Timavo System Exploration

Piero Luchesi - PMP Società Adriatica di Speleologia – PMI NIC FVG - ● Scope – A really mysterious river with an international character

Underground flow from Isonzo system

Risorgive di San Giovanni di

Indicative undergound path ( about 40 km)

Skocjanske Jame


Image from Google maps. Drawings and animation by Paolo Guglia. Any other use is prohibited. ● Scope - What is and how is born Timavo System Exploration

An unusual use of PM best practices

“Timavo System Exploration is a long term program of speleo – diving exploration based on a initial project and than evolved in a continuos improvement program “

It is born april 3, 2013 from a simply idea to relight a common dream and give back some news about the mistery of Timavo River

Photos by Alberto Maizan. Any other use is prohibited. ● Scope – Targets defined

Pozzo dei Colombi Exporations of greats fooded galleries After 20 years of inactivity

Abisso di Trebiciano Restart the explorations started by B. Gauche and others during ‘90

Collaboration Share results S.A.S Logistic organization FFESSM diving components

Safety Safety for all partecipants

Photos by Alberto Maizan. Any other use is prohibited. ● Plan – Teams organization...like a WBS

Organizational Technical team External support • Governance • Caves clean access • Camping reservation • Team composition • Safety path • Infrastructure for materials • Plan due vacation period • Risk mitigation action • Food and Beverage • Staffing • Floating platform for Pozzo • Friendly dinner • Costs • Cableway for materials • Gifts • Risk identification • Phone line for Abisso • Tourism information • External relationship • Little boat for support • Translation • Stakeholder management • Bags accessibility • Access and permits • Light and energy • Link with 60° W. Maucci mission • Documentation • Website, blog and press • Photo • Data collection and diffusion • Film • Emergency involment • Operation support • ... • Material trasportation • ...

Photos by Alberto Maizan. Any other use is prohibited. ● Plan – Localization: two caves two different kind of exploration


Risorgive di San Giovanni di Duino

Abisso di Trebiciano Pozzo dei Colombi

Skocjanske Jame

Photos by Alberto Maizan. Any other use is prohibited. ● Execution – A view from Pozzo dei Colombi

Photos by Alberto Maizan. Any other use is prohibited. ● Execution – A view from Pozzo dei Colombi 2015

• Visibility is about 1,5 M • The current is very changing - High risk • Rapidly at – 70/80 M • Temperature of 12° • Decompression chamber almost impossible • Rebreathers usage • Access trough a pit – no dry area

“Find the way” Develop 289 m (+ 70 m) and deep -72 m. Drawings and animation by Paolo Guglia. Any other use is prohibited. ● Execution – A view from Abisso di Trebiciano

Photos by Alberto Maizan. Any other use is prohibited. ● Execution – A view from Abisso di Trebiciano 2015

• Visibility is about 0,5 M The current is very low • The dept small max 20 M Temperature of 12° • No decompression problem The complexity is extreme. • Contorted shapes – Orientation problem Over 470 M river exploration

Drawings and animation by Paolo Guglia. Any other use is prohibited.

Photos by Brice Masi. Any other use is prohibited. ● Close – The path of Timavo System Exploration – Stakeholders

2013 2014 2015 25 cavers/logistic 56 cavers/logistic 59 cavers/logistic 2016 5 divers 3 divers 6 divers

Società Adriatica di Società Adriatica di Società Adriatica di We will see...but Speleologia Speleologia Speleologia


Dipartimento di Geoscienze Dipartimento di Geoscienze Dipartimento di Geoscienze

Municipality of Trieste Municipality of Trieste Municipality of Duino Aurisina JD Temnica (SLO) JD Sezana JD Temnica (SLO) JD Ziberna Divaca JD Slovenskega planinskega JD LC Postojna JD Sezana JD Remskar Ajdovscina JD Logatec JOSPDT Trieste (ITA) JD Remskar Ajdovscina Amici del Fante Monfalcone JD Carnium Kranj JD JOSPDT Trieste (ITA) JSD Grmada Trieste Amici del Fante Monfalcone Gruppo Forre l’Aquila ● Close – Lesson learned

Key factors for good results obtained

• Friendly and professional collaboration

• Clear target and roles definition

• Good stakeholder management

• Enthusiasm and passion

Photos by Alberto Maizan. Any other use is prohibited. ● Close – Spirit and Thanks

Photos by Alberto Maizan & Paolo Guglia. Any other use is prohibited. Contact Information

• Piero Luchesi PMP • [email protected] • +39 3357478484 • www.sastrieste.it • Linkedin Thank you all for listening : Q&A

Piero Luchesi - PMP Società Adriatica di Speleologia – Trieste PMI NIC FVG