March 1999 Midwatch Volume 5 • Issue 3 .Arizona_ Sub Vets. Perch Base Officers Bast:__Commander Brian K. Thomason 2215 W. Bloomfield Rd. Phoenix. AZ 85029 602·331·1549 e·mail:
[email protected] Rase Vice Commander Roaer J. Cousin i 3 154 W. v1a Montoya Sun City West. AZ 85375·2053 602·!546·9980 Fax: 602-546·1 152 Base. Secretary Carl Scott 6955 E. Monte Ave. Mesa. AZ 85208august 602-654-1586
[email protected] ~easurer Robert E. May 1902 E. Karen Dr. Phoenix. AZ 85022 602-867·1445 Membership Committe.e___Cbair Gary "Pat" Patterson 1399 Kelly Drive March Eternal Patrol Days Prescott. AZ 86301 520-445·1249
[email protected] Memorial Committee Chair .3, 1942 USS Perch (SSI76) All Hands taken prisoner Robert E. May 8 died as POWs 1902 E. Karen Dr. Phoenix. AZ 85022 March 5, 1943 USS Grampus (SS207) All Hands Lost 602-867·1445 March 15. 1943 USS Triton (SS20 I) All Hands Lost Public Relations___Chair March 20. 1945 USS Kete (SS369) All Hands Lost John Redding 13031 South 44th Way March 26, 1944 USS Tullibee (SS284) 79 Men Lost Phoenix. AZ 85044 I taken POW 602-893·0136 Fax 602·893·6744 March 26. 1945 USS Trigger (SS237) All Hands Lost R a n g e and Bearings has been Perch Base's policy not to publish a "Dink As I write what will be my last column List" and it would be nice not be in a position to have as Base Commander, I reflect back on the to. If you haven't sent in your dues please do so.