The Henry L. Ferguson Museum Newsletter Vol. 27, No. 1 • Spring 2012 (631) 788-7239 • P.O. Box 554 Fishers Island, NY 06390 •
[email protected] • From the President Spring is well underway on Fishers Island as I write this new annual show featuring the artwork of Charles B. Fer- annual greeting on behalf of the Museum. After one of the guson. This promises to be one of our most popular shows mildest winters in my memory, spring has brought a strange and a great tribute to Charlie. We are also mounting a special mix of weather conditions with temperatures well into the exhibit that honors the wonderful legacy of gardens and par- 80s during March followed by chilly days in April and May. ties at Bunty and the late Tom Armstrong’s Hoover Hall and For those interested in phenology, the bloom time of many of Hooverness. We hope that all will come celebrate with us at our plants has been well ahead of schedule this year. The early our opening party on Saturday, June 30th, 5 to 7 p.m. bloom time raises questions regarding the first appearances of The Land Trust continues to pursue land acquisitions un- butterflies and other pollinators and the first arrivals of migra- der the able guidance of our Vice-President Bob Miller. One tory birds. Will these events coincide with bloom time as they of our recent projects is the management of Silver Eel Pre- have in the past or is the timing out of synch? It will be in- serve, a parcel of land that was purchased with open space teresting to track the timing of spring happenings as the years funding by the Town of Southold.