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25_662945 bindex.qxp:interior pages 3/5/08 11:47 AM Page 567 Index Entries in italic type refer to illustrations Aalto, Alvar, 18, 129, 170, 271, 291, 360, 476, 492, American Embassy. See United States Embassy Baker House Dormitory, Massachusetts Institute 492, 493, 493–494, 494, 495 American Houses, Inc., 148–149, 309 of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Abramovitz, Max, 372, 372, 373, 375 American Institute of Architects (AIA), 278, 432, 291, 494 accessibility 436 Bankers Trust Building, New York, New York, 80 airport terminal preservation, 425 American National Exhibition, Moscow, USSR banking industry, 39–40 Raymond M. Hilliard Center, Chicago, Illinois, (1959), 141 Bankside Power Station, Southwark, London, 293, 295 American Radiator Company, 309 England, 449 A. Conger Goodyear House, Old Westbury, New American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), Barbican housing estate, London, England, 86, 98 York, 213 113, 128 Barcelona chair, 7, 185, 189, 189 acrylic sealants, 133 Ammann & Whitney, 95, 427, 431 Barcelona Pavilion, Barcelona, Spain (1929), 10, adaptive reuse, 34 Amoco Building (Aon Center), Chicago, Illinois, 38, 50, 51, 52, 171, 182, 183, 184, 185, 185, Advance Development Company, 264 129, 131, 476, 496, 497, 498 186, 187–188, 188, 189, 189, 190–193 advocacy, viii design, 496 design description, 187–189 Agnelli, Giovanni, 454–455 generally, 496 generally, 185–187 Ain, Gregory, 261–262, 263, 263, 264, 265, 266, historical development, 496–498 historical perspective, 189–190 266, 326 preservation issues, 498 reconstruction, 190–193, 201 Air Commerce Act of 1926, 420 Anaheim Ice (Disney Ice Skating Rink), Bard Awards, 279 Air France, 424 Anaheim, California, 107 Barragán, Luis, 5 airline industry, 31, 395, 396, 422, 424, 431.
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