Appendix A Figures (Part 2)

River Sowy and King’s Drain Enhancements Scheme: Phase 1 Environmental Statement 1 2 3 4 5 6Key Plan: N


Parchey Bridge

A KEY LANDSCAPE CHARACTER AREAS LCA 1: Peat Moors LCA (Sedgmoor DC) LCA 2: Open Moor LCA (South Council) LCA 3: Moor Fringe LCA ( Council) LCA (Sedgmoor DC) Levels and Islands LCA (Sedgmoor DC) Curry and West Sedge Moors LCA ( Deane BC) Sandstone Ridge LCA (Taunton Deane BC) WFD Enhancement: STATUTORY DESIGNATIONS KING'S SEDGEMOOR Location 1 and Moors DRAIN (KSD) MOORLINCH SSSI, Two-stage channel SPA, RAMSAR Ramsar / SPA and SSSI SSSI only WFD Enhancement: Location 2 Embayment B Footbridge PROPOSED WORKS Construction compounds and temporary stockpile areas

OTHER WFD Enhancement: KSD and Sowy river corridors Location 3 Backwater Local Authority boundary KSD- Sowy River confluence 1km Study Area boundary

WFD Enhancement: Location 5 Two-stage channel

C WFD Enhancement: Location 4 Embayment

Farm access bridge


Rev Rev. Date Purpose of revision Drawn Checkd Rev'd Apprv'd A361 road bridge

Aperture, Pynes Hill Court, Pynes Hill, Exeter EX2 5SP Tel: +44 (0) 1392 269800 GREYLAKE GEOLOGICAL SSSI Client SOWY RIVER LANGMEAD AND WESTON SSSI



Drawing status S0

Scale 1:20000 DO NOT SCALE Jacobs No. B2368000 Rev Client no. ENVRESW001353 P02 Drawing number WFD Enhancement: 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ENVRESW001353-CH2-XX-400-DR-EN-5421 Location 6 Embayment © Copyright 2018 Jacobs U.K. Limited. The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Jacobs. This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey R material by Halcrow on behalf of ENVIRONMENT AGENCY SCALE 1:10,000 (A1) METRES Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Jacobs constitutes an infringement of with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office,C Crown copyright. copyright. Limitation: This drawing has been prepared on behalf of, and for the exclusive use of Jacobs' Client, and is subject Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. SCALE 1:20,000 (A3) to, and issued in accordance with, the provisions of the contract between Jacobs and the Client. Jacobs accepts no liability or Licence Number: 100026380 responsibility whatsoever for, or in respect of, any use of, or reliance upon, this drawing by any third party. ENVRESW001353-CH2-XX-400-DR-EN-5421.dwg

RevRev. Date Purpose of revision DrawnCheckd Apprv'dRev'd 1 2 3 4 5 N 6Key Plan: Proposed embankment raising


WFD Enhancement: Location 7 Two-stage channel A Beer Wall KEY LANDSCAPE CHARACTER AREAS

LCA 1: Peat Moors LCA (Sedgmoor DC) LCA 2: Open Moor LCA (South Somerset Council) LCA 3: Moor Fringe LCA (South Somerset Council)

Polden Hills LCA (Sedgmoor DC)

Levels and Islands LCA (Sedgmoor DC)

Curry and West Sedge Moors LCA (Taunton Deane BC) Sandstone Ridge LCA (Taunton Deane BC) STATUTORY DESIGNATIONS Somerset Levels and Moors Ramsar / SPA and SSSI Ramsar / SPA and SSSI Aller Drove road bridge SSSI only B PROPOSED WORKS Construction compounds and temporary stockpile areas


Local Authority boundary 1km Study Area boundary

Farm access bridge



Rev Rev. Date Purpose of revision Drawn Checkd Rev'd Apprv'd

Aperture, Pynes Hill Court, Pynes Hill, Exeter EX2 5SP Tel: +44 (0) 1392 269800 Farm access bridge Client (Sowy throttle)

Proposed embankment raising Project Monk's Leaze Clyse RIVER SOWY AND KING'S SEDGEMOOR DRAIN ENHANCEMENTS SCHEME: PHASE 1


Footbridge Drawing status S0

Scale 1:20000 DO NOT SCALE Jacobs No. B2368000 Rev Client no. ENVRESW001353 P02 Drawing number 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ENVRESW001353-CH2-XX-400-DR-EN-5422

© Copyright 2018 Jacobs U.K. Limited. The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Jacobs. This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey R material by Halcrow on behalf of ENVIRONMENT AGENCY SCALE 1:10,000 (A1) METRES Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Jacobs constitutes an infringement of with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office,C Crown copyright. copyright. Limitation: This drawing has been prepared on behalf of, and for the exclusive use of Jacobs' Client, and is subject Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. SCALE 1:20,000 (A3) to, and issued in accordance with, the provisions of the contract between Jacobs and the Client. Jacobs accepts no liability or Licence Number: 100026380 responsibility whatsoever for, or in respect of, any use of, or reliance upon, this drawing by any third party. ENVRESW001353-CH2-XX-400-DR-EN-5422.dwg

RevRev. Date Purpose of revision DrawnCheckd Apprv'dRev'd 2 3 4 5 6Key Plan: Parchey Bridge Ward Lane N

Footpath BW 8/6 01 STREET

Bridleway BW 8/16

Footpath BW 8/18

Footpath BW 8/20

Bridleway BW 8/16

Footpath BW 8/6

Footpath BW 36/5

Footpath BW 31/11

Footpath BW 31/16

Footpath BW 36/5 BRIDGWATER Footpath BW 36/5

Footpath BW 31/16

Footpath BW 36/5

Footpath BW 36/8 02

Footpath BW 36/8

Footpath BW 36/5

Footpath BW 36/8

Footpath BW 20/23

Footpath BW 20/23

Footpath BW 20/13



Footpath L 1/8

Fp BW 8/6 Footpath L 1/8

Footpath L 1/8

Footpath L 1/3

Footpath L 1/2

Footpath L 1/1

Footpath L 1/8

Footpath L 1/3


Footpath L 1/3

Footpath L 1/8 Footpath L 1/3

Footpath L 1/8

Footpath L 1/8

Footpath L 1/1

Footpath BW 8/6 Footpath L 1/3 Footpath L 1/8 A 01

Bw BW 8/16 Sutton Hams farmhouse KEY

Bridleway BW 8/16 VISUAL AMENITY Approximate Zone of Theoretical Visibility Fp BW 8/18 Footpath BW 8/18 (ZTV)

Fp BW 8/20Footpath BW 8/20 Distant views to higher ground

Fp BW 8/6 Identified visual receptor

Bridleway BW 8/16 PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY Footpath BW 8/6 KING'S SEDGEMOOR DRAIN (KSD) Fp BW 8/18 Public footpath and ID number

Footpath BW 36/5 Bw BW 8/16 Bw BW 8/16 Fp BW 36/5 Bridleway and ID number


Footpath BW 31/11 Viewpoint Photo location as presented in LVIA WFD Enhancement: 02 Section 9.4

Location 1 Footpath BW 31/16 Fp BW 31/11 Two-stage channel KSD and Sowy river corridors

WFD Enhancement: Local Authority boundary Location 2 Embayment B 1km Study Area boundary

Footpath BW 36/5 PROPOSED WORKS Fp BW 36/5 Floodbank reprofiling and raising

Footpath BW 36/5 WFD enhancement locations WFD Enhancement:

Fp BW 31/16 Construction compounds and temporary Footpath BW 31/16 Location 3 Backwater stockpile areas KSD- Sowy River confluence Fp BW 36/8 Footpath BW 36/5

Footpath BW 36/8 Fp BW 36/502

Footpath BW 36/8 Fp BW 36/8 Footbridge Footpath BW 36/5

Footpath BW 36/8

FpFootpath BWBW 20/23 20/23 WFD Enhancement: Location 5 Two-stage channel Notes: 1. The ZTV relates to the areas within which construction works and operational scheme elements will be theoretically visible. It excludes the areas from which temporary haulage traffic will be visible during the construction period.

Westonzoyland C 4 properties in Airfield WFD Enhancement: Footpath BW 20/23 Westonzoyland Location 4 Embayment

Farm access bridge Fp BW 20/13 Fp BW 21/19

Footpath BW 20/13 A372 P02 05/08/2020 FOLLOWING CLIENT REVIEW DTM ADL ADL TW P01 08/04/2020 DRAFT SM ADL ADL TW

Rev Rev. Date Purpose of revision Drawn Checkd Rev'd Apprv'd A361

03 Aperture, Pynes Hill Court, Pynes Hill, Exeter EX2 5SP Soil reprocessing Tel: +44 (0) 1392 269800 Springway plant / import material Industrial Estate stockpile Client

Main construction compound SOWY RIVER Project Manor Farm GREYLAKE Oliver's Road RIVER SOWY AND KING'S SEDGEMOOR DRAIN ENHANCEMENTS SCHEME: PHASE 1 Temporary stockpile areas Drawing title LVIA FIGURE 9.3 Farm access bridge VISUAL D AMENITY Sheet 1 of 2 MIDDLEZOY Drawing status S0

Scale 1:20000 DO NOT SCALE Jacobs No. B2368000 Rev Client no. ENVRESW001353 P02 Drawing number WFD Enhancement: 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ENVRESW001353-CH2-XX-400-DR-EN-5423 Location 6 Embayment © Copyright 2018 Jacobs U.K. Limited. The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Jacobs. This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey R material by Halcrow on behalf of ENVIRONMENT AGENCY SCALE 1:10,000 (A1) METRES Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Jacobs constitutes an infringement of with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office,C Crown copyright. copyright. Limitation: This drawing has been prepared on behalf of, and for the exclusive use of Jacobs' Client, and is subject Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. SCALE 1:20,000 (A3) to, and issued in accordance with, the provisions of the contract between Jacobs and the Client. Jacobs accepts no liability or Licence Number: 100026380 responsibility whatsoever for, or in respect of, any use of, or reliance upon, this drawing by any third party. ENVRESW001353-CH2-XX-400-DR-EN-5423.dwg

RevRev. Date Purpose of revision DrawnCheckd Apprv'dRev'd 1 2 3 4 5 6 N Key Plan: Shride Farm LOWER SOWY RIVER Footpath BW 8/6 STREET

Bridleway BW 8/16

Footpath BW 8/18

Footpath BW 8/20

Bridleway BW 8/16

Footpath BW 8/6

Footpath BW 36/5

Footpath BW 31/11

Location 1 - Embayment

Footpath BW 31/16

Location 2 - Two-stage channel

Footpath BW 36/5

Location 9 - Two-stage channel

Footpath BW 36/5 BRIDGWATER Location 3 - Embayment

Footpath BW 31/16

Footpath BW 36/5

Location 4 - Backwater

Footpath BW 36/8

Location 5 - Backwater

Footpath BW 36/8

Footpath BW 36/5

Footpath BW 36/8

Footpath BW 20/23

Location 6 - Embayment

Footpath BW 20/23

Location 7 - Two-stage channel

Footpath BW 20/13 Bennett's Farm

Location 8 - Embayment

Location 9 - Two-stage channel Beer Drove Location 10 - Embayment

Footpath L 1/8

Temporary Location 10 - Embayment Footpath L 1/8

WFD Enhancement: Location 7 Footpath L 1/8

Footpath L 1/3

Footpath L 1/2

Footpath L 1/1

stockpile area Footpath L 1/8 Two-stage channel Footpath L 1/3

Footpath L 1/3

Footpath L 1/8 Footpath L 1/3

Footpath L 1/8

Footpath L 1/8

Footpath L 1/1

Footpath L 1/3

Footpath L 1/8 A LANGPORT KEY OTHERY 04 VISUAL AMENITY Temporary stockpile area Approximate Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) A372 at Beer Wall Distant views to higher ground

Identified visual receptor


Fp BW 8/18 Public footpath and ID number

Bw BW 8/16 Bridleway and ID number

OTHER Viewpoint Photo location as presented in LVIA PATHE 02 Section 9.4

KSD and Sowy river corridors

Local Authority boundary

Footpath L 1/8 B 1km Study Area boundary

PROPOSED WORKS Floodbank reprofiling and raising WFD enhancement locations Construction compounds and temporary stockpile areas


Footpath L 1/8 ALLER Notes: 1. The ZTV relates to the areas within which construction works and Aller Court Farm operational scheme elements will be theoretically visible. It excludes the areas from which temporary haulage traffic will be visible during the construction period.


Footpath L 1/3 STATHE Footpath L 1/2

Fp L 1/2

Footpath L 1/1

P02 05/08/2020 FOLLOWING CLIENT REVIEW DTM ADL ADL TW Fp L 1/3 Footpath L 1/8 P01 08/04/2020 DRAFT SM ADL ADL TW

Rev Rev. Date Purpose of revision Drawn Checkd Rev'd Apprv'd COMBE Footpath L 1/3

Aperture, Pynes Hill Court, Pynes Hill, Exeter EX2 5SP Tel: +44 (0) 1392 269800 Isolated sections of Client proposed bank raising 05 Sowy throttle Fp L 1/8

Fp L 1/3

Footpath L 1/3 Project

Footpath L 1/3 Footpath L 1/8 Footpath L 1/8 RIVER SOWY AND KING'S SEDGEMOOR DRAIN Fp L 1/1 Footpath L 1/8 Footpath L 1/8 ENHANCEMENTS SCHEME: PHASE 1

(River Parrett Trail) Footpath L 1/1 Fp L 1/3 Drawing title Footpath L 1/3 LVIA FIGURE 9.4 Footpath L 1/8 Fp L 1/8 Riverside Farm VISUAL D The Croft AMENITY Sheet 2 of 2

Drawing status S0

Scale 1:20000 DO NOT SCALE RIVER PARRETT Jacobs No. B2368000 Rev Client no. ENVRESW001353 P02 Drawing number 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ENVRESW001353-CH2-XX-400-DR-EN-5424

© Copyright 2018 Jacobs U.K. Limited. The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Jacobs. This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey R material by Halcrow on behalf of ENVIRONMENT AGENCY SCALE 1:10,000 (A1) METRES Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Jacobs constitutes an infringement of with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office,C Crown copyright. copyright. Limitation: This drawing has been prepared on behalf of, and for the exclusive use of Jacobs' Client, and is subject Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. SCALE 1:20,000 (A3) to, and issued in accordance with, the provisions of the contract between Jacobs and the Client. Jacobs accepts no liability or Licence Number: 100026380 responsibility whatsoever for, or in respect of, any use of, or reliance upon, this drawing by any third party. ENVRESW001353-CH2-XX-400-DR-EN-5424.dwg

RevRev. Date Purpose of revision DrawnCheckd Apprv'dRev'd 2




B 3 FIGURE 10.1 BW 31 B /1 3 1 W Legend / 1 ¯ !( Main site compound

B W !( S ource of imported material 2 /1 1 Bridleway /3 /8 8 1 3 W B W Footpath B

Restricted Byway

Haulage route

B W S tudy area BW 8 8/2 /2 5 Construction footprint

BW B 8/ /1 8 15 8 / W BW 2 BW 3 BW 8/11 8/5

B B W W 8 /1 8 2 /1 6 /7 W 8 B B W 3 1/ 12


W 2 8 1 / / 6 8 8 /1 2 W B

BW 8/18 0 BW 8/2

B P02 23/07/2020 Second issue OG MB MO IB W 8 /17 BW 8/22 Rev. Date Description of revision Drawn Check 'd Rev'd Appr'd

Churchill House, Churchill W ay, Cardiff, CF10 2HH, U K T el: +44(0)29 2035 4200 Fax: +44(0)29 2035 3222


Project River S owy and K ing’s S edgemoor Drain Enhancement S cheme: Phase 1 BW 8/16 Drawing T itle

Population and human health study area

B S heet 1 of 9 W

8 B / W 2 3 ENVRES W 001353-CH2-X X -400-DR-EN-1074 1 6/5 S cale @ A3 1:10,000 DO NOT S CALE Jacobs No. B2368000

B 0 80 160 320 480 640


3 Metres


/ © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance S urvey 10018341 2 T his drawing is not to be used in whole in or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. \\gbmnc0vs01\gis\B2368000_ S OW Y K S D\MX Ds\ES \Chapter 10\B2368000_ Figure 10_ 1_ Population and human health study area.mxd B 8/20 8 W BW / FIGURE 10.1 1 8 Legend B W ¯

8 !( Main site compound / 6

1 / 1 !( S ource of imported material 1 / 1 3 Bridleway W

B Footpath

Restricted Byway

Haulage route

S tudy area /11 BW 31 Construction footprint

BW 8/16







B W 3 6/5

6 1 / 1 3 9 6/ W BW 36/2 3 B W B

BW 36/8





W B P02 23/07/2020 Second issue OG MB MO IB

Rev. Date Description of revision Drawn Check 'd Rev'd Appr'd

Churchill House, Churchill W ay, Cardiff, CF10 2HH, U K T el: +44(0)29 2035 4200 Fax: +44(0)29 2035 3222


Project River S owy and K ing’s S edgemoor Drain Enhancement S cheme: Phase 1

Drawing T itle BW 3 6/1 Population and human health study area S heet 2 of 9 /3 6 3 W B B ENVRES W 001353-CH2-X X -400-DR-EN-1074 W 3 6/6 S cale @ A3 1:10,000 DO NOT S CALE Jacobs No. B2368000

0 80 160 320 480 640 Metres

© Crown copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance S urvey 10018341 T his drawing is not to be used in whole in or part other than for the intended purpose (! and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. \\gbmnc0vs01\gis\B2368000_ S OW Y K S D\MX Ds\ES \Chapter 10\B2368000_ Figure 10_ 1_ Population and human health study area.mxd 2 B 1 W / 1 FIGURE 10.1 0 BW 21/11 Legend BW 21/9 ¯ !( Main site compound

BW 31/11 !( S ource of imported material



Restricted Byway

Haulage route

S tudy area

Construction footprint

6 1 / 1 3

W B B W 3 B 6/5 W 3 6/8

BW 20 /23

P02 23/07/2020 Second issue OG MB MO IB

Rev. Date Description of revision Drawn Check 'd Rev'd Appr'd

Churchill House, Churchill W ay, Cardiff, CF10 2HH, U K T el: +44(0)29 2035 4200 Fax: +44(0)29 2035 3222 BW Client 20 /1 31 3 0/ 2

BW Project River S owy and K ing’s S edgemoor Drain Enhancement S cheme: Phase 1

Drawing T itle

Population and human health study area

S heet 3 of 9

4 ENVRES W 001353-CH2-X X -400-DR-EN-1074 1 / S cale @ A3 0 1:10,000 DO NOT S CALE

2 BW Jacobs No. B2368000 BW B 36/ 7 W

2 0 80 160 320 480 640 0 Metres / 2 5 © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance S urvey 10018341 T his drawing is not to be used in whole in or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. \\gbmnc0vs01\gis\B2368000_ S OW Y K S D\MX Ds\ES \Chapter 10\B2368000_ Figure 10_ 1_ Population and human health study area.mxd 1 /3 B 0 FIGURE 10.1 W 2 36/ 6 W B B W Legend 2 0 ¯ /1 3 !( Main site compound

!( S ource of imported material (! Bridleway



1 / Restricted Byway 0

2 BW BW 36/7 Haulage route

S tudy area

Construction footprint

(! 20/15 /11 BW 20 W 2 B W 20/3 12 B BW 20/ BW 20 /25

W 20/16 B B W 2 0 /1 8

1 3 2 /3 / 0 0 2 2 BW BW 20/24 BW BW 20/19 11 W 2 20/ BW B 0 / 1 7 0 /3 0/1 0 BW 2 B 2 W W 7 B 4/ 2 2 0 W

/ B


BW 20/22 5 20/ BW

P02 23/07/2020 Second issue OG MB MO IB 0/1 B B W 2 W W Rev. Date Description of revision Drawn Check 'd Rev'd Appr'd B 20 /2 2 0/7

BW 20/10 9 / Churchill House, Churchill W ay, Cardiff, CF10 2HH, U K

T el: +44(0)29 2035 4200 Fax: +44(0)29 2035 3222 0

B 2 W 20 W Client /26 B

Project River S owy and K ing’s S edgemoor Drain Enhancement S cheme: Phase 1

/27 Drawing T itle 20 BW 2 Population and human health study area BW BW 4 24 /1 /5 S heet 4 of 9 BW B 2 4/ W 2 ENVRES W 001353-CH2-X X -400-DR-EN-1074

2 S cale @ A3 0 1:10,000 DO NOT S CALE / 2 Jacobs No. B2368000 8 BW BW 24/3 0 80 160 320 480 640 Metres 24/4 © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance S urvey 10018341 T his drawing is not to be used in whole in or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. \\gbmnc0vs01\gis\B2368000_ S OW Y K S D\MX Ds\ES \Chapter 10\B2368000_ Figure 10_ 1_ Population and human health study area.mxd BW B 21 FIGURE 10.1 W /19 2 0 Legend /1 B 3 W 2 ¯ 4/9 !( Main site compound

L 1 !( S ource of imported material /17 Bridleway


Restricted Byway

Haulage route

S tudy area

Construction footprint

/11 20 W 2 B W 20/3 12 B BW 20/

1 3 2 3 / 0/ 0 2 2 BW 0/11 W BW 2 B

/7 24 BW

P02 23/07/2020 Second issue OG MB MO IB

Rev. Date Description of revision Drawn Check 'd Rev'd Appr'd

Churchill House, Churchill W ay, Cardiff, CF10 2HH, U K T el: +44(0)29 2035 4200 Fax: +44(0)29 2035 3222



2 Project 0 9 / 1/ 1 L River S owy and K ing’s S edgemoor Drain 0 Enhancement S cheme: Phase 1

Drawing T itle 5 2 / W 4 4 B / B W 2 1 Population and human health study area BW 2 S heet 5 of 9 4/2 ENVRES W 001353-CH2-X X -400-DR-EN-1074 S cale @ A3 1:10,000 DO NOT S CALE BW Jacobs No. B2368000 BW 24/3 24/4 0 80 160 320 480 640 Metres

© Crown copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance S urvey 10018341 T his drawing is not to be used in whole in or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. \\gbmnc0vs01\gis\B2368000_ S OW Y K S D\MX Ds\ES \Chapter 10\B2368000_ Figure 10_ 1_ Population and human health study area.mxd FIGURE 10.1 ¯ Legend !( Main site compound

B !( S ource of imported material W

2 0 / Bridleway 2 8 Footpath

Restricted Byway

Haulage route 24/8 BW S tudy area

Construction footprint BW 24/8

B W 24/6

BW 2 4/6

/8 1 L

L 1/4

P02 23/07/2020 Second issue OG MB MO IB

Rev. Date Description of revision Drawn Check 'd Rev'd Appr'd

Churchill House, Churchill W ay, Cardiff, CF10 2HH, U K T el: +44(0)29 2035 4200 Fax: +44(0)29 2035 3222


Project River S owy and K ing’s S edgemoor Drain Enhancement S cheme: Phase 1

Drawing T itle

Population and human health study area

S heet 6 of 9

T 25/ ENVRES W 001353-CH2-X X -400-DR-EN-1074 1 29 5/ S cale @ A3 T 2 1:10,000 DO NOT S CALE Jacobs No. B2368000

0 80 160 320 480 640 Metres

© Crown copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance S urvey 1010183L 41 / T his drawing is not to be used in whole in or part other than for the intended purpose 1 and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. \\gbmnc0vs01\gis\B2368000_ S OW Y K S D\MX Ds\ES \Chapter 10\B2368000_ Figure 10_ 1_ Population and human health study area.mxd 2/35 1

L FIGURE 10.1 Legend /9 1 ¯ L !( Main site compound

!( S ource of imported material



Restricted Byway L 12/8 Haulage route

S tudy area

Construction footprint

13 L 1/

L 1 3/33

L 12/10

L 1/4

P02 23/07/2020 Second issue OG MB MO IB

Rev. Date Description of revision Drawn Check 'd Rev'd Appr'd

/14 L 1 Churchill House, Churchill W ay, Cardiff, CF10 2HH, U K T el: +44(0)29 2035 4200 Fax: +44(0)29 2035 3222 L 1/7 Client L 1/7/1 1 /1 12 L L 13/31 Project River S owy and K ing’s S edgemoor Drain Enhancement S cheme: Phase 1

Drawing T itle 6 L 1 L 1/1 /7 Population and human health study area L 1/3 S heet 7 of 9

ENVRES W 001353-CH2-X X -400-DR-EN-1074 S cale @ A3 1:10,000 DO NOT S CALE Jacobs No. B2368000 /2 1 L 0 80 160 320 480 640 L Metres 1 /2 / L 1 © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance S urvey 10018341 1 T his drawing is not to be used in whole in or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. \\gbmnc0vs01\gis\B2368000_ S OW Y K S D\MX Ds\ES \Chapter 10\B2368000_ Figure 10_ 1_ Population and human health study area.mxd T 2 5/1 5/2 FIGURE 10.1 T 2 9 ¯ Legend !( Main site compound

!( S ource of imported material L 1/2 Bridleway T

2 5 / 2 Footpath 9

Restricted Byway

Haulage route

S tudy area

Construction footprint

T 25/2

L 1/8

L1/12 /1 L 1

1 1/1 L

P02 23/07/2020 Second issue OG MB MO IB

Rev. Date Description of revision Drawn Check 'd Rev'd Appr'd

Churchill House, Churchill W ay, Cardiff, CF10 2HH, U K T el: +44(0)29 2035 4200 Fax: +44(0)29 2035 3222


Project /10 River S owy and K ing’s S edgemoor Drain L 9 Enhancement S cheme: Phase 1

Drawing T itle

Population and human health study area

S heet 8 of 9

ENVRES W 001353-CH2-X X -400-DR-EN-1074

A S cale @ A3 1:10,000 DO NOT S CALE 9 / Jacobs No. 9 B2368000 L L 9/ 11 0 0 80 160 320 480 640 /1 Metres 9 L L 9/34 © Crown copyright Land9 d/a9tabase rights 2020 Ordnance S urvey 10018341 T his drawing is not to be used in whole in or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. \\gbmnc0vs01\gis\B2368000_ S OW Y K S D\MX Ds\ES \Chapter 10\B2368000_ Figure 10_ 1_ Population and human health study area.mxd 1/16 L L 1/ 7 L 13/31 FIGURE 10.1 ¯ Legend !( Main site compound

!( S ource of imported material


Footpath L 1/2

L 1/2 Restricted Byway

Haulage route

S tudy area L 1 3/56 Construction footprint

5 1 / 0 1 3 / L 3 1


6 /3 L1 3 /3 1 L

L 1/6 L 1 3/54

/1 1 L 29 13/ L

L 1/8




3 L 1/3 1


L 20/5 P02 23/07/2020 Second issue OG MB MO IB L 13/35 Rev. Date Description of revision Drawn Check 'd Rev'd Appr'd

Churchill House, Churchill W ay, Cardiff, CF10 2HH, U K T el: +44(0)29 2035 4200 Fax: +44(0)29 2035 3222 L Client L 20/4 20 /2

Project River S owy and K ing’s S edgemoor Drain L 20 Enhancement S cheme: Phase 1 0 / L 9/1 1 1 /3 Drawing T itle L 20 Population and human health study area

S heet 9 of 9 L 20/10

L A ENVRES W 001353-CH2-X X -400-DR-EN-1074 9 9 / / S cale @ A3 1:10,000 DO NOT S CALE 9 2 L 20/6 6 L Jacobs No. B2368000 L 20/7 0 80 160 320 480 640 Metres

© Crown copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance S urvey 10018341 T his drawing is not to be used in whole in or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. \\gbmnc0vs01\gis\B2368000_ S OW Y K S D\MX Ds\ES \Chapter 10\B2368000_ Figure 10_ 1_ Population and human health study area.mxd FIGURE 11.1 ¯ Legend .! Access points

(! S ource of imported material

!( Indicative location of noise receptors

Construction footprint (! Haulage routes included in noise assessment

A361 and S andy Lane A361 .! Owery Farm Lane A372 Sandy Lane !( !( .! Church Drove

!(!( !( !(!(!(!( !( !( Owery Farm Lane !( .!


!( !( !( !( !(!(!( A372 .!


P0222/07/2020 Second issue OG RS LL IB

Rev. Date Description of revision Drawn Check 'd Rev'd Appr'd

Churchill House, Churchill W ay, Cardiff, CF10 2HH, U K !( !( T el: +44(0)29 2035 4200 Fax: +44(0)29 2035 3222

Client !(!( !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !(!( !( !( !(!(!( !(

Project River S owy and K ing’s S edgemoor Drain !( Enhancements S cheme: Phase 1

Drawing T itle

Noise assessment locations

ENVRES W 001353-CH2-X X -400-DR-EN-1083 Church Drove S cale @ A3 1:30,000 DO NOT S CALE .! Jacobs No. B2368000

0 245 490 980 1,470 1,960 Metres

© Crown copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance S urvey 10018341 T his drawing is not to be used in whole in or part other than for the intended purpose and project as defined on this drawing. Refer to the contract for full terms and conditions. \\gbmnc0vs01\gis\B2368000_ S OW Y K S D\MX Ds\ES \Chapter 11\B2368000_ Figure 11_ 1_ Noise Assessment Locations 04.mxd