1973-74 Annual Report (PDF)
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WATERTOWN FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 4868 00591 0211 SUPPLEMENTAL ANNUAL REPORT of the TOWN OF WATERTOWN Including Financial Transactions January 1,1973 - June 30,1974 INDEX Auditor. Report of .... 82 Board of Selectmen .... 81 Elections . 3 Town Clerk .278 Town Meeting Members . 10 Town Meeting Records . 17 Town Treasurer .279 ELECTIONS WATERTOWN 1974 ELECTION OF OFFICERS and TOWN MEETING MEMBERS May 6,1974 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss: To any Constable of the Town of Watertown, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you arehereby required to notify and warn the legal voters of the Town of Watertown to meet in their respective voting places in said Town: PRECINCT 1 -Coolidge School, Arlington Street PRECINCT 2 -East Junior High School, Mt. Auburn Street PRECINCT 3 -East End Fire Station, Mt. Auburn Street PRECINCT 4 -Senior High School, Columbia Street PRECINCT 5 -Phillips School, Common Street PRECINCT 6 -James Russell Lowell School, Lowell Avenue PRECINCT 7 -Administration Building, Main Street PRECINCT 8-A-Parker School, Watertown Street PRECINCT 8-B -Central Fire Station, Main Street PRECINCT 9 -Cunniff School, Warren Street PRECINCT 10 -Browne School, Main Street PRECINCT 11 -North Watertown Fire Station, Orchard Street ON MONDAY. THE SIXTH DAY OF MAY, 1974 at 8:00 A.M. to act on the following articles, viz: ARTICLE 1. To vote on such matters as may be required to be voted upon by ballot, and especially to choose the regular Town Officers for the ensuing year, the following to be printed on and chosen by the official ballot, to wit: One Selectman for three years, who shall be a member of the Board of Public Works. Surveyor or Highways and Appraiser; One Town Clerk for three years: One Assessor for three years: Two Members of the Library Trustees lor three years: Two Members of the Planning Board for three years: One Member of the Planning Board lor one year; Two Members of the School Committee for three years: One Treasurer for three years: One Member of the Watertow n Housing Authority for five years; One Member of the Watertown Redevelopment Authority for five years; One Member of the Board ol Health for three years; One Member of the Board of Health for one year; ALSO for the election of Five <5) Town Meeting Members in each of the Eleven (11) Precincts, and to fill the following vacancies: One (I) Vacancy in the 1975Term in Precinct TWO Onc(l) Vacancy in the 1976Term in Precinct SEVEN One (I) Vacancy in the 1975Term in Precinct SEVEN One (I) Vacancy in the 197h Term in Precinct FIGHT THE POLLS WILL OPEN AT EIGHT (8:00) A.M. AND CLOSE AT EIGHT (8:00) P.M. NOTICE OF ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING And in the name of the Commonwealth you are further required to notify and warn the said inhabitants to meet in the Charles F. Shaw Auditorium: Senior High School Building. Columbia Street in said town on MONDAY. THETWPNTIF.TH DAY OF MAY. 1974 AT SEVEN-THIRTY O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING For the following purposes, to wit RECORD OF NON-PARTISAN PRELIMINARY ELECTION April 8, 1974 PRECINCT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8A 8B 9 10 11 TOTAL BOARD OF SELECTMEN Thomas J. HcDermott 205 93 78 146 83 204 208 104 92 247 184 208 1852 Vi to S. Cannavo 16 14 7 12 II 10 13 6 21 32 41 16 199 Robert B. Chase 21 29 48 139 56 49 71 23 17 46 63 33 595 Edward OerKazarian 65 137 90 47 38 51 44 18 13 60 48 41 652 Patrick B. Ford 60 122 138 122 113 93 110 103 78 136 180 83 1338 Blanks 27 26 23 15 21 23 33 14 22 32 37 36 309 WATERTOWN HOUSING AUTHORITY David J. Bromer 86 134 108 201 84 114 129 36 35 109 153 92 1281 John J. Hayes 47 63 95 94 97 99 116 94 64 141 142 73 1125 Mary McHugh 38 69 52 75 84 69 105 99 93 98 144 57 983 Paul 5. Trombino 186 117 81 80 33 112 96 26 28 172 81 137 1149 Blanks 37 38 48 31 24 36 33 13 23 33 33 58 407 We, the undersigned membe >f the Board of Election Comm issioners heireby certify the for<igoing to be the true record of Preliminary Election held on April 8, 197*«, s/ Remigio P. Alberieo s/ Noel B. Carmichael s/ James Bejoian s/ Charles J. Tobin ATTEST: ELECTION COMMISSIONERS ANNUAL TOWN MEETING TOWN ELECTION, MAY 6, 1974 TOTAL VOTE CAST: 8,262 The following persons indicated by star (*) were elected and sworn to the faithful performance of their duties by Town Clerk, Philip F. Grogan. PRECINCTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8A 8B 9 10 11 Total SELECTMAN, Member of the Board of Public Works Surveyor of Highways, and Appraiser, for THREE YEARS—Vote for ONE Thomas J.HcDermott 369 244 251 389 278 407 436 148 128 421 392 365 3828 * Patrick B. Ford 259 384 372 404 334 281 359 246 181 438 486 297 4041 Scatterings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blanks 42 35 25 41 25 38 47 6 22 38 34 40 393 TOWN CLERK, for THREE YEARS--Vote for ONE * Philip F. Grogan 352 347 376 545 404 527 468 219 187 505 533 412 4875 George A. Muldoon 165 196 165 141 142 119 258 135 93 246 259 173 2092 Scatterings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blanks 153 120 107 148 91 80 116 46 51 146 120 117 1295 TREASURER, for THREE YEARS—Vote fo>r ONE * PhilIp Pane 538 539 518 645 501 589 673 326 254 690 745 544 6562 Scatterings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1700 Blanks 132 124 130 189 136 137 169 74 77 207 167 158 ' ASSESSOR OF TAXES, for THREE YEARS- -Vote for ONE 6252 * James Malcolm Whitney 515 515 496 600 482 549 * 634 312 242 661 705 541 Scatterings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 2010 Blanks 155 148 152 234 155 177 208 88 89 236 207 SCHOOL COMMITTEE, for THREE YEARS—Vote for TWO Guy A. Carbone 344 259 259 270 219 303 397 219 162 402 349 379 3562 John J. Carver 224 282 301 346 257 360 356 181 114 321 359 270 3371 PhylI is Lembo Mai toy 272 302 248 409 297 251 310 124 106 316 306 207 3148 Clyde L. Younger 198 249 285 419 314 310 342 168 149 418 547 271 3670 Scatterings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blanks 302 234 203 224 187 228 279 108 131 337 263 HI 2773 PLANNING BOARD, for THREE YEARS-—'Vote for TWO * Paul H. Krueger 380 386 378 550 371 462 475 236 166 477 537 410 4828 * Francis J. Maloney 400 418 391 462 409 448 526 296 225 549 602 443 5169 Scatterings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blanks 560 522 527 656 494 542 683 268 271 768 685 551 6527 PLANNING BOARD, for ONE YEAR--Vote for ONE Robert T. Bowen 239 311 316 444 381 382 399 212 145 372 433- 290 3924 Frank P. Zaino 325 240 221 208 152 217 274 124 133 350 327 284 2855 Scatterings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blanks 106 112 111 182 104 127 169 64 53 175 152 128 1483 BOARD OF HEALTH, for THREE YEARS—-Vote for ONE * Joseph L. C. Santoro 514 493 487 576 461 538 631 312 257 651 707 522 6149 Scatterings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blanks 156 170 161 258 176 188 211 88 74 246 205 180 2113 BOARD OF HEALTH, for ONE YEAR—Vote for ONE * Paul L. Sandi 425 424 431 507 409 464 539 263 215 548 579 454 5258 Scatterings 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Blanks 245 236 217 327 228 262 303 137 116 349 333 248 3001 PRECINCTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8A 8B 9 10 11 Total TRUSTEES, FREE PUBLIC L1BRARV', for THREE YEARS---Vote for TWO 317 * Edmund P. Hickey 276 324 279 352 287 495 207 179 403 370 302 3701 * Helen Guest Perry 298 314 303 485 350 354 443 206 130 402 402 331 4026 Mukhtah Ahmed 102 107 150 115 91 116 106 59 27 114 123 105 1215 Gail R. Mosman 214 258 249 357 286 315 342 165 131 392 519 298 3526 Scatterings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blanks 450 323 315 359 260 350 388 163 187 483 410 368 4056 WATERTOWN REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, for FIVE YEARS—Vot:e for ONE * Leonard M. Frisoli 370 332 363 327 292 349 411 194 167 424 420 361 4010 Maureen K. Oates 207 266 225 444 269 301 324 160 121 334 402 232 3285 Scatterings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blanks 93 65 60 63 76 76 107 46 43 139 90 109 967 WATERTOWN HOUSING AUTHORITY, for FIVE YEARS, Vote for ONE David J.