DRESS SHIRTS! Tlve Prosldent of Toe Supreme' ®®"'®®B« Onganla Had Prom- Young People Were Flying Model Border, U.S

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DRESS SHIRTS! Tlve Prosldent of Toe Supreme' ®® A ■— A- \ \ i ■ V , \ \ V " '"Y" F w vA^': - . \ \ \\A ■ ' 4: . A. PAGE TWENTY-FOUR MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 \' HanrlfTatrr lEurhing l^eraUi Aswraire Dally Nst Prew Ron f Por Tke Wedi HikM The Weather About Town JmM S, ISTS Praf«a«kmal Women’s Stsuiy, hot this sAsmoon and Club will- have its snnuAt meet- 1 5 ,9 0 3 WsdnssAsy, highs tai ths low Ms. inf and election of officers to­ Pslr and warm tcMgtat, ths tow morrow St s dinner at 6 :M p.m. Anderson-Little Hanchester— A City of VUlage Charm In ttis 60s. St the Altnsveifh, Storrs. Host­ esses sre J in . Donald Kirby, VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 212 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) Mrs. BUen linfard, Miss Ethel MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1970 (Otoaslfled Advertiatog on Plage 17) CkMiee, Miss Avis Kelloff and PRICE TIN e n m Mrs. Wlrth Velte. Mrrf. Marlon Lynch and Mrs. Theresa O’Leary will be guests Bullets Miss of honor at a teacher retirement Kosygin recaption tomorrow from 7 to Cong Take Key City t p.m. at Waddell School. K ing H ussein Retiring? Reservations close 'Thursday LONDON (AP) — H js On Laos Supply Line lor the dinner for menriibers of In Jordan Dally Mall reported today the Shnma Nettleton Oroup of AMMAM, Jordan (AP) _ that Alexei N. Koiqrgln will Center Oonfregatlonal Church EFather^s step down as Soviet Premier SAIGON (AFyr-’The North VistnameM strengthsii- which will be held next Monday King Hussein escaped an assas- this month — but British and ed their supply netwo^ east of the Mekong River today St 6.*18 p.m. at Willie’s Steak ainaUon attempt today In the other Western 'diplomats re­ with the capture of SlMavane, a provincial capital in House. Ftor reservations, call h midst of fighting between the acted to the claim with some the southern I^tian panhandle. 'Mrs. Ernest Pandera, 18 Jordainlan army and Palestinian reserve. Informed sourciM In Vlenttime-------------------------------------- ^ Orotiard at. guerrillas, the Amman^radlo im­ ported. One of the two deputy pre­ s^ d * ^ t ^ o n of enemy troops Marly ‘1,600 tons of munltlaiis A first birthday party was ifi The army troops were trying miers — Klril Masurov, M, given yesterday for Courtney to curtaU guerrilla incursions or Dmitri Polyansky, 6S — '•y American forces opj^ Lynne Baker at the home of her into Israel. will take over from the ail­ ing, 66-year-old Koaygln, ac­ gnandperents, Mr. and Mrs. The broadcast said Hussein’s Joseph Oublel of 20 MoKee St. cording to the newspaper. ^eved withdrawing to the 39, perhaps with haK motorcade was fired upon this It based Its report on Miss Karen Rowan, daughter of morning as heavy fighting 'n u n , m n . ^ again that much sslBsd by South Dr. and Mrs. Edmund Rowan: “well-authenticated reports raged In the streets of the capi­ reaching London." and Mias Linda Fhanka, daugh­ tal. r ““’? - ter of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley British government and Saravane Us. som. 70 milss “ Leaden of both sides worked Western embassy officials northwest of AtUq>su, anothsr Planka, all of Enfield, were Sale out a cease-fire arrangement lx>Messes. About 46 persons at­ Our Reg. *6 said they have had no new provincial capital the North (I Psgs TMfOssa) tended. late in the morning but this was indications suggesting Kosy­ Vietnamese captured on April Permanent Press Ignored and the bitter fighting gin’s departure may be Im­ 80. Both towns are on strategic Memorial Temple, Pythian Casual Slacks raged Into the afternoon. minent. highways and provide acoeas to H Sisters, will meet tomorrow at The combatants battled with They recalled there has several land and river supply H 6 p.m. in Odd Fellows Hall for a rockets, basookas, machine been considerable specula­ routes from North Vietnam to H memorial service for departed guns and automatic weapons, tion In and outside Moscow South Vietnam and Cambodia. House Plans • ^ 1 H members. tilling the city with the crash of this year that a shakeup in Saravane, 820 mllea southeut explosions and the bark of gun­ the Kremlin leadership may / of Vientiane, was the last prov­ Task Force H St. Margaret Circle, Daugh- f fire. be on the way. *17110 could incial capital stm held by the H tors of Isabella, will meet to- Hussein’s motorcade was follow elections for the So­ government east of the Mekong 1 H morrow at 8 p.m. at toe KofC OPEN driving through the crossroads viet parliament due Sunday, in the southern panhandle. The For Vietnam town of SweUeh 13 miles north­ town had been virtually sur- m, _______ ■ Home. EVERY NITE "Some day this sort of Our Reg. *8 east of the capital, the radio speculation is bound to prove rounded by North VletnameM "AdHWGTOM (AP) — Da- Mon thru said. 9 Ail Buckley School library right,” one official observed. troops and thsir Paths! Lao al- nssds a naw look at workers are reminded that In­ Permanent Press Dress Slat^ks Sit It broadcast a message from "But as of now we have no ties for some six years, mU- *®6ochlna, ths Houm has dseld ventory will start tomorrow at Prime NOnlster Bahjat TUhounl facts to support It." (AP FfaatoCuc) Itary analysts ngardsd It as al- 5?A® tow# to 0:80 a.m. In the library. congratulating the king for hav­ Heavily armed troops surround Buenos Aires Government House. most undefendsble. Attopeu also r^sw tbs prognsS J ing escaped unharmed “from Guatemalan had been surrounded for years “ *"• ’ VFW Auxiliary will meet to­ f the treacherous attack on the before it fell. After three houn of wrai^Tlag morrow at 7:80 p.m. at the Poet royal motorcade.” Military sources said ths four roll ealla, ths Houss Home. Guerrilla sources in Beirut, Dodd Denies U,S, Withholds Recognition Terrorism North 'Vietnamese iqtparenUy Monday approved 22S to 101 a I«baiion, said the king’s driver had refrained from resolution oreating a qwclal li­ Hose and Ladder Co. 1 of the was wounded In the incident but the two towns because of poUU- membar conimlttos to tnvssti- ' Town Fire Department will have gave no other details. He Plans Mounting cal consideratiaas but dscldsd bU aspsots of U.S. military a hydrant test tomorrow start­ Jordanian authorities and the Military Junta Takes Argentina to strike when the outbreak of Involvement In losthsast Asia ing at 6 p.m. at the McKee St. guerrilla central committee-the ~ OUA’TBMALA <AP) — C3kr- nrar In Cambodia toought within 66 days. firehouse. supreme Palestinian body—had Wiihdrmml BUENOS AmES (AP) — A powerful navy backing; Justice Onganla came to a head Mon- rylng the coffin of a slain uni- about a need for more su p j^ Tlie resoluthm was SDonaored met in Amman and agreed to an OLD LYME, Oonn. (AP) — Junta of military commanders Minister Conrado Etchebame, day morning when Lanusse an- verslty professor, 8,000 persons routes to the south. by Rep. O. V. ’‘Sanny" Mont, The American Legion will Ini­ Immediate cease-fire, the radio Sen. ’Thomas J. Dodd denied to­ took over the governing of Ar- u*o has wrlde support In the nounced that the president had silently marched through Ouate- Saravane and Attopeu Were In gomery, O-MliM., who Is swpsot tiate members tomorrow at 8 said In an earlier report. Tlwy day reports that he Is consider­ gentina today but the United army, and two retired army refused to accept a ’’political mala aty Monday afternoon to hands of rightist Laotian ed to lead the commltteaT^ p.m. at the Post Home. ’There also agreed to set up a Joint op­ ing bowing out of the race for States held off its recognition of generals, Jean Enrique GugUel- plan" from the armed forces protest his tortureoleath at the forces when the GeiMva agros- said It would provlda the Houss will be a social time with re- erations room to "supervise and them. melli and Osiris Villegas, both calling on him to share power hands of right-wing terrorists. ments on Laos were signed ^ with informatioa gg control tile situation." the Democratic nomination for A UB. Embassy spokesman frsahments after the ceremon­ U.S. Senator. of whom are supported by fac- with the military and consult As the procession slowly IM*. ’Towns held by the neutral- that gatherod by prssKIsiiUsI ies. Joint army-guerrilla patrols said: “The UB. government tlons that believe in r ^ d devel- with civilian leaders. It ap- moved through the narrow lets have since been centested commlsatons or otimr studV Our Reg, ^6 were sent to the streets to "si­ He confirmed, however, re­ cannot decide whether diplo­ ports that he has been consider­ opment of heavy Industry. peared to suggest that a date be streets of this central American by the government and the groups. Manchester WATES will have Ban Lons and lence all and any sources of tire matic relations exist or not until ’The Junta said their basic dis- fixed for presidential elections, capital, other mourners were at- Pathet Leo, but rightist and it js planned for tho lloiioo and to crush any provocative ing requests from "many a weight discussion at its meet­ Better Knit Shirts people" to run for a third Sen­ a decision Is made on the legal agreement with Onganla_ was Onganla__ _ then fired Lanusse. the- burial of a __________buslneea- Pathet Lao__ towns____ usuaUy____ - re--- commlttM---r--r„,,Trr to leave after a ___one. ing tomoirow at the Italian- measures which could worsen status ot the new government, “the lack of a pdUtical solution sald” he would A.take _ personal I T I A n kUled byH v left-wingt A # 4 -w 4 n s w extrem-■ srtM ■ ■■ ■ mainedm m a I m a s I In4m control of the foroeow—— olal g r m r m T the situation," the^’adlo said.
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