and NBC by 11%. nold (Barney Miller), It was that performance that precipitated (Happy Days), Bud Yorkin (Sanford and over the personnel and programing changes Son) and Larry Gelbert (M *A *S*H *). NBC reaches that will be in evidence during the CBS Bud Grant, of course, thinks CBS has the to CBS Records, meeting this week. Robert Wussler is in first -place schedule for 1976 -77, and he for Robert Wood as president of the TV disagrees with a widely held premise that taps Segelstein network. B. Donald (Bud) Grant is in for weak development forced CBS to hang on Lee Currlin as head of programing. Bill to marginal shows like 7bny Orlando and for program post as the West a matter of fact," he Self is in for Perry Lafferty Dawn and Doc. "As He'll be executive vice president; will be the which didn't Coast production head. Theirs said, "there are some pilots Klein will be vice president principal necks on the line in the prime - make the fall schedule that we're so high time battle royal that kicks off next Sep- on we're pursuing them as possible Janu- NBC -TV completed the realignment of its tember, which most industry observers ary replacements." He does, however, programing department by appointing Ir- expect to be waged mainly between CBS acknowledge that Tony Orlando and win Segelstein to the post of executive and ABC. "ABC is doing better than it's Dawn and Doc displayed some weaknesses vice president, programs. previously done, and CBS is trying to re- last season, which will result in substantial Mr. Segelstein, 51, a veteran of two establish its former position as the domi- changes in both shows. "We're going to decades as programing executive at CBS - nant number one," is the way Howard increase the budget of Orlando both TV and at Benton & Bowles, and for the Eaton, senior vice president and broad- above- and below- the -line to get top last three years president of CBS Records, casting director of Ogilvy & Mather, ex- guests," Mr. Grant said. In addition, he will report to Robert T. Howard, the presi- plains CBS's executive -suite shake -ups. continued, a regular comedy performer or dent of NBC -TV. Mr. Segelstein in effect "CBS is not where it was two or three two will be added to the show, and Telma takes over the programing function of years ago," said Y &R's Dick Low. "ABC is Hopkins, one of the two women who Mike Weinblatt, who stays on as executive mounting a major challenge to CBS for the make up "Dawn," and who is considered a vice president, with over -all responsibility leadership position." Will CBS panic next potential Cher, will be given a lot more to for sales and, now, advertising and promo- fall and start yanking low -rated programs if do. And the show, which has older -au- tion, NBC said. ABC starts out ahead? "There'll be some dience appeal, according to Mr. Grant, will As part of this realignment, Paul Klein, motivation for that," Mr. Low said, be- be given a new time period, the one op- who was hired two months ago as vice cause Board Chairman William Paley posite ABC's Happy Days and Laverne president for network marketing and plan- "doesn't like to be in the number -two and Shirley, which harvest their biggest ning (BROADCASTING, March 8), was position for one day, let alone an entire Nielsens among kids and teen -agers. "It's named vice president, programs, a slot va- season. And his new president, Bob classic counter -programing strategy," he cated by Marvin Antonowsky, who was Wussler, is very aggressive." said. removed by the network on March 26. In answer to that same question about As for changes in Doc, the lead These moves were widely believed to quick hooks for losing shows, CBS's new character "will operate more out of a free have been necessitated by NBC's fall into programing vice president Bud Grant said, clinic, which will get him to interact more third place during the 1976 -77 prime -time "If the series is a clear -cut total failure, with young interns and street people," Mr. season. "My priorities," Mr. Segelstein and if our creative judgment tells us that Grant said. And, as another instance, Nor- said at a news conference in New York on the show is not being done well, then we man Lear's , to be newly posi- Monday (April 26), "will be to supervise know we'll have guessed wrong. But if we tioned next fall opposite The Bionic the programs to go on next fall's schedule have confidence in a show, even if it Woman, will drop the character of the and to plunge into development for doesn't break strongly, we'll stay with it." father, played by John Amos, and focus mid -season and for the following season" But Lee Rich says that's just rhetoric. more on the wisecracking J.J., played by Mr. Segelstein began his broadcasting "The networks are so caught up in this ter- Jimmie Walker. career as a production assistant at Benton rible, terrible ratings race that they're These are specific examples, but, more & Bowles in 1947. For the next 18 years, going to be canceling shows so fast your generically, Mr. Grant said, "We're look- he climbed the status ladder at the agency, head will whirl," Mr. Rich told the IRIS ing to broaden the appeal of every one of using his job as a producer of commercials luncheon. "If a series doesn't make it in our returning shows -it's an ongoing pro- in the early fifties as a springboard for top the first four or five weeks, it'll be gone cess." executive posts: director of television from the schedule. I'm being asked to get In development terms, Mr. Grant wor- programs, director of programing and vice my pilots ready, not for second -season, but ries less about having large numbers of president in charge of programing. for October and November." pilots on hand than "making the judg- The last -named position was the one he Mr. Silverman, however, is ready with ments beforehand about what our poten- held at Benton & Bowles when Mike Dann almost ironclad assurances that "unless tial needs will be come January and then lured him away in 1965 to CBS, where he the series is an absolute bomb on every giving very specific directions to the crea- was made vice president, programs, New level" he'll give it every chance to find its tive community to program for those anti- York. audience on ABC. cipated needs." When Fred Silverman took over as head Despite his optimism about ABC's At NBC, "we're in strong need of more of programing at CBS in 1970, he gave Mr. schedule, however, he's hedging his bets comedy and variety development," said Segelstein the new title of vice president, with a raft of what he calls "sensational" new hand Irwin Segelstein, acknowledging program administration. "That title im- developments projects. Without prompt- that NBC has only four comedy series and plies a lot of business- affairs deal-mak- ing, he rattled them off: ABC Circle Films' one variety hour on its schedule next fall, ing," Mr. Segelstein said, relaxing in the The Young Pioneers, Warner Bros.' compared to 14 sitcoms and three variety high -backed chair in his office at CBS in Wonder Woman, Lorimar's 60- minute hours on CBS and eight sitcoms and three New York. (He's in the process of cleaning family comedy, Eight Is Enough, MGM variety hours on ABC. This "special at- up his affairs at CBS Records and will for- Television's How the West Was Won, a tention" to comedy, in particular, he said, mally report to NBC on May 10, although variety hour starring Paul Lynde, any of will involve "my strong connections and he was scheduled to spend the April 30 four sitcom possibilities from friendships with a whole range of sup- weekend in Los Angeles with Mr. Howard Productions, a gang comedy (like pliers." talking to NBC's West Coast programing M *A *S *H) from James Brooks and David It's a long, long time, of course, be- staff.) "But I didn't get involved in any of Davis, a young- doctors melodrama from tween May and December, when today's that stuff," Mr. Segelstein continued. "I Martin Starger Productions, Columbia predictions will be hindsights. Along with basically ended up working on the Pictures Television's Feather and Father the eternal verities there is conventional programing schedules in all dayparts, from (which was bumped from the fall schedule wisdom, too, and it says that smart money prime -time and specials to daytime and to make way for Universal's Rich Man, doesn't bet against CBS. The question is: Saturday morning." Poor Man), and sitcoms from Danny Ar- Will -1976 -77 be the time to chance it? When hints of scandal prodded CBS

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