PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, veterans who are doing their duty bravely alone the Under of and MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN T. Maryland Virginia. BUSINESS CARDS. FOR SALE&TO LET. OILMAN, Editor, The cutting out of the Caleb Cashing and LEGAL & OFFICIAL. I· published at No. EXCHANGE STREET, the speedy capture of the , » —All hou*·· sty. glolH·, l'ortlaodera have shown. Restorative a good «tableconnected with the Connection·, ΙΙΕ aotamoUiouaCtiamber in 8kct. offal, whether of cud of the the· will be discontinued. houee. A ■ale or Kxtail. U>« northerly cor ronsistiug year paper With an all hail for the of the share nnimal or vegefable shall be three centa. patriotism ol the public patronage in reapcetfol· Τ nerof the new brick blook, orner of Liinrand nblWCM, deposited fn Single copies solicited. Milk convenient vte*els, and be kept in »o«w The M mneState Press is published everv Thurs- people, auil a fervent prayer that I inay some- It iii not ft | ly 8ΤΕΛΜ AND OAS Street·, directly fkclng the market Ri'tvtlnw convenient l»yr Portland. FITTINO, place, to be taken sway such or *' *2 00 annum. In advance; 92.26 time July 17,1*03. Jyl8 dtf Enquire at office of * by person person· an dav morning. I*'1" again tread the streets of the "natural I>om* In tbe best -hall be the and within six months; and 92.50, if be manner. OCEAN INSURANCE CO., appointed by Mayor Aldermen for If paid payraeut seaport" I remain truly yours, beyond the year. Work· Sept.15,1862. dtl No.Ï7 Kachaiig. St delayed Α. A. K. $1000 PREMIUM. *1000 β Union St., and 233 *33B ForeSt., SaPrSÎ-A city cart, or other suitable vehicle, Bowdnin Street shall be WILLCALSKUA1Rto«;I!. BALL House, provided.'and furnished with a bell to Uatea of Advert tni ne : T. S. I see the HEALS JaMdtf PORTLAND. ML. notice of give by late eastern pafier» Unit Home and Lot for 811UO. its approach, which -hall paw all 84 MHTMffl STREET; the laue» through 91 26 per square II rut week: 76 cent* week mil .lack-on is said to lie at II utteiiN ville. 12 WILL BEKTOBKOKKTOR ΙΙΙΚΚΑΚΚ» ΙΙΛΙΙΙ Til ITK street*, and court* of the a* often aa dally |>er GOOD LOT containing over 170β ·|»η twiie in city, throe insertions or ΛΜη >· BOSTON. feet, every w«*ek, to receive and after; Inea, #1.00: continuing eve- miles from with a force [corner with a on carry away all Heterly, 7,0(10 strong. BY A very good House, Montgomery street. -uch house offal as ry other day after first week. 60 eon te. Condition & PLeaJl mav have been accumulated ia It is not true; and nearly all the reports of Original Color, Estate, For particular· inquire of JOUN C. FKnCTKB, in the vessels aforesaid. Half three Insertions or 76 cents; one \V. F. Lime etreet. square. lets, rebel iuvasion of W. false. Will the lïeir from Off, and DAVIS, ap24tf Sect. 22.—AU shall week, 50 cents work after Virginia areequally prevent Falling promote ! pcrnons promptly deliver the 91.00; per a New ami Late of the Mi not INVESTMENTM offkl so accumulated on the Healthy Growth; completely eradi- Proprietor House, Cohiwt. premiss to the person Under hefid of AKtlKXiim, 9*2 00 per square per a* cates Dandruff; will prevent and cure Ner- appointed aforeaaid to receive the same; and if week : three Insertion» or lee», #1,50. CITV TEKM8, #1,00 PER DAY. Office to Let. shall OF PORTLAND, vous Headache; will give to the hair a «ΙΑΤ any person neglect to provide suitable ν Special Notices. 91.75 ner square first week, d&n CRASCI m lAKfiAIHS H FORI Til KISI ! Middle for tne Clean, Glossy Appearance, and is a Jy20 aeoondloor. Street,centrally situated deposit of such house offal, or shall In •1,00 iH*r square aller; three Iwiertion* or less, 91.26; Is Hoard or Mayor a so I and any Aldcrvkk, Certain Cnre for all Die- ON ea»y of acce». Apply at No. CI Commer- way hinder or delay the per»» η so half a square, three 91 00; one week, appointed to re- insertions, July 21st, 18ij3. I eaae« of the llead. 20 IIOL'SKS, »t from *1000to cial Street. tf ceive it, in the of his 91.26. tlw petition of Uufui* Dunham "that license price· «5000. JylT performance duty aforesaid, be COAL & 100 HOUSE LOT8. at fruin «hall forfeit and pay a turn not lew· than Business Xoticr*, In reading columns. 12 cents ONmay T" granted to him to erect and use a sta- PRICEONE DOLLAR l'ER BOTTLE. price· *200to«3000. two, nor WOOD, 4,000,Of» feet of FLATS. more than dollar·, for each and line for oue insertion. No charge less than tionery Steam in hit situated at the To be Let. twenty every of- per fifty Kugiue building It is a and for the hair. CHEAP FOR J.OOO.iiOO feet of I.A.N I) fence. cents. corner of Kore and at the head of perfect complete dreesiug CA8II, Id the second orer Store M street, Union Kead 1STORE LOTS on «tory, ï»bct. 23.—No shall about Legal Notice* at usual rates. «-hart U is the following testimonial Commercial Street. CHAMBERSMiddleetroet— Mitchell'* Poeaeaaion person ko collecting any U. S. Marshal's DELIVER*·) TO ANY ΓΑΚΤ OF THECH* Building. house ο fiai, consisting of auinial or Advertisements inserted in the Maine State Οηρκκκι», Tliat the seventh or Au- Office, given immediately. ut' vegetable sub- Friday, day MOSES 74 Inquire stances. or the same runt Mew York, Nov. 6, 1861. GOULD, Middle St., carry through an ν of the Pibm which boa a large arealation in e*cry >>t next, si 4 o'clock ρ m.,at the Aldermen'· room. jau2tf A T. DOLE. streets, |tfrt WM. Cray, Esq. lanes or couru of the city, except the tbe ittite) for 88 cent* pcf n^uare in addition to the 1m- a— iktint as tin- timr aud place for the considéra- novSTdtf person ap- /tear Sir: Two moiithe uiv head Iwas Ur STAIR*. pointed as aforesaid, or his de under above rates for each insertion. tion of said and that said ago almost SPRING MO UN TAIN LKHKin, uty, a penalty petition: give DA of not less than two nor more Transient advertisements mast be for in ad· notice thereof applicant entirely LI), and the little hair 1 nad was all HAZKLTON LtlflGH. than twenty dollars, paid by publishing this order in one of the For Male. for each and oflence. tins GREY, and failing out very fast, until 1 feared 1 coi.eraine every ▼a nee. dally papersof city four times, the first publica- LKHiftrr. THF, Three JOHN to should lose all. 1 commenced using your Hair Ret' LOi-rsT A1BEKT WEBB Λ Story Brick House, 8. IfEALD, CItν Marshal. i^All communications intended for the tion Is· at least fourteen days beforehand, that all MOUNTAIN, C©„ Dwelling C paper torativi. and it immediately I the hair •U No. 195 Congres» street, corner ljuiiicr street. JylTdtf ahould be to the persons interested mav appear and be heard thereon. topped falling joiin s, directed "KdUortif th*· /'nag, and off, and soon restored the color, and after two DULDU 1· JL Said House contain» tourte·» gnished those of a business character to the /'it6/t«Aer«. Attest, '.I M. IIKATII, Clerk. using THE OKNVINK LORRER City bottles h^ad is covered with a Ύ, rooms; is warm.·.I hy ftirngce; of hard Copy attr»t, J. M. IIKATII Cits my completely healthy plenty and a ike Clerk. of •oft an abundance of Loan to the Staff of UP The Portland Daily and M State Jy38d4t growth hair, and of the name color it wa« in early Pare and Free Burning. Corn, Flour and water; closet room. Knouire Maine. PkkmOffice, in Fox Block, No. Kxchanpe manhood. 1 lake great pleasure in Grain, of JAMES E. FERNALD, K2$ recommending Tasaaunan's Ο mem, ι Street.is open at all hours during the and eve- your excellent Hair ftretoraticc, and also HEAD OF MKKKILL'S ap23 tl 87 Middle street. day you may WHARF· Augusta, Julv 16, 18*8. from 7 o'clock in the morning to 9 iu the CITV or PORTLAND. referany doubt in if person to me. CUMBERLAND J ning, COAL C«MHcrcial conformity with a resolve of the evening. In IIoakiiok ROBERΓ MUKKAY. U. S Marshal, Street,- Ρ·ηΙ··4« Me· Legislature, Mayor and Aldkumen, \ TO LET. INapproved March 26. 1363. will Southern District, New York. JeÊÊU proposals be re- ty.loe Printing o| every description executed Jill 2». IM. S FOR SMITHS' U8K. ceived at this office uutil 6 o'clock P. M.. the with and all business to the of· the of Other testimonials be seen at a term of the vacant Lot of eighth dispatch: pertainin? Upon petition "Portland Shovel Company," may the Restorative year», of Land on day Aagast next, for a loan of (bar h and red fice or transacted on as for permisMon to erect h Mean» in their 801 New York. Coals are of the best 41 F)l{Fore street, above India street, recently thousand paper promptly application Engine works Depot, Broadway, strictly quality,an Coats PauU9 occu- seventy-five dollars, reimbursable in sev- situated between Vest*, Jacket*, B. F. Noble & a» a above. Canal, Clark, ana Beach street*, it Manufactured and sold the THESEwarranted to give satisfaction. pied by Co., I.umber Yard. enteen years, for which bond* of the fctate wfB be was by proprietor, (Wx. to Γ. Tracy, Traveling Agent. Gray) at the Restorative Depot, 301 Broadway, New Jul Ladies' Apply LEWIS PIERCE. iwined in sums of one thousand dollars, bearing in- OitUKRicn.That Friday, the eoventh day of August York, and for sale by all Riding Habit·, Ac., *p3"tf M Middle Street. terest at the rale of six per cent, yearly, and next., at 4 o'clock 1\ M., at the druggist*. payable Aldermen's Koom, H. H. HAY, Wholesale for Also, for sale, be»t quality of Nova Scotia and other ί Cot. made and trimmed semi-annually. he as the Druggist. Agent by assigned time and place for the considera- Portland and The bonds will be issued dated August tion of said vicinity. yϋϋ'βΒditwlyî For Sale or 15, IMS, petition : and that paid applicant π A. D. KFEVE*. to Let. with coupons attached for the semi-annual COMMUNICATIONS. notice give Hard and Soft Wood. Tailor, interest, thereof by this order in one of the both and at publishing »8 CLIFF COTTA4.K, over SO payable, principal interest, the Suffolk daily pa|»erx of this city four time», the lirst CXCUASUi Β Γ R Κ ET, containing flank. Boston. publica- TOBIN'S room·,large stable and sited·—situated two tion to be at least fourteen day» beforehand, that all The money on said loan will be letter from flesterii Virginia. Portland, ΑηκηΜ β. I«41 dly and one-half miles frotn Portland, and the reoeived at tMa persons interested may appear and he heard thereon. The public are rmmted to caH. as we are dater office. .Suffolk Itank, Boston, or either of the Aroostook and New Brunswick tiueat «ituation in Cape Elizabeth for a wa- Banka W. Va. 1BIW. Attest, .1 M IIKATII. Clerk. mined to to those who cash. in or Portland. Wkhbtsr, July IP, City fire good bargains pay M ti ring aud summi boarder·. For Bangor Copv—attcrt, J M place, Person* dceitoos of To the Editor q/' the I'rtiM IIKATII. City Clerk. particular» enquire of UKO.OWKN. taking the loan, or any part of Κ Χ Ι> 11 12 Β θ. Office, Commercial fit., head Maine Boyd, Boy*, Boy·. ap7 dtl ÎI Winter it. not le** than one thousand dollars, are requested When I wrote I dated from of Wk'J Street. Portland. to send their last, Harrisburg, proposals to the Treasurer of State, at Leave· BOSTON and Thurxday morn- the amount Pa., and if I remember assOied Omnlbu* Notice. everr^fon/feu# SAWYER A. WHITNEY. attention «lvt-η Augusta, specifying and terms. rightly, you ing. at 8 o'clock, and rORTLAN I» «aine evenin fo to CUTTING and Hie must the rebel· would never cross g, mch20'63dly MAKING For ftalo. proposal." contain no other fractional Die Susquelnui- Thp rabwrlber will run Sr. Andrews. vVoouirroc K and PARTICULARBUYS' l.AKMKMs, an Om- Hotrifoi. bj rates than one-eighth, one-fourth, one-half or nah. seems 1 a and Lot for *1.500. over tkre* Il proved true prophet atrain nibus in pleasant weatlfûr tu meet Returning, leaves Houltonand Woodstock every containing 3.000 «quarters of oue per centum. and A. D. 1W·t of land, convenient lor —for made a exodus about the 2<»th the Mouday Wednesday morning. REEVES, Teller, HOtTSE two fkmilie* and Those persons whose they rapid no connection. 4c. proposals may be accepted, ol OjfUt, No. 5 Congress Square, Boston, and Eastern 98 KXCHANUK .Separate yard*. Now renting will be immediately notified July—«ince when, they have round it la»t Strainer ( G1RDIIER & ΒΓΚΚΚΓ. for *1*0 per year. Ca*r« Express ompauy 'β office, Portland. RKOWH, Jyia Ν ΑΤΗ AH DAK to their line ol' march toward» For fart Iter ice larn call on dtaug* Κ. Treasurer. keep up Kicli- FOU TU Κ my22eod3in It. Κ. TOBIN, Proprietor Portland. Aug. t. Ιββί. part uiond. ISI,AN1>K. Α<.βί2 Middle Streeti rfly Jy 22 dlw* R. G. TOKK * ftOX. I Leave Bracket! street at Η .30 A. M. and 1.30 P. M.— 1 left the and raffle IT. ft. IWanlmlN Hot 1er. Hattisburg :id, by way Return ou arrival of tin· Boat, 11.16 A. M. and 0.16 Oppoeit et he Custom Hoaio, MIWOE B'S of to this P.M. from Ulauds. rAu «Α· f l'itubucg sad Wheeling enterpris- j Trips J. R. Pimb 8TATB OF Αμκβιγα, I Fare 10 cent* each or 40 cents for both «OLDER, liar»» on hand.and are the ing village, where, for the present, luy tent is way, ways daily ree*iring LAT- étfa HOOIB No. 171 C'imhrrlud Strrot, be District of Maiue, «ι. I for B«»at ami Omuibus. Κ. B. (■ KK BBTaild MOPTDKHIRABLimLKf Of SEWING Pursuant to a Munition pitched. I say enterprising, but I do not wish MACHINES! ■·,;ΐ tween F.lm and Cbeutnit, now occupied by from the Hon. Ashur War·» Portland. July 23. IMS. tf Rpv. W R. Judge of the United Stntes District the term to l>e to the JEl CliA, Said hou**· If in good re- Court, within applied citizens by any Furniture and And f«»r the District of 1 Crockery CLOTHS. 0VERC0ATIHG8, pair. is bui't of brick. Mid contain· thirteen room·, Mai·*·, hereby rive public manlier of means. As for instance : WOODnAN, TBI'E * CO., notice that t)ie The ll€*mlo€*k and Sprurc rumlxr. lighted with ga*. Good cellar and furnace Title following Libel La» been died in raid town i· inade up of a where I»o«-*kln* Hurt rns«tniore*. clear. Court, vit: deiKit govern- about Fnnry AGENTS, A 1.IMI ment stores are *200,000 feet. Hemlock and Spruce WAREROOMS, For partfeulareon«)uire of Τ H ON A 8 R. against the Bcnooaia "Βκι» Bobib," dc|>osited ; three or four one- will b«· No*. 54 JONE8. her VLoT, sawed into dimensions to suit the Mo·. II* and ALPO.A FULL STOCK OF TUB and 50 » » Middle or J t tackle, apparel and fitrniture, together with TWO and a tavern. HO niddle tilrwt, Street. PROCTER, Lime Street, atory log houses, one-story party contracting for the same, if for soon. neli 14 dtf THOUSABD BUSMALS Of SALT AllD SIX BOLTO OF applied Kmlln >nd The buildings are crowded by Uie soldiers Apply at Ko». 52 k 64 Exchange street. TriinrtHng» alwajr· rahud. Duck, found laden on board of raid schooner, seized the Collector antl officer» to remain at the WALTKKCOfcKY La-test of mchlBtf by of tli«* District of Mac hi ai*, on the compiled post— Fashionable Styles To 1-4» f. sixth while the Portland, July 23,18G3. 3wed Parlor, Chamber, day of July, 1868. at Cutler, in «aid District. corners, crevices, street*, Ac., are Which was for AID eligible and convenient Chamber· over store seirure a breach of the laws of the crowded au innumerable host of fleas who REIDV-nADE CLOTH1NO, I nited by Η Ο THEKo. 14 Market Square. now occupied Mr. Matra. M Is more particularly set forth Ml at Γ Ο ΤΙ Ε Κ'* by raid forage will upon the |>oor humans com- AND ARMY Hufiu Dunham. suitable for salesrooms or Libel ; that a bearing and triai wiil be bail ther*« # AND NAVY other m Possession on at Portland, on the First pelled, for the time being, to liear thein com- ÇON1103 Fi iTl RE. purpose·. given about July 1st. AIm> Tuesday rtf August * Bark one verv next. where Superior Mills. TAILORING desirable Chamber in the third of Any persons interested therein may ap- pany. To this class of animated nature one A LHO 1 story Gentlemen's Goods, ESTABLISHMENT, name block. A poly to pear and show cause, if any can be shown, wherefore the word «ubscriber Furnishing the same should may safely apply enterprising, for hep* l**ave to inform Tanners in BT >44 dtf THOMAS or WM HAMMOND not be decreed forfeit and disposed they are actively engaged, day and night, THF;Maine, that he is A#eut for tho sale of Bloomer's Looking Glasses and Mattresses. which we wilUell At prices to nait the time*. of *< cording to law. A. ... jn Superior Bark Mills, mauuiactured in the State of D. KEEVEK, Dated st Cortland this seventeenth of procuring a mor- J IIKALBK IN A2ID IMPORTER Tailor, day July, subsistence, leaving sulfrring I New York, and extensively used there. ALSO. OF Portland.Not. 19,1862. dtf For Sal*. ▲. V. 1968. tal like the of a EXCHANGE me, poor consolation perpetu- j These mill· cau beneen in ojH^ration at Wm. STKEEt, A n>w hnw. 9. A. al Gray's t^Mtorj thoron*hlr beilf, QLINBT. scratching. Yankees have been supposed Tannery, Portland, Allen k Warren's, F'ryeburg, Portland. An*, β, ΙΗβ2. dlj Hjjij slated roof, 11 finished rooms,n«, convenient for Γ Β. Deputy Msrshal Dist. of Maine. I and J. L or two to be interested ill the of a Home. Norway. Mo. China, and Λ CAR». JKiaJL ffcmiliee. with bay jyl7~4Ud. deeply inventing For Crockcry, of windows.plenty particular* In rejfarJ to the advantages claim- excellent water; wood-house attached, and a perpetual motion, bu» in the hereafter, the ed for thi« mill, aec Circulars which will tx· sent on large garden |<»t— situated on Veranda street, near be conceded to "the GLASS SWEAT & palm inay poor whites" application. J. M MilTIIWK'K. WARE, DR. S. C. CLEAVES, Tukey'· bridge, in Weatbrook, witliin ten minute»' d3m· 256 FERNALD, walk of PORT REGULATIONS. occupying this lorlorn part of the Lord's visi- my30 Couvre*·» Streot. ... lH>STON. Attorneys nud Countiellors at Portland Post office. Condition· Plated Law, and easy,price ble heritage, for I can bear testimony to the Britannia, Ware, low. excellent neighborhood. PORTLAND. Je28d3m ISAAC SYLVESTER. perpetual biting of the fleas as well as the McCOBB & KINGSBURY, AND «MUST, NOTICE. a OFFICE 117 necessity for corresponding activity ou the No. 175 Mi«Ull Street. Kiddle Street. Custom Uocsk. Poktlabz*. I Attorney* and Counsellors at TABLE CUTLERY, Collector's part of the bitten. (Mi ine! But it is a mer- Law, L. d «.atruT. ΗλτκΑΐι Pleasure Boats Ofltoe, JuJy 16,18β8.1 clmtu Τ order of the one can scratch ! And the Have removed to Jose's of which will be «old LOW for Rkfkrence* secretary of the Treasury. no cy is of Block, very CA8H. Dni. Bacon and Rrkplin. a FOR SALE Ο It TO enjoyment Having responsible Agent in will LET. Β vessel, other than Stbamkbs and 1'ackst· auch a character there is no fear ol WO· HS my 18 tf Washington, known to excitiug EKCHAIfOK STRKKT· Portland, 25,1803. tf procure lVn*ions, Bounty, Prize and all be engaged on regular lines, or In the em- May claims Money, LAt RKL, Sch. 27 the covetous disposition of such as cannot against the Government. rigged. feet long. ploy of the Army or Navy, will be Allowed to leave PORTLAND. my2 dtf TWILIOHT, Sloop. 23 M long this port bet ween the hours of well bear to see another possess any superflu- sunset and sunrise, James T. WATER W1 H U. .Sloop, 18 feet long. until fertlier orders. ous my numerous I McCobb, Βομ,}. Kingsbury, Jr. «ixs, to luxury. Among Irieuds, RIFLES, Dr. J. II. ΙΙΕΛΜ» ÉuL Apply Ε HARLOW, Hue h vessels above named at are authorised te trust none will be lound Jy 14 3wd. dtf mean enough to myS tt) Fore Street. leave the harbor between sun «et and sunrise, must of his IF YOU me the possession of eight and two REVOLVERS, AND disposed entire interest in bin procure their passes at the Casfoss House, and show Angers Otfico to Dr. 8. C FEKXALD. would tlie thumbs—well armed at their HAVINii cheerfully WAIT THE rame to the commanding ofliccr ot the Bevenne digital extremi- All the reccommend him to hi* FILTOX FISH MARKET ! Accompaniment». former j>atietit« and the* pub- FOR A A LE. Cutter in the harbor, who i« ordered to bring to And ties. lic. Dr. Peux a li>, from in del Am all —.AT — long <«*perieqee, prepar- vessels leaving between those hours with- ed to insert Best or A handsome Webster, Is four miles from Grafton, the Artificial T*eth on the"Vulcanite Baee," Ambrotype Photograph, bey VONT, · year· oM, out such pees. ani! all other methods known to the weighs about 460 pound· — warranted The Revenue headquarters of Gen. AveriU's brigade Mo. 110 protession. not fail to call at No. 27 Market Cotter J. C Dobbin te anchored Federal Street. I'orJand. M*y 26, 1*>3. tf Square, where ioond and kiud hi harness or saddle—has near Fort and and on the railroad line to Fishing Taokle! j DOthey take I'KKKEtT I.IK KN ■■a*··™· Gorges, vessels of every description KSStKB, and war- ll0 ^,f or tricks, and *dd for no — 1'arkersburg. rant fkult ou the port, will forthwith to her be- Hence we see satisfaction, at price* ν hic h Perfectly entering report any amount of inarching The BEST Aftsortmentin the City. defy competition. kind for children. Enquire of Keunebuuk fore proceeding to anchorage. T. N.B.— Large Denot Starter. IVORY aud counter-marching of our forces. Dem- HOPKINS Ambrotype·only Fifteen Cente. LITTLEKIELD. This rezuiatiou of the Department at Washington Has this (·. L. BAILEY 42 heunebnnk, July 22,1863. j>23 dtf will be enforced onstrations have been frequently made opened Exchange Street. F. M. Τ Κ ASK A upon FisniNO and Coastibo, M up- CARSIEY, LEWIS, H t'ii ΛΛ ulhtlf νΜΜΊΐ on and two small towns Ucod 11 Ueverly Hhilippi, CEIKTK.4L FISU MARKET 27 Market Dwirnble Kcal F*tat«* for Sale· Jyl7d2w JEDEDIAU JEWETT, Collector. above us, no Square, h'ti Preble St haviug importance exceptas they To accommodate our citizens. undivided half of the two — Μ·ν Jmly 14th, 1862. »tokikd Hmc K ! Uivuuwuu pocauB, CABINET MAKER dtf NEW ONEDVELUXU HolSE, WITH LOT NO. XI CITY or PORTLAND. through which the rebels are mak- constantly FRBSE. SALT AND SMOKED FISÏ. ^ bUEEN STREET, (above Cumberland.) The lot is and are about 3fi χ ing ralUus to occupy our rear. Orders will be answered and up Ho. SI Union Street, supplied delivery made to those Franklin street, Mwe^n Federal ana Th«· with excellent water Our force has to who may desire. until 8 j CoufreM Tailor, ORDINANCE concerning of the strong cavalry gone Cum- Open o'clock Γ. M. ! it recta, is to accommodate hie frieuds with to do kiixd· Arrangement· can be made for the Meeting* preoarod prepared «11 of CABINET JOB- — ΗΛ» purchasing ANBoard of Msyor acd and or the berland and thence to to the jâair ; JOêT EKTUHHI* FROM — whole if desired. Aldermen, City Hancock, guard (food ISHINti in a prompt and oaf is factory manner. property Council. B. A O. Kailroad a» well a* Uie Apply to CM HAWK ES. keep rebels Be it ordained the NEW YORK AND Residence No 23 Klin street, or at Joli η L· by Mayor, Aldermen, and Com· Irom al>ove Of Horses and Book and Show Cases made to order. BOSTON, Lynch Co., num crossing WilliamnporL course, JOHN CROCKETT & Carriages, 189 Commercial street. Council t\fthe City of Portland, in City Citun- I do not know the of CO., With a eil a» plans the Sec'y ol War, at reasonable rates, jy A aliarο of jyFurniture Made, Repaired and Varnished at large and well selected Stock of je6 dtf assembled, folio*s :— DKALKKf* I!* public patron· Spring SkctiobI. Stated but judging from the armed force and fie a**» i« solicited. SAMUEL WKLLS. meetings of the City Council SHORT NOTICE. sliatl be held on the irst of each supplies which have within Nfwnnd ^rond Hand Portland, May 28.18·33. m y 29 3md Cloth·, Caasimere· and Brick IIouMe and Store on ( Monday evening pawed through Fttrnllure, Portland, 1S«3 οβιγτρμ Street month, at seven and a half o'clock. meet- the ten Mey» tf Veati&g·! Special past day·, 1 should Lee would Al* D a of the and say Also fall assortment of FOU SALE. ings Mayor Aldermen, and of the City hardly get the 8. IflERUILL & Military j§enSk The Store, House, and Lot 344 Congre·· uk he may deem expedient, by causing a notification CO., Cloths, to be left ar <>r II. X. r. MARSHALL 7Γμ3η street—a first rate stand. A desirable and the usual residence4 piece of business, The soldiers here are and 12* Ac 130 Street. «ι CO.. of mostly Virginians Kiohiuiue And is ΓΊΙΙι well flnitihed Hoe*.· with 10 tinished each member of the Board or Boards to be con- and for the 8tore 78 Broad Street Boston prepared to make them up at short notfee. Pennsylvania!» past two weeks, mayll dtf rooms, besides closet·, ha'1 Ac. Abundant supply of vened. the weather baa PLUMBERS, Call and See, hard and soft water Lot 2*x9f>. though bueu excessively MANUFACTURER* OF with a common pas- 12 feet wide. >'or In Board of Mayob abd warm, 1 have not seen a sick soldier. Otir J. W. MY It No. 27 Union Portland, Me. AT No. 98 EXCHANGE STREET. sage way particulars inquire of Ai.dbbmeb, I ES, *Yf ARSH ALL'S Pure and Ext. Pure White Lead, JOHN C. PROCTOR. Julv β. 1968. house has been crowded with ami Street, Portland. ] hungry Pnrchfttter for Rn»tem Account ill. Superior White Lead. Sept. 24. I'M!. dtf Jv2L4eod3w Lime Street. This bill having been twice reed, passed to be or- ones but all " dained. dirty ; they appear well and iu oy Buckeye do No». 1 & 2. JACOB McLELLAN, Muyor. All Water Closets* Urinals, Foree and Suction excellent spirits. Indeed the fellows FLOUR. colon· ground in oil put up In assorted cans. Pumps Ib Commob Coumcil, poor (.RAIN, SEEDS, PROVISIONS. A Real Evtate on Cross Street July 6,1*68. cannot well 111," LARD, Dry. warranted superior. Bath Boilers, Was Hotels, Silrcr Plated Ç Brass This bill been twice read, to be help being dirty for poor poverty ITER and WESTERN PKODUCE Broad WILLItn A. PEAKCE, having passed or- 0T*78 8trkbt, Βοβτοχ. Jel8d3m dAined. TII08. E. Went. stricken cannot afford generally. Cocks, all kinds on hand. KO It SALK. TWITCUELL, Free Virginia even a de- of constantly Julv 6,1863. ceut Particular attention Ρ Jj l! Μ Β Ε It, Approved rain once a month. The streams are jfiven to bv All kinds of fixtures for hot and water The three-storied brick and dry and shipping quickeet XT cold Dwelling Land, JACOB McLELLAN.Matof. and the cheapest route». No. Ifi2 SOL I II WATER set in the best maimer. No W Cross street. The In poor apologies for welts are dry also, ST., Seoteh up κλικ* or MilL building good A true copy. Attest, so that even P.O. Box 471. Illinois. CnnvnM, All order? in city or country attended to litfih, condition—room;* large and convenient. Lot dîw J. M water to drink is a Con- t'feU'Ufte, personally 42 feet |y9 HEATH, City Clerk. luxury. I. D. MKRIIILL. JOHNBOKD. 8.1). MHURILL FORCE PUMPS AND ou Cross *treet, by ItiO in depth. Hard sud such a as a FOR PALE BY WATER soft water in sequently luxury water l-ath is RKrEiiKTicice—Messrs Maynard k Sous: H k W au*4dly CLOSETS, abnndsuoe. Stable on the premises quite uuheard of. You C. H. Will be sold low. and on term·. may wonder how we Ohickerinpî Cuinmings ft Co.: 8. (». Bowdlear No.124 Kxchanuk Stkekt, I'oktlasd. Mb. accommodating Ordinance of Ihf Clly manage. Let me tell fc Co. ; Charles A. Stone; JAMES T. PATTEN & Appiv to tVILLIAM CAMMETT, on the mpfcllag you liecause Hallett, Davi- k Co., of CO., or premise·, necessity B«»ston. Mas#. Ε. M. PATTEN, 17 over 4s said to be the irother of Canhier Elliot Bank, Boston. J.N. Me. Join Β. Β KO WW A SOWS, Warvt, Cold and Shower Rat ht, WVmA Exchange street, Ocean Invention and oth- Bacou. President Ruth, Bowls, Brait Insurance office. Docs. er Kaq., Newton Bank, Newton. C. and Silver Plated Cock». jyl dtf geniuses may not lie Β. Warren lis 1.—-No dog shall bo permitted to go at equally prolitic. Well, j Coffin; Kl & Sous, New York of Water for large City BOLTS Superior Bleached | Description Fixture Dwell· SECT.or loose. ia any itre*t. lane. allev, court, or trar- fleshy people, like haiuble <53 β your servant per- Jy9 dly AUv 890 do All EVERYin it Houses, Hotels. Public TO LET. or I Long flax "Gov- Γ*. ... Sugar Refinery, Building*. Ships. Ac., eled way. in any uuincloeed or place in this spire freely and a cloth well rolls A * IITftind ami set in tbe btBt public dry applied eminent contract," V .n,.a Up manner, And all or- two room* In tl»« second storv of the Codman City, ontil the owner or keeper of such dog, or the the I. o. Arbroath. ders in town or up sacred soil Others less O. F. 800 do Extra All flax | YOKK STREET. PORTLAND. ME. OMkatlT tsithftillv executed. All Block, John head ol the family, or the or the beautifully. Annual Long kinds of THE lately occupied by W. Munger.Esq keeper house. store, Sowion of Ilu.· R w. Grand 3U0 do Fine Jobbing attended to. or oleaginous resort to saliva: that 1 so Lodte Navy j pronmtlv Possession given July let. to shop, office, other place where rich dog la kept or Is, judge THEOl Maine of tl*· Order of / Jettdtl Constantly on hand. Lead and Sheet Apply from the fact Independent Odd Delivered in Portland or Boston. Pipes Lead, S1EELE& harbored. «hall have paid to tlar Marshal twa that a German woman with sev- Kellow» will be held in Odd and Beer of All kind· HAYES. City follow·' Hall on Tue·- Pompe jnlytPdly Portland, Juue 2#, 1603. dollars for a license for such dog to go at en little childreu all made day, Aujruft tl. lS-i3, at β o'clock. Bath, April 30,1903. jefl0 large. their toilet on one ap22 dtf Sect. 7. In ease any do* shall be found loose, or irki t KDWAKD I*. handkerchief the other the BANKS, Grand .Secretary. joii\ w. ivirivocK, going at to any of the day, mother 3taw till FOR 8ALE. large, contrary foregoing pro- on the Jyl aufill vision*. the owner or or ^^"•piltiug handkerchief as she bathed fceeper thereof, the head of Τ. ΈΙ. the or of lue each youthful lace:and Uie brilliaut Notary PuTdIIo, JOINTES. LAWN COTTAGE, situated in family, keeper house, store, shop, office, complex- MACHINERY, or other ulace where such dog is kept or harbored, ion of each juvenile alter the Those to Save Steam and lia» (tanking and Ο ill Cape Elizabeth, two miles trom operation satis- Wishing Fitting*·, Ace. Office ΙβΟ Fore Street Exchapgc re, Portland l'oet office. shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten do)· fled me that natural f III M E. This is one of resources could money, health, trouble, fretting ami the like the most tara. always call ΓΪΙΙίΚ subscriber beautiful country residen- be said to be A where you can get Hawse's ratent would inform his friends and tho S to Xote and Rrtend Marin*· Prnitêt» Ν Β. The above Ordinance will be su- unfailing. Pulley prepared No. 65 —·- ce* in the of Portiand.com· strictly and JL public, thai he may be found at to vicinity Near where the Elevating Folding Clothes Dryer, Τ and oxocutc any Notarial biMinee#that may be Exchange Street, mantling a tine view of the forced JOHN 8. HEAI.D, City Martha]. teams are it or teas the best m the world undoubtedly city, the harbor, and the cani|>ed The Patent Clothes Frame for requ.red. aplf» eod8in" Up Stair». surrounding The Portland. May 7.1*8. >24 2m a brook, it is now a the which 37 UNION country. house. stable. and oat- slimy puddle, 1 saw a house, has no rival. An assortment of the STREET, have soldier best buildings every convenience, and are surround* dipping his handkerchief Clothes Wringer· now in use. (until his shop is to shade into the pud- Spring Beds, rebuilt,)ready auewerany orders StoclLs db eaty trees and shrubbery ; and arc in good dle and which for neatness, simplicity and tor steam, gas and water Bonds Portland Company—Notice. applying It to his I asked durability have «ο pipes. repair. Connected with them are two acres of land lips. huu if equal. Churns, window washers, knife 8t»*aru and lias 2\Ί arble Work. or ALL KINDS. he.could drink such stuff. scourers and Fittings of all descriptions. in a high state of cultivation, aud with Stockholder* of the Portland With a smile and a other article* too numerous to meution. Will also attend to planted ap- Compear tn l>ow he fitting the above for steam or noucaiT and sold. pie, near and cherry trees, now in coudition. hervhr notified that the annaal replied, I W hen· ii* it ? .is. bearing THE meetin* of tha "Madame, take it because it g 16 istf On the whole this is oue of α At 229 J. K. my the most desirable coun- corporation will be bald at the ο lire of Ibe Is little ιcet, and CONGRESS ST.. near Orders received for Pattern THOMPSON, seats to Coapa* every thing is so now, City Building. making, and Steam try be found any where. and a rare njr, at their work», on Tueedar. H>th of am thankful dry Jy» dit and other afford* d»jr July I (or even this." machinery, Boilers, Water Tanks, âtc. to for opportunity tor those» to at I o'clock In the aftereooa. tor Will devote his Is prepared receive order* desiring purchase. Inquire tnat, tha Ibllowlag I wish personal attentio to of UEMtï BAILEY A CO., 18 bt. : something would ot suffi- and setting Boilers, arranging Removal ! Exchange purpoae, happen Engines, Shafting, on reasonable je8 3m 1 To hear and act on the cient interest to make it WAR CLAIM AGENCY. termi·. Karble, Free Stone, Soap Stone, Reporta of the Director, noteworthy, but iu IRA WINN Agrni and Treasurer. our life we declC dt f Office of COLL h ( TOR OF IXTERXAL stagnant depend the Marble Chimney Piece*. Monumental Work and 3 To chooae Directora for tha upon Cincin- 9100 Bounty REVE SUR has been removed to euauinjg year. nati to us Money, Back Fay, (ι rindetoue*. TUE the office over Country Ki-kidcnrp lor ialr. 3 papers keep informed of what is the Merchants' Exchange, To act upon any other builnee, that mar aomc on the And Pernio**· Itefnre the going Iu world. FAIRBAMKS1 Caraer ·€ Pearl nnH Federal The FARM owned by the late meelinjt At·.. 24 EXCHANGE , 14 dtd J Khamelul riots and ia STREET. -"Y Hou. Κ. K. (ioodenow, situated Jy OSEPM C. NOYES. Clert. horrid murders are the undersigned prepared to obtain from the United States Je23tf PORTLAND, MR. within one hundred rods of tba-1 legitimate fruits of Copperheadlsm in THE Government, flOO Bounty Money, Ν J. MILLER. New Back fce.,for heirs of Standard dtf Collector County Buildings at l'aria. Oxford York, while victories are the Pay. Officers or Soldiers apl3 of First District iu Maine. order of the η the U. 8.service. dying _ County, Me., is offered for sale at a *fl/nt* of flood*. on day Wotiee. the Mississippi. We feel very sorry to hear Copartnership great bargaiu. of Seal Invalid The Farm contains 110 acres of land, of excellent Çollsctob a orne·, l Dow'» capture and SCALES. 1HE iu' ioribore hav#» this day formed a copart- District of Portland correspondingly Pension·*, JOHN F. quality, which prod ces at pre«ent about 80 tons of and Falmouth, J glad of bank's success at Port Established for Officers and Soldiers, nership under the name and ntvle of SHERRYJ P"RTLa*ij. Hudson. The wounded or hay, and the amount be _ Jul> ». 1*«3. ) disabled bv sick η may largely increased.— success of our arms ess contracted while in that the de- of late have made the of the the service Fruit, wood and water aie abundant. The dwelling l^JOriCEis hereby given following United theline Those celebrated Scalos are still BKIUGS & Hair Cutter and scribed tioods have loyal State»,in of duty. made by the orig- CRESSEY, Wig Tinker, house and out-bui!diugs are commodious and in good been seized at this port for a Virginians hopeful that their day ol inal oui. τ by violation of the is inventors, (and thim,) and are con PEA LE II H The location is aud oflfcr· Kevenue Laws, vi* peace not tar distant. WHOLESALE IN No. 13 Market repair. pleasant healthy, The war has been Pensions stantîy receiving all the improvements which their Square, Portland, (up stairs.) inif a desirable country evidence. One box containing three wat< h«a on board steam- hard and skill can peculiarly upon Union men in this Procured for long experience suggest. For mar be made on the ship Jura; three pieces woolen cloth on board steam- State, widows or children of Officers £9^Separate room for Ladiea' and Children's particulars inquiry prem as have fier* who and Sol- art Floor, Groceries and Hair ises ship Hibernian: one thousand cigars at T. L- Libbr'a they been at the ol have died, while in the They correct in principle, mafic, Provisions, ot Dr W. A KIST, South Pari·, or WILLIAM entirely mercy ed States. service of the Unit- of thoroughly Cutting. house; three bbls. on hoard J. Polled©; tlieh secession the be*t materials, and are perfectly accurate and •2 Commercial 'Thomn* Block.' GOOPEXOW, Esq Portland J>8 tf sugar brig neighbors. Horses, cattle and St., A one bbl. on sch D four bhla. have been Prise Money, Pensions, durable in opération. good stock of Wigs. Half· Wigs, Bands, Braids, sugar board C. Morton; sheep driven until an Bounty and Back Pay col- molasses on Smith's wharf; three bbls. molassea at off, hardly an- lected for Seamen aud their heirs. LYMAK C BBKUiS, Carls, Frlietts, Pads, Rolls, Crimping Boards, ftc., Administrator'· «ale of Real imal tit for use or Ρ KaitdaU à Son's one bbl. on board consumption can be found. Feus, for each Peusiou Forsale,in J. IIAKH1S (KLSSKY. ac., constantly on hand. jc22t>3 store; *ugar and obtained. Five Dollars. every variety ,as dly Loch Lomond. or Many many families that All Claims against the Portland, July 1,1R63. efore the war (iovafnment will receive Coal and Railroad the same, are to and make such were are now prompt attention. Hay, Scalcal virtue of license from the Hon. ing requested appear well-to-do, as as Judge of Pro- claims within from the dav of the poor poverty Post Ofllee address BYbate. within,and for the Count· of uinety days date »ud perfectly disheartened. BUTCHERS', GROCERS', of Cumberland, hereof. the said will ne In the house DRUGGISTS', CON Dissolution THE LATEST I shall sell at public anction on Otherwrfse goods diaposed of where we are FKCTIONKUS' and GOLD Copartnership. NOVELTY! Saturdav, the Sid day in accordance with the act of quartered Is a sick SETII K. of August next, at 3 o'clock P. M., on the Coagreea, approved woman, BKRB1 copartnership heretofore existing between premises, 2. 1S44. whose life has by a on Stevens Plains, Wcstbrook,— the lot of laud and April hung thread for the past THF.the subscriber» under the firm of Rend. Creseey Auto-Propeilino JEPEPIAIl JEWrrr, Collector and the lias AugiiNiH, We. Cintibivo Hoiibbb building» theron, of the late W jyWdtf week, couutry been Office 9 NCALES! A Co., if» thi«« day di**olved by mutual consent. Benjamin Ballard, scoured for ( No. State House. ) situated in said Westbrook. and bounded miles to get a bit of beef or Either part iter in authorized to u*e the name of the and Racing ΡοΒίΒβ, North by mutton to make the avenue to bv lier some firm in liquidation. JOS. W. KRAI), for exercise to the Evergreen Cemetery—West said broth. Not even bai or ΚΚΠΚΚΝΓΚβ 18 NOTICE. ley a lemon Beams, Weights,&c.,&c. J. HARRIS CRESSEY. mind as well as of the Cemetery, rods front on the plaius r«>ad. There is can be had for or about acres of on love money, and 1 look lion Lot M Portland. June 30,1803. dtf The motion 3j land, which are fruit trees, a subscriber most upon Morrill, B. With a jy 1 body. respect tally leave to in- the of our Hon.Joseph Hall. complete variety of of the hor- plenty of Gooseberry, aud Curran bush- begs escape soldiers from sickness L*. S. Sec'v of cantering Raspberry THEform tbo citiaena of Portland and that as Senate, State near- es, Wilson and other choice of vicinity ses comes more kinds Strawberry he ha" been an purely providential. A summer Hon.James6. Blaine, Hon.Nathan Dane, WEIGHING in af undertaker, with all tho campaign in APPARATUS, ly to rifling on horae- plants abundance. W. B. liOODRICU, Adm'r. andpoiuted is no sepai)dfrwl4tf State FROST & legal rights privileges to or remove the Virginia joke and our friends at Treasurer FRYE, back than other 22, law3wt.ilw bury — July home BY — any dead that the superintendent has. and is now cannot too device ready promptly forward supplies to tlif DEALERS IN yet invented. to attend to that dutv in the most careftil manner. brave Notice. -| For sale boys who are doing their In tkt FAIRBANKS & j-- by I have a new PUBERAL· CAR, such as is used al- duty BROWN, dim D. 20 DRAFT!!! most Army of the Potomac. person, having demands against Pamttel Τ 118 Je23 W. ROBINSON. Exchange St. entirely in Boston. New York, and other While the weather i' MilkStukkt corner of Flour, Meal, Grain and who large so hot and ALLThomas, are requested to them to the Batterymarch Street Feed, are drafted, now is your chance if you cities, which I propose to use at the funerals I attend water so a of onions present Is scanty, supply subscriber, and to confer with him with reference to No. lOO MENimmediately attend to it. There is no time to as undertaker, at the same price that other under- almost a an 'Poeton. CorameroialStreet. at waste. necessity, ltemember, I am no1 equitable adjustment of the same. dim: the Substitutes furnished fora reasonable sum taker* charge for the city hearse, and nothing extra for AXARIAU if you wish it. Persons who will enlist as substitutes from begging self nor for our but lor tin JKUEMIAH DOW Sold in FROST. ADDISON FRTE. the o'd price. The poor alwavs liberallv con- poet, Portland by KMEKV k Eating House, 17 A 18 for drafted men will find a rare chance to a Portland, July to, 1863. dlw w8wô· oc26 WÂTE1UI0U8K St. get large sidered by J AS. M. CI'Κ Κ 1ER. Jytt tt MERCHANTS'ExchangeExchange A Free Lunch every dav from sum of Portland,February i, 1803. eodtf monev. Sexton of Rev. Or. Shailer's Church. 10 to 12. *p8 6m JL. S. TWOMBLY. Address M Box 2032. dttyU U""K*eiD*3K ■ Ho. Τ Cil a r kl Stkket. jySftdftm cannot err iu them. Draft in the IM District· though a fool reading Congrewlonal ORIGINAL ANI) SELECTED. C H THE DAILY PRESS. BY TELEGRAPH Ship Soul.·, (new) Sinnett, of and from Free- They heartily approve of the most vigorous The 30th Sub-dletrict, comprising the towns port. NEW Sch , (Br) Macoinber, Windsor N8. ADVERTISEMENTS. of the war until both Northern AND STAN First page—Letter from Western Vir- h M POBTLAND MAINE ! prosecution HOLMS DISH. TO THE He Jfts Vance. Hear», Philadelphia. have surrendered their Mrs. A. A. Sch Planet, (larding, Now York. ! and Southern reikis Three hundred and fifty-four names were ginia, by R., formerly Mrs. God- LIST OF LETTERS Sch Fred Eugene. Crockett. Eli/abet h port. law and order. endorse dard. EVEX1XG PAPERS. Sch Eliza bet h in ! opposition to They put iuto the wheel—199 in blandish, and 155 j Texas, Orr, port. the Portland Poet Office July Sch Mary Langdon. Pinkham. New York. REMAINING27. uncalled for. Monday Morning, July 27, 1803. measure which shall tend to suppress in Hollis—from which 101 were viz:— Last Shelter ι every drawn, j page—Our Tents, original Sch (ieo'Brooks, Wallace, Bouton. :4Tlf WIT of them* letter* are called for, not Sch llannie Westbrook, lhat are advertised. pleMeaay this unholy rebellion, and that there may S'amliith—James Κ Emery, Win John Κ poetry. Littlejohn. Boston. they I Higgins, Sch Utica, Γ horn dike, Portsmouth. lyAll letters advertised are Kaud. Frank Libto, John ÎSmitli, Geo W Expedition to Bed River. «abject to an extra be a doubt as to their meaning, they instance barker, Sch Matanzas. Calais. of one cent. toe circulation of the Daily Pre** in larger John 1' Moulton, Jacob Green, At Ho!ton, John L jyThe Peak Family will a Concert Blake, charge give Washington, 25. Sch Kosciusko, Dow, Thomaston. Sec. 6# AMD HI IT Π7ΒΤΗΚΚ I the Proclamation of the suspension Chase, Uriah A Uetry, Simon M Lorenzo July kiactbp, That list· of than, that other in the city. Freedom, Moulton, at Lewis ton this "The rtfficial of Admiral Sch lininbow. Fletcher, Bangor for Providence. letters uncalled for in of any daily D Kami, Granville Foss, Albion Κ Kami, Ransom D evening. report Dupont states remaining any poetoflee in any the and the of Sch hauderkin. Gardiner for Boston. town or where a of habea» corjm» act, arming Smith, II Win Κ C Rich, Charles that the expedition lie «eut into the Ited Kiver Elizabeth, city, village newspaper «hall be Henry Higgio*. printed, «hall hen-after be wilhttt tkrermmttht resolve: Biggs, Benj VVamm, Thos M F uf' Tile Mobile is for a CLEARED. published onctr only in the Team,—te.oo (ΜΓif paid the negroes. And they further Smith, Benj .Shaw, Register looking region proved very successful, ascending the newspaper which Issued Benj Knight, Wither F Baud, Chaw W Steamer being weekly, or oftener. from the date ov Thomas,Sew- speeedy attack, either from Gen. Grant's army Black and Tensos liivers, with Parkersburg, Sherwood, New York, by «hall have the largeet circulation within tt»btcription,or any person attempts all Welch, llenrv M Martin, Marrett I l'aine, Simon running parallel Emerv k Fox. the rauge of arms or by aidibg and : of «aid the year, •rameut, either by taking up F Chas Janice Γ or from the sea and is the Mississippi. The steamer Elmira, loaded < AUU delivery onice.—Late» qf the United State». or deeds those al- Guffs, N* Whitney, Moore, Alonzo G coast, discussing the L°Vitt'(Br) DeWoM· 81 John or eucouraging; by words J with and ■ abetting, Kami. Oreu Decker» Stephen Dresser, Chas U Ham- store», sugar ruin lor the rebel army, SmitV» , in avuineg tin* stt] to to such Bootftbay, Higgins, Hanson, Wra Peake arc to one rounds of smooth bore Hattie J F mrt UNION NOniNATION. of acitisen* grant persons II Β r#~The Family give of ammunition, 10,000 Sch (Br) Jordan Susan J privileges is a suicidal and Davis, Augustus Hand, Bigelow Τ Sanborn, Jan Mary, Bouton. Piéton—m ante r. Brown Abbv» tin· exercise of those rights policy Κ W their concerts rounds Kufleld and 222 rounds ol' field Soli Olive James Silvia to crliue. Walker, Joseph Hutchinson, Bradbury lliggius choice at Bath, in Columbian rifle, j Elizabeth, Hamilton, Boston—H Will- Bradley ( athrine Is u warding a premium Alouzo M«»wn John low & Co. Jmm mm Immi. Β Jr. Η Davis jr. John H Burnlmm, ammunition lor jfuns, α rilled 32-poaod Par- Batcheider Mien tara Γ»ρ· FOR Hall, tomorrow The of Lane Fannie E, care #f UOYEttNOK, Referring to this very resolution Die paper ll«Mnan W Johnsou, James Κ Hand, John C Rich- evening. good peuple rott lib.Is. ten Bnrn« France· mm gun carriage, ifty-two sugar, SuuAnr William· ardson, Alnion II Blarean, David J Datis, Isaac A that have » treat in store. .laly (β, Butcher John 1 iur« referred to well city rum, nine hbls. flour aud 11 ft y bbls. Lowell L ran ville mrt already says: Bolter. puncheons { Itateman A inn SAMUEL CONY. all to the rebel I ARRIVED Nary Uttlefield M man whose is not a ver- HoM&—Simon- Meserve, John Erastue salt, Itt-ionging government.— Harriett Lucy No patriotism vain, Edgecomb, $y*The Cumberland Mary Matthias mm A Griffin, Alnion F Thompson, < liarles A rarh·, County Temperance At the same time heard of a Bark John Henry, (Br) Howe, Trepan! 1st nit via M D Llbby bal no man who is they large Boyd R W mm show, patriotic upon princi- Roscoe G Muart, Aiimoud Edmund M Convention has been to Gibraltar 21st. Johnson, postponed Wednes- amount of ammunition that had started from Berrie Mattie A M.cl*«nnad Ann A Shot that has taken Effect. will object to these bold words of liberty. Hutchinson, Win D Sew-rauce, Albion C* Smith,Free- Brig Aatumn, (Br) Dinsmore, l'ictou 15th in*t. mrt ple, for was lllanobard Sara* 8 mn Aun»« man day, Aug. 10th, at 10 o'clock, A. wheu it Natchez Trinity, and lying in wagons Brig Β Young. Cook, * alais for New York. C. (Peak't They come to us from a long suffering Stale, Hansen, Stephen Bradbury .Richard I* Guilford, M., Col way A una Κ Island) 1» bird that ou the road hall' across, He Sch Saml A on, It only the wounded flutters, horrors of a JamoN Brown, Nathan Atkinson, Joseph Weymouth, will lie held at West Baldwin. way dispatched Applet Saulsbury, Eliiabeihport. II F McMillan a State cursed with the slavery, Sch II Κ now I O.apman Daniel wri Caleb Lock»·, John W Smith, John Β a boat round to inform me of but (ieu. D Baldwin, tun, New York. » II and the that winces. thin rule have been overrun with Foster» Gi-orge it, Ran- V-Z Millike· Tieda galled jade By State whose fair fields Adams, Jacob Towusend, Mat hi ΐ Κ id Wnt J Yacht Henrietta, from New York, cruising. j Ion, jy "Smith, the razor strop man, now in the som, who had landed a few before at Cushmau Mary J Merrill Jennie mrs the that merciless and whose have lin ant. Wm II Chae Κ Wni days < of judgment we are led to conclusion guerrillas plains Dyer, Randall, Carr, apen Mary A Murry Jam·» mr· blood. Mis- Franklin Benson, .Nathan Γ Nasou, Samuel 110th New Vork w as wound- Natchez, hearing of it also, sent a detachment l'on has many times been reddened with i Hill, regiment, badly XOTICE TO M4RIKF.RÛ. way Michael mr« McDonald Lydia, (Peak*· Mr. F. O. J. 8., of the Advertiser, been Set h Warren, Thos It Win Johnson Tlios of and the whole. Tints ! t'ollins M souri alxive all others has (Ht the ter- Libby, Mc- ed in the at But he has cavalry captured ohael tun pitiless Dauiel, Ge«» 1* Greetileaf leg Gettysburg. "just PORTLAND HARBOR. « «truck in a vital a «hot that was Hough, George Benson, C Walker's army is left without ammunition. mmniiiir» Mary A mr» Morane wtn part, by by rors of war. She has l»een oppressed Francis A one 'mik Mary doubly Uumery. Buuhara, Frederick Woodman, more lull." Offre ntr· ο Notice is given that the channel at the en- Μ ran * Mar Ε m η uo means aimed at random, lu an account of with bandits and rebel iuvaders. Winthrop Biadburv, Lorenzo D Smith, Thos C Saw- hereby Clam W uirw pro-slavery War Facts and Humors. trance to Back Cove, Portland harbor, has beeu Mount fort Mary S mr· at steu. yer, Aaron Β Buruliam, Kufus Kimball, Nathau Gil- £#~"The Biddelord Journal I Elizabeth Ρ the Weatbrook Smith was lier men must go arnted every says every law- marked and a beacon, as follows: lodge McOuagh Ko*e aim meeting Incident- loyal 25. by buoy* llanimh lier trade patric. Cincinnati, July A Black No. in Oodge J Morse William mr» Her resources have l>een crippled, yer and law student in that liable to the Spar Buoy, 1, 3 fathoms water, off l»oan»· alluded to as one who is city, more of Irnito um Moroe ally "prostituting Kebel The 31st snb district was next taken. It is Fourteen hundred Morgan's uieu Poiuroy* Kock, the rock bearing S W, 100 yards; a William Γ mre cut off, her merchants impoverished. draft, with one have Daltou mr*, mother of Hi "all his to defeat the of the exception, drawn prizes, arrived last night, and will be forwarded to In- Black Spar, No. 8, in 2 fathoms at the Ν Ε of -Noye· Heuri«tta energies purposes hordes have exhausted their cruelties lu the of the town of point ram A ballon Ν m hoi· Julia composed Urn. Two thousand lour hun- the flats on the Westerly side of the channel—Pom- or Suli· rm her crum- including Butler, editor of the Journal. dianapolis to-day. Emerv iturlev S mr* Orr I