Public Document Pack and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal agus Bhoid

Corporate Services Director: Nigel Stewart

Lorn House, Albany Street, Oban, Argyll, PA34 4AW Tel: 01631 5679307 Fax: 01631 570379

26 September 2006


A meeting of the OBAN LORN & THE ISLES AREA COMMITTEE will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS, ALBANY STREET, OBAN on WEDNESDAY, 4 OCTOBER 2006 at 10:30 AM, which you are requested to attend.

Nigel Stewart Director of Corporate Services





(a) Minute of meeting of Oban Lorn & the Isles Area Committee held on 6th September 2006 (Pages 1 - 10)

(b) Note of site inspection meeting held on 6th September 2006 in regard to planning application ref. 06/00935/DET (Pages 11 - 16)

(c) Report by Area Corporate Services Manager in regard to request from Oban Community Council to site Interpretation Boards on Council ground (Pages 17 - 20)


(a) Applications for financial assistance under the Education Development Grant Scheme (Pages 21 - 26)

(b) Applications for financial assistance under the Leisure Development Grant Scheme (Pages 27 - 34)

(c) Applications for financial assistance under the Social Welfare Grant Scheme (Pages 35 - 50)


(a) List of Building Standards delegated decisions issued by the Director of Development Services since the last meeting (Pages 51 - 60)

(b) List of Town and County Planning delegated decisions issued by the Director of Development Services since the last meeting (Pages 61 - 70)

(c) 06/00108/DET: Miss Y Sloss: Dwelling House - East of Sealladh House, Fearnoch (Pages 71 - 80)

(d) 06/00182/OUT: West Highland Housing Association Ltd: Erection of 14 Dwellinghouses, Access Road and Play Space - Site south of Bridge Cottage, Lochdon, (Pages 81 - 92)

(e) 06/01732/DET: Mr and Mrs D. Hill: Extension to dwellinghouse - 10 Cnoc a Challtuin, Clachan Seil, By Oban (Pages 93 - 98)

(f) Report by Head of Planning in regard to Removal of Section 75 Agreement - Oban Zoological World (Pages 99 - 102)


(a) Report by Head of Transportation & Infrastructure and Head of Roads & Amenity Services in regard to Regional Transport Partnerships: Project Development (update) (Pages 103 - 110)


The Committee will be asked to pass a resolution in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government () Act 1973 to exclude the public for items of business with an “E” on the grounds that it is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 7a to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

The appropriate paragraphs are:-

E1, E4 - Paragraph 9 Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services.

E2, E3 - Paragraph 13 Information which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes-

(a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment.


(a) Report by Director of Corporate Services in regard to lease of site No.7 Mill Lane, Lochavullin, Oban (Pages 111 - 114)

(b) Report by Director of Corporate Services in regard to proposed assignation of lease - 29 Lochside Street, Oban (Pages 115 - 120)

(c) Report by Director of Corporate Services in regard to arrears history - Lochavullin Industrial Estate (Pages 121 - 122)

(d) Report by Head of Legal & Protective Services in regard to formal deeds and documents executed between 17th August 2006 and 15th September 2006 (Pages 123 - 126)

(e) Report by Director of Corporate Services in regard to Luing Cemetery (to follow)


(a) 02/00182/ENFOTH (Pages 127 - 132)


(a) Report by Head of Planning in regard to Section 75 Agreements (Pages 133 - 140)


(a) Report by Director of Operational Services in regard to proposed development at Ledaig, Tobermory (Pages 141 - 144)


Councillor Robin Banks Councillor Ian Gillies (Vice-Chair) Councillor Allan Macaskill Councillor Alistair MacDougall (Chair) Councillor Sidney MacDougall Councillor Duncan MacIntyre Councillor Donald McIntosh Councillor Elaine Robertson

Contact: Jane Gillies, Committee Assistant - Telephone 01631 567901

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Present: Councillor Alistair MacDougall (Chair)

Councillor Robin Banks Councillor Ian Gillies Councillor Allan Macaskill Councillor Sidney McDougall Councillor Donald McIntosh Councillor Duncan MacIntyre Councillor Elaine Robertson

Attending: Kenneth Macdonald, Area Corporate Services Manager Hugh Blake, Senior Estates Surveyor Paul Reynolds, Environmental Health Officer Ian MacIntyre, Area Team Leader, Planning Services Chris Dalgarno-Platt, Corporate Financial Policy Officer Neil Brown, Area Roads & Amenity Services Manager Niall Urquhart, Area Community Regeneration Manager Jim Suttie, Community Regeneration MacPhail, Area Housing Manager Alex Taylor, Area Service Manager, Social Work 17 Members of the public

The Chairman ruled, and the Committee agreed in terms of Section 50B(4)(B) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, and in terms of Standing Order3.2.2, that a report by the Head of Planning in regard to application ref.06/00841/DET, dealt with at item 5(g) of this minute, be taken as a matter of urgency due to the need for a decision to be taken prior to the next ordinary meeting.


There were no apologies for absence.


Councillor Elaine Robertson declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application ref.05/00069/OUT, dealt with in item 5(d) of this minute, due to her position as a member of the board of the West Highland Housing Association.

Councillor Sidney MacDougall declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application ref.05/00069/OUT, dealt with in item 5(d) of this minute, due to his professional involvement with the West Highland Housing Association.



The minute of the meeting of Oban Lorn & the Isles Area Committee held t Page 2

on 1st August 2006 was approved as a correct record, subject to the correction of a spelling error under item 5(a).


The note of the site inspection meeting held on 21st July 2006 in respect of planning application ref. 05/00907/DET was approved as a correct record.


Members considered a report dated 11th August 2006 by the Area Corporate Services Manager in regard to usable capital receipts amounting to £9,870.


It was agreed (a) to note the sum available; and (b) not to allocate any of this sum at this time.

(Ref: Report dated 11th August 2006 by the Area Corporate Services Manager, submitted)



Members dealt with applications for financial assistance under the Education Development Grants Scheme as follows:-

Applicant Description Cost of Amount Decision Project Requested

Soroba Continuation of work £114,000 £10,000 Grant of Community started by the per £2,000 Enterprise Community annum Ltd Regeneration Programme

Oban Stage awareness- £595 £250 Grant of £250 Fairtrade raising celebratory Steering event and produce Group and update the Oban Fairtrade directory

(Ref: Report dated 25th August 2006 by the Area Community Regeneration Manager, submitted)


Page 3

Members dealt with applications for financial assistance under the Leisure Development Grants Scheme as follows:-

Applicant Description Cost of Amount Decision Project Requested

Glenorchy & Public address £419.50 £209.95 Grant of Innishail system £209.95 Community Council

Mull Theatre Part funding £35,565 £5,162 Grant of £4,000 Ltd for two and advise vehicles for applicant to the Theatre make Company application to other Area Committees (Ref: Report by the Area Community Regeneration Manager, submitted)


Members considered an application for financial assistance under the Social Welfare Grants Scheme by Soroba Community Enterprise Ltd. Towards the cost of continuation of the work started by the Community Regeneration Programme, estimated at £114,000 per annum.


It was agreed, having noted that a grant of £2,000 had been awarded to this project earlier under the Education Development Grants Scheme, to award a further grant of £2,000 under the Social Welfare Grants Scheme.

(Ref: Report dated 17th August 2006 by the Area Service Manager, Social Work Service, submitted)


Members considered a report dated 23rd August 2006 by the Director of Community Services setting out the position in regard to the Council obtaining service availability in respect of phase 1 of Oban Primary Joint Campus.


It was agreed to:

(a) note the report; and

(b) request the Director of Community Services to submit a report to a future meeting in regard to the catchment area for the Joint Campus. Page 4

(Ref: Report dated 23rd August 2006 by the Director of Community Services, submitted)



Members considered, and noted, a list dated 17th August 2006 of Building Standards delegated decisions in respect of which approvals had been issued since the last meeting.

(Ref: List of approvals dated 17th August 2006, submitted)


Members considered, and noted, a list dated 17th August 2006 of Town and Country Planning delegated decisions in respect of which approvals had been issued since the last meeting.

(Ref: List of delegated decisions dated 17th August 2006, submitted)


After consideration of Supplementary Report No. 1 dated 24th August 2006, it was agreed to continue consideration of this application to the next meeting to allow a meeting to be arranged involving the Head of Planning, a representative from the Trunk Roads Authority and the Local Member, to discuss the issue of access.

(Ref: Report dated 12th June 2006 and Supplementary Report dated 24th August 2006 by the Head of Planning, submitted)


It was agreed that consideration of this application be continued to allow an informal public hearing to be held in the Studio Theatre, Corran Halls at 2.30 pm on Wednesday 4th October 2006.

(Ref: Report by the Head of Planning dated 14th August 2006, submitted)


Members considered a report by the Head of Planning in regard to a request to amend a Section 75 Agreement at the site formerly occupied by Page 5

Oban Zoological World.


It was agreed that this matter be continued to the next meeting to allow clarification to be obtained in regard to the crofting status of the site.

(Ref: Report by the Head of Planning, submitted)


Members considered a report dated 29th August 2006 by the Director of Development Services in regard to employment of a Project Officer for the Sound of Mull Scottish Sustainable Marine Environment Initiative (SSMEI).


It was agreed that the Council accept the Scottish Executives request for the Council to be the host employer for the Sound of Mull SSMEI project officer for the full three years of the project.

(Ref: Report by the Director of Development Services dated 29th August 2006, submitted)


It was agreed that consideration of this application be continued to allow a site inspection meeting to be held on Wednesday 4th October 2006 at 4.30 pm.

(Ref: Report by the Head of Planning dated 29th August 2006, submitted)



The Committee considered a report by the Director of Operational Services dated 29th August 2006 in regard to overspend on capital funded surfacing works on Lochbuie Road, Mull and Bonawe Road.


Members agreed that the overspend on capital projects be met by:

(a) deferring A819 regulate and overlay until 2007-08; and (b) reducing the B8073 regulate and overlay from £70,000 to £43,000.

(Ref: Report by the Director of Operational Services dated 29th August 2006, submitted) Page 6


Members considered, and approved, a report by the Director of Operational Services in regard to proposals for additional expenditure on the B8070 Arinagour to Crossapol Road, Isle of Coll.

(Ref: Report dated 29th August 2006 by the Director of Operational Services, submitted)


Members considered a report dated 29th August 2006 by the Director of Operational Services in regard to details and costs of improvements to Oban town centre roads.


It was agreed to allocate the available £20,000 to make permanent improvements in Argyll Square, Oban.

(Ref: Report by the Director of Operational Services dated 29th August 2006, submitted)


The Committee considered a report dated 29th August 2006 by the Director of Operational Services in regard to essential infrastructure improvements for Oban Christmas lights.


It was agreed to allocate a sum of £10,000 of capital funding to ensure that this work proceeds.

(Ref: Report dated 29th August 2006 by the Director of Operational Services, submitted)


There were no public questions.



Members considered a report dated 17th August 2006 by the Head of Legal and Protective Services in regard to the current position in respect of the disposal of the former Bridge of Orchy Primary School. Page 7


It was agreed:

(a) to instruct the Head of Legal & Protective Services to make arrangements for a meeting with users of the private water supply to discuss the issue of the future maintenance thereof;

(b) that, following the meeting, determination of the way forward be delegated to the Head of Legal and Protective Services, in consultation with the Chairman, Development Services Spokesperson and Local Member.

(Ref: Report by Director of Corporate Services dated 17th August 2006, submitted)


Members considered a report dated 17th August 2006 by the Head of Legal & Protective Services in regard to sale of land at Hazeldean Crescent, Oban.


Having noted that no instalment payment had been received, Members agreed:

(a) to approve the actions recommended in the report; and

(b) that a report be submitted to the next meeting advising why the original debt was not pursued.

(Ref: Report by Head of Legal & Protective Services dated 17th August 2006, submitted)


Members considered, and noted, a report by the Head of Legal and Protective Services dated 21st August 2006 in regard to sale of former roads depot site at Baliscate, Tobermory.

(Ref: Report by the Head of Legal & Protective Services dated 21st August 2006, submitted)


The Committee considered a report by the Director of Corporate Services dated 25th July 2006 in regard to the acquisition of ground for Luing Page 8

cemetery extension.


It was agreed that a further report be submitted to the next meeting in regard to (a) details of the budget set aside for this extension; and (b) the estimated cost of providing a stock proof stone wall, and (c) the estimated cost of providing a good quality wrought iron fence.

(Ref: Report by the Director of Corporate Services dated 25th July 2006, submitted)


Members considered, and noted, a report dated 16th August 2006 by the Head of Legal & Protective Services in regard to formal deeds and documents executed between 14th June and 16th August 2006.

Arising from this it was agreed to request the Head of Legal & Protective Services to seek clarification from the District Valuer in regard to how the property valuation at Lochawe was reached, and advise Members accordingly.

(Ref: Report by the Head of Legal & Protective Services dated 16th August 2006, submitted)





Members considered, and approved, a report dated 24th August 2006 by the Head of Planning in regard to enforcement action ref.06/00145/ENFLB.

(Ref: Report by Head of Planning dated 24th August 2006, submitted)



Members considered, and noted, a report dated 16th August 2006 by the Head of Planning in regard to the current status of planning applications which have been recommended for approval subject to the satisfactory Page 9

conclusion of a Section 75 Agreement.

It was agreed that an updated report be submitted to the next meeting.

(Ref: Report dated 16th August 2006 by the Head of Planning, submitted)



Members considered a report from the Director of Community Services in regard to lift access to MacDougall Place, Bunessan, Isle of Mull.


It was agreed that, subject to the Head of Legal and Protective Services confirming that the terms of the Bequest permit it, the funds are retained (assigned to this project) in order to enable Argyll Community Housing Association to develop a suitable plan for this project.

(Ref: Report by the Director of Community Services dated 16th August 2006, submitted)



Members considered a report dated 16th August 2006 by the Director of Operational Services in regard to options for alternative or improved facilities with regard to public toilet provision.


It was agreed:

(a) to note the report; and

(b) that a report be presented to a future Committee in regard to options for the future at each location.

(Ref: Report by the Director of Operational Services dated 16th August 2006, submitted)

Page 10

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Note of Site Inspection Meeting held on Wednesday 6th September 2006 at Land north east of Winterton Farm, Balvicar, in regard to planning application ref. 06/00935/DET.

Present: Councillor Alistair MacDougall (Chairman) Councillor Robin Banks Councillor Ian Gillies Councillor Sidney MacDougall Councillor Duncan MacIntyre Councillor Elaine Robertson

Also Kenneth Macdonald, Area Corporate Services Manager Present: Jane Gillies, Local Services Assistant Ian MacIntyre, Area Team Leader, Planning Services Mr Paul Reynolds, Environmental Health Officer Mr J Robertson, Applicant Ms Gillian Wardhaugh, Applicant’s Agent Mr & Mrs S Trask, Objectors

Apologies: Councillor Donald McIntosh

Declarations Councillor Allan Macaskill, having previously declared an of Interest: interest in this matter, was not present.

In accordance with the decision of the Oban, Lorn & The Isles Area Committee on 1st August 2006, a site inspection meeting was held in regard to planning application reference 06/00935/DET – Extension to Oyster Shed – land north east of Winterton Farm, Balvicar.

The Chairman outlined to those present the procedure that would be followed and invited Mr Ian McIntyre to address the meeting.

Mr Ian MacIntyre outlined to those present the details of the application, as set out in the report by the Head of Planning dated 12th July 2006, along with Supplementary Reports No.1 and No.2, dated 26th July and 15th August respectively, by the Head of Planning, relative to the application. He concluded by recommending that this application be granted subject to the conditions and reasons set out in the aforesaid Supplementary Report No.2.

Mr Robertson advised that of the 13 conditions in the report he wished to take issue with only 3: Condition 2 – should unforeseen circumstances cause harm to oysters the site would require to be cleared. The oyster farm could be started up again after a period of time, and there would be no point, therefore, in removing the shed; Condition 3 – There would be no noise from the site as the pump to be used is similar to a pump used in a fish tank; and

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Condition 13 – The trestles are required for grading the oysters. Mr Robertson added that he has to work with the tides for harvesting and grading. He is also required to provide toilet facilities, which cannot be installed in the depuration plant for reasons of hygiene.

Mr Trask stated that a previous, similar application had been the subject of an appeal to the Scottish Executive, and was subsequently refused. He quoted several sections from the Reporter’s report supporting his view that no increase in the size of either the site or the storage shed should be permitted. Mr Trask asserted that there were inaccuracies in the planning report. Grading could be carried out by weight when the oysters reach maturity and this can be done by hand. It is not a requirement to have a depuration plant on site. In Supplementary Report no.1, the Head of Planning states that unsuitable transport can be detrimental, but, conversely, transport would not be a problem if it is suitable. Mr Trask expressed concern that the noise during the 42 hour depuration process would be intrusive and detrimental, and he queried why limitations had been proposed on Sundays and Bank Holidays if there would be no such noise. In addition, he queried the nature of the power supply, which would presumably be by way of a generator, which would be a further source of noise. He also expressed concern that no consideration had been given to the issue of light pollution. He claimed that the proposal would be detrimental to their business at Balvicar Chalets, and that this would have a knock-on effect on local employment and the local economy. Accordingly he asked Members to refuse the application.

In response to a question from Councillor Banks, Mr Robertson advised that the colour of the walls (ebony mist no.5) was as stated on the original planning application for the shed. The roof will be slate blue.

Councillor Robertson asked for clarification in regard to condition no. 3, which appeared to be inconsistent with a depuration process lasting 42 hours. Mr Ian MacIntyre suggested that condition no. 3 be deleted, as the issue would be satisfactorily addressed by condition no.10. Mr Reynolds advised that noise from the depuration process should be no greater than that created by a domestic central heating system.

Councillor Gillies queried the remit of the Council to consider this application in light of the Scottish Executive Inquiry Reporter’s earlier decision. Mr Macdonald advised that if Members were satisfied that there had been a change in circumstances since the Reporter had made his decision it would be in order for the Area Committee to consider the application.

Councillor Gillies also asked about the prevailing wind, and, having been advised that this is from the south/south-west, expressed the view that this would help to abate any noise which there might be from the development. He also expressed the view that any concern in regard to light pollution could be dealt with by planning conditions.

Mr Ian MacIntyre, summing up, recommended that the application be granted subject to (a) conditions 1,2 and 4 to 13 as set out in the Supplementary

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Report No.2 dated 15th August 2006 by the Head of Planning; (b) the deletion of condition 3 in the aforesaid report; (c) an additional condition to address the issue of the external lighting; and (d) a further additional condition to address the issue of noise from the external operation of machinery.

Mr Robertson, summing up, advised that he would be willing to compromise and accept the conditions as proposed by Mr Ian MacIntyre.

Mr Trask, summing up expressed concern that 40% of the Balvicar Chalets business is repeat business from visitors who valued the tranquillity of the area. The proposed development would have, in his view, a detrimental effect on his business. Mr Trask also expressed concern that the existing shed fails to integrate with the landscape, trees will take years to mature, the height of the building had not been considered, and the detrimental effect on business had not been taken into consideration. He concluded by stating that in his view the report by the Head of Planning is misleading and biased, and that the application should be refused.


That the application for the erection of a 44 square metre extension to the existing shed cannot be justified as there has been no change in circumstances since the disposal of the appeal on 7th December 2005 by the Scottish Executive for a store of similar overall size. Specifically, the Reporter, in his decision on the consideration of the provision of a larger building, took into account the space requirements, the proposed increase in the number of trestles, the current and projected production, and the situation on the ground.

The circumstances on site have not changed since the disposal of the appeal relevant to application 04/00572/OUT, reached only 8 months ago on 7th December 2005, and the planned extension by virtue of its size, an additional 44 square metres, double the existing floor space, is considered inappropriate for the proposed oyster operation.

In addition it would increase the already visible impact within a regional scenic area, the Seil Sound, to an unacceptable level. It will have an adverse environmental impact on this area of scenic importance and be contrary to the provision of Policy RUR1 of the Adopted Local Plan.

Furthermore, the proposal has not been sufficiently justified in terms of Policy RUR2 of the Adopted Local Plan with specific regard to environmental impact.

Moreover, it is not considered that there is a specific operational need to justify an approval in this instance, given the level of production on site and that the depuration process can be carried out at other locations.

Consequently the proposal as stated above is contrary to the provisions of Policies RUR1 and RUR2 of the Adopted Local Plan and should be refused.

Moved by Councillor Duncan MacIntyre, seconded by Councillor Banks

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That the application be approved, subject to (a) conditions 1,2 and 4 to 13 as set out in the Supplementary Report No.2 dated 15th August 2006 by the Head of Planning; (b) the deletion of condition 3 in the aforesaid report; (c) an additional condition to address the issue of the external lighting; and (d) a further additional condition to address the issue of noise from the external operation of machinery. The wording of the conditions referred to in (c) and (d) above to be remitted to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Local Member.

Moved by Councillor S MacDougall, seconded by Councillor A MacDougall.

Further Amendment:

That consideration of this application be continued in order that further legal and technical information may be obtained to allow a decision to be reached within seven working days.

Moved by Councillor Gillies, seconded by Councillor Robertson.

Members were asked to vote upon the further amendment.

Upon a show of hands there voted 4 in favour, 2 against.

Accordingly it was agreed that consideration of this application be continued in order that further legal and technical information may be obtained to allow a decision to be reached within seven working days.

Members reconvened in Lorn House, Albany Street, Oban on Thursday 14th September.

Present: Councillor Alistair MacDougall (Chairman) Councillor Robin Banks Councillor Ian Gillies Councillor Sidney MacDougall Councillor Duncan MacIntyre Councillor Elaine Robertson

Also Kenneth Macdonald, Area Corporate Services Manager Present: Ian MacIntyre, Area Team Leader, Planning Services

Members considered Supplementary Report No.3 dated 14th September 2006 by the Head of Planning recommending approval of this application subject to conditions revised in accordance with discussions at the site meeting and set out in the report.

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It was noted that Members had been provided with appropriate legal and technical advice to allow them to proceed with determination of the application.


That this application be approved, subject to the conditions set out in the Supplementary Report No.3 dated 14th September 2006 by the Head of Planning.

Moved by Councillor Alistair MacDougall, seconded by Councillor Sidney MacDougall.


That the application for the erection of a 44 square metre extension to the existing shed cannot be justified as:

(a) the proposed shed extension would increase the already visible impact within a regional scenic area, the Seil Sound, to an unacceptable level; and (b) it will have an adverse environmental impact on this area of scenic importance and be contrary to the provision of Policy RUR1 of the Adopted Local Plan.

Furthermore the proposal has not been sufficiently justified in terms of Policy RUR2 of the Adopted Local Plan with specific regard to environmental impact and locational / operational need.

Moreover, it is not considered that there is a specific operational need to justify an approval in this instance, given the level of production on site and that the depuration process can be carried out at other locations.

Consequently the proposal as stated above is contrary to the provisions of Policies RUR1 and RUR2 of the Adopted Local Plan and should be refused.

Moved by Councillor Duncan MacIntyre, seconded by Councillor Ian Gillies.

Upon a show of hands there voted 3 for the motion and 3 for the amendment. The Chairman gave his casting vote in favour of the motion, which became the decision of the meeting.


That this application be approved, subject to the conditions set out in the Supplementary Report No.3 dated 14th September 2006 by the Head of Planning.

15th September 2006

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1.1 A request has been received from the Oban Community Council for permission to erect 6 interpretation boards at locations along Oban’s sea frontage.


2.1 Members are asked to accede to the Community Council’s request, insofar as the local authority’s interest is concerned, subject to (a) there being no responsibility on the local authority in regard to future maintenance of the boards; and (b) submission of a sample of the proposed interpretation boards to the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Local Members for approval prior to the erection of the first board.


3.1 A request has been received from the Interpretation Board Sub Committee of the Oban Community Council for permission, as landowner, to erect interpretation boards at locations along Oban’s sea frontage as indicated on the attached plan. Each board will measure 800mm x 600mm (approx 32ins x 24ins) and will contain information on Oban’s history, culture and natural heritage, in both textual and pictorial form.

3.2 The Community Council is currently considering the issue of future maintenance of the boards but is not, at this stage, requesting that the local authority assume any such responsibility.

3.3 Planning and Roads Services have been consulted. It is advised that planning permission is not required for erection of the boards, and the Area Roads & Amenity Services Manager has raised no objections to the proposals, insofar as his interest is concerned.

Page 18

3.4 Five of the six proposed sites are in Council ownership, and the Community Council is aware that permission will require to be obtained from the relevant landowner in the case of the site not in Council ownership.


Policy: None Finance: None Personnel: None Equal Opportunities: None

For further information contact: Kenneth Macdonald, Area Corporate Services Manager 01631 567902

Date: 14th September 2006

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1.1 The Council has set the 2006-07 budget for Education Development Grants to Oban, Lorn and the Islands Area at £21,278

1.2 This report presents applications for financial assistance that meet the published criteria and require the Area Committee to decide on distribution of the sums.


2.1 Members are recommended to consider the following applications.

Applicant Cost of Amount Recommendation Project Requested Isle of Mull Junior Mod £2,800 £1,000 £750 Club Mull Theatre £45,945 £4,932* (Joint application with Leisure *Please note: Development Grant) this is the total amount requested from £750 the Council, only £2,318 is being requested from OL&I TOTAL £48,745 £5,932 £1,500


3.1 The list of applications contained within this report represents projects that are eligible for assistance through the Education Development Grant Scheme. The recommendations for funding of each project reflect not only the eligibility of the scheme against the Council’s criteria but also the availability of funds.

3.2 Should members decide to accept the above recommendations, the remaining allocation of funds for Education Development Grants for 2006-07 will be £14,403.00

Page 22


Policy: The recommendations are made within the policy for assistance to voluntary organisations.

Financial: The recommendations will allocate a further sum of £1,500 from the funds available for 2006-07.

Personnel: Nil

Equal Opportunity: The Assistance to Voluntary Organisations Scheme embraces the Council’s Equal Opportunities aims.

For further information contact: Niall Urquhart Telephone 01631 562466


1. Application forms and supplementary information from applicants.

Page 23 ASSISTANCE TO VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS 2006-07 ASSESSMENT FORM for Social Welfare Grants, Education and Leisure Development Grants

1 Details

Name of Assessing Officer Scott Douglas Have you contacted the organisation to assess this application? Yes Have you checked the Auditor is independent and qualified? Yes

Applicant: Isle of Mull Junior Mod Scheme: Education Club development Project Assisting with travel and a) Total cost of project £2800 Title: accommodation costs b) How much is funded £1800 incurred in attending local from group resources? and National Mods. c) How much is coming £0 from other agencies d) Grant requested from £1000 A & B Council? Grant Recommended: £750 Reason Grant awarded last year £0 for grant (2005/06)

None 2 Financial Check – Have you checked the Organisation is:

a) Fully constituted Yes X No b) Has submitted a bank statement Yes X No c) Has submitted audited/signed accounts Yes X No d) Leisure and Education Development Grants: If over £2000 have Not applicable you sent this grant to finance? e) Social Welfare Grants: Has the grant been registered with the Not applicable Lochgilphead Office. f) If relevant, has the grant passed the financial check? Not applicable

g) Have you checked that the organisation is within 50% of the costs for Social Welfare, Education or Development grants? Yes X No h) Have you checked that the Council is meeting is obligations under Yes X No Best Value in awarding this grant, for example, if the grant is awarded will the work definitely go ahead?

3 General Criteria

Do you concur with the organisation in their assessment of need? Please supply a very brief summary:

Travel and accommodation costs are considerable and the group struggle to raise all the funds themselves. They did however raise more than £2000 last year through their fund-raising efforts.

All tutors / helpers are volunteers and the group is well attended by local youngsters.

Is the activity non-political? Yes X No Is the project consistent with Council priorities? Yes X No Does the project have open membership? Yes X No Have sponsorship agreements been checked? Not applicable 20-25 How many people overall will benefit from this grant?

Is the organization well established? Yes X No Page 24 Have you identified any training needs for the organisations Yes No X committee or volunteers? Does the organisation have volunteer training in place? Yes No X Have you confidence in their ability to deliver a service? Yes X No

4 Policy and Procedures

If the Organisation works with a child/children under 18 or a vulnerable adult/s do they meet the following criteria?

a) Clear recruitment policies Yes No

b) Ongoing training and support for volunteers Yes X No c) A code of conduct for staff and volunteers Yes X No d) A Code of Good Practice Yes X No

e) An Equal Opportunities Policy Yes No

f) A Policy for Managing Confidential Information Yes X No g) Grievance Procedure for staff and volunteers Yes No h) A Disciplinary Procedure for staff and volunteers Yes No

Additional Information The group have recently adopted Argyll & Bute Council’s Child Protection Policy and Policy on protecting vulnerable people. These cover the main policy requirements listed.

All adults have been disclosure checked.

The other policies are not relevant to a small voluntary organisation such as this group.

Specific Criteria Promoting social inclusion by targeting rural disadvantage – higher travel * accommodation costs. Supporting learning opportunities – gaelic culture, singing etc. Supporting personal development

Signed: Assessment Officer


Page 25 ASSISTANCE TO VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS 2006-07 ASSESSMENT FORM for Social Welfare Grants, Education and Leisure Development Grants

1 Details

Name of Assessing Officer Niall Urquhart Have you contacted the organisation to assess this application? Yes Have you checked the Auditor is independent and qualified? Yes

Applicant: Mull Theatre Scheme: Leisure Development and Education Development Project Title: Two plays: a) Total cost of project £45,945 1. Art b) How much is funded £20,000 2. Egg from group resources? c) How much is coming £21,013 from other agencies d) Grant requested from £4,932* A & B Council? *Please note: this is the total amount requested from the Council, only £2,318 is being requested from OLI. Grant Recommended: £375 from Leisure £750 from Education

Total= £1,125 Reason To take two touring productions, Grant awarded last year £4483 for grant “Art” and “Egg” to eight venues (2005/06) in the Oban, Lorn and the Isles area. 2 Financial Check – Have you checked the Organisation is:

a) Fully constituted Yes x No b) Has submitted a bank statement Yes x No c) Has submitted audited/signed accounts Yes x No d) Leisure and Education Development Grants: If over £2000 have you sent this grant to finance? Yes x No e) Social Welfare Grants: Has the grant been registered with the n/a Lochgilphead Office. f) If relevant, has the grant passed the financial check? Yes x No g) Have you checked that the organisation is within 50% of the costs for Social Welfare, Education or Development grants? Yes x No h) Have you checked that the Council is meeting its obligations under Best Yes x No Value in awarding this grant, for example, if the grant is awarded will the work definitely go ahead? 3 General Criteria

Do you concur with the organisation in their assessment of need? Please supply a very brief summary: The application is for assistance with the costs of taking two plays to more rural parts of Oban, Lorn and the Isles. These are areas that would not normally host productions like this. The grant funding would therefore assist in providing new opportunities to these communities. Is the activity non-political? Yes x No Is the project consistent with Council priorities? Yes x No Does the project have open membership? Yes x No Have sponsorship agreements been checked? n/a How many people overall will benefit from this grant? Estimated at 745 Is the organization well established? Yes x No Have you identified any training needs for the organisations committee or Yes No x volunteers? Does the organisation have volunteer training in place? Yes No x Have you confidence in their ability to deliver a service? Yes x No Page 26

4 Policy and Procedures

If the Organisation works with a child/children under 18 or a vulnerable adult/s do they meet the following criteria?

a) Clear recruitment policies Yes x No

b) Ongoing training and support for volunteers Yes No x c) A code of conduct for staff and volunteers Yes x No d) A Code of Good Practice Yes x No

e) An Equal Opportunities Policy Yes x No

f) A Policy for Managing Confidential Information Yes x No g) Grievance Procedure for staff and volunteers Yes x No h) A Disciplinary Procedure for staff and volunteers Yes x No

Additional Information Although the application is for a total of £4,932 from Argyll and Bute Council, only £2318 is being requested from the Oban, Lorn and the Isles area. The remainder has been requested from MAKI and Bute and Cowal where performances are also being held. This fits with the OLI Area Committee request that other areas should be approached for funding. Mull Theatre has also approached other funders for the performances being held outwith Argyll and Bute.

The two plays are designed to target different audiences- “Art” is targeted at the 14+ age range and “Egg” is targeted at younger children. The aim is to increase attendance at productions by the younger age group.

Specific Criteria

The project meets the following specific criteria for Education Development: • Promoting social inclusion by addressing disadvantage by targeting rural areas

The project meets the following specific criteria for Leisure Development: • Artistic innovation • Enhancement to quality of life for participants

Signed: Assessment Officer


Page 27 Agenda Item 4b




1.1 The Council has set the 2006-07 budget for Leisure Development Grants to Oban, Lorn and the Islands Area at £19,132.

1.2 This report presents applications for financial assistance that meet the published criteria and require the Area Committee to decide on distribution of the sums.


2.1 Members are recommended to consider the following applications.

Applicant Cost of Amount Recommendation Project Requested Rockfield Primary School PTA £3,166.92 £1,346.92 £915 Tiree Community Business LTD £10,518 £2,500 £1,800 Mull Theatre £4,932* (Joint application with Education *Please note: Development Grant) this is the total amount £45,945 requested from £375 the Council, only £2,318 is being requested from OL&I Totals £59629.92 £8778.92 £3090.00


3.1 The list of applications contained within this report represents projects that are eligible for assistance through the Leisure Development Grant Scheme. The recommendations for funding of each project reflect not only the eligibility of the scheme against the Council’s criteria but also the availability of funds.

3.2 Should members decide to accept the above recommendations, the remaining allocation of funds for Leisure Development Grants for 2006- 07 will be £ 3282.05 as Development Coll have returned their Offer of Grant £392.00 as it is no longer required.

Page 28


Policy: The recommendations are made within the policy for assistance to voluntary organisations.

Financial: The recommendations will allocate a further sum of £3090.00 from the funds available for 2006-07.

Personnel: Nil

Equal Opportunity: The Assistance to Voluntary Organisations Scheme embraces the Council’s Equal Opportunities aims.

For further information contact: Niall Urquhart Telephone 01631 562466


1. Application forms and supplementary information from applicants.

Page 29 ASSISTANCE TO VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS 2006-07 ASSESSMENT FORM for Social Welfare Grants, Education and Leisure Development Grants

1 Details

Name of Assessing Officer Niall Urquhart Have you contacted the organisation to assess this application? Yes Have you checked the Auditor is independent and qualified? Yes

Applicant: Rockfield Primary School PTA Scheme: Leisure Development Project Title: Sports Development a) Total cost of project £3,166.92 b) How much is funded £0 from group resources? c) How much is coming £1,820 from other agencies d) Grant requested from £1,346.92 A & B Council? Grant Recommended: £915 Reason To assist in the delivery of Grant awarded last year £0 for grant various sporting activities for (2005/06) primary school children.

2 Financial Check – Have you checked the Organisation is:

a) Fully constituted Yes x No b) Has submitted a bank statement Yes x No c) Has submitted audited/signed accounts Yes x No d) Leisure and Education Development Grants: If over £2000 have you n/a sent this grant to finance? e) Social Welfare Grants: Has the grant been registered with the n/a Lochgilphead Office. f) If relevant, has the grant passed the financial check? n/a g) Have you checked that the organisation is within 50% of the costs for Social Welfare, Education or Development grants? Yes x No h) Have you checked that the Council is meeting its obligations under Best Yes x No Value in awarding this grant, for example, if the grant is awarded will the work definitely go ahead?

3 General Criteria

Do you concur with the organisation in their assessment of need? Please supply a very brief summary:

The grant will allow a variety of sporting activities to take place in the locality for primary school children. These activities are in line with the Argyll and Bute Council Sport and Physical Activity Strategy.

Is the activity non-political? Yes x No Is the project consistent with Council priorities? Yes x No Does the project have open membership? Yes x No Have sponsorship agreements been checked? n/a How many people overall will benefit from this grant? 760 Is the organization well established? Yes x No Have you identified any training needs for the organisations committee or Yes No x volunteers? Does the organisation have volunteer training in place? Yes No x Have you confidence in their ability to deliver a service? Yes x No

Page 30

4 Policy and Procedures

If the Organisation works with a child/children under 18 or a vulnerable adult/s do they meet the following criteria?

*The PTA does work directly with children.

a) Clear recruitment policies Yes No

b) Ongoing training and support for volunteers Yes No c) A code of conduct for staff and volunteers Yes No d) A Code of Good Practice Yes No

e) An Equal Opportunities Policy Yes No

f) A Policy for Managing Confidential Information Yes No g) Grievance Procedure for staff and volunteers Yes No h) A Disciplinary Procedure for staff and volunteers Yes No

Additional Information

While these activities do fulfil a number of the grant criteria and the Council’s aims, the recommended grant reflects the fact that some of them are part of the school curriculum and a greater contribution from the schools should be considered. Due to the number of schools involved, the increased contribution from each school will be small.

Specific Criteria

The project meets the following specific criteria for Leisure Development: • Increased participation in one or more sports • New opportunities provided to local communities • Partnership working with local sports clubs and various sections of Argyll and Bute Council

Signed: Assessment Officer


Page 31 ASSISTANCE TO VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS 2006-07 ASSESSMENT FORM for Social Welfare Grants, Education and Leisure Development Grants

1 Details

Name of Assessing Officer Niall Urquhart Have you contacted the organisation to assess this application? Yes Have you checked the Auditor is independent and qualified? Yes

Applicant: Tiree Community Business LTD Scheme: Leisure Development Project Title: Tiree Wave Classic- Event a) Total cost of project £10,518 Village b) How much is funded £1,800 from group resources? c) How much is coming £6,218 from other agencies d) Grant requested from £2,500 A & B Council? Grant Recommended: £1,800 Reason To provide a variety of outdoor Grant awarded last year £2,500 for grant activities for locals and visitors (2005/06) running alongside the Tiree Wave Classic competition

2 Financial Check – Have you checked the Organisation is:

a) Fully constituted Yes x No b) Has submitted a bank statement Yes x No c) Has submitted audited/signed accounts Yes x No d) Leisure and Education Development Grants: If over £2000 have you sent this grant to finance? Yes x No e) Social Welfare Grants: Has the grant been registered with the n/a Lochgilphead Office. f) If relevant, has the grant passed the financial check? Yes x No g) Have you checked that the organisation is within 50% of the costs for Social Welfare, Education or Development grants? Yes x No h) Have you checked that the Council is meeting its obligations under Best Yes x No Value in awarding this grant, for example, if the grant is awarded will the work definitely go ahead?

3 General Criteria

Do you concur with the organisation in their assessment of need? Please supply a very brief summary: The application for assistance is made to part fund the activities taking place at the Event Village. The Event Village supports the Tiree Wave Classic, an international windsurfing competition. One of the aims of the Event Village is to provide opportunities for locals and visitors to take part in a range of outdoor activities. In order for these activities to take place, grant funding is required. Is the activity non-political? Yes x No Is the project consistent with Council priorities? Yes x No Does the project have open membership? Yes x No Have sponsorship agreements been checked? n/a Open to anyone living How many people overall will benefit from this grant? on Tiree or visiting the island Is the organization well established? Yes x No Have you identified any training needs for the organisations committee or Yes No x volunteers? Does the organisation have volunteer training in place? Yes x No Have you confidence in their ability to deliver a service? Yes x No

Page 32

4 Policy and Procedures

If the Organisation works with a child/children under 18 or a vulnerable adult/s do they meet the following criteria?

a) Clear recruitment policies Yes x No

b) Ongoing training and support for volunteers Yes x No c) A code of conduct for staff and volunteers Yes x No d) A Code of Good Practice Yes x No

e) An Equal Opportunities Policy Yes x No

f) A Policy for Managing Confidential Information Yes x No g) Grievance Procedure for staff and volunteers Yes x No h) A Disciplinary Procedure for staff and volunteers Yes x No

Additional Information The community on Tiree is slowly taking on the responsibility for the organisation and the running of the events surrounding the Tiree Wave Classic. The community’s involvement is developing each year. In the long term this should lead to greater benefits to the island.

Participation in watersports by Tiree residents has increased significantly over the past two years as a result of the input from Active Schools and Stramash. The Tiree Wave Classic Event Village has also contributed by providing further opportunities to participate in the activities. The windsurfing club has seen numbers increase dramatically and moves are afoot to establish a new sailing club on the island. Support for the activities of the Event Village this year will allow the continuation of these opportunities.

Specific Criteria

The project meets the following specific criteria for Leisure Development: • Increased participation in one or more sports • Partnership working with Argyll and Bute Council • Promotion of sporting events encouraging visitors to Argyll and Bute • Development of new opportunities for the local community • Development of a locally based interest

Signed: Assessment Officer


Page 33 ASSISTANCE TO VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS 2006-07 ASSESSMENT FORM for Social Welfare Grants, Education and Leisure Development Grants

1 Details

Name of Assessing Officer Niall Urquhart Have you contacted the organisation to assess this application? Yes Have you checked the Auditor is independent and qualified? Yes

Applicant: Mull Theatre Scheme: Leisure Development and Education Development Project Title: Two plays: a) Total cost of project £45,945 1. Art b) How much is funded £20,000 2. Egg from group resources? c) How much is coming £21,013 from other agencies d) Grant requested from £4,932* A & B Council? *Please note: this is the total amount requested from the Council, only £2,318 is being requested from OLI. Grant Recommended: £375 from Leisure £750 from Education

Total= £1,125 Reason To take two touring productions, Grant awarded last year £4483 for grant “Art” and “Egg” to eight venues (2005/06) in the Oban, Lorn and the Isles area. 2 Financial Check – Have you checked the Organisation is:

a) Fully constituted Yes x No b) Has submitted a bank statement Yes x No c) Has submitted audited/signed accounts Yes x No d) Leisure and Education Development Grants: If over £2000 have you sent this grant to finance? Yes x No e) Social Welfare Grants: Has the grant been registered with the n/a Lochgilphead Office. f) If relevant, has the grant passed the financial check? Yes x No g) Have you checked that the organisation is within 50% of the costs for Social Welfare, Education or Development grants? Yes x No h) Have you checked that the Council is meeting its obligations under Best Yes x No Value in awarding this grant, for example, if the grant is awarded will the work definitely go ahead? 3 General Criteria

Do you concur with the organisation in their assessment of need? Please supply a very brief summary: The application is for assistance with the costs of taking two plays to more rural parts of Oban, Lorn and the Isles. These are areas that would not normally host productions like this. The grant funding would therefore assist in providing new opportunities to these communities. Is the activity non-political? Yes x No Is the project consistent with Council priorities? Yes x No Does the project have open membership? Yes x No Have sponsorship agreements been checked? n/a How many people overall will benefit from this grant? Estimated at 745 Is the organization well established? Yes x No Have you identified any training needs for the organisations committee or Yes No x volunteers? Does the organisation have volunteer training in place? Yes No x Have you confidence in their ability to deliver a service? Yes x No Page 34

4 Policy and Procedures

If the Organisation works with a child/children under 18 or a vulnerable adult/s do they meet the following criteria?

a) Clear recruitment policies Yes x No

b) Ongoing training and support for volunteers Yes No x c) A code of conduct for staff and volunteers Yes x No d) A Code of Good Practice Yes x No

e) An Equal Opportunities Policy Yes x No

f) A Policy for Managing Confidential Information Yes x No g) Grievance Procedure for staff and volunteers Yes x No h) A Disciplinary Procedure for staff and volunteers Yes x No

Additional Information Although the application is for a total of £4,932 from Argyll and Bute Council, only £2318 is being requested from the Oban, Lorn and the Isles area. The remainder has been requested from MAKI and Bute and Cowal where performances are also being held. This fits with the OLI Area Committee request that other areas should be approached for funding. Mull Theatre has also approached other funders for the performances being held outwith Argyll and Bute.

The two plays are designed to target different audiences- “Art” is targeted at the 14+ age range and “Egg” is targeted at younger children. The aim is to increase attendance at productions by the younger age group.

Specific Criteria

The project meets the following specific criteria for Education Development: • Promoting social inclusion by addressing disadvantage by targeting rural areas

The project meets the following specific criteria for Leisure Development: • Artistic innovation • Enhancement to quality of life for participants

Signed: Assessment Officer


Page 35 Agenda Item 4c




1.1 This report details the recommendation for the award of Social Welfare Grant under Section 10 of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968. All organisations are contacted and assessed in line with the Council’s criteria. The assessment and grant application forms are attached as an appendix.

1.2 The Strategic Policy Committee of the Council has agreed an allocation for the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Committee of £13,800 for this purpose of which £11,800 remains uncommitted.


That the Area Committee agrees an award of Social Welfare Grant to the following:

Organisation Grant Amount Total Recommendation Awarded Requested Running 2005/06 Costs

2.1 Taynuilt Community £180 £380 £680 £200 Council 2.2 Parents Together Nil £2082.52 £2177.52 £1000

2.3 Oban and Lorn riding for £3498 £3448 £18785 £2000 the Disabled 2.4 Argyll and Bute Carers Nil £1700 £5200 £1000 Network 2.5 North Argyll Carers Centre. Nil £1650 £2650 £1325 Young Carers 2.6 Argyll Couple Counselling £1500 £8185 £10453 £1500

2.7 Lorn Counselling Service £2000 £11012.60 £18226.42 £1500

Page 36


Organisation Rationale for grant allocation 3.1 Taynuilt Community Annual festive event for the older people of Taynuilt and Council Inverawe. 3.2 Parents Together To assist in publicising the organisation, training volunteers and securing premises for meetings 3.3 Oban and Lorn riding for To support ongoing running costs to enable adult sessions to the Disabled continue. 3.4 Argyll and Bute Carers To contribute towards the printing costs of a carer’s Network information booklet. 3.5 North Argyll Carers Centre. To increase the support available to young carers. Young Carers 3.6 Argyll Couple Counselling Assist with ongoing running costs in providing a service to Oban, Lorn and the Isles. 3.7 Lorn Counselling Service Assist with ongoing running costs of a general counselling service.


4.1 This recommendation is based on an assessment using the Council’s criteria.


5.1 Policy: Accords with the Council’s statutory duties and procedures. 5.2 Financial: The report details the apportionment of the Social Welfare Grant budget for Oban Lorn and the Isles. 5.3 Legal: The Community Services Department must demonstrate that it is meeting its obligations under Section 10 of the Social Work Scotland Act. 5.4 Personnel: There are no direct implications. 5.5 Equal Opportunities: The allocation of Social Welfare Grant supports the Council’s commitment to equality of opportunity and social inclusion.

Douglas Hendry Director of Community Services

For further information please contact:

Alex Taylor Area Service Manager Social Work Service Oban, Lorn and Isles Tel 01631 563068

13th September 2006 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 2006-07 ASSISTANCE TO VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS ASSESSMENT FORM for Social Welfare Grants, Education and Leisure Development Grants

1 Details

Name of Assessing Officer Janet Buchanan Have you contacted the organisation to assess this application? Yes Have you checked the Auditor is independent and qualified? Yes

Applicant: North Argyll Carers Centre Scheme: Social Welfare Project Young Carers a) Total cost of project £2,650 Title: b) How much is funded £1,000 from group resources? c) How much is coming Other applications from other agencies being made d) Grant requested from £1,650 A & B Council? Grant Recommended: £1,325 Reason To increase the amount of Grant awarded last year Nil for grant support to young carers (2005/06)

2 Financial Check – Have you checked the Organisation is:

a) Fully constituted Yes b) Has submitted a bank statement Yes c) Has submitted audited/signed accounts Yes d) Leisure and Education Development Grants: If over £2000 have N/A you sent this grant to finance? e) Social Welfare Grants: Has the grant been registered with the Yes Lochgilphead Office. f) If relevant, has the grant passed the financial check? Yes g) Have you checked that the organisation is within 50% of the costs for Social Welfare, Education or Development grants? Yes h) Have you checked that the Council is meeting is obligations under Yes Best Value in awarding this grant, for example, if the grant is awarded will the work definitely go ahead?

3 General Criteria

The Young Carers scheme has been set up in this area to identify and support young carers. It is suspected that there is a higher percentage of young carers in North Argyll (40%)than the national average. This grant will be used to identify the currently unknown and unrecognised young carers and offer them an opportunity to relax and meet other young carers, reduce their isolation, address social skills within their peer group, and raise their self worth. Is the activity non-political? Yes Is the project consistent with Council priorities? Yes Does the project have open membership? Yes Have sponsorship agreements been checked? N/A 30 currently How many people overall will benefit from this grant?

Is the organization well established? Yes Have you identified any training needs for the organisations Yes committee or volunteers? Does the organisation have volunteer training in place? Yes Have you confidence in their ability to deliver a service? Yes

Page 46 4 Policy and Procedures

If the Organisation works with a child/children under 18 or a vulnerable adult/s do they meet the following criteria?

a) Clear recruitment policies Yes

b) Ongoing training and support for volunteers Yes c) A code of conduct for staff and volunteers Yes d) A Code of Good Practice Yes

e) An Equal Opportunities Policy Yes

f) A Policy for Managing Confidential Information Yes g) Grievance Procedure for staff and volunteers Yes h) A Disciplinary Procedure for staff and volunteers Yes

Additional Information Young carers are often invisible and not recognised by other agencies and part of this project is to raise the awareness of those involved in education to the hidden needs of these children. The other aim is to provide a form of support that is acceptable to the carers and their families which is non-threatening and through this to allow a support network to develop.

Specific Criteria The young carers’ group works throughout North Argyll and is specifically aimed at assisting children who are carers. This meets the specific criteria required for application and the recommendation is for approval

Signed: Janet Buchanan Assessment Officer

Date: 25th July 2006

Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Argyll and Bute Council Agenda Item 5a Development Services BUILDING STANDARDS DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES


04/01108/EXT/A Mr And Mrs F Waplington 09/06/2006 29/06/2006 12/09/2006 WARAPP

Orcadia North Connel Oban Argyll PA37 1RF

Extension to Dwellinghouse - Amendment to Building Warrant 04/01108/EXT granted on 5/11/04; revised layout and addition of dormer windows

04/01265/ERD/A Mr Stephen Kemp 22/05/2006 07/06/2006 22/08/2006 WARAPP

Plot 2 Land East Of 16 Crossapol Scarinish Isle Of Tiree Erection of dwelling house, domestic oil storage tank, and septic tank - Amendment to B(S)A: 04/01265/ERD granted 04.10.04 for alteration to first floor internal partitions

04/01422/ERD/A Mr And Mrs Macauley 07/09/2006 07/09/2006 10/09/2006 WARAPP

Land East Of Lonruadh Cottages Tyneribbie Appin Argyll Erection of Dwelling and Garage (Stage 2.) (all remaining stages SAP2001 = 80); Amendment to B(S)A 04/01422/ERD - granted on 9/11/04 - remove glass blocks to garage; amend store to lounge; amend first floor bathroom layout; remove sink to ensuite 4; form storage area to bed 4.

04/01570/EXT/A Mr Mrs J Lynch 14/08/2006 16/08/2006 22/08/2006 WARAPP

8 Balvicar Road Oban Argyll PA34 4RP

Extension and alterations to dwelling house - Amendment to B(S)A: 04/01570/EXT approved 22 February 2005 - Extension altered to 500mm from boundary, Internal arrangement amended (hall and front entrance omitted) to enlarge bedroom and en suite

05/00447/ERD/A Mr Mrs Schofield 05/09/2006 11/09/2006 11/09/2006 WARAPP

Garden Ground Of Brander Lodge Hotel Bridge Of Awe Argyll And Bute PA35 1HT Erection of dwelling and lpg tank - Amendment to B(S)A: 05/00447/ERD granted 17 March 2005 - Amended stair position and design - Change to bathroom layout - Amended ramp to the principal entrance door and attached decking to kitchen area of log cabin.

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn COMF=Letter of Comfort issued COMFR=Letter of Comfort refused EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant LOCWIT= Letter of Comfort withdrawn SUPERS=Superceded by new Building 14 September 2006 Page 1 of 9 Page 52 Argyll and Bute Council Development Services BUILDING STANDARDS DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES


05/01030/ERECDW/A Mr And Mrs Carter 28/07/2006 09/08/2006 22/08/2006 WARAPP

Site 6 Former County Hospital Benvoullin Lane Oban Argyll Erection of a Dwelling House - Amendment to B(S)A: 05/01030/ERECDW granted 07.10.05 - Arrangement of decking, layout of bathrooms 1 and 2, width of car port, size of windows 11, 12, 14, arrangement of stairs, interior lighting

05/01391/DISAB1 Mr Wilfred Reid 06/09/2005 03/11/2005 25/08/2006 WARAPP

1 Laggan Road Oban Argyll PA34 5AW

Installation of through floor wheelchair lift

05/01748/ERECDW/A Highland House Developments Limited 28/08/2006 06/09/2006 12/09/2006 WARAPP

Land South Of Brochroy Farm Taynuilt Argyll

Plot 1 - Erection of 1 and 1/2 storey timber framed 6 apartment dwelling house with heated conservatory and LPG storage tank: Amendment to B(S)A 05/01748/ERECDW granted 15/2/06 - alter window in bedroom 2 to larger velux with vertical element; Alter Conservatory from wood to UPVC

05/01780/ERECDW Mr And Mrs P M Hart 19/12/2005 22/03/2006 12/09/2006 WARAPP

Land South Of The Old Smithy Port Appin Appin Argyll Erection of a one and half storey timber framed 6 apartment 4 bedroom dwelling house with new communal private treatment plant (Biodigester) which also takes up connections from Lorn Cottage and The Old Smithy

06/00243/EXTEND Mr Mrs A Taylor 28/02/2006 24/03/2006 30/08/2006 WARAPP

Chalet Beag Dalmally Argyll And Bute PA33 1AA

Timber framed extensions to front elevation to increase living room floor area, and rear extension to form kitchen, increase bathroom floor area and extend bedroom 1

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn COMF=Letter of Comfort issued COMFR=Letter of Comfort refused EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant LOCWIT= Letter of Comfort withdrawn SUPERS=Superceded by new Building 14 September 2006 Page 2 of 9 Page 53 Argyll and Bute Council Development Services BUILDING STANDARDS DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES


06/00352/ERECDW Mr Mrs Ross Lawrie 21/03/2006 24/05/2006 22/08/2006 WARAPP

Land South West Of Fir Bank Croft 3 Achosrigan Portnacroish Argyll And Bute Erection of 6 apartment 3 bedroom timber framed dwelling house with installation of septic tank and associated outfall to piped infiltration bed system

06/00385/ERECT Mr G Forster 24/03/2006 05/06/2006 28/08/2006 WARAPP

Kentallen Farm Aros Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA72 6JS Erection of livestock and lifestock feeds storage shelter

06/00409/MULTIP/A Homebase Ltd 30/08/2006 05/09/2006 05/09/2006 WARAPP

Homebase Lochavullin Drive Oban Argyll And Bute

Internal fit-out of existing retail unit consisting of retail and warehouse mezzanines, garden centre, conservatory and canopy, racking, checkouts, protected enclosures, disabled lift and sprinkler system; Amendment to B(S)A 06/00409/MULTIP granted 27/03/06 - revised detail of partition abutments with roof at mezzanine level protected zones (sales area) and relocation of EMP and HVAC panels into warehouse

06/00515/DISAB1 Mr + Mrs Carragher 19/04/2006 12/06/2006 29/08/2006 WARAPP

Cragaig West Street Tobermory Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA75 6QZ Two storey timber framed side extension to increase single dwelling house living area with family room, lounge and bathroom on ground floor and two bedrooms one with en suite on first floor

06/00527/CONV01 John J Rodgers 20/04/2006 16/06/2006 29/08/2006 WARAPP

Linnhe View Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA65 6AY Conversion of an outbuilding to create a one bedroom self catering dwelling.

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn COMF=Letter of Comfort issued COMFR=Letter of Comfort refused EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant LOCWIT= Letter of Comfort withdrawn SUPERS=Superceded by new Building 14 September 2006 Page 3 of 9 Page 54 Argyll and Bute Council Development Services BUILDING STANDARDS DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES


06/00548/ALTEXT Ms J Knuckles 26/04/2006 05/07/2006 07/09/2006 WARAPP

Braigh Croft And Byre Achaidhean Bunessan Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute Alterations and Extension to dwellinghouse

06/00600/ALTEXT Eriska Enterprises 04/05/2006 21/06/2006 25/08/2006 WARAPP

Rowan Cottage, Isle Of Eriska Hotel Benderloch Argyll And Bute Alterations to exisitng internal stud partitioning, installation of new bathroom and extension to form unheated conservatory

06/00603/ALTER North British Trust Hotels 05/05/2006 15/08/2006 03/09/2006 WARAPP

Oban Bay Hotel Corran Esplanade Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 5AE Internal alterations to form spa area and 2 No. Suite bedrooms, alter window to become door and deck over existing external patio and entrance areas incorporating balustrade

06/00612/ERECDW Eric And Sheila McMurchy 08/05/2006 10/08/2006 30/08/2006 WARAPP

Plot 7 Glenshellach Farm Glenshellach Road Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 4QJ Erection of one and half storey timber framed 7 apartment 4 bedroom Dwelling House with underground oil tank

06/00613/ERECT Mr And Mrs Bichanicz 08/05/2006 27/06/2006 22/08/2006 WARAPP

Tigh Na Lochan Bunessan Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA67 6DW Construction of Detached Garage

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn COMF=Letter of Comfort issued COMFR=Letter of Comfort refused EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant LOCWIT= Letter of Comfort withdrawn SUPERS=Superceded by new Building 14 September 2006 Page 4 of 9 Page 55 Argyll and Bute Council Development Services BUILDING STANDARDS DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES


06/00628/ERECT/A M And K Macleod Ltd 28/08/2006 29/08/2006 29/08/2006 WARAPP

Oban High School Soroba Road Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 4JB Erection of Single Storey Special Education Needs Unit linked to existing school; Amendment to B(S)A 06/00628/ERECT granted 26/7/06 - revision to draingage layout and addition of new sinks;

06/00633/ALTEXT The Hon. M Shaw + Mrs Shaw 10/05/2006 27/06/2006 03/09/2006 WARAPP

15 Balvicar Isle Of Seil Argyll And Bute PA34 4TF

Erection of timber framed extension and internal alterations

06/00700/ALTER Pat Morris 23/05/2006 05/06/2006 12/09/2006 WARAPP

Driftwood 1 Breadalbane Lane Tobermory Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA75 6QP Installation of window in the gable end loft area

06/00701/ERECT Argyll And Bute Council 23/05/2006 08/06/2006 07/09/2006 WARAPP

Moleigh Coup Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 4SD

Erection of new steel framed transfer station

06/00706/ERECDW M And K Macleod Ltd 24/05/2006 23/08/2006 12/09/2006 WARAPP

Plot 2 Former Tank Farm Pier View Scarinish Isle Of Tiree Argyll And Bute PA77 6AB Erection of 5 apartment 3 bedroom one and half storey timber framed dwelling house

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn COMF=Letter of Comfort issued COMFR=Letter of Comfort refused EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant LOCWIT= Letter of Comfort withdrawn SUPERS=Superceded by new Building 14 September 2006 Page 5 of 9 Page 56 Argyll and Bute Council Development Services BUILDING STANDARDS DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES


06/00711/ERECDW M And K Macleod Ltd 24/05/2006 23/08/2006 12/09/2006 WARAPP

Plot 6 Former Tank Farm Pier View Scarinish Isle Of Tiree Argyll And Bute PA77 6AB Erection of 5 apartment 3 bedroom one and half storey timber framed dwelling house

06/00723/EXTEND Mr Duncan 25/05/2006 05/06/2006 23/08/2006 WARAPP

Sonachan South Lodge Portsonachan Dalmally Argyll And Bute PA33 1BJ Extension to dwelling to form heated Conservatory

06/00811/INSTAL Mr And Mrs W Fairbairn 09/06/2006 14/08/2006 22/08/2006 WARAPP

9A Easdale Island Argyll And Bute PA34 4TB

Installation of new multi fuel stove and erection of masonry chimney in living room

06/00961/ERECT Mr J MacIntyre 07/07/2006 24/08/2006 05/09/2006 WARAPP

Cuil Na Thall Kilninver Argyll And Bute PA34 4UU

Erection of detached garage

06/01001/CONV02 Robert D Miller 17/07/2006 20/07/2006 22/08/2006 WARAPP

Mayburn 13 Lonan Drive Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 4NN Conversion type 2: use part of attached garage as a utility room and provide access via a new door opening in the existing dining room

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn COMF=Letter of Comfort issued COMFR=Letter of Comfort refused EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant LOCWIT= Letter of Comfort withdrawn SUPERS=Superceded by new Building 14 September 2006 Page 6 of 9 Page 57 Argyll and Bute Council Development Services BUILDING STANDARDS DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES


06/01021/INSTAL Mr And Mrs W O'Brien 20/07/2006 24/07/2006 22/08/2006 WARAPP

10 Etive Road Dunbeg Argyll And Bute PA37 1QF

Installation of above ground oil storage tank to convert from calor gas to oil fired central heating

06/01059/ALTER J And C Oldfield 26/07/2006 24/08/2006 29/08/2006 WARAPP

Port An Tobair Balemartine Isle Of Tiree Argyll And Bute PA77 6UA Refurbish previous bathroom to shower room and reinstate 3 windows in annex

06/01079/EXTEND Mr M Murray 01/08/2006 07/08/2006 28/08/2006 WARAPP

Ardmore Crannag A' Mhinisteir Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 4LX Extension to dwelling to form conservatory

06/01095/CONV03 Mr And Mrs Dougans 04/08/2006 11/08/2006 22/08/2006 WARAPP

Bramble Cottage Lochdon Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA64 6AP Conversion type 3: formation of opening between two existing cottages to form single dwelling

06/01101/ERECT Mr William J Calder 07/08/2006 23/08/2006 12/09/2006 WARAPP

Tigh Na Seileach Ganavan Road Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 5TU Erection of a detached double garage

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn COMF=Letter of Comfort issued COMFR=Letter of Comfort refused EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant LOCWIT= Letter of Comfort withdrawn SUPERS=Superceded by new Building 14 September 2006 Page 7 of 9 Page 58 Argyll and Bute Council Development Services BUILDING STANDARDS DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES


06/01131/INSTAL Argyll And Bute Council 11/08/2006 17/08/2006 17/08/2006 WARAPP

10 Longsdale Terrace Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 5JS

Installation of total control heating in flatted dwelling. All wiring and accessories to be flush fitted.

06/01147/EXTEND Mr Mrs Stevenson 15/08/2006 15/08/2006 28/08/2006 WARAPP

3 Cuilfail Cottages Kilmelford Argyll And Bute PA34 4XB Extension to rear elevation to form heated conservatory

06/01150/INSTAL Argyll And Bute Council 15/08/2006 17/08/2006 17/08/2006 WARAPP

42 Rockfield Road Tobermory Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA75 6PN Installation of total control heating. All wiring and accessories to be flush fitted excepting focal point fire socket which is surface mounted

06/01152/ALTER William Porter 15/08/2006 16/08/2006 22/08/2006 WARAPP

Mount Lorn 2 Grianach Gardens Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 4LB Replace existing wooden bay window with double glazed upvc French doors

06/01155/ALTEXT R And R Wilson 16/08/2006 28/08/2006 11/09/2006 WARAPP

Corrylynn Craignure Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA65 5AY Alteration to form opening into living and single storey timber framed rear extension into dwelling house

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn COMF=Letter of Comfort issued COMFR=Letter of Comfort refused EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant LOCWIT= Letter of Comfort withdrawn SUPERS=Superceded by new Building 14 September 2006 Page 8 of 9 Page 59 Argyll and Bute Council Development Services BUILDING STANDARDS DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES


06/01160/ALTER R And E Mackinnon 17/08/2006 17/08/2006 23/08/2006 WARAPP

Yulara Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 4QA

Alteration to remove internal load bearing partition between kitchen and utility room to install glulam beam and change layout of kitchen by removing WC compartment, relocating HWC and reducing floor area of utility room

06/01180/ALTER P MacMillan 22/08/2006 22/08/2006 22/08/2006 WARAPP

Oban Backpackers Breadalbane Street Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 5NZ Alteration to inner double leaf exit door to form a single door leaf with new stud wall

06/01221/DEMOL Barr Construction Ltd 31/08/2006 06/09/2006 06/09/2006 WARAPP

St Columbas Primary School Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 4SB Demolition of Drummore Learning Centre and St Columbas Primary School

06/01245/DEMOL Colin Mossman 06/09/2006 11/09/2006 12/09/2006 WARAPP

Land South East Of Ariogan Cottage Oban Argyll And Bute Demolition of Redundant Zoo Buildings and Concrete Bases/Retaining Walls

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn COMF=Letter of Comfort issued COMFR=Letter of Comfort refused EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant LOCWIT= Letter of Comfort withdrawn SUPERS=Superceded by new Building 14 September 2006 Page 9 of 9 Page 60

This page is intentionally left blank Page 61 Argyll and Bute Council Agenda Item 5b Development Services TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES

Application Types: ADV App.for Advertisement Consent, ART4 App. Required by ARTICLE 4 Dir, CLAWUApp. for Cert. of Law Use/Dev. (Existing), CLWP App. for Cert. of Law Use/Dev. (Proposed), COU App. for Change of Use Consent, CPD Council Permitted Dev Consultation, DET App. for Detailed Consent, FDP Forest Design Plan Consultation, FELLIC Felling Licence Consultation, GDCON Government Dept. Consultation, HAZCON App. for Hazardous Substances Consent, HYDRO Hydro Board Consultation, LIB Listed Building Consent, LIBECC App. for Consent for ecclesiastical building, MFF Marine Fish Farm Consultation, MIN App. for Mineral Consent, NID Not. of intent to develop app., NMA Not. for Non-Materail Amnt, OUT App. for Permission in Principal, PNAGRI Prior Not. Agriculture, PNDEM Prior Not. Demolition, PNELEC Prior Not. Electricity, PNFOR Prior Not. Forestry, PNGAS Prior Not. Gas Supplier, PREAPP Pre App. Enquiry, REM App. of Reserved Matters, TELNOT Telecoms Notification, TPO Tree Preservation Order, VARCON App. for Variation of Condition(s), WGS Woodland Grant Scheme Consultation

Decision Types PER Approved WDN Withdrawn NOO No Objections AAR Application Required CGR Certificate Granted OBR Objections Raised PDD Permitted Development PRE Permission Required NRR New App. Required

18 September 2006 Page 1 of 9 Page 62 Argyll and Bute Council Development Services TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES

App No Applicant name, address and proposal Valid date Decision date Decision

06/01840/DET Shuna Shellfish 30/08/2006 WDN Ardnaclach Loch Creran Appin Argyll And Bute

Repositioning of mussel area

06/01820/NMA James Heward 24/08/2006 06/09/2006 PER 5 Benvoullin Gardens Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 5DL

Non Material Amendment to Consent 06/00776/DET - changes to roof material and wall/window colours

06/01763/PNAGRI Mr William Lewis 16/08/2006 05/09/2006 PER Croft Number 14 Airds Bay Croft Taynuilt Argyll And Bute

Erection of Agricultural Shed

06/01759/PNAGRI Martin James Larg 21/08/2006 06/09/2006 PER Croft No 1 Balemartine Isle Of Tiree Argyll And Bute PA77 6UA

Erection of Farm Machinery Storage Shed at Croft 1, Caolas

06/01736/NMA Bernadette Tribello 14/08/2006 04/09/2006 PER Plot 9 At Ichrachan Taynuilt Argyll And Bute

Non Material Amendment to consent 05/01947/DET for erection of dwelling house and garage: amendments to window and external door designs; slight change to height and size of garage.

06/01735/NMA Geraldine Fraser 14/08/2006 17/08/2006 PER Luachrach Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 4QB

Non Material Amendment to Consent 05/01340/DET for erection of stables with walls blockwork/rendered - change to timber structure.

06/01719/DET Scott Dewar Vallis 18/08/2006 WDN Flat F 12 Angus Terrace Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 4EG

Replacement windows

Page 63 06/01700/DET Mr Mrs S Patterson 08/08/2006 05/09/2006 PER Garragh Mhor Ellenabeich Isle Of Seil Argyll And Bute PA34 4RF

Extension to dwelling house

06/01663/DET Annie Davidson 02/08/2006 30/08/2006 PER Plot 1 Otter Creek Taynuilt Argyll And Bute

Erection of Dwelling House

06/01662/DET Stan Barton 02/08/2006 30/08/2006 PER Plot 2 At Ichrachan Taynuilt Argyll And Bute

Erection of 1 1/2 Storey Dwellinghouse

06/01648/DET M And E Price 31/07/2006 11/09/2006 PER Fishing Gate Isle Of Coll Argyll And Bute

Erection of House and Garage

06/01637/DET Dr A Brimelow 09/08/2006 06/09/2006 PER Whitehouse Cornaigbeg Isle Of Tiree Argyll And Bute PA77 6UX

Extend and Alter House

06/01626/OUT Mr I S Maclean 26/07/2006 07/09/2006 PER Eilean Fraoch North Connel Argyll And Bute PA37 1QX

Site for Erection of New Dwellinghouse and Installation of Joint Septic Tank (Plot 2)

06/01622/PNAGRI Mrs Jane Isaac 27/07/2006 REF Baravullin Beag Benderloch Argyll And Bute PA37 1QS

Removal of existing shed and dog-run; replace with erection of 10 x 15m storage shed.

06/01607/DET Paul Tett 26/07/2006 28/08/2006 PER Burnbank Cottage Taynuilt Argyll And Bute PA35 1HP

Extension and alterations to dwelling Page 64 06/01593/NMA Dr Susan K Reed 20/07/2006 21/08/2006 PER Site At Achnahard Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute

Non-material Amendment to Consent 06/00612/DET: Erection of a Dwelling House - Change to size of velux rooflights

06/01592/COU Mr S Povey 21/07/2006 28/08/2006 WDN Land NE Of Achaleven Farmhouse Achaleven Road Connel Argyll And Bute PA37 1PF

Change of use of garage to dwelling

06/01584/DET A Tunstall 26/07/2006 21/08/2006 PER Torr Na Locha Croft Ardtun Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute

Erection of Dwellinghouse

06/01580/DET Mr Mrs Grant 20/07/2006 11/09/2006 PER Site South Of Hillpark Bunessan Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute

Erection of dwelling house

06/01560/DET Strathclyde Fire And Rescue 18/07/2006 29/08/2006 PER Fire Garage Isle Of Iona Argyll And Bute PA76 6SJ

Erection of aerial mast

06/01552/DET Edward Watling 24/07/2006 25/08/2006 PER Land North East Of Glenshellach Farm Glenshellach Road Oban Argyll And Bute

Erection of 3 Bedroomed, One and a Half Storey Dwellinghouse

06/01549/OUT Mr Mrs Macgregor 24/07/2006 11/09/2006 PER Land North Of Tourist Information Centre Craignure Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute

Site for erection of detached house Page 65 06/01548/DET Mr And Mrs H MacFarlane 14/07/2006 06/09/2006 PER 49 Longsdale Crescent Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 5JR

Erection of two storey extension, internal alterations and installation of timber decking

06/01542/DET Mr Peter Robert Keeley 21/07/2006 07/09/2006 PER Cottage Gribun Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA72 6JG

Erection of 2.5kw wind turbine

06/01522/DET Mr Mrs Macdonald 12/07/2006 28/08/2006 PER Caol-Ithe Isle Of Iona Argyll And Bute PA76 6SP

Demolition of Dwellinghouse and Outbuildings and Erection of Dwellinghouse and Bothy

06/01518/COU Mr And Mrs Campbell 12/07/2006 30/08/2006 PER Fidden Farm Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA66 6BN

Conversion of outbuilding to provide camping facilities and associated drainage

06/01515/DET Dr And Mrs M Hart 24/07/2006 11/09/2006 PER Delfryn 6 Etive Park North Connel Argyll And Bute PA37 1SJ

Extension to Dwelling

06/01504/DET Jenifer Moffat 20/07/2006 29/08/2006 PER Land North Of Airdeny Chalets Glen Lonan Taynuilt Argyll And Bute

External Alterations to Dwellinghouse

06/01499/DET D And S Brown 11/07/2006 31/08/2006 PER Plot 6 Land North And East Of Cruachan Filling Station Lochawe Argyll And Bute

Construction of new dwellinghouse

06/01492/OUT Alison Kate Hanlin 10/07/2006 01/09/2006 PER Buaileard Benderloch Argyll And Bute PA37 1SA Page 66 Demolition of dwelling and outline permission for 2 dwelllings and details of additional road access

06/01480/DET H D W Baird 11/07/2006 04/09/2006 PER Site At Corachie Taynuilt Argyll And Bute PA35 1HY

Erection of Domestic House

06/01478/DET Jon Strickland 17/07/2006 05/09/2006 PER Cladich Steading Cladich Argyll And Bute PA33 1BQ

House Extension and Steading Conversion to Create 4 Houses

06/01468/COU Mrs S Blockey 06/07/2006 30/08/2006 PER Old Sawmill West Of The Steadings Tiroran Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA69 6ES

Proposed Conversion of Sawmill to Residential Dwelling

06/01467/OUT Mr Mrs A Lamont 06/07/2006 05/09/2006 PER Site At No 3 Eorabus Ardtun Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute

Proposed Single Plot Development Site

06/01464/DET West Highland Housing Association 06/07/2006 04/09/2006 PER Former Tank Farm Pier View Scarinish Isle Of Tiree Argyll And Bute

Amend 2 Bed Single Storey Semi to Erection of Storey and Half 3 Bed Semi on Plots 11 and 12

06/01458/OUT Mr Mrs I J Hopkins 06/07/2006 05/09/2006 PER Site At Aintuim Farm Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute

PA75 6QW

Erection of dwelling house and installation of septic tank

06/01457/DET West Highland Housing Association 10/07/2006 05/09/2006 Phase 3 Glengallan Oban Argyll And Bute Page 67

Amendment to consent 03/00457/DET - substitution of house type on plots 30 and 31 and deletion of house plot 21 to allow relocation of play area

06/01431/COU Messrs MacLean 10/07/2006 30/08/2006 PER Lochside Barrapoll Isle Of Tiree Argyll And Bute PA77 6XJ

Change of use of workshop/garage to form dwellinghouse and alterations and extension.

06/01425/PNELEC SSE Power Distribution 30/06/2006 28/08/2006 PER Oban To Mull 33KV No2 Line Tullich To Barnabuck Section Installation of 33kv power line

06/01423/DET Nick Hunter 30/06/2006 23/08/2006 PER Oban Seil Farm Clachan Seil Isle Of Seil Argyll And Bute PA34 4TN

Extension to existing farm house

06/01417/DET Donald Alexander Ian Maccoll 07/07/2006 23/08/2006 PER Mid Farm Achinduin Isle Of Lismore Argyll And Bute PA34 5UH

Erection of Dwellinghouse

06/01413/DET R And A Forrester Ltd 10/07/2006 05/09/2006 PER Ardnacross Farm Aros Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA72 6JS

Erection of 3 No. Terraced Dwellinghouses on Site of East Byre

06/01385/DET Lismore Public Hall Committee 03/07/2006 25/08/2006 PER Lismore Village Hall An T-Sraid Isle Of Lismore Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 5UL

Additional off-road car parking (17 spaces)

06/01370/DET Mrs Helen Grant 10/07/2006 28/08/2006 REF Auchabhaich Isle Of Iona Argyll And Bute PA76 6SW

Demolition of existing shed and erection of 3 bedroom dwellinghouse

06/01304/DET Mrs A Jordan 22/06/2006 30/08/2006 PER Site Of Former Ruins Land North East Of 5 Kilvaree Connel Page 68 Argyll And Bute PA37 1RN

Erection of Two Chalets

06/01293/DET R Graham 27/06/2006 17/08/2006 PER Plot 5 South East Of The Sheiling Kilmore Argyll And Bute

Change of position of dwelling house approved under consent 03/02305/DET

06/01291/DET Alan Parker 29/08/2006 WDN Sealladh Carrachan Tobermory Isle Of Mull Argyll And Bute PA75 6PY

Extension to Dwellinghouse

06/01263/DET Alexander Newbery 26/06/2006 17/08/2006 PER House Plot On Existing Ruin North East Of Mull View Caolis Isle Of Tiree Argyll And Bute

Erection of Dwelling House

06/01249/DET Scotland Gas Networks 26/07/2006 30/08/2006 PER Transco Lochavullin Road Oban Argyll And Bute

Installation of water tank above boilerhouse for new boiler system.

06/01201/DET Mary And Iain Macdonald 18/07/2006 30/08/2006 Burnbank Balevullin Isle Of Tiree Argyll And Bute PA77 6XD

Extension to form ground floor bedroom, shower room and store (Disabled provision)

06/01138/DET Mr And Mrs D E Hutchison 05/06/2006 03/08/2006 PER Kinlochlaich House Appin Argyll And Bute PA38 4BD

Erection of a Self Catering Dwellinghouse

06/00949/DET Argyll Properties Ltd 19/05/2006 22/08/2006 WDN Site 7c2 Glengallan Road Oban Argyll And Bute PA34 4HG

Erection of Small Light Industrial Units Page 69 06/00883/DET Mr + Mrs E McNamara 27/04/2006 21/08/2006 WDN Land North East Of Mid Achinduin Isle Of Lismore Argyll And Bute PA34 5UH

Erection of Dwelling House with Integral Garage

06/00733/DET L F Jacobsen 10/04/2006 21/08/2006 PER Plot 1, Arduaine Caravan Park Arduaine Argyll And Bute PA34 4XQ

Erection of Dwellinghouse

06/00622/DET Mr D Rockley 24/03/2006 28/08/2006 PER Ardanell South Of Ardanaiseig Cottage Kilchrenan Argyll And Bute

Erection of a Private Dwelling House and Ancilliary Buildings

05/02393/DET Mr + Mrs D McAdam 01/12/2005 31/08/2006 PER Land West Of Tobermory Golf Club Erray Road Tobermory

Isle Of Mull

Retrospective permission for erection of garden fence and repositioning of Klargester biodisc treatment system

05/02102/DET John Duncan Morrison 22/03/2006 25/08/2006 PER Land South Of Penmore Mill Dervaig Tobermory Isle Of Mull

Erection of a Licensed Restaurant

05/01780/OUT William Langford 30/08/2005 11/09/2006 PER Glenforsa Estate Glenforsa Aros Isle Of Mull

Site for Erection of Dwellinghouse

05/01733/COU Mr L Goddard 30/08/2006 WDN The Byre Crossapol Isle Of Tiree

Change of Use of Barn to form Dwellinghouse

05/01411/OUT Donald And Catriona McGill 08/07/2005 17/08/2006 Land North Of 1 Quarry Road Oban Argyll

Site for the erection of a dwelling house Page 70 02/01787/OUT Lismore Investments Ltd 18/10/2002 31/08/2006 WDN Car Park At John Anderson House Shore Street Oban Argyll

Erection of 12 Flats

Page 71 Agenda Item 5c

DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Local Member - Councillor A Macaskill PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Date of Validity - 2nd February 2006 OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES Committee Date - 6th September 2006

24 August 2006

Reference Number: 06/00108/DET Applicants Name: Miss Y Sloss Application Type: Detailed Planning Consent Application Description: Dwelling House Location: East of Sealladh House, Fearnoch



This application was continued at the 1st August meeting of the Committee to allow me to

a) Contact Trunk Road again to clarify why they did not object to Application 04/00640/DET b) Contact the applicant to discuss the possibility of this application and Fearnoch making use of the existing Forestry Commission access east of Fearnoch.

I have e-mailed Trunk Roads specifically asking why they did not object to application 04/00640/DET I have received an acknowledgement but to date have received no reply.

I have discussed the concept of the Fearnoch community using the easterly Forestry Commission access with the applicant. She considers it highly unlikely that everyone would agree. This would also require the cooperation of the Commission, upgrading of the road surface and putting in passing places. As money has recently been spent upgrading the existing access I agree with the applicant.

The current application would have to be withdrawn and a new application submitted if a new access were proposed.


I have investigated the above points and consider the application should be refused for the reasons in my main report.

Angus J Gilmour Head of Planning

Author: Ian McIntyre 01631 567951 Contact: Ian McIntyre 01631 567951

F:\MODERNGOV\DATA\AGENDAITEMDOCS\3\1\5\AI00031513\0108SR12408060.DOC 1

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DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Local Member - Councillor A. Macaskill PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Date of Validity - 2nd February 2006 OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES Committee Date - 6th July 2006

12th June 2006

Reference Number: 06/00108/DET Applicants Name: Ms Y. Sloss Application Type: Detailed Planning Permission Application Description: Dwelling House Location: East of Sealladh House, FEARNOCH

(A ) THE APPLICATION Development Requiring Express Planning Permission. • Erection of dwelling. • Septic tank and soakaway. • Water supply

(B ) RECOMMENDATION The application is recommended for refusal on road safety grounds.


Development Plans.

The site is within the settlement of Fearnoch, and represents rounding off which is considered suitable in terms of Policy HO 23 of the Adopted Lorn Local Plan.

The Finalised Draft Argyll and Bute Local Plan designated the site as being in the settlement zone. Development would be consistent with Policy STRAT DC 1(C).

Water Supply and Drainage.

A report has been submitted which indicates that a satisfactory water supply can be provided. The Area Environmental Health Manager has advised that the report is satisfactory.

The site is of sufficient size to accommodate a septic tank and soakaway.


The proposal raises no adverse amenity issues.


The proposed design is a very simple house of traditional scale. With conditions as to materials and the treatment of gable windows (to avoid overlooking) the design is satisfactory.


The Trunk Roads Authority objected to the application of the grounds that:

i) the application would lead to an increase in the number of vehicles using the junction between the Fearnoch road and the trunk road,

ii) the junction had restricted visibility to the west and F:\MODERNGOV\DATA\AGENDAITEMDOCS\3\1\5\AI00031513\0108RWWR1206060.DOC 1

Page 74

iii) the safety and free flow of traffic on the trunk road would be interfered with.

Given that no such objection had been raised to an earlier, similar application in the settlement (04/00640/DET) the Trunk Roads Authority was asked to give the application further consideration. A new response was received recommending approval subject to conditions. Those conditions include the provision at the junction of 4.5m x 215m visibility splays in both directions along the trunk road.

I have measured the visibility at the junction and estimate that in the western direction only 159m can be achieved because of the brow of a hill. This is significantly short of the TRA requirement.

In this case, the land required for the visibility splays is not in the control of the applicant and I consider that visibility could not be increased simply by reconfiguring the junction. Considerable works would be required to the level of the trunk road to achieve the necessary visibility distance – works which may themselves require planning permission.

The TRA was asked for further consideration and has advised as follows,

The amended TR/NPA/2 issued on the 4th May 2006 recommended a condition be attached to the application that visibility should be achieved. Unfortunately as per your letter this condition cannot be achieved from this access. From further investigation and from on site observations it is evident that due to the vertical geometry that this condition could not be met. The road markings indicate that there is restricted forward visibility by the presence of solid centre lines on the carriageway in both directions to ensure and inform drivers not to attempt an overtaking manoeuvre. The horizontal and vertical alignment of the trunk road approaching the brow unfortunately does not physically control drivers’ speeds. In this instance further intensification of turning movements would be contrary to road safety due to the restricted visibility from the junction and the forward visibility of trunk road users.

As previously stated the restricted visibility is primarily a result of the vertical geometry of the trunk road and to mitigate this would require substantial engineering works. There is an alternative access to the north of this junction which also serves Fearnoch; this junction has better visibility than the access proposed by the applicant. Should the area of Fearnoch be considered for further residential development it would be advisable to stop up the access with the reduced visibility and encourage the use of the northern access thus maintaining the safe and free flow of traffic on the trunk road.

In view of these factors I consider that the condition suggested by the TRA is unacceptable in that there is no reasonable prospect of the condition being complied with. I therefore recommend that the application be refused.

The TRA appears to be prepared to allow additional use of the forest access to the north of the existing access. Given the extent of the settlement zone delineated in the Finalised Draft Argyll and Bute Local Plan, it is likely that there are further development opportunities in the village and it may therefore be possible to form an alternative access by the cooperative effort of the developers, the land owner and local residents. Unfortunately, this current application cannot be approved without the alternative access.

(D ) CONCLUSION The proposed house is in accordance with policy and raises no adverse issues except that of increased use of a trunk road junction which provides inadequate visibility. The application is recommended for refusal for the following roads reason.

Angus J Gilmour


Page 75

Head of Planning

Author: Robert Walker 01631 567954 Contact: Ian McIntyre 01631 567951


Page 76


1. The proposed development would lead to a significant increase in the use of the junction between the road serving the settlement of Fearnoch and the A85 trunk road. To ensure the safety and free flow of traffic on the trunk road it is necessary to provide 4.5m x 215m visibility splays in both directions at that junction but it is not possible to achieve the necessary visibility towards the west. In that direction approximately 159 metres can be achieved which is significantly less than the requirement and the increased use of the junction would therefore represent a hazard to the safety and free flow of traffic on the trunk road.

2. Policy TRAN 4(D) of the Finalised Draft Argyll and Bute Local Plan states that, “Where a site is served by an existing private access regime and this is considered to be of such a poor standard as to be unsuitable for additional vehicular traffic the Planning Authority may consider the proposal to be unacceptable.” In this case the poor visibility at the trunk road junction is considered to be of such a poor standard that the proposal is unacceptable and therefore contrary to Policy TRAN 4(D) of the Finalised Draft Argyll and Bute Local Plan.


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In terms of Section 25 of the Act the following Development Plan Policies are applicable:

Argyll and Bute Structure Plan

STRAT DC 1 Development within the Settlements

Encouragement shall be given, subject to capacity, to development in the settlements as follows:

A) within the Main Towns to development serving a wide community of interest, including large scale development, on appropriate infill, rounding off and redevelopment sites. B) Within the Small Towns and Villages to development serving a local community of interest, up to and including medium scale development, on appropriate infill, rounding-off and redevelopment sites; in exceptional cases large scale development may be supported. C) Within the Minor Settlements to small scale development which is compatible with an essentially rural settlement location on appropriate infill, rounding-off or redevelopment sites; in exceptional circumstances medium or large scale development may be supported.

Lorn Local Plan

HO 23 In the open countryside consideration will be given to small scale development on suitable sites. Preference will be given to infill, rounding off and redevelopment sites.


(a) Site History


House granted May 2004.

(ii) Consultations

Response Date Comment Area Roads Engineer 6th February. No objections in terms of the road into the settlement which was improved under conditions on application 04/00640/DET. Trunk Roads Authority 6th April and 4th See report above. May Public Protection Unit 10th April No objections provided that the recommendations in the engineer’s report on the water supply are acted upon.

(iii) Publicity and Representations

Advert Type : Article 9 Vacant Land Closing Date: 2nd March 2006

Representations : Yes


Page 78

Name Address Letter date Forestry Commission Millpark Road, Oban 27th February Peter MacArthur Fearnoch 25th February Mr and Mrs Day Fearnoch 28th February Mr and Mrs Davies Fearnoch 27th February

Summary of points raised:

• The water supply is inadequate. Comment: A report on the water supply has been submitted and approved by the Area Environmental Health Manager. • It is important that young people such as the applicant can be housed in the rural settlements where they have grown up. This is not a material consideration in Argyll and Bute. • The proposal will have an unacceptable visual impact on the beautiful rural setting and views within a quiet village. The proposal is within the settlement (designated as settlement zone) and will not, in my opinion, harm its visual quality and character.


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This page is intentionally left blank Page 81 Agenda Item 5d

DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Local Member - Alistair MacDougall PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Date of Validity - 30th January 2006 OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES Committee Date - 4th October 2006

16th August 2006

Reference Number: 06/00182/OUT Applicants Name: West Highland Housing Association Ltd. Application Type: Outline Application Description: Erection of 14 Dwellinghouses, Access Road and Play Space Location: Site south of Bridge Cottage, Lochdon, Isle of Mull.


Development Requiring Express Planning Permission.

• Erection of 14 dwellinghouses • Formation of access/service road • Installation of drainage systems


I recommend that the application be approved as a minor departure to the Mull, Coll and Tiree Local Plan subject to conditions


The site extends to 1.1 hectares and lies immediately to the south west of the developed area of Lochdon village and adjacent to the A849 Salen/Craignure/Iona Ferry public road. The site is generally a pasture field that rises gently away from the road. There is scrub woodland at the back of the site with rough pasture on either side. Established dwellings are located immediately to the east of the site adjacent to the public road and on land on the opposite side of the public road.

The determining issues with this application relate to policy considerations (Adopted Local Plan and Finalised Draft Local Plan), suitable servicing arrangements and Scottish Executive guidance in the form of Scottish Planning Policy Guide SPP3 (Planning for Housing).

The Finalised Draft Local Plan has designated the site as a Housing Allocation (H-AL 6/5). Since there have been no objections to this allocation the Draft Plan has material weight in the consideration of this planning application. Residential development within a settlement zone/housing allocation is supported by the Draft Local Plan. Chapter 4 of the Finalised Draft Local Plan Written Statement provides for a general commitment to facilitate greater choice in housing in terms of location, design, tenure and cost as is reflected in the Scottish Planning Policy (SPP3) guidance. The guidance encourages more diverse, attractive and mixed residential communities. This requires a range of housing types to provide for the needs of all segments of the housing market. In some places the market can provide some or all of the affordable housing that is needed but in other places it is necessary to make housing available at a low cost below market value to meet an identified need. It has been established that there is a need throughout each of the planning areas in Argyll and Bute. Policy LP HOU 2 of this plan supports the provision of affordable housing within settlement zones as well as on formally identified housing allocations.

Policy HO 7 of The Adopted Mull, Coll and Tiree Local Plan requires that development in the settlement be restricted to identified housing sites. The current application is not an identified housing site. The proposal therefore requires to be dealt with as a minor departure from the adopted local plan. The application site is located on the periphery of Lochdon where policy HO(7) of the adopted Mull, Coll and Tiree Local Plan presumes against further housing development. The purpose of restricting further residential development in the countryside around the village was to prevent uncoordinated development that individually or cumulatively would have had an adverse effect on the landscape setting of the village and/or upon the future


Page 82 provision of public services. These policies sought to restrict new development to infill and rounding-off within the main built-up areas and on sites identified by the local plan. However The Mull, Coll and Tiree Local Plan is considerably out of date and the areas previously identified for housing have mostly been developed. Accordingly, and in the light of recent development pressures in the village, it has been necessary in recent years to identify suitable alternative sites and a number of these sites, within the area covered by Policy HO(7) have been granted planning permission for dwellinghouses as minor departures. In this instance the site is close to existing residential properties and has been allocated as a housing area in the Finalised Draft Local Plan that is now considered to have material weight in the consideration of this application. As there have been no letters of representation against the housing allocation in the Finalised Draft Local Plan and because the letters of representation with regard to this specific application generally raise concerns about site servicing as opposed to the use of the land, it is considered that there is no need for a Departure Hearing in respect of this application, which as noted above requires to be dealt with as a minor departure from the adopted Mull, Coll and Tiree Local Plan.

The drainage arrangements for the site have been the subject of considerable discussion and correspondence with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. The Agency is now satisfied that foul and surface water drainage can be dealt with in a sustainable manner although proposals for a detailed surface water drainage system have not been submitted at this time. The imposition of an appropriate suspensive condition will address this issue. It is understood in the absence of comments from Scottish Water that a public supply would not be available to serve this development at this time. It would therefore be appropriate to attach a suspensive water supply condition preventing development until such time as an adequate water supply, either public or private, had been agreed/provided. The applicants through their agents have drawn attention to “The Local Housing Strategy (LHS) for 2005 – 2009, prepared by the Council, which identifies that there is a growing population within Argyll. The strategy highlights that an additional 70 social rented homes are required within the Mull and Iona area to deal with the increasing demand for affordable housing, mainly in Tobermory; but the majority is dispersed across the rest of Mull including Lochdon/Craignure areas. The turnover of socially rented properties on Mull is low resulting in lengthy waiting times for applicants.” The applicants explain that “The core aim of the Housing Association is ‘to provide high quality, well maintained, affordable housing to meet local needs and to assist in supporting fragile communities within our area’.” The Association explains that due to the difficulties, which the public transport system has in serving relatively remote rural areas effectively and efficiently the use of private transport is very much the norm and could be considered a necessity. The overall majority of tenants appear to accept this and do not expect improved public transport links.


• That the proposal is considered to be an acceptable minor departure from the Adopted Mull, Coll and Tiree Local Plan. • That the development proposed is in accordance with the Finalised Draft Local Plan, which has designated the application site area as a housing allocation (H – AL 6/5). • The application is supported by the terms of Policy LP HOU 2 in the Finalised Draft Local Plan which supports the provision of affordable housing within settlement zones as well as on formally identified housing allocations. • That the proposed development forms an acceptable extension to the existing settlement subject to detailed approval of the design of buildings and the layout of the site.

Angus J Gilmour Head of Planning

Contact: Ian MacIntyre 01631 567951


Page 83


1. Standard.

Reason: Standard.

2. Standard.

Reason: Standard

3. Standard

Reason: Standard

4. Any details pursuant to condition (1) above shall incorporate the following elements:- i) finished in white coloured wet dash render. ii) with roof coverings of natural slate or good quality slate substitute.. iii) shall be single or one and a half storey in height. iv) incorporate windows with a strong vertical emphasis. v) a roof pitch of not less than 40 degrees and not greater than 45 degrees. vi) which is predominantly rectangular in shape with traditional gable ends. vii)details of existing and finished ground levels, finished floor levels in relation to a fixed datum, preferably ordnance datum, cross sections of the site showing the position of any built form and full details of all under building necessary to accommodate such built form. viii) a design statement, drawn up in accordance with PAN68 which takes into account both the matters listed above and any other material justification for the nature of housing development that is submitted at the reserved matters stage. Such a statement shall include, an analysis of the landscape setting of the site and the relationship and response of the proposed development to the surrounding environment, both built and natural

Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and in order to integrate the proposed dwelling houses with their surroundings and landscape.

5. The development shall not begin until details of a scheme of boundary treatment, surface treatment and landscaping works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Council, as Planning Authority: Details of the scheme to include –

i) location and design, including materials, of any walls, fences, hedges and gates. ii) surface treatment of means of access and hardstanding areas.

All the hard and soft landscaping works shall be carried out in accordance with the scheme approved in writing by the Council as planning authority, within six months of the dwelling house being occupied or brought into use. All planting, seeding or turfing as may be comprised in the approved details shall be carried out in the first planting season following the commencement of the development unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Council, as Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and to protect the landscape quality in the area

6. That prior to development commencing on the site full details, drawn up in consultation with the Area Roads Manager, for the widening to 6 metres of the A849 public road shall be submitted for the further approval of the Council as planning authority. The agreed scheme shall be implemented prior to development being commenced on the site hereby approved for residential development.

Reason: In the interests of road safety.


Page 84

7. The access serving this site shall be a Road over which the public has a right of access in terms of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, and shall be constructed in consultation with the Council’s Transportation and Property Department to the satisfaction of the Council as Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to ensure that provision is made for a service “road” commensurate with the scale of the overall development and having regard to the status of the proposed access as a residential service road. 8. The proposed access shall be formed with visibility splays of 160 x 2.4 metres in each direction formed from the centre line of the proposed access. Prior to work starting on site these visibility splays shall be cleared of all obstructions over one metre in height above the level of the adjoining carriageway and thereafter shall be maintained clear of all obstructions over one metre in height to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of road safety.

9. All access roads and pavements granted consent shall be constructed to at least base course level prior to any work starting on the erection of the buildings which they are intended to serve; the final wearing surface of the roads and pavements shall be applied concurrently with the construction of the final building.

Reason: In the interests of road safety and to ensure that an adequate level of access is provided.

10. That no development shall commence until evidence is exhibited to this Council as planning authority that an agreement has been reached by the developer with Scottish Water for the provision of a water scheme to serve the development.

Reason: To ensure that the development does not commence until the provision of an adequate water supply has been formally agreed.

11. Prior to the development commencing a full appraisal to demonstrate the wholesomeness and sufficiency of any private water supply to serve the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. This assessment shall be carried out by a qualified and competent person(s). Such appraisal shall include a risk assessment having regard to the requirements of Schedule 4 of the Private Water Supplies (Scotland) Regulations 2006 and shall on the basis of such risk assessment specify the means by which a wholesome and sufficient water supply shall be provided and thereafter maintained to the development. Such appraisal shall also demonstrate that the wholesomeness and sufficiency of any other supply in the vicinity of the development, or any other person utilising the same source or supply, shall not be compromised by the proposed development. Furthermore, the development itself shall not be brought into use or occupied until the required supply has been installed in accordance with the agreed specification.

Reason: In the interests of public health and in order to ensure that an adequate private water supply in terms of both wholesomeness and sufficiency can be provided to meet the requirements of the proposed development and without compromising the interests of other users of the same or nearby private water supplies.

12. That full details of the proposed disposal of surface water within the application site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Council as Planning Authority prior to development on site commencing. Thereafter the approved surface water drainage system shall be fully operational prior to occupation of the dwellinghouses. Such a Sustainable Surface Water Drainage Scheme shall be drawn up in line with Planning Advice Note 61 (PAN 61) “Planning and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems” and within the terms of Section 3 of the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems – Design Manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland (C521).


Page 85

Reason: To ensure that excess surface water is returned to the natural water cycle with minimal adverse impact on people and the environment.



In terms of Section 25 of the Act the following Development Plan Policies are applicable:

Argyll and Bute Structure Plan

STRAT DC 1 Development within the Settlements

Encouragement shall be given, subject to capacity, to development in the settlements as follows:

A) within the Main Towns to development serving a wide community of interest, including large scale development, on appropriate infill, rounding off and redevelopment sites. B) Within the Small Towns and Villages to development serving a local community of interest, up to and including medium scale development, on appropriate infill, rounding-off and redevelopment sites; in exceptional cases large scale development may be supported. C) Within the Minor Settlements to small scale development which is compatible with an essentially rural settlement location on appropriate infill, rounding-off or redevelopment sites; in exceptional circumstances medium or large scale development may be supported. D) Developments which do not accord with this policy are those outwith A), B) and C) above and urban bad neighbour developments which are essentially incompatible with the close configuration of land uses found in settlements e.g. mineral extraction or development which results in excessively high development densities, settlement cramming or inappropriate rounding-off on the edge of settlements. E) Development in settlements are also subject to consistency with the other policies of this Structure Plan and in the Local Plan.

Lorn Local Plan

Mull, Coll and Tiree Local Plan


Page 86

HO 7 The settlement patterns of Dervaig and Lochdon require that infill development in these settlements be restricted to sites identified by the Council.


Page 87

Government Advice/Guidance

PAN 72 Siting and Design of New Housing in the Countryside

The principal objectives are to encourage a more sympathetic approach to siting and a more widespread adoption of house design which pays greater regard to variations in landscape and building design within Scotland.

The principle on which the policy on housing in the countryside is based are:-

• Development should be encouraged on suitable sites in existing settlements. • Urban sprawl, the coalescence of settlements and ribbon development should be avoided. • Isolated development should be discouraged in the open countryside except where provision is made in development plans or there are special needs.


(a) Site History

04/02259/OUT – Site for the erection of 13 dwellinghouses was withdrawn on 31.01.2006

(ii) Consultations

Response Date Comment Area Roads Engineer 11.04.2006 No objections subject to conditions Scottish Environmental Protection Agency 19.07.2006 No objections after negotiations with applicants agents. Scottish Water No comments Public Protection Unit 15.02.2006 No objections Statutory Plans No objections. Housing allocation in Finalised Draft Local Plan has material weight. Treat as Minor Departure from Adopted Mull, Coll and Tiree Local Plan.

(iii) Publicity and Representations

Advert Type : Section 34 – Bad Neighbour Article 9 – Vacant Land Potential Development Plan Departure (Policy HO7 Mull, Coll and Tiree Adopted Local Plan. Closing Date: 23.02.2006

Representations : Yes

Name Address Letter date Sheila M. Weir Redburn, Lochdon. PA64 6AP 12.02.2006 Mrs C.M. Thompson Bridge Cottage, Lochdon. 07.02.2006 John Cable Birchgrove, Lochdon. 22.02.2006 Fiona M. Hall Cnoc Buidhe, Lochdon 17.02.2006 Kevin Hall Cnoc Buidhe, Lochdon 17.02.2006


Page 88

Summary of points raised:

Inadequate drainage arrangements. Comment: This aspect of the proposal has been scrutinised by SEPA and agreement has been reached with the applicant with regard to foul and surface water drainage systems.

Inadequacy of the public water supply:

Comment: This issue has not been clarified by Scottish Water. A suspensive water supply condition is proposed that will prevent development taking place until such time as an adequate water supply has been secured; private or public.

Considerable increase in vehicle movements in the area and the proposed bellmouth would be totally inadequate for the situation:

Comment: The Area Roads Manager has suggested the imposition of conditions that will provide an adequate and safe means of access to the site.

There are too many homes in a small area, which would significantly change the character of the locality.

Comment: The developed character of the area is of single dwellings set within moderately sized gardens and generally laid out in a linear fashion. The current application reflects this situation and it is considered that the area of ground proposed for development has the capacity to provide for the number of dwellings proposed within adequately sized gardens.

Local wild life will be affected and the provision of street lights will completely change the character of the area for both residents and wild life.

Comment: The area has no particular wildlife or habitat designation and since street lighting is not proposed the development is unlikely to detrimentally affect the environment of the local area.

The application seeks to develop an area of land on the periphery of an existing settlement for residential purposes with a housing density that is not inappropriate for the locality. The area has been allocated for housing purposes within the Finalised Draft Local Plan and will form a logical extension to the established settlement of Lochdon.


Page 89


Scottish Water has advised as follows:

Please contact Scottish Water to discuss water supply

You are advised to contact them direct to discuss this matter

Scottish Water Developer Services Clyde House 419 Balmore Road Glasgow G22 6NU Tel: 0845 601 8855

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has advised as follows:

Contact SEPA concerning simple discharge licence.

With regard to the submission of details concerning a Sustainable Surface Water Drainage System advice is given on the technical aspects of such a scheme in the CIRIA C521 manual. (

You are advised to contact them direct to discuss this matter.

SEPA Graesser House Fodderty Way Dingwall Business Park Dingwall IV15 9XB Tel: 01349 862021

SEPA Greyhope House Greyhope Road Torry Aberdeen AB11 9RD Tel: 01224 248 338

The Council’s Area Roads Manager has advised as follows:

Road construction consents, road bond and Roads openings permit required

You are advised to contact them direct to discuss this matter:

Area Roads Engineer Operational Services Argyll and Bute Council Kilbowie House Gallanach Road Oban Tel: 01631 562125


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This page is intentionally left blank Page 93 Agenda Item 5e

DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Local Member - Cllr D. MacIntyre PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Date of Validity - 14 August 2006 OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES Committee Date - 04 October 2006

19 September 2006

Reference Number: 06/01732/DET Applicants Name: Mr and Mrs D. Hill Application Type: Detailed Application Description: Extension to dwellinghouse Location: 10 Cnoc a Challtuin, Clachan Seil, By Oban


Development Requiring Express Planning Permission.

• Erection of extension to dwellinghouse.


It is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.


This retrospective application seeks to alter the design of a rear extension granted permission under consent 03/01441/DET.

The extension is almost complete, although work has now halted pending the outcome of this application. It should be noted that in many significant ways, the work carried out on site to-date does not accord with the plans submitted with this retrospective application.

I have contacted the agent and he has now submitted the correct plans.

The proposal seeks to raise the height of the approved extension through the addition of an additional storey; creating an extra bedroom in the new section of the build and two bedrooms in the former loft space of the original dwelling. Two windows have also been installed in the west elevation facing the remnants of the garden area.

I had discussions with the applicant and his builder to investigate any possible reductions in the overall height of the building to lessen its impact, however this is not possible for staircase and ceiling height reasons.

I consider that the scale of this development (which involves adding a two storey extension to the rear of a single storey building) will dominate the original house and its semi-detached neighbours. However, the extension is entirely on the rear elevation, there is open countryside to the rear and the proposal will have no impact on the streetscape.


This is an enclosed back land environment and it is not open to public view. The extension is not ideal in design terms but is located on the rear elevation of an ordinary semi-detached bungalow. It is slightly imposing on the rear garden of the adjacent house but I consider that a boundary fence and obscure glazing will protect the neighbours amenity


Page 94

Angus J Gilmour Head of Planning

Author: Ian McIntyre 01631 567951 Contact: Ian McIntyre 01631 567951


Page 95


1. Standard.

Reason: Standard.

2. That prior to the completion and occupation of the extension hereby approved the window/glazing on the north elevation shall be glazed with obscure glazing to the satisfaction of the Council as planning authority and thereafter maintained as obscure glazing in perpetuity.

Reason: To ensure that the amenity and privacy of adjoining residents is not seriously undermined.

3. That prior to the completion or occupation of the extension hereby approved full details of a 2 metre high close boarded timber fence to be erected along the north boundary of the site as indicated in green on the approved stamped plan numbered 394/1B, shall be submitted for the further written approval of the Council as planning authority. Thereafter the timber fence shall be maintained as approved in perpetuity.

Reason: To ensure that the amenity and privacy of adjoining residents is not seriously undermined.

4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 and Class 3 of Schedule 1 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 (as amended), no development shall take place within the curtilage of the dwelling house without planning permission being granted on an application made to the Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to control in the interests of amenity the erection of further buildings within the curtilage of the dwellinghouse.

5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 and Class 1 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 (as amended), no window or other openings shall be installed in the north, south, east and west facing elevations of the building without planning permission being granted on an application made to the Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to prevent the inclusion of window and other openings in the specified elevations, which could significantly undermine the privacy and amenity of adjoining residential property.


Page 96


(a) Site History

03/01441/DET – Erection of an extension to dwellinghouse (Granted 24 September 2003)

(ii) Consultations


(iii) Publicity and Representations

Advert Type : N/a Closing Date: N/a

Representations : Yes

Name Address Letter date

Mrs MacAlister 9 Cnoc a Challtuin, Clachan Seil 21.08.06

Summary of points raised:

• The proposal will have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of the adjoining propoerty. It will have a detrimental impact on the amount of privacy and light enjoyed by the owner of the adjoining house. The proposed development will cause excessive overshadowing and loss of daylight due to its height and design. Comment: I do not consider that the extension will overshadow the complainants’ house. • The proposal will over look the garden of the adjoining house and will have a detrimental impact on the amount of privacy enjoyed by the adjoining property. Comment: Privacy will be protected by the fence and obscure glazing. • The proposal will have a detrimental impact on the adjoining property with regards to noise levels. Comment: Building Standards have been requested to investigate noise through the party wall and the builder has assured me that the party walls have been fully insulated for sound. • The proposal will affect the value of the adjoining property. Comment: The value of the property is not a material planning consideration


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This page is intentionally left blank Page 99 Agenda Item 5f

PLANNING SERVICES Local Member - Cllr A MacAskill PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Date of Validity - n/a OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES Committee Date - 04 October 2006

12th September 2006

Reference Number: 04/02294/OUT Applicants Name: Original: C Smart / New land owners: C & J Mossman Application Type: Removal of S75 Agreement Application Description: Site for the erection of a dwelling house Location: Site South East Of Nether Lerags, Lerags, Oban



This S75 removal application was continued from the August and September 2006 Committees for me to ascertain Crofting status and possible reinstatement of the Zoo.

Solicitors acting for C & J Mossman have confirmed that the site is not croft land and has “at no time been subject to crofting tenure”.

An application has been granted (consent 05/01649/DET) for the erection of four dwellings and demolition of zoo buildings.


Therefore, I have investigated the above points and consider the Section 75 agreement should be removed.

Angus J Gilmour Head of Planning

Author: Robert Walker 01631 567954 Contact: Ian McIntyre 01631 567951

F:\MODERNGOV\DATA\AGENDAITEMDOCS\5\1\5\AI00031515\2294WRS75REMOVAL1209060.DOC 1 Page 100

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DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Local Member - Councillor MacIntyre

OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES Committee Date – 06.09.06


I have received a request to amend a S.75 Agreement at the site previously occupied by Oban Zoological World.

In 2001 a Section 75 Agreement was signed by the Council and the then owner of the Zoo with the aim of keeping Ariogan Cottage in the same ownership as the Zoo. This was intended to prevent a bad neighbour situation arising. Clause FIRST stated

“The Applicant hereby undertakes that Ariogan Cottage … shall not be sold, leased, disponed, decrofted or otherwise alienated from the said Zoological World”.

Planning permission has been granted to redevelop the Zoo site with houses and I consider there to be no need to maintain the control over ownership which was sought through the S 75 Agreement.


That the Committee agree to the removal of the ownership restriction over Ariogan Cottage.

Angus J Gilmour Head of Planning

Author Ian McIntyre

Contact 01631 567951

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This page is intentionally left blank Page 103 Agenda Item 6a





The purpose of this report is to ask the Area Committee to review and update their strategic and local lists of public transport and infrastructure projects. These lists contain future projects that could be submitted as the Council’s bid for funding to the Regional Transport Partnerships.

This exercise will inform the next stage of the Local Transport Strategy (LTS) which is the development of an Action Plan.


Area Committee action: Development / Operational Services action: study the attached project lists (Appendix 1 & 2) and agree that the various projects still meet the transport needs of their area. update any details on the lists as the amend lists as per Area Committee Committee see fit, e.g. project title, instruction and include in subsequent paper project details. to the SPC for approval. note the details in paragraph 4 of this report and agree these suggestions. propose any new transport projects subject the new projects to either a local for their area. appraisal process (in line with the Local Transport Strategy), or propose the projects to the RTP where they will be subject to the RTP project appraisal process. agree that these strategic and local ensure that transport projects which are lists link with other Council strategies, instructed, are included on either the strategic e.g. Corporate Plan, Area Strategy, or local project lists. Local Plan, etc, and form the basis of any future spend on transport / infrastructure projects.

It is hoped that the amended lists will be discussed at the next meeting of the Roads and Transport Working Group on the 25th October 2006 as part of the ongoing development of the LTS. The Committee are therefore asked if they are able to provide their amended lists by Monday 23rd October in order to inform this discussion.

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3.1 Last year (January 2005) the Area Committee was asked to identify two sets of schemes, local and strategic, which were then subject to a scoring process.

3.2 A Policy Development Group devised a number of factors which allowed the projects to be scored and weighted, e.g. economic benefit, strategic fit and cost. This allowed the projects to be prioritised.

3.3 The list of projects was subsequently approved at the Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) held on the 13th April 2005.


4.1 Since the SPC on the 13/04/05, the lists have been updated and a “Current Status” column added.

4.2 In carrying out this exercise it has become clear that some projects should be omitted or modified for one of the following reasons:

insufficient detail is included in the project details section; they have been duplicated in both the local and strategic lists; they are unlikely to be funded by the RTP; they are unable to be influenced by the Council.

4.3 The following suggestions are proposed:

Strategic list – those projects with regional significance

In order to avoid confusion with the Capital Programme project ref. 3 – Oban Airport is removed from the list as the project is now underway.

Local list – those projects with local significance

Project ref. 17 – Lismore ferry is removed from the Local project list as it is already included in the Strategic project list under project ref. 16 – Lismore ferry upgrade. Project ref. 19 – Coll and Tiree ferries is removed from the Local project list as it is already included in the Strategic project list under project ref. 5 – Outer Islands ferry improvements.

4.4 It is proposed that this process of updating will become at least an annual occurrence.

For further information - please contact Nicola Debnam Transportation & Infrastructure 01546 604120

POLICY The schemes on the list meet the Council’s core strategic objectives. FINANCIAL It is anticipated that the projects will be partly or wholly funded by external partners. This will only be possible if funding for necessary scheme preparation is identified through the

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Council’s Capital Programme. PERSONNEL Staff time required to develop these schemes. EQUAL Schemes should help ensure that the Council does not OPPORTUNITIES discriminate between different groups of society. LEGAL It is likely that many schemes will require land to be purchased in order that they may be progressed.

Dave Duthie Head of Transportation and Infrastructure, 19th September 2006

Stewart Turner Head of Roads and Amenity Services, 19th September 2006

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This page is intentionally left blank APPENDIX 1

Local projects as proposed by OL&I Area Committee - to be promoted for possible take up by RTP's (Approved at SPC 13//04/05)

No. Public Transport Projects Project Details Cost SCORE Current Status Strathclyde Partnership for Transport

Hitrans Service should be reviewed as part of a STAG appraisal. 3 Replacement of Easdale Ferry Replace existing vessel. 70,000 25 Tied to Ferries Review. Work ongoing - funded by Hitrans, 06/07. 7 Kerrera Terr. Bus Turning Provision of turning circle, Kerrera Terrace, Oban. 20,000 18 Held due to land problems. 9 Kilninver Bus Stop Provision of northbound bus stop. 40,000 15 Land negotiations still ongoing. Affected by ferries review and restrictions on ferrymen's 16 Consolidation of Lismore ferry timetable Timetable improvement 30,000 9 hours. 17 Lismore Ferry Improve service to Lismore. 15 This project is already included as S16. 19 Coll & Tiree ferries Improve timetables to remote islands. 13 This project is already included as S5.

No. Infrastructure Projects Project Details Cost SCORE Current Status

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport Page 107

Hitrans 26 Glencruitten Rd Footway New footway from the Greens to Glencruitten Rise. 70,000 25 No progress. Land take may cause difficulties. 21 Soroba Road Footway, Oban New footway from Birchwood Filling Station to Oban High School. 90,000 23 No progress - land issues. 30 South Shian Rd New footway. 150,000 19 Scheme part complete, 120m remaining. New footway giving safer walking and wheelchair route from village to 40 Fionnphort footway amenities. 40,000 19 Preliminary design underway. 42 Kilmelford footway New footway linking housing to hotel and shop. 30,000 19 Extent of scheme not yet determined. Scheme part complete, further £250k required to complete full footway. (remaining section of footway would require to 38 Ganavan Road Footway, Oban New footway to link sections of existing footway. 65,000 17 be cantilevered over the sea.) Community proposal linked to development opportunity. 43 Nant Bridge Taynuilt Footbridge linking proposed footway to existing footway. 50,000 15 Preliminary discussions have taken place. Page 108

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Future Strategic Schemes as Proposed by OL&I Area Committee - to be promoted for possible take up by RTP's (Approved at SPC 13//04/05)

Estimated No Public Transport projects Category Timeframe Capital Cost Project Details Score Current Status Strathclyde Partnership for Transport


Luing ferry in poor condition - life span of vessel currently exceeded. (Estimated cost of leasing a new vessel = £1M for the life of the vessel (25 years). Slipway replacement costs = £2M.) Final STAG appraisal of options to improve sustainability of island community due in August. Appointed consultant has Existing ferry requires replacement, together with yet to provide a competent Stage 1 STAG report to the client slipways currently in use. Assessment necessary to group, and therefore report not likely until 1 Luing ferry upgrade Ferry 1 - 3 £4mill establish best way forward. 38 October/November. Work underway - contractor currently surfacing runway. Completion of civil engineering works at Coll and Colonsay, expected August, (September for Oban.) Fundamental to overall enhancement of air services Building works to begin - July. within the Highlands and Islands, as promoted by In discussion with Scottish Executive / Department for Page 109 3 Oban Airport Air 1 - 3 £5mill Hitrans. 37 Transport regarding the Public Service Obligation. Highland Rail Partnership currently assessing timetable 4 Rail commuter service to Oban Rail 1 - 3 £200k First Scotrail involvement. 34 changes with First Scotrail.

Coll and Tiree. Currently negotiating with Scottish Executive over inclusion of additional services within forthcoming tender specification. Aspiration to have additional Sunday service included in 5 Outer Islands ferry improvements Ferry 1 - 3 £100k Cost assumes no new ferry required. 34 Winter 2006 timetable currently being resisted by CalMac.

15 Port Askaig link to Outer Islands Ferry 16+ £15mill New route to better serve peripheral island communities 20 No progress.

Upgrade to service required. Calmac no longer proceeding with cascade from Largs - Currently one service at the north end of the island - Millport route. Slipway currently not suitable but decision passenger only, and Calmac vehicle service from Oban. from Scottish Executive on future access arrangements are 16 Lismore ferry upgrade Ferry 1 - 8 £2.5mill Integration of service is required. 13 awaited.

Estimated No Infrastructure projects Category Timeframe Capital Cost Project Details Score Current Status Temporary variable message signs will be located at A83 Kilmory, A83 Ardgarten, and A85 Stronmilchan and a permanent sign at A85 Pennifur. Funding from Scottish Executive. Currently bidding to Hitrans for programmed provision on strategic routes - current bid (07/08) value = 19 Variable Message Signs Roads 1 - 3 £350k Signs on each Principal route 38 £200k. Strathclyde Partnership for Transport

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Estimated No Infrastructure projects Category Timeframe Capital Cost Project Details Score Current Status Hitrans Oban Action Plan now agreed by Oban Area Committee. 20 Oban Harbour Development Feasibility 1 - 3 £250k Significant issue in local plan 36 Need to bring forward specific projects. Development Services looking at schemes for this at present. Surveys have been carried out at Oude Bridge section and Craobh Haven - Salachry sections. Another survey at Ford - Tibertich is underway. Environmental consultant to be 22 Strategic road network A816 Roads 1 - 16 £15mill Discrete improvements, several locations. 36 appointed on completion of surveys.

Development Services currently preparing design. Planning Application due to be submitted June 2006 - anticipated planning decision will take 5/6 months. Application will be sent to Scottish Executive - a Planning Inquiry may be called. A&B Council then must make a final commitment to the 24 A848 Salen - Tobermory final phase Roads 1 - 8 £10mill Potential economic and public transport benefit. 34 project and proceed with final design. 26 A82 / A83 route action plan Roads 3 - 8 £15mill Joint Council / Trunk several sites. 34 No progress. Traffic model and topographical survey underway. Completion of design work anticipated March 2008. Funding 28 Oban Development Road Roads 1 - 8 £15mill Economic development justification. 34 contributions anticipated through Hitrans.

29 Oban Bay Implementation Pier 3 - 16 £15mill+ Link to feasibility study. 34 Need to bring forward specific projects. Page 110

Discrete improvement at southern end and widening Land may be available for southerly section (Electric Cottage 37 A819 route widening Roads 1 - 8 £4mill over several other sections. 25 - initial design work was progressed some years ago.) Economic impact assessment has been carried out by consultants - completed May 2006. Identified major impact on Mull economy. (261 jobs affected - reduced income = 38 Mull - removal of weight restrictions Roads 1 - 8 £15mill B8035 / B8073 (and other minor roads.) 25 £4.83m per annum).

Negotiations ongoing with Scottish Executive and Sustrans with regards to release of former railway ground. Bid to 39 Oban - Fort William Cycleway Cycle 1 - 8 £4mill National Cycle Network route 25 Hitrans for construction of first phase, 07/08 (£500k)

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