Pushkin () Tour

This small charming town located just 20 kilometres south of St.Petersburg is interesting not only for being Romanov's Summer Residence since the times of Peter the Great. Young Alexander Pushkin studied here, and the place remained a source of inspiration throughout the poet’s life. It was here where the first successful attempt to build an ideal Russian city was made.

Its parks truly are masterpieces of landscape art and the imaginative and sophisticated take on their pavilions cannot fail to amaze.

We will also learn how the royals spent their leisure time. The have witnessed influential historical events – from the birth of future emperors to the last departure of the Nikolai II and his family to Tobolsk.

The city itself presents a unique opportunity to see the town-planning model used to build such Russian cities as Saratov, Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Smolensk etc. Tsarskoye Selo is also the first station of the first Russian railroad.

Pushkin studied at Tsarskoye Selo at one of the best educational establishments of his time. Later he would come back as a newlywed to spend here his honeymoon.

We will see

- Pushkin’s dacha

- The remaining part of the ideal city (the Cathedral Square, Gostiny Dvor, post office and police department)

- The Alexander Park and Alexander – the birthplace of Nikolay II, the Arsenal, the White Tower, the Parnas hill, the Chinoiserie

- The Catherine Park and the , the Lower Bathhouse, Turkish Baths, the Chesme column, the Cameron Gallery and the Hermitage

We will learn about the architects and geniuses (a Dutchman, two Scotsmen, two Englishmen and a Russian) behind this magnificent complex of parks, palaces, churches, bridges, and pavilions.