Food Service Climate Change Reduction Strategies
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The Food and Climate Connection in Health Care Food Service This document provides an overview on the impact of climate change on snowpack will threaten the water supply for irrigated agriculture and it health and agriculture and how health care food service can work to is estimated that by 2100 Californian reduce its climate footprint. Almost all of these strategies have a variety farmers could lose 25 percent of their water supply. of co-benefits and include improved nutritional health, support of local food economies and reductions in exposure to toxic pesticides. A climate The Food change framework to health care food service provides an entry for a comprehensive preventive health agenda. and Climate Connection Impacts Impacts While most people recognize the con- nection between direct energy use and on Health on Agriculture climate change, many are surprised to According to the Intergovernmental Agriculture has particularly strong learn about the significant contribution Panel on Climate Change (2007), ties to climate. Not only does how we of food and food production to climate “warming of the climate system is farm and what food we produce influ- change. Our current industrialized ag- unequivocal, as is now evident from ence climate change globally, climate riculture and food system is very energy observations of increases in global change is projected to threaten agricul- intensive. It relies on massive inputs of average air and ocean temperatures, ture and our ability to produce enough petroleum-based resources in the form widespread melting of snow and ice, food. As a result of climate change, of fertilizers and pesticides, and fuel for and rising global average sea level.”1 food yields are anticipated to change farm operations and processing. Poor around the world. However, the places soil and fertilizer management results in Human-caused climate change threat- where yields are most likely to decline the loss of carbon soil and the release of ens global health in many ways. Re- such as Asia and Africa, have some nitrogen dioxide, further contributing to searchers project that if unmitigated, it of the highest population concentra- global warming emissions. will increase malnutrition, expand the tions. Changing climate patterns could range of infectious diseases, threaten create unpredictable threats to agricul- As a food type, red meat production is by clean water supplies, worsen criteria ture such as wind and water damage far the biggest contributor to greenhouse air pollution and its respiratory and from worsened severe weather events; emissions. This is primarily related to cardiovascular effects, cause more heat aggravated ozone pollution that will the carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide morbidity and mortality, and damage damage crops, and increase pests, crop emissions associated with the massive human life and health via increased disease, and invasive species; and more amounts of synthetic fertilizers and pesti- and worsened severe weather events.2 frequent and intense drought.4 cides used to grow feed crops, primarily Furthermore, poor urban air quality is corn and soybeans, and the methane gas projected to worsen, and more intense Domestically, California grows one- produced by livestock. and frequent heat waves will threaten sixth of all the produce eaten in the human and non-human health.3 United States.5 Yet, decreasing Sierra The UN Food and Agriculture Organization Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions estimates that methane from the livestock sector generates as much as 37% GHG Emissions (yr 2000), in CO2 equivalents of anthropogenic methane, and livestock contributes as much as 18% of all global greenhouse gas emissions Everything (which includes emissions Electricity else, including of methane, carbon dioxide, and heat industry and nitrous oxide). 24.1% 25.7% Transportation The UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that 13.5% Land use change (Air 1.6%) 18.2% methane from the livestock sector generates as much as 37% Agriculture (Production) of anthropogenic methane, and livestock contributes as much Waste 3.6% 14.9%* as 18% of all global greenhouse gas emissions (which includes emissions of methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide). Methane from rice 1.5% The expansion of soybean fields for livestock feed in the Energy use 1.4% Amazon is a main factor in deforestation, and the desertifica- Methane Other 0.9% tion of pastures due to animal agriculture is responsible for up Nitrous oxide from livestock from soils 6% to 100 million metric tons of CO emissions annually.6 and manure 2 5.1% Food transportation’s role in driving energy-related emissions is becoming more and more widely recognized. In the U.S., *This figure excludes emissions from manufacturing fertiliser, which other the typical food item now travels from 1,500 to 2,400 miles sources estimate at 1% of total greenhouse emissions. It should be noted that food supply-chain emissions from transport, refrigeration, processing, from farm to plate, and agriculture and food account for up preparation and waste are not highlighted and have been generally to one third of the goods transported on our roads. In the last included in the other sectors above. few decades we have witnessed an increase in foods transport- SOURCE: World Resources Institute ed by air and increase in the use of refrigerated foods. Food waste that is land-filled results in methane gas pro- tion of the food system as high as one third of all green house duction, a potent green house gas. Excess and unnecessary gas emissions.7 By creating menus and serving foods that packaging from sources such as bottled water and processed are produced and distributed in ways both reduce embod- foods are now commonplace and are a waste of resources. ied energy in foods and greenhouse gas emissions, hospital Increased reliance on refrigerated foods or the “cold chain” foodservice can play an influential role in reducing climate further add to the food climate footprint. change impacts. Moreover, hospital food service operations can adopt waste minimization and energy efficiency practices While estimates vary, a recent study estimated the contribu- that similarly minimize their carbon footprint. Not All Climate Change Gases are Equal While most people concerned with climate change know that it is good to reduce carbon or CO2 emissions. Yet, CO2 is not the only green house gas. In fact, there are other green house gases such as methane and nitrous oxide, that are far more potent than CO2 in their impact on climate change. Fortunately, these are less abundant. Climate change scientists have measured their impact on global warming relative to CO2 and have come up with some equivalency factors. Common Name(s) Chemical Formula Global Warming Potential11 Common Sources Carbon Dioxide CO2 1 Fossil fuel Combustion Ruminant Animals, Organic matter Methane CH 23 times bigger impact 4 decomposing in Landfills Nitrous Oxide or NO 298 times bigger impact Fertilizer Overuse Nitrogen Dioxide 2 2 The Food-Climate Connection in Healthcare Food Service Food Service Climate Change Reduction Strategies Balanced Menus — Biobased Serviceware and Waste Prevention: Less Meat, Better Meat Menus: Assess use of Biobased disposables and identify opportuni- Reducing meat and instituting menus that support plant- ties to switch to reusables for patients, staff and visitors. centered diets is the most important step hospitals can take Many hospitals now add a nominal charge for their to-go to reduce the climate change impacts of their food offerings. containers. Donate food, where possible. Reducing meat served in hospitals not only reduces green- house gas emissions associated with livestock production, Reduce Food Waste and Compost: it offers other health benefits. The regular consumption of A significant amount of food is unnecessarily wasted meat and high-fat dairy products increases the risk of chronic through overproduction and spoilage. Better planning diseases, especially cardiovascular disease, stroke and some and tracking can minimize food waste and its associated cancers, the leading causes of death in the United States. embodied energy. Composting diverts organic mat- ter from landfills, reducing landfill methane emissions. Some hospitals have implemented vegetarian menus, and Therefore, composting food waste from food service is others have significantly reduced their meat offerings. The an important waste management component to climate British National Health Service recently announced it change mitigation. Composting simultaneously creates will institute vegetarian menus and reduce meat offerings a recycled product that can be used in place of synthetic in all of the nation’s public hospitals, in order to reduce fertilizer. By reducing the need for synthetic fertilizer, 8 its carbon footprint. Numerous hospitals taking a disease composting reduces greenhouse gas emissions as synthetic prevention approach have already endorsed a voluntary fertilizer production and use are significant contributors. one-day a week meatless menu. Other facilities have re- duced their overall purchase of meat and replaced the rest with meat from sustainable sources. Eliminate Bottled Water: Bottled water is up to 2000 times more energy-intensive than tap water and bottled water that requires long-dis- Buy Local and Seasonal Food: tance transport is far more energy-intensive than bottled Hospitals can reduce long-distance and energy intensive water produced and distributed locally. The annual con- transport of foods by