Week 2: Networking Lab Topics: I. Netcat II. Nmap III. Wireshark Setup 1. SSH Client If you completed this step in the previous lab, you can skip this step. Once you are in the lab, you will need to get access to the Wi-Fi, and you will need a SSH client installed on your laptop. The lab Wi-Fi password will be up on the board, so you can use that to get access to the Wi-Fi. If you are on a Mac or have Linux installed, a SSH client should already be installed. If your laptop is running Windows, though, you will need to install putty (a windows SSH client). Its installer can be found at the below URL: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html Now that everything is set up, SSH into the lab1 server. On Mac/Linux, type the following into your terminal ssh
[email protected] Substitute your username for “user1” and it should work out On windows, start up putty, and enter the following into the “Host Name (or IP Address)” Field
[email protected]