Surgical Management of Chronic Lower Abdominal and Groin Pain in High-performance Athletes 08/02/2019 on BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD33D9/FQ5Fz8lUYgSwgVMpoyvWKSXvZI2V7wPePfaqAcGjSNveYeZYww== by from Downloaded William C. Meyers, MD, Anthony Lanfranco, BAS, and Andres Castellanos, MD Downloaded from Address pubalgia, and a similar number of patients who have not Drexel University College of Medicine, Department of Surgery, required surgery. Much of the specific data on these patients Mail Stop 413, 245 North 15th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA. will be documented in that study. We are compelled to E-mail:
[email protected] mention one preliminary observation: there are still too Current Sports Medicine Reports 2002, 1:301–305 many patients undergoing incorrect operations! This Current Science Inc. ISSN 1537-890x by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD33D9/FQ5Fz8lUYgSwgVMpoyvWKSXvZI2V7wPePfaqAcGjSNveYeZYww== Copyright © 2002 by Current Science Inc. observation comes from data that show more than 200 patients who, having undergone various unsuccessful opera- tions, did well after a second surgery or other treatments. Formerly, most of the causes and treatments of chronic lower Before outlining our current approach to these types of abdominal and groin pain in high-performance athletes eluded problems, five general comments are necessary. sports medicine specialists. Now we are much better at To begin, athletic pubalgia is but one such diagnosis that identifying and managing the different syndromes. Most of the occurs in high-performance athletes. It should be under- advances are based on empiric evidence, although many stood that there are many other potential diagnoses. The pitfalls remain with respect to diagnosis and management pelvis has a great number of bones, projections, and soft tis- of the various syndromes.