' — T / !' a 6 ! W BW E ” - . ! ! b « -- ,


LOUISVILL E JOURNAL MEDICAL. MEDICAL. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL THE ARMYof tiuUNlTED STATES YOUNG PRAIRIE GROUSE! AUCTION SALES. niKTHD Ann PUBLIAltrD BY W. I I. STOKES, (BUCCE8SOB TO R. * W. H. 8TOKE8), Brazil.— razil h one of the rRINTlCB, UKNDKItMON, . x, JLm ’ Trade with •• e. iron ht West Baden Springs, Ind. it n a « St, Charles Restaurant, ..a. n. arxRT favorably situated for carrying on r IMPORTER AND DEALER countries most ®. G. Honry pHI8 establishment has been very much improved IN Co, JOUESAL (lines BUILDING, GfflN Fifth street, between Main sod Market. & 8IEKBI, I and will he open to visitors on the 16th of Juno: Louisville an extensive commerce with the United States; and I promise my old friends that 1 will do all that I Radway’s Ready Relief. BETWEEN THIRD ANl) FOURTH. reason American has not can to make them comfortable. The water* have SADDLERY but for some 0a AND ’» COACH HARDWARE, <**“‘*'•01 t* U> proved themselves beneficial to a great many of the MEDICAL INFIRMARY, the Bnw^tmnn^DiiUr, delivered In city.. ft) been prominently directed to that part of the fib) afflicted, those will rarely be disap- Dmlly, by mail. In advance and that try them Old-established Saddlery Warehouse, . 8 00 the CONDUCTED ON THE PLAN OF THE HOSPITAL Country daily pointed in receiving benefit. Take your ticket* at world. True, there are several American houses , h nu L., N. A., A C. R. R. office for Orleans, and the buaa will DES VENKRIKN3, PARIS, Tri-Weekly 00 between Fifth in the Brazilian trade, 5 call for you in the morning and take you to the cars, ISTo. 485 Main St., and Sixth, engaged very quietly, to INFORMATION FOR THE WAR DEPARTMENT. Young Prairie Grouse! Weekly, in advance, thorn afflicted with —finale cony, a oo for W II ERE any t hen to Orleans, theu by hack to the Spring Tea. mTn interests JUJT la- —club* of five or over — lorm oi Private Diseas** can receive Ijo-uisvillo, Ely. be sure, for their might not be promoted RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. i Fare through $3 5u. Realttances by mail in prompt treatment without risk or find It to their interest to examine my stock HIBBITT SOZV, registered letter* at onr TERMS OF BOARD: N WT~Merrhant* and Manufacturer* would before making their par bv calling rival establishments into the fiehl, but A exposure, viz: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, attended to as if made in person. Soft Slifll Per day $1 00 V chases, and order* from a distance will be *3 denwAwmrwtf frabs, Clams, Extra Se Gleet, Stricture*, Ulcers, Tumors, the extent of tho traffic is not a tithe of what it Per week 6 18) k 1 Cancers, Secondary, and Constitu- lected Cove Oysters, Woodcock, Booond and Tliird, 1 U bf't ,a 41 ADVERTISING IN THE LOUISVILLE Four weeks 18 00 Testimony of Field Officer*. Company Officers, LoMsviH^Kv. 3Rt2F, tional Syphilis, Diseases of the Kid- might lie, with advantage to all concerned. J ^ JOURNAL FOR REGULAR ADVERTISERS. Children and Servant* half price. MISC ELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. Ac... constantly on hand, and all of which will be nerved etc. By this system it is nnil entire Keglmente In favor of llic T>K1MB 4.0 f FEE— 2 00 neys, England and France are profiting In u»ual 25 sacks lav. T oo square, Morses per week by our neg- up fine style. C. C. - ' changeable weekly, per annum $40 00 •roved that the venerial complaint P REFER. 1 Mo Coffee, ia .tor, *”*"*- ‘0 , tw~c<>r fuitlier particulars, inquire of J. I. Lemon, MTfor SuV do a *t 00 time arweek, per annum.. BO [e a? entirely under the control of TS lect. A report on the progress of Brazil just fur- N. James Rudd, J. H. Schroeder, and Geo. Welby. Direct T E, ‘L PACKAGES B.—DAYTON ALE and PORTER alwavs on hand Jill IIIBBITT A SON do 3 time* do do loo Oo as is cold or TtatTh v 1 • h v ^ ff medicine a common IX CASH! .VV ®f nONERY and 1 jyl" bdri CAS <; all communications to West Baden Springs. ’.V. JEWELRY at prices one- Each additional square, one-half the above erica. fever: and. while insufficient third less than can be nished the British government by Her Majesty’s GREAT PREVENTIVE AND RESTORATIVE. £ join d3m PR. J. A LANK. simple purchased elsewhere. Call on or Advertisement* published at interval* $1 for firit in- persons sre daily sending away their — Dd J - u bailby ”- Secretary of Legation at Bio shows •rtioa oodftO cent* for ' a - n a continued each pulrnequrmt one. patients in hopelessness, and giving to7;.- Announcing candidates, each name. Great Sacrifice oi' rnar^l* d3m $1 per w«t

mssvsi mm —,n.u —i»cass

is that secessionists arc al- East Tennessee.— he probability earWhile the persisting in LOUISVILLE Union by firing upon a few ill-defended, DENTAL DEPOT. AUGUST LOUISVILLE JOURNAL their ELECTION. in very East Tennessee is soon to be an important efforts to persuade our people that tho 804. am.i rrcuar, DCTwm* tuirm Ann muirm. most starving men, whom hunger, a Family Dm* and Prescription Stere treo- North contemplates a war of invasion into their im- battle-ground. A largo majority of the and ex- To Ike Editor the GRAND MILITARY few days, would have didiverod ko-saht rail, To Cash lingers $ of I^ouisviUe Journal: EXCURSION termination upon the Slave States, CORNER ( rAVKTTGl, ITRTfDKRSOH, ft 08B0RH1, incontrovertible. It men of that section voted against secession, and that TV OF FOURTH ft JltFFlSKSON. TI10 Attorney Geueral having decided that the IHlli pious hands.” All this is Senatorial whole District, composed of the remit ie.* of Gar- or THE FROrillTORI. aro resolved, whatever tho rest of the power of the Administration will be DAWB8, Proprietor. rard, Lincoln, and Casey, wore entitled to elect a has already passed into history. and they Great Inducements ! Sen- 1 dlsftwl&in* ator at the August election, 1 tln-rofnro announce my- their sec- directed to the subjugation of the South and by a the Stato may do or not do, to keep "elf a l nion candidate io paid district. With such a war as this, inaugurated AT- BUBttCttlPTION PRICES- IN ADVANCE I E ARE OFFERING OUR LARGE AND Jylt> dte the destruction of its liberties, it is gratifying JESSE EMBRY. Joareni, iT iivprod In tbo - and to keep it irartlva ptock of FANCY DRESS GOODS at a bullyUv City, $10 I bf few States which claimed tho right to secede tion loyal to the United States FOR SAIjR, W SUMPTER mil,®* l* paM In julvanr^, or $|n If not raid within VERY HEAVY REDUCTION FOB CASH. Our DO GRAYS this to be able to counteract the designs of the dis- 1 1< Country Dally, $f for full in the in the United States. In carrying out rrrrttUBQ coal at tjih M r'.s riC STOCK id one of thu largest lu the city,cou OL.OHAKX COUNTY. three mooth*; $5; Tn-Weexly, : and break up the Union, staring us S ESP£' & pnc,x AUo la part of— At Lnnsans View, oijjht milot up tho rdf period Ic»j ihan 01*0 year, 5u rent* a rvuth; Wrekly, union! * BRRCH bottom pidtiuk K Elf. UTLEY is candidate for tlm mid river, encounter the :4s by the evidences drawn from the ac- OOAL at tsaoii lower rates . a Counts It to do? Was he resolution, they must necessarily bv ___ Breuinfi bulletin, $*; matted, $5. face, what was the President New York Milla and Water-twlnt Shirting*, • Ciicuit Clerkship* of oidham county. jy9 dte* J. N. DILLOGG, Ajtont, CLUB PKIOfcS-lN ADVANCE: Mid- tion of the extreme Northern States. Thus Loi fldale and English Lougcloth Shirtiugo, sit still, and, with- power not only of West Tennessee and wifi dutf wow th* 00 WeoVly— Five copte* or more. $1 f>o *aeh to do nothing? Was he to rum of Third aud VMu. llopo and Black*toim uhirtingd. To the Editor$ of the Louisville Journal: ON TUESDAY, Legislature ADVERHSlNO- IN DAILY JOURNAL I party in their the of New Hampshire, which is Warns >t'a Shirting*, JULY ‘AG, 1861. secession and Semper Idem out moving a finger, permit the Government dle Tennessee but of a We are authorized to announce MARION C. TAY- 1 naaxe (10 liuei or loss) first insertion $1 00 Irldh Lineud hhi*t KiouU, now in session, has passed resolutions HOUSE aud .OR as a candidate lo represent the Twenty-first Sena- Each additional insertion. 25 ll ” yet, trusting to the strength and declar- or REFUGE. 10-4 Allendale Sheetings, to fall to pieces? Was he to let alone the own section, Utica and orial District, romp**'--*! of the counties of Sledby, lo-i aud 12 4 Liucu Sb-jvtiuge, IN WEEKLY JOURNAL: they stand up ing the purposes of the war and the extent to OF THE HOUSE llrury, aud Uidli&m, iu tin- next te-giriature. j5 dti. rebellion which has ever yet righteousness of their cause, E will ’• Table Damask*. I square (10 ltee# or !<*•) flr*t inaerMou $1 00 most unprovoked O,- y m**ct at tho Water Coin|.*a* 1 Napkins lee, Km h additional insertion.. 25 them. which it should be carried, one of w’hich thus ‘ * To morrow (WEDNESDAY) and Do> defaced the world’s history? Was ho to prove unappalled by the opparent odds against MORNING uHT the Editors the Louisville Journal: dock. Punctual attend-mca i« Marreiilft* and Allendale Spread *1 To of HF* For full particular* as to terms of yearly advur- fd. IvluhlAH *•*». All c*>lord as a candidate to represent the ' fanil- the secession leaders significantly explains the feelings which ani- T SHKF.VR. P French Flannels, Please announce me ' tllnjr, Ac., mu nr?t column on first pass. to his oath, and to leave the laws unex- The spirit that governs P™^Ved- i hc f,“* falsa White Goode iu variety. people of the Twenty-firet Senatorial Di trier, com- JS A M. the mate the North: counties of Shelby, Heury. and Oldham, ecuted and the Union undefended? Was he to of East Tennessee may be inferred from 2-OST. Glove* aud Hosiery, posed of the N Tuwdar, Panvolii and Fans, ' at the August election. W. C. WHITAKER. COMIHITTBn Resolved That the contest now existing I July either on Main or Seventh street, or ARRANGOm&NTS. close of an , bo- ' OBO. P. PltKNTICK.) insurrection and rebellion and treason following remarks which are the * JySdte •ulfton‘ let SPECTACLES. The1 ne miner,tinder, by« IL twoen the Government and the disloyal States he * To all of which we the atteutiou of e*»ph buyers. PAUL, SHIPMAN,* ht thl 0,Mce, w Ul be rewarded. CAPT. J. II. BOWMAN, LIEUT. .1. R. NOBLE, front bold, brazen, editorial article in the Knoxville Register of jyK 5r n the IxtuisvUle Journal: LIEUT. O. E. HARDY. Ot .IVKU •talk over the land with a that have commenced an unjustifiable and trea- the Editors of LICUT. P. f. MORI ARTY, WILLIAM ELY, LUCAM, Local Editor *ind Reporter. MARTIN & CRUMBAUdQ. candidate G. P. O’DONNELL, E80 sonable war upon its constitutional authority, Please announce GkiUUJK A. Hoi’ijuton a W. |! HARDING, G. W. MKSSICK, Con- last Wednesday: . L. II. GERMAN, unrebuked? he to permit the 1 District and Was Situation JH Wsh 304 Fourth at., hct. Market and .Tefferaon. for re-election to the Legislature in the ourth LIEUT. W. F. WOOD, J. It EMM IT, regarded all loyal . Waatod. « - 1 G’Im;NNKLL. should he by men, not as a sec- a 1 is a thorough Tennessee, willing or un- 1,0 4 t the city of Louiei ilh . Mr. Houghton COL. H. llAKNEY, HAM POPE, ron STATU TREASURER, stitution to be trampled on, the public The people of East “ to teach all the branch^ ESQ., C«)L W. P. BOONE, tional war not as an and slavery tear, not a \ it is t lie de-ire of the Union men ot V,. , war uiou man, and COL. V. LEVERING, JAS. willing, will have to submit to the will of the w, knifllsh Education, t aether with BUCHANAN. CA1*T. G. P. M1f2?ir « for tue DOERN, conquest and subjugation, but simply solely d ‘‘r lie* district to return him to the Legislature HON. C. W. LOGAN, Dlt. W. LI. to seized; the capital to be of und f » !t Jall°" hi _ GODUARI), property be the State, as declared a Southern State. JOS. G. WILSON, ESQ , Col. JAS. II. AKD, majority of the people of K2,k! n! f ' in w hich he diecharged his duties dur- F. QAJtB ‘“ “ faithful manner HON. 1 GORIN, a war for (he maintenance of the government, the U " a,ldr ’ KU t ,r ol might ss well * 1 this announce- captured; the public honor on the 8th of Juno. The people $u" JounialIruai - \ \<>W IS THU ing the late called .*essioii8. By making menaced and , TIME v* ! 7 dftfcwl suppression of rebellion, and the preservation j resist- of von will oblige the b d ' T u ftrko st "ITS. understand that acquiescence is peace— ment , . ?‘ k k U^irlb street: F. M’.ddon'- Booketore, Third CITY CANDIDA insulting ? Vr.^r n°LLAK3 \ ^ OF TENNESSEE vili be rK8 Wl" b* t’i“ Seventh, Eighth, aud Ninth WtrftMw Third District —JOSHUA F. TEVIS. proud Hag of bou-ht at ajnod. i ,.! pi ke LAPP & BROTHER, impious hands were tearing the see is now in progress. Ono regiment ol the Common Council, comes up before the Board by Uyl7dr) unanimously supported by the Uuion party. We ear- JOHN SM1DT ft CO. nestly hoj*e the track will he accorded to him by com- anil plucking out its near of Aldermen to-morrow night. Of course, if ITourth. Tor the legislature from Jefferson Co., tho Union into shreds, army of invasion left Camp Trousdale, 803 street, mon rooseut without opposition, the United it is worth while to STATEMENT jett dt t M AN Y^ VOTER J. II. •tan*? Ho is the President of Nashville, on Thursday of last week, and was have a Home Guard at all, BETWEEN MARKET AND JEFFERSON STREETS. JOHN HARNEY. OF THE CONDITION OF THE .ETNA INSURANCE Aro selling J- MASON CO., sea to sea they should be in & States of the whole nation, from at Cleveland, in Bradley couuty, on Friday uniform. Everybody kuows, TOR counts: clsrs. , COMPANY, as required by the laws of the State E are requarted to announce CHARLES U. SAM- JULY 17, 1861. and is sworn to see that that, without this, they cannot bo made cf K-.-utti.cky, 1 WEDNESDAY, and from lake to gulf, evening. The second started from the camp 03 the 1st day of July, A. D., 1861. UELS as a candidate for Conn tv Clerk of Bullitt W 5 to till the vacancy occasioned by the death of hi* If faithfully executed, and acts under destination of the soldiers. A vote not to uniform them is virtu- hp county ^Manufacturers of Drumsft Fifes. the laws are on Saturday morning. The ip -UT.N A INSURANCE Ja* T^JuBKiva COM I ! lather Kobt. F. Samuels. Affairs in Virginia. ate events in Vir- ANY, located at UarUoid, c ,nu. — Constitution which declares that it and these two was said to bo Cumberland Gap. The lly a vote to do away with them altogether and a The Capital is $1,Mojito, aud Is Drums of any size made to order. Drum Heads and extra Sticks constantly on ginia cannot fail to have a very disheartening paid up. hand. Drum* supreme authority all over the land; mountaineers of Tennessee were in arms leave our people to the tender mercies of The laws arc of loyal Gov. Assets cl the Couipauy arc MASSACHUSETTS. and Musical Instruments repaired. Drums ornamented with Coats of Arms when ordered. Confederacy. BOSTON, effect upon the Southern upon earth which con Magoffin ’:>]*ccession Par Market and there is no power to resist the invasion, and it is said that large military organization. Ordure eoliclted and promptly and accurately executed. Addrer* Value Value. Recently all eyes were fixed upon the oppos- are from these obligations. They of the Kentucky mountaineers in the This matter should lie understood. It is. Real Estate unincunahered release him numbers . *~'.477 79 Cheaper tl an ever before bought ia tbi* eitj! «x. nvEA.soisr sc near Cash on baud aud la co., ing armies of Patterson and Johnson of God,” Bauk 91,545 48 L. BRADFORfffcCO. imposed by institutions “ordained neighboring counties were preparing to aid Ca^h in the bauds of MARTIN KENTUCKY DRUM CsF’Tho Frankfort Ageutoud hi FACTORY, Martinsburgh. The secessionists had the ut- Yeoman thinks that Lin- transit third said that “whosoever therefore re- 179,814 03 AT THEIR NEW GRANITE STORE, 4117 Main street, between Third and Fourth, door above National Hotel, l,ouUvtlle. Ky. and He has their loyal brethren. Mortgage Bonds, per and oln isn’t President. It says that “he has ab- 7 ce nt., Bom il most confidence in Johnson as a General, of God; annual interest WINDOW SHADES tho power resisteth the ordinance $44,000 sisteth The cause of the patriots of East Tennes- Mo! tpage Bonds, 44,(00 REFERENCES: in Pat- dicated the office to which he was elected.” d percent., semi- 178 ‘Washington street, the Union men have never had much themselves annual interest. AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Inspector Geueral and Com- Lieut. Col. C^F. Johnson. shall receivo to Gen. S. B. Buckner, | and they that resist see is a holy one. It is the cause of freedom. 4?,000 48.000 MaJ. Rochester City Bonds,: 2VIA3S., Kentucky State Guard. Maj. Jas. A. Beattie. Judge Advocate. terson. Patterson, several days ago, attacked And yet it claims, that, if we had a faithful per'ceot* Paper hung at price* to ruit the time*. BOSTON, mander duty and his conscience semi-aumiKl General. Mivj. Alex. Caseoday, and Assistant damnation.” His pray God that myriads of swords may, if int-ivst Col. B. H. H*dm. Assistant Inspector Major Adjt. Genera We 25,000 25.000 Phil. the latter, Congress, he icon Id be impeached and expelled Brooklyn City Bond h Continue the Importation aud Sale of Col. C. I) Penirobaker, Assistant Paymaster GeneraL CapL Vacaro. Captain Subsistence Department. Johnson and put him to flight, but his oath , p r'ceiiV Ac alike forbade that ho should violate senu- iiinmvl LAPP BROTHER, Capt. H. .f. Lyons. QiiartermAstev's Department. necessary, flash like myriads of lightnings in interest . . Col. Samuel Gill, Chief Engineer. ' 25.000 303 fortified from office. But how he Hartford 35.000 Fourth et., next doer to F» uda’s Grocery. And the Mcrchauta of Louisville. few miles, rallied and can be expelled from City Bonds, is Col. Time. H. Hunt. retreating a leave the Constitution and Union unde- percent Jyl8 d and its defence. semi-annual interest. Ij xi je5 dtf . o u T e x 50.000 60.000 himself. Soon Beauregard sent him a rein- an office that he has abdicated? And how can Jersey City Bonds, of the rebellious t; p^r' cent” fended. Could the secession ' Condition of tho Commercial Sink of semt-aQuoAl iuter et forcement of several thousand men from Ma- Leaving Camp Trousdale. — We learn he be impeached if he isn't 1'resilient? 3 >,000 25.000 Kentucky und Branches HARDWARE, States change the line of his duty? Secession Milwaukee City Bonds, To per FANCY ’ ceut , semi nunu-vl inti rest country anxiously that, even- ’ 5,000 5,000 nassas, and then the whole is from Bowling Green, on Monday ON TIIK 1ST DAY OF JULY, 186 has no warrant in the Constitution; it a po- $aF*Thc Richmond Examiner says that New York City Bond-, ii per cent quarterly great battle, the opposing forces be- ing, twelve or fifteen came tlicro from expected a traitors are trying to men 50.000 60.000 MEANS. FISHING- TAOKIjB litical fungus which Richmond is crowded.” Perhaps Scott will United States Steek, 5 jvrcfuY! ILLS of Exchange mouths snml-auunal ing considered very nearly equal. The Camp Trousdale, with the Confederate flag in interort 20>,000 Mate ing East $347,D*1 90 fasten upon it so that its vitals may be poison- crowd it a good deal harder few 101,950 B We continue the* in a days. United States Stock, n li-jr’ceut South fillled with ' 445,370 H manufacture of Fish- of our secessionists were daily their {>osscssion, having been in service under semi-annual luteie-t ... Constitution was pending be- 125.000 108,125 Went au J Ky. 56*>,fi42 07 feiNn,i!.o li|{i 1*6,it* kiiH olterotter ouon*r uiuial ed. When the Kentucky State Stork, aud com- American colors, patri- d p r cent., $1,249,904 98 reports said to have come by the way of Gen. Anderson. On arriving at Bowling CPThe upborne by semi-annuAl tutored pletc asMitotot of Fieii Hooks of States, . fore the convention of the original 10.000 7,7lO all kimK Fismino Links and every otic soldiers, are TonnesMe State tftocY, us per $<''*:,K73 S', Nashville and Memphis that Johnson had cut Green, they tore their fiAg into shreds, stamped generally colors that may be cent.. iwAuutud it was proposed in several of them that »emi-\nrmnl interest sa.ooO 13.000 *‘ mat ift-d a id i.m- r STaTB. safely warranted to New York State Stock, »j rout., Wit* in wit 4,4 I f»7 Patterson to pieces, killing thousands of his it under foot, and bitterly exclaimed that they not run. per Swpended We have n**>ml y in stock an aaaor'uifcul or CvTi.RRV the condition semi -annual the • i.t it should be ratified with Interest 28,000 St*, 4(0 Loan te State 01 Ktu.ucky l ouDO of the fe! tew inn makers: Rodun'*, Wodeiuiolm«, Mi-souri State Sto^k. Real Estate — ( men and taking all the rest, himself included, would “never again have anything to with •» per cent., "rooke'e. Now ill's, Wade ft Butcher's, Heiffor's, U«*.y- * [3:m*c1a 1 Corrc.'pondeucc of the Louisville Journal.] IN THE precedent, that, if certain amendments sc n i-aunnml iutere-t For Banking-Home? 69 *2!*2 1!* 20,000 lu,4(» no'd's, Savare's, Buut ing* s, CousiuV. ILirri-ou Bro.’s, admit even the pos- Ohio State j prisoners. They wouldn’t that concern.” Passages were given them 10 Washington July 1861. St ck, C per c- ut ., semi- Taken ford-fit 4o:»l9 23 and IlowsonV. choice patterns andeu- were not adopted, the States might reserve 13, A relection of annual io’ercst 75.000 75.000 Bond- and Stock takeu lir pcri-ii 'jimlity of Pocket Knivea and Scie-ors, marked mistake in the the present • sibility that there might be a Louisville, and it is highly probable that some At rate of doing busiocss the ses- Michigan State Stork. per debt 11O st&ts 6 cent., 4's200 ‘‘Bradford, Iteston." ltochus ft wmv. the power to withdraw. Mr. Madison He’nDch's and Wendt m semi-annual iuterect 25.000 S *19,648 79 Souuout’s Tailors* Shrnrj and fkiseors. matter. But at last authentic news came, and if not all of them arc now bearing arms at sion will soon be terminated. Resolutions limit- 3,750 IndiHiia State Stork, 2 per cent., Due from Bank* 10 08 wrote to Mr. Hamilton that the proposition >5 M. L. B. Co. are proprietor* of Waujott's Patknt debate semi-auuual interest Keiiivtwtm^ni* A wc all know what it was. Johnson fled from Camp Joe Ilolt. ing in Committe of tho Whole save much 75,490 45,300 123,197 21 Sewinu-Maciiinz »mas**Re. was absurd, —that the acceptance of the con- 500 shares Hartford and New Ha- Cn.-h on h»nd— useless consumption of time for buncombe Silver u the season, we el. all have, a^ heretofore, an exten- before Patterson all the way to Winchester A gentleman at Bowling Green says that ven Railroad Co. Stock 60.000 70.000 Gold and 42 stitution must be unqualified, —that the Union 350 sharr-s Conn. River Railroad Note* of other Bank* 21, 667 ou sive *tnck ot American, English, and German Skatcs. speeches, and the despatch of Speaker Grow has upon no better pretext than that there was the men here spoken of made up the number Co. Stock 25.000 21,250 Ou Deposit iu New York 4ol,s :• in) ddw formed, and that all must be unconditionally been the subject of much commendation. The 107 shana Bo -ton and Worcester 1,1 3’,153 33 light, that women and danger, if ho should of fifty-two who have come recently throngh Railroad Co. Stock 10.700 11,770 States, that agreed to it, must do so “in the near approach to unanimity on all the votes on 5U rlutreu Connecticut River Co. 4SM,«I5 18 Letters for tho Southern States. children might be hurt. that town, having left the Confederate States Stock toto and forever.” Hence, secession by propositions suggested by the President's mes- — 5,000 1.250 ERSONS WISHING TO FORWARD LETTERS at the occurrences further in 50 shares Cil zeuo’ Bank Stock, LIABILITIES. Ami look West service in disgust. So, whilst one tide is set- to the i ho nclotbiiK States, cannot change Waterb* y. Coun P SECEDED STA ES c»q do by one State, or a dozen sage shows that tho country is united in deter- 5,000 5,000 Capital rtock paid iu s}>i, 7 10.767 00 Stufford thorn In t Government rt sniped envelop and directs ug fortifications at 50 pharos Bank stock, ‘.-6 Virginia. The Confederate ting from Kentucky into Tennessee, there is Due to Bauks ‘.'>,614 their letters properly and then enclo«inK them, tocot her the nature or abridge the extent of the Presi- mination to arrest the war and put down rebel- St a fiord Spriug . Conn 5,000 5,000 Notes iu circnlation 1,331. U H 10 w ith ten cents (either In money or stamps) to tuo un- Rich Mountain were considered very strong, another tide setting from Tennessee into Ken- :J)'» shaft p Evlc Bank Stock, Prov- Due to DeiKwitore is the con- lion. I see that tho llorald of yesterday puts 177 670 62 deroigned, at Fraukiin, Ky., who will mail them daily dent’s duty, because he bound, by idence, K. 1 1,8 0 I,872 Dun to Dividend Account 5,U2J 51 bui they were carried by the United States tucky. 200 aliares Ruverc Bank at Na*hville, Teno. down Messrs. Wadsworth and Harding, of our Stock, Bos- Due to Coot indent Fund .* I7,!n6 27 insurrectionary it* stitution, to consider all such ton, Maps Frank tin, Ky., situated on the Ieu the sections. Bi. D. WHITESIDE. Bill” because tiino given thorn to read Missouri Stock, bt Laui*, Mo. oners fell into their hands. But the headquart- was not 20,000 20,000 Franklin, Ky. before the nation, before the world, and before 100 shar* p Merchants' Bulk Stork, Contingoa been fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils, tFiind and Profit and I>v»s as KvKKKrNrKB—B. C. Grider, President People’s Bank its provi: i >ns. Others of tho Kentucky delega- St. LouD, ers of the Confederate troops in that section of M* 10,000 10,000 abive t!l $135,672 of Kentucky- Carter ft Brother, LouLvillA, Ky., and God, in view of all the great interests of hu- 200 ph.-ire* Mechanic-' Bank St*>ok, says, that, in the expected collisions here, tion withheld their votes for the same reason Deduct Dividend No. 17, d-*cl«red this day, the citizen* of Franklin. Ky. f*W dislin Virginia were at Laurel Hill. Five thousand St. Lou p. Mo. manity, civilization, and Christianity, which 20,000 30.000 of 4 per cout 66,636 78 the senior Editor of the Journal ought to The brief but emphatic speeches made by Messrs. 400 shares Farmers' and Mechan- of the best of the Southern chivalry were sta- ic*’ Bank Stick, Philadelphia, Leaves present Surplus $.=*:»,( are wrapped up in our institutions, to maintain, Mallory, Jackson, and Harding, defining the po- 35 ri MADAME ISABEL SNELL, be the first man killed. We thank him for Pa 20,000 93.400 tioned there, and weeks had been devoted to 140 Abared vKtraUink if practicable, the authority of the Union un- sition of Kentucky, have given groat satisfaction Stock, Hart- THE ILLINOIS TO., HAVE FOR SALE assigning to us the post of honor, and should ford, Conn JAS. L. DALLAM, Caahier. D0CTRESS & ASTR0L0GIST, CENTRAL RAILROAD the construction of fortifications. The whole 14.009 14,840 impaired, and force back the armed cohorts of to the conservatives of the House, - who have ex- 100 -hare* Bank of Haitford Coun- (JOMMKBOiAt. Bank or Kentucky, ) like to know who is to be paid the handsome Eighth at., oecoud door from Grayson, mountain was covered with entrenchments and ty, Hart fort. Conn 5.000 5.000 Paducah, July 2, 1661 \ jyl5 d!5>twl not done so, he would changed congratulations and compliments with our OULD respectfully inform the citisensof I/tuie- rebellion. If he had compliment of being killed next to us, and 100 share-* CliaitorOak BaukStock, 1,200,000 ACRES OF RICH FARMING LANDS, W vllle that rim ia able to tell any* biim they have breast works. The opinion was that it could Hart lord. C»nn 10,090 10.400 have been in criminal complicity with treason. members. Mr. Crittenden will take an early op- iu tbelr mind, arvd can help people out of tiierr trouble, who is to enjoy the distinction of licing the 300 ehard« CityBauk Stock, Hart- “ IN TRACTS OF FOBTT ACRES AND UPWARD, was J0EH0LT RIFLES:’ no matter what it ie. She wm horn with a secret that be defended against 30,000 men. It portunity to give his view’s on the present junc ford, Conn. 30.000 War to this extent was on the part of the Gov- 23,«KK) cnnhlee her to eurpa** any one etee in TELLING FOR- third. Ah, C. J. C., we hardly think you 300 share* Kxihanyo Bank Stock, per month thought almost impregnable. Nevertheless, at tore of affairs, and great interest is manifested lo l-*rifo:d. $15 pay— *$100 Bounty* TUNES She can eteo find out through her lecret ait PRICES. question of policy but of neces- I Joan 15.000 15.000 ON LONG CREDIT AND AT LOW ernment not a f , circmn*tancei> of eicknere*, and can tell what will cure, will he able to afford, when the time comes, to 400 shares Fanner*’ ft Mechanics’ HE Law allowing t!i« above amounte to the t'-*ten the approach of Gen. McClellan, that strong hear him. Sinco the time when John Quincy | as there aro root* growing ter every disease iu the defensive war, and, therefore, un- Bank Stork, Hartford, Conn. 40.000 Vohiii'eers ha* p» s*ed the Ilnnscnf K«pre-*entHfives sity; it was stand much upon the order of your killing 45,300 world. I i « with hardly n di-«s. ulinc vote. I he e hold was abandoned, the whole fleeing Adams, after leaving tho Presidential chair, took 600 shares 1 Ba ik St-*- k, with the Fensiou present imputation 1,7 23,608, a ratio or 102 per cent In army Madame I. 8.J« the only one tlmt can make DR. MEN. avoidable. Hartford. Conn Act.* and B unty Laud law* i* r*i lib lent to pallsfr the UTECHANICS, FARMERS & WORKING Why, dear old sir, wc never thought you his Representative in 60/100 •3,500 Tht* mixture seat us a the House, there nio.'t ir erediiloua our I1UFLANIV.S IJFK ESSENCE pure ten years. without fil ing a gun. And our readers have 100 xliarc.- Merchants' ft M mitfpc- that Goveruni^nt Intend* dolnr rpHK attention of the enterprising and industrious por- pretext the charge its ir good for al liu’ea*o.-*, and can only be bought in her To give apparent to would venture even to tread upon a mouse lc6t has been no ono whose ago, position, learning tureiv' Bhnk Stock, Hartford, part to further the interest* oi tboae who take up PRODUCTS. olfite. No. 509 Eighth rt-root, second door from Grayson. tion of the community is directed to the following AGRICULTURAL seen the story of the hot pursuit, the final turn- Conn 10,0(10 arm* In its defence. against tho President of inaugurating the war, k 9,500 Every panion that ia depieued »nd troubled nbout Tho Agricultural Products of Illinois arc greater than it might bite through your boot and hurt you. experience, and antecedents entitled him to so 300 shares Phomix Bank atork, A t v.- more recruits are w anted to till up the .Foe Ilolt statements and liberal inducements offered them by the ing at bay, the triumph the United States War should call on her. a** she i* tho only one that in- of lterttb'4, Conn 30,‘>J0 Rilke, an oxc* llent c impuiy in Rousseau's Brigade now those of any other State. Tim products i«ent out during the secession orgaus attempt to draw a distinc- much respect. 30.000 herited th« secret from la Aorma, the great Fortune- Arc you really a fire aud tow man? 2io ; 'barer State Bank St'>ck, Hart- on duty at Camp Joe Hoit. all hi* 1 .590,000 tous. The wheat crop arms, the extensive capture of munitions of Teller that a ' dried Napaleouof France In under- ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. the i«at year exceeded for ford. Conn 35.000 Appl) iinu.udi.itely at i ha corut r Of Eighth and Main tion between secession and “ordinary insurrec- An act has passed both Houses to provide 30.000 takinc*, in nil hi* battles, t*, and made lnm suecamfnl the corn 1 >0 sharer Couuectieot KiverBauh- stree or at the aforesaid cante of which, as they will perceive, will enable them, by ofl 860 approaches 55,000,000 bushels, while war, and the taking of more prisoners than the wagers )^. 1 .04)0 that no one can iuimw her. they upon the idea that it A highly respectable gentleman of collecting dulios in the ports of the seceding iiu Co. Stock. Hartford. Conn. 7,500 jylodtr C. L. THO.MA8SON, Captain. tions.” This base 9,750 PieRM call and see her. and y-m will be relieved. pro]*«‘r energy, perseverance and industry, to provide crop yields not less than 149,000,000 bushels. 400 ehan ^ American Exchange McClellan know’ what to do with. States where the laws have been resist- too poor, the of Princeton, saj6that the disunion ists there rovenue Those who are if' Jar Union, can come for themselves and families, with is only the right asserted by the Declaration Ky., Bank S ock, \ .w YrKk City. . comfortablo homes WtO 83.000 without money; r.nd those who don’t believe, call at 12 OF THE SOIL. Everybody knows that Southern arc ed. Its terms are equivalent to Jackson’s Force 300 ahm** Bank of America Stock, FEBTILTT7 men — o'clock at night aud rho will make them believe. comparatively speaking, very little capital. Independence, “of a people to alter and abol- “are still vigilant and active, determined to N»w Yoj k Cite Nowhere can the industrious farmer secure such Im- loca- 30,0-W 3>',0O0 jel2 dty brave; and thousands will wonder that they Bill, and direct that custom-houses may be '<00 flu LACE CURTAINS!! res Broadway Bank Stork, ish their forms of government when these be- carry the First District out, if the State shall LANDS OF ILLINOIS. mediate results for his labor ns upon these prairie soils, ted in any part of a collecting district w here their New York City 2'oidinate * road has been altogether from Wc assured Caldwell county will Stock, New York City Choice Patterns, contains on cjrc'rnml t cultivate. The tions. 20.700 Pj.'XJO Split -fioHom hairs. 100 dtared Hau ver Bank C of the relations of the States to the Union. elect a Union Representative to the Legisla officers. If the revonuo officers find it impossible Stock. - RICH ROLLING TRAIRTE LANDS. instructed through these lands at an expense of $30,000, ever Sew Fork City 10,100 7.000 OF OUR OWN LATE IMPORTATIONS, \\,'E ARE AGENNS FOR THE SALE OF KKN- There was something in the march of to establish custom-houses on land or collect the The deep rich loam of tho prairies is cultivated with 0O0. In 1850 the population pf forty nine counties, The connection of the Colonies with Great ture, and that Caldwell, Crittenden, and Liv- 300 hiar* a Importers' and Traders' tucky Peoitontlary Split-bottoue'd Chairs, aud the Bank Stock. New York City... 30,t of all sizes. such wonderful that through which it was Britain was not a union. It was not founded ingston counties will elect a Union Senator. 100 ihares Mercantile Bauk Stock, A. L. ft SON, SHOTWED. Middle States aro moving to Illinois In groat num- have culded; nuzUnj the whole j^pulatwnbli, destiny. do not believe that proclamation closing the port, all vessels at New York City lu,*uo and 293 Wc he can be and 11.000 IIITE ft SMALL, jt:22 dtf Wall street. upon any compact or league. It was main- Shares equal to that of En- 200 Market Bank Stock, New 15 Main street, between Third bers. Tho area of Illinois is about 891, a gain of 143 per cent. It is at least strongly at tempting to amenable to forfeiture. All Jy and Fourth. successfully resisted in Virginia. We predict «iorinp', and Dean- 30 en*ro«* Merchant*' B.uk Stock, warded over the line last year. raising Southern recruits. Such suspicions are In length which connects with other roads andnavtga bles is falser and more pernicious than the no right of revolution was based upon the tho blockade, while tho power to declare ports of Now York City 41,(00 3H,950 r tifyiog the Hair. , |'IIF. STEAMSHIP OltICAT E VrtTFRN WILL BF unbroken com to •lif! share.-* bio lakes and rivers, thus affording au EDUCATION. not calculated improve a broker’s credit Manhattan Co. Ikuik J o*i evhibition **t Q ae»" c on and after the l»»b i JUSTLY CELEBRATED ARTICLE IS MANU- lion, current in secession circles and in circles ground that governments derive “their just entry closed will remove all approhended difficulty \ the free pehool Stock, New York City 20,00) 23.000 Hffiftl da*** ticko.'s will bo i**u «l fio.n iV factored in the City or Loui&v II.U, h» tho Capitol Southern markets. and workingmen will find Quite a number of young men are about leav Detroit «o munication with tho Eastern and Mechanics 500 i* hared Nadeau Bank Stock, New Qm be' atid reTurn for the -iu ill *um of *11, and can l»c Drug Store, and the pioprietor claims timt it is superior which circle towards secession, that the Gov. powers from the consent of the governed,” and with European nations. Thus gradually Lite net svslero enoourage*! l*y tho i-'lito and endowed with a York ( ;»ty 30.000 28.500 h.dft the R. R Office corner Third and Main streets, in litany rivp^-cr^ to any preparation of the kind now ia ing Frankfort and its vicinity for the Southern CAPITAL. Their chil- is closing around the rebellious States in their 200 s-iarea North Uiverli.inkStock, u<*:\ and wai rants tli -t it will give ^atiffacGou. APPLICATION OF revenue for the snpporl of schools. eminent is responsible for the beginning and that, when this is withheld, it is the right of i/»ui 1 0.000 8,000 J. I. SHAKER, ft- v «•* have Wen fully tested, and numberless testi- Thus far, capita! and labor have been applied tod- schoolhouses, army. commeicial relations, w’hile tho military advances dren can live in Bicbt of tho church and the prosecution of the war. Precisely the re the people to alter or abolish 300 shares Bank of Ne*» YorkStock, JytSdtf Gene a i Southern A cent. rnooUle c*u be { roduc«-d iutolt* •*fficacy. groat resource* nr ore them. There- mo soil *. nw New ^ ork City QuIm1. fi'ftm lb. wnuiliT c-ol *-*- -U. and grow up with the prosperwy **f tho leading State In in Virginia show the consummate skill of Gen 30.000 25.500 rule $y< )n Sunday we received a letter from per d >x*n. Retails f»t 25 cent* are almost untouehed. Tlie Invariable erse is undeniably true; the revolutionists fore, when the Union was formed, it was 2«0 .-hare.* Bank of No.th America W hoi* -ale price *' So coal and iron the Great Western Empire. Scott. Before long, Gen. McClellan, following Bank ock. New \ ork City... per t*oUi*-. o. H. SYRATi'AN, Mnnufavtnrer, where fond and fuel Kingsport, Tennessee, with the envelope tom S 2o,M<0 18.000 that the mechanic arte flo«ru;h best are responsible for both. Having effected the founded upon compact and agreement—upon 4W) shares Ouaau Bank Stock, New June4 dtf Opp-.rdte the Poeteofilce. PRICES AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. up his advantage at Laurel 11 iil, will form a will follow at an early day In Illinois, and wide open, but, the one dollar note York C.ty 20,010 10,000 are cheapest, lands vary from $6 to per election of' Mr. Lincoln in order to use his “the consent of the governed.” Our fathers enclosed The prices of these $25 junction with General Patterson’s division and 400 pharos Pocple’s Bauk Stock, Feriimtory, Roaps, Toil«t Goods ficc of the next ten years the natural laws and In tho course quality, ftc. First class in it by the writer remained undisturbed. New York City 10.000 9,000 acre, according to location, election as the instrument of rebellion, W 1 least and were too wise and had too much forethought drive tho Confederates under 1 HAVE JUST REl b IV El A N’D OPENED A LAK< of tho case warrant the belief that at Johnson and Wise 5oU shar* Phenix Bauk Stock. New Fulton Fire Insurance Co. neoessltica for about $10 to per acre and ocap«, farming lands s*dl $12 ; 1 anorkofiit of HaodkerrhRf Kx i act s, Tctkt the having actually thus used his election, they at for the future, suppose the Tennessee Vigilance Committee j ork City 10,00U 9,000 thousand peoplo will bo engaged in to found their new* government down into the interior of the State, where Fancy Goods whic'.: 1 am sellii at ex- five hundred the Bru»he«, end g tbo rdalivo expenre of subduing prairie land as com- 2U0 «hare* Bauk sf Republic *t., Ne-.v Tork. cuter to the wants ot employ thought the amount too small for their atten No. 40 Wall ceedingly l* w rales. I intend to of Ulinol3 In ytrioua manufacturing the last moment deliberately inaugurated war upon the model of the old one they had thrown th**y will St-xk, New York City 90.000 SUte land Is in tho ratio of 1 to 10 in favor moot McDowell and all the nii in* ml- and -trons in every particular, and trust pare*! with wood 400 * Post-office. lands will bo the Government threatened to stifle with ual union one which, because it is down and quarters. city. 1 may here remark that, although there j irrt dtf SYSTEM OF ILLINOIS. — consented Trudi Co. Stoci*, New York < a^h Capital $2 i-. XX) CO \ RAILROAD l_'a.->!» r *. 71 capital havo been ex forbearance seem9 much procrastination in our army move- City 1 5.000 38,260 Surplus 87 Over $100,000,«)00 of private IN ADVANCE, a unprecedented in the history o! to by all the States which became parties to it, just returned from Cincinnati, where ONE YEAR’S INTEREST CsT The Tennessee disunionists arc divid 190 dharei United Stated Title! Co. Illinois. Inasmuch as tf kindueas of Col. pondqd on tho railroad system of per per annnm, and six Interest notes at six ments, everything is effected with extraordinary Total 5’ I 87 I have procured, through c at six cent nations. They began the war, and began it cannot be thrown off except by trampling it Stock. 10.000 1 K. Ai*i>CB80N, one large nud one vuiall sized Photo- several of these works, with ing now into two factions exceedingly bitter 1‘* ID Keceivablc inaturiiie >*.6111 66 part of the income from cent. payable respectively in one, two, threo, four, procihi >n. The news received yesterday from per , because their cause was perishing into the dust. GRsrn of himself, in full uniform, with the identical of peace. By the true theory of of the Condition of tho Fnlton Fire valuable public fund in lands, go to diminish the State date of salo and four notes against each other, one of Statement cap by him at Foit Smupter during tbe a fivo and 6ix years from ; them supporting McClellan was expected to the very day by the $a,lS5,*<& 96 cloak and worn Insurance Company of York City on the reads- friouds consequently They contemplated this exigency, and this way the Government thus made, if any Stale New bombardment, I am now to furnish his expenses tho taxes ark light, and must four, five, six and seven years ; for principal, payable In Harris for Governor, and the other supportin President, and the operations for next week aro 30th day of June, 1861. and admirers with duplicates of eael\ rize at my Gallery LIABILITIES. day docrcaso. contract stipulating that one-tenth of meeting tho exigency, from the outset; shall refuse to stand to tho contract, ©r AbSSETS. or at Fecn rcd*xd $2,950,746 80, and blood were the two leading agencies in the must be held, by the common government, the CftsU on haud 12. >*S 00 Inst three as that very soon. retreat of the Confederates upon Richmond, proob, or route* ted 185J&5 *{ and under cultivation. Cash iu bind** ot AgvUts 13.P67 W HALL, may reasonably expect that in ten years it will become ex All c.diii* aga.ust the Compauy are email, for p. lut- CONGRESS scheme of disunion which Mr. Yancey and his departing from its agreement, and as subject leaving tin division of Western Virginia an un- Temporary lx>am< 4-',’ ing. ftc PEE CENT. WILL BE DEDUCTED. Sundry Debit* 3»9*3 ( linct. TWENTY secessionists cannot be watched risk* Island, J. confederates laid down and which the active to be called back to its obligations again. The ftSTThe too interrupted access to Eastern Tennessee and the Ag-nts instructed to take no exceeding Ten Cajie May, Uai>e N. from tbe valuation for cosh, except tbo same should b« Thouear.i Dollar* without special panni*? ion. PRESENT POPULATION. of 4t^,a<6 6: prico will bo five spirits of the conspiracy States are closely. They have nominated Gobrias Terry opportunity supporting tho Union men at Cum- The grentertt amount iu nuy Town, or HOTEL population 868, at six dollars per acre, when the cash are now carrying out not bound together by a mere league insured C:ty, ^pilIS WELL-KNOWN FIRST-CLASS f Tho State Is rapidly filing up with ; Village, or block varies mid d« p ltd* upon the construc- I will bv opetusd fer the reception of guo«U on for State Treasurer. correspondent berland Gap whenever aid shall bo required to (ABILITIES. added sinco 1850, making the dollars.< to the best of their ability. Precipitation was in the nature of a mercantile partnership, A suggests arre.-t lire*. 025 persons having been but tion, material, and the mean* ut ng Lo.vea unadjorted. $6,610 00 Thumdnr, June 20. repel contemplated ’evasion of Kentucky soil. E. G KIPl-EY, President. ter Board i?2 per day or f'3 p*r w* eV. climate, productions, prices, and terms of payment, can bo had to be employed first, and, when the virtue have surrendered all the that he is connected with the Dyscn Terry Sundry Credit* 873 Si Pamphlets descriidivo of tho lands, soil, of power which may be THUS. K. BRACE, Secretary. jlsdnu- WEST ft THOMPSON. Proprietors. The decision of Judge Muir in .relation to the on application to family, and that his nomination is Hartford, July 1, 1861. precipitation began to wane, blood was to be found necessary to keep themselves together. intended as j-_ POSTER, Land Commissioner, contraband trade on tilt Louisville and Nashville 71 K a clandestine 8r2>V. substituted or superadded. The inauguration They made their constitution an irrevocable endorsement of the policy and State or Coxhucticitt, lUvrroRD Co..? _ railroad gives great satisfaction here. Indeed CHICAGO, 1LLINOI8. Julyy 3, 1861. J Special attention paid t-r appTcatio&a ter in mauce Springs, Ky, of war at Sumpter was in 6trict practice of Gen. Price. Grayson pursuance of ordinance of government—an irrepcalable char- the position of Kentucky ftcftin-' lo*« or damtpe by fire a pan every detenpriou cf is most enviable, and Personal l v appeared before me. Henry Fowler, a Jus- Illi- in tbi* city and vlrluity. rrtJlE undersigned having the entire control of Janire and Ctttoa altuated upon th© this scheme. Precipitation was tice of the Pewits duly *|Uiilifi«-d to administer onths. proimrty For tho nnnica of the ToWBf, played out. ter of nationality—and designed it for a per- her recent large Union majorities for members of J F. Clarkr-otii interest in thia establishment, will fur old friend Dick Wintersmith, who. Kite in G. Ripley. President, and Tlmma* K. B aoe. Sec- RAILWAY TH0S. S. KENNEDY & BRO.. Agents, open the name for the reception of vi-itor? on tlie 10th nois Contra! Railroad, «e© page* 188, 180 A 190, APPLETON’S The time for blood had come. And the bat- petual duration. It was a covenant which Congress are the theme of universal congratula- retary, and s-verally made oath that the foregoing our being now a citizen of No. 413 Main i*t., b**tween Foutlh ao«l Filth street*. ot June, with a promise to keep a plaiu and entotantial Memphis, has of course rintement of the asset* and condition ot the .Av.n* Ir teries of Beauregard 4 yl3 dim Kofitucky Hot**!, including a I the b«**t eupplies tho GUKDK. sent their iron messen- fathers stipulated should not broken tion. We have a talentnl and attentive delega- wrai.ee Company ri t.ue. WcKK, be either to be a disunionist, threatens to bombard HENRY F country will afford, aud solicit* palronabo. Justice of the Peace. gers for the blood of Anderson and his famish- by themselves or tion, and neither the honw or the interests of our Tkkms or Boa ki>: their posterity. God wit- Louisville. It has been suggested that our will suffer in their Slave-Owners, Look Out B-iard .$ 1 25 ing little command. nessed tho covenant, and, as “the recording State cistody. Auditor's Ornor., Frankfort, Kt.,> per day city authorities keep on hand a large amount JulyS«l*>l. Do. “ week 7 00 OR RENT. WANTED. ! FOR SALE The chaplains of the various $000 TO T11E HAND PER ANNUM! regiments en- “ . 25 00 The whole secession movement i9 not merely angel wrote it down,” ho stam|Kjd it I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of Do. month with the of chloride of lime by way of preparation for iu tl'.ri office. have hii improved Plantation on the MUri* Children andjjervants and half price. causeless camped in and around the c?y have been hold- the original on tile 1 but could have sprung only seal of his I loraes 19 week.. 3Por “Forest Cottage,*’ Wanted, from a approval. Our faith as Christians Dick’s bombardment. Iu wituer* whereof, I have hereto set gBSflippi river, and will either buy keep or $3 50 Sale— Teacher meetings to provide for is it M. P. CLARK80N. ing tie spiritual wants of niy hand and affixed my official seal !JL turuiah the land *o a man who will funi!ah the ne Valley, containing rix roomn, besides r , Female College being deep-seated and relentless determination should teach gi'il Q IN Pewee | HK Prlncipalahip of Henry to us to hold on to it as a sacred a * B croea in-ure him, a** •» part of contract 1 tlie dav aud year above written. and the > receive the soldiers, and carry out the provisions of that Dairy, Servants' ro^m. large Uiatern. ftr.. with 1 vacant, the Tniitce* of lu* institution will A large trunk, filled GRANT GREEN, Auditor. $500 r annum to the hand. Addre-t* pvirion. destroy the government. OT with copies of Har- p . one or live acres of land, aa the iMirchastT may lmm of the or virit. well says, “that Birch, is that you ? Who on earth in St!AI5B4»,*l#S, on the smith side of duurability. For particular', ploase adores* could cast away the would have t tin- office the ri itement* and exhibit* required by tb< aaA DWELLING HOUSE blessings The Constitution could not recognize, but, of theso soldiers of Christ and he Constitution 1,000 KILLED! Sor'y Board, • • A. FERRY, "t t. t * IlOl.HfKIlM, I Walnut, het»eeu Sixth and Seventh. WM. act . zulate inrUom an m entitled “An n Agen- 0 of the Union and rush expected you to turn warrior in your ir' 6 end* N ew«r**f.|e. Kv. into anarchy, even when, from necessity, have old age? have been most happily successful, and amid the cies of Foreign Insurance Companies,” approved March I f .Y-R 1 1.I.Mt is AN je*8 dtf HENRY PIBTLB. must excluded, the right |N hftnd and made to order. Contracts solicited and 3, 1>56; and it having been shown to the satisfaction of I active poivn rendcw^l attractive to ell*** to their / by remaining in the Union, it was evident to of duties of the camp nothing is more ple&sH^r than revolution, because, to have admitted it, ftSTMr. M. N. Carr is the Union candidate the undersigned that said Company is possessed of an ac- entire deatructloo. It kllla lnatantly. Try it You promptly filled at the lowest price*. Wanted. peo within five all that the very Administration to observe the Strict, attention paid to all tual capital of at least one huudred and fifty thousand will tbtm dead and dying minuter R. K. MILES. For Hoat, OU1SIANA BANK NOTES wantod bv that now, would have been to provide for its self-destruc- reli- for the Legislature in Adair county. He has dollars, as required by eaid act, the said Prattler ft Sim- They cannot get away to fall Into anythin*, but f>’m A large and comfortable DWELLING-HOUSE, Is ANDREW BUCHANAN A CO., ceremonials. 1 been the Svidlo, Harnees, and Trunk Manufactory, No. 211 almost wholly unopposed, controls gious have witness of 1-.1II. as agents a- aforesaid, ore hereby licen-ed and per- rally tlie near tbe p'ate. Buy it, aud rid youraelvee fis’ * • *1 containing lo rooms, with stable, carriace- Washington street*. the policy tion. Tho right of revolution, as the ex- at m?3 Corner Second ami present no opposition, but the secessionists mitted to take risks transact business of insurance tlie e p-^ta. Sold Second and Third, eign of tho ,m house, ftc. Largo lot, centrally located. Kent many impressive scones, but never has anvGvQg and by Main etreet, between PB of the loyal portion of the nation, might at their office in Louisville for the term of one year from Jvl3«teftwl WILSON. PFTWlt ft • O. fca!!li lew. Apply to J. B. WHITMAN, have tremest and final remedy against oppression are making strong efforts to bring out a man Golden Hon* Head. *n25 more completely with its grand the date hereof. But this license may be revoked if it mav? No. 411 Main st. been rendered utterly subdued me e>- powerless to do a single and wrong which can be resisted in no other shall be made to appear to tlie undersigned that since We have no doubt that our Carr will go thun than the evening parade of the x-o lemnity Rhod« the filin'.' of for distasteful to the statements above referred to, the avail- £jlefrant Country Coat Sale, act the most ultra friend of South- form, is not amongst the reserved able rights of the dcring over the track. Island Brigade. After going through the varioui capital of said Company has been reduced below MO BLOCKADE! Containing 36 acres of rich land, on the one hundred and fifty fCI.Tq roil*** ern institutions, can have but one explanation, States the thousand dollars. rpilE NASHVILLE CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE AND Shelby vllle pike, three from the.4B under Constitution, for, by adopting evolutions the ten regiments aro brought into City, Private Medical Dispensary, sol- lu testimony whereof, I have set my llOME CIRCLE will hereafter be rent by Adann 14;;; in the best neighborhood in thecouu T£- which is, that those who tjThe Courier s army correspondent say: hand, the dav and vear above writ- to this ci v and mailed hero t«* raMrribm AvLIaLty. Tbe iinnrovementa are all finr> and of desired to dissolvo the Constitution, the Slates agreed they never id column, the chaplain advances, and. after a fer- Kxpreeo ten. GRANT GREEN, Auditor. tbrouvhotit Kentuck r and other portionaof tho United U» > moot substantial kind, comprising everything neews- Conducted on th* Furnpoan Them, the for that, in a battle on the *Jd of July, his friends Union, their own wicked purposes, not would it. vent prayer, all the men being bare-headed, the Iyl7 d13 State-. Ti e eubtserihera in the city may, if they prefer •ary for comtert and convenience, with fine fruit, dnob resort to Hence, we see, this revolt Fo? Cnx* of all Fr3Y*t« papem at t h*» beir. sl lorge«pring, Ac. For particnlnra, apply to only sought although they had to retreat, really won the it, call for their a pretext for doing so when no real does not necessarily rise above the dignity of band strikes up some old sacred melody which wells J. B. WHITMAN, in israoDiM r book rooms, diw 0*’ dtf No. f\ 1 Main «t. Ttevn aniteted with any existed, victory. Probably he means that they bore through all the forgotten memories of tho past extra fine Wo. 22:j Third ali cet. cause but actually sought to manufac- “ordinary insurrections.” Numbers ciyn give up lunch, nf n private nature, who - Call and intncribe if you have not done eo. IruDOdtfnn of ture such a pretext by off the palm in the foot-race. and sends contemplation back to the days of would tlie avoiding the means they it no additional sanction. A dozen States At 10 2 o’clock, acilOUL BOOKS for eale. tcr.era*-t onacks, •honid not fall ' 1 youth. Imagine over two thousand stalwart men )J> A H. BEDFORD. te ^ *d “i'h. CaTEe’B rinun ^7: •'"'in* the legislative , triumph have no more right than a single one to break '’« V (Sf"Ex Gov. Morehead, (alas fallen AT UCamuAL TttaATie* Stxite*- of the party which they accused of how ! listening to the grand choral strain of Old Hun- PARGNV’S RESTAURANT. purposing up the government. 10 say tnen, as tnc seces- nmuia," a now and reviaev aud Gov. Harris, aud Gen. Withers, ol odltlou of one hundred piutos, to destroy their constitutional Caraj dred and impressed with tho same religious senti- Save I *our Trusts rights. So much sion organs say, that the action of those who, handsofisely lllrntrated vdth Boone, held a consultation at Nashville on ments of devotion and paliiotiam which animated A LABGT SUPLLY OF ? eorravluas ropreaant- for the conduct of determined traitors in niVy ptetes ap* since the existing rebellion, have violated the na- M A Si »N'S FRUIT CA NS; 'ni;al Organ* of both Monday as to the best mode of wrenching Martin Luther when he fought the good fight of “ lug the k* Ken WILLOUGHBY {|' ‘ d)*ea^e. Treating on all the Presidential election, the issue of tional A «xe> K u*aF{| which it compact, “is invested with all the sane to 3 in * I saw the other evening at tie Ws bar the lower nnFCq TEIMMiNCi prlroxe dteearrr tnri*J»*r«t K'th N«xsa, such a* sonertl tucky from the Union. the Reformation. M. P i£rt o?h^hoa^ LADIES T 1 it To i ii was in their power, if not to Vf* flt flUi nervo-. e and roxoAl debility, roUtary hubita, seinlpal convert to their tion and obligation of law," is and Third streets, and will w-t. thft- H -U WU AJSD IULCBr.StOB m to W proclaim a Rhode Island pirade Messrs. Crittenden, Breckin- g ncti Lunch, to w hie he Invite sn fit- •tufflendo ami the SPECIE weakueca, liupoteiica, fce. j by mall TEN CKNT8. positive political advantage, h fiSTASLZBHMSNT. at least to strip of the 4"»* *"H». < ha* for many years dovoted bl* whole of doctrine utterly subversive of all order and ISrOlie Richmond papers propose ridge. Powell, Mallory, and various other citizens ri’» Military Goods, For rale at panic pricer. DR. QATfis cf dlseasot w. r tMM'CDA V ft- SM»N. NO. 8TKGET, time aud atteulloa to tbo treatment of a all power to harm them. But there is raising p* - «vwinp'ii fi*vonte resort, m THIRD NEAR JEFFERSON ST. incon- necessarily fatal to all government, which, if a regiment of Virginia women. We ol nnr a AVA COFFEE **n poccet* prime Java Coffee re MANUFACTURED AND IMPORTED. private nature In c*l their verkd tuJ oomr4ioated J c a lved by railroad aud f .r sale by terms. Hi* KircANi In tbo*e lonx steadim end difficult trovertible evidence ( wouldnc and is most eligibly laid out. Governor Sprague, to prove that they actually maintained, must lead think that th INC IKS. Water Plpf 5 , Hose, Hydrants,&c, to every species of an- _ jyi7 H. w. roOD. FR BUTTONS, AND EY- OU, Tjnmrera, O.tl, o**es, scch as were formerly considered loeoroble. Is -nr ress likely to capture the Yankees than to the young executive of the little State, takes I. eiything whicli D kept f »r pale in a fashionable *«ilTlcUut to command Lnm to the afflicted a* wo.uxy o# •trove to secure the election of Mr. archy, to complications f*r are E are j-royared to introduce Water P»|w»J ink Lincoln, t FINE WINKS AND LIQl *KS- Trimming Stole. Also on hand or made to order Oil, Oil, be extonelve rrocriro whteb be has heretofore rocolvrd. great pride in the brigade, and all its W Dvollbn, Stores, and Factories on reosonabU captivate them. appoint- iO cates Clicquot EPAULETTES, for the purpose of bolstering their jwnnii ones, to the destruction of all law, to jL W U'hampsguc; SA.1IES, BELTS, BANNER TAS- ou, jCjit.x'xxxf.. terms. And .in pledges to «»are Qtfltber time i*or nxrenae to ren- on! We havo a fall stock of Both Tub*. WatM 2» do Delmouico do; SELS, STATE GUARD and U. 8. BUTTONS. der himself pooColeot fa the pmt'/iios of ul* adertion. ments are of the first class. J. S. W. B COAL OIL. LUNAR OIL, LARD OIL, AND FLUID Closets, Shower Path*. Wash Bar-ins, Hydrant*. How City • c by the pretence of sectionalism. the licensing of every bad and malignant '--5 btnkf t* Vo* zeuay te: »*'d country m- rchnnt who mav favir mr with better* they haveeoutrev‘c*d disease *konld ause Apart pas- ifSrA citizen of Troy, Indiana, offers LAMPS?! every atyi* and emb racior all the liteit tm ftc. Tbore who us on their oidera will Havi'.ut a long expertenee in tfco bnrioe** 20 do old Ifiedsick o*; alwaye be «i]>plied on lib>*.-al terms IWT—flnta, together with all the make iri’rsrihlo applicate. R, a*, by hte recent dlrcov*- well-known successful BURNING OI/.S and wa guaranty to give Retire satlifaetioc for all work or from their efforts to di- sion, and to the ultimate overthrow of our The Nashville Christian Advocate. 15 ca*es Mo. Spxrkliug Cat ttrha; and at short notice. cut r-hert r 11 rare* In a few days. certain conditions a fine riding horse. W *!».. Ll.'IDof tb*? beat qual.iy. to n:n«Notenl trusted to o*. riro, he ii ecebled t- do Dry d. J). and retail vwv tew are* Torwo, Kii>d!.s-aobd, and Or n Kw, who, by Indnla- party, institutions, letter. RUHL. We exclusive ra. on*~a f**r t(-U vide the Democratic and thus defeat it, our civilization, and our Chris- don’t know that should like Head the following It does but do &D do claret Wiue, various brands; solitary or erwstlve tedu’*s *nc® cf wc to have the No. 527 Fourth it., next door to Mozart HalL dry fortlw aaloof the Breekluridge Coe) Oil it he !»e*t lof tn habit* !b«r 6 doden old Mad'.ii a Win. PONALY A STRADER, an*l for Limi Oil and Lam|^, eJro tor the ro.*rloor, hare produced Srx-it si. W^icom or an abil- and secure the triumph of its chief opponents, tianity. justice to the Nashville Christian Advocate. IS’On band and for ra5« at a rptendi 1 *ale *>f name of introducing a Trojan horse into Lou 6 do old Fort d*; lowixtea PLUMBERS. GAS In of bo restorfid to their U. rtghtsforttte l.-anar Light. Wbe would hnrn c--t*dlo* AND STEAM FITOSOS ity advance their year*, may 6 do p*l s Sherry S FLAG. Military Companioi who desire to rur- fact No! the war was not begun by the Govern- ft; w»—.» • ti.’ t e Flairs < «*» he can had at alf the isville. supplied nl Store. telu dtf ’ 6 my ' do old Uoinixc Brandy; • ' « •••. . •> . u.m i.. Won. ment; it 9 t of the declaration made during the late Presi- but, if had been, the act even from vile, treasonable, infamous. No loyal citizen 4 do old Apple do; ae fate « candle*. TO TIH? LADIES. -Dri C-ates »* prro* far M. LA 6 do ben Prcsidciil's Ofiico XtOiuBvillo UAKDY ft HRATTY, m CEvTlf the Confederate organs are not guilty old Bou* Whisky; Frank- • .'Xr» tf fe anrtit »* . n;»r CROIX’S PftWfiOIX FREVENTiV* POWDERS. By the stand-point of Southern patriots would NuHnnwl dential campaign by Mr. Millson, of Virginia, should tolerate it even in his yard: 6 do old Hollan4 Gin; fort Qailroad, thatr n*e, those wh->, fa**»o any cnote, w'.*h to lim't of deliberate lying, the LORRILLARD’S SNUFF only reason is that 4 do obi Jamnici Kmu; ilie namber of their off? pnng. ran do ro r ithont damr«r have been only a very grave error of policy, the Editors the Louisville Journal: LoruviLLR, July 5, 1891. (In bottles and hulk) that Mr. Breckinridge was not nominated to be To of 1)2 do old Scotch Ale; Ornoi of tbf FRkNKi.ro lNsrskNcr Company) to by maU, #8 and fw* they are always in health ot constitution. Pmc 6uch a hurry with their do Brew 11 utois; 'FHB STOCKHOLDERS OF THE LOUISVILLE of Louisville, April FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES for the July 60 1, 1891, j TO JOBBERS BY PO*tA^M teiill*. but to be defeated; and that fact is, that constitutional right of the Government Hillsboro, Ky., 13, 1861. * and Frankfort- Railroad elected In store and tor sale in uusititics to suit purchasers by Company are hereby no- A MEETING Also, for TAAV A CAPRA ITS FPMAJ.E MONTH. lies that they never stop to deliberate. tified that the regular un'Mial T OF THE STOCKHOLDERS, held MB Gentlemen: The agents of the Nashville jy\n J. P. THOMPSON. 7r> Feu.-th > elect on ler Directors wtil Ii. A. ROBINSON I* and cff»w.tual rrreody far IrrornJsrt Washington not five hundred to employ force against the rebellion in any of Athi? day, to elect a President and twelve Directors, OO. Y PihL8-a raft south of dollars be held at thte office ou Wednesday, 3i-« j a ly, 1W. Christian Advocate are calling lustily for aub- to serve the present year. La follow ing goal Semen were mav 17 dim Wholesale Dnicaiste, 61 A Mein «t. tic*. Ob*tructtoo*. Ae. Price by mail. $1 tnd on* its actual stages is indisputable. But, as the The editor of the ZsOlTf KDW. D. HOBBS, Frost. duly elected: pe*t*Aa rtopir*. were collected by the Breckinridge committee of tU* Frankfort Yeoman scril>er8 for that paper, and appear to consider ICouncr and Democrat ;On Saturday |si,ou Market e're^t, between copy.] mncwocs. Ciryiow. -Tliosc pills ahooid oot be t^ken dortaf whole world the Government did Kentuckians under peculiar obligations to knows, not undertakes to make , . -Third and Si xdi a MEMORANDUM HOOK, vrtenanev. as they are* «ro te rrodaco miooarriuc*. this city, while in the State of Maine alone designate our position. It ho Win. Garvin, J*re*« P. Wilder, J. w. cook, exertions in its behalf. Is it the political charac- £*iScontamiuK the iauy sal-.** ol beer ol the Wm. Gay, Samuel L. To nt a diriar.re r. ho wish to ha cro.od at home begin the war. The Government, carrying in CLEVELAND and BUFFALO. Nock, over two thousand dollars were contributed to can tell what his own is ho is a good deal tfilWm. Tell Breiery. 'J he nam** of Ignat wc wliL on receipt d a bi tet ste* -r 'onlcf their care, *rnd ter of the paper that causes them to make the W*a. Hughes. Wm. Italy. ^fl@H)pticlan from Paris. on tti a list of ••• wo c*. rar-mal In- the very S.tumtt is inscribed cover iu eilt letters. It is Jas S Litcrcw, George W Moult, mtld ask on a election! The men who were estimation of many forbearance to the wiser than any his readers. request? Is it because the editor has ceased 31 ,! dl|r.rt promote his most of of no value to any person ewtpt the owner. The finder 1861. John W. Audoricu, W. Geo Anderroo, Louk Praclical experience and a large aerortment of terview; end. on rceairt ul the -i out, wo wilt “ to pursue his via/n medium " and has will by leaviugt al the Journal office, forward medlet?** r**ttail«rly adapted to the cs*o. free Lincoln elected were jaws of vice, refrained from exercising its in- avowed be rewarded Warrro Nswoorab, Joeeph P.Torbitt, OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. BPEUTACLE3, anxious to see Mr. those triads IGNAT/. SCHMI IT. from damaae or obtoivailcn, any part of tlw country talks about himself Southern V Ur is it the increase of JAMES TUABUK, Pr;ai(l«aL AND GLASSES. disputable constitutional right, until, as the fyThe Courier our repenting The Michicau Southern Railroad Company's splendid HI TP. Seewtan*. with foil direeUons for ate. seized on his election a pretext for piety as evinced in the general lone of the paper, AURABAM who Patf»*Tn>?r St; amcr- preb 49 J Third si., bet. Jefirraon nnd t;if*!i. CcncalthM *n* may be b? Id from f A. MT. to • ** M- in sackcloth and a-dies. If are ever sprink- Rope! ilopol The atteution ul- snd stock traders Is par- reward wc especially "Civil Our Duty," aud like ar- (on P-nndey from 0 to li A. M.,) at h!s off'er. ncrCjsisI throwing off the authority of the Union. Find- of such unheard of forbearance, the — (Win COILS Of the “ HI*P-..KAF" BRAND -my ticularly iuvite-t to t 'h old establiohed and ancceegfid ns disly LOUIOYILLK, KY City or Buffalo, wrrewof Third aod Mvknt rtrwtc. up stairs— private ticles has so enhanced ite value and 0*-« any whicli e-rnttnu* .-* led with ashes, it will no doubt be with the that causas JUU owu manufacture »r sate low by Intura'iOO \ te do a re**era! N B. Watcbce and Cloclra repaired and warranted. even this revolutionists opened their bloodthirsty bat- (2,100 tons burdi-n), a pt? * o*~ oy Third street—L*?al«vlUejJxy. ing, at last, that not pretext would them to urge its claim:? But Kentucky Meth- W.4. RICHARDSON, Kiro and Marine Insu acre on rho mo*t liberal A D. Pebkina. Commander. •*r-ri»e above bostner* wf>t hwcwlor te* or.ndnc^cd ashes of the disunion party. jyl6d3 I ullitt street turn' Office, •'TOH )f Main and Bullitt streets, over teries upon Sumpter, and insolently announced odists will discriminate between religious reading order II. ft move from their allegiance the States deemed Wristom 3VT CcQueercial Bank. the name and style of Dlt G. KILLER CO., ctropollo to •hoald be s.ddro.«e**d. their and secession here v, aud not forgetting the past Itfotico io AHRAHAM HITE »-*’«* whom all orders and latter? £H. to secure the success of secea determination to plaut the Confederate £3" Taxpayers. (2,* mi too* burden), Crab Orchard Springs. consulted most essential The Southern Government has collected decide the merits of a paper that GATES can, a* b«r» tcfar>-« be rerconally. do- will upon will are hereby not i fir d tat t hi* Collectors for the L. B. GoinsMiTii, r Hug VOU Coiiiiuande' pitIS CELEBRATED WATEKlNl.-PLACl will rin* bushieas hours, on all *1* roaws os eblcb hJ* book on the dome of the Capitol at Washing- ai»*t Western I'Jtricfg will - sion, and that no acts of hranny were to be all the money it can from the people, and now treat with au much indignity the admonitions of Eastern coiumeuce col Insurance and T‘ru»t Ooznpaay, l treat?. Will, on and aftei June 24, Icavo C. C. ft Co.'* Dock be opened for tho rereptioa of vieltors ou 10th of tectluc tlie tlie Rntlroid aud Vat*>r Tax»v ter the year C • ton. Let us deal justly with history. Let us the bejt men in the church. The taunts, tb* et Cleveland lor Buffalo, aitoruate-ly. Chartered Capital f5OU,tV0 June next. Invalid* will b« received at *ny time. CtsrWF faytelabl*. Don’t force* tbo ihue? and from an Administration one of whose it advertises, 1-61 on a*»d after Monday tfi ioth day o' July. hopul for like village editor, to lake all . a F.VFBY EVENING Paid lo and flocnrvd JlriVKW Aii.ple provision- made fer the a. ceinpiodatioo of a .'Gee. All letter* should bo vtdroasad te jeer?, and free negro-gloria that hav e been burled iu 7 AT NINE O'CLOCK W- may b«i found our offce Ir-^m o'clock to It A. l« now ore an- supporters, now Minister to England, deal justly with our country. She asks from kinds (Except Satm‘da\- and Sunday). Thia Company large company. JNO. H CALDWELL. Arent. DE. H. G. M1LJ.PR AGO leading of produce. with so much venom will not be forgotten, und M. Office corner Jefferson atl Sixth streets, upsiaiis. C iz*d aud toady to miutmc. in a tebiO dlcftwnowlr FxPilsvHL K* f'PT. -iHroad Ticket* r*r'd on Steamers. First-claaa ^ Crab Orchard Kv.. May 16, 1561. jlSdJtu her children no more than the narrowest and more than words will be necessary to convince D. McPHEKSON, faro ^,*ueral Fire and Mailno In- the admission of New Mexico as a lachi'Ie-* Meals and otat--ro3im*. , proposed r.:. '!’r.\ Col. VVt.t. Dist. It • fe'reuiee tei dnca* ou liberal was for telling the truth that th« Missouri the people that it is a paper suitable for religious The*) boats have no equals f» cppcd, safety, and com- dlSEmHst | fo most rigorous justice, though wrestling for her G. T. MAY. Office in baaamoDt. of Southern Bank, corner of WEBSTER’S GALLERY FT A3 PZOXBOff State without regard to her laws recognizing State tort. Connections made at. Buffalo with Trains tor terms. Journal was suppressed by an arnud fusee families. t. ftlweya JrlR dK R Tox Col East. Dlst. Bullitt itroeta, I^mlavtllo. Ky. been the leading end own life Niagara t alls, Saratoga, New York, Bouton, ftc. Hein and Ftefelu.s did not hesitate, and for our peace und liberty in tho in the service of the Usurper. Those persons who have been surprised at the President. mo!*t*nd it 1* tnrprii- tng Louisville Courier. course i>f the editor of the Advocate may possibly H VVH.OIAX*. A FBYTOM, KeoroWry WHOLESALE A*J7) RETAIL. folds of the most gigantic and criminal rebel- J. - the lato session of Congress, to organize \I/B have taken th- uffio formerly occupied by tt^”Tinn* quicker thnu l»y Hn te what nei fection they have row at find something explanatory iu “An Appeal—Our CfBSCTOM. *a). M Third street, ass.: fftaU, Lootavilid ,4U Don’t be i brought trlj Beautiful Art. lion that will ever tarnish annals of scared, Courior! You are in no dan- Mothcb A. P. Hunt ft aud will c otioue tn« J. C. HARRISON, Manager, Buffalo. W. A DockwaU, John Ii. Uoteltfeoa, We Territories without any anti -slavery the the Situation, in which the following feculence oc- were not a- ware uutil *e v In ted thla three new GENERAL BANKING aud OLLECTING biumth*. LEWIS K. MoRKIh. Agent. * fevriand jei" dtf Danxxla Long, Jacub L. omyvar, ger of being “suppressed” or of suffering the famous Gal- i«ry a few days since, acd race. curs: ) , 1 QCiqUY. LYONS, ft CO. P. Miuahdl, Par.. F. A very, organic law, the desperate 5 J. the walls provision in their pitch Noanley Carter D. Al'-u mw complete!/ covered with smallest inoL/nvenitnce of «ort fe»r the like “No doubt if we should into the fray and > any Vtfj. •v* •• tiftinut and truly artistic seas cf promoters of wholesale national ruin seized tgrGeJ. Johnson woufea’i fight Gen. Pat- get red-hot ic interests of either party, thvuga Soldiers, Attention For failure, ef every - ' rite »cd offence. LI-tTNEK; IH f head'.-•t*.- •• e rl-rir-y ^•••jrrrc b '-.txit, fl'UiiMtt Rum-hjik% it might make enemies it would also r2*ke parti- BADDLIM, liALNL-^J rnl Mite fS * -yl*s and ptilro ,y i the national forta, vessels, ana money terson near Martioaourg because £c was afraid riugntd, node.* ../m oi DODGL ** . X. Buch of ITARY of kinds ^ Ilfe-Mko; we say that until then san friends—warm, active friends—whu would is d s oiveJ ly iu*.'-na conrent, dating lrom GOODS LE1TZ *ro cad no i»i»;a of hurting women and children, and so CSrWe wonder whether the Southern Con- 7yr*-up to order iu the lK>at am! ap- R\HRri J KXI KA KM,TlrIK.II WHISKY; that all the a lezse eLvk cf as lay exposed to such public robbery, and, he fled do more for our circulation than thrice their num- June I, Wl. *r* now n^efc’nc .lo** fcl .-•* * WZ 1 proved tty lo at the lowest pricer' • 4*i Wlusky; Weh- ateraaviu S. J. DOUG E alone ia authored torettlethu affairs a and do Ixmbte e.»tra Rectified 4ou i.le a**4 single bt-x* Cons, Ceiv’w u-d Alien's precipitately to Winchester. federacy won’t feed its recruiting school at ber of lukewarm ones. The rabid, nitre, reli- Persona in wajit t«.e ptiui.r* li roall/ as a la«:t means of firing the Southern We hope he of the firm, nui will conttruie b* bufinaai at the of auythlug la my lt;*e will 50 do Cvi‘i-i-dis*>:lr«l Whisky; Ptst-jls. Ktfic* of a*.»iry • final!?, old true. Mtry k tlda gious papers prosper most. A warning fact.’ give m« a call. 7» do Fine O d fo irbOU Whteky; Bet t h « osed ay «1u.-i«?rv ffuortHneo; alw> Muldraugh’s Hill now that the Kentucky (?) »tnrid, atroet. hiilfhas FisLina Tack loaf inducing it to rush madly into hot didn’t run over many women and children in 25 du H- v not atl wWm TtL&in on Third ntroot. Whiffy; v,>-rv drecTlptOn; m wRl t -lilor c:«b ne 1 n eu re and for aal*' bv b*eo told. to Give Military Board has voted to withhold supplies. metal, July 15, 1861. ld3J JAMES DKlTZ. ia«.«iacni. cm o call ef yon who levied oj>cn war on the bis flight. tho P, < rebellion, needlessly may? d3u) JNO. CROSS &. CO. JyW MARSHALL HALBERT ft Cf t JIO ITGu AND sitiii »aui. art* uisAwcoatf — — — O T — ———— O—— — — — : — t — A — a — — —— ’ t — ) 1 - 1

ARRIVAL UF THE HIBERNIAN. Editors the Louisville Journal: man named WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 3 A. M. K1VER AND STEAMBOAT NEWS. To the of Horse Thief Arrested. — A NOTICES OF THE DAY. COMMERCIAL. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Farther Point, July 15. RIVER NEWS. Frankfort, Ky., July 16, 1861 II. Phillips, who hired a horse from Mr. J. K. The Hibernian has arrived, bringing dates from at. point, feet Major at Holt. The river is falling this with 3 3 a number of ley, a short distance Wanted.—A Drum Camp Joe DAILY MARKET. the Dressing Ballet!*. Gentlemen: Yesterday evening Beck of Shelbyville, to go REVIEW OF THE From Liverpool to the 1th and Londonderry to the 5th. PORT inches on OK LOUI3VXi,LK DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. inches in the canal, and about 3 feet 6 late recruits of the Southern army from Camp into the country, hut absconded with him to In- Oinnz or mz Louiaviu^ JormnALd /jiocrpool July 5.— Breadstuff© market steady; ^grThere will be a meeting of the Board of , Wfonksdat, July 17, 1881. J Battle of Cheat Rivkr, ARRIVALS YKSTBRDAT. JsIttTtwUU Rmilromd, bar. weather was pleasantly cool Field ) wheat more steady, with a better demand. Pro- Portland The Boone, Tennessee, arrived at this place, and more diana, was arrested in Charlestown last week and Superior, Cincinnati and I ndianopnlfa H*-tern Express. 3rin P. M Managers of the House of Refuge at 9 o’clock There Is no improvement In the market for exchange, Carrier s Ford, 8 Milks South Ciu visions dull. Linden, iieculeivo: L Bt. Louis and Cairo Night Express yesterday, ami cloudy. Uc3o A. M. this from the same point. brought to Shelbyville for trial. and we continue to of St. Georop, Julv 11 ) on the train morning, this morning at tho office of tho Louisville ipiote Eastern at Jj premium h- lling London Monty Market, Friday. —Consols closed DEPARTURES YK8TKKUAT. Loni0vi , l4y -V«IT Jlhmnv X Chicago Railroad* At Cincinnati at noon yesterday the river was Some of them say they could not stand the oath and par to Id dfacount buying. There is not hi nr doiof. UY COURIER TO HOWLBBBURO ] at 89J* for money and for account. Superior, cm. The Water Co. | On and after Monday, April In i*W|, train* vlll leave Death of the Hon. J. W. Jewett.— rising, having risen G inches the previous twenty- the in New Orleans exchange. The general market was 11th, the rebel army at The bullion in the Bank of England had de- New Alban «• folio wet they were required to take, viz: Support On tho night of the Hon. Joshua II. Jewett, late Congressman from accomplished lady advertises quiet. creased £572,000. four hours. ggj~An for a situ- L&tireU Hill, under the command of Brigadier X*or Cairo, Bt. Lon l* anu Chicago Pi prow Mall !•» A. M. Constitution of the Confederate States; ol>ey their Latest departed this life at Shelbyville, on Floub And Grain -Steady demand, with sale* 17ubbls the United Stales American stocks.— dates were, Illinois Lonl* Night Express 7:4S P. M. Kentucky’, ation as teacher in our paper of to-day. General Garnett, late Major in The shoalest bar hence to Cairo is at Scuflle- discount, Erie 21<*» 22. ongh officers, ami invade the State of Kentucky, Sec. Hour at &5(S& 75. 8nlea great haste, imme- Central 38(2*38)^ ^ Accommodation 6;U0 P. M. Saturday last, in the forty-ninth year of his age. 6«W hnsheli* a heat at 65c, and Army*, evacuated its cainp in town, at which point there is 3 feet largo. s ap- IjiverjH mjI btk — Cotton sales for tfie week 166,- ’** •» Train* arrive at New Albany a* follows Others said they had got their rights and were iQpThe goods to be sold this morning at the Hiuall -ale.* corn at 40c. No sale* ef oats reported. diately on loarr.ing of General McClellau thv./.th. .-u, z' ..vSstj" b«iea, including 1,900 lo peculators and lor freight or is retreated in that direc- 800 ? parage araly on tward Louisville Express 4:30 A. M. The elegant now steamer Major Anderson bad nothing but hard in Western Virginia.- Alluding to of L. Kahn Potatoes Fair demand, with sal h 1U0 bbld st $1 15 proach lo Beverley’, and or to aitislinl. Some said they Affairs auction rooms & Co. are of a superior exporters. Matket active in both trade and MOORUK.A Accommodation 12:16 P. M. 95 tum, apparently hoping to pans Beverly Before the regular mail and passengor packet for Cincin badly. were Western Virginia, tho <31 bbl. Louisville Mail 7;4F> P. N. broad to ©at— the boys looked Wo the rocont movements in quality, and there area great many desirable tho speculative department*; American advices por CiiKFur- Dull and unchanged, Gen. McClellan's arrival, and thus escape U. S. HI ail Packet for nati at noon to-day. with no *ale». advance of *£d; sales Fri- Hondorson. LomicrUla . fellows, there were Cincinnati Enquirer say’f: Australian caused an and /.exin ftvn Railroad informed by those poor that goods in tho sale to which we refor our readers trap eet for them by a passage through Cheat Star Urey IUkIv.) Faerenger Wiiisky Sales aoo bbls at !4<$l4J*c for raw. including 6,0fa) u> speculator* Train No. l at gno A M. popular steamer Grscey, will day 15,000 bales ineitgbfadraugfatDaiwngcr Tho Poland, Capt. about 1,600 Kentucky boys at Camp Boone, in Tho late brilliant and successful movements of generally. Mountain Gap. iiadtat Passenger Train No. 3 at 2:3d P M. _ Hay Light ***|e*« at $lu ^ ton. and exporters, market closing firm; Orleans fair LINDEN, Andrrw*, Virginia aie Ihe morning .in i marier Accommodation Train at 6:20 k\ M. leave for the lower Ohio at 6 o’clock this after M^jor- General McClellan in Western The evacuation was discovered on Tennessee, and that there was groat dissatisfaction Giocekiem . Sales Jfi) hhdn sugar at 6^(#?7\c; 8%d, middling 7 D„d. Total stock in port esti- of tho utmost importance in a military point of Parony’s.—Mods. Pargny has opened his beau- of the 12th, and a pursuit instantly’ ordered. Wrd^C. - and jyrothoHU Railroad* noon, extending trip Evansville and molA* pissage in 70c aud Beverly, the from 5 «!29 CO 29. ©0. t»l 74. of our troops. Tho roads to Knoxville storative^ which will not only prevent the falling white *0c, holders ask i ug lc advance at the close; and there met rebels Hying The .-pfandid pa»t>f>nc?r don, in Laurel county, on thoir way to Cumber- Senate. —Mr. Sumner presented a petition for Ht«*amer months each. Tennessee and Lynchburg, Virginia, are now receipt* light. Corn dull and price* drooping; buyers Rich Mountain; and finding escape to Huttons- ^P^AND, K. G«ai Pat. Flynn, drunk and disorderly conduct. Dis- well disciplined, undoubt- the mountain road down the valley. Their pas- and with which he can New York, July 16, The apfandid new pataengrr mnr will be sent to subscribers at fifty cents per month ington City with his orders. river, or at their lumber yard, c^nier of Walnut P. M. subject. ___ «;u charged. edly drive before him beyond Richmond the whole Cotton sage, with heavy* wagon trains, rendered the COMMERCIAL,. J. B. AanSSTiTuv-far. rules quirt, but holder* insist upon I advance. full prices; Tho motion was agreed to. U. in Quite a number of leading secessionists from and Preston streets, or leave your orders at thoir road almost impassable. still g 17 III leave l>ouierille every Monday liail Confederate force. They were without add Jas. Ryan was surrendered by his former ssIcb 500 hales nt for ‘ 15>j015'*c middling uplands. i o'clock, food —some for over twenty-four hours. A resolution approving the acts of the Presi- riday, at 5 P. fa. this city, left hor© yosterday evening to visit the The achievement of Gen. McClellan and the warerooms on Main street, nearly opposite • Coi-ts Navy Pismi-s. — If any good Union the Flour; mark* t may be quoted 5c better with dent (In place of the Star Grey Faglr.) and Thos. Kiley received as his security. rather more Our advance, composed of the Fourteenth Ohio, was taken up. officers and men under his command speaks well Louisville, And the steamer LINDEN, Anureuk, niaefar.tSuill men (no others need apply) wanl a few first-class different camps on the border, so that they could Galt House, Ky. Janl tf doiug for export and home consumption; sales 15,800 bbls Mr. Sumner introduced hills for the confiscation Mary Hall, Mary Lyons, Matilda Sakbnry, for his skill and their indomitable onergy and Seventh and Ninth Indiana regiments, pushed leave Lonieville every Wednesday and SatAiUay at j * • of re- at $:» 75<§3 !»o for superfine State, $4 10(3,4 15 for of property in the rebel States. o’clock, navy pistols at much less than the ordinary rates, give a correct account them when they bravery. To dislodge the enemy from such a extra on, guided through the mountain gullies by the f. M. Mary Doyle, Mary Ililderhrand, Mary Ray, and *> State, $4 I0<34 15 for superfine Mr. Breckinridge proceeded to speak at length For freight or paecage applv n l>oard or to turned, as something of tho kind was necessary, country we regard as a very extraordinary feat, i3UBZNSB3 NOTXOB8. Western, and $4(34 15 tents, camp furniture, provisions, and knapsacks we may make a suggestion for their benefit—if mil dtf T. M. ERWIN, Agent, (7 Wall ri. Mary Scamerhorn, ordered to lie discharged from for coinniou to medium extra in opposition to the resolution. and ontitles all engaged it, to Western. Whisky with- thrown from the rebels' wagons, to facilitate in order to get those who have enlisted in the in oOicers and men, they come to us soon. out material Mr. Breckinridge finished his speech, when on KT-lf.S.hA tho workhouse. the highest credit. It is the great affair of the Excursion to Montreal and Quei»ec\ change; sales 160 bbls at 16c. The suj ply of their flight. We forded Cheat river four times, RKGULA R PACK 1L HORSING LINA Southern army to march. motion of Mr. Wilson tho subject was postponed Connecting at Cincinnati with early /ftufern fratn?; campaign so far, and will produce most important sound wheat ia small and without change; may be quo- and finally, about one o'clock, came up with the Mi;. Holt’s Letter.—Mr. Holt’s magnificent tipA company of youthful Zouaves, in full During the stay of the Groit Eastern Ihe Louis- until Saturday. Por Cincinnati. consequences. ted 2c better; sales 16,300 w inter red Western at *1 enemy's rear guard and wagons. The Fourteenth death of Albany, and Chicago 06(3 The new and magnificent poss^ier letter can Civill book dress, excited universal admiration as they pa- The Late Gen. Garnett. — The ville, New Railroad will ford, Tho naval appropriation bill wna then taken up be had at L. A. & Wood’s $1 10, the inside price for interior iu store, 2,800 bmhefa Ohio advanced rapidly to the in which learners [From the National Intelligencer.] and the amendment about Stephen's dis- of the rebel sell excursion tickets in connection with the Grand wagons were standing, suddenly the rebels battery HLKGRAPH No. 3, llu.iMtrrn, Btore, on Main street, botween Fourth and Fifth, raded the streets yosterday afternoon. Robert Selden Garnett, commander white Western at $1 27«(3I 30, 800 do when tuaefar y white Kentucky agreed to. Striking Proof oF Public Confidence. opened a furious tire on them from the bluff on JACOB STRADER, DiTtMAm master. Virginia, is one of the severest Trunk Railroad, from I>ouisville to Quebec and at $1 22@l 2*. Coro; there is out*' a moderate and at John W. Clark’s, between Market and forces in Western bxrinc** The bill then nassed and tbe Senate adjourned. One of the above rtoamers will leave lor ills abiv* Awaiting a Requisition. — fficers Moore and We have seen nothing which has so strikingly doing the opposite side of the river, where thay had for $30 the round trip. Tickets will be and the market rules heavy; sales 58,noo hushe s port daily »t 13 o'clock M. Jefferson, and at the Journal office, at $10 per blows that the secessionists have yet received. displayed public confidence in the government return, House —Mr. Waahburne, fre*m tho Committee at l»een concealed, with small arms and two rifled For freight or passage apply on hoard or to Sweeney received a despatch from Capt. Garrett, 37@40c for unsound new mixed Western, 41 (3144c for act the anti its financial administration, in the great on sale from the 15th to the 31st of July. Return on Commerce, s*id they were ready to report on Agent. thousand. He was a brave, and, until he chose to sound cinnon. Joseph campion. of Memphis, on Monday, di. acting the arrest of do. Oat- more active aud firmer; sales at 27(^31c the resolution for clearing the seas of pirates Office at the Wharfhnat. foot of Third treat- struggle in which it is embarked for the L'nion and until September 1st. For tickets and Fortunately* most of their tiring was a little too and traitor's part, respected ( Ilicer. He was a na- tickets good a f »r Western. Pork more active and rat tier ea-ier; Bales making the blockade more effectual, tSTThc Chief of the Police authorizes us to one R. Shepard, is charged with stealing a the Constitution, as the promptness with which it and as there who call at the Louisville, high. Tho Fourteenth returned with spirit. the “first further information New ,300 bbls nt $15 02ion of ry Academv, a decisive proof of the at New York: further on, to rally his Congress unless the daily receiving the newest and best styles of for exchange there was experienced a fair Gen. Garnett attempted OlFl- -350 this, when there is so much excitement in re- gentleman arrived at Indianapolis from Kentucky packag- de- latter shall otherwise direct. The militia are to / OFFEE bags prime Rio Coffee for sale hr which he was regarded at headquarters. He re- mand. Our low rates, it is thought forces, when the Scvonth Indiana came up in hot Ky tvl Treasury Department, July 8, 1861. goods in the market. Our goods are all bought by some, have in- ALLEN. MOORE . \A II A DEN gard to the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, to procure the men in his duced a call from abroad. be entitled to the same pay and rations as the ammunition for Union until October, 1841. The day's business wa* large, pursuit, and another brisk little engagement en mained at West Point John J. Cisco, New York, will issue six per but sal.v* were rather heavier regular for cash and sold for cash, which enablas us to of- than receipts, so that the sued. General Garnett service. W UGAR-81 hhds primo received per rtcawer R. J. and when there is constant danger of riots, the neighborhood. The Journal say s he came highly market was finally shot dead, He acted as aid-de-camp to Gen. Wool from cont. Treasury notes at sixty’ days, to amount of remains firm at prern. buying and V*iV. The hill passed under the operation of the pre- Adams aud John Ralnc and for sale by fer them cheaper than they can be had in this prem. selling. when his army fl?d in wild confusion toward St. as. RAWSON. TODD. A CO. cars start out at midnight. Why should not r. ommended by Gen. Rousseau. Mr. Vajen, not five million dollars for five millions in coin. Please vious question, almost unanimously. January’ to September, 1815. We next hear of In the Bank Note List, Missouri monev is reduced George. make arrangements forthwith. market. Mr. Blair, from the on Military wishing to tako the responsibility of sending am- Irom " j? cent, discount to lu cent, discount, Committee AR\KST KEGS— 16 doaea oak Harvest K*-**, I the time be changed, temporarily at least, to 0 in the Mexican war, whore he distinguished V and The Seventh Indiana pursued them a mile or him LouiM-uia U and gallon i". also a full S. T. CHASE. We have just received a large lot of black silks, from 4 to a ^3 cent, di-count. The latter is A ffaii s, reported back the Borate's bill author- 2 awortmeut of Demijohn-, munition to Kentucky, though he had instruc- two further, but our forces were so exhausted sizes; 1*. to Gen. Taylor converted at Louisrilh*. and the reduction in the is all just received and for sale by A. M. and 6 M.? himself. He was aid-de-camp The despatch was received the following rate izing the President to accept the services of mon- also plain and fancy’ silks, poplins, grenadines, in accordance with the movement in that market. with their forced march of twenty miles to-day, OKRIN RAWSON, tions from the Governor to send revolvers under 500,000 aid from June, 1846, to January, 1849, and was pro- ing, and Mr. Cisco immediately called a meeting There is hut little volunteers to in the enforcement if 33* Main st., between Third and walking and travelling dress goods, hosiery, very afloat in our midst. with but little rest from yesterday’s march, that Fourth. ISTA young man named David Odlam left St. sufficient assurance that they were for Union of leading bank officers The Hour market w a- in rather better spirits to-dav, the laws and the protection of the public moted to a first lieutenantcy in August of the for* the and started a subscrip- Gen. Morris refused to let them pursue further. gloves, laces, embroidery*, lace and silk mantillas, but made ao mainly by the local demand. Holders are property. proposed for it a substitute similar Whoat Tans. Louis for New Orleans about the middle of Juno. men, telegraphed Gov. Morton at Washington tion, and before the close of bus ness hours of the The results of the whole affair are the capture He Captain for his gal- more firm, *•*!» cially on good baking LARGE snpply of AT in mor year. lie was brevetted brands. The to the bill passed, with, among several other addi- WEE FANS store and tar same day’, the following despatches were sent to and fifty cases bleached cottons, also fifty bales figures of rebel total He was afterward seen in Memphis. Siuce then for instructions, received answer to lot stand about as Ife t qtn ted. the camp at Laurel Hill; the rout A sale cheap by HUGH BRENT A i -O., City and Watt las Monterey’, and tions, lantry’ In tho several about the Secretary, reached Wheat was scarce aud a provision which allows tbe President lo Second ri., between and Washington beforo he brown cotton, all of which will be sold cheap for sellers bad rather the advant- of their army; the capture of a large amount of Main and Rlv nothing has been heard of him by his friends. Gon. Rousseau have the ammunition. Mr. Vajen age ol tiie market s dect or-Generals from brevetted Major for his good conduct at Buena left tho Department for dinner: at last quotations- 7uc. ners, of that of the regiment; The Second st., between Main and River. him, given at this office, will be communicated deliv- obtained the one them Georgia Donald took the ammunition in charge and 1 have subscription for the entire blind friend Mr. Morrison will Oats are less firm, and buyers do not offer over 2Jc lu Mr. .Stevens, from thoCommittoo on Ways and The events of tho past few months showed that CsTOur Heady fifty or more prisoners, including four Georgia amount of live millions. Over threo millions have bulk. ENTUCKK LARD—30 kegs prime family Lard lor to them. ered it to Gon. Rousseau, through whom it will Mean*, reported the Senate’s amendments the allure- Address his fellow- citizens in defenco of Union Kv»* and barley are still captains and lieutenants, and a large number of K ale hr fm»1 HI his patriotism was not proof against the already* been paid in. JOHN J. CISCO. unquotable. BRITT A RUN Whisky has a fair market Loan Bill, which, on their recommendation, were bo delivered to the proper persons in Kentucky. principles following time3 and places, at 13c. Virginia officers; the death of Brig. Gon. Garnett t he secession leaders, and in an evil at the and I AVA pock eta prime Java Contraband Articles.— n Monday evening ments of New York, July 9, 1861. Bulk and baron shoulder- wrere in good request to-dav, all concurred in. COFFEE—40 Coffee or Governor has heretofore distributed arms to and twenty of his men, and the wounding of a J sale by ImS] The tho hour of 2 o’clock each day: and considerable sales were made at 4($oc. Holders are Mr. Wright introduced bill authorizing tbo fllBBlTT * SON. policemen Antle and Slater took possession of a hour he disclaimed his allegiance to that govern- Secretary the at larger a S. P. Chase, of Treasury: stiffening up and a-*k an advance ou their much number. companies iu Kentucky, but no figures of ',(4 to issue bills Union ammuni- Friday, Julv 19th. lb. Secretary of the Treasury exchange UGAR 850 hhds fair to prime Sugar in store and box containing copies of Hardee's Tactics and ment which ho had sworn to support and which The five millions aie secured. Taylorsville, V&c There fa but little doing iu sides. 5X(46*c Our loss is wholly in the 1 lih Ohio regiment, 2 — for it fa to the amount of $100,000,000. Referred to the S ale by fatal AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. tion. A. STEVENS, Shelbyville, Saturday’, Julv 20th. said, will purchase them. The offers to-day are at killed Mills of Co. A, and Henry Rich- contrabaial had bountifully rewarded bis services. lie was JOHN —Samuel other articles, in the possession of ne- a fraction under these figures. Mess pork fa held at $15. Committee on Ways and Means. President of the Bank of Commerce. Jeffersontown, Monday, Julv 22d. eldjffer of Co. 2 fatally wounded John Kir- r 1 HRESIIKR— One second-hand Thresher lor sk|« and some C ; — | Virginia forces and sales were made. An enquiry is made :*t groes, which the}' were warranted in believing Smuggling in a Small Way. The Cincin- made Adjutant General of tho Washington, Tuesday, Julv 231. I ch-ap at IjttJ Mt. $14 50. Lard fa ighanos of Co. A, a ball through the chest, C. ORMSRY'S We doubt whether the history of tho Depart- not in request. Pric s remain i»t *(®8.kc by Jefferson City, July 16. the owner intended to ship to tho Southern Con- nati Enquirer informs us that a large lot of qui- Brigadier General in the Confrdorate army’. Ills Rardstown, WcdnesJay, July 21th. lor tierce and keg. a id Daniel Mills of Co>. A, by four severe wounds ment shows an instance of similar despatch in from hero [\ 1 OWING MACHINE GRINDSTONES - Patent Springfield, Thursday, Julv 25th. The detachment returned from Tip- if false were but of brief continuance and he by shell, and about liftoen others wounded, but Grindstones, lor grinding blades for machine*, ou federacy by the Louisville and Nashville Kail- nine—now a scarco article in the South—roachtd honors negotiations. New Orleans Market, July 13. ton, nt 2 o’clock this morning. 'They* surrounded Bloomfield, Friday, July 26th. not fatally*. hand and for rale bv 023] C. ormsby. been Cotton- Richard Henderson of Co. C, wound- road. For some reason, however, the box was Tennessee recently concoalcd in a show wagon, has died ingloriously. His age must have The sales to-day comprised Shales. Wc al- the town and arrested oighteen sec issioniats, and [By telegraph to the Cincinnati Commercial.] attendance of ladies is particularly* re- so heard of ed in the leg; SergeAnt Greenwood of Co C, a The 24 sold yesterday and not reported. brought them bore. Chair*. subsequently returned to the claimant, and was the driver of which started for some point in In- about 10 years. Receipt.- 4 hale*—previous receipts slight wound in the face; L. Richards of Co. (J, Columbus, July 15. vested. 1,862,06'* bales 4 LARGE assortment of CHAIRS in Mere and tar experts uone previous exports It is reported ihat a force of four hundred se- actually forward dopot river under the character of 1,916,973 hales wounded in the arm; Casper Sinnlf of Co. 1), /V sale by HUGH BRENT &»«»., sent to the railroad for diana, crossed the A. Still Living. We are al Gov. Dennison this evening advised that J>ugar and Molasses cessionists hive assembled near Georgetown, Hknry Wise was The sales woie confined lo retail with i*» Second st... between Main to Bidowalk Pavers and Well wounded in the wrist-. Others wero more or less and River. South. a later Mr. being the avant courrier of a show, and so con- the Adjutant General of Notice transsetions *»t previous rates. pieces of arlillorv. Their force shipment At hour Warner, last able to give, says tho Wheeling Intelligencer body of Gen. Garnett, three wa3 con- Diggers. Toh.ic o We did uot he e of a sale. seriously hurt, but were too eager to light to re- Virginia of the rebel forces stantly* increasing. OLASHK-S —107 bbfa Plantation landing from steam the agonl of the Collector of the port, visited trived to travel through Kentucky until he and commander of Receipts none— Previous of the L">lh, what is unquestionably tho truth in receipt* 34 9«n hhds exports main in the hospital after dressing their wounds, M er Magenta ami lor sain by brought to Grafton. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of 16. Western Virginia, had been none—previous exports 39,758 stock 16,925. New York, July m30 RAWSON. TODD. A CO. the depot and made an inspection of various reached a congenial climate, making, it is said, A. and hence I cannot give their names. regard to the killing or wounding of Ilenrv Judging from paragraphs in tho Cincinnati pa- the City Engineer until Saturday, July 20, 1861, Flour Superfine ia ret ail tag at $6 50, showing a firm- er Our forces are now ongaged in burying their The pirates of tho Savannah will be arraigned trunks and boxes consigned to Nashville, a num- ton thousand dollars by the trip. It is *aid that pers, the Executive at 12 o’clock A. M., to execute the followiug market. I ACKERKL AND SALMON in whole, half, aud Wise. He is still in the land of tho living. Mr. and from letters received at to-morrow. |\ Corn rtOOpVs vrllow mixed sold at -, 100 yellow at dead. Gen. Garnett is lying at headquarters. if I quarter hhls and on retail l>y needles sell in tho South for five cents each, and Department, some .'ipprebonsion seom9 to prevail work viz: ber of which wero seized by him as containing Woods, Wheeling, •»0c, and ts'fl white do at 6Jtc. His body is be family A Frenchman is in custodv, charged with nerv- m58 III BRITT A SON. John Woods, son of A. P. of the to sent to his at Richmond. that on account of the largo number of Ohio To grade and pave the sidewalk on north Oafa- »mi rack* sold at ilt« reduced rate contraband goods, among that number tho iden- we learn that two or three weeks since an indi- M of Sic. Garnett's army at Laurel Hill numbered about ing in the Confederate army at the beige of Sump- arrived there from Ravenswood, on Saturday troops in Virginia, a force does not now exist in side of College street, from Brook to Floyd: ay—The sale* comprised 300 bale* at $83 ton. OLDEN SI RUP 105 package* Baltimore Goldeu ^ 000. It was increased by the rebels routed ter. tical vidual smuggled into Nashville, in his trunk and Fork -Mess i retailing tlowlv at $25. | J Sirup landing from mailboat and tpr sale by package containing tho copies of Hardee’s left Charlottsville the Stato sufficient to promptly defond our fron- To grade and pave the sidewalks on both sides morning, by steamer. lie I t.icon -Shoulders retail at lie, ribbed aide.-; at 14c. from Rich Mountain, and diminished by the nu- Washington, July 16. *1 RAWSON. TODD. .« (X). Tactics alluded to above. about his person, a sufficient number to clear up- tier. It i6 therefore proper to state that tho prob- of Floyd street from Main to Market; clear at 16r. and sucAi-cun about three weeks ago. He reached Charleston d hum* at 14eon over- dig ar.d wall a well at the intersection of Lard Not bins A N. 1 LAKET—4cask« superior Claret in store snd tor sale wards of learn, too, that ho has able necessities of the border have To reported. g $2,000. We that place woods are filled with deserted rebels, and our men Advertiser says: Ihe Richmond Whig ha* an f by fa83] after a great deal of trouble, and left looked either by Genoral McClellan or the State Hancock acd Lampton streets; Whfaky Rectified is retailing at 37>jc. WM GAY £ipA call appeared in the columns of the Pul- since made a similar specula* ion upon spool cot- Coffee Nothin*? reported. are ordered to stop arresting prisoners, because cflicial announcement to the ffact that the llig on the 4th of July, arriving at Ripley on the authorities. To dig and wall a well at the intersection of 1IKKT1NG8- :t8 hales Pittsburg Penn Mill and we can't take care of them. Three times as of truce brought Col. Taylor to Washington let in yesterday ordering a meeting in the First ton, also a scarce article, and like needles, very point ten regi- First and Breckinridge st roots. by S Anchor eheeting* received per rU amhoafa Key 5th. Henry A. Wise and his They can concentrate at any evening of the Old many as we hold would have been taken but for had reference to an exchange of prisoners cap- West aud Linden and for sale by Legislative District for Friday evening next, to likely to escape detection. This kind of business, ments fully armed, within twenty* four hours, Usual security required. son, O. Jennings Wise, were both at Ripley. On this. tured on the Savannah. A flag of truce de- WO. I HOWARD A (JO. without calling back any now in Virginia. To J. M. DELPH, Mayor. SPECIAL nominate a Union candid ite for Ii-presentative small potato though it he, is making the fortune NOTICES. There must have been over 4,00U rebels on the spatched for a purpose so absurd was of course the 8th a report reached Ripley that a thousand this force respectable cavalry and artillery corps Mayor’s Office, July 15, 1861. jl6 did 0(Wi CASKS FANCY PRINTS, Sprague's, Ameri a bluff our position in the State Legislature, also to appoint delegates of scores. commanding who opened tire justly disregarded. O'/U can, Punuriiv HUd Tacouy; that place might be added. Something to rectore; Federal troops were marching upon aud it will do it. See Prof. on the Fourteenth distance was lit- 1U0 CASES UNION FANCY PRINTS: to Ohio, and the A naval militii is extemporized for service at tho Senatorial Convention to nominate a suc- Washington, July 15. advertip«ment for Driggs, who is their sev- Notice to Street Favors. Wood's tle over arils. Received to day and for «ale cash only by Arrkstkd Again. Nelson from the Ohio river. The Wises, with 200 y sea for sweeping the ocean of privateers or for A cessor to Gen. Rousseau. One of the objects of brilliant of victories JAMES LOW CO., Gen. McClellan’s galaxy Sealed proposals will be received at the office of Their artillery was rapidly served, hut aimed <, well known in Harrison county, Ohio, is again en hundred followers, retreated back upon Charles- blockading purposes. ay) 2<^ aud 310 weri side Sixth st. city' the with extraor- APPBAXs TO BOXXNOH the meeting was evidently stated without consid- has thrilled the and army the Citv Engineer until Saturday July 20, 1861, yon about two feet too high, cutting off trees at that St. Lotus, July 16. arrested at St. Louis for deoling in counterfeit killing of Wise and his If wish to be sure of obtaining n perfect hair dye ton. The report of the dinary Dicing. progress is contrasted with ' LOUR -81 8 bbls Arcade Mills double extra Hour, eration, as Mr. John C. Borman has already hern r*j His at 12 o’clock A. M., to grade, pave, and curb the distance above the heads of our boys. Nome of without one deleterious ©foment. CaiaTAnoao's Ri«bl- Tbo report that Senator Green had violated his t a very superior article. In rtore aud f<>r eah< by money. About $200,000 of counterfeit money body-guard reached us on Saturday eveuing, the Patterson’s greatlv to the disadvantage of the following street*, viz: Campbell street from their shells burst near our ranks, doing consider- designated eioa is the parole is untrue. AND'W BUCHANAN A , as the candidate of the friends of the for the fray. Gov. On otilv one ever submitted to this ordeal. and ton neatly engraved plates were secured by* could not have lattor. McDowell is eager Chestnut to Keller street, Campbell street from able damage. Our advance, which alone entered 129 Corner Second and Washington »t*. 7th, so that it will bo seen that he It has been J. W. Tucker, tbo late editor of the State Union for tho Legislature in that district, and wo Letcher has called on the counties in Eastern Kellor to Broadway street, Rose Lane street from the engagement, numbered hardly 2,000. the officers. Two plates were ones, Slat o Bank l»eeai very badly injured, as he was kne eking aruurd Journal, fo making violent secession speeches in SUGAR--3U) hhds Irom fair to choice in store Virginia, for 1,000 more troops. The drafting Preston to Jackson street, Franklin street from AN4lI.X7TJI> BT OHIIcTOW, It is hoped that (Jen. McClellan, or the forces TV O have tho best reason to believe that his nomina- the the firrt chemist iu tho country. if* iand tor sale by of Ohio, ami one plate lives, Northwest Bank of Ripley pretty tolerably spry for an old man. process don’t work well, its chief effect is to con- Wenzel to Buchanan street, Franklin street from country, and his certificate set- at Rowlesburg, may* cut off the retreat of the ALLEN. MOORE, A HA DEN. tion is in accordance with the wishes of a vast ting forth Col. Steifel, of tho Fifth regiment of reserve lyt vert men to the cause of the Union. Campbell to Wenzel. To grade and pive with its brand iwsness is within the reach of every remainder, and socure the few baggage wagons Virginia. Driggs was formerly a merchant in From other circumstances, wa are induced to be- to- AZIN'S CAMPHOR ICR, Freeport, in Harrison county. Ho has been once lieve that the whole story about the attack upon reports having captured two hundred kegs I* n I-JT il.v - .. . A. g-L 1— - * - - X I » It u Mli t-a nf i “ - u*" ErfMuduiionJmn toip Holdhold a A special despatch to tho New York Herald i. LooUpiIi Usual security required. served a strict silonce. They stated, howover, Peace Convention at yjuisviilo was ou«nuu.rD y mainder of their baggage train and artillery at a Mr. Evorott feels confident he will succeed in of the military school at Carlsruhe. He J. M. DELPH, Mayor. says: A small Held piece was seized at the house "1 OFFER -3nt* bags ertrun Rio received by Jno. Ratno disposed of. AUCTION SALKS. point about two miles from St. George. Word that there was no want of provisions at the camp, Mayor’s Office, July* 12, 1861. jy13 dtd of Patrick Bawmer. Mai.--h.il Kane’s old oflico in MS( aud Woodford and lor eale by inducing the trustees to remit. If he succeeds, entered the regular army of Badeu, and was ad- — was instantly sent back to General Morris, at d the City’ Hall was again searched to day. II W COOD. but had to lui l>u fioui Two each man y then the umount pud over to the volunteer fund anced to the post of Chief Adjutant in 1847. all is now probably’ captured. ifrfrJudge Carpenter, Union candidate forth© By S. G. Henry 0l Co. fine rifles and a large quantity of ship boarding OFFER—W0 bags Rio Coffee jnet received per steam- some of the secession lads who loft Covington, The rebels are greatly disorganized, ar.d bead will be $000. His sympathies with the first revolution in South- naaiovAx*. knives were found (oncealed in the loft. C boat Magenta and for tale by Legislature for Bullitt county, will address his TAV Kv., for Clarksville, Tenn., state that they were IJGII BURNT .a (JU. have removed to wn*t f d# of Special Casli Sale. ing for Hardy county. It is hoped that Genera! Gov. had ir.SS WM ern Germany lest him his commission. He was llicks and Geu. Banks a conference The House of Commons was occupied M Kronei "treet. between Main and the River. fellow-citizens as follows; Hill, now al Oakland, may ba able lo intercept all put to work hewing down trees when they ar- (£T on to day. AILS AND SPIKES— ppoidted General in- Chief in the beginning c f DESIRABLE MAHOGANY ROSEWOOD AND WAL- them. IV rived the the evening of the 17lb ult. in discussing the ^?UGAR- Co lihde (air to rricie Super received per Peter Miller’s, Knob Creek, July 17th. A mm, while hurrahing for Jeff'. Davis as tho If 600 k*»ge Nails; for purpose of fortifving the position. NUT CABINET FURNITURE, MA HOTA NY AND corpse tho second revolution, M »y’, 1838, and I d the foi- F7 p*«) roil* and John ilahie and for •al’* by Jtrly Garnetts ia here awaiting orders from were quietly passing, was knocked sense- 60 do Spikee; propriety of allowing Blondin to walk the King’s Church, 18th. soldiers tight hiS tX)OD A MOODY. WALNUT HOCKING CHAIRS. CANK-8KAT bio family. In store and or sale by loru hope of the liberal party with great energy Pluasant Grove (Eidgway’ a School House), Ju- less by a pistol in the hands of a policeman. MARSHALL H ALBERT A CO. Senatorial CONVENTION.—It should be borne rope at the Crystal Palace, carrying bis little HOOKING AND CHAMBER CHAIRS. MAHOGA- Washington, July 15. j 17 I III NTS— ly 19th. Gov. llicks was serenaded tc-jigbt. He ex- and zeal. He came to America in 1850; was a > NY parlor chairs, in mind that a Convention, to nominate a cand- daughter. The result of the discussion was a JL 8 cnaee 4-4 Turkey red Printer and other house- The President has approved the forco bill. pressed his unalterable dovoti<>n to the Union, Capt. Heady is invited to attend. Speaking to DRY OOODS. professor in Dr. Duloo’s academy, and married 25 do Richmond new style Prints; keeping ARTICLES convinced date for the vacancy I The reign of terror in Loudon county, Va.. is and felt more thau ever that Mary- band a g*v>d stock of DRY GOODS, to in he Son&te occasioned by request by tho Government to tho directors of tho Received and for Mle by commonce at lijf o'clock each day. dtl9* E have on Dr. Dulon's daughter. lie received a call to a JAMES LOW A GO., AT AUCTION. at its height. Citizens are told to be ready to be land's only safety* was in tho L'nion. W which w« invite the aitculion of the trade. Teuu* the resignal ion of Gen. L. II. Kmisseau, w ill lie Crystal Palace to interdict the performance. ME and Sin wp*t side Rttth «t. drafted OABM ON L’UJVEUY. St. Louis, where he soon became m23 invite tc-day into the service and march to held at the city court room professorship in Mrs. Wales’s Boarding House. —We N THURSDAY MORNING, July fa. at 10 o'rfock, Washington, July 16. JAMES LOW ft CO., on Friday evening Manassas Junction. 12 Unionists fled from Wat- O nt Auction-rooms, No. 3o4 Main street, will J,.* and 21© west sldn Si>rh st. Town Destroyed. The Toronto Globe says distinguished for his great military talents. ICE 10 tierces prime landtag 1mm mailfcoat and tho attention of all in of board to the board- we ^el l m7 next. The district embraces the First, Second, want de*irnhle riock of erford and aro now in our lines. They report 40 Frank Fuller, of Portsmouth, has been con- R fur sale by ImWl GOOD Si MOODY that a fire occurred lately at a thriving village ing-house of Mrs. Wales, on Second street, ad- more coming at the first opportunity. firmed as llie Bee-rotary of Utah Territory. LA RET—4 casks m;penor in store and for sale by Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Wards of the Parlor. Dining-room, and Chamber Furniture; v.’M GAY. Horse Thieves.—The Cincinnati police have St. Louie a ud Lovering’s oxtra Golden 8irup Bill to considered v tnl3 Lindsay, in CIRVP— Chairs and Housekeeping aitu t-r*. The Secretary* of State has made a reclamation The Tariff h be in the House r named tho county of Poterboro, and joining the St. Cloud Hotel. It is a large and city’. As but tw o ovenings intervene, it will be in kege and oo retail by recently coine upon a na*»t of horse thieves, se- > SON ryBujaar* will do well to attend th* safo, as we are on the Spanish Government for the surrender of to merrow. It is said tho iron duties will remain ice 6 tierces prime Rice iu store and for sale by connected with Port Hope by the Port Hope and OTBPTVT as many as ICE— tine house capable of accommodating - necessary for the citizens of those wards desiring desirous of closing out the above UockL before w c move. jio ANivw BUCHANAN A * I cured six valuable horses, and placed two of the the American vessels carried into CieBfuegos by unchanged. R Lindsay railroad, which destroyed nearly the randy— forty boarders, and it is admirably kept. The S. G. HENRY & CO., by* the Sumpter, and there is doubt of The Loan Bill has parsed bt th Houses, and < nly to be represented to held their meetings either no their HITE FISH in half bbls for sale by rascals in limbo. The Gazette says this work 25 H pipes A. flrignotte Brandy: >17 d3 Auctioneers. whole place. Forty-five stores and about thirty B greatest attention is j immediate release with their cargoes, and of the awaits the Pre» iienl’a approval. YV miwrtT a son this evening or tomorrow evening. We trust the 35 pipes Cognac do: table is excellent, and the m» has been carried on within a few miles of the city* prohibition of the entrance of the Confederate Gen. McDowell’s army doubt les3 commences dwellings, hotels, &3., were all burned. 30 pipes Rorhrile do; given to the comfort and enjoyment of guests. friends of the Union in all the wards will hold pipes Brsndy; this evening. He has now for nearly a year, the horses having been stolen 10 Sj “tard, Dupuy, A Co. A-XJOTIOISr privateers into West India ports hereafter. It is a fi rward movement IIAKDWARF. AND bide do; meetings without delay and appoint their dele- J* N. Y. d6 ascertained that the Spanish proclamation which fifty full regiments, each 1,000 strong; also 2.500 CUTLERY, u: o, and, while walking home from the fire- by- It appears that the rumored assassination Frankfort wore stolen from a farmer near Hamilton, taken OMESTICS— Fans.—A handsome assortment received of time. C. ORM3BY. bleached, and elate Prilling*: Shoes, D 66 bale*I brown, Ac. Hicks nt Cambridge arose from the follow- 5*t. Lours, July 16. about 6 o'clock, on Monday evening, loft works with another man, he stabbed her through for Gov. having to Bromley’, Ky., and placed in other hands 3<» case* Semper Idem 4-1 aud 7-4 and Lonsdale express. J. SUES, ing: It appears that on Friday night some trouble Washington correspondent of the Adzoi- \ 1 1I L AND CROSSCUT SAWS— Louisville in the morning, with bis master's bug- the heart with a long butcher knife. Tho mur- bleached Cottons; Market. Tho if 1 line's Mill snd Crosscut 3aws; safe keeping. jy8 Fourth street, bet. Main and On Thursday, 18th July, arose between the Union men ami the secession- Received and for sale by ger says Capt. Mwoony’s appointment as Brigadier Rowland's Mill and Croaecut Saws* after derer succeeded in escaping. gy; soon he arrived at Mr. Graham s stable .TAMES LOW A CO., ids upon the Cambridge deck, and the Governor, llonie Crosscut Saws; arrival of the Canada we have COMMENCING at 10 o’clock A. M., when w ill be sold General of the St. Louie Guardi was never Spear ft Jackson's Mill and Italy. —By the mW and 91 n wnat -tde Sixth *t. To THE L.ADIR8. FRNSH IMPORTATION Ol “ 41 in Frankfort, he complained of his head hurting V ' without resoive— interposiug to quell the disturbance, was roughly by the Government, and orders have I Aston's confirmed sate <' iStTThero nro now twenty- five regiments of important news from Italy. The following is a I would re On hand and tar tow by ORM1IHL Lillie’s chilled iron Fire and Burglar Proof 8pktno and Summer Dry Goods. bandied by* Ilia rebels. He escaped from the call ing him and bis company’ of regu- him, but he sat and talked for a long time with shakes. . A rtock nf aborted DRY GOODS. IK OP SKIRTS, been issued organized of celebrated combination I >ck ou them. serious 500 kege Shoeubergere’ Nails on hand and tar lhre3 yearn’ men, fully and equipped, summary of the French note on tho recognition Sales, with hi* epectfullv invite the attention of the ladies to ray SMALL WARES, and JOB sml bTOCK GOODS. tcrimmage without injury’. At the request lar* to join bis regiment, the Second U. 8. In- AILS— the boys at the stable. He finally reclined in his In store aud for sale at the manufacturer's prices by troops IN sale low by C. ORMSBY. in the Eastern extreme Northwestern States, Italy o’clock. of the Governor aud Union men, occupied fantry at Washington. and the Kingdom of W R. BELKNAP A CO. extensive stock, which 1 am offering lower than At ID* master’s buggy. A short time before ten o’clock, the town during the night, ami escorted his Ex- Respectable auvnority nays Col. Seigel will be 'i RINI )STONES - Fonuderiee, M :irbii»e-Shop-, and and on the road or about to start for Washing- the of Victor A large and desirable ."tack nf FASHION ABLE READY of The Emperor, on demand Em- -&<' at any previous season, consisting in part of ( * Fanners will tind a large assortment Stone at when the boys woro about OVERING’8 REFINED SUGARS bbl* Crashed CLUIHING. cellency to Annapolis and thence to Baltimore to a Brigadier Generalship. shutting up the stable, manuel, has recognized him as King of Italy. MADE BUMMER promoted C. ORMSBY’3. ton. They will more than supply the places of I^Ja od Pulverised received per mailboat and for *ale lawns, - Broche barege Anglais, printed linen A!*o, at 1'i today. Missouri Railroad, cm they went to look o'clock M . The train on tho North after him, and found him lying But by this recognition ho does not approve the bv fmMI “AWSKAWSON. TODD. A OO. OES 900 dozen Planters' Hoes for sale by the three months’ men, whoso terms of service Washington, July 16. detachment of SiniLh s Regiment of — embroidered Mozambique, plain foulards, droquet 100 ewea superior to prime quality HOOTS, SHOES, veying a Col. i;. OKM8BY. dead in the buggy. Nothing is to paat policy of the Cabinet of Turin, nor does he H known as the — rotDprisiiig Ladire' will expire this month. /HANDLES AND SOAP and BROGANS, extra t n*> As soon as the recent seizures by the privateers Zouaves, was fired into yesterday from the woods encourage enterprises of a nature to compromise grenadines, plain black ami colored worsted gTea- pegged OCRS AND HINGES cause of his death. 2uu bora s Star Candles; tewed ami Kid, Morocco, Goat. t:il , and Jeft' !»eo-*m© the skirting the road, twenty miles above !St. Joseph, 4 * Children’.* Davis and Sumpter known, Navy ( J 'jno dozen Lock?, assorted: the general peace of Europe. 1*81 Mold do: adinefl, laine, broche harege, crap* Buff’d Boot*, Mirer and Wear, Men's evening, the 1th, at black gauzo de to were severely wounded. " f0r lBb i^i;*On Thursday Scranton, The Emperor regards the principle of non-in- common bar Soap; and Bovs* extra fill" Calf and Kip Root", Cou^VO-d Department issued orders the Federal vessels and two men 400 JU " Excursion Over tiik Grand Trunk Rah- German do; barege, all colois; embroidered English harege lfoote. Oxford Tie*, Lasting Gaitere. &c. and V OBMWHY. Penn., William Simmis and wife were burned to tervention as a rule, hut he declines the retqtonsi- 60 at New York, Boston, Hampton Roods to Toilet do: Hakkisulkg, July 16. way. Mr. Chas Atniore, the local of the ca. h (bankable funds). delay in pursuit all 3.000 groea gimlet raiuted Screwstar sale agent bility of any project of aggression. sale by checked French -silks, 75 cents per yard; black Terms proceed without of them and C' KKWS death by the explosion of a kerosene lamp while Castile do; for the reserve iw t C. ORM8BY. similar crafr. Col. Charles J. Biddle commanding |*y hu‘j ] Grand Trunk railway, informs us that he is French troops will continue to occupy CA3TLI5MAN. MURRELL. A CO. THOS. ANDERSON & CO. now The _m25 silks, plain silks all shades; pineapple foulards, - filling it. Both were dreadfully burned, and sur- )v17 dS Auctioneers. An official letter from Pickens, receive*! this force lately encamped at Cumberland occupied W FADES AND SHOVELS selling tickets at the southwest corner of Main Rome so long as the interests which brought Shovels and Spades; t RAIN BAGS—6,000 seamles* Bags <2 and 23£ bushel plain and checked French poplins, organdies and New (’reek bridge on Sunday by Orders of Gen. ^7 5o doaeu Ames’ vived their injuries only about two hours. They France are not covered with guarantees. morning, mentions that the Niagara has departed 44 44 44 for sale low by to Rome ( Fort Pitt lu and) received per steamboat Marmora fat do Rowland's and Third streets, at the rato of thirty dollars jaconets, parasols, lace points, lace mantles, black on a like errand. McC-1 1 an. C. 0RM8BY. leave seven hoipi ess children. Huron Ricasoli, in his note in reply to the fore- and for rale by JNO. F. HOWARD A 03., of tbo same brigade occupied Pied- for the round trip to is a Agent* for Manulnrts rere. BY Bo K A BIN A <0. Dr. John Julius Guthrie, of North Carolina, Col. Kane Quebec. This most going, thanks the Emperor for the recognition of nilk mantles, French chintz, j*ercAlsand ginghams, Axre, dihereut bramfa, tai a«le hv Fou *lh st*. XES fa! dowm mg Main, bstwwn Third and having refused to obey orders assigned him, to do mont, und Captain Irwin took his post at New ORM8BY. charming summer route, embracing the most The New York World publishes a list of the Italian Kingdom. Ho calls tho programme A C. Alexander's kid gloves, plain and plaid nainsooks, village. his duty, has been dismissed from the navy. Creek A Handler for sale by set forth in tho recent votes of tho Chambers, iYfOLAHSKS- . HANDLES -loodeseu magnificent scenery on the Continent, in addition tw enty- four slave ships captured and brought X into 11 bl*l<* Plantation; white cambrics, 30 ft Gnish cambrics, tablo dam- 'tegular Weekly Cash Sale of Foreign The enemy precipitately retreated on the ap- <:. and expresses a hope that the wished for solution 1 131 Nk\v York, July* 16. The brig Belear, from ORMSBY port 75 Mdo do; the forces. C-iptaiu fay I or pursued to which excursionists may avail tbeimelves of a that since November 12, 1857. In iwenty- l>© asks and napkins, 10-4, 11-4, and 12-4 linen proach of may brought about without interruption. He froul 'U'"n ‘‘ r tic Dry Tampico, reported the schooner Ella, theme for CYTHES— L n* and Dome* hoods captured a tilled with plunder. ftco. and wagon S 1 h i dozou Grass Scythe*: sight of the steamer now in port at Quebec. two cases the owners or captains of these escaped says: Our wish is to restore Rome to Italy, with- *r n?w sheeting, pillow linen, all widths; cottonades and New York, captured by a off Now Orleans. 'On Monday morning the enemy attacked Cap- 60 do Grain for sale by or were out depriving the Church of any of its grandeur, Wednesday, duly 17, Sj-cial to ORM8BV discharged. In two only were bills in store and lor On [ the N. Y. Tribune. C. IO COFFKE-•600 bags fair to prime heavy plantatioD drills, bleached cotton sheeting tain Irwin's position but were vigorously re- Wo are informed that an altercation oc- or tho Pope of his independence. COMMENCING AT lu u’CKOCK, found. R sale by Washington, Julv 15. away some All at pulsed, leaving two dead and carrying 6,oU0 |t.a, vriiue hopes, that, after time, will ALLEN, MOORE, » HAPEN. cf which will be Bold low UH'NTBY BACON AND LARD- curred at Camp Joe Holt yesterday afternoon, He a the Emperor mn IUIIRN will h«- sold new invoirre of Prints, (Jha’lles, Ex Governor Stevens, of Washington wounded. > article, for aale by IfW) HIBBITT A BON. be able to withdraw hi3 troops from Rome without G. B. TABB’S, ir Lawns, 100 pieces bleach ed Domestics, 40 dozen Terri- between Capt. Isaac Trahue and Capt. Charles A Peace Movement. The Bridgeport (Conn.) IO tXTPEKK—360 bags good fair and prime arriving « fine Suspender?, a large hoc of Ifo?e and Halt Ho-**, tory, arrived here this morning. He conies to offer Jefferson City. Mo., July 16. exciting the apprehension of the Catholic. He hr ra‘22 j&b Corner Fourth and Market bLs. |\10I«A8SES— Farmer says: “A petition to Congress, calling for Notions all descriptious, aud many other desirable 1* Tbomasron, in which Capt. Thoraasson was , * m. of his services to the government in n military ca- I hbl." Molaaso^; L. leaves it to tho high wisdom of the Emperor to RAWSnN todp. mail carrier reports that Major UuTia, Good*. The qhfa Sugai House Molasses; the ball striking a National Convention, has been recently put the France pacity. He was formerly io tho Uuiled stales was at Woods 3U shot by Capt. Trabue, Capt. T.’s determine moment, and trusts that gWBuyers will do wclW by attending. The Goods with a force of over 3,000 men, hhls do Simp; s" array. Mexico 36 into circulation in this city, and has already been will not refuso to bring Rome to an arrange ment OIL Pure Olive Oil for *ale the bottle will b«* wild without reeoi vc. mifoo beyond Fulton, on the store and for sale bv fortunately glancing F'bo( tthbls White Fish: ^Al.AD by Spring, 13 In forehead and upward. The delivery. learn from which would be fruitful in happy consequences. 20 Hbhla Trout; or basket by Terms hio camp worm than those for sale bv CyThe Wheeling Intelligencer slates that of the Pope’s health in such terms as to leave Confader afa the rules aud regulations ol Another | IME-OObbU ( *' in stoic and for rale by J i and for sale by Martial hold on Col. Allen adjourned I J HI BRITT A SON. sion of suspicion as to the loyalty uf the Adams little doubt that the Papal Chair will before long the Post Office Dopa' lni^nt. thin afternoon from Fairfax. He states the rebels ft \ bo Court a* Col. Kelly will be able to resume his military du wm. gay. lyt ALI EN. MOORE. A MAOKN. u Letter* to be forwarded by u« mii«t he rnrio ed in to-dav, ready to Saturday sine die. Express Company or its attaches to the Federal be vacant. News received in the ordinary way are all packet! up at Fairfax and . Sardine* iu U. J. Government envelops, and for raeh halt (VO ouune Cleveland, July lb. 8almon, Mackerel, Herring, and ties, partially at least, in a short lime. lie is SUNDRIES Manassas at any moment. There aro retail from Home is scarcely* to be considered worthy letter our charge fa twenty-five (26> rente, which cohere retreat to J 1packagesfi aud on by Government, and we would not be deemed the Brandle*, Gin, Rum, Ac.; Butter Bucket*. £tc. French all |v n«»s lo dsel ination. All letters forwarded by there. Wisconsin Regiment arrived at 2 ml* HIBBITT A SON. able to walk out, and is fast becoming himself of implicit, credence under existing circumstances. DOZEN Butter Hnckete, 3 fize*. ex five regiments Tho Fourth Sardine* so rare* fcboxe* r.t\ or first to express such suspicion, for we do not en- Painted do; »m aie KRUvnro lo conrigutse mailed at Ihe most Baltimore, Julv 15. will leave for the East via Dunkirk Rxinin* 4(8) pkj:* Vj, hi, end whole boxes; •J” *J1*> do I\ M , and JavaCof again. convenient place if beyond our lire*. AVA COFFKE—A supply of superior cld F5 do braflB bound Paifa; says all is quiet reception. doe* not seem possible that qualities Olive oil. Macaroni. Vermicelli, Ac ; ; depatch from Martinshurg They had a fine I tertain it. It any in With our connections South, we have every fan I ty A at 6 P. M. fee for sale by _ for aale bv do do do covered Gam; newspaper Speed of Comets. The of 1813 moved the character of Bio Nino’s successor could so Iu store aud for giviug this drpaitm HQt of our Ihmiimi prompt des- hero and no attack expected. Several J. T. LANHAM A CO., 7. A 33 do iron do do do; ANTHONY NONE A RON, Patterson’s OF THE CITY OF WASHINGTON. ml4 Importer* of Te *.. Third ri. ttf We learn from the Bowling Green Standard change the position of affdirs as to reconcile Borne **itb a good assortment of patch. reporters are in the guard house by ARRIVAL half round the suu in 10) J hours, with a velocity i to Fifth at., below Mam. Together Wood aud Willow in store sale S^r*Kxpre*s for Ihe South closes at 10 A. M and 7 here this morning. July* 16. that John Graham has sold hi*) magnificent place to a new le*$e of Papal sovereignty. But a ra- Warr, Cordage, Brooms, Ac.; and for by order. Gov. Hicks arrived Nkw York, > KF1NKD -M" bbls Loveriug’s Crushed, 1*. for at I f SUGAR of 1,300,000 miles an hour about eighty times ORR1N M ; the Eoefa P. M. — Pope might very easily ‘LA RET WINES— RAWSON, S.%. Giauulated, and Powdered Sugar iu stare and for tional and strong-minded Jr 25 <11 in S. A. JONES. July 15. Tbe City of Washington has arrived. Her on the comer of Plain and Russellville streets, • 26 eves St .lulieu; jis 388 Main ri. betweeu Third and Fourth. Alexandria. by fi3ter than Prof. Morse can despatch his light- effect a compromise which would at leapt restore C eale 2f* do Florioc; scouts captured four secession news is anticipated. 1 1 ADEN. the Public Square in that place, to J. Four Connecticut u*23 ALLEN, MOORE. A near R. the its seat in the centre of Italy for rpEA— HOAAQING. ning. to Papacy 16 do St. Katephe: yosterday. The following are Ihe only items of interest. by 1 900 parkase* Gnnpowder and Imperial Tea; FAMILY and several single ronlleroeu can be ac- cavalry and for sale by Foster, for $11,000. Mr. G., we understand, in- ©Derations to come. The importance which the Juat received and for rale couple of thousand troops affay occurred at Rome between the citi ICE— 16 casks rice received . • good hoard b) doubtless a An ml .7. T\ THOMPSON. is half chcri* Black Tea; cou.rordafad with fiue ooms and There are RAWSON. TODD, ft CO. it-yThe Court of Appeals of the State of New election of Pio’s successor will have, so far as R n 3 tends making his future residence iu Lutile villa. In store aud for ssfo by apipplyiug at MRS. K W. GARY'S. stationed at Fairfax Station, beside the force At zens and the Pontifical gen d'armes. Several York has decided that personal property’ be Europe is concerned, must be decided by tho 200 whole and half bbl* No*. I. 3, and 8 117 MARSHALL Tl ALBERT h CO. Sixth st., immediately opposite St. Paul’s Church. the troops wounded. coffee will be a valuable accession to our business must j\| ACKERKL the Court House. It is stated that at pereons were (wrawo. b.„ Uio f«r;|^ He between 1* * Mackerel In «tore and for *alr- bv 4 co chance it will afford of a reconciliation 100 negroes, besides a battalion of It was reported that tho French bad evaruted taxed where it is located, and that taxation does BUCHANAN h CO. IO COFFEE— lt»0 bags prim© Rio Colt*** landin Fairfax include community. Italy ard the hierarchy of tho Popes. No Euro- AND'W from steamers Fanny Bullittullitt and F«. II. Fairchih 100 others in the vicinity of Manassas. Clvita Veccbia. Rio Coffee in store andior not follow the person of its owner. K /'i OFFER—76 bags prime pean interest is subserved by a prolonged strug- jyjOLASSES— and for sate by (J14J GOOD A MOODY of the months Pekin to April 29th, via Russia, Young Chivalry. A company of Union boys, Insurance, It is the prevailing opinion 3 Advices from e by power. Nobody is so chi- 170 bbla prime, in Rood cooperage; Mutual Fire HAT.PKRT * CO. gle for the temporal time is about up, that they will re- say the insurgents were making considerable pro Vl r' MARSIIAIX the first 46 Jvdo do, do do; HEESK—-bv boxes W. R. Cheese just received por troops, whose bHween the ages of 12 and 15, organized on Tues- IfiTOn of the year there were 107,55 to suppose ihat the dynasty of merical as Raine and for »a)e rail and for sale by home. gross. They had beaten tb« lir»|>erialist8 in a Rat- Cider and Wine Received by the Douirville and John CO, if hi ltd turn ( 't IDER Ballou’s Crab and common under the of Pyles miners in Australia. The Australian miners al high -priests is about to close with LOWLUID FIB? II8UIA1CK day night name the Zjuaves tho Roman hv fnw*l GOOD h MOODY. GARDNER A CO. ISfacial to the N. Y. Pori ] io and were marebiug rapidly upon the Capital. V^Vtowutfcr-laW $562,721 18 Main tl. Capital and surplns gMITH SPBKn , 11. Coyle, Captain; John C. Collins, First most equal the majors of the Southern Confeder Pius IX. Washington, July 16. j Wm. li*0 bbl* Plantation landing from ^UGAK 44 hhds prime lauding from steamer three- there absolutely will be a spiritual Pope for J^JOLASSKS — Pcy This Corapaoy divides As for vale Ur tona and for sole The Committee on Ways aod Means will prob- Lieutenant; Albert Pyles, Second Lieutenant; and acy in point of numbers. steamer Woodford and by by fourtbs ol her profits among I > EFINED SUGARS— at least long time to come, be could not be I A choice lot *ug*r-nired I! snip ^ ^ a m£i RAWSON, TODD. 4 CO. a!7 RAWSON. TODD. A CO. policy-holders. Rick? taken ably fix a duty of 10 cents per pound on teas of A AOKL1N RAMS— Ii 60 bills Baltimore B Soft Crushed; ill cr-cjlry Bacon juet received in store and for John Lucas, Orderly Sergeant. They are fine John Murray, the blacksmith anywhere better placed for the general conve- on Buildings and f intents. —— on coffee, aod cents on sugar. aud 25 do do Powdered: SIT of Gretna 0ml a 1 kind, 4 cants 2>tf inen goods— pOFFKB-117 haga prime Rio received matlboaf by eair u> Europe than in the eccleeiastical palace by bnv« ailjufb br ioiSBviw.B ale Landing from mailboat and1 I nr by youths, making a handsome appearance in their nience of J»-4 euperfine proposition for tho reduction of duties on iron II. ft CO Green, is dead. During his long aod useful life L 26 ipiece* Table THmaik; V' and for sale by [al3] H W. GOOD IfJj-ys* No ni‘“ W. A BURKHARDT. 417 Market *L RAWSO N. TODD of the capital of Italy. An exiled Pope in Mad- Irish » 10 caaet Linen*, a-eorted; * insurance 01Td\ over U. k . fitaily or steel is likely to succeed. Probably an in- d ishing uni forms. lie conferred happiness on several At Washington steamer hundred perse rid, Paris, Venora would be an exceedingly 5 do Spanish Linen; pLOUR received per or or Cafth for Wool. store*, mot’h •'id.'* M :* in, near Second. creased income tax will bo recommended. r ^UGAR—33 hhds prime Sugar 6 do Blouse do; r will 100 bble l ine Hour; The Opening. Beyond the perad venture of a uted coupler. ominous phenomenon for the peace « f Europe. A E pay cash for wool. tan36 teviAbAvMNr O Autoormt * OO. 2.000 pair brown Linen Tablr-Clothi; U Hut bble No. 1 Extra Hour; AND'W Pope content to accept the place of high priest of THOR. H. HUNT A CO. New York, July 15. doubt tho Louisville Theatre will reopened on 3 casei* brown Lineu Dnilingi; In «tore and lor eale by e-f-At last accounts Lady Franklin had been a seat in Rome, do; rrime Rio Coffee the Roman Church, und occupying 3 do hteaebed I > If JR—6 tierces prime Rice ou cousignmeot and tor Capt. Barney ’« Battery of Flying Artillery AND'W PUCnANAN A CO.. |>10 COFFER -400 hags good to evening wi'.b a talented and attractive fancy do; mfit <’rtn*er Socnnd and Wnriiiwrtmi rli Friday having a nice time at the Sandwich Island?, yi under the guardianship of the King of Italy, 2 do II *ale by from Fort Pickens has goue lo Washington. Ii iu store and for eale by for sale TRAVELERS BUCHANAN A < Received aud by J14 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. AND'W company’. Not the bast attractive of the corps iting all pretty’ places could exercise but little evil iDiluenco over the Th© race between Flora Temple and Ethan Al- the and being made a great JAMES LOW A (JO., that (be I\1 ACKK-RKI^-AOM bble Nc?. I, 2, and 3 Mackerel ii regretted that Will bear iu niimi friend Miss Jennie flight, politics of the world. It is to be m22 208 an.) 210 west ride Sixth at. CASKS PORT WINE, len and M >to yesterday was won by Allen and I" 1 t tore and for eale by Shoulders in is our charming young deal of. \ ANGLES—6,000 Hams, Sides, and the reconciliation between the Pope and the na- I o casks Madeira Wine; Mate in three straight heats. Tune unprece- AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. istore and for eale by returned to tho city yesterday, after a pro- *VA COFFEE— 160 mats choice old Java in store 10 do Sherry do; V TTTBBTTT ft RUN. who tion his not been sooner effected. He whose ca- C.&VJ3 2 2 n,tn There is a Zouave company in liar I ford by MAMMOTH dented--' 22K, 22, 23K. J sod for rale fa do Musot d**; absence. reer qualities which from BfSIL'S TAVERN or RIPD DBBF AND TONQUES-EOO lbs Dried Beef tracted is now closiog h id many m2* RAWSON, TODD A CO. 2-5 bbls Malaga In but SEVEN M1LF.S received rer riui- Conn., composed entirely of deaf mutes. They do. Imperial to the N Y. Herald.] and 8 dozen Tongue* tar ralo by 100 mats fine old might adorned under happier store (which fa two miIns aud a U I AVA COFFEE— have dignified and Iu aud tor safa by GLASGOW JUNCTION to** H1RBITT A SON. That tine military company’, the First LANTATION MOLASSES- 6ri) bbls in store and Washington, July 15. 5Ud f° r #ftle A CO march without music and are drilled by signs. auspices, a lofty hierarchical station. It will, in- jylo MARSHALL HALBERT A CO. than auy other depot), and the ^ RAWSON, TODD. P for eale by halt nearer Guard, Capt. Orrill, fired a salute U- deed, hope- British Consul at Richmond has laid before r'LOSS. Ac.—A (nil asaort luont of bilk. Ltaf-n, anf Ward Home be a melancholy finale to a reign so Jvl ALLEN. MOORE. A HA DEN. bbls received per steamboat Louii- The \ 10LA88ES-100 t V j5*casks m« ALLEN. MOORE, A- n AHF^' the blockade of the do; the poor of Cincinnati at the soup-bcuses scramble of priestly intrigue over the scarcely bbls No. 1 Salt- anything ret discovered for beauty aud for cases where Cce.*apeake had A CO., 10 do Port acquit tbemaelveo handsomely whether on O 60 Exceeding JAMES LOW them to jr 210 w«st idds Sfvth d. Jfj bbfa Malaga do; cold clay of Piux IX. bh!e Table Salt in small bags; stalagmites and stalactite*, 1* bot been broken by private individuals by perm saion m0 Mfl and Monday. COFFEE—21 1 bags good fair to prime arriving fantastically shaped in compliment of friend Vinegar J^IO l re and f°r «XX blank cartridges 60 bbls Cider the Government. Lord Lyons, it is HALFFKTft firing . and for ealo by MILES from BELL'S TAVSSN of under- ^MARSHALL 86 bbls large Nc. 3 Mackerel; ONE AND A HALF ^UQAR—*0 hhds fully fair to prime lauding froc m1f in compliment of enemies. The Family of Senator Slidell . —We are assured al3 RAWSON, TODD. A CO. stood, has called the attention of Government to or ball cartridges Gen. Degallado, the most illustrious will be speaking and shouting CaTMr. London pub- Chesnut and Third S two of men J. T. LANHAM A C<)« "aor.Mr county. There thfa (Wednesdays afternoon, four ANDREW BUCHANAN A CO., ORBIN’ RAWSON, at o’clock. The rela- or sale by Marae iu Mexico. ul8 Importers of Teas, Ac., Third st. dws* lisher, baa failed for w $133,000. tives frieuds of py-ti Corner Second aud Wathiugfou sis. "IS W. * U. BUKKBLAHDT% «U all Mata at., between Third and Fourth. and music and dancing. aud the family are iuvited to atlcud. W T - I ' 1 . 7 e —- ! : . - - X - - T w


LOUISVILLE JOURNAL BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. PROF. WOOD’S CITY DIRECTORY, Know Thyself. RAILROADS. RAILROADS. BUNINEtS.S CARD.n The New Policy of the Soithkhn Conkkd- W. W7ATT, I7NP1IBTAEBR. Is a regularly educated Physician and NWK, WICKS, & CO., jsrPBnsoNvix.iai hailboao. Arranged Alphabetically in Regard to R. MoCANN FASTEST LINE EAST ! JOHN SNYDER & CO., t.kacy* — e And the following In the New Or- D detects the true rendition and locality of diseases without asking VV liolcdpalo G-rooor* by the pulse and I fa peculiarities the Improved Metal Burial Cases Change of leans Delta of July 11th: BUSINESS &c NAMES. *jrn via. oiJsrciisrKrATi, Time. • Wholoiale Grocers, Flonr and Oo patient’any question* ' Some profess to do this, yet are Combining Beauty, Dnrabillty, and Lightness. * - i- t questions In order to obtain APRIL 14 4l- !^»T>g B HnuMf r Kecent indications lead us to doubt the wisdom Auctioneers. careful to ask some loading OOMKIB0XOKT BCEl tOHANXf, COMMENCING Utfl. mission merchants, a doe to the disease. We do fothMfflf that kind, and §W Office corner Seventh and Jefferson, Louisville. Agents for of any further persistence on the .part of the friA.1 K fol Main itreet, between Third and Foarth, Kahn, L. A Co. north side Main, bet. 4th and 6th. ha invariably givou satisfaction. Consultations aud above vo 1HE Caskets are made of Cot nigated Sheet Tobaccos, 8AINB will <-? solicitation street. Xsiqnors, and Got ton Taraa, loave Jeffersonville, oppoclte IxmijvlUe, Confederate States in the policy Anderson, Tho .A Go., 430 Main examinations 1 Metal and lln«d with Gotta Percha or India Rubber LOUISVILLE, KY. Henry, Samuel G. A Co., Main st. bet. 3d and 4th. so as to be *1* and 817 Main rt., bet. Third nnd diplomatic management in order to obtain a Air and Water Tight. and Fourth, LITTLE MIAMI PARTICULAR ATTEN'* » GIVEN TO THE 8AL st. 3d aud 4th. C3r3EX. P. I»I. Spencer, G. C., Main bet. PBJQXI OF* OHAR All orders promptly attended to. d!3 dtf awn nnd li:iO A. HI. A of Floor and Produce* '*®d to us. ao21 recognition of our nationality as an independent LOUISVILLE, KY. roll , Ajrrfoultnml Implements nnd Meeds. treat- 9; r M UOHTMINa KXPRE88 KA8T -Daily far DIBEA8ES OF THE THROAT ANT) LUNQS ia j. Wo have gone just as as self-respect 1 power. (81 iuuys e xreptod »• aud coasti- J. von Bourns st oo., Columbus and Xenia ) coiiiiert I n at Seyino»ir with trains Brent, II. A Co., 6ti~ Main st. ed uy a iww method of Medicated Inhalation s J. J9. Se OO- and manhood justify. We should go no further. J. AMD on the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad for CALDWHLii Sherman A Bio., 631 Main, between Sixth and Seventh. totioeii) treatment. We offer yon new remedies, entirely E. MOORE, Cincinnati, ^teroln.s.New York, Bo ton. Philadelphia, HI (.liestnut street, opposite Girard Hooae, We have placed Clio governments of Europe in ot Greou and 8th. vegntable, which have provedred a speedy and effortuoleffectual corecure CLOTH (evooneon to wm. emeaAM), Baltimore, Muuii A Co., corner HOUSS, sud all Ka all Duwares of Cincinnati' Hamilton, & Dayton stern Cl tie*; andfat Indianapolis with ltelle- possession of the proofs of our independent or- RESTORATIVE. Pitkin, Wiard, A (jo., 616 Maiu st. In the following dieeasw. via: Bronchitis, wiiouroAi.t uulijck* m PHILADELPHIA. rorwardic.ff Hi Oommisoion Korchaat for, Pittsburg, and ssof she Heart. Sto ach, Philadelphia, ability to Carter A Buchanan, 4^4 Maiu st. Vhe Thn>at L.unga, Di m CL 88IMFRR8 and , ganization as a nation, ard of our main- Dance, Can- ^JI2?«,^, ' VEBTINOS. TAILORS ® prinrtnle cities in the East; also NEW IMPORTATION* -FINE WATCH! (aallerieo. lAvar, and Kidneys, Dropsey, Saint Vitus's *8 AMD brought the case Dnniierreocype gkntlkmf.n Burnish- 1861 Patek, Phillipe, ft tain our government. We have o»ra. Scrofula, Chronic Ulcers, Rhenmatism, Neuralgia, ing SB—BPB 1861 Co., Watchcn, in Geneva. GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Charles of our, Republic fully within the rule of a de facto J. C. Elrod’s (formerly Harris’s) Gallery, Main, be- Par&lvri-, F irtnlo, Sr«sms. Fite, Disease# of the Bye and STEAMBOAT AGENT, Frodshoin'r London Time- Keepers, new terte 4641 ^In Iu afreet, 1 , "* othir all sites tween Fourth and Fifth st*. Ear, Sennual Weakutes, 8k in Disease*, Rupture, Diar- between Bullitt nnd Fifth. " pri “cl^ in Hunting Core* and Open Face. government, a rule which has been invariably 0140, RAILROADS. SW.tth Webster A Bro., Main st., between Fonrth and Fifth. rhea, and, in short, all curable diseases. We are not Oar stock is now very large and ISrtSole Authorised Agent* for above. all the powers of complete, to which Agent -SIGHT KXI-KK88 n-vilv (SMurd.y, rccognizod and acted upon by ’’care all'' doctor, will undertako no case witb- however we are adding Freight for fenna. Centra Railroad. cx- THE ONLY ARTICLE ItooUnellcrn, Stationer*, A- Periodical Healer*. and daily all the latest styles of good* t#d Seymour with POold and Silver, Eugllsh fSP, >' trains on the and Swlas WATCHES. the civilized world. ont a fair prospect of recovery. in our line. No. 42 Ohio and Miselasippi Railroad, Kieb Bedford, A. U.. 323 Third street. FOURTH (OB WALL) 8TREBT, for Cincinnati and all Jewelry, ucw designs. 'Phis is all that is proper for us to do, all that FROM CINCINNATI TO Eastern chics; at IndlonapoU* with Diamonds, Pearls, Davidson, A., 3d st., bet. Jefferson and Market. dtf Louisville, the Belleteun- and all the Fashionable style*. rBlttALB BX8BASB8. Just Hocoivod by Ky. nc for foreign governments ought to require. Here let and Market. fixpress. Boston In 3"'i hour*. New York in 81 hears, U Line Toledo Detroit Cleveland, Buffalo, Silver Ware, unsurpassed in style, quality, and finish. Madden, F., 3d st., bet. Jefferson A New York. SECOND supply of that splendid H. w. fitmu. wm. L. p. vmu.i. Philadelphia in 37 .V hour*. Baltimore in *2f< hours. Won, Philade-Inhia, Baltimore, and all us stop. Let us make no appeal to commercial or Female* tronblod with Snyrression*, IrregnlaritJes. . ». AVZ&Y. a£*pS®rs visiting Philadelphia are Invited to Ba«(ln( and Hope. L f**ui front the Gentian. “TIIOU Springs in Jf^h’r*. Albany in 2Tdt hours. poiuts iu the l^rtt; aud with the ^ I^encorrhea or Falling of the Womb, 11* °* ART Saratoga Cincinnati andChic- amine their other interest 8. l’ PITKIN, Louis, aud all entailing no obligation to pnrehase. Dreams Thou *rt Near," l*y WIARD, In hours. Steubenville lu 11 hour*. point* In the West and Northwest from any quarter. If are not able to main- bility, fte., will be speedily aired without tho use of poi- ?jy & CO, Wheeling 11 V? we st. • author 01 “Ever•Ever Ofof Thee"—Thee - Uniform Prices, in plan figures, Curtis * Warren, 471 Main —2525 cents;cent-; elegant f. 7 hours. CLINTON and no variation. sonous drugs or injurious or nupalntablo medicines of any lithograph-lithocrnuli- fSncce-^rsto Pitkin Brothers], Crestline in boon. Zanesville in JOHNSON, Agent. tain our independence and nationality with our ic title. A Do, * large lot of new al5 dtf A. dlvos Bonnet Bleacher. difference what Music, vocal and in- S&ndu»ky in 8# hours. Toledo in 9 hoars. B. CROTHF.RS. Bup’t. kind. Hare no delicacy in calling no rtrumeutal, by such coinpo.-ers WQOI^ESALE DEALERS IN own strong arms and brave hearts, we do not de- ns Brinley Richard,*, (J. Dotroit in 12*4 hoar*. Four troubles may be. I do not expect you to place your- Osborne. Mrs. Wm„ Jefferson st., bet. 3d and 4th. 8. Bralnard. Drewier, Dopier, Egghard, A. Berg, serve to enjoy thoir great blessings, and should neder treatment nnlose you prefer it. W. self my ftc., to which the attention of the musical Through Tmttin rare Cincinnati as follow*: GUNPOWDER. Clothing and Gentlemen**' Furnlahlng Good*. public is ea- submit to the yoke of the foreign conqueror. Tbo UNIVERSAL CONFIDENCE!! All communications strictly confidential. The afflict- 18601 I86OI P-cially called Call soon, it you would have a copy of Mandeville. J. C., & Co., Main, bet. Second and Third. ed are cordially invited to ceil and satisfy themselves. new fi:16 A. EXPRESS — From Cincinnati, n*m sooner we adopt this determination the more de- that bong from the German. It is the ol S, M Armstrong, J. M., comer 4th and Main sts. Jefferson st*., gem the SEED Office 306 First st., between Market and iltnu, ft Toledo, Detroit, DUPONT’S ef- M&aon, and is selling rapidly. Dayton Depot, connect* via termined. vigorous, aud efficient will be our AID Sproule A Mandeville. comer 4th and sts. to our care, en- M&in Louisville, Ky. All letters addressed WM. MrCARREL, AGRICFLTIJRAL DIPLEMEXTS, and Canada. forts to ac hieve these reaults. All expressions of loth** Gcutlcuien’** closing a stamp, giving symptoms and nature of disease, _ KIFLE ( nnd Furnhthlna Rood*. >P^ No. tit West Jefferson Street. A\D BLASTING POWDER, hope the necessity to will receive prompt attention. Medicines sent to all 7:00 A. M. CINCINNATI EXPRESS- From Little of foreign interference, of J. Yon Borries A Co., 466 Main st., bet, Bullitt and 6th. THE ONLY ONE HAVING : of the United States. Otfioe hours from t> A. M. to Miami Peuet, connect- via Columbus, < Moreland, Dun- IN MET Ai., KE08 commerce of such intervention, of the great in- Machines, Trees, Plants, am CurpetN, Oil Cloth*, nnd Curtain Goods, P. M. AudiOAS kirk, and Buffalo; via Columbtu, CrestUue, and Pitts- damage foreign countries from the burg: via Columbus, Stechenvflle, Pittsburg; and jury and to . MoCANN, M. D-, and Wator-tiffnt and Fix^w proof. llite A Small. Main st., het. Sd aud 4th. H. Hydraulic Gem ont. Lime, Planter, Sec. Louisville, Ky. IIIIPCSTED CIGARS via Columbus, lkll&lr, B'*nwood. continuance of this all these manifestations xaixxxmsfi 0 3DS. at all hours day or night. mil York. Express and Fast Line connect for Baltimore Robinson, DRY 10 do Spades; sale low thin, and at least one-third gray. A few applications IL A. ft (Jo., Main st., bet. 6th and €th. for by for creating a sentiment in their favor which ^S IW^Fraias rnu by Coluinhus time, which Is 7 minutes and Washington. CHAMPAGNE topped its falling, aud in three weeks’ time there was Wilson, Peter, ft Co., 483 M&in st. 0. OlRMSRY. WINE8- footer thau Cincinnati time. All Through Passenger Train* provided with Lough- y 26 cases ttoutbornera scorn to use. The course of the hair to be found, neither has there been up to Wilder, E. 44£ 4rl3 Street. 4:13 C Ve. - Cli auot; not a gray , Main st. Main heelbarrows— IIIBT3TTT ridge’s Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the 25 do Delaionlco: Ministry, so far from giving these States any just this time. SON. Bagpage Checked through all Dry Good*. Cloth*, Ac. 2 Cincinnati. Fare nlwajrs n* low and time ns quick no by forma 1 argument shows his own sensitiveness to MASONIC TEMPLE, IRUP- ery instance, however, it proved, by probing the matter, Griffith, Joseph, 5th street, bet. Main aud Market FULL STOCK OF WHITE GOODS; n.95 W ft H BI7RKHARDT. 417 Market *t. other Route. any imputation of a friendly or a liberal policy any S 20 bb's Baltimore Golden Sirup; that they had not used your article at all, but had used MOURNING of all kind*. Flro, {Marine, and I,lfp Insurance Co.’* GOODS CORNER LouisYHiu and Frankfort 80 HI do Trto do do; towards our government. The orders of council some new article, said to be as good as yours, aud selling and £tOUNTRY MOLASSES _ prime article iu rtore FOURTH AND GREEN. and Lex- ASK FOR TICKETS BY PITTSBURG. Agent*. Three Goods were all bought for ca.’h at the lowest Juet received and for sale by changing the policy of the government at about half the price. I have noticed two or three ar- aud (or sale by The completion of the Western connections of the uniform American Ins. Co., Dent. ebb of the market, and are now offered at such price* ington and Frankfort GARDNER ft CO. ticles myself, advertised as above, which I have no doubt H. Sec., Main, bet. 3d and 4th w m25 W. 4 H BURKnARDT. 417 Market st. Pennsylvania Railroad make this the in reference to carrying prizes into British ports— Jefferson Ins. Co., muct plea.* all parties. Call and exainiue humbugs. It is Astonishiug that people w ill patron- Wm. Muir. Sec.. Main, het id and stock and I havo Jn*t now opened and ready ter sale or inspec- are 3d" prices at Direct X*i&o tho Bast the iOTTON ROPE; YARNS and BAITING; the indefinite postponement of Mr. Gregory an article of mi reputation, when there is one at !“«• Go., Bobt. Atwood, Sec., Main, UGARr-«3 hhds prime Sugar received per Diana and Between and ize bet. 3d tion the largest aud most elegant stock of C' WOODEN WAKE; BROOMS: been proved beyond a doubt. OTAUXr S for sale by fro41 O A R J )N KK ft ( !0 motion to recognize the Confederate States —tn hand that ha? & SOWNS'B, OltBAT WEST. CHOICE CIGARS and SMOKING Apparently, nomc of those charlatan* have not brains Muir, John, Main st., het. 3d and 3d. TOBACCO. lame submission to and silent acquiescence in the m* 413 A large lot ot each in store Rom, Wm., Maiu st., hot. 2d and MAIN STREET. ^OTTONADES, *c.- RAILROADS. The connecting of track* by the Railroad Bridge at and for rale hy enough to write au advert iseinent, aa I notice they have 3d. China, Glass, and Queensware all teud to the N AND AFTER NOCK. WICK8. ft (X). bullying manifestoes of Seward, W 00 lu*“ r"'t0n’ A Corelmeres. Vesting*, and 'ITiiumiuge, to which The (arnileNi KhcIIUIch offered for the Protetv W.lnat A I we call "?52i UtSnd M,m. m21 TA IT, ANDERSON, ft CO.. 14*i Fourth it. rive at I'*’"*< -300 hhds fairjto prime N. O. Sugar In store Mainrt. lvk40 FiiyZ' ! h^UGAK A. M.; second Train at G:-0 P. M.; I^agrange Accom- purpose of cleanring my hoad of dandruff. I had suffer- sale by (&231 And Good Accommodations, mers of our products; and as the politicians of Charles, 8tepheu, Main, and lor WM. GAY. mrdat iou at >t:iU A. M. with nsaal privilege* for ^MEETINGS— ed with it bead for years, and luul been between Campbell \AI H1TKWASH BRUSHES, ftc A full .-..’rortment uvon my never ft Wenaell* FYcight Trains leave Louisville daily (Sundays persons travelling in charge thereof. 20 cased 10 4 brown Sheeting*; those countries base their ideas of the comparative HOUSBKEBPERS of all sizes Whitewash,----- Bhr-e,6h' Srnih. except- able to get anything to do me any good in removing it, 3IIII Furnishing. hJUNDRIEg- . Hearth, . . _ , , ed) at 6:«0 A. M.. arrivin* in Lexington at 4;H P. 10 do 11-4 bleached do; 1 „ Paint, Parlor, and * M. strength and resources of the confederacies upon although I had trie* , many preparations, until I saw your Herbert 4 Wright, 15 3d street. Who are taking up Carpet* 15 bblrt Pecans; Dusting Brush® in store and for FREIGHTS. sale low by Freteht is re*xived 4 lb hoxi-rt Green Tea-. weeks keeps free from any itching or other r.upleas- *th and 6th. 2<) kega French Prunes; . Pennsylvania Pittsburg 1*5 sacks mode of effecting their great object of breaking Davl* ft f -^’iU SAMUEL GILL, Superintendent, Tbc Railroad also connect* at C mixed shelled Corn; Speed, a*» Maui street. side Fourth, between ,l “ f he*n Tea* are tresh and fiue. autues*. 1 must also state that my hair had Income Mala 6 cosert in glass; »*! dtf with steamers, by which good* can be forwarded to any 425 do White do do; the blockade and restoring their commerce with Just received and for cate by L. A F. and L. ft F. R. R. quite white in places, aud by the use of your preparation Patent Bedfrlne* nnd Perfume*. aud Marketiatreeta. 6 frail- Datre; Poiton the Ohio, Muskingum. Kentucky. Tennessee, In new renewed gunnies; receiving per Jeffersonville the Southern States will be through the success has been restored to its orig nal color I am now 50 packages M. R. and Layer Raistus; HIBBITT ft SON. Illinois, Railroad pale Raymond ft Tyler, 4th street, between 100 Cumberland, Miretefoppi, Wisconsin, Missouri, and for by years of age, and although I have used two bottles of Main ft Market. Figs: the Northern arms, the conquest and subjuga- | 600 drums Smyrna Kanea*, Arkansas, and Red nvore; and at Cleveland, AND’W BUCHANAN ft CO., the Restorative, no ouc ha.- auy knowledge of it, Keaton HA5ZT St LOUISVILLE tion of the South. as i al- rant*. 15 care«* Sardines, jf and Ui boxes; C2UAHH, AND NASHVILLE Sandusky, and Chicago with steamers to ail port* on the mid Corner Second and Washington st*. low h few gx»«y hair* to remain, iu order to have ap- Caweln, ca.-ks Zante Currants: IMPt-RTERS AND my J. A Co. (Walker’s), 8d, between Market 10 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN AT*I» North western Lake*. it is tiue, us we know, that this is a very er- A Mrln ! t pearance comport with nmage. My head is now of 1. ee Kuotfer, o. C. In store aud for sale by WINER, UOUORS, CIGARS, and FANCY GRO- Merchant.- and Shippers entrust the transportation UNDRIES < often Yarn*, Cat pet Chain, Cotton (St. Charles), 6th, het. Market and Main! iug roneous and t-hort-sighted view of the subject, trouble to rue, in keeping it clean, is,c., than at any time m2* GEO. W. MORRIS, !34 LEKIES, No. 6s Third street, have in store aud for of their freight to tin* Company can roly with confi- S Batting, Twine, Cordage, ftc., tor eate by cnild. Nfovo Founder*. Memphis since I have been a I consider •Ale— and Louisville ft that even if the North should succeed in its de- your preparation dence on ite ei'oedv trandt. HIRHITT RON Wallace, aisins of great value, and although I do not like to expose my- Lithgcw, 4 Co., comer 3d and Main AS 6l) bbls superior Bourbon VMlkr, « years out THE KATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point sign of military occupation of our ports, the pro- streets. 1 50 boxea I,ondou ** self, I consider It duty to say eo. use R Layers; 100 do do M POKI\ MADEIRA, my You can thie, _ Newing 09 do, 3 in the West bv the Peuui'ylv.inia Railroad, are at all AND tiUEKRY W1NLS- ducts of the consigned to imme- of it, .'Hiirhlne*. lu:i do M. IV; cask* fine South would be or any part in any shape you think proper, if it is v !0 }& Cognac Brandies; times a- favorable a* are charged by any other Railroad 12 dooeu rid Pori to r Grover * Bakert sp *in 200 \4dn do and layers: 210 12 old diate destruction, and not a pound would be sol 1 worth anything ycu. * do do do; Comp au lee. do fine Madeira; ^nS:&AS!& £ 111 IIILLUIERV GOODS. rO drums Sultana: for sate by Yoon, ftc,. H. II. KTTER. Sunnier 11 10 i* do Rochelte do* «r*,Be particular to mark packages “Via Fauna. B. * 13 do nue pale hbeny; or exported; but still from their point of view- 4 Co., Jefferson street, bet. n.r» RAILBOAD XjUST JE3 4th GEO. MORRI3, U( Third* and 6th. W 3 it do Port Wlae; R In store and for sale in quantith-s te suit purchaser* by such an idea seems not at all unreasonable. Then, Htcnnibiul Agent* and Consutin«iou BONNETS, 15 V do Madeira do; jib J. P. THOMPSON. 78 Four 1. rt and For- EFINED SUGARS—aw bbls Crash-d, powdered rtph that a quarrel with RIBBONS, - * - - 16 do do; • too, must bear in mind wn riling Shtmy COMPLETION * we .llrrchnufii. — OF THE MEMPHIS, CLARKS- I ft m N -i.il street. Haltimora. and Granulated Sugars in rtore and tor -ate by MfififlAW K* Usr. Rltost ingtcr, inn., July 80th, 1959 FLOWERS, Vwg-R Mm 9 bblrt old Peach Braody, pire; CLARET WINES— the North growing out of any interference with S. * Sou, Main, bet 3d and ft VILLE, AND LOnSVILLE Li’!Ei 11 ft CO., No 2 Ajtor House, or No. to Y7iUlam f 4th. m37 AND’W BUCHANAN CO. SI RAILROAD, FORM- 2 ccaes of Erwin ft Oo., Wall CHILDREN’S FLATS bbla old ApP^ Braodv, pure: •teeet. A U St. Julien, viulace teS?; Dfar Sib.;— here tend you a statement that I street. New York. the blockade would be quite as disastrous and think ING A DIRECT ALL-RAIL 20 Klcriar, Moorhead ft Co., (latent style), Champagsio Wine*, various brands* LINE FROM LOUIS- do vintage of 1*67; ou are entitled to the benefit of. I am a resident of Wall street, bet. Main and Water. -75 half bbls Lako Fish for rale by LEECH ft CO., No. 77 State street, Boston. damaging to the people of Great Britain as the BONNET WIRES, and N. Longworth ft Co.’s aod J. McMill-n'i rfi £.i Jo fli. Ejtephe; S loomingtou, and have been for over thirty years. I TAIT. ANDERSON, ft CO.. 14“ Fourth rt. NativeW lore VILLE TO MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS VIA n. n. Houston, Ton* nnd Fancy Grot-eric*. Bngilch and Scotch lu •'tore aud for sale iu quantities to .>uit purchase** by interruption of commerce with the South. The am uow over «o years of age. For about tweuty yean WHALEBONE, Pate Ales and Porter; CLAK&oVILLE. General Freight Agent, Philadelpliia. Laah ft A good assortment of Claret in ca*rs; Anisette; J. P. THOMPSON, 7b Fourth st British capitalists hold some four hundred mil- past, my hair has been turning considerably gray, aud am Co., 3d street, bet. Market and Jefferson. LACK, HALF LACE, and Absynthe; L. L. HOtJPT, _j26 BUCKRAM FRAMES always cu hand at tho lowest Psrcussion Caps. Marnrtchirio; CVracoa, ftc. lions Ininds of Northern was almost entirely white, anil very -liff and unpliant. Tobacco General Ticket Ageut, Philadelphia. of the and stocks the Coramtodna, cash prices. Also a lar?e And well-nreorted stock of camaifaciiig April 14, tSHI, Trnlne will run I had seen a number rt certificates oil the very wonder- PERCUSSION CAPS, varions kinds Fre*b Frnlt*, Tnos. A. SCOTT, General Sup’t, Altoona, Pa. jo dtf HAU IMF AK E 7 Stales and corporations, the forfeiture of which, Nock, Wicks, ft Co., 612 Main Qfin non Pickles, and Ilennrtically Sealed ful effect ot vour Hair Restorative, but supposed there street. WBLEACHING AND PRESSING at in store and for sate low by Goods of all d-iacritv hs foliovra: ttenrt at low ast. market pHre# by a war, would equal the loss of two cotton was more fiction tlian truth hi them; but tr.al I^cave AND entertaining a Undertaker. mm. wm. oanoarra's, ORRIN RAWSON, LooMlto . I2:(H) noon. 12:(Ki night Wooden Ware, Brooms, Cordage. Sec. strong desire to have hair, il possible, restored Q 88° Main rt_. Mww»n TltiH and Fcurth Airl re at Cave Cltv .v> crops. How to avoid this great risk and my to W Wyatt, cor. 7th and Jeffersou a- 3J8 Jeffereon rt. m2 g p. m. !?:52 a. m. streets. ** FULL assortment, of Buckets, Tubs, Churns, rov- its original color and fineness, a* it was in Cotton Hope*, . Howling-Green is consideration with the mv younger Sec 5:30 H:bU “ loss a very serious Wooden and Willow , w A e red aiul Cedar Can*, Butter and Sugir Buckets, CUTLERY. days u 44 a beautiful black, 1 concluded I would mako the Ware. H.-cow* Cordage, FULL assortment of all sizessi Cotton, Na**hiille 9:00 H;30 S. S. MARK. G. F. DOWNS. Manilla, Woodeu Bowls and Trays,Taye, A a- h- Board*, Clothes’ Pine Government of Great Britain. The neutrality experiment, commencing in 44 44 " W OCZ.LT.S GKICSBT, a small way. 1 purchased A Jute,5 and Hnup itepe*. (tettou, li<- uip, and (Harksvillc !J;(K1 RAWSON, ORRIN, 338 are in Flax (all kinds). Rolling Pine. Potato Maebeirt.era. Sieves which Russell ami other British politicians one of your small bottles, at one dollar, and commenced Main street. E now recoipt of a large portion of our Twines; Seine Twine; Humboldt at., 4th Chalk L:m*e, Fiah' Lines, Trot 4:30 A. M. 4:30 P. M. Measures. Mop- Deinijohne, liar vent Kegs, Well Buck I'M Norih "Ids Jlnlu between 3d nnd using, following directions as nearly W Spring supply of 44 14 as 1 could, I soon While Liure, StaMug, 4c.: Juet received a id Heniphia 9:41 proclaim as the policy' of that nation, is I.end and IdiiMeed (ML fir ea!»* low by 9:30 eta, Basket* (all kinds). Barrel Cover-, Wreppinc Pa- ECEIVING daily largo addition; to our stock of discovered the dandruff removed, aud my bait, that was Wilson, Peter, l*ime (Louisville to ft Co., 483 Main street. and STAPZsfi , ORRIN RAWSON, Meiuj-nin 21 hour*. per Hardware, Anvils, Vises, Locks, evidently based on the idea of the success falling off in large E are now receiving a good stock of FANCT DRY GOODS, and Paper Bags, Children's Carriages. CedarCheste, R consisting of . geuiquantities, was considerably tighton- m»* M&ln st., between Third and Fourth. CONNECTING at for Trot Lines aud St aping, Seine Twine and Fi*h Line-: Hinge*, Screws, bolt*. Scales, Plane*. Saws, Coffee of the North in the present war. It is an •d, and a radical cniiange taking place in Hardware and CutUry. W BONNETS, RIBBONS, CI1IL- cn. bracing fomn f.;w new thing- in DRESS GOODS aud HUMBOLDT NEW ORLEANS. the color, DRKN’S and LACES, and SUN Flr.x, Itetup, and Cotton Twines; M uiiila, Hemp, and Mills, Nai.a, Sash Weight*. Cooper’s sod Carpenter’s for it enures al have continued to use it, till I have used three of your Onnsby, CoUla, MISSES’ HATS, MILLI- PARASOLS SHADES, ORGAN- 'ODFISU Leave Humboldt 4:33 a.m. 4:.io p. 3t. unfair and dishonest neutrality, 506 Main street. Tool*. For wil* low br f|vflO[ < bottle-, and • Arrive Cottou Hop?; Broom*. Wisps and Hearth Brooms. Black- 'OLLIS ORM8BY. small aud met begun on tile fourth. I have now NERY GOODS, LACKS, VEILS, EM- DIES. LAWNS JACONETS, HOSIERY, GLOVES C 8 ^a-ks Codfi-h; at Jackin, Tenu 5; 15 a. m. 6:15 p. m. „ together to tho advantage of the North. Whilst Mat and Cap Manufacturer*. ing, Scrub, and Dusting Brushes; Faucet*, Lemon as pretty a head of dark brown or light black hair as any BROIDERIES, FANCY G(X»DS, and and UNDERWEAR. 2 boxes do; Arrive at Canton. Mire 7:15 v. y. 7: 15 a.m. Great Britain allows an undisturbed commerce or Cr&lg, A., cor. 4th SHAKER to al MARK ft 4»« Main 8uneex~r*, Percureion Cara, Ac.: In store aud lor sole at Codar Ghosts. man, as I had in my youthful days, when a boy in the and Main, and Main bet. 6th and 7th. GOODS, which we invite DOWNS. ri. For sale low to close consignment. Arrive at New Orleans 6:15 a m. «:16p.*m! hills of stern the attention of Milliuera Time (Louisville low Ptttcss hy ORRIN RAWSON, I CEDAR CHESTS iu store and for sale at redaoed betw'een her ports and those of the North, she W Virginia. My head i» i wtirelv free of and Mer- to New Orleans) hours. Iron, steel, Nall*, OAP.DNRR ft OO. 48M st.. tetw»^n V'o"rth. dandruff, dLc. chant*. |\ 1 ACKEREL—800 whole and bids Nos. 1, 2, aud iv.9* Main Third and L # prices te close the consignment by ineffective partial blockade, aud the Hair ceased entirely failing off, and is submits to an and Belknap, W B Co., corner i* I Mackerel in store and for rele by FOR BARD8TOWN, LEBANON, a* soft and fine, aud feels as oily, os though it was just Third and Main. CANNON ft BYERS, FRESH TEAS— A large and desirable oss-jit- AND ELIZABETH- ORRIN RAWSON. which entire ly suspends her commerco with tho AND’W BITOHANAN A OO TOWN. EFINED SUGARS—SOO bhl* Crushed, Granulated m13 tw Main *trret. lw»twren Third and Fourth from under the bands of a Freueh champoooer. Jewelry, cr• 7 m*-ntiu*-'h of cho*.c«cu'iicb BlackDiarc andtr Many Wntche*. nnd Plate. No. Hu In afreet. , Green Teas ou band Wm v R Loaf, and Sc ft Crushed Sngats iu store and for aale South. While her diplomatic agents continue in of my acquaintances frequently Jr. P and for sale c-4 Loave Loul-vLIle say to me, “Butler, in Nearly cte.au ter 7:00 A. m. 6:(*0 p. m. M '* !*** 4th &nd 6th. opposite Louisville UotoL - by fj6l AND’W BUCHANAN ft (JO. - where did you get that fiue wig?” fell *V \\MNB- ‘ Bt, T *r Arrive 44 ECANS 5 bushels treeh Pecous in store and for sole the discharge of their duties in the North, recog- I them it was tho Kendnrk, 3d st., J. T. LANIIAM 4 CO., at Bardstevn Wm, bet. Market and Main. H Klc&rtkt Port Wine; 44 by effect of your Restorative. It is almost impossible to Tnroorters of Teas. ftc.. Third Elizabethtown 7;ou 44 P nizing treating, as the United States, a mere “•^ey, TL C. , Main st., below 4th. 44 DRIES and 25 do Madeira WlMf 44 ^ UN Y- 14 W. ft H. BURKHARDT. 417 Market at. eourince them thAt it is the original hair of the same Lebanon ll:3«» a. u. Wm vogbt & Klink, 3d st., h-t. Main und Market. 3 do do 8:15 kv 1,000 bbl* Flour: fragment of the Confederacy, to which they were old gray head. Yours, truly. Sherry 7:0() di# The A. M. Train from Louisville connectw at Ijeh- 2i«) Iron Itfaatlc*, m7 3 do ri.uwt do; bbls Apple*: I ACKEREL— 76 kite No. I Mackerel in store and for Accredited, giving their aid and sympathy in the FREDERICK T. SUTLER, Fancy Cueting*. Arc. annn with stage* for Springfield, Danville, A 6 do pure Malaga Wine; Drums and Fifes. aud poiutc in 800 bbls Potatoes; 1 " sale low on consignment by Bloomingtou, Mourc-o couuty, Indiana. Wallace, Lithgow, ft (Jo., comer the interior of Kentucky. most open and undisguised manner to the cause 3d aud Main sts. In rtere nnd for sale bv T MONKS The Companiurt of lloroe 6(1 bble Ouious*. Lump*, Guards in this m28 WM GAY. of the North, there arc no lawful representatives Burning Fluid, fool Oils, A o. city mid State, and In the vicinity RLTURTING: 2TO bags Buckwheat Flour, 3HL ^3 TVr C> X7" j3l. Xj. l LOVER SEED— through Indiana, are rewpectfi llv In store aud for sale by r |''AR, LIME, AND CEMENT— bblgfcys^j^r or of the European powers in the Hardy ft Beatty, 4th street, between notified I^eavo Lnhanoii 5:40 a m. l;oii 6JJ ager.t> of any Main and M&rkot. / r. u. C 40 bbls Clover-Seed; 'that I *.ave mado waniv'nonf* h\- v Lavw E':*a iiUttraii « «. Confederate States, and those who usurp those Genera! Produce nod ** PROF. O. J. WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE ProvlHiuu Broker*. boss do; t mail ho enabled te supply, r.» cheap as T/*ave Bordstovu «S blids prime N. O. flusar Irom sti-amer brand* powers do so to embarrass and thwart the move- Alleu, Moore, ft Hayden, Main st, Just received and for sale by the riieapest, t! 0 very beer DRUMS aud Anlve at Lot:»»v»lte •• kJUGAR— LOUR— Various cintOanitiy ou baud. befc 2d aud 3d fcuO 6:») r . jj Btichannn re Louisville via Louirtvllle and M^phi* Railro.id m4 .1 SMITH SPv:K,r». Mainrt. our and people. This A Co., jj, bet. Main aud river. JNO. P. HOWARD ft CO., FIFES, trom the bent Eastern factories, ments of Government Is the only reliable article for you to ase, TValnn from Memphis and Nashville arrive for-ftle by fjllll (IaHJINKR 11 f4 Main, between made out of §*aponh> htt. * at Louie- and ft CO. ’ Market, het. 4th rm3 Cth Third and Fourth*!*. m ri l. Call anomalous state of things should end. Let for- 5 vihe at. 1:30 P. M. aud ll;^o P. M. FAMILY 86(1 Hibbitt ft Son, Market, bet. and examino before purchar'in^ elsewhere. FLOCK— bbls No. 1 Extra (Kushville 2d end Sd. The 1*» noon notified that we shall treat Good ft MOORE’S Train from Loaiavllte will run daily. F Mill*) In store o.i| for nl* br eign nations be duly Moody, Wall st., ilARDWAUR. bet. Main and the river UGAR— WM. McCARKKLL. The 12 FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMEN, night Train will leave Louisville ou ALLKN. MOORE, A IIADEN. terms and conditions as Gastleiuan ft Torbitt, f-32 S 20 bills Baltimore A Crushed Sugar; 3te West Jefferson st., bet. Third auu Suuday Sl"NDRIKS—Knives and with them on the same Maiu bt. NAM1U0TH FlIRMTURE DEPOT Fourth, mirnf. but will not run on jf - Gardner ft Co., 10 do do Coffee d>; Loiii-ville, Saturday ni^M. .Fork*. .''pr.de J and Sbov- our commissioners 419 Main street. A m R r. iff* other independent States. Let to rVProcure Throuvh Tickete at the Depot, corner yUUAR-M hhd? prime Sugar received per Baltic and Ladies and gentlemen, Iu si I rorts of the Win.. 5*i*j Mai Ua been removed north side of Market streot, 5 do do Powdered WB&J w2*eL, Hoc* aud Rakes, Ox world, testify Wi a street. A do; of |T^ for .ate hx- ?;q after performing their missions. H.-il Ninth aud Broadway, aud at No. 70 Fourth street, :m GARDNER ft C.Q. be recalled to the efficacy of Prof. O. J. Wood s Hair Restorative, Vrt. M. ft Co.. 6U-1 Main between Third and Fourth. Ju?t received and for sale by ICE—6 tierces prime Rice just received and for sale and Log Cliaini*. Planes, 0>ffee Mills, Saw*. Angers and street. opr v'te the NiGonal Hotel. Lot all persons claiming to represent foreign and gentlemen of the press are unauimoua in it* praise. Jp'k ft Brother, 513 Main street. R27 GARDNER ft CO. R by AND’W BUCHANAN.'ft CO., ChiscD, Cow and sheep Bull-, Anvil* and Bellows, on CHAIRS, ItlATTRBSSBS, Ike., Sec. » T * dtf JNO. B ANDHW8QN, 8npertntendent their authority, and A few testimonials only can be* here given; sec circular P ris. Geo. W., Third street, bet. Corner Second and Washington rts. hand a larire a-aortment of Hardware and Cutlery, and, States lie required to present Main and i SPHIBIG WaterW ‘W*1 STOCK . 200 for more, aud it will be impossible for you to doubt. h comb, H. D. ft Co., Wan street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ^PRINO WHEAT— bushel- pure On tin da for sate dt-Kirourt of diportnc, will *"it at low figure* to ca«b cus- let no such authority be recognized where a like f1 hr rfaai pitkin. (CRUSHED 25 bhl* Standard 4“®"’ street, bet. &ti91 dly ren wiarh. * rn. SUGAR Crushed 8u- NEW TIME TABLE. tomers. Call soot* and get bargain-, o' * Market and Mam. mrvSra V.--' Wen’s Clothing, right of representation of our government in the Raweou, gar received per mail boat aud for hide by to C. ORM8PV. 332 st. PROFESSOR S. THALBEBG, PIANIST, lodd, ft Co., 514 Main street. IrtOXTXSVJXrtlrtE, Main oes 300 dozen American Hoes, » jl» KBW Snyder, assorted ize* . AND’W BrOrf (!0. ALBANY country which such claimant pretends to repre- John, Market street, bet. First and Brook for ANAN A & ale low by‘ Ifol Youths’ Clothing, •ays on his arrival in the United States he H C.ORX8IV. CaiOAQO RAIX.ROA&. \VJNKS- sent is'not admitted. HOT SPRINGS. AriKKRrtL- :t5 Jt»o whole and half bids Nob. 1, 2, and 'f bbl* Sauterae Wine; wa* rapidly becoming gray, hut on applying — * In line, let us discard all diplomatic arts, all HOT SPRING COUNTY, ARKANSAS. CHAMPAGNE 25 boxes assorted (quarts, pinta, and M fir--’J Mackerel iu store and ror «a»c hr 76 carte* do do; Wood's Hair Restorative Boys’ Clothing his hair *oou re- Cs octaves) iu suore and for means, all appeals for foreign ail, f eale low by ANDREW BUCHANAN ft CO.. 40 do Rhine; d extraneous covered its origiu&l hue. o. j. liB Hotel* at Hot Spring* (Hale and Proctor Houses ; R-AIBIjE, ml2 WM. GAY. J14 Cornor Second and Washington etretls. 60 do Champagne: sympathy, or recognition, and trust to our own Jefferson “d ‘ 5n *,n>veuieDt* *de Children’s Clothing, n:w street, between Third and m 2b casks Fourth streiu, I JtieiJT hunduei) visitors F0EI ST. LOVfS.CHHIAGO, Madeira and 8horry Wine; valor, power, and fortitude for the maintenance CHARLES CARDKW, 13 NASSAU at any time JV1 CLASSICS— k'UGAR- DETK0IT STREET, N. Y., JUFORTCK AND thro- gout t 20 do Port Wine: for sale by Also MEN’S, BOYS’, YOUTHS’ AND CHILDREN’S 1 the ManuKACTUKRK'oF r.\r. The*o wonderful Springs positive- 1"JL loy bhlrt Plantation; F5 ao hhds And nit i’clnlo of our independence, our honor, and our equal N. O. Sugar; \Ve«d a*ul Northwest. ANTHONY ZANONF. ft SON, ly cure Rheumatism, Contracted Jciuts, Neuralgia, loo Xdo do; SHIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIES, CRA- says the gray hairs on his wife’s head were, DHE33 25 bbls Powdered and Crushed Sugar; TTIK Jte Fifth rtreet. below Mein. rights, as one of the nations of the world. Lumbago, Paralysis, Gout, St. Vitus’s Dane*, Hysteria, 6J bhl- GREAT WESTERN AND NORTHWESTERN after a few week*' trial, turned iuto a dark Sugar-House; 3H bbls I oaf Sugar: VATS, UNDERWEAR, SUSPENDERS, Sterility, Impotency from disoa^e. Venereal dis-ares, 50 **do do; SHORT LINE BOITE. brown, at the same time beautifying aud fo amiouuce to the ladle* cf In store and tor sob', hr IOLASSES— 100 bbls Plantation Molnesc* in store Merc*' real di.'easea. Scrofula and Glandular diseases, DO whole, bhl# !\ Ac., Ac. Feeding Houses.— he Ixrndon Omnibus Co. tluckenmg the hair. Louisville and vicinity that he K.And Golden Sirup: for sain by J17 MARSHALL H ALBERT ft CO. 1CS0. Summer Arrajiffemont. IT I ,„.1 for hr [«£>1 WM GAY. has just re- and all forms of Skin di.«cn*p*. m 1S6X. horses, reivwf hjs stock of Spring (kwd*. CASTLFMAN. M1HKELL, ft CO. TWO DAILY TRAINS Fresh, nice, full stock for wear have lately made a report on feeding con.dst- R. S. CLAYTON, Proprietor. TO ST. LOUIS, CINCIN- Spriug and Summer A. C. RAYMOND, BATII, MAINE, iug of the rich u at and latest style* of Drre* NATI, ANT* CHICAGO. 'LARET WINE— )u*t opened at which discloses some interesting information, not Dr. G. W. Lawrence, |^LOLR-10U bbls Extra Family Flour for sole Trimming*, German 7-euhyr* and Shetland the Medical examiner of Hot by t' 26 cartk* Bordeaux Wine; M. ARMSTRONG S. coit.v N and a*ter Monday, April 15. I’M!. Pa*a«nger Trains J. but to every ow'ner of a horse. Springs, will circulars * ft CO. COIIJW farmers, supply to only to is \Vooli Canvas, Chenille applicant*. GARDNER 16 d > superior (Isret for family ace; rtrret. opposite tho National Hotel says be now sixty years* old, and his hair Tattero*, Nee- O Albany (opposite Wine m21 On Main dle*. Louigvillt) a* fol- As a great number of horses are now used in the aud whiskers were two-thirds gray, Moss,. Filling and Embroidery N. R Mercurial. Iodine, Sulphur, other SACKS OF 250 ca*e* Claret Wiue: but by — aud medl- ANDLK8 -160 boxes Star and Mold Candlej in store 1 SHELLED NORTHERN CORN the of S.D* Gold aud Silver Lace*. Braids, rnit'hed r.-.-n vJ SO do do do, choice; LABP-6,000 lbs, prime army for cavalry, artillery, and draught purpo- u*e two bottles of Restorative, the Cord when ir* d jan23dly and for A in etore and for sate by r / 'Ol’NTllY BACON AND C sale by ; ? A ^’n gray hairs have disappeared, Fringe Net-; t omb*. Heir CHICAGO RXPKK88 In store and for rate bv A. ariicle. for rale hv t G6] HIBBITT ft 8QN. ses, the facts stated are of great value at the both on his J17 MARSHALL HALBERT S CO. 0. rROAju, K; head and lace, and is Beads, Fan*, and a great variety MAIL (Doily except oaudaye). ANTHONY ZANONF A BON.. more soft and glossy ol 317 Third *t., between Main and Market. present time. than for twenty-five French Fancy Articles. C;00 P. M. J10 Fifth *t. below Main. OLA88E8— years previous. His Now Importations. RIME SUGAR—45 hhdn ou coseiimriout and fo THROUGH ACCOMMODATION (Daily ex- Frinrea, Buttons, 26 bbls ass The London Company uses no less than six w ife, at the age of filly-two, ha* used it with o5--l (^)rd?, Tossels.ftc., hv (»«1 cept Saturdays*. W Mol o* ; P J- SMITH 8PF.ED. Main COFFEE -291 bags Rio Coff»e landing and for the effect. ftUe to order ut tb” shortest notice JJIO S. S. MARK. G F. DOWNS. 30 qbl* Sugar House Mola**es; same Wti and on - sale by thousand horses; three thousand of this number *V AND’W BUCHANAN ft CO., 7.45 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS, for St. Louis, Cairo, jMthe most reai*(>i>Able term*. CZTOTCHER 8i iWcCRBABT, ASTOR OIL— lo bbls Blow's FC TFIIN tew patterns 20 bids do Sirup; had their feed bruised oats and cut hay and straw, No. 1 Cantor Oil in Corner Second and Washington »rs. CmciDu&U, Pitteburg, Baltimore, Cleveland, KIVKD DAV- A of- Country Merchant* supplied at a lib- Buf- In store aud for sate by At No. 377 Mam street, three doors C store and for sale by telo, Philadelphia, New R Now style Brocade Silka in spring colon; and the other three thousand got whole oats and FINLEY ESQ., weral discount. below the Lou > eville York, aud Bo?ton. MARSHALL HALBERT ft CO. JOHNSON, NEW ORLEANS, aplodlv 10 AND’W BUCHANAN ft CO. IO COt FEE—find hay.* goou fair aud prime Kio Ocf Check and email plaid Spring Silks Hotel, Two Trains daily J17 hay. The allowance accorded to the first was, R feo in store aud tor sale by (oxoept Sundays) for St. Louis at 7:80 Kid Glove*. Ac. RE now receiving large additions to their stock of ^IGS 300 drams In m27 AND’W RratAVA A. M. and 7:45 P. M. rresh Bluff Xrtclr Water bruised oats, sixteen pound.-; cut hay, seven lbs. says that he lost his hair by the Yellow Fe- — Smyrna Figs store aud for sale V ft CO ( For sale at very low price*. JVC Jr A China and Queensware. On hand and arriving I fll Two 'rroius dailr (exuept Sundays) for rale ver, in 1M4 He used Wood's Hair Sz a GKO W. MORRIS. 1A4 Third «t* for Cairo at 7-30 A. MARK ft DOWN'S. 413 Main *t I N store and by and a half; cut straw, two pounds and one sixth. Restora- large aud handsome M. anil 7:45 gesortmeat of Glaeeware, Brit, and UGAR-HOUSE. 7f» P. M. HUGH P.P.ENT A CO., tive, and his hair is now thick aud glossy. Piatc! MOLASSES— bH,. Ht. .lames flu- Oaetors, I^ookiug • The allowance accorded to the second, unbmiied 413 Main etreet, Glasses, Lantern-, Water- :1,, )1 !'K FINE S gar- lily (except 1 te rt . hotw«rn Main and Riw V . TEAS House Molasses iu store am! ter eale bv HITE WINE—6 bhl* Haul Souterue In store and Cooler*, Toilet Set*, and Frail: Jars, all of which will 1he 2u h'*lf chestrt eup nor Green ol A. M. sun 7:46 P. M. fnr v»lo oats, nineteen pound”; uncut hay, thirteen pounds. AVE and Black Tea*; AN’D W BUCHANAN A CO. W hr fro 1- 1 WM GAY NOW IN 8T01tE '• THE BKST-ASSOKTED nfforedit ii'fow^^M ‘<£n -i - Two Trai-.is daily (except 1,240 bags white and mixed M. J. MIDDLETON, bTfou^ri in : v- Sundays) for HELLED CORN - LIVINGSTON, ALABAMA, I tte" marte '"..'JBpi•-dJiea; New Orleans at The bruised oats, cut hay, and cut straw amount- stock ot 1* H $j 1— LOC K ui difierei.t braiMrt. iii •» ai . 7:80 for sole^by^^ '“A nice article for families: ter sale by autod . A.M. and 7:43 P. M. HISKY — O shelled Cora lu stj>rp_M>d ed to twenty-six pounds; and the unbruised oats, good, for sale by Train* dally It \NAN ft CO.. •ays the Restorative ha? done much good in HIRBIIT ft SON. (except 8 W 75 bhl* extra Rectified Whisky; Fancy !W mr<«red, «ountry, a»- J. SMITH SPEED, Main st. A. M. and 7:45 Corner of Froond and Washington rt*. his part and Staple i * *nd P. &c., to thirty-two pounds. The horse which bad of the country. H« used it for Dry Goods ^ M. 60 bblrt double * x»ra do; m!7 a. Homr, for by two baldness, and now ha* a fine head of Kl?S KI) SUGARS- IfJ bbls Baltimore 4 Train* daitv (ex rept Sundays) for Detroit at 7:3o 4«i bbls copper distilled do; bruised oats, with cut hay and straw, and con- hair. in rit-.-, S°,f? V ? A the and. having been purchased a23 .1. ? st. KJ ACKF.REL AND WUITKF1PH — I MR-fio bbl* for sate by under the roost I MITH SPEED. Main Cru«h«id Sugars iuot recired and for eale (\f A. M. and 7:4o P. 44 75 o, by i»a Nos. fcble fine old (teurb<)n do; HtpnrrT ft son sumed twenty-six pounds per day, could do the favorable circum.-tanc. rt, will be aold a* low a- the fi.w- mgl To kiu L 2. and 3 Mackerel; Two Train* I j ite AND’V/ BUCHANAA A OO. daMy (oxropt Snndar*) ter Jefferson City, So bbD gae old Rye do; T. L. MORSE, LEBANON, KENTUCKY, est. qX ft TVlOLAScKS- lo Kbbb Wlittefuh; same work as well, and was kept in as good con- WAhK UOWN8. Syracuse, St. Joseph, Hannibal,Quincy, Blooming- In store aud for sale by 100l«k) bbl« St. Jame:< Surar-Uousc Mola»ses; I OUI8IANA In store and for sate by fMSH mg, and Sardines In dition, as the horse which received thirty- two BANK NOTES WANTED by ten, Spi iujrnrld, Decatur, Jark-ouvUle, Peoria, roJT MARSHALL UAIiBKRT 4 OO. I ARD 100 bbls prime Plantation nv.4 W. ft H. DUUKHABRT. 417 Muriret st. I packages and ou retail by says he has sem Wood’s Hair Restorative do; AND’W BUCHANAN 4 CO., Burlington, Iowa City, and ail point* pounds per day. Here was a saving of six pounds li 16 febl« strictly In store and for sale Vln|q Wcttand HIBBITT A BON. need in _ primo Leaf I^rd: by J Corner Second Wa*liiugt> *u Northwest. hundreds of c.aee.% and never knew and st*. ca-kc ONDON PORTER AND SCOTCH ALK- or dav tho of horse 76 keg* do do do do: for sale P*» AND’W ft CE—13 Rico received per railroad and for *-ate on feeding each receiving it to fail in accomplishing all it profadaes to by BUCHANAN CO. One Train on Bunday evening at 7;45. JS 100 dozen Ixindou Porter; Pig lT8 U by [Q21 GA RDNER ft CO. COFFEE- A supply ol superior old Java Cfof ’ AVA Cruised oats, cut hay, and cut straw. The ad- do. GARDNER ft CO. WINES, Ac. — French Brandy, Scotch *10 do Scotch Ale; /^OLDFN SIRUP-60 packugee SMS Wf'TiniA tu gt. 1,01113, l"’-’ hours; to Jefferson City, sale by Baltimore extra Gol- Holland's Tainaicn Rata; Bourbon Whls- to suit purchasers by J foe for W« ; 1 to Sold by the dozen or ca?k vantage of bruised oats and cut hay over un- pHOH K FAMILY FLOUR- 100 bbt* Extra aud x deu Simp in store and for aale bv Hies, Fort, O ICE -10 tierre* prime Rico roceived per roaillx at hour*; 8t. Joseph. 44 hour*: to Cairo, te hours: to J. T. i.ANHUf A CO., A. J. ALDKN, MoLANKSBORO', ILLINOIS, Sherry, Sautern*, and Chtax l>a Wine ter ealo. nrt I P TTTGMPftON. 7R Fourth st. Double Extra Flour for sale lor ca*h 3S aud for sale hy Memphis, 38 hour*; to Orleans, Tmrorter* of T*» e. Third pt.. ionised oats and uncut hay is estimated at five by p AND’W BL’CIIANAN ft CO. We aro sole agent* iu Louievilte for Due De Montebello New 4H hour*. mil J* COOP ft MOODY. ______HIBBITT ft SON. U»ro |ogre. cents por day on each horse, amounting to .fc.HW) says he bad the scald head eight years, and ,T. T. LANIIAM A CO., Only one Chance, of Qrtr* fo fit. Louie, Cincinnati, or v efined sugars —_3A0 bbl* Urn riied. Granulated, IU14 fioino Twino. Troi-I.in©«, Sec. EFINED sugar - 1i« bhl* f.overing’s Crwbed, af, and Soit Crushed Sucarn store Trot [Joes, Granulated, and Powdered Sugar in store and for Hair Restorative, he now has in and for UP'Bnccnge chocked through and all transfers FULL assortment of Seine Twine, R 13 by ’no moans an unimportant result with a rich, glossy R store and for sale by •ale ly UGAR —4U hhds ». Cbh> \Vhite Fish; free. head of hair. AND’W BUCHANAN 4 CO., W prime received per steamers Mag-n A Staging, Chalk -Line*. _Fi - b-Lines, Plow-Linee, >ftbbte Tront; Train* Ioavb at 7:Po ft AND’W BUCHANAN ft CO., mis Oomar 3>mvui3 aud Waahtnston •»*. U and B. J. Adams and for 20 SL Louis A M and 4;30 P. M., Twfnde, Manilla, #»Cotton, ALLEN, MOORE, HADEN. which this experiment has supplied us. To the *ate fcv Flax. Hemp,op, mmand Oftenwm.- m r, INtti . ml 4 Corner Second and Washington st*. mlh Just received per Railroad and ter sate hv conncrling closely at Mitchell with Train* Smith arriv- RAWSON. TODD. 4 CO. and Hemp Korc, 4c., in storee and tefo sale low hv farmer who expends a large sum in the support ro9d ing tn lAWhvill* 6:ft> and for sale by UGAR- GARDNER ft CO. ct A. M. and *-io P. M. ORRIN RAWSON, ICR—1"} 16 cartre rice rteeived power, this eo., efined two bhit 50 R X WS( I N. TODD, ft OO. of horse there are two points experi- Lioonnra, Noble Ind., Feb. 5, lfiSS. sugars- crushed, powdered. S hhd^ prime N. O. Sugar; All train* connect ciopeiy with R all Pfuwengcr Train* on XM Main *t., between Third and Fourth. Granulated IjOoI, m2 R and Soft Crushed Sugar* in ftora 75 hble & 7a bbls 6. S. MARK. t ( ment clearly establishes, which, in practice, must Prof. O. J. Wood—Dear Sin In the latter part of the Powdered and Crushed Sugar; Mackerel. Nos. 1. 2, and 8: g. r. downs. he >hio and Mireireipv* Railroad, and wait indefinitely and lor sale by 2T> bbls Loaf d /"(OFFEE-300 bags Rio Coffee for sate by ear 1*52, w hile attending the State and Sugar; .° 1* 2* 3 •or O. and M. train* when they National : are lie profitable: first, the saving of food to the Law* al3 JJCCHIVKU TIIIH PAY— delayed, tJirroby in- SUNDRIES— ft CO. ohool of AND’W BUCHANAN ft CO. In store and lor sale 2C|) kite do te j| GARDNER S the State of New York, my hair, trom a cause by Nog. 1, and *unng ra««'agere ilefiable Couucctions at Mitchell, to O 260 bags Cotton Yarn, assorted uorabers; amount of six pounds per day; and, second, no 2b kit* unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so MARSHALL HALBERT ft CO. No. 1 Saluiou; for sale by Organdies, Lawns, and Jaconets; or rroni St. Louis or CinciiiiPiti. 100 bales No. 1 Batting; lIKUrfF, A full supply Just received of Hamburg, OFFEE— 76 bags prime Rio Coffee in store and for loss of horse- power arising from this saving. that , in the short space of ef x month- the whole upper GARDNER ft CO. Pari- printed Briliiauto; W"Pa**eiigeraand Baggafe taken to and from any 60 do Extra do; part of Kojllrh D.iry, PU» IO >.UFI KI4- i-I t., . of C eaie by scalp anlvin, ...d r part the my was almost entirely bereft of it* cover- If 4 OT br Checked Cb&llie*; City and the Gars Free ol Charge. 75 do No. 2 do; ft Apple, and Sago Cheese^ Ifi MARSHALL HALBERT OO . ing, and I H mW nAWflON. TODD. nr\* Picking a rin young roan once went much of RAWSON. TODD, *ft - Both Up — the remaining pmtiou upon the side m*» A CO. & H OTHKEAEBT, French and English chintz and Calicoes; Through rrain*couuertiugctei«eb’ at Greenca*- 60 beg* white Carpet Chain: A and back part of H. BUKKHARDT. 417 Market it. ne with with letters of recommendation to a largo bank- my head shortly after became giay, so AGENTS FOR FLU8SF.R 4 CO.’S STEAM DRIED Bonnet aud Melt Ribbons; the T-rre Haute ami Richmond Railroad, West 25 do colored do do; Crab and common Cider and Wine that you will not ress goods ter Terre IDER- Ballou’* be surprised when l tell you that upon KK1NED BOLTED CORN MEAL, a very superior article. And a general stock nf Demestte and Staple Goods. Haute and S'. Lmila, and Kert ter Indiannpo- JoO do Candle-Wick; ing establishment. He called on the gentleman SUGARS—350 bbls Lover1nr*’s Cruahed. D 15 ca*»ee01 new style VliVinegar for sole by my return to the Stele of Indiana American Lawns; mftJ •<*: M Lafayette with the do; ter sale hr C my more casual ac- If Powdered, and Grauuiated in MARK ft DOWNS. 413 Main *t. Toledo nnd Western Railway 5n do Wrapping J. SPEED. Main rt. who at. the head of it, full of hope and confi- store and Tor *a'e bv b do do no French do; ad SMITH was quaintance* were not bo much at a loss to discover and at M. 8. Croesi with the a‘J GARDNER ft CO the ALLEN. MOORE, ft /^ORN-MEAD- P|) bushels ng Michigan Southern Rail- cause of the change 2 HADBN. 1 ease do do do * Cbluta; Flaw ft Co.’s Steam 5H bblii 7XTRA - road I dence that he should obtain employment. The in my appearauce a* my more inti- Dncd Bolted FAMILY FLOUR-- rrlebrated Snow ter T;iedo and intermediate Station*. Also at 7 cases a.«ct Corn-Meal, in ’t'hutbel and bushel NED SUGA RS-_ mate acquaintances rted Poplins: I J Flak* Flour in store foi sale Michigan < Ity with tho JJKFI gentleman hoard what he had to sav, looked over wpp* to recognize me at all nag-, in store sate Wm and by Michigan Central Railroad ter NHRESB— B SoO Crashed; Received and (or ante cheap and ter by •X) bhte Baltimore I at once made application to th« inapt skillful physi- NAI3US! NAlItBll NAILS!!! bv W. ft II BUKKHARDT. 417 Market s \ Ct i* *0., Odd all point- Wert and Northwest. Also Cj boo boxes Western Kccerve Choewi; Powdered; his letters hastily, and then handed thorn back to ft3S ‘IS W A IL BURKDARDT. 417 Market st. for do do cians in the country, hut, receiving 1 U8T received per ste*raer T. ft R R LEVIN ft CAIN. Detroit and all point* 4»J0 do Hamburg no assurances from . Under 1,*« keg? Nails— _ East. L,nt,n« rmm him, saying. “We have nothing for you to do, them that my hair could again he restored, ^ ha'^ug now in etore end for aale at the W UNDRIES -Tuba, B.'Ck r! HL-—Churns, Wash-Boards. THRDl rlCKETJ further kno do English1 DairyDoll — O,„» * I was forred manufactu- s OLAbfSES- OH nnd information can ^PtoSmT CO rere price* 6/100 kegs, PRINTS Brooms, Mst*, Bsskets, Mop», ft. be sir.” The young man felt bis heart sink within including the following kind's M 250 bids choice Plantation Molarere; in store And for (Attained at their RAILROAD TICKET OFFI€K In store and for rate hy A loo B’Mmi loo casescase new style PrluD; sale hv t* Common ei-^e, from 2 to ftid; 250 HIBHfT ft HON Southwest coreer of Third and street*, JNO. F. HOWARD ft xml for -ale by lull M. W. °^ U occupied hy A. D. ManaficUU Louiiville, Ky. ml3 Autocrat »nd there wa3 no help for it, so he made his bow and liable Hair Restorative Tobaeeo Nalls, B 2 do 4 4 floyh-V purple GOOD. A ,:o in use I tried one bottle, and d; do; I^ola* on* run h y Louisville time. Received aud lor sale I*" retired. As he was passing in front of the build- round to my great eatietaction that it wa* Flooring Brads. 6, 8, aud l(»d; chean Ijv S B. Agent, f/'INE producing the *** AVA COFFEE—1W mats fine old arriving and tor PARKER, Leirfeville. BRANDIES— desired effect. S’oce that Iftrihiug T. ft R. SLFVIN ft GATN. I « 0*na«; prime fcfo Coffee ing, there was a pin lying on the pavement. tirae, 1 bare u*ed seven dol- Naile, Sd, fine biued: oalu by E air daily i eceiving American priute. to which we R K. RICKER, Pup’t. r »*I* Tyrvertug** 6 <* Jute* K*'byn« do; w. B. BELKNAP ft ro Btrictlv prime Eastern Rio aud cou afford do CFG Cu*he4, Powdered, and do a of Graisulat-d and Shoulder* ln tleman with whom he had just been speaking A* mark my gratitude for your labor and skill in received this day permailhoat m2*; J AMKg i/>w ft CO. iu ttcre and tor L’ate bv lti v pi re* Pelir voisio Rochelle; 6,000 Ham*, Side*, ICE -15 ca-k- received per steamer and tor a&le br AMDLE8— the production of so wonderful an article. SUNDRIES— Eunice aud for ALI .KN. RE, ft It 15 do do do; for sale by was standing at the window, I have recom- .. . «—— .. - -- ANDREW BUCHANAN A CO.. , MOO ADEN H store and and saw what took rale ft HP R by RAWSON. ft » tllBWTTT SDN. mended It* hi' (I? TODD, :0. iwe to many of my friend* nnd aequsint- N O. Sugar; * Corner Second and Wx^hinct/in I kRIF.D BEK. E—An excellent qn ity <*t ev-ani -cured lo store and ter sate by J MDNK8, mito !ace. In an instant the thought occurred to U5'i bids “ l>> and K»cMh rt*. aucee, who, I am happy to inform you, arc uring it with Molasoue: “ " ” Dried Beet ter sola North -ido Main. bet. Seventh V- RU8HEl>_ SU(rAR—76 bbl- N**w York Circlo UNDR1S- ara rx,oua old received per rail- £itn‘ that the young nun who had such habits of like effect. Very respectfully, yours. 60 do do; TTtHTUTT ft RON. I COFFEE- tow mats fine ^ Crashed Sugar iu store aud for sale by r*> jikga liroadtes, 1*0*11* very 4 SMALL lot juet received und tor sale by - JAVA carefulness as to stop in 6uch a moment of disap- A. M. LATTA, 20 bbls Sugar House Molareea; fine: INI 8 road and for sale by , a ay 2'J0 bhli Bourbon FERGUSON ft ft CO Altoruoy ?! do do do; WM. GAY. Wbieky; «ORJ>AGK ...... a BON, bu cases Claret Wine; RAW80N, TODD, au J Counsellor at Law. ’ " W «n« pointment and pick up a pin would make a use- street one door S^' 4 pipes Holland Gin; C 31JO* 1 reels Cotton Rope, aborted size*; worth of Market. Wine; bbln PblUdelphia Golden Sirup; 1 W j casks Madeira ful HAMPAGNF.-25 boxes pints and (|uoiU in store 4 business man. lie sent immediately and 5 bbls St. LouD do do; puncheona New Rutland Rum; 80i) coils Manilla do, do do; 6 do Sherry do; 1 t/ and lor sole lew to close tJEilNKD .SUGAR— fco bhli* \ Wine; conrignmeut bv Si d* Jamaica do 80 do Jute do. do do; Circlo A New York YV fl*ai.k» Madeira called him back. He gave him an bumble situ- 20 keg* Baltimore do *lo; for sale by &» <’.nuhc-d in store 6 !* do Malar* do; WM. 80 aud for *ate by 1() d« Port. d<*; GAY. caoee Brandy Clierries; lm* dozen I temp Boo cord*; In etore and for sale bv J. MDNK”. ation in bis establishment. From that he rose . GARDNER ft CO. ^ ml3 do; by 3^ do Macaroni; 10'J do Cottou do, WM. GAY. alR North side Main, het Seventh nod Eighth '* ?o bbl* Mrtaira degrees, till he Sfc* l'Vl lor became the principal partner in pAISINS- ' baskets Olive Oil; do MauiBa do: ta rtr.™ anrt NV:ilbo cares Claret Wine, for family use; dust received nAtJBRT * CO the concern, and eventually A v 2t’d boxes M. R. aod 56 do and boyea Sardines: ter sale hr 100 do Flow-lJue«. for sale by C a quautUy in keg* SUGAR a man of wealth, and Layer Raising; 50 do do do, \>ry fiue; v, aud boi- and ou retail by J^EFINED IF lho do /.A ft f* GARDNER ft CO. n-i bbls A Crushed Baltimore 3nrar; the chief banker in Paris.’ So for YOUR HAIR IS flARSa » do do do do; M casks do do; ANTHONY NONE 3(jN, much good, 100 *33 TTTBRFTT ft BOV. do; \ do do do do do: 1" do do do, fine for table use, ^ nth st,. below Main 6 i bbls Lovexing'i Crashed careful habits. GAR— 35 hhds prime lauding steamer do: Tp Received per steamer Diana and for Jikiea^ea Wl from Ualtic SD bhl* do Grannlated *- talc low to elore White do, flout Santein®, J NE- lair ® Wood’s hair restorative. Cl for and sale hy ILo Coff^s lauding* do: for sate by If k 1 . oPD-igmuent by 26 bbls do dn, l*f st-aiuer 40 bbls Soft Crushed voor balr Is gray, do do; W ST' ca-ks Madeira Wine; TOno. Raltic and for -r.l.' by IOTTON YARN- New Method, of Perfunwtg Rjorns. —Mr. Rini- j RAWSON. X ro GARDNER ft CO - * Use Prof. ANTHONY Z ANONE ft ?()N, Sore ksPort de; 10 ca-k« Port do: AND’W BUCHANAN ft assorted ouiubera: . Wood’s hair restorative. CO., Cj I6*i bac* - If . , , m2 Filth tt,ai 1 li8£ If is rirent. below Mala. ?5 do an t "rn-r foot hair thin, Sherry Madete* win**; 16 casks Mnreat do; supply an. I Am do Carpet diain: HANDLES —A full Paraffine, Wax, Sp^-nn,Star, CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR- 60 bhl* No l Extra 2U Uerlume evaporizer, intended to at boxes Muscat Win- Jte bide Malaga do; < ‘ottnn Twine; be used as a san- ... Use Prof. Wood’s hair restorative, A ND -25 bbls (.* andnnd Mold CouCaudles in rton: and ter sale hy V-' White Flour, ertected expreaely for family N* bale* lx ore Semiring Sand, which every bonce- N> do 'llCICE FLOUR- Wheat itary you bain, Champagne, pts, and k pts; 6 bbls Ginger do- ft ll. 417 Market rt 4 M.) Candle-Wick, agent as well as for the diffusion of merely S keeper* hould nre. Tor sals m* W. BUKKHARDT. b-y use, for sale by do Use Prof. by In store and for sate bv In store and ter rate !>y bhl* varinu brand* Flour; . Wood's hair restorative, 417 Market st. 1.0 do ideasant odors - 75 ra» ft n. BURKHARDT. through apartments, hospitals, ll you have w 4 H. IU KKIIARDT. 417 Market »t aV-2 sacks do; for W MU1 ft CO. uervou* headache, ANTHONY ZAN< *NE ft BON. MARSHALL HALBERT ft Ci>. J IilSKY —60 bbls superior fi aud ri year cld Bourbon ?ale by CA8TLEMAN. halls, and theatres. It >23 1 1 IK consists of a vessel heated Use Prof. hair Fifth itrrrt. Iwlcr Mom Whisky on court* nroent aud tor sale by HITT A 38ft bbl* Plantation received per jr , _ . Wood’s restoiative. I^NGLISII DAIRY U I CLASSES- prime by If you have d CHEESE—otv boxes in store and bbls Crashed Sugar a small lamp below it, and acts bv the evap- audruff, A J for sale ** W. A H. BURKHARDT. 417 Market st. 1*1 steamer K. II. Fairchild aud for sale by w UGAR—62 A by 1VOTICD. 1 1 A CO. OFFER -7«JU bags >&»•* to Coitee t 131 GARDNER Use Prof. prime Rio in store f . bbb MOOKF. A HADHN. for » eco»v*jd and ter rale hy 86 twokages other acids and Use Prof, II ft.iKMl 2 bushel For Pitt; RACKED CIDER juat received and for , CHOICE TEAS— . Wood’s hair restorative, I^ALLOU’S store and for „„ . , nary account* are not paid, that. If not paid'by the 1 ith, NOCK. arrival, in sanitary agencies, if you desire ({lossy Ura“.s- bound Oedar Pails. 2.000 do do do; Jil WICKS, ft CO. and (thick Tees, fresh such as chlorine and ammonia. biur, WtX)TCH ALE— 112 shall 2X rale by dos*n Wm. Younger ft Co 's I pa.-e them out of my hands torcolteitiou. n* I sale by JSome l-ee Prof. Wood'e *** C f \ DOZEN brare-bound Cedar Pails, 3 siaos, just re- 3.000 2 do Peon Mill; / ' —-15 .T SMITH SPEED. Main *L K : perfumes h » 1 are said to act as true sanitary hair restorative. wJd ju*t received aud for sale by ml J. P. PflON. 7H Fourth st. ODPISH whole and half drums large HIBBITT ft SON. IfTf you •Aw THOM sale bv * '>>uns^C'Hifii ) li m!3 agents desire to preserve the color. ml ci'ivml &ud for sale low by Juet received and for V^' in store and for sale by by ozonizing the oxygen of the air, so 7. P THOMPSON ORRIN JNO. F. HOWARD ft CO . Kse Prof. Wood’s hair restorative. RAWSON, APER BAGS—A full assort raeut of Paper aud Ma n>14 AND’W JLOUR- 600 Ihs Dried Beel converting it into true vital air; Itn Aa i . , mf for BUCHANAN A CO. Floor; BIED BKKF AUD TONGUES— the oil of cloves, you desire not to lose tho color, 81S M*ln . Mvssn Fourth and Filth. sale fl Agentu Manufacturer*. 1 144 bbls Riitfhvilte Mills Doable Extra SHEET ZINC, a superior article, (or P nilln Boo*, all size*, just received and for by 44 “ '4 44 Touance tor «lle tjr though heavy as a perfume, has a very U'*? Prof. Wood’s I^LOIK AND MEAL 4Mi bhls KnlghUtown D and S doaen singular w, . . hair restorative. ORRIN HAW* ON, 8IEVE8-*u rtorrn common 44 [llpITT 4 If you want a article, I CLASSES -400 packages, barrel* aud halve*, ro- • aud p.atirt 44 44 " property of destroying cheap T. a!2 33# Main st.. between Third «nd F >urth. i\ Wire Sieves just received 70 bbte AVillowGrovo mustv mould, as in paste WALLACE. LITHGOW. ft CO. JAMES SUGAR-IIOUSK MOLASSES 76 bbte ll | reived per Baltic and foi talc by nnd lor by Prof. 1 In store and for sate by . Use Wood’s hair restorative. of or gum. for example, T , . « . . S St .lames Sugar-Hou ** Molasses lu store and fareale KAW60N, Ac.- A foil artortroeut WUL keeping it ft i . » . IJLOSS. sweet and fresh If you admire the beautiful lock. ju*t re- fl ALLEN, HOOKE, HADKN. art 338 Main *t., AND’W BUCHANAN A CO.. Skirts W GGAK -16u hhds good tear aud prime Sugar lu bF UUI AND’W BUCHANAN 4 CO. J>OTATATOES—t car load* prime Potatoes _ between Third and Uourth. aud a full a^»rtmeatot Hoop for months. Such 1 etore i ^ «4 #Y»n»«r ft«cond ried do; In store and for sale very low by 1' Peytoua and for ing-pump for the purpose of pressing air into Bond the circular of Just packages, IO* boxes BUCKETS—S5 dosHii 1 the Autocrat aud Prof. Wood’s hair restorative. received and for salo hy Lexington and Frankfort RaiRailroa [%:1 ACKEREL—1.000 whole half, and quar- ( Oak Well Rnck- ml! W B RELKNAP ft CO ,f 'tv^cOOD wJlX SHARES Just received aud for n&le by i.ta, various strong receptacles made of iron tlg i * I bbls ali number*, kinds, ju*t ieooiv, .i plates, until the ter aud kit*, for rale by for ?H , e \QVt for sale. CO.( | GARDNER ft CO. L5 Stock QUIGLEY, LYONS, & 111 GKO. w. MORRIS, I -14 Third «t. ^y air is condensed some eight or ten atmospheres. ro* ALLEN. MOORK, ft HADEN. 1 LD BOURBON WHISKY— 15® bbls genuine Bour- Brown's and Holland's, of on ex- I^AMILY of * :il) M.ito rt.. betwwftw Vidrt ^INE TOBACCO— force is afterward used HAMS various brands, pork-house, ru l 3? ^ Fourth. O bon couuty copper distilled Whteky, made by Tal- sale by This as requi red, and for O. J. O GAR— hhda Juat received ou coutfigumeut per AMBtTtG DAIRY CHEESE- 8Q boxes Hamburg I a quality, for WOOD & CO., tr7- for sale sale ft S()N cur,,d' 0D hlD— ja!i Cognac Braridy; received for museum in Egypt. This tablet, it is supposed, . v EPPER- -3*50 bac, Pobjer tort oed ?i!e BMwT TLfc.-2s_J- ^ y\\ BUCHAN i £ CC’ cv' * tJ stcre oi.d foi eo.e li: i*' . too cetaj.zy Whiskw P ft AN A ind yr.m • b/ CO Be,' r AN will settle th) Egyptian dynasties of thoanie- rtaeft y arnwi S— V'vr.irv:'"> GARDNER A ,\ . f\V Moaeteliiie. • tsr aid for rale 1 aud C.C A.. :i Bituhiy; pyramidil period. - We arc. daily adding -J: _v lUubkcuteGio. bbl? choice Piutatwu Mc ; as»*s re and for sate bf RAWBON. TOE I li2i.e prime (.fover-S*€i! ]• it OLAPeUS- '^LOVLK 9EL!)—75 re- c!d Ev h. W. LUllca, M. B? ' sudvisa, and by MARK ft T J«uialea U-iu; M ttlnd per Cl tucelloi aud Antc^at aud foi eate by dealers eve- • Main • (>-/ and tn tale by i.etesd Ill 7 The treatment of persons poisoned has ltstlued PeaH in stete a J. P TH^MFPON'S. 74 I- ft MOODY. hitherto ry where. M'ARcH- 160 iKits LG ft HI hhds ri 'm* uiifcHi teceived bj the A 1. ft CO., .>urtb st. GOOD WUGAR-jo bhie Loverlug’r ( W JNO. HOWARD been that of a chemical decomposition of Cixiahad aud Uranulatod tri fl. d for sale by mini Main, bet ween Third and Ifmirth *. the ivi J i HOICK PICKLES ^ Sugar ju6t received aud lor sale by RAWSON, TODD, ft C* KID ft M'lODV. AND CAl'ClIUPS— Kngli.«h ETA LS Irou, Steel. Lend, Block Tin, ZI«U1 P'UJUK-J* poisonous substances. It is now proposed (or sate hv fall !!!l to cor- "-'and American Picklra, Ciitchnjia, Rauoe*.Sauce*, JYI lor sale «1 very loi.lowr pri •<** by F GARDNER PreserverPra*erv ( Antimony in .*tor<‘ and 1 ft CO. —50 pocket* prime old Java received ' * — ** ~ AVA COFFEE Oils, Gelatine, Chocolate, Cocoa. I ft CO, rect their effects by another method, that of ad- WILSON, TETEH, A LOUR—1(A) bbl* Knishtetown Mill* XX Family iSiai l'linothy Jiwt received| and fll W. B. BELKNAPLkN, CO, I f \ Y— riafos prime ai-.d HuugariaaGrartS by mailbo&t aad for sale hy Wholesale Agent* iu LonUville, Ky. UHRUP- A bbls Baltimore Golden B FkoaFlour received per .Jeffersonville Railroad pud for 7 ^ for sale hy fa»!l HI Britt a son. ministering poieonp of a 4epn—jpg character to Strop jurt received II for uali» by fK COOD ft MOODY. sW"Ho!d at manufacturer*’ and for sale “rtuby ft ^ OFFEE— hv I AND’W CO.. those of an existing one. rrir.w. fWl GARDNER ft (JO. BUCHANAN J. A PKNTON, 124 Fourths!. f counteract This is the Sold Q * Conwr *1*. Wt'GA