The Selected Papers of John Jay, 1760-1779 Volume 1 Index
The Selected Papers of John Jay, 1760-1779 Volume 1 Index References to earlier volumes are indicated by the volume number followed by a colon and page number (for example, 1:753). Abigail (slave): xxxii, 529n2; behavior of, 509, 516, 513, 520; identified, 510n5; illness and death of, 493, 528, 529, 537, 541, 541n2, 569n1; imprisonment of, 493, 509–510, 510n5, 513, 516, 519n2; return of, 527, 528, 529, 529n1, 532 Abingdon, Willoughbie Bertie, earl of, 549n9 Adams, Abigail, 476n1, 582, 646; identified, 579n3 Adams, Abigail (daughter of James Adams): identified, 579n3 Adams, John, 161, 251n1, 294, 475, 579n3, 621; and appointment of minister to Great Britain, 364, 365n10, 369, 370n2, 486, 559n1; and appointment of secretary to peace commission, 160–62, 162n1; and armistice, 313; arrival in Paris, lv, 191, 201, 204n19, 249; arrival of family of, 579, 582, 608n2; attitudes toward France, xxi, 193n20, 213–14, 417, 418n5; and bills of exchange, 366n1, 560; and boundaries, 209n3, 265, 280; and British evacuation of New York, 164n7, 427n10; and British political parties, 486; and British recognition of American independence, 50n1, 65, 111n1, 117, 160n2; bust of, proposed, 333; codes and ciphers used by, 645, 646n1; and commercial treaty with Great Britain, 365n10; commissions of, 369, 531, 579, 582; and compensation for British depredations, 463, 466n5; connections of, 37; contacted by James Jay, 275, 277n1; correspondence of, 26–27, 94n2, 117, 146, 249, 251n1, 315, 321n6, 395n8, 417, 418, 476n2, 487n4; criticism of, xxvii, 335, 416–18; and definitive
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