FGL Programming Guide

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FGL Programming Guide FGL Programming Guide Lemur models FGL46 / FGL26 Ghostwriter models FGL46 / FGL26; FGL44 / FGL24; FGL42 / FGL22 Revision 12 (Feb 18th, 2020) Updated by TLS - Boca Systems, Mar 27th, 2020 Friendly Ghost Language (FGL) is Boca’s industry standard language that allows the user to print data, graphics, boxes and bar codes anywhere on the ticket in virtually any orientation. Great care has been taken to make this language user friendly without sacrificing any of the features and flexibility required by both future and existing customers. FGL has been structured in such a way to easily accommodate adding new functions in the future. FGL46 is the latest version of the Friendly Ghost Language. Unless stated otherwise, all references in the programming guide to Lemur, FGL26/46 &FGL24/44 are the same. FGL22, 24 and 26 are subsets of FGL42, 44 and 46, respectively. They contain most of the same features as FGL42/44/46. Features unavailable in the FGL22/24/26 code will be identified, when appropriate, throughout the programming guide. For simplicity, all references to FGL46 should be interpreted as valid for all FGL printers, except as noted. Please note that the features identified in this manual represent those features available in the latest version of the firmware. Older revisions of FGL42/44/46 firmware may not contain all of the features discussed in this document. We hope you enjoy your new Lemur family printer. The FGL46 language represents the latest enhancements to the FGL language. FGL46 contains many new features (PDF-417, Data Matrix, QR and Aztec 2D barcodes, BMP graphics, Text Centering, etc.) while retaining all of the commonly used FGL features. Some of the new FGL46 features are available in older FGL44 printers using special firmware version '44G' and above. Note: Downloading of FGL Bitmapped fonts is no longer allowed in order to eliminate potential conflicts with some of the new FGL features. While the use of FGL provides the programmer with the most efficient means of communicating with the printer, printing through a printer driver (Windows, Mac or Linux) is probably the fastest way to get your printer running. To work with a driver, follow the instructions on the applicable printer driver page of our website. Copyright c 1989-2020 by Boca Systems, Inc. 1 www.tls-bocasystems.com TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION - READ THIS FIRST .............................................................................................. 5 COMMAND SEQUENCES .............................................................................................................................. 11 STATUS COMMANDS ................................................................................................................................. 19 FILE COMMANDS ...................................................................................................................................... 21 PRINT COMMANDS .................................................................................................................................... 21 SPECIAL COMMANDS................................................................................................................................ 22 DRIVER COMMANDS (implemented November 2007 on new 26/46 printers) .......................................... 23 STANDARD INTERFACE PINOUTS .............................................................................................................. 24 SERIAL RJ12 ............................................................................................................................................... 24 USB .............................................................................................................................................................. 24 Ethernet (optional) ........................................................................................................................................ 24 WiFi (optional) .............................................................................................................................................. 24 Bluetooth (optional) ...................................................................................................................................... 24 BAR CODE SUPPLEMENT............................................................................................................................. 25 UPC supplement .......................................................................................................................................... 25 EAN8 supplement ........................................................................................................................................ 25 INTERLEAVED 2OF5 supplement .............................................................................................................. 26 EAN13 supplement ...................................................................................................................................... 26 CODE 39 supplement ................................................................................................................................. 26 USS-CODABAR supplement ....................................................................................................................... 27 CODE 128 supplement ............................................................................................................................... 27 SOFTSTRIP BAR CODE supplement ......................................................................................................... 27 TWO DIMENSIONAL BAR CODE SUPPLEMENT ......................................................................................... 28 FGL Features Minimum Firmware and Fonts Version ................................................................................. 28 FGL Font file contents SB00 to SB09 .......................................................................................................... 28 PDF-417 2D Bar Code ................................................................................................................................. 30 Data Matrix 2D Bar Code ............................................................................................................................. 31 Quick Response 2D Bar Code ..................................................................................................................... 32 Quick Response Bar Code Versions - <QRV2>, <QRV7>, <QRV11> and <QRV15> ................................ 33 Aztec 2D Bar Code ...................................................................................................................................... 34 DOWNLOADING FILE SUPPLEMENT ........................................................................................................... 35 DOWNLOADING LOGO SUPPLEMENT ........................................................................................................ 37 FGL IMAGE FORMAT ................................................................................................................................. 37 DOWNLOADING BMP & PCX SUPPLEMENT ............................................................................................... 39 FGL TEXT LOGO (MACRO) SUPPLEMENT .................................................................................................. 40 DOWNLOADING FONTS SUPPLEMENT ...................................................................................................... 41 SOFT FONT DOWNLOADING .................................................................................................................... 41 TRANSLATION TABLE................................................................................................................................ 41 TRUETYPE FONTS SUPPLEMENT ............................................................................................................... 43 TrueType Font Selection Commands - <TTF#> .......................................................................................... 43 UPDATING FIRMWARE, FONTS and FEATURES ........................................................................................ 44 2 www.tls-bocasystems.com BOX AND LINE SUPPLEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 45 HOST TO PRINTER COMMUNICATION SUPPLEMENT .............................................................................. 46 DIAGNOSTIC MODE SUPPLEMENT ............................................................................................................. 47 ORIENTAL CHARACTER SETS ..................................................................................................................... 48 Sample Basic Program ................................................................................................................................ 49 Sample Ticket Rows 1-7 of KANJI Font ....................................................................................................... 49 DUAL PRINTER SUPPLEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 50 Commands which have been modified in relation to dual mode. ................................................................ 50 Brief comparison of the different dual modes. ............................................................................................. 50 Miscellaneous Comments
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