Public Disclosure Authorized I Consulting Services for ' Initial Environmental Public Disclosure Authorized Enaniination (IEE), Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized BETS Consulting Services Ltd., Bangladesh House-1 0, Road-1 35, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-121 2, Bangladesh Phone: 9889923-24, Fax: 880-2-9889967 E-mail :
[email protected] Tel : 9889923-24 > 9861 529-32 Fax : 880-2-9889967 Bm BETS Consulting Services Ltd. E-mail : bets@be' Hquse No 10, Road No.135, Gulshan -l,Dhaka -1212, Bangladesh Web : BE~SN~~SULP-~I912008-06 (06) Dated: June 05,2008 Mr. Mdl. Anwar Hossain ~ektyGeneral Manager (Planning) Ga$ Transmission Company Ltd. (GTCL) ~edCrecent - Borak Tower (4th-6'hFloor) 71-?2 Old Elephant road (Eskaton) ~hAka-1213. I SuWect : Submission d Final Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) Report for the ~ Proposed Bakhrabad-SiddhirganjGas Transmission Pipelirre Project. I I I I Dear Sir, I I With reference to above, we are pleased to submit herewith 2 (Two) copies of final RAP I report for the stated project. I I Thdnking you and assuring you of our best services. I I I ~odrsfaithfully, , I I ~udanKanti Das Geqeral Manager I Water Supply, Sanitation and Environment Dept I I cc to: 7 1. Deputy Manager (Co-ord) to Managing Director, GTCL 2. General Manager (Planning) 3. ) Mr. Alan Townsend, World Bank, Washington D.C, with 3 Hard copies and ? electronic I file in CD. 4. Dr. Fabio Pittaluga, World Bank, Dhaka with 1 Hard copy and 1 electronic file in CD. Resetdement Action plan (RAP) Balzhrabad-Siddhiraanj Gas Transmission pipeline PART-I: RAP Finai Report Cha 3ter-I: Introduction ......................................................................................I 1.1 Project Objectives .........................................................................................................