Oviposition Preference of the Mimosa Webworm, <I>Homadaula

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Oviposition Preference of the Mimosa Webworm, <I>Homadaula View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by RERO DOC Digital Library Oviposition Preference of the Mimosa Webworm, Homadaula anisocentra (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)l ROBERT C. NORTH' AND E. R. HART Department of Entomology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011 Environ. Entomol. ]2: 546-551 (1983) ABSTRACT In the field, the mimosa webworm, Homadaula anjsocentra Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), oviposits preferentially on branches or on leaf rachises or petioles of uninfested ornamental honeylocust, Gleditsja trjacanthos L. On infested trees, oviposition occurs almost entirely on larval webbing. In the laboratory, uninfested mature leaves of both honeylocust and mimosa, Albizzia juli- brjssjn Durazzini, are preferred over uninfested young leaves as oviposition sites. The addition of larval webbing to leaves of any age or to nonhost substrate induces oviposition preferentially on the webbing. The mimosa webworm, Homadaula anisocentra fested honeylocust trees in the summer and fall of 1978, Meyrick, a native of southeast Asia, first was recorded 1979, and 1980. Larvae were placed on G. triacanthos in the United States in 1940 (Clarke 1943). It was found seedlings in rearing cages in a greenhouse. The seed- feeding on ornamental mimosa, Albizziajulibrissin Dur- lings were grown from seeds supplied by F. W. Schu- azzini, in Washington, D.C. Webster and St. George macher Co., Sandwich, Mass. Fresh seedlings were placed (1947) were the first to report the mimosa webworm in rearing cages as needed. Pupae collected from the feeding on ornamental honey locust, Gleditsia triacan- field or laboratory colony were sexed by the method thas L. The insect has expanded its range throughout proposed by Miller and Triplehorn (1979), then placed the eastern states and has been introduced into California individually in I-oz (ea. 30-ml) clear plastic creamers (Heppner and Dekle 1975, Furniss and Carol in 1977), (Bio-Serve Inc., Frenchtown, N.J.). A cotton dental wick becoming a serious pest of ornamental honey locust, as fixed through the cap into a permanent water supply well as mimosa. The extensive planting of G. triacan- maintained humidity for the developing pupae and mois- rhos varieties during and after the decline of the Amer- ture for the adults after emergence. Each day at 1200 h ican elm has hastened the range expansion of the insect. and at 2100 h, moths that had emerged were sexed and Although still considered a highly desirable urban tree, paired. Female moths found in copula between 0600 h cultivars of ornamental honeylocust have been removed and 0630 h were assumed to be gravid and were used from many recommended and approved planting lists as in the oviposition experiments. A long-day regime, LD a result of the susceptibility to defoliation by the mimosa 16:8, was maintained in both the environmental cham- webworm. bers and the greenhouse. Temperatures fluctuated be- This species overwinters in the pupal stage and emerges tween 16 nd 27°C within the environmental chambers, and mates in late spring. The eggs are deposited on night and day, respectively. Temperatures ranged from leaves and flowers of the mimosa tree (Clarke 1943, 16 to 20°C during the night, and from 30 to 35°C during Webster and St. George 1947) and on the leaflets, rach- the day within the greenhouse. ises, petioles, and on the bark of small branches and In 1978, 2-year-old, 2.0- to 2.5-m G. triacanthas twigs of the honeylocust (McManus 1962, Zewadski 'Shademaster' and 'Sunburst' varieties, were obtained 1976). Second-generation and later-emerging first-gen- from Inter-State Nurseries, Hamburg, Iowa. Albizziaju- eration females are reported to oviposit as well on the librissin rosea trees were grown from seeds obtained conspicuous larval webbing (McManus 1962, Galford from F. W. Schumacher Co., Sandwich, Mass. The and Peacock 1968, Schuder 1976). These reports have mimosa trees were 10 months old at the beginning of been based upon scattered observations. No studies have the experimental period in 1979. The trees were main- attempted to define the actual effects of foliage presence tained in the insectary greenhouse under a photoperiod or age, to quantify the effects of webbing upon ovipo- of LD 16:8 cycle. The date of a leaf's appearance (shortly sition behavior, or to relate such effects to probability after bud break) was recorded on a tree tag fastened next of attack. to the leaf. Older leaves were removed periodically to The objectives of the study reported here were to: (I) stimulate the growth of new leaves. For purposes of the define quantitatively the preferred oviposition sites; (2) experiments, a leaflet was designated young if it was determine the relationship between oviposition site pref- yellow to light green and within 10 cm of the tip of the erence and larval webbing; and (3) describe the ovipo- branch. A leaflet was considered to be mature if it was sition behavior of the mimosa webworm. dark green, had a thick waxy cuticle, and was 10 cm or farther from the tip of a branch. Materials and Methods In 1979, 28 circular screen cages (26 cm in diameter Larvae and pupae were collected as needed from in- by 6.5 cm deep) were constructed for the investigation of oviposition preferences of gravid female mimosa 'Received for publication 4 May ]982. Journal paper no. J-10608 of the Iowa webworm. Twenty-eight holes, 26 em in diameter, were Agric. Home Ecan. Experiment Station, Ames. Project no. 2379. cut through a sheet of plywood (122 by 244 by 1.3 cm) 'Present address: Dept. of Entomology. New York State Agricultural Experi· ment Station. Geneva. NY ]4456. in a 7 by 4 pattern. One surface of the plywood was 546 April 1983 NORTH AND HART: OVIPOSITION PREFERENCE OF MIMOSA WEBWORM 547 then covered with wire screen. Four holes, large enough four replications in 1979 and the three replications in for a florist's Aquapic (Syndicate Sales Inc., Kokomo, 1980. Each of the seven cages of each combination was Ind.) but too small to allow the Aquapic cap to pass assigned randomly to one of the 28 positions in the 7- through, were cut into each circular screen area in a 12- by-4 pattern cut from the plywood sheet. The four treat- em' pattern. A circular screen cage was placed into each ments within each cage were randomized. One adult hole in the plywood sheet. In 1980, a nylon-mesh-over- female mimosa webworm was placed into each cage the wire-frame cage was used to enclose the 3-year-old morning of day I of each replication. The females were honeylocust trees. 3 to 5 days old, and 2 days postmating. Water was Several sets of laboratory and greenhouse experiments supplied from a colton dental wick filted through the were designed to meet objectives 1 and 2. Experiment cap of a plastic creamer cup. The treatments were placed 1 was designed to define the preferred ovipositional sites into the cages before introduction of the females. The on the tree, both with and without webbing present, and number of eggs found on each treatment for the follow- to describe any differences in ovipositional preference ing six mornings was recorded. In experiment 2 (1979), betwecn two major cultivars of honeylocust (Shademas- the eggs were allowed to accumulate; in experiment 3 tcr and Sunburst). Leaf age was determined by the method (1980), the eggs were removed daily. described. The trees were 1.5 to 2.0 m tall, with a cal- A search was conducted in the spring and summer of iper of 3 to 4 em. Four 4th-instal' larvae were placed on 1981 to locate the oviposition sites used by the over- thc trees used in this experiment. They were allowed to wintering and first-generation adults. Four areas were feed and web for I day preceding removal and before searched, two in the city of Ames, Iowa, one on the the introduction of 10 gravid females. Iowa State University campus, and one at the state fair- Experiments 2 and 3 were designed to define the in- grounds in Des Moines. To define the ovipositional teractions of larval webbing and leaf age. Ten treatments preference of females that are active before larval activ- were selected for the initial screening, experiment 2, in ity, eggs were recorded if they were present before web- 1979. Leaves of the appropriate age, young or mature, bing appeared. On the Iowa State campus, 25 trees, were removed from honeylocust and mimosa trees. The representing a number of commercial varieties, were base of each petiole was sliced with a razor blade to searched daily from 9 through 25 June 1981. Twenty expose fresh conductive tissue and was placed into a trees were searched on 10, 12, 16, and 19 June at the florist's Aquapic (treatments I through 4). Leaves with area designated Ames no. I. Ten trees were searched larval silk, frass, and feeding injury (treatments 5 and on 23 and 26 June 1981 at the area designated Ames 6) were produced by placing a 4th- or 5th-instar larva no. 2. Ten trees were searched on 11 and 19 June 1981 on the leaf for 24 h, the larva then being removed. at the fairgrounds in Des Moines. All branches that were Treatment 7 consisted of a wooden dowel, 20 cm in within reach (3 m) of a wire hook were searched. The length, 0.3 cm in diameter, placed into a dry florist's boles of various trees were examined for eggs, and when Aquapic. Dowels were wrapped with larval silk by drop- it was possible to climb into the canopy, the bole, ping a 4th- or 5th-instar larva from a height to induce branches, and leaves were searched to a height of 5 to it to spin a silk thread.
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