Best Autism Apps for Ipad, Iphone and Android
BBeesstt AAuuttiissmm AAppppss FFoorr iiPPaadd,, iiPPhhoonnee aanndd AAnnddrrooiidd Best Autism Apps For iPad, iPhone and Android Best Autism Apps For iPad, iPhone and Android Best Autism Apps For iPad, iPhone and Android This list of mobile applications has been compiled to help those living with autism and their families navigate daily challenges, enhance learning, and educate themselves on autism. The following apps are designed for use by individuals with autism with ages ranging from two years old to adults. Links to the app developer’s websites as well as to iTunes and the Google Play store have been attached for easy navigation. Educational Apps for Kids and Parents This list of educational apps covers a variety of academic subject from beginning phonics and answering “W” questions to math and life skills. Most of these apps are formatted to be played as games with the help of fun mascots. Autism Parenting Magazine – For you and your child Best Autism Apps For iPad, iPhone and Android Best Autism Apps For iPad, iPhone and Android iOS rating: 4 iOS Link Android rating: 4 Android Link Categories: Educational, Behavioral Intervention, Autism Awareness Description: Having a child with autism is one of the biggest challenges a parent has to face, and we know the value of receiving support from your community. With more than 65,000 readers, Autism Parenting Magazine is more than a magazine; we are a community that is there for you. We want the best for you and your child, join us today. Preschool Educational Games for Kids-EduKidsRoom iOS rating: 4.5 iOS Link Android rating: 4 Android Link Categories: Educational, Games, Entertainment Description: This app oers an amazing selection of puzzles, games, and quizzes for toddlers and preschoolers to learn colors, shapes, numbers, letters, time, and sorting.
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