School Board Splits Over Non-District Pupil Charge County Valuation William Zimba

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School Board Splits Over Non-District Pupil Charge County Valuation William Zimba CASS CITY CHRONICLE VOLUME 64, NUMBER 52 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN-THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1971 Fifteen Cents EIGHTEEN PAGES School board splits over non-district pupil charge A long hassle over whether no direct tax money at all. new biology text which was The board voted to change this or not to collect transportation There is a cost, he insisted, adopted at a cost of about $600 policy by writing specifications money from tuition students the same as there is for dis- for 100 new books. and bidding all of the school's attending Cass City High School trict students. Students from Finally,, Richards presented insurance in-one package.-In- capped a long wearying session out of the district are not finalized written suspension surance presently costs the dis- of the Cass City School Board charged tuition. guidelines to be adopted to con- trict about $9,000 yearly. Monday night at Evergreen One reason is that only pupils form to State law. It passed The board approved a switch school. who live on the border between 6-1 with Dean Hoag against in driver education instruction Supt. Donald Grouse reported districts come to Cass City and because of slightly less severe that will allow optional train- that the Michigan Department students transported are those ruling on cigarettes and smok- ing on a stick shift rather than of Education requires that each who live on the regular school ing. the mandatory training pre- student living outside the dis- bus routes. Buses do not travel Another addition to the cur- viously required. trict be billed for transpor- extra miles to pick them up. riculum will be a girls'basket- In decisions regarding teach- tation. This year the figure After about an hour of dis- ball team next year. Cass City ers, Mrs. Betty Kirn was is about $75. cussion and a second motion will be in a league with Bad granted a leave of absence with- requiring families to pay or Axe, Ubly, Deckerville and Lak- out pay to attend MSU to com- What Crouse suggested was be booted out next year died ers, according to current plans. plete degree requirements. that the families be billed and for lack of a second, a compro- Games will be played in the Linda Hicks will be the sub- WILLIAM ZIMBA lashes out at the Cass City School Board because of the lack of then notified that they would mise was reached. fall. stitute. not be barred from attending Signed for next year were a complete program for the deaf in the county. school next year if they failed By a 5-2 majority the board OTHER BUSINESS the following teachers: Emma to pay. decided to allow tuition stu- Ackerman, fourth grade; Mary dents to attend during the 1971- The reason that the super- Insurance for the school has Peterson, first grade; Sheila 72 school year if transportation previously been let through one Kolb, chemistry and physics, intendent wants to keep these money was not collected for the Train kids like dogs students at Cass City rather company and commissions split and Karen Krauss, speech and current year. If money is not among local insurance agents. English. than their home districts is paid for transportation for the because of the $600 in State 1971-72 year, students will Aid that is paid for each. not be accepted for the For the 10 students in ques- following year. Against the tion the maximum loss in trans- measure were Elwyn Helwig County valuation William Zimba: educating portation costs would be $750, and Dean Hoag who wanted to the superintendent said, while allow students to attend whether the district receives $6,000 in or not they paid the trans- return. portation costs. Crouse also maintained that If all of the pupils decided the students didn't cost anything to return to their home dis- jumps million deaf away is heartbreaking additional to educate because tricts the net reduction in rev- they were spread over various enue would amount to over 1/5 The problems and the heart- eliminate it, it would be a grades and all costs would re- of a mill of local taxes. main constant whether they at- Tuscola County Supervisors last year's figures of $188,- ache of caring for and educat- Handicapped children have been start, he pointed out. tended or not. met with the County Board of 286,902. The 2.1 per cent in- ing handicapped children were No statement about the sit- CURRICULUM CHANGES Commissioners Tuesday morn- crease is general all across poignantly aired Monday night forgotten. „ . .why do you suppose uation was available from But the board refused to buy ing and in an hour they com- the board with every govern- at a meeting of the Cass City they cry themselves to sleep every Mahan, who this week is away this reasoning. A motion to Principal Russell Richards pleted a task that had taken mental unit except the city of School Board at Evergreen from the office on vacation. allow students to attend whether received quick approval for the three days in other years and Vassar showing an increase. school. night? But since most of the school or not they paid for transporta- addition of three new courses they reached acceptance of the In Vassal- the real property William Zimba, the father board seemed to endorse Reid's tion died by a 2-5 vote. at the school. A second year in county tax rolls at the equal- was up but the personal prop- of a deaf child, told the board position of further investiga- drafting will be offered for ization meeting. One of the key erty valuation was down, show- bitterly that handicapped chil- It was my impression, Crouse Despite these problems, the tion, a room for the hard of Trustee Don Reid was the the first time. A new course reasons for the ease of the ing a net loss of $ 50,000. dren have been forgotten; that told the board, that he would board is determined to take hearing will probably be one spokesman for the dissidents. in ecology featuring man's re- morning is the fact that all Elkland township was third all the handicapped received like to see a second room for another look at a room in the of the first discussion topics He said that since the State lationship to his environment townships are now on an equal largest in the county, following for years is the run around. the deaf established in Caro. district for the deaf. at the May school board meet- required payment on out-of- is planned and a course in footing with each other and the Indianfields and Denmark town- The deaf need to be trained There is currently a pre- Certainly, said Don Reid, if ing. district students he felt that electricity and electronics state, assessing property at ships in total assessed valua- from infancy, he said, and the school class for the deaf in Caro is going to provide this it was proper that they did started. fifty per cent of true cash value tion. Cass City's School only place I can place her Caro. service they should do so. so. .only that the families An interesting feature of the for a tax base. Mac O'Dell, district showed a valuation in now is in a special school at Zimba and Mrs. Andrew Eu- Everyone agrees that the rooms should be notified in advance. electronics course is that the former Cass City assessor, is Tuscola county of $20,019,500. bank, another parent with a together are best. But if Caro teacher selected will take a Flint. now the county assessor. The listing of the school dis- They do a fine job, he said, deaf child, would accept an- hasn't the space or won't, we FROM THE Reid also said that just be- correspondence course, Rich- The general picture of the trict valuations is a new in- but they train these kids like other room for the deaf in should investigate. cause an added 10 students ards said, to learn about the county's taxes for this year novation for Mac O'Dell and it dogs and every night they cry Caro if it served only Tus- The trouble is, he continued, didn't add to the direct school subject and then in turn teach shows an increase of nearly breaks down for each school themselves to sleep. Four-year- cola county. like Dean (Hoag) says, we don't operating cost was no reason it to the students. $4 million for a total valuation district what its Tuseola county olds want to be loved, need However, Mrs. Eubank said, know anything about this pro- to house and educate them for Richards also presented a of $192,237,273 compared to valuations are. to be loved, he added. "Why if it is for the three-county gram. Mahan should be present ,ditor's Corner Elkland township showed an else do you suppose that I area, then it should be in Cass to talk to us. increase of $334,000 in personal had to chase my daughter City. .and a really suc- Mrs. Eubank promised to property over the previous through a corn field when it cessful program will need have many interested parents at the next regular meeting to My life style never has left year. For a complete compari- came time to go back to Flint three-county cooperation, she much time for just sitting Charge Karen Folsom with son of the valuations of every to school?" '• believes.
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