Reuben Nichols Stricken on Main Street Wednesday State Highway
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THE WATERVLIET RECORD VOLUME 67 WATERVLIET, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1950 NUMBER 52 Reuben Nichols Stricken On State Highway Department Main Street Wednesday Gives Snmmary of Work • Reuben Joseph Nichols, 50, of 4729 miles of concrete pavement, 96 miles North Stale street, St. Joseph, former fi > i c • *« of bituminous concrete surface, 557 lnr;il mnn urnc ctrinlrnn cnHHAnKr * lirCC LOCftl OCTVICC IVlCn local man, was rtricken suddenly in Highway Funds Insufficient miles of other types of bituminous Watervliet Wednesday afternoon Study At Camp Gordon surfacing, 6 bridges, 18 railroad about, four thirty when he was re- To Match Federal Money Four Watervliet boys, Harfy crossing flasher light systems and re- moving snap-on chains from his auto- Pitcher, Richard Peterson, Glen Ste- construction of 27 railroad grade mobile at the Chet Kniebes gasoline wart and Dick Forsythe, enlisted in crossings. station. He was removed to Com- The "Year End News Summary the armed services in Detroit on Construction work carried over to munity hospital in the Hutchins am- October first. The first two named From the Michigan Department" 1951 or under contract for early start bulance where he was pronounced chose the Air Corp and were sent contains much of Interest for the of construction on the state trunkline dead on arrival by Dr. Joseph Con- . l0 Xexas wh|le he laU<!r tw0 select average motorist both concerning highway system will provide: 117 way. Death was attributed to a ed the U. S. Army. heart attack. work completed In 1950 and that miles of grading, 78 miles of gravel surfacing. 60 miles of concrete pave- Private Pitcher Is now stationed at projected into the coming year. Some Mr. Nichols was born In Baln- Camp Gordon, Georgia, where he is ment, 80 miles of bituminous con- bridge township March 15, 1900, the of the pertinent paragraphs from the studying to be a Radio Operator High report follow: crete surfacing, 103 miles of other son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Myron Speed. Also stationed at the same types of bituminous surfacing, 10 Nichols, well known Balnbrldge camp and taking the same course arc At the beginning of 1950, Commis- bridges and 21 railroad grade cross- farmers. He graduated from West- Privates Stewart and Forsythe. sioner Zlegler explained, "We had ing improvements. ern Michigan College, Kalamazoo, approximately $21,000,000 In federal receiving his bachelor's degree and Private Peterson, the only one o.' aid funds available to the Highway Completed Projects also from the University of Mich- the group who has been transferred Department for construction pur- Is now at Larson Air Force Base a 0.529 miles of bituminous concrete igan, receiving his master's degree poses, providing we could match this resurfacing on US-31-33-112 and from the latter Institution in 1942. He Moses Lake, near Spokane, in Wash- money dollar for dollar. Abuot $8,- ington. He is at present a supply M-60 from the bridge to Ninth street was a member of the First Methodist * 000,000 of this money had been avail- In the city of Nlles, replacing a brick church. He had been a teacher for clerk but Is awaiting transfer to an- able to us since 1948. However, dur- other training station. PHOTO BY LEO ROSE roadway which was worn and broken many years but was recently em- ing 1950, we were able to match only up. ployed as a collector for Montgomery Private Pitcher's address is being $10,000,000 of this money. Therefore Ward & Co. published for the benefit of his there is still about $11,000,000 in 0.745 miles of non-skid surfacing Surviving are the widow, Ruth, friends: Private Harry W. Pitcher, Boy Scouts Present federal funds available to us, but we on US-112 from the east limits of one son, Myron, who is a junior at AF 16339225, Student Co. 12, STR, The God and Country Award will not be able to use it until we Nlles southeast to the county line. the University of Michigan, Ann Ar- Camp Gordon, Georgia. match it with state funds. This money Grade separation and viaduct carrying the US-31 relocation over bor, a sister, Mrs. Mllo Decker, Sis- Calendar to Mayor A special fedture of the Sunday America. It is awarded through the could have been put to use In the the tracks of the Chesapeake and ter Lakes, and his stepmother, Mrs, j morning service at First Methodist New York office in cooperation with form of badly needed highway 1m Ohio railway and over industrial Myron Nichols, Benton Harbor. Severe Weather Delays church, Watervliet ,thls week was the the local church. provements this past year had we Funeral -services will be held to- been able to meet the 50-50 match- properties in St. Joseph. This pro- presentation of "The God and The purpose of this award Is to morrow (Saturday) afternoon at Work On Dan Smith Road In Public Ceremony ing requirements. ject connects to the grade separation I Country Award" to Eagle Scout Otto strengthen the Scout in becoming two o'clock from the Kerlikowske over the 1900 Corporation and the Of interest to South Watervliet Scouts of Troop No. 61 this week Helweg Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto more faithful in his religious duties, "Under a recent act of Congress funeral chapel in St. Joeph, the Rev. Blossomland bascule bridge over the residents is the copy of a letter to showed their appreciation of John's Helweg Sr., by the pastor, Rev. deepen his personal devotional life further extending federal aid money Paul Albery, pastor of the First St. Joseph river. the Berrien County Road Commis- Bakery and Sweet Shop for sponsor- Emerson Minor, In the name of the to encourage him to deeper study of for roadJ)uilding, there is available Methodist church, officiating. Burial Grading on US-12 in Shoreham. sion from LaVern Rice, Hartford road Ing Norman Rockwell's famous paint- J church. the teachings, practices and policies to the State Highway Department an will be in New Troy cemetery. Reconstruction the coal yard fa- grading contractor, which follows: ing, "FORWARD AMERICA" on his j One hundred and sixty members and organization of his own church, additional $14,000,000 for 19i5I and the same amount in 1952. Thus, in cilities of the Klug Coal company in Hartford, Michigan 1951 calendar by presenting one to and friends of the church were in and to give practical expression to the coming year, the Department has St. Joseph. December 18, 1950 Mayor Alden Bridges for the City [ attendance on Sunday and witnessed his religious convictions in service the opportunity to obtain $25,000,- Bridge carrying US-12 (East Main Berrien County Road Commission Hall in a public ceremony. the presentation which is the first of to his church. 000 in federal money for expanditure street )over Ox creek in Benton Har- The Scout movement is completing its kind In the city. To date, it is the "It Is hoped that other Scouts of WATERVUET SCHOOL Benton Harbor, Michigan on state trunkline highway construc- bor. this February a two year "Crusade to third in the Southwestern Michigan the church will work toward this Copies to: tion, but under present Income, the Council, one of which took place in award," said the Methodist pastor at Under Construction Ok- Contract Mr. Robert Beland Strengthen the Arm of Liberty." Nor Department will be able to match Methodist Peace Temple, Benton the close of the presentation. 1.063 miles of channel excavation PERFECT ATTENDANCE Mr. Carl Johnson man Rockwell's painting this year probably less than half this amount. Mr Frank Runyon depicts all branches of Scouting, go- Harbor on the same day, and the Clifford Klapp, executive direction on the Paw Paw river from the SECOND SIX WEEKS Gentlemen: ing forward with serious intent to other transpired some time pre- of the Southwestern Michigan Coun- Road building costs have doubled Pere Marquette railroad northeast to since the start of World War II, while GRADE 12 — Arthur Apengren, promote freedom and brotherhood viously in one of the Catholic cil, Boy Scouts of America, attended North Shore drive, north of St. It seems that Mother Nature isn't the amount of projects completed Jack Atherton, Yvonne Collins, Rob- for all peoples of the world and pre- churches of the twin cities. the services as well as Boy Scouts Joseph providing for changing the going to open things up to enable us on state trunkllnes In 1950 was $18,-' course of the river in conjunction ert Copeland, Arlene Danneffel, paring for any eventuality to bring "The God and Country Award" is from the local troop, who attended to finish the Dan Smith road this 631,020. A considerable amount of I with the construction of the US-31 Ralph Dienes, Patty Disbrow, Dick this dream of peace and freedom to a medalion of the Boy Scouts of in a body. Fall. With all the rain and snow work started or contracted for in relocation. Doolittle, Elease Enders, Gerald we've had. It would be difficult to a final reality. 1950 Is being carried over into 1951; separation carrying the US- Hoadley, Tom Lindemann, Carmel complete it at the contract date and Pictured in the group from left to First Nat'l. Directors Vote Order Of The Arrow Grade Malone, Donna Richardson, Enda still put out the kind of job we'd like right are: Mayor Alden E. Bridges, for completion. The total of state 3! relocation over the Auto Special- $5 Semi-Annual Dividend Watervliet Boy Scouts who have work completed In 1950 was con- Schilling, Philip Shane, Clayton to.