Issue 1203 March 2012

Inside this issue: Massing of the Colors Base Contacts 2 On the 4th, Jeff Nie- Rock Hill, S.C. 3:00PM For more about Massing Sunday March 25, 2012. Officer’s Call 3 berding and I presented of the Colors, please go to the Colors in Greenville, page 12. Base Meeting Minutes 4 SC at the Scottish Rite’s Massing of the Colors. SubVettes 9 It is a great sight to see Funnies 10 that many ROTC, JROTC, and Veteran Massing of the Colors 12 units present the their Chaplin Ray 14 Colors. Very impres- sive. Vet News 16 We are doing it again in USS Tullibee SS 284 20 Rock Hill on Sunday Base Calendar 22 March 25th. Hopefully, we can get a couple more volunteers so we USSVI Creed can use our rifles. Massing of the Colors To perpetuate the memory will be held at Rock Hill of our shipmates who gave High School auditorium, 320 W. Springdale Rd, their lives in the pursuit of duties while serving their country. That their dedica- USS F-4 (SS 21) March 25, 1915 tion, deeds, and supreme USS H-1 (SS 28) March 12, 1920 sacrifice be a constant USS PERCH (SS 176) March 3, 1942 source of motivation toward Lost Boats - March USS GRAMPUS (SS 207) March 5, 1943 greater accomplishments. USS TRITON (SS 201) March 15, 1943 Pledge loyalty and patriot- “Sailors, rest your oars” ism to the of USS TULLIBEE (SS 284) March 26, 1944 America and its Constitu- USS KETE (SS 369) March 20, 1945 tion. USS TRIGGER (SS 237) March 26, 1945 Page 2 Piedmont Periscope

CO’s Stateroom— Carolina Piedmont Base Commander Steve Bell

each of us would do that, Welcome Home Viet- Well Done. the overall organization nam Veterans. Our Election for National would be better off. So floats will be on display Offices and potential try to recruit a member. at that event. We are changes to our Constitu- And even better, more moving up our annual tion and By-Laws should than one. event at Jack’s place this be coming out soon. Burnsville is just around year to September. Plan There is a mid-term Spring is all but here. I the corner now. This accordingly. Dales meeting at the end of am sure we all are look- year is shaping up to be Moses has made the call March by our National E ing forward to the nicer a good one again. Reg- for the Charlotte Knights -Board and following weather, but not neces- istrations received so far baseball games. Let him that, the information sarily the yard cutting are ahead of last year. If know if you want to at- should be advertised. that comes with it. you have not sent in tend. Those turn out to Once it is, we will be However, with the nicer your registration and fee, be a fun evening for us letting you know what weather, maybe more of you need to do that soon. all. A trip to Levine we know. But the real you will venture out to Don’t miss out on the Children’s Hospital will point here is that shortly our meetings. good time. Looking for- be coming up soon as after that the election All of us probably know ward to this event, it is well. If you have not will be available online. a Submariner that is not one of the better ones of been, sign up and join us Please take the time to a member of USSVI. the entire year. for that. That one will do a little reading Each of us should try to As the nicer weather ap- do your ‘heart’ good. (homework), then vote. recruit at least one indi- proaches, we will be For your planning pur- Last election around vidual to USSVI. It having more events out- poses, there will be a 30+% of our member- does not matter if they side. Parade season is District Meeting in July ship voted. Let’s see if become a member of here now, so stay tuned (the 15th) in Elizabeth we can improve on that Carolina Piedmont Base, to the announcements City. This will be the this year. It is easy, but just get someone you for each of those. We last one held by our cur- takes very little time, know to join USSVI and have an extra event at rent District Com- and I think it would become a member of a the end of this month at mander. Come on out really be nice to show base close to them, or at Charlotte Motor Speed- and let’s show him a that Carolina Piedmont the very least, a Member way. And that is the good farewell for a job (Con’t on Page 3) -at-Large (MAL). If

Carolina Piedmont Contacts Base Commander Steve Bell [email protected] 704 824 3510 Vice Commander Jack Jeffries jcckjeffries@interlink-café.com 704 –764-5211 Base Secretary Mike Hubbell [email protected] 803-628-1908 Base Treasurer Lee Hickerson [email protected] 704-573-9480 Chief of the Base Paul Myers [email protected] 704-28904650 Base Chaplin Raymond Fritz [email protected] 803 831 7235 Base Storekeeper Jeff Nieberding [email protected] 803-366-9255 Holland Club Walt Sealy [email protected] 803-327-5661 Coordinator Newsletter Editor E. Dale Moses [email protected] 704-248-7610 Issue 1203 Page 3

XO’s Stateroom — Vice Commander Jack Jeffries The Supply Shack- Jeff Greenville, SC as well as Nieberding Book Recommendation Carolina Piedmont presenting a Flag Eti- by Howard Dachs: quette presentation at Ca- Jackets are still available tawba Elementary School A while ago, Monica and to order, several mem- where about 170 students I went to the Aviation bers have ordered theirs attended. Museum in Charlotte already. Just let the SK and, while there, saw the know and he'll fix you It is coming close to the plane that landed in the up with an order form. Annual gathering at the USSVI vests are also CAROLINA PIED- Hudson. There was a Burnsville Memorial site, available to order thru MONT ROCKS. Since display of some of the this is a special gathering the SK. the last publication of items Captain Sullenber- for us as NC Subvets, Patches, the SK is our AWARD WINNING ger had with him and one Carolina Piedmont is the now able to order newsletter, we have 2 item was a book that he host base for this event patches from BC Patch new members, Jay got out of the library. I and it is open to all Sub- LLC at wholesale prices. Brown and Andy Well- recently got it from my Vets in the area. Please This is usually $2 - $3 wood, they came aboard local library and recom- make your reservations less per patch than we at the last meeting and 2 mend it: “The Depths of with Commander Steve normally see. Let the days later the Browns Courage: American Sub- Bell as soon possible, we SK know what you were blessed with a new mariners at War with Ja- need a head count for the pan, 1941-1945” need. son. Congratulations to meal. I would like to Andy and Danielle. We Thank All members for Q: What’s wrong with the picture below? were privileged to visit their support of our base Victory Junction once and urge each one of you A) Member Bob Bickford send me this. This is in again and presented to find one Bubblehead to AZ in front of the State Capitol. My question is about 60 Kaps. We are join our super base. Next “Where are the local Veterans Groups?” I’d be pick- scheduled to have possi- meeting scheduled for 24 ing this Flag up and seeing that it was disposed of in bly two more visits this March at Ft. Mill VFW, a dignified manner. year, one in the summer Meal to be served begin- and one more in the fall. ning 1730 with meeting Our theatre group is scheduled for 1900. slated to make a presen- tation at the Cramerton facility on 24 March. Moe is setting up a new skit featuring Snoopy and the Red Baron. We could use more bit play- ers, singers, and strum- mers for these presenta- (Commander Con’t) tions. Base has a high interest in our organization. Flag Trivia—Where did The base also during this Hope to see each of you this Flag fly in our Na- period displayed our at our next meeting. tion’s history? See Page Colors at the Massing of May God bless you all. 15 the Colors Ceremony in Page 4 Piedmont Periscope

Machinery One — Mike Hubbell, Base Secretary BASE MINUTES 12 February 2012

1900-Meeting called to order by Commander Steve Bell, Invocation given by Walt Sealy. Pledge of Allegiance led by Commander Steve Bell Tolling of the Boats-Walt Sealy, Cob Paul Myers Member introduction- 25 members present, 2 new members, Andrew Brown and Jay Wellwood. Special Presentations-Tom Tidd into Holland Club, Walt Sealy conducted ceremony. Sandra Myers presented check of $100.00 for KAP(SS)4KID(SS) from Carolina Piedmont Subvettes. Reading of previous meeting minutes as published in Piedmont Periscope, approved and seconded. Reading of Treasurers report-Balance $4852.45, Memorial Fund $288.50, K4K $1346.05Scholarship fund $228.65 Burnsville registration $540,00 Funds available $2449.25; approved and seconded Old Business - N.C. I Support Veterans pins, Jeff Neiberding ordered 25. Cost of set up for SC pins will be $75.00. Jeff will contact other SC bases to see if they want to participate. Commander Bell ordered 100 Carolina Piedmont Challenge Coins to replenish our supply, new coins to be cast in silver metal instead of bronze. New Business- none Good of the order - Special guest speaker Rick Ragle spoke of his involvement in the re-enactment of Civil War battles. Rick also told us of his involvement with the homeless veterans in his area of Ten- nessee and the articles they collect for them. Steve announced that the Audit of our treasury was conducted and no problems were found. The schedule for upcoming parades were announced, Raleigh March 17th, Nags Head March 18th and Wilmington April 14th. We discussed the upcoming weekend at Burnsville, May 18th and 19th Dale Moses presented the props for the new skit he is preparing for our presentation at various ven- ues .A new skit to be re-enactment of the famous Snoopy vs Red Baron air battle. Dale also asked for volunteers for the Color Guard for the Massing of the Colors at Greenville, SC on 4 March Steve Bell and Dale Moses presented the Flag Etiquette presentation at Catawba Middle School with about 170 attendees. Winner of 50/50 was Sandra Myers. Steve discussed upcoming National Convention to be held at Norfolk September 2-9. 2020- Motion to adjourn, Benediction given by Walt Sealy Respectfully Jack Jeffries Issue 1203 Page 5

Author and lecturer Leo what the score was 'We're 'I was asking God to give Buscaglia once talked behind 14 to nothing,' he me a pair of shoes,' was the about a contest he was answered with a smile. boy's reply. The lady took asked to judge. The pur- 'Really,' I said. 'I have to him by the hand, went into pose of the contest was to say you don't look very dis- the store, and asked the find the most caring child. couraged.' clerk to get half a dozen The winner was: 'Discouraged?', the boy pairs of socks for the boy. 1. A four-year-old child, asked with a puzzled look She then asked if he could whose next door neighbor on his face... give her a basin of water was an elderly gentleman, 'Why should we be dis- and a towel. He quickly who had recently lost his couraged? We haven't been brought them to her. wife. Upon seeing the man up to bat yet.' She took the little fellow to cry, the little boy went into 4. Whenever I'm disap- the back part of the store the old gentleman's' yard, pointed with my spot in and, removing her gloves, climbed onto his lap, and life, I stop and think about knelt down, washed his lit- just sat there. When his little Jamie Scott. Jamie tle feet, and dried them mother asked him what he was trying out for a part in with the towel. By this had said to the neighbor, the school play. His time, the clerk had returned the little boy just said, mother told me that he'd set with the socks. Placing a 'Nothing, I just helped him his heart on being in it, pair upon the boy's feet, cry.' though she feared he would she purchased him a pair of 2. Teacher Debbie Moon's not be chosen. On the day shoes. She tied up the re- first graders were discuss- the parts were awarded, I maining pairs of socks and ing a picture of a family. went with her to collect gave them to him. She pat- One little boy in the picture him after school. Jamie ted him on the head and had a different hair color rushed up to her, eyes shin- said, 'No doubt, you will be than the other members. ing with pride and excite- more comfortable now.' One of her students sug- ment. 'Guess what, Mom,' As she turned to go, the gested that he was adopted. he shouted, and then said astonished kid caught her A little girl said, 'I know all those words that will re- by the hand, and looking about adoption, I was main a lesson to me....'I've up into her face, with tears adopted.' been chosen to clap and in his eyes, asked her: 'Are 'What does it mean to be cheer.' you God's wife?' - Provided adopted?', asked another 5. An eye witness account by Walt Sealy. child. from New York City, on a 'It means', said the girl, cold day in December, 'that you grew in your some years ago: A little mommy's heart instead of boy, about 10-years-old, her tummy!' was standing before a shoe 3. On my way home one store on the roadway, bare- day, I stopped to watch a footed, peering through the Little League base ball window, and shivering game that was being played with cold. A lady ap- in a park near my home. proached the young boy As I sat down behind the and said, 'My, but you're in bench on the first-base line, such deep thought staring I asked one of the boys in that window!' Page 6 Piedmont Periscope

Cruise for Bermuda Royal Caribbean cruise lines .ship “Enchantment of the Seas” leaving out of Baltimore on October 12 for 6 nights. The phone number to call is 1-800-465-3595, be sure to mention our group name “Carolina Piedmont” and group number 8019784. We get $50.00 per cabin ship board credit. We will have a meeting room but we would have to pay extra if they bring food or beverages to us. So I say take the room and bring drinks and food when or if we want to go to meeting room. We can bring it from the Lido Deck should we want to go there. All prices are per person, an inside cabin is $826.83, outside is $936.83, and a balcony $1386.83. We will be able to get more money for every 8 double-occupancy rooms. A deposit is $500.00 per person with balance due 75 days before we cruise; or you can pay in full. Another option is to choose the $50.00 deposit and the balance of deposit due ($450.00) is due 60 days after the first $50.00 deposit. Gratuities are $69.90 per person if you pre pay we are guaranteed to be able to set at the same table at dinner which is at 6 pm. Please do the deposit it will be held till March 5th. We can take vans for the 8 hour drive with no overnight stay needed. We can divide van rental, gas and parking between us. If you need any further info call me @ 704- 289-4650 or email me @ [email protected]. Thanks, Sandra

The Origin of Sub Pay—provide by Steve Bell Should Teddy Roosevelt going to sea in destroy- which they were sub- be the patron saint of ers, and similar merged while underway. submariners? Roosevelt surface ships, the begin- Enlisted men assigned to was the first American ning of pay! but not yet President to go aboard a Roosevelt’s two-hour qualified received an submarine and to make a trip on Plunger con- additional five dollars dive. Roosevelt ventured vinced him that this dis- per month. beneath the waters of crimination was unfair. Roosevelt did not dilly- Long Island Sound He described submarine dally once he made a aboard USS Plunger (SS duty as hazardous and decision. He issued an -2) on March 25, 1905. difficult, and he found Executive Order direct- Plunger was the United that submariners “have ing the extra pay for States’ second subma- to be trained to the high- enlisted personnel. This rine, commissioned in est possible point as well was the beginning of September 1903. as to show iron nerve in submarine pay! Beyond this historical order to be of anyuse in first, however, is the fact their positions…” that Roosevelt was the Roosevelt directed that man directly responsible officer service on sub- for submarine pay. The marines be equated with Naval hierarchy in1905 duty on surface ships. considered submarine Enlisted men qualified in duty, neither unusual nor submarines were to re- dangerous, and classified ceive ten dollars per it as shore duty. There- month in addition to the fore, submariners re- pay of their rating. They ceived twenty-five per- were also to be paid a cent less pay than sailors dollar for every day in Issue 1203 Page 7

"Late again!" the third- mounting fears, she done ate six hens. Last the hen house he crawled, grade teacher sternly asked little Ranger what night, when Daddy heard just like an Injun on the said to little Ranger. he meant by that. Full of a noise out in the snoop. T hen, he stuck that grins and mischief, and chicken pen, he grabbed double-barreled 12-gauge "It ain't my fault this in the flower of his his double barreled shot- shot gun through the win- time, Miss Russell. You youth, little Ranger and gun and said to my Ma, dow of the coop. As he can blame this 'un on my trouble were old "That fox is back again... stared into the darkness, Daddy. The reason I'm friends,...... but he al- I'm a gonna git him!'' with a fox on his mind, three hours late is my ways told her the truth. "Stay back," Daddy our old hound dog, Rip, Daddy sleeps naked!" "You see, Miss Russell, whispered to all us kids! had done gone and woke Now, Miss Russell had out at the farm we got "My Daddy was naked up and comes sneaking up taught grammar school this here low down fox. as a jaybird -- no boots, behind Daddy. Then, as for thirty-some-odd The last few nights, he no pants, no shirt! To we all looked on, plumb years. Despite her helpless, old Rip done went and stuck his cold nose in my Daddy's Those damn Bran bath. A maid could be Peter to Tony. This is crack!" Flakes—Steve Bell seen hanging their favor- Heaven, it is all free for ite clothes in the closet. you to enjoy.' Tony "Miss Russell, we all been Tony and Yvonne were cleanin' chickens since 85 years old and had They gasped in astonish- looked around and nerv- ment when he said, ously asked Yvonne three o'clock this mornin!" been married for sixty - Steve Bell years. Though they were 'Welcome to Heaven. 'Well, where are the low far from rich, they man- This will be your home fat and low cholesterol aged to get by because now.' foods and the decaffein- they carefully watched Tony asked Peter how ated tea?' their pennies. much all this was going 'That's the best part,' St. Though not young, they to cost. 'Why, nothing,' Peter replied. 'You can were both in very good Peter replied, 'remember, eat and drink as much as health, largely due to this is your reward in you like and you will Yvonne's insistence on Heaven.' never get fat or sick. healthy foods and exer- Tony looked out the win- This is Heaven!' cise for the last decade. dow and right there he 'No gym to work out at?' One day, their good saw a championship golf said Tony health didn't help when course, finer and more 'Not unless you want to,' they went on yet another beautiful than any ever was the answer. holiday vacation and built on Earth. 'No testing my sugar or their plane crashed, send- 'What are the greens blood pressure or...' ing them off to Heaven. fees?' grumbled Tony 'Never again' They reached the pearly 'This is heaven,' St. Peter gates, and St. Peter es- replied. 'You can play for Tony glared at Yvonne corted them inside. He free, every day.' and said, 'You and your took them to a beautiful Bran Flakes. We could mansion, furnished in Next they went to the have been here ten years gold and fine silks, with a clubhouse and saw the ago!' fully stocked kitchen and lavish buffet lunch. a waterfall in the master 'Don't even ask,' said St. Page 8 Piedmont Periscope

Welcome Aboard Andrew Brown Jay Wellwood

March If your birthday Bob Saenz 3/01 was missed, please Rick Petitt 3/05 notify Jack or Dale William Hickerson 3/07 Howard Dachs 3/14 Judy Hickerson 3/15 Ruth Murray 3/15 Barbara Sealy 3/24 Robert Howell 3/30

“I never met a March man I didn’t like” Sandi and John Wardean - - Will Rogers 3/1 Libby and Calvin Reese - 3/31

Issue 1203 Page 9

SubVettes Hello Sassy Sisters! USA. See you on March I am sorry for the delay 24th at our meeting but I had a lot going on. place. Love, Sandra I hope you and yours are doing well. Our meal Cruise for Bermuda get $50.00 per cabin prices are per person, for March is our usual Royal Caribbean cruise ship board credit. We an inside cabin is "this and that." Do not lines .ship will have a meeting $826.83, outside is forget our recruiters and “Enchantment of the room but we would have $936.83, and a bal- your secret sisters. We Seas” leaving out of to pay extra if they bring cony $1386.83. We have a lot to discuss Baltimore on October food or beverages to us. will be able to get about the cookbooks and 12 for 6 nights. The So I say take the room more money for every make plans about getting phone number to call is and bring drinks and 8 double-occupancy it together. Our cruise is 1-800-465-3595, be food when or if we want rooms. A deposit is beginning to come to- sure to mention our to go to meeting room. $500.00 per person gether and I am excited! group name “Carolina We can bring it from the with balance due 75 Take care and May God Piedmont” and group Lido Deck should we days before we cruise; Bless you and Yours and number 8019784. We want to go there. All or you can pay in full. Our Great Country the

Fig and Ginger Bars Looking for an easy-to-make cereal bar without hard-to-say ingredients? Try this fig and ginger bar! Ingredients:

 1 cup quick-cooking oats  1 cup bran cereal  1/4 cup whole-wheat flour  1 cup walnut pieces  1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped stemmed dried figs  1/2 cup nonfat dry milk  1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon  1/4 teaspoon ground ginger  1/4 cup honey  2 large eggs Directions: Preheat the oven to 350. Coat a 9-by-13-inch baking pan with cooking spray. Place the oats, cereal, flour, walnuts, figs, dry milk, cinnamon and ginger in a food processor; coarsely chop. Add the honey and eggs; pulse until well combined. Transfer the mixture to the pan; spread evenly with your fingers. Bake until lightly browned around the edges, about 20 minutes. Cool in the pan for 15 minutes, then cut into 16 bars. Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days, or wrap individually and freeze for up to 3 months. Nutrition facts per bar: Calories 149; Fat 6 g (Saturated 1 g); Cholesterol 20 mg; Sodium 31 mg; Carbohydrate 22 g; Fiber 4 g; Protein 5 g Page 10 Piedmont Periscope

Billy-Bob and Bubba of Tide with bleach al- quite a few to drink this Tim."How did it happen, were sitting in the back ternative, to my surprise evening." Tim?" of a trailer, drinking a and satisfaction, all of "I did all right," the "It was terrible, Brenda. beer and talking about the stains came out! In life. drunk says with a smile. He fell into a vat of fact, the stains came out Guinness Stout and so well the detectives "Did you know," says Billy-Bob said: "If I drowned." snuck over to your house who came by yesterday the cop, standing straight while you were out fish- told me that the DNA and folding his arms “Oh my dear Jesus!” ing and had sex with tests on my blouse were across his chest, “that a But you must tell me the your wife, and she got negative. Then my at- few intersections back, truth, Tim. Did he at pregnant, would that torney called and said your wife fell out of least go quickly?" make us kin?" that I was no longer con- your car?" "Well, Brenda... no. In sidered a suspect in the "Oh, thank heavens," fact, he got out three Bubba scratched his disappearance of my head for a bit and said: sighs the drunk. "For a times to pee." husband. What a relief! minute there, I thought "I don't think so...but it Going through meno-  sure would make us I'd gone deaf." pause is bad enough Mary Clancy goes up to even." without being a murder  Father O' Grady after his  suspect! Brenda O'Malley is Sunday morning service, I thank you, once again, Dear Tide: home making dinner, as and she's in tears. for having a great prod- I am writing to say usual, when Tim Finne- He says, "So what's uct. Well, gotta go. I what an excellent prod- gan arrives at her door. bothering you, Mary my have to write to the uct you have. I've used "Brenda, may I come Hefty bag people. dear?" it all of my married life, in?" he asks. "I've some-  She says, "Oh, Father, as my Mom always told thin' to tell ya". I've got terrible news. me it was the best. Now An Irishman who had a “Of course you can My husband passed that I am in my late six- little too much to drink come in, you're always away last night." ties I find it even better! is driving home from the welcome, Tim. But In fact, about a month city one night and, of where's my husband?" The priest says, "Oh, ago, I spilled some red course, his car is weav- Mary, that's terrible. Tell "That's what I'm here to wine on my new white ing violently all over the me, Mary, did he have be telling ya, Brenda. blouse. My inconsider- road. any last requests?" There was an accident ate and uncaring hus- A cop pulls him over. down at the Guinness She says, "That he did, band started to belittle "So," says the cop to the brewery..." Father." me about how clumsy I driver, where have ya The priest says, "What was, and generally been?" "Oh, God no!" cries started becoming a pain Brenda. "Please don't tell did he ask, Mary? " "Why, I've been to the in the neck. One thing me." She says, He said, pub of course," slurs the led to another and some- 'Please Mary, put down drunk. "I must, Brenda. Your how I ended up with his husband Shamus is dead the gun...' blood on my new white "Well," says the cop, "it and gone. I'm sorry."  blouse! looks like you've had I grabbed my bottle Finally, she looked up at Issue 1203 Page 11

A drunk staggers into a mule died last night." two dollars back." just here to hook-up your Catholic Church, enters Curtis and Leroy replied, Curtis and Leroy now telephone." - Supplied by a confessional booth, sits "Well, then just give us work for the government. Howard Murray down, but says nothing. our money back." They're overseeing the  The Priest coughs a few Bailout & Stimulus Pro- times to get his attention The farmer said, "Can't "Well," snarled the tough grams. but the drunk continues do that. I went and spent old Navy Chief to the be- to sit there. Finally, the it already." wildered Seaman, "I sup- pose after you get dis- Priest pounds three times They said, "OK then, charged from the Navy, on the wall. The drunk just bring us the dead you'll just be waiting for mumbles, "ain't no use mule." knockin, there's no paper me to die so you can come on this side either!" The farmer asked, "What and piss on my grave." in the world ya'll gonna "Not me, Chief!" the Sea-  do with a dead mule?" man replied. "Once, I get IRONY Curtis said, "We gonna out of the Navy, I'm never The food stamp pro- raffle him off." going to stand in line gram, managed by the The farmer said, "You again! - Supplied by How- Department of Agricul- can't raffle off a dead Limit all US politicians to ard Murray ture, is pleased to be dis- mule!" two Terms: One in office;  tributing food stamps to one in prison. more than 46 million Leroy said, "We shore A Master Chief and a Ma-  people in the USA. can! Heck, we don't rine General were sitting in Meanwhile, the National hafta tell nobody he's Having just moved into the barbershop. They were Park Service, managed dead!" his new office, a pom- both just getting finished by the Department of the A couple of weeks later, pous, new Captain was with their shaves, when the Interior, threatens to the farmer ran into Cur- sitting at his desk when an barbers reached for some prosecute those who tis and Leroy at the Pig- seaman knocked on the after-shave to slap on their “feed wild animals” be- gly Wiggly grocery store door. Conscious of his faces. cause the animals may and asked. "What'd you new position, the Captain The General shouted, grow dependent upon us fellers ever do with that quickly picked up the "Hey, don't put that stuff on and not take care of dead mule?" phone, told the seaman to me! My wife will think I've themselves. enter, then said into the been in a whorehouse!" They said, "We raffled phone, "Yes, Admiral, I'll  him off like we said we be seeing him this after- The Chief turned to his bar- Mule Trading wuz gonna do." noon and I'll pass along ber and said, "Go ahead Leroy said, "Shucks, we your message. In the and put it on me. My wife Curtis and Leroy saw an doesn't know what the in- ad in the Starkville Daily sold 500 tickets fer two meantime, thank you for dollars apiece and made your good wishes, sir." side of a whorehouse in Starkville, MS. and smells like." - Supplied by bought a mule for $100. a profit of $998." Feeling as though he had Howard Murray The farmer agreed to The farmer said, "My sufficiently impressed the deliver the mule the next Lord, didn't anyone com- young enlisted man, he day.The next morning plain?" asked, "What do you the farmer drove up and want ?" said, "Sorry, fellows, I Curtis said, "Well, the "Nothing important, sir," have some bad news, the feller who won got up- set. So we gave him his the seaman replied, "I'm Page 12 Piedmont Periscope

Mass of the Colors (con’t from page 1) - by Walt Sealy The Massing of the Col- faded away. Carolina SC-041st ors is a patriotic cere- In 1963, the Massing of Air Force Junior mony and is a living and the Colors, for the first ROTC Group- moving tribute to the time, included all ele- GAFFNEY, SC dead of all previous ments of the Armed NORTHWESTERN wars. It begins with a Forces of the United HIGH SCHOOL-SC procession of the colors States - The Army, Ma- -061nd Air Force and color guards of local rine Corps, Navy, Air Junior ROTC Group- military, veterans, civic, Force, Coast Guard and ROCK HILL, SC. and patriotic organiza- The Merchant Marine ROCK HILL HIGH tions. An opening song, Academy. SCHOOL-South a reading of a Patriotic We are ever mindful of Carolina 62nd Air Lesson, a short memorial the personal sacrifice Force Junior ROTC address precedes a made and being made by Group -ROCK Pledge of Allegiance to our armed forces of HILL, SC. the Flag. The playing of every race, color and SOUTH POINTE HIGH the National Anthem, a creed on duty here and SCHOOL-South formal recognition of the around the world and Carolina 2005-1 Air Colors, followed by a those who have given Force Junior ROTC recessional song brings their lives or have en- Group-ROCK HILL, this short but meaningful dured pain and imprison- SC. ceremony to its conclu- ment so we can continue VETERANS OF FOR- sion. to maintain our freedom. EIGN WARS-POST The purpose of the This ceremony also rec- 2889 ------Massing of the Colors is ognizes the heroes that ------to rededicate our faith in protect us at home and ROCK HILL, SC the colors of the United the future heroes of our AMERICAN LEGION- States and to present our country. The Massing of ELI BAILES POST support of those Colors the Colors is an opportu- #43------and of the Servicemen nity for us to show our ------and Servicewomen those respect for those sacri- FORT MILL, SC Colors represent. The fices and to show respect AMERICAN LEGION- Massing originated with for the symbols of our FRANK ROACH The Society of the Mass- nation. POST #34------ing of the Colors, organ- The organizations sched------ized on Armistice Day, uled to present their Col- ROCK HILL, SC 1922, by distinguished ors are NATIONAL SO- military officers, veter- CLOVER HIGH JOURNERS HE- ans and civic leaders. SCHOOL-South ROES OF ’76 The Military Order of CAROLINA CHAP- Carolina SC -951st the World Wars took Air Force Junior TER #184 ---- over the promotion of ROTC Group- COLUMBIA, SC this inspiring ceremony Clover, SC NATIONAL MARINE when The Society of the GAFFNEY HIGH CORPS LEAGUE- Massing of the Colors SCHOOL-South OLD ENGLISH Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 13

Mass of the Colors for Rock Hill on the 25th

LEATHERNECKS ROCK HILL POLICE Hampton McManus, US DETACHMENT DEPARTMENT----- Army (Ret). #1123-ROCK HILL, ROCK HILL, SC Rock Hill High School SC ROCK HILL FIRE DE- and the Rock Hill Valley NATIONAL MARINE PARTMENT------of the Ancient and Ac- CORPS LEAGUE- ROCK HILL, SC cepted Scottish Rite of DEVIL DOGS------YORK COUNTY Masonry present this CHESTER, SC SHERIFF’S OF- Massing of the Colors CAROLINA PIED- FICEYORK , SC and there is no charge MONT SUBMA- KNIGHTS OF SAINT for admission. Please RINE VETERANS- ANDREWS------attend and demonstrate USSVI-FORT COLUMBIA, SC your support and appre- MILL, SC YORK RITE ciation for these organi- Jeff Nieberding and MILITARY ORDER OF GREENVILLE zations on Sunday, THE PURPLE Dale Moses getting COMMANDERY #4 March 25, at 3:00 P.M. ready to “March?” off HEART--ROCK at Rock Hill High HILL, SC GREENVILLE, SC after presenting the School auditorium. National and Base CUB SCOUT PACK The speaker will be Ma- Colors at Greenville, #132 -EDGEMOOR, jor General Wade SC SC. Page 14 Piedmont Periscope

Chaplin’s Corner - Ray Fritz, Base Chaplain

March 2012 of one shipmate who lit aboard the USS San Joa- I mentioned the “The a cigarette in the for- quin County {LST frozen wasteland” of the ward head while oxygen 1122) before going to Southern Tier region of was being bled into it. A Sub school and Nuke NY last time and, as I sign had been properly school and then the USS am writing this, we are posted on the door but I Hamilton. After serving preparing to leave for guess he wasn’t paying aboard the Hamilton, he the ‘frozen wasteland’ attention. The crew had didn’t have enough time once more. My last sur- a name for him after left to qualify aboard viving uncle died in that, “Balls of fire!” Of another nuclear sub, so last month. His course, he could have he was transferred to the memorial service is on been killed but they re- USS Thornback SS 418, Saturday in Penn Yan, directed the oxygen a WWII diesel sub. It NY. He was 91, was a bleed after that! was aboard this boat that great uncle, and had The moral on the Skate he had most of his ‘deep lived a long, good life. and the Grant was very venture’. We will miss him. high. When we had been Overall I thought it was I just finished reading through some tight a good read, especially if Gary Penley’s book situations I didn’t see you enjoy spending your “Deep Venture” – A moral plummet or men ‘on the beach’ time in Sailor’s Story of Cold become terribly scared. the Acey-Deucy Club or War Submarines. It was There were tense mo- the 525 Club or the an interesting read but it ments but that should be ‘strip’. I did go to the wasn’t until the 14th expected. And, I never ‘strip’ a few times, spent chapter before he got heard of or witnessed some time in a bar in anyone get into a fist order to help some a into ‘Deep Adventure’. Most of the book is fight! Perhaps things shipmate safely back to about his drinking and changed later on while the sub. I counted it a carousing. I thought he Gary was in. I don’t privilege to have them portrayed a very poor know. look to me to help them image of submarine sail- Now, this is only my back. It was, and I never ors – at least compared opinion, but I thought lost a shipmate! to the ones that I had the Mr. Penley was really If you would like to bor- privilege to serve with stuck on himself and row the book just let me and know today. I do didn’t have a very high know. recall pouring a couple regard for his fellow So, why tell you this? down the hatch but for shipmates – even though Well, because our per- the most part, I don’t some of them seem kind spectives on life are dif- recall anyone getting of off the wall – but ferent. My experience in into a fight in my eight weren’t we all? Besides, the same situation will years in the sub service we were and are the probably be different – on or off the boat. best! Aren’t we? from yours. My view of I do remember hearing Mr. Penley first served the same situation may Issue 1203 Page 15 vary from yours. In re- boys and Indians. We are dying to get here Answer to the Flag Trivia: ality we don’t see wrestled and sometimes while in other countries things as they are, we fought but, in a few mo- people are dying, trying This one is "Crescent Flag of things as we are. We ments, we were friends to get out! That is why I South Carolina," and the col- see things through our again. get a little passionate ors are listed as "Blue field, prism and from our his- when, from my perspec- white crescent." This flag is tory of living. I grew up among hard working people who tive; we are headed very similar to others I've Whenever my friend, didn’t have much in the down the wrong road seen, usually listed as the George Bible, and I get way of material things toward socialism. Fort Moultrie Flag. The dif- ference, though, is that this together he has a 1,000 but were rich in charac- God bless and thanks one has the word stories to tell. Some of ter. Our neighborhood for listening, them, I was there for stretched along about 3 "LIBERTY" in the crescent but his rendition is dif- miles of main road. Our Chaplain Ray instead of across the bottom ferent from mine. I like nearest neighbor’s PS – Just returned from of the flag. th seeing them through his house was about a 1/8 our quick trip to NY. "On Sept. 13, 1775, Colonel eyes – wow! of a mile away. We are glad to be back Moultrie received an order to I grew up in the rolling We saw all the stars at and look forward to see- take Fort Johnson, South Carolina. He had this flag farmland country of night. We rode sleds in ing you all at the next upstate (300+ miles made, for the troops wore a the winter in the Subvet meeting! from NYC) NY where moonlight. I whistled, in silver crescent on the caps winters were harsh and the darkness of the inscribed 'Liberty or Death.' 'This was the first American summers were hot. I night, as I ran to where Money can't buy happi- flag displayed in the South,' remember having holes some other kids lived so ness but it sure makes he said. On June 28, 1776, in my shoes and holes we could play outdoors. misery easier to live with. the crescent flag, with LIB- in the knees of may There's a fine line be- My perspective on life ERTY across it, was raised trousers. I remember tween cuddling and hold- was different than those at his defense of Sullivan's making ice cream, I ing someone down so thought it took hours to who may have lived in a Island, later Fort Moultrie." city or urban area. they can't get away. crank. We made it once I used to be indecisive. "Col. Moultrie devised a a month or so – and we It is a blessing to live in Now I'm not so sure. large blue flag with a white used real cream! It was this great country. Our You're never too old to crescent in the upper left, delicious. view of its history may learn something stupid. facing the hoist. Col. Moul- There were no McDon- be different because of To be sure of hitting the trie says in his memoirs that ald’s but there were Ice where we grew up and target, shoot first and call "this was the first Ameri- Cream Parlors where what we were taught. whatever you hit the tar- can flag displayed in the they made fantastic Ba- As for me, my time in get. South." nana Splits! the Navy was worth Nostalgia isn't what it every minute and I used to be. There were no Wal- would do it again for Change is inevitable ex- Marts but there were my country. Our coun- cept from a vending ma- 5₵ & 10₵ stores. Re- try is not perfect but we chine. Deadline for member them? have resolved many of A diplomat is someone the April Issue We went to the store them through the years – some costing the pre- who tells you to go to will be the once a week. We hell in a way that you played ball in the open cious blood of our sons look forward to the trip. 20th. fields. We played cow- and daughters. People Page 16 Piedmont Periscope

Small Claims Court Questions California resident your case; on each item: Heather Peters recently 1) Talk to the person or won $9,867 from Honda resolve your dispute out business you are think- VETERANS NEWS because her Civic didn’t of court, and ing about suing. Try to by the RAQ Bulletin live up the 50 MPG work things out before Honda had advertised. going to court. You can quently asked questions. She was not satisfied also write a “demand with the meager offer It covers the following letter” that asks the per- from Honda to resolve basics: son or business in writ- her complaint and was ing what you are asking faced with the decision about small claims court for. You can get help in to join a class action suit preparing a demand let- or to take them to court. and cases and making the decision if small ter at http:// She decided the latter, did her homework, and claims is right for your 5.htm. presented a compelling situation using helpful case without a lawyer resources. 2) Try mediation or (not allowed). If you feel other alternatives to law- 24 you have been Suing Someone, Being yers and courts. You can screwed over by a mer- Sued, Mediation, and try mediation throughout chant, business, or ac- Going to Court your case, even if it does quaintance and are inter- not work now. ested in learning more Case so you can be bet- 3) Consider if going to about suing in small court can give you what claims court check out ter prepared when you go to court. you want. If you win in her website http:// court, the court cannot www.dontsettlewithhond collect the money for!small-claims. It judgment if you win, you. Is the person you contains a ‘Small using tools and instruc- are suing able to pay? If Claims’ section which tions on how to work you want to sue a notes the maximum you with the other side to get neighbor because the can sue for, whether or paid. neighbor behaves badly, not attorneys are al- will suing make the lowed, and links to in- judgment if you lose neighbor behave better? formation on filing small your small claims case Courts cannot force claims cases in all 50 including working out good behavior. Will the states. For instance, the payment arrangements time and money it takes California link provides and payment plans. to go to court be worth information that will the likely outcome? Ask help you: yourself these questions small claims judgment. before filing your claim small claims court; If you are suing it pro- so you do not find your- vides the following self worse off after suing checklist and elaborates than if you did not sue at guides to help you with all. Issue 1203 Page 17

4) Learn about how dpmo or call (703) 699- the remains, scientists from erans” program headed small claims court 1420 : 25 . the Joint POW/MIA Ac- by the National Hospice works. Go to the court- DPMO announced 13 counting Command and the and Palliative Care Or- house and watch a small FEB that Army Cpl. Armed Forces DNA Identi- ganization and the De- claims hearing. That way William R. Sluss, 21, of fication Laboratory used partment of Veterans Af- you will know what to Nickelsville, Va., was to circumstantial evidence, fairs. One of only 12 hos- expect. Get help from be buried Feb. 18, in forensic identification tools pice facilities in the U.S. your court's small claims Gate City, Va. In late such as dental records and to meet the criteria, advisor listed at http:// November 1950, Sluss radiographs, and mitochon- LightBridge offers spe- and elements of the U.S. drial DNA – which cialized training to its selfhelp-advisors.htm . 2nd Infantry Division matched Sluss’s brother staff to help meet the 5) If you decide to go to were attacked by Chi- and sister. needs of ailing veterans. nese forces near Kunu-ri, “After all they’ve done court, follow these steps: —————————— Figure out how to name North Korea. On Nov. for us, it’s a privilege to the defendant, ask for 30, 1950, Sluss, along VA Hospice Care Up- thank those who served payment, find the right with many other Ameri- date 02: Hospice is a spe- with the superior end-of- court to file your claim, can soldiers, was listed cialized type of healthcare life care that they de- fill out your court forms, as missing in action as a that is designed to provide serve,” Mendlen said. file your claim, serve result of that heavy supportive care and ser- The facility’s individual- your claim, and go to fighting. In 1953, return- vices to persons in the final ized program of care is court. Guidance for each ing Americans who had phase of a life-limiting ill- tailored to meet he entire step is provided on the been held as prisoners of ness. The focus is on the family’s needs, with a website. war reported that Sluss patients’ comfort and qual- variety of services that had been captured by the ity of life, and relief for the provide comfort and sup- 6) After your hearing, Chinese, and died in the entire family from the bur- port. A patient’s Indi- read what to do on the spring of 1951 as a result dens typically associated vidualized program of Plaintiff's Post-Hearing of malnutrition while in with this journey. Turning care may include: Checklist. a prisoner of war camp to hospice can be a tough in North Phyongan Prov- [Source: Money- choice, but finding appro- member of the hospice ince, North Korea. Be- TalksNews Stacy John- priate care can be even team to place of resi- tween 1991 and 1994, son article 14 Feb 2012 more challenging for the dence. ++] North Korea gave the families of veterans. “As United States 208 boxes veterans age, they face a —————————— of remains believed to distinct set of needs and the hospice diagnosis. POW/MIA Update contain the remains of challenges, including medi- 14: The following MIA/ 200-400 U.S. service- cal issues related to where equipment. men. North Korean POW’s have been identi- they served, memories that documents, turned over fied. For additional in- might trigger anxiety and with some of the boxes, grooming. formation on the De- stoicism that makes asking indicated that some of fense Department’s mis- for help difficult,” said the the human remains were sion to account for miss- founder and president of guidance. recovered from North ing Americans, visit the LightBridge Hospice & Phyongan Province, Department of Defense Palliative Care Jill where Sluss was be- counseling. POW/Missing Personnel Mendlen. Their facility was lieved to have been held Office (DPMO) web site recently certified to take in “Camp 5.” To identify at part in the “We Honor Vet- Page 18 Piedmont Periscope

for caregivers. 92121or Email: con- tact@LightBridgeHospic costs would consume the or web 26 http:// entire defense budget,” therapies. www.lightbridgehospice. says Todd Harrison, an com. For additional info analyst at the Center for ing Touch or other inte- on VA’s Hospice and Strategic and Budgetary VETERANS NEWS grative therapies Palliative care programs Assessments in Wash- by the RAQ Bulletin Last week, that care was refer to http:// ington. “We obviously demonstrated as they can’t let that happen,” he hosted a ceremony to GERIATRICS/ adds. “That won’t hap- honor residents at Po- Hos- pen.” way’s Solaris Senior The increase in the cost Living Community. Led p. [Source: Poway Patch per person has been by Ralph Moran, 27, a | Town Pulse Annie driven in no small part volunteer and former Lane article 16 Feb 2012 by new and expanded Marine sergeant, four ++] benefits for retirees, in- retired military person- —————————— cluding a health-care nel were presented with program that did not ex- a plaque, pin and pillow DoD 2013 Budget ist before 9/11. This sewn from uniforms by Update 10: The Pen- health-care benefit, a spouses of active duty tagon’s new defense Medicare supplement military. Hospice pa- budget sets up a politi- called TRICARE for tients John Fain, 91, and cally charged competi- Life, costs some $11 bil- Wayne Howard, 86, tion within the US mili- lion a year. “That’s not a were joined by Flowers tary – one that pits active small amount of Hogan, 83, and Henry -duty troops against money,” Mr. Harrison Miller, 88 for the event. military retirees who says, adding that it Serving veterans in Po- have served in previous amounts to the price of way and throughout the wars. In other words, the an aircraft carrier every county is something Pentagon can either cut year. At the same time, LightBridge’s senior the amount it spends per overall personnel costs vice president, Pamela service member, or it continue to grow. For Hough, says hits close to can increase the fees that every dollar in basic pay home. “This level of ex- retirees pay for health that the Pentagon cur- pertise is very personal care and other benefits. rently spends, it must to the staff at Light- Personnel costs in the now set aside roughly 33 Bridge because many of Pentagon’s base budget cents to pay the expected us have a military back- have grown enormously retirement benefits of ground or family in the over the past decade – US troops who are serv- military,” she said. For up 90 percent since ing today. This means more information about 2001. These costs now that personnel costs are the veteran program at represent one-third of consuming an increas- LightBridge, or to volun- the Pentagon's budget. If ingly large share of the teer, contact 858-458- the Pentagon continues military budget, affect- 2992/3655F , 6155 Cor- at this rate and the over- ing the amount of money nerstone Court East, Ste. all defense budget stays that the Pentagon spends 220, , CA flat, by 2039, “personnel on “research and devel- Issue 1203 Page 19 opment, readiness, train- raise the premiums or think we can stand here and regarding changes in mili- ing, and other priorities,” “make much larger cuts say there won't be any in- tary retirement; Harrison says. “It’s an in force structure, and voluntary separations. intergenerational compe- we don't want to do We're just going to see how Department’s recommen- tition that’s going on in that,” Robert Hale, the the economy recovers,” he dation and other inputs, the budget whether we Pentagon's chief finan- adds. “We'll try to do this the Commission would like it or not,” he says. cial officer, said in a in as humane a way as we make a recommendation “This is one that people briefing Monday. Also, can.” [Source: The Chris- to the President; don’t like to talk about – pay raises for troops will tian Science Anna and you don’t hear the be lower – probably de- Mulrine article 13 Feb 34 military framing it this creasing from 1.7 per- 2012 ++] way.” Perhaps the hard- cent annually in 2013 —————————— quest that the Commission est problem is that the and 2014 to 0.5 percent make changes in its rec- United States currently in 2015 and then back up Military Retirement ommendations but could has more military retir- to 1 percent in 2016 System Update 15: not require changes; ees drawing pay than (assuming some sort of The President did not pro- active-duty troops: Some economic recovery), ac- pose any changes to the 2 million retirees draw cording to Mr. Hale. military retirement system decide whether to forward the Commission’s recom- pay, versus 1.5 million The question remains in his budget for FY 2013 in the active-duty force. but did ask Congress to es- mendation to Congress; whether the Pentagon and Under the 2013 defense can slow the growth in tablish a Commission to budget, the Pentagon is personnel costs per per- review military retirement planning to cut the active son in a way that it can in the context of overall would have to vote up or -duty Army and Marine avoid deeper cuts in the military compensation. The down on the recommenda- Corps by 72,000 and size of US forces, or end Commission would be tion without amendment 20,000, respectively, strength, Harrison says. charged with determining and under expedited pro- over the next several “I think that’s what’ll whether there are cost ef- cedures. fective changes that should years. That would bring end up happening,” he [Source: AFSA On Call be made to the current sys- the forces roughly back says. “If they can’t slow 16 Feb 2012 ++] to the levels they were in the growth in the costs tem. The President and the 2005. The Pentagon has per person, we’re going Secretary of Defense —————————— already announced plans to see deeper reductions strongly recommend that to slow the growth in in end strength than are any recommended changes basic pay, raise the fees already planned.” That is be fully grandfathered – that retirees pay for a possibility the Penta- that is, they would only health care, and form a gon is already exploring. apply to new recruits. The commission to study re- Retention rates are high special Military Retirement tirement benefits. Now, in the military given the Modernization Commis- the new Pentagon budget weak economy, Hale sion would operate under quadruples the premiums says. As a result, the the following procedures that the highest-earning Pentagon will tighten which are similar to those retirees must pay in the reenlistment standards, that govern actions by a years to come for TRI- and it's also looking into BRAC Commission: CARE for Life. This 31 incentives to encourage is likely to prompt back- troops to leave the mili- make a formal recommen- lash, but it was either tary. Even so, “I don't dation to the Commission Page 20 Piedmont Periscope

Lost Boats— USS TULLIBEE SS-284 corted by two destroy- ers; closed to 2,000 USS Tullibee (SS-284), trolling the -Truk yards; and launched a Gato-class submarine, traffic lanes. Five days three torpedoes at the was the first ship of the later, she sighted smoke nearest freighter. Two to be on the horizon that minutes later, she fired named for the tullibee a proved to be three three more at another whitefish of central and freighters with an escort. ship. As she went deep northern North America. Tullibee closed the range to avoid a Her keel was laid down to 2,700 yards; launched heading her way, she on April 1, 1942 at Mare one at the ship heard one explosion. Island, California, by the on the right and three at She soon heard the Mare Island Navy Yard. the vessel on the left. As bursts of two more tor- She was launched on the submarine fired the pedo explosions, fol- November 11, 1942 first torpedo, a ship lowed by breaking up sponsored by Mrs. Ken- rammed her and bent her noises. When she sur- neth C. Hurd; and com- number one periscope. faced, she sighted over missioned on February She went deep and was 1000 empty 50 US gal 15, 1943, Commander depth charged by the es- oil drums, but no ships. Charles F. Brindupke in cort as the ships sped Postwar examination of command. away. As they had been Japanese records indi- Tullibee held shakedown set to run at a depth of cated that Tullibee had training from April 8-30 15 feet (4.6 m) — too damaged one freighter 1943 and departed for deep for the draft of the and had sunk the passen- on May 8. She largest target — none of ger-cargo ship Kaisho arrived at Pearl Harbor the torpedoes exploded. Maru. The patrol termi- on May 15 and held fur- On August 14, Tullibee nated when the subma- ther training exercises in sighted a convoy of three rine reached Midway Hawaiian waters. Nu- freighters with an escort Island on September 6. merous air fitting leaks and began an end-around Second War Patrol - On developed, and she was run to get into good at- September 28, Tullibee docked for repairs twice. tack position. She began her second war When this proved inef- launched a torpedo from patrol. Her assigned fective, the submarine a range of 3,000 yards area was in the East entered the navy yard and went deep. It Sea between the until July 11. missed, and she returned Ryukyu Islands and the First War Patrol -On to periscope depth to fire China coast. On Octo- July 19, Tullibee got un- three torpedoes at the ber 4, she sighted a con- derway for the Western last ship. It apparently voy of nine passenger- and her saw their wakes as it cargo ships with three first war patrol. On July turned and combed destroyer escorts. The 28, she sighted a passen- them. The submarine submarine pulled well ger-cargo ship, accom- again went deep. When ahead of the convoy and panied by an escort and she surfaced, the targets tracked them until the an aircraft that prevented had escaped. On August next morning. At 00:58, her attack. On August 5, 22,Tullibee sighted a she fired a spread of the submarine began pa- convoy of five ships es- three torpedoes at a large Issue 1203 Page 21 freighter, with one hit- cial score for this patrol freighter and swung left to had run a circular ting the target a minute was one passenger-cargo fire one at the escort. The course and she had later. Another spread of ship sunk, a tanker dam- first target, net tender Hiro sank herself. three from the bow tubes aged, and a passenger- Maru, took two hits and Gunner's Mate C.W. produced two hits on a cargo ship damaged. disintegrated in about one Kuykendall, on the heavily-laden cargo Third War Patrol - Tul- minute. The torpedo fired bridge at the time, was ship. Minor explosions libee's third patrol was in a at the escort missed, and knocked unconscious and breaking up noises "" with sister the submarine went deep to and thrown into the wa- began immediately as ships Halibut and Had- evade. Tullibee cleared the ter. When he regained Chicago Marusank. dock. The trio sortied from area the following day and consciousness, the sub- Twelve days later, Tul- Pearl Harbor on December returned to Pearl Harbor on marine was gone. He libee contacted a convoy 14 1943 for the Mariana February 10. heard voices in the wa- of seven ships with three Islands to intercept enemy Fourth War Patrol and ter for about ten min- escorts that later sepa- shipping plying between Loss - On March 5, Tul- utes, then they stopped. rated into two groups; Truk and . On Janu- libee stood out of Pearl The next day, he was one hugging the China ary 2, 1944, Tullibee Harbor to begin her fourth picked up by a Japa- coast and the other head- sighted a Japanese I-class war patrol. Nine days later, nese escort. ing for Pescadores submarine on the surface she called at Midway Is- Kuykendall survived as Channel. She attacked and launched four torpe- land to top off her fuel and a prisoner of war and the largest ship in the does at a range of 3,000 then proceeded to her pa- was released after V-J latter group with six tor- yards. The enemy saw the trol area in the Is- Day. Tullibee received pedoes; one hit the tar- wakes and combed the four lands. She was scheduled three battle stars for get. The submarine be- of them as Tullibee was to support aircraft carrier World War II service. gan an end-around run forced deep by an enemy strikes against those islands Tullibee was stricken and launched four torpe- floatplane that dropped six on March 30-31. On from the Naval Vessel does at another ship. bombs. March 25, Tullibee arrived Register on July 29, Two torpedoes soon On January 19, Haddock on station and began pa- 1944. broached, and Tullibee reported that she had dam- trolling. The next day, off broke off the attack. aged the Japanese escort the Palau Islands she made She went deep and carrier Unyō, which limped radar contact on a convoy Next Meeting is rigged for silent running to Saipan. Tullibee sighted consisting of a large pas- at to evade the escorts. On the carrier there on January senger-cargo ship, two me- November 5, the subma- 25, close ashore and well dium-sized freighters, a VFW POST rine was running sub- protected by escorts and destroyer, and two other 9138 merged near Oki- aircraft. The submarine escorts. The submarine noyerabu Shima when remained on station for made several surface runs March 24th she sighted a large, three several days awaiting an on the transport but kept at VFW Post -story building on the opportunity to sink the air- losing her in rain squalls. island. She surfaced and craft carrier. However, Tullibee finally closed to 9138 fired 55 shells into the when she surfaced on Janu- 3,000 yards and launched barracks before retiring ary 28, she learned that the two torpedoes from her Bring a passing at full speed. She began carrier had slipped away. bow tubes at the target. dish the voyage back to Ha- Three days later, the sub- About two minutes later, waii the next day and marine made radar contact the submarine was rocked Dinner 1730 reached Pearl Harbor, with two targets. She by a violent explosion. It via Midway Island, on launched three torpedoes at was only learned after the Meeting 1900 November 16. Her offi- what appeared to be a war that Tullibee's torpedo Carolina Piedmont Base Calendar of Upcoming Events Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 11 VFW Break- 12 13 14 15 16 17 fast 8 to 11am

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CP Base Meet- ing—1730 Dinner & Meeting 1900

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22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CP Base Meet- ing—1730 Dinner & Meeting 1900

One way to support VFW Post 9138 is to attend their Sunday Morning Breakfast held on the second Sunday of each month from 8am to 11am— Come on out!