Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal agus Bhoid Corporate Services Director: Nigel Stewart Lorn House, Albany Street, Oban, Argyll, PA34 4AW Tel: 01631 5679307 Fax: 01631 570379 26 September 2006 NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the OBAN LORN & THE ISLES AREA COMMITTEE will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS, ALBANY STREET, OBAN on WEDNESDAY, 4 OCTOBER 2006 at 10:30 AM, which you are requested to attend. Nigel Stewart Director of Corporate Services BUSINESS 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. CORPORATE SERVICES (a) Minute of meeting of Oban Lorn & the Isles Area Committee held on 6th September 2006 (Pages 1 - 10) (b) Note of site inspection meeting held on 6th September 2006 in regard to planning application ref. 06/00935/DET (Pages 11 - 16) (c) Report by Area Corporate Services Manager in regard to request from Oban Community Council to site Interpretation Boards on Council ground (Pages 17 - 20) 4. COMMUNITY SERVICES (a) Applications for financial assistance under the Education Development Grant Scheme (Pages 21 - 26) (b) Applications for financial assistance under the Leisure Development Grant Scheme (Pages 27 - 34) (c) Applications for financial assistance under the Social Welfare Grant Scheme (Pages 35 - 50) 5. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (a) List of Building Standards delegated decisions issued by the Director of Development Services since the last meeting (Pages 51 - 60) (b) List of Town and County Planning delegated decisions issued by the Director of Development Services since the last meeting (Pages 61 - 70) (c) 06/00108/DET: Miss Y Sloss: Dwelling House - East of Sealladh House, Fearnoch (Pages 71 - 80) (d) 06/00182/OUT: West Highland Housing Association Ltd: Erection of 14 Dwellinghouses, Access Road and Play Space - Site south of Bridge Cottage, Lochdon, Isle of Mull (Pages 81 - 92) (e) 06/01732/DET: Mr and Mrs D. Hill: Extension to dwellinghouse - 10 Cnoc a Challtuin, Clachan Seil, By Oban (Pages 93 - 98) (f) Report by Head of Planning in regard to Removal of Section 75 Agreement - Oban Zoological World (Pages 99 - 102) 6. OPERATIONAL SERVICES (a) Report by Head of Transportation & Infrastructure and Head of Roads & Amenity Services in regard to Regional Transport Partnerships: Project Development (update) (Pages 103 - 110) 7. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME The Committee will be asked to pass a resolution in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for items of business with an “E” on the grounds that it is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 7a to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The appropriate paragraphs are:- E1, E4 - Paragraph 9 Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services. E2, E3 - Paragraph 13 Information which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes- (a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment. E1 8. ACQUISITION / DISPOSAL / LEASING OF PROPERTY (a) Report by Director of Corporate Services in regard to lease of site No.7 Mill Lane, Lochavullin, Oban (Pages 111 - 114) (b) Report by Director of Corporate Services in regard to proposed assignation of lease - 29 Lochside Street, Oban (Pages 115 - 120) (c) Report by Director of Corporate Services in regard to arrears history - Lochavullin Industrial Estate (Pages 121 - 122) (d) Report by Head of Legal & Protective Services in regard to formal deeds and documents executed between 17th August 2006 and 15th September 2006 (Pages 123 - 126) (e) Report by Director of Corporate Services in regard to Luing Cemetery (to follow) E2 9. ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS (a) 02/00182/ENFOTH (Pages 127 - 132) E3 10. SECTION 75 AGREEMENTS (a) Report by Head of Planning in regard to Section 75 Agreements (Pages 133 - 140) E4 11. TOBERMORY HARBOUR (a) Report by Director of Operational Services in regard to proposed development at Ledaig, Tobermory (Pages 141 - 144) OBAN, LORN & THE ISLES AREA COMMITTEE Councillor Robin Banks Councillor Ian Gillies (Vice-Chair) Councillor Allan Macaskill Councillor Alistair MacDougall (Chair) Councillor Sidney MacDougall Councillor Duncan MacIntyre Councillor Donald McIntosh Councillor Elaine Robertson Contact: Jane Gillies, Committee Assistant - Telephone 01631 567901 This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Item 3a MINUTES of MEETING of OBAN LORN & THE ISLES AREA COMMITTEE held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, ALBANY STREET, OBAN on WEDNESDAY, 6 SEPTEMBER 2006 Present: Councillor Alistair MacDougall (Chair) Councillor Robin Banks Councillor Ian Gillies Councillor Allan Macaskill Councillor Sidney McDougall Councillor Donald McIntosh Councillor Duncan MacIntyre Councillor Elaine Robertson Attending: Kenneth Macdonald, Area Corporate Services Manager Hugh Blake, Senior Estates Surveyor Paul Reynolds, Environmental Health Officer Ian MacIntyre, Area Team Leader, Planning Services Chris Dalgarno-Platt, Corporate Financial Policy Officer Neil Brown, Area Roads & Amenity Services Manager Niall Urquhart, Area Community Regeneration Manager Jim Suttie, Community Regeneration Iona MacPhail, Area Housing Manager Alex Taylor, Area Service Manager, Social Work 17 Members of the public The Chairman ruled, and the Committee agreed in terms of Section 50B(4)(B) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, and in terms of Standing Order3.2.2, that a report by the Head of Planning in regard to application ref.06/00841/DET, dealt with at item 5(g) of this minute, be taken as a matter of urgency due to the need for a decision to be taken prior to the next ordinary meeting. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Elaine Robertson declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application ref.05/00069/OUT, dealt with in item 5(d) of this minute, due to her position as a member of the board of the West Highland Housing Association. Councillor Sidney MacDougall declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application ref.05/00069/OUT, dealt with in item 5(d) of this minute, due to his professional involvement with the West Highland Housing Association. 3. CORPORATE SERVICES (a) MINUTES OF MEETING OF OBAN LORN & THE ISLES AREA COMMITTEE HELD ON 1ST AUGUST 2006 The minute of the meeting of Oban Lorn & the Isles Area Committee held t Page 2 on 1st August 2006 was approved as a correct record, subject to the correction of a spelling error under item 5(a). (b) NOTE OF SITE INSPECTION MEETING HELD ON FRIDAY 21ST JULY 2006 AT BAROCHREAL, KILNINVER IN REGARD TO PLANNING APPLICATION REF. 05/00907/DET The note of the site inspection meeting held on 21st July 2006 in respect of planning application ref. 05/00907/DET was approved as a correct record. (c) REPORT BY AREA CORPORATE SERVICES MANAGER IN REGARD TO CAPITAL RECEIPTS Members considered a report dated 11th August 2006 by the Area Corporate Services Manager in regard to usable capital receipts amounting to £9,870. Decision: It was agreed (a) to note the sum available; and (b) not to allocate any of this sum at this time. (Ref: Report dated 11th August 2006 by the Area Corporate Services Manager, submitted) 4. COMMUNITY SERVICES (a) APPLICATIONS FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT GRANT SCHEME Members dealt with applications for financial assistance under the Education Development Grants Scheme as follows:- Applicant Description Cost of Amount Decision Project Requested Soroba Continuation of work £114,000 £10,000 Grant of Community started by the per £2,000 Enterprise Community annum Ltd Regeneration Programme Oban Stage awareness- £595 £250 Grant of £250 Fairtrade raising celebratory Steering event and produce Group and update the Oban Fairtrade directory (Ref: Report dated 25th August 2006 by the Area Community Regeneration Manager, submitted) (b) APPLICATIONS FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE LEISURE DEVELOPMENT GRANT SCHEME Page 3 Members dealt with applications for financial assistance under the Leisure Development Grants Scheme as follows:- Applicant Description Cost of Amount Decision Project Requested Glenorchy & Public address £419.50 £209.95 Grant of Innishail system £209.95 Community Council Mull Theatre Part funding £35,565 £5,162 Grant of £4,000 Ltd for two and advise vehicles for applicant to the Theatre make Company application to other Area Committees (Ref: Report by the Area Community Regeneration Manager, submitted) (c) APPLICATIONS FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE SOCIAL WELFARE GRANT SCHEME Members considered an application for financial assistance under the Social Welfare Grants Scheme by Soroba Community Enterprise Ltd. Towards the cost of continuation of the work started by the Community Regeneration Programme, estimated at £114,000 per annum. Decision: It was agreed, having noted that a grant of £2,000 had been awarded to this project earlier under the Education Development Grants Scheme, to award a further grant of £2,000 under the Social Welfare Grants Scheme. (Ref: Report dated 17th August 2006 by the Area Service Manager, Social Work Service, submitted) (d) REPORT BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES IN REGARD TO OBAN PRIMARY CAMPUS PHASE 1 Members considered a report dated 23rd August 2006 by the Director of Community Services
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