NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF UKRAINE "KYIV POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE" (NTUU "KPI") Аdress: 37, Prospect Peremohy, 03056 Kyiv- 56, Ukraine, Web-page Рector: Academician М.Z. Zgurovsky, tel./fax:+380 (44) 236-69-13; 236-59-32 E-mail:
[email protected] Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Dear friends! I have the honour to introduce to you one of the oldest and biggest techni- cal universities in Europe and the world – the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". It was founded in 1898 on the initiative of scientific-technical circles and entrepreneurs of Russia and Ukraine in response to the needs of industry of the Southern West of the country which developed rapidly at the end of XIX century. The lives and activities of the world-known scientists – V.M. Kyrpychov, D.I. Mendeleyev, I.I. Sikorsky, S.P. Tymoshenko, S.P. Korolyov, V.M. Chelomey, A.M. Lyulka, M.P. Kravchuk, Ye.O. Paton, B.Ye Paton, S.V. Serensen and many others were closely linked with our university. Cherishing the traditions of profound fundamental training and its harmonious combination with practical engi- neering and technical developments of graduates, NTUU "KPI" strives for providing high level training of Bachelors, Masters, Doctors of Philosophy (PhD), Doctors of Sciences (DSc) under the present-day conditions. Lately great institutional changes have been carried out at the university. 8 new faculties, 9 educational and sci- entific institutes, 7 research institutes were founded, training in 111 renewed specialities and specializations has been started, an innovative environment the Science park "Kyivska Polytechnika" has been created according to a specially adopted law in Ukraine, the cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, leading industrial structures of Ukraine and foreign companies has become more intensive.