Integration of Human Resources and the Environment on Productive Migrant Village Programs in Banyumas Indonesia

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Integration of Human Resources and the Environment on Productive Migrant Village Programs in Banyumas Indonesia 125 E3S W eb of C onferences , 09014 (2019) ICENIS 2019 Integration of Human Resources and the Environment on Productive Migrant Village Programs in Banyumas Indonesia Muslihudin Muslihudin 1*, Tyas Retno Wulan1, Tri Sugiarto1, Sotyania Wardhianna1, and Sri Wijayanti2 1Sociology Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia 2International Relation Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia Abstract. Banyumas is one of the large regency sending of Indonesian Migrant Workers (IMW) abroad, so it received a pilot project from the Ministry of Labor and Cooperatives namely the program of Productive Migrant Village (PMV). The productive business program is one of the four PMV programs. The former IMW was guided by the local government to create a program that combines the potential of human resources with the potential of the environment. The programs are: 1. making food from plantation products in the vicinity, namely food staples made from raw cassava. 2. Cultivation of rabbits whose meat is marketed to the market, 3. Planting California papaya and dragon fruit that looks fertile, fruitful and easily marketing. 4. Making tempe chips. Productive efforts like that considered to be a vehicle for the activities of former Indonesian migrant workers and their families. Such productive activities are in accordance with the potential of IMW as well as the potential of the environment. However, the result of the production business, which has been running for 2 years, there are obstacles in the aspect of human resources. For this reason, the government should provide assistance and guidance to get success in the program. Keywords: human; environment; productive migrant village; Indonesian migrant worker. 1 Introduction and pillar 4 (PMVP cooperative development) are very strategic to support local communities to develop Banyumas Regency is one of the regencies with large agriculture-industry-based MSME, which is based on the numbers of Indonesian migrant workers. Therefore dominant survey of agriculture/plantation and fisheries Banyumas Regency received a pilot project from the and agriculture-industry which has been initiated by Ministry of Manpower and Cooperatives, namely the many local communities, food / beverage industries from program of Productive Migrant Village (PMV). The various superior commodities from agricultural, PMV Programs in Banyumas district has been running in plantation, fisheries and livestock products. two villages since 2017 [1]. The villages that were used The productive business program is actually as a pilot were Cihonje Village, Gumelar Sub-District background due to a large number of IMW and their and Losari Village, Rawalo District. These two villages families who have not been able to utilize the work are the largest contributors to their migrant workers. results or remittances they have obtained for productive The PMV Programs had been determined by the business ventures, but are more widely used for Ministry of Manpower and Cooperatives, which consumption purposes. [3] Remittance is the main or embodies four PMV pillars which include; 1). Providing only source of income for families of migrant workers, migration information and services, 2). Growing remittances tend to run out to meet their daily needs. If productive business, 3). Facilitating the formation of migrant workers come from relatively well-established community parenting, 4). Facilitating the formation and economic backgrounds, remittances can be collected to development of cooperatives/financial institutions. The increase family assets. Remittances used to fulfill four programs have been strived to run quickly by the various living needs without any other source of income two villages that became the pilot, with a variety of will usually run out within 2-7 months. After that, they devices from personnel, software, and hardware. have to resell the assets they have and return to their Particularly for productive business programs original state or return to work abroad. intended to grow and develop Productive Enterprises to Human resources (HR) are development agents who assist IMW and their families so that they have the skills can actively empower natural resource potential towards and willingness to develop productive businesses a more productive direction. However, on the contrary, through training, mentoring, and assistance with humans can also exploit natural resources without seeing productive business facilities to their marketing. [2] the negative impacts they cause. Therefore, the conclude that the Productive Migrant Village Program, government needs to be aware of the importance of HR especially pillar 2 (productive business development) development efforts through improving education and * Corresponding author: [email protected] © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 ( 125 E3S W eb of C onferences , 09014 (2019) ICENIS 2019 skills for its citizens (HR) and utilizing its potential is bordered by Cilacap Regency, and in the West, it is effect for socio-economic development in the country bordered by Jatilawang District. concerned [4]. Losari Village, which has an area of 645,279 km², is The era of regional autonomy provides an in the lowland category (height between 25 m and 25 m opportunity for local governments to develop human above sea level), so the rice fields are also quite resource development (HR) policies and programs extensive. The people of Losari Village who are mostly following the potential of natural resources owned and farmers, besides being able to produce staple food, the needs of local communities. HR development has a namely rice, are also well-known for producing legumes, strategic position if directed in accordance with the pulses, fruits, and tobacco plants. potential of natural resources because quality human The topography of the area of Cihonje Village is in resources will be able to maintain environmental the form of hills with the flow of Tajum River which preservation. Natural resources are a production factor divides the village. The height of the sea level is around that must be used wisely for the benefit of the 250 meters. Cihonje village, the largest village in community, which is a group that needs to improve their Gumelar Sub-district, has an area of 14.90 km2. With lives [5]. land-use mostly for upland plantations which reach an This article aims to find out how productive area of 600.51 hectares, while for yards and buildings an programs are to make the most of the potential of human area of 236.83 hectares. resources and natural resources in the environment where IMWs are located. Research Location 2 Material and Method The research was conducted in February 2018 in Banyumas Regency, which is one of the districts that received a Productive Migrant Village Program from the Ministry of Manpower and Cooperatives. The research sites are Cihonje Village, Gumelar District, and Losari Village Rawalo District. The choice of location is based on the consideration that the PMV Program has been implemented in the two villages. In accordance with the provisions set by the Ministry of Manpower and Fig. 1. Map of Banyumas regency Cooperatives, the two villages represent the villages in Banyumas Regency [6]. The two villages are pilot Human resources can be reflected in the level of projects in the PMV program in Banyumas Regency. education. Indonesian migrant workers, especially those Thus the results of this study can be used as references from Banyumas Regency, are still relatively low for adoption in other villages that are implementing educated. The proportion of IMW with primary and PMV programs. junior high school education is the majority of their The research uses the constructivism paradigm, education, which is 34.66 percent respectively. The low which is the antithesis of understanding that places level of education also reflects the economic conditions observation and objectivity in finding reality in the social of low or poor families. Most families of Indonesian world. This notion states that the notion of positivism migrant workers came from poor families [9]. and post-positivism is a notion that is wrong in revealing Table 1. Education of IMW departing in 2017 the reality of the social world [7]. The method of collecting data is in-depth interviews, observation and focus group discussions (FGD). Data analysis is done No. Level of Education Amount Percentage both in the field and after the data is collected. Data that has been collected is then processed to be systematic. 1 Elementary School 921 34.66 Preparations start from writing interviews, observing, 2 Junior High School 921 34.66 editing, classifying, reducing, presenting data, and concluding data [8]. 3 Senior High School 601 22.63 Vocational High 4 194 7.30 3 Result and Discussion School 5 Diploma 16 0.60 3.1 Description 6 Undergraduate 4 0.15 Total 2,657 100 Losari Village is located in Rawalo District, Banyumas Regency which is geographically surrounded by Serayu Source: [1] River and has a fertile land contour. Losari is the last Because of the low level of education, the majority of village in Banyumas Regency which is directly adjacent them work in sectors that do not require higher education to Cilacap Regency. The southern part of Losari Village qualifications. The level of education that is mostly only 2 125 E3S W eb of C onferences , 09014 (2019) ICENIS 2019 up to high school will be difficult to fight for in domestic The PMV, productive business program in Cihonje jobs, so becoming an IMW is an attractive solution for Village and Losari Village can be compared to the forms them. These problems are still coupled with the problem and actors in the following Table 2. Viewed on the of poverty that plagued the Indonesian people [3].
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