Structure, Chemistry, and Energetics of Organic and Inorganic Adsorbates on Ga-Rich Gaas and Gap(001) Surfaces
Structure, Chemistry, and Energetics of Organic and Inorganic Adsorbates on Ga-Rich GaAs and GaP(001) Surfaces Thesis by Seokmin Jeon In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Pasadena, California 2014 (Defended September 30, 2013) ii 2014 Seokmin Jeon All Rights Reserved iii “No Pain, No Gain.” iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I remember my wonderful mood when I first visited Caltech as a prospective student. Just before I came to Caltech, I visited the Columbia University, New York for the same purpose. I found everything in Pasadena including weather and people’s attitudes was attractive to me in contrast to what I found in New York. Living and studying in this beautiful place has been my best pleasure. Many individuals have supported, helped, and encouraged me to complete my Ph.D. course at Caltech, so it is my great pleasure to acknowledge them. I would like to thank my advisor, Professor Harry Atwater for his guidance and support. Especially, I appreciate him for providing me a great deal of freedom and independence on my thesis research. He has also shown me the wisdom, leadership, and enthusiasm that a leading scientist owns. My thesis committee, Professors Bill Goddard, Nate Lewis, and Jack Beauchamp are also my role models. It was my pleasure and honor to be advised by such great scientists. Many people in the Atwater group have contributed to the successful completion of my thesis research. Particularly, I would like to thank Jeff Bosco, Victor Brar, Seyoon Kim, Samantha Wilson, Min Jang, Jim Fakonas, Dan Tuner-Evans, Chris Chen, Yulia Tolstova, Hal Emmer, John Lloyd, Carissa Eisler, Siying Peng, Sunita Darbe, Amanda Shing, Imogen Pryce, Michael Kelzenberg, Jonathan Grandidier, Marina Leite, Gerald Miller, Vivian Ferry, Stanley Burgos, Ryan Briggs, Andrew Leenheer, Greg Kimball, Adele Tamboli, Deidre O’Caroll, Domenico Pacifici, Davis Darvish, Morgan Putnam, and Matt Sheldon for sharing their knowledge and skills, having time to discuss about research and science, and being good friends.
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