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11-5-1935 The onM tana Kaimin, November 5, 1935 Associated Students of Montana State University

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Recommended Citation Associated Students of Montana State University, "The onM tana Kaimin, November 5, 1935" (1935). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 1477.

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No. Sorority Life Newman Group University Facing Parents’ Okehs Student Union Building Aids Students, Are Necessary Is to Sponsor “Critical” Budget Donation Dance Damaged Very Slightly Says Winsor For Falls Trip Additional Student Union Equipment Problem—Scheuch Is to Be Pnrdmsed; Club By Latest Earthquake National Officer Is a Visitor Dean Ferguson Lists Rules Will Give Proceeds On Tour of Inspection For University Co-eds Through Northwest Our university now faces one of the most critical periods in its In order that more equipment may Swearingen Notes a Few Additional Cracks in Structure history,” F. C. Scheuch, acting president of the university, said yester­ Going to Game be added to the Student Union build­ ing in time for the opening, Friday, Which May Be Result of Settling Processes “Sorority and fraternity life gives day concerning the tentative budget for the 1.935-1936 school year, Dean Mary Elrod Ferguson an November 22, the Newman club, head­ , But Will Not Effect Stability qualities of leadership and a certain details of which were announced at a faculty meeting last Tuesday nounced yesterday a list of rules for ed by Joe McDowell, Deer Lodge, is sense of what It means to work to­ night. The 1935-36 budget as pre-^r pared by J. B. Speer, business man- university women who are planning to holding a Student Union benefit dance Thorough investigation of the new Student Union building after the gether in an organization," says Mrs. attend the Montana-Gonzaga football in the men’s gym, Friday evening, No­ Carl I. Winsor, national counsellor of ager of the university, and presented Phillips Named earthquake which was felt in western Montana last Thursday revealed by President Scheuch, shows a total game at Great Falls on Saturday eve­ vember 8. Alpha Chi Omega, a visitor on the ning, November 9. The dance is to be a date affair and cracks in the building which have not been noticed before. T. G. campus during the past week-end. She available capital of $387,000 to care Chief Speaker Co-eds may make the trip on the will feature Les Smith's Aristocrats Swearingen, maintenance engineer, said yesterday, “As far as we is also president of the American As­ for the largest number of students special train providing they have ob­ and Billie Smith, whose singing has there are a few cracks In the sociation of University Women in Kan­ ever to register at the state university tained a letter of permission from added much to the prestige the Aristo­ Student Union building which have not sas. of Montana. On Armistice their parents. This letter must be crats have acquired on the state uni­ Mortar Board been noticed before, but these might "Fraternity training is apparent in "Our budget is threadbare,” Presi­ written by the parents to Dean Ferg­ versity campus. be caused by the normal process of an organization such as A. A. U. W.,” dent Scheuch added, “and we will have uson. Bob Van Haur, Hilger, heads the settling which is common In new she continues. "Greek letter people to cut corners in every way possible, Rev. Jackson Will Recite To Give Tea If women are planning to stay over dance committee. Tom Roe, Anaconda, buildings. None of these cracks will when out of college and working for if we are to avoid exhausting our Invocation; Battalions night with friends in Great Falls, they is in charge of the ticket sale, assist­ weaken the structure.” some common interest forget' any funds before the end of the year. Will Parade must have a letter from their host­ ed by Elizabeth Cooney, Great Falls; November 30 Swearingen pointed out that It. is rivalry they may have felt in college After computing all expected expend­ esses in Great Falls signifying that Katherine McCarthy, Butte; Maryalys possible that cracks, which ordinarily and work together for the betterment itures, we have a budget balance of they are expected. This letter must Marrs, Missoula; Tom McCabe, Great would not have appeared until the of education and to raise its stand­ $4,666.92, the smallest budget balance Dr. Paul C. Phillips, professor of also be written to Mrs. Ferguson. Falls; John Fabatz, Helena; Cecil Local and Alumni Members building had settled, could have been ards.” She adds that in an organiza­ ever carried. This budget balance will history and political science, will be University women will not be al­ Good, Bonner; George Martin, Butte, Will Sponsor Affair caused by the quake which rocked tion such as A. A. U. W. the cross- be used to defray unexpected and nec­ the principal speaker in the annual lowed to stay all night in Great Falls and Charles Whittinghill, Helena. Jean campus structures. He also said that section view of fraternity affiliations essary expenditures which will arise Armistice day exercises on the campus For Women at a hotel. In case any woman is plan­ Kountz, Whitehall, heads the social although the cracks have not been no­ which is perceived tends toward a during the year. It will be very, very oval Monday, November 11, in which ning to drive a car to Great Falls, committee which includes Mary Clapp, ticed before, it is entirely possible broader outlook on fraternity life. difficult to make ends meet.” the Grizzly battalion and band will Penetralia chapter of Mortar hoard, she must have driving permission and Rosemary Reidy, Missoula. An­ that they were In the building and had Impressed by the beauty of the Mon­ As an example of the unexpected participate in the first review of the national senior women’s honorary fra­ year. from her parents. This permission toinette LaCasse, Missoula, and Frank not attracted attention until after the tana campus, Mrs. Winsor feels that expenses which will make staying ternity, will sponsor a tea on Saturday earthquake. Taps and the usual one minute of must be turned in to Mrs, Ferguson Halloran, Anaconda, are in charge of a far-sighted building program has within the budget difficult, President November 30. The tea, to which all Rumors have been circulating on reverent silence included in the pro­ before the trip is made. decorations. Joe McDowell, president been planned for the school. “You are Scheuch pointed out that an additional of Newman club, is in charge of music. university and town women will be the campus and in Missoula concern­ building toward a greater university $1,555 had been set aside for the main­ gram, will be followed by group sing­ invited, will be held in the lounge of ing of the "Star Spangled Banner.” Van Haur stated that students could ing the damages which were done to instead of being content with what tenance of the university heating plant the Student Union building. to the Student Union building during Immediately following the singing of Montana Students purchase tickets at 75c a couple from you have,” she said. since during a normal year, this would the quake. Swearingen definitely con­ the national anthem, the Grizzly bat­ any members of the ticket committee Members of the active Mortar board Mrs. Winsor is visiting this campus be enough. It the year is an especially tradicts these rumors. talion will pass in review before the Return from Tilt and at the gate, the night of the dance. chapter, under the chairmanship of on a tour of inspection. She came here cold one, however, the figures will go Plaster fell in one of the rooms in memorial tablet erected in honor of Betty Ann Polleys, will be assisted by from Logan and Salt Lake City, Utah. above this total and the extra ex­ the science hall. Otherwise there was the state university men who served Praising Huskies local alumnae and by alumnae of Pen­ This afternoon she will leave for Mos­ pense must come out of the budget no physical damage In any of the uni­ and lost their lives in the World war. Article by Former etralia, local senior women's honorary cow, Idaho, and will travel from there balance of $4,666.92. It is estimated previous to the establishment of the versity buildings. Invitations have been received by Many Alumni Attend Seattle Game; to Pullman and Seattle, Washington. that the early cold spell last week Student in Esquire national chapter. Mrs. Edward Toole, the university to Join with the Mis­ Grizzlies’ California Fans cost the university several hundred Mrs. Paul Phillips, Mrs. Richard Hale, soula civic clubs in a general observ­ See Washington Win dollars. Bob Stansberry Mentioned In Same Miss Winifred Feighner and Miss Author of “More Balancing the budget with the re­ ance ceremony, but it is not probable Barb Council’s that the joint ceremony will be held Issue of Magazine Catherine White will compose the duced funds available was done by re­ Football fans who saw the Seattle committee of alnmni members assist­ Died Than Men” ducing the staff, reducing the amount as Armistice day is not a school holi­ game Saturday are praising Milton day. “Sunset in Montana” is the title of ing with the tea. New President of money set aside for necessary re­ Popovich and the Washington Hus­ an article which was written by John Penetralia was founded at the state Is Montana Grad pairs and replacements, and reducing The annual commemoration will kies. Many students and alumni at­ open with an invocation by Rev. David K. Hutchens for the November issue university in 1904 by Mrs. Elolse the capital expenditures for such tended the game. of Esquire. Hutchens attended the Knowles Blair and Ruth Kellogg. Its Urges Harmony equipment as chairs, scientific appar­ E. Jackson, pastor of the Methodist Among those who made the trip to Trelchler Was Active on Campus; university in 1926-1927 and was at one Ideals, as are those of Mortar board, atus and other class room equipment church. Dr. Phillips will be Introduced Seattle over the week-end were Mar­ Is Now Dramatics Head time a reporter on the staff of the were unselfish service and loyalty to necessities. Additional revenue result­ in a brief talk by Professor F. C. jorie Mumm, Alex Blewitt, Harrison Browning Asks Friendliness At Antioch Scheuch, acting president. ' Daily Mlssoulian. the state university. The organisa­ ing from a large summer school en­ Kellum, Thomas Davis, Chester Wil­ “Keen memories, with no regrets, of tion was founded for the purpose of Between Independents rollment has increased the fund to be liams, Tom Hartwig and Ray Whit­ Paul Trelchler, whose stirring the greatest fiasco in the annals of bestowing recognition upon those And Fraternities used in balancing the budget. comb. drama of Montana history, “More Died the prize-fight promotion,” is the way women of the senior class who had The total yearly expenditure of Montana Spirit "The football game was much bet­ Than Men,” will have its premier per­ Hutchens describes his thoughts of been outstanding daring their three Several proposed changes aiming $387,000 is gained from four sources— ter than the score indicates,” said formance at the Student Union theater the prize fight between Jack Dempsey years on the campus. Mortar board toward an adequate resident life for state appropriations, interest and in­ Ranks Huskies’, Blewitt. "Montana had a large fol­ on Saturday evening, November 23, and Tom Gibbons in Shelby, Montana, was petitioned in the fall of 1926, and non-fraternity men and women and come from school lands, and fees. lowing from California, and there may be classed as one of the state July 4, 1923. The author witnessed the local chapter was granted its char­ more amiable relations between the Appropriations Are $252,000 Yell King Says were several Montana alumni at the university's own sons. the fight as a cub reporter of 17, and ter in the spring of the following year. Independents and fraternity members Appropriations for the fiscal year of game besides the group from the uni­ His father, Major A. J. Treichler, was thus initiated into the color of a Members are tapped each year at the were outlined by Bill Browning, Belt, 1935-36 for use by the university Whitcomb Announces New Cheering versity.” who was stationed with the United Montana prize fight S. O. S. held during track meet and following his election as president of amount to $252,000, an increase of System Following Trip Marjorie Mumm said, “The game States Army, medical corps at Fort In the same magazine, reference is are selected on a basis of character, the Barb council last night $16,800 over the 1934-36 appropria­ To Seattle was thrilling even though the score Missoula from the time Paul entered made to Montana’s Bob Stansberry, high scholarship, and general leader­ Other officers chosen to lead the In­ tions; income from rental of federal wasn’t, and it was worth the trip to the university as a freshman to 1932 who played football here and was ship. dependent students for the ensuing school land and interest on invest­ University of Washington’s system see it.” Miss Mumm spent the week­ graduated from the university in 1933. Present members of the organization year are Joimae Pollock, Farmington, when he received his master’s degree ments from money gained from the of committees to promote rallies will end with Katherine Peat, Seattle, who from the English department, was a One For the Money,” written by Ike are Dorothea Applequist, Bonner; Vir­ vice-president, and Betty Eiseleln, sale of school land amounts to $20,000 be adopted by the university as a attended Montana university in 1931. man of many accomplishments. As Peterson, who played football at Gon- ginia Bode, Butte; Edith Hankins, Roundup, secretary. or $1,000 less than the amount for result of the observations made by Tom Hartwig said he could not un­ zaga university in Spokane, Washing­ Judith Gap; Lillian Hopkins, Mis­ As the first step in the new policy well as being a fine surgeon, he was 1934-36. This amount, with the ex­ Yell King Ray Whitcomb, who accom­ derstand how Washington could have a painter, played the piano and com­ ton, is the article in which Stansberry soula; Winifred Keyes, Missoula; the Independents will offer an all­ ception of the revenue from students’ panied the football team to Seattle lost to Stanford with the team it is referred to as an outstanding foot­ Mary Kohn, Missoula; Betty Ann Pol­ school dance in the Student Union posed music. In his work room, which fees amounting to $108,000 and $11,000 over the week-end. has. “Popovich certainly starred in ball player. leys, Missoula; Elizabeth 'Schubert, building shortly after its opening. Captain A. E. Rothermich describes as gained from sundry sources, will make Whitcomb said that a new arrange­ the game,” was the comment made by Great Falls, and Eleanor Speaker, Fraternity and sorority members are one of the best be has ever seen, he up the operating capital of the univer­ ment of the student section at foot­ both Davis and Williams. Harrison LINDSTROM VISITS CAMPUS Livingston. Miss Bode 1b president of especially urged to attend. had all the necessary tools for gem sity for the year. It is estimated that ball games will be tried for the Mon-’ Kellum said that it was obvious that cutting, an art in itself. tana-Oregon State game. the organization. “We wish to cooperate with the fra­ students’ fees will bring a net increase lack of reserves on the Montana team ternities,” Browning said, "and to Paul Treichler’s mother was an or­ University men will be asked to Harold Lindstrom, who attended the Members of Mortar board are pre­ of more than $6,750. spelled its defeat. Davis, Williams, eliminate the friction which has been dained minister and was married to sit in the middle of the student bleach­ university from 1922 until 1924, was a senting a bronze plaque to the Stu­ The original budget for 1936-36 con­ Hartwig, Kellum and Blewitt were present in the past between the two his father while they were both doing ers to lead the cheering. Plans are week-end visitor on the campus. Mr. dent Union building as a memorial to tained estimates for fees based upon guests of the Washington chapter of groups. We are not out to set up a missionary work in the Orient being made to have a parade before Lindstrom is now employed by the Eloise Knowles. The plaque is to be approximately the same attendance as over the week­ strong political machine. For the While in school, Trelchler was the game. Sororities and fraternities government at Fort Peck Indian res­ placed in the Elolse Knowles room on for the 1934-35 school year. The pres­ end. present we want to give Independents active in university dramatics circles, will be asked to enter floats in this ervation. the second floor of the building. ent unexpected Increase in the stu­ Former Montana students and alum­ a chance to enjoy social life on as writing several plays which were pro­ parade. dent registration is approximately 200 ni who saw the game were P. J. Ma­ high a level as is available to fra­ duced here. Upon his graduation, he Whitcomb said that in proportion to more than last year. If this Increase lone, who was graduated from the ternity members. We want to help was married to Jessie Cambron, who the size of the schools, Montana has Facilities of Campus Offered should hold throughout the year, the university in 1936; Billy Burke, ’33; students who do not have the money was then serving as Dr. C. H. Clapp’s a much better organized cheering sec­ budget resources will be increased by Mrs. Billy Burke, who was formerly to belong to fraternities to cvercome secretary. He then attended Yale for tion at games, and the student pep is ,000. It is unwise, however, Business Jeanette McGrade; Betty Roe, who at­ Stricken Helena Institutions the feeling that they are out of things a year and is now director of dra­ better. The University of Washington Manager Speer says, to rely upon this tended the university in 1933-34; Bill because of it. In time we want to aid matics at Antioch college. "does not have organizations such as increase because changes may take Whitehead, a former university stu­ our members In getting Into activities “More Died Than Men,” which will Tanan-of-Spur and Bear Paw to assist place. dent who is now attending the Uni­ President Scheuch Wires Intermountain Union, Carroll and to secure our just representation be produced in connection with the In the formation of rallies. (Oontinued on Page Poor) versity of Washington, and Katherine in student government” formal opening of the Student Union Colleges to Use State University Equipment Peat, who attended the university in The group decided to hold a sleigh- building, will be the first dramatic 1931. In Carrying On Classwork riding party as soon as there is suffi­ production to be played on the stage cient snow. Ten horses and sleighs in the new theater. Date Bureau to Aid Dateless NYA CHECKS FOR LAST MONTH In an effort to relieve conditions at Helena, where the buildings of will be hired to accommodate the ex­ COMING FROM HELENA SOON Intermountain Union college have been abandoned and Carroll college pected crowd of approximately two Proposed by North Hall Co-ed hundred members. Tentative plans Store Furnishings forced to suspend classes, F. C. Scheuch, acting president of Montana According to a letter received from call for the serving of a hot lunch state university, telegraphed officials of both institutions late last Fri­ Men and women students not gifted fort to build such a bureau. At pres­ J. B. Love, Helena, state administrator following the party. Walt Shaw, Mis- Headed for Sale day, offering the facilities of the uni-®- with a politician’s ability to make a ent an able assistant is in need—some­ for NYA, students employed under Boula, is In charge of the arrange­ versity to the two colleges until other pleasing first impression on meeting one who is an honest observer, a stu­ NYA will receive their checks in pay­ ments. Student Board Announces Disposal arrangements could be made. DIRECTORY LISTS POSTED. may have the opportunity to express dent of life and capable of giving an ment for their work during the past George Van Noy, Lewlstown, retir­ Of Old Soda Fountain month, in the hear future. "The earth­ "The state university of Montana In­ ing president of the organization, pre­ their desire for companionship unbiased commentary regarding an Students whose names begin with quakes have caused considerable con­ vites Intermountain Union college and sided at last night’s meeting. through a proposed "date” bureau. The applicant, Miss Hohn says. “M” through “Z” should make nec­ Sale and disposal of the present fusion, but I am sure that the checks Carroll collega of Helena, Montana, to originator, a North hall freshman, has It is evident that popularity can be essary corrections on the lists equipment in the Associated Students’ will be received by you in a short make use of its facilities during their noticed the plight of many and is de­ built.. Miss 7a’s reputation may soon which are posted on the special bul­ Dr. Stevens Will Speak store was discussed and plans were time,” said Mr. Love. Notice will be present period of trial and distress,” mined to start a movement to cor­ be widely known and she will be much letin boards on the first floor at formulated by the three students and given when the checks arrive. was the text of the telegram sent to On Livestock Diseases two faculty members and Manager rect a situation that she considers in demand,. This will necessitate a the Rev: Jesse Bunch, president of Main hall for the student directory. Morris McCollum for their sale. The serious. reservations department. Then it will Intermountain Union college, and the Special attention should be given Dr. C. H. Stevens of Missoula, vet­ Barbara Harris, who is employed in Store hoard met Friday afternoon. The plan is as follows: be the duty of the “fixers” to recom­ Rev. Emmett J. Riley, president of to mistakes which may occur in the erinarian, will speak to members of the NYA timekeeper’s office, is con­ The fountain has been purchased by A card index of all names voluntar­ mend those for whom there are few Carroll college. spelling of names, home addresses, Phi Sigma, national biological fra­ fined to her home because of illness. Edward Pinckney, state university ily submitted will be made. Each card requests. There is to be an advisory If the invitations are accepted, ar­ major subjects, class ratings, Mis­ ternity tonight at 7:30 o’clock in the graduate who owns and operates Ed­ will summarize the characteristics of board that will receive and consider rangements will be made similar to soula addresses, and telephone natural science building, room 207, die’s Drug store in Poison. Other the particular individual as to temper­ ail complaints, making adjustments WEATHER FORECAST those made at the time the Missoula numbers. All corrections must be Royal Turley, president, has an­ furnishings will be sold as soon as ament and other qualities for refer­ and atonements where necessary. Much county high school burned in 1931. The made before Wednesday evening, nounced. The range management class buyers are found. ence at a time when partners for an diplomacy and a knowledge of those (Federal Weather Bnrean) colleges would bring their faculties November 6. of the forestry school is invited to at­ The Student Union cafeteria and evening are desired. concerned will be necessary to keep Mostly cloudy today and tomor­ and classes would be held in the late tend since Dr. Stevens' talk will be book store will be opened simultane­ Betty Hohn, who has proposed the the machinery in good working order, row; not much change In tempera­ afternoon and evening. Temporary James Meyers, Drummond, is a med-1 "Livestock Diseases.” Refreshments according to Miss Hohn. ously with the Student Union building. plan, is willing to put forth every ef­ ture. Slight possibility of snow. (Continued on Page Poor) ical patient at S t Patrick’s hospital. | will be served. Tuesday, November 5, 1935 Page Two THE MONTANA KAIMIN

Kappa house Sunday Included Clinton MacCauley, T. Rockney, Homer Cush­ What Price Atmosphere? Call ’Em Left man, and Eunice Pinckney. Grizzlies Hay Pass, and So The M ontana Kaimin A smoker was held at the Phi Sigma Game Is in the Bag or Air This feature has been entitled “Dic­ Kappa house Thursday. Twenty-five Or Plane or Something Published semi-weekly by the Associated Students of Montana State University Chi Omega Saturday afternoon for alumni and 32 pledges were present. I tionary to end dictionaries,” but we SOCIAL CALENDAR A Dutch lunch was served. Member of the Major College Publications don't want to stop yet; so keep your Frida}’, November 8 Clara McConnell, Missoula, and Louise When does an aerial game get Represented by A. J. Norris Hill Company, Call Building, San Francisco; 166 E. mind open and you’ll learn lots more Haaland, Deer Lodge. They were Sunday dinner guests at the Delta cloudy or when do the Grizzlies start 42nd St., New York City; 1081 S. Broadway, Los Angelas, Calif.; Newman Club ...... „.....Dance honor guests at the formal banquet Sigma Lambda house were Ed Miller, 1006 2nd Ave., Seattle; 128 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. new words: Alpha Delta P I ...... -.Fireside throwing passes, or what’s going to Gas: to estimate. held at the Florence hotel that eve­ Roger Hansen, Mike Hardy, Esther be the final score of the Grizzly-Bull­ Saturday, November 9 Devour: the one In,Ethiopia, thickie! ning. Sullivan and Lois Herman. dog game this week In Great Falls, Epsilon...... Bowery Ball Dip: of great depth. Delta Sigma Lambda announces the or— Subscription price, $2.50 per year Hem: a species of pork. At the Fraternities and Sororities pledging of Ray Lawrence, Missoula. Anyway, Doug Fessenden's chastised Social events last week were com­ Printed by the School of Journalism Press Hitch: what you scratch. Kappa Delta announces the pledging Grizzlies will be taking to the air, or paratively few. North and Corbin hall Seed: perceived. of Ruth Wigfield, Harlowton. North Hall their supporters will, or something, were hostesses at formal dances Fri­ Scissor: take possession of her. Dean Mary Elrod Ferguson and Mrs. because the law school insists that day evening, and on Saturday night a Luclle Armsby and; Esther Swanson TOM WIQAL______Dapper: for babies. Carl Winsor were luncheon guests people shouldn’t cut classes. HAROLD STEARNS. -Associate Editor mixer sponsored by Phi was were dinner guests at the Alpha Phi BILL GILTNER_____ Goblet: Infant turkey. Monday. It’s all mixed up, but here are the HAROLD HALL____ given in the men’s gymnasium. Nat house Monday. Lunge: midday meal. Sylvia Backholm spent the week-end answers: Pot: a portion of i t Allen’s band provided music for the Sunday dinner guests at the Sigma In Butte. Twelve members of Sigma Alpha Nuts: you said It mixer. Chi house were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jean Shepard and Helen Lane were Chaperons at the North hall formal O’Malley and Elizabeth Reifenrath. Epsilon have chartered a plane for the Appropriations Versus University’s Progress Rosemary O’Brien spent the week­ guests at the Tamaracks on Seeley trip to Great Falls. Why? Because A farmer says, “The larger crops included Acting President F. C end In Butte. lake over the week-end. some of them don’t want to cut law In today’s issue of the Kaimin appears a story regarding the univer­ we raise, the less profit we make.” Scheuch, Mrs. Richard O. Evans, Dean Mary Elrod Ferguson, Mrs.Theodore An informal tea was held at the Betty Jane Frahm, Eunice Fleming, classes. And so the Grizzly aerial at­ sity budget for the school year 1935-36. We take pride in presenting The moral seems clean throw some Jacqueline Akey, Dorothy Markus, tack probably will surprise the Bull­ seeds In a flower pot and retire. Brantly, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Cas­ Kappa Kappa Gamma house Sunday this story for it is the first of its kind, to the best of our knowledge, tle and Miss Elvera Hawkins. Les afternoon for actives and pledges Helen Rolette, Joyce Nichols and dogs. If It doesn't, Montana sup­ ever to appear in the columns of the Kaimin and we feel that it is Other guests were Dorothy Morris, Betty Jennings went to Whitefish over porters will probably go up in the air. Are you aware that it’s always the Smith’s orchestra was divided, part of matter with which every student, professor and parent should be ac­ the group furnishing music at North Blanche Casto, Jean' Olson, Harriet the week-end to attend a high school Those making the trip are Art Des- woman who pastes and pastes?—, football game. quainted. hall where Billie Smith was featured. Allen and Jacqueline Akey. champs and Orln Cure, Missoula; especially the woman who keeps a Laura Fewks visited with her par­ Gordon Hoven, Antelope; James The opening quotation of that story pointing out that the university scrapbook. The other division played at Corbin Scotty Hansen of Antelope was ; hall. Chaperons at this dance were dinner guest at the S. A. E. house Sun ents In Kallspell over the week-end, Meagher, Bob McKenna, Tom McCabe, now faces one of the most critical periods in its history is not the state­ President Scheuch, Mrs. Evans, Dean day. returning to North hall Sunday. Les Peters, Marshall Tucker, Great ment of an alarmist journalist. It is the honest, straight-forward Whatever trouble Adam had, Katherine Spetz spent the week-end Falls; A1 Flint, Phillpsburg; Gene No man, In days of yore, and Mrs. R. H. Jesse, Dean Mary Elrod Dinner guests' Sunday at the Theta opinion of Acting President F. C. Scheuch. Examine the figures. Ap­ Ferguson, Mrs. F. K. Turner and Miss house were Adalaide Miles, Joan Wil at her home In Whitehall. Lambert, Roundup; John Shotwell, Could say, when Adam told a Joke, Dixon, and Bob Flint, Glasgow. propriations for the fiscal year total $252,000. There are approxi ‘‘I’ve heard that one before." Caroline Griffith. At the intermission son, and Jean Fritz. Mrs. T. E. Toll Adalaide Miles played a violin solo. was the guest of her niece, Margaret Corbin Hall mately 2,000 students in school now-and the enrollment figures are Catherine Constan spent the week­ Lundeen. Washington, D. C., and graduated from expected to reach 2,100 before the end of the year. In 1925 appro­ The theme song of the Irish In love end In Mullan, Idaho. Alpha Chi Omega Golden Anniversary Mary Elizabeth MacDonald and Lu S t Catherine’s college in St. Paul. She priations were $356,100. There was also nearly nine thousand dollars Is “Tell It to the Maureens.” Ddan Mary Elrod Ferguson and Pro­ Founders’ Day banquet commemor­ cille Helean were Thursday dinner did graduate work at the state uni­ fessor Anne Platt were dinner guests more available from other sources. There were 1,425 students then, ating Alpha Chi Omega’s fiftieth an­ guests at the Sigma Kappa house. versity and is a member of the local A University of Maryland frosh ob­ Monday evening. Miss Platt presented Twelve years ago $275 was spent on each resident student. This year niversary was celebrated Saturday Grace Parker spent the week-end in chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta. jected to doing outside reading be­ an etiquette talk, "Good Manners at the amount will be approximately $126. Back in 1918 the appro­ night at the Florence hotel. Mrs. Carl Butte. Mr. O'Malley graduated from Butte cause during the winter It was so cold All Times.” I. Winsor, national counsellor of the announces the high school and attended the univer­ priations were approximately the same as they are for the current year, on the porch. What would the fellow Ethel Matson went to Superior over sorority, was the guest of honor. pledging of Albert Salansky, Conrad sity for four years. He is a member Expenses are higher than usual as the instructors have been restored do If he were required to get a report Saturday and Sunday. of “On the Roof of the Andes?” We Speakers included Dean Mary Elrod Monk Andrews, Butte, Is a visitor at of fraternity. The bride 4 per cent of a 20 per cent salary reduction effective since 1932. This Wesley McFarland and Bruce Ullom, Ferguson, Eleanor Speaker, houses the Sigma Chi house. and groom are making their home in guess he never lived In a fraternity Conrad, were dinner guests Friday. comes months after men in other fields have received the complete house or he’d gladly read “My Plight president; Maryalys Marrs, Pan-Hel­ June Blankenhorn was a dinner Missoula, where Mr. O’Malley is a Jessie Walton spent the week-end in restoration of their depression pay cuts and because it is no longer pos­ lenic president, and Mrs. Winsor. One guest at the Kappa Kappa Gamma member of the Daily Mlssoullan-Sen- from Siberia”—outside or otherwise. Spokane. sible to reduce along those lines without more seriously handicapping member from each sorority on the house Thursday. tinel editorial staff. Elizabeth Topping was a dinner Here’s another slogan for Mussolini campus was invited, the representa­ Helen Hoeming and Katherine Mc­ the university. There are added costs in administering the new Student guest Sunday. Aduwa I please.” tives being as follows: Alpha Delta Pi, Carthy were dinner guests at the Union building, added costs in administering the NYA, added costs for Marie Benson; Alpha Phi, Dorothy Sigma Alpha Epsilon house Sunday. Helen Butka was a guest for dinner absolutely necessary equipment, added costs for needed clerical work­ Sunday. This Is no slogan, but we rea Griffin; Alpha Xi Delta, Helen John­ Virginia Lou Walters spent the Walford Electric Co. ers and added costs of operation brought on by the increased enroll­ somewhere and It stuck: son; Delta Delta Delta, Jean Kountz; week-end In Wallace, Idaho. ment. Balancing the budget under these conditions was a problem Delta Gamma, Maryalys Marrs; Kappa Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Delss were dinner Scott-Stewart Wiring Supplies “My mind Is so full of Benjamin D. Stewart, who was grad­ entailing the reduction of the staff, the over-looking of necessary Alpha Theta, Virginia Bode; Kappa guests at the house A number of thoughts, Delta, Hazel Borders; Kappa Kappa Sunday. uated from the university in 1902, was repairs and replacements and the sacrificing of necessary classroom I cannot distinguish Gamma, Rosemary Gillie, and Sigma Johnny Fabatz and Grace Tubbs married to Doris Audrey Scott, daugh­ 244 N. Higgins Phone 8SM equipment, scientific apparatus and even badly needed chairs. By con­ The ’oughtn’ts’ from 'oughts’. Kappa, Irene Marceau. were dinner guests Sunday at the S. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Pemple Scott of siderable scraping and figuring a balance of $4,666.92 was made Table decorations were of red and P. E. house. New York, on Tuesday, October 29, in possible. Out of this, however, must come all unforeseen expenditures Once upon a time the New Haven green, the sorority colors. A large Doris Rouch and Blanche Casto New York City. Sunday Register ran a story which and it is the smallest budget balance ever carried by the university. cake set with fifty gold candles was were Sunday dinner guests at the Stewart is now supervising mining Attention, Girls! stated that “heavy penalties were im­ placed at the head of the table. Delta Delta Delta house. j engineer for the United States Geo­ Necessary expenditures cannot be avoided. The heating plant alone, if SAVE at the posed after Judge Pickett discovered Mrs. C. A. Klopfer, Billings, visited detic Survey and Bureau of Mines, the winter is an especially cold and severe one, will take a consider­ that the two women had deliberately Sigma Kappa Initiation her daughter, Ruth, Wednesday and with headquarters at Juneau, Alaska. 3rd S t Beauty Parlor able sum from this meager fund. died on the witness stand.” Formal Initiation was held at the Thursday at the Kappa Kappa Gamma While a student at the university, It is difficult to understand why an institution definitely on the up­ Sigma Kappa house Friday night for house. Stewart was president of the Haw­ A centipede was happy quite Shampoo and Finger Wave swing, definitely scheduled to become one of the ranking colleges of Mary Elizabeth MacDonald, Missoula Miss Charlotte Russell, Margaret thorne literary society, manager and Until a frog in fun editor of the Kaimin, president of the the Northwest, and at present enjoying the greatest enrollment in its Elizabeth Topping, Helena, and Lola Owens, and Katherine Hopper were 75e Said: “Pray, which leg comes after Newhouse, Shelby. The new initiates Friday dinner guests at the Sigma state oratorical association, a member Free chances on Makeup Box, history should be handicapped in this manner, forced to forego the which?" ere honored at a banquet at the Kappa house. of Silent Sentinel, a member of the This raised her mind to such a pitch Table Lamp and other valuable installation of necessary equipment and to face the constant threat of Coffee Parlor Saturday evening at Shirley Jane Reeves and Alberta varsity football team, manager of the prizes with every 60c worth of She lay distracted in a ditch failing to make both ends meet; in short, to be reduced to the level 30 o’clock. McVey were guests for dinner at the football team and a member of Eta work. Considering how to run! of 1918 with the expenses higher and the need for equipment and Alpha XI Delta house Sunday. Phi Mu, which later became Sigma Phone 5622 additional help greater than ever before. Kappa Alpha Theta Initiation Sigma Kappa actives entertained Chi, social fraternity. Stewart received Maybe somewhat behind the Wilma Kappa Alpha Theta held initiation pledges at a buffet supper Sunday a bachelor of science degree in schedule, but nevertheless quite clever ceremonies Saturday night for Mar­ from 5 to 7 o’clock. biology. this blurb borrowed from some­ garet Lundeen, Poplar; Helen Norris, Mothers’ club of enter­ You Can’t Build Men With a Paddle where: “We don’t like to climb to the W Full Color Missoula; Gladys Staffanson, Deer tained at a chile supper at the chapter Cooney-O’Mallej The Montana Exponent, student publication at the state college, balcony to dance, even though we’re Lodge, and Jean Paul, Deer Lodge. A house Sunday evening. Guests were The recent marriage of Catherine not Fred Astaires.” COLLEGE recently reprinted an editorial which appeared in the Montana Kaimin breakfast Sunday honored the new Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Clark, Mrs. Doug Victoria Cooney and Richard K. O’Mal­ under the title. Let s Abolish It. The editorial expressed the desire initiates. Fessenden, Mr. B. Kitt and Mr. A. ley, both former university students, Is At Hobart college a student enrolled PENNANTS! to do away with “Hell Week,” branding it as a medieval institution Mertz. of much interest to their many friends this fall In a new criminology course Alpha Chi Omega Tea McIntosh, Peter Murphy and on the campus. and suggesting a period of fraternity education as a substitute. offered there. Perhaps it was just his formal tea at the Alpha Chi Roger Grattan were week-end guests The bride, who is the daughter of The editorial apparently received widespread attention on the Boze­ way of doing a bit of laboratory work Omega house Sunday afternoon from at the Murphy home in Stevensvllle. Dr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Cooney of before attending class, but one day he man campus, resulting in considerable discussion and in the abandon­ o’clock honored Mrs. Carl I. Nita Pittman, Helena, spent the Helena, attended Trinity college In was arrested for giving the registrar ment of the practice by one house there. To that house, Pi Kappa Winsor, national counsellor. Sorority week-end at the Sigma Kappa house. a bad cheek, for cashing two other Alpha, we join with the Exponent in extending praise and congrat­ and fraternity representatives, faculty Norman Hansen was a dinner guest checks that were “hot,” and for loot­ members and townspeople were among of Phi Delta Theta Sunday. ulations. Members of that group are unlike so many other fraternity ing a fraternity house. CHANGE TO KENDALL men who close their eyes to facts and even deny that the days of “Hell those Invited. Eleanor Speaker, house An informal tea for pledges of The 2,000-MIle OH president; Miss Edith M. Herren, Kappa Alpha Theta was held Saturday Week the country over are numbered. They have shown a wise fore­ Down at the University of Colorado FOR EASY STARTING PLUS house chaperon; Mrs. A. S. Merrill, from 3 to 5 o’clock. With Every the theme song of the popular girl at SAFETY LUBRICATION sight and are to be recognized as the fraternity leaders of the state president of the local A. A. U. W.; Mrs, Lois Anderson spent the week-end in being the first Montana Greek letter organization to do away with fall formaU is "Dancing Greek to ernon Janes, alumnae advisor; Mrs. Greek.” at the Sigma Kappa house. SOUTH SIDE GARAGE CU dopoitvt the system. Winsor and Dean Mary Elrod Fer­ Walter Petty, Olympic swimming guson were in the receiving line. Mrs. team member, visited Monday at the or REALITE . . They have added Mother link to the ever-growing chain of fratern­ From a columnist’s geology notes: J. Garrison, Mrs. Glen Faulkner, Phi Sigma Kappa house on his way ities which have abolished “Hell Week” and their action has brought (Professors will please not draw hasty PENCIL! Mrs. Dennis Flahaven and Mrs. M. J. from Spokane to New York. conclusions.) A voice from the rear 'TEN snappy pennants—ideal decora- the handwriting on the wall so close to home that it should be per­ Hutchens poured. FOR THE FALL A tions for room oar car or grip—now of the room continues—“And every­ Henry Higgins, Billings, was a Sat­ fectly legible to all thinking fraternity men. There have been colleges urday dinner guest at the Sigma Phi FORMALS free! Authentic designs: each pennant body, of course, knows what lava is.” bean official seal of each University in as a whole and individual chapters which have done away with the Delta Gamma Initiation Epsilon house. Let the group. Now given with each Autopoint (I’ll tell the world—remember the old Initiation ceremonies were held by or Rralits pencil. Seven 10-pennant sets system during the past few years. Down at U. S. C. this fall the Inter- song, “Lava, come back to me”? Or, Gertrude'Conwell was a week-end altogether; each set different; collect them Delta Gamma over the week-end for guest at the Alpha Delta Pi house. Autopoints R ealites fraternity governing board knocked “Hell Week” out of existence in “No, it isn't volcano, it’s lava in City Dry Cleaners aU! See and today, Doryce Lockridge, Stevensvllle; Dor- Sterling Stapp, Helena, a former with the exclusive easier-writing Grip- trojan fraternity houses with a commendable majority vote. What bloom.”) This thing could go on and Tip and modem simplified mechanism otha Buck, Stevensvllle, and June law student, visited over the week-end on, but nobody would lava at it any­ PRESS THAT TUX that always works! Leads can’t wobble. was a trickle of opposition a few years ago has turned into a flood Eldridge, Missoula. A formal break­ at the Phi Sigma Kappa house. All sixes, styles, colon, 25c to $1 way, so we’d better -lava it alone.— which will soon sweep even the most egotistical die-hards over board fast was held In their honor Sunday AT ALL LEADING DEALERS “B. Y." In Dally Trojan. Mrs. Clarence E. Davis, province 6-Hour Service the only regrettable thing about it is that some groups apparently morning at the Grill. deputy of Delta Delta Delta sorority* dinner guest at the housq Sat­ refuse to see the light. There are groups which will not do it on their SEEN AND HEARD Sigma Nu Initiation urday. lZufobmnt own initiative and they are the groups which will be forced into it foi Augusta Wind coming out of Hell MttUr ftn c il Sigma Nu held formal initiation Mrs. N. Hanson, Glendive, was the their own good. Gate canyon . . . Olive Oyl wearing Sunday for Murray Johnston, Ana­ dinner guest of her son, George, at Pepeye’s pin . . . O’Cedar Polish shin­ We reiterate our stand that “Hell Week” is injurious, both mentalh conda; Fred Haller, Chicago, and the Sigma Nu house Sunday. ing the furniture at the Tappa house and physical y, that it is not conducive to good grades, that its attend Ernest Rand, Butte. Virginia Graybeal, Hamilton,' spent Arthur Momcnter not knowing The New . . . the week-end at the Kappa Kappa ant lack of sleep may result in illness, that its so-called “education” is weather to go up or weather to drop Alpha Chi Omega Initiation Gamma house. not constructive but destructive and that the very life of fraternities, Student Union building standing Formal Initiation was held by Alpha Dinner guests at the Phi Sigma already breaking down under criticism in some localities, depends on next to the library . . . Santa Claus Crosley Fiver Jr. crossing names off his lists . . . To­ ‘f abolishment. Understand us-w e do not mean that fraternities We have sold over 250 of should not have a substitute for this period but we do believe that it morrow getting here 48 hours after day before yesterday . . . Readers be­ ' this model alone in Mis­ shodd be greatly modified and shortened. And we violently disagree fooled again . . . (chuckle, chuckle). N ew W IL M A 10c-RIALTO-25c soula. with the methods used to bring out the best in a man.” -You can’t LAST TIMES TODAY! TODAY and WEDNESDAY! The biggest little radio on build men with a paddle and a knowledge of their own shortcomings Lloyd Miller Gets Job the market. driven home by harsh words in a series of disgusting sessions. Fra­ ‘Shipmates F orever” 2 FINE FEATURES With Navy Air Corps With DICK POWELL Brought back nfter scores of re­ ternities are based on ideals, good fellowship and understanding. Why quests— 1 .5 tubes. WALLACE BERRY iu not substitute a period of genuine fraternity education which will work Lloyd Miller, Hamilton, who was I PLAYING WEDNESDAY ONLY! 2. Long and short wave. to this end? Do away with “Hell Week” and give the pledges some­ graduated from, the chemistry depart­ James Dunn, Claire Dodd “West Point of the Air” 3. Tone control. thing actually constructive which will benefit them, their fraternities ment at the state university in 1933,! JANE WITHERS In Exquisite tone. and their university. Only by so doing will the number of men ejected has taken up his duties with the navy “THEPAY-OFF” “GINGER” A beautiful cabinet. air corps at Pensacola, Florida, ac­ from vanous chapters for actions “unbecoming a gentleman” be re­ STARTING THURSDAY! cording to word recently received by THURSDAY ONLY! duced, the number of unpaid bills cut down, the constant devotion to Dr. W. G, Bateman of the chemistry On the Stage 2 FIRST RUN HITS *2 1 -9 5 a fraternity by a member, even after graduation, be gained and the department Wilbur Cushman Presents EDMUND LOWE lu «1.#U Down, $l.»« per week; Small Carrying Charge tolling of the fraternity system’s death knell, public opinion, silenced. After his graduation Miller was a “Monkey Shines Revue” “GRAND EXIT” esearck chemist in the Bureau of Ani­ Singers, dancers, musicians, come­ — And — Fine manners are a stronger bond than a beautiful face. The former mal Husbandry at Washington, D. C., dians, girls. Plus a fine feature “The Heir to Trouble” until early this year when he joined picture, all at regular prices. With KEN MAYNARD DICKINSON’S binds; the latter only attracts.— Lamartine. the air corps. 25th ANNIVERSARY Tuesday, November 5, 1935 T H E MONTANA KAIMIN Page Three

Grizzly Team His Long Pass to Popovich Resulted in First is the only undefeated, untied and un­ Touchdown Against Washington This Season Jim Braddock and Joe Louis Greek Groups scored on team in the race, and hav­ ing won a 6 to 0 game from the Phi First to Score Sigs, who in turn defeated the Phi Go Through Missoula Sunday Fight for Top Delts, will have the edge. Against Husky «>- A first and second touch football Heavyweight Champion Says Seattle and Spokane, and then I go to As End Nears team will be announced in Tuesday’s various California cities. I am plan­ He Plans Benefit Bout Kaimln. Each team manager is asked Montana Surprises Rivals; ning a bout with Jack McCarthy of to select a first and second all-op­ Pass Nets Touchdown For Quake Victims Boston for the benefit of the Helena Schedule to Be Terminated ponent team and bring the results to quake sufferers the first open date I This Week After Delay the Kaimln office. On Opening Play By HAROLD STEARNS have. The fight will be staged at Madi­ James J. Braddock, heavyweight son Square Garden or at any other Caused by Cold University of Washington Huskies, champion of the world, and one Joe convenient place. I’ll stand good for announces the after being held to a seven point tie Louis, colored, pulled into town Sun­ the expenses of arranging the match. Interfraternity touch football teams, pledging of Mark Wysel, Missoula, and :in the first half, came back in the day afternoon aboard the same North­ I’ve got a wife and kids myself and after a week of idleness because of Hal Eckern, Thompson Falls. last period to score five touchdowns ern Pacific train, posed for pictures, have had enough ups and downs to weather conditions, will swing into against a battered Grizzly team. Not distributed autographs and waved be able to realize what they’re suffer­ action today at 4:15 o’clock. The until the final seconds of the first half cheerily to a crowd of admirers. Long ing in Helena.” schedule will be finished this week, HOW IS YOUR COAL PILE l were the Huskies able to score when, before the train was due to arrive, It was evident that the man who since only six games remain to be after a drive of 56 yards, Ed Now- boxing fans awaited the current ruler staged a Horatio Alger rise from relief played. MISSOULA COAL & TRANSFER ogroski, Washington fullback, plunged of the mitt-slinging universe and dis­ to riches by upsetting Maxle Baer to This afternoon the Sigma Nus will COMPANY over from the Montana one-yard line, coursed at length concerning the rel­ gain the heavyweight title, was sin­ meet the Delta Sigma Lambda team COAL and WOOD and Logg kicked goal to deadlock the ative merits of the champ and his cerely sympathetic with the quake and the Phi Delta will play the Alpha Phone 8632 game. number /one challenger. The east- victims. Tau Omega club in the other game. Paul Szakach, on the first Montana bound train arrived half an hour be­ Describes Baer Fight Thursday’s encounters will complete play, tossed a 30-yard pass to Milton hind schedule, rumor having it that “Was I surprised when I licked the schedule. Phi Sigma Kappa, now Popovich, who scampered 35 yards un­ the engineer and fireman were anxious Baer? I really wasn’t. I went into in, second place will meet a strong, touched to score the first tally. Szak­ to hold conversation with Jarring Jim­ that fight expecting to win and never revived Sigma Phi Epsilon team. In ach kicked the extra point and Mon­ my and had therefore delayed the gave a thought to possible defeat. That the last game of the season, Sigma U ;H t Learn tana led 7-0. North Coast. was half the battle. There's one thing Chi will meet the Phi Delta Theta Louis can look forward to when he team, which can, by defeating Sigma Field Goal Missed Boarding the westbound train’s car number 20, our first error was in mis­ meets me next June, and that is that Chi, make a three way tie for first TOUCH TYPING Montana recovered a fumble, and taking a giant occupant of one of the Jimmy Braddock won't go into the place, between the Sigma Chis, the Phi placed the ball on the Husky 25-yard at home this month! front compartments for the champion. ring scared of him.” Slgs and the Phi Delts. Think of it! 60 to 60 words a minute! line after a series of short passes and Easily acquired In spare time. Royal's That case of mistaken identity being The engineer pulled the whistle Phi Delta Theta, defeated only by "Simplified System of Touch Typewrit­ runs. Szakacb, after three plays had ing" shows you how. Obtain this valu­ called to our attention by the flat­ cord, the North Coast Limited slowly the Phi Sigma Kappa team, will be able course, prepared by experts, free been tried, missed a chance to in­ with New Royal Portable Typewriter. tered individual thus accosted, we de­ began to edge its way westward and tied for first place if it beats the Sigma crease the Grizzly lead when his field parted for the rear of the coach. An­ Jimmy Braddock grinned and raised Chi team. However, the latter team goal try was wide by Inches. other gentleman of heroic proportions his mighty paw that has spelled de­ The Grizzlies forced Phelan to take $ 4 9 . 5 0 arose and answered our inquiry, "Yes, feat to the ring’s best, in farewell to TERMS out his shock team and early In the p g p g i I’m Braddock.” his Missoula friends. Only $4.00 Down and $4.00 second period the Huskies, who ex­ Paul Szakach, who passed 80 yards to his teammate, Milt Popovich, on the The Champ Is Big Win, lOBe or draw, it’s our bet that Per Month pected a rest, came in. opening play of the Husky-Grizzly game In Seattle Saturday for Montana’s James J. Braddock can depend on any­ A single handshake with the maul­ First National Bank NEW ROYAL P0RTABIE. M.ny Byron Haines, early in the third only score of the contest. It was the first time Washington’s goal line has one who has ever met him, being a ing mountain convinced us that this THE FIRST AND OLDEST Is, Touch Control—"it' ptraon- period, showed his ball carrying abil­ been crossed this year. Szakach missed a field goal attempt later In the game. Braddock enthusiast NATIONAL BANK IN dimes the typewriter to your particular reporter would refrain from touch;" Finger Comfort Keys; ity and sent Washington into the lead MONTANA Centralized Controls; Standard Keyboard. Easy 'following a long run and Logg con­ taking notes during the interview due to was—(set—and very durable. to a maimed mitt. In spite of the pain r p r r CARRYING CASE. Hand- verted the point after touchdown. Harrington to Represent a■ B liii some luggage • style case. In the fourth quarter, the Grizzly occasioned by Braddock's enthusiastic University at Ceremony Typewriter easily, quickly removed. Sporty Vents grip, we were able to center our at­ IOWIST MONTHLY TIRMS. P*y defense weakened and Gain, Husky as you use it—only a few oeatp a day. tention upon the present occupant of OUR WORK IS OUR BEST left half, plunged over for the third James E. Harrington, formerly of Montana Grizzlies dropped their I handicap it. To a squad the size of the fistic throne. Big? And how! At RECOMMENDATION touchdown after a sustained 86-yard Butte, who was graduated from the fourth conference game in Seattle Sat­ Montana’s it is disastrous. If the in­ least six foot two, a good 210 on any march. Logg again converted the law school in 1934, has been asked by urday to a powerful Washington juries to the team keep mounting the scale, shoulders that would do Justice Metropole Barber Shop extra point. Acting President F. C. Scheuch to rep­ Husky team 33-7. Intercepted passes Grizzly band will have to Cancel their to any two huskies we ever saw. All Basement B & H Jewelry Store Montana received the kickoff, and resent the university at the inaugura­ played a large part in the scoring for orders for new uniforms and don the. this bulk was attired in a dark blue on the first play Nowogroski inter­ tion of Dr. Arthur A. O’Leary as presi­ the Huskies. When, a team gets be­ deserted football suits. suit, blue tie, gray slouch hat and a cepted Szakach’s pass on the 50-yard dent .of Georgetown university in hind it must gamble to pull out of the o—O—o light brown overcoat. Jim kept right line and ran to the Montana 10. Tipton, Washington, D. C., on Saturday, No­ hole. That is just what Montana did. on answering our questions as he on an end around play, scored the Probably the above sounds like Mon­ vember 23. They were shooting to win and their headed for the coach steps to accom­ For Your Inspection fourth touchdown. tana Is about to throw In the sponge Harrington has been employed on Typewriter Supply efforts rebounded into scores for the modate the photographer. Tipton intercepted another Montana and take it on the chin without resist­ a governmental legal staff in Wash­ A LARGE ASSORTMENT powerful Huskies. “Yes, I’ve seen Louis fight He’s pass and, after a series of plays, ing in Its future games. Such Is ington, D. C., since his graduation. OF NOVELTIES IN Company o—O—o good and no doubt about it. Plenty of Ed Rullis, Husky halt, raced the re­ not the case. The remaining games GLASSWARE AND CHINA “Chuck” Gaughau, '32 punch, power and mighty shifty. But maining 22 yards around left end, Everything has been done to remove on the schedule are looked forward to We InTite you to come in and 812 Higgins Avenue Phene 678$ I can take him. I don’t like to brag, INTRAMURAL SCHEDULE. scoring standing up. Bond failed on the Montana jinx. It has been burned, with eagerness by the players. THEY Inspect our stock. (Across from Smith’s Drug) but I think my record of knockouts the last two placement attempts. bruised, battled and browbeaten, but WELL BEAT GONZAGA NEXT WEEK can compare pretty favorably with Interfraternlty Football. Used typewriters as low as $10.00. Montana is the first Pacific Coast it still persists. Last Saturday it hov­ AND THEN POINT FOR THE ORE- We sell, rent, trade and repair all anyone who claims to be a puncher. Today—Sigma Nu vs. Delta Sigma conference team to cross the Univer­ ered over the field like a heavy fog. GON STATE GAME IN MISSOULA ON makes of typewriters. Paper, Pena, Besides, I think I can outbox Louis. Lambda; Phi Delta Theta vs. Alpha Ribbons, Carbons and supplies. sity of Washington goal line this year. To look at the two benches on the op­ NOVEMBER 23. I’ll cross him up with lefts and land Tau Omega. Stanford won from the Huskies, but posite sides of the field last Saturday o—-O—o more than my percentage of wallops.” Wednesday—Sigma Nu vs. Inde­ Guaranteed Service only after Monk Moscrip had booted was more than an indication of the Last week they were beaten by a Emerging from the car, Braddock pendents ; Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. two field goals. mishaps that have followed the team. superior squad and superior numbers, but the fact remains that they de­ blinked at the brilliant wintry glare Delta Sigma Lambda. The famed Husky attack was not On one side was the huge Husky served to win three conference games of the snow and grinned at the crowd’s Thursday—Phi Sigma Kappa vs. apparent until after three quarters of squad, beefy and bundled, filling every already this year. They are out to welcome. He posed willingly for his Sigma Phi Epsilon; Sigma Chi vs. brilliant ball the Montana squad, small seat on the long row of benches. And hang up a win and Gonzaga is going picture with the little darky porter Phi Delta Theta. and badly crippled, wilted and the then across on the other side were the Montanans with twelve reserves, shiv­ to be their first victim. who bears the name of Jimmy's chief THE NEWMAN CLUB tremendous power of the Seattle team o—O—o rival, Joe Louis, and then undertook Patronize Kalinin Advertisers wore down the Montana defense. ering from the damp cold. o—O—o Gonzaga will be at the peak of their the task of inscribing countless bits Llneqp and Summary of paper and calling cards with a bold In the starting linenp for the Griz­ season after their upset win over Invites You to Be Present at a Washington (38) Montana (7) “James J. Braddock.” A wag, evident­ We Do Your zlies were six reserves. The regulars Washington State. They would rather Douglas...... Swanson ly an admirer of the Chocolate Soldier, DRY CLEANING were sitting on the bench nursing In­ beat Montana than any team on their Left End shouted from a vantage point safely to Please You juries that cnt their effectiveness to schedule and they are out to do i t in the rear of the crowd, “Look out, such a point that when they went In The Bulldogs have won two confer­ Braddock, here comes Louis.” The Left Tackle the game, they were practically use­ ence games this year. Their other Missoula Laundry Co. Student Union champion looked up from his auto­ less after the first few plays. The victory was at the expense of Idaho. graphing, laughed, and kept on writ­ Left Guard alternates proved that they have the Three conference pelts would be quite ing. The Jokester retired again into Mondala .... stuff from which players are made, a feather in the cap for Coach Mike Center Pecarovich and his team and they are oblivion, the victim of his own w it Benefit Dance when they scored the first touchdown ...... Noyes Flans Benefit Bout Gadke ...... and then battered the starting Huskies determined that Montana should be Tasty, Home-cooked “I’m heading for the Pacific coast Right Guard all over the field, added to'the list of their victims, ...... Pomajevich now for a series of exhibition bouts,” Foods Worthington o—O—o o—O^-o Bald Jim. “I fight in Portland, then Right Tackle The Grizzlies have lost four men for Montana is also out to win that FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 the remainder of the season. They game. But the game that the Grizzlies Right End are Chuck Whlttinghlll, regular quar­ will really be pointing for on their LUNCH 25c ...... Brandenburg R. Bond...... terback, who is out with a cracked schedule is the coming tussle with Men's Gymnasium Quarterback shoulder that was re-injured in the Oregon State. The Grizzlies are de­ R O B B IE’S Idaho game; Rod Welsh, with a termined to win a conference game A Real Drug Store K&MLunch Left Half broken arm in the Idaho game; Charles this year and the Beavers afford the Across from the High School Admission 75c Austin ...... Popovich Wilcox and Don Holmqulst, who have best opportunity. 628 North Higgins Right Half been put on the shelf by leg injuries, Marlowe ..... _...... Szakach o—O—o STEVENS WORKS HOWARD M.A. Fullback Two players were lost to the squad Score by Quarters for Saturday’s game due to deaths in George Stevens, who received his B.A. degree in chemistry at the state Montana...... 7 0 0 0— 7 their families. Louis partaell was Washington ...... 0 7 7 19—33 called home upon the illness and university in 1934, is now doing re­ EASY WAY TO CONCENTRATE Officials: Referee, Doug Lowell, death of his father. Bill Flynn was search work for his Master’s ’degree Portland; umpire, Stan Riddle, Ever­ called home from Seattle when his under the direction of Dr, J. W. How­ ard. ett; head linesman, High McKenna, brother died. Portland; field Judge, Perry Mitchell, o—O—o WOODPECKER I GET AROUND Renton. Add to the above misfortunes the in­ PECKS HOLE IN FIFTY SWELL SMOKES juries that are handicapping Bob Cos­ OVERCOATS All-wool Melton Cloth, half and SACK OF PEAS (g). FROM THE BIG grove, Roy Babich, Johnny Sullivan 2-OUNCE TIN OF Freshman Coach full belted, in gray, CJI f? F A PEAS DROP ON and Carl Swanson and you don’t have brown and blue...... {D-LO*t)U PRINCE ALBERT. Called to Chicago much of a squad to face Gonzaga or Others $19.50 to $29.60 DISH PAN (|) . .THERE ISN'T A any of the other teams on the re­ C. R. DRAGSTEDT CO. WEATHER INDI­ BETTER SMOKE mainder of the schedule. Ten men Men’s Wear Opp. N.P. Depot CATOR (6) THINKS 501N' THAN P.A.I LewandowskI Will Finish Season; virtually out of any squad would Ring May Return Later IT'S RAININ6 AND SHIFTS TO George Ring, freshman football ’’RAIN* RELEASING mentor, was called home Thursday MOUSE IN TRAP because of a sister's illness. A. J. (§). MOUSE TAKES Lewandowski will coach the freshmen REPUBLICAN or for the remainder of the season. ELEVATOR (§) TO Ring, on a sabbatical leave of ab­ CHEESE ® EATS sence from Austin high school in Chi­ DEMOCRAT? AWAY CHEESE cago where he is head football coach, WHICH LINES hag been helping his former team­ mate, Douglas Fessenden, Grizzly lead­ Whatever your political opinions, you cannot BLOWTORCH UP er. It is possible that he will be back, WITH CHAIN help agreeing with anyone that this beer leads but with the freshman schedule fin­ AND CUTS CHAIN. ished In two weeks, circumstances the field in quality and Info THUS HORSE might make his return impractical. He has been coaching in Chicago for price. A perfect beverage COLLAR AND seven years and has turned out many for any occasion. Been. BLINDERS (§) district champions. This year’s fresh­ ARE DROPPED man team, although untried, appears OVER STUDENT *to be the best to represent the state university in many years. TuMday, November 5,1935 Page Four T H E MONTANA KAIMIN from rental of state lands and interest special smock that Manager McCollum prlation of $262,000 and the amount rates for the university have been so Students’ Store is having designed In Chicago. State Budget Problems from Interest and income will be Cubs, Bullpups Notices low that it has cut materially the university insignia will be featured on $20,000. Worry Officials sums of money returning each year to Will Be Modem both uniforms. Twelve years ago the expenditure of the university. At one time this sum Practice Plays Wesley Fellowship group will go on Between the north wall of the book­ state money for each resident student (Continued from Page One) amounted to $36,000 each year, but a short hike at 4 o’clock Saturday, In Every Detail store and the theater Is a large room, was $276. This year it will be approxi­ Expenses at the state university are now the fund, established by these November 9, starting from the Meth­ fitted with shelves for the storing of mately $126. For Encounter odist Episcopal church. Supper and Many Elaborate Features for Patrons especially high due to the restoration two amounts to only $20,000. books. In a corresponding position Balance Is $3.91 entertainment will be provided around Are Manager McCollum’s to professors of 4 per cent of the 20 off the fountain room Is a kitchen and In accordance with provisions of the campfire. A charge of 10 cents a Expectations store room. v per cent salary cut made in 1932, Lewandowski Requests AU various statutes all operation income person will be made. Those planning A door leads from the foyer of the added costs of administering the new Freshmen Candidates funds were exhausted June 80, 1936, to go should sign the list on the bul­ (Editor’s Note: This is the fourth theater into the fountain room, in Student Union building, and the added “Prosperize” with the exception of $3.18 in legisla­ To Drill Daily letin board in Main hall before noon of a series of eight articles to be order that theater-goers may avail costs In the physical plant for the It’s Better Dry Cleaning tive appropriations which reverted to Friday. presented In the Kaimlir on the out­ themselves of the fountain room be­ heating of the new building. The in the state treasury. There was a bal­ Freshman football players will have standing features of the Student tween acts and after performances. It crease In enrollment from approxi­ Florence Laundry Co. ance of $2.65 in the special revolving Dial 2802 their first chance to play a regular French club will hold its opening Union building.) Is planned to keep the store open dur­ mately 1,900 In 1934, to an estimated fund and $1.26 In the fund which re­ game Friday, November 16, when they meeting of the quarter at 7:30 o’clock ing the hours the lounge will be open, 2,100 in 1936, will also greatly increase sults from the rental of school lands play the Bullpups of Gonzaga. Fresh­ Tuesday night, in room 202, Main halL When the Associated Students' store approximately from 9 o’clock in the the cost of operation and raise the and the Interest from school loans. All man Coach A. J. Lewandowski asks As officers will be elected, it is urged opens In the Student Union building morning to 10:30 o’clock In the < number of clerical workers and as­ sistants needed. current bills were paid, and only a that all Cubs report for practice this that all members be present All of on November 22, Morris McCollum, nlng during the week. normal amount of supplies was on We hare one of the most week. French 16 standing or above are manager, will present to the student Added Expenses Heavy hand. This left a total balance of The Cubs will play only one game eligible for membership. A special body the finest and most modern book­ Other added expenses are the ad­ $3.91. Complete Stocks of this year as the game with the Bob- program of French music has been store and fountain room in Missoula. Helena Institutions ministration of NYA, which will take kittens was cancelled because of a arranged, and any who are Interested The store takes the entire width of Receive Invitation $1,000, and new equipment, additional During recent years, the Income MODERN FRAMES Rocky Mountain conference ruling. are invited to attend. the ground floor and runs back to the supplies, and miscellaneous expenses and eye glass mountings to be This will be the only contest on theater. A hallway leads from the found in the state. Let us show (Continued from Page One) which will take another $2,193.76, which numeral awards will be based, If your hair Isn’t becoming to you, you the newest styles. An important meeting of debate stu­ front doors to a flight of steps to the housing arrangements would be made The employment of additional student but the showing made in play against you had better be coming to us. dents will be held today In library 103, second floor, the bookstore opening off for the visiting students, despite the assistants will require an outlay of the varsity will count almost as much. BARNETT OPTICAL at 4 o’clock. Dr. E. H. Henrlkson asks the east side and the fountain room fact that the university is facing a $1,828.68. TRAIL BARBER SHOP The Bullpups are bringing a strong FRANK J. SPON, Prop. all debaters to be present because they off the west side. Slide-fold doors, ex­ problem in trying to provide adequate As an Illustration of the unusual COMPANY team to Missoula this year and hope Higgins Avenue at Broadway will be assigned definite sides for the tending from the ceiling to the floor, housing for its own students. situation that the university now 120 East Broadway to return to Spokane with a victory make it possible to lock either room —Journeymen— tryouts which will take place soon. The Rev. Riley sent a telegram to faces, President Scheuch quoted a list Harry Edwards Geo. W. Janke over the Cubs, one of the best aggrega­ from the hall. Professor Scheuch, thanking him for of figures that show that in 1926, ten tions In years. The Pups were de­ In the bookstore, book shelves fin­ the offer, and stating that the college years ago, with 1,426 students en­ Phi Sigma will meet in the natural feated by the Washington State college ished In dark oak cover the entire officials were delaying action for the rolled, the appropriations from the science building, room 207, at 7:30 freshmen. north side of the room. Chairs are present. It Is the opinion of Professor state legislature amounted to $366,100 o’clock tonight No odds are given either club. It aluminum finish, upholstered in ma­ Scheuch that the officials of Carroll and the income and interest amounted LOOK UNDER THE CORK OF THE is reported that the Bullpups are giv­ roon leather. The store office Is in college will attempt to re-open the ,939.68. Now with an estimated ing the Bulldogs a heavy workout Five positions are awaiting mu­ the southwest corner and Is parti­ college at Helena as soon as possible. enrollment of twenty-one hundred stu­ every night The Cubs are learning a sicians in the Grizzly band, according tioned from the remainder of the room No word has been received by the dents, there Is available a total appro- BOTTLE CAPS definite offense for this game and It to Director Stanley Teel who has re­ with panels and glass. university regarding the future plans is necessary that every Cub report quested that anyone interested in joln- The fountain room is arranged with of Intermountain Union college. Ac­ Win a Shlek Electric Razor, .22 Rifle, Cocktail Shaker, Roller daily to learn Montana plays, Lew­ the organization arrange tryouts with the fountain, finished in maroon and cording to press reports, Intermoun­ Skates, Portable Shower, Cigarette Lighter and andowski said yesterday. him as soon as possible. blue-metallic black, on the north side. tain college is being transferred to TYPEWRITERS many other Yalnable Prizes. Candy showcases take up the center Great Falls where classes will be held Frank Willig, Missoula, president of and booths are arranged around the in the Methodist and Presbyterian Sold-Rented-Repaired Drink BOTTLED M Sc Oh These Ties! the Mathematics club at the state uni­ sides. A panel of mirrors stands be­ churches. The women students will versity, discussed "Hyperbolic Func­ hind the bar. Chromium fixtures on I Sonth Hall Lads Do Away be housed on the fourth floor of the All Prizes on display at 129 West Broadway With Flowing Cravat Worn tions’’ at the second meeting of the the fountain are arranged in two Deaconess hospital, and men will be club Thursday evening, October 31. Lister Typewriter III By Daring Table Comrade groups to allow for quicker service. temporarily housed In the basement of Approximately twenty members at­ Lighting is overhead and Indirect the Methodist church. There are 167 Service Majestic Candy 6 Beverage Co. tended. Refreshments were served. Fountain room attendants will wear students enrolled at Intermountain A well-planned and splendidly exe­ UNDERWOOD AGENTS cuted necktie party took place at William Wickes, Missoula, will pre­ uniforms. Men will wear white coats college. Trucks were used to trans­ Bottlers 127 E. Broadway Phone 8467 South hall Sunday afternoon. Loud, sent a talk at the next gathering No­ and aprons and white caps, all port all movable teaching equipment vember 13. snappy, colorful ties may be in vogue trimmed In maroon. Girls will wear a from Helena to Great Falls. in some places but they do not appear to receive the approbation of students at South. It seems that one such adornment had been injuring the aesthetic senses of the group which composed a table in the dining room, After repeated warnings and admoni­ tions lasting over a period of days, the aw e/ ue t cravat was still very much in evi­ dence. Something drastic was deemed necessary, so Sunday at dinner the culprit was asked a question by a member of the neighboring table. While his head was turned a formid­ W C t O d o d o t ? able pair of scissors was produced and with one well-aimed snip, the snappy neckwear was parted from its owner, leaving only a short stub, somewhat resembling an abused Scotch terrier’s tail. W e ll, to StdYt with, we take tobacco As a great aid to digestion, psychol­ ogists have extolled the value of be­ ing happy while partaking of food; from our own Southland — mild ripe even fried potatoes would not have presented any difficulty to the tie- tobacco with lots of natural flavor but snippers as the chagrined tie-owner viewed the remains of a once beau­ tiful and whole cravat. no harshness or bitterness. % v CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS DISPLAYED AT MEETING iS N H r . , :fk / m THEN AS A SECOND STEP- Displays of Christmas suggestions We blend this home-grown tobacco made up ■ by six Missoula business houses for the purpose of suggesting with spicy, aromatic Turkish to­ appropriate Christmas gifts were feat­ ured at the meeting of the Faculty baccos from across the seas. These Women’s club held at the library of the forestry building Monday. A doll Turkish tobaccos, you may know, display from the Episcopal church doll bazaar, prepared by the Saint Hilda’s have a flavor and fragrance entirely guild was also featured. At the next meeting of the club a style show and different from our own. a lecture on fabrics will make up the program. AS A THIRD S T E P - Five Reasons .Why These tobaccos are cross - blended The New — welded together —the best way I.E.S. Study Lamp we’ve found to get a more pleasing Is BETTER— flavor and a better taste in a cigarette. 1. Wide opening at th« top of the shad* throws light to calling and eliminates shadows. TH ATS W H Y CHESTERFIELDS 2. Glass reflector softens light, prevents glare. ARE MILD AN1


4. Shade lining light over your is white to re­ m m m flect more light.

5. Lamp is high enough to light large working

IMPORTANT—t. t. (..I, for the authorised certification tag on the lamp you buy. H isn't an I.E.S.Better Sight Lamp If If doesn't In a single day people from ten different have this teg. states visited our Chesterfield factories. 8,200 visitors during the past year saw Montana Power Co. Chesterfields made.

@ 1933, Liggett & M n u Tobacco Co.