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Lrblit*O,Y\CWO lrblit*o,Y\CWO ?ICWO Qollu" )ubiluu 50 tahun pada 2g Janr-rari 2013 lvtsF r<aagsanr Pertr,urrran-Pertubuhan Wanita Malaysia menyambut gabungan pemerkasaan u/ar*ta- sq*< gLt i.qr1a pada drrt 1963, mallis ini yang terdiri darlpada 120 badan Majlis ini telah banyak berFsa nrsif;dlcn lcd"drsr wJtta d lr/lalaysia. Di sini dirakamkan antara kejayaan penyertaan sefta sumbangan wanita dalam tempoh 50 id.ll.L ft'rE4Eia,r ri nElrpdst bdasan yang kukuh bagi ekonomi yang terangkum dalam program ]-rrlsfornre[ r*gila le rdr nffi rregra berperdapatan tinggi dan dan mampan padadm ZPO (t'tcwo) 50 years of women's on the 2gth of ,tury frt 3 fre tffi btd dlrfrrr,ts ogrEdo4s cd&rates Empowam*t- si.E ts f&lt: iwrh ,B le tffi w dl*vtg 120 women's organisations has achievd mtrtr h fti*E frEstat s dl@sin E(r Err t& re wre d ile rbl}&hts of lvcwo 3 achievements h te lffi Tnrsfonrntion Programme in the tast 5o las T-tef furn fre fuifrfut fi rersls @a towards @rW a fignirgrte, idtii0e an e ffi+ wutty W m' -Ub"-iL" pengasas Om Tounling Wrthu* Puan F.R.Bhupalan hSdldiAttiNahqm Puan Sri Dato'Fatimah Hamid Don jawatankuasa protem. Mereka yang tidak ada dalam gambar Gambar di atzs zlelah bebary ihfupgasas )rmg m€nganggotai p- pmn Eliezer and Datin Paduka Ruby Lee. adalah cft Agnes chs. Itm lsaraafum, Mary Routh Buchanan, Puan Ranee Agnes Chow pictured abow arc sow {arfaoding Dottcra who u'ere in protem committee. Others not pictured are Ms Mrs p. Navararwn, 1hs W'Rdih Buclutwt, Ms Ranee Eliezer and Datin Paduka Ruby Lee. -- ., -,::r \\ anita pertama, 1962 : - . Hari trl/anita" Committee. 196) Penubuhan NCWO lThe Establishment of NCWO (19@-1963) 1960 :=- -cuhan Jawatankuasa Protem NCWO. ='..3m committee of NCWO established in 1961 . 1961 -,,'.,atankuasa Protem menganjurkan bengkel "Cabaran Masa Depan" bersama dengan 8 NGO. Protem Committee organised a Workshop on "Challenges Ahead" with B women NGOs. 1962 Pengisytiharan Hari Wanita pada 25hb Ogos, 1962 oleh YAB Perdana Menteri, Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj. 25th August 1962 was declared as Women's Day by Malaysia's first Prime Minister, the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj. Sambutan Hari Wanita pefiama di Stadium Merdeka First Hari Wanita held at Merdeka Sladium 1963 Pendaftaran NCWO sebagai badan induk perlubuhan wanita bedungsi sebagai perunding dan penasihat. NCWO was registered to serve as the country's main women NGOs as a coordinating, consultative and advisory body. Pencapaian Awal I lnitial Achievements (1965-1969) 1965 Seminar dianjurkan untuk mengkaji pembentukan Biro Wanita yang telah membawa kepada penubuhan Majlis Penasihat Kebangsaan Bagi Pengintegrasian Wanita dalam Pembangunan (NACIWID). A seminar was held to study the establishment of a women's bureau which led to the formation of the National Advisory Council for the lntegration of Women in Deve.lopment (NACIWID), {'iI rtefls lsao tI o Akta Pencen (Pindaan) I968 otkuat Klasa J.iL,\ memberi wanita status tetap dan berpencen, The Pensions (Amendment) Act 1968 was gazetted giving women Permanency and Pensionable Sfatus Akta Pencen yang telah melalui beberapa pindaan sejak 1968 1969 The Pensions Act which hos' been amended several times since I968 . Kerajaan melaksanakan Dasar Gaji Sama Bagi Kerja yang Sama Nilai. Th e Gov er n m ent i m pl em ented "Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value" for women. Yang di Perlua NCWO Datin Fatimah Hashim [tun) dilantik MenteriWanita peftama. NCWO President Datin Fatimah Hashim (lun) was appointed as the first woman Minister. Puan Aishah Ghani fTan Sri) dipilih menganggota Ba- - B:\ '# Suruhanjaya Bangsa- ; = Bersatu Berkeraa- S =.- . i8*d* Wanita, { +&&€ r,4qU Puan Aisna' j'=' - l *e#{*rs :18 *q{*d - ^ --: :9 t:4.* s was serea.;-- .' - - - "= Perhimpunan Dasar Gaji Sama Bagi Kerja yang Sama Nilai, 1 963 Cor-: j -- . -''' Etyral Pay for l4/ork of Equal Value rally, 1963 l;/3- 2' m T i. "$'f Mesl'uarat Majlis Penasihat Kebangsaan bagi Pengintegrasian Wanita dalam Pembangunan (NACIWID) Meeting of the National Advisory Councilfor the Integration of Women in Development @ACIII/ID) Perhimpunan Agung ACWO, Kuching, 2000 ACIilO General Assembly in Kuching, 2000 Dekad 70-an I The 197Ob 1975 o Perbarisan wanita Malaysia di hadapan Perdana Menteri Perdana Tun Abdul Razak Hussein bertemakan "Kemaraan Wanita" sempena sambutan Tahun Wanita Antarabangsa Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu di Padang Kelab Selangor. Tun Abdul Razak mengumumkan penubuhan NACIWID. A women's Rally and march past with the theme "Kemaraan Wanita" was held in conjunction with the IJN lnternational Women's Year in the presence of Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak Hussein at the Setangor Club Padang who also announced the formation of NACIWID. o Melahirkan gagasan peranan wanita pada tahap ASEAN melalui memorandum kepada Sekretariat ASEAN di Jakafta. lni menghasilkan Gabungan Pertubuhan Wanita ASEAN dan Jawatankuasa Wanita ASEAN. Advocacy of women's role at the ASEAN level through a memorandum sent to the ASEAN secretariat in Jakafta. This led to the establishment of the ASEAN Confederation of Women's Organisations (ACWO) and the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Women (ASW) 4 Jubli Emas NCWO: Detik-detik Pencapaian Kita . lncomeTax (Amendment)Act 1975 membenarkan penilaian berasingan bagi wanita yang berkahwin Akta ini mengiktiraf status wanita sebagai individu. lncome Tax (Amendment) Act 1975 allowed for separate assessment for married women. This gave full recognition to the status of women as lndividuals. 1 976 . Lanjutan kepada Persidangan Peftama Wanita Sedunia Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu d Mexico City, penubuhan NACIWID dirasmikan oleh Perdana '.':^te. Dato llussein Onn f-un). Datin Kamsiah flan Sri) dilantik sebagai r=-=:="- s \AC lVlD Sebuah Sekretariat Wanita ditubuhkan yang diketuai ::.--. -: - ', .-='': ,',-,'- l:nference on women in Mexico City, NACIWID .: '.-.;-'..=- : ': = '-='.'', ster Datuk Husseln Onn (fun). Datin - ''a''. a' .- =: .:: - -=-i aa :'ai, of NACIWID. A women's -'' t;,:.'t1er's s=a':-2'a-.',=: as.1-, l-:- - -)='--'= -'^^-: Depaftmentheaded Puan Sharifah Dora by Shar,fa', ):'= . Suruhanjaya DiBala . '.,'.-'':=' --.-' -'=-l ' Perceraian Tahun 1976 untu< c-<a- s =^- ' tahun 1 981 . A Royal Commission uzas sef up through NCWO's advocacy to study reforms to re 1976 for Non-Muslims. The Reforms came into effect in19B1 . l9th Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Commitlee onWonren (AS\t) 14-16 November, 2@O Bali - Indonesia I I I I t M e s1.r-rarat Jau'atankuasa Kec il Wan ita AS EAN Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-committee on Women 1 978 Memorandum dan Piagam Kanak- Kanak yang digubal melalui persidangan semPena Tahun Kanak- Kanak Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu 1 979, dipersembahkan kepada Perdana Menteri Dato Hussein Onn f-un). Pada 2001, Parlimen meluluskan Akta Kanak- Kanak untuk mengantikan Akta Perlindungan Kanak-Kanak 1 991 yang menjaminkan perlindungan lebih bagi kanak-kanak. A memorandum and a Child ren's Chafter proPosed during a national conference in conjunction with the UN Year of the Child in 1979 were Presented to the Prime Minister. ln 2001, Akta Perlindungan Kanak-kanak Parliament pass the Child Act to replace the Child Protection Act, 1999 which guarantees more protection for children. 1979 NCWO menganjurkan kempen pencegahan penyalahgunaan dadah dengan kerjasama PEMADAM. NCWO organised campaigns on the prevention of substance abuse in collaboration with PEMADAM Dekad 80-an lThe 198O's 1981 NCWO mula dijemput menyeftaisesi Dialog Belanjawan Kementerian Kewangan. NCWO was first invited to parlicipate in the Ministry of Finance's Pre-Budget Dialogue Session. 1983 Unit Hal-EhwalWanita ditubuhkan dan dipengerusikan oleh Dato' Dr. Siti Zaharah Sulaiman. A Women Affairs unit or HAWA (Hal Ehwal Wanita) was estabtished and headed by Dato' Dr. SitiZaharah Sulaiman. 1985 . NCWO berjaya memperoleh cutitanpa rekod untuk ahli gabungan NCWO menyerlai konferens dan kegiatan rasmi NCWO di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. NCWO succeeded in obtaining unrecorded leave for NCWO affitiate members to attend all educational and professional conferences and other activities at both national and international levels. NCWO menyerlai delegasi Kerajaan ke Persidangan Wanita Sedunia Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu di Nairobi. NCWO participated and was represented in the Government detegation to the IJN Wortd Conference on Women in Nairobi. Berikutan persidangan ini Memorandum dipersembahkan reformasi undang- Dato'Dr. Siti Zaharah Sulaiman kepada Kerajaan yang mengandungr syor 6 Jubli Emas NCWO: Detik-detik Pencapaian Kita Lrndang yang mendiskriminasi wanita. Hasil tindakan adalah seperti di bawah: fullowing this conference, NCWO presented a memorandum to the Government containing substantive recommendations for legal reform on major legislation that discriminated against women. Actions are as ''allows: NATONAL COUNCIL OT' WOMEN'S 1 Rogoldan Pencabulan I Rape and Molestation ORGANISATIONS, MALAYSIA . Polis DiRaja Malaysia menubuhkan unit khas yang terdiri daripada pegawai wanita untuk menyiasat kes rogol dan keganasan pada 1986. The Royal Malaysian Police set up a special unit of women police officers to investigate cases of rape in 1986. WORKSHOP ON . Satu kit penyiasatan kes rogoltelah dihasilkan oleh Kementerian LEGAL ASPECTS Kesihatan. PERTAINING TO TIIE STATUS OF WOMEN A rape investigation kit was produced by the Ministry of Health. Kuala Lumpur 29th & 3oth June, 19E5 . Penubuhan satu pusat sehenti Krisis Bogol di Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Pada tahun 80-an NCWO menganjur t(ni ia dipeduaskan ke semua hospital kerajaan dan meliputi kes beberapa bengkel tentang status wanita
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