RP-41 GOVERNMENTOF THE PEOPLE'SREPUBLIC Public Disclosure Authorized OF BANGLADESH BANGLADESHROAD TRANSPORTAUTHORITY Public Disclosure Authorized RESETTLEMENTACTION PLAN Public Disclosure Authorized DHAKA URBANTRANSPORT PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized October 1998 I I I I Dhaka Urban Transport Project RESETTLEMENTACTION PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Resettlement Action Plan: Explanatory Statement EXPLANATORYSTATEMENT .................................................... 4 SOCIAL IMPACTSAND RIESETTLEMENT:.................................................... 6 RESETTLEMENTACTION PLAN ...................................................... 6 1. INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES ......................................................-. 6 1.1 Background ..................................................... 6 1.2 Bangladesh and World Bank requirements regarding displacement ...................................................6 1.3 The need for resettlement in the project...................................................... 7 WORK............................................ 9 PACKAGES............................................ 9 2. IMPACTS AND ENTITLEMENTS ........................................................ 9 2.1 Types of impact to be addressed........................................................ 9 2.2 Summary entitlement rnatrix........................................................ 9 2.4 Resettlement sites ........................................................ 12 2.5 Support principles for dlifferentcategories of impact....................................................... 13 2.6 Entitlement policy farnework matrix ....................................................... 19 CATEGORY1: LOSS OF LAND AND TREESTHEREON ..................................... 22 Category 3: Loss of residential and associated structures....................................................... 26 DETAILS..... 26 CATEGORY5: LOSS OF USUFRUCTRIGHTS THROUGH MORTGAGE OR LEASE 29 C. VICINITY OF IMPACT: INDIRECTGROUP-ORIENTED IMPACTS. SUPPORT GIVEN TO COLLECTIVEGROUPS ................. 37 3. AREAS OF IMPACT ....................... 38 4. PHASED APPROACH................... .. 38 5. SOCIAL ASSESSMENT., CENSUS AND SURVEY ........ ............... 39 5.1 Social assessment ........................... ............... 39 5.2 Census and baseline socio-economic survey .......... ................................ 41 BUSINESSTYPE ................................. 43 TOTAL...... 43 Locations ........ 43 , 5.3 Cut-off dlate......................................................................... ............. 455 6. CO-ORDINATION BETWEEN CIVIL WORKS AND RESETTLEMENT .......... ... 45 6.1 Screening aiadplanning ..................................................................................................... 45 6.2 Implementation ....... 46 Land Acquisitio;nand Resettlement Summary Budget .... 50 8. PARTICIPATION AND CONSULTATION PROCESS ... 51 8.1 Stakeholder participation ....... 51 8.2 Options and Choices for Project Affected People ...... 52 8.3 Information Campaigns....... 52 9. GRIEVANCE REDRESS PROCESS . .... 52 9.1 Valuation Process for Acquired-Assets...................................... 52 9.2 Annual Adjustment of Compensation...................................... 53 9.3 Grievance Procedure and Information Dissemination ...................................... 53 9.4 Steps for public consultation ...................................... 54 10. INSTITUT'IONAL ARRANGEMENTS ....................................... i5 10.1 Overall co-ordination ...................................... 55 10.2 Zone-level sub-committees...................................... 58 10.3 Resettlement and rehabilitation staff ....................................... .8 10.4 Collaboration with local NGOs ...................................... 59 10.5 Co-ordination with other Government agencies ......................... 60............. 10.6 Transparency and accountability....................................... 60 10.7 Improvement in policy and practice........................................ 0 10.8 Flow of Funds ...................................... 60 11. MONITOIRING AND EVALUATION . 0.. TOTAL .88 TOTAL.89 TOTAL.9 3 EXPLANATORYSTATEMENT 1. The Governmentof the People's Republic of Bangladesh (GOB) has applied for a loan from the International DevelopmentAssociation (IDA) to assist in financing the Dhaka Urban TransportProject (DUTP). 2. The project has two major objectives: (i) to improveurban transport services in an economicallyand environmentally sustainablemanner; and (ii) to strengthenthe institutionaland policyframework and addresslong-term transport planningissues in the GreaterDhaka Metropolitan Area. 3. The DUTP will be implementedjointly by: Dhaka City Corporation(DCC) Roadsand HighwaysDepartment (RHD) BangladeshRoad Transport Authority (BRTA) Dhaka MetropolitanPolice (DMP) RajdhaniUnnayan Katripakha (RAJUK) Departmentof Environment(DOE) The key implementing agencies will be DCC and RHD. Some 70% of the project componentswill be implementedby DCCand some 15% by RHD. 4. The projectwith be co-ordinatedand managedby the Ministryof Communicationsand the proposed Greater Dhaka TransportPlanning and Co-ordinationBoard (GDTPCB)chaired by the Dhaka City Corporation Mayor. The GDTPCB will be responsible for transport planning and co-ordinationwithin the GreaterDhaka area, and will be underthe Ministry of Communications. 5. The DUTP is estimatedto cost US $200.55 million including physical contingenciesand provision for price increases. This cost is tentative due to cost estimates yet to be confirmedas a result of on-goingdetailed engineering design work. 6. Negotiationsfor the c:redithas been schedulein October 1998. The Governmenthas also made good progress in implementingvarious Action Plan tasks required by the IDA as a pre-conditionto Boardconsideration of the credit in December1998. 7. One such IDA Board conditioninvolves the completionand approval by the Governmentof Bangladeshand the World Bank of a ResettlementAction Plan, in accordancewith the World Bank's OD 4.30 on InvoluntaryResettlement 8. The formulationof a ResettlementAction Planentails: (i) preparationand approvalof an entitlementpolicy frameworkfor the project, based on categoriesof socialand economicimpact on individuals,households, and local communities; 4 (ii) approvalof an implementationplan (ResettlementAction Plan) to oiperationalize the principlesagreed upon in the entitlementpolicy framework; and (iii) evidenceof organisationaland institutionalcapacity to undertakethe land acquisitionand resettlementprogram. 9. It should be notedthat civil works can not take place under the DUTP befora the provisions in the approved ResettlementAction Plan have been carried out, and in accordancewith the entitlement principles agreed upon. This includes the normal proceduresunder the Acquisition and Requisitionof ImmovableProperty Ordinance of 1982, with adequatetime givenfor acquisitionnotifications under the varioussections of the Ordinance. 10. The EntitlementPolicy Frameworkfor the ResettlementAction Plan was preparedby the DUTP FPhaseII study consultantsand reviewedand approvedby the World Bank. It was also approved by the Government of Bangladesh in a meeting of the project Inter- SecretarialCommittee on June 3, 1998. 11. Based on this framework,a detailed ResettlementAction Plan (RAP) was developed. It contained guidelines and mechanisms for how to implement the provisions in the entitlementframework. It shouldbe noted that as of July 10, 1998, this Action Plan was still incomplete.The socio-economicsurveys.and verification of property rights had not yet been completed. Work had been underwayto collect the missing information and incorporateit into the final versionof the RAP. 12. This final version of the RAP, which has been approvedby the BangladeshGovernment and the World Bank, incorporatesall missinginformation on the nature and magnitudeof the impacts. The budget has also been revised based on the up-to-datedata ga[thered throughthe most recentstudies. 13.. The summarybudget given below reflects revisionsin terms of more accurate data on the project's impacts: Acquisition of land and assets: Tk. 324.29 mill (US$ 6.90 mill) Income restitution: Tk 78.84 mill. (US$ 1.68 mill.) Community benefits: Tk. 7.12 mill (US$ 0.15 mill.) Administrative costs: Tk. 54.00 mill. (US$ 1.15 mill.) Contingency 8% Tk. 37.14 mill. (US$ 0.79 mill.) Total: Tk. 501.40 mill. (US$ 10.67 mill.) 14. The Governmentof Bangladeshpays for acquisitionof land and private assets. 75% of other costs may be coveredby the World Bank loan. Becausethe major cost in the project is relatedto land acquisition,this works out to an overallcost sharing of GOB paying 77.5% of the land acquisitionand resettlementbudget, and IDA paying22.5%. 5 SOCIALIMPACTS AND RESETTLEMENT: RESETTLEMENTACTION PLAN 1. INTRODUCTIONAND OBJECTIVES 1.1 Background The Governmentof Bangladeshis preparing the Dhaka Urban Development Project (DUTP) with assistancefrom the World Bank. It aims to improvetransport infrastructureand services in the Greater Dhaka MetropolitanArea. Phase I of DUTP(DUTP I) was completedby consultantsin mid-1997and was followedby Phase II (DUTP II) which is due for completionin the third quarter of 1998. DUTP I identified a range of key transport infrastructure and transport services investment components;the DUTP II consultantsare preparing detailed designs and bidding documentsfor a range of these components,in which private land acquisitionand resettlement has been avoidedas
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