OL V I UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1928 Nv. i I COMING EVENTS MURPHREE SCHEDULES General Problems BLACK ASKS MORE RECITAL FOR SUNDAY (This space reserved for an- Are Discussed at ELECTIONS TO COU N(CI ouncements of coming events. For the first organ recital of the Preceptress Meet' otices should be in our office I summer session. to be given by A general discussion of problems Men residents in the f ollowing efore 2:30 p. m., proceeding the Claude L. Murhree University which arise in the dormitories and fraternity houses are requested to lay on which they are to ap- Organist, Sunday afternoon at 4 roonin houses featured the first assemble at some convenient time )ear.) P. M. at the auditorium, the follow- reg1I Ieeting of the preceptresses and elect a representative to the 3unday June 17, 9:30 a. m., in ing program is announced: held Thursday evening with Dean student council. Weed Hall, Bible Class. This assembly All March, "Pomp and Circumstance" Hill in room 44, should invited. Buckman Hall. be held so that the repre- Elgar The Dean of Women asked the co- sentative may attend the second reg- Sunday, June 17, 4 p. m., Mur- Love's Old Sweet Song Molloy, operation of the students in uphold- Ular meeting of the student council phree Recital, University Aud- Lemare ing the highest standards of conduct Monda night, 7 p. ma. Room 112. itorium. Ancient Phoenician Processian, during the summer term. Peabody. . Kappa Stoughton Miss Pauline Hall, who was pres- Alpha, , Kap- Preceptresses Chosen Choral Symphonique Diggle ident of the student council in the pa Sigma, , Delta Tau. Al- The Magic Harp Meale summer of 1926, or gave a short re- pha Delta. Sigma Lambda Tau, Two-Weeks Period Three Dances from "Henry VIII" view of the work done by the , , and German Council in previous summers. She . The following preceptresses i. Morris Dance; emphasized that the standard of Any other fraternity, boarding, I hiave been elected for the two- 2. Shepherd's Dance: Conduct maintained by the student or rooming houses where a con- weeks period: 3. Torch Dance. on the campus reflected on the siderable number of men are stay- uckman- A popular or current number home. ing should also elect a representa- Section A-Mrs. E. R. Sensa- Caprice, "The Brook" Dethier The preceptresses will meet each tive to the student council. baugh -week with Dean Hill to discuss prob- A. P. Black. Dean of Men. Section B-Mrs. Mildred J. Student Council lems which arise in the different Yeagle Isections. Enrollment Exceeds Section C-Frances Evans Members Chosen Last Section D-Mrs. Charlotte!ee Club To resent Year's By 400 Klett The The total Summer School enroll- Section E-Mrs. Nora representatives to the stu-, Opera Wheeler dent council elected for the sum- During Summer ment to-date (Friday noon). has EmilThomas- mer session are: The first meeting of the Univer- reached 1483, as against 1089 en- Section A-Mrs. Marie Johnson Thomas Hall--Mrs. Olive Gurr, sity Glee rolled last year. Of this numb- B-Mrs. Club was held Thursday C. M. Watson' section A; Margaret Lindsay, afternoon at 5 p. m. with Mr. Col- er, 97 are registered in the Law C-Mrs. Mary G. Long Section C; Anne Lyde Dawson, lings presiding. There were about College. D-Hattie B. Thompson section B; Pauline Hall, section fifty or sixty )resent. the majority The schools in Jacksonville will E-Mrs. Harris 'I Lowery E; Alice M. Himes, section F. being ladies. The class was divided close today and it is expected F-Mrs. Emma Wicker Buckman Hall- Mary C. Guess, into men's tenor and bass and that the registration of teachers Barracks - section E; Irene Campbell, section ladies' soprano and alto. A selec. from these schools within the Upstairs-Agnes Warriner A: Ila C. Russ, section D; Alva tion. "The Bells of St. Mary's." next few days will considerably Downstairs- Evelyn E.Epling Payne, section B; Catherine was tried with satisfactory results. increase the total enrollment. Florida House---Mrs. Annie L. Young, section C. Plans were also made for a musical King Off-Campus- Orene Gillis. Mrs. program to be presented in Jul\. ASK CARE BE TAKEN IN Tau Epsilon House-Mrs. Flor- Steen's: Mr:s. Jeannette Wilsey, Mrs. Worth stated that MAKING FINAL ence Hill Watson an opera SCHEDULES Pyramid House;Leola Steele, Mrs. will be given at the close of the Mizelle's; Gladys Grahm, Blu9 summer session. consisting of forty All students registered in the Extra Section of Plane Lantern; Lucille Dickson, Florida voices. twenty male and twenty fe-, summer school are requested to Geometry is Created Hall; Beatrice Oder, Tau Episilon male. The Glee Club will also oc- carefully consider the courses Phi house; H. D. Smith; W. E. Upy a prominent place in the com- offered in the catalogue before Morris, Mrs. Johnston. Carey E. mencement exercises. making out there final schedule. Due to an overflow in Plane Ge- Swinington, Sagamore Lodge_ This will do away with the ne- ometrN I at 8 o'clock, a second No. 1; H. E. McArthur; Mrs. F. Alstetter: Mrs. A. B. Carrier; cessity for dropping courses in section has beem formed to meet at Edyhte DeGrove and Abbie Vas- Dean J. W. Norman; Mr. J. E. many cases and will save con- 9 o'clock in Room 314, Language sie, barracks. Johnson; Dean A. P. Black; and siderable' time for both the dean i. Wi Factlty Advisors-MNrs, Mahel Dean Sue Hill. and the student.



Official Publication of the University of Florida Elect This Su nner advertising Manager. . . . W. L. Carter The highest scholastic honor to iJirculation Manager. . Powell Majors he gained by students either in the managing Editor. .Miss W ilma Wilson regular session of the university or iditor-in-chief. . . . M. J. Dauer in the summer school is election to assistant .A.A A. Murphree, Jr. membership in the national honoi Continuous From 1 P. M. aculty Adviser . .Elmer Emig society of Phi Kappa Phi. TYhi Monay - -______Kappa Phi has been established 15c TODAY35c Published every morning, except Monday and Sunday. at Florida for 17 Nears. during SUE CARROL which time it has been very un-I

UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA portent factor in encouraging thor "WALKING BACK" ough scholarship and sound learn- editorial Office, Room 5, Language Hall. Call Professor Einig ing among the students on the cai- M 0 N D AY at Department of Journalism, or 17J after 5:30 p. m. pus. dvertising matters should be referred to Mr. W. L. Carter. There are two great national DICK BARTHELMESS irculation matters should be referred to Powell Majors. honor societies. Phi Kappa Phi and N Phi . The latter is the "LITTLE SHEPHERD" UNIVERSIT Y ELECTIO NS .lbmany years. but member. shilp it is limited solely to sto- dents in colleges of A rts and Si- has excited considerable favorable enc1(e. Phi Kappa Pi adlmitS Stll-counnienlt amlong tile other chiapters There are quite a number of differences between the dents from all colleges, and the e .and seemdis destined to become maore )ummer School and the regular session; not the least of wisdom Ofr establishing it at Florida and more used as time passes. hese being the great contrast between the methods of becomes apparent. since there are Toward the (lose of the present olding the election of student officers. There are two at present seven colleges on the summer session this public initia- olitical parties which function during the regular session, campus with others to come later. tion will be held in the auditorium and will be followed by the annual he Hamburger and Beefsteak, or, to give them their more Phi Kappa Phi has 154 chapters well distributed over i he country summer school banquet i unified names, the Democratic and Liberal. Some . .l s organicaio of the anld mnclidmll SOmle Of the largest by the time the bills aId 1105 outstandin colleges and Ofcsor liathimatical genius calculated that all(] ~ ~ motOttnigclee n Officers for the present year are: 1pr hot-dogs and cold drinks at the rallies, and campaign nIVersitles ill America. President Prof. A. P. Black ;ewspapers and posters had been paid, the expenses of llnbership in Phi Kappa Phi \ice-president I)ean J. W. Norman joth were a dollar per vote cast. On the other hand, at olmes a. the result of election by Secretary Bert Ames pe recent election of preceptresses and representatives to the resident and student ienmbers. Treasurer Miss Cora Miltimore student council, there seems to have been no room for The reqlliren""ls ae that the st"- Historian Dr. C. L. Crow ihe dent shall be with in lilI yea r of Senate investigation. As the women voters have al- aobe.d .itaia our \ear graduation im a standard fourl tear pady claimed that all the good officers in the state elec- (lurse leading tr a degree: that TNNIS TOURNAMENT on were elected by their vote, pretty soon thcy will be e minimum avage or al wor TO BEGIN NEXT WEEK ranting to give the mere men lessons in politics. Siall e 8.5 per cent: that not mor P than20 er cnt f te orduaina Prizes will he offered for win- ners in tennis tournament that is clas- miaN he elected: and that th character of those elected shall b to begin next week. Buchannon, will not com- T H E FA CU LTY R E C E P TI O N ilnlrn ( ahl I repr(Ialhl. lai last year's champ, pete this year. Timmons his H l- %ear 11(11 l1a,sI rd mate in double, may enter. l rida llapteri Iiajd a tllta More girls should take part in 01 3 St udellt illelilers. under- .Sign up for the As explained elsewhere in the SUMMER SCHOOL graduates and raduate: two facul- sis and (IU ue Ifou do JEWS Friday night ushered in the first social event of t\ iemlbers. Professors H. W. angles and doubles. fyou do 4- not have a partner for the lie summer session the f aculty reception for the stud- Chandler and S. K. Eschelmann; ld (l honorary arniember. a t Mr;.doublese ask someone You see 'Ats. In chapel, Wednesday, Dr. F-arr daclared that lie t n h , nD ond the courrymrts,.r. ought it would be better if the students,students, many many of ,-t"of abson.H Watch aMof' for cardsBsti, toM signs. for rhom have worked hard in school all the vear, would take o faurmus statstan entering the tournament. They eir studies ge a hit less seriously- and give mormre timetme totutedT1e Hida (hapter has insti will be posted on the Bulletin an innovatioil in Phi-Kappa boards. creation and enjoyment. This reception gave evereone Phi procedure kX adopting public basketballAnnouncement will be made aboutsoon. chance to make a start ir this direction. niatons of it neller. Thi Several teams are to be organized THE SUMMER SCHOOL NEWS PAGE THREE

LOST AND FOUND PUBLIC FORUM .F C> L/.&IF F1) J. KiNG Iie ticyor Block from Campus--New In line with its policy House WATCh AN '. CK R EPAl IRING to pro- Large Rooms --- Single Beds Special pace in this column will be re- vide a medium of Attention Gi% en Wrist Watches expression for One Room $15.00 for Two souh id ae Vsickw's tudio served permanently for notices all matters of interest to thc stu- One Room $20.00 for TwoSquare concerning articles that have dents, the Summer School News MRS W.H, POWELL enssNew's 1 235 W. ARLINGTON been lost or found beginning with ST. the Tuesday is- ce~crture Notices concerning articles that sue, will start a Public Forum Genuine have been lost should be given Column on the editorial page. Traub Ordnge to Professor Emig, Room 8, Everyone is invited to use Headquarters for Blossom Rings- Language Hall. this column to express his superior in style, Articles that have been found or her opinion on matters of EASTMAN KODAKS quality and value. should be deposited with Pro- general interest to the student fessor Emig, Room 8, Lan- body. All letters must be signed and SUPPLIES guage Hall, where they will be by the writer, r S but if requested, - - taken care of until they are 1is the writer's name will not be pub- 0 claimed or identified. lished, being kept on file in the of- fice. All communications should Baird GOING TO ATLANTA? be as brief as possible. It is GOING TOhoped that this new feature will H ardw ar --- Going to Atlanta the first of meet with approval. Letters Company TE RRY S G O P may be addressed to the Summer EXCLUSIVE GIFTS the week. Would like to have a colNwRo ,Lnug hn GREETING CARDS passenger or driver. Report to School News, Room 8, Language Ph 7 752 West Main Street North. Hall, University of Florida; or n CIRCULATINGREETING CARYLIBRARY may be placed in an Orange and l 15\ WUniversitx Ave. Blue envelope and deposited in I the post office in Language Hall. Be Delivered on Campus J. W. McColliim & Company The delivery of the Summer THE REXAL STORE School News will be in charge of HSOUTH SDE SQUARE Powell Majors, criculation manag- er, and all matters concerning te- Cool Off WIth Ice Cream T liVery should ibe taken til) directly r with him. Thie SLumer School1 or a Soda at B LA C K C A T News has never had the frankin- SANDWICHES. COLD DRINKS, ICE CREAM privilege. arid the expense of mail- THE COLLEGE INN OPPOSITE NORTHEAST ENTRANCE TO CAMPUS ing has made is prohibitie to send it through the mails. -i- ie - Every student of the Summer School is a sulieriber to The Sum- mer School News. It is the desire of I University the Sunmer School officials and Toilet Articles, Paper Book Store the editorial staff that every student rec:eive his copy of each Pssue. Of- C dyrNtis facial announcenients concerning tBo k -School Supplie students will appear daily. Since THE THE INN it will be impossible to deliver thek CLLEGINNCool Drinks and Sandwiches nfiwXsl)aiper to rooming places. be- Basement Language cause in man\ cases students live Hall E D D 1 E 't a some distance from the campus. it 'till b delivered at convenient Toasted Sandwiches plJus on the campus. Good Coffee A Iudent who does not re- POLLV ANN BEAUTV SHOP cekiVe his top\ dailx. should call Quick Lunches AT I rII l \ajors. or Professor Einig NOW AT SMIT H & HOOPER'S of thill Del)artment (if Journalism. PHONE 214 for competition. It you have aI THE COLLEGE INN A Complete Beauty Shop good teanm let Coach (owell know about it. Tne more teams E D D 1 E 'S Eugene Permanent Wave . $10.00 enter the keener the interest, Frederick Permanent Wave . . . . 7.50 1 i e______THE SUMMER SCHOOL NEWS - AGE FOUR SAGE FOUR THE SUMMER SCHOOL NEWS LOST ANDFOUND MAIL UNCALLED-FOR ace in this column will be re- The following people have in- erved permanently for notices sured and registered mail at the V -1 concerning articles that have Post Office in Language Hall. Oxford Styles And High k been lost or found. Please don't wait a week before Jotices concerning articles that coming for it have been lost should be given Mrs. M. C. Thomasson to Professor Emig, Room 8, G.M. Williams Language Hall. Miss Lois Sanford BOOT SHOP articles that have been found Mrs. Hilda R. Salis VOGUE should be deposited with Pro- Miss Bertha Wells I fessor Emig, Room 8, Lan- Annie Welly guage Hall, where they will be Bernice Liles THRASHER DRUG COMPANY taken care of until they are Reba Gaskell claimed or identified. Annie B. Lord Prescriptions Druggists -LOST- A pair of grey rimmed Winefred Bell 4rtoise shell glasses; left in Eleanor Evans P.M. ather case beside tennis court Alice. B. Carrier Prompt Delivery Service 8 A.M. to 11 'hursday A. M. Finder please o. W. Witt Jave at Book Store or notify J. R. W. Van Brunt Drug Store Nearest the University . Rice 524 West University A. L. Work 714 venue. Phone 440. A. K. Russ Phone SICK LIST Gardner, J. H., June 13, 14. '-Potter, Buela, June 11, 12, 13, PIGGLY WIGGLY ,Brown, Elizabeth, June 14. Brown, J. C., Classes 12 to 1, ne 14. Meals are not hard to plan for the housewife who buys at PIGGLY WIGGGLY. FLee, Winnie B. Clssses 12 to 1, 14. ne Walk through the aisles, open the refrigerator, visit the meat 1 .Rosa Grimes. the fruits and vegetables, and your troubles f. market, inspect T. A. CLASS MEETING will vanish. HOURS ARE CHANGED Owing to the number wanting e P. T, A. course who have a SUNSET GOLD Wisconsin Full Cream 30c ass at 12 o'clock, it has been BUTTER 46c CHEESE cided to hold the sessionsteach est Table Quality Lb. 46c. If you like cheese that is cheese ~y except Saturday from three in quarters Buy a pound of our cheese-it's great five o'clock. It is necessary have the two-hour session as are necess- Ciuhady's Puritan ,enty-four periods 250 Iceberg LETTUCE y to complete the outline pre- H A MI S half or whole--lb. Large Hard Head each 12c red by the National P, T. A. Absol utely Unsurpassed in Quality. The work will be given uncil. w This From Every Day Exper- Principle H. C. McCoy of We Kno California High ience. Selling These Splendid Hams. e Snyder Park Junior CELERY -hool. Springfield, Ohio. During the same period, July, Stokeley's No. 2 Can 25c Tender and Juic hearts I7c -28, Dr. Bristolof the Depart- C O R N 2 cans to each bunch, for ent of Sociology. will give a urse dail\,at 2oclock in astud FANCY FANCY 30c Laws,- of' Flo)riha Affecting~ LIMES 20c doz LEMONS dOZ Large Ripe per lb. 5c bhid Welfare. with special: ress on the Educational Code id the Health Laws. Addition- periods will be given for those 109 E, Main St. S. ho desire a semester hour's -edit. 01" The Sqnare TWO STORES 910 W. University Ave.