VOIUME 22 1934 W r NUMBER 152 4

TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER 10722 CONTENTS PROCLAMATION 3192 Amendment of E xecutive Order N o. THE PRESIDENT 10590, Establishing the P resident’s P ire P revention W eek, 1957 Executive Order Pag6 Committee on Government Employ­ Amendment of E. O. 10590, estab­ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE ment Policy lishing the President’s Com­ OF AMERICA By virtue of the authority vested in me mittee on Government Employ­ A PROCLAMATION by the Constitution and statutes, and ment, Policy______6287 WHEREAS many lives can be saved as President of the United States, and Proclamation and property valued in millions of dollars consistent with the provisions of section Fire Prevention Week, 1957------6287 conserved through effective fire-preven­ 214 of the act of May 3,1945, 59 Stat. 134 EXECUTIVE AGENCIES tion programs in communities through­ (31 U. S. C. 691), it is ordered that sec­ out the Nation; and tion 1 of Executive Order No. 10590 of Agricultural Marketing Service WHEREAS the increase in losses January 18, 1955, entitled “Establishing Proposed rule making : caused by fire during the past year ac­ the President’s Committee on Govern­ Milk, Knoxville, Tenn., market­ centuate the need for increased care and ing area; handling------« 6301 greater emphasis on fire-prevention ment Employment Policy.” be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: Agriculture Department practices by all our people: See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ NOW, THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D. “Section 1. There is hereby established ice. EISENHOWER, President of the United the President’s Committee on Govern­ Alien Property Office States of America, do hereby designate ment Employment Policy (hereinafter Notices : the week beginning October 6, 1957, as referred to as the Committee). The Vested property, intention to Pire Prevention Week. Committee shall be composed of seven return : I call upon our people to promote pro­ members, as follows: (a) one represent­ Lombardi, Salvatore and Filo­ grams for the prevention and control of ative of the Civil Service Commission, to m ena______6317 fire; and I urge State and local govern­ van Baren, Henri______6317 ments, the American National Red Cross, be designated by the Chairman thereof, (b) one representative of the Depart­ Atomic Energy Commission the Chamber of Commerce of the United Notices: States, and business, labor, and farm ment of Labor, to be designated by the Aerojet-General Nucleonics and organizations, as well as schools, civic Secretary of Labor, (c) one representa­ Aerojet-General Corp.; issu­ groups, and public-information agencies, tive of the Office of Defense Mobilization, ance of licenses.______6304 to share actively in observing Fire Pre­ to be designated by the Director thereof, American Machine & Foundry vention Week. I also direct the appro­ (d) one representative of the Depart­ Co.; proposed issuance of priate agencies of the Federal Govern­ ment of Defense, to be designated by the facility export license______6303 ment to assist in this national effort to AMF Atomics; application for Secretary of Defense, and (e) three pub­ utilization facility export reduce the loss of life and property re­ lic members to be appointed by the Presi­ license------6304 sulting from fires. dent. Not more than two alternate pub­ Colorado State University; ap­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ lic members may be appointed by the plication for utilization facil­ unto set my hand and caused the Seal of President as he may deem necessary. ity license______6304 the United States of America to be Civil Service Commission affixed. Four members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum, provided that at Rules and regulations: DONE at the of Washington this Competitive service, exceptions second day of August in the year of our least one public member (or alternate from: Lord nineteen hundred and public member) and one non-public Agriculture Department------6289 [seal] fifty-seven, and of the Inde­ member are present. The President Interior Department------6289 pendence of the United States shall designate the Chairman and the Small Business^ Administra­ of America the one hundred and eighty- Vice-Chairman of the Committee, and tion.______- 6289 second. each member of the Committee shall Treasury Department______6289 D wight D. Eisenhower serve at the pleasure of the President.” Commerce Department See also Federal Maritime Board. By the President : D wight D. Eisenhower Notices: Financial interests, statements Christian A. H erter, he hite ouse T W H , of changes in: Acting Secretary of State. August 5, 1957. Adamson, Wallace H______- 6303 IP. R. Doc. 57-6474; Filed, Aug. 5, 1957; [F. R. Doc. 57-6518; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; •Holmes, Howard C______6303 1:21 p. m.] 11:10 a. m.] Vander Heide, John S______6303 6287 6288 RULES AND REGULATIONS

CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Maritime Board ^ Veterans Administration— Con. Pas® FEDERALlpEGISTER Notices: Rules and regulations:'- 1,34 Truck loading and unloading of Servicemenjs Readjustment Act waterborne cargo at^ New of 1944, Title HI; loan guar­ York; investigation of rates anty; allowable charges, fees, Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, and practices of. parties of and discounts______6299 and days following official Federal holidays, Agreement No. 8005; expan­ by the Federal Register Division, National sion of proceeding______6303 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Federal Power Commission CODIFICATION GUIDE ices Ad ministration, pursuant to the au­ thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Notices: A numerical list of the parts' of the Code approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Texas Louisiana Utilities, Inc.; of Federal Regulations affected by documents amended; 44 U. S. C.. ch. 8B), under regula­ application andfiate of hear­ published in this issue. Proposed rules, as tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ ing ______6304 opposed to final actions, are identified as mittee of the Federal Register, approved by such. the President. Distribution is made only by Fish and Wildlife Service the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Rules and regulations: Title 3 pa6e ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Alaska commercial fisheries; Chapter I (Proclamations): The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Prince William Sound area; mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 open seasons______6301 3192 ______. 6287 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Bombay Hook National Wild­ Chapter n (Executive orders): advance. The charge for individual copies life Refuge, Del.; hunting— 6301 10590 (amended by EO 10722) __ 6287 (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to 10722______6287 the size of the issue. Remit check or money Housing and Home Finance order, made payable to the Superintendent Title 5 of Documents, directly to the Government Agency Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. See Federal Housing Administra­ Chapter I: The regulatory material appearing herein tion. Part 6 (4 documents)______6289 Is keyed to the Code of F ederal R egulations, Immigration and Naturaliza­ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Titlfe 7 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as tion Service Chapter IX: amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ Rules apd regulations: Part 988 (proposed)______6301 eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Transit aliens______6289 tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Title 8 pocket supplements vary. Interior Department There are no restrictions on the re­ See Fish and Wildlife Service; Chapter I: publication of material appearing in the L a n d Management Bureau; Part 212___ ... ______6289 F ederal Register, or the Code of F ederal Reclamation Bureau. Part 214c______6289 R egulations. Interstate Commerce Commis­ Title 24 sion "Chapter H: Notices: Fourth section applications for Part 221__...... 6290 CFR SUPPLEMENTS Part 222______6291 (As of January 1, 1957) relief______6317 Motor carrier alternate route Part 225______6292 Part 226______6292 The following are now available: ( deviation notices______6316 Motor carrier applications___ _ 6305 Part 232______6293 Title 14, Parts 1-39 (Rev. 1956) Part 233__ 6293 Justice Department Part 241______6294 ($6.75) See Alien Property -Office; Immi­ Part 243______6295 Title 14, Parts 40—399 (Rev. gration and Naturalization Part 244______6295 1956) ($6.00) Service. Part 261_____ 6295 Land Management Bureau Part 262______6296 Title 46, Part 146 to end ($2;00) Notices: Part 263______6296 Alaska; small tract classifica- Part 267______6296 Title 49, Parts 71-90 (Rev. 1956) Part 277...... 6297 ($6.25) tion ______6302 Rules and regulations: Part 292a______6297 All pocket supplements and revised books Public land orders: Part 293______.i______6298 have been previously announced except Alaska______6300 Part 293a_^______. . . 6298 Titles 1—3 and the supplement to the New Mexico______6299 Part 295—...... 6298 General Index. Washington. ______; 6301 Title 38 Order from Superintendent of Documents, Reclamation Bureau Chapter I : Government Printing Office, Washington Notices: Part 36____ 6299 25, D. C. Columbia Basin Project, Wash.; sale of part-time farm units_ 6303 Title 43 Securities and Exchange Com­ Chapter I: Appendix (Public land orders): CONTENTS— Continued mission Notices: 261 (modified by PLO 1458) __ 6301 629 (revoked in part by PLO Federal Housing Administration PaSe Williston Co., Inc.; application * 1456) ______6299 Notices: for exemption of small closed- end investment company___ 6305 1456 ______6299 Increase in maximum loan-to- 1457 ___:______6300. value ratios for mortgages Veterans Administration 1458 ___ 6301 insured under the National Notices: Housing Act______6304 Maximum permissible discounts Title 50 Rules and regulations: payable on home loans guar­ Chapter I: Miscellaneous amendments to anteed by Veterans Adminis­ Part 35______6301 chapter ...______. ______6290 tration.______j______6305 P a r tlll______6301 Wednesday, August 7, 1957[ FEDERAL REGISTER 6289

TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE § 6.238 Small Business Administra­ or aircraft in the United States as a tion. * * * crewman, the vessel or aircraft will de­ PERSONNEL (p) One Confidential Assistant to the part directly foreign, and his departure Chapter I— Civil Service Commission Director, Office of Financial Assistance. from the United States will be completed within a maximum of five calendar days Part 6—Exceptions P rom the (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 U. S. C. 631, 633) after his arrival in the United States), Competitive Service United S tates Civil S erv­ and that he has a document establish­ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ice Commission, ing his ability to enter some country 1. Effective upon publication in the [seal] W m. C. H ull, other than the United States. Except Executive Assistant. for transit from one part of foreign con­ F ederal R egister, paragraph (e) (1) of tiguous territory to another part of the § 6.110 is amended as set out below. [F. TR. Doc. 57-6444; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; same territory, application for direct § 6.1jl0 Department of the 'UInte­ 8:49 a. m.} transit without, visa must be made at rior. * * * one of the following ports of entry: Bos­ (e) Office of Territories. (1) Until ton, Mass.; New York, N. Y.; Norfolk, December 31,1957, all positions in Alaska TITLE 8— ALIENS AND Va.; Baltimore, Md.; Philadelphia, Pa.; in the Alaska Railroad and four techni­ NATIONALITY Miami, Fla.; Tampa, Fla.; New Orleans, cal positions in the Alaska Railroad Of­ La.; San Antonio, Tex.; Dallas, Tex.; fice in Seattle, Washington. Chapter I— Immigration and Natural­ Houston, Tex.; Brownsville,' Tex.; Los 2. Effective upon publication in the ization Service, Department of Angeles, Calif.; San Francisco, Calif.; F ederal R egister, paragraph (1) (2) of Justice Honolulu, T. H.; Seattle, Wash.; Port­ § 6.310 is amended as set out below. land, Oreg.; St. Paul, Minn.; Chicago, P art 212—Documentary R equirements 111.; Detroit, Mich.; Anchorage, Alsaka; § 6.310 Department of the Inte­ for Nonimmigrants : Admission of San Juan, P. R.; Charlotte Amalie, V. I.; rior. * * * Certain I nadmissible Aliens; Parole Christiansted, V. I.; Agana, Guam. The (1) Office of Territories. * * * acceptance of the privilege of such trans­ (2) One Confidential Assistant to the P art 214c—Admission of Nonimmi­ it shall constitute an agreement by the Director. grants: T ransit Aliens alien and the carrier that at all times (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 D. S/C. 631, TRANSIT ALIENS he is not aboard an aircraft which is in 633) flight through the United States he shall U nited S tates Civil Serv­ The following amendments to Chapter be in the custody directed by the district ice Commission, I of Title 8 of the Code of Federal Regu­ director having administrative jurisdic­ [seal! W m. C. Hull, lations are hereby prescribed: tion over the port of entry, and should Executive. Assistant. 1. Paragraph (b) of § 212.3 Nonimmi­ he violate any of the terms of such ad­ [F. R. Doc. 57-6441; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; grants not required to present passports, mission, an agreement by the alien im­ 8:48 a. m.] visas, or border-crossing identification mediately to depart voluntarily from the cards is amended to read as follows: United States without recourse to any (b) The provisions of section 212 (a)type of hearing or proceeding provided Part 6—Exceptions F rom the (26) of the act relating to the require­ for in this chapter. Competitive Service ment of passports, visas, and border­ § 214c.2 Limitation as to time for DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE crossing identification cards for non­ which transit aliens may be admitted. Effective upon publication in the F ed­ immigrants have been waived by the An alien admitted to the United States eral R egister, paragraph (6)- (1) of Secretary of State and the Attorney as a nonimmigrant of the classes de­ §6.311 is amended as set out below. General, acting jointly, in pursuance of scribed in section 101 (a) (15) (C) of the the authority contained in section 212 § 6.311 Department of Agriculture. act shall be admitted for a period of time # * * * (d) (4) (C) of the act, for aliens em­ fixed by the admitting officer, not to ex­ braced within the provisions of § 214c.1 ceed 29 days. (e) Foreign Agricultural Service. (1) of this chapter. Three Assistant Administrators. § 214c.3 United Nations Headquarters (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 U. S. C. 631, 2. Part 214c is amended to read as fol­ District. An alien of the class described 633) lows: in section 101 (a) (15) (C) of the act United States Civil Serv­ P art 214c—Admission of Nonimmi­ whose nonimmigrant visa by its own ice Commission, grants: T ransit Aliens terms is limited to transit to and from [seal] 'W m. C. H ull, Sec. the United Nations Headquarters Dis­ Executive Assistant. 214c.l Special prerequisites for admission trict, if otherwise admissible under the [F. R. Doc. 57-6442; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; as a transit without a visa. immigration laws, shall be admitted on 8:48 a. m.] 214c.2 Limitation as to time for which the additional conditions that he shall transit aliens may be admitted. 214c.3 United Nations Headquarters Dis­ proceed directly to New York City and shall remain continuously in that city P art 6—Exceptions F rom the trict. Competitive Service Authority: §§ 214c.l to 214c.3 issued under during his sojourn in the United States, departing therefrom only if required in TREASURY DEPARTMENT sec. 103, 66 Stat. 173; 8 U. S. C. 1103. Inter­ pret or apply secs. 101, 214, 66 Stat. 166, 189; connection with his departure from the Effective upon publication in the F ed­ 8U. S. C. 1101,1184. United States and that he shall be in eral R egister, paragraph (c) (2) of § 214c.l Special prerequisites for ad­ possession of a valid visa or other form § 6.303 is revoked. mission as a transit without a visa. Any of valid authority assuring his entry into (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 U. S. C. 631, alien, except a citizen and resident of the country whence he came or to some 633) the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, other foreign country following his so­ United States Civil Serv­ Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, ice Commission, journ in the United Nations Headquar­ Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bul­ ters District. [seal] Wm C. Hull, garia, Albania, Peoples Republic of Executive Assistant. China, Peoples Democratic Republic of (Sec. 103, 66 Stat. 173; 8 U. S. C. 1103) IF. R. Doc. 57-6443; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; Korea (North Korea Regime), German This order shall become effective on the 8:48 a. m.] Democratic Republic, and North Vietnam date of its publication in the F ederal (Viet Minh), may apply for immediate R egister. Compliance with the .provi­ Part 6—E xceptions F rom the and continuous transit through the sions of section 4 of the Administrative Competitive Service United States. Such an alien must es­ tablish that he is admissible under the Procedure Act (60 Stat. 238; 5 U. S. C. small business administration immigration laws; that he has confirmed 1003) is impractical in this instance be­ Effective upon publication in the F ed­ and onward reservations to at least the cause of the publication in the F ederal eral R egister, paragraph (p) is added next country beyond the United States R egister on August 6, 1957, of the De­ to § 6.328 as set out below. (except that, if seeking to join a vessel partment of State’s amendment to para- 6290 RULES AND REGULATIONS

graph (b) of § 41.6 of Title 22, Code of account of the property at least 3 percent may be agreed upon by the mortgagee Federal Regulations. of the Commissioner’s estimate of the and mortgagor, but in no case shall such Dated: July 26,1957. cost of acquisition or such larger amount interest rate be in excess of 5 percent as the Commissioner may determine in except that such a mortgage may have J. M. Swing, cash or its equivalent: Provided, That an interest rate not to exceed 5% per­ Commissioner, with respect to a mortgage executed by a cent provided the certificates required Immigration and Naturalization. mortgagor who is 60 years of age or older by § 221.26 are filed with the Commis­ [F. R. Doc. 57-6428: Filed, Aug. 6» 1957; as of the date the mortgage is accepted sioner. Interest shall be payable in 8:45 a. m.] for insurance or with respect to a mort­ monthly installments on the principal gage meeting the requirements of para­ then outstanding. graph (c) of this section, the mortgagor 4. In § 221.22, paragraph (b) is TITLE 24— HOUSING AND may borrow from a corporation or person amended to read as follows: HOUSING CREDIT satisfactory to the Commissioner, the payment required by this paragraph plus § 221.22 Mortgagor’s payments to in­ Chapter II — Federal Housing Ad­ settlement costs including initial pay­ clude other charges. * * * ministration, Housing and Home ments for taxes, hazard insurance, mort­ (b) Mortgages involving a principal Finance Agency gage insurance premium and other pre­ obligation not in excess of $8,000 may paid expenses as determined by the Com­ contain a provision requiring the mort­ M iscellaneous Amendments to Chapter missioner. As security for the loan the gagor to pay to the mortgagee an annual The following amendments are made mortgagor may give a note or other evi­ service charge at such rate as may be to Chapter II of Title 24: s ' dence of indebtedness bearing interest agreed upon between the mortgagee and át a rate not in excess of that permitted the mortgagor, but in no case Shall such Subchapter C— Mutual Mortgage Insurance in the insured mortgage ’.'Provided fur­ service charge exceed one-half of one and Servicemen’s Mortgage Insurance ther, That the aggregate amount of the percent per annum. Any such service P art 221—Mutual Mortgage Insurance; insured mortgage and the loan referred charge shall be payable in monthly in­ Eligibility R equirements of Mortgage to in this paragraph shall not exceed an stallments- on the principal then out­ Covering One- to F our-F amily amount equal to 100 percent of the Com­ standing. D wellings missioner’s estimate of the appraised 5. Section 221.25 is amended to read valué of the property plus an amount as follows: 1. Section 221.3 is amended to read as equal to the settlement costs. follows: (c) A mortgage having a principal § 221.25 Mortgagor’s payments when § 221.3 Charitable or non-profit insti­ obligation not in excess of $8,000 and in mortgage is executed. The mortgagor tutions. Any charitable or non-profit an amount not in excess of 97 percent must pay to the mortgagee, upon the organization which presents evidence of the appraised value of the property execution of the mortgage, a sum that that it is responsible, has permanent (as of the date the mortgage is accepted will be sufficient to pay the ground rents, funds of not less than $100,000, and has for insurance) covering'a single family if any, and the estimated taxes, special experience in investment, may be ap­ residence which is approved for insur­ assessments, and fire and other hazard proved upon application. ance priof to the beginning of construc­ insurance premiums for the period be­ tion, may be accepted for insurance if ginning on the date to which such 2. In § 221.17 the introductory text of the property is located in an area where ground rents, taxes, assessments, and paragraph (a), and paragraphs (a) (4), the Commissioner finds it is not practi­ insurance premiums were last paid and (a) (5) and (b) are amended and new cable to obtain conformity with many ending on the date of the first monthly paragraphs (c) and (d) are added to of the requirements essential to insur­ payment under the mortgage plus an read as follows: ance of mortgages in built up urban amount sufficient to pay the mortgage § 221.17 Maximum amount of mort­ areas, or if the dwelling is to be used as insurance premium from the date of gage and mortgagor’s minimum invest­ a farm home on a plot of land, five or closing the loan to the date of the first ment. (a) The mortgage shall involve more acres in size, adjacent to a public monthly payment. a principal obligation in an amount of highway: Provided, That notwithstand­ 6. Section 221.26 is amended to read $100 or multiples thereof (except that a. ing paragraph (7) if the mortgagor is not as follows: mortgage having a principal obligation an occupant of the property a mortgage not in excess of $15,000 and an amorti­ meeting the requirements of this sub­ § 221.26 Maximum charges, fees and section may be in an amount not in ex­ discounts, (a) The mortgagee shall not zation period of either 20, 25 or 30 years, collect from the mortgagor charges, fees may be in an amount of $50 or multiples cess of 85 percent of the appraised value of the property. and discounts in excess of the following: thereof), and not in excess of (1) The application fees provided for * * * * • (d) A mortgage involving a principal in this part. (4) 97 percent of $10,000 of the ap­ obligation not in excess of $12,000 and (2) A charge to compensate the mort­ praised value of the property, as of the not exceeding 100 percent of the ap­ gagee for expenses incurred in orginat- date the mortgage is accepted for in­ praised value of the mortgaged property ing and closing the loan, the charge not surance, and 85 percent of^such value in (as of the date the mortgage is accepted to exceed: excess of $10,000 but not in excess of for insurance) may be accepted for in­ (i) $20 or 1 percent of the original $16,000, and 70 percent of such value in surance if the mortgagor is the owner principal amount of the mortgage, excess of $16,000, if the dwelling was ap­ and occupant of a property upon which whichever is the greater; or proved for insurance prior to the begin­ there is located a dwelling designed prin­ (ii) $50 or 2Vz percent of the original ning of construction,, or if construction cipally for a single-family residence, principal amount of the mortgage, was completed more than one year pre­ and the mortgagor establishes to the whichever is the greater, with respect to ceding the date of the application for in­ satisfaction of the Commissioner that mortgages on property under construc­ surance ; or his home, which he occupied as an owner or a tenant, was destroyed or damaged tion or to be constructed where the mort­ (5) 90 percent of $10,000 of the ap­ gagee makes partial disbursements and praised value of the property, as of the to such an extent that reconstruction is date the mortgage is accepted for insur­ required as a result of a flood, fire, earth­ inspections of the property during the ance, and 85 percent of such value in ex­ quake, storm or other catastrophe which progress of contruction. cess of $10,000 but not in excess of the President, pursuant to section 2 (á) (3) Reasonable and customary $16,000 and 70 percent of such value in of Public Law 875, approved September amounts for any of the following items: excess of $16,000, if the dwelling was not 30, 1950, has determined to be a major (i) Recording fees and recording approved for insurance prior to the be­ disaster, and the application for insur­ taxes or other charges incident to re­ ginning of construction and construction ance is filed within one year from the cordation; was completed within one year preceding date of such determination. (ii) Credit Report; the application for insurance. 3. Section 221.19 is amended to read (iii) Survey, if required by mortgagee ***** as follows: or mortgagor; (b) At the time the mortgage is in­ § 221.19 Interest rate. The mort­ (iv) Title examination; title insur­ sured the mortgagor shall have paid on gage may bear interest at such rate as ance, if any; Wednesday, August 7, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 6291

(v) Such other reasonable and custo­or official thereof, of any housing (In­ premium prescribed by the National mary charges or fees as may be author­ cluding any property acquired, held, or Housing Act, the initial mortgage pre­ ized by the Commissioner. constructed in connection therewith or mium shall be adjusted to accord with (4) Any charge permitted by para­to serve the inhabitants thereof) pursu­ the minimum amount so prescribed but graph (b) of this section— ant to the Atomic Energy Community if such payment is within the limitations (i) If the mortgagor is a builder con­ Act of 1955, as amended: Provided, That so prescribed, no adjustment shall be structing houses for sale who executes such insurance shall be issued without made and the amount of the payment the mortgage in his own name; regard to any preferences or priorities shall be retained by the Commissioner as (ii) If the mortgagor is constructings except those prescribed by the National the initial mortgage insurance premium. a dwelling for his own occupancy; Housing Act or the Atomic Energy Com­ (2) After payment of the initial mort­ (iii) If the loan is for the purpose of munity Act of 1955, as amended; or gage insurance premium, annual pre­ refinancing a prior mortgage covering (5) Executed in connection with themiums shall be paid on the anniversary property owned by the mortgagor. sale by a State or municipality, or an dates of the beginning of amortization (b) The mortgagee shall not collect agency, instrumentality, or political sub­ and shall be in an amount equal to V2 from any person charges, fees and dis­ division of either, of a project consisting percent of the average outstanding prin­ counts in excess of those prescribed by of any permanent housing (including any cipal obligation for the 12-month period the Schedule of Maximum Charges, Fees property acquired, held or constructed preceding the dates on which the pre­ and Discounts issued by the Commis­ in connection therewith or to serve the miums become payable. sioner and in effect as of the date of filing inhabitants thereof), constructed by or (b) In the case of an “open-end” ad­ of the application for insurance. on behalf of such State, municipality, vance, meeting the requirements of (c) Every application for insurance agency, instrumentality or political sub­ § 221.43, the mortgagee shall pay to the filed after August 4, 1957, shall be ac­ division, for the ocupancy of veterans Commissioner in cash or debentures on companied by a certificate approved by (as defined in §,221.11) their families each succeeding anniversary date of the the Commissioner executed by the and others: Provided, That the principal regular mortgage insurance premium, an builder, seller or purchaser of the prop­ obligation of a mortgage referred to in insurance charge in an amount equal to erty described in the application, certi­ this subparagraph shall not exceed 90 Vz percent per annum of the original fying that such person has not paid or percent of the appraised value of the principal obligation of the advance ex­ obligated himself to pay any charges, mortgaged property; or cept that the initial charge shall be pro­ fees or discounts in excess of those pre­ * * * * * rated to cover the period beginning with scribed by the Schedule of Maximum (c) [Revoked.! the first day of the month following the Charges, Fees and Discounts issued by (d) [Revoked.] date of endorsement and ending on the the Commissioner and in effect as of the (e) [Revoked.] date it becomes payable. date of filing of the application for (f) [Revoked.] (c) Until the mortgage is paid in full insurance. (g) The provisions of § 221.27 shall or until an application for debentures is (d) Prior to insurance of any mort­ not apply to mortgages insured under received by the Commissioner, or until gage, the mortgagee shall furnish to the this section. the contract of insurance is otherwise Commissioner a signed statement in form ***** terminated with the consent of the Com­ satisfactory to the Commissioner, listing (i) [Revoked.] missioner, the mortgagee shall continue all items for which any charge, fee or to pay annual mortgage insurance pre­ discount was collected from any person (Sec. 211, 52 Stat. 23, as amended; 12 U. S. C. miums and “open-end” insurance connected with the mortgage transac­ 1715b) ¿harges to the Commissioner. tion, together with the amount of each (d) In the event that the principal such charge, fee or discount. The Com­ P art 222—Mutual Mortgage Insurance; obligation of any mortgage is paid in missioner’s endorsement of the mortgage R ights and Obligations of the M ort­ full prior to maturity, the mortgagee for insurance shall constitute approval gagee U nder the Insurance Contract shall pay to the Commissioner (in addi­ of the listed charges, fees or discounts. 1. Section 222.2 is amended to read astion to any' adjusted premium required (e) Nothing in this section will be follows: by this part) the prorata portion of the construed as prohibiting the mortgagor current annual mortgage insurance pre­ from dealing through a broker who does § 222.2 Annual mortgage insurance mium and “open-end” insurance charge not represent the mortgagee, if he pre­ premiums and charges, (a) The mort­ which is applicable to the portion of the fers to do so, and paying such compen­ gagee shall pay to the Commissioner year preceding such payment, computed sation as is satisfactory to the mortgagor either in cash or debentures issued by from the prior anniversary date of the in order to obtain mortgage financing. the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund at beginning of amortization to the first day par plus accrued interest, mortgage in­ of the month following the month in 7. Section 221.27 is amended to read as surance premiums and “open-end” in­ which such prepayment occurs. follows: surance charges which shall be calcu­ | 221.27 Economic soundness of proj­ lated in accordance with the amortiza­ 2. Section 222.4 is revoked as follows: ect. The mortgage must be executed tion provisions of the mortgage, without § 222.4 Pro-rata refund in event of with respect to a project which, in the taking into account delinquent payments prepayment. \ [Revoked.] opinion of the Commissioner, is econom­ or prepayments. The term “beginning ically sound; Provided, That as to mort­ of amortization” shall mean the date 3. Section 222.10 is amended to read as gages of the character described in one month prior to the date of the first follows: § 221.17 (c), the project with respect to monthly payment. § 222.10 Termination of insurance. In which the mortgage is executed must be (1) The initial mortgage insurance the event the mortgagee forecloses on the determined by the Commissioner to be premium shall be paid on the first anni­ mortgaged property, but does not convey an acceptable risk, giving consideration versary date of the beginning of amor­ tization following the date-on which the it to the Commissioner and the Commis­ #tb the need for providing adequate hous­ sioner is given written notice thereof or ing for families of low and moderate in­ insurance becomes effective by endorse­ come, particularly in suburban and out­ ment and shall cover the period be­ in the event the mortgagor pays the obli­ lying areas of small communities. ginning with the date of insurance gation under the mortgage in full prior to endorsement an dending on the next -the maturity thereof, and the mortgagee 8. In § 221.42 the introductory text of anniversary of the beginning of amorti­ pays the pro rata portion of the current paragraph (b), paragraphs (b) (4) and zation. Regardless of whether such (b) (5) and paragraph (g) are amended, annual mortgage insurance premium and period is more or less than one year, pay­ “open-end” insurance charge and apy and paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (f) and ments shall be made to the Commissioner (i) are revoked as follows: adjusted premium required under this on account of the initial mortgage insur­ part, and the Commissioner is given writ­ § 221.42 Eligibility of miscellaneous ance premium in an amount equal to % type mortgages. * * * percent of the average outstanding prin­ ten notice by the mortgagee of such pay­ (b) The mortgage may be acceptedcipal obligation for the first year of ment by the mortgagor, the obligation to for insurance if— * * * amortization under the mortgage. If pay any subsequent premiums and (4) Executed in connection with the such payment is less than the minimum charges for insurance shall cease and all sale by the Government, or any agency premium or more than the maximum rights of the mortgagee and mortgagor 6292 RULES AND REGULATIONS shall terminate as oL the date of such (/) Foreclosure costs actually paid by § 225.5 Mortgagor’s minimum invest­ notice. the mortgagee and approved by the Com­ ment. At the time the mortgage is in­ 4. In § 222.12 paragraph (c) is missioner in an amount not in excess sured the mortgagor shall have paid on amended to read as follows: of two-thirds of such cost or $75, which­ account of the property at least 3 percent ever is the greater; of the Commissioner’s estimate of the § 222.12 Transfer of property to Com­ Cgr) Reasonable payments made by cost of acquisition or such larger amount missioner; conditions of default in mort­ the mortgagee, with the approval of the as the Commissioner may determine in gage. * * * Commissioner, for the purpose of pro­ cash or its equivalent. (c) For the purposes of this sectiontecting, operating, or preserving the (Sec. 211, 52 Stat. 23, as amended; 12 U. S. C. the date of default shall be considered as property. 1715b) 30 days after— There shall be deducted from the total (1) The first uncorrected failure to P art 226—S ervicemen’s M ortgage In ­ perform a covenant or obligation, or of the foregoing items any amount re­ ceived on account of the mortgage after surance; R ights and Obligations of (2) The first failure to make a the institution of foreclosure proceed­ the Mortgagee U nder the I nsurance monthly payment which subsequent pay­ Contract ments by the mortgagor are insufficient ings or the acquisition of the property to cq^er when applied to the overdue otherwise after default and from any 1. In § 226.1 paragraph (a) is amend­ monthly payments in the order in which source relating to the property on ac­ ed by adding to the listed provisions the count of rent or other income after de-r following: they became due:. Provided, however, ducting reasonable expenses incurred in That with respect to any mortgage here­ handling the property: Provided, how­ § 226.1 Incorporation by reference. tofore or hereafter insured, and not­ (a) * * * withstanding any other provisions of this ever, That with respect to mortgages to part, if the mortgagee withholds or has which the provisions of sections 302 and § 222.2 Annual mortgage insurance premi­ 306 of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil ums and charges. withheld foreclosure proceedings against Relief Act of 1940, as amended, apply, § 222.12 Transfer of property to the Com­ the mortgagor pursuant to the provisions there shall be included in the debentures missioner; conditions of default in mortgage. of a forbearance'agreement approved by‘ § 222.13 Condition of property when the Commissioner, partial payments re­ an amount which the Commissioner transferred; delivery of debentures and cer­ finds to be sufficient to compensate the tificate of claim. ceived by the mortgagee may be applied mortgagee for any loss which it may and reapplied in the manner prescribed have sustained on account of interest on 2. In § 226.3 paragraph (b) is amend­ in such agreement, the date of default ed to read as follows: shall be 30 days after the due date of the debentures and the payment of insur­ earliest monthly payment any part, of ance premiums and “open-end” insur­ § 226.3 Annual mortgage insurance which remains unpaid, and the Commis­ ance charges by reason of its having premiums and charges. * * * sioner may waive the payment of mort­ postponed the institution of foreclosure (b) All of the provisions of § 222.2 of gage insurance premiums, or any portion proceedings or the acquisition of the this chapter shall apply to this section, thereof, to the extent that partial pay­ property by other means during any part except that: ments received from the mortgagor dur­ or all of the ^period of such military (1) All references to the mortgagee ing the period of forbearance are insuffi­ service and three months thereafter; shall be deemed to refer to the mortgagee cient to pay such permiums after apply­ (Sec. 211, 52 Stat. 23, as amended; 12 U. S. C. or the service branch, as the case may be. ing such partial payments to delinquent: 1715b) (2) All references to the Mutual Mort­ interest at a rate not in excess of the gage Insurance Fund shall be deemed to interest rate applicable to debentures to P art 225—S ervicemen’s Mortgage In ­ refer to the Servicemen’s Mortgage In­ which the mortgagee may be entitled. surance ; Eligibility R equirements of surance Fund. M ortgage (3) In lieu of the provisions of § 222.2 5. Section 222.13 (a) (1) (ii) is (c), the mortgagee shall continue to pay amended to read as follows: 1. In § 225.1 paragraph (a) is amended by deleting from the listed provisions the annual mortgage insurance premiums § 222.13 Condition of property when following: and “open-end” insurance charges to the transferred; delivery of debentures and Commissioner until the mortgage is paid certificate of claim, (a) * * * § 225.1 Incorporation by reference. in full or until the mortgaged property |T|) * * * (a) * * * is acquired by the Commissioner, or until (ii) Have a 'face value to be deter­ § 221.42 Eligibility of miscellaneous-type the contract of insurance is otherwise mined by adding to original principal mortgages. ^ terminated with the consent of the of the mortgage (as increased by the Commissioner. amount of “open-end” advances made 2. Section 225.3 is amended to read as follows: 3. Part 226 is amended by adding new by the mortgagee and approved by the §§ 226.8, 226.9 and 226.10 as follows: Commissioner) which was unpaid on the § 225.3 Maximum mortgage amount; date of the institution of foreclosure pro­ dollar limitation. The mortgage shall § 226.8 Transfer of property to the ceedings or the acquisition of the prop­ involve a principal obligation not in ex­ Commissioner; conditions of default in erty otherwise after default, the amount cess of $17,100 and shall be in an amount mortgage. All of the provisions of of all payments made by the mortgagee of $100 or multiples thereof (except a -§ 222.12 of this chapter apply to mort­ for: mortgage having a principal obligation gages insured under this part except the (a) Taxes, ground rent and water not in excess of $15,000 and an amortiza­ provisions of § 222.12 (c) (2)—of this rates, which are liens, prior to mort­ tion period of either 20, 25, or 30 years chapter relating to forbearance agree­ gage; may be in an amount of $50 or multiples ments. (b) Special assessments, which are thereof). § 226.9 Condition of property when noted on the application for insurance transferred; delivery of debentures and or which become liens after the insur­ 3. Section 225.4 is amended to read as follows: certificate of claim. All of the provisions, ance of the mortgage; of § 222.13 of this chapter apply to mort­ (c) Hazard insurance on the mort­ § 225.4 Maximum mortgage amount; gages insured under this part except that gaged property; ratio of loan-to-value limitation. The in lieu of the provisions of § 222.13 (a) (d) Mortgage insurance premiums or mortgage shall be in an amount not to (1) (ii) the face value of the debentures “open-end” insurance charges paid exceed 95 percent, of the appraised value shall be determined by adding to original after the institution of foreclosure pro­ of the property as of the date the mort­ principal of the mortgage (as increased ceedings or the acquisition of the prop­ gage is accepted „for insurance, or such by the amount of “open-end” advances erty otherwise after default; higher amount as may be calculated by made by the mortgagee and approved by (e) Taxes imposed upon any deeds or applying the maximum ratio of loan-to- other instruments by which said prop­ the Commissioner) which was unpaid on erty was acquired by the mortgagee and value prescribed in § 221.17. the date of the institution of foreclosure transferred or conveyed to the Com­ 4. Section 225.5 is amended to read as proceedings or the acquisition of the missioner; follows: property otherwise after default, the Wednesday, August 7, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 6293

amount of all payments made by the the Commissioner and in effect as of the otherwise applicable by more than one- mortgagee for: date of filing of the application for half thereof. (a) Taxes, ground rent and water insurance. 3. In § 232.30 (b) the introductory text rates, which are liens prior to the mort­ (g) Every application for insurance and subparagraphs (4) and (5) are gage; filed after August 4,1957 shall be accom­ amended to read as follows: (b) Special assessments, which are panied by a certificate approved by the noted on the application for insurance or Commissioner executed by the builder § 232.30 Eligibility of miscellaneous which become liens after the insurance and sponsor of the project described in type mortgages. * * * of the mortgage f the application, certifying that there has (b) The mortgage may be accepted (c) Hazard insurance on the mort­ been no payment or obligation to pay, for insurance if— * * * gaged property; either directly or indirectly through a (4) Executed in connection with the (d) Mortgage insurance premiums or wholly or partially owned affiliate or sub­ sale by the Government, or any agency insurance charges paid after the institu­ sidiary, or otherwise, any charges, fees or official thereof, of any housing (in­ tion of foreclosure proceedings or the ac­ or discounts in excess of those prescribed cluding any property acquired, held, or quisition of the property otherwise after by the Schedule of Maximum Charges, constructed in connection therewith or default; Fees and Discounts issued by the Com­ to serve the inhabitants thereof) pursu­ (e) Taxes imposed by the United missioner and in effect as of the date of ant to the Atomic Energy Community States upon any deeds or other instru­ filing of the application for insurance. Act of 1955, as amended: Provided, That ments by which said property was ac­ (h) Prior to insurance of any mort­ such insurance shall be issued without quired by the mortgagee and transferred gage, the mortgagee shall furnish to the regard to any preferences or priorities or conveyed to the^ommissioner; Commissioner a signed statement in except those prescribed by the National (f) Foreclosure costs actually paid by form satisfactory to the Commissioner, Housing Act or the Atomic Energy Com­ the mortgagee and approved by the Com­ listing all items for which any charge, munity Act of 1955, as amended; or missioner in an amount not in excess fee or discount was collected by it in (5) Executed in connection with the of two-thirds of such cost or $75, which­ connection with the mortgage transac­ sale by a State or municipality, or any ever is the greater; tion, together with the amount of each agency, instrumentality, or political sub­ such charge, fee or discount. The Com­ division of either, of a project consisting There shall be deducted from the total missioner’s endorsement of the mortgage of the foregoing items any amount re­ of any permanent housing (including for Insurance shall constitute approval any property acquired, held or con­ ceived oh account of the mortgage after of the listed charges, fees or discounts. the institution of foreclosure proceed­ structed in connection therewith or to ings or the acquisition of the property .. 2. § 232.4 paragraphs (d) and (e) are serve the inhabitants thereof), con­ otherwise after default and from any amended to read as follows: structed by or on behalf of such State, municipality, agency, instrumentality or source relating to the property on ac­ § 232.4 Maximum mortgage amounts. count of rent or other income after de­ * * * political subdivision, for the occupancy ducting reasonable expenses incurred in of veterans (as defined in § 221.11) their (d) Increased mortgage amount— families and others: Provided, That in handling the property: Provided, how­ elevator-type structures. With respect ever, That with respect to mortgages to no case may the principal obligation of to a mortgage meeting the requirements a mortgage referred to in this subpara­ which the provisions vof sections. 302 and of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this sec­ 306 of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil graph exceed 90 percent of the appraised tion and covering a project consisting of value of the mortgaged property; or Relief Act of 1940, as amended, apply, elevator-type structures, the Commis­ there shall be included in the debentures sioner may increase the dollar amount 4. Section 232.31 is amended to read an amount which the Commissioner finds limitation of $2250 per room to not to as follows: to be sufficient to compensate the mort­ exceed $2700 per room and the dollar § 232.31 Eligibility of refinanced gagee for any loss which it may have amount limitation of $8100 per family sustained on account of interest on de­ mortgages. Notwithstanding any other unit to not to exceed $8400 per family provisions of this part, a mortgage bear­ bentures and the payment of insurance unit, as the case may be, to compensate premiums and “open-end” .insurance ing interest not in excess of 4Vk percent for the higher costs incident to con­ per annum, given to refinance a mort­ charges by reason of its having post­ struction of elevator-type structures of poned the institution of foreclosure pro­ gage insured under section 608 or 908 sound standards of construction and de­ of the National Housing Act shall be ceedings or the acquisition of the prop­ sign. With respect to a mortgage meet­ erty by other means during any part or eligible for insurance under this section, ing the requirements of paragraph (c) if the principal amount of such refi­ all of the period of such military service of this section, the Commissioner may and three months thereafter. nanced mortgage does not exceed the increase the dollar amount limitation original principal amount, and the term § 226.10 Effective date. The provi­ of $8100 per family unit to not to exceed does not exceed the unexpired term of sions of this part are effective as to all $8400 per family unit. such existing mortgage; except that in mortgages on which a commitment to (e) Increased mortgage amount— any case in. which the Commissioner de­ insure is issued to an approved mort­ high cost areas. In any geographical termines that the insurance of a mort­ gagee on or after November 5, 1954. area where the Commissioner finds cost gage for an additional term will inure (Sec. 211, 52 Stat. 23, as amended; 12 U. S. C. levels so require, the maximum dollar to the benefit of the applicable insurance 1715b. Interpret or apply sec. 222, 68 Stat. ^amount limitations set out in paragraphs fund taking into consideration the out­ 603, as amended; 12 U. S. C. 1715m) ^(a) or (b) of this section may be in­ standing insurance liability under the creased by not to exceed $1000 per room existing insured mortgage, the refinanced without regard to the number of rooms mortgage may have a term of not more Subchapter D— Multifamily and Group being less than four, or more than four. Housing Insurance than 12 years in excess of unexpired term As to projects located in the Territory of the existing insured mortgage. Part 232—Multifamily H ousing I nsur­ of Alaska, Guam, or Hawaii, if the Com­ (Sec. 211, 52 Stat. 23, as amended; 12 U. S. C. ance; Eligibility " R equirements of missioner finds that because of high 1715b) Mortgage Covering M ultifamily costs it is not feasible to construct dwell­ Housing ings without the sacrifice of sound stand­ P art 233—R ental H ousing I nsurance; 1. Section 232.2 is amended by addingards of construction, design, and liva­ bility within the limitations of maximum R ights and Obligations of Mortgagee three new paragraphs (f), (g) and (h) U nder Insurance Contract to read as follows: mortgage amounts provided in this sec­ tion, the principal obligation of mort­ In § 233.2 paragraph (d) is amended § 232.2 Issuance of commitment. (a) * * * gages otherwise meeting the require­ to read as follows: (f) The mortgagee shall not collectments of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) § 233.2 First, second and third pre­ from the builder or sponsor charges, fees of this section may be increased in such miums. * * * and discounts in excess of those pre­ amounts as may be necessary to com­ (d) Until the mortgage is paid in full, scribed by the Schedule of Maximum pensate for such high costs, but not to or until an application for debentures is Charges, Fees and Discounts issued by exceed, in any event, the maximum received by the Commissioner or until 6294 RULES AND REGULATIONS \ the contract of insurance is otherwise the Commissioner’s estimate of the re­ in the certificate of incorporation or terminated with the consent of the Com­ placement cost of the property. other instrument under which the mort­ missioner, the mortgagee, on each anni­ 3. In § 241.7 paragraph (i) is amended gagor is created (hereinafter referred to versary of the date of the first principal to read as follows: as the “charter”) and will be made ef­ payment shall pay an annual mortgage fective through the issuance of certain insurance premium equal to one-half of § 241.7 Maximum mortgage amounts. shares of special stock (or other evidence one percent of the average outstanding • * * of a beneficial interest in the mortgagor) principal obligation of the mortgage for (i) Mortgagor’s minimum invest­which stock or interest will enable the the year following the date on which ment-sales type projects. At the time Commissioner in his discretion to exer­ such premium becomes payable. a mortgage executed by a mortgagor of cise majority voting rights in the event (Sec. 211, 52 Stat. 23, as amended; 12 U. S. C. a Sales Type Project isJnsured, the mort­ of violation of a provision of the charter 1715b. Interprets or applies sec. 207, 52 Stat. gagor shall have paid on account of the or (except as to the mortgagor of an In­ 16, as amended; 12 U. S. C. 1713) project at least 3 percent of the Com­ vestor Sponsored Project) at any time missioner’s estimate_of the cost of acqui­ during the period between initial and sition or such larger amount as the Com­ final endorsement for mortgage insur­ P art 241—Cooperative H ousing I nsur­ missioner may determine in cash or its ance by the Commissioner whether or ance; E ligibility R equirements for equivalent and each member or stock­ not such violation has occurred. * * * P roject Mortgage holder of the mortgagor shall have paid 6. In § 241.31 paragraph (a) is amend­ 1. Section 241.4 is amended by adding the amount required by § 243.9 (b) of ed to read as follows: three new paragraphs (f), (g) and (h) this subchapter. The amount required to read as follows: for working capital specified in § 241.26 § 241.31 Mortgagors subject to reg­ may not be included in the 3 percent, ulation and restriction— (a) In general. §241.4 Issuance of commitment, (a) * * * payment required by this paragraph. Except as otherwise provided in this sec­ tion, all mortgagors shall be subject to (f) The mortgagee shall nflt collect 4. Section 241.18 is amended to read regulation and restriction by the Com­ from the builder or sponsor charges, fees as follows: " missioner with respect to the matters and discounts in excess of those pre­ § 241.18 Prepayment privilege; pre­ set forth in this part. A mortgagor of scribed by the Schedule of Maximum payment and late charges—(a) Prepay­ the character described in § 241.20 (b) Charges, Fees and Discounts issued by ment privilege. The mortgage shall con­ shall not be subject to regulation and the Commissioner and in effect as of tain a provision permitting the mortgag­ restriction by the Commissioner with re­ the date of filing of the application for or to prepay the mortgage in whole or spect to matters set forth in §§ 241.24, insurance. in part upon any interest payment date 241.25, 241.29 and 241.30. If the mort­ (g) Every application for insurance after giving'to the mortgagee thirty (30) gage is to be insured after completion filed after August 4, 1957 shall be ac­ days’ notice in writing in advance of of the improvements, the mortgagor companied by a certificate approved by its intention to so prepay. shall not be subject to the requirements the Commissioner executed by the (b) Prepayment charge. The mort­ of § 241.27. builder and sponsor of the project de­ gage may include a provision for such scribed in the application, certifying 7. Section 241.34 is amended by adding additional prepayment charge as may a new paragraph (c) as follows: that there has been no payment or ob­ be agreed upon between the mortgagor ligation to pay, either directly or in­ and mortgagee; except that the mort­ § 241.34 Form of contract". * * * directly through a wholly or partially gagor must be permitted to prepay up (c) Identity of interest—subcontrac­ owned affiliate or subsidiary, or other­ to 15 percent of the original principal tor. If it is found by the Commissioner wise, any charges, fees or discounts in amount of the mortgage in any one cal­ that an identity of interest exist between excess of those prescribed by the Sched­ endar year without any such additional the mortgagor or any of its officers, di­ ule of Maximum Charges, Fees and Dis­ charge : Provided, That no such addition­ rectors or stockholders and any subcon­ counts issued by the Commissioner and al change may be made where the pre­ tractor or material supplier, the mort­ in effect as of the date of filing of the payment results from the release of in­ gagor and the general contractor must application for insurance. dividual properties in accordance with certify in a form prescribed by the Com­ (h) Prior to insurance of any mort­ the provisions of a mortgage in a Sales missioner prior to final endorsement of gage, the mortgagee shall furnish to the Type Project: Provided further, That no the mortgage for insurance that the Commissioner a signed statement in such additional charge may be made in amounts paid to ^such subcontractor or form satisfactory to the Commissioner, the event thè mortgage balance is re­ material supplier were not more than the listing all items for which any charge, duced by any paymènts required under rate prevailing in the locality for similar fee or discount was collected by it in § 241.36: And provided further, That, type labor and materials. connection with the mortgage transac­ except with the prior written approval tion, together with the amount of each 8. In § 241.42 paragraph (a) is of the Commissioner, no such additional amended to read as follows: such charge, fee or discount. The charge shall be made where the prepay­ Commissioner’s endorsement of the ment results from the sale of an Investor § 241.42 Development of property. At mortgage for insurance shall constitute Sponsored Project within two years after the time the*mortgage is insured: approval of the listed charges, fees or its completion pursuant to a certificate of (a) The mortgagor shall be obligated discounts. intent as provided in section 213 (a> (3) to construct and complete new housing 2. Section 241.5 is amended to read as of the National Housing Act. accommodations on the mortgaged prop­ follows: (c) Late charge. The mortgage may erty designed principally for residential use, conforming to standards satisfactory § 241.5 Information as to appraisals. provide for the collection by the mort­ gagee of a “late charge,” not to exceed to the Commissioner, and consisting of An application for mortgage insurance 2 cents for each dollar of each payment not less than eight dwelling units and with respect to a mortgage to be exe­ to interest and/or principal more than may be detached, semi-detached, or row cuted by a mortgagor of a Sales Type 15 days in arrears, to cover the extra ex­ houses, or multifamily structures: Pro­ Project must be accompanied by an vided, That in the case of a sales type agreement satisfactory to the Commis­ pense involved in handling delinquent payments. Late charges shall be sepa­ project such units must be single-family sioner, executed by the seller, builder, rately charged to and collected from dwellings constructed for sale to members sponsor, or such other person as may be the mortgagor and shall not be deducted of the mortgagor corporation: And pro­ required by the Commissioner, whereby from any aggregate monthly payment. vided further, That the Commissioner such person agrees that prior to any sale may insure a mortgage on a completed of the dwellings in the project or stock 5. In § 241.23 the first sentence is project constructed pursuant to a Com­ of the mortgagor corporation, such per­ amended to read as follows: mitment to Insure Upon Completion; or son will deliver to the purchasers of such § 241.23 Regulation and restriction of 9. hi § 241.45 the introductory text of property or subscribers for such stock a mortgagors. The regulation or restric­ paragraph (b), paragraphs (b) (4) and written statement acceptable to the Com­ tion of mortgagors of the character de­ (b) (5) and paragraph (d) are amended missioner setting forth the amount of scribed in § 241.20 (a) will be set forth and paragraph (c) is revoked as follows: Wednesday, August 7, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 6295

§ 241.45 Eligibility of miscellaneous amount as the Commissioner may deter­ terminated with the consent of the type mortgages. * * * mine, in cash or its equivalent. The Commissioner. (b) The mortgage may be accepted for mortgagor’s cash investment in the (c) The reference in § 222.3 (c) (2) of insurance if— * * * mortgagor corporation under the project this chapter to § 221.43 shall be changed (4) Executed in connection with the mortgage may be credited against the so as to refer to § 243.30 of this sub­ sale by the Government, or any agency amount required by this section. The chapter. or official thereof, of any housing (in­ amount required for working capital 2. Section 244.5 is amended to read as cluding any property acquired, held, or specified in § 241.26 of Part 241 of this follows : constructed in connection therewith or subchapter may not be included in the to serve the inhabitants thereof) pur­ 3 percent payment required by this para­ § 244.5 Rights and duties of an ap­ suant to the Atomic Energy Community graph. proved mortgagee under the contract of Act of 1955, as amended: Provided, That 2. In § 243.18 paragraphs (b) and (c) insurance. The provisions of § § 222.10 to such insurance shall be issued without are amended and a new paragraph (d) 222.14, inclusive, of this chapter, shall regard to any preferences or priorities is added as follows: apply to this section, except that: except those prescribed by the National (a) The reference in § 222.13 of this Housing Act or the Atomic Energy Com­ § 243.18 Maximum charges, fees and chapter to the Mutual Mortgage Insur­ munity Act of 1955, as amended; or discounts. * * * ance Fund shall be changed to Housing (5) Executed in connection with the (b) Every application for insurance Insurance Fund. sale by a State or municipality, or an filed after August 4,1957 shall be accom­ (b) Section 222.13 (a) (1) (ii) of this agency, instrumentality, or political sub­ panied by a- certificate approved by the chapter shall not apply insofar as it division of either, of a project consisting Commissioner executed by the builder, allows the inclusion in debentures of pay­ of any permanent housing (including any seller or purchaser of the property de­ ments made by the mortgagee for the property acquired, held or constructed scribed in the application, certifying that purpose of protecting, operating, or pre­ in connection therewith or to serve the such person has not paid or obligated serving the property or taxes imposed by inhabitants thereof), constructed by or himself to pay and will not pay or obli­ any authority other than the United on behalf of such State, municipality, gate himself to pay, either directly or States upon any deed or other instru­ agency, instrumentality or political sub­ indirectly throügh a wholly or partially ment by which the property was acquired division, for the occupancy of veterans owned affiliate or subsidiary, or other­ by the mortgagee and transferred or con­ (as defined in § 221.11 of this chapter) wise, any charges, fees or discounts in veyed to the Commissioner. their families and others: Provided, That excess of those prescribed by the Sched­ (c) The provisions of § 222.12 (c) (2) in no case may the principal obligation ule of Maximum Charges, Fees and Dis­ of this chapter relating to forbearance of a mortgage referred to in this sub­ counts issued by the Commissioner and agreements shall not apply to this paragraph exceed 90 percent of the ap­ in effect as of the date of filing of the section. praised value of the mortgaged property; application for insurance. (Sec. 211, 52 Stet. 23, as amended; 12 U. S. C. or (c) Prior to insurance of any mort­ 1715b. Interprets or applies sec. 213, 64 Stat. ***** gage, the mortgagee shall furnish to the 54, as amended; 12 U. S. C. 1715e) (c) [Revoked.! Commissioner a signed statement in form satisfactory to the Commissioner, (d) Notwithstanding any other pro­ Subchapter F— Rehabilitation and Neighborhood listing all items for which any charge, visions of this part, a mortgage executed Conservation Housing Insurance by a mortgagor of a Management Type fee or discount was collected by it, from any person connected with the mortgage P art 261—H ome R ehabilitation I nsur­ project bearing interest not in excess of ance ; Eligibility R equirements of 4V2 percent per annum, given to refi­ transaction, together with the amount of each such charge, fee or discount. The Mortgage Covering One- to Eleven- nance a mortgage insured under sections F amily D wellings 608 or 908 of the National Housing Commissioner’s endorsement of the Act shall be eligible for insurance under mortgage for insurance shall constitute 1. In §261.1 paragraph (a) is this section, if the principal amount of approval of the listed charges, fees or amended by adding to the listed pro­ such refinanced mortgage does not ex­ discounts. visions the following: ceed the original principal amount, and (d) Nothing in this section will be construed as prohibiting the mortgagor § 261.1 Incorporation by reference. the term does not exceed the unexpired (a). * * * term of such existing mortgage; except from dealing through a broker who does that in any case in which the Commis­ not represent the mortgagee, if he pre­ § 221.14 Certification of appraisal amount. sioner determines that the insurance of fers to do so, and paying such compensa­ 2. Section 261.5 is amended to read a mortgage for an additional term will tion as is satisfactory to the mortgagor in as follows: inure to the benefit of the applicable in­ order to obtain mortgage financing. surance fund, taking into consideration (Sec. 211, 52 Stat. 23, as amended; 12 U. S. C. § 261.5 Dwelling units on property. 1715b) At the time the mortgage is insured the outstanding insurance liability under there must be located on the mortgaged the existing insured mortgage, the re­ property a dwelling designed principally financed mortgage may have a term of P art 244—Cooperative H ousing I nsur­ for residential use of not more than not more than 12 years in excess of un­ ance ; R ights and Obligations of eleven families. Such dwelling may be expired term of the existing insured Mortgagee U nder Insurance Con­ connected with other dwellings by a mortgage. tract—I ndividual Mortgages party wall or otherwise. Any such (Sec. 211, 52 Stat. 23, as amended; 12 TT. S. C. 1. Section 244.2 is amended to read as dwelling shall be constructed or reha­ 1715b) follows: bilitated pursuant to an urban renewal plan approved by the Administrator as § 244.2 Insurance premiums and Part 243—Cooperative H ousing Insur­ provided in section-220 (d) (1) (A) of ance; Eligibility R equirements for charges. The provisions of §§ 222.2 the National Housing Act, as amended. Individual Mortgages Covering P rop­ and 222.3 of this chapter shall apply to this part, except that: 3. In § 261.7 paragraph (a) is amended erties R eleased F rom Lien of P roject to read as follows: Mortgage (a) The reference in § 222.2 to the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund shall § 261.7 Maximum mortgage amounts: 1. In § 243.9 paragraph (b) is amend­be changed so as to refer to the Housing loan-to-value limitation. * * * ed to read as follows: Insurance Fund. (a) Where the mortgagor is the oc­ § 243.9 Maximum amount of mort­ (b) In lieu of the provisions of § 222.2 cupant of the property the mortgage gage and mortgagor’s minimum invest­ (c) the mortgagee shall continue to pay shall be in an amount not in excess of: ment. * * * annual mortgage insurance premiums (1)- 97 percent of $10,000 of the Com­ (b) At the time the mortgage is in­ and “open-end” insurance charges to the missioner’s estimate of the replacement sured the mortgagor shall have paid on ^Commissioner until the mortgage is paid cost of the property as of the date the account of the property at least 3 per­ in full or until the mortgaged property is mortgage is accepted for insurance, plus cent of the Commissioner’s estimate of acquired by the Commissioner, or until 85 percent of such cost in excess of the cost of acquisition or such larger the contract of insurance is otherwise $10,000 but not in excess of $16,000 and No. 152----- 2 6296 RULES AND REGULATIONS

70 percent of such cost in excess of P art 262t—H ome R ehabilitation I nsur­ (f) Foreclosure costs actually paid by $16,000, if the application for insurance ance; R ights and Obligations of the mortgagee and approved by the is for construction of a proposed dwell­ M ortgagee U nder I nsurance Contract Commissioner in an amount not in ex­ ing which is approved for insurance 1. In | 262.1 paragraph (a) is amended cess of two-thirds of such cost or $75, prior to the beginning of construction; by adding to the listed provisions the whichever is the greater. or following: (2) 97 percent of $10,000 of the Com­ There shall be deducted from the total missioner’s estimate of the appraised § 262.1 Incorporation by reference. of the foregoing items any amount re­ value of the property as of the date the (a) * * * ceived on account of the mortgage after mortgage is accepted for insurance, plus the institution of foreclosure proceedings § 222.2 Annual mortgage insurance pre­ or the acquisition of the property other­ 85 percent of such value in excess^ of miums and charges. $10,000 but not in excess of $16,000 and § 222.12 Transfer of property to the Com­ wise after default and from any source 70 percent of such, value in excess of missioner; conditions of default in mortgage. relating to the property on account of $16,000, if the application for insurance § 222.13 Condition of property when trans­ rent or other income after deducting covers an existing dwelling, the construc­ ferred; delivery of debentures and certificate reasonable expenses incurred in han­ tion of which was completed more than of claim. dling the property: Provided, however, one year preceding the daté of the ap­ 2. Part 262 is amended by adding new That with respect to mortgages to which plication for insurance; or the provisions of sections 302 and 306 of §§ 262.2b, 262.2c and 262.2d as follows: the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief (3) 90 percent of $10,000 of the Com­ § 262.2b Annual mortgage insurance Act of 1940, as amended, apply, there missioner’s”" estimate of the appraised premiums and charges. All of the pro­ shall be included in the debentures an value of the property as of the date the visions of § 222.2 of this chapter apply mortgage is accepted for insurance, plus amount which the Commissioner finds to mortgages insured under this part to be sufficient to compensate the mort­ 85 percent of such value in excess of except that in lieu of the provisions of $10,000 but not in excess of $16,000 and gagee for any loss which it may have § 222.2 (c) of this chapter the mortgagee sustained on account of interest on 70 percent of such value in excess of shall continue to pay annual mortgage $16,000, if the application for insurance debentures, the payment of insurance insurance premiums and “open-end” in­ premiums and “open-end” * insurance covers a dwelling under construction at surance charges to the Commissioner the time the application is filed or, an charges by reason of its having post­ until the mortgage is paid in full or poned the institution of foreclosure pro­ existing dwelling, the construction of until the mortgaged property is acquired which was completed within one year ceedings or the acquisition of the prop­ by the Commissioner, or until the con­ erty by other means during any part or prior to the application for insurance ; or tract of insurance is otherwise termi­ (4) 97 percent of $10,000 of the Com­ all of the period of such military service nated with the consent of the Commis­ and three months thereafter. missioner’s estimate of the appraised sioner. value of the property as of the date the (Sec. 211, 52 Stat. 23, as amended; 12 U. S. C. mortgage is accepted for insurance, plus § 262.2c Transfer of property to the 1715b. Interprets or applies sec. 213, 64 85 percent of such value in excess of Commissioner; conditions of default in Stat. 54, as amended; 12 U. S. C. 1715e) $10,000 but not in excess of $16,000 and mortgagef All of the provisions of 70 percent of such value in excess of § 222.12 of this chapter apply to mort­ P art 263—Multifamily R ehabilitation $16,000, if the proceeds of the mortgage gages insured under this part except the I nsurance; Eligibility R equirements are used to finance the rehabilitation of provisions of § 222.12 (c) (2) of this of Mortgage a dwelling. chapter relating to forbearance agree­ ments. Section 263.4a is amended to read as 4. Section 261.8 is amended to read as follows: follows: § 262.2d Condition of property when transferred; delivery of debentures and § 263.4a Issuance of commitment. All § 261.8 Mortgage obligation in multi­ certificate of claim. All of the provisions of the provisions of § 232.2 of this chapter ples. The mortgage shall involve a prin­ of § 222.13 of this chapter apply to mort­ apply with respect to the issuance of cipal obligation in an amount of $100 or gages insured under this part except that commitments under this part except that multiples thereof except that a mortgage in lieu of the provisions of § 222.13 (a) commitments to insure advances, as set having a principal obligation not in ex­ (1) (ii) of this chapter the face value of forth in paragraph (c), shall be effective cess of $15,000 and an amortization the debentures shall be determined by for a stated period not in excess of 180 period of either 20, 25 or 30 years may be adding to original principal of the mort­ days. in an amount of $50 or multiples thereof. gage (as increased by the amount of (Sec. 211, 52 Stat. 23, as amended; 12'U. S. C. 5. Part 261 is amended by adding a “open-end” advances made by the mort­ 1715b. Interprets or applies sec. 220, 68 gagee and approved by the Commis­ Stat. 596, as amended; 12 U. S. C. 1715k) new § 261.10b as follows: sioner) which was unpaid on’the date of the institution of foreclosure proceed­ § 261.10b Certificates of appraisal and P art 267—H ome R elocation Insurance; replacement amounts. All of the pro­ ings or the acquisition of the property otherwise after default, the amount of R ights and Obligations of Mortgagee visions of § 221.14 of this chapter apply U nder Insurance Contract to mortgages insured under this part all payments made by the mortgagee for: (a) Taxes, ground rent and water 1. In § 267.1 paragraph (a) is amended except that with respect to mortgages rates, which are liens prior to the by adding to the listed provisions the meeting the requirements of § 261.7 (a) mortgage ; following: (1), the application for insurance must (b) Special assessments, which are § 267.1 Incorporation by reference. be accompanied by an agreement satis­ noted on the application for insurance (a) * * * factory to the Commissioner executed by or which become liens after the insur­ the seller, builder or such other person § 222.2 Annual mortgage insurance pre­ ance of the mortgage; miums and charges. as required by,the Commissioner where­ (c) Hazard insurance on the mort­ § 222.12 Transfer of property to the Com­ by such person agrees that prior to any gaged property; missioner; conditions of default in mortgage.' sale of the dwelling such person will (d) Mortgage insurance premiums or § 222.13 Condition of property when deliver to the purchaser of the property insurance charges paid after the insti­ transferred; delivery of debentures and cer­ tution of foreclosure proceedings or the tificate of claim. a written statement acceptable to the acquisition of the property otherwise Commissioner setting forth the amounts after defa'ult; 2. Part 267 is amended by adding new of the Commissioner’s estimate of the (e) Taxes imposed by the United §§ 267.1a, 267.1b and 267.1c as follows: replacement cost of the property. States upon any deeds or other instru­ § 267.1a Annual mortgage insurance (Sec. 211, 52 Stat. 23, as amended; 12 U. S. C. ments by which said property was ac­ premiums and charges. All of the pro­ 1715b. Interprets or applies sec. 213, 64 Stat. quired by the mortgagee and transferred visions of § 222.2 of this chapter apply 54, as amended: 12 U. S. C. 1715c) or conveyed to the Commissioner; to mortgages insured under this part ex-

0 Wednesday, August 7, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 6297

cept that in lieu of the provisions of bentures, the payment of insurance pre­ placement cost of ranges, refrigerators, § 222.2 (c) of this chapter the mortgagee miums and “o p e n-e n d” insurance shades, screens and fixtures. Such cost shall continue to pay annual mortgage charges by reason of its having post­ may include the cost of the land, the insurance premiums and “open-end” in­ poned the institution of foreclosure pro­ physical improvements, and utilities surance charges to the Commissioner ceedings or the acquisition of the prop­ within the boundaries of the property or until the mortgage is paid in full or un­ erty by other means during any part or project. til the mortgaged property is acquired all of the period of such military service 2. In § 292a.8 paragraph (a) is by the Commissioner, or until the con­ and three months thereafter. amended to read as follows: tract of insurance is otherwise termi­ (Sec. 211, 52 Stat. 23, as amended; 12 U. S. C. nated with the consent of the Commis­ 1715b. Interprets or applies sec. 221, 68 Stat. § 292a.8 Maximum mortgage amount; sioner. 599, as amended; 12 U. S. C. 17151). dollar limitation, (a) The mortgage or mortgages shall involve a total principal § 267.1b Transfer of property to the Subchapter H— War Housing Insurance obligation in an amount not to exceed an Commissioner; conditions of default in average of $16,500 per family unit for mortgage. All of the provisions of P art 277—W ar H ousing I nsurance; § 222.12 of this chapter apply to mort­ such part of the project as may be at­ R ights and Obligations of Mortgagee tributable to dwelling use including gages insured under this part except the U nder I nsurance Contract provisions of § 222.12 (c) (2) of this ranges, refrigerators, shades, screens, chapter relating to forbearance agree­ 1. In § 277.3 paragraph (c) is amended and fixtures, less the amount of the to read as follows: Commissioner’s estimated value of any ments. usable utilities within the boundaries of § 267.1c Condition of property when § 277.3 Premiums. * * * the project where owned by the United transferred; delivery of debentures and • (c) After payment of the initial mort­ States and not provided for out of the certificate of claim. All of the provi­ gage insurance premium and until the proceeds of the mortgage: Provided, sions of § 222.13 of this chapter apply mortgage is paid in full or until an ap­ That should the financing of housing to to mortgages insured under this part ex­ plication for debentures is received by be constructed pursuant to a single in­ cept that in lieu of the provisions of the Commissioner, or until the contract vitation for bids be accomplished by two § 222.13 (a) (1) (ii) of this chapter the of insurance is otherwise terminated or more mortgages, the principal obliga­ face value of the debentures shall be de­ with the consent of the Commissioner, tion of any single mortgage may exceed termined by adding to original principal the mortgagee shall continue to pay an­ an average of $16,500 per family unit if of the mortgage (as increased by the nual mortgage insurance premiums to the sum of the principal obligations of amount of “open-end” advances made the Commissioner. Such annual pre­ all mortgages for such housing does not by the mortgagee and approved by the mium shall be paid on the anniversary exceed an average of $16,500 per family Commissioner) which was unpaid on the date of the beginning of amortization unit. date of the institution of foreclosure pro­ and shall be in an amount equal to Yt percent of the average outstanding prin­ 3. In § 292a.9 paragraph (a) is ceedings or the acquisition of the prop­ amended to read as follows: erty otherwise after default, the amount cipal obligation for the 12-month period of all payments made by the mortgagee following the date on which the pre­ § 292a.9 Maximum mortgage amount; for: mium becomes payable. successful bid. (a) The mortgage or (a) Taxes, ground rent and water 2. In § 277.8 (a) a new subparagraph mortgages shall involve a total principal rates, which are liens prior to the mort­ (2) is added to read as follows: obligation not to exceed the amount of gage; the successful bid of the eligible bidder (b) Special assessments, which are § 277.8 Condition of property when of the project. The term “eligible noted- on the application for insurance transferred; delivery of debentures; cer­ bidder” means a person, partnership, or which become liens after the insur­ tificate of claim and definition of the firm, or corporation determined by the ance of the mortgage; term “waste’*, (a) * * * Secretary of Defense, after consultation (c) Hazard insurance on the mort­ (2) In computing the face value ofwith the Commissioner (1) to be quali­ gaged property; the debentures, in addition to the items fied by experience and financial respon­ (d) Mortgage insurance premiums or provided in subparagraph (1) of this sibility to construct housing of the type insurance charges paid after the insti­ paragraph, there may be added to the described and provided for under Title tution of foreclosure proceedings or the unpaid principal of the mortgage, pay­ VIII of the National Housing Act, and acquisition of the property otherwise ments made by the mortgagee for taxes (2) to have submitted the lowest ac­ after default; imposed upon any deed or other instru­ ceptable bidf (e) Taxes imposed by the United ment by which said property was ac­ quired by the mortgagee and transferred 4. Section 292a.l9 is amended to read States upon deeds or other instruments as follows: by which said property was acquired by or conveyed to the Commissioner, pay­ the mortgagee and transferred or con­ ments made by the mortgagee, with the § 292a.19 Maximum charges, fees and veyed to the Commissioner; approval of the Commissioner, for the discounts, (a) The mortgagee may col­ (f) Foreclosure costs actually paid by purpose of protecting, operating, or pre­ lect from the mortgagor the amount of the mortgagee and approved by the serving the property. the application and commitment fees Commissioner in an amount not in ex­ (Sec. 607, as added by sec. 1, 55 Stat. 61; 12 provided for in this section and may cess of two-thirds of such cost or $75, U. S. C., and Sup., 1742) charge the mortgagor an initial service whichever is the greater.' charge to reimburse itself for the cost of /closing the transaction, in an amount not There shall be deducted from such total Subchapter M— Military and Armed Services, to exceed 1 Yz percent of the original a n y amount received on account of the Housing Mortgage Insurance principal amount of the mortgage, or mortgage after the institution of fore­ P art 292a—Armed S ervices H ousing such additional amounts or changes as closure proceedings or the acquisition of may be approved by the Commissioner. the property otherwise after default and I nsurance; Eligibility R equirements of Mortgage (b) The mortgagee shall not collect from any source relating to the property from the builder or sponsor charges, fees on account of rent or other income after SUBPART A— MILITARY PERSONNEL and discounts in excess of those pre­ deducting reasonable expenses incurred 1. In § 292a.7 paragraph (o> is scribed by the Schedule of Maximum in handling the property: Provided, how­ amended to read as follows: Charges, Fees and Discounts issued by ever, That with respect to mortgages to the Commissioner and in effect as of the which the provisions of sections 302 and § 292a.7 Maximum mortgage amount; date of filing of the application for 306 of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Re­ replacement cost, fa) The mortgage or insurance. lief Act of 1940, as amended, apply, there mortgages shall involve a total principal (c) EverjF application for insurance shall be included in the debentures an obligation not to exceed the amount filed after August 4,1957 shall be accom­ amount which the Commissioner finds to which the Commissioner estimates will panied by a certificate approved by the be sufficient to compensate the mort­ be the replacement cost of the property Commissioner executed by the builder gagee for any loss which it may have or project when the proposed improve­ and sponsor of the project described in sustained on account of interest on de­ ments are completed including the re­ the application, certifying that there has 6298 RULES AND REGULATIONS been no payment or obligation to pay, P art 293—M ilitary H ousing I nsurance; date of the Institution of foreclosure pro­ either directly or indirectly through a R ights and O bligations of Mortgagee ceedings or the acquisition of the prop­ wholly or partially owned affiliate or sub­ U nder I nsurance Contract erty otherwise after default, the amount sidiary, or otherwise, any charges, fees’ 1. The heading of Part 293 is amended of all payments made by the mortgagee or discounts in excess of those prescribed to read as set forth above. for: by the Schedule of Maximum Charges, (a) Taxes, ground^rent and water Fees and Discount? issued by the Com­ 2. Part 293 is amended by adding a rates, which are liens prior to the mort­ missioner and in effect as of the date of new § 293.3 as follows: gage; filing of the application for insurance. § 293.3 Special mortgage agreements. (b) Special assessments, which are (d) Prior to insurance of any mort­If a military department acting for and noted on the application for insurance or gage, the mortgagee shall furnish to the in behalf of the United States acquires which become liens after the insurance Commissioner a signed statement inform a property covered by an insured mort­ of the mortgage ; satisfactory to the Commissioner, list­ gage, the Commissioner may, with the (c) Hazard insurance on the mort­ ing all items for which any charge, fee or consent of the mortgagee and the mili­ gaged property; V discount was collected by it in connec­ tary department, make such agreements (d) Mortgage insurance premiums or tion with the mortgage transaction, to­ and arrangements concerning the mort­ insurance charges paid after the insti­ gether with the amount of each such gage as may be appropriate without re­ tution of foreclosure proceedings or the charge, fee or discount. The Commis­ gard to the provisions of this part or acquisition of the property otherwise sioner’s endorsement of the mortgage Part 292 of this chapter. after default; for insurance shall constitute approval (e) Taxes imposed by the United of the listed charges, fees or discounts. (Sec. 808, 63 Stat. 570; 12 U. S. C. 1748g) States upon "any deeds or other instru­ ments by which said property was ac­ SUBPART B----CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES P art 293a—Armed S ervices H ousing In ­ quired by the mortgagee and transferred 1. Section 292a.54 is amended to read surance; R ights vand Obligations of or conveyed to the Commissioner; as follows: M ortgagee U nder Insurance Contract (f) Foreclosure costs actually paid by the mortgagee and approved by the § 292a.54 Maximum mortgage SUBPART B----CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES amount; loan-to-value limitation, in Commissioner in an amount not in ex­ addition to meeting the dollar limitation 1. In § 293a.25 paragraph (a) is cess of two-thirds of such cost or $75, as set forth in § 292a.53, the mortgage amended by adding to the listed provi­ whichever is the greater. shall be in an amount not in excess of: sions the following: There shall be deducted from the total (a) 97 percent of $10,000 of the ap­ § 293a.25 Incorporation. by reference. of the foregoing items any amount re­ ceived on account of the mortgage after praised value of the property, as of the (a)• * * * date the mortgage is accepted for in­ § 222.2 Annual mortgage insurance pre­ the institution of foreclosure proceed­ surance, and 85 percent of such value in miums and charges. ings or the acquisition of the property excess of $10,000 but not in excess of § 222.12 Transfer of property to the Com­ otherwise after default and from any $16,000, and 70 percent of such value in missioner; conditions of default in mort­ source relating to the property on ac­ excess of $16,000, if the dwelling was ap­ gage. count of rent or other income after de­ proved for insurance prior to the begin­ § 222.13 Condition of property when ducting reasonable expenses incurred in ning of construction, or if construction transferred; delivery o f . debentures and handling the property: Provided, how­ was completed more than one year pre­ certificate of claim. ever, That with respect to mortgages to ceding the date of the application for 2. Part 293a is amended by adding to which the provisions of sections 302 and insurance; or Subp^rt B new §§ 293a.27, 293a.28, 306 of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil (b) 90 percent of $10,000 of the ap­ 293a.29 and 293a.30 as follows: Relief Act of 1940, as amended, apply, praised value of the property, as of the there shall be included in the debentures date the mortgage is accepted for insur­ § 293a.27 Annual mortgage insurance an amount which thè Commissioner ance, and 85 percent of such value in premiums and charges. All of the provi­ finds to be sufficient to compensate the excess of $10,000 but not in excess of sions of § 222.2 of this chapter apply to. mortgagee for any loss which it may $16,000, and 70 percent of such value mortgages insured under this part ex­ have sustained on account 6f interest in excess of $16,000, if the dwelling was cept that iQ lieu of the provisions of on debentures, the payment of insurance not approved for insurance prior to the § 222.2 (c) of this chapter the mortgagee premiums and “open-end” insurance beginning of construction and construc­ shall continue to pay annual mortgage charges by reason of its having post­ tion was completed withih one year insurance premiums and “open-end” in­ poned the institution of foreclosure pro­ preceding the application for insurance. surance charges to the Commissioner ceedings or the acquisition of thè until the mortgage is paid in full or until property by other means during any part 2. Section 292a.55 is amended to read the mortgaged property is acquired by or all of the period of such military as follows: -the Commissioner, or until the contract service and three months thereafter. § 292a.55 Mortgage obligation in of insurance is otherwise terminated with the consent of the Commissioner. - § 29Za.3(P^Effective date.. The provi­ multiples. The mortgage shall involve sions of this subpart are effective as to a principal obligation in an amount of § 293a.28 Transfer of property to the all mortgages on which a commitment $100 or multiples thereof (except that Commissioner; conditions of default. to insure is issued on or after June 13, a mortgage having a principal obliga­ All of the provisions of § 222.12 of this 1956. tion not in excess of $15,000 and an chapter apply to mortgages insured un­ (Sec. 807, 69 Stat. 651; 12 U. S. C. 1748f. In­ amortization period of either 20, 25 or der this part except the provisions of terpret or apply sec. 809, 70 Stat. 273) 30 years, may be in an amount Of $50 § 222.12 (c) (2) of this chapter relating or multiples thereof). to forbearance agreements. Subchapter N— National Defense Housing 3. Section 292a.56 is amended to read § 293a.29 Condition of property when Insurance transferred; delivery of debentures and as follows: P art 295—National D efense H ousing certificate of. claim. All of the provi­ I nsurance ; R ights and Obligations of § 292a.56 Mortgagor's minimum in­ sions of § 222.13 of this chapter apply to vestment. At the iim e the mortgage is mortgages insured under Jthis part ex­ M ortgagee U nder I nsurance Contract insured the mortgagor shall have paid cept that in lieu of the provisions of 1. In § 295.3 paragraph (c) is amended on account of the property at least three § 222.13 (a) (1) (ii) of this chapter the to read as follows: percent of the Commissioner’s estimate face value of the debenture shall be de­ § 295.3 Annual insurance premiums of the cost of acquisition, or such larger termined by adding to original principal and charges. * * * amount as the Commissioner may de­ of the mortgage (as increased by the (c) After payment of the initial mort­ termine, in cash or its equivalent, y amount of “open-end” advances made gage insurance premium and until the (Sec. 807, 69 Stat. 651; 12 U. S. C. 1748f. by the mortgagee and approved by the mortgage is paid in full or until an ap­ Interpret or apply sec. 809, 70 Stat. 273) Commissioner) which was unpaid on the plication for debentures is received by Wednesday, August 7, 1957, FEDERAL REGISTER 6299 the Commissioner, or until the contract dwelling unit which has not been oc­ TITLE 43— PUBLIC LANDS: of insurance is otherwise terminated with cupied previously, the builder shall cer­ the consent of the Commissioner, the tify that in connection with the financ­ INTERIOR mortgagee shall continue to pay annual ing of the construction or sale of the Chapter I— Bureau of Land Manage­ mortgage insurance premiums to the dwelling unit the builder has not paid ment, Department of the Interior Commissioner. Such annual premium and will not pay any charges, fees or shall be paid on the anniversary date of discounts in excess of those permissible Appendix— Public Land Orders the beginning of amortization and shall under the schedule set forth in.para­ [Public Land Order 1456] be in an amount equal to Y2 percent of graph of this section. the average outstanding principal obli­ (f) The following schedule sets forth [1969385] gation for the 12-month period following the charges, fees, or discounts which a [New Mexico 012643] the date on which the premium becomes builder or seller may pay in connection New M exico payable. with the financing of the construction or sale of a dwelling unit on which a request PARTIALLY REVOKING PUBLIC LAND ORDER 2. In § 295.11 (a) a new subparagraph for determination of reasonable value'is NO. 629 OF JANUARY 13, 1950, WHICH (3) is added to read as follows: received by the Administrator on or after WITHDREW LANDS FOR USE OF DEPART­ § 295.11 Condition of property when August 5,1957. MENT OF AIR FORCE AS BOMBING AND GUN­ NERY RANGE transferred; delivery of debentures; cer­ Charges a Builder or Seller Mat Pat tificate of claim and definition of the By virtue of the authority vested in term “waste”, (a,) * * * A. In connection with construction financ­ ing obtained by the builder or in connection the President and pursuant to Executive (3) In computing the face value of thewith the guaranteed or insured financing to Order No. 10355 of May 26, 1952, it is debentures, in addition to the items pro­ the veteran purchaser the builder may pay ordered as follows: vided in subparagraph Cl) of this para­ any of the following: 1. Public Land Order No. 629 of Jan­ graph, there may be added to the unpaid (1) Interest on the construction loan not uary 13, 1950, withdrawing lands in New principal of the mortgage, payments in excess of six (6) percent simpie interest Mexico for use of the Department of the made by the mortgagee for taxes imposed per annum. Air Force as a bombing and gunnery upon any deeds or other Instruments by (2) Service charge not in excess of two and one-half (2A) percent of the construction range, which was partially revoked by which said property was acquired by the loan. Public Land Order No. 791 of January mortgagee and transferred or conveyed (3) Any combination or variation of (1) 19, .1952, is hereby revoked so far as it to the Commissioner, payments made by and (2) above which does not result' in a affects \h e following-described lands: the mortgagee, with the approval of the gross charge in excess of the aggregate per­ Commissioner, for the purpose of pro­ missible under (1) and (2). New Mexico P rincipal Meridian tecting, operating, or preserving the (4) Fees or charges imposed by the Federal T. 23 S., R. 15 E., property. Housing Administration in connection with Secs. 28 and 33; the issuance of an insurance commitment" by Sec. 34, SW14NW14 and WASWA* (Sec. 907, 65 Stat. 301; 12 U. S. O. 1750f) such agency. T. 24 S., R. 15 E., Issued at Washington, D. C., August (5) Fees required to be paid to Veterans Sec. 3, lot 4, WASWA. and SWANWA; 5, 1957. Administration designated fee appraisers or Secs. 4 and 9; compliance inspectors. Sec. 10, WAWA; Norman P. Mason, (6) Reasonable and customary amounts Sec. 21; Federal Housing Commissioner. actually incurred and paid out for various Sec. 28, NE14, -WV4-. and Wy2SEA; [P. R. Doc. 57-6476; Piled, Aug. 5, 1957; technical services and miscellaneous ex­ Sec. 33, Wy2Ey2 and Wy2. 1:27 p. m.] penses within those categories listed in Part T 25 S R 15 E. I A of the schedule ip paragraph (d) of this Sec. 4r SWy4NEV4, SANWA, SWA, and section. Wy2SEi4, lots 2, 3, and 4; (7) Such amounts as may be charged un­ sec. 9, wy2Ey2 and WA; TITLE 38— PENSIONS, BONUSES, der ordinary usages by suppliers of materials Sec. 15, SWy4. AND VETERANS’ RELIEF and equipment. T. 25 S., R. 17 E., (8) Fee charged for commitment from Sec. 13, sy2; Chapter L—Veterans Administration lender or investor to make or purchase the Sec. 14, SE%SEi4. guaranteed or insured loan, such fee not T. 25 S., R. 18 E., Part 36—Servicemen’s R eadjustment to exceed one (1) percent of the loan amount. Sec. 13, N A; Act o p 1944 (9) Such discounts as the Administrator Sec. 14, Ni/2, NASA- SEA SEA. and SWA may authorize from time to time for each Subpart A—T itle HI; Loan G uaranty SW‘/4; State, territory, or possession. Sec. 15, NE}4 and Sy2r allowable charges, fees, and discounts (10) The acceptance by the builder of Sec.‘17, Sy2; stock issued bV the Federal National Mort­ Sec. 18, lots 3, 4, SEA. and EASWA; In § 36.4312, new paragraphs (e) and gage Association in connection with its pur­ Secs. 19 and 20; (f) are added as follows: chase of the Veterans Administration guar­ Sec. 21, WA; anteed loan shall not be in violation of this Sec. 22, EA; § 36.4312 Allowable charges, fees, and schedule. Sec. 23, WA and EANEA; discounts. * * * (11) Nothing in this schedule shall be Sec. 27, WA: (e) No loan for the purchase or con­deemed to preclude the builder from paying Secs. 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, and 35. struction of a dwelling unit on which the a bona fide real estate sales brokerage charge. T. 26 S., R. 18 E., Administrator receives a request for a B. The seller of an existing previously Sec. 3, NA, W/2SW14, NEASWA. and determination of reasonable value on or occupied property may pay any of the NW%SE%; after August 5,1957, shall be guaranteed charges, fees, or discounts authorized to be Secs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9; paid by a builder as may be applicable in Sec. 10, NW>4 and SEA; or insured unless the lender certifies to respect to the sale of an existing previously Sec. 11, EA and Ey2wy2; the Administrator that it has not im­ occupied dwelling. Secs. 12 and 13;' posed and Will not impose any charges C. Any dwelling unit which is exempt from Sec. 14, EA, Ei/2NW!4* and SW>/4; or fees against the veteran borrower in the provisions of the Federal Housing Ad­ •Sec. 15, NA and SEA; excess of those permissible under the ministration fee schedule issued pursuant Secs. 17 and 18; schedule set forth in paragraph (d) of to Public Law 85-104, shall also be exempt Sec. 22, NEA; this section, and that it has not imposed from the requirements of paragraphs (e) Sec. 23, NA, NEASWA. and SEA; and will not impose against the builder and (f) of this section. Secs. 24 and 25; (Sec. 605, Pub. Law 104, 85th Cong.) Sec. 26, EA; or seller of the dwelling unit purchased Sec. 27, SWA; or constructed with the proceeds of the (Sec. 504,68 Stat. 293,'as amended; 38 U. S. C. Sec. 35. guaranteed or insured loan any charges, 694d) T. 23 S.,R. 19 E., fees or discounts in excess of those per­ This regulation is effective August 5, Sec. 25, EA, EAWA, SWANWA, and WA missible under the schedule set forth in 1957. SWA; paragraph (f) of this section. In addi­ Sec. 26, EA. EANWA.'and NWANWA. tion to such certification by the lender, ' [seal] J ohn S. P atterson; T. 25 S., R. 19 E., 1 if the request for determination of rea­ Deputy Administrator. Sec. 11, Sy2s a : sonable value which is received on or [F. R. Doc. 57-6497; Filed, Aug. 5, 1957; Sec. 12, s a ; after August 5, 1957, relates to a new 4:30 p. m.J Sec. 13, SWANEA, SANWA. and SA; 6300 RULES AND REGULATIONS Sec. 14, SE14NE14, NW%NEJ4, NW%, Sy2 the entire east end, a mile wide strip plications proper evidence of military SW ^.and SE1^; across the west end, and the southeast or naval service, preferably a complete Sec. 15, Ny2, SWy4l WftSE%, and SE& portion of the ‘ range, which extends photostatic copy of the certificate of SE»4; Secs. 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, and 22; southward for about ten miles to the honorable discharge. Persons claiming Sec. 23, Ei/2NE&, NW&NEJ4, W%, and New Mexico-Texas State line and in­ preference rights based upon valid set­ SE»A; - X clude part of the Crow Flats area and tlement, statutory preference, or equit­ part of the Broke-off Range separating able claims must enclose properly cor­ Sec! 25, Ey2, SE%NWi4, W>/2NWi/4, and Crow Flats from Dog Canyon. Small roborated statements in support of their E'/2SWi/4; portions of the lands scattered over the claims. Detailed rules and regulations Sec. 26, NE%, Ey2NW%, NW ^NW ^, NW& area may be valuable for agriculture if governing applications which may be SWVi,andSy2sy2; filed pursuant to this notice can be found Secs. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, and 35. water could be made available. How­ T. 26 S., R. 19 E., ever, at the present time there is no in 'Title 43 of the Code of Federal Regu­ Secs. 1, 3, 4, and 5; known source of water for irrigation. lations. Secs. 6 to 15, inclusive; 4. No application for the lands in par­ 7. The lands in paragraph 3 will be Secs. 17 to 31, inclusive; agraph 3 may be allowed under the open to applications and offers under the. Secs. 33,34, and 35. homestead, desert-land, small tract, or mineral-leasing laws, and tlo location T. 23 S., R. 20 E„ any other nonmineral public-land law under the United States mining laws .Sec. 28; unless the lands have already been clas­ beginning at 10:00 a. m., on December Sec. 29; 5, 1957. Sec. 30; sified as valuable or suitable for such Sec. 31; type of application, or snail be so classi­ Inquiries concerning the lands shall Sec. 33. fied upon the consideration of an appli­ be addressed to the Manager, Land Of­ T. 24 S., R. 20 E., cation. Any application that is filed will fice, Bureau of Land Management, Santa Secs. 4,5, and 6; be. considered on its merits. The lands Fe, New Mexico. Sec. 7, NEVi, NE&NW14, Wi/aSEVi, and will not be subject to occupancy or dis­ NE%SE%; ~ R oger C. Ernst, position until they have been classified. Assistant Secretary of the Interior. Sec. 8, N% and Ny2sy2; ¡5. Subject to any valid existing rights Sec. 9, N»/2 and Ny2Sy2; July 31, 1957. Sec. 17; and the requirements of applicable law, Sec. 18,Ey2NE}4; the lands in paragraph 3 are hereby [F. R. Doc. 57-6433; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; Sec. 19, Ey2SE»4; opened to filing of applications, selec­ 8:46 a. m.] Secs. 20, 21,28, and 29; » tions, and locations in accordance with Sec. 30, E^j and E»4SW^; the following : Sec. 33, Ni/2, NW^4SWi4, and S ^ S E ^ . а. Applications and selections under T. 25 S., R. 20 E„ the nonmineral public-land laws may be [Public Land Order 1457] Sec. 4, lots 1, 2,4, SW14NW&, and sy2; presented to the Manager mentioned be­ Sec. 5; [Anchorage 031693, etc.] Sec. 6, lot 1, Sy2NEi4, SE»4NW%, and Ey2 low, beginning xm the date of this order. SE%; Such applications and selections will be Alaska Sec. 7, lots 3, 4, E ^N E ^, E ^SW ^, and considered as filed on the hour and re­ SE14; spective dates shown for thè various WITHDRAWING PUBLIC LANDS FOR USE OF Secs. 8, 9, and 17; classes enumerated in the following DEPARTMENT OF AIR FORCE FOR MILITARY Sec. 18, lots 1, 3, 4, Ny2NE%, NE^NW ^, paragraphs: PURPOSES and SE%; (1) Applications by persons having Sec. 19, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, NE^, Ey2NW^, prior existing valid settlement rights, By virtue of the authority vested in Ey2sw y4, Wy2SEy4, and NE^SE^; the President and pursuant to Executive Secs. 20, 21, 28, and 29; preference rights conferred by existing laws, or equitable claims subject to al­ Order No. 10355 of May 26, 1952, it is Sec. 30, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, SE^NE^, and ordered as follows: E i/aS E ^ ; lowance and confirmation will be adju­ Sec. 31, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and Ey2Ey2; dicated on the facts presented in support Subject to valid existing rights, the Sec. 33, Wy2. of each claim or right. All applications following-described public v lands in T. 26 S., R. 20 E.. presented by persorfs other than those Alaska are hereby, withdrawn^ from all Secs. 4 and 5; referred to in this paragraph will be sub­ forms of appropriation under the public Sec. 6, lots 2, 3, 4, E^NE1^, SW%NE%, ject to the applications and claims men­ land laws, including the mining and SEyfNW%, EyaSW^, and SE^; tioned in this paragraph. mineral-leasing laws, and reserved for Secs. 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, and 20; use of the Department of the Air Force Sec. 21, Ny2, NW14SE14, and Ey.SE%; (2) All valid applications under the Sec. 28, Wy2SW*4, SE%SW%, and SE14; Homestead, Desert Land, and Small for military purposes: Sec. 29, Wi/aNE1^, WV6, and SE%; Tract Laws by qualified veterans of [Anchorage 031693] Secs. 30, 31, and 33. World War n or of the Korean Conflict, Soldotna Area—Seward Meridian The areas described aggregate 85,- and by others entitled to preference rights under the act of September 27, T. 5 N„ R. 10 W., 645.55 acres. Sec. 8, Ey2SW%SW%SW14 and Wy2SE^ 2. The following-described lands which 1944 (58 Stat. 747; 43 U. S. C. 279-284 sw%swi4, are within the Lincoln National Forest, as amended), presented prior to 10:00 will be open to applications and offers a. m. on September 5, 1957, will be con­ The areas described aggregate 10 acres. under the mineral-leasing laws and to sidered as simultaneously filed at that [Anchorage 031940] location under the U. S. mining laws be­ hour. ^ Rights under such preference right applications filed after that hour Naknek Area ginning at 10:00 a. m. on September 5, and before 10:00 a. m., on December 5, 1957. Beginning at a point from which Corner 1957, will be governed by the time of No. 9 of Air Navigation Site Withdrawal No, New Mexico P rincipal Meridian filing. 169 dated June 19, 1950, bears approximately T. 23 S., R. 20 E., (3) All valid applications and selec­ S. 22°00' W., 1,598 feet, thence Sec. 28; tions under the non-mineral public-land North, 800 feet; Sec. 29, Ey2; laws, other than those coming under East, 800 feet; Sec. 33. South, 800 feet; T. 24 S., R. 20 E., paragraphs (1) and (2) above, presented West, 800 feet to point of beginning Sec. 4. prior to 10:00 a. m., on December 5,1957, The areas described aggregate 2,257.68 will be considered as simultaneously The tract described contains 14.69 acres. filed at that hour. Rights under such acres. 3. The remaining lands aggregating applications and selections filed after It is the intent of this order that the 83,387.87 acres, are located within New that hour will be governed by the time withdrawn minerals in the lands shall Mexico Grazing District No. 3-4. in the of filing. remain under the jurisdiction of the De­ southeastern part of Otero County. б. Persons claiming veterans prefer­ partment of the Interior, and no disposi­ They constitute a three mile strip across ence rights must enclose with their ap­ tion shall be made of such minerals ex- Wednesday, August 7, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 6301 cept under the applicable United States be used in connection with prospecting, laws and regulations of the State of mining and mineral-leasing laws, and mining and removal of the oil and gas. . then only after such modification of the R oger C. Ernst, Since the foregoing amendments have provisions of this order as may be neces­ Assistant Secretary of the Interior, the effect of relieving restrictions appli­ sary to permit such disposition. August 1, 1957. cable to the Bombay Hook National R oger C. Ernst, [P. R. Doc. 57-6449; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; Wildlife Refuge, compliance with the 30- Assistant Secretary of the Interior. 8:50 a. m.] day advance publication provision pre­ scribed by section 4 (c) of the Adminis­ J uly 31,1957. trative Procedure Act is not required, and [P. R. Doc. 57-6434; Piled, Aug. 6, 1957; TITLE 50— WILDLIFE they shall become effective immediately 8:46 a. m.] upon publication in the F ederal R egisteb Chapter I— Fish and Wildlife Service, (60 Stat. 238; 5 U. S. C. 1003 (c)). Department of the Interior (Sec. 10, 45 Stat. 1224; 16 U. S. C. 7151) Subchapter C— Management of Wildlife [Public Land Order 1458] Conservation Areas . Issued at Washirigton, D. C., and dated August 1,1957. [1956267] P art 35—N ortheastern R egion D. H. J anzen, W a sh in g t o n S ubpart—B ombay H ook N ational Director, W ildlife R efuge, D elaware Bureau of Sport MODIFYING PUBLIC LAND ORDER NO. 261 o f Fisheries and Wildlife. JANUARY 24, 1945 AS AMENDED BY PUBLIC HUNTING LAND ORDER NO. 831 OF JANUARY 30, 1953, [F. R. Doc. 57-6432; Piled, Aug. 6, 1957; Basis and purpose. Pursuant to the 8:46 a. m.] TO PERMIT MINERAL LEASING OF PORTIONS authority conferred Upon me by 50 CFR OF RESERVED LANDS 18.11, I have determined that resident species of game birds and mammals, as By virtue of the authority vested in Subchapter F— Alaska Commercial Fisheries the President and pursuant to Executive defined by State law or regulation, may Order No. 10355 of May 26, 1952, it is be taken by hunting on portions of the P art 111—P rince W illiam S ound Area ordered as follows: Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, OPEN SEASONS Public Land Order No. 261 of January Delaware, without interfering with the 24,1945, reserving public lands in Wash­ primary purpose of the area. Accord­ Basis and purpose. On the basis of ington for use of the War Department, ingly, a new subpart and center head- field surveys of the pink salmon runs in as amended by Public Land Order No. note, as set forth above, and § 35.5, read­ Prince William Sound, it has been de­ 881 of January 30, 1953, transferring ing as follows, are added: termined that additional escapement is jurisdiction of the lands to the Atomic § 35.5 Hunting of resident game. needed. Energy Commission, is hereby modified Resident species of game birds and mam­ Therefore, § 111.2 is amended in para­ to the extent necessary to permit the is­ mals, as defined by State law or regula­ graph (b) by deleting the text and sub­ suance of oil and gas leases pursuant to tion, may be taken within the Bombay stituting in lieu thereof, “6 o’clock ante­ the Mineral Leasing Act of February 25, Hook National Wildlife Refuge at such meridian August 5,1957.” 1920 (41 Stat. 437: 30 U. S. C. 181 et. times, in such numbers, and by such Since immediate action is necessary, seq.) as amended and supplemented, as means as may be determined each year notice and « public procedure on this to the following-described lands: by the Regional Director, Region 5 amendment are impracticable (60 Stat. 237; 5 U. S. C. 1001 et seq.) Willamette Meridian (Northeastern Region), of the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, only on (Sec. 1, 43 Stat. 464, as amended; 48 U. S. C. T. 10 N., R. 26 E., such areas as may be designated as open 221) Sec. 10, NEi4SE]4. to hunting by suitable posting by the A. W. Anderson, The area described contains 40 acres. refuge officer in charge. Hunting on the Acting Director, The modification made by this order refuge shall be in accordance with the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. shall be subject to the condition that no conditions and restrictions of Parts 18 [P. R. Doc. 57-6477; Piled, Aug. 5, 1957; part of the surface of the lands shall and 21 of this chapter and the applicable 2:27 p.m .]


DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 13,1957, with respect to proposed amend­ By Certain Knoxville Handlers: ments to the tentative marketing agree­ 3. Amend § 988.51 (c) to provide for a Agricultural Marketing Service ment and to the order, regulating the Class I differential over basic formula handling of milk in the Knoxville, Ten­ price of $1.30 per hundredweight for the [ 7 CFR Part 988 1 nessee, marketing area. months of February through July, and [Docket No. AO-195-A9] The public hearing is for the purpose $1.70 per hundredweight for the months of receiving evidence with respect to the of August through January. Milk in K noxville, T enn., M arketing economic and marketing conditions By Knoxville Milk Producers Associa­ Area which relate to the proposed amend­ tion: notice of hearing on proposed amend­ ments, hereinafter set forth, and any 4. Amend § 988.51 (a) (2) to provide ments to tentative marketing agree­ appropriate modifications thereof, to the for an adjustment rate of one cent per ment AND ,TO ORDER tentative marketing agreement and to hundredweight during all months. the order. By Certain Knoxville Handlers: Pursuant to the provisions of the Agri­ The proposed amendments, set forth 5. Delete from § 988.51 (a) (2) the cultural Marketing Agreement Act of below, have not received the approval of 1937, as amended (7 U. S'. C. 601 et seq.), words “an amount determined by multi­ the Secretary of Agriculture. plying the net utilization percentage and thè applicable rules of practice and By Knoxville Milk Producers Associa­ procedure governing the formulation of tion: calculated pursuant to subparagraph (4) marketing agreements and marketing 1. Amend the order so as to provide for of this paragraph or 12, whichever is less orders (7 CFR Part 900), notice is hereby individual handler pools instead of the by the appropriate rate as follows:”, and given of a public hearing to be held in market-wide pool. substitute therefor “an amount calcu­ the Domestic Relations Courtroom, Knox 2. Amend § 988.51 (a) (1) to provide lated by multiplying the utilization per­ County Courthouse, Knoxville, Tennes­ for Class I price differential of $1.75 per centage pursuant to subparagraph (4) of see, beginning at 10:00 a. m., on August hundredweight. this paragraph by the appropriate rate 6302 PROPOSED RULE MAKING

as follows, or 48 cents, whichever is (1) Multiply the Chicago butter price terfat, respectively, in other source milk: less:”. by 4.8; Provided, That if producer milk and By Knoxville Milk Producers Associa­ (2) Deduct 5 cents from the simple other source milk are both received in a tion : average as computed by the market ad­ fluid milk plant during the same delivery 6. Amend § 988.51 (b) to provide that ministrator of the weighted averages of period the shrinkage of skim milk and the Class II price shall be the average of carlot prices per pound of nonfat dry buterfat, respectively, allocated to pro­ the nine designated plants or places milk solids, spray and roller process, ducer milk and other- source milk shall listed in paragraph (b) (1) plus 25 cents respectively, for human consumption, be computed pro rata according to the per hundredweight or the basic formula f. o. b. manufacturing plants in the proportions of the volumes of skim milk price whichever is higher including a Chicago area, as published for the period and butterfat, respectively, received from supply-demand adjustment or other from the 26th day of the preceding such sources to their totals. appropriate formulas. month through the 25th day of the cur­ By Certain Knoxville Handlers: 15. Make provision in the order to the rent month, by the Department of Agri­ effect that milk produced by a dairy 7. Delete paragraph (b) of § 988.51 culture, and multiply by 7.5. farmer who is regularly associated with (Class II milk price), and substitute 10. Amend § 988.12 by deleting the 10- the Knoxville Federal order market as a therefor the following: day limitation on diverting milk. producer will be considered as part of the (b) Class II milk price. The Class II 11. Amend § 988.9 so as to provide that supply factor in the supply-demand ad­ milk price for each month shall be the milk received from a supply plant be first justment (§ 988.51 (a).) whether received arithmetical average of the fegisic (or assigned to Class II in the pool plant at the plant of the handler, diverted, or field) prices reported to have been paid in determining the pool plant qualifica­ temporarily disposed of to other outlets. or to be paid per hundredweight for tions of the supply plant. By Knoxville Milk Producers ^Asso­ milk of 4.0 percent tiutterf at content re­ By Certain Knoxville Handlers: ciation : ceived from dairy farmers during the 12. Add a proviso to § 988.9, Pool 16. Make any and all other changes month at the following plants or places plant, as follows: “And provided further, as may be necessary or appropriate to for which prices have been reported to That in the event a handler operate^ mgtke the marketing agreement and/or the market administrator or to the De­ a plant of the type described in para­ order in its entirety conform with partment of Agriculture on or before the graph (b) of tliis section and a plant or amendments thereto that may result sixth day after the end of the month: plants of the type described in paragraph from the hearing. Company and Location (a) of this section, each of the plants Proposed by the Dairy Division, Ag­ shall be pool plants in the event the riculture Marketing Service: Pet MilK Co., Mayfield, Ky. Pet Milk Co., Bowling Green, Ky. total amount of milk disposed of from 17. Insert a new provision as follows: Pet Milk Co., Greeneville, Tenn. such plants and classified as Class I milk § 988.54 Use of equivalent price. If, Pet Milk Co., Abingdon, Va. is at least 50 percent of the amount of for any reason, a price quotation re­ Carnation Co., Murfreesboro, Tenn. producer milk received during the month Carnation Co., Statesville, N. C. at such plants.” quired by this part for computing class Carnation Co., Galax, Va. 13. Consider a reduction in the amount prices or for any other purpose is not Borden Co., Lewisburg, Tenn. of the marketing service charge, and available in the manner described, the Borden Co., .Chester, S. C. market administrator shall use a price Kraft Foods Co., Greeneville, Tenn. other appropriate revision of the mar­ determined by the Secretary to be keting service charge provisions at Provided, That during the delivery pe­ § 988.88, equivalent to the price which is required. riods of March through July the price 14. Delete paragraph (b) of § 988.41, Copies of this notice of hearing and per hundredweight for all milk received and substitute therefor the following: the order may be procured from the at a fluid milk plant and transferred as Market Administrator, 205 Flatiron milk to a nonfluid milk plant for con­ (b) Class II milk. Class II milk shall Building, 705 Broadway, N. E., Knox­ densing or cheese utilization, or diverted be all skim milk and butterfat: (1) Used ville 17, Tennessee, or from the Hearing direct from the farm to such outlets by to produce any item other than those Clerk, Room 112, Administration Build­ a cooperative association, shall be the specified in paragraph (a) of this sec­ ing, United States Department of Agri­ price computed above less 20cents and tion; (2) disposed of and us6d for live­ culture, Washington 25, D. C., or may be an allowance of $0.00187 per hundred­ stock feed; (3) in milk dumped, after there inspected. weight for each mile of such distance, prior notification to the market adminis­ by shortest highway route, between the trator and opportunity for verification Issued at Washington, D. C., this 2d City Hall at Knoxville, Tennessee, and by the market administrator; and (4) in day of August 1957. shrinkage of skim milk and butterfat re­ the nonfluid milk plant but not to ex­ ceived in producer milk, but not in ex­ [seal] F. R. B urke, ceed 35 cents: And provided further, Acting Deputy Administrator. That the price per hundredweight of all cess of 2.5 percent of such receipts of milk, Used to produce butter, and the skim milk and butterfat, respectively, [F. R. Doc. 57-6451; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; skim milk of which is dumped or dis­ and in shrinkage in skim milk and but- 8:50 a. m.] posed of for livestock feed, during such delivery periods, shall be computed as follows : Multiply by 4.0 the arithmetical average of daily wholesale prices per pound of 90-score butter in the Chicago NOTICES market, as reported by the Department of Agriculture during the delivery pe­ riod, add 15 percent thereof, and then DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Order No. 28 dated July 20, 1950, as deduct 35 cents. amended, is hereby further amended as Bureau of Land Management follows : By Knoxville Milk Producers Associa­ 1. The following parcel of land which, tion: [Amdt. 3] with other lands, was classified for cabin 8. Amend § 988.51 (b) (1) by substi­ A laska and business sites apd for lease only is tuting Kraft Poods Co., Greenville, Ten­ hereby re-classified as a residence site nessee, for Pet Milk Co., Mayfield, SMALL TRACT CLASSIFICATION ORDER for lease and sale under the provisions of Kentucky. < J uly 26,1957. the a6t, supra : 9. Delete paragraph (o) of § 988.50 By virtue of the authority contained in SewI rd Meridian and substitute the following: the Act of June 1, 1938 (52 Stat. 609; 43 U. S. C. 682a) as amended and pur­ T. 2 N„ R. 12 W., (c) The price computed by adding to­ suant to Delegation of Authority con­ Sec. 29: W i/2 N W ^ NE V4 NE 14, gether any plus values computed pursu­ tained in section 2.9 (o), Order No. 541 Containing 5 acres. ant to subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this of April 21, 1954, Bureau of Land Man­ 2. This parcel is appraised at $160.00 paragraph: agement, Small Tract Classification and will be subject to the issuance of a Wednesday, August 7, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 6303 two-year lease at a rental of $20.00 for rates, charges, rules and regulations as W allace H. Adamson the two year period. shown in Tariff No. 3 of the Truck Load­ statement of changes in financial 3. This amendment shall become ef­ing and Unloading Waterborne Freight fective immediately. Agreement (No. 8005) be and it is hereby INTERESTS In accordance with the requirements John E. Burt, Jr., expanded to include, in addition, a pro­ Acting Anchorage ■ ceeding of inquiry, upon the Board’s own of section 710 (b) (6) of the'Defense Operations Supervisor. motion, in the exercise of its powers and Production Act of 1950, as amended, and duties under sections 15,17 and 22 of the Executive Order 10647 of November 28, [F. R. Doc. 5X-6435; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; Shipping Act, 1916, as amended (46 1955, the following changes have taken 8:47 a. m.] U. S. C. 814, 816 and 821) to determine place in my financial interests as re­ (1) whether the rates, charges, rules and ported in the F ederal R egister of Feb­ regulations set forth in Tariff No. 4 of ruary 20, 1957, 22 F. R. 1044. the Truck Loading and Unloading Wa­ A. Deletions: None. Bureau of Reclamation terborne Freight Agreement (F. M. B. B. Additions: None. [Public Announcement 27, Amdt. 1] Agreement No. 8005) are detrimental to the commerce of the United States, and This statement is made as of July 30, Columbia B asin P roject, Wash. (2) whether the practices resulting from 1957. W allace H. Adamson. SALE OF PART-TIME FARM UNITS the adoption of said tariff are unjust and unreasonable practices for or in con­ J uly 30, 1957. J uly 30,1957. nection with the receiving, handling or Public announcement of the sale of delivery of property. [F. R. Doc. 57-6431; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; eight part-time farm units in the East 8:46 a. m.] Columbia Basin Irrigation District, dated Dated: August2,1957. October 10, 1956, and published in the By the Federal Maritime Board. F ederal R egister at 21 F. R . 8831, is ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION G eo. A. Viehmann, amended in section 1. a. by reducing the [Docket No. 50-67] price of Part-time Farm Unit 202, Irri­ Assistant Secretry. gation Block 40, from $15,150 to $11,300. [F. R. Doc. 57-6447; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; American Machine & F oundry Co. 8:49 a. m.] F red G. Aandahl, PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF FACILITY EXPORT Assistant Secretary of the Interior. LICENSE [F. R. Doc. 57-6436; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; Please take notice that the Atomic 8:47 a. m.] Office of the Secretary Energy Commission proposes to issue, on Form AEC-250, the facility export li­ H oward C. H olmes cense described below unless within 15- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL days after publication of this notice in INTERESTS the F ederal R egister, a request for a Federal Maritime Board formal hearing is filed with the Com­ [Docket No. 8Q1] in accordance with the requirements mission in the manner prescribed by of section 710 (b) (6) of the Defense Truck Loading and U nloading of W ater­ § 2.102 (b) of the Commission’s rules Production Act of 1950, as amended, and of practice (10 CFRPart 2). - borne Cargo at N ew Y ork; I nvestiga­ Executive Order 10647 of November 28, tion of R ates and P ractices of P arties 1. Pursuant to section 104 (c) of the 1955, the following changes have taken Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and Title 10, of Agreement N o. 8005 place in my financial interests as re­ CFR Chapter 1, Part 50, “Licensing of NOTICE OF EXPANSION OF PROCEEDING ported in the F ederal R egister of Feb­ Production and Utilization Facilities,” ruary 20, 1957, 22 F. R. 1045. On August 1, 1957, the Federal Mari­ and upon findings that (a) the reactor time Board entered the following order A. Deletions: No change. proposed to be exported is a utilization expanding the scope of this proceeding: B. Additions: No change. facility; (b) the issuance of a license for the export thereof is within the scope It appearing that pursuant to Agree­ This statement is made as of July 29, of and is consistent with the terms of an ment No. 8005, the parties thereto issued 1957. agreement for cooperation with Canada; on July 19, 1957, a new Tariff No. 4, to H oward C. H olmes. and (c), the issuance of an export per­ become effective August 19, 1957, can­ J uly 30, 1957. mit to American Machine & Foundry celling Tariff No. 3, and showing rates, [F. R. Doc. 57-6429; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; Company will not be inimical to the com­ charges, rules and regulations with re­ 8:45 a. m.] mon defense and security and to the spect to services of loading or unload­ health and safety of the public, the ing onto or from trucks at piers in the Atomic Energy Commission will issue a port of Greater New York and vicinity; license to American Machine & Foundry and J ohn S. Vander H eide Company, 261 Madison Avenue, New It further appearing that there is an York 16, N. Y., for the export of a one- outstanding order, dated SeptembeV 14, STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL megawatt (heat) pool-type research re­ 1956, by which the Board entered into INTERESTS actor described in the Company’s appli­ an investigation to determine (1) In accordance with the requirements cation filed May 17, 1957. The reactor whether the rates, charges, rules and of section 710 (b) (6) of the Defense is to be exported to Hamilton College, regulations set forth in Tariff No. 3 of Production Act of 1950, as amended, and McMaster University, Hamilton, On­ the Truck Loading and Unloading Executive Order 10647 of November 28, tario, Canada. Waterborne Freight Agreement (F. M. B. 1955, the following changes have taken 2. The license will be subject to the Agreement No. 8005) are detrimental to following conditions : the Commerce of the United States, and place in my financial interests as re­ ported in the F ederal R egister of Feb­ (a) Neither the license nor any right (2) whether the practices resulting from ruary 20, 1957, 22 F. R. 1045. under the license shall be assigned or the adoption of said tariff are unjust and otherwise transferred in violation of the unreasonable practice for or in connec­ A. Deletions: No change. „provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of tion with the receiving, liandling or de­ B. Additions: No change. 1954. livery of property; and This statement is made as of July 23, (b) The license will be subject to the It further appearing that proceedings 1957. right of recapture or control reserved by in Dockets 800, 801 and 821 have been J ohn S. Vander H eide. Section 108 of the act and to all other consolidated, now therefore, provisions of the act, now or hereafter It is ordered, That the aforementioned J uly 23,1957. in effect, and to all rules and regulations order of September 14, 1956, instituting [F. R. Doc. 57-6430; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; of the United States Atomic Energy an investigation (Docket No. 801) of the 8:46 a.m.] . Commission. - No. 152----- 3 6304 NOTICES

(c) The license will be effective as of [Docket No. 50-79] volved in and the issues presented by the date of issuance thereof and shall AMF Atomics such application: Provided, however, expire on June 30, 1958, unless sooner That the Commission may, after a non- terminated. APPLICATION FOR UTILIZATION FACILITY contested hearing, dispose of the pro­ EXPORT l ic e n s e ceedings pursuant to the provisions of Dated at Washington, D. C. this 2d § 1.30 (c) (1) or (2) of the Commission’s day of August 1957. Please take notice that AMF Atomics, A Division of American Machine & Rule^ of Practice and Procedure. Un­ For the Atomic Energy Commission. Foundary Company, 261 Madison Ave­ der the procedure herein provided for, unless otherwise advised, it will be un­ H. L. P rice, nue, New York, TL-Y., on July 22, 1957, Director, filed an application under section 104d necessary for Applicant to appear or be Division of Civilian Application. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 for a represented at the hearing. license to export a one-megawatt, pool- Protests or petitions to intervene may [F. R. Doc. 57-6445; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; type nuclear reactor to Junta de Energia be filed with the Federal Power Com­ 8:49 a. m.] Nuclear (Atomic Energy Commission), mission, Washington 25, D. C., in accord­ Lisbon, Portugal. A copy of the appli­ ance with the Rules of Practice and Pro­ cation is available for public inspection cedure (18 CFR 1.8 or 1.10) on or before August 23, 1957. Failure of any party [Docket Nos. F-44, 50-56] in the AEC Public Document Room lo­ cated at 1717 H Street NW, Washington, to appear at and participate in the hear­ .A erojet-G eneral N ucleonics and d . c . ; ing shall be construed as waiver of and A erojet-G eneral Corp. concurrence in omission heréin of the Dated at Washington, D. C., this 30th intermediate decision procedure in cases ISSUANCE OF LICENSES day of July 1957. where a request therefor is made. In the matter of Aerojet-General Nu­ For the Atomic Energy Commission. [seal] J oseph H. Gutride, cleonics, Docket F-44; Aerojet-General Secretary. Corporation, Docket 50-56. F rank K. P ittman, Please take notice that'no petitions to Deputy Director, [F. R. Doc. 57-6450; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; intervene having been filed following the Division of Civilian Application. 8:50 a. m.] publication of notice of the proposed ac­ [F. R. Doc. 57-6448; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; tions in the F ederal R egister on June 19, 8 :49 a. m.]~ 1957, 22 F. R. 4329, the Atomic Energy FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINIS­ Commission has issued Cl) License R-17 TRATION FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION authorizing Aerojet-General Nucleonics I ncrease in Maximum Loan- to-Value to possess, operate and transfer to [Docket No. G-12104] R atios for Mortgages Insured U nder any authorized person one 100-milli­ the N ational H ousing Act watt nuclear reactor designated by AGN T exas Louisiana U tilities, Inc. as Serial Number 104 and (2) License The Housing Act of 1957 authorizes R-18 authorizing Aerojet-General Nu­ notice of application and date of the Federal Housing Commissioner to cleonics’ parent company, Aerojet-Gene­ HEARING establish maximum loan-to-value ratios ral Corporation, to acquire and further August 1, 1957. for mortgages insured under the Na­ transfer to any authorized person title Take notice that on February 21,1957, tional Housing Act if the Commissioner to the reactor. Texas Louisiana Utilities, Inc., (Appli­ determines that ratios as established are cant), a Louisiana corporation having in the public interest after taking into Dated at Washington, D. C., this 1st consideration (1) the effect of such day of August 1957. its principal place of business in Alex­ andria, Louisiana, filed an application ratios on the national economy and on For the Atomic Energy Commission. pursuant to section 7 (a) of the Natural conditions in the building industry and (2) the availability or unavailability of H. L. P rice, Gas Act for an order of the Commission Director, directing Tennessee Gas Transmission residential mortgage eredit under the Division of Civilian Application. Company to establish physical connec­ Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, tion of its interstate transportation sys­ as amended. [F. R. Doc. 57-6446; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; tem with and supply natural gas to Pursuant to the Housing Act of 1957 8:49 a. m.] Applicant’s proposed distribution sys­ and after considering the effect of an tem to serve natural gas at retail in increase in the maximum loan-to-value Crowville, Franklin Parish, Louisiana. ratios for mortgages insured under the Applicant asserts that it has the nec­ National Housing Act on the national Colorado S tate U niversity essary local and state ..authorizations, economy, conditions in the building in­ APPLICATION FOR UTILIZATION FACILITY that the entire capital cost of its distri­ dustry and the present availability of LICENSE bution system will be $32,000, and that residential mortgage credit under thè Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, Please take notice that Colorado State the estimated requirements of its pro­ posed service area will be: I have determined that an increase in University, Fort Collins, Colorado, on such ratios is justified, based upon the July 22, 1957, filed an application under criteria established in the Housing Act section 104c of the Atomic Energy Act 195f 1958 1959 of 1957. of 1954 for a license to acquire, possess Regulations will be promulgated in­ and operate on the University’s campus 62 76 83 creasing the loan-to-value ratios for a 100-milliwatt research reactor desig­ 6,200 7,980 8,880 mortgages insured under sections 203, nated by the manufacturer, Aerojet- 222, 809 and individual mortgages in­ General Nucleonics, as Model AGN-201, This matter is one that should be dis­ sured under section 220 of the National Serial No. 109. A copy of the application posed of as promptly as possible under Housing Act to the maximum permitted is on file in the AEC Public Document the applicable rules and regulations, and by law. The effective date for such in­ Room located at 1717 H Street NW, to that end; creases will be prescribed by appropriate Washington, D. C. Take further notice that, pursuant to amendment to the administrative rules the authority contained in and subject governing insurance of mortgages under Dated at Washington, D. C., this 30th to the jurisdiction conferred upon the day of July 1957. those sections of the National Housing Federal Power Commission by sections 7 Act. For the Atomic Energy Commission. and 15 of the Natural Gas Act, and the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Pro­ Issued at Washington, D. C., August F rank K. P ittman, cedure, a hearing will be held on Sep­ 5rl957. Deputy Director, tember 4, 1957, at 9:30 a. m., e. d. s. t., N orman P. Mason, Division of Civilian Application. in a Hearing Room of the Federal Power Federal Housing Commissioner. [F. R. Doc. 57-6425; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; Commission, 441 G Street NW., Wash­ [F. R. Doc. 57-8475; Filed, Aug. 5, 1957; 8:45 a. m.] ington, D. C„ concerning the matters in­ 1:27 p. m.] Wednesday, August 7, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 6305

VETERANS ADMINISTRATION under, for an order of the Commission* though Applicant were a registered in­ exempting it from certain provisions of vestment company : Maximum P ermissible D iscounts P ay­ the act. Applicant has agreed that it Section 7; section 8. (b), except the able on Home Loans G uaranteed or will accept and be subject to any speci­ requirement to file the information re­ I nsured by Veterans Administration fied provisions of the act if the Commis­ quired by Items 3, 4 and 5 of Form N- 1. Pursuant to section 605 of the Hous­ sion deems it necessary or appropriate in 8B-1 and to report to the Commission ing Act of 1957 (Public Law 85-104, ap­ the public interest or for the protection any changes thereafter in respect proved July 12, 1957) as implemented of investors that it should be so subject thereof; section 14; section 20 (a) ; sec­ by § 36.4312 of V e t e r a n s Adminis­ and to such conditions as the Commission tion 23 (c) ; section 24 (d) insofar as tration Loan Guaranty and Insurance may impose pursuant to section 6 (d). such section makes inapplicable the pro­ Regulations, the following have been de-' The application, as amended, makes visions of section 3 (a) (11) of the Se­ termined to be the maximum discounts the following representations: curities Act of 1933 to any securities of payable by builders or sellers of housing Applicant was organized for the pur­ a registered investment company; sec­ constructed or purchased by veterans pose of acquiring comparatively large tion 30 (a) ; section 30 (b), except that with financing guaranteed or injured undivided interests in producing oil Applicant shall, pursuant to section 30 under the Servicemen’s Readjustment properties which it thereafter proposes (b) (2), file with the Commission copies Act of 1944, as amended: to sell in fractional interests. The oil of all reports sent to stockholders pur­ interests to be acquired and sold will be suant to section 30 (d), of which the landowners’ producing royalty interests annual report to stockholders shall be Maximum dis­ count located primarily in the Williston Basin, accompanied by a certificate of inde­ North Dakota. Purchases will be made pendent public accountants pursuant State, Territory or possession where Down Down from Prank H. Rose, now of Seattle, to section 30 (e) ; section 30 (f ), to housing located pay­ pay­ Washington, and formerly of Fargo, the extent that the subject persons ment ment shall not be required to file reports less 10% or North Dakota. Fractional interests in than more the royalty acreage acquired will be re­ more than once each six months; and 10% sold to Rose who, doing business as section 32 (a) : Provided, That the Ap­ Pacific Brokerage Company (registered plicant shall continue to comply with Connecticut, Massachusetts, • New as a broker-dealer ùnder the Securities the provisions of section 6 (d) (1) and York, Rhode Island______3.0 3.5 Delaware, District of Columbia, Exchange Act) proposes to make a public 6 (d) (2) of the act and shall at all times Maine, , New Hampshire, offering of such interests. maintain its classification as a closed- * New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ver- end company as defined in section 5 (a) 3.5 3.0 Applicant will have a total authorized Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, capital of $50,000 consisting of 5,000 (2) of the act; and provided further that Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, K entucky.. 4.5 4.0 shares of commpn stock, par value $10 the exemptions specified above shall be Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina. South per share. Seven hundred shares have granted subject to the condition that Carolina, North Dakota, South been purchased by Applicant’s organizers before offering its securities for sale Ap­ 4.5 4.0 Ohio, Nebraska, Tennessee, Virginia, upon the payment of $7,000 in cash. plicant will comply with the provisions Wisconsin______4.5 4.0 Forty-three hundred shares will be of­ of Regulation A of the rules and regu­ Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, West lations adopted by the Commission pur­ Virginia, Texas____ :______5.0 4.5 fered only to bona fide residents of the Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, State of Washington in units of fifty suant to the Securities Act of 1933. Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Notice is further given that any inter­ New Mexico, Oregon, Puerto^tico, shares at a price of $500 per unit. Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Vir­ Section 6 (d) of the act provides, in ested person may not later than August gin Islands______... ______5.5 5.0 / substance, that the Commission by order 14, 1957, at 5:30 p. m., submit to the upon application shall exempt a closed- Commission in writing any facts bear­ 2. Until further notice such discount end investment company from any or all ing upon the desirability of a hearing maximums will be applicable to guaran­ provisions of the act, but subject to such on the matter and may request that a teed or insured home loans for the pur­ terms and conditions as may be neces­ hearing be held, such request stating chase or construction of housing on sary or appropriate in the public interest the nature of his interest, the reasons which the Veterans Administration is­ or for the protection of investors, if the for such request and the issues,, if any, sued a master or individual certificate aggregate sums received from the sales of fact or law proposed to be contro­ of reasonable value dated August 5,1957, of .all its securities, outstanding and pro­ verted, or he may request that he be or subsequent thereto, unless such cer­ posed to be offered, do not exceed notified if the Commission'should order tificate includes a statement to the ef­ $100,000 and if the sale of its securities is a hearing thereon. Any such communi­ fect that the unit or units to which such restricted to the residents of the state of cation or request should be addressed: certificate relates are exempt from the its organization. Secretary, Securities and Exchange provisions of paragraphs (e) apd (f) of Section 6 (e) of the act provides that Commission, Washington 25, D. C. At § 36.4312, Title 38, CFR. if, in cofinection with any order exempt­ any time after said date, the applica­ ing any investment*, company from any tion may be granted as provided in Rule [seal] J ohn S. P atterson, N-5 of the rules and regulations promul­ Deputy Administrator. provisions of section 7, the Commission deems it neèessary or appropriate in the gated under the act. [P. R. Doc. 57-6498; Piled, Aug. 5, 1957; public interest or for the protection of By the Commission. 4:30 p. m.] investors that certain specified provisions of the act pertaining to registered invest­ [SEAL] ORVAL L. DUBOIS, ment companies shall be applicable in Secretary. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE respect to such company, the provisions [P. R. Doc. 57-6440; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; COMMISSION so specified shall apply to such company, 8:48 a. m.] and to other persons in their transactions [Pile No. 812-1086] and relations with such company, as Williston Co., I nc. though such company were a registered INTERSTATE COMMERCE investment company. COMMISSION NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR The Division of Corporate Regulation EXEMPTION OF SMALL CLOSED-END IN­ has recommended that subject to the [Notice 176] VESTMENT COMPANY condition stated below, exemption be J uly 31,1957. M otor Carrier Applications granted Applicant from the following August 2,1957. Notice is hereby given that williston provisions of the act and the respective Company, Inc. (“Applicant”) , of Seattle, The following applications are gov­ Washington, a corporation organized Rules and Regulations promulgated un­ erned by the Interstate Commerce Com­ under the laws of the State of Washing­ der each of such provisions, and that mission’s special rules governed notice of ton, has filed an application and an Applicant and other persons in their filing of applications by motor carriers amendment thereto pursuant to section transactions and relations with Appli­ of property or passengers and by bro­ 6 (d) of the Investment Company Act cant shall^be subject to all other provi­ kers under sections 206, 209, and 211 of of 1940 (“act”), and Rule N-6D-1 there- sions of the act and Rules thereunder as the Interstate Commerce Act and cer- 6306 NOTICES tain other procedural matters with re­ No. MC 4405 (Sub No. 290), filed July turn. Applicant is authorized to trans­ spect thereto. (49 CFR 1.24i) 29, 1957, DEALERS TRANSIT, INC., port similar commodities in Montana All hearings will be called at 9:30 12601 South Torrence Avenue, Chicago and Wyoming. o’clock a. m., United States standard 33, 111. Applicant’s attorney: Walter N. HEARING: September 24,1957, at the time (or 9:30 o’clock a. m., local day­ Bieneman, Guardian Building, Detroit Board %f Railroad Commissioners, Hel­ light saving time, if that time is ob­ 26, Mich. For authority to operate as ena, Mont., before Joint Board No. 83. served), unless otherwise specified. a common carrier, over irregular routes, No. MC 2771-9 (Sub No. 1), filed-May transporting: Automobiles, trucks, and 13, 1957, COONEY TRANSFER COM­ A pplications Assigned for Oral H earing buses, as defined in Descriptions in Motor or P re-H earing Conference PANY, a Corporation, 2817 Pacific Ave­ Carrier Certificates, Ex Parte MC-45, nue, Tacoma, Wash. Applicant’s repre­ MOTOR CARRIERS OF PROPERTY and fire engines, and fire apparatus of sentative: Joseph O. Earp, 1912 Smith No. MC 1827 (Sub No. 27), filed April 8, all kinds, in initial movements, in drive­ Tower, Seattle 4, Wash. For authority 1957, K. W. McKEE, INCORPORATED, away and truckaway service, and en­ to operate as a common carrier, over 2220 Ford Road, St. Paul 1, Minn. Ap­ gines, parts, and accessories attached to, irregular routes, transporting: Building plicant’s representative: A. R. Fowler, loaded in, or moving with the vehicles and roofing materials, including asphalt 2288 University Avenue, St. Paul 14, being transported, from Voorheesville, (asphaltum), in packages or solid, wall- Minn. For authority to operate as a Albany County, N. Y., to'all points in the board, insulating material, in sheets, contract carrier, over irregular routes, United States, including ports of entry roofing cement, roofing coating, asphalt transporting: Liquid sugar, in bulk, in on the international Boundary line be­ flooring compound, waterproofing com­ tank vehicles, from points in Eagan tween the United States and Canada, pound, creosote, building, roofing or Township, Dakota County, Minn., to and points in Alaska. Damaged, re­ sheathing felt and paper, including as­ points in Iowa, North Dakota, South Da­ jected, and returned shipments on re­ bestos, sewer pipe joints, felt or paper kota and Wisconsin. turn. Applicant is authorized to con­ carpet lining, paving joints, pitch (in HEARING: September 18,1957, at the duct similar operations throughout the barrels), plasterboard, composition or Federal Court Building, Marquette Ave­ United States. prepared roofing, asphalt shingles and nue, South, and Third Street, Minne­ HEARING: September 5, 1957, at the wooden shingles, asbestos and asphalt apolis, Minn., before Examiner Leo W. Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ siding, tar (in barrels), tin roofing caps, Cunningham. mission, Washington, D. C., before Ex­ nails, metal or wood strips, ridge rolls, No. MC 1827 (Sub No. 28), filed June aminer William J. Cave.' metal fasteners and mineral wool which 10, 1957, K. W. McKEE INCORPORAT­ No. MC 11727 (Sub No. 3), filed July may be included with truckload ship­ ED, 2220 Ford Road, St. Paul 1, Minn. 17, 1957, STAR TRANSPORT CO., a ments of the commodities specified, and Applicant’s representative: A. R. Fowler, Corporation, P. O. Box 216, St. Mihiel pot to exceed 10 percent of total weight 2288 University Avenue, St. Paul 14, Drive and Fairview Street, Riverside, of shipment, from Portland and St. Hel­ Minn. For authority to operate as a N. J. For authority to operate as a com­ ens, Oreg., to points in Clark, Cowlitz, contract carrier, over irregular routes, mon carrier, over irregular routes, trans­ Wahkiakum, Skamania, Pacific, Jeffer­ transporting: Automobiles and trucks, porting:' Pre-stressed concrete products, son, Clallam, Kitsap, Island, Whatcom, in initial movements, in truckaway serv­ from the site of the Camden Lime Co. San Juan and Skagit Counties, Wash. ice, from St. Paul, Minn., to points in (Flexicore Division) plant in Kresson, Applicant is authorized to transport New Mexico, and damaged,.defective, re­ -N. J., to points in Connecticut, Delaware, similar commodities in Oregon and jected or returned shipments of auto­ the District of Columbia, Maine, Mary­ Washington. mobiles and trucks, from points in New land, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, HEARING: September 16, 1957, in Mexico to St. Paul, Minn. Applicant is New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Room 231 Federal Office Building, First authorized to conduct operations in Ar­ Island, Vermont, Virginia, and West Vir­ and Marion Streets, Seattle, Wash., be­ kansas, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indi­ ginia. Returned shipments of pre­ fore Joint Board No. 45. _ ana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, stressed concrete products, and used No. MC 30844 (Sub No. 32), filed May Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North pallets and skids, from the above-de­ 20, 1957, HEUER TRUCK LINES, IN­ Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wisconsin scribed destination territory to the CORPORATED, 306 May Street, Mar­ and Wyoming. ■ / above-specified point of origin. Appli­ shalltown, Iowa. Applicant’s representa­ HEARING: September 18,1957, at the cant is authorized to conduct similar tive: William A. Landau, 1307 East Federal Court Building, Marquette Ave­ operations in Connecticut, Massachu­ Walnut Street, Des Moines 16, Iowa. For nue, South, and Third Street, Minne­ setts, New Jersey, New York, and authority to operate as a common apolis, Minn., before Examiner Leo W. Pennsylvania. carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ Cunningham. HEARINGr September 25,1957, at the ing: Canned goods and dairy products, No. MC 3468 (Sub No. 139), filed July Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ from points in Wisconsin, to points in 15, 1957, F. J. BOUTELL DRIVEAWAY mission, Washington, D. C., before Ex­ Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, CO., INC., 705 South Dort Highway, aminer Harold W. Angle. Oklahoma and Texas. Applicant is au­ Flint 7, Mich. Applicant’s attorney: .No. MC 26396 (Sub No. 3), filed April thorized to transport similar commodi­ Wilmer B. Hill, Transportation Building, 1, 1957, STAR TRANSFER COMPANY, ties in Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indi­ Washington 6, D. C. For authority to a Corporation, 1024 Second Avenue ana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, operate as a common carrier, over ir­ North, Billings, Mont. For authority to Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsyl­ regular routes, transporting: Passenger operate as a common carrier, over irreg­ vania and Texas. automobiles and passenger automobile ular routes, transporting: Liquid chemi­ HEARING: September 11, 1957, at the chassis, and automobile parts and acces­ cal fertilizer and fertilizer compound, in Wisconsin Public Service Commission, sories moving in connection therewith, bulk, in tank vehicles, and dry fertilizer Madison, Wis., before Examiner Leo W. in initial movements, in truckaway and and dry fertilizer compound, in bags and Cunningham. driveaway service, from Pontiac, Mich., in packages, in truckload lots, from Poca­ No. MC 30962 (Sub No. 4), filed July 5, to points in Florida, Georgia, North tello, Idaho, and points within 25 miles 1957, HUYCK TRUCKING COMPANY, Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, of Pocatello, to points in Jefferson, Gal­ INC., 123 East Clark Street, Ilion, N. Y. Applicant is authorized to conduct simi­ latin, Teton, Cascade, Pondera, Yellow­ Applicant’s attorney: John J. Brady, Jr., lar operations in Michigan, Maryland, stone, Fergus, Powder River, Carbon, 75 State Street, Albany 7, N. Y. For au­ New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsyl­ Phillips, Hill, Custer, Dawson, Roosevelt, thority to operate as a contract carrier, vania, West Virginia, District of Colum­ Chouteau, Valley, Toole, Big Horn, over irregular routes, transporting: Un­ bia, Delaware, Massachusetts, Indiana, Musselshell, Blaine, Richland, Rosebud, crated accounting, tabulating and com­ Kentucky, Illinois, Connecticut, Vermont, Stillwater, Treasure, Sheridan, Judith puting machines, and parts thereof, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, Basin, Daniels, Glacier, Fallon, Sweet crated and uncrated, when moving in Virginia, North and South Carolina. Grass, McCone, Broadwater, Wheatland, mixed shipments with the machines, be­ HEARING: September 24, 1957, at the Prairie, Granite, Meagher, Liberty, Park, tween Utica, N. Y., on the one hand, and, Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ Garfield, Wibaux, Golden Valley and on the other, Erie, Pa., Baltimore, Md., mission, Washington, D. C., before Ex­ Petroleum Counties, Mont., and con­ Cleveland, Ohio, Washington, D. C., aminer Allen W. Hagerty. taminated and rejected products on re­ points in the New York, N. Y. Commer- Wednesday, August 7, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 6307 cial Zone, as defined by the Commission, route point in connection with appli­ the intermediate points of Port Wash­ those in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, cant’s authorized regular route opera­ ington, Sheboygan, Mosel, Haven, Cleve­ and Connecticut, those in that part of tions between Spokane, Wash., and land, Newton, Francis Creek, Denmark Vermont south of U. S. Highway 4, those Missoula, Montana over U. S. Highway and Bellevue; and the off-route points in that part of New Jersey north of a 10. Applicant is authorized to conduct of Belgium, Cedar Grove, Oostburg, line beginning at Camden and extending operations in Washington, Oregon, Cali­ Manitowoc, Two Rivers and Maribel; along New Jersey Highway iO to Lake- fornia, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana, (3) between Milwaukee and Green Bay hurst, N. J., thence along unnumbered North Dakota, South Dakota, Minne­ (via Fond du Lac), Wis., from Milwaukee highways via Whitesville, N. J. to Lake- sota, Wisconsin and Illinois. over Wisconsin Highway 145 to junction wood, N. J., and thence over New Jersey HEARING: September 20,1957, at the with U. S. Highway 45 (two miles south Highway 35 to Atlantic Ocean, and those Board of Railroad Commissioners, of Jackson), thence over U. S. Highway in that part of Pennsylvania east of a Helena, Mont., before Joint Board No. 82. 45 to junction with Washington County line extending from the Maryland- No. MC 42487 (Sub No. 337), filed July Trunk V (near Kewauskum), thence over Pennsylvania State lin e . along U. S. 16, 1957, CONSOLIDATED FREIGHT- Washington and Fond du Lac Counties Highway 11 to Harrisburg, thence along WAYS, INC., 2116 Northwest Savier Trunk V to junction with Fond du Lac U. S. Highway 15 to the New York-Penn- Street, Portland, Oreg. Applicant’s at­ County Trunk B (near Eden), thence sylvania State line, including points on torney: William B. Adams, Pacific Build­ over Fond du Lac County Trunk B to the indicated portions of the highways ing, Portland 4, Oreg. For authority to junction with U. S. Highway 45, thence specified. Applicant is authorized to operate as a common carrier, over ir­ over U. S. Highway 45 to Fond du Lac, transport office furniture and equipment regular routes, transporting: (1) Ad­ thence over Wisconsin Highway 175 to from Ilion, N. Y. to points in the above- hesives, from Redwood City, Calif., to Junction with U. S. Highway 45, thence indicated destination territory. points in Oregon west of the eastern over U. S. Highway 45 to Oshkosh, thence HEARING: September 27, 1957, In boundaries of Sherman, Wasco, Jeffer­ over U. S. Highway 45 to junction with Room 400,45 Broadway, New York, N. Y., son, Deschutes, and Klamath Counties, U. S. Highway 41 (near Winnebago), before Examiner Donald Sutherland. Oreg., and to points in Washington west thence over U. S. Highway 41 to Green No. MC 34977 (Sub No. 4), filed July of the eastern boundaries of, Okanogan, Bay, and return over the »same route, 16, 1957, DOMENICK VOLPE AND RO­ Chelan, Kittitas, Yakima, and Klickitat serving the intermediate points of West BERTA VOLPE, doing business as D. Counties, Wash., and (2) Formaldehyde, Bend, Barton, Kewauskum, Campbells- VOLPE, 1224 South .Carlisle Street, Phil­ in bulk, in tank vehicles, from Tacoma port, Eden, Fond du Lac, Van Dyne, Osh­ adelphia 46, Pa. Applicant’s attorney: and Seattle, Wash., and Springfield, kosh, Neenah-Menasha, Appleton, Ap­ Clarence M. Freedman, 1402-5 Common­ Oreg., to Redwood City, Calif. pleton Junction and Little Chute, and wealth Building, 12th and Chestnut HEARING: September 10, 1957, in the off-route points of Rockfield, Jack- Streets, Philadelphia 7, Pa. For author­ Room 226, Old Mint Building, Fifth and son, Winnebago, Kimberly, Combined ity to operate as a contract carrier, over Mission Streets, San Francisco, Calif., Locks, Kaukauna, Wrightstown, Little irregular routes, transporting: (1) Steel before Joint Board No. 5, or, if the Joint Rapids and De Pere; and (4) between shelving, lockers, and cabinets, sheet Board waives its right to participate, be­ Altoona, Wis., and Duluth, Minn., from steel, culvert pipe, galvanized sheet steel, fore Examiner F. Roy Linn. ^Altoona over Eau Claire County Trunk A metal laths, pipe, reinforcing steel rods, No. MC 42614 (Sub No. 22) (Republi­ to junction with U. S. Highway 53, thence nails, and other sheet metal products, cation), filed February 21, 1957, pub­ over U. S. Highway 53 to Duluth, and from Philadelphia and Oaks, (Mont­ lished in June 12, 1957 issue, page 4147, return over the same route, serving the gomery County), Pa., to New York, N. Y., CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN intermediate points of Eau Claire, Chip­ Washington, D. C., points in Westchester, RAILWAY COMPANY, a corporation, pewa Falls, Eagle Point, Bloomer, New Putnam, and Dutchess Counties, N. Y.t 400 West Madison Street, Chicago, 111. Auburn, Chetek, Cameron, Rice Lake, those in Accomac and Northhampton Applicant’s representative: Roger S. Haugen, Sarona, Spooner, Minong, Was- Counties, Va., and those in that part of Bessey, Chicago and North Western Rail­ cott, Gordon, Solon Springs, Hawthorne, Virginia on and east of U. S. Highway way System, 828 North Broadway, Mil­ and Itasca, and the off-route points of 15 and on and north of U. S. Highways waukee 2, Wis. The first publication Hines and Superior. RESTRICTION: 250 and 360, and returned shipments of notice of this application omitted refer­ Applied-for authority to be limited to the above-specified commodities on re­ ence to certain regular route authority service which is auxiliary to, or supple­ turn; (2) Sheet steel, sheet steel prod­ between Rhinelander, Wis., and Land mental of, carriers rail service; carrier ucts, metal lath, pipe, reinforcing steel O’Lakes, Wis., which applicant had re­ shall not serve any point not a station on rods and nails, between Philadelphia and quested. At a hearing held on July 25, the rail line of the railway; all shipments Oaks, (Montgomery County) Pa., on the 1957, evidence was received in support of transported by carrier shall be restricted one hand, and, on the other, points in the application as filed. The joint to those moving on through bills of lad­ Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey. board’s report and recommended order ing or express receipts covering, in addi­ Applicant’s attorney states that appli­ will not be served until a lapse of 30 tion to the motor carrier movement by cant is authorized to conduct operations days after this republication within applicant, an immediately prior or im­ to all the named destination points from which any person ymo may have been mediately subsequent movement by rail; Philadelphia, Pa., and the purpose of prejudiced by the failure of the original and such further specific conditions as this application is to add the origin point notice to set forth all the authority the Commission in the future may find of Oaks. sought may file an appropriate petition it necessary to impose in order to restrict HEARING: September 24, 1957, at the for further hearing. If any such peti­ carrier’s operations to service which is Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ tion isf'received, applicant may reply auxiliary to, or supplemental of rail serv­ mission, Washington, D. C., before Ex­ thereto within 50 days from the date of ice. Carrier is authorized to transport aminer Harold W. Angle. this republication and further proceed­ similar commodities in Illinois, Iowa, No. MC 42487 (Sub No. 333), filed June ings on the application will be deferred Michigan, Nebraska, South Dakota and 14, 1957, CONSOLIDATED FREIGHT- until the petition has been acted upon. Wisconsin. WAYS, INC., 2116 Northwest Savier Authority sought: common carrier, over No. MC 50132 (Sub No. 25) (Amended), Street, Portland, Oreg. Applicant’s at­ regular routes, transporting: General published on page 3941 issue of June torneys: Donald A. Schafer, 803 Public commodites, including Class A and B 5, 1957, filed May 13, 1957, CENTRAL & Service Building, Portland 4, Oreg., and explosives, moving in express service, SOUTHERN TRUCK LINES, INC., 312 Ron E. Poelman, 431 Burgess Drive, (1) between Rhinelander, Wis., and Land West Morris Street, Caseyville, 111. Ap­ Menlo Park, Calif. For authority to op­ O’Lakes, Wis., from Rhinelander over plicant’s attorney: B. W. La Tourette, erate as a common carrier, transporting: U. S. Highway 8 to Monico, Wis.. thence 314 North Broadway, St. Louis 2, Mo. General commodities, except liquid over U. S. Highway 45 to Land O’Lakes, For authority to operate as a contract petroleum products, in bulk, in tank ve­ serving as intermediate points, those carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ hicles, serving the site of the Waldorf points at which railway stations of ap­ ing: (1) Ground Mica, from the plant Paper Company plant located op an un­ plicant are located; (2) between Mil­ site of the Consolidated' Feldspar De­ numbered highway approximately 15 waukee and Green Bay, Wis. (via She­ partment of the International Minerals miles west of Missoula, Mont., as an off- boygan) , over U. S. Highway 141, serving and Chemical Corporation located ap- 6308 NOTICES proximately 8 miles south of Greeneville, No. MC 60470 (Sub No. 16), filed July HEARING: September 23,1957, at the Tennessee on Tennessee Valley Author­ 16, 1957, MOTORCAR TRANSPORT U. S. Court Rooms, Fargo, N. Dak., before ity’s Lake Davy Crockett to Birmingham, COMPANY, 290 East Tennyson, Pontiac Examiner Leo W. Cunningham. Fairfield, Mobile and Tuscaloosa, Ala., 17, Mich. Applicant’s attorney: George No. MC 101075 (Sub No. 45), filed June Little Rock, Ark., Chicago, Chicago S. Dixon, Guardian Building, Detroit 26, 3, 1957, TRANSPORT, INC., 1215 Center Heights, Venice and Waukegan, 111., Mich. For authority to operate as a Avenue, Moorhead, Minn. For author­ Brookfield, Ind., Abbeville, Berwick, Har­ common carrier, over irregular routes, ity to operate as a common carrier, over vey, Houma, Jennings, Lake Charles, transporting: Passenger automobiles and irregular routes, transporting: Ferti­ Lockport, Marrero, New Iberia, New Or­ passenger automobile chassis and auto­ lizer, and fertilizer materials, in bulk, in leans and Shreveport, La., Kansas City, mobile parts and accessories moving in hopper-type vehicles, and nitrogen fer­ North Kansas City and Robertson, Mo., connection therewith, in initial move­ tilizer solutions, and phosphatic fertilizer Barber, Bound Brook, East Rutherford, ments, in truckaway and driveaway serv­ solutions, in bulk, in tank vehicles, from, Edge water, Jersey City, Kearny and ice, from Pontiac, Mich., to points in to and between points in Wisconsin, Manville, N. J., Fulton, N. Y., Cincinnati, Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, and Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Cleveland, Franklin, Lackland, Middle- Louisiana. Applicant is authorized to Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. town and Troy, Ohio, Oklahoma City conduct operations in Illinois, Michigan, Applicant is authorized to conduct oper­ and Strand, Okla., Beaumont, Big Nebraska, Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, ations in Nebraska, Iowa, North Dakota, Springs, Corpus Christi, Ennis, Fort Iowa, Missouri, Tennessee, Ohio, Wis­ Minnesota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Worth, Houston, Irving and Odessa, consin and Kentucky. Wyoming and Montana. Tex.; (2) from Erwin, Tenn., to Chicago, HEARING: September 24, 1957, at the HEARING: September 23, 1957, at the Matteson and Tamms, 111., Kansas City, Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ U. S. Court Rooms, Fargo, N. Dak., be­ Kans., Good Hope, La., St. Louis, ‘Mo., mission, Washington, D. C., before Ex­ fore Examiner Leo. W. Cunningham. Bayonne, Kearny, Newark, Raritan, and aminer Allen W. Hagerty. No. MC 102646 (Sub No. 14), filed June Bound Brook, N. J., Caledonia and New No. MC 61824 (Sub No. 6), filed July 17, 1957, MORGAN TRUCK SERVICE, Brighton, N. Y., Cleveland and Colum­ 16, 1957, CONTRACT CARTAGE COM­ INC., Three Flags Highway, John Day, bus, Ohio, Acme, Houston, Ratan and PANY, a Corporation, 352 East Madison Oreg. Applicant’s attorney: Earl V. Sweetwater, Tex. Applicant is author­ Avenue, Pontiac 15, Mich. Applicant’s White, 1401 Northwest 19th Avenue, ized to conduct operations in Illinois, attorney: George S. Dixon, Guardian Portland 9, Oreg. For authority to oper­ Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennes­ Building, Detroit 26, Mich. For author­ ate as a common carrier, over regular see, Kentucky, North Carolina, South ity to operate as a common carrier, over routes, transporting: General commodi­ Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, irregular routes, transporting: Passenger ties, except those of unusual value, Class Indiana and Ohio. automobiles and passenger automobile A and B explosives, household goods as Note: This application was partially heard chassis and automobile parts and acces­ defined by the Commission, commodities July 24, 1957, at St. Louis, Mo. The amend­ sories moving in connection therewith, in bulk, and those requiring special ment more clearly indicates the origin and in initial movements in truckaway and equipment, over the fbllowing alternate destination area previously not specified* in driveaway service, from Pontiac, Mich., routes, for operating convenience only, the publication of June 5, 1957. to points in North Carolina, South Caro­ serving no intermediate points: (1) Be­ HEARING: September 17, 1957, at the lina, Virginia, and points in Kentucky tween Arlington, Oreg., and Pendleton, Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ on and east of U. S. Highway 23 running Oreg., oyer U. S. Highway 30; (2) be­ mission, Washington, D. C., before Ex­ between the Ohio-Këntucky and the Vir­ tween Pendleton, Oreg., and Baker Oreg., aminer David Waters. ginia-Kentucky borders. Applicant is over U. S. Highway 30; and (3) between No. MC 52552 (Sub No. 13), filed July authorized to conduct similar operations Baker, Oreg., and Cairo Junction, Oreg., 16, 1957, DARL D. WOMELDORF, doing in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, from Baker, over U. S. Highway 30 to business as W. I. WOMELDORF & SONS, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, its junction with Oregon Highway 201, P. O. Box 232, Lewistown, Pa. For au­ Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and thence over Oregon Highway 201 to Cairo thority to operate as a contract carrier, West Virginia. Applicant is under com­ Junction, and return over the same route, over irregular routes, transporting: Glass mon control with Complete Auto Transit, in connection with applicant’s author­ containers, from Brockway, Pa., to points Inc. which holds Permit No. MC 49368 ized regular route operations. in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and Sub Numbers thereunder. Section Notk: Applicant requests that proposed New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Ver­ 210, dual operations may be involved. alternate routes be tacked to presently au­ mont. Applicant is authorized to trans­ HEARING: September 24,1957, at the thorized regular route authority. Applicant port similar commodities in Connecticut, Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ is authorized to transport similar commodi­ Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachu­ mission, Washington, D. C., before ties In Idaho and Oregon. setts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Examiner Allen W. Hagerty. HEARING: September 12, 1957, at 538 York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and No. MC 88644 (Sub No. 4), filed June Pittock Block, Portland, Oreg., before Vermont. ; 3, 1957, C. L. AKES, Rt. 3, Box 253, Mil- Joint Board No. 172. HEARING: September 25, 1957, at the ton-Freewater, Oreg. For authority to No. MC 103993 (Sub No. 90), filed Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ operate as a common carrier, over ir­ April 18, 1957, MORGAN DRIVE-AWAY, mission, Washington, D. C., before Ex­ regular routes, transporting: Asphalt INC., 509 Equity Building, Elkhart, Ind. aminer Charles H. Riegner. and gravel, in dump trucks, between Applicant’s attorney: John E. Lesow, No. MC 52869 (Sub No. 50), filed July points in Columbia, Walla Walla, Frank­ 3737 North Meridian Street, Indianapo­ 19, 1957, NORTHERN TANK LINE, 8 lin, and Benton Counties, Wash., and lis 8, Ind. For authority to operate as points in Umatilla and Morrow Coun­ a common carrier, over irregular routes, South Seventh Street, P. O. Box 990, ties, Oreg. Miles City, Mont. Applicant’s attorneys: transporting: Trailers, designed to be Robert N. Burchmore, 2106 Field Build­ HEARING: September 19, 1957, at the drawn by passenger automobiles, by the ing, Chicago 3, 111. and Dan Kelly, Miles Davenport Hotel, Spokane, Wash., be­ truckaway method, in initial movements, City, Mont. For authority to operate as a fore Joint Board No. 45. from points in New York, except Cuba common carrier, over irregular routes, No. MC 101075 (Sub No. 42), filed April and Buffalo, N. Y., to points in the United transporting: Crude oil, in bulk, in tank 29,1957, TRANSPORT, INC., 1215 Center States, except Mt. Clemens^ Detroit, and vehicles, from points in Carbon County, Avenue, Moorhead, Minn. For authority Flint, Mich. Applicant is authorized to Mont., to points in Bighorn and Park to operate as a common carrier, over ir­ transport trailers throughout the United Counties, Wyo. Applicant is authorized regular routes, transporting: Lime, in to conduct operations in Wyoming, Mon­ bulk, in tank or hopper vehicles, between HEARING: September 17, 1957, in points in North Dakota, South Dakota, Room 400, 45 Broadway, New York, N. Y., tana, South Dakota, North Dakota and Iowa, and Minnesota. Applicant is au­ before Examiner Donald Sutherland. Minnesota. thorized to transport petroleum prod­ No. MC 104832 (Sub No. 6), filed May HEARING: September 23, 1957, at the ucts and aviation gasoline from and to 23, 1957, HOLMAN TRANSFER COM­ Board of Railroad Commissioners, specified points in Iowa, Minnesota, Ne­ PANY, a Corporation, 48 Southeast Haw­ Helena, Mont., before Joint Board No. braska, North Dakota, South Dakota, thorne Boulevard, Portland, Oreg. For 123. Wisconsin, and Wyoming. authority to operate as a common car- Wednesday, August 7, 1957. FEDERAL REGISTER 6309 rier, over irregular routes, transporting: the named commodities and empty con­ within 25 miles thereof to points in Liquid sugar, in bulk, in tank vehicles, tainers or other such incidental facilities North Dakota, Upper Peninsula of Mich­ between Portland, Oreg., and points in (not specified) used in transporting the igan, Wisconsin and those in Minnesota Clark, Cowlitz, Wahkiakum and Skam­ named commodities on return. Appli­ on and south of Minnesota Highway 23, ania Counties, Wash. cant is authorized to conduct operations^ and the ports of entry on the Interna­ HEARING: September 11, 1957, at 538 in Kansas, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, tional Boundary line between the United Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon, before California, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Min­ States and Canada at or near Pigeon Joint Board No. 45. nesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South Da­ River, International Falls and Noyes, No. MC 105217 (Sub No. 39), filed May kota, and Nevada. Minnesota in foreign commerce. Appli­ 9,1957, RICE TRUCK LINES, a Corpora­ Note: Applicant holds authority to trans­ cant is authorized to conduct operations tion, 712 Central Avenue West, Great port meats, meat products and meat by­ in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Michi­ Falls, Mont. Applicant’s attorney: products from among other points, St. Paul, gan, Iowa, South Dakota and North Randall Swanberg, 527-529 Ford Build­ Minn .‘-to Las Vegas and Reno, Nev. and points Dakota. ‘ ing, Great Falls, Mont. For authority in California and seeks no duplication by HEARING: September 16, 1957, at the to operate as a common carrier, over this application. Federal Court Building, Marquette Ave­ irregular routes, transporting: Petrole­ HEARING: September 9, 1957, at the nue, South, and Third Streets, Minne­ um and petroleum products, in bulk, in Wisconsin Public Service Commission, apolis, Minn., before Examiner Leo W. tank vehicles, from Anacortes, Wash., Madison, Wis., before Examiner Leo W. Cunningham. > and points within 10 miles thereof, to Cunningham. No. MC 108449 (Sub No. 49), filed July points in Montana. Applicant is author­ No. MC 108435 (Sub No. 10), filed May 15, 1957, INDIANHEAD TRUCK LINE, ized to transport similar commodities in 20, 1957, OSCAR C. RADKE, doing busi­ INC., 1947 Westjpounty Road C, St. Paul Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Utah ness as RADKE TRANSIT, 600 Grand 13, Minn. Applicant’s attorney: Glenn and Washington. Avenue, Wausau, Wis. Applicant’s at­ W. Stephens, 121 West Doty Street, Mad­ HEARING: September 24, 1957, at the torney: Claude J. Jasper, One West Main ison 3, Wis. For authority to operate as Board of Railroad Commissioners, Street, Madison 3, Wis. For. authority a common carrier, over irregular routes, Helena, Mont., before Joint Board No. 79. to operate as a cbmmorf carrier, over transporting: (1) Fertilizer, fertilizer No. MC 106398 (Sub No. 82), filed April iregular routes, transporting: Rough and compounds, fertilizer ingredients, and 18, 1957, NATIONAL TRAILER CON­ manufactured granite, and supplies for liquid fertilizerjand fertilizer ammoni- VOY, INC., 1916 N. Sheridan Road, P. O. quarrying -granite, /between points in ating solutions, including but not limited Box 896 Dawson Station, Tulsa 15,,Okla. Wisconsin, on the one hand, and, on the to anhydrous ammonia, aqua ammonia, Applicant’s attorney: John E. Lesow, other, points in Vermont, Minnesota, and nitrogen solutions and nitrogen solids, 3737 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis Kansas. Applicant is authorized to in bulk or in containers, liquid sulphur 8, Ind. For authority to operate as a transport similar cqmmodities in Illi-* and sulphur products, in bulk, dry or in common carrier, over irregular routes, nois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minne­ liquid form, from Pine Bend, Minn., (lo­ transporting: Trailers, designed to be sota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, cated approximately 10 miles southeast drawn by passenger automobiles, by Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and of Bt. Paul at the junction of U. S. High­ truckaway method, jn initial movements, Wisconsin. way 52 and Minnesota Highway 55), from points in New York, except Cuba and points within two miles of Pine Note: Applicant states that in connection and Buffalo, N. Y., to points in the United with the 6bove operations, he will be using- Bend, to points in Illinois, Nebraska, States except Mtr-Clemons, Detroit, and highways in those parts of New York and North Dakota and South Dakota, and Flint, Mich. Applicant is authorized to Pennsylvania which he is not now authorized points in that part of Iowa lying south conduct operations throughout the to serve and highways in Nebraska, Missouri, and west of a line beginning at the Iowa- United States. Iowa, IMinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Applicant Illinois State line at Dubuque and ex­ HEARING: September 17, 1957, in further states that he is now authorized to tending along U. S. Highway 20 through perform a limited operation between Wiscon­ Waterloo to Blairsburg, Iowa, and Room 400, 45 Broadway, New York, N. Y., sin and Minesota, which he agrees to elimi­ before Examiner Donald Sutherland. nate in the event the above operations are thence along U. S. Highway 69 to the No. MC 107643 (Sub No. 47), filed June authorized. Iowa-Minnesota State line near Em­ 24, 1957, ST. JOHNS MOTOR EXPRESS mons, Minn., including points on the CO., 7220 North Burlington Avenue, Port­ HEARING: September 13, 1957, at the portions of the highways specified, and land, Oreg. Applicant’s attorney: John Wisconsin Public Service Commission, to points in that part of Minnesota on M. Hickson, Failing Bldg., Portland, Oreg. Madison, Wis., before Examiner Leo W. and east of U. S. Highway 53 between For authority to operate as a common Cunningham. Duluth, Minn., and the United States- carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ No. MC 108449 (Sub No. 46), filed May Canada International boundary line, ex­ ing: Silicate of soda solutions, in tank 22, 1957, INDIANHEAD TRUCK LINE, cept that no authority is sought to vehicles, from Tacoma and Spokane, INC., 1947 West County Road “C”, St. transport anhydrous ammonia to Iowa Wash., to ports of entry on the interna­ Paul 13, Minn. Applicant’s attorney: or South Dakota; and (2) petroleum tional boundary line between the United' Glenn W. Stephens, 121 West Doty and petroleum products, from Pine Bend, States and Canada located in Washing­ Street, Madison 3, Wis. For authority to Minn., and points within two miles of ton. Applicant is authorized to conduct operate as a common carrier, over irreg­ Pine Bend, to points in that portion of operations in Washington, Oregon, ular routes, transporting: Powdered Minnesota on and east of U. S. Highway Idaho, Montana and Utah. alum, in bulk, in tank-hopper type ve-’ 53 between Duluth, Minn., and the HEARING: September 13, 1957, in hides, from Joliet, 111., and points within United ‘ States-Canada International Room 231, Federal Office Building, First five miles of Joliet, to points in Minne­ boundary line. Applicant is authorized and Marion Streets, Seattle, Wash., be­ sota and Wisconsin. to transport similar commodities in fore Joint Board No. 237. HEARING: September 16,1957, at the Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, No. MC 108053 (Sub No. 17), filed May Federal Court Bldg., Marquette. Avenue, South Dakota and Wisconsin. 17, 1957, LITTLE AUDREY’S TRANS­ South, and Third Street, Minneapolis, HEARING: September 16,1957, at the PORTATION COMPANY, INC., P. O. Minn., before Examiner Leo W. Cunning­ Federal Court Bldg., Marquette Avenue, Box 310, Fremont, Nebr. Applicant’s at­ ham. ' South, and Third Streets, Minneapolis, torney: Erie W. Francis, 214 West Sixth No. MC 108449 (Sub No. 48), filed July Minn., before Examiner Leo W. Cun- Street, Topeka, Kans. For authority to 11, 1957, INDIANHEAD TRUCK LINE, ningh&m. operate as a common carrier, over irregu­ INC., 1947 West County Road “C”, No. MC 110339 (Sub No. 3), filed May lar routes, transporting: Meats, meat St. Paul 13, Minn. Applicant’s attorney: 29, 1957, GENE ADAMS REFRIGER­ products and meat byproducts, dairy Glenn W. Stephens, 121 West Doty ATED TRUCKING SERVICE, INC., 600 products, and articles distributed by Street, Madison 3, Wis. For authority Cayuga Creek Road, Buffalo, N. Y. Ap­ meat-packing houses, as defined by the to operate as a common carrier, over plicant’s representative: Floyd B. Piper, Commission, from points in Wisconsin irregular routes, transporting: Petro­ Crosby Building, Franklin Street at Mo­ and Minnesota to Reno and Las Vegas, leum and pertroleum products and all hawk, Buffalo 2, N. Y. For authority to Nev. and points in California, Washing­ derivatives thereof, in bulk, in tank ve­ operate as a contract carrier, over irreg­ ton, and Oregon; damaged shipments of hicles, from Duluth, Minn., and points ular routes, transporting: Meats, meat 6310 NOTICES

products, and meat by-products, from transport similar commodities in Ala­ (1) from Austin, Minn., Fort Dodge, Buffalo and Rochester, N. Y., to points in bama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Fremont, Nebr., and Mitchell, S. Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Penn­ Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ken­ Dak., to points in Montana and Idaho; sylvania, and refused, rejected, and re­ tucky, Maryland, Masachusetts, Mich­ and (2) from Fremont, Nebr., and Mit­ turned shipments of the above-specified igan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, chell, S. Dak., to points in Oregon and commodities on return. Applicant is New York, North Carolina; Ohio, Penn­ Washington, and racks and meat hooks authorized to transport similar commod­ sylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, used in transporting the above commodi­ ities in Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wis­ ties on return. Applicant is authorized Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New consin and the District of Columbia. to conduct operations in South Dakota, Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Penn­ HEARING: Remains as assigned Sep­ Washington, Oregon, Utah, California, sylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, tember 25, 1957, at the offices of the Minnesota, Iowa, Nevada, Nebraska and Virginia, West Virginia, and the District Interstate Commerce Commission, North Dakota. Of Columbia. Washington, D. C., before • Examiner HEARING: September 26, 1957, at the Note: Applicant states that in Permit No. John McCarthy. South Dakota Public Utilities Commis­ MC 110339 it is authorized to conduct part No. MC 110877 (Sub No. 3), filed July sion, Pierre, S. Dak., before Examiner of the operations for which authority is 9, 1957, INDEPENDENT CARRIERS, Leo W. Cunningham. sought in the instant application, and that CORP., 50 Southwest Second Street, No. MC 111828 (Sub No. 2), filed March no duplicating authority is sought. Portland, Oreg. For authority to oper­ 22, 1957, GERHARD FETTES, doing HEARING: September 11, 1957, at ate as a common carrier, over irregular business as FETTES MOTOR FREIGHT, the Hotel Buffalo, Washington and Swan routes, transporting: Lumber, including 315 15th Street South, Fargo, N. Dak. Streets, Buffalo, N. Y., before Examiner wooden shingles and wooden shakes, be­ For authority to operate as a common Donald Sutherland. tween points in Tillamook, Lincoln, Lane, carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ No. MC 110388 (Sub No. 8), filed May Douglas, Coos and Curry Counties, Oreg^ ing: Household goods,\a s defined in 6, 1957, UNION PACIFIC MOTOR and points in California. Practices of Motor Common Carriers of FREIGHT COMPANY, a corporation, HEARING: September 12, 1957, at 538 Household Goods, 17 M. C. C. 467, be­ 1416 Dodge Street, Omaha 2, Nebr. Ap­ Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon, before tween points in Minnesota within fifty plicant’s attorney: John J. Burchell, Un­ Joint Board No. 11. (50) miles of New York Mills, Minn., in­ ion Pacific Railroad Company, Omaha 2, No. MC 110988 (Sub No. 43), filed May cluding New York Mills, and points in Nebr. For authority to operate as a 9, 1957, KAMPO TRANSIT, INC., 200 Clay County, Minn., on the one hand, common carrier, over regular routes, Cecil Street, Neenah, Wis. Applicant’s and, on the other, points in North Da­ transporting: General commodities, ex­ representative: Adolph E. Solie, 715 First kota; South Dakota, and Iowa. Appli­ cept those of unusual value, Class A and National Bank Building, Madison 3, Wis. cant is authorized to transport similar B explosives, household goods as de­ For authority to operate as a common commodities in Minnesota and North fined by the Commission, and commodi­ carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ Dakota. ties requiring special equipment, between ing: Lignin liquor, in bulk, in tank ve­ Note : Applicant states that he has author­ Umatilla, Oreg., and Yakima, Wash.: (a) hicles, from Appleton, Wis., including ity to transport Household goods and emi­ from Umatilla over U. S. Highway 730 to points in the Appleton Commercial Zone grant movables between points in Minnesota junction with U. S. Highway 410, thence as defined by the Commission, to points within 50 miles of New York Mills, Minn., in Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska. including New York Mills, on the one hand, over U. S. Highway 410 to junction with and, on the other, points in North Dakota, unnumbered county road approximately ~ HEARING: September 12, 1957, at the South Dakota, and Iowa. Applicant further 3 miles west of Donald, Wash., thence Wisconsin Public Service Commission, states that the purpose of the instant ap­ over unnumbered county road to junc­ Madison, Wis., before Examiner Leo W. plication is to extend that authority to in­ tion with Washington Highway 3A, Cunningham. - clude the entire County of Clay, Minn. thence over Washington Highway 3A to No. MC 111138 (Sub No. 7), filed June 17, 1957, COLONIAL & PACIFIC FRIG- HEARING: September 20, 1957, at the junction with U. S: Highway 410 at Union U. S. Court Rooms, Fargo, N. Dak., be­ Gap, Wash., and thence over U. S. High­ IDWAYS, INC., 1215 Bankhead Highway West, P. O. Box 2169, Birmingham 1, Ala. fore Examiner Leo W. Cunningham. way 410 to Yakima, and return over the No. MC 112504 (Sub No. 2), filed July same route; (b) between Prosser, Wash, Applicant’s attorney: Bennett T. Waites, Jr., 531-34 Frank Nelson Building, Bir­ 18, 1957, LEO J. HANDY, Heyburn, and U. S. Highway 410 at a point 6 miles Idaho. For authority to operate as a west of Prosser: from Prosser over un­ mingham 3, Ala. For authority to oper­ ate as a common carrier, over irregular common carrier, oyer irregular routes, numbered county ro,ad to North Prosser, transporting: Fertilizer and fertilizer thence over unnumbered county road routes, transporting: Meat, meat prod­ ucts and meat by-products, as defined compounds, (other than liquid), in con­ (Johnson Road) to junction U. S. High­ tainers or in bulk, from Provo, Geneva, way 410 at a point approximately 6 miles by the Commission in Ex Parte No. MC 45, from St. Paul, Minn., Glenwood and Garfield, Salt Lake City and Magna, west of Prosser, and return over the Utah, and points in Salt Lake and Utah same route; (c) (alternate route) be­ Sioux City, Iowa, and Omaha and York, Nebr., to Phoenix, Ariz., Las Vegast and Counties, Utah, to points in Blaine, tween Umatilla, Oreg., and Kennewick, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Mini­ Wash.; from Umatilla over Columbia Reno, Nev., and points in California,. Oregon and Washington. Applicant is doka and Twin Falls Counties, Idaho. River Bridge at Umatilla to Plymouth, HEARING: September 9, 1957, at the Wash. authorized to conduct similar operations in California, Illinois, Iowa, Washington Idaho Public Utilities Commission, State HEARING: September 10, 1957, at House, Boise, Idahof before Joint Board 538 Pittock Block, Portland, Ofeg., be­ and Wisconsin. HEARING: September 19, 1957, at the No. 258. fore Joint Board No. 45. No. MC 113063 (Sub No. 4), filed June No. MC 110525 (Sub No. 337), filed Federal Court Building, Marquette Ave­ nue, South, and Third Streets, Minne­ 10, 1957, RALPH H. BURNS, Hillsboro, June 28, 1957, (Amended July 30, 1957) W. Va. Applicant’s attorney: Arden J. published in July 24, 1957 issue on page apolis, Minn., before Examiner Leo W. Cunningham. Curry, 1033 Quarrier Street, Suite 300, 5883, CHEMICAL TANK LINES, INC., Charleston, W. Va. For authority to 520 East Lancaster Avenue, Downing- No. MC 111812 (Sub No. 40), filed June 28, 1957, MIDWEST COAST TRANS­ operate as a common carrier, over irreg­ town, Pa. Applicant’s attorney: Gerald ular routes, transporting: Fertilizer L. Phelps, Munsey Building, Washington PORT, INC., Wilson Terminal Building, P. O. Box 747, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Ap­ manufactured dry, in bags, barrels, or 4, D. C. For authority to operate as a boxes, from Hagerstown, Md., to points common carrier, over irregular routes, plicant’s attorney: Loyal Kaplan, 924 City National Bank Building, Omaha, in Braxton, Clay, Doddridge, Gilmer, transporting: Liquid chemicals and coal Grant, Greenbrier, Hardy, Harrison, tar products, in bulk, in tank vehicles, be­ Nebr. For authority to operate as a common carrier, over irregular routes, Jackson, Lewis, Marion, Monongalia, tween Toledo, Ohio, on the one hand, Nicholas, Pendleton, Pocahontas, Pleas­ and, on the other, points in Brooke and transporting: Meats, Packing-house ants, Preston, Randolph, Ritchie, Roane, Monongalia Counties, W. Va., Monroe products and commodities used by pack­ Taylor, Tucker, Tyler, Upshur, Webster, and Erie Counties, N. Y., and Allegheny, ing houses, as defined in Appendix I to Wirt and Wood Counties, W. Va. Dam­ Beaver, Fayette, Lawrence, Washington the report in Descriptions in Motor aged or rejected shipments of the com­ Counties, Pa. Applicant is authorized to Carrier Certificates,' 61 M. C. C. 209, 766, modity specified in this application, and Wednesday, August 7, 1957, FEDERAL REGISTER 6311 empty containers or other such inciden­ AND WAYNE EBY, doing business as Note: Applicant’s attorney states that all tal facilities (not specified) used in EBY BROTHERS, 2622 Regan Street, commodities to be carried are restricted to shipments moving on an air bill of lading transporting the commodity specified in Boise, Idaho. Applicant’s attorney: Ray­ and having a prior or subsequent movement this application from points in the mond D. Givens, 1530 Idaho Street, P. O. by air. above-specified destination territory to Box 964, Boise, Idaho. For authority to Hagerstown, Md. Applicant is author­ operate as a common carrier, over irreg­ HEARING: September 26, 1957, at the ized to transport fertilizer in points in ular routes, transporting: Fertilizer, in Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ Virginia and West Virginia. bulk, or in containers, from points in mission* Washington, D. C., before Ex­ HEARING: September 12, 1957, at the Salt Lake and Utah Counties, Utah to aminer Allen W. Hagerty. Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ points in Ada, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, No. MC 116244 (Sub No. 2), filed May mission, Washington, D. C., before Joint Gem, Owyhee, Payette, and Washington 23, 1957, DON LEIBOLD, 218 Madison Board No. 63. Counties, Idaho. Street, Cuba City, Wis. Applicant's at­ No. MC 113587 (Sub No. 1), filed June HEARING: September 9, 1957, at the torney: Claude J. Jasper, One West Main 24, 1957, WARD RUGH, Ellensburg, Idaho Public Utilities Commission, State Street, Madison 3, Wis. For authority to Wash. Applicant’s representative: Jo­ House, Boise, Idaho, before Joint Board operate as a contract carrier, over irreg­ seph O. Earp, 1912 Smith Tower, Seattle No. 258. ular routes,‘transporting: Lard, animal 4, Wash. For authority to operate as a No. MC 114939 (Sub No. 8), filed June oils and fats, animal grease and tallow common carrier, over irregular routes, 20, 1957, BULK CARRIERS LIMITED, in liquid form, in bulk, in tank vehicles, transporting: (1) Fiberboard boxes, from P. O. Box 368, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. from the site of the plant of the Dubuque Union Gap, Wash., to port of entry on Applicant’s representative: Floyd B. Packing Company, Dubuque, Iowa, to the International Boundary between the Piper, Crosby Building, Franklin Street Chicago and Jacksonville, 111., Jersey United States and Canada at or near at Mohawk, Buffalo 2, N. Y. For author­ City, N. J., Charlotte, N. C., Memphis, Oroville, Wash. RESTRICTION: Ap- ity to operate as a common carrier, over Tenn., Worcester, Mass., Dayton, Cin­ plied-for authority to be limited to traf­ irregular routes, transporting: Coal tar cinnati and Ivorydale, Ohio, and the fic destined to points in British Columbia, products and petroleum products, in bulk, commercial zones of eatih of said respec­ Canada; (2) fiberboard boxes, from in tank vehicles, between the Inter­ tive points. Union Gap, Wash., to Dayton, Dundee, national Boundary of. the United States HEARING: September 13, 1957, at the Sherwood, Stayton, Weston and Wood- and Canada at Detroit and Port Huron, Wisconsin Public Service Commission, bum, Or eg., and Meridian, Idaho; (3) Mich., on the one hand, and, on the Madison, Wis., before Examiner Leo W. starch, from Jerome, Idaho, to Union other, points in Illinois* Indiana, Mich­ Cunningham. Gap, Wash.; and (4) paper or pulpboard, igan and Ohio. Restricted to traffic No. MC 116467 (Sub No. 1) , filed June in rolls, from Springfield, Oreg., to Union originating at or destined to points in 11, 1957, MOFFATT TRUCKING LIM­ Gap, Wash. Applicant is authorized to Canada. Applicant is authorized to ITED, a corporation, 816 Cabell Street, transport similar commodities in Idaho, conduct similar operations in Michigan. London, Ontario, Canada. Applicant’s Oregon and Washington. HEARING: September 12, 1957, at the representative: Raymond A. Richards, HEARING: September 17, 1957, in Hotel Buffalo, Washington and Swan 13 Lapham Park, P. O. Box 25, Webster, Room 231, Federal Office Building, First Streets, Buffalo, N. Y., before Examiner N. Y. For authority to operate as a and Marion Streets, Seattle, Wash., be­ Donald Sutherland* common carrier, over irregular routes, fore Joint Board No. 81. No. MC 115608 (Sub No. 2), filed June transporting: (1) Lumber, from points No. MC 113908 (Sub No. 21), filed June 17, 1957, TEMPCO DISTRIBUTING CO., on the International Boundary line be­ 13, 1957, ERICKSON TRANSPORT INC., 1006 South 15th Street, Manitowoc, tween the United States and Canada at CORPORATION, Coon Valley, Wis. Ap­ Wis. For authority to operate as a International Crossings between Ontario plicant’s attorney: Turner White, 809 common carrier, over irregular - routes, Province, Canada, and Michigan and Woodruff Building, Springfield, Mo. For transporting: Glassware, (1). from Mus­ New York, to New York, N. Y., West authority to operate as a common car­ kogee, Okla., to Manitowoc, Wis., and Elizabeth, Pa., Chicago, 111., St. Louis, rier, over irregular routes, transporting: empty containers or other such inci­ Mo., Springfield, Tenn., Grand Rapids Fresh liquid eggs, fresh liquid egg yolks, dental facilities (not specified) used in and Muskegon, Mich., Louisville, Ky., and fresh liquid egg albumen, in bulk, in transporting glassware on return; (2) and Boston, Mass., and (2) barrels and tank vehicles, from Madison, S. Dak., to from Manitowoc, Wis., to Chicago, 111. component parts thereof, including Des Moines and Malvern, Iowa, Topeka, HEARING: September 12,1957, at the (but not limited to) wood staves and Kans., Kansas City, Moberly, Springfield, Wisconsin Public Service Commission, heading; steel for manufacture of bar­ Marshall, and Sedalia, Mo., and New Madison, Wis., before Examiner Leo W. rels and hoops; lumber for manufacture Ulm, Minn. Applicant is authorized to Cunningham. of bungs; bungs, hoops and flagging, be­ transport similar commodities in Illinois, No. MC 115955 (Sub No. 2), filed July tween points on the International Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Min­ 19, 1957, HARRY J. SCARI, doing busi­ Boundary line between the United States nesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South ness as SCARI’S DELIVERY SERVICE, and Canada at International Crossings Dakota, and Texas. 1014 West Sixth Street, Wilmington, Del. between Ontario Province, Canada, and HEARING: September 18, 1957, at the Applicant’s attorney: Albert F. Bertel, Michigan and New York, and points in Federal Court Building, Marquette Ave­ American Security Building, Washington Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, nue, South, and Third Streets, Minne­ 5, D. C. For authority to operate as a Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mas­ apolis, Minn., before Examiner Leo W. common carrier, over irregular routes, sachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Mis­ Cunningham. transporting: General commodities, in­ souri,y Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, No. MC 114679 (Sub No. 7), filed July cluding commodities of unusual value, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, 11. 1957, HOWARD H. KRAPF, doing Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont and but excluding Class A and B explosives, West Virginia. Restricted to shipments business as KRAPF TRUCK SERVICE, household goods as defined by the Com­ 826 Hanover Avenue, Allentown, Pa. Ap­ originating at or destined to London mission, commodities in bulk, and those and/or Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. plicant’s representative: A. E. Enoch, requiring special equipment, <1) between Brodhead Block, 556 Main St., Bethle­ HEARING: September 16, 1957, at the hem, Pa. For authority to operate as a the Philadelphia International Airport, Hotel Buffalo, Washington and Swan common carrier, over irregular routes, the North Philadelphia Airport, near Streets, Buffalo, N. Y., before Examiner transporting: Coal ashes or cinders, from Philadelphia, Pa., the New Castle County* Donald Sutherland. Points in Carbon, Schuylkill, and Luzerne Airport near Wilmington, Del., and the No. MC 116505 (Sub No. 1), filed June Counties, Pa., to points in New York, New Dover Air Force Base, Dover, Del.; (2) 21, 1957, HEAVY HAULING, INC., 8660 Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware. between Wilmington, Del., on the one East Marginal Way, Seattle, Wash. Ap­ plicant’s attorney: George R. LaBis- HEARING: September 23, 1957, at the hand, and, on the other, the Philadel­ soniere, 654 Central Building, Seattle 4, Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ phia International Airport, the North Wash. For authority to operate as a mission, Washington, D. C., before Ex­ Philadelphia Airport, near Philadelphia, common carrier, over irregular routes, aminer Charles H. Riegner. Pa., the New Castle County Airport near transporting: (1) Heavy machinery, No. MC 114840 (Sub No. 4), filed July Wilmington, Del., and the Dover Air consisting of logging, mining, road­ 5, 1957, EUGENE EBY, GLENN EBY! Force Base, Dover, Del. building and contractors’ equipment and No. 152------4 6312 NOTICES steel articles, including but not limited HEARING: September 27,1957, at the ing: Such commodities (including sup­ to those requiring special equipment, be­ South Dakota Public Utilities Commis­ plies, equipment, trading stamps and tween points in Washington, on the one sion, Pierre, S. Dak., before Examiner advertising material) as are dealt in by hand, and, on the other, ports of entry Leo W. Cunningham. retail and chain grocery and food busi­ on the International Boundary line be­ No. MC 116638, filed May 8,1957, COM­ ness houses and stores, from Mt. Kisco, tween the United ^States and Canada at MODITIES CARRIER, INC., P. O. Box N. Y. to points in Hartford, Fairfield, or near Blaine, Lyndon, and Sumas, 2013, West Parkway, Laurel Road, Bill­ and New Haven Counties, Conn., and Wash., and at or near Eastport and Port- ings, Mont. Applicant’s attorney: from piers located in Kings and Man­ hill, Idaho; and (2) Lumber, shingles, Jerome Anderson, Electric Building, P. O. hattan Counties, N. Y. to Mt. Kisco, N. Y.; and shakes, rough or finished, from ports Box 1472, Billings, Mont. For authority returned and damaged shipments of the of entry on the International Boundary to operate as a common carrier, over ir­ above-named commodities and empty line between the United States and Can­ regular routes, transporting: Phosphates containers or other such incidental fa­ ada at or near Blaine, Lyndon, and and commercial fertilizers, other than cilities {not specified) used in transport­ Sumas, Wash., and at or near Eastport, liquid fertilizers, in bulk, from ports of ing the commodities on return. Idaho, to points in Washington. entry located in Montana on the Inter­ HEARING: September 19, 1957, at HEARING: September 18, 1957, in national Boundary line between the 10:00 o’clock a. m., at the New York Room 231, Federal Office Building, First United States and Canada to points in Public Service Commission, 199 Church and Marion Streets, Seattle, Wash., be­ Montana and Wyoming, restricted to Street, New York, N. Y., before Examiner fore Joint Board No. 169. shipments originating at points in Can­ Donald Sutherland. No. MG 116524 (Sub No. 2), filed June ada and destined to points in Montana No. MC 116742, filed June 14, 1957, 17, 1957, AUSTIN R. THOMPSON, Mt. and Wyoming. GEORGE WILLIAMS, doing business as Vision, N. Y. Applicant’s attorney: HEARING: September 23, 1957, at the WILLIAMS TRUCKING CO., Echo, Scott E. Greene, 50 Main Street, Coop- Board of Railroad Commissioners, Oreg; Applicant’s attorney: John M. erstown, N. Y. For authority to operate Helena, Mont., before Joint Board No. Hickson, Failing Building, Portland, as a contract carrier, over irregular 123. Oreg. For authority to operate as a routes, transporting; Green rough lum­ No. MC 116687, filed May 15, 1957, contract carrier, over irregular routes, ber, from points in Cayuga, Chenango, GOTON ENTERPRISES, INC., 20 Forest transporting: Malt beverages, in kegs, Delaware, Green, Lewis, Montgomery, Road, New Hertford, N. Y. Applicant’s bottles or cans, (1) from Seattle and Otsego, Schoharie, vSeneca, Warren, and representative: Otto Grausz, 28 Farview Spokane, Wash., and points within 5 Wayne Counties, N. Y. to points in Con­ Heights, Utica, N. Y. For authority to miles of Spokane, to Los Angeles, Calif., necticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, operate as a contract carrier, over ir­ (2) from Los Angeles, Calif., to points New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, regular routes, transporting: Slaugh­ in Oregon. and Vermont. tered cattle, fresh meats, frozen meats, HEARING: September 10,1957, at 538 HEARING: September 27, 1957, in and meat products, between Utica, N. Y., Pittock Block, Portland, Oreg., before Room 400, 45 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and points within 10 miles of Utica, on Joint Board No. 5. before Examiner Donald Sutherland. $he one hand, and, on the other, points No. MC 116751, filed June 14, 1957, No. MC 116594 (Sub No. 1), filed July in Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Mary­ HOMER HOAG, doing business as HOAG 8, 1957KfLOYD C. SUTTLE, R. D. No. 2, land, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, TRUCKING CO., P. O. Box 493, Philip, Unadilla, N. Y. Applicant’s attorneys; New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, S. Dak. Applicant’s attorney: E. W. Latham & Mogavero, Unadilla, N. Y. Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washing­ Stephens, Hengel Building, Pierre, S. For authority to operate as a contract ton, D. C. Dak. For authority to operate as a carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ N ote: Applicant has filed with its applica­ contract carrier, over irregular routes, ing: Stone, uncrated, from the site of the tion, a petition to deny the application on transporting: All types of building ma­ Quarry of the American Blue Stone the ground that the above-named commodi­ terial lumber, wallboard, cement, cal­ Company at Sidney, N. Y., to points in ties fall within the partial exemption of Sec­ cium chloride, gypsum products, asphalt Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Jer­ tion 203 (b) (2) of the Interstate Commerce products, steel and wire products, papers sey, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Ohio, Act. (roofing etc.), posts, poles and piling, Maryland, and the District of Columbia, HEARING: September 18, 1957, in paint, and hardware, from points in and empty containers or other such in­ Room 400,45 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, cidental facilities (not specified) used before Examiner Donald Sutherland. Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Minnesota, in transporting uncrated stone on No. MC 116698, filed May 23, 1957, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, ' Arkansas, return. BABCOCK & LEE FREIGHT LINES, Washington, Oregon and Idaho to Philip, HEARING: September 20, 1957, in INC., 1002 Third Avenue North, Billings, S. Dak. Room 400,45 Broadway, New York, Nr Y., Mont. Applicant’s attorney: Franklin HEARING: September 27,1957, at the before Examiner Donald Sutherland. S. Longan, Suite 319 Securities Building, South Dakota Public Utilities Commis­ No. MC 116635, filed May 6, 1957, Billings, Mont. For authority to operate sion, Pierre, S. Dak., before Examiner TRANSPORT SERVICE, INC., Second as a common carrier, over a regular route, Leo W. Cunningham. and Capitol Street, Yankton, S. Dak. transporting: General commodities, ex­ No. MC 116758, filed June 19, 1957, Applicant’s attorney: James T. Goetz, cept those of unusual value, Class A and HARLEY A. MOORE, 2038 Sherman 115% West Third Street, Yankton, S. B explosives, household goods as defined Avenue, Madison, Wis. Applicant’s at­ Dak. For authority to operate as a by the Commission, commodities in bulk, torney: Claude J. Jasper, One West Main contract carrier, over irregular routes, and those requiring special equipment, Street, Madison 3, Wis. For authority to transportings Beer and non-intoxicat­ between Billings, Mont., and Red Lodge, operate as a common carrier, over ir­ ing beverages, from Milwaukee and Mont., from Billings over combined U. S. regular routes, transporting: Wrecked or and La Crosse, Wis., St. Paul, Minne­ Highways 10 and 12 to Laurel, Mont., disabled motor vehicles, and replacement apolis, and Shakopee, Minn., Peoria thence over U. S. Highway 12 to Red vehicles to the locations of wrecked or and Chicago, 111., St. Louis and St. Lodge, and return over the same route, disabled motor vehicles, between points Joseph, Mo., and Omaha, Nebr., to serving all intermediate points, includ­ in Dane County, Wis., on the one hand, Yankton, Sioux Falls, Chamberlain, ing Laurel, Silesia, Rockvale, Joliet, Boyd, and, on the other, points in Minnesota, Rapid City, Beresford, and Huron, Roberts, Fox, and Red Lodge, Mont. Iowa, Illinois, and points in Lake County, S. Dak., and Sioux City, Iowa, and empty HEARING: September 20, 1957, at the Ind., and the Upper Peninsula of Michi­ containers or other such incidental Board of Railroad Commissioners, Hel­ gan. facilities (not specified) used in trans­ ena, Mont., before Joint Board No. 82'. HEARING: September 12, 1957, at the porting the commodities specified above No. MC 116714, filed June 4, 1957, Wisconsin Public Service Commission, on return. MARKET HAULAGE, INC., 333 North Madison, Wis., before Examiner Leo W. Cunningham. N ote: Applicant has contract carrier a u ­ Bedford Road, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Appli­ thority under Permit Nos. MC 30224 and MC cant’s attorney : Ewald E. Kundtz, 2507 No. MC 116779, filed June 27, 1957, 30223 (Sub No. 14), dated October 10, 1952 Terminal Tower, Cleveland 13, Ohio. PHILIP C. SCHUSTER, doing business and December 10,1953, respectively. Section For authority to operate as a contract as P. C. SCHUSTER CONTRACT HAUL­ 210—Dual operations—may be involved. carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ ING’, 618 South Buffalo Street, Orchard Wednesday, August 7, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 6313

Park, N. Y. Applicant’s representative: Furniture, crated or uncrated, from New their baggage, and express and news­ Samuel V. Gianniny, 25 Exchange Street, York, N. Y. to points in Bergen, Essex, papers in the same vehicle with passen­ Rochester 14, N. Y. For authority to Hudson, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, gers, in seasonal operations during rac­ operate as a contract carrier, over ir­ Passaic, Somerset and Union Counties, ing seasons, (1) between junction regular routes, transporting: Glazed Ule N. J.; (2) Dentists’ and Doctors' medical Garden State Parkway and New Jersey and brick from Lewis Rim (McKean cabinets, uncrated, from Newark, N. J. Highway 575 in Galloway Township, County) Pa. and Summerville (Jefferson to New York, N. Y., and rejected, re­ N. J., and junction New Jersey Highway County), Pa. to points in Allegany, Cat­ turned and refused shipments of the 575 and U. S. Highway 30, from junction taraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genessee, above described commodities and furni­ Garden State Parkway and New Jersey Livingston, „ Monroe, Niagara, Ontario, ture requiring refinishing or renovation Highway 575 over New Jersey Highway Orleans, Steuben, and Wyoming Coun­ on return. v; 575 (also known as County Road 45) to ties, N. Y.; empty pallets on return. HEARING: September 23, 1957, in junction U. S. Highway 30 (also known HEARING: September 13, 1957, at the Room 400, 45 Broadway, New York, N. Y., as White Horse Pike), and return over Hotel Buffalo, Washington and Swan before Examiner Donald Sutherland. the same route, serving no intermediate Streets, Buffalo, N. Y., before Examiner No. MC 116793, filed July 3, 1957, points; and (2) between junction U. S. Donald Sutherland. EDGAR T. VILLA, doing business as Highway 30 and Wrangleboro Road, No. MC 116782, filed June 28, 1957, VILLA TRANSPORTATION CO., 187 Galloway Township, N. J., and junction LEONARD GREENSTONE, doing busi­ Saranac Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Appli­ Wrangleboro Road and U. S. Highway ness as PASSAIC VALLEY IRON & cant’s attorney: Thomas J. Runfola, 631 322, Hamilton Township, N. J., from METAL COMPANY, 48 West Parkway, Niagara Street, Buffalo, N. Y. For au­ juhction U. S. Highway 30 and Wrangle­ Clifton, N. J. Applicant’s attorney: thority to operate as a common carrier, boro Road over Wrangleboro Road (also Brodsky and Lieberman, 1776 Broadway, over irregular routes, transporting: known as County Road 83) to junction New York 19, N. Y. For authority to Dairy products, including ice cream, re­ U. S. Highway 322, and return over the operate as a contract carrier, over irreg­ quiring refrigeration, between Buffalo, same route, serving no intermediate ular routes^ transporting: Scrap tin or N. Y., and points in Connecticut, Illi­ points. Applicant is authorized to con­ terne plate' from the plant of the Con­ nois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Mary­ duct regular route operations in Dela­ tinental Can Company, Inc., located in land, Massachusetts, Michigan, New ware, New Jersey, New York and Penn­ Maspeth, L. I., N. Y. to the plant of the Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, sylvania. Vulcan Detinning Company at Sewaren, Rhode Island, and West Virginia, 'and HEARING: September 20, 1957, at the N. J. Washington, D. C. New Jersey Board of Public Utility Com­ HEARING: September 20, 1957, in HEARING: September 13, 1957, at the missioners, State Office Building, Ray­ Room 400,45 Broadway, New York, N, Y., Hotel Buffalo, Washington and Swan mond Boulevard, Newark, N. J„ before before Examiner Donald Sutherland. Streets, Buffalo, N. Y., before Examiner Joint Board No. 119. No. MC 116784 (Correction), published Donald Sutherland. No. MC 84933 (Sub No. 2), filed June in the F ederal R eg ister issue of July 17, No. MC 116808, filed July 11, 1957, 7, 1957, ELMIRE-WATKINS GLEN 1957, on Page 5667. The previous publi­ NYLE MALLORY AND GERALD MAL­ TRANSIT CORPORATION, Burdett, cation indicated the trade name of appli­ LORY, doing business as MAT .TORY N. Y. For authority to operate as a cant as BOUCHILLON AND SANDS in TRUCKING LINE, Route 1, Burley, common carrier, over a regular route, error. The correct trade name of appli­ Idaho. Applicant’s attorney: Raymond transporting: Passengers and their bag­ cant is BOUCHILLON AND SANDERS. D. Givens, 1530 Idaho Street, P. O. Box gage, in the same vehicle, between Wat­ No. MC 116790, filed July 3, 1957, 964, Boise, Idaho. For authority to op­ kins Glen, N. Y.; and Geneva, N. Y., from AMCO TRUCKING CO., INC., 651 Lehigh erate as a Common carrier, over irregular Watkins Glen, over New York Highway Avenue, Union, N. J. Applicant’s repre­ routes, transporting: Fertilizer, in‘sacks, 14 to Lakemont, N. Y., thence over un­ sentative: George A. Olsen, 69 Tonnele (1) between Geneva, Magna, Garfield numbered highway through Starkey, Avenue, Jersey City 6, N. J. For author­ and Midvale, Utah, on the one hand, and, N. Y., to Dundee, N. Y., thence over New ity to operate as a contract carrier, over on the other, points in Cassia and Mini­ York Highway 14A to Penn Yan, N. Y., irregular routes, transporting: Flat rolled doka Counties, Idaho; and (2) between thence over New York Highway 54 to steel products, such as sheets, hot and points in Cassia and Minidoka Counties, Dresden, N. Y., thence over New York cold rolled/ coils, hot and cold rolled; Idaho. Highway 14 to Geneva, and return over strip, hot and cold rolled; coated prod­ HEARING; September 9, 1957, at the the same route, serving all intermediate ucts; plates and tin mill products, loose Idaho Public Utilities Commission, State points. Applicant is authorized to con­ or in packages, from the site of the Solar House, Boise, Idaho, before Joint Board duct operations in New York. Steel Corporation plant, Union, N. J., to No. 258. HEARING: September 30, 1957, in Worcester, Mass.; Bridgeport, Green­ No. MC 116813, filed July 15, 1957, Room 400, 45 Broadway, New York, wich, New Haven, Norwalk/ Stamford, PeITTON BARNETT, doing business as N. Y., before Examiner Donald Suther­ and Westport, Conn.; Allentown, Beth­ BARNETJ’S TRAILER TOWING SERV­ land. lehem, Bristol, Coatesville, Columbia, ICE, 15300 Southeast McLoughlin Boule­ No. MC 101298 (Sub No. 2), filed July Easton, and East Stroudsberg, Edgely vard, Milwaukee, Oreg. Applicant’s 15, 1957, WASHINGTON, VIRGINIA (Bucks County), Fort Washington, Hat- attorney: William B. Adams, Pacific AND MARYLAND COACH COMPANY, boro, Hometown (Schuylkill County), Building, Portland 4, Oreg. For author­ INC., doing business as W. V. & M. Scranton, Jenkintown, Lancaster, Lans- ity to operate as a common carrier, over COACH COMPANY^ INC., 727 North dale, New Holland, Norristown, Phila­ irregular routes, ” transporting: House Randolph Street, Arlington, Va. Appli­ delphia, Quarkertown, and Willow Grove, trailers, designed to be drawn by passen­ cant’s attorney: S. Harrison Kahn, 726- Pa.; and Cornwall, Haverstraw, Fulton- ger automobiles, between points in Ore­ 34 Investment Building, Washington, ville, Irvington, Little Falls, Mt. Vernon, gon and points in Washington. D. C. For authority to operate as a New York, Newburgh, New Rochelle, HEARING: September 11,1957, at 538 contract carrier, over irregular routes, Painted Post, Pleasantville, Port Chester, Pittock Block, Portland, Oreg., before transporting: Passengers and their bag­ Schenectady, Walden, White Plains, .and Joint Board No. 45. gage, between points within the territory Yonkers, N. Y„ and to points in Nassau authorized as an origin territory for and Suffolk Counties, N. Y. . MOTOR CARRIERS OF PASSENGERS charter operations in the State of Vir­ HEARING: September 20, 1957, in No. MC 3647 (Sub No. 217), filed July ginia and the District of Columbia and Room 400, 45 Broadway, New York, N. Y., 12, 1957, PUBLIC SERVICE COORDI­ points in the territory now authorized to before Examiner Donald Sutherland. NATED TRANSPORT, a Corporation, be served in charter operations. Appli­ No. MC 116792, filed July 3, 1957, 180 Boydern Avenue, Maplewood, N. J. cant holds common carrier authority FLETCHER BROTHERS, INC., 401 Wal­ Applicant’s attorney: Frederick M. under Certificates No. MC 68167 and nut Street, Newark, N. J. Applicant’s Broadfoot, Law Department, Public (Sub Nos. 25, 26, 27, 29, and 30). attorney : Brodsky and Lieberman, 1776 Service Coordinated Transport (same HEARING: September 30, 1957, at the Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. For au­ address as applicant). For authority to Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ thority to operate as a common carrier, operate as a common carrier, over regu­ mission, Washington, D. C., before Ex­ over irregular routes, transporting: (1) lar routes, transporting: Passengers and aminer Allen W. Hagerty. 6314 NOTICES No. MC 114325 (Sub No. 3), filed July contracts with the U. S. Government or tween points in the territory authorized 26, 1957, NORTH JERSEY TRANSIT, departments or agencies thereof, pick­ as an origin territory for charter oper­ 1060 Broad Street, Newark 2, N. J. Ap­ ing up and discharging passengers any­ ations in Maryland and the District of plicant’s attorney: William Ryan, 1060 where within the District of Columbia* Columbia and points. in the territory Broad Street, Newark 2, N. J. For au­ and within a radius of 100 miles of the now authorized to be served in charter thority to operate as a common carrier, , District of Columbia. Applicant is au­ operations. Applicant holds Certificates over regular routes, transporting: Pas­ thorized to transport passengers in the Nos. MC 108452 and (Sub No. 6) as a sengers and their baggage, and mail, District of Columbia and Maryland and common carrier. newspapers and express packages of Virginia. „ HEARING: September 30, 1957, at the freight in the same vehicle with passen­ HEARING: September 30, 1957, at the Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ gers. (1) between Chatham, N. J. and Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ mission, Washington, D. C., before Ex­ Summit, N. J., from Chatham, N. J. over mission, Washington, D. C., before aminer Allen W. Hagerty. Main Street to Hillside Avenue, thence Examiner Allen W. Hagerty. Applications in W hich Handling W ith­ over Hillside Avenue to Ogden Street, No. MC 116755 (Sub No. 2), filed July out Oral Hearing Is R equested thence over Ogden Street to Summit 10, 1957, D. C. TRANSIT SYSTEM, INC., Avenue, thence over Summit Avenue 3600 M Street NW., Washington, D. C. MOTOR CARRIERS OF PROPERTY (Chatham Road) to River Road, Sum­ Applicant’s representative: Morris Fox, No. MC 730 (Sub No. 103), filed July mit, N. J., and thence over River Road Vice President, same address as above; 22, 19x57, PACIFIC INTERMOUNTAIN to Morris Avenue, Summit, N. J., and and applicant’s attorney: F. G. Await, EXPRESS CO., a corporation, 299 Ad­ return over the same route, serving all 822 Connecticut Avenue NW., Washing­ eline Street, Oakland, Calif. Applicant’s intermediate points, (2) between points ton 6, D. C. For authority to operate attorney: William B. Adams, Pacific in Lyons, N. J. from the junction of as a contract carrier, over regular routes, Building, Portland 4, Oreg. For author­ Stonehouse Road and Valley Road, Ly­ transporting: Passengers and their bag­ ity to operate as a Common carrier, over ons, N. J., over Valley Road to the Vet­ gage, and newspapers, express and mail, irregular routes, transporting: Petroleum erans Administration Facility at Lyons, in the same vehicle, under contracts products, as defined by the Commission, N. J., thence over Knollcroft Road to with the U. S. Government or depart­ except gasoline, diesel oil, fuel oil, stove Lyons Road, thence over Lyons Road to ments or agencies thereof, furnishing oil, lubricating oil, road oil, and asphalt, intersection with Stonehouse Road at scheduled bus service, between points in bulk, in tank vehicles, or bin or hop­ Lyons, N. J., and return over the same in Arlington County, Va., and points in routes, serving all intermediate points. the District of Columbia over routes as per-type equipment, between points in HEARING: September 10, 1957, at the described in the application; and be­ Oregon (except points in Curry, Jack- New Jersey Board of Public Utility Com­ tween points in the-District of Colum­ son, Josephine, Klamath, and Lake missioners, State Office Building, Ray­ bia and Arlington County, Va., and Counties, Oreg.) and points ifi Wash­ mond Boulevard, Newark, N. J., before Fort George G. Meade, Md., over Balti- ington, on the one hand, and, on the Joint Board No. 119. more-Washington Parkway. Applicant other, points in California. Applicant is No. MC 116005 (Sub No. 2), filed May is authorized to transport passengers in authorized to conduct operations in 9, 1957, ONONDAGA COACH CORP., 23 the District of Columbia and Maryland Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Wadsworth Street, Auburn, N. Y. Ap­ and Virginia. Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Wash­ plicant’s representative: Raymond A. HEARING: September 30,1957, at the ington and Wyoming. Richards, P. O. Box 25, Webster, N. Y. Offices of the Interstate Commerce Com­ Note: Applicant states this application is For authority to operate as a common mission, Washington, D. C., before Joint filed for "the purpose of clarifying the ex­ Board No. 68. isting authority between points in California, carrier, over regular routes, transport­ Oregon, and Washington In reference to ing: Passengers and their baggage in the No. MC 116766 (Sub No. 1), (Amended) chemicals, which may or may not be of pre­ same vehicle between Auburn, N. Y. and published at page 5884, issue of July 24, dominant petroleum base. Applicant, further Syracuse, N. Y., from Auburn over U. S. 1957, filed July 11, 1957, W. M. A. TRAN­ states that no duplicating authority is Highway 20 to Skaneateles, thence over SIT COMPANY, 4421 Southern Avenue, sought. Skaneateles-Marcellus Highway (also SE., Bradbury Heights, Md. Applicant’s known as New Seneca Turnpike) to Mar- attorneys: Earl M. Foreman and D. Jay No. MC 29991 (Sub No. 31), filed July cellus, thence over Marcellus-Split Rock Hyman, Tower Building, Washington 5, 22,' 1957, BARLOW’S SERVICE, INC., Highway (also known as Howlett Hill D. C. For authority to operate as a con­ 5101 York Street, Denver, Colo. Appli­ Road) to junction Cedarvale Road, tract carrier, over irregular routes, trans­ cant’s attorney: Robert L. Lalich, Mid­ thence over Cedarvale Road to junction portings- Passengers and their baggage, land Savings Building, Denver 2, Colo, Split Rock Road, thence over Split Rock and express, mail and newspapers, in the For authority to operate as a common Road to junction Onondaga Road, same vehicle, between points within the carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ thence over Onondaga Road to junction territory authorized as an origin territory ing: Petroleum and petroleum products, Fay Road, thence over Fay Road to junc­ for charter operations in Maryland (in­ in bulk, in tank vehicles, between points tion Grand Avenue, and thence over cluding Fort George G. Mea’de), Vir­ ip Park and Big Horn Counties, Wyo., on Grand Avenue to Syracuse, N. Y.; (also ginia and the District of Columbia, and the one hand, and, on the other, points from Marcellus, N. Y. over New York points in the territory now authorized in Sheridan, Crook, Campbell, Weston Highway 175 to Syracuse), and return to be served in charter operations. Ap­ and Johnson Counties, Wyo. over the same routes serving all inter­ plicant is authorized to conduct common Note : Applicant states it has intrastate au­ mediate points, including Onondaga carrier operations in Maryland and the thority to perform the applied-for operations District of Columbia. and does not seek to serve any new points; Sanitorium and Onondaga County Home and that the purpose of this application is to in the Town of Onondaga over New York HEARING: Remains as assigned Sep­ provide a less hazardous route by traversing Highway 173. tember 30,1957, at the Offices of the In­ Montana. Applicant is authorized to trans­ HEARING: September 23, 1957, in terstate Commerce Commission, Wash­ port similar commodities in Colorado, Kansas Room 400,45 Broadway, New York, N. Y., ington, D: C., before Joint Board No. 68. and Wyoming, before Examiner Donald Sutherland. No. MC 116819, filed July 15, 1957, No. MC 42487 (Sub No. 330), filed June No. MC 116755 (Sub No. 1), filed July ATWOOD’S TRANSPORT LINES, INC., 11, 1957, CONSOLIDATED FREIGHT- 10, 1957, D. C. TRANSIT SYSTEM, INC., 419 New Jersey Avenue NW., Washing­ WAYS, INC., 2116 Northwest Savier 3600 M Street NW., Washington, D. C. ton, D. C. Applicant’s attorney: S. Har­ Street, Portland, Oreg. Applicant’s at­ Applicant’s representative: Morris Fox, rison Kahn, 726-34 Investment Building, torneys: Eugene T. Liipfert, and L*. C. Vice President, same address as above; Washington, D. C. For authority to Major, Jr., 2001 Massachusetts Avenue and applicant’s attorney: F. G. Await, operate as a contract carrier, over irreg­ NW., Washington 6, D. C. For authority 822 Connecticut Avenue NW., Washing­ ular routes, transporting: Passengers ton 6, D. C. For authority to operate as and their baggage, (1) between points to operate as a common carrier, trans­ a contract carrier, over irregular routes, within the territory authorized as an porting: General commodities, except transporting: Passengers and their origin territory for special and charter liquid petroleum products, in bulk, in baggage, and newspapers, express and operations and points in the territory tank vehicles, serving Seattle, Wash., mail, in the same vehicle, in non-sphed- now authorized to be served in special and the Commercial Zone thereof, as uled bus service upon demand, under and charter operations; and (2) be­ defined by the Commission, as inter- Wednesday, August 7, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 6315 mediate and off-route points in connec­ way 15, serving the off-route point of Rahway, Perth Amboy and New Bruns­ tion with applicant’s authorized regu­ Fordyce; (2) (c) between Hartington wick, N. J., to Delaware Park Race Track, lar route operations, together with and the junction of Nebraska Highway Stanton, Del., Pimlico Race Track, Balti­ Motion to Dismiss on the ground that 84 and U. S. Highway 81 over Nebraska more, Md., Bowie Race Track, Bowie, applicant presently has authority au­ Highway 84 as an alternate route for Md., Laurel Race Track, Laurel, Md., thorizing the transportation , service operating convenience only, serving no Belmont Race Track, Belmont, N. Y., sought herein, and accordingly requests intermediate nr off •‘■route points and Jamaica Race Track, New York, N. Y., that the application be dismissed if it is serving the termini for purpose of join­ Aqueduct Race Track, New York, N. Y., found that it has the necessary author­ der only; (3) between the junction: of Roosevelt Raceway, Westbury, N. Y., and ity. Applicant is authorized to trans­ Nebraska Highway 115 and U. S. High­ Yonkers Raceway, Yonkers, N. Y. Appli­ port similar commodities in Arizona, way 20 and South Sioux City, Nebr. over cant is authorized to transport passen­ California, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Minne­ U. S. Highway 20, serving all intermedi­ gers and their baggage in the New Jersey, sota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North ate points and the off-route points of New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wis­ Allen, Martinsburg, Waterbury and the District of Columbia. consin, and Wyoming. Willis; (4) between the junction of Ne­ Applications for Certificates or P er­ No. MC 85818 (Sub No. 1), filed July braska Highways 12 and 15 and the mits Which Are To Be P rocessed Con­ 17, 1957, JOE MAUCH, doing business n junction of Nebraska Highway 12 and currently W ith Applications Under as MAUCH TRANSFER, Hartington, U. S. Highway 20 over Nebraska High­ Section 5, G overned by S pecial R ule Nebr. Applicant’s attorney: J. Max way 12, serving all intermediate points. 1.240 to the Extent Applicable Harding, IB M Building, 605 South 12th The service is subject to the restriction Street, Lincoln 8, Nebr. For authority that no shipments are to be transported MOTOR CARRIERS OF PROPERTY to operate as a common carrier, over between the Omaha-Council Bluffs com­ No. MC 103435 (Sub No. 74), filed June regular routes, transporting: General mercial zone and the Sioux City and 10, 1957 (Amended), published June 19, commodities, except those of unusual South Sioux City commercial zone. 1957 at page 4341, BUCKINGHAM value, Class A and B explosives, house­ Note: This application is filed, in part, to TRANSPORTATION, INC., Rapid City, hold goods as defined by the Commis­ obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience S. Dak. Applicant’s attorney: Donald sion, commodities in bulk, and commodi­ and Necessity, authorizing continuance of A. Schafer, Publie—Service Building, ties requiring special equipment, (1) be­ interstate operations conducted under the Portland 4, Oreg. For authority to oper­ tween Hartington, Nebr. and Council second proviso of section 206 (a) (1) of the ate as a common carrier, over a regular Bluffs, Iowa, from Hartington over Interstate Commerce Act, corresponding to intrastate operations authorized in certifi­ route, transporting: General commodi­ Nebraska Highway 15 to junction U. S. cate on file with this Commission. ties, including Class A and B explosives, Highway 275, thence over U. S. Highway but excluding articles of unusual value, 275 to Council Bluffs, and return over No. MC 103051 (Sub No. 29), filed July commodities in bulk, household goods as the same routes, serving the intermedi­ 15, 1957, WALKER HAULING CO., INC., defined by the Commission, and com­ ate points of Omaha and Fremont, Nebr., 624 Penn Avenue, NE., Atlanta 8, Ga. modities requiring special equipment, all points on Nebraska Highway 15 north Applicant’s attorney: R. J. Reynolds, Jr., other than those requiring special handl­ of Wayne, including Wayne, and the off- 1403 Citizens & Southern Nat’l. Bank ing because of weight or size, between route points of Concord and Dixon, sub­ Building, Atlanta 3, Ga. For authority Fargo, N. Dak., and Pembina, N. Dak., ject to the restriction that no service to operate as a common carrier, over from Fargo over U. S. Highway 81 to shall be rendered between the Omaha, irregular routes, transporting: Vegetable Hamilton, N. Dak., thence over North Nebr.-Council Bluffs, Iowa Commercial oils, in bulk, in tank vehicles, from Boyce, Dakota Highway 5 to j miction North Da­ Zone and Fremont, Nebr. (2) (a) be­ Tenn., to Macon, Ga. Applicant is au­ kota Highway 18, thence over North tween Hartington, Nebr. and the^junc­ thorized to transport liquid petroleum Dakota Highway 18 to junction North tion of Nebraska Highways Nos. 15 and products and petroleum products from Dakota Highway 55, thence over North 57, from Hartington north over Nebraska and to specified points in Georgia, Ten­ Dakota Highway 55 to Pembina, and re­ Highway 15 to junction Nebraska High­ nessee and Alabama. turn over the same route, serving all way 12, thence north and west over No. MC 110226 (Sub No. 1), filed July intermediate points, and the off-route county roads to junction U. S.' Highway 15, 1957, CLYDE R. HOAGLAND, doing points of Buxton, Reynolds, Thompson, 81, thence north over U. S. Highway 81 business as REDWAY TRANSFER CO., Cavalier, Bathgate, McVille, Northwood, to South Yankton, thence south over East 50th Street and Corona 'Avenue, Finley, Page, Erie, Galesburg, Coopers- U. S. Highway 81 to its northern junc­ Vernon 58, Calif. Applicant’s attorney: town, and West Fargo, N. Dak. Appli­ tion with Nebraska Highway 98, thence Vincent Matthew Smith, 444 East San cant is authorized to transport Similar over Nebraska Highway 98 to its junction Antonio Drive, Long Beach 7, Calif. For commodities in Colorado, Iowa, Minne­ with Nebraska Highway 12, thence over authority to operate as a common car­ sota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Nebraska Highway 12 to junction U. S. rier, over irregular routes, transporting: South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. Highway 81, thence south over U. S. Raw rubber, from points in the Los An­ Highway 81 to junction Nebraska High­ geles Harbor Commercial Zone, as de­ Note: This application is directly related way 84, thence west over Nebraska High­ fined by the Commission in Los Angeles, to MC-F 6610. way 84 to Bloomfield, thence east over Calif. Commercial Zone,, 3 M. C. C. 248, Applications Under Sections 5 and Nebraska Highway 84 to junction Ne­ to Los Angeles, Calif. 210a (b) braska Highway 98, thence south over Note: Applicant is authorized in Certifi­ The following applications are gov­ Nebraska Highway 98 to junction with cate No. MC 110226 dated June 22, 1951, to erned by the Interstate Commerce Com­ Nebraska Highway 59, thence over Ne­ transport general commodities, with excep­ mission special rules governing notice braska Highway 59 to junction U. S. tions which include raw rubber, from the Los Angeles Harbor Commercial Zone to of filing of applications by motor carriers Highway 81, thence south over U. S. Los Angeles, Calif. It seeks by this appli­ of property or passengers under sections Highway 81 to junction U. S. Highway cation to delete “raw rubber” from the ex­ 5 (2) and 210a (b) of the Interstate 20, thence west over U. S. Highway 20 cepted commodities. Commerce Act and certain other pro­ to Osmond, thence east over U. S. High­ cedural matters with respect thereto. way 20 to junction Nebraska Highway MOTOR CARRIERS OF PASSENGERS (49 CFR 1.240) 57, thence north over Nebraska Highway No. MC 3647 (Sub No. 218), filed July 57 to junction Nebraska Highway 15, 24, 1957, PUBLIC SERVICE COORDI­ MOTOR CARRIERS OF PROPERTY serving the intermediate points of St. NATED TRANSPORT, a Corporation, No. MC-F 6626. Authority sought for Helena, South Yankton, Crofton, Bloom­ 180 Boyden Avenue, Maplewood, N. J. control by KAUFFMAN & MINTEER, field, Wausa, Osmond, Randolph, and Applicant’s attorney: Frederick M. INC., Monmouth Road, Jobstown, N. J., Belden, and the off-route points of Broadfoot, same address as above. For of WAGNER TRUCKING CO., INC., Gavins Point Dam, Magnet, McLean, authority to operate as a common car­ Jobstown, N. J. Applicant’s attorney: and Shples; (2) (b) between junction rier, over irregular routes, transporting: G. Donald Bullock, Box 146, Wyncote, of Nebraska Highway 15 and U. S. High­ Passengers and their baggage in the Pa. Operating rights sought to be con­ way 81 and the junction of Nebraska same vehicle with passengers, in special trolled: Tile, clay products, used lumber, Highways 12 and 15 over Nebraska High­ and seasonal operations, from Elizabeth, chemicals, brick, clay tile, and processed 6316 NOTICES clay not included in brick or clay tile, been filed for temporary authority under 211.1 (e)) at any time but will not op­ as a common carrier over irregular section 210a (b). erate to stay commencement of the pro­ posed operation unless filed within 30 routes from, to or between points and MOTOR CARRIERS OF PASSENGERS areas, varying with the commodity trans­ days from the date of publication. ported, in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, No. MC-F 6654. Authority sought for Successively filed letter-notices of the New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, purchase by THE GREYHOUND COR­ same carrier under the Commission’s Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, New PORATION, 2600 Board of Trade Build­ Deviation Rules Revised, 1957, will be Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Is­ ing, Chicago 4, 111., of the operating rights numbered consecutively for convenience land, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and the Dis­ Of EASTERN CANADIAN GREYHOUND in identification and protests if any trict of Columbia. KAUFFMAN & MIN- LINES, LIMITED, 301 Chatham Street, should refer to such letter-notices by TEER, INC., is authorized to operate as East Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Appli­ number. cants’ attorneys: George Rauch, 2600 a contract carrier in New Jersey, New MOTOR CARRIERS OF PROPERTY York and Pennsylvania. Application Board of Trade Building, Chicago A, 111., has not been filed for temporary author­ Guy Farmer and Henry C. Ikenberry, Jr., No. MC-22115 (Deviation No. 1), ity under section 210a (b). both of 1100 Shoreham Building, Wash­ MORROW, INC., 1277 Maxwell Avenue, No. MC-F 6652. Authority sought for ington 5, D. C. Operating rights sought Evansville, Ind., filed July 24,1957. Car­ continuance in control by ALBERT R. to be transferred: Passengers and their rier proposes to operate as a common HILLMAN, FRANK H. HILLMAN, NILES baggage, and express, mail, and news­ carrier by motor vehicle of general com­ R. HILLMAN and PAUL F. HILLMAN, papers in the same vehicle with passen­ modities, with certain exceptions over Route 9, Saratoga Road, Fort Edward, gers, restricted to transportation in for­ two deviation routes: (A) From Vin­ N. Y., of FORT EDWARD EXPRESS CO., eign commerce, as a common carrier over cennes, Ind., over U. S. Highway 50 to INC., Route 9, Saratoga Road, Fort Ed­ regular routes between the boundary of junction Illinois Highway 33 thence over ward, N. Y., CANAAN DAIRY EXPRESS, the United States and Canada, and Port Illinois Highway 33 to junction Illinois INCORPORATED, Box 482, Canaan, Huron, Mich., with service at Port Huron Highway 1 thence over Illinois Highway Conn„ and NORTHERN MOTOR CAR­ restricted to traffic originating at, or 1 to Chicago, 111.; and (B) from Terre RIERS, INC., Route 9, Saratoga Road, destined to, points in Canada, other than Haute, Ind., over U. S. Highway 150 to Fort Edward, N. Y., upon institution by Sarnia, Ontario, Canada; passengers and junction Illinois Highway 1 thence over the last-named company of operations in their baggage, and express, newspapers, Illinois Highway 1 to Chicago, 111.; and interstate or foreign commerce, by motor and mail, in the same vehicle with pas­ return over the same routes for operat­ vehicle, for which application has been sengers, unrestricted, between Detroit, ing convenience only serving no inter­ made, as described below. Applicants’ Mich., and the boundary of the United mediate points. The notice indicates attorney: Samuel V. Giannini, 25 Ex­ States and Canada; passengers and their that the carrier is presently authorized change Street, Rochester 14, N. Y. baggage, and express and newspapers in to transport the same commodities over NORTHERN MOTOR CARRIERS, INC., the same vehicle with passengers, be­ the following pertinent route: from filed, on July 2,1956, application on Form tween Buffalo, N. Y., and Niagara Falls, Evansville over U. S. Highway 41 to Chi­ BMC 78 (Docket No. MC 116038 Sub 1) N. Y., serving no intermediate points. cago, and return over the same route. for a common carrier certificate to trans­ Vendee is authorized to operate as a No. MC-59680 (Deviation No. 1), port prefabricated houses, in sections, on common carrier in Ohio, Indiana, Illi­ STRICKLAND TRANSPORTATION CO., platform vehicles, over irregular routes, nois, Missouri, Iowa, Massachusetts, INC., P. O. Box 5689, Dallas, Tex., filed from Hudson Falls, N. Y., to points in Maine, New Hampshire, California, Ne­ July 25, 1957. Carrier proposes to op­ Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, braska, New York, New Jersey, Wyoming, erate as a common carrier by motor Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Hamp­ Pennsylvania, Utah, Kentucky, South vehicle of general commodities, with cer­ shire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Dakota, West Virginia, Kansas, Georgia, tain exceptions, over a deviation route, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Louisiana, Nevada, Alabama, Florida, between Dallas, Tex., and Fort Worth, the District of Columbia; FORT ED­ Mississippi, Tennessee, Arizona, Arkan­ Tex., as follows: from Dallas over the WARD EXPRESS CO., INC., liquid bi­ sas, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Ida­ Dallas-Fort Worth Turnpike to Fort chromate of soda, in bulk, in tank ve­ ho, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin, Worth, and return over the same route, hicles, as a common carrier, over irregu­ North Dakota, and Michigan. Applica­ for operating convenience only, serving lar routes, from Glens Falls, N. YV, to the tion has not been filed for temporary no intermediate points. The notice in­ port of entry at Rouses Point, N. Y., at authority under section 210a (b). dicates that the carrier is presently au­ thorized to transport the same commodi­ the United States-Canada Boundary By the Commission. line, and from Baltimore, Md., to ties from Dallas, Tex., to Fort Worth, ports of entry on the United States- [seal] Harold D. McCoy, Tex., over U. S. Highway 80, and return Canada Boundary line at Rouses Point Secretary. over the same route. and Champlain, N. Y.; used motor No. MC-114877 - (Deviation No. 1), [P. R. Doc. 57-6439; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; CARGO-IMPERIAL FREIGHT LINES, oil, in bulk, in tank vehicles, from 8:48 a. m.] the United States-Canada Boundary line INC., 60 Lahdsdowne Street, Cambridge through ports of entry at or near Rouses 39, Mass., filed July 25, 1957. Carrier Point, N. Y., to Newark, N. J.; petroleum proposes to operate as a common car­ and petroleum products, in bulk, in tank rier by motor vehicle of general com­ Motor Carrier Alternate R oute modities, with certain exceptions, over vehicles", between St. Albans Bay and Deviation Notices Burlington, Vt., on the one hand, and, two deviation routes: (A) between on the other, points in Clinton, Essex, {Notice 3] Stockbridge, Mass., and Weston, Mass., as follows: from Stockbridge over the Franklin and St. Lawrence Counties, August 2, 1957. Massachusetts Turnpike to Weston; (B) N. Y.; surface coating, resin compounds, The following letter-notices of pro­ between Mt. Lebanon, N. Y., and Lee, in solution, in bulk, in tank vehicles, from posals to operate over deviation routes Mass., as follows: from Mt. Lebanon Fort Edward, 1LY., to Winslow, Maine; for operating convenience only with no over New York Highway 22 to the New CANAAN DAIRY EXPRESS, INCORPO­ service at intermediate points have been York-Massachusetts State line, thence RATED, milk and ice cream mix, in bulk, filed with the Interstate Commerce Com­ over Massachusetts Highway 102 to Lee; in tank vehicles, as a contract carrier, mission, under the Commission’s Devia­ and return over the same routes, for over irregular routes, from Hartford, tion Rules Revised, 1957 (49 CFR 211.1 operating convenience only serving no Conn., to Springfield, Worcester, and (c) (8) ) and notice thereof to all in­ intermediate^ points. The notice indi­ North Abington, Mass., and Pough­ terested persons is hereby given as pro­ cates that the carrier is presently au­ vided in such rules (49 CFR 211.1 thorized to transport the same_ commodi­ keepsie, N. Y.;. milk, in bulk, in tank (d) (4)). ties over the following pertinent routes: vehicles, from Springfield, Mass., to Protests against the use of any pro­ from Albany, N. Y., over U. S. Highway Hartford, Conn. Applicants hold no posed deviation route herein described 20 via Pittsfield, Mass, to Springfield, authority from the Cbmmission, but own may be filed with the Interstate Com­ Mass, (also from Pittsfield, Mass, oyer Controlling stock interest in the above- merce Commission in, the manner and Massachusetts Highway 9 to junction mentioned carriers. Application has not form provided in such rules (49 CFR U. S. Highway 5, afid thence over U. S. Wednesday, August 7, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 6317 Highway 5 to junction TJ. S. Highway 20 Grounds for relief: Short-line dis­ thereof prior to return, and after ade­ at Springfield, Mass.), thence over U. tance formula, and circuitous routes. quate provision for taxes and conserva­ S. Highway 20 via Worcester, Mass, to Tariff : Supplement 55 to Agent Prue- tory expenses: Boston, Mass, (also from junction U. S. ter’s tariff I. C. C. A-4123. Claimant, Claim No., Property, and Location Highway 5 and Massachusetts Highway FSA No. 34089: T. O. F. C. S ervice- 9 near Northampton, Mass, over Massa­ Commodities from, to, and between Henri van Baren, 21 Kloosterstraat, Bor- chusetts Highway 9 via Worcester, Mass., points in the Southwest. Filed by F. C. nem, Belgium; Claim No. 60720; Vesting Order No. 17912; $655.08 in the Treasury of to Boston, Mass.), and return over the Kratzmeir, Agent, (SWFB No. B-7087), the United States. same routes. for interested rail carriers. Rates on By the Commission. freight moving on class and commodity Executed at Washington, D. C., on rates, loaded in trailers and demountable July 31, 1957. [seal] H arold D. M cCoy, trailer bodies and transported on rail­ For the Attorney General. ' Secretary. road flat cars from, to and between # [P. R. Doc. 57-6438; Piled, Aug. 6, 1957; points in the Southwest. [seal] P aul V. Myron, -» 8:47 a. m.] Grounds for relief : "Motor-truck com­ Deputy Director, , petition, and circuitous routes. Office of Alien Property. Tariffs:Supplement 33 to Agent Krat'z- [F. R. Doc. 57-6426;. Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; Fourth S ection Applications for meir’s tariff 4213 and other supplements 8:45 a. m.] R elief to his schedules listed in the application. FSA No. 34090: Styrene—Baton August 2,1957. Rouge, La., to Connecticut and Massa­ Protests to the granting of an appli­ chusetts points. Filed by O. W. South, S alvatore Lombardi cation must be prepared in accordance Jr., Agent, (SFA No. A3510), for inter­ with Rule 40 of the general rules of ested rail carriers. Rates on styrene, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO RETURN VESTED practice (49 CFR 1.40) and filed within tank-car loads from Baton Rouge, La., to PROPERTY 15 days from the date of publication Naugatuck, Conn., and Leominster, Pursuant to section 32 (f) of the of this notice in the F ederal R egister. Mass. Trading With the Enemy Act, as LONG-AND-SHORT HAUL . Grounds for relief : Water-truck com­ amended, notice is hereby given of in­ petition. FSA No. 34087: Caustic potash—Ni­ tention to return, on or after 30 days Tariff: Supplement 64 to Alternate from the date of publication hereof, the agara frontier points to Fernald, Ohio. Agent J. H. Marque’s tariff I. C. C. 442. Filed by O. E. Schultz, Agent, (ER No. following property, subject to any in- 2395), for interested rail carriers. Rates By the Commission. crease or decrease resulting from the administration thereof prior to return, on potassium (potash), caustic, tank-car [seal] Harold D. McCoy, loads from Niagara Falls, Solvay, Sus­ and after adequate provision for taxes Secretary. and conservatory expenses: pension Bridge, and Syracuse, N. V., to [F. R. Doc. 57-6437; Filed, Aug. 6, 1957; Fernald, Ohio. ' ' 8:47 a. m.] Claimant, Claim No., Property, and Location Grounds for relief: Market competi­ Salvatore Lombardi, Frosinone, Italy; tion, restoration of former rate rela­ Claim No. 42941; $51.36 in the Treasury of tions with Charleston, W. Va., and cir­ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE the United Spates. cuitous routes. Filoména Lombardi, Frosinone, Italy; Office of Alien Property Claim No. 42942; $51.37 in the Treasury of Tariffs: Supplement 21 to Agent C. W. the United States. Boin’s tariff I. C. C. A-1116, and other H enri van B aren Vesting Order No. 1362. schedules of individual lines listed in the application. NOTICE-OF INTENTION TO RETURN VESTED Executed at Washington, D. C., on FSA No. 34088: Urea—Kansas and PROPERTY July 31,1957. Nebraska points to points in Utah. Filed Pursuant to Section 32 (f ) of the Trad­ For the Attorney General. by W. J. Prueter, Agent, (WTL No. A- ing With the Enemy Act, as amended, 1923), for interested rail carriers. Rates notice is hereby given of intention to re­ [ seal] P aul V. M yron, on urea, having value only for fertili­ turn, on or after 30 days from the date Deputy Director, zer purposes, carloads from Lawrence, of publication hereof, the following prop­ Office of Alien Property. Military, and Parsons, Kans., and La erty, subject to any increase or decrease [F. R. Doc. 57-6427; Filed, Aug. 6. 1957; Platte, Nebr., to specified points in Utah. resulting from the administration 8:45 a. m.l 1