THE MENTOR 77, January 1993
THE MENTOR Australian Science Fiction CONTENTS #77 - COLUMNISTS: 9 - FANTASY DOWNUNDER by Bill Congreve 22 - WARRIORS OF ANCIENT WORLDS by Andrew Darlington 36 - ARGENTINE SF HISTORY 2 by Claudio Omar Noguerol 44 - OUT OF OZ by Ron Clarke COMIC SECTION: 47 - FERAL KILLERS by Carter & Carcinogen FICTION: 2 - OBUNAGA'S FINGER by Mustafa Zahirovic 15 - GODDESS OF STONE by Sean Williams 31 - THE SALE OF YOUTH by George Ivanoff DEPARTMENTS: 56 - THE R&R DEPT. - Reader's Letters. 75 - REVIEWS by Ron Clarke Front Cover Art by Peggy Ranson. Interior Illos: Peggy Ranson p. 8, 21, 30, 74 Jozef Szekeres p. 14, 55. Kerrie Hanlon p.1 THE MENTOR 77, January 1993. ISSN 0727-8462. Edited, printed and published by Ron Clarke, 6 Bellevue Road, Faulconbridge, NSW 2776, Australia. THE MENTOR is published at intervals of roughly three months. It is available for published contribution (fiction [science fiction or fantasy]), poetry, article, trade ( not with an APAzine), or substantial letter of comment on a previous issue. It is not available for subscription, but is available for $5 for a sample issue (posted) Contributions may be on an IBM ascii file or a known-brand world processor on disc or typed, single or double-spaced, preferably a good photocopy (and if you want it returned, please send a Stamped, Self Addressed Envelope of the appropriate size)! Contributions are not paid; THE MENTOR 77 page 1 however they receive a free copy of the issue their contribution is in, and any future issue containing comments on their contribution. Contents (C) Copyright 1992 for the Contributors THE MENTOR 77 page 2 OBUNAGA'S FINGER by Mustafa Zahirovic The first breath of life is the best breath.
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