8 Tine Ttaaedlo

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8 Tine Ttaaedlo FOUR THE DAILY xNEBRASKAJN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1932. time. Class A teams have been as- Delta Sigma Phi, Phi DelU Theta, OMAHA U. Assign Times, Courts FRATERNITY CAGERS signed to eight leagues, with Class Beta Theta. Pi, Delta Sigma DECISIS B outfits divided into five leagues Lambda, Tau Kappa Epsilon and For Basketball Games A fraternity entering a single Kappa Sigma. Following is a schedule of team must play in Class A, while NEBRASKA Bf 12 TO 6 courts and time class A teams START PLAY MONDAY those entering two fives are re' University Publishes will play Monday night in quired to play the strongest team the opening round of the In- in Class A. Prep Debate Handbook tramural basketball tourna- ment at the coliseum: Thirty-tw- o In Class A. The October Handbook for the Nubbins' March Teams Seeking Class A, B High School Debating Gun Stops I.KAOl'K I. Fraternities in Class A basket Nebraska Dt-lt- a 1'imllon vs. DHt Tu leKa Sigma league has been published by thei With Pigskin Resting t (iurt I, 7 o'rltM'k. Titles Won in 1931 by ball are Delta Upsilon, Phi Extension Division of uni- Mclean hull vs. Phi KapM Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi, Zi Psi Psi, the 7-Y- 1, 7:20 versity. The subject of the October ard Line. Court u'rlork. Beta, A. G. R. On I.KKilK II. Sigma Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsllou, issue is "Taxation." The hand- Phi Hitciua Kupim vs. Farm Hauaf Pi Kappa Alpha, Phi Gamma I, 8:20 o'clock. book is published as an aid to state Court o Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Farm Two costly B team fumbles gave NiKniH Alpha Mm vs. Alpha CM Thirty-tw- Class A fraternity high school debaters. Omaha university a 12 to 6 vic- Slums, lourl 1, 8:40 o'clock. teams and twenty-tw- o Class B House, Alpha Theta Chi, Acacia, Fri- I.KAOI K H. quintets are ready for the whistle Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Delta Theta, tory over the Husker Nubbins Phi Kapiia Vat vs. Alpha Thet Miss Shanafelt Lectures. day afternoon at Memorial sta- Chi Court Z, 7 o'clock. that will open intramural basket- Alpha Gamma Rho, Zeta Beta Beta Theta PI vs. Kappa Hiirma Tau, McLean Hall, Sigma Alpha Breede's Elephants'" was dium. Court t, 7:20 o'clock. ball play at the coliseum Monday "Adam Altho outdowning Coach Sed I.KAIil K IV. and Tuesday nights. Mu, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Nu, Pi the tpoic of Miaa Marjorie Snana-felt- 's M Pnl Phi vii. Acacia Court t, games in Kappa Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, two talks Thursday after- Hartman's eleven by the wide 11:20 o'clock. Twelve are slated margin of sixteen to four, the B Nicnia Nu vh. Slnu I'hl MUm Class A competition Monday, while Sigma Phi Sigma, Phi Alpha noon, the first at Jackson high Court , :o o'clock. Delta, Theta Xi, Alpha Chi Sigma, school, University Place, and the backs were unable to retain the I.KAtil K V. ten tilts are scheduled for settle baU while in dangerous territory, Slam Chi v. Iell Htffma Phi ment Tuesday in the Class B di- Phi Kappa, Kappa Sigma, Delta second at the Havelock junior-seni- or Court 4. 7 o'clock. A teams be Chi, Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Phi high school. one fumble occurring on the Ne PI Kappa Phi va. ! Chi vision. Class will 22-ya- Espilon Sigma baraka rd line in the second Court 4, 7:20 o'clock. striving to lift the championship and Delta lambda. coming when i.i:au k vi. won last year by Beta Theta Pi. In Class B entries include Phi quarter and the other Mrnut Alpha Kmllon vs. Phi Ic4ta Coach Young's team was on the Thrta Court 4, 8:20 o'clock. Class B, Alpha Gamma Rho is Kappa Psi, Alpha Theta Chi, YOUR DRUG STORE 28-ya- Kimilon va. Delta rd Taa kappa with a strong crew, Epsi- stripe during the third ljuiibda 4, 8:40. again entered Delta Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Slicma Court hoping to repeat con lon, When you want It in a hurry just period. On both occasions Omaha last year's Phi Gamma Delta, Farm phone ua. Lunches. Also the best U. penetrated the Nubbins defense quest. House, Acacia, Alpha Gamma Rho, in box candies. for touchdowns. Jones looked good at center. League play this year will con Sigma Nu, Alpha Tau Omega, Phi With the opening of the fourth Summary: sist of two twelve-minut- e halves Kappa, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi The OWL PHARMACY Hu-ske- U quarter, B outfit struck in de r B Omaha "sandwiched" so that the games Sigma Kappa, Sigma Chi, Pi 148 No. B1068 the I 14th A P Sts. Phone Fowler llartmau of1 termined fashion, tiienn snewes t'pti'Knwa It Hanks may be run off in a minimum Kappa Alpha, Delta Tau Delta, broke thru on a sweep for twenty-tw- o Justlcs Is Hummel yards, with Ken White Jones c 1owell Fouts and V. Hulbrt tk Johnson smashed the line for a first down Ker;ak1es rt Sorenson 13-ya- re Mlnikim on the Omaha rd line. Here Armstrong While Qb Hoover One. for the money an Omaha penalty placed the ball KlrtridKe lh Biddies ' line, from where Pelaney rh Peary $2 the show on the ft Leon Fouts for White went over for the touch Thomts Two to get ready down. Score by periods: Omaha U And to go! Nubbins Resume Parade. Huaker B 0 0 0 66 four Touchdowns: James. Fischer, White. Immediately, the Nubbins re- Substitution?: Omaha KinK tor Johnson, Trim stilf bosom 16 and 12 button Two passes Fischer for Biddies. for Lowell sumed the march. Mlni-ku- s. shirts with the French kid gloves net- Fouts, Turner for i'eary, James for thrown by Skewe3 to Parsons Gordon for Turner: Nebraska medium low col- mousquet aire ted thirteen and .fifteen yards re- Skewe? lor K.ldndpe, Sears for Armstrong. lar and large style in white, pigskin to Parsons for Pelaney. Horcnera for Jones, spectively, taking the Scott for Stars. Green for Justice. Offi- wing, $2 and eggshell and the Omaha 35-ya- rd line. A first cials: Ref-re- e, R. C. Russell. Nebraska; $2.50. n, black, $ umpire. Krnie Adams. Omaha; headlines-roa- 1 down came after two shots at the Charley Black, Kansas NX V line and a shoit aerial from Neat patterned Short 5 button Skewes to Parsons, and on the last NOSE OUT S00NERS vests, $3.50 and kid glove with play of the game this same pair BY SCORE OF 5 TO 0 $4.50. flare cuff, trim- completed another flip to place the med with b r i ball on the rd line. (Continued from Page 1.) Black hose, 3Tc smart! Skewes, Eldridge and White did zone for a safety, boosting the and 50c. new! $3.50. most of the offensive work for the Nebraska total to five points. B's while Ed Uptegrove played a Cherry barely got back to the ball Silk scarf in Sheer chiffon ho- fine game at tackle. Horchum and in time to prevent a touchdown, white, $1 and siery in skin tones Steve Hokuf downing the Sooner $1.50. for wear with behind the goal line. pastels, off black play Oklahoma Gallant of the Studs, $1.50. for the darker team in the pinches stopped the shades, $1 and Nebraska attack repeatedly on $1.35. third down. Jack Miller and i were the most ef- Patent or dull calf-ak- in George Sauer in this plain sit- fective ground gainers for the toed Klorsheim ox- A guy little rut out Home Comforts Cornhuskers, while Ely and Hokuf ford. Featherweight sandal that played a fine game in the line. sole, hollow leather likes to dance all Club Plan heel, very flexible evening. In satin or Statistics reveaiea mac Ne for d a n c ing and figured crepe which 1 Block From braska outdowned their opponents correct In every fin-inh- el Qiay be dyed to 12 to 5, while gaining 232 yards detail. match your frock. Campus to 100 yards for the Sooners. Meals Optional The lineup: $8 Nebraska Oklahoma Penney le Curnutt Hulbert It HaaC First Floor First Floor Bishop if Bashara to Kly C (G. C.) Toune, Q50 fx-bu-a IS Whlttlnicton J50 O'Brien It Corey riokuf re Cherry Masterson qb Dunlap All Dressed Up and Some Place to Go . Vtainis Ih Blmma Oaat Q. Ct ... rh Walker SPACE FOR 12 hauer fto Stacy The Military Ball . December 2 B 2342 Substitutions: N e b r a s k a Miller for CALL Btaab. Fahrnbrucn tor Mathu. Koby Cainphell for Debus. Hubka for Bishop, Schlnetr f r Hulbert, Kllboume for Hokuf. Hulbert for O'Brien. Meier for The 7 Kly. Oklahoma-Bor- ah for Dunlap, A. Panssc for Simms. Philips for Basaha. Placeklck: Mastrson (Nebraska I. CHAStSDLFDCEQ) Safety: Cherry, (Oklahoma). (Formal Fir elk Score by periods: Tine TTaaedlo Nebraska 0 S 3 5- -5 Oklahoma 0 0- -0 Officials: Referee. Les Edmonds. Ottawa; umpire. F. E. Dennle, Brown; linesman 10c Per Line Karl Jones. Arkansas; field Judge, Lee A neatly tailored garment in un- Over the shoulder effects to em- Minimum 2 Lines Anderson, fcouth western. finished worsted with satin or phasize low backs swagger cut FESTIVAL gros-grai- n Where to Eat FALL FUSD silk facings on peak- skirts in satins and ruff crepes. TO CAM'ASS HOUSES ed lapels.
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