background

2004 04/00869/FUL Construction of new bridleway to east of Not yet A3095 Maidenhead Road/south of A330 determined Ascot Road with associated security fencing and gates and landscaping.


Warfield Parish Council

Has no objection to the proposal.

Transportation Officer

No objection to the proposal.

Landscape/Arboricultural Officer

Awaiting comments.


No objections have been received.

Planning & Highways Committee 16 December 2004


The main issues raised by this proposal are:

(1) Principle of Development

The proposed creation of a bridleway on land to the front of Hawfield House Warfield, is considered to be acceptable in principle on land defined as Green Belt.

(2) Impact on Character and Appearance of the Area

The proposed bridleway is considered not have a detrimental impact upon the open, rural character of the Green Belt area. The proposed bridleway would link up with a separate proposed bridleway; therefore serving the local community and allowing safe horse riding to continue within the rural area.

(3) Impact on Neighbours’ Amenities

The bridleway will run between the front boundary of Hawfield House and the Ascot Road. A new timber fence with a hawthorn hedge behind it is proposed along the boundary with Hawfield House. With this treatment it is not considered that the proposed bridleway would have a materially adverse impact upon any neighbouring dwellings in the area.

(4) Transportation Issues

The proposed bridleway link would not have a materially adverse impact upon highway safety.

(5) Access Implications

There are no accessibility issues for disabled people relating to this application.


That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions :-

(1) Z101 Time limit for commencement of development

(2) Z201 Approved plans: 4559/003

(3) The proposed fencing scheme shall be implemented in full before the first use of the bridleway link hereby permitted and shall therefore be retained. REASON: To ensure the development is carried out as approved by the Local Planning Authority. [Relevant Plans and Policies: None]

(4) Z601 Details of hard and soft landscaping – delete “hard and “ REASON: As standard. [Relevant Plans and Policies: BFBLP EN20]

Planning & Highways Committee 16 December 2004

(5) Z606A REASON: As standard. [Relevant Plans and Policies: BFBLP EN20]

Summary of reason(s) for the decision The following development plan policies have been taken into account in determining this planning application:

Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan: GB1.

(Please note that this is not intended to be an exhaustive list).

The following material considerations have been taken into account:

The proposal is considered to comply with GB1. The proposal will not adversely affect the character or amenity of the Green Belt area or the amenities of neighbouring property. The planning application is therefore approved.


Contact for further information

Simon Roskilly 01344 351196 [email protected]

Doc. Ref

G:/Commitee/PlanDept/2004/16Dec/04009343 Land adj Hawfield Ho

Planning & Highways Committee 16 December 2004

Planning & Highways Committee 16 December 2004

Planning & Highways Committee 16 December 2004