R.A.F. Harpur Hill

Mountain Rescue Team Diary

8th August 1958 - 28th December 1958 1. This Diary was transcribed by Jim Morrison February 2014. 2. The Diary covers the years 1958 to 1959 starting at 8th August 1958 and the last entry is dated 5th - 8th October 1959 . 3. The diary has been split into two entries on the website one for each year. 4. He has attempted to follow, as closely as possible, the lay-out of the actual entries in the Diary. 5. There is considerable variation in spellings. He has attempted to follow the actual spelling in the Diary even where the Spell Checker has highlighted a word as incorrect. 6. The spelling of place names is a very variable feast as is the use of initial capital letters. He has attempted to follow the actual spellings in the Diary 7. Where there is uncertainty as to a word, its has been shown in italics 8. Where words or parts of words have been crossed out (corrected) they are shown with a strike through. 9. There were a number of 'Report As' which have been assigned as separate entries to the site U.M.O. : Flt/Lt Carter " Gilbertson

Officer i/c Team: Fg./Off. W. G. Hart 7 Dec ‘58 FLT/LT. R. Henry 7 March ‘59 Fg/Off. J. J. Rogers 1 May ‘60 " " L. R. Littler 10 Nov ‘60 Sqn./Ldr. J. D. Bradley MM

N.C.O. i/c Team Sgt. Steed J. M. (BEM) 6-6-61 Sgt. Burnett I. L. Jan 64 Sgt Hay, A. Jan 65 Sgt. Tunnah, Apr 66 Sgt. Baines, J. May 15 67 Sgt. Shaw. R. S. May 27 68 Sgt. Brewer J. T. ---oo0oo--- SADDLEWORTH MOOR


8th Aug 18:30 Hrs Sgt Steed and 14 airmen left H.H. for Greenfield M. Ref. 102/020046 Established Base Camp at 20:30 Hrs. Prior permission was obtained from Saddleworth Water Board. Strength five contact with 18 Group. Vehicles used: Bedford, Austin R.V.T. and Ambulance

9th Aug 09:10 Hrs Team left Base for a stretcher lowering exercise on Raven Stones. After eight lowers, new members were instructed in abseiling. Ropes were coiled. The team moved off to a more Northerly crag for a timed stretcher lower (NCO i/c being the timekeeper). Took just over fifteen minutes from reaching the top of the crag until reaching the bottom. A ʻliveʼ patient was used throughout the exercise. Returned Base 18:00 Hrs

10th Aug 09:45 Hrs. Team transported to Crowden (near Woodhead Stn.) Walked to Laddlow Rocks after visiting the civilian m.R. Post. H.F. 15 contact between the team, Base camp and the returning Bedford vehicle. In thick hill fog and rain the team again stretcher lowered and abseiled. Returned to the top of the crag by climbing known routes. Left at 17:00 Hrs - returning to Base over Long Ridge Moss. In at 18:15 Hrs. Good radio contact ensured a meal was ready on our arrival.

19:20 Hrs. Team departed after striking camp in a thunderstorm

21:30 Hrs Arrived H.H.

Remarks N.C.O. i/c

Saturdayʼs weather was excellent. On Sunday we all had a soaking! The general standard of rope work has improved considerably this weekend. Little attention has been given to this type of work previously. Signed :- Jim S



17th Aug Flt./Lt. Carter , F/O. Hart, Sgt. Steed and 10 airmen left H.H. at 09:00Hrs for Hayfield Reservoir. At 09:45 established Base at M. Ref 102/056882. Strength four contact with 18 Group. H.F.15 Contact good throughout the day.

10:15 Hrs Team proceeded to Mermaids Buttress for stretcher lowering exercise. The first 110 foot lower went well and was Flt/Lt Carterʼs first experience as a ʻpatientʼ. The rock face consists of a vertical start, an awkward chimney, followed by an overhang, a sloping ledge and a further chimney -- Although not an easy job guiding a loaded stretcher down, Hutchinson twice brought a ʻpatientʼ down perfectly. After five lowers the novices were taught how to abseil --- More practice for those already initiated.

16:30 Hrs The team returned to Base for a meal

17:30 Hrs Packed equipment, departed Base.

18:45 Hrs Team arrived H.H.

---oo0oo--- LANGDALE (Lake District)

22nd Aug 14:00 Hrs Advance party left H.H. for Langdale, contacting police in Ambelside. Established Base at M.Ref 82/284061 at 20:00 Hrs. Vehicle : Bedford

18:05 Hrs. Fl/Lt. Carter, Sgt Steed and remainder of team left H.H.

23:50 Hrs Arrived at Base. Vehicles : Austin R.V.T., Ambulance and 14 airmen (TOT.)

23rd Aug 09:15 Hrs. Walking Parties

Shaw L Beales L Barkley U/T Nav ↑Scafell and Pikes Roche U/T Nav } } Powell Flt/Lt. Carter

Limback L ↑ Pikes Steed L Traverse of Halfpenny U/T Nav } and Hill N }and↑Great Gable Williams Scafell Ashford

At Base. Northam and Ellis

All Parties returned to Base by 17:00 Hrs

24th Aug 08:45 Hrs Walking party: -

Limback L Ashford N Cowan Attempt of traverse ↑ Great Gable Insufficient time Powell } to finish Halfpenny

Climbing parties:-

Steed L Shaw Carter } Bracket and Slab Williams } Foster (Gimmer)

Beales Barklay Main Wall Hill + Bowfell Butress } (Gimmer) Hutchinson }

At Base. Northam, Roche and Ellis

All Parties returned to Base by 16:00 Hrs

17:45 Hrs Team left Base. Refuelled at Lancaster Barracks

23:45 Hrs Team arrived H.H.

Remarks N.C.O. i/c Exceptionally fine weekend, enjoyed by all. Hutchinson did well to find his own way up to join the team on Saturday Signed :- Jim S


26th Aug 18:30 Hrs F/O Hart, Sgt Steed and 10 airmen left H.H. for Edale for a preliminary briefing with the controllers. Vehicles used : Bedford 3 ton, Land Rover and Ambulance. At 20:00 Hrs Base camp was established at 102/089829. Three roving parties were sent on the hill to intercept Bomber Command aircrew evaders (42 in number) Seventeen were caught before 08:00 Hrs on the 27th. Team returned 09:10

27th Aug 18:45 Hrs Sgt Steed and eleven airman left H.H. for Ladybower Reservoir and established Base. Vehicles used Bedford, Land Rover and Ambulance. Five parties were sent on the hill to intercept evaders. At 02:00 Hrs two 2 star reds were seen approx. one mile from Base. Parties converged on the spot. Johnson and Limback returned to base to collect more pyros and a first aid rucksack returning to the other parties. They then carried out a sweep search of the area - without success. One Flying Officer who had lost contact with his crew was caught but refused to admit to firing the distress signals - He was in the search area. At 15:30 Hrs team continued normal search for evaders. At 07:30Hrs Base was set up at the Rendezvous and a count was made of arriving aircrew. At 10:00 Hrs although three aircrew were still adrift the team returned H.H. 10:45 Hrs 28th Aug (NOTE The missing aircrew arrived 11:00 Hrs 28th Aug)

28th Aug 18:30 Hrs Sgt. Steed and eleven airmen left H.H. for Edale establishing Base at M.R. 102/097855 Vehicles used Bedford 3ton, Land Rover + Ambulance. At 20:30 Hrs - three parties were sent on the hill, one to guard the railway line and tunnel, one to patrol the Edale road and a party (mobile) patrolling main roads. Twenty-nine aircrew were caught before 08:00 Hrs on 29th Aug. Team returned H.H. at 10:05 Hrs 29th Aug.

Remarks N.C.O. i/c The exercise throughout was wet although a full moon and hill fog helped the evaders. Regarding the 2 Star reds - Controllers will in future make it quite clear to aircrew that they are only to use pyros should they be injured. About 50% were caught. This low figure is due to the small number of team members available for the exercise. Signed :- Jim S

---oo0oo--- Big and Hallam Moors

5th Sept 18:30 Hrs. F/O Hart, Sgt Steed and 14 airmen left H.H. to establish Base camp at Warren Lodge. 111/262747 Vehicles:- Bedford 3 ton, Austin R.V.T. Land Rover and Ambulance.

6th Sept 08:00 Hrs. Land Rover and Bedford used to collect 30 Leaders (G.T.C.) from Buxton.

10:30 Hrs. In hill fog 20 G.C.T. T.C. together with eight M.R. guides were dropped off at Moscar Lodge (N. of ) They then walked to Base stopping at Curbar Edge to have some instruction and practice in climbing and abseiling.

10:50 Hrs. 10 girls and 4 M.R. instructors proceeded to Baslow Edge (by hazardous route through the trees!) here they were taught how to climb and abseil. When good enough they were taken to Curbar and Froggat Edges where three of the best girls abseiled a vertical and overhanging 60 ft for their cameraman. (cheers from their friends below!)

17:30 Hrs. Both parties returned to Base -- walkie talkie sets being carried by our guests of course.

18:30 Hrs. After a meal Mrs Roma Mongredian and her stalwarts returned to Buxton.

7th Sep 10:30 one climbing and five climbing parties left Base

L MacMillan U/T Nav Cowan } Nav exercise over Big and Hallam Moor Ashford

On Birchens Edge :-

Steed L Beales L Hart Williams

Shaw L Campbell

Hutchinson L Barklay L Roche Snell

17:15 Hrs. All parties returned Base

18:30 " Team returned to H.H.

20:00 " Team arrived H.H.

Remarks NCO i/c Team 6th Sept Most of the girls were remarkably quick to learn knots and rope work. Their confidence in the instruction was also remarkable! 7th Sept Fine weather on Sunday made for some enjoyable climbing. There were also many civilian climbers on the crag. It is worth mentioning that towards the end of the afternoon one gentleman attempting a hard overhang pitch became stuck. As he was hanging backwards 20 ft up, his second climbed to a dangerous position just below him. A.C. Hutchinson seeing this immediately climbed to the top of the edge and lowered a top rope to the unfortunate. Signed :- Jim S

---oo0oo--- Stanage Edge

10th Sept 09:00 Hrs F/O Hart, Sgt Steed and 7 airmen left H.H. For RAF Norton. Vehicles Bedford and Austin R.V.T.

10:30 Hrs An inspection was made of the hangars on which we would give our display. Suggestions and plans were laid for the gantry from which we would lower the stretcher.

13:40 Hrs Left Norton for Strines Inn M. Ref 102/906203 established Base.

14:40 Hrs Abseiling practice on High Neb (Stanage Edge).

18:10 Hrs Returned to Base for meal and football practice.

19:30 Hrs Team returned to H.H.

20:20 " Team arrived H.H.

Remarks NCO i/c : A poor turnout due to large amount of work in hand in H/Q. Workshops and the sites. A useful day. Signed :- Jim S


Saddleworth Moor

13th Sept 08:00 Hrs Sgt Steed and 16 airmen left H.H. For Greenfield M. Ref – 102/020046 permission having been obtained from Saddleworth Water Board. Established Base camp at 09:30 Hrs. Lectures were given about the uses of Thomas & Neil-Robertson, also on rope stretchers. Pyrotechnics, handling, uses and practical demonstrations. Knots, ropework and theoretical navigation. Sub Unit check.

14th Sept 09:30 Hrs Two parties of two proceeded to Ravenstones and Standing Stones (more often called Dove stones). One to Pots and Pans Stones. All grags within three miles of base. Shaw took F/Lt Carter on a 13 mile walk over Black Moss, White Moss, Hollin Brookown Knoll and Saddleworth Moor and back.

17:30 Hrs All parties returned to base for a “Johnson special” meal.

20:10 Hrs Team returned to H.H.

22:00 Team arrived at H.H.

Remarks by N.C.O. i/c :- Fine weather, of corse, makes any weekend better than usual. Arranged combined exercise with East Lancs M.R. Organisation one night near future. Interesting to note that last four months average of one accident monthly on crags around Greenfield. Signed :- Jim S

---oo0oo--- R.A.F Norton

17th Sept 08:30 Hrs F/O Hart, Sgt Steed and 20 airmen left H.H. For RAF Stn Norton, . Vehicles : Bedford, Austin RVT, Land Rover and Ambulance. Radio contact with H.H. And 18 Group HQ.

10:00 Hrs Discovered the need for slight alterations to the gantry on the hangar roof. After the modification I was satisfied that under the circumstances the maximum safety precautions had been taken. Six lowers confirmed that everything was in order and all members participating were confident enough to do the same on the 20th. The plan was to have 9 (nine) men abseiling to the ground following each stretcher lower. After much practice all the afternoon the abseilers became confident too. As there was so little room on the 2 ft wide platform – the abseilers had to rope down in three waves of three. The 10” overhang and the slippery door seemed to be the bugbear. Once on the move, one could achieve a rate of descent of at least 8 ft per second. Rate of descent of the stretcher and guide man was controlled at an even 10 ft per second.

17:00 Hrs Happy in the knowledge ------! returned to H.H. After a meal.

18:30 Hrs. Arrived H.H.

Remarks N.C.O. i/c : - As above. Signed :- Jim S

---oo0oo--- R.A.F. Norton (Battle of Britain Anniversary)

19th Sept 18:45 Hrs F/O Hart, Sgt Steed and 20 airmen left H.H. For RAF Stn Norton. Vehicles: Bedford, Austin RVT, Land Rover. Flt/Lt Carter and a driver arrived with the Ambulance at 10:30 Hrs on the 20th Sept. Established Base in the Gymnasium!

20th Sept In the morning erected one 160 Lb tent and flysheet, “2 men arctic bivouac” tents, set up the field kitchen and lined up the highly polished vehicles ------the stage was set ------!

13:00 Hrs A little more abseil practice.

14:13 " First lower then one every hour until 18:00 Hrs. Then one at half-past ---- just to give them their money's worth. The only injury sustained during these intrepid antics was one burnt shoulder ---Garnett's! Johnson having finished his abseil would return to his cooking amidst a hundred curios bodies.

19:00 Hrs Struck camp (advance base) and returned to the Gym.

21st Sept 10:30 Hrs Left Norton for Warren Lodge (Curbar Edge) Established Base. Eight parties, both walking and climbing and getting abseiling instruction.

18:00 Hrs Retreated in a downpour.

19:00 Hrs Arrived at H.H.

Remarks of NCO I/c : - Weather was very kind on 20th. Signed :- Jim S


30th Sept 18:30 Hrs F/O Hart, Sgt Steed and 14 airmen left H.H. For Edale, for a preliminary briefing with the controllers. Established Base at Ladybower Reservoir. Six parties roamed easterly over the cloud covered moors. Returned for hot soup at 03:00 Hrs then fanned out further south and nearer the RV. By 09:00 Hrs a total “kill” of 26 out of a possible 32 aircrew was confirmed – Best ever on a first night.

1st Oct 18:30 Hrs F/O Hart, Sgt Steed and 10 airmen established Base at Lee House, Edale. Four parties on the hill, guarding roads and railway. One party in the Land Rover touring the main roads. By 09:00 Hrs at a total of 19 aircrew had been caught.

2nd Oct 18:30 Hrs F/O Hart, Sgt Steed and 10 airmen established Base at Birchin Bridge on the Snake Road. Five parties sent on the hill. Parties recalled and Base camp moved to Ladybower Reservoir at 04:00 Hrs. A total of 26 caught this last night of the exercise. Returned to H.H. At 10:15 hrs each morning of the exercise. Vehicles used. Bedford, Austin R.V.T. and Land Rover.

Remarks by N.C.O. i/c : - Lucky there were no casualties – Ambulance was U/S

Signed :- Jim S



Seventeen year old Mr. P. Wilkinson a pupil at Derby Grammar School was tested in the Second Series Subject: Public Service and Mountain Rescue.

3rd Oct Sgt Steed, Hutchinson, Hill and Wilkinson in Land Rover to Greenfield The latter three pitched two arctic bivouac tents at the Scout Camp.

4th and In almost continuous rain, Wilkinson was taken walking, climbing & 5th Oct navigating the area. He was given an oral test while returning to Buxton. Returned H.H. 20:30 Hrs

Remarks NCO i/c No entry in the Award Book as, after discussing the merits of Wilkinson with Hutchinson and Hill I reached the conclusion that he had not had sufficient practical experience in mountaineering. Sir John Hunt. CBE Secretary of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme 32 Brynaston Street London W1 has made an arrangement with Air Ministry (OPS.2.M) whereby NCO's i/c Teams (M.R.) may take these tests. boy This was the first to be tested. Signed :- Jim S

---oo0oo--- AND MANIFOLD

8th Oct 08:30 Hrs Sgt Steed and 8 airmen left H.H. For the Ford near Harrington. M. Ref 111/588128 established base at 09:15 Hrs. Vehicles used : Bedford, Austin R.V.T. And Land Rover. Radio contact with H.H. 18 Group as well as four parties on the hill and mobile in the Land Rover.

13:30 Hrs. Four other team members unable to come out in the morning, were collected from H.H. Taken to base given an H.F. 15 set and dropped off Southern end of Dovedale.

Alpine Base : Beales Communication

Alpine Hotel : Leader Exercise

Hiker 1 Stead Hiker 3 Hutchinson Cowan Shaw

Hiker 2 McCormack Hiker 4 Snell Goldsbrough (Base)

Hiker 5 MacMillan Campbell Barclay

All parties except Hiker 5 returned 16:30 Hrs. The all Scottish Team started late and arrived Base 19:05 Hrs

19:30 Hrs Team left Base. Arrived H.H. 20:10 Hrs.

Remarks NCO i/c : HF 15 batteries are not giving the range. Signed :- Jim S


10th Oct 14:15 Hrs Sgt Steed and 9 airmen left H.H. For Tatham Bridge Inn, Hornby. M. Ref 89/612695. Established Base at 18:20 hrs. Vehicle : Bedford. Cowan left H.H. At 18:00 Hrs with 4 other airmen, arrived at Base 21:45 Hrs.

11th Oct Four parties did the Three Peaks – Pennyghent, Ingleborough and Wernside. Two from West to East and two from East to West. Distance 26 miles. 09:00 Hrs. Bedford left for Penyghent House to drop off : -

McCormack L TIME OF P.I.W. Cowan U/T Nav 4 Hrs 40 Mins Calnan

Campbell L TIME OF P.I.W. Williams U/T Nav 5 Hrs 30 Mins Ashford

09:10 Hrs Land Rover left for Kings Head House to drop off : -

MacMillan L TIME OF W.I.P. Hutchinson Nav 5 Hrs 30 Mins Shaw

Beales L TIME OF W.I.P. Powell Nav 6 Hrs 10 Mins

N.B. All times include stops. 17:00 Hrs All parties returned to Base

12th Oct 09:30 Hrs Two walking parties by Land Rover to Malham Tarn. Returned to Base at 15:00 Hrs Navigational Instruction : - Steed took Ashford MacMillan took Williams Beale took Calnan 16:30 Hrs Struck camp and returned. 20:30 " Arrived H.H.

Remarks NCO i/c Quite pleased with the fitness of team over the Three Peaks Course of 26 miles and 4,000 ft of climbing. Team record of 4½ Hours (Stead, Campbell) could easily be beaten next time we are in the area. Although it was Calnan's first time out he did well to keep up with the rest of his party. Signed :- Jim S

---oo0oo--- MIDDLE MOSS

15 th Oct 08:30 Hrs Cpl. Roche and 5 airmen left H.H. For Flouch Inn Tel No Pensitone 3301 – Map. Ref. 102/198015 Established Base at 11:00 Hrs having dropped two parties off at Cutthroat Bridge Near Ladybower Res. Vehicle : Bedford

13:15 Hrs Sgt Steed and 6 airmen left H.H. For Ladybower Res. Arriving southern end 14:30 Hrs. Dropped off 2 parties and proceeded to Base. Parties as follows: -

Barclay L Beales Potter Goldborough Arrived Base 15:00 Hrs

Limback Arrived Base Powell 19:35 Hrs Hutchinson

Campbell Arrived Base Ashford 19:20 Hrs Williams

20:15 Hrs Packed up and returned to H.H.

21:40 " Arrived H.H.

Remarks NCO i/c Still finding it difficult to get permission from Sections to release airmen for exercise on Wednesdays. A sports afternoon may be long enough for a football match but useless for nav. Training. Signed :- Jim S



22nd Oct Sgt Steed and 8 airmen together with Flt/Lt Butler (Functional Controller) left H.H. At 08:45 Hrs for 102/088939. Vehicles – Bedford and Land Rover. Austin R.V.T. Two parties set off for the Base camp at the 'Dog and Partridge Inn' 102/178012 and : -

Campbell L Hutchinson L Calnan U/T Nav Shaw Flt/Lt Butler Goldsbrough

The Vehicles proceeded to the base. On this journey the petrol pump on the land Rover repeatedly cut-out. In company with the Austin Austin R.V.T. The Land Rover returned, rather erratically to H.H. A new pump was demanded!

14:00 Hrs. Sgt Steed and a further 6 airmen left H.H. For the same dropping off point. A certain Master Wilkinson from Derby Grammar School accompanied the party. (another try at passing his Duke of Edinburgh's Award Test 2nd Series) Three parties to set off from base were : -

Steed Darling Wilkinson NAV Barclay NAV Potter Ashford NAV

All parties made excellent time over this aptly named Moor excepting the Steed, Wilkinson party! Wilkinson, although being a strong walker proved conclusively that he is weak on navigation. He became very dejected when told he had completed a neat one mile radius circle on the moor. Arrived at base at 20:00 Hrs. Had an excellent meal and returned to H.H. At 21:30Hrs

Remarks NCO i/c Bleaklow is about the worst moor to walk on in Europe, especially in hill fog as it was on this occasion. Nevertheless the M.R.T. Parties used their compasses sensibly and made good time, the afternoon parties finished their courses in darkness. Wilkinson appears to me to be just the sort of youngster who would get himself into trouble. Although he has climbed Mont Blanc and other lesser known peaks in the alps. I did not sign his D. of E's Award book. His Head Master was very disappointed, I'm afraid Signed :- Jim S ---oo0oo---

KINDER 24 th Oct 18:00 Hrs Flt/Lt Carter , Cpl/Tech Limback and 10 airman left H.H. For Edale and established base at M. Ref. 102/027855 (Coopers Field) Vehicles : Bedford and Ambulance. 25 th Oct 08:30 Hrs. (Take note!) Three parties set off on walking courses in the Kinder area. Returned 16:00 Hrs 26 th Oct More walking and navigational training. This time for two parties. Flt/Lt Carter went to Stanage Edge with two team instructors to learn the rudiments of rock climbing. Returned to base at 16:00 Hrs. The team struck camp at 17:30 Hrs and returned to H.H. At 18:30 Duke of Edinburgh's Tests by members (8) of the Kyndwr S____ Mountain Training Group 25th Oct 13:00 Hrs Sgt Steed in Austin R.V.T. proceeded to Hollowford Hostel, Castleton. Met Mrs E Green and the other instructors at this Mountain Training School. From 15:00 Hrs to until 21:00 Hrs on the 26th Oct the eight boys taking their tests were given five mock incidents to judge them on Leadership and ability. Remarks NCO i/c : I consider Cpl/Tech. Limback to be capable of being in charge of the team in my absence. D of E's Award Tests Having judged these boys carrying out their Rescue procedure, including first aid, sweep search at night, cave rescue, etc. I marked their exam papers. All due credit must go to their instructors, for they put up a very good show indeed. I passed four of the boys in the Third Series (Mountain Rescue & Public Service)

Signed :- Jim S ---oo0oo---

EXERCISE KINDER 28th Oct 18:15 Hrs F/O Hart, Sgt Steed and 12 airmen left H.H. For Edale to first discuss details of the exercise. 19:15 Hrs Proceeded to Birchens Bridge and established Base. Vehicles : Bedford, Austin R.V.T., Ambulance and Land Rover. (used throughout the exercise) Thirty evaders, all aircrew from Bomber Command were dropped off at The Flouch and had to arrive at Ashop Clough shooting cabin by 07:30 Hrs on the 29th Although we had 4 parties roaming the moors only three were caught (evaders). It was much too great an area for 12 men to cover over a period of twelve hours. 08:30 Hrs (29th) Team returned to H.H. At 09:30 Hrs. 29th Oct 18:30 Hrs. F/O Hart, Sgt Steed and 10 airmen left H.H. For Edale. Established base at were Lee Ho. Four parties were sent on the hill until 22:00 Hrs when they withdrawn to guard roads, railways and fields in the Edale Valley. Evaders had a checkpoint in Edale before proceeding to Hayfield. Introduced a novel way of catching aircrew – take one M.R.T. Member, one silent bicycle and 16 were caught that way on the roads (kind permission of S.A.C. Shaw!) 23 was the grand total that night. 07:30 Hrs (30th) Returned H.H. 08:30 Hrs. 30th Oct 18:30 Hrs. F/O Hart, Sgt Steed and 12 airmen left H.H. For Birchens Bridge on the Snake road – established base. Four parties on the hill and one mobile party in the Land Rover, caught every aircrew member before dawn. Four rather tired aircrew took to a taxi which had to be followed for several miles before being blocked. Illuminating flares continue to be a favourite way of spotting illusive evaders. 07:30 Hrs (1st Nov) Team returned to H.H. 08:10 Hrs. Remarks NCO i/c Rather satisfying to have caught the lot and especially S/Ldr Morris who stated he had trained for two weeks and would never be caught – He had six signatures on his “Blood chit!” The taxi riders were reported to the controllers. ---oo0oo--- R.A.F. Shawbury 5th Nov 08:00 Hrs. F/O Hart and 11 airmen left H.H. For R.A.F. Station Shawbury to visit the Instructional Wing (S/Ldr. Barfoot i/c) Arrived in Bedford and Land Rover at 10:00 Hrs As was requested the airmen were shown various aircraft break in points. Ejector seats and components. Afterwards they were shown over the Station. 15:30 Hrs. team returned to H.H. arriving 17:15 Hrs. Remarks NCO i/c : Interesting to many of the airmen who have never had the opportunity of seeing aircraft at close quarters. The visit was arranged through S/Ldr. Griffiths who wrote to S/Ldr. Barfoot. ---oo0oo---

KINDER + HALLAM 7th Nov 14:00 Hrs. Sgt Steed and 9 airmen left H.H. for Edale. Vehicles Austin R.V.T. and Land Rover. A tele-com exercise was held in and around the Edale valley. 18:45 Hrs. F/O Hart and 5 airmen arrived at Edale in the Bedford. Base camp was established near Chapman's Farm at M.Ref 111/122850. The M.R. Team from R.A.F. Stn. Topcliffe arrived shortly afterwards, P/O Wood i/c and 10 airmen. Four tents were erected. 8th Nov 09:30 Hrs. Three parties went off to do the Kinder – Loose Hill horseshoe. Two parties to Stanage Edge with three of Topcliffe's parties. There was a half hour delay due to the Bedford with a flat battery. The battery in the Land Rover was utilised. The parties on Kinder returned at 15:40 Hrs. The parties on Stanage returned at 17:00 Hrs. 9th Nov 10:00 Hrs. The majority of the team went over to the Topcliffe's camp to compare notes while two parties went walking on Kinder again. 17:20 Hrs Team returned H.H. arriving at 18:15 Hrs Remarks NCO i/c Not particularly impressed with the visiting team, though their V.H.F was envied.

Signed :- Jim S ---oo0oo--- A.V. ROE. LTD WOODFORD CHESHIRE 12th Nov 08:45 Hrs. Cpl Roche and 10 airmen left for Woodford. Vehicles : Bedford and Land Rover. Arrived at 09:55 Hrs. The airmen were given a lecture on the Vulcan, Shackleton and Anson aircraft. Then they were shown around these aircraft where particular attention was paid to “break-in” points, position of aircrew and seats, fuel-tanks etc. An excellent meal was provided in the staff canteen. 15:00 Hrs. Team returned to H.H. arriving at 16:45 Remarks by N.CO i/c A very worthwhile visit arranged through S/Ldr Griffiths and the liaison officer of A.V. Roe Ltd. A.V. Roe's apparently welcomed this visit, as much of their test flying is done in H.H's area. They suggested we visit them every three months, to enable the team to be completely up to date with later models of the Vulcan.

Signed :- Jim S ---oo0oo--- WIDDOP MOOR 14th Nov 18:00 Hrs. F/O Hart, Sgt Steed and 11 airmen left H.H. for the Pack Horse Inn, map ref. 95/951316 Telephone No: Hebden Bridge 825. Police : Todmorden 104. Established base at 20:20 Hrs. Vehicles : Bedford, Land Rover and Ambulance. 15th Nov 10:00 Hrs Mock Callout – F/O Hart supposedly walking along the Lancs-Yorks county boundary over Widdop moor, has not returned and is 13 hrs overdue. In fact F/O Hart left the camp early to await our arrival somewhere on this 12 sq. mile moor. Team was briefed and then moved off to the advanced base. Complete with walkie-talkies (HF 15 B), stretcher, blankets, hot tea and first aid kit the team swept the boundary line on the moor – without result. At 15:00 Hrs the search party heard calling us on his radio set and giving clues as to his whereabouts. The search continued until darkness, when, returning to the base, who should be there , but F/O Hart. The search party had passed within 20 yds of F/O Hart which just proves that 10 men searching a large moor in thick hill fog could take several days. 16th Nov 10:30 Hrs. F/O Hart and four men went to look fir new base camp. Sgt Steed discussed nav. And 1st Aid with remainder. 17:30 Hrs Team returned H.H. arriving at 20:10 Hrs Remarks NCO i/c The search itself went off very well considering the party had to navigate the whole way. F/O Hart would have been found during the night if he had not returned to base! R.A.F. SHAWBURY 19th Nov 08:00 Hrs Flt/lt Carter and 13 airmen left H>H> for RAF Stn. Shawbury. Vehicles: Bedford and Ambulance. As on the previous visit to the Stations Instructional Wing the team members were shown aircraft break-in points, ejector seats and components. Poor visibility cancelled the flying programme, so none of the team were able to fly as arranged. 15:00 Hrs Team returned H.H. arriving at 17:30 Hrs. Remarks NCO i/c As on the previous visit it was interesting for the airmen who had not seen aircraft at close quarters before.

Signed :- Jim S ---oo0oo---

BOWLAND + HAREDEN FELLS 21st Nov 18:00 Hrs. Sgt Steed and 13 airmen left H.H. for Leagram Hall to establish base camp m.ref. 95/625442. Telephone No: Chipping 263 Nearest fully-manned police stn. Longbridge 2145 (Tel. No.). 21:30 Hrs Team arrived Base. Vehicles : Bedford and Land Rover. 22nd Nov 09:40 Hrs. Bedford took the following parties to the Trough of Bowland wjhere they following parties were dropped off: - Steed L. Ashford Nav McCormack L. Limback Nav Beales L. Hadden Barcklay Nav Hutchinson L. Campbell Nav Base : Wood, (driver) Johnson, (cook) Leader, (W/OP) All Parties returned to Base at, or about, 15:30 Hrs. All parties took different routes. An excellent meal awaited them. 23rd Nov 09:45 Hrs Cpl/t Limback given 7 airmen, transport radio sets etc., at his disposal. His situation: an aircraft had crashed in an are given him, he was to find the point of impact and report the exact position of same. Having been dropped of by Bedford they searched and eventually found small pieces of alloy and what was thought to be the P. of I. (This was known charted aircraft wreck known to the NCO i/c !) The searchers returned very wet and weary at 17:00 Hrs. by torchlight. Sgt. Steed McCormack, Campbell Johnson, Shaw Left Base at 11:00 Hrs. for Trough of Bowland and beyond. Searched in vain for another suitable camp-site somewhere S.E. Of Lancaster. Tried several farms and an estate agent. Believe there is a good chance of getting one further up Hollowdale. Returned at 16:00 Hrs. 18:05 Hrs Team returned to H.H. arriving at 21:10 Hrs Remarks NCO i/c This base, although having the advantage of a telephone and good hard standing for vehicles is not quite as near the fells as is desirable. Must go on another sortie when I return. Signed :- Jim S ---oo0oo---

A.V. ROE LTD WOODFORD, CHESHIRE 26th Nov 08:10 Hrs. Flt/Lt Carter and 10 airmen left H.H. for Woodford. Vehicles : Bedford and Ambulance. Arrived at 10:00 Hrs. This being the second visit by the other half of the team, it was the same as before, most interesting. Once again, particular attention was paid to describing the “break in” technique. Incidentally not very easy for a Vulcan. Once again another excellent meal was provided. 15:00 Hrs. team returned to H.H. arriving at 17:00 Hrs. Remarks NCO i/c Another visit is envisaged in three months time. Signed :- Jim S ---oo0oo--- HARDEN MOOR + STANAGE EDGE 28th Nov 18:00 Hrs. Cpl/T Limback and 9 other airmen left H.H. for Strines Inn m. ref 102/906223 Telephone No: Bradfield 247. Nearest police : Bradfield. They erected the tents on adjacent land. 29th Nov 10:00 Hrs. Team left in one party, to search for the remains of a Magister aircraft which had crashed into during the war, W.W.II Having searched the complete area between Outer Edge and Margery Hill nothing was found, so it is presumed the wreckage has sunk into the ground. Team returned 16:20 Hrs. 17:30 Hrs. Team returned to H.H. arriving at 18:30Hrs. Remarks NCO i/c Once more checking old aircraft wrecks in our area. This one has vanished, but others like the Sabres on Kinder have recently become more prominent. Signed :- Jim S ---oo0oo---

WIDDOP MOOR 5 th Dec 18:00 Hrs. Sgt Steed and 11 airmen left H.H. for the Pack Horse Inn at Widdop Moor. Arrived at 20:20 Hrs. and established base camp. Vehicles : Bedford, Austin R.V.T. 6 th Dec SAC Parkins worked out routes for four parties, they departed at 09:45 Hrs. Arrived at base between 14:30 Hrs and 15:30 Hrs During the day, Flt/Lt Hendry, F/O Hart and SAC Potter arrived at base. The latter and Powell cooked an excellent meal that night. 7 th Dec 10:15 Hrs. Short walking exercise (three parties) over Widdop Moor. Started snowing at dusk. No evening meal was eaten as the decision was taken to leave before being 'snowed up'. 17:00 Hrs Team returned H.H. arriving at 19:30 Hrs. Remarks NCO i/c Very low temperatures were experienced this weekend. F/O Hart's last weekend out with the team. Flt/Lt Hendry R. has taken over the duties of Officer i/c M.R.T Signed :- Jim S ---oo0oo--- WESSENDEN 12 th Dec 18:00 Hrs Sgt Steed and 10 airmen left H.H. for the T.A. Drill Hall at Thongs Bridge,

0 M.Ref: 102/1501 4 Telephone No: Holmfirth 432. Caretaker, Mr. Ellis. Officer i/c

ATC Sqdn Flt/Lt Bolt, Instructor Mr. Castle. Nearest police : Holmfirth 94 Arrived at 19:30 Hrs. Vehicles : Bedford and Land Rover. Slept on the floor in the drill hall. Cooked outdoors. 13 th Dec 10:00 Hrs. Sac Potter and party of five :- Barclay Powell Calnan Hadden Smith ---- had sweep search for 5 old aircraft wrecks over Wessenden Moor + Wessenden Head Moor. Details were :- 1. Two Meteor A/C. Tail chasing. Crashed Sliddens Moss. 102/070030 2. A G.A.F. (Greek Markings) Sabre. Crashed Black Hill. 102/093052 3. A Liberator A/C crashed on Twistle Head Moss. 102/103035 4. An unidentified A/C on Black Hill 102/085046 5. An unidentified A/C with fuse and one radial engine, Black Hill, 102/083048 No wreckage was found by Potter and his partry who were picked up in a snow storm at the Isle of Skye. Returned to Base at 18:00 Hrs. Due to some disorganisation on the part of the A.T.C. Only three 15 yr. olds turned up. Sgt. Steed, Hutchinson, Shaw, Roche and Wood tool them for a walk ovr the moor to Raven Stones a gritstone crag near Greenfield. Gave them Abseiling instruction before the snow storm drove us back to the vehicle and a 5 M.P.H. Back to Base in rapidly lowering conditions. Arrived at 18:15 Hrs. By 19:00 Hrs a mea; was cooked ----- in the snow ! 14 Dec 10:10 Hrs. Team left Base, picked up two A.T.C. members at Meltham. Shaw L Potter L Nav (A) {Roche Nav 2 ATC lads ------dropped off at 102/024098 {Stead L Barclay L Calnan U/T Nav Hadden Nav U/T (B) Hutchinson L {Smith Nav U/T ------dropped off at Greenfield Hse All parties arrived at the R.V. at Saltersbrook Bridge at 17:00 Hrs. Had a one hour wait for one party. Snow was 1 ft deep over the moor – temperature freezing. 18:30 Hrs. arrived back at base for a good meal from Powell 19:30 Hrs. Team left H.H. for H.H. arrived at 22:30 Hrs. Roads over Holmfirth Holme Moss were very dangerous, thick fog slowed down the vehicles to a walking pace. Remarks NCO i/c The team stayed at the A.T.C. HQ. after an invitation by Flt/Lt Bolt. It proved to be a good base to reach the Wessenden Moor with it's old aircraft wrecks. Snowfalls on Saturday made the walking very heavy going on Sunday, but the sun came out and enhanced the scenery. Signed :- Jim S ---oo0oo---

BLEAKLOW + HARDEN MOORS 24 th Dec 14:00 Hrs Sgt Steed and 10 team members left H.H. for Wood Cottage on the Snake Road, M.Ref. 102/128896. Telephone N0: Bamford 207 Nearest police , Tel. No. Glossop 4292. Due to thick fog the team did not arrive 15:40 Hrs. Vehicles used Bedford 3 Ton and Land Rover. Most of the cooking was done on the field kitchen alongside the cottage – the Primus stove provided proved to be inadequate. Otherwise the cottage was very comfortable and ideally situated to the hills. Also there is just room enough to turn and park the M.R. Vehicles adjacent to the building. 25 th Dec 10:00 Hrs. Campbell and Calnan volunteered to cook the Christmas dinner. The other team members went for short walks in the area returning at 15:00 Hrs for the meal. Thanks to Mr Bowes (W.O.) the Catering Officer and of course the cooks ---- the food went down very well indeed. Strong winds were experienced on the hill, although it kept dry. 26 th Dec 09:50 Hrs. Cowan took two parties in the Land Rover to The Flouch M.Ref. 102/197206 : -

Campbell L Flouch à Langsett Moor à Round Hill à 1) SAC Calnan Nav } Westend Moor à Allport Dale à Base MacMillan L The Flouch The Porter à Featherbed Moss Cowan à Barrow Stones à Bleaklow Stones à 2) Smith Nav } Grains in the Water à Birchin Clough à Base Base à Alport Dale à The Ridge à Bleaklow Steed L 3) à Head à Bleaklow Stones à ∆ 1679 à Hadden Nav } Featherbed Moss à The Porter à Flouch Base à Beales L Alport Dale à Birchimbles Pasture à 4) AC Campbell U/T Nav } R. Derwent àHowden Edge à The Porter à Flouch Parties 3) and 4) returned to Base in the Land Rover at 17:00 Hrs. Parties 1) and 2) arrived Base 16:00 Hrs. Shaw and Case stayed at Base 27 th Dec 10:15 Hrs. Cowan took two parties to Edale in the Land Rover : -

Campbell L Edale à Grinds Brook à Crowden Head à SAC Calnan Nav } Blackden Moor à Base Shaw L Edale à Crowden Brook à ∆ 2062 à Beales } Crowden Hd. à ∆ 1978 à Base Case U/T Nav The parties arrived Base at 14:20 Hrs. reporting wind gusts at 30 MPH. Stead and MacMillan gave the other team members some instruction in Knots and stretcher lowering theory also use and operation of Pyrotechnics. 28 th Dec The stretcher lowering Exercise planned for this day had to be cancelled due to the exceptionally strong winds in the area. However after an early dinner cooked on a dozen Primus stoves, everyone helped clean up and pack the equipment Team Left the cottage at 16:15 Hrs. arriving at H.H. at 17:15 Hrs. Remarks NCO i/c We were fortunate in being able to use this hut which belongs to the Barnsley Mountaineering Club. There is now an open invitation to the team. Signed :- Jim S ---oo0oo---