ASC community elections Community Che§t drive Ovid-Elsie cagers l A new trophy for best area INSIDE: Dec. 6—Page B-9 climbs high —Page 3 A have it rough —Page 9 A free throw shooters — Page 9 A UV) .

llth Year No. 32 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN THURSDAY DECEMBER I, 1966 2 SECTIONS — 30 PAGES 10 CENTS 2nd severe storm of year buttons up Clinton 7 inches of drifting snow • • • • • • • • • close schools, many roads; driving dangerous Bank holdup case November's second severe let up Tuesday afternoon, but at snowstorm all but buttoned up 1:15 p.m. it was still going and most of Clinton County Tuesday. blowing strong. Schools closed, stores and There were no serious acci­ shops were late in opening or dents because of the storm, but never opened, traffic crawled ov­ there were numerous cases of er main thoroughfares and snow- cars sliding off the road and being may go to grand plows waged an almost fruitless stuck in snow banks. The snow battle against the storm. was wet and almost on the verge An estimated six to seven inch­ of slush; temperatures hovered es of snow had fallen by early around the 27-degree mark. Tuesday afternoon, and still it General Telephone Co. said the came down in wind-blown blan­ storm didn't cause quite the ov­ kets. " erload on long distance circuits jury next week that the Nov. 2 and 3 storm did. DRIVING WAS extremely haz­ The phone company experienced ardous, and only the state high­ no particular problems because Bank robbery charges against three ways and main county roads were of the storm. CLINTON COUNTY open. The storm came on the Valley Farms men will probably be brought heels of a light snow and rain Traffic deaths Monday which began freezing on ST. JOHNS STREET crews before a federal grand jury in Grand Rapids late Monday afternoon. When the went home to bed about noon next week, the U. S. commissioner's office Since January 1 Tuesday after battling with the storm , the combination of reported Tuesday. snow on top of ice made driving storm for 13 hours. They didn't and walking treacherous. make too much headway during 13 the daylight hours, because the The action may come next Wednesday. Road Commission Clerk Don snow was drifting badly. The three suspects THIS TIME LAST Ewing said 20 units of snow re­ "They can't do too much of any­ Bond of $25,000 each for the YEAR; 10 moval equipment, with two men thing when traffic is using the — James Ray Eubanks, suspects was not obtained and to each truck, were on snow re­ streets," City Manager Ken moval duty Tuesday, and eight 21, John W. Stevens they are in the Kent County Jail Greer said. "They'll be back on now. the Clinton National Bank at had been out working on state duty tonight just as soon as the Jr., 23, and Charles 4:10 p.m. last Monday, Nov. 21, highways In the county Monday Meanwhile, FBI agents and traffic thins out." state police are rounding up the less than an hour before dlqsing., night. Leon Beckner, 22 — The only persons in the - are presently housed loot from the holdup. State po­ trailer building wsre Manager All rpads were slipperpy, he NEWS IN BRIEF lice said Tuesday a total of$24,- Robert LaFave and tellers.*Mrs said, and most local roads were Two lighted angels whichwere -.- - ^SS3fi**l in the Kent County Jail- 7-37-.-50- has been recovered to date the bank Phyllis Rhynard and Mrs * A. impassable. "We're trying to to be used in the Christmas It's not too bad being grounded by bad weather but when in Grand Rapids under i reported $27,050 had been taken in the holdup. Nell Weaver. They were forced keep the primary and state roads display at the top of Clinton into an employees lounge and clear today." Ewing said. "By to­ Avenue will not be used this you're flying and can't get down, you're really in trouble. A $25,000 bond each. Armed with search warrants, officers last Tuesday searched made to lie on the floor, Two morrow (Wednesday) we ought to year because there was an in­ bird friend of Clinton County News Business Manager Al The trio is charged with hofd- of the bandits emptied the safe be able to start on the local sufficient length of wiring with ing up the Clinton National Bank the Stevens home and found Haight had lots of trouble landing at his house Tuesday, where thousands of dollars in currency, while the other went for the roads." them and not enough time to and Trust Co.'s Valley Farms car. They were masked while in­ the extra wiring prior to the the snow storm all but engulfed his landing strip. Six to office of $27,050 last Monday wrapped in cloth or brown paper bags, hidden throughout the side the bank but reportedly THE STORM WAS forecast to official lighting Friday . . . seven inches of snow fell in the Tuesday storm. afternoon. They were arrested had been seen unmasked outside. the following morning after an house. Several thousand dollars all - night stakeout of Steven's was found In a package under THE MONEY recovered from Art gallery Yule home at 222 Wieland Road by a bed. the suspects' home is being held Renewal FBI agents,, state police and pending disposition of the case. Dentist here part of medical bazaar to open sheriff's officers. TWO BANK BAGS containing But the loss to the bank was The Lansing Community Gal­ pennies and dimes also were brief. Claim Supt. John F. Wet-" meeting lery, 124 Ionia Street, Lansing, EUBANKS, Stevens and Beck- recovered. Sawed-off shotguns tlaufer of the TransAmerica In­ will open Its Christmas Art Ba­ ner were taken to Grand Rapids and several handguns, including surance Group turned over an zaar with a reception and coffee last Tuesday where they demand­ pistols, were found hidden in the insurance check for $27,050 to mission team to islands this Sunday, Dec, 4. ed a hearing before U.S. Com­ house, Sgt. Harold Simmons of Clinton National Vice President Dec. 13 missioner Steven W. Karr, the state police said. and Cashier John Rumbaugh last Dr R. L. Wohlers, St. Johns It will be a field type of med­ The first of a series of in­ Gallery hours for the bazaar, That hearing has been set Sawed-off shotguns and a pis­ Tuesday afternoon, less than 24 dentist, is leaving next Wednes­ ical work, Dr Wohlers explained. formational meetings on the pro­ which will run through Dec. 21, for Dec. 15, but any action by tol were reportedly brandished hours after the holdup. The claim day for a Carribean trip, but it's He and the others—three physi­ posed urban renewal program for are 11-5 p.m. on Wednesdays the federal grand jury next week by the three bandits who enter- was handled through A.T. Allaby not 9ne which most folks take or cians and a medical technician St. Johns will be held Dec. ,13. and 1-5 p.m. on Sundays. would supercede the hearing. •ed the Valley Farms office of Insurance. dream of taking. —will rough it, sleeping in their at 7:30 p.m. in the upstairs of Dr Wohlers is joining four clothes and probably most of the the municipal building. Chicago-area medical men for time on the ground. Representatives of Vilican- a 10-day medical missionary THEY'LL TAKE TWO - or Leman and Associates, the en­ visit to the San Bias Islands off three-day excursions to the is­ gineering firm which has made the Atlantic coast of Panama. lands, located 15-20 miles off the proposals, will be on hand Panama, then return to their base to discuss the plans. Terry Fos­ at Balboa to clean up and re­ ter, assistant urban renewal di­ W Your Discards | plenish supplies before flying rector for the city, will be in back to the islands. charge of the program. & May Be Dr Wohlers said the inhabi­ The city tentatively plans three Someone Else's tants of the islands are mostly such informational meetings fullblooded Indians who are still prior to holding a public hear­ ing on urban renewal — if the Delight &: somewhat primitive. They don't iAW^vWAv.W/AvMy.V^W^^^A'-VA-AVAW/iM|.Av^ «^. speak Spanish, so the mission­ city's application for a grant from the federal government Is la for Antiques aries will need an Indian inter­ Is for Boats preter. The doctors take their approved. Is for Cars Is for Dogs own equipment for providing The application for the grant Is for Electrical Appliances medical assistance to the In­ was to be sent in to the Hous­ Is for Furniture DR. R. L. WOHLERS laforGoIfCluba dians. ing and Urban Development Au­ Is for Heaters icines while there to prevent thority In November, but Monday Itt for Ironers All five of the men taking the Is for Jewelry trip are members of the Seventh illnesses common to the tropics. the city was still awaiting final U fnf Kitchen Equipment Dr Wohlers will fly to Chicago texts on several of the studies Is for livestock Day Adventist Church, but the Irt for Motorcycles missionary trips are not spon­ the morning of Dec. 7 to meet that form the application. the rest of the missionary team. N Is for Nursery Equipment sored by the church. They start­ O Is for Office Equipment ed about a year and a half ago They'll then fly to Miami and P Is for Pianos when a Seventh Day Adventist will be in Panama that evening. Santa will Q Is for Quilts I It Is for Ruga , missionary gave the Idea to some They'll take a small plana from S Is for Stoves doctor friends of his in the Chi­ Balboa, on the east coast, out be back T Is for Toys to the islands. U IsforUscdClothlne cago area, Santa Claus will be back, V IsforVneuumCleaners It will be a relatively short W Is for Watches A GROUP HAS BEEN going kids! X Is for Xylophones down to the islands twice a year. missionary trip, with «Dr Woh­ After his initial visit here ) Y Is for Yard Equipment lers returning to Chicago D,ec. Z Tsfor Zithers This will be'Dr Wohlers' first Friday night, Santa indicated such trip, and he said it will 19 and to St. Johns the morning he'll be more than happy to !S of the" 20th. It SEL L THEM WJXttfc help fulfill an ambition of his. visit with children each Sat­ of a number of years. He applied urday afternoon between now A LOW COST % for the opportunity to take the BUYING A NEW car or used and Christmas from 3 to 5 trip six months ago. car7 See us for a low cost auto P.m. at the Grand Trunkrail- I Clinton County News | He has taken a series of in- Loan. Central National Bank of road depot in St, Johns. He'll >>. noculations for the trip already, St. Johns, Ovid and Pewamo, pass out candy and consider but he said it will be necessary toy requests. WANT AD to take others as well as med- HOLIDAY STAR Bazaar- The Clinton Theater will be First ' Methodist Church, St. BEAUTY OF YULE TREE EASY ATTENTION GETTER Johns, Dec. 1, 5 to 9 p.m. Holi­ open for free matinees for BUFFET SUPPER, cafeteria children each Saturday after­ St. Johns' Christmas tree on the courthouse lawn was officially lighted Friday night; | Extra Christmas^ & style, and bazaar. St. Johns day r gifts and free babysitting service. 32-1 noon. The theater will open and the flashing colored lights at the base of the tree painted a changing picture that § gifting money . * . . § Lutheran Church, Dec. 4. Serving at 1 p.m. and the show will 5 tfm. *tll 8 p.m. 30-1 " made even the youngsters stop and take notice. Looking up at the star on top of the SHOP EVERY NIGHT 'til 9 start at 1:30. St. Johns Cham­ Phone 224 - 2361 gj THE D & C Variety Store p.m. at the D & C Variety ber of Commerce Retail Di­ tree are Lori Foster, 7 (left), Christy Foster, 8, Carol'Morriss, 15, Lee Morriss, is open every night 'til 9. Gifts Store. Gift ideas for the whole vision is sponsoring Santa's 11, and Cindy Lanterman, 1Z. An estimated 500 persons watched the tree lighting cer­ For Fast Results i£ for the whole family. Huge toy family. Huge toy department. Visit and the free movie. selection. 32-1 32-1 emony, parade and the passing out of candy by Santa. 'Page ^A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS,-St Johns, Michigan Thursdayinursaay, uecemoeDecember 1\,, 196i 6

ed, such as sweaters, low-heeled School closings FHA to collect shoes, pants, dungarees, mittens, Twin brothers blankets, coats, dresses, skirts told on radio Autos may be added clothing for and underwear. Not only chil­ St. Johns Public Schools has hurt in crash needy children* dren's clothing, but adult and in­ announced the call letters of Twin brothers William John fant apparel for winter and sum­ radio and television stations that and John William Suchowesky of Many Americans have been mer Is badly needed. will be notified In the event St. Johns were injured when their shocked to hear JesseStuart,one bad weather forces the closing car rolled for 90 feet off Shep- to spring sports show of the nation's leading poets and Though much of the federa­ of schools. ardsvllle Road a half-mile south a native of Tennessee, tell of tion's donated clothing goes to On snow days, parents and stu­ of the Cllnton-Gratlot county line Plans for next spring's farmfarm,, manager. show-Boshow—Bob Ditmer, HugHughWallah Wallacc e children In the American south­ American southern mountains, dents are urged to listen to early Sunday. home and sports showinSt. Johns Andrew Voorhees of Houghton and Mrs Mlnsky—is considering ern mountains who walk to school thousands of pounds are shipped swelled this week with the an­ putting up a large tent over a lot WJR, Detroit; WILS, Lansing; The driver, William John, of Lake, hired by the Chamber to barefoot in the snow. to Mexico each year and addition­ WJIM radio and TV, Lansing; nouncement that automobiles may sell booth space and promote the of the smaller outside displays al clothing is stockpiled-to meet, 202 S. Lansing, was in fair con­ he added, making the event an such as tents, campers and trail­ The Future Homemakers of WILX radio and TV, Lansing; dition Monday at Clinton Memo­ show, will be in St. Johns pos­ America of Rodney B. Wilson upon request, emergencies at WFYC, Alma; or WRBJ, St. Johns Auto, Farm, Home and Sports sibly yet this week to complete ers. home and abroad. rial Hospital. His twin brother, Show- The big show is planned for High School, to aid children for announcements. John William of 610 N. Clinton arrangements for booth space. through Save the Children Feder­ Nearly half of the 35 booths The booths will be eight feet April 6, 7 and 8. All will be notified before 7 Avenue, was released after treat­ which will be available Inside ation's donated clothing program AT FEDERATION clothing ment of Injuries. Both are 20 deep and will sell for $10 afront in just such areas as Stuart de­ centers in Kentucky, Tennessee a.m. if schools are to be closed Smith Hall for the show have al­ CRASH DRIVER BRUISED because of weather. years old. Workmen put up a new sign foot Inside Smith Hall. A model scribed, Is readying headquar­ and Virginia, serviceable gar­ for Consumers Power Co.'s ready been spoken for, according of the booth will be on display in Elizabeth Irene Kirkpatrlck of ters for its local project. ments are made available to chil­ School officials asked parents Clinton County sheriff's offi­ St. Johns office last Tuesday. to Mrs Betty Jane Mlnsky, Cham­ the Chamber office. Dexter Trail, R-4, St. Johns dren and their parents at prices and students to refrain from call­ cers said the car traveled 175 The CP, besides represent­ ber of commerce secretary- Prices for exhibit space out­ suffered bruises last Friday COLLECTIONS WILL be made they can afford to pay. Clothing ing the school on questionable feet after skidding off the road, ing Consumer's slogan of side Smith Hall will be negoti­ morning when her car over­ Dec. 5 through 9 at the high is also available, free of charge, da-ys, because personnel and then rolled over for 90 feet before "continuing progress," might ated with the Interested parties turned on Francis Road just school. The FHA members urged through county welfare and school phones must be utilized to notify coming to a stop rightside up. also mean "climbing power" and will depend upon space used, north of Townsend. She told sher­ residents to bundle up all good, attendance authorities to those the stations so that everyone can The crash occurred atl2:15a.m. for the workmen, who are 4 persons hurt material needed, etc. A number iff's officers she swerved to wearable clothing no longer need­ who cannot afford to pay. get the school information. Sunday. three stories above the street. of large displays are anticipated, avoid a deer and lost control. in DeWitt crash and the committee planning the The car rolled over three times. :u\ Four persons were injured In a three-vehicle accident about 2:30 p.m. Sunday on US-27 near Dill Elections cost Road In DeWitt Township. Value Bruce Angell,DeWiUTownshlp JIARDWARE"^!^' STORE55S ' Christmas police chief said a truck driven set at $7,700 by Alfred J. Lounds, 39, of 8635 Taft Road, struck the rear of a It cost Clinton County taxpayers about $7,700 this car driven by James I. Mosher, year to help pick state lawmakers and executive branch 'J.' Spectacular 55, of 12945 Wood Street, Bath. officials and to pick local level officials. That's roughly Mosher's car was pushing anoth­ 19? for every county resident. er vehicle driven by his wife, That's the figure which County Clerk Paul Wakefield SEASONS Ilene. reported Monday as the county cost for running the primary 4Z£ See our vast array of spectacular gifts. Big choice of ^ Mr and Mrs Mosher and their election in August and the general election in November. SHEETINGS. gifts sure to please trie most particular persons on your ® son, Jeffrey, 12, suffered minor Slightly more than half of the total was for the general list! Shop now while selections are complete. &» injuries andweretreatedatSpar- election. row Hospital and released. The cost is up somewhat over previous elections Lounds, who was ticketed for because, for the first time, township offices were listed failure to stop in assurred clear on the same ballot with other offices and thus the bills SUNBEAM ELECTRIC SLICING distance, Is reported in fair con­ for the election include costs previously paid by the town- dition at the same hospital. He * ships. WITH THE "TIP THAT TRIMS suffered a crushed chest. The county of supervisors discussed briefly, Angell said he policed seven but didn't make a decision, atlts last meeting the possibility Twin reciprocating stainless steel blades accidents in the same area Sun­ of pro-rating some of the election cost back to the town­ the "tip that trims." Cuts around day afternoon duringaheavy traf­ ships. The board meets again next Monday, joints, etc. Push-button blade release fic period. lock. 6-ft. removable cord. Slim, balanced, lightweight. IT PAYS TO SHOP AT * * * *"* ******** ** *******. ^M^aclKlnnon *,

Dependable Values for 30 Years

SUNBEAM SHAVERS "+ VH"--E (A)1 SHAVEMASTER MEN'S SHAVER. For that special man on your list! Comfort curved head depresses skin to shave below beard line. 5 precision-honed surgical steel blades. With travel case * , ..12.99 (B) LADY SUNBEAM SHAVER. "Micro-Twin" shave. One side spe­ cially for underarm grooming, other side for leg shaving 6.99 SHEETS *************** ***_* * * * * Beautiful prints, pastel, plain colors and white. Flat and fitted withrmaton­ ^irz H_„-^, ^SwAj^pKQSDfc ing Pillow Cases. Boxed free. Always N / moderately priced. .c* • "' &r)A BEDSPREADS Bates and Morgan Jones in a big (A) SOLID STATE CLOCK RADIO. 4-transistor, twin-pedestal £&& design. Slumber switch, Repeat-A-Call alarm 22.88 Dries at 4 heat settings. Large ction of styles. Plaids, quilted, cap and hose store inside fash­ quards, heirlooms ^. (B) AUTOMATIC PHONOGRAPH. 4-speed automatic record ionable, slim case for easy car­ from $795 l0 $3500 .o> - changer, solid state amplifier, 45 rpm spindle. Hi-impact rying—at home or away, r*-' scuff-resistant finish. Beige colored case 28.88 Soft Thirsty ****#•#****£***** * * ************ TOWELS ;% CORNING^ WARE Jacquards Embroidered *. SAUCEPAN SET. Includes 1, Vh and .' * 1%-qt. covered saucepans, 1 chrome Plain colors 98 cradle, 1 handle. Handles entire oper­ Boxed Free M and up ation from freezer to range to table. Never any danger, of heat breakage. Design complements any table setting. TABLECLOTHS for every occasion ***** ** *'* ************ *,* * * %* ** IRISH LINEN SETS $1995 to LACE TABLECLOTHS $350 54" x 72" to 72" x 90" to LUNCHEON SETS 45" x 45" to 52" x 70" $2^8 to Rayon-Cotton DAMASK SETS $498 to 54" x 76" to 68" x 102" Also a big selection of plastic coated fabric in excellent patterns and most sizes THROW RUGS DELUXE CORDLESS Decorator OIL LAMP TOOTHBRUSH For every room in the house. Unique antique design lamp Brushes up and down auto­ SABRE SAW Cottons, nylons, dacrons,plains and in four decorator colors for matically with powerful, yet Rips 2 x 4's or does delicate stripes. $298 $J95 the patio, porch or any room gentle strokes. Teeth and scroll work. Cuts at 45° t0 in the house. Beautiful swirl gums are left refreshingly bevel on either side. 3 design chimney matches clean. "Stowaway" model for blades, rip gauge. Life-Weld BED PILLOWS base color. Broad wick. travel. 6 brushes. burnout protected motor. Dacrons and Foamrubber $8.95 and $9.95 pair ELECTRIC BLANKETS WITH BUILT- JXWXmF&Xtl IN LIGHT 100% Acrylic . Nylon binding. Twin and Micro-twin head has one side, Lets you see what you're do­ HARDWARE INC. for comfortable undeiarm ing. Micro-twin head, on-off full size. 5 year guarantee. ST. JOHNS grooming, the other for fast, switch, flip-top latch for >* close leg shaving, p QQ easy cleaning'. 1Q QQ 95 $ 95 Pink case. U.UO Gift case. 10.00 PLUMBING SPORTING GOODS $17 '- 24 Horneffiift#iipe#t»%eryotre Thursday, December 1, 1966 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 3 A | But it's still $7,000 short of goal | OK purchases for new park Communities Chest drive climbs to $19,6^3 1 The State Conservation Com­ mission has approved the pur­ chase of 363 more acres for the Clinton County's Community Industry 2,185 ships of Riley, Bingham, Olive, MILO ROWELL headed up the 100% new Sleepy Hollow State,Park Chest contribution totals soared Industry employees , . 7,102 Greenbush and Essex. Persons business and professional drive 11 1- T 1 | in Ovid and Victor Townships. * to new heights this week, but Professional 1,145 in those townships are Invited, in St. Johns, and Lawrence Sex­ Kl everything is still nearly $7,000 Courthouse 24 however, to make contributions ton was chairman for the in­ • • • Clinton County | At its October meeting the short of the goal of $26,500. City Hall 84 to the Clinton County Commun­ dustrial drive. Mrs Fred Lewis commission approved 13.2acres As of Monday the Community Hospital 286 ities Chest by mailing their do­ was chairman for the residential Communities | for purchase at $3r000 and at Chest officials reported contri­ Public Schools . . . . 1,351 nations to the Chest in care of drive. the November session approved butions of $19,623.61—which is Residential 923 Charles Huntington at the Clin­ the purchase of 350.41 acres f4 per cent of the goal. ton National Bank and Trust Co.. Out-county chairmen Include: Chest 1 for $145,800. Several area s of the county OUT-COUNTY Huntington is Chest treasurer. Charles Hengesbach of West­ The latter portion is in five have not been heard from yet, Ovid village & township 871 Total chest contributions this phalia for Westphalia, Eagle, areas and had been optioned pre­ so the figure will, without a Bengal Township .... 48 year will be divided among nine Dallas and Lebanon townships; Total contributions 8 viously. doubt, be much higher before Victor Township 169 agencies — the American Red Arthur Newman for the City of The Sleepy Hollow State Park the current drive is over. Cross, Lansing Child Guidance, DeWltt; Elzie Exelby and Rollin to date: is scheduled for completion in Here's how the total so far SEVERAL TOWNSHIPS in the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Salva­ Sleight for Victor Township; 1974 and will cost about $1,789,- breaks down! county have no organized drive, tion Army, St. Vincent DePaul Stan Loznak for the Elsie area; 000, Conservation Department ST.JOHNS and so contributions to the Chest Society, 4-H Fair Fund, Mich­ Harold Green for the Ovid area; officials said. Beach house con­ Business $4,104 are not being solicited person­ igan United Fund and the Mich­ and Mrs Alvln Thelen for Bengal $19,623 struction at the park is scheduled Business employees . .1,330 ally. These include the town­ igan Children's Aid Society.. Township. for 1968-69, campgrounds in fift 1969-70 and completion in 1974. In announcing the opening of 1 Funds are expected to be al­ DHIA Westphalicm in the new office, Robert E. Clark, located in the 1967-68 fiscal executive vice president of the Goal $26,500 year budget of the Conservation charge at newest association, pointed to the con­ s§ Department. Federal aid for the meeting tinued population growth in the new park Is also being sought. Capitol Savings area as a factor in selecting NEWS IN BRIEF Edd Carr Jr. of Maple Rapids "I think we're moving about the new location. Capitol, with A long-unused gasoline sta­ got his deer lastweek—by hitting as fast as we can," said Robert Saturday Kenneth Platte of Westphalia main offices in downtown Lan­ tion at Adelaide and Maple one with the family car two O. Dodge, parks and recreation has been named manager of the sing, now has offices also in streets in Maple Rapids has been miles east of Maple Rapids section chief. "There's some The annual meeting of the new office of Capitol Savings and Detroit, Pontiac, Okemos, St. razed to make way for a branch Thursday evening. An estimated questions about the development, Clinton County Dairy Herd Im­ Loan Assn. at 308 S. Bridge Johns, Southfield and Grand of the Clinton National Bank and $100 damage was done to the but I think it just takes time to provement Assn. will be held Street in Grand Ledge. Ledge. Trust Co. ... car. No one was hurt. . . work these out." this Saturday, Dec. 3, at which time trophies will be presented for production achievements. The meeting will start at noon with a dinner in the basement of the Bingham Grange Hall, corner of US-27 and Taft Road. Russell Ormsby, president of if you really want to save money on the county group, urged all DHIA and owner sampler members to omuuff Christmas shopping this year, start now attend. ALWAYiA/A\/eSs CIBOFIRST raiiAiQUALIT ITVY ™ Regular association business will be conducted , and there will be a review of the annual St. Johns herd and cow production report. Trophies will be presented for the high cow, high herd under Bargain Days 35 cows, high herd of 35 or more' cows and the high 4-H dairy cow. A report from the state DHIA office will be given. An entertaining magician act will be presented to close the program. All 4-H members who kept production records during 1966 will be guests of the associa­ tion at the meeting. BANK GETS INSURANCE The Clinton National Bank wasn't out MMPA much money for very long following the vrobbery last Mon3ay^,Tuesday- after-1" kf.'A \! meet noon, less than'24 hours after the hold­ up, John F. Wettlaufer (right), claim superintendent for Trans America In­ here Dec.6 The annual meeting of the surance Group, presented John Rum- Ovid Local of Michigan Milk baugh, vice president and cashier, with Producers Assn. will be held a check for $27, 050 to cover the loss. next Tuesday, Dec. 6, at Smith Hall in St. Johns. Dinner will Bruce Lanterman (left) of Allaby Insur­ be served at noon for members ance Agency which handled the claim, and their wives. Glenn Lake, MMPA president, looks on. Related story on Page i -A will be the main speaker. Di­ rector George Austin and mar­ ket committeemen Frank Rlvest, Our very special holiday gift buy! NO INJURIES IN CRASH Mechanical failure Velmar Green and Glenn Web­ Now! Never-iron shirts Two Lansing drivers were in­ ster will be present. volved in a two-car crash on blamed for crash pastel-tone bulky acrylic sweaters! at our wow gift price! US-27 south of Taft Road Fri­ A tie rod end apparently broke The business session will in­ day evening when one slowed loose and caused a car driven clude election of officers and Terrific holiday toppings . . . great gift ideas, too! High-bulk Our Penn-Prest shirts whisk right from for a third car making a U- delegates for the coming year. by Michael W. Lewis, 17, of cardigan and slipover classics of quick-care imported acrylic dryer to hanger to him! Polyester/cotton. turn. No one was injured. Har­ Mead Road, Elsie, to go out of old C. Crofts, 57, of Lansing, control and overturn on West Also on tap will be discussion knit! Comfortable raglan-shoulder styling with clever cable-stitch Regular collar broadcloth solids, nubby said he could not pull Into the High Street in Ovid early Sunday and proposal of amendments of motifs in shades of white, pink, aqua, and mint! Great for every plaid buttondowns. Scoop up an armful! other lane of traffic because of afternoon. Lewis was not hurt, policy for the coming year. Topics for discussion include cars there, and his auto hit the gal on your list. S, M, L. 6*99 Lewis said he hit a chuck the Class I base proposal, the rear of one driven by Rosella. hole and the car slid. He was 3 33 Great Lakes Federation and *——-^—y^——fii, I M Brooks of Lansing. unable to stop It closed contract legislation. 'WHIN HIUIII QUID

WE BOX and GIFT WRAP- NO CHARGE MEN'S GLOVES Mens Robes Lined and Unllned Wool, Fur, Blends Terry, Cottons, Blend also Package travel robes 798 L up 98 Sizes 8 to 10 1/2 10 up ! MEN'S Mens Pajamas WOOL SCARVES Slip-Over, Coat Styles Cottons, Nylons Plains and Fancies I 398 50 5 J up up ' f J I Sizes A-B-C-D-E Our own For her... Special! Warm Holiday special! Special buy! Men's fur-lined MEN'S ARROW Towncraft® cozy lounge robe fleece-lined color-cued pant set for toddlers! leather gloves I DRESS SHIRTS shirts! Carefree! in lovely pastels gloves for boys Shirts & Shorts Give htm the luxury of Thanks to never-iron* Luxurious gift idea at a Durable vinyl gloves that Made especially for c Penney's... striped cot­ our soft 'plgtexed' 89 up 5o o Penn-Prest, they stay practical Penney price! look like leather, lined with fleecy rayon to keep ton knit tops paired with cape-skin gloves. Fully Sizes S-M-L-XL UP smooth for the life of the Nylon tricot cuddle-quilt Dacron® polyester-cot­ lined with warm fur. A Sizes 14 to 18 shirts. Short point collar robe tined with acetate gift-happy price, why not i W W great value, priced so style in white polyester/ tricot. Poshy pastels and' buy several pairs! W 9^ ton poplin pants. Gift- extra low! *» l cotton broadcloth. Good- brights, too. 10 to 18. boxed, tool Sizes 1 to 4. HOLDEN REID news prtee!, *5 9.98 1.88 "Famous Brands for Dad and Lad' 213 N. Clinton *when tumble-dried extra iliei, 38 to 44, 10.91 tow^A^a^fr?^ Page 4 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Thursday, December 1, 1966 The St. Johns Woman's Club A new round of Peace Corps Wendy Waldron of R-l Eagle is distributing medl - labels. placement tests are scheduled won a $25 ninth-place prize in Service club They're availablefrom members for next Monday, Dec. 5, at 3 an essay contest on "Respect chiefs speak or may also be picked up at p.m. in the post office or fed­ for Law Enforcement," sponsor­ the Chamber of Commerce of­ eral building in Grand Rapids, ed by the Fraternal Order of to FB group fice above Parr's Drug Store . . Lansing, Flint, or Saginaw . . . Police, State Lodge of Michigan. ii Two urban representatives were present at the Monday night meeting of the Looking Glass Val­ ley Community Farm Bureau group. 0 You'll find the Rex McCully, president of the Grand Ledge Rotary Club and an, employee of Michigan National Bank, and Harry Hopkinsfamem- Nicest Gifts ber of the Grand Ledge Lions Club and president of Imperial h Village Corp., were guests atthe at November meeting. Mr and Mrs Mark Oliver of Clark Road were hosts. Herman Openlander gave an account of the beginnings of the Farm Bureau DePeal's organization. After the discus­ sion topic was concluded, the ur­ ban guests gave a summary of the Music Center projects of their respective ser­ vice organizations. Each then told of the duties of his own occupa­ tion in Grand Ledge. THE GROUP planned a Christ­ ADMIRAL and EMERSON PROTABLE TV's from 79.95 mas potluck dinner for the De­ cember'-meeting with exchange ADMIRAL COLOR TELEVISION from 499.00 students as possible guests. A desire was expressed by mem­ Aunt Marge Schmidt, "Danny" and EMERSON black and white TELEVISION Consoles bers to'plan a joint meeting with Cowboy Ken will appear Friday night other Eagle-Water town groups •J ADMIRAL and VOICE OF MUSIC Console and hear a representative of the at a Boys 'n Girls Roundup at the Harriet Schiffer Heidrun Knuth Tri - County Regional planning First Baptist Church in St. Johns, Stereo PHONOGRAPHS with AM-FMStereoRADIO Commission. Mrs Harriet Schiffer, who has Mrs Heidrun E. Knuth is be­ taught two years at Williamston, ginning her teaching career this ADMIRAL and VOICE OF MUSIC Portable Stereos Baptists plan 'Roundup' is a new teacher in the St. Johns year as an instructor in sopho­ Will name 4 school system this year and has a more English at Rodney B. Wil­ GUITARS and Amplifiers - RECORD CABINETS to 4-H Council combination fifth and sixth grade son High School. She did student ? at Swegles School. teaching at Forsythe Junior High BALDWIN and THOMASORGANS - BALDWIN PIANOS Four leaders will be elected for boys n girls Friday She attended Michigan State In Ann Arbor last year. University and Central Michigan A native of Benton Harbor, Mrs next Thursday evening, Dec. 8, to are children's specialists in the DRUMS - STEREO RECORDS by the Thousands - sit on the Clinton County 4-H The First Baptist ChurchofSt. University and has a bachelor of Knuth graduated from the Univer­ Johns will sponsor a Boys'n Girls field of evangelism. Children's too ! Council for three-year terms. arts degree in elementary educa­ sity of Michigan with a BA degree Their election will come at the Roundup this Friday evening at 7 The program they will present tion from MSU. She is a member in English. Next summer she annual 4-H Leader Recognition o'clock with Cowboy Ken and at the church Friday eveningwill of the Michigan Education Assn. plans to begin graduate work at Aunt Marge Schmidt of Onaway, be entertaining as well as inspir­ and many more gift ideas of lasting enjoyment Banquet scheduled for 7 p.m. at Mrs Schiffer and her husband, MSU in English and education. Smith Hall. Mich., as special guests. ing , the Rev Roger Harrison, pas­ Maurice J. Schiffer, a bricklay­ She presently belongs to ME A and The Schmidts will present a tor, said. Boys and girls of all er, have four children, Barton 14, the local teacher's association, :> 4-H leaders with three, five, ages are invited to attend. 10, 15 and 20 years of service program of magic and music with Sherry 13, Patrick 11, and Jo- the St. Johns Education Assn. 120 N. Clinton Ph. 224-312 3134 will be honored, as will several a message. Also featured in the Ann 10. They live at 15158 Chet- Mrs Knuth's husband, Earl C. ST. JOHNS program will be Danny the talking wyn Drive. Knuth, is a student at MSU. They organizations who have given NEWS m BRIEF meritorious service to the 4-H doll, Aunt Marge's ventril figure. Mrs Schiffer's hobbies Include presently live on the MSU cam­ program over the pastfew years. The Schmidts will also supply the Upwards of 1,000 Michigan rock collecting and sewing. pus. Mrs Knuth's activities in­ musical part of the prpgramwith bowmen are expected to attend clude an active interest in sports, their guitar, cowbells and cluster the annual bow and arrow rabbit and she enjoys water skiing, BEE'S BEE'S BEE'S BEE'S BEE'S BEE'S BEE'S BEE'S BEE'S BEE'S bells. hunt this Sunday at the Stylie The most likely targets of swimming, tennis and golf. "I al­ Aunt Marge is a graduate of Ferris Coverside Farms near diabetes are persons who are so enjoy traveling and hope to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Perry. The 2,000-acre farm Is related to diabetics, are over­ tour various parts of the United Cowboy Ken had his training at opened each year for the hunt weight , or are past 40 years of States in the near future with my the Grand Rapids School of Bible for the benefit of the Owosso age. After 45, three diabetics out husband." Mrs Knuth Is a col­ and Music in Grand Rapids. Both YMCA.. . of every five are women. lector of stamps.

1961 OLDS F-85 4-Door Sedan. Standard Trans mission. 8 cylinder Engine and Radio 895 SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1966 FORD Fairlane GTA 2-door hardtop. Automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes and radio $2395 1966 CHEVOLET BelAir 2-door sedan equipped with 8 cylinder engine, automatic • transmission and radio . . . $1995 1965 OLDSMOBILE Jetstar convertible. Hydramatic transmission, 8 cylinder engine, power steering, power brakes and radio $2088 1965 CHEVROLET Impala 4-door hardtop with 8 cylinder engine, automatic trans­ Melt her heart and add joy mission, power steering, power brakes, radio and air conditioning $2188 to her Christmas with a gift 1965 PONTIAC GTO 2-door hardtop with 8 cylinder engine, 4-speed transmission from Julie K. Merry Christ-" and radio , $1895 mas inspirations for every lady on your list. 1965 CHEVROLET Impala 2-door hardtop. Has 4-speed transmission and radio . . . $1925 1965 OLDS F-85 Cutlass 2-door hardtop with 8 cylinder engine, automatic transmission and radio $1895 Robes * Slips • Slippers \ 1965 OLDSMOBILE Dynamic 88 4-door hardtop with 8 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes and radio $1900 • Petticoats • Gloves 1964 COMET Caliente 4-door sedan. Automatic transmission, power steering, radio and 8 cylinder engine $1425 Scarves • Hoisery • Dresses 1964 OLDSMOBILE 98 4-door sedan..Power steering, power brakes radio, automatic transmission and 8 cylinder engine $1695 • Purses • Slacks 1964 OLDSMOBILE F-85 4-door sedan. Radio, power brakes, power steering, auto­ $1395 matic transmission and 8 cylinder engine Pajamas • Coats • Jewelry 1963 FORD Galaxie 500 2-door hardtop. Automatic transmission, 8 cylinder engine and radio $1195 1962 CHEVROLET Impala 2-door hardtop with 8 cylinder engine, automatic trans­ • Car Coats mission and radio « $995 1962 CHEVROLET Impala 4-door sedan. Powered by 8 cylinder engine, automatic louses from 3.95 transmission and radio $895 1962 COMET station wagon. Economical 6 cylinder engine, standard transmission Skirts from 8.95 and radio $745 Sweaters from 7.95 1961 CHEVROLET Impala convertible. Power steering, radio, 8 cylinder engine and automatic transmission $795 See our Delightful and Pleasing TRUCKS Little Miss Selection For the Holidays 1964 CHEVROLET 1/2-ton pickup. Standard transmission and 6 cylinder engine . • . •Skirts •Sweaters *Blouses *Dresses OPEN MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS 'til 9 p.m. Other nights until 6 p.m. •

St. Johns stores Open this open every Friday Bee's Chevrolet & Oldsmobile, Inc. until 9 p.m. evening until *: JJD Firestone Tires QQ^ St. Johns 9 p.m. ^W SHOWROOM: ST. JOHNS USED CAR LOT: W^ starting Dec. 9th 110 W. Higham-Phone 224-2345 South US-27-Phone 224-3325 3*S Page 5^ Thursday, December 1, 1966 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan |i£&B0«ttra <'i» KURT'S APPLIANCE CENTER 8 ;I General Electric Gifts to be Enjoyed All .Year Long! ! ! The Rich Sound of GE Stereo Makes New Low P PRICE! Shhhh! a Christmas Gift of Lasting Enjoyment Sleepyhead at work GENERAL ELECTRIC ELECTRIC CARVING KNIVES GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC TOASTER Steam and Dry Travel Iron MODELS $ FROM * MODEL MODEL 88 88 Model F47 88 T102S -Antique White 9 12 14 T-1110 -Beige Model C1S2D—Antique White It's two Irons In one—steam or dry. Toasts one or two slices automat­ General Electric Made! C1521—Nutmeg Brown ically—Deluxe features—New con­ cordless rechargeable, and electric Makes an ideal travel companion, temporary styling—Selector adjust­ carving knives. AH incorporate fa­ only 9.88 Round the Clock dependability takes only a corner of luggage. ment insures even toasting. Easy mous G.E. features. Very lightweight—only 1% lbs. to clean, too! Styled right, priced right — from G.E. for only fits anywhere in the home, office, or store . . . ideal as an "extra" radio at this low 24.88 price. Wake to rich FM/AM, cr Model uu music/alarm T341 Only OO Terms • 4" Dynapower speaker Muted slumber switch shuts • 4 G-E tubes plus rectifier radio off at night TRIML1NE "300" STEREQ PHONOGRAPH • Acoustically-designed cabinet . 5 tubes, 3 transistors, rectifier Choose STEREO PHONOGRAPHS from a Huge Selection • Automatic volume control Big 4" Dynamic Speaker • Built-in antenna Handsome polystyrene cabinet of Portable and Console Models GENERAL ELECTRIC SANDWICH-WAFFLE BAKER Everyone Enjoys the Convenience of a PORTABLE GE TRANSISTOR RADIO QUALITY GE TAPE RECORDER MODELS FROM s 8 GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERAL ELECTRIG The perfect gift for busy AUTOMATIC FRY PAN AUTOMATIC CAN OPENER' people and students. With 19 all the features anyone MODEL MO0EL 88 EC10 86 TRANSISTORS could want in a tape re­ It's a waffle baker, sandwich grill C 116 15 14 and cooking grill all in one. Rever­ corder. This is the family-size skillet for Smart new countertop design. for extra range sible grids, automatic light every cooking need, modern styl­ Opens all shapes and sizes of cans listening enjoy­ and easy-to-use up-front controls. ing. Automatic control, cord and quickly and easily. Cutter bar and ment. Quality Model Terms large cover- " M8000 magnet remove for easy cleaning speaker for 38»8 ... and it's automatic! rich sound. IJUgfttEftRUBRnBttJOflE] -•> si--.%-""».-'.V V "» 'V ;•*-*•»». 1 GE FLOOR POLISHER, RUG 8 GE VACUUM CLEANERS SHAMPOOER and A PERFECT UNDER-TREE CHRISTMAS RECORDS OOC CHRISTMAS- GIFT—Only 1688 RCA-VICTOR STEREO # # ea. J MIXERS arauMtt Many models and colors to choose from. Porta­ Real Mother Saving Combo! ble mixers priced as low Mother Will Love Her GE as G.E. AUTOMATIC WASHER & DRYER $10.88 .SELB-CLEANING RANGE ', > « n M- - •** n< h' ' \ New Convenience! See our fine selection of See our fine selection GE models priced from from turkey size to quart capacity. Twin Lift-Top Racks $22.50

ROTISSERIE for Easy Loading AM-FM & SHORT GRILLS WAVE RADIOS Ideal for broiling or ro- Mobile Maid® We have the finest selec­ tisserie cooking.' Dishwasher tion. ^P TRANSISTOR GARBAGE • 3-Way Washing . PORTABLE TV Action PLUS Flush- DISPOSALS Plays anywhere on bat­ GE SELF-CLEANING away Drain gives A most useful gift. tery. Priced as low as With All the Wanted Cycles and Features surging washing Priced from RANGES priced from power. $119.95 00 qo • No Hand Rinsing or 36.88 \ ? WASHERS $177 DRYERS from $138 Scraping ... just tilt from off large or hard food CHILDREN'S FROST- scraps. ELECTRIC RECORD PLAYERS • Automatic Detergent BLANKETS new dimensions in Sound and Style Dispenser adds de­ Priced as low as We have a'big selection "v^-^ tergent at the proper GUARD moment. of color and styles. $13.88 r\\u\[[iMnt\i\\n\\immi\ummm\\ufm\n\mi Prices start at Priced from TAPE REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER $12.88 RECORDERS FROST-GUARD! ELECTRIC Transistor ba 11 e r y or 14995 electric operated. Also No Defrosting TOOTHBRUSHES stereo 4 - track record­ Ever... not even I&odel SM-300B * Priced from ers. in freezer! Swing into Stereo $14.88 RECORD PLAYER HANDSOME AND FUNCTIONAL! GE CLOCKS STANDS BIG ZERO-DEGREE A Gift for the Home of Lasting Enjoyment GENERAL ELECTRIG Electric alarm and wall Limited quantity. Now ROLL-OUT PORTABLE TV 1 FREEZER! Ends • Solid Slate Amplifier—no tubes . . . instant sound, clocks and battery op only '30 watts (E.I.A.) music power • Big 19" Diag. tube-172 erated wall clocks. awkward stooping, sq. in. picture. $1.99 • Soild State Tuner—no tubes ... AM/FM/PM stereo • Front Controls and groping! • Balanced Speaker System ... for the full range of Front Sound...Easy to' WHITE SEWING POPCORN sound, two 12" woofers, four 3' tweeters Use ... Easy to See ... POPPERS • Tonal I Record Changer ... heavy duty 11" turntable Easy to Hear. MACHINES ' • All Wood Cabinetry . i . genuine wood veneers over • Private Earphone for See our big selection of Electric 3-quart capaci­ solid, hardwood cores. Personal, Private View­ ing Pleasure. portable console models. ty. o $3.96 Prices start at Equipped for Porta-Fi ... for a house full of Model music without custom ADVENTURER III M425B WIRELESS wiring. 13800 ALLIANCE * 00 TENNA-ROTORS INTERCOM PORTABLE TV Prices Start at $79.95 system that just plugs 149 for better TV reception. SEE OUR BIG SELECTION into electric wall socket. See Our Selection of BLACK & WHITE No wiring necessary. OF,STEREO—Prices Start at 16995 and COLOR TV CONSOLES by GE OPEN FRIDAY NITE 'TIL 9 PM ANTENNAS HAIR DRYERS Give the unusual gift—a new Colorceptor anten­ Portable or professional na. style models. 220 N. CLINTON AVE. ST. JOHNS PH. 224-3895 ft Page 6 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Thursday, December 1, 1966 Senior Citizens' Blue Star Christmas party Mothers elect »«» scheduled Dec. 13 \ Blue Star Mothers Chapter No. About 40 were present at the 88 held their regular meeting Senior Citi/.ens meeting Nov. 22. Nov. 22 at 8 p.m. with 26 mem­ Entertainment was furnished by bers present. The mothers Rolan Sleight who showed slides agreed to serve coffee, dough­ and gave a talk about a recent trip nuts and( cookies to the boys he and his wife took to Norway, going into* service, Sweden and Denmark. Grace Shipley gave a report Plans were made for the annual on the National Convention held Christmas party which will be in Louisville, Ky., in October. held at the VFW Hall Tuesday, The traditional Christmas Dec. 13. Potluck dinner will be at party will be held Tuesday eve­ noon. There will be exchange of ning, Dec. 13, at 6:30 p.m. Bring DO-cent gifts. All women should your table service, a dish to bring a gift for a lady and all men pass and a 50 cent gift. On the should bring gifts for men. committee are Mable Maier, Also, all who so desire, can Sarah Ross, Ruth DeBoer and ...MAKE IT A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS! bring foodstuffs which will be giv­ Delia Corkin. The officers elect­ en to needy persons* ed for 1967 were president, Jes­ sie Finch; first- vice-president, AnnSnater; second vice-presi­ Beautiful Jolly-Mixers dent, Alberta Brock; secretary, Mable Maier; treasurer,'Ruth plan dinner Barrett and financial secretary, dance Jan. 14 Eloise Pease. Pasco China The mystery package won by The Jolly Mixers held their Myrtle Tolles. first dinner - dance, Saturday Meeting closed with prayer evening, Nov. 26, in the St. by chaplain. Johns Municipal Building. Twen­ ty-seven couples attended the dinner and danced to live music. The Terry Fosters and the MRS LEROY J. THELEN Duane Davis's are newly elect­ ed board members with Mrs Rob­ ert Fox, secretary. The next dinner-dance will be Florida honeymoon held Jan. 14, with a potluck dinner at 7:30 p.m. with danc­ ing starting at 8:30 p.m. Membership is still open to for LeRoy J. Thelens interested married couples. Any board member will be glad to FOWLER—Now honeymooning: Mrs Barker chose a two piece give further details to those in Florida are Mr and Mrs Le­ royal blue suit. The mother of interested in joining. Roy J. Thelen, who were mar­ the bridegroom selected a med­ ried Saturday morning at Most ium blue lace over taffeta dress. Holy Trinity Church of Fowler. They both had yellow sweetheart The bride is the former Miss rose corsages. "Enchanting" by Pasco Barbara Jean Barker of Lansing, Peter Edinger of Fowler serv­ daughter of Mr and Mrs Wil­ ed as best man and the grooms­ liam Barker of Pewamo. Mr men were Mark Weiber of Fow­ and Mrs Leonard Thelen of Fow­ ler, Frank Simon of Lansing and SEE AND BUY A SET OF CHINA ler are the parents of the bride­ Donald Thelen of Fowler. Seat­ MISS JANE A. BECKER groom. ing the guests were Alvin Myers Mr and Mrs A. B.Becker of FOR CHRISTMAS Rev Albert J. Schmittofficiat- and Peter Schmitz. 206 S. Morton Street, St. ed at the double ring service. Special guests were the grand­ Johns announce the engage­ parents of the groom, Mr and ment of their daughter, Jane Place settings from 8.00 FOR HER WEDDING, the bride Mrs Charles Piggott. selected a silk organza a-line Arlene, to John F. Sira of i gown fashioned with a cathedral Ovid. He is the son of Mrs ASSISTING AT THE reception length train. Her shoulderlength Beulah Ordway of Corunnaand - held at Hol\ Trinity Hall, fol­ 40-Piece Sets for 8 from . . .64.00 veil was secured with a cluster the late John Sira. lowing the ceremony, were Mrs of roses. She carried a prayer • The bride-elect, is a 1966 Edward PettU, Mrs Peter book with a white orchid and graduate • of Mercy School of Schmitz, Miss Elaine Hufnagel ivy attached. Nursing of Lansing and is and Miss Mary Jo Weber. presently employed at Clinton Miss Jo Anne Braska of Lan­ After their southern honey­ cJhe (^,ift Unusual sing was the maid of honor and Memorial Hospital of St. | ' by /~/s*\ A4//-TO/V moon, the newlyweds will make Johns. Her fiance is an ap­ MISS ARLENE K. SLOCUM the bridesmaids were Miss Lin­ their home at 112 Woodlawn da Cvetnich of Lansing, Miss prentice electrician at Fisher Mr and Mrs William Slocum Avenue, Lansing, I Unforgettable is the birthday, anniversary, graduation Diane Thelen of Fowler and Mrs Body. of Evart announce the engage­ Th,e bride is a graduate of ' when she receives a precious diamond-set Hamilton. Frank Simon of Lansing. An April 28 wedding is being 'v»t J- Choose .from our superb selection of dramatic Hamilton ment of their daughter, Arlene Pewamo-Westphalia High School 1 1 planned by the couple. « "-"de^lgrW crowned'with"blazing d'ramdnds,. } everlasting K. to Terry Beemer He is thS' t i »Thpiqtiepdajitswpreg^e,en^elj!i** andT the" -bridegroom • graduated" t \ splendor to symbolize everlasting love. 5 ft tfW& * fi vet and cream crepe floor length' spn.*"$>fTMr .and MrsJame s Jrom'Fowler High School. ' **" Asf^about Hamilton's lifetime "Certification of Quality" Kallas of R-3, Evart. ierripir'e style" gowns",'Their head­ The Episcopal church Wom­ en will have their Christmas 1 No wedding date has been pieces were green velvet bows Olive Grange No. 358 will hold A. CHARM RR, 4 diamonds • $150 party Wednesday, Dec 7, 7:30 B. SPLENDOR SS, 4 diamonds 5125 set. and they carried yellow and its annual Christinas party at C. GLAMOUR RR, 2 diamonds $100 bronze chrysanthemums with the home of Mr and Mrs Gerald p.m. at the home of Mrs Ink , D. KIMBERLY 89-17, 2 diamonds ...... $89.50 ivy. Pope Friday, Dec. 2. A 25 cent White. Each member is to bring OUR DIAMOND WATCH COLLECTION FRANAP B & B group has gift exchange will follow the a gift to exchange and a dish FOR HER daughter's wedding, meeting. towel for the church kitchen. IS COMPLETE! turkey dinner , Call Us Today and Lay-a-way a The 13 & B Extension group met at the home of Mrs Ross Diamond Watch for Christmas Mehney for their annual Thanks­ E giving dinner. dor the (Bath The roll call was answered Own the best in sterling by showing a small handy kitch­ ,». A tfifl tci enjoy. Id use and ro-usc . . . en gadget that could be carried and still save money! a tfiFl llint plfi'isi-s iititi H.illcrs— I'RANAI) 10") in your handbag. Mrs Oral Rice I'or llit' Batli! Imported oils and e\trn< is from gave her report from the matron 105 rare plants, IUTII.S and (lower*, for a .softer, of the children's home and found smoother more youthful skin. Makes water rain soft; they could use a basketball and some personal things. The club never u IUIJ ring. A crisp, woodsy fragrance decided to purchase the basket­ Femininely fresh and elegant .,. one people remember. ball for the home. And, for the iinal touch of elegance . , , The next meeting will be at stent mates in cologne, dusting powder and soap. the home of Mrs Bruce Mehney I'KAXAO lOT cannot he found everywhere. We're Dec. 16. It will be the Christ­ pleased to ha\e it for von who would lil%e to he mas party and Secret Pals will remembered by . . . TIIK GUT UNVSUAI.. be revealed at this rime. Mrs Brown hosts WE WELCOME ST. JOHNS St. Natalie Guild St. Natalie's Guild of St. Jo­ TOWLE STERLING MICHIGAN BANKARD STORES seph's Altar Society held their November meeting at the home of &&•/£+<.. htiw&L \0pen Every Nitej Mrs Edwin Brown Tuesday eve­ ning, Nov. 22. Mrs Brownledthe until 9 p.m. rosary for the 13 members pres­ starting ent Mrs Leon Miller opened the Dec. 9th meeting. Plans for the Christ­ mas bazaar were discussed. The or you may Guild Is to help with the food Lay-A-Way or booth. Everyone was reminded of the just say . . . clothing drive and volunteers CHARGE IT! were asked to clean the church. There will be no meeting in December, Jan. 24 the Guild will OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT meet at the home of Mrs Francis \ UNTIL 9 P.M. Motz. SAVE UP TO $69.00 Doris Wilkie to A LIMITED TIME OFFER ON BASIC TOWLE SETS lead TOPS Club The TOPS Fading Roses held LESTER H their regular Wednesday after­ What a great opportunity! Think of the many gift and holiday entertaining occasions ahead! the more you noon meeting at the home of Do­ buy, th.e more you save. Choose from our complete ris Wilkie with nine members at­ tending. There were two TOPS, TOWLE selection — only a few shown here, three Turtles and four pigs. SAVE up to S17 on four A-pc. pi. settings An election of officers was/held , SAVE Up to $46 pn eight 6-pc. p|. settings LAKE, and the following were elected: SAVE up to ?69 on twelve 6-pc. pi. sottlnes club leader, Doris Wilkie; co- NO MONEY-DOWN - $0.00 WEEKLY leader, Hellen Dush; secretary, To'p, from the left; jeweler Irene Dunsmore; treasurer, Lor- Old Master, French Provincial, King Richard, Candlelight, Legato na Coffman and news reporter, Bottom left. El Grande, Font ana, Contessina, Debussy, Country Manor Marion Moore. Luclle Phelps Is the weight recorder and Alice Since 1930 Hicks is the assistant weight re­ Our Collection of, Beautiful Silver corder. Gift Ideas is larger than Ever! There will be an installation of 107 N. Clinton ST. JOHNS Ph. 224-2412 officers in December. The new officers will take their positions Jan. 1. Thursday, December 1, 1966 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 7 A gown fashioned with a burgundy crepe accented with pink velvet. Mrs Albert Buck, grandparents French's 4-H Club velvet bodice and a pink crepe John Elliot Jr. carried the rings. of the bride. Ui Gary W. Morrisons skirt. Her headpiece was a pink Assisting at the reception met Friday crepe pillbox with a matching THE MOTHER* of the bride were Mrs Dale Albaugh, Mrs The monthly meeting of veil and she carried a basket selected a three piece burgundy Miles Becher, Mrs Tony Way- French's 4-H Club was held Fri­ \ of pink carnations and minia­ and white suit. Her corsage was dak, Mrs NoraSpayde, Mrs Mar- day, Nov. 25,at8p.m.atthehome r to live in Owosso ture pink roses. of pink roses. gorie Martin, Mrs Maxine of Joe Brown. Marilyn Eichorn OVID—Now matt ng their home For the 7 p.m. candlelight The bridesmaids were Mrs Alan Welter of Lansingserved Mitchell, Mrs Wilma Fivecoat; called the meeting to order. The at 509 1/2 E. Mason Street, ceremony, the new Mrs Mor­ John Elliot of Saginaw and Mrs as the best man and the grooms­ and Mrs Amelia Tejkl. 4-H pledge was led by Cindy Owosso, are Mr and Mrs Gary rison wore an empire style gown Michael Gordon of Elsie, sisters men were John Elliot Sr. of Sag­ Smith, Althea Shaw led the pledge William Morrison, who were of crepe with a Alencon lace of the bride.Theywere costumed inaw and Michael Gordon of tTHE NEW MRS Morrison of allegiance. An invitation for a married at the Ovid First Bap­ Jacket and a chapel train. Her similarly to the maid of honor. Elsie. The f ushers were Mark changed to a two piece olive roller skating party Nov. 29 att tist Church Saturday, Nov. 19. shoulder length veil fell from Their headpieces were burgundy Welter and Dennis Buck. green suit before leaving for 7:30 was extended. Demonstra­ Rev Earl Coplln officiated at the a pearl headpiece. White car­ pillboxes with pink veils and they A reception, Jiosted by Mr their Canadian honeymoon. tions were given by Cindy Smith, double ring service. nations with a cross of bur­ Bill Motz and Pete Motz. carried baskets of pink carna­ and Mrs Guy Bancroft Sr., fol­ The bride is a graduate of gundy miniature roses cascaded tions and miniature burgundy lowed the wedding at the Vet­ Games were led by Wendy The bride Is the daughter of over her white Bible. Ovid High School and Michigan Mr and Mrs Lawrence Buck of roses. eran's Hall of Ovid. The 150 College of Beauty Culture of Smith and Barb Brown. Ovid and the bridegroom is the MISS BEVERLY Cupchack of Jull and Joni Elliot, nieces guests present were registered Flint and the bridegroom grad­ Refreshments were served by son of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Owosso was the maid of honoi. of the bride, were the flower by Sharon Wittenberg. uated from Portsmouth High Mrs Roy Droste and Mrs Stuart Morrison Sr. of Rye, N. H, She was attired in an empire girls. Their gowns were of white Honored guests were Mr and School of New Hampshire, Smith.

s j MRS RICHARD F. ESSENBERG Richard F. Essenberg wi&fls Melody K. Lyon PARR'S GIFT SHOP and DRUG STORE ST. jpHNS-Miss Melody K, honor. The bridesmaids were Lyon, daughter of Mrs Coral Miss Phyllis Hampton and Miss A Full Line of Exciting Gift Ideas for the Whole Family — Choose Now While Selection Is Complete ~~^\ J. Smith of 806 DeWitt Drive, Leona Bailey. WXK!ttBa£)2KStt|«X«X*lM£aKSfKfi«M^ DeWitt, became Mrs Richard F. Essenberg Nov. 12, in a 2:30 THE MAID OF HONOR and I FOR THE KIDS p.m. service at the First Meth­ bridesmaids wore floor length View Master odist Church of St. Johns. gowns^ They were empire waist Rev Keith Bovee performed style with gold velvet tops and VIEWERS the service. white brocade skirts. The head­ The bridegroom is the son of pieces were pillbox hats cover­ Only Mr and Mrs Gene Cornwell of ed with gold velvet and shoulder 205 Prospect Street, St. Johns. length mesh. All three carried 1.75 a medium sized chrysanthemum rfc. THE FLpOR LENGTH gown surrounded by small white ones. 3-Reel Pockets . . 1.25 worn by the former Miss Lyon Larry Devereaux of St. Johns was made or heavy satin in an was best man and the grooms­ a-line syle and accented along men were Bruce Stine of Lansing Also VIEW MASTER PROJECTOR OUTFITS the scalloped neckline with lace and Steve Simmons of St. Johns. and sequins that also covered The brother of the bride, Carl the bodice of the dress. A floor Lyon and the groom's brother- length satin train extended from in-law, Russ Heniser served as the bride's shoulders and was ushers. carried by her niece, Annette Stuffed Toys 1.00 ' 15.95 Lyon. The bridal bouquet was of SISTERS OF THE BRIDE, Tan­ a large white chrysanthemum ya and Robin Lyon, served coffee Beautiful Each surrounded by smaller gold and punch at the reception that Children's Books 190 - 4.95 chrysanthemums and set off with Holiday Serving Trays 1.50 followed the ceremony in the y!»B*iwsBga«Mw^«w)w»a^ tmy green leaves and trailing church parlor. Mother Will Love o satin ribbons. Later in the evening another See Our Mrs Carol Lyon, sister-in-law reception was given later at the Fancy Bayberry—Pinq , 1 Spice Rack 5.98.1Z-98 <3»" of rth.e* bride, was the "jnaid of home of Russ and Betty Henisor. Christmas Candles. 19c to 2.00 | Complete Camera Line-up i I Russell-Sandborn vows Canister Sets . . . 4.98 to 16.95 WOOD NAPKIN M$ L* Linen Calendar Towels . . 1.25 repeated Nov. 12 *\\ | HOLDERS-1.00 S\* % PORTLAND 4 Miss Elizabeth Ledge, Eagle, Lake Odessa, Hub- ^., Linen Towels 1.19 | Anne Sandborn of Portland be­ bardston and Ionia, came the bride of Thomas J. Solid Brass Russell ofj Pewamo Nov. 12 at THE NEWLYWEDS are now WROUGHT IRON Portland Methodist Church. Rev making their home in rural Port­ EAGLE BOOKENDS Robert Treat officiated at the land. TRIVETS double ring service. Mrs Russell, who attended The bride/a graduate of Port­ Lansing Community College, is 15.95 land High School, is thedaughter employed by the Ionia County 1.00 to 1.50 of Mr andy.Mrs Riley Sandborn Board of Education. Russell is of 4133 W. Grand River Avenue, employed at Oldsmobile of Lan­ Portland. Her hifsband is theson sing. Chrome and Glass of Mr and Mrs Seth Russell of "Pewamo and a graduate of Pe- Mrs Blank hosts LAZY SUSANS wamo-Wefitphalia High School. Attractive For the 7 p.m. ceremony, the WCTU Monday 3.98 up new Mrs'R.ussell wore an empire WEATHER style gown of satin brocaded The Mary Smith Union of SET laffeta fashioned with a detach­ WCTU was entertained at the | able chapel train and bell shap­ home of Mrs Pearl Blank of Complete ed sleeves*/ A; satin pill box se­ State Street Monday evening. Smith « CAMERAS 'with cured her shoulder length veil. President Mrs Gordon Salisbury Barometer She carried a cascade arrange­ had charge of the meeting. The M COLORED GLASS | Instamatic - Movie - Polaroids Temperature ment of ^hite chrysanthemums. theme was"UnitedGratefulness which was to be seen in the | and 10.95 to 159.95 £ Humidity THE HONOR attendant was lives of the Pilgrims. 1.00 to 7.98 Kathleen Higbee, niece of the The opening prayer was of­ 19.95 £ Meters bride and the bridesmaid was fered by Mrs Agnes Wells. The MOVIE and SLIDE PROJECTORS Marcia Sandborn. Their gowns Scripture was read by Mrs CLOCKS Plastic J 14-95 were of gold chiffon with gold Goldie Brooks and was follow­ brocade bodices, oval necklines ed by a prayer given by Mrs ^// of All Kinds TV SNACK TRAYS SHOP EVERY EVENING UNTIL and floating back panels. Gold Claud Holcomb. headpieces held their short veils. Mrs Salisbury presented a ** 2.98 to 19.95 4.79 They both carried a single bronze program taken from "Union Sig­ 9:30 p.m. 'chrysanthemum. nal." Rebecca McCrumb was the The meeting closed with a ^ CKa&SMM)M!M)M&saM£M!^£ttm£^^ flower girl and she wore a gown prayer offered by Mrs Pearl styled like the bride's. Chris­ Blank. Carving Knife Sets Kitchen Black Boards 8 «M topher Sandborn was the ring Sewing Baskets . 4.79 Rainbow Glass bearer. Circles plan for 6.98 1.50-10.98 1.00 I W Robert Rathborn of Pewamo Mirror Vanity Trays « V/J wa s the best man and Donald Methodist Fire Color Flakes and Volk, nephew of the bride, of Meat Cutting Boards 3.98-6.98 •Letter Holders . . 1.00 j c£t Eagle was the groomsman. Seat­ Yule Bazaar Fire Color Cones ing the guests were Gary Sand­ The Elizabeth, Mary Martha 4.98-12.98-14.95 Toothpick Holders | v*-? born of Hastings and Kendall and Ruth Circles of the First Brass Candle Sticks $1 1.00 Sandborn of Portland, brothers Methodist Church met Tuesday, 1.00 of the bride. Nov. 22, at a joint meeting in the Punch Bowls 5.98-9.99 church lounge with 29 members THE MOTHER OF THE bride and three guests present. Ladies' Justin Purses HALLMARK CHRISTMAS CARDS Wood Nut Bowls was attired in a green and blue Refreshments were served by 1.98-3.98 brocade ensemble and had a yel­ Mrs Wilbur Brandt, Mrs William 4.98-17.98 When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best low chrysanth e m u m corsage, Marten, Mrs Gerald Bunge and Mrs Russell, mother of the Mrs Carl Zacharias of the Ruth VMNXMKO&ttBK&nI; f! groom, chose a two piece suit Circle. of royal blue with matching ac­ Worship was given by Mrs cessories. Her corsage was of Frank Swagart. "Women of the HALLMARK CHRISTMAS white chrysanthemums. Bible" was presented by Mrs Glen The newlyweds greeted guests Osgood, who selected Dorcas and PARR'S Rexall PHARMACY * at the Fellowship Hall of the Lydta as the subjects of her pro­ GIFT WRAP church and later at the 21 club gram. hall In Pewamo. Plans for the baked goods booth ¥9 To Wrap Your Gift in the Very Best Cosmetics-Hallmark Cards-Cameras Mrs Amy Russell, grand­ of the bazaar to be held Dec. 1, mother of the groom, of Muir v/ere made. was a special guest. The afternoon circles will meet 201 N. CLINTON AVE. ST. JOHNS Ph. 224-4738 Guests were from Lansing, Jan. 24 at the church, with the WestphaHa^Lyons, Muir, Green­ Elizabeth Circle acting as host­ ville, Sunfield, fielding, Grand ess. Page 8 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Thursday, December, 1; 1966 •••••••••••••••••• PEWAMOWEST. [CLINTON Ml Clinton County News Basketball Schedule Fowler opens cage season j AREA Nov. 29—Vestaburg, home l Dec. 2—PortlandSt.Pat's,there, 7 I Dec. 6—Potterville, there, 6:30 Dec. 9—Bath, home, 7 with win, Bath with loss Dec. 16—Fowler, there, 7 Dec. 26-29—Christmas tourn­ port that his bench strength would ament at Portland St. Pat's The 1966-67 basketball season Goerge 0-1-5-1; George Goerge left in the game, but that was as •••••••••••••••••• be a help, and they proved their Jan, 6—Webbervllle, home, 7 opened slowly last week, with 2-0-1-4; Larry Feldpausch 1-1- close as they could get. P-W CHEERLEADERS effectiveness Friday night even Treason Defined Jan. 10—Lalngsburg, there, 6:30 only two Clinton area teams see­ 2-3; Lester Thelen 1-2-0-4; Gary Cheerleaders at Pewamo - though the scoring pace of both SCHEDULES The constitutional d e f i n i- Jan. 13-DeWitt, home, 7 ing action. Fowler was a victor Schueller 2-0-1-4. Fowler totals SENIOR BRUCE Miller, anall- Westphalia High School areKathy teams settled toward the end. i tion of treason is: The act of Jan. 20—St. Patrick's, home, 7 over Freesoll 84-57 in a non- 34-16-19-84. Freesoll totals 22- conference selection for Bath as levying war against the Bengel, Debbie Cook Joan Kra­ league tilt, while Bath tasted de­ Three Fowler players scored 13-13-57. a junior last year, did not see Next- week's games United States, adhering to her mer, Pat Kramer, Jane Stump Jan, 27—Potterville, home, 7 Jan. 31-Bath, there, 6:30 feat at the hands of Perry 66-62 In double figures; Joe Koenigs- Perry, now playing in the Midi action because of an auto acci­ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2- enemies and giving them aid and Nancy Jo Thelen. The cheer- in another non-league game. knecht led the way with 23 points, Michigan B League, had a good dent injury suffered Thanksgiving Bath at Lalngsburg, 7 p.m. and comfort. leading coach is Carol Welch. Feb. 3—Fowler, home, 7 Feb. 10-Webberville, there, 7 Five area games were sched­ while Bruce Thelen had 19 and first half against the Bath Bees Day, and he'll be out for about (CMAC) Feb. .17—Lalngsburg, home, 7 uled for Tuesday evening. Ron Brown 18. Ernest Papes had and held on stubbornly in the third two weeks. He avenaged 21.5 Fowler at Webberville, 7 p.m. Feb. 24-DeWitt, there, 7 The Eagles' bench strength 16 and Steve Gajeski 15 to lead and fourth quarters to hand Bath points per game last year. (CMAC) HEATHMAN'S helped Fowler power its way ov­ Freesoll. a 66-62 defeat in the opener for Merlin Truman and Randy Potterville at DeWitt, 7 p.m. Pewamo-Westphalia er an old tournament rival Fri­ both teams. Tucker shared Bath's scoring (CMAC) day. Fowler held quarterly scor­ The Eagles hit on 16 of 20free Bath watched the Ramblers honors with 18 points each, while St. Johns at Greenville, 6:30 Frosh Basketball Slate ing advantages of 21-16, 22-16, throw attempts—a solid 80 per take a 16-14 first quarter lead Mile Tucker had 14. DaveSchan- (WC) 26-14 and 15-11 and never had cent average. and a 38-32 halftlme margin be­ skl was Perry's big gun with 23 Vestaburg at Fulton. Jan, 9, Carson City at P-Wj any trouble. fore the Bees settled down and points, 17 of them coming in the Pewamo - Westphalia at St. Jan. 18, P-W at Fowler; Jan. 24, INDIVIDUAL SCORING for matched Perry point for point in first half. Patrick's, 7 p.m. (CMAC) P-W at Perry; Jan. 30, Bath at NINE FOWLER players shared Fowler (field goals, free throws, the third period. The visiting The Bees connected on 38 per P-W; Feb. 15, Fowler at P-W; TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6- in the scoring with second personal fouls and total points Ramblers splurged in the fourth cent of their field goal attempts. Ovid -Elsie at Lakewood Feb. 20, Carson City at P-W; stringers playing much of the listed in that order): Bruce The­ quarter and led by as much as 12 V Feb. 27, P-W at Bath. Games Lalngsburg at Fowler, 6:30 third and most of the fourth quar­ len 7-5-3-19; Joe Koenlgsknecht points before the Bees began INDIVIDUAL SCORING for (CMAC) start at 7 p.m. Freshman Coach ter. Coach Charles Trlerweiler 8-7-3-23; Mike Nobach 4-0-3-8; buzzing angrily. They pulled to Bath: Terry Barnard 1-3-3-5; /SOP&» is Dan Welch. DeWitt at Bath, 6:30 (CMAC) pointed out In his pre-seasonre- Ron Brown 9-0-1-18; Brendon within three points with a minute Mark Ankney2-0-4-4; ChrlsGla- zier 1-1-4-3; Mike Tucker 5-4- Lasr week's scores All the Latest Toys 2-14; Randy Tucker 6-6-5-18; FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25 - WINTER DRIVING TIP Merlin Truman 8-2-3-18. Bath Perry 66, Bath 62 Open Every Night Until 9 Yule lighting totals 23-16-21-62. Fowler 84, Freesoll 57 Now is the time to get your car BOWLING Gabriels 89, Grand Ledge 54 ready for safe winter driving, ad­ Starting December 9 vises the Michigan State Highway Commission. Don't wait until the contest News from Around season is any farther along. Get a motor tune-up, check tires, bat­ St. Johns Area x^> tery, cooling system, windshield entries slow © Bowling Leagues wiper blades and arms, and de­ I From HEATHMAN'S froster. Keep a squeegee and Chances are good so far that FIRST WGHTERS LEAGUE- FOWLER CLASSIC LEAGUE- Downtown St; Johns Phone 224-3337 frost scraper in your car. Pre­ if you enter the residential Heathman's has a healthy five- Mobll set a new high team series pare to be a safe winter driver. Christmas lighting contest this game lead over second-place mark with a 2804 score last week year you'll be a winner. Quality Discount after Monday but won only one game. Simon's Boron's. /ITCHRISTMAS ; M^BftmaeaBa^mftamaftK^^ Only two entries had been re­ night's bowling, but It was the Restaurant set a new high team ceived as of Monday. The dead­ Quintettes (in sixth place) who game of 995 to remain in first line for signing up to partici­ took scoring honors with an 863 place. Jerry Herblet took Individ­ pate in the contest is next Sat­ game and 2381 series. Viola ual honors with a high series of igS^.i GIFT urday, Dec. 10. Rossow had the high individual 641 on games of 223,207 and 211, Six homeowners will share scores of 190 game and 472 while Al Weber's 246 game was $100 in prize money offered by series. Marge Mohnke picked the highest. Other 200s were by SUGGESTIONS HEY,KIDS! up the 4-7-10 split and Doris the St. Johns Jaycees and the Don Thelen 211 and 223 (he had a Chamber of Commerce. Relig­ O'Connor the 6-7-10. 622 series), Barney Weber 244, JLECTRIC COFFEE CUP LEAGUE-The Bud McKean 225, Don Schmitt ious and non-religious cate­ < vifc gories each offer a $25 prize for fourth place Jemms had the high 222, Mel Sehlke 216, Roger Hall BLANKETS first place, $15 for second and game of the day Monday with a 215, Keith Tiedt 212, Al Thelen $10 for third place. 634 score, while third-place* 210, Charles Weber 202, Lou ^vWsr;"uara*ee Snack Bar had the top series Thelen 202, Bob Armbrustmach- The contest is open only to f-sranft, • Stzis residents within the city limits of 1777. The Cookies Cuties er 201 and Carl Wohlfert201. Boxed » Du of St. Johns. Entrants must leave are in front of the Fireballs INDUSTRIAL MIXED LEAGUE « Con(] by four games. Pearl Bailey —Hi-Los fired a 697 high game iroi their outdoor display lights on Co, 17.95 Bath Tov/eW from 6 to 10:30 p.m. between foiled a 169 high game and and 1941 high series last Friday "J>iefe,y 1V Dec. 15 and 20, during which Grace Masarik put together a and remain in first place by two time out-of-town judges will in­ 460 high series. games over P.S. John Petro's spect the displays. WESTPHALIA WOMEN'S 227 game and 581 series set the LEAGUE-Sally Schueller whip­ pace for the men, while Shirley SO THEY'LL know where to ped up a 215 high game and Sandy Bailey had the high scores of 197 lookj a Dec. 10. deadline for Arens rolled the high series of and 510 for, %e ^women. .Jerry 1 Bashore had a 206 garnet "J ^'hVe*rin|t;'they contest has been^ 537. in,last week's" bowling; Si- ll< , set. Entry-blanks must be mailed' mon's Flower Shop leads the lea­ TEA TIME LEAGUE-League- by then. Blanks are available gue by two games over Carling's. leading Bee's Chevrolet and Olds at the C of C office above Parr's SHIRTS AND SKIRTS LEAGUE fired an 854 high "game and 2435 and at Parr's Drug Store, Sears, —Penney's Paints and Country high series last Tuesday. They Eberhard's, Central National Four are tied for the league lead now have a four-game lead over Bank, GlaspieDrugStore,Lake's after last week's bowling with second place St. Johns Furniture. Boxed Novelty Jewelry, Andy'sIGA, ClintonNa- records of 29 wins and 19 defeats. Ann Wawczyk had the high In­ tional Bank and Capitol Savings • The Country Four took scoring dividual scores of 207 game and GIFT SETS and Loan. honors last week with a 646 high 528 series. game and 1850 high series. Mary TEN KEGLERS-Third- Measuring- cups and towels, salt and pepper and towel Snyder's 170 game andEUyCow- place Parr's rolled an 854 high It takes realsportsmanshipfor an's 438 series were high for the sets, orange juice sets, the wife of a clever man to laugh game and 2429 high series last salad how) sets, steak women; Clyde Pearson had a 208 Wednesday night, but they still at the same joke at six dinner par­ game and 568 high series for the knife Slid mat S3(s. ties during a single winter. trail American Legion by 3 1/2 men. games and second-place Julie ,»l K by 2 1/2 games. Percy Petro 29 95 had a 188 high game and Agatha from $2 to $6 Mankey a 490 high series. Jean Perry and Dadene Urban picked up 6-7 splits. FOWLER WOMEN'S LEAGUE — Necchl Elna regained first place Nov. 21 and leads by one game with a 29-15 record. They in9 'Sders desk sets, rolled back into first place on pen holders, « „ y the strength of the-high game of metal trays and maQn 796 and high series of 2246. Marie Feldpausch had the high individual series of 503, and Celeste Heckman rolled the high KIDDIE MATINEE game of 185. M STORMS and NIGHT HAWK LEAGUE - Beck's Farm Market's 869 game At The Clinton Theater Dec. 3, 10, 17 and 2463 series took scoring SCREENS honors last Tuesday night, while fi ED Open At 1:00 — Show Starts 1:30 Wayne Dush did the same on an °? WAGE MAT A individual basis with a 245 game 13.70 and 567 series. Dale Anderson Be Sure to Join Your Friends for a Great Fun Tim el So d had a 206 game and John Bryant , " colors' or M Aluminum Combination a 202. Randolph's Digging Ser­ vice leads Beck's by four games. Storm Doors SANTA is 2 persons bruised Regular or self-storing as car hits culvert- Two persons were injured, one 4x8 Prefinished seriously, in a collision of three Back in Town! vehicles about 5:30 p.m. last PANELING 4.80«* Wednesday at US-27 and Clark 12x12, White, Washable Road In DeWitt Township. i%j#*r Dec. 3, 10,17 at the Admitted at Sparrow Hospital CEILING TILE 13*eac h with a concussion, chest injuries YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT and head cuts was Reatha M. GRAND TRUNK DEPOT Winans, 63, of Fowler.* Peter HEADQUARTERS , Bastuk Jr., 19, of Coleman, was Odd size Storm Sash, Doors treated at the hospital for rib 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. bruises and elbow cuts. He was m and Windows . . . Priced to Sell released. E. F. Boron Co. He Wants to Talk to All of You - FREE CANDYI Alva E. Hartman, 45, of 14465 US-27, DeWitt, the third driver ST. JOHNS DeWitt Lumber Co. Involved, was not injured. 3I Sheriff's deputies said Hart- 122 N. Clinton " * ?,* man was stopped at the inter­ Pfcone 224-7423 ST. JOHNS STORES OPEN EVERY section waiting for traffic to clear on US-27 and was struck by the other two cars. Mrs Winans, going south, was mak­ }%&i NIGHT'TIL 9 STARTING DEC. 9th ing a left turn onto East Clark Road and said she didn't see Open: Monday thru Friday, 7:30-5:30 Sponsored By The Retail Division Bastuk's northbound car ap­ Saturday, 7:30 - 12 Noon proaching. Botli she and Hart- man told deputies they didn't of the St. Johns Chamber Of Commerce ST. JOHNS Phone - John Hall 224-4556 see headlights on Bastuk's car DeWITT, MICH. ' Phone 669-2765 just before the collision. Thursday, December 1, 1966 CLINTON COUNTY -NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 9 A


Marauders behind 8-ball The Clinton County News is this week announcing the The Clinton County News staff—longtime basketball establishment of a new athletic trophy aimed at increas­ fans for both news coverage purposes and for strictly OVID-ELSIE-If ever a bas­ have a tough assignment ahead forward; Dan Flegel, 5-9 guard; and Chesaning because of the ing the proficiency in free throw shooting byarea basket­ enjoyment—has always recognized the Importance of the ketball team- had a tough row to of them in their first year in Tony Bocek, 5-10 guard; and veteran team they have return­ ball players. free throw to the game of basketball. Free throws have hoe, it's this year's Ovid-Elsie the Mid-Michigan B League," Richard Easlick, 5-10 guard. ing. Players at St. Johns, Bath, DeWitt, Pewamo-West­ won many basketball games, and missedfree throws have Marauders,' Coach Meredith said. Rated as having a good chance While, hoplng'to play their home phalia, Fulton, Ashley, 6vid-Elsle and Laingsburg high lost many. The young man who can step to the free throw \" Although they opened the sea- Meredith is looking for prob­ to start at center is 6-3 sopho­ games In the new gymnasium at schools are eligible. - ' line with several thousand eyes on him and consistently 1 son Tuesday evening at St. Johns, lems, especially with St. Johns more Jerry Weir, who Meredith the new high school, Ovid-Elsie The trophy will be called the "Clinton County News put the ball through the hoop 15 feet away is a valuable it will be practically two months and Lakewood, but he feels the said is big and strong and a fair is prepared to rent gymnasiums Award for proficiency in free throw shooting," and will man not only as a scorer but as a morale builder. We —Jan. 27, to be exact—before Maruaders could finish strong shooter. Two other sophomores in surrounding communities so be figured on the best percentage (to four decimal places) seek to honor the Clinton area high school player who can they play in front of a home "as our younger kids mature should also be a lot of help they can handle the crowds that on 40 or more free throw attempts. make the free throw more often than anyone else. crowd. on the floor and improve." this year—paryl Melvin, a 5-11 couldn't be accommodated at The award will be a handsome traveling plaque, . All regular season and Christmas tournament games I Counting the St. Johns game, guard who is a good shooter and either Elsie or Ovid. bearing a standout figure of a basketball player. The will count. Boys with 40 or more free throws at the end the Marauders play their first TWO SENIOR guards, Mike who may play both guard and plaque will bear a plate on which the name of the winner of • the regular season will be eligible to have their free nine games on the road, with the Seybert and Sam Sinicropi, are forward; and Dave Klabak, a 5-9 and his school will be engraved each year. The plaque throw percentages calculated for the award. hope, their new gym will be expected to provide the leader­ guard who may have a time will be offered for display in the school of the winner for Periodic checks with coaches during the coming" ready in time for the last seven ship on the basketball court lor getting in stride following a foot­ a year; each winner each year will receive a smaller season will keep readers abreast of some of the top .free ft! to play at home. the new Marauders. Seybert let­ ball injury. trophy as a keepsake. throw shooters and how they are doing. "_ tered his last two seasons at BESIDES THAT HANDICAP, Elsie and has good speed and OTHER PLAYERS on the squad Coach Jerry Meredith has the a good shooting eye. Sinicropi include juniors Bob Shinaberry, job of forging one team out of was Ovid's third guard last year Rod McCreery, Jerry Korienek two, because last year Ovid and and got a lot of experience in and Dave Patterson. 99 Elsie were playing as separate the tournaments. He's a good Coach Meredith believes the S... "Your Christmas Gift Headquarters high schools'.' Even with two ex- shooter, too, with quick hands, Marauders have enough material teams to draw from, the Ma­ and Meredith said he's a hawk this year to .perhaps pull a few • rauders have only three seniors on defense. surprises. In the Mid-Michigan The Store of Large Selections * on this year's squad, The only other senior on the B League, Meredith looks for "Without a decent gym to squad really Isn't there — yet, Corunna, Chesaning and Ithaca First Quality—Nationally Known Brands practice in and our first nine Ron Green, a six-foot forward, to be the powers—Corunnaon the games on, the road, our players suffered a football injury and strength of Harvey and Dutcher, Will be out of action until Jan­ Ithaca because oX Ross Carter uary. OVID-ELSIE HIGH Coach Meredith has 12 jun­ Basketball Schedule iors and three sophomores to ST. JOHNS HIGH choose from in rounding out his Nov. 29-St. Johns, there basketball squad. Wrestling Schedule Dec. 6—Lakewood, there - O'Rafferty, home, 6:30 Dec. 9—Bullock Creek, there Dec. 6 JUNIORS INCLUDE Jerry Dec. 8 - School for Blind, home, Dec. 16,—Chesaning, there Gazda, a hustling 5-10 forward Dec. 20— St.. Louis, there- 6:30 who's a good rebounder and was Dec. 13 - Grand Ledge, there, ERNIE PARDEE Jan. 6—Ithaca, there number six man for the Romans Jan. 13—Corunna, there 6:30 * *. last year; L. D. Jones, a 5-11 Dec. 16 -• Lansing Invitational Jan. 17—Perry, there forward who's a good shotter •* Jan. 20-Car roll ton, there Jan. 3 - Alma, there, 6:30 and rebounder and who lettered Jan. 6 - Charlotte, there, 6:30 Jan. 27—Bullock Creek, home for the past two years; Pardee atop Jan. 31—Chesaning, home Jan. 10-- Eaton Rapids, home, and 6-3 center Don Young, who's 6:30 FelD. 3-St. Louis, home one of the best shooters on the 9 Feb. 10-Ithaca, home Jan. 19 -- Hastings, home, 6:30 ball club. Jan. 26 -- Corunna, home, 7:00 bowlers Feb. 14—Corunna, home Also expected to see a lot Feb.'17—Perry, home Jan. 28 -- Okemos Invitational of action are Dave Latz, 6-0 Feb. 2 -- Greenville, there, 6:30 Shoes for Men and Boys Feb. 24-Carrollton, hom.e center; Cesario Garcia, 5-11 Feb. 4 - Durand, there, 7:00 3-6-9 tourney by Freeman, Roberts Feb. 14.- Mt. Pleasant, there, You're Sure to Please Ernest Pardee, St. Johns bowl­ and Red Goose 6:30 er who carries a 172 average, with a Resistol or Chomp - Conference Feb. 18 whipped up a record 849 series Wing tips in brown and black •-•-•-•>*>*K^^'-"-">*-»>^".OA»-*>.»-».*»^.»-».».«V«%V»%V*>% Sunday in the Lad Slingerlend- State Journal 3-6-9bowlingtour- — brogues, HAT nament In Lansing. plain, in every 5.95 to Fulton It could mean a $700 windfall size. in time for Christmas. All Sizes 14.95 Pardee rolled games of 288, All Widths' should be 236 and 267 for a 793 actual se­ If in Doubt ries, and he had a 58-pin handi­ cap. In the 3-6-9 tournament each Men's 9.95 '0*3.0,5 Give Him a contestant,received three auto- im tui i: Boys'5.95fro 9.9 5 V ' Wi'c iff&ef ea^laWlftd&en IXlSiOIlllSIl^M • MtDDLETON'- Fulton'High has' ftie-'added benefit' of bowling ' School Basketball Coach Ron four games and throwing out the -"*•#&, Schafer is looking forward to a worst one of the four. DRESS much-improved team this year Pardee's "worst" was 213. He over last. Although the Pirates had 26 total strikes in the three SPORT COATS won the St. Johns district tourn­ games that counted. Ten of those SLACKS ament in early spring, they fin­ by strikes, including three free by ished the year with a miserable ones, came in his 288 game. On • Curlee 4-16 record. his 11th toss he left the 5 and 8 • Haggar This year should be different. pins but converted for the 288 to­ • J and-F Schafer has eight returning let- tal. • Royalton • Botany •.#!. termen, including four starters. *5now Flocking and Kits "We have good depth this year, "AT FIRST I WAS sticking on to |995 "Tree Lights and we'll have good over-all the approach and not reaching out 50 speed," Schafer said. "I am very with the ball,"Pardee sald."Then 27 ^ 49 (Indoor and outdoor) confident we'll improve on last I began to pay attention to what I Casual Sta-Press year's record." was doing and the ball started •Ornaments *Spots Boys' Alterations FREE Slacks coming into the pocket." by Expert Tailor * Tree Stands FIVE OF THE lettermen are The $700 first prize money is SPORT COATS in Our Own *Door Panels seniors: 5-7 Terry Proko, 5-7 still not Pardee's. There's still Men's 5.95-7. Brent Bailey, 6-3 Greg Demott, one more weekend In the tourna­ 9.95 to 19.95 Tailor Shop Boys' 3.98-5.95 "Twinkle Bells 6-2 Dan Eyer, and 5-5 Dan Bar­ ment, but things look pretty rett. The other three lettermen bright. Pardee plans to be on hand *Do-lt-Yourself Decorations are juniors Jeff Gray (6-3), Ran­ at the All Star Lanes In Lansing Men's SUITS and TOPCOATS "Centerpieces dy VanSIckle (6-0) and Randy Sunday, if his score is still tops, Loudenbeck (5-9). to watch the final day of bowling. "Decorative Candles Other squad members this Sixty-two St. Johns bowlers by • CURLEE • J & F • ROYALTON year are Rick Troub, a 5T9 rolled last Sunday. junior; Tom Paine, a junior at Men's All Weather 5-9; Denny Upton, 5-9 senior; 4450 to 8g5o 2295 Hundreds to Top Coats Up The largest flag In the world Choose from CHRISTMAS TREES and Ed Setterington, a 5-9 sen­ is the "Stars and Stripes" an­ ior. nually displayed by J. L. Hud­ and The Pirates opened the sea­ son's store in Detroit, The flag son Tuesday with a road game is 104 feet by 235 feet and at Portland St. Patrick's. Their weighs 500 pounds. SWEATERS SPORT and DRESS PINE BOUGHS home opener will be this Friday against Vestaburg, and then the Large Selection SHIRTS Pirates will square off against in all Styles Portland Dec, 9 in their first 395 #m Tri-Central League game. Kitti-Dri Litter .MEN'S 95 to FULTON HIGH 6 ;o 19« 1495 Basketball Schedule 25 Bog 2.10 BOY'S We Monogram Nov. 29 — Portland Si, Pat's, Our SPORT there, 7 p.m. Dec. 2—Vestaburg, home, 7 4« t0 995 BILLFOLDS SHIRTS BIRD Dec. 9—Portland, there, 7 Dec. 13—Carson City, home, 7 1967 Lightweight Also F-R*E-E Dec. 16—Saranac, there, 7 2« to 12 HOUSES Dec. 20—Lakeview, home, 7 His and Her Billfolds Tie Bar, Tacks* Belts Jan. 6—Edmore, there, 7 SCORPION 2.95 to 15.00 Cuff Links—1,50 up Sunflower and Jan. 13 — Central Montcalm, Boys' Sport Mixed Bird Seed home, 7 Snowmobiles Sweater Sets Visit Our Gift Bar SHIRTS . , Jan. 20—Vestaburg, there, 7 Suet Cakes Jan. 24—Fowler, there, 7 15.5 h.p. MEN'S and BOYS' Many Unusual Gifts for Men Jan. 27—Portland, home, 7 and Holders ROBES Feb. 3—Carson City, there* 7 PRICE THEM SLIPPERS si. Feb. 7—Saranac, home, 7 Men's Feb. 10—Lakeview, there, 7 in Many Styles Gifts Boxed Free STORE HOURS TODAY! Feb, 17—Edmore, home, 7 Hundreds of Gifts to Choose 5.95 up Feb, 21—Fowler, home, 7 Mori, thru Fri. 9 a. m -8 p, rrx. Trailers Single & Double Feb. 24 — Central Montcalm, from for Men and Boys Boys' there, 7 Sat, -Sun 9^5 OPEN 3.95 up JOHN H0PK0 SATURDAYS & SUNDAY . Garden Center REHMANN'S PAJAMAS •Life Insurance DON TOLLES Men's ^ OF THE PINE CREEK NURSERY CLOTHING — FURNISHINGS — SHOES t •Hospitalization 3.49 to 7.95 Sales & Service for DAD and LAD Phone 224-2693 Guaranteed Renewable South US-27, Near Sturgls St. . ages 18-72. ST. JOHNS Boys' 2.95 up 2621 E. Walker Rd, ST. JOHNS Phone 224-4346 STt JOHNS HM^^MMMMMIMWMIMMJIR^ Page 10 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Thursday, December 1, 1966 Toledo, Ohio; four step-sisters, two sons, Stephen 3 and Miphael Ovid Street, t Elsie, were held Mrs Ivan Roen of Manitowoc, 2; his parents, Mr and Mrs Ar­ Sunday afternoon at the Carter Clinton county church Wise,, Mrs Mary Nlckason and nold Ruhl of Fowler; a brother, Funeral Home with the RevGor- i\S Mrs Cecile Awmend and Mrs Alan of Lansing; three sisters, don Showers officiating. Burial Clinton Area Deaths Ruth Orwig, of Toledo, Ohio; Mrs Judy Bierstetel of Pewamo was in the Riverside, Cemetery. musicians met Sunday 10 grandchildren; two step- and Nancy and Elaine of Fowler. Mr Craven passed away sud­ grandchildren; and one foster denly Thanksgiving Day from a Fourteen'Interested people met was elected to draw up a Consti­ 10 years at the rural St. Johns grandchild. * heart attack at his home. Sunday afternoon at the Congre­ tution and set of by-laws by which address. •/MrsCora Brown He was born in Elsie Jan. 16, the organization will function. gational Church In St. Johns for 'Roy J. McNeill ST. JOHNS - Mrs Cora A. 1885, the son of Joseph and Alice a preliminary meeting of a coun­ Those who will serve in this ca­ MR BROWN WAS A builder and Craven. He graduated from Elsie pacity areMrsEarlDunham,Mrs* contractor and was employed by MAPLE RAPIDS-Roy J. Mc- Brown, a former St. Johns resi­ ty-wide society of church musi­ dent died Nov. 24 at Rivard Nur­ High School in 1904 and. is a cians, Mrs Manning Bross was Dee Allen, Mrs Jack Bates, Stan­ the Michigan Sugar Beet Com­ .NeiU, 74, of R-l, Maple Rapids graduate of Poughkeepsie Busi­ ley Whitlock, the Rey Jack Bar­ pany for 20 years. Road, St. Johns, died Nov. 22 at sing Home after a long illness. elected temporary chairman and She was 90, ness College. He had. resided Mrs Earl Haas, temporary sec­ low, Dr R. L. Wohlers, Lee He and the former Georgia I. Clinton Memorial Hospital after all of his life In Elsie. retary. Ormston, Mrs Don Smith, Mrs Creaser were married April 22, along Illness. Funeral services were held at Bruce Fowler, Mrs Manning 1914, at Mlddleton. Funeral services were held at Osgood Funeral Home of St. Johns The group will work closely Saturday, Nov. 26, at 3:30 p.m. MR CRAVEN was married to with the County Ministerial As­ Bross, Mrs Earl Haas and Mr Brown was a member of the Osgood Funeral Home Friday, Charles Stackl. Nov, 25, at 1:30 p.m. with Ray­ Rev George Rogers of Calvary Maude Van Sice April 24, 1920, sociation, as it will be primarily First Congregational Church of and is a member of the Elsie The next general meeting will mond Parker officiating. Burial Baptist Church of Ovid officiated. concerned with church music. St. Johns. Burial was in South Ovid Ceme­ F & AM No. 238. Its first offering to the com­ be held Sunday, Dec. 4, at 2:45 was in Deepdale Cemetery of Lansing. tery. He was the former owner of munity will be a choral work to be p.m. at the Congregational SURVIVORS INCLUDE a son, the Elsie Elevator Company and Church. Anyone in Clinton county Winchell Brown of St. Johns; two Mr McNeill was born Nov. 1, presented during the Lenten sea­ MRS BROWN WAS born Sept, was bookkeeper-when he retired son. The following memberswere interested in church music and sisters, Mrs Velva Christman of 1892, In Essex township, the son in 1940. ^ Vern Higbee of A. B. and Lillian Jolls Mc­ 26, 1876, in Gratiot county, the elected to make a choice of such participating in religious musical St. Louis and Mrs Betty Vannard Surviving are his wife; a cou­ offerings is invited to attend. Neill. He attended country daughter of Moses and Margaret a work: Harold Brown, Gordon of Shepherd; a brother, Warren EAGLE-Vern O* Higbee, 78, sin, Mrs Minnie Peterson jOf Brown of California, one grand­ schools and was a lifelong rest- Finkel Baker. She attended coun­ Vandemark, Mrs A. L.Woodbury Eagle Township trustee and for­ try schools and was a lifelong Middleville; and several nieces and Miss Cynthia Jones. The re­ Things surely aren't what they child and one great-grandchild. dent of the Essex township ad­ used to be. An ordinary itch is mer treasurer of the township, dress. resident of Clinton county and the and nephews. sult of their investigations will Another son, Thorlo, died in died of an apparent heart attack St. Johns area. be presented at the next meeting, now an allergy. infancy. He was a Jehovah Witness and J / early Friday at the hunting lodge a veteran of WWI. Mr McNeill She and Herman Brown, who Earl R. Spayde and rehearsals will begin shortly Qal'at es Salihige in eastern L J. Brown of his son, Charles, In Kalkaska died in 1947, were married Dec. after Christmas. Syria, built in 232 AD, is the was a farmer. Bertha A. Hiller County. He was on a deer hunt­ Survivors include a sister, 26, 1894, in Gratiot county. ST. JOHNS-Earl R. Spayde, a oldest Christian Church in the L*. J. Brown, 79, of R-5 St. ing trip. Johns died at 11:15 p.m. Nov. 24 Miss Ruby McNeill of Lansing and Survivors include a daughter, former St. Johns resident, of A TEMPORARY BOARD of 12 world. SHEPARDSVILLE - Bertha Active In township affairs, Mr Mrs Margaret Jolly of Ovid; two Houghton Lake died Saturday, at Sparrow Hospital of injuries Hiller, 83, of 7393 Kinley Road a brother, Glenn McNeill of R-l, received in an auto accidentOct, Higbee had also been township St. Johns. sons, M. I. Brown of Ovid and Nov. 26, at Clare Osteopathic died Wednesday, Nov. 23, at 5 highway commissioner at one Dewey Brown of R-4, St. Johns Hospital after a short illness. He 23 on US-27 at Hyde Road in p.m. at Clinton Memorial Hospi­ Greenbush Township. time. He was a member of the and a brother, Clyde Baker of was 70. t AUCTION SALE tal after a two month Ulne*ss. Clinton County Township Of­ James W. Ruhl Fenton. Funeral services were held at He was Clinton County's 13th Funeral services were held at ficers Assn. He also belonged to Osgood FuneralHomeofSt. Johns At 2664 Peck Road, Brown City, Mich., traffic accident victim of the Houghton Funeral Home of Ovid Farm Bureau and Wacousta Ma­ FOWLER-James W. Ruhl, 27, */ Mull infant Monday, Nov. 28, at 2 p.m. with 3 miles north of Brown City on Maple year. Saturday, Nov. 26 at 2 p.m. with sonic Lodge No. 359. of 757 N. Main* Street, Fowler, Rev Keith Bovee officiating. Bur­ Valley Road to Peck Road, 2 3/4 miles Mr Brown was riding in a car Rev Gordon Spalenka officiating. Mr Higbee was born April 15, died Sunday, Nov. 27, at 4:30 p.m. DeWITT—Graveside services ial was at Mt. RestCemetery. east, on driven by his son, Winchell Burial was in Maple Grove Cem­ 1888, the son of Arthur and Rena at University Hospital of Ann Ar­ were held Saturday, Nov. 26, at Mr Spayde was born in Riley Brown, when another auto pulled etery. Higbee and had lived in the Eagle bor after an eight week illness. the DeWltt Cemetery for Larry township Dec. 17, 1895,thesonof across the highway in front of area all his life. He was a press operator for Fed­ Lee Mull Jr., the Infant son of Judd and Mattie Schultz Spayde. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7 the Brown auto. He braked and MRS HILLER WAS born March Surviving are hiswife, Bertha; eral Mogul at St. Johns. Pfc and Mrs Larry Mull, who He attended country schools. He Commencing at 12:30 p.m. swerved to try to avoid a crash, ,22, 1883, In Paris, Mich., the a son, Charles of Eagle; eight Funeral services were held at died Thursday morning at a Lan­ was a resident of St. Johns until but his car skidded sideways daughter of John and Lucy Du- grandchildren; and one sister, Most Holy Trinity Church of Fow­ sing hospital. 16 years ago when he moved to Into the other auto, driven by Bols. She attended rural schools Mrs Mabel Selden of R-3 Port­ ler Wednesday, Nov. 30, at 10:30 Rev LaVern Bretzof the Valley Houghton Lake. ^ 155 Head Holstein Dairy Caffle Mrs Rose Viola Nafziger, 63, and was a resident of the Ovid land. a.m. with Rev Albert Schmitt of­ Farms Baptist Church officiated of Archbold, Ohio. area most of her life. Funeral services were held ficiating. Burial was in the church at the service which was held at AMBRA PARKS AND he were She and Fred Hiller, who died 4 p.m. Vincent-Rummell Funeral 84 Cows, 13 bred Heifers, 37 open Funeral services were held at Monday at 2 p.m. at the Peters cemetery. married Sept. 30, 1945, at Ithaca. in 1936, were married in 1910 at and Murray Funeral Home in Rosary was recited at 8 p.m. Home of DeWitt had charge of the Mr Spayde was a farmer and a Heifers, 21 Heifer Calves. Osgood Funeral Home of St. Ovid. Mrs Hiller was a member of arrangements. Johns Sunday, Nov. 27, at 2:30 Grand Ledge, with the Rev Har­ Monday and at 3 and 8 p.m. Tues­ carpenter. 1966 Herd Average: Ovid United Church. old Jacobs of the Grand Ledge day at Goerge Funeral Home. Survivors include his wife, 17,200 lbs. Milk, 626 lbs. Butterfat (Rec­ p.m. with Rev Gerald Churchill Survivors include two sons, Al­ of the First Congregational Methodist Church and the Rev He was born Nov. 23, 1966, at Ambra; two daughters, Mrs Dor­ ords made in loose housing) len whith whom she made her Alfred Tripp of the Eagle Meth­ MR RUHL WAS born April 21, Lansing, the son of Larry and othy Rhines and Mrs Doris Els- TB and Bangs tested, mostly vaccinated. Church officiating. Burial was in home and Arthur of Manistlque; Payne Cemetery. odist Church officiating. Burial 1939, in Lansing, the son of Casil- Judie Peterson Mull. ler, both of St. Johns; a step-son, step-daughter, Mrs Mary Ander­ was in North Eagle Cemetery. da Arens and Arnold Ruhl. He Survivors include his parents Ray Hyler of C alif or niaj'a broth­ He was born March 15, 1887, son of Lansing; a sister, Mrs Masonic services were con­ attended Fowler Catholic school of 1010 Herblson Road, DeWitt; er, Leo Spayde of Saginaw and Lloyd Bell, Prop. in Midland county, the son of Minta Bacon of Clark Memorial ducted by Wacousta Masonic and graduated from Fowler High grandparents, Mr and Mrs A. L. eight grandchildren. Home of Grand Rapids and two BOYD TAIT, Auctioneers, Phone Caro George and Lucy Alspaugh Lodge. School in 1958. He was a lifelong Peterson of DeWitt and Mr and grandchildren. Mrs Oscar Mull of Lansing; Make truth your guiding prin­ 053-3525 Brown. He resided in Clinton and resident of Fowler. Gratiot county areas and the past He and the former Bernadette great-grandfather, Ray Parks of ciple and you will be the one to :!fe&8&»x«^g^iro&^^ •/ Floyd D. Britten William R.Wilson Martin were married in 1960 at Lansing; great - grandmother, gain in the end. ELSIE—Funeral services for Westphalia. Mrs Leo Hinds of Houghton Lake and great - great-grandparents, The Diabetes Detection Pro­ MAPLE RAPIDS - Floyd D. William R. Wilson, 06, of 442 gram, highlighted' by Diabetes E. Main Street, Elsie, were held MR RUHL was a member of Mr and MrsCharlesWestofLan- .,i-rf£i Britten of Maple Rapids died Nov. sing. Week in November, is conducted 23 at 12:30 p.m. at Rivard Nur­ Saturday afternoon at the Carter Most Holy Trinity Church, the by the American Diabetes Assn. sing Home after a long illnes. He Funeral Home. The Rev Gordon Holy Name Society of Most Holy in cooperation with the Michigan UNDER g was 81. Showers officiated and burial Trinity Church and the Knights Diabetes Assn.(a Michigan United was in Riverside Cemetery. of Columbus. Lloyd B. Craven TOE TREE •, S Funeral services were held Fund Agencv) and its 20 affiliate Saturday, Nov. 26, at Osgood Fu­ Mr Wilson passed away of Survivors Include hiswife, ELSIE—Funeral services for associations throughout Michi­ neral Home with Rev Henry Voss heart failure Wednesday morning Bernadette; a daughter, Lois 4; Lloyd B, Craven, 81, of 313 N. gan. officiating. Burial was in Payne at the Owosso Memorial Hos_-. FOR WOMEN Cemetery. pital. He had been ill for two Mr Britten was born Feb. 14, years. i Beautiful Slippers 1885, in Maple Rapids, the son of He was born in Wayne, Ohio, SAVINGS John and Ida McQueston Britten. Jan. 27, 1900, the son of Edwin Priced 1.99 to 8.00 He attended Maple Rapids school. and Jenny Wilson. He moved from North Star to Elsie in HE AND THE former Rena M. 1932. Payne were married Dec. 23, 1905, In Gratiot county. They HE WAS MARRIED to Leila made their home inSt. Johns until Hull in Ithaca July 3, 19261. He nine years ago when they moved is a member and past master to Maple Rapids. of Elsie F & AM No. 238 and Mr Brittenwasamemberofthe a member and past patron of Congregational Christian Church the Elsie OES. of Maple Rapids, a life member Mr Wilson retired after 43 M of the IOOF Lodge of St, Johns years of service with the Ann FOR MEN FESTIVE | | and a former member of the St. Arbor Railroad last year. Johns Fire Department. Surviving are his wife; three FOOTWEAR I 1 daughters, Mrs June Cross and | Handsome Slippers Survivors include his wife, for the Holidays S Mrs Jenny Loznak of Elsie and Priced 2.99 to 6.99 Rena; two sons, Don Britten of Mrs Stella Marie Purdue of Oak St. Johns and Jack Britten of Ore­ Ridge, Tenn.; two sons, William gon; eight grandchildren; nine Robert of Corunna and Stanley great-grandchildren and a sister, Douglas at home; two brothers, Maude Baxter of Cheboygan. Louis of Addison and Ralph of


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N$ 8 hurt, 4 still in Booth prizes hospital after offered at 2-car crash Yule Bazaar St. Joseph's Altar Society an­ nounced there will be several Eight persons were injured— ed to stop at the stop sign for the v booth prizes offered at their and four are still in the hospital southbound lanes of US-27 and Christmas Baza ir in addition to —in a two-car collision at US-27 proceeded on through the yield the knitted afghan, donated by and Maple tfapids Road late Fri­ sign before crossing the north­ Mrs Richard Cramer, which will day night. bound lane. The Billings car, go­ serve as the doorprize. State police reported the two ing north on US-27, struck Me­ dina's broadside. A 21" doll with wardrobe will 'autos were driven by Cesar Me­ be awarded at a special drawing dina, 16, of 510 W. Gibbs Street, at "Santa's Workshop," the St. Johns, and Melvin Billings Jr., BOTH AUTOS WERE knocked homemade toy booth. "Thin La- >- 31, of Lansing. down an embankment on the dies Paradise," which will fea­ Officers said Medina, traveling northeast corner of the intersec­ ture baked goods will offer a east on Maple Rapids Road, fail- tion. The accident happened at 11 cake decorated in keeping with p.m. the holidays. Most seriously injured was The bazaar is scheduled from GIFT Mrs Carol Billings, who suffered 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. and from knee injuries and a dislocated 5 until 9 p.m. at St. Joseph's BONANZA right hip. She was reported in School Dec, 8. A luncheon will "fairly good" condition Monday be served from 11 to 2 and ALTAR SOCIETY CHRISTMAS BAZZAR evening in "Sparrow Hospital. Her —COUPON" free coffee and doughnuts will Mary Ellen Pung (standing) and Alyce husband, as well as passengers be available in the evening. C9c PHstis Coitsi Danny Wooten, 19, and William Clinton County Deputy Sheriff Richard May looks over Cramer, who donated the afghan, show the Winquest, both of Lansing, were Mrs Steven Hopko is the chair­ the smashed car driven by Melvin Billings Jr. of Lansing door prize which will be offered at the Altar treated at Sparrow and then re­ man of the baza, r and Mrs Mary Playing Cards leased. which collided with another on US-27 at Maple Rapids Road Ewing is the co-chairman. Society Christmas bazaar Dec. 8. Medina and two of his passen­ late Friday night Billings and three others in his car were BOOTHS featured will incluue • a Teen Gift Booth, Christmas 29c gers remained in Clinton Memo­ hurt and four in the other auto were injured. tend the weddlngofMrsWooley's With this Coupon rial Hospital in St. Johns Monday Treasurers (white elephants), niece, Kathy Schut to Benson Limit 11 evening, and all were described grab bag, Pathways to Heaven City Brevities Gibson, Billy Wboley was junior as in "fair" condition. The pas­ (religious articles), aprons, groomsman. & sengers includedSterlingBoldry, Knittin and Stitchen Post (knitted Mrs Florence Crittenden, Miss Mrs Cora Bowen of St. Johns 16, of 313 1/2 N. Clinton Aven­ articles and fancy work), Santa's June Reist and Mr and Mrs Willis ue, and Douglas Rhines, 16, of Workshop (homemade toys), Hardenburg, Kevin and Nancy spent Thanksgiving Day with her 25% OFF 609 N. Morton Street, both of St. Christmas decorations, candles spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr daughter, Mis Lottie Miller of Johns. William Eisler, 16, of and jellies, Thin Ladies Para­ and Mrs Dewey Reist. Lansing. It was the first time on dise and general donations. R-5, St. Johns was released from Miss Birdaline Smith accom­ Mrs Bowen had been away for TOYS - GAMES the hospital earlier. A budget today is Just an or­ panied Mr and Mrs Robert Thanksgiving. Also present for State police said the accident derly way people have found of Wooley and sons of rural Elsie the dinner were four grandsons is still under Investigation. living beyond their means. to Cadillac last Friday to at- and four great-grandsons. COUPON Sleeve of 12 Riley and Olive FLASHBULBS By Mrs Goldie Moore Mr and Mrs Dennis Locher, J.09 ANY Mr and Mrs Larry Phinney and KIND Kelly and Mr and Mrs Herb Ko- Reserve Limit 3 Sleeves walk were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Glenn Locher and Debbie. They all helpedGlenn your celebrate his birthday. 25% OFF Mr and Mrs Jerry Terrell and ( on Christmas family were Sunday guests of Bulova now their.parents, Mr and Mrs Leo­ WRAPS nard Koenigsknecht of rural St, ftp Vrff Mfci?^ Johns. w«S8te RIBBONS Mrs Jim Becker and Jill of while

near St. Johns visited her par­ &;• "COUPON ents, Mr and Mrs Valentine Stoy and family. Clinton County deputies Ray Terpening (left) and Rich­ selections 39c Christmas Mrs Ann Bennett of Coloma ard May look at the Cesar Medina car which was struck at spent a week with Mr and Mrs US-27 and Maple Rapids Road Friday night as Medina at­ SNOW SCENES Glenn Locher and family. are Mrs Elmer Wood returned tempted to cross the highway. Both autos involved went off 10c home from hospital Tuesday af­ an embankment into a deep gully Eight persons were hurt. i ! Limit 4 ter having surgery on her leg. complete 'She and Mf "Wood are living at their trailer home on Morris and sons had their Thanksgiving HALLMARK CARDS Road. dinner Sunday. Their guests were* Harrises Mr and Mrs Dale Blizzard and Mr and Mrs Dennis Locher Register for son Mr and Mrs Glenn Cole of Miss the Christmas rush this attended a family dinner Thanks­ Okemos, Mr and Mrs Donald wed 25 giving at home of Mr and Mrs year. Avoid last minute FREE Drawing Blizzard of Lansing, Susan Wick- Larry Cairns of Lansing. erliam and Janice Billiard. disappointment. Make youi Many other Gift Values Mr and Mrs Glenn Locher and Mr and Mrs Glenn Locher years Debbie were Thanksgiving dinner \ ith Sjie?i il.s on Wrapping entertained their Euchre party Mr and Mrs Lloyd V. Harris of selection now while our p guests of Mr and Mrs Larry an?r, Small Appliances, group Saturday evening, honor­ 402 S. Ottawa Street, St. Johns, Phinney and Kellev. Decorations, Health Needs. ing Glenn on his birthday. were honored on their sliver wed­ complete Bulova Collection Mr and Mrs Jim Terrell and Mr and Mrs Danny Terrell ding anniversary Nov. 20 with a is available. Well hold your family of Jackson visited their and family of Williamston were surprise dinner, arranged by parents, Mr andMisJamesTer­ FINKBEINER'S Thanksgiving weekend guests of their daughter, Mrs James choice 'til Christmas. rell Sr. Sunday, their parents, Mrand Mrs James Spousta. FOWLER & PEWAMO Mr and Mrs Arnold Blizzard Terrell. Come in. Let our Watch Attending the dinner party held ^ttyttttttxaitt?&?ttittvttttKxyttvav&tt at a Lansing restaurant were 14 Experts help you members of the immediate family and Mr and Mrs LeRoy Ramsey give pride this JTJTNTTOIR, of Harbor Beach. Christmas - The Ramseys were the attend­ ants at the Nov. 20, 1941, wed­ Bulova. REV. RICHARD DeHAAN ding, when the former Dorothy A. * * Jason of Sethtonbecame the bride doesltfa of Lloyd V. Harris. tWMQd Yule dessert Later in the evening about 30 guests attended the-open house held at the honored couple's home. JUST ARRIVED! smorgasbord

Figure flattering heathery wools and slated Dec. 6 CLINTON Tuesday, Dec. 6, is the an­ wool blonds bj Junior House 'are a nual Christmas dessert smor­ THEATER wickedly pretty way to show up at gasbord planned by the Wom­ holiday happenings. See them all en's Missionary Circle of the Downtown 5t. John's First BaptistChurchofSt. Johns. soon. Sizes 5 to 13, To this event the ladles invite Friday - Saturday their husbands and each one Shows at 7:15 and 9:lu brings her favorite Christmas Matinees: Santa knows how to light up dessert for refreshment time. Sundays at 3:00 p.m. a girl's eyes and so do we! See The .food committee Is com­ Saturdays at 1:30 p.m. posed of Mrs Dean Moon, Mrs Fri„ 5at., Sun., our gift ideas in . . . Gerald Livingston, Mrs William Patton, Mrs Fred Crowell and, Dec. 2, 3, 4 Mrs Robert Showers. Mr and Mrs Vernon Wood will be host SWEATERS SKIRTS HOSE and hostess. Decorations are ADVENTURE BEGINS being planned by Mrs Robert SLIPPERS LINGERIE ROBES Dltmer, Mrs Kenneth Snider, SOUTHWEST TO SONORA! Mrs Nelson Showers, Mrs Don­ BLOUSES GLOVES BRAS ald Penix and Mrs Louis Terp- SLACKS PAJAMAS slra. JEWELRY CO-ORDINATES MRS ROGER HARRISON, pro­ gram chairman, has revealed when case, crown and crystal are tntsct. that the Rev Richard DeHaan of Grand Rapids, teacher of the LAY-AWAY NOW OSE OUR LAY-A-WAY Radio Bible Class will be the $1.00 Will Hold or Any Credit featured speaker. DeHaan is Terms to Suit You. known not only for his past as­ >*•-#>.. sociation with his father, Dr Martin DeHaan, founder of the MRRLON When you know what makes a watch tick, you'll buy a Bulova. Radio Bible Class, but also BRFINDO through his own personal ap­ HlNUnNKTTE pearances In various parts of HARR'S JEWELRY Carol Ann Shop the country. Over COO stations IA PETITE "K" 114 N. Clinton St. John* Sparkling 4 diamonds, carrj this weekly radio Bible JOHN AiythoN/.'d For your own sake, do as Bulova does 23 jewels. Formerfy Mary Francis Shop study program. SnxoN Yellow or white. A special missionary Christ­ rely on in Authorized Bulova Jeweler. $75.00 102 N. Clinton ST. JOHNS Phone 224-47<03 mas offering is also taken. Last THB HRPRLOOBRI year over $220 was collected. •M TECHNICOLOR«iMHfl )tmVNMgtttt^^!M>W&!«^^ Page ]2A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Thursday, December 1, 1966 *

Price District County Line News By Mrs Harold Crowley fackeMer Cc/cnij CUie Cureka By Mrs Doris Fisher ifi By MRS. ALFRED RADEMACHER — Phone 334-4450 By MRS. NEVA KKXS, Correspondent By MRS. GORDON WAGGONER, Correspondent Mr and Mrs Clarence Neller A family night Christmas par­ were Sunday dinner guests at the ty will be held at Salem EUB Ashley home. Afternoon guests A net profit of $540.58 was Thanksgiving vacation with her The Eureka Women's Fellow­ er spending the weekend at their Church basement Dec. 10. This were Mr William Ashley andfam- realized on the evenings events. Lions Club heard will be in connection with the ily and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Wy- Park mother, Mrs Marie Betts, She ship of the Eureka Congregation­ cottage at Houghton Lake. This wil 1 be used for the up­ returned to her college studies al Christian Church will meet Mr and Mrs Ford Schroeder of regular monthly meeting of the rlck and family. This was to ob­ keep andmaintainanceofPriend- Earl Gordonear Women's Society. A short busi­ serve the 59th wedding anniver­ Sunday afternoon. Wednesday evening, Dec. 7, at the Vermont spent the Thanksgiving benefit ship Park, the group's com­ ELSIE—Earl Gordonear, bio­ home of Mrs Rhinard Schulzwlth vacation here with their daughter ness meeting will be held and sary of Mr and Mrs Theodore munity project. refreshments will be served fol-_ Ashley. logist of .the Rose Lake Wild­ Mrs Ina Schmidt as her co-host­ and son-in-law, Mr andMrs John life Experiment Station near ess. Mrs Kenneth Grieve will Schein. lowing the program. nets $540 PLANS WERE completed for Winners The official board of the Price Bath, was guest speaker at Mon­ show her western pictures. The Mrs Nellie Schlarf spent the The Rochester Colony Exten­ dinner and theatre party in Lan­ day night's Lions Club. vDinner meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Showers fete past two weeks with her sister, Church will meet Sunday, Dec. 4, sing for the members Tuesday with apotluckdinnerfollowingthe sion Clubs evening meeting was at the Village Inn preceded the at Elsie Everyone is invited to attend. Mrs Pearl Rose at Ovid. held at the home of Mrs Charles evening, Nov. 29. Mr and Mrs Jame s Fisher worship service. program, when Robert Moore ELSIE — Winners in sevtral •The Christmas program will bride-elect Walker Nov. 22. Extensionwom- Mrs Robert Fox presented the served as chairman. be held Dec. 16 at 7:30 p.m. at and family spent Thanksgiving Mr and Mrs Harold Crowley- categories have been announced Sunday afternoon, Nov. 20, Pa­ and Terry and Mrs Helen Hunt en's creed, said in unison open­ study lesson, "Sewing, A New Gordonear explained the man­ the church. Day with Mr and Mrs Richard ed the business meeting. Perspective." for the Four Corners 4-H Club tricia Kridner of N. Chandler Vincent in Corunna. were Thanksgiving Day guests of agement and operation of the at the annual fall achievement The Salem EUB Church invited Road assisted by her mother, Mr and Mrs Roger Behrens in Special committee reports on Refreshments were served by station as a part of the Michigan the youth from our church group Mrs Richard Hebeler and Mrs nlfht and potluck supper. Mrs Robert Kridner entertained Ovid. Friendship Park benefit, held at Department of Conservation. He Mrs Dale C. Levey announced to attend theirroller skating par­ Mr and Mrs Harry Patterson Community Hall, were given. *A'l Rademacher. at a bridal shower for Betty told of the care of wild game the following honor roll winners: ty in St. Johns Monday evening. Wadell. were Thanksgiving Day guests Mr and Mrs Joe Branski and Mrs John Kurncz of R-6, St. A Christmas party will be and the research on farm game of Mr and Mrs Phillip West and Flowers—Larry Bernath, Nancy The annual meeting of the Eu­ A style show of wedding gowns Kathy of Okauchee, Wise, spent Johns, was the winner of the held Dec. 27 at 8 p.m. at the that is conducted on the 3800- reka Congregational Christian family at Elsie. Thanksgiving Day and the week­ home of Mrs Don Temple, Har­ Foran, Caroline Oberlin, Rita created from newspapers and portable television. acre Wildlife Experimental area, Tabor; foods — Marie Blakely, * Church is to be held Monday eve­ Mrs Gladys Hankey returned end with her grandparents, Mr Extension members selling the mon Road. modeled by Elaine Saylor, Jean A. W. Cobb presided for a ning, Dec. 5, at 7:30 p.m. at the Lewis, Marilyn Clark, and Sally home Thursday after spending and Mrs Albert Waidelich. Mr most tickets on the television * * Renee Bashore, Alan Cobb, church. the past week with Mr and Mrs brief business meeting and ap­ Bruce Levey, Ramona Hubbard, Dush was featured. and Mrs Gaylord Pile and Lori were Mrs Bernie Mitchell, Mrs pointed Blaine Lentz as chair­ ' A baby girl, Michelle Juanita, Roland Hankey and family at were also guests Thanksgiving Ray Hamer and Mrs Elwood The WSCS of the Duplain Meth­ Rita Tabor, Mary Temple, Ka­ was born to Mr and Mrs Larry The bridal shower was the Litchfield. man of the annual fish fry ten­ thy Smith, Rita Washburn; poul­ last In a group of parties be­ Day. Erickson. odist Church will be hosted by tatively scheduled in February Webster Nov. 4 atCllntonMemo- Mr and Mrs Richard Vincent Mrs Wesley Erickson Dec. 14 try—Alan Cobb; dairy — Judy rlal Hospital. She weighs 7 fore Betty becomes the bride 1967. Rivest, Yvonne Rivest; photog­ of Mervin Hallead Dec. 10 at of Corunna and Mrs Carol Vin­ at 8 p.m. Mrs Don Temple will pounds. The mother was the cent and son Kurt of Owosso lead the members in a study raphy—Kam Washburn. former Catherine Carroll. the Eureka Congregational Mr and Mrs Robert Wooley Winners of the junior dairy Church. were dinner guests Sunday of program, "Design for Celebra­ and family, Douglas Wooley, / A baby boy, Troy William, was Mr and Mrs James Fisher and tion. judging were Thomas Rivest, born to Mr and Mrs Fredrick Miss Barbara Coelius of Mount first place, and Yvonne Rivest, family. Services will be held at the William SpellmanNov. 18 at Clin­ PREVIOUSLY, Mrs Ivan Hof- Mrs Ruby Patterson of St. Clemens and Miss Birdaline second place. Yvonne Rivest was ferbert of Bannister, aunt of the Duplain Methodist Church, Smith of St. Johns attended the ton Memorial Hospital. He weighs Johns and Mrs Grace Randolph Christmas Eve from 8 to 9 p.m. also winner of the junior dairy 8 pounds, 7 1/2 ounces. Mrs bride-to-be and cousins Mrs wedding of Kathy Schutt and Ben­ shownmanship. spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr Mr and Mrs Charles Walker Spellman was the former Storm John Weber of Lansing and Mrs and Mrs Elmore Randolph and ton Gibson at Cadillac Friday Bruce Hofferbert co-hosted a and son, Charles, spent the evening. The wedding took place Ann Beebe. family. Thanksgiving holiday weekend THE ROSETTE winners were kitchen shower in the home of in St. Ann's Catholic Church in Thelma Dunham for knitting, Ray Stephens spent a few days Mrs Don Clark of Ridge Road. Thanksgiving Day guests at visiting Mrs Walker's sister and Cadillac. The bride is a niece at Thanksgiving time with his the home of Mr and Mrs Carson brothers at Lake Mills, Wise. Mary Temple for clothinf, and of Mrs Robert Wooley. Bill Foran, vegetables. son, Raymond Stephens of De­ Shinaberry were Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs William Fox were' troit. AUNTS OF THE prospective Max Shinaberry and family, Mr Thanksgiving dinner guests of Trip winners were Alan Cobb groom recently honored Betty and Ronny Risley, to Barry EUREKA GIRL SCOUTS and Mrs Dale Henning and fam­ their son and family, the Rob­ with a grocery shower at the ily, Mr and Mrs Kent Shina­ MYF met Sunday County; Kathy Smith and Terry The Cadettes of Eureka Troop home of Mrs Roland Hallead of ert Foxes, Patrice, Michael and No. 310 were guests last week berry and Kevin and Mr and John of Farragher Road. Bernath, to Yankee Springs; and W. High Street, Ovid. The Intermediate MYF met Judy Rivest and Rita Washburn, Tuesday of the St. Johns Cadette Mrs Robert Shinaberry. Sunday evening lunch eon Sunday evening with counselor, Misses Delores Fritz and Gail to Canada. Troop No. 429 and their leader Harte assisted by Mrs Oscar Mr and Mrs Gilbert Baker guests of Mr and Mrs Al Rade­ Mrs Alpha Grubaugh, in the MYF Mrs Gail Goetze. Mrs John and family were Thanksgiving macher were Mr and Mrs Kirk Chapel at the Methodist Church. Fritz held a miscellaneous show­ THE COUNTYPINSwereliven Thrush of St. Johns accompanied er at the home of the former Day guests in the home of Mrs Burl and son Michael of Shep- Betsy Baker gave the devo­ Mrs Gordon Waggoner, leader, Harmon Earegood at St. Louis, ardsville Road and Mr and Mrs to Terry Bernath in vegetables, on Centerline Road. tional service. Jack Keys pre­ Thomas Rivest in poultry, Alan and three Cadettes, Debbie Ea- Richard Rademacher and daugh­ sided for the business meeting kins, Vicki Zamarron and Gloria ter Roshelle of rural Maple Rap­ Cobb in agriculture, Rita Wash­ which will be the last until Jan. burn in clothing, Mike Rivest Waggoner, to the meeting. ids. 8, because of the Christmas ac­ The Junior Troop No. 310 pre­ To avoid delay in payment or in agriculture, Jill Tabor in tivities. achievement, Kam Washburn in sented Thanksgiving place mats response, all bills or corre­ The following announcements and treats to the ladies at the spondence should be mailed or photography, and Judy Rivest In WE were made: Dec. 4, "Hanging Marion's Nursing Home last presented to the recently elected home management. of the Greens" party sponsored The junior leaders are: Thel­ Wednesday. MAKE IT EASY treasurer of the Rochester by the MYF and Board of Edu­ Mrs Ronald Hubbard has her Colony Community Club, Mrs ma Dunham, Carol Buck, Jill cation; Dec. 15, combined Sun­ Tabor and Rita Washburn. The Brownie Troop under way again TO FIND THE Lyle Fleagle of Colony Road, day School class party and MYF and there are 10 girls In the troop. Ovid. leaders are: Mrs Ray W. Peck, USED CAR party; and Dec. 18, Church's Mrs Glen Webster, Mrs Wood- They are learning their Brownie Christmas program. row Bashore, Mrs Norman Promise and the use and care of The largest known underground The meeting closed with the Blakely, Mr and Mrs Andrew the American flag. chamber, measuring 4,270 feet MYF Covenant and benediction Cobb, Mrs Dale Levey Jr. and * * WANT a TILE CO. long and 656 feet wide by 328 repeated by the group of young Mrs Burton Tabor. Mrs Duane Those in the hospitals from YOU feet high, is the Big Room of people. this community are Mrs Eliza­ S. Church ST. JOHNS Phone 224-2327 Graham is assistant leader. Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. Elizabeth Betts spent the beth Blank and Mrs Cooley, she is Visit Our Used Car Port Marguerite Shappell's mother. They are both in Clinton Memo­ at Higham and Brush Maple Bopids rial Hospital. Jennie Martin and Hi Stevens are both in a Lansing By Mrs Wilbur Bancroft hospital. Phone 682-3553 Mr and Mrs Gordon Waggoner, Gloria and Linda, entertained Mr Egan Ford Sales, Inc Twirlers schedule and Mrs Milford Clark of Elsie Thanksgiving Day. This day was ST. JOHNS ' Yule dance Dec. 9 the wedding anniversary of both the Clarks and Waggoners. Both Ten guest couples danced with couples were also married on a Use Your Seat Belts!! the Maple Rapids Twirlers Nov. Thanksgiving Day. , 25 to the calls of Wendell Law. James Gower, son of Mr and The guests were from St. Johns Mrs J. O. Gower, is home for a Hoedown, Bath Shootln* Stars, 14-day leave following boot train­ Lake-o-Squares, Portland Dudes ing at San Diego, Calif. and Dolls, Circle 8, Carson City Miss Mary Gower, student and Stanton. from Ferris State College, spent The Twirlers will dance D«c. Thursday at her home here. Miss 9. This will be the Christmas Martha Wright, student from dance with a 50 cent gift exchange. Central Michigan University, * * spent the Thanksgiving vacation Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr at the J. O. Gower home also. and Mrs John Brown were Dr and Rule Jenlson of Toledo, Ohio, Mrs Lauren Brown, Mr and Mrs called on friends here Friday. He Roger Brown, Mrs James Berna is the son of Dolph Jenison. and children, Miss Barbara1 Brown, Miss Mary Brown and HOME AGAIN Lyle Leslie, all of East Lansing Bert Hubbard came home to and Mr and Mrs Ray Fricke and stay from the Medical Hospital children of Middleton, Mrs Irane in Lansing where he has been for Vehulst of Holland was a weekend several weeks. guest and stayed until Sunday. Mr and Mrs Milford Clark re­ Capt James Berns is stationed turned to their home Monday af t- \ with a replacement company in t v Saigon.

Eliminate the possibility of high-cost repair M*owei* bills ... on '64, '65 and '66s . . . Ford Motor Company now takes the doubt out of buying a Train Sizes - Width plus Length not over 101 ins. used car. The factory-backed warranty will cover your purchase of any used 1964, 1965 or 1966 Wwranif/ (Add Width and Height Measurement) Ford Motor Company car that has been certified LARGER SIZES AVAILABLE and registered by a participating dealer. Overlap and Blind Stop Mounted Here's what we mean by it being good for Ford Motor Company warrants to lever, clutch or brake assemblies or 2 years or a total of 50,000 miles of operation. Purchaser of used 1-, 2- or 3-year-old wheels, tires or tubes. Aluminum Combination Ford-built cars certified and registered The Warranty is not transferable Say you buy a car with 30,000 miles. Then you're by an authorized Dealer, that the and does not apply to failures caused "Guess what?' covered for another 20,000 miles. For a total of Dealer, using genuine new Ford or by abuse, neglect or Inadequate main­ Ford Authorized Reconditioned parts, tenance,* repairs attempted by non- 50,000 miles. But mayb'e you don't drive that will repair, free of charge including authorized dealers, accidents or other BOB EBERT Storm Doors much. Maybe it would take you several years to related labor, any Power Train part casualty. ODD SIZES AVAILABLE which fails in normal use and service •Every 6 monlhs/G,00D miles :engine GIVE APPLES Representative run up a total of 50,000 miles. If so, we measure within (I) 24 monlhsfrom the termina­ oil and filter should be changed, your warranty period in time. That's where the tion of the New Car Warranty (or from breather cap and air filter cleaned and We wrap and mail them 30"x80" "2 years" part comes in. Two years or 50,000 the date the Used Car Warranty is transmission and axle fluid levels for you. See our display of registered, if that is later) or (II) checked. Every 12 months/12,000 $OC95 miles, whichever comes first. With this unique 5 years from the dale of production, or miles: air filter (closed ventilation gifts. Metropolitan Life 32"x80" factory-backed warranty . . . you never have to (III) 50,000 miles of total operation, system) emission control valve, therm- whichever comes first. actor filter and oil breather cap (1964 INSURANCE COMPANY 36"x80" pay more than $25 for any single repair that's models) should be changed, and emis­ Choice Christmas NEW TOHK, N. V. 25 The Purchaser will pay only the covered. first $25 of the total warranty repair sion system and carburetor spacer Trees and Wreaths bill and must present his Owner Card cleaned. Every 36 months/36,000 Only one more thing to know. Warranty cov­ or Warranty Certificate. miles: air filter (open ventilation sys­ erage stops 5 years after the car was made. tem) should be replaced.and universal Power Train parts include: engine joints (1964-65 models) repacked. (On CIDER * • 'Life Insurance block, head, and all internal engine 1964-65 Llncolns, manifold to water parts, oil pan and gaskets, water valve hose and choke hose should Fresh Pressed All Winter . Insulation - Weatherstrip - Paints pump, Intake manifold, transmission be replaced every 24 months/30,000 • Mortgage ,tf»""D. and all internal transmission parts, miles. On 1965-66 S-cyf. Mercurys MAPLE SYRUP—HONEY • torque converter, driveshaft, universal and Comets with air-conditioning, Insurance joints, rear axle, and all rear axle POPCORN—SQUASH internal parts, and rear wheel bear­ and all 1966 Lincolns. manifold to You're ahead with The Lively Ones... ings ; but exclude related Items such as water valve hose should be replaced, POTATOES • Group Insurance ignition, electrical, cooling and fuel and In all models, engine coolant Central Michigan should be changed every 24 months/ systems, engine or transmission con­ 36,000 miles.) • Annuities YOUR FORD DEALERS trols or linkages, manual gearshift Nelson's Welcan. • Pension Plans Orchard! Cider Mill Lumber 509 S. Oakland EGAN FORD SALES, Inc. LUMBER—BUILDING SUPPLIES % mile north of loni» «n Phone 224-7277 200 W. Higham ST. JOHNS Ph. 224-2285 M-GG 407 N. Clinton ST. JOHNS Phone 224-2358 Thursday, December 1, 1966 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 13 A Consumers NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHANGE honors 14 IN SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARIES from area In accordance with Act. No. 269,v Two hundred seventy-five Con­ Public Acts of 1355, chapter 5, Sec' sumers Power Co. employees of 461, notice is hereby given that a the Lansing Division were re­ cently recognized at the annual hearing of the Clinton County, Eaton Service Award Dinner held at the County and Ingham County Boards of Kellogg Center, Michigan State Education will be held at the time University. The group Included 64 Quarter Century Club mem­ and place specified below, to consider bers and 73 retired employees. petitions from the Lansing SchoolDis- Company policy Is to honor those employees who have' completed trict to the DeWitt Public School Dis­ a multiple of five years of serv­ trict. ice. The following employees in the All that property presently within the Lansing School St. Johns area were honored at District which was within the former School District the dinner: Dale E. Mitchell, No. 9, DeWitt Township, Clinton County, Michigan, Hurd Richard J. Cronkhite, Alvln R. School District, as of October 24, 1965 and lying within Thelen, Gerald N. Thelen, Allen: an area whose boundaries are described as south and east 0. Thelen, Norbert J. Thelen, of the present DeWitt School District boundary lines, Leonard M. Thelen, Robert Rad- north of Stoll Road, west of U.S. 27 and south of Clark emacher, Frederick A. Schmltz, Road, specifically excluding therefrom any areas within Jeffrey Cassler, 21/2, pulls Joseph H. Schueller and Herbert said description that were. In the former Gunnisonville the switch that turned on St. A. Stump. School District, Clinton County, Michigan or the Valley Johns' Christmas tree at spe­ ALSO HONORED at the Lansing Farms School District, Clinton County, Michigan. cial ceremonies Friday night. dinner were the following St. Dad (Maynard Cassler) holds Johns area retired employees: the youngster up. Fred M. Barton, GerogeW. Black Place of Meeting: Sheridan Road and Dick W. DeGroot. Schoo], gymnasium, Lansing, Michi­ Special guests from the com­ Why pany's general offices injackson gan. were present at the dinner. M. S. Blackman, assistant to Time: 8:30 p.m. , The division manager, Lansing Divi­ sion, congratulated the honored NEW COURTHOUSE ADDITION PROCEEDING ON SCHEDULE Date: December 8, 1966. Christian guests and expressed apprecia­ tion for the many years of loyal Workmen are "down under" again and while outside progress can't be observed, the Science service they had given. overall progress of the new east wing on the Clinton County Courthouse is on or a little All interested persons are invited . Car skids,' hits ahead of schedule, according to Almond Cressman, chairman of the building-and grounds to attend this meeting. Monitor committee of the county board. The pre-cast concrete beams which form the deck for CARL BATES side of another what will be the main floor of the new wing were set, in place over a week ago, and since Secretary recommends Two persons escaped Injury then workmen have been spending most of their time in the basement portion, which will Friday afternoon when they col­ eventually*house a civil defense emergency operating center. NEWS WANT ADS yon read lided their autos at US-2.7 and CAN SELL ANYTHING Stoll Road. They were Kenneth W. Asbrldge, 27, of 14920 Chand­ HOWELL-A boy, Brian J., Stork shower for YOU GO THROUGH ICE, MUD OR SNOW - your local was born to Mr and Mrs Horace ler Road, Bath, and Eberisto Mrs Donald Munger F. Rosalez, 32, of R-l, Webb Howell of St. Johns Nov. 16 at newspaper Road, DeWitt. Carson City Hospital. He weigh­ Mrs Donald Munger of St. Johns Your local newspaper is a wide-range Asbridge was going west on ed 8 pounds, 6 1/2 ounces. The was honored at a stork shower newspaper with many features. Its Stoll Road , he told police. He baby has one brother and one Sunday afternoon, Nov. 13. Hazel emphasis is on local news. It also stopped for the highway, and sister. Grandparents are Mr and Worrall and Trellis Nowak hosted reports the major national and inter­ Mrs Gail Foerch and Mrs Mar­ national news. thinking he had enough time to the affair held at the.latter's re$ton e cross gunned his motor. The garet Howell. The mother is the home. THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS YOUR former Ruth Foerch, LOCAL PAPER car skidded forward in a circle About 25 guests were present We specialize in analyzing and inter­ and struck the left side of Ro- Births for the dessert luncheon. preting the important national and salez's car* going north on US- Mrs Munger is the former Pa­ 7cfo^&&>**t2ty Winter Treads international news. Our intention is 27. Clinton's Citizens of Pewamo tricia Stevens and a teacher at to bring the news into sharper focus. Perrln-Palmer school. RETREADS APPLIED ON SOUND TIRE BODIES OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES The Monitor has a world-wide staff of Tomorrow By Mrs Irene Fox correspondents—-some of them rank Youth kill in among the world's finest. And the Mrs Harr honored Monitor's incisive, provocative edi­ hunting mishap */ SCHNEIDER-A girl was born Mrs Theresa Simon spent Thanksgiving Day torials are followed just as closely to Mr and Mrs Vern Schneider Thanksgiving Day and the week­ by the men on Capitol Hill as they A 14-year-old youth from ru­ of R-2, Portland, Nov. 26 at St. end with her daughter, Mr and Thanksgiving Day will always are by the intelligent, concerned Mrs Donald Pung of Lansing. be a memorable onefor Mrs Harr adult on Main Street. ral Wheeler died Saturday after­ Lawrence Hospital. She weighed WHY YOU SHOULD TRY THE MONITOR noon after his shotgun accidental­ 7 pounds, 9 ounces. The mother Thomas Miller, Michael Sa- when her six children, 28 grand- You probably know the Monitor's pro­ ly discharged while he was deer is'the'former Adeline Bengel.v.: M™' noorft*^^^,^u: cnnaren ana an great-granachll- fessional reputation as one of the hunting. 5 (.:„•,;.•,: ..:. - ^..rlluhn arrived home-'Wednesda; T y dren gatfiepe^at^he.H.cly,T^inlty; world's finest newspapers. Try the - for the THa'nk'sglvlrig 'weeke ri'd. Hall for a dinner. Monitor; see how it will take you J WOODBURY - A girl, Terl They will return to St. Joseph He was Donovan L. Dziurka, Lynne, was born to Mr and Mrs A table was centered with a above the average newspaper reader. who was known to a number' of Seminary in Grand Rapids Sun­ four-tiered birthday cake, each Just fill out the coupon below. Bruce Woodbury of 106 S.Em­ day. people in the Ashley area. Hewas mons, St. Johns, Nov. 21 at Car­ lier representing a generation. The Christian Science Monitor hunting on his father's farm. The Mr jand Mrs Louis Cook and It was surrounded with gifts. Aft­ son City Hospital. She weighed family and Mrs MableCookwere One Norway Street accident occurred about 4:30 p.m. 7 pounds, 12 ounces. The baby er dinner, visiting and dancing Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Thanksgiving Day dinner guests has two sisters. Grandparents were enjoyed. Please start my Monitor subscription for When his parents, Mr and Mrs of Mr and Mrs Andrew Angwln the period checked below. I enclose Louis Dziurka, returned home are Mr and Mrs Herman Muel­ and family of Ithaca. $ (U.S. funds). ler of Houghton Lake and Mr about dark from a trip to Midland, Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr D 1 YEAR $24 Q 6 months $12 Mr Dziurka went to the wooded and Mrs Chan Woodbury of R-l, Krepps District Q 3 months $6 St. Johns. The mother is the and Mrs Fredrick Wood and fam­ Name . area of the farm where the youth ily were Mr and Mrs Donald By Mrs Lucille Heibeck usually hunted and found the body former Blanche Mueller, Street Wood and family, Mrs Clinton I. in a dense thicket about a half- Wood, Mr and Mrs William Wood Mr and Mrs George E. Smith < City mile from his home. V DAHER-A boy, Philip, was of Grand Rapids and Mrs Patty and Ron were dinner guests of Mr born to Mr and Mrs John Daher State _ . ZIP Code McCrae and children. and Mrs Joel Bachman of St. The next Red Cross blood- of Lansing, Nov 22 at Lansing Johns Thanksgiving Day. 32-3p PB16A General Hospital. He weighed 8 Mr and Mrs Greenwalt and son mobile visit to St. Johns has of Florida called on Mrs Clinton Mr and Mrs Jerome Smith and Use Clinton County News been scheduled for Jan. U. The pounds. Grandparents are Mr Io Wood Saturday. family of Westphalia and Mr and classified ads for best results. cation will be announced later.. and Mrs Harold Bauer of St. Mrs John Kusnier and baby and Johns. The mother is the for­ Mr and Mrs Arnold Wieber and Mrs Dora Smith were Sunday vis- Mr and Mrs Joe Houska, all of mer Diane Bauer. itors of Mr and Mrs Roman Smith ' Elsie, were supper guests of Mr BARTHOLOMEW - A girl, at Portland. and Mrs Carl Thelen Thanksglv- Le'anne Rene, was born to Mr Mrs Irene Fedewa and Ed Fe- ing evening. and Mrs Kenneth Bartholomew. dewa spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr and Mrs Carl Thelen at­ Bartholomew is stationed with her daughter, Mr and Mrs Perry tended a family gathering at the the Navy at Bainbridge, Md. She Lawless at Portland. Other home of Mr and Mrs Julius J. ZEEB was born at Carson City Hos­ guests were Mr and Mrs Bernard Thelen of rural Fowler Sunday pital and weighed 7 pounds, 5 Synko and family of Grand Rap­ afternoon. ounces. Grandparents are Mr ids and Mr and Mrs Bob Lawless Mr and Mrs Ronald Cuthbert and Mrs Allan Walte and Mr and family. and family spent Sunday visiting PRE-SEAS0N and Mrs Lad Bartholomew. The Mr and Mrs Roman Fedewa of relatives in Mount Pleasant. mother is the former Ruth Ann Westphalia were Sunday guests of Richard Cramer shot an eight- Walte. Mrs Irene Fedewa. point buck opening day of deer season. Our retreads are NATIONWIDE GUARANTEE Kendra and Michelle Paksi of Our retrench, identified by medallion and simp rtinrk, carry this KULT, IJFETlMIj i FERTILIZER so outstanding GUAHANTEU auumst defects in workmanship and materials and all normal road l St. Johns spent Thanksgiving Day liDZunl injuries encountered in everyday passenger cur use for the life of the tread NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHANGE with their grandparents, Mr and that they are desijin in accordance with terms of our printed (fun™1*'**- Vnse of replacement guaranteed like pro-rated on original tread depth wear and based on Hrestonc adjustment price Mrs Kenneth Heibeck. which may or may nut l>e the same ns original purchase price, of replaced tini or new tires actual current wiling price of replucement. DISCOUNTS Mr and Mrs Edwin Heibeck v IN SCHOOL BOUNDARIES were dinner guests of Mrs Nora » In accordance with Act. No. 269, Heibeck of St. Johns Thanksgiv­ ing Day. H u rry... Quant/ties Limited Public Acts of. 1955, chapter 5, Sec. Mr and Mrs Ralph Hallead, 461, notice is hereby given that a Leora Hallead and Delores Fritz ...Buy Yours Today Buy Now for Maximum were supper guests of Mr and Mrs hearing of the Clinton County, Eaton Edwin Heibeck Saturday evening. County and Ingham County Boards of Mr and Mrs Jack Cornell and Discount family spent the Thanksgiving Education will be held at the time weekend at their cabin near Ros­ $ $ and place specified below, to consider common. Christmas Record Album petitions from the Lansing School Dis­ Mr and Mrs Eugene Woodhams SAVE 4to 6 and family ofPriceRoadandRoss trict to the DeWitt Public School Dis­ Cornell of jtoscommon were All NEW Volume ! 64-1M trict. guests of Mr,and Mrs Jack Cor­ • Choice of •136 nell at their cabin. Hi-Fi or 5/ereo PER TON N 1/2-Of S 1/2 of SE 1/4. Sec, The family helped Bonnie and Connie Leonard celebrate their 16-T5N-R2W, known as Waymark Mo­ birthdays this month. tel Mr and Mrs Larry Sharp and December 1st Thru January 15th baby of Lansing spent Thanksgiv­ and ANDRE PIE 00 ing Day with Mr and Mrs Max TH* 12-inch LP. cuttwn recording f«*tur« popultr UvorHM tuck LIMIT Additional Rocord*-. Place of Meeting: Sheridan Road Leonard and family. n "Joy to tht World," "0 LI tilt Town of BMhUhem," "Deck th« HI-FI *3,M M. rWta," "Aw»y In • M»nj«r," "BtlH of ChrittmM," "It C*m* Upon ONE PER School gymnasium, Lansing, Michigan, Mr and Mrs Gordon Leonard • MMnt'gM Clur" and "Jlnfl* Bttli" » w«tl it th« rnoit popular St«r*a *4M H. of St. Louis spent Sunday after­ kWi md Entftih ChrUtmii Cwoli. CUSTOMER ZEEB FERTILIZERS Time: 8:30 p.m. noon with Mr and MrsMaxLeon- ard. Prtcad at thown at Ft ret tone Stor«»j eompeHUvely priced ol Flraitone Dealen and at oil tervlce italtoni displaying the Flraitona ilon. Date: December 8, 1966. HOW TO TREAT KIDNEY DANGER SIGNALS St. Johns— Ph. 224-3234 All interested persons are invited Getting up nights, backache, I e g pains, frequent, scanty flow may be Bee's Chevrolet & Oldsmobile, Inc. to attend this meeting. nature's warning of functional kid­ ney disorders." Danger Ahead." Give }-/ Firrslonv Tiros *•* h -V kidneys a GENTLE lift With BU­ CARL BATES RETS, a tonic-diuretic. If not pleas­ Ashley — Ph. 847-3571 ed IN 4 DAYS, your 39c back at **"$>' SHOWROOM: ST. JOHNS USED CAR LOT: w* . Secretary any drug; counter. NOW at Gjaspie's Drug Store. 110 W.Hiqham—Phone 224-2345 1002 E. State—Phone 224-3325 Page 14 A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Thursday, December 1, 1,966

* FOR SALE ^ HELP WANTED • HELP WANTED f«i USE OUR LAY-AWAY plan while WAITRESS-Daley s Fine Food. WANTED—Truck driverwith ex­ selections are complete. ' 31-1 perience. Apply in person at Gambles in Fowler. 32-1 MALE HELP—Man for general Central Michigan Lumber, 407 factory work, good fringe ben­ N. Clinton, St. Johns. 25-tf ANIMAL HEALTH products-We efits. Mi-Co Mfg. Co, West Main can supply nearly everything • FOR SALE Schedule Rates of Street, Elsie. ' 32-3p FARM WORK, married man ex­ for your livestock. Farmers Co­ * LIVESTOCK * .FOR SALE perienced in dairy farming, op Elevator, Fowler. 32-1 REAL ESTATE MAN OR WOMAN to supply Raw- $350 per month, plus house and REDUCE safe, simple and fast & Classified Ad Pages REGISTERED Corrledale buck leigh Products to consumers extras. Phone Mason 677-0402. ELECTRIC TRAIN In good condi­ with GoBese tablets, only 98?. or trade. Call 224-3877.31-2p In S.E, Clinton Co, or St. Johns. 31-2p tion,' 8 cars including engine, Glaspie Drugstore. 24-12p Cash Rate—3c per word. Minimum, 60c per inser­ 3-BEDROOM home in St. Johns. Good time to start. Write Raw- transformer, 29 pc. track, 1 tion. There is a 20c service fee for charged ads. If not 3 CORRIEDALE ram lambs, 4 Call 224-4879. ' 31-2p leigh, Dept. MCL-593-28, Free- WANTED — full time general MAYRATH augers and elevators, i cross-over, 2 switches, cross­ paid on or before 10 days after insertion, the following port, 111. or see or write L. R. office clerk, must like towork 42 and 52 ft. W.H. Flowers, 1/2 north, 1 west of Fowler. ing signal, automatic uncoupler, additional charges will be made: Ads 80c to 95c, add Maurer, 237 W.Clinton St., Ovid, with figures. Write Box R, care 5612 N. Scott Road. 29-tf 15c; over 95c, add 20c. Benjamin Bros. Phone 582-2362 call after 6 p.m., 224-3365. 31-3p • WANTED Mich. 32-lp Clinton County Newsgivingqual- 32-lp POTATOES AND ONIONS.-St. BOX NUMBER In care of this office add $1.00 REAL ESTATE ifications and experience. 31-2 Johns Onion Farm, 2 3/4 miles REGISTERED Holstein cows for LADY FOR dishwashing and light north of St. Johns on US-27. sale. Jim Nichols. Phone 669- MEN OR WOMEN fqr full or part MINIM lotion-soft dishwashing HAVE Detroit buyers for acres, cleaning, Monday through Fri­ liquid super concentrate. "One 22-tf DEADLINE: 5:00 p.m. MONDAY 6752. 32-lp, day, 3 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Apply time route work—local area. farms, estates, motels, river Ideal for farmers or shift squirt does a sink full." S & H Copy for ads on this page must be in the Clinton County News in person at thfe Hi-Way Cafe, YORK BOAR, wt about 275 lbs. and lake property! Any placet workers. Earn $3 to $5 per hour. green stamps too. O'Connor office by 5:00 p.m. MONDAY. Any size! Cash or trade! Robin St. Johns, Michigan. 28-tf Dairy Equipment. 32-3p Rolland Wert, 8584 Hollister Write Mr Kruse, Box 62, Free- BUY and FLY Road. 32 -2p Realty, 26029 VanBorn, Taylor, HELP WANTED-MALE-Atten­ port, 111., • 31-2p RATES are based strictly on uniform Classified Style. Mich. Ph. LO 5-4800. 27-llp tion High School Graduates. COAL USERS-Call us for your Equipment Installers needed. needs. Please give us time TRADE-INS OUT-OF-TOWN advertisements must be accompanied HEREFORD BULLS, ready for UNSKILLED LABORERS, no ex­ by remittance. Earn while you learn. Steady to haul. Farmers Co-op Ele­ service. 2 miles west, 1 south, perience necessary, day rate LAND CONTRACTS employment with advancement vator, Fowler. 32-1 1 west, 1/4 south of St. Johns $2.19, night rate $2.24 plus fringe Tractors Ph 224-2361 on GroVe Road. Kenneth Hicks. No delay! opportunity. Wages commensur­ benefits. Saylor-Beall Mfg. Co., __ 32-2p We will buy your land con­ ate with background. If interest­ St. Johns. 21-tf WATER SOFTNER Salt, Loui­ International Harvester 706, tract! ed, write to Employment Office, siana rock No. 2 comes In wide front, low hours 1 PUREBREDP-oland China boar, General Telephone Company of ARTIFICIAL BREEDING techni­ 100 lb. bags at 2.00 each. Amer­ Call Ford S. LaNoble » Michigan, 860 Terrace Street, cians for this area, full or ican Mini-cube is in 80 lb. bags International Harv ester "M 350 lbs. 4 York gilts, due * FOR SALE * FOR SALE soon. 4 miles west of Country • Phone Lansing ED 7-1276 Muskegon, Michigan 49443. An part time, for Carnation Breed­ at 1.60 each. O'Connor Dairy with duals Equal Opportunity Employer. ing Service. For information Equip. 32-3p Club, 1 mile south. Phone 224- John Deere 4010 diesel and 4- LaNOBLE REALTY 30-3 write OwenFransens, Field man, COLORFUL PAPER napkins, 4564, Keith Nicholas. 32-lp 16 plow ALL SIZES, Clasp envelopes in R-l, Dorr, Mich. 49323. 31-3p WAYNE FEEDS-Complete line imprinted with name or names heavy Kraft paper. Sizes 4 COMPANY SALE'S EXECUTIVE-Top rank­ for all livestock. See Farmers Allis-Chalmers D-17, wide for weddings, receptions, show­ 3/8" x 6 3/4" through 11" x * CALF STARTER 1516 E. Michigan Ave., Lan­ ing life insurance company has Co-Op Elevator, Fowler. 32-1 front, late model ers, parties and other occasions. 14"—The Clinton County News, sing. Phone IV 2-1637. an opening for one sale's person. Others get quick results with Cocktail sizes make inexpensive Allis-Chalmers D-17, wide St. Johns. 22-tf 35-tf Two and one-half years of in­ Clinton County News classified and appreciated gifts. — The LARRO CALF RAISE now NEW CONCENTRATED Rave front, Series III dividual training and financing. ads—you will, too! laundry detergent is Biode­ Clinton County News, phone 224- better than ever. A calf pre- CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE - Sales ba'ckground helpful, but not 2361, St. Johns. 24-tf starter that takes calves gradable, dissipates and does not Allis-Chalmers D-17, wide Ford through critical first 29 days beginning with the November essential. We also have openings cause excessive sudsing in san­ front, Series II of life. One 25-lb. bag mixed 24th issue all classified ads for part-time agents, men or FARM and INDUSTRIAL must be in by Monday at 5 p.m. itary systems, O'Connor Dairy Allis-Chalmers D-17, wide AGRICULTURAL with water will make 270 women, write, stating qualifica­ 'Symbol of Equipment. 32-3p TRACTORS and pounds of milk replacer solu­ -adv- tions, to Agency Manager, 1035 front, diesel tion; a solution that contains \ LIMESTONE EQUIPMENT N. Washington, Lansing, Mich­ Service' Allis-Chalmers D-17, row crop New and Used Lhe same solids as Holstein igan 48906. 14-tf' NEW Delivered and Spread milk, plus antibiotic vitamin, * FOR RENT front end and power steer­ mineral and growth stimulant NEW HOLLAND ing Call 224-3234 Simplicity fortification. Larro Calf Raise LICENSED practical nurse for Two Allis-Chalmers WD - 45 LAWN and GARDEN costs only $4.38 for a 25-lb. NEWLY DECORATED 2 - bed­ 11 p.m.—7 a.m. night shift ROTARY MOWER ZEEB bag. Makes a milk replacer supervision. Also LPN for part tractors, sharp EQUIPMENT solution for only $1.59 per 100 room house, space heater fur­ nished. Call 224-3134. . 32-1 time work, top wages, apply at p^'&Mim Used only as demonstrator. A FERTILIZERS pounds. REALTORS Three Allis-Chalmers WD HENGESBACH FORD office please. Maple Valley good stock chopper. tractors St. Johns—Phone 224-3234 APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, liv­ TRACTOR SALES LARRO CALF BUILDER ing room, kitchen and extra Nursing Home, Ashley , Mich. Ashley—Phone 847-3571 TASTY TEXTURE—A course, room, stove and refrigerator Phone 847-2011. 31-2 Only $325 Phone 647-6356 tasty mixture of appetizing Combines 25-tf furnished. Call 224-3067. 32-lp 51-tf mash and pellets. Combined 20 MEN OR WOMEN to work FOR OVER A with- Calf Raise, supplies im­ S&H FARMS International Harvester 10 1 NORWOOD hay savers and silage portant nutrients to speed ear­ CABIN FOR RENT, furnished, part time canvassing for St. QUARTER CENTURY N. US-27 and French Road with 2-row corn head bunks, all steel welded with CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE- ly growth. Calves love its flav­ light housekeeping, adults Johns City Directory. Good rolled edges to last a lifetime. handwriting and spelling essen­ Phone 224-4661 beginning with the November or and aroma and they get on only. Idlewild Court, Phone 224- John Deere 45 with 2-row corn See at our yard, 51/4 miles south low cost roughage sooner. tial. No selling. Write Box K 224-2301 24th issue all classified ads 2724. 32-lp 32-1 head of Fowler. Phone 587-4231. Cost only $2.90 f o r a 50-Tb. care Clinton County News 31-2 must be in by Monday at 5 p.m. YOUR HOME will truly be your Fedewa Builders, inc. 22-tf bag. Massey-Harris 82 with 2-row -adv- 2 ROOM furnished apartment, castle in this distinctively de­ CHRISTMAS TREES, pruned, corn head LIAL GIFFORD upstairs, private bath, reason­ signed ranch home. Three bed­ pre-cut or cut your own. Alex able, suitable for 1 or 2 adults. rooms with 1 1/2 baths. Built-in Ford Tractors HATCHERY Clinton - Gratiot refrigerator, stove, oven and Spitzley, 3 miles north of West- Choppers FORD TRACTORS Phone 224-4523. 32-lp phlia on Grange Road. 32-3p and Implements Opposite City Park vent, disposal, snack bar. Slid­ Gehl chopper with hay and 1- New and Used 32-1 TRAILER space. 13 1/2 miles ing glass doors off kitchen-fam­ NECK CHAINS, complete with row corn attachment New and Used Machinery north of St. Johns on US-27. Real Estate ily room to patio. Unfinished chain, tag and ring are only Parts and Accessories Biggest Stock of Ford Parts Available Nov. 11, 1966. Oscar rec. room in divided basement. Fox chopper with hay and 1- * POULTRY Dyer... . 28-tX Two car attached garage, 16 foot .85 each at O'Connor Dairy rov^ corn attachment ,' EquipmentV Phone* 224-7414, St. •r, CARLAND,^SALES,..3 BRADY-CHOPPERS'"' ?; Service wide cement drive. M Johns. ^S_lt 32-3p Allis-Chalmers chopper'' withv UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 -"' arid 'SERVICE" 75 WHITE ROCK pullets, 4 hay and 1-row corn attach­ RIDING MOWERS"" bedrooms, upstairs,private W. Townsend Road —90 or THE FINEST GIFT you can months old. Rolland Wert,»8485 ment and blower complete Phone Owosso, SA 3-3227 entrance. Also small furnished 183 acres, 4-bedroom home, give your family for Christmas PEKINGESE PUPPIES, six Hollister Road. 32tlp weeks old, full-blooded, $25. with pipes for 40-ft. silo Garland, Michigan ABC DISTRIBUTORS apartment downstairs. Phone cement block barn, 2 silos, is a new home, see this one in 224-4463. 30-tf block shed. Prince Estates. Brick front, 3 See anytime at 3405 W. Parks 24-tf Farm and Industrial WEEKLY hatches of DeKalb egg Road, R-2, St. Johns, or call type chicks. Started pullets bedroom ranch with 1 1/2 baths. PATTERSON and FOR RENT — Air hammer for 224-3482 after 6 p.m. 32-lp 5122 N. Grand River available every day. Rainbow Have buyer for small Space for washer and dryer in WANT AD Station-People in the breaking up cement, etc. We acreage with 3-bedroom home SONS (Near Waverly Road) Trail Hatchery, St. Louis, Mich­ 1/2 bath. Drop in range and oven Fowler area can take their igan. * 4-tf have two available. Randolph's near St. Johns. and disposal in the efficient STAINLESS STEEL wash tanks, Agricultural Implements Lansing Phone 372-2310 59.50 for a set of two. Some News want ads to Finkbeiner's, Ready-Mix Plant, North US-27, kitchen with large eating area. 18-tf 190 acres northwest. used tanks in stock. O'Connor Phone 224-4738 Fowler. 6-tfdh CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE - phone 224-3706. 11-tf Beautiful paneled family room Dairy Equipment. 32-3p East M-21 St. Johns beginning with the November 120 acres southwest of St. with sliding glass doors to patio. 24th issue all classified ads 32-1 For Sale FOR SALE—New Moon and Schult * HELP WANTED Johns with good 4-bedroom GAMBLES IN Fowler open every mobile homes. All sizes, must be in by Monday at 5 p.m. home, see this one to ap­ YOU'LL LOVE this gracious Friday and Sat. night 'till prices, and floor plans. Good preciate it. home built just one year ago. Christmas, 32-1 Cement and Mortar Three bedrooms, on first floor BUSINESS CARDS, flat or raised selection of used ten wides. Open -adv- six days a week 8:30 a.m. until STANLEY Home Products offer 99 acres east of St. Johns. with bath. Finished bedroom and printing. One or two colors. GOWER'S ELEVATOR many fine opportunities. Call bath in basement, rec. room. NEW K.O. DYNE iodine deter­ Choice of many styles. Priced 7:30 p.m. BLAIR TRAILER 80 acres south of St. Johns, Eureka ic AUTOMOTIVE Arlene Lounds, 582-2490.16-tfdh Quantity of excellent cupboards, gent sanitizer udder wash, also as low as $5.50 per 1,000. The SALES, INC. 2081 E. Michigan dairy. for washing and sanitizing 17-tf built-in stove and refrigerator. Clinton County News, phone 224- Ave., Alma, Michigan. PhoneB milkers, bulk tanks, utensils and 463-1587. 29-tf 1964 FORD convertible, call 224- 80 acres west of Hubbard- 2361. 9A-tf ston or 3-bedroom home with FOR CHILDREN. Yard fenced as a teat cup dip. O'Connor 9956 between 8 a,m. and 6 WEDDING INVITATIONS and 5 acres. in with steel wire. A lovely Dairy Equipment. 32-3p WE HAVE oil and gas room p.m. 32-2p Real announcements. A complete family home with three ample heaters by Empire, Coleman, TRUCKLOAD SALE TAKE OVER PAYMENTS on 1966 80 acres in Bannister area. MAKE GAMBLES IN Fowler Dearborn and Siegler. Wood line—printing, raised printing or size bedrooms. Living room, engraving. Dozens to choose Chevelle SSSSB^-speed power combination kitchen and dining Christmas headquarters. Open room heaters by Ashley. We also steering and brakes, plus other 40 acres of vacant land Friday and Saturday nights.32-1 carry Homelite chain saws and from.—The Clinton County News, Pure Vinyl Floor Tile Estate north of St. Johns. room with built-in Tappan range phone 224-2361, St. Johns. 53-tf extras. Call after 4 p.m. 106 S. and oven, disposal. Bath,and parts. Ashley Hardware, Ashley, Lansing St., St. Johns. 32-lp . 3-bedroom home, close to with the pattern completely 115 acres of vacant land, a half. LIKE NEW 4100 Wurlitzer 2 in Michigan. Phone 847-2000.29-6 1961 FORD Economline panel school in north part of town, through the tile for lasting can be bought on contract. north. 1 organ. See at DePeals Music good appearance. For the truck, excellent "rubber, good A SPARKLING NEW 1 1/2 ^ Center. 32-1 price of vinyl asbestos. Ag, Limestone body, see at 4850 Lakeside Dr., 65 acres south of St. .Johns, Welling road, 4.7 acres with story, economy priced home, f Rainbow Lake. Phone 682-2591. 2-bedroom home, small barn, VISIT OUR NEW very nice home, barn on Full basement, gas heat and hot SIGNS Calcium and Dolomite 31-2p blacktop 'road. fruit trees, might take home SPECIAL SALE FURNITURE STORE in St. Johns, $7,000. water. Two bedrooms (Carpeted) CLASSIFIED AD DEALINE - down. Carpeted living room. LIMITED OFFER Including Lime Complete Home Furnishings 180-acre farm with nice 4- beginning with the November bedroom home, big barn and 2.7 acres west, 4 bedrooms. Very nice bath, large kitchen NO TRESPASSING ON dining combination. Built-in SMOKELESS AND ODORLESS Phone 224-2936 24th issue all classified ads silo. "Barn is set up for beef, THIS FARM must be in by Monday at 5 p.m. hogs or sheep. Very reason­ 1 acre north of St. Johns stove and fan. You can finish ASHLEY HARDWARE ably priced. with 2 bedrooms. - the upstairs when you need it. CALCINATOR FOR, RENT -adv- COYNE COWLES Ashley Phone 847-2000 Ready to move inl INCINERATOR 156 acres southwest of St. Two 3-bedrooms north of St. HOUSE FOR RENT 29-tf 7 miles north, 3 miles west, * FOR SALE Johns. Grade A milk setup, Johns, 1 acre. COUNTRY STYLE brick home Price reduced has 4-bedroom home, more 10c each y2 mile north of St. Johns. REAL ESTATE acreage could go with this 2-bedroom on S. Lansing with 8 acres on Wildcat Road. Installed FREE New modern kitchen and other 12 for $1.00 28-tf CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE - farm. street, $5800. beginning with the November remodeling downstairs. Fairly LOT 82x150 East Gibbs, phone 4-bedroom ranch south of town 3-bedroom on S. Lansing new furnace. New septic tank Save $25. 00 24th issue all classified ads Pompeii 838-2368. 30-4p on 1/2 acre. St., $4500. must be in by Monday at 5 p.m. and drain field. Additional land CLINTON HARD OF hearing? Have your -adv- available. Phone 224-2331 COUNTY NEWS hearing tested FREEatParr's NEW HOUSE in Bannister, sharp. North of Town—4-bedroom, 2- 4-bedroom, 1513 S. Swegles, story house on blacktop road, can large lot. Pharmacy, St. Johns, Michigan. Completely modern 3-bed­ BRIDGE CLUB OR CHRIST- . 120 E. Walker St. Johns Authorized agent for*Zenith WINDOW GLASS be bought on contract. Consumers Power Co. room, hardwood floor ranch. 3-bedroom, 305 S. Swegles. , MAS PARTY, you will be proud ' 26-Cdh hearing aids. ,M-tf_ We have all sizes and any Good for retired farmeror mer­ Are you looking for build­ to welcome guests into this sharp 113 E.. Walker St. Johns chant. For particulars call ing lots in the county? We 2-bedroom, 110 Lewis street. new home on South Traver, Brick shape. We install glass. have some dandies on black­ 30-3 Charles Walton 489 - 1207 or front, 3 good size bedrooms, USED TRACTORS Phone 224-3337 Furman - Day Realty Co. 882- top road south of St. Johns. 2-bedroom, 210 N. Traver CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE- St., excellent buy. 1 1/2 baths. Built-in stove, oven beginning with the November and IMPLEMENTS 0777. ' 3-tf and hood. Sliding glass doors RABBITS, checkered, white, 24th issue all classified ads ON HAND AT ALL TIMES • HEATHMAN'S DONALD DAVIS 3-bedroom, North Oakland, off dining area to patio- HOUSE FOR SALE-204 E.Stur- black bucks. Also bunnies by must be in by Monday at 5 p.m. Paint Service Center Local Representative close in. Used gis Street, large lot, excellent Dutch Belted and pedigreed New -adv- St. Johns 224-3376 Zealand White. 7 3/4 west of SELF-PROPELLED Downtown St. Johns location, 6 large rooms and bath, 10 rooms, 3 apartments, S. DeWHt, 9800 Howe Road. 32-lp 31-tf attached garage, wood burning or Wight St. Owners ftwill ex­ THE BRIGGS CO. FOOTE trailer hitches for sale, COMBINES change for 3-bedroom ranch. $9.95 plus installation. Willis fireplace, full basement with gas 1400 BALES MIXED Alfalfa hay, heat and incinerator, write Box Realtors Hettler Motor Sales, 812 E. State of All Kinds Ingham 6 apartments, S', Lansing never wet, 50? a bale if you E, care Clinton County News, Phone 224-2301 St. Johns. Phone 224-2311, 26-tf If We Don't Have It * LIVESTOCK street, large lot. take all. 1146 MeechRoad, Wil- 30-tf "Across from the Courthouse" MAKE YOUR own signs with our Let Us Buy It for You Home Hamston, Mich. Phone 655-1660. FOUR - BEDROOM home near 4 bedrooms, Maple Rapids. Gerald A. Pope, 224-7476 pre-cut gummed paper letters. GET OUR PRICES HAMPSHIRE STOCK hogs, gilts 32-2p Fowler, built - in stove and Really, Inc. Derrill Shinabery ,-224-3881 Five sizes, two colors of letters. FINANCING AVAILABLE and pigs, registered and pure­ Two 1-acre lots north of St. china cabinet, partial basement, Winnie Gill, 224-2511 FRONT QUARTERS of beef, You can make signs of any size Also Good Supply bred. Proven meat type, reason­ 1 1/2 car garage on 1/2 acre Phone 372-1460 Johns. $800 each. or banners up to 20 feet long. able. 9800 Howe Road, 7 3/4 Duane Wlrick, 224-4863 USDA Good, and USDA stan­ USED TRACTOR PARTS lot. Call 582-3273. 32_-2p 4025 W. Saginaw We can supply the cardboard for west of DeWitl, Leo Heller.32-2p YOUR FARM BROKER Roy F. BdggS, 224-2260 dard, take your pick 39tf. A TWO AND "ONE HALF acres, Lansing, Mich. pork package $28, includes steak, signs or paper for banners. The AL GALLOWAY MELVIN SMITH, Broker Herbert Houghten/224-3934 A Clinton County News. Phone 224- also 7 acres wooded area. Ex­ Archie Moore, DeWitt 669-6645 r chops, roasts, sausage and etc. N. US-27 Phone 224-4713 LANDRACE AND York cross Member of Lansing Board of 6272 North US-27 2361, St. Johtis. 25-tf cellent for surburban homes. Ph. Town and Country Food Center, 12-tf boar, $55. Francis L. Feld- Realtors, a multiple listing We Are a Member of the St. Bailey Real Estate or Lewis exchange, Phone 224-3801 Westphalia, Phone 587-3451. pausch, 6 miles south, 1/2 east Trotter, IV93532 or IV97440. Johns Chamber of Commerce For Classified Ads — 224-2361 • Shop in Clinton County. 32-2 of Fowler. ' 32-lp 31-2p

j Thursday, December 1, 1966 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 15 A General lUrtwlck—J*n. 4 • LEGAL NOTICES STATE OF MICHIGAN—The Probate Bingham Grange will meet * WANTED * WANTED * LOST AND FOUND Court for the County of Clinton. Friday evening, Dec. 2, at.8p.rn. *M EMPLOYMENT MISCELLANEOUS Claims Ike—Feb. IS Estate of A light lunch will 'follow the STATE OF MICHIGAN—The Probate SCOTT HARTWICK, Deceased meal. Court for the County of Clinton. It Js Ordered that on Wednesday. Alu>at4-Plou>w* FOUND — Sheep. White faced Estate of January 4. 1907, at 9:30 a.m., in the WILLIAM E. IKE, Deceased Probate Courtroom, St, Johns, Michi­ By MRS. KEITH WOHLFERT, Correspondent ART PETERS SPINET PIANO BARGAIN-Re- young ram was found in Vil­ gan a hearing be held on the peti­ It Is Ordered that on February 15.. tion of Mildred M. 'Hartwlck for pro* sponsible .party to take over lage of Westphalia about a month 1067, at 8:30 A.M., In the Probate bate of a purported Will, and for ago. The owner can claim the Courtroom at St, Johns, Michigan a granting of administration to the Ex­ BUILDER low monthly payments on a spinet hearing be held at which all claims ecutor named, or some other suitable Mrs Chet Lloyd arrived from ner guests ofMrandMrsRolland piano. Can be seen locally, Write same at the farm of Norman against said estate will be heard. person, and for a determination of Springfield, Oregon, Monday Smith and girls. UtatkeU Feneis, 1/2 mile east of West­ Creditors must file sworn claims with heirs. Carpenter Work Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, the Court and serve ar copy on Wil­ Publication and service shall be evening to spend a week with Mrs Lottie Martzke spent a St. Johns Shelbyville, Indiana. 31-4p phalia. Phone 587-4081. 32^2p liam A. Ike, Administrator prior to made as provided by Statute and her sister and family, Mr and few days with Mr and Mrs Albert and Remodeling said hearing. Court Hule. Publication and service shall be TIMOTHY M. GREEN, Mrs Jack Wohlfert. Mrs Lloyd Yanz. WANTED TO BUY-old things, LOST—Black German Shepherd made as provided by Statute and Judge of Probate and Mrs Wohlfert were over Mr and Mrs Jack Wohlfert DECEMBER 1, 1966 Phone Ithaca Court Rule. Dated; November 21st, IOCS. china cabinets, lamps, Jig- female, 6- months old, answers TIMOTHY M. GREEN, Walker & Moore, by: Jack Walker night guests of Mr and Mrs Fred attended open house for Mrs Judge of Probate. Attorney for Petitioner 875-3308 urines, dolls, glassware, iron to the name "Tony." Reward. Dated: November 28,1966 Clinton National Bank Bldg, Strouse of Ithaca Tuesday. Chet Lloyd Saturday afternoon New Corn $1.18 Harold B. Reed St. Johns, Michigan 31-3 Wednesday morning they called White Wheat 1.60 banks, and bowl sets, Phone 224-7580. 32-lp Attorney for Estate at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred 1 Oats (36 lbs.) 66 FREE ESTIMATES marble top furniture, plates, red 305 East State Street on Mrs Vincent StroUse and Mrs Strouse of Ithaca. Saturday eve­ dishes, etc. Phone 882-3320 or LOST—a pair of dark rimmed St. Johns, Michigan 32-3 General Jencreaul—Jan. 4 Tim Parling of rural Ithaca. ning they were dinner guests of Navy Beans 5.90 STATE OF MICHIGAN—The Probate 30-4p 882-7507. 28-7p glasses in a gray case in Name Washy—Dec. 0 Mr and Mrs Adrian Zook of Mr and Mrs Stewart McLaren New Crop Soybeans .... 2,69 vicinity of State and Spring Court for the County of Clinton. WELL DRILLING and service. STATE OF MICHIGAN—The Probate Estate of Alpena spent two days with the of Alma. 100 BALES OF second cutting Streets, about 3 weeks ago. MYLO J. JENEREAUL, Deceased Wohlferts and their guest, Mrs Miss Carol Greenfield spent Egg Market Pumps, pipes and supplies. hay. Also registered Corrie- Court for the County of Clinton. It Is Ordered that on Wednesday, Finder please leave at office of At a session of said Court, held at January 4, 11)67, at 11:00 a.m., In the Lloyd. Mr and Mrs Leon Wohl­ a five day vacation with her Free estimates, Carl S. Ober- dale buck for sale. Call 224- Clinton County News. 32-lp the Probate Office In the City of St, Probate Courtroom, St. Johns, Mich­ litner, 4664 N. State road, Alma. Johns, in said County, on the 10th igan a hearing be held on the peti­ fert and family of South Haven parents, MrandMrsJohnGreen- Large $ .41 3877. 31-2p dav of November.A.D.. 1966. tion of Bertha Wallace for appoint­ Medium 33 Phone 463-4364. 48-tf Present: Hon. Timothy M. Green, ment of an administrator, and for a were weekend guests. Other field. Mr and Mrs Lyle Green­ Judge of Probate. determination of heirs. guests bf the Wohlferts during field were dinner guests Thanks­ Small 20 In the Matter of the Application of Publication and service shall be ic NOTICES * IN MEMORIAM James Joseph Washy to have h 1 s made as provided by Statute and the week were Mr and Mrs giving. name changed to John Marie Vlanney. Court Rule. Stewart McLaren, Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Ronn Phillips and FOWLER * WANTED James Joseph Washy having filed his Dated: November IB, 1966. application In said Court that the Daryell Towserly and family, Suszane were Sunday evening MISCELLANEOUS RUMMAGE SALE-12 to 5 p.m., In memory of LynneDevereaux name of James Joseph Washy be TIMOTHY M, GREEN, Mr and Mrs Fred Strouse, Phil­ Dec. 1, 2 and 3rd. 4105 Tur­ who passed away four years ago changed to John Marie Vionney. Judee of Probate callers of Lewis Phillips. New Corn $1.18 It Is. Ordered that the 9th day of Leitson, Dean, Dean, Abram & SeRar lip Strouse, Mr and Mrs Vincent White Wheat 1.60 ner, Lansing. 32-lp Nov. 30th, 1962. December, 1966 at 10:30 o'clock in Max Dean, attorney for Estate Mr and Mrs Robert Secord 804 Detroit Street. Flint 4BS03, Mich. Strouse, Mr and Mrs Keith Wohl­ WANTED TO BUY, piano old Many a lonely heartache the forenoon at said Probate Court be Sr., Larry and Cathy, Mr and Oats 64 and is hereby appointed for hearing 31-3 fert and family and Mr and Mrs Navy Beans 5.90 upright, player, grand or 'COMPTON encyclopedias are Often a silent tear. said petition. M,rs Robert Secord Jr., Mr and spinet. Phone Lansing 882-3320 It is further Ordered that public Robert Voislnet and family and Mrs Dennis Rathbun and Mrs New Crop Soybeans 2.69 the finest. Your representative But always a beautiful memory notice thereof be given by publica­ Ken Wohlfert. or 882-7507, 28-7p is Ronald Motz. Phone 224-3363 Of the one we loved so dear. tion of a copy of this Order for three Mae Toombs were Thanksgiving successive weeks previous to said dav Wacousta Day guests of Mr and Mrs Dualn 44-tf Not a'day have we forgotten you of hearing in the Clinton Countv Mrs Mabel Westmorland re­ BALED ALFALFA hay. Will buy News, a newspaper printed and circu­ Mrs Edward Kraft—627-2039 mains about the same at Clin­ Foster of Wheeler. PIERSON'S 1 CHRISTMAS CARDS addressed, In our hearts you're always near. lated in said County. at your farm or delivered to You know how much we miss you TIMOTHY M. GREEN. ton Memorial Hospital. Mrs Mr and Mrs Robert Secord milking parlor, G/een Meadow 2


& "7 WARRANTY V* Ar any llnm U-Z-Biiy'i fnclcry will repair, or ai I. u],non| rep,flce „, Chairs with a flair for people who care reclining mccIianUm or iny piri thereof wlilwiii cWCc. e«eri any «'•»!*. or picklne ami ihlpplne. A La-Z-Boy RECLINA-ROCKER from the CHARTER GROUP, will add many-hours of comfortable living to your home. For rocking, TV viewing or full bed nap­ ping, there isn't anything quite like a La-Z-Boy. And, with 26 styles and hundreds of decorator fabrics to choose from, many treated with Scotchgard Repeller, you'll be able to select the chair that'will best harmon­ \ ize with your room decor. Yes, for giving or getting, La-Z-Boy is the "Chair with a flair for people who care." Come in today . . . see our display of La-Z-Boys . .. find out how really good look­ • ing and comfortable a reclining chair can be. BUDGET TERMS TO SUIT YOU! Buy now and save. We're Loaded! Your Choice of 10 Styles We'll hold your furniture for Greatest Christmas | Savings of the Season are Yours I 8 in Our t I | Fabulous I.

I *

8 if'

DANISH WALNUT FOR YOUR HOME This danish walnut table in round or drop leaf ^ with formica top. Table extends, chairs have $ upholstered seats and shaped backs.

I 8 S Barrel rocker with high pillow back, foam seat, malelasse. 79.00

SELECT YOUR HOME GIFT NOW . . . LAY IT COLONIAL SOFA WITH CHAIR AWAY. SPECIAL CONTEMPORARY SOFA This colonial sofa with chair to match In Your Choice $1Q0 *?99 has foam reversible cushions and is a WE WILL DELIVER t0 real value at BEFORE CHRISTMAS. t K 5 50 AT ST JOHNS FURN­ I Chairs to Match J9' *• 139 6 pc. Dinette Set ITURE IT'S ALWAYS 1 LIBERAL TERMS 36x48x60 Table WITH FREE DELIVERY LAMPS ROUND FORMICA TABLE and 6 Chairs . , 69« Many famous name brands in Round formica top extension table with your lamps are now on display, priced choice of 3 styles in chairs. Set of 4 chairs and Special 5-pc. Extension Table from table in an amber maple finish. 00 With 4 Chairs in Chrome JAQR 395 to 7950 M19 or Bronze Finish 43**- HASSOCKS 20 Other Styles to Choose From SPECIAL \ <^ 395 to 3250 Samsonite or Durham Card Tables with 4 Matching Chairs LANE CEDAR CHESTS Special Adjustable 15 Styles—Christmas-Delivery Rou„d Co^de French BoSt„„ Ro=y; a^enticol- *««•£ ^tf'™ P Hassocks—Choice of Colors K gh' in f^wood' (inUh. 1?!^ lapeispindie bf=L. 'Id- 9»ld finish, 22,35". 3995 00 g95 58.85 Values 49" - 169 59.50 29.95 37.50

St. Johns Furniture Co. FREE DELIVERY LIBERAL TERMS "CONVENIENT DOWNTOWN LOCATION1 118 N. Clinton'Ave. St. Johns, Mich. Phone 224-2063 I * Thursday, December 1, 1966 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 1 B: Thursday, B p.m„ homes of mem- respected? Arethelocatlonofthe meeting payments promptly. • * bers. firm and their business hours Consider howlongtheltemwiU, WSCS—1st and, 3rd Tuesdays, 2 p.m., homes of members Spend carefully - convenient? last before you decide whether G? **# Women's Fellowship—Last Friday of Many people aren't even aware buy it on credit or not, and hoiv <* Clinton * CMc Calendar * month, 1:30 p.m., church dining room of some of the places they can long you will take to pay for it.» Cpuncll Meeting—1st w* 3rd Wednes­ get credit. Sources include lend­ Officers of these organizations are advised to notify The Clinton County News at least day, 7:30 p.m. enjoy holidays more ing agencies: banks, credit un­ Holiday shoppers who buy jtor one week in advance of the date of publication of the issue in which any change ions and small loan agencies. children often lament that some in the regular schedule should appear. By HELEN B. MEACH If you decide you can safely toys Just don't last long enough Ovid Extension Home Economist assume more credit payments, Many retail stores offer a vari­ ety of credit plans. for the children to enjoy them. It Acme Society—3rd Thursday, 8 p.m., look around for the credit plan, in homes of members . that costs you the least. The mon­ Isn't fun for adults to be making Cub Scout Committee—1st Wednes­ WSCS—1st Wednesday, Ladies' Rooms With Christmas shopping lists The smart shopper looks for payments on .some thing which St. Johns day, 7:30 p.m., at James Couzcns Methodist church American Legion—3rd Wednesday, 8:30 still growing, and the purse al­ ey you save by paying less for terms with as large a down pay­ American Legion—1st and 3rd Thurs­ Building « » p.m., Memorial building credit can be applied to next hasn't lasted as long as the debt days*. 8:30 p.m„ Legion Hall Cub Scout Pack—4th, Thursday, 6:30 Businessmen's Association—2nd Tues­ ready shrinking, are you attract­ ment as possible and a short has. American Legion Auxiliary—3rd Tues­ p.m. school Elsie day, time and place varies ed to the "buy now—pay'later* year's Christmas shopping. payment period. This sounds like day, 8 p.m., Legion Hall Firemen's Auxiliary — 1st Tuesday, 8 Crescent Club—1st and 3rd Mondays plans? \ • the opposite of what is usually Banner Rebekan Lodge—1st and 3rd p.m., home of members' American Legion—1st and 3rd Thurs­ 8 p.m., In homes of members Mondays, 8 p.m., IOOF Hall days, 8 p.m., Legion hall Disabled American Veterans—1st and For family peace of mind and FINDING CREDIT plans that called the' "easy payment" plan, The usual signs of diabetes are' Park Lake Improvement League—4th American Legion Auxiliary —2nd and 3rd FrldayB, 8:30 p.m. Memorial Blue Star Mothers—2nd and 4th Tuos- Wednesday, 8 p.m., Improvement 4th Thursdays, 8 p.m. Legion hall building economic status AFTER Christ­ fit your situation involves more but It will be easier on your pock- Increase In thirst, constant days, 8 p.m., Senior Citizens Drop* League Hall than money. You must consider etbook because it will cost you in Center. Past Grand Club — 4th Thursday, Band Boosters — 1st Monday 7:30 Ilomemakers—2nd and 4th Thursdays, mas, shop as carefully for credit hunger, frequent urination, loss Child Study Club—3rd Wednesday 8 homes of members p.m. alternate months, Band* room, 2 p.m., in homes of members as you would when the payments come due and less in the long run. of weight, intense itching, easy* p.m., in homes of members B.W.C.S. — 2nd Tuesday, 3:30 p.m., IOOF—Every Tuesday, 8 p.m„ IOOF PXA — 2nd Thursday, 8 p.m.. Junior hall for a pre­ what the method of repaymentls. tiring, pain in fingers and toes, Clinton County Farm Bureau—Com­ high gym in homes of members cious gift for What steps must you go through mittee women meet the 1st Tuesday PTA Executive Board—Monday before Lions Club—1st and 3rd Mondays, Job's Daughters—2nd and 4th Mon­ AND A SMART shopper looks changes in vision, and slow heal­ of each month, 10:30 a\m, at Farm Thursday PTA meeting, 8 to 9 p.m, days, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple a loved one. to get a loan? How fast can you, ahead to other times when it will ing of cuts and bruises. However, Bureau office room. at school 7:00 p.m.. Legion hall Lions Club—2nd and 4th Mondays, 6:30 Clinton Memorial Hospital Auxiliary- Sunbeam Rebekan Lodge—1st and 3rd Masonic Lodge — 2nd Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. Main Street church of United You need get it? How much paper work is be necessary to use credit and diabetes may be present without Board meets the 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 Thursdays, 8:30 p.m. community p.m., Masonic hall church required first? Is your privacy keeps a good credit rating by any signs at all. p.m., In the hospital sewing room hall WSCS — 1st Wednesday 8:00 p.m., Laf-a-LoE Club—1st and 3rd Thursdays, the credit Cornhushcrs Square Dance Club—2nd Volunteer Firemen—2nd Monday, 8 homes of members 2 p.m., in homes of members. plan best and 4th Sundays, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. p.m., fire hall Order of Eastern Star—1st Thursday, Loncor-Dennls WCTU—2nd Tuesday in at the Municipal building, 8:00 p.m., Masonic hall homes of members suited to WSCS—General raeettng 4th Tuesday, PTA—2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m., school OAR —- 2nd Tuesday, in homes of B p-m., Methodist church gym ' Masonic Lodge—1st Monday, 8 p.m. your family. members Woman's Literary Club — Alternate Masonic Temple It's not a 8 et 40 — 4th Tuesday, in homes of Tuesdays, 8 p.m., homes of mem­ Order of Eastern Star—2nd Tuesday, happy expe- Clinton County Board members DeWitt bers 8 p.m. Masonic Temple Exchange Club — 2nd and 4th Thurs­ * * Ovld-Duplain Library Club—1st Fri­ r ience to days, noon, Walker's1 Cafe, day, 12:30 p.m. in homes of mem­ Blue Star Mothers—2nd Thursday nlt- bers distribute gifts and then face the Grfesloit WRC—1st and 3rd Tuesday. ernoon, Memorial building and Fowler new year with a burden of debts 2 p.m. in homes of members homes of members Fast Grand Club—4th Tuesday, in of Supervisors Meeting homes of members 40 et 8 — 1st Monday, 8:30 p.m., St. Boy Scouts—Eveny Monday, 7 p.m.. Boy Scouts — Every Wednesday, 7 that you can't meet. They have to Johns and Breckenrldge Legion Memorial building Rebekan Lodge—1st and 3rd Wednes­ Halls, alternate months p.m., Holy Trinity gym days, 8 p.m., IOOF hall be paid sometime, so It's smart Brownies — Every Wednesday, 3:30 Catholic Order of Foresters—3rd Tues­ IOOF — Every Wednesday, 8 p.m„ p.m., Memorial building Royal Arch Masons—1st Wednesday, to look ahead and see what your A meeting of the Clinton County Board of Supervisors IOOF HaU day, 8:30 p.m., Holy Trinity Hall 8 p.m., Masonic Temple Brown Bee Study Group—3rd Tues­ Confraternity of Christian Mothers— financial situation may be when will be held on Jaycees — 2nd Tuesday, G:30 p.m., day evening in homes of members 4th Tuesday 8 p.m. Most Holy Trin­ Roman Football Boosters—Meet every payments are coming due. L & L Restaurant Child Study Club--Hh Monday eve­ ity church Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the high school Jaycee Auxiliary — 4th Thursday, 8 ning, homes of members Daughters of Isabella*—2nd Wednesday, Social Evening— Veterans Memorial p.m. In members' homes. Circle Eights—1st and 3rd Saturdays, 8 p.m. Most Holy Trinity church Building, 8 p.m. every Wednesday, DO YOU HAVE large seasonal Knights of Columbus — 1st and 3rd Sponsored by Ovid veteran's group DeWitt high school Fowler Conservation Club—1st Tues­ Town and Country Extension — 4*n expenses like fuel, taxes, and Monday, December 5,1966 Tuesday, 8 p.m.—K of C hall Cub Scouts—3rd Thursday, 5 p.m„ day, 8 p.m.. Conservation Park Knights Templar — 1st Thursday. 7:30 Wednesday, in homes of members spring clothes for the family Memorial building Jaycees—3rd Thursday, 8 p.m., Fire VFW—2nd and 4th Tuesday, 8 p.m.,' p.m.. Masonic Temple DeWitt Grange—2nd and 4th Fridays hall coming up? Do you have other Lions Club — 2nd and 4th Wednesday Memorial building At 2:30p.m. the Board will act on the following recommenda­ 6:30 p.m., IOOF Hall Girl Scouts — Every Thursday 3:30 Knights of Columbus—Monday after VFW Auxiliary—1st Tuesday. 8 p.m., credit obligations? Is it already p.m., Memorial building the 2nd Sunday, 8 p.m., K of C hall in Memorial building Masonic Lodge—1st Monday, 7:30 p.m. DeWhittlers Tops Club-1st three Lions Club—3rd Monday, 6:30 p.m., a struggle to get everyday ex­ tions from the Clinton County Zoning Commission: t Masonic Temple Thursdays at DeWitt high school. Fowler Hotel Volunteer, Firemen—First Thursday, penses like groceries and gaso­ Morning Muslcale—2nd and 4lh Thurs­ 4th and 5th at Memorial Building 7:30 at Fire hall day 9:45 a.m. in homes of members VFW—4th Thursday, 8 p.m. VFW line out of the paycheck? Could at 8 p.m. hall World War I Veterans—lat Thursday Order of Eastern Star — 1st Wednes­ Job's Daughters—1st and 3rd Thurs­ p.m., Memorial building ' you change your spending pat­ - OVID T.OWNSHIP day, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple ' VFW Auxiliary—Last Wednesday 8 day evenings, Masonic Temple p,m., VFW hall tern ... cut down a little here Rotary Club — Every Tuesday, noon Lions Club—3rd Tuesday evening, Me­ Walker's Cafe morial building * * and there to make room for these Royal Arch Masons — 2nd Tuesday, 8 Masonic Lodge—1st Wednesday eve­ Pewamo future payments? From Zone G, industrial to Zone D, agricultural: p.m., Masonic Temple ning, Masonic Temple Maple Rapids Royal Neighbors of America—1st and Order of Eastern Star—1st Friday eve­ Arnica Club-rlst Tuesday. 8 p.m., Altar Society—4th Tuesday, 8 p.m.,. Make a list of future spending 3rd Tuesdays, 8 p.m., In homes of ning, Masonic Temple nornes ui members Parish hall obligations and consider how members. PTA—3rd Wednesday, at high school, Also, approval and recommendations to operate'and Senior Citizens—2nd and 4th Tuesday, Band Parents—2nd Wednesday. 8 p.m.. Band Boosters—3rd Tuesday, 8 p.m., much more debt you have room 8 p.m. students Commons every month, VFW Hall Royal Neighbors—1st and 3rd Fridays, "high school for. Although many guide lines St. Johns Woman's Club — 1st and 3rd Baseball Boosters—3rd Wednesday 8 Blue Star Mothers—3rd Wednesday, 8 maintain a gravel pit on the following described parcel of 1 p.m.. Memorial building p.m, at the school p.m.,, elementary school have been proposed for the Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m., In homes of St Francis Club — 1st Monday, 8:30 Lions Club—3rd Tuesday, elementary land: members Blue Star Mothers — 1st and 3rd school amount of debt a family can car­ St. Johns Honor Guard—2nd and 4th p.m.. Memorial building Wednesday, 2 p,m„ homes of mem­ Thursday Afternoon Club—Last Thurs­ bers „ Masonic Lodge—3rd Tuesday, 8 p.m., ry, each family has to arrive at Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., VFW hall day in homes of members Masonic hall Parcel of landlnSE l/4ofSec. 11, desc, as: Beg. at SE cor. of Sec. 11, th. W. alg. S. Tops Club — Every Thursday, 7:45 Ouo Dccum Club — 1st Saturday, 8 their own answer. But looking at Veteran's Club — 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m., homes of members Order of Eastern Star—1st Wednesday line of said Sec. 117 rods, th. N. 16 rods, W. 15 rods, N. to S. line of r/w of D.H. & p.m., Senior Citizens' Drop-In Cen­ p.m., Memorial building B p.m., Masonic hall your present spending pattern, ter High School PTA—1st Monday. 8 anticipated big future expenses, M. RR, th. E. along S. line of R.R. r/w to a point 24 rods W. of E. line of sd. See., th, VFW Auxiliary—1st and 3rd Tues­ Volunteer Firemen—2nd Tuesday eve­ p.m., students commons 21 Club—2nd Monday, 8 p.m., club S. to a point 24 1/2 rods S. of N. line of Front St. in Ovid, th. E. to E. line of Sec. th. days, 8 p.m.* VFW Hall ning, fire hall IOOF—Every Thursday 8 p.m., IOOF house , your income, and any reserve Woman's Society of Christian Service hall WSCS—3rd Thursday 2 p.m., home of S. to beg. except commencing at the SE cor. of Sec. 11, running thence 50 feet North VFW—2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 8 p.m., —1st Wednesday. 8 p.m. you have—savings or Insurance- VFW Hall PrtscUla Circle—2nd Tuesday,, 7:30 Maple Rapids Improvement Associa­ members can help you decide whether you of center of Trunk line 21 now surveyed "over and acorss said Sec. 11, th. W. 1289 ft., WCTTJ Mary Smith Union — Third tion—4th Monday, 8 plm. in Mu­ N. 208 ft., E. 1289 ft., S. 208 ft. to place of beginning. Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. MatyWrtha Circle—3rd Tuesday, nicipal building can buy now because you don't in the homes of members Maple Rapids Twirlers—Meet the 2nd 7(30 p.m. and 4th Friday night of each month Wacousta have to pay right now. Rutn Circle—3rd Thursday, 1:30 p.m. at the Maple Rapids School gym GdDdwUl Circle—2nd Tuesday, 1:30 with a potluck lunch. Caller Is Breakfast Club — Last* Thursday, 9 Also, certain amendments to the Clinton County Zoning $!p,m., in the homes of members Wendell Law. a.m.. In homes of members Bath Child Study Club—2nd Tuesday, eve­ Westphalia , ! * * Masonic Lodge—2nd Monday. 8 p.m., ning, in homes of members Ordinance regarding trailers will be acted on. American Legion—2nd and 4th Thurs­ Masonic Temple Masonic Order No. 393—Regular meet­ Catholic Order of Foresters—2nd Tues­ days, Memorial Hall EOQl6 Order of Eastern Star—3rd Monday, 8 ings first Thursday of the month at day, 8 p.m., St, Mary's parish haU American Legion Auxiliary—2nd Tues- ** p.m.. Masonic Temple 8:00 p.m. at Temple Daughters of Isabella—3rd Thursday, G. L. WALTER Methodist Men's Club—First Wednes­ 8 p.m., St. Mary's parish haU day. and 4th Thursday, Memorial - HelpIng Hand Ciub_4th Tuesday eve- PTA—3rd Tuesday, school gym day of each month: potluck at 6:30 Hall " „, • , v* f nlng, in the homes of members Rebeliah Lodge—Every Saturday, 8 Knights of Columbus—1st Tuesday, 8 Zoning Administrator Bath Shootin' Stars-Square. Dance Club Nilcs Cemetery Society — 2nd Thurs­ p.m. Wacousta Methodist church p.m., K of C rooms —Club dance's* the 2nd and 4th. Satur­ p.m. at IOOF hall Neighborhood Society—3rd Thursday, days of. the month from 8:30 to day, in homes of members Sorosis Club—2nd and 4th Tuesdays in homes of members Young Ladles SodaUty—3rd Sunday 32-1 11:30 p.m. during jegular dancing North Eagle Cemetery Society—Last 1:30 p.m., homes of .members Order of Eastern Star—1st Tuesday afternoon, every 2 months, St. season at the James Couzens Gym Thursday, 3 p.m., Town hall St. Martin DePorre Altar Society—1st evening, Masonic Temple Mary's parish hall K< 2 Gold Candles FREE when you open your Clinton National H 1967 Christmas Cluh A Gift of Gold for 1967 Christmas Clubbers at all Clinton National Offices —St. Johns, Elsie, Fowler or Valley Farms. These colorful even-burning 8-inch tapers will be an attractive addition to your this year's Holiday decorations. Two candles FREE with each 1967 Christmas Club. Plan Now for Christmas 1967 Join our Christmas Savings Club Now.

Have all the cash you need for Gift Giving next year.

Save $ .25 a week for 50 weeks, receive $ 12.50 Save $ 3.00 a week for 50 weeks, receive $ 150.00 Save .50 a week for 50 weeks, receive ' 25.00 Save 5.00 a week* for 50 weeks, receive 250.00 Save 1.00 a week for 50 weeks, receive 50.00 Save 10.00 a week for 50 weeks, receive .500.00 Save 2.00 a week for 50 weeks, receive 100.00 Save 20.00 a week for 50 weeks, receive 1000.00

CLINTON CLINTON Your Christmas Money Available Oct. 1, 1967 NATIONAL Clintm 'Jfathm NATIONAL If they so elect, members of our 1967 Christmas Club may with­ draw their balance on deposit at any time after Oct. 1, 1967. Tellers at the St. Johns office will honor such requests after that' BANK AND TRUST COMPANY date. "BIG enough to SERVE You . . . SMALL enough to KNOW You" The optional early termination has been adopted for the con­ venience of Club members who want use of their accumulated H funds prior to the customary mid-November date. ST. JOHNS - ELSIE - FOWLER - VALLEY FARMS Deposits up to $15,000 Insured by the FDIC \ E ifl^^^^«*^«E^»*iMttPB3KIWliiWl^>^ Page 2 B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan k Thursday, December 1, 1966

South Greenbush «ii By Mrs Hazel Beebe ALL FOUR STORES JOIN IN CELEBRATING THE Phone 224-7003

CHURCH NOTES Michael Ask, an exchange stu­ dent from Sweden, who makes his home with the Roy Davis family this year, spoke at Sunday School last Sunday. He told a great many things about his home and their STORE HOURS customs. At the close of his talk he sang two songs in Swedish ac-' companylng himself on his guitar. E at 15487 North East St.-Hwy. 27 8 a.m. 9 p.m The Christmas tree and pro­ Mon. Thru Sat. gram will be held Sunday eve­ WE RESERVE ning, Dec. 18, at 8. Shop any Big E for SPECIAL SAVINGS During this Fabulous Sale! QUANTITY The Women'sSocietyofChris- Closed Sundays RIGHTS ttan service will meet Thursday evening, Dec. 1, at 8 with Mrs 490 VALUE - ASST. FLAVORS - COUNTRY FRESH Eugene Havens. HOLY LAND TRIP Miss Kathleen Biddinger re­ cently returned from a trip to the Holy Land. She was with a group of people from the Cathedral of Tomorrow of Dayton, Ohio. They ICE MILK COFFEE left Nov. 13 and returned Nov. 27. They traveled 14,000 miles by TWA plane. From New York they stopped at Amsterdam, Holland; Vienna, Austria and Athens, Greece and arrived in Ammon, Jordan one day before the war broke out there. They visited Jerusalem and were at the Jordan River. While there, she was baptized in the river. She says it is so very beau­ Half Gal Ctns. lb. Can tiful she would like to live there even though the food wasn't so good. Anyone who has been there really gets a much different out­ look on life. There were 66 in the party. * * Thanksgiving Day guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Alden Liv­ ingston were Mr and Mrs K. L. Jones, Miss Cynthia Jones, Mr and Mrs John Jones and sons, Richard and Robert, Dr and Mrs Manning Bross, Dan Bross,Miss Linda Wright, Miss Carrie Kel­ logg, Mr and Mrs Roland Ben­ son of St. Johns, Miss Sue Parks and Mrs Tom Schutt and children Jeffry, Lauri and Wendy of St. Johns and Mrs Carl Schutt of Jackson. PERNORS G/NGEJ? ALE Mrs Ralph Silvernail, Mrs Guy WT Simcox and Mr and Mrs Don » PURCHASE Smith and son, Tom, .went to Mount Pleasant to be Thanksgiv­ ing guests of Mr and Mrs Howard Simcox and family. Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr and Mrs George Hubbard were, Paul Brewbaker of Eureka, Eric Welker of Lansing, Mr and Mrs u„Keith.Miller and family of rural Elsie and Mr and Mrs Kerry M Gillespie and baby. Mrs Grace Stevens spent Thanksgiving with her daughter, Mrs Helen Fowler in St. Johns. Big E Frozen Florida Thanksgiving guests of Mr and Mrs John Bishop were Mr and Mrs Ephner Bishop and Nora and 6 FI. oz. Hazel Beebe. ORANGE JUICE Can Several from this vicinity were in Owosso Saturday to attend the 410 Value - Mott's marriage of Miss Marsha Hlller COTTAGE CHHSE and Karl Eckerle, which took place at the Christ Episcopal Church. Marsha Is the daughter ClB at of Mr and Mrs Bert Hlller. ,-'t APPLESAUCE ; Clarence Burk went to Ann Ar­ bor Thursday to be a patient in 550 Value - Pillsbury Hungry Jack L "*• - *• N- Pricey the hospital where he is under­ going tests. Miss Carol Bishop spentSatur- day night with Miss Sue Shaw. PANCAKE MIX Thanksgiving Day Mr and Mrs Miron Post were in Holt with Mr and Mrs Robert Post and family. 390 Value - Your Choice -Miss Helen Post and Richard were with Mrs Fred Post and Whistles 4 1/2 to family in Ionia. or 7 oz Wt. Mr and Mrs Maurice Blank and Pkgs. Daisies Bill entertained Mrs Pearl Blank A / 4 and Murrett of St. Johns Thanks­ ** 02 Aerosol Can giving Day. F reshl ike - 12 oz. Mln. Wt, cream or Cotton Ma/d Mr and Mrs Stanley Welton had CUT OR as Thanksgiving dinner guests Mr FRENCH c and Mrs Bruce Welton and family GREEN fgr WBRIC FINISH of Ovid, Mrs Marian Sturgls of BEANS ^Ttt PURCHASE Elsie, Mrs Mildred Abbott and W.K. CORN OP-1PT 6 0Z AER0 Miss Flossie Woodhams of St. 320 Values 8 to 10 oz. wt. Johns. Cotton Maid Spra, starch Mr and Mrs E. G. Stockwell, LUCKY CHARMSV COCOA PUFFS 3 69f Mr and Mrs Eugene Havens and FROSTY O'S family, Mrs Maxine Hunter, CEREALS!TOTA L ' for' daughter Carol and Harry Howard were the guests of Mr and Mrs Gordon Howard Thanksgiving ,&7C Value 69$ Value - French's 26$ Value - Single Ply-650 s. $2.39 Value - Day. Thanksgiving Day Mr and Mrs VAN CAMPS COUNTRY STYLE PAGE BATHROOM VET'S NUGGETS Richard Kingsbury entertained Mr and Mrs Don Philips, Larry and Ann of Lansing, Mr and Mrs John Kingsbury of Ann Arbor, Mr ORK AND BEANS INST. POTATOES WHITE TISSUE DOG FOOD 'and Mrs Frank Kingsbury of Lan­ / sing and Mr and Mrs Percy Kingsbury. • Mr and Mrs Carl Rosekrans 1 lb. and family of Lansing, Mr and Roll » *• 99 Mrs Keith Rosekrans and family pkg. of St. Johns and Mr and Mrs Har­ Pack Bag ry Rosekrans were Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Todosciut and family. Mr and Mrs Charles Zlgler spent Thanksgiving at Kalkaska NEW CROP LARGE SEEDLESS with relatives, Mr and Mrs Rhinard Schulz were guests of his sister, Mrs No. 88 Louise Banghart of Waterford, Size for Thanksgiving Day. Saturday evening they were guests of Mr DOZ. and Mrs Ralph Hiar of St. Johns. Mr and Mrs Alfred Cramer of Shepardsville visited her sister CRISP THIN SKINNED - 126 SIZE and husband, Mr and Mrs Rhinard Schulz.

FLORIDA TANGERINES 48° MICHIGAN DELICIOUS APPLES 3 48° Good resolutions never die— they Justfallbythewayslde* Thursday, December 1, 1966 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St, Johns, Michigan Page 3 |J Turkey gobbled, eyes New journalism club now on Christmas Ball to publish O-E paper By GAY BOND By CATHY ROBltfSON St. Johns High School Ovid-Elsle High School With the turkey being disposed The Sound and Sonnettes will fur­ Members chosen for the Hon­ A new club is getting under way Dec. 18, in the Elsie High School held sometime in February; the of and the pumpkin pie being de­ nish the music. The group con­ ors Choir are tested on ability at Ovid - Elsie —the Journalism gym. Under the direction of Don­ exact date and place is not yet voured, the students atR.B.Wil­ sists of a four-piece band and a and chosen on individual merit. Club. President Is Richard Eas- ald Thayer, the bandpartlclpated known. son waddled back to school Mon­ female trio. They have a Motown In former years they were cho­ lick; vice president, Mary Mar- in all home football games, the The band had a few difficult day after a well-deserved vaca­ sound and have been compared to sen by quartets but it was'changed ton; secretary, Linda Sturgis; MSU Band Day and the Chesaning times during marching season but tion. the world-famous Supremes. to individual. Each school Is al­ treasurer, Mick Gosclnski; and Band Day. seemed to perform well in spite All eyes are now on the Christ­ The magazine sale was a grand lowed four students. parliamentarian, Bruce Byrnes. Some of the band members are of them. The concert season for mas Ball on Dec. 17, It was de­ * success, with a grand total of The advisor of the club Is Mr planning to play in the solo and the Ovtd-Elsie band promises to be a success cided that the dance would be $5,896.91 as the final figure. ST. JOHNS WILL host this or­ Foreback the Journalism teacher. ensemble festival which will be closed, open only to the students Room 213, French I, was the high ganization "for the second year. This club will publish the school and graduates of Rodney B. .Wil­ room. Their teacher, RobertLa- It will be meeting here again in paper, the -"Maraudian" next se­ son High School and their dates. Brle, willbegoingtoChlcagowith January, February and March. mester. Requirements for getting PRESCRIPTION The event will be for couples only. two lucky students from the $30 One of theforemost choral direc­ into the club are, one semester club. tors in the U.S., Roger Wagner, of journalism and at least a "C" Service at average during that semester. RULES WERE SETon the dress Will be helping at these times. Q The LOWEST possible code for this affair. Boys will be PHIL ANDERSON, Cathy Zuker Last week at the student coun­ Now the club Is earning money asked to wear coats and ties. For and Dan Law were accepted from cil meeting, MarclaParrandGay by selling blue and gold Marauder hr price consistent with the girls it was decided that the high school to participate in Bond showed slides of the coun­ basketball pins. A constitution is | jt' the highest quality dresses and suits were appropri­ the Honors Choir. The Honors tries they visited this past sum­ being finished and will be pre­ PROFESSIONAL ate, but no floor-length^formals Choir is designed for the oppor­ mer. MarciaParrvislted Finland FIREMEN DISTRIBUTE CANNISTERS sented to the journalism club at the next meeting, PRESCRIPTION will be worn. tunity of outstanding students in while Gay Bond visited Sweden. St. Johns volunteer firemen volunteer Tickets will be sold starting the state to work together in a Then the student council held a. DEE DRUG STORE SERVICE choir situation. for a lot of things other than just fight­ THE OVID-ELSIE Band Is now today (Thursday) for $2 a couple. discussion on providing scholar­ Southgate Plaza ST.JOHNS ships for the students participat­ ing fires. Last Tuesday was an exam­ In concert season. Their first concert will be held on Sunday, ing in exchange programs. Itwas ple. Four of them, including Jim Kar- decided to set aside $?00 for this purpose. ber (left) and Ray Fleischer, distribut­ New site picked This week closes as the last ed more than 40 muscular dystrophy NOTICE week of the second marking pe­ cannisters to stores around the business for rouncltables riod. areas of St. Johns. The cannisters are The Chippewa District of the Chief Okemos Council, Boy Miss Piggott to receive contributions for-the fight HOUSEWIVES Scouts of America will Initiate a against muscular dystrophy. new place and date for their Cub We now have a complete line of Christmas baking named P-W's 7 Scout-Boy Scout roundtables, items: 'good citizen starting tonight. • PECANS • BLACK WALNUTS The roundtables will be held the PEWAMO - WESTPHALIA- Fowler juniors plan first Thursday of each month at • ENGLISH WALNUTS • ALMONDS Mary Ann Piggott, a senior and 7:15 p.m. at the new DeWitt High daughter of Mr and Mrs Gerald School on Herbison Road south­ • UNROASTED PEANUTS Piggott, has been selected by west of DeWitt. The dates for the the Pewamo-Westphalia senior smorgasbord Dec. 3 next seven months will be Dec. 1, students and the staff to be the Jan. 5, Feb. 2, March 2, April 6, A COMPLETE LINE OF FRUIT recipient of the Good Citizen­ By JOANNE THELEN holiday, there was no school Nov. May 4 and June 1. ship Award for the school year 24 and 25. The students were investment Fowler High School Cub Scout leaders, including Cherries (Red and Green) 1966-1967. treated to a special Thanksgiving Cubmasters, assistant Cubmas- Raisins (White) Miss Piggott holds member­ The junior class Is planning a meal by our cafeteria cooks. It ters, den mothers, committees, ship in the Science Club and smorgasbord to be heldonSatur- consisted of turkey, dressing, po­ prospective leaders, and parents tatoes and gravy, cranberry in farm machinery ' Diced Peel Junior Classical League. She has day, Dec. 3 from 5 to 7 p.m. It of Cubs will meet in the high sauce, ice cream and cookies., Blended Fruits held the office of secretary of will be in the high school cafete­ school cafeteria tonight (Thurs­ WITH THE WORLD'S BKST the Girls Athletic Assn.,-and Is The P.H.S. Eagles began their ria and will be open to the public. day). Boy Scout leaders, includ­ MACHINERY STORAGE BUILDING Dates presently the secretary of stu­ The food for the smorgasbord basketball season Friday, Nov. ing Scountmasters, assistant dent council and vice president 25, by challenging and defeating Scoutmasters, committeemen, Poppy Filling, Prune Butter, Apri­ is to be furnished by the students Musi farmers today have a king's ransom invested in (arm of the Future Teachers of of the junior class. Each student Freesoll. Because of the distance prospective leaders and interest­ cot Filling and Almond Paste America, She is a member of the team had to travel for this ed parents of Scouts will meet in machinery and equipment. It makes good sense, then, to has to prepare three dishes of protect your investment with the best machinery storage Cherries and Pineapple Young Ladies Sodality of St. food, each containing enough for game they stayed overnight with Room 114 of the high school. Mary, Westphalia. members of the Fowler varsity building on the market. A Moriarty Building Give us the 10 people. The menu will consist opportunity to show you what we mean. Citizenship refers to the girl of cake, Jello, salad, meat loaf, and junior varsity team. Like­ The State Farm Management as a citizen of her school and chicken, ham, baked beans, scal­ wise our cheerleaders put up the Tour next summer will be in ORDER DRESSING BREAD NOW does not pertain to her national­ loped potatoes, scalloped corn, Freesoil cheerleaders for the Clinton County, Extension Agri­ ity. Other criteria used in mak­ potato salad and beverages. night. The Freesoll team and cultural Agent F. Earl Haas, Seasoned or Plain their cheerleaders returned to ing the selection for this award Each student was assigned a announced last week. A meeting Freesoil after attending abreak- are dependability, service, lead­ dish to bring. Advance tickets will will be held next Tuesday to map ership, and patriotism. fast served in the FHS cafeteria. out the tour . . . MAIL COUPON TODAY FOR FULL INFORMATION BOX G8. AflOOS, INDIANA be on sale and can be purchased B3X m ANGQIA, INDIANA Pies-ce Bakery MORIARTY BUILDINGS • DEPT. . ARG0S, INDIANA This citizenship award is from any junior. Tickets will also of Mr. and Mrs Urban Henges- SH.USl CflAUfURQSMlE.INO sponsored by the Stevens Thom­ be sold at the door. bach of Portland. t BOX 145, RUSHVUlt. INDIANA Phone 221-2647 ST. JOHNS son Mason Chapter DAR of Ionia. The art class is busy making Mr and Mrs Bill Berryhlll Niiino HttX 32. XlNGStOil. MICHIGAN South Watertown BQK 117. IIASNNCS. MICHIGAN decorations for the occasion. The and family were dinner guests R R and !3ox No By Mrs Bruce Hodges BOX m, CASSOPOUS. MICHIGAN decorations will be hollies and of Mr and Mrs Ed Swanson of' County Town BOX 93 St. J0HHS. MICHIGAN green leaves giving the cafeteria Lansing Thursday. BOX 34, PETERSBURG. MICHIGAN State Phono a Christmas atmosphere. Every­ Mr and Mrs Lewis Lonier Mrs Nellie Hertzler and Har­ POt 211. KENTON, OHIO one Is spending a lot of time to were Thanksgiving dinner guests old Humphrey of Lansing spent prepare for it and they hope it is of Mr and Mrs Lyman Morrison the holiday with Mr and Mrs ORIJS.RXY a success. of Howell. Myron Humphrey. \m / Mr and Mrs Vaughan Mont­ - BUI L-O INGS NATIVE MINCEMEAT THE FOWLER Student Council gomery and Kay Lynn spent the wietti^iMimsttKttSMimswimig^ met Nov. 18 with President Rose holiday weekend in Gleason, 2-lb. $' Koenigsknecht In charge. Stan Tenn., as guests of Mr and Mrs PIE FILLING 4 Pohl and Judy Kramer gaveare- Tom B. Montgomery. Mr and Mrs Mark Oliverwere TROPICAL FLAKE port on the Exchange Day at Bath. Hundreds of ways to beautifully say; The council was also Informed dinner guests of Mr and Mrs that they will have to locate anew Floyd Dickert of Willlamston C0C0ANUT activity room because Room 109, Thursday. the art room, will not be avail­ Mr and Mrs Richard Stevens KARO RED LABEL able. A constitution committee and sons and Mr and Mrs Ralph was suggested and accepted. The Wilkinson attended the Thanks­ SYRUP committee will include In the con­ giving Day parade in Detroit. stitution the member ship, re­ Mr and Mrs Herbert Hardtke quirements, duties, elections, spent the holiday with their etc. of the council. daughter and family, the Robert EMPRESS CRUSHED A member of the council from Zeebs of Bath. each class was chosen. They are Mr and Mrs Gerald Phillips PINEAPPLE No. 2 senior John Luttlg, who will head and family of Elmwood Road Cans M.00 the committee as chairman: jun­ and Mr and Mrs David Hodges AMERICAN GREETING CARDS THANK YOU APPLE ior Joe Koenigsknecht, sopho­ and family were Thanksgiving more Doug Messer and freshman dinner guests of Mr and Mrs PIE FILLING 2 s,', 65* Don Koenigsknecht. One member Bruce Hodges, No matter how you wish to from each individual class who is Mrs Thelma Gee was in Chi­ extend your "season's Greet­ DEL MONTE not in the council was also ap­ cago the past week to attend the pointed to help compose the con­ funeral of her cousin. ings" to your loved ones, TUNA 6 1/2 oz. Can 33« stitution. They are senidr Cheryl Miss Carolyn Garlock Of Kal­ friends and business asso­ Weber, junior Ruth Ann Goerge, amazoo spent the holiday with her sophomore Don Thelen and fresh­ ciates you are sure to find SPARTAN parents, Mr and Mrs Leon Gar- PUFFS man Tom Piggott. lock. the "just right" card in our 200 Supervised study time in the 49* SHORTENING 3 c 79< various classes was discussed. Newlyweds are Mr and Mrs huge selection by American Facial Tissue Size Also a group of students was ap­ Ted Pearson who were married SWIFT'S COLD WATER Greeting Cards . . . Amer­ pointed to look over the various in Owosso Friday. She was for­ assemblies with Mr Stork. merly Miss Carol Wiser. ica's finest! BEEF STEW 24 Oz. 59* LIQUID ALL «. 2.19 Mr and Mrs Charles Lonier DUE TO THE Thanksgiving SHURFINE ROMAN were Thanksgiving dinner guests

NOODLES 4 „, 1.00 CLEANSER /— 39* BOX OF 12 GERBER'S STRAINED 3 lb. 8 oz, Pkg. Assorted or all the same BABY FOODS 6 Cans 59* SPIC&SPAN 79t HEARING AID BUDDIG SLICED 790 to 4.75 3 oz. WEARERS: i,"^*;?; H*/,*?'?'^ SMOKED MEATS 3 Pkgs. Better service for INDIVIDUAL CARDS MORRELL CANNED your hearing aid means HAMS 5 Can better hearing for you 100 to 1.00 SPARTAN Be sure to visit our next SLICED BACON — Beltone Service Center Geo. w. Herrick HERRUD'S PICKLE-OLIVE and PLACE-STEEL HOTEL You'll find AMERICAN GREETING CARDS at. . MAC & VEAL LOAF - Friday, Dec. 2, 9 a.m, to 1 SIRLOIN and T-BONE 'Repair* and Supplies for ch61ce Lb Most Makes of Aides STEAK REMEMBER TO ASK ABOUT OUR NEW L MONEY SAVING BATTERY CLUB GLASPIE DRUG gfe/fo&0* HEARING AID CENTER "Your Prescription Store" 1000 N. WASHINGTON iv a.HM FRECHENS MARKET FREE DOORSTEP PARKING f Fowler, Mich. 221 N. Clinton ST. JOIINS Phone 224-3154 Page 4 B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Thursday, December 1, 1966 probably be delivered after Jan, 1. "3 ^CTJW!* Road Commission The commission held aspeclal meeting Monday. Negotiations ( she constructs these beautiful near St. Johns. Mr and Mrs Ralph Baker spent and baby of Lansing. Mrs Walter trees. Mrs Don Oberlln of Mount Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs spent the weekend, 10:00 a m. 2:50 l> m. 8.45 l>.m. Ed Sonier Of St. Johns. Mr and.Mrs Max Walasek and ARRIVE ST. JOHNS Morris brought Mrs Clara Jenks 10:35 a m. 3:^5 p m. 9:20 p m. Stop in . . . see this tree back to the Elliott Nusing home Mrs Esther Dietrich enter­ family were guests of Mr and Sunday, A visitor of Mrs Jenks Mrs Ed Kaminski in St. Johns ^mbift i REST ROOM being made. Mrs Dean will tained her children and grand­ | EQUIPPED during the week was Mrs Ethel children toaThanksgivingdlnner Thursday. give you all the particulars, ME | AIR Mulder of Ovid. Thursday. Mr and Mrs Lester Hughson =pjg and Tom spent Thanksgiving with J CONDITIONED if you are interested, in Mrs Jessie Ferrall spent from Mr and Mrs Joseph Eger had j3-?&s Wednesday throughSaturdaywith Mr and Mrs Richard Mulder. m making your own feathered her foster daughter, Mrs Oral tree for Christmas. Elliott. Mrs Ferrall resides P4 Ad. While you're there ... be north of Little Crystal. \ The Cramer children spent the sure and register. Before weekend with their grandmother, Christmas someone from Mrs Oral Elliott. those who register will be presented with the feathered tree, Mrs Dean will be making Citizens of the Third District: at our Southgate office. 'lo all those wild winked so haid to make ni\ eleelion possible, I e\teud sinceiest thanks. Yum lo\alt\, WMII elloits, and the w\u tilth of wan hlendsttip will not be lomoltcn To ('onmesstuaii Todd, with whom I dillei philnyiphiealK, I ollei in> eonmal- ulatidiis loi the way hi' conducted himself while lepu'scuthm (At right: Mrs Lester (Beth) Dean is shown the Thiid Distiict. lie should'.dso be commended lot the ini- with the feathered tree that she made last year pioved wa\ he maintained contact with the people. I will eu- in her home, which was featured in the Clinton dea\di to do as well. I am full) aware of (he magnitude of the County News shortly before Christmas.) lespdtisibihties win have yiven me. I am aleit, too, t L owe A 1,1, theeiti/eiis of this Distiict.

Yon ha\c placed an obi i eat ion upon m\ shoulders and at the 'NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN OUR 1967 CHRISTMAS CLUB. . same time imposed a trust upon me. The obligation is welcome. The liusl. I assine win, will be TO ENSURE HAPPIER GIFTING NEXT YEAR "1 wish I had seen my in- fulfilled. suranceman" has a mighty sour note In it. Don't be GARRY BROWN sorry. Be insured. We'll check over your policies with ('tnitlicssmttii - fieri jfou, withoutobllgationonyour Thin! Disliict CENTRAL part. ofWtfrliinan ** NATIONAL BANK ^ HINKOr Member FDIC AGENCY &^224-2479< ><'i ST. JOHNS 212 NO. CLINTON PEWAMO Downtown .... Southgate Plaza OVID ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN Thursday, December 1, 1966 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St, Johns, Michigan Page 5 B

;» Bannister Mrs Robert Valentine Phone 862-4342

Wednesday evening was spent by the Bannister MYP making candy to send to servicemen. They also made apples that re­ sembled turkeys. These were taken to the Maple Valley Nursing Home to be placed on the patients' Thanksgiving dinner trays. The next meeting will be Dec. 7 when the group will decorate the church Christmas tree. Communion service was ob­ served at the Methodist Church Sunday. Rev Wayne Sparks serv­ ed the sacrament. The junior choir sang the anthem with a duet by Debbie Fett and John Glowney. Walter Miller and Donald Hlnkley served as acolytes. Mr and Mrs Walter Miller and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs Dale Schmidtman and family of Marquette. They returned home Saturday, Open Sunday The Bannister WSCS will spon­ sor a bazaar and turkey supper Tuesday, Dec. 6,withservingbe- ginning at5:30p.m. The menu will Include turkey and dressing, 10 to 6 roast pork and homemade noodles plus all the trimmings. The ba­ zaar booths will be baked goods, fancy work, Christmas items, fish pond, homemade candy and Serve N Save ^j» surprise packages. ' ' >b TENDERAY USDA CHOICE TENDERAY USDA CHOICE The Bannister Methodist Youth Sliced Bacon *•• 59° ARM CUT TENDERAY USDA CHOICE Fellowship sponsored a roller skating party at Fenmore Friday Kwick Krisp evening. It was announced that the Rib _- Swiss ~ jt I Chuck _ group will not sponsor a skating Sliced Bacon ^•'•*•• 69c M party in December. The next par­ Kwick KHsp b c ty will be Jan. 27. Steak" 79< Mr1 and Mrs Thomas Moore Steak 69 Steak" 59< returned home recently from Sliced Bacon ^1 37 deer hunting atMId-ForestLodge KROGER south of Prudenville. They each bagged a deer. On Thanksgiving FREEZER SALE VAC-PAC , $<| 29 day they entertained Mr and Mrs 2 KROGER Bert Whitlock and Delbert of St. V Johns and Mr and Mrs Ron Belts COFFEE can • ^ GRADE A' MEDIUM of Owosso. BUY 5 for 1 y coupon Ray Canfield returned home Kroger Frozen Peas & Carrots, Chopped Spinach, Leaf MEL O SOFT Monday after a successful deer Spinach, Broccoli Cuts, Corn io-oz, wi mci. '\J our 1 MM hunting trip. WHITE 5 EGGS Get 1 more for 1c 1K-lb. North Victor loaves By Mrs Elzie Exelby BREAD BUY 4 for 1 dozen (omitted last week) 6J4-oz. wt. tube Twenty five' ladies were in Kroger Frozen Cut Green Beans, Cauliflower, Broccoli attendance at the Victor Civic Spears, Fordhook Limas, Mixed Vegetables io-oz wt, PEPSODENT Club meeting held at the Henry French Green Beans 9-oz wt, Taterettes i6-oz wt Grossman home Thursday, A chicken dinner was served at Get 1 more for 1c _ TOOTHPASTE 12:30 and State Tropper Smith fillsbury White ,Swiss Choc. 1%-lb, Yellow 'Chocolate Mb. 2Vt-oz, Kroger Special Label (75 2-ply] Kroger Frozen or of East Lansing spoke and show- „ $ $ $ ed film on, ^Safety on the High­ Cake Mixes 3 1 Ice Milk 2»-'-** 1 Kleenex Towels 3 2-roll pkgs. 1 ways," during the afternoonpro- 5-oz. wt. pkg. WAFFLES H gram. Mrs Floyd Upton gave the 8 ^3°"' ', * '• " '"""oft* "? Deliey (500 2-ply) Special Label, devotional s and many articles of clothing and household ar­ Avondale Shortening 3 »>•« 69c Hair Spray ^ *,. ™ 48c Bathroom Tissue 8 -'• 89c ticles were brought in to be Pillsbury Creamy Vanilla or Special Label . (300 2-ply W X WI used for the needy in Shiawas­ French Frie$'°^- see County. The names of three 8 Fudge Frosting 2« .^ 6ic Micrin «< - 0„ 67c Kleenex Tissue 3 boxes $ 1 new members were enrolled, Friday evening Mr and Mrs Howard Dennis entertained Tangelos 5 >» members of Horton Grange at a TSTE7 chicken and carry-in supper. WITH THIS COUPON ON Grapefruit 5 «* During the lecture hour Mr and' Mrs Dennis showed pictures each purchase of any AMERICAN CHARM Oranges 5 »*• taken while on a western trip COMPLETER UNIT last summer. Mr and Mrs Ar­ (excluding Dinner Knife, Salad fork. Dinner Fork, I Tangerines *«•" thur Curtis gave a report from Teaspoon and banc 4-piece place setting.) j—• | YOUR «*J $^ the State Grange Convention at Redeem^! Kroger thru Sat, Dec 3, 1966 '—' • Allegan. The next meeting will te MMH MMH MMB MMM NMMI ••§ MMH MMB iS CHOICE be held at the Curtis home Dec. ^ bags I 9 with a Christmas program Candied and a 50 cent gift exchange. Mrs VALUABLE COUPON-SAVE 50c Irene Upton will have charge Red Cherries 99c of the lecture hour and Mrs on Ihe purchase of s 4-piece telling (Salad Fork, Dinner Fork Dinner Knife and Teaspoon) Shelled Walnuts or _ Neva Curtis, the candy. of AMERICAN CHARM b $ The Men's Club and family STAINLESS TABLE WARE night was held at the Price Pecans 1-19 Church Saturday evening. Supper Reg $149 99/ LifniM Country Club * lb was served and Mr and Mrs Redeem at Kroger thru Sal., Dec 3, 1966 I Fruits & Peels 59c Rolan Sleight of St. Johns show­ lwp _ _ TOP VALUE •m a_ TOP VALUE alAA VALUE TOP VALUI ed pictures taken while in Eu- *• 4* TOP VALUI M «* TOP VALUE TOP VALUE _ lur VALUE ope last summer. Rev JohnHuh- 25 STAMPS 25 STAMPS 2 5 STAMPS 25 STAMPS TOO STAMPS STAMPS 50 STAMPS 50 STAMPS THIS COUPON ON WITH THIS COUPON ON WITH THIS COUPON ON WITH THIS COUPON ON WITH THIS COUPON ON tala gave the devotions. the purchase of I the purchase of the purchase of I he purchase of the purchase of A large box of fruit, gro­ a 3-lb. . | 3 or more pkgs. of 2 heads of any kind I Mb bag of j ceries and vegetables, also , the purchase o, a pkg. of | MS oi . I| %>^ ~* . Ch«STWLth| ^^H M^d MARHOEFFER • FRES-SHORE HEAD CA D l ITS meats was packed and deliver­ i TOM ATOP* • DftTATOEt I ^5S «J?- i « Holly Garland or * J" Shell Mixed - CANNEVAnnEwD HAra*\m M Ii SEAFOOacArvwuD _ LETTUChEiiv^EE j| .._..lUMAIUt— «- — O | KUIAIUCd j| *%•-*»AND* «-».-.*.*PEEL#S J5 1s iwort worthh ot«runcia of Artificiai ln Flowero s | Nuts or Walnuts | ed to a needy family Saturday R Redeem at Kroger Ihru Redeem at Kroger thru - Redeem at Kroger thru I Redeem at Kroger thru Redeem af Kroger thru ^^^_ Redeem at Kroger thru ^^^^ Redeem at Kroger thru I Redeem at Kroger thru by the Victor Missionary So­ Sun Dec 4 1966 Sun Sun., Dec. 4,1966 l"jRf ciety. Sun., Dec. 4, 1966 fTWl Sun., Dec. 4,1966 ffgfl Sun., Dec. 4,1966 fjgfl '» ' > I*BT1 Sun., Dec. 4,1966 reTl *> Dec. 4,1966 JJfjf Sun., Dec. 4,1966 |! _ -,. TOP VALUE •jd *k IL»F VALUE The large collection of cloth­ p. -^ TOP VALUE •• 41. IMF VALUt M «fc TOP VALUI _ -* TOP VALUE _, A iuF v»Lut •M |% lur VALUE ing donated by the Price Meth­ 50 STAMPS 50 STAMPS 50 STAMPS 50 STAMPS 50 STAMPS odist Church will be picked up 50 STAMPS SO STAMPS 50 STAMPS WITH THIS COUPON ON WITH THIS COUPON ON the purchase of • WITH THIS COUPON ON WITH THIS COUPON ON WITH THIS COUPON ON the purchase of WITH THIS COUPON ON the purchase of by the Salvation Army truck the purchase ot I the purchase of the purchase of | the purchase of a bottle of 8-11. oz, • the purchase of any pkg. of a 3-lb the purchase ot 2 pkgs. of Two 1-lb. pkgs. of a bottle of a battle of Saturday morning. This is in 3-lbs. of Tame Creme Rinse I connection with the Mission work Hamburger or 2-ibs. of | Patrick Cudahy Fryer Breasts w/ribs I PESCHKE'S or 7-tl. oz. t • VASELINE PERSONNA and project of the church. BLADES Ground Beef Chuck Canned Picnic I — Legs or Thighs LUNCH MEATS I COPE White Rain Shampoo HAIR TONIC Redeem al Kroger thru David Beechler of the U.S. Redeem at Kroger thrui | RRedeee m at Kroger thru Redeem at Kroger thru | RRedeee m at Kroger thru Redeem a) Kroger thru Redeem at Kroger thru Redeem at Kropor thru • R Navy, stationed at Philadelphia, Sun., Dec. 4,1966 MR Sun., Dec. 4,1966 f*Vt Sun., Dec. 4,1966 lFVM Sun., Dec. 4,1966 RR Sun., Dec. 4,1966 Sun.,'Dec. 4,1966 Sun., Dec. 4,1966 Sun., Dec. 4,1966 spent the weekend here with his TOP VALUE parents. _ -» TOP VALUE _ -* TOP VALUI - aa -k TOP VALUE M 4* TOP VALUt •U d_L i.ur VALUE VALUABLE COUPON Mr and Mrs Elzie Exelby were 50 STAMPS 50 STAMPS 50 STAMPS 50 STAMPS 50 STAMPS VALUABLE COUPON WITH THIS COUPON ON 50 STAMPS fl Kro e c Pac Sunday dinner guests of Mr and WITH THIS COUPON ON WITH THIS COUPON ON WITH THIS COUPON ON WITH THIS COUPON ON WITH THIS COUPON ON Special Label l l?JL Z . the purchase) of. the purchase of the purchase of * the purchase ol Mrs T. M. Fast of Owosso. the purchase of a 2<-lb, pkg. of Kroger PILLSBURY FLOUR I COFFEE I any 2 pkgs. of I the purchase of any a 1-pint bailie of Six 3-oz. wt. pkgs. of 1 pkgs. of Kroger I Arthur Jorae was one of the KROGER KROGER BROWN cV SERVE I Sattin**, Graham 25-lb.bag$199 Mb. can $\** ' " lucky hunters Sunday when he* STOUFFERS ' PET RITZ Crackers or Limitl w/J5 or more purchase I Limit 1 w/$5 or more purchase I I GELATIN I 1 killed a four-point buck on his FROZEN FOODS ] IMPERIAL PIE Salad Dressing I ROLLS Sandwich Cookies (excluding beer, wine, tobacco} (excluding beer, wipe, tobacco) I ^^^1 Redeem at Kroger thrthru | Redeem at Kroger thru Redeem at Kroger thriru | Redeem at Kroger thru Redeem al Kroger thru | Redeem at Kroger thru - farm. Redeem at Kroger thru I Redeem at Kroger thru Mrs Gail Trieber is spend­ Sun., Dec. 4,1966 fSffl Sun*' Dec" 4'1966 MiHffl| SunSun." ,Dec Dec* .4 >4,1961966 6 Fcgf"H ^ Sun-» Dec- 4» 1966JSH Sun" Dec- 4»1966 Sun., Dec. 4,1966 Sun., Dec. 4, 1966 gjfff Sun., Dec. 4, 1966 f^fj ing some time with her sister ESQ In Battle Creek. Rev. Robert Prange of the 5th Week Winners-''Barrel of Fun" Sweepstakes Grove Bible Church and chil­ dren were called to Illinois last GRAND PRIZE - COLORED T.V. SET 8TH & 9TH PRIZES - HIGH INTENSITY DESK LAMP Mrs William C. North, 304 Espanola Ave., Parchment, Mich. Mrs Dorothy Sehl, 1214 Burch Ave., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 14TH PRIZE - OLIVETTI-UNDERWOOD PORTABLE TYPEWRITER week due to the death of Mrs Mrs Ruth E. Drake, 335 Fargo St., Ionia, Michigan Prange's father. Mrs Prange has John Andree, 1506 North Ave., N.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. been with her parents for some 1ST PRIZE - WARING BLENDER 15TH PRIZE - BROTHERS PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE time helping with the care of her John Carpenter, 1337 Harrison, St. Joseph, Mich. 10TH PRIZE - 7-POWER BINOCULARS w/CASE Richard Sugglty 823 Dorchester, S.W., Grand Rapids, Mich. father. Devota Goodnoe, 608 W. Harris Ave., Charlotte, Mich. 2ND PRIZE - FARBER WARE ROTISSERIE 16TH PRIZE - GE STEREO PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH Mrs Alice Argersinger, 205 N. Ottawa, St. Johns, Mich. The state's edible dry bean in­ H. G. Hockman, R.R. 3, Box 56, Cheboygan, Mich. 11TH PRIZE - BOY'S OR GIRL'S 26" BIKE dustry, the largest in the nation,, John H. Hess, 1440 4th, N.W., Grand Rapids, Mich. 17TH PRIZE - GE TRANSISTOR AM-FM RADIO 3RD, 4TH, 5TH, 6TH, & 7TH PRIZES - EAGLE WM. ROGERS CASSEROLES Lewis Charles, 3633 Jerreo, Lansing, Michigan supplies 99 per cent of the navy * Mrs Francis Lam, 151 Sunnyside*Dr., Battle Creek, Mich. beans as well as several colored 12TH PRIZE - STAR FLITE MEN'S OR WOMEN'S LUGGAGE Velma Howell, 63 Terry St., Shelby, Michigan Mrs Adam Barnett, R.R. 1, Olivet, Michigan 18TH PRIZE - RIVAL CAN OPENER-SHARPENER varieties, says-the Michigan Carolyn Boyer, 526 S. Douglas, Three Rivers, Mich. A. J. Weaver, 1019 Shelter Lane, Lansing, Michigan Bean Commission. The grower Mrs D. M. Hatley, 56 Country Club Dr., Holland, Mich. 13TH PRIZE - POLAROID CAMERA 19TH PRIZE - WESTINGHOUSE ROASTER valuer is about $50 million per Ethel Draper, 6440 River St., Alanson, Michigan year. Mrs C. M. Richardson, 277 Oakland Dr., East Lansing, Mich. Mrs Alfred J. Perri, 650 Bear Lake Rd., Muskegon, Mich. Page £& , CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Thursday, December 1, 1966

ELSIE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Gordon Showers, Minister . 9:30 a.m.—Morning Worship 10;30 a.m.—Sunday School, Supt. Next Sunday In Lyle Dunham DUPLAIN METHODIST CHURCH Rev Gordon Showers, Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School,' Supt. Ken­ neth Klger Clinton County Churches 11 a.m.—Worship service DUPLAIN CHURCH OF CHRIST All Churches In Clinton County are invited to send at the Colony . Rev. Ralph Woodard, Pastor their weekly announcements to The Republican-News. 1 10 a.m.—Bible School * They must reach us by 10 a.m. Monday to insure publi­ Jack Schwark, Jr.. S.S. Supt. cation In the current week's issue. U a.m.—Morning Worship Eagle Area FIRST METHODIST CHURCH FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Keith A. Bovee, Minister 305 Church Street Maple Rapids Area EAGLE METHODIST CHURCH BrflO a.m.—Morning'Worship E. E. Courser, Minister Rev Alfred Tripp, Pastor fl:3i) a.m.—Church school 10:00 a.m..—Sunday School LOWE METHODIST CHURCH 14246 Michigan Avenue 10:30 a.m.—Coffee Hour 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Rev Rudy A. Wtttenbach, Minister Telephone 627-6533 11 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:45 p.m.—Evening Worship 9:00 a.m.—Church School 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 6:30 p.m.—Junior High MYF Thursday, 7:45 p.m.—Prayer service 10:15 a.m.—Morning Worship 8:30 p.m.—Senior High MYF 11:10 a.m.—Church School 8;UJ p.m.(2nd and 4th Thursdays) 7;30 p.m,—Evening Service Thursday, Dee. 1 Free Methodist Youth meeting MAPLE RAPIDS 7:30 p.m.—Senior MYF Sunday 1 5 p.m. to S p.m.—Holiday Star 7:00 p.m.—Junior MYF Wednesday Bazaar in Nltes Hall. METHODIST CHURCH ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev Rudy A. Wtttenbach, Minister 3:30 p.m.—Carol Choir rehearsal 5. US-27 & E, Baldwin '• 4:43 p.m.—Chapel Choir rehearsal 9:00 a.m.—Morning Worship EAGLE FOURSQUARE CHURCH Tuesday, Dec. 6 Joseph "F. Eger, Jr., Pastor 10:15 a.m.—Church School* Rev. and Mrs Royal Burnett, Pastor 8 p.m.—Rebecca Circle will meet 10:00 a.m.—Sunoay School 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School with Mrs John HumbauRti. Co-hostes­ 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship GREENBUSH METHODIST CHURCH 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship ses are Mrs Larry Sexton and Mrs 6:30 p.m.—Youth Service • •Rev Rudy A. Wlttenbach, Minister 7:30 p.m. — Wednesday Prayer Raymond Torpey jr. . 7:30 p'.m.—Sunday Evening 10:30 a.m.—Church School meeting • 8 p.m.—Sara-Louise Circle meets 7 p.m.—Wednesday, second and 11:30 a.m.—Morning Worship with Mrs Paul Wakefield. Co-hostes­ fourth, WMC ses are Mrs 'Lionel Foote and Mrs 7:30 p.m.—Thursday evening service CONGREGATIONAL Ovid Area ttugene Hill. CHRISTIAN CHURCH 8 p.m.—Esther Circle meets with SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Maple Rapids, Michigan OVID FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs George Plerson. Mrs Walter 683 North Lansing Street Rev. Donald Voss, Pastor South Main Street Knaus is co-hostess. Elder, B. K. Mills. Pastor 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service Rev Earl C. Copelin, Minister Services held on Saturday 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School Myron Woodruff, Church School Supt. SHEPARDSVILLE ' 9:15 a.m.—Church Service 7:00 p.m.—U.C.Y.M. meets on al­ Ida Beards-lee, organist METHODIST CHURCH 10:30 a.m.—Sabbath School Service ternate Sundays 0:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Rev John C. Huhtala 8:00 p.m.—Thursday Chapel choir 11:00'a.m.—Church School practice 7:00 a.m.—Wednesday, Senior Choir 3:30 a.m.—Morning Worship CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 10:03 a.m.—Saturday, Cherub choir 8:00 p.m.—-Bible Study and Prayer 11 a.m.—Church School ' 515 North Lansing Street practice. service 8:30 p.m.—Service meeting PRICE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Eldon Raymond, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev John c. Huhtala 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 10 a.m.—Church School ST. STEPHEN'S MISSION Ovid, Michigan 6:15 p.m.—Young People's Service Fulton Area Corner M-21 and Elsie Road 11 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship George Rogers, Pastor Price Methodist Men's Club—3rd Wednesday, 7 p.m.—Prayer meeting Rev Richard Anderson of St. John's, Saturday of each month, 7:30 p.m. < Alma, Is In charge 10 a.m.—Sunday School Price Woman's Society—4th Wed­ Services every Sunday at 0 a.m. at 11 a.m.—Morning worship hour nesday of each month Norm Partees, Rainbow Lake. For 6 p.m.—Youth training hour - JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES information, call 632-3561, 682-2071 or 7 p.m.—Evening gospel hour Price MYF—1st and 3rd Sunday of Wednesday, 4 p.m.—Youth choir each month Kingdom Hall 682-2491. 1093 N. Lansing Street practice Public Talk: The Bible's Internal Wednesday, 7 p.m.—Bible study and FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Proof of Divine Authorship. prayer service Gerald Churchill. Minister 4:15 p.m.—Watchtower Study: What Matherton Area Thursday, December 1 Has God's Kingdom Been Doing Since CHURCH OF GOD 3:45 p,m.—Youth Choir rehearsal ~ 1914? UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Ovid, Michigan .. 7:30 p.m.—Board of Trustees Rev. L. Sanders, Pastor 7:30 p.m.—Medical Self Help and 7:30 p.m. — Tuesday night book Matherton Michigan study: "Things It Is Impossible for Rev. N. J. Wibert, Pastor 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School Training Program God to Lie.',' ' U:CO a.m.—Morning Worship Saturday, December 3 '9:45 a.m.—Worship Service Thurs.. 7:30 p.m.—Ministry School: 10:45 a.m,—Sunday School 6:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship I p.m.—Children's Choir rehearsal Written Review 1 and 2 Thessalonians 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service , Sunday, December 4 8:00 p.m. — Wednesday, Midweek and 1 and 2 Timothy. prayer meeting 7:30 p.m.—Wednesday, Bible Study; 9:30 a.m.—Church School, nursery Thurs., 8:30 p.m.—Service Meeting: 8:45 p.m.—Choir practice Ihrough ninth grade _ We welcome you to the fellowship A Building on a Solid Foundation (1 of our services. Our desire is that you 9:45 a.m.—Adult Bible Class Cor. 3:10). OVID UNITED CHURCH' 10 a.m.—Pastoral Board . may find the warmth of welcome and II a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon: the assistance ih your worship of Rev Gordon Spalenka, Minister "Our Point of Reference." Nursery Christ. Mrs Duane LaRue, church school care provided. DeWitt Area First and third Sundays Matherton superintendent 7 p.m.—Youth Fellowship Church, second and fourth at Fcnwlck 9:30 a.m.—Church School 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Tuesday, December 6 DcWITT COMMUNITY CHURCH Church 12:30 p.m.—"Annual Women's Fel­ 5 p.m.—Junior High Youth Fellow­ (Inter-denominational), MATHERTON COMMUNITY ship lowship Christmas luncheon. Mrs Rev. uaniei Kelin, Pastor Gerald Churchill will'present "The V CHURCH 7 p.m.—Senior High Youth Fellow­ Music of Christmas." Bonnie Wickerham, Supt. 2:00 p.m.—Sunday School ship 3:45 p.m.—Girl Scouts and Brownies Lee Greene, Co-Supt. 3:00 p.m.—Worship service Wednesday, 4 p.m.—Junior choir re­ Wednesday, December 7, 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School hearsal. 7:30 a.m.—Chancel choir re­ 7 p.m.—Boy Scout Troop No. 81 1L-a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon. hearsal 8 p.m.—Senior Choir rehearsal "Advent—On and On." Romans 13:1- Fulton Area Thursday, 3:45 p.m.—Children's 14. choir rehearsal FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FULTON FULL GOSPEL CHURCH 2nd Tuesday each month, 8 p.m.— We no longer have to react the Bible by the tight of a Rev Roger Harrison. Pastor DcWITT METHODIST CHURCH ft mile east of Perrlnton on M-57, Official board meeting One night, while tvav.clmg, wo stopped at a motel. In the 512 S. Whittemore St. (South US-27) North Bridge Street Vz mile south 1st Wednesday each month—Wom­ single candle. YVe can shine'.a whole battery of floodlights • 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. Arthur Rev W. Ernest Combellack, Pastor • Rev. Fred Wing, Pastor en's Fellowship executive board meet­ stillness of the room, I heard my youne; son muling to his RoinfR Supt. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School ing - upon God's Holy Book if we want to. But sometimes we tend younger brother. I listened, surprised, foi'.hu was reading' 11:00 a.m.—The Morning Worship 11 a.m,.—Morning Service. Nursery 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 2nd Wednesday each month—Wom­ Service available for all pre-school children 7:00 p.m.—Youth Service en's Fellowship general meeting /o interpret our lives in terms of technical achievement only. the motel's Bible. He stumbled over somo oE the words, but 11:00 a.m.—Children's Church during the worship service. 7:45 p.m.—Evening Service 3rd Wednesday each month—Wom­ 7:00 p.m.—The Evening Worship 6!30 p.m.—Methodist Youth Fel-' 7:45 p.m.—Thursday, Prayer and en's Fellowship circle meetings still there was a clarity to their meaning as he pronounced Service lowship (all sections). praise service 3rd Monday each month, 6:30 p.m.— Nursery for babies; activity for Men's club' meeting Sunday Monday them. Passages, spoken in his childish voice, had a certain toddlers during Sunday School, morn­ EMMANUEL METHODIST CHURCH SALEM EVANGELICAL UNITED Psalms Psalms simplicity, ing and evening worship services Corner Clark and Schavey Roads 6:00 p.m.—Junior High Youth Fel­ BRETHREN CHURCH 4:1-8 32:5-9 Rev William C. Cessna, Pastor Rev Ralph Conine Pewamo Area lowship, 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School, adults Children approach things directly, with open minds and 6:00 p.m.—Senior Youth Fellowship 10 a.m.—Sunday School and children ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 7:00 p.m. —Family Night Service 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service 11 a.m.—Morning Worship hearts. In this fashion, my young sons were approaching (Wednesdays) 7:30 p.m.—Midweek Services Pewamo, Michigan Isaiah Luke Acts Newcomers and old friends are al­ Rev Francis L, Hacket, Administrator The Second Monday—Monthly Dea­ ways welcome 30:8-18 1:67-80 8:26-38 the Bible. In this fashion, so should many of us return to it cons Meeting , ST. MARTIN DcPORRE MISSION Sunday Masses—6:10, 8 and 10:30 The First Tuesday—Ladies' Mis­ Mlddleton, Mich. a.m. again. Bring the Bible back into your life. You will find a sionary Society i ST. ANNE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Father Charles L. Ganley, Pastor Dally Mass—7:30 a.m. Friday Saturday guiding*light to help you in the church of your choice. "The Singing Church with the Sal­ Corner US-27 and Webb Road Sunday Mass—9:15 a.m. Holy Baptism—Sunday, 1 p.m. II Corinthians Corinthians vation Message." Rev Hugh E. Banninga, Vicar No Weekday mass __ , Sacred Confession — Saturday, 3:30 Rectory 224-2600 Office 224-2885 3' ""aricT7:30 p.m. 4:1-6 6:14-18i;?I.,1(l "In-. IT' •.. ST."JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH 2nd and 4th Sundays—9 a.m., Holy- Family Holy-Hour for Peace—Satur*' Communion and sermon.,, ' 'Cbrjytfijhl WGG'Kcisfur'Aavl'rlislnf* Service, rnti.-S'li-aalnirg, Va. u.*Rev William G. Hankerd, Pastor Eureka. Area day, 7:15 p.m. " n , Other-^Sundays — 9 a.m., morning ... uJ F Rev Edwin F. Schoettle prayer and sermon. CONGREGATIONAL Assistant Pastor Church school every Sunday, 9:30 CHRISTIAN CHURCH Victor Township I t t <£I2? t Phone 224-3073 Member P.D.I.C. Ph. 669-2985 nesday and Saturday at 7:15; Tues­ 5:45 p.m.—Youth Fellowship, Senior, 11:30 a.m.—Sunday School Ladles Missionary circle meets 4th day, Thursday and Friday at 5:30. 14 and up; Jet Cadets, 10-13. 6:30 p.m.—Methodist Youth Fellow­ Thursday Sacrament of Penance—Saturdays: 7 p.m.—Evening Service ship (both Senior High and Junior Couples Club meets 4th Saturday In 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:45 to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday— High) month Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 5:00 7:30 p.m.—Bible Study and prayer. Wednesday, 3:30 p.m.—Children's Herbruck's to 5:20 p.m. After Novena on Tues­ Supervised nursery for babies and choir practice Central Natl Bank day. small children in all services. 7:30 p.m.—Thursday, Senior Adult Riley Township . CHEESE COUNTER choir practice First Fridays "An open door to an open book" North US-27 Phone 224-3517 OF ST. JOHNS . . j, A Bible preaching church with a 4th Monday each month, 8 p.m. ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH Sacrament of Penance — Thursday St. Johns—Ovid—Pewamo from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 to message for you . . . Official Board meeting MISSOURI SYNOD 3:00 p.m. Methodist Men's club meets at 6:30 4'.5i miles west of St. Johns on M-21 Member FDIC Holy Communion —6:00 and 7:15 ST. THERESE CATHOLIC CHURCH p.m. on the first Wednesday of each 5'/a miles south on Francis road - month, at Wacousta Community Meth­ 2 miles west on Church road Mathews Elevator a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Devotions. Fr Wm. Koenigsknecht, Pastor odist church Eds Clark Super 100 Masses — 7:30 and 8:15 a.m. and Fr James Murray and Fr Max Fisher John Weinbach, Vacancy Pastor Grain — Feed — Beans Cook Rexall Drug 5:30 p.m. Assistant Pastors. 8:30 a.m.—Worship Service E Adoration of the Blessed Sacra, Rectory: 102 W. Randolph, Lansing 0:30 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Phone. 582-2551 100 E. Main mcnt—Beginning with Holy Hour at Phone IV 9-2515 Elsie Area Class 9io south us"? Saylor-Deall 7:30 p.m. on Thursday until 7:30 p.m. Mass Schedule—Sundays: 8, 7:30, 9, MANUFACTURING CO. Devotions on first Friday night. 10:30 and 12 ELSIE BAPTIST CHURCH Devotions—Our Lady of Perpetual Weekdays: 6:30, 8 and 7:30 p.m. Rev Peter Jansen, Pastor Westphalia Area 4o N wbbM st Help Novena at 7:30 p.m. Confessions—Saturdays: 3:30-5 and 10:00 a.m,—Worship service Goldie's Dry Cleaners Elsie Machine Co. Religion Instruction Classes—Adult 7:30-9 p.m. Eves of Holy Days and 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School, Paul ST. MARY'S CHURCH Egan Ford Sales, Inc. ° Instruction and Inquiry Class: Mon­ First Friday: 3:30-5 and 7:30-9 p.m. Brown, Supt. . Rev Fr Aloyslus H. Miller, Pastor 200 W. Hfgham Phone 224-2285 TAILORS New Holland Sales & Service day at B:00 p.m. High School- stu- Holy Day Masses—7, 8 and 10 a.m., ,6:30 p.m.—Jr. and Sr/BYF Rev Walter L. Spillatie Fowler, Mich. Phone 862-4436 dents: Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Pub­ 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. 7:15 p.m.—Evening Service Assistant Pastor lic Grade School children: Saturday First Friday Masses—6:30, 8 a.m. Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.—Jr. Choir Sunday Masses—6, 8 and 10 a.m. at 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m-. practice: 7:00 p.m.—Sr. Choir prac­ Weekdays—During school year 7:00, C,in!on mimal Baptisms—Each Sunday at 1:30 p.m. tice; 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Service and ?:45 and 11:15 a.m. L a L Restaurant by appointment. Bible Study. The Bible is our Text­ Saturdays—fi:45 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. BANK & TRUST COMPANY _ _ - Valley Farms'Area book and Jesus saves Holy Days—5:30, 7:30, 9 a.m. and Open Sundays 200 N. ciinton Ph. 224-2331 Goerge Funeral ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH . 8 p.m. Downtown St. Johns Ph, 224-2285 Williams Hardware Comer of East Walker and Mead Sts, VALLEY FARMS BAPTIST CHURCH ELSIE BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH Evening Mass—Friday, 8:00 p.m. ' Robert Prowant HOME Rev Hugh E. Banninga, Pastor 241 E. State Road 115 E. Main St. Rectory 224-2600 Office 224-2835 Rev. LaVern Bretz, Pastor Roy F. LaDuke, Pastor "Three Generations o£ Service?' Elsie, Michigan / 1st Sunday of Month—8 a.m. Holy 10:00 a.m,—Morning Worship, Junior 10,a.m.—Sunday School .' Gunnisonville Area j Fowler, Mich. Communion; 10:30 a.m. Holy Com­ Church for children through 6th grade 11 a.m.—Morning Worship munion and Sermon 11:15 a.m.—Church School. There Is 7 p.m.—Evening Service GUNNISONVILLE Rivard Parr's Rexall Store Other Sundays—8 a.m. Holy Com­ a class for everyone from the young­ 7 p.m.—Wednesday Bible Study COMMUNITY CHURCH .,' The Comer Drug Store munion; 10:30 a.m. Morning Prayer est to the. oldest, The Bible Is our NURSING HOME, INC. and Sermon textbook . Clnrk and Wood Roads - " Phone 224-2837 5:30 p.m.—BYF for both Juniors and Rev William C. Cessna, Pastor' Beatrice M. Rivard, L.P.N., Admn. Darling's Hardware Fall Schedule ST. CYRIL CATHOLIC CHURCH 9 a.m.—Sunday School 10:30 a.m.—Nursery School Seniors Rev Fr C. D. SmolinskI, Pastor Gladys I. Hetzcl, L.P.N., Nurs. Supt. Farmers Co-op Phone 562-5111 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Service 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11 a.m.—Church School; kindergarten Rectory: Bannister, Phone 862-5270 A friendly church where all are Ph. 224-2985 311-313 E. HIgham ELEVATOR to 6th grade * 8:00 p.m.—Morning Choir practices Sunday Masses—8-10 a.m. welcome Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. — Mid-week Dally Mass—7:30'a.m., First Fri­ Wayne Feeds and Grain ST. JOHNS BAPTIST TEMPLE Prayer Service; 8:00 p.m.—Morning days 8 p.m. Sealed Power Corp. Choir practice ' Phone 582-2661 ' 400 E. State Street Holy Days, Mass—7 a.m. and 8 p.m. The happiest marriages seem - Sti Johns Division Rev. Roy Green. Pastor Saturday 10:00 a.m.—Jr. Choir prac­ Confessions—4 to 5 and 7:30 to 9 Antes Cleaners Sunday School at 10 a.m., with tice ' every Saturday except First Fridays to be those performed early ih a classes for all ages. Teaching from ,1st Thursday 7:30 p.m.—Woman's before Mass. Pickup and Delivery LANSING the Book of Acts. Mission Society long and diligent courtship. 10S W. Walker Ph. 221-4329 Morning worship at 11 a.m. End Saturday 2:00 p.m.—Ann Judson Sunday, 6 p.m., study hour, with Guild for Jr. Hi. girls adult group, young people's group 3rd Tuesday 6:30 p.m.—Men's Fel­ Alan R. Dean and Jet Cadets group. lowship Church ^Chuckles byCARTWRIGHT Sunday, 7 p.m., evangelistic mes­ Rademacher HARDWARE, INC. Carlton's Mobile sage. t Fowler Area CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Wta'V™L can buy with Confldence Thursday at 7, prayer meeting 300 N. Clinton Ph. 224-3271 HOME SALES and study hour. MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH General Building Contractors Dalman Hardware 14500 US-27 .Phone 480-6830 Rev Fr Albert J. Schmltt, Pastor 110 N. Ktbbee Phone 224-7118 Whirlpool Appliances CHURCH OF GOD Rev Lawrence Parkhurst, Asst. Pastor Whittemore and Railroad on US-27 Zenith Radios and TV Rev. Duane Brewbaker, Pastor Sunday Masses—5:30, 8:30 and 10:30 0:00 a.m.—-Worship Service a.m. 10:00 a.m.—Church School Weekdays—During school year, 7 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship a.m. and 8:15 a.m. Phillips Implement Federal-Mogul 6:30 p.m.—Youth Fellowship Holy Days—5:30, 7:30 a.m. and 8 7100 p.m.—Adult Prayer group p.m. COMPANY CORPORATION 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Sorrowful Mother Novena—Friday, St. Johns Plant DeWitt Pharmacy 7:30 p.m. 313 N. Lansing St. Ph. 224-2777 - Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Prayer meet­ Phone 669-6445 ing: choir practice 8:30 p.m. Saturdays—7 ;30 a.m. DeWitt ' EVANGELICAL UNITED ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH URETUREN CHURCHES Fowler, Michigan Muynard-AUen Bingham—Bengal Rev, Herbert Schmidt, Pastor STATE BANK Eugene Frlcsen, Pastor 9:30 a.m.—Worship Service Hunt's Drug Store Peterson Shell nnuisnii™^ Bengal 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. 7 Days a Week SERVICE ' IKSWHI LUlUDCl Portland—Sunricld—Westphalia 9:30 a.m.—Worship Service Phone 663-2785 Member F.D.I.C. , Ph. 587-4431 10:30 a.m.—Church School 110 N. Clinton Ph. 224*2941 107 E. State Ph. 224-9953 Bingham Bath Area 11 a.m.—Worship Service 10 a.m.—Church School BATH METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Reginald B. Becker, Minister , ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 10:00 a.m.—Morning Service Vouchers • Statements US-27 at Sturgis Street 11:00 a.m.—Church School 7:00 p.m.—Jr. MYF at the church • * Rev Theodore C. Moeller, Jr. 8:00 p.m.—Sr. MYF at the church Pastor »Wii I*..! Hirijjj Letterheads • Envelopes First Tuesday of the month, 8 p.m., BATH BAPTIST CHURCH Ladies' Guild. Rev, James L. Burleigh, Pastor 0 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult 10:00 a.m.—-Sunday School • • Business Cards • Menus Bible Class. H.S, Bible Class at 6:30 p.m.—Youth Fellowship parsonage 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service • Accounting Forms • Programs • Brochures 10:15 a.m.—Divine Worship, Holy Midweek service on Wednesday 7:30 Whatever your printing needs, we serve Communion first Sunday of the month. p.m. Church nursery them right! Latest modern offset and Third Wednesday of the month, 7:30 ROSE LAKE CHURCH . Tickets • Booklets-* P.m., Lutheran Women's Missionary Reorganized L.D.S. League. Elder Jaclc Hodge, Pastor 'letterpress equipment to assure you of Adult Information courses held at Corner of Upton and Stoll Hoads the convenience of interested parties. 10:00 a.m.—Church School CLINTON COUNTY NEWS Phone 224-7400 for specific Informa­ 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship "If you're going to the trouble of MENTALLY do­ the best results in every way. tion. Church office hours: Tuesday 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship nating ten dollars to the plate, why not go whole-hog through Friday, 0-12. Telephone 224- 7130 p.m.—Wednesday, evening serv­ 120 E. Walker St. ST. JOHNS Phone 224-2361 3544. ice and make it fifty?" Thursday, December T, 1966 LINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 7f$ zDanie l Schafer was a daughter, Gillespie of Pewamo. MrsVelma November 21, weighing 5 pounds, Gillespie is the grandmother. 2 persons hurt 3 ounces. -Mrs Schafer Is the / Mr and Mrs Raymond Miller READY TO INVEST? former Joann Rademacher of and Mrs Leone Hlllabrandt are in twi-light crash Westphalia. Grandparents are Mr grandparents of a new grand­ Carl J. Striker, 18, andGenlve Get the Facts on and Mrs Bernard Rademacher of daughter. Susan Marie was born Striker, 32, both of Baldwin, Westphallp and Mr/and Mrs Er­ Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24, to Mr were treated at Clinton Me­ STOCKS and nest Schafer, Mrs Pauline Hauck and Mrs James Hlllabrandt of Ta- morial Hospital late last Is great-grandmother. coma, Wash. Susan weighed 8 Wednesday night for bruises re­ MUTUAL FUNDS «/ Christopher Joseph Bower was pounds, 3 ounces. Mrs Hllla­ ceived when their car hit a christened Sunday, Nov. 27, at St, the former Betty Miller small cement culvert on the US- from Joseph's Church of Pewamo, His of Pewamo. 27 median stripahalf-mile north- sponsors were Mrs Annette Yob Norman Schafer got a 10-point of Walker Road. Carl Striker, of Grand Rapids and Anthony deer Sa'turday, Nov. 26. the driver, told deputies he was' HARRY BOLYARD Bower. Christopher was born Mrs Anna Pllne came home passing another car and went Registered Representative Tuesday, Nov. 22, at the Ionia from the Ionia County Memorial onto the shoulder, lost control HARRY BOLYARD County Memorial Hospital, He Hospital Monday, Nov. 21, and went on info the median. Ph. 236-7240, Middleton, Mich. weighed 7 pounds. His parents , Mrs A. V, Jandernoa and Mrs Four other persons .in the car are Mr and Mrs Joseph Bower of Mildred Fox assisted at the were not hurt. Representing Jones Road, R-l, Pewamo. Mr bloodmoblle Wednesday, Nov. 23, and Mrs Perd Bower of Pewamo at the reformatory at Ionia. Two out of each five hitch-hik­ M.Y. GRAY INVESTMENT, Inc. ers can be identified by the FBI are grandparents. / Mrs Irene Fox and Arthur Fox MIDLAND, MICH. ./Born Sunday, Nov. 27, at 5 p.m. spent. Thanksgiving Day with their files. to Mr and Mrs Robert Rock, a daughter and sister, Mr and Mrs the Durand convalescent home. daughter at the Carson CltyHos- Roy Pease and family of Grayling. Enroute home, she visited her pital. She weighed over 7 pounds. Miss Aurelia Cook visited her sister, Miss MarieCook,atClin- Mrs Rock is the former Maxlne sister-in-law, Mrs Dolly Cook, at ton Memorial in St. Johns. MISS ST. JOHNS IN PARADE LEAD CAR Miss St. Johns, Dorothy Evitts, rode the lead car in Friday- night's Christmas'parade up Clinton Avenue. She was follow­ ed by Boy Scouts, new from local auto dealers, and by Santa Claus. '

a gift exchange (75$ to,$l limit). Please put name in with gift. Euchre was in play with 10 games Pi being played. Mrs Paul Schafer By MRS. IRENE FOX, Correspondent—Phone 824-2031 and Mrs Jerome Fox won 10 games and received first prize. Mrs Ruth Spitzley received con­ Mr and Mrs Louis Thelen were James Dickenson is home and solation. Leaping Lena was won honored guests at the home of has his buck. Mr and Mrs Joseph by Mrs Jerome Fox. their daughter, Mr and Mrs Phil L. Fox are back from the north J Many from this area attended Kramer and family, Nov. 20. They and they got a doe. the funeral of Mrs Julia Tabor, were celebrating their 35th wed­ Mr and Mrs Ferd Bower called 74,..Saturday ,at the Catholic ding anniversary. Father James on Mrs Rose Fox at Alma Friday. Church In Hubbardston at 10 a.m. Thelen, their son of Muskegon, Mr and Mrs Virgil Pung and Mrs Tabor -passed away at the said the anniversary Mass which family of Ionia and Mr and Mrs Carson City Hospital Wednesday was followed by a dinner at the Leo Cook spent Wednesday morning, Nov. 23. She is sur­ •home of Mr and Mrs Phil Kram­ through Sunday at their cabin near vived by two daughters, two sons, er for the Thelen family. A spe­ Roscommon. one sister, three grandchildren cial guest was Sister Donna Jean Mrs Joseph Heckman joined and two great-grandchildren. of Hart. Mr and Mrs Thelen were her husband for a week in North­ Mrs Eugene Cook entertained presented witH a gift froni the ern Michigan near Roscommon the Hand! Club at their home children. where Heckmanisenjoylngatwo- Friday with 14 members present. Ann Marie Plihe, daughter of week vacation. Pedro was in play for the eve­ Mr and Mrs James PHne was Mr and Mrs Henry J. Schafer ning. Mrs Mary Ann Wood re­ christened at St. Joseph's Church spent Sunday at their cabin at ceived first prize; Mrs Amelia Sunday, Nov. 27. Her sponsors Grass Lake. Fox, second and Mrs Margie were Mr and Mrs David Kramer. Mrs Frances Alton has left her Heinrich, consolation. A lunch Mrs Richard Reffnyder and home for the winter months. Mr was served by the hostess, daughter, Karen, of Penndel, Pa. and Mrs Robert Alton of Pontlac / Mr and Mrs Andrew Fox and are spending 10 days with her came for their mother Sunday, Mrs Anna Pllne are the grand- mother, Mrs Anthony Cook, and Nov. 13/ parents of Ann Marie, the new other relatives. Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Ferd C. Bower arrival of Mr and Mrs James they visited their father, Anthony and Anthony were Sunday guests Pllne of 2335 Hubbardston Road, Cook, a patient at Sparrow Hos­ of Mr and Mrs John Bower of. born Tuesday, Nov. 22, at the , pital In Lansing. Mrs Reffnyder • Lansing. Ionia County MemorialHospltal. is the former Gladys Cook. Mr and Mrs Clyde Silvernail She weighed 5 pounds, 5 ounces. Edward Dr'oste spen^ Thanks­ were guests at a birthday dinner She is Mrs Anna Pline's 61st giving Day with his daughter, in honor of their two grandchil­ grandchild and Mr and Mrs An­ Jane Droste of Ionia. dren Sunday, Nov. 27, Robin and drew Fox'"s"26ths Mr Pllne is the '*' Matt Millerwas.a^hanksgiying. Louis,*Silvernall, 'children of Mr former Jo'ann Fox of Pewamo. Day- guest at the-home of his and-Mrs- Robert Silvernail at Ann Marie has one brother and ' son, Mr and Mrs Jay Miller and Matherton. The were two and one four sisters. family of Portland. _ years old* Mrs Leone Hlllabrandt . Mr and Mrs Roy Howorth of Mrs Mary Wahl and Mrs Mil­ was an afternoon guest: rural Ionia entertained at dred were Thanksgiving Day The Altar Society of St. Jo­ Thanksgiving Day dinner for her guests of Mr and Mrs Ronald seph's parish met Tuesday eve­ brothers-and sisters and her Motz and family of rural St. ning, Nov. 22. Nearly 50 members mother, Mrs.Hilda Schafer. Spe­ Johns. were present. New officers for cial guests was Sister Marie Mrs Vera Cook and daughter, 1967 aije Mrs Oscar Cook, Mrs Diane of Muskegon. Mrs Joan H. Daniels, were sup-' Clifford Freund, Mrs Michael Miss Marie Cook is a medical , per guests of Mr and Mrs Leon Cook and Mrs Clement Thelen. patient at .the Clinton Memorial Thelen and family of rural St. After the business meeting re­ Hospital in St. Johns and as of .Johns Thanksgiving Day. freshments were served by the this writing she is "somewhat im­ Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr committee. The Altar Society proved. and Mrs Carl Walter were Mrs Christmas party will take place Mrs ErnestSchafer is spending Pauline Hauck, Ernest Schafer Dec. 14 at 6:30 p.m. In the par­ two weeks at the home of her and Mr and Mrs Francis Silver- ish hall. Bring dish to pass and son, Mr and Mrs Daniel Schafer nail and daughter. own table service. There will be at Adrian. Born to Mr and Mrs

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What'd you expect us Pontine Motor Division BAG OvBREAD CHOCOLATE COVERED ICE CREAM to put our Overhead Gam Six in? Cheerio Burs . • SALE NUTLEY BRAND—IN QUARTERS Jane Parker Margarine .... An ordinary car ? Fresh Dated ANN .PAGE CREAM OF if CASH Our revolutionary 165-hp OHC 6 is so revolution­ lot of big V-8s seem awfully extravagant. Which Enriched Sliced ary we had to do something special with IL So is why we say, with a six: like this who needs ftlushrqom Soup Play A&P's Exciting we made it standard in ail Tempests apd Le Mans. an eight? You see, it was inspired by those famous over­ Incidentally, a four-way hazard warning flasher, CHAMPION BRAUD *%*% head cam engines in expensive European sports backup lights, and GM's energy absorbing steer­ B cars. With a few Pontiac refinements, of course. ing column are some of the safety features also SaSfisie Crackers . . ' "°* && And with a power reserve for expressway passing standard in Tempests and Le Mans, How can you 2-PLY « <*&£&« you'd normally expect from a V-8, resist seeing your Pontiac dealer today? We evon offer a 215-hp version that makes a Pontiac 67/Ride the Wide-Track Winning Streak Soft-Ply Tissue • • Q ™™- CONTAINS 5.25% SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE PROGRAM #13? No purchase nocessarv. Stmply pick-up your prize, CAINS, Inc. slip and g*me bonk at your local A&P Food 5lor« or r4qu»5l sanw by s^ndlno or self-add re»od stamped Bright Sen! BBeuch . .-^ envvlope (,J P.O. B&X 353* Detroit, Michigan 40332, f 208-210 W. Highcirti St.-, St. Johns j, I'uufiti Prices Effective Through Saturday, December 3rd •"\ Page 8,B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns,, Michigan Thursday, December 1, 1966 Business and Professional Announcements, Legal News nS and place of such sale, according to the course and practice of this court, to beginning, all In'Section fl, and the statute in such case made T5N, R4W. Life With The Rimples By les Carroll and provided, and that the Plaintiffs Commencing on the North .and or anv of the parties in this cause South V* line of Section 61 61 rods VflULYOUCMlRY THESE I'M TAKING.,, Mftv/ mav become the purchaser; that the N of the south line of Section 6 APPUE.6 OVER TO H^VE. iV JU6T ONE " said Sheriff execute a deed to the thence West parallel with the S COURTHOUSE HEWS PARTY? purchasers of said premises, on the Section line of said Section 6 to dale of said sale; and that the said the County line between Ionia MINUTE Sheriff, out of the proceeds of said and Clinton Counties, thence N on sale, pay to the Plaintiffs the amount said County line 40 rods; thpnee New Suits Started Real Estate Transfers adjudged to be due as afore said, and the interest theron at the rate of 6% E to said 'A line, thence S 40 PAUL WAKEFIELD (Prom records in office of per annuin tram the date of this rods to the place of beginning, Register of Deeds) judgment, or so much thereof as the all in Section 6. T5N. R4W. County Clerk amount realized from the sale of the Also commencing at a point 101 Helen Baumgartner and John premises aforesaid will pay the same; rods North of SW corner of Sec­ Cains Inc, vs Ronald Delo anti and that the said Sheriff take receipts tion 6, thence North to the Look- (, A. Baumgartner to Ronald L. and for the amounts so paid, and file the Ingglass River, thence SE'ly along Nettie L. Delo, individually. Sarah L. Woodruff, property in same with a report of such sale and , the south line of said river to the Clinton National Bank and of his doing thereon: and that he N & SV* line, thence South to a Bingham twp. ^ bring the surplus money arising from point 101 rods North of the S'A Trust Company vs Richard Carl said sale. If anv there be. into this post, Section 6, thenCe W to be­ Joseph W. apdMarybelleMar- Court without delay, to abide the ginning; all in Section G, T5N, Jr. further order of this Court, ** Clinton National Bank and ciniak to Steradzkl Investment Co., property in Eagle twp. And It Is Further Ordered and Ad­ This controversy has involved more Trust Company vs Robert Wal- judged, that in 6 months from the than $3,000 00. len. Harry and Theola Mae Isan- date of such sale, the Defendants, LEO W. CORKIN, hart to James Scott, property in Albert Hoppes and Mary Hoppes, his Circuit Judge Clinton National Bank and tf-nSt3.^.c wife, be forever barred and fore­ __ 27-6 the city of DeWltt. closed of and from all equity of re­ Trust Company vs Cecil Ham­ demption, and claim or. in and to the MORTGAGE FORCLOSURE Vincent J. and Josephine C. Mr and Mrs Dave Martin and JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE said premises so sold, and every part NOTICE mond and Ellen Hammond, etal. * LEGAL NOTICES and parcel thereof, which shall not, Goerge to Fedewa Brothers, STATE OF MICHIGAN—In the Circu­ prior to that time have been re­ MORTGAGE SALE—'Default has Mrs June Lankford spent Thurs­ it Court for the County of Clinton. been made in the conditions of a Marriage Licenses property in Village of Fowler. DeWitt day with Mr and Mrs Robert deemed from such sale. mortgage made by Gary H, Moore Willard E. Farrier to Iva Mae Final Account Gibson—Dec. 22 DONALD H. ANDERSON and FAYE And It Is Further Ordered and Ad­ and Janet J. Moore, his wife, a/k/a Hill and the Lewis Lankford fam­ STATE OF MICHIGAN—The Probate ANDERSON, His Wife. " judged, that upon the filing with the Janett S. Moore, of 5995 East Twin. J Webster, property in Victor twp. By, Virginia Ackerman Register of Deeds of proof of the pay­ Oaks, Route 2, Lalngsburg, Michigan, Brian Dale Tingay, 23, of 322 ily. Court for the County of Clinton. Plaintiffs. ment of taxes or insurance premiums, to Dempster Investment Co , a Michi­ Village of Elsie to Guy Alfred Estate of i vs. the said sums so wild shall be added gan Corporation, Mortgagee, dated Wilson Street, DeWltt and Linda Mr and Mrs Joe Eabes and Mr and Mrs Charles Lew Voy SAMUEL S. GIBSON, Deceased to the amount herein determined to September 14, 1964, and recorded on and Elizabeth A. Mitchell, prop­ ALBERT HOPPES and MARY b due, all according to the statute in October 6, 1904, in Liber 241, on page Carol Johnson, 21, of 107 1/2 family of Ohio spent the week­ visited their aunt, Mrs Amanda It Is Ordered that on Thursday. HOPPES. His Wife, such case made and orovlded. erty in the Village of Elsie. •. December 22. 1966, at 10:00 A.M , in Defendants. 388, Clinton, County Records, Michi­ Bridge Street, DeWltt. end with Mr and Mrs Roy Gil- Ackerman, Sunday evening. the Probate Courtroom in the City of And It Is Further Ordered and Ad- gan, and assigned by said Mortgagee E. Ial Stewart and Mildred St. Johns, Michigan a hearing be held At a beiision of said Court, held at Judged, that the purchaser or pur­ to American Acceptance Corp., a y Karl Francis Eckerle, 20, of Chase Metzger to Fred W.Flos- bertson, Craig and Cindy. Earl Hendrix of Grand Rapids-. on the allowance of the final account ihe Courthouse in the City of' St, chasers of the said premises at such Michigan Corporation, of Detroit. USS Redfin, New York and Mar­ of Frances M. Kopkau, administratrix Johns, in said County, on the 10th sale be let Into possession of such Michigan, by an assignment dated itz Jr. and Willis J. Rockwood, Mr and Mrs Howard Soltow, Veterans Facility was visiting w.w.a. , day uf October, 1966. portions thereof as shall not have September 14, 1964, and recorded on sha Diann Hiller, 19, of R-3, St. J Mr and Mrs Jack Soltow and Publication and service shall be been so redeemed; and that any of October 6, 1064, in Liber 211, on page property in DeWltt twp. friends In DeWitt Saturday. made as provided by Statute and Present; Honorable Leo W Corkin, the parties to tnis action who mav 390, Clinton County Records, Michi­ Johns. family and Mr and Mrs Tom Court Rule. > Circuit Judge. be In possession of said premises, or gan, on which mortgage there is Fred W. Jr. and E'velyn Flosltz Mr and Mrs Woodrow Arm­ This cause having been brought on any part thereof, and anv person who, claimed to be due at the date hereof / John Chunko, 21, of Owosso and Willis J. and Marlon Rock- Soltow spent TIMOTHY M. GREEN, to be heard on the Complaint, filed since the commencement of this ac­ the sum of One Thousand One Hun­ and Laura Binger, 20, of 5653 E. strong and sons entertained Mr Judge of Probate. therein, and the proofs naving been tion, has come into possession under dred Ninety-Five and 72/100 Dollars wood to Brendon W. and Fern L. their cottage at Houghton Lake. and Mrs Roy Burnham of To­ Dated: November 9, 1966. Liken in open Court and after hear­ them, or either of them, deliver pos­ ($1,195.72), including interest atseven, Wildcat Road, St. Johns. Mr and Mrs Curtis Lankford Parks, Church, Wyble and Barnes ing the proofs as aforesaid and the session thereof to such purchaser, on percent per annum. Bergin, property in DeWltt twp. ledo, Ohio, Mr and Mrs Gecll Attorneys for Frances M. Kopkaut arguments or counsel, on motion of production of the deed of the said ^ Larry E. Thelen, 20, ofR-2, • Carl L. and Mary Jane Boll- had her parents, Mr and Mrs Administratrix Wilfred A, Dupuis, Attorney for the Sheriff for said premises, and a certi­ Under the power of sale contained Fowler and Jeannette I. Schnei­ Boak of St. Johns, Mr -and Mrs 517-S. Grand Ave , Lansing, Michigan brttd Plaintiffs, It Is Ordered and Ad- fied copy of the Order confirming in said mortgage and the statute In man to Albert Jr. and Carol A. Ernest Romine and Kathy for Willard Wing and family andMrs 30-3 iudged, and this Court by virtue of the report of such sale, after sueh such case made and provided, notice der, 19, of 2 HO Green Road, St. the authority therein vested, Doth deed has become operative, is hereby given that said mortgage Egres, property in DeWitttwp. Thanksgiving. James King and daughter Order and Adjudge, that there is due will be foreclosed by a sale of the Johns. Albert and Mary Hoppes to Os­ Mr and Mrs Leslie Edmonds Widow's Allowance Miller—Dec. 22 to the Plaintiffs upon the mortgage And It Is Further Ordered and Ad­ mortgaged premises, or some part /Larry John Burk, 21, 526 Vau- Thanksgiving. mentioned and set forth in the Com­ judged, that if the money arising of them, at public vendue, at the car and Jessie DeRyke, property, spent Thanksgiving Day with the STATE OF MICHIGAN—The Probate. plaint, for principal and Interest, the from said sale shall be insufficient main entrance to the County building consant Street St. Johns and 01- Fred Malenfants. Sympathy is extended to the Court for the County of Clinton sum of Ten Thousand. Four Hundred to pay the amount as aforesaid ad­ in the City of St. Johns, Clinton in Eagle twp. Estate of Fortv-Five and 50/100 Dollars ($10,- judged to be due to the Plaintiffs, County Michigan, at 10 o'clock a m.. ga A. Rosltas, 19, of 700 S. family of Earl Spayde who pass­ 445 50), and that the said Defendants, with the interest thereon, and costs Eastern Standard Time, on Thins- B. N. and Mary E, Dryer and Mr and Mrs Bruce Anderson ELMER N. MILLER, Deceased Albert Hoppes and Mary Hoppes, his and expenses of the sale, as afore­ day, December 29, 1866 Church Street, St. Johns. and family visited at the Vern ed away Saturday at Clare. It is Ordered that on Thursday, w ife, are each personally liable to said, that the said Sheriff specify the J James Norten'Trumble, 27, of Coral Porter to Buddy and Carol December 22, 1966, at 10:30 A.M, the said Plaintiffs, Donald H Ander­ amount of such deficiency in his re­ Said premises are situated in the Thurshman, property in Bath Ackermans Sunday. They are now in the Probate Courtroom at St son and Fa\e Anderson, his, wife, for port of said sale, and that on the com­ Township of Victor, Clinton County, R-l, St. Johns and Carolyn Dl- Mr and Mrs Gary Nelson and Johns. Michigan a hearing be held the pjMiient thereof, that the said ing In and confirmation of said reoort Michigan, and are described as: twp. living in Eaton Rapids after family of Clinton Village spent on the petition of Gladys E. Miller, Defendants pay, or cause to be paid, of sale the said Defendants, Albert Commencing at a point which is anne Armstrong, 21, of R-l, St. spending a year in'Mlssouri. praying that she be granted widow's to the said Plaintiffs the said sum Hoppes and Mary HoDpes, his wife, 193 4 feet on bearing of South 71 Johns. Charles Lester and Thelma Thanksgiving with Mrs Delia Co­ allowance, and also there be an ad­ adjudged to be due to them, together una are nereby adjudged to-be per­ degrees West and 265.1 feet on a Mrs Lloyd Ballard is at Spar­ justment of the inventory/ with interest thereon at the rate of sonally liable for the debt secured bearing of South 78 degrees 36 Eunice Jenkins to Mary Beth wan. Publication and service shall be S'n per annum from and alter the by the said mortgage, pay to the City Building Permits Herrell, property in the City of row hospital where she had a made as provided by Statute and date of this judgment, until paid In Plaintiffs the amount of such defici­ in. West along South Side of • Mrs June Lankford spent the Court Rule. full, and the costs of this suit paid ency, with interest thereon from the gound Lake from Northwest Cor­ St. Johns. gall bladder operation. weekend in Jackson with Mrs by said Plaintiffs, and an attorney date of such report. ner of Lot 7 Barrett Plat located Nov. 21: Rademacher Con­ Mrs Olive King and Mr and TIMOTHY M. GREEN, fee in the amount of Seventy-Five on Section 28 and 29, Town 6 Herbert E. and Dorothy M. R. V. Gray. Judge of Probate. and no/100 Dollars ($75 00), on or be­ The description and particular North, Range 1 West, Victor struction, 110 N. Klbbee, dwell­ Houghten to Charles Lester and Mrs James King and family spent Dated- November 23, 1966 fore June 15, 1967, together with in­ boundaries of the property authorized Township, South 78 degrees 36 Alvin A Neller terest accruing from the date of this to be sold under and by viture of min. West 50 feet along shore of ing and garage. Thanksgiving Day with Mr and Mr and Mrs Burton Flynn Attorney for Estate Round Lake South 14 degrees 35 Thelma E. Jenkins, property In order to the date of payment, and this ludgment, so fat as the same min. East 122 1 feet thence North the^City of St. Johns. Mrs John King of Lansing. and Charles spent Thanksgiving 1022 Eas>t Michigan Ave. in default thereof, that all and singu­ can be ascertained from the mortgage 77 degrees 13 'min. East 50 feet with Mrs Charles Flynn of .Lansing, Michigan 32-3 lar of the said premises described In above referred to or from the Com­ thence North 14 degrees 35 min County Building Irene M*. Young to State of The Naomi Circle will have the Complaint of this action, and plaint in this action, are situate in West 120 9 feet to point of be-, Krepps Road. hereinafter described or so much the Township of Eagle, Countv of Clin­ ginning Lot 1 Easterllne Shore Permits Michigan, property in Ovid twp. their Christmas party at the Final Account Patterson—Jan, 5 theie as mav be sufficient lo raise ton and State of Michigan, and arc Survey Victor Township, Clinton STATE OF MICHIGAN—The Probate' the amount as aforesaid adludged to more particularly described as fol­ Ernest H. and Edna F. Wildt parsonage Wednesday evening, Don't forget the senior play be due to the Plaintiffs, with the In­ lows, to-wit. County. Nov. 18: Dell Brothers Con­ Dec. 7, at 7:30 p.m. at the high school Dec. 7 and 8. Court for the County of Clinton. terest thereon and the costs in this All that part of the NE'A, Sec­ struction Company, Craig Street, to James E. and Martha E. Estate of case, and the costs and expenses of tion 6, lying N and W of Looking- The length of the period of re­ Blonde, property in Bath twp. . * LAURA J. PATTERSON, Deceased sale, and which may be sold separate­ glass River except 52 2/3 acres demption from such sale will be one DeWltt twp., dwelling and ga­ It Is Ordered that on January 5, ly without material injury to the par­ In NW corner and except 40 acres \ear. rage. Henry and Helen Hoeve and 1967 at 10,00 AM, In the Probate ties interested, to be sold at public in NE corner and except com­ Dated: September 12, 1966 Robert E. and Patricia Thompson CLINTON COUNTY Courtroom at St. Johns, Michigan a auction, by or under the direction of mencing 154 rods South of the AMERICAN ACCEPTANCE, CORP., hearing be held on the petition of tne Sheriff for the County of Clinton, N'A post of Section 6, thence A Michigan Corporation New Business Firms to Sherman J. and Glenna J. Pat­ Foster F Newman, executor, for al­ that the said sale be held in the East to the Looklngslass River Assignee of the Mortgagee lowance of his final account, and as­ Countv of Clinton, at 10-00 A M. on as it flows thru Section 6 and Letzer and Goldstein Attorneys. terson, property in the Village signment of residue. December 15, lose, that the said thence back Into Section 6, to the Sheriff give public notice of the time 8292 East Twelve Mile Road Allied Cash Register Service, of Ovid. Publication and service shall be North and South 'A line, Section Warren, Michigan 4B033 1606 S. Logan Street,Lansing.' SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS made as provided by Statute and 6, thence North along the "4 line 755-3900 Elsa M. Lange to Frank E.and Court Rule. 22-13 G & L Sales, 12286 N. US-27, TIMOTHY M. GREEN, Dewitt twp. Doris Judge, property in DeWitt MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1966 Judge of Probate. twp. Dated: November 23, 1966 Louis E. Wirbel r Probate Court The Clinton County Board of Supervisors met on this date Attorney for Fiduciary t Carroll R. and Sharon M. Ta- 200 S. Bridge St HON. TIMOTHY M. GREEN ber to Adeline F. Herndon, prop- - at 10:00 A.M. Prayer was offered by Supervisor Carter, a pledge Grand Ledge, Michigan 32-3 Judge of PrStiate /of Allegiance"wTs^glven to the'ilagl^Roll was called and-a^quorum Business Directory ?l HELENA M.'BURK- * reported. Minutes of the last session were read and approved,' Claims Cassldy—Feb. 1 U * *"* rioifejftJ . and tfditiftfeTBy* lo"~ STATE OF MICHIGAN—The Probate 1 * Register of Probate A letter of resignation from Roy C. Davis, as a me'mber of Court for thee County of Clinton. Keith and Jane Jolly, property in the Clinton County Zoning Appeal Board, was read to the Board. Estate of WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 1966 the City of St. Jbhns. CHARLES DENNIS CASSIDY, Edna Lamb, Claims. A motion made by Supervisor Cressman and supported by Super­ Deceased Lewis and Ruth Silm and Mar­ visor Buck, that the resignation be accepted, was voted and carried. It is Ordered that on February 1. Edward Schavey, Final Ac­ 1967. at 10:30 A.M, in the Probate AUTOMOTIVE FARM SERVICES HARDWARE count. tin and Dorothy L. Bandt to Roy Following a committee report, a motion was made by Courtroom at St. Johns. Michigan a and Alta Dobie, property In the hearing be held at whfch ail creditors Chester C. Raby, Claims. Supervisor Coletta and supported by Supervisor Angell, that this must file sworn claims with the court City of St. Johns. Board concur with action taken by the Salary and Clerk Hire and serve a copy on Bruce Hollowick, For the BEST BUY in Purina Feeds GOWER'S HARDWARE Charlotte A. Matter, Claims. 3132 South Pennsylvania Avenue, Lan­ Francis C. Bird, Final Acct. Lake Geneva Land Co. to Committee in the hiring of Gerald V. Wilcox of Lansing, Michigan, sing, Michigan, prior to said hearing. New & Used Chevrolet^ Means $ $ $ in Your Pocket and as a County Engineer, with a salary of $12,500 per year. Motion Publlcalon and service shall be See Edward Covert, License to Thomas H. and Madeline A. made as provided by Statute and Mathews Elevator Co. Sell. Brockway, property in DeWitt carried. Court Rule. GRAIN ELEVATOR 'twp. A motion was made by Supervisor Buck and supported by TIMOTHY M. GREEN, EDINGER & WEBER . Grain—Feeds—Seeds John J, Halfmann, Appointment Judge of Probate. BOTTLED GAS of Administrator. Supervisor Hufnagel, that the Department hereby created be known Dated: November 10, 19B6 FOWLER Phone 582-2401 FOWLER « Edwin A. and Agnes C. Milks as the Clinton County Engineering Department. Motion carried. Bruce Hollowick Cylinders or Bulk John B. Chapin, Allowance of to Frederick P. and Dolores I. Attorney for Fiduciary, A motion was made by Supervisor Buck and supported by 3132 South Pennsylvania Avenue Be a Partner Eureka 22nd annual account. Covert, property in Eagle twp. Lansing, Michigan . 30-3 , ARMSTRONG & FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9,1966 Supervisor Clark, that the Equipment Committee be given power NOT JUST A CUSTOMER Phone 224-2695 h Murphy - Fox Realty Co. to Cassie L. Pope, Probate of ' to spend an amount up to $2000,00 for equipment to be used in ORDER TO APPEAR GOODYEAR TIRES Buy the Co-op Way Phone 224-2953 Will. James w. and Phyllis M. Fox, the newly formed engineering department. Motion carried. STATE OF MICHIGAN—In the Clrcu- property in the City of St. Johns. it Court for the County of Clinton, Jeanette Pease,FinalAccount. A motion was made by Supervisor Tiedt and supported by ALLEN BURGESS. FARMERS'. CO-OP John Joseph Washy, Change of Supervisor Carter, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Plaintiff Harris Oil Co. FOWLER Phone 582-2661 Fannie D. Call to William E. vs. INSURANCE Name. Duerr, property in Ovid twp. be authorized to sign a prior service agreement with the Retire­ JOYCE BURGESS, 909 E, State Phone 224-4726 ment Board of the Michigan Municipal Employees Retirement Defendant FARM System. Motion carried. At a session of said Court held at the Courthouse in the City of St. Complete Insurance Service At this time Representatives of the Ingham County Mental Johns, Michigan, this 7th day of No­ CREDIT BUREAU DRAINAGE vember, 1966. Since'1933 Health Board spoke to the Board of Supervisors. Present: Honorable Leo W. Corkin, Harvey Darling, President of the Villageof Ovid, came before' Circuit Judge. CLINTON COUNTY JAMES BURNHAM AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE Professional Directory the Board to request a letter from the County Board of Supervisors On or about the 7th day of Novem­ Phone St. Johns 224-4045 FIRE INSURANCE ber, 1966, an action for Dlvorc6 was stating that plans of the Village for asanitary sewer system meets Hied by Allen Burgess, Plaintiff, CREDIT BUREAU R-3, St. Johns GENERAL CASUALITY with the approval of the Board of Supervisors and does not conflict against Joyce Burgess, In this Court, It is hereby Ordered that the De­ Phone 224-2391 with any County plans for furnishingsuchsewer system to residents fendant, Joyce Burgess, whose ad­ A. T. ALLABY—Ins. dress and whereabouts are unknown, Credit Reports Collections v ATTORNEYS DENTISTS of the Village of Ovid. shall answer or take such other ac­ AGRICULTURAL _ Over Gamble Store A motion was made by Supervisor cressman and supported tion as may be permitted by Law, LIMESTONE St. Johns Phone 224-3258 JACK WALKER Dr. H. A. Burkhardt, D.D.S. by Supervisor Carter, that this Board concur with the foregoing on or before the 10th day of February, JAMES A. MOORE 1967. Failure to comply with this Calcium and Dolomite General Denth try request and that a letter be written to the Village of Ovid for that Order will result In a Judgment by DRUGGISTS Attorncys-at-Iaw 201 Brush St. Phone 224-7559 Default against said Defendant for Nat'l. Hank Bids. Phone 224-J241 purpose. Motion carried. the relief demanded In the Complaint COYNE COWLES- filed In this Court. PRINTING A Representative of the Village of Westphalia made a request This Order shall be published In Phone 224-2936 St. Johns HAROLD B. REED OPTOMETRISTS for the same type of letter, after which a motion was made by the Clinton County News at least once Altorncy-at-law •' '• ••••••• '- • ' i a week for six consecutive weeks, Office Hours by Appointment Only, Supervisor Shepard and supported by Supervisor Gove, tha,t this unless a copy of this Order has been He's a Phone ii-1-7484 St. Johns, Mich. DR. ALBERT H. NELSON Board concur with the request of the Villageof Westphalia and that served upon the Defendant in person Complete or by registered mall, at least twen­ FUEL OIL GAS FREDERICK M. LEWIS Optometrist a similar letter be furnished to them as that iurhished to the ty days before the time prescribed friend 110 Spring St. Phone 224-4654 Village of Oyld. Motion carried. for the Defendant's answer. Attorney and Counselor , LEO W. CORKIN, ST. JOHNS OIL CO. Printing Service 100 N. Clinton Ave. Phone 224-2000 * A motion made by Supervisor Buck and supported by Super­ ' ' Circuit Judge of the DR. H. D. SHANE, Optm. " Dated: November 7, 1966 WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS ALBA F. WERT 105 S. Ottawa Phone 224-4645 visor Hufnagel, that reading of Supervisors expense accounts Frederick M. Lewis Attorney for Plaintiff family CLINTON COUNTY ROBERT WOOD be dispensed with and they be paid-as presented was voted and ^ 710 N. Mead Attorncys-aMaw carried. ' 100 North'Clinton Ave. N 115 E. Walker St. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN St. Johns, Mfchigan 30-6 NEWS The Chairman then declared a recess until 1:30 P.M. 1 Phone 224-4879 St. Johns Phones 2 of Supervisors be given power to act in hiring of an Equalization palltv directed, pre reauostetl to be Ashley Hardware 109 W^Maln St. _____ OeWIXT Phone 224-2752 present at s.iid meeting, if they so Director. Motion carried. desire, SCHMITT Phone 2000 FISH AND DUNKEL Y* . DR. R. WOHLERS, Dentist VETERINARIAN On motion made and supported the Board adjourned to Mon­ Dated at Lansing, Mlchlgun, this 107 Spring St. Pnone 2*4-4712 17th day of November, lflGG. Plumbing, Heating , Cilice Hours by Appointment day, December 5, J966* B DALE BALL, FOR YOUR LISTING IN THE 1 Electric Co. and Air Conditioning ^^ Closed Saturdays DR. NELSON S. HOWE, JR. Director M Agriculture PAUL WAKEFIELD By Stanley R. Qunckcnbush, Phohe 224-4277 Business Directory Phone 224-3372 DR, C. W. LTJMBERT,D.D.S, Office Hours: 1>2, 7-8 p.m. Weekdays DERRILL SHINABERY Deputy Director In Charge 105 S. Ottawa Phone 224-4HJ7 303 N. Clinton Ave. Phone 224-2308 Clerk Chairman uf Drains (Inter>CoUntyi 31-2 807 E. State St. Johns Phone 224-2361 807 E. State St. — St. Johns Thursday, December 1, 1966 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Page 95 A "family night" will be held Michael, son of Mr and Mrs 'St. Sylvia's guild at the Duplain Methodist Church Al Rademacher arrived at the Rochester Colony plans Yule Party in the Colony, Dec, 7, Saturday Army reception station of Fort WeMphalia Mrs Alfred Rademacher evening. Following a -7;30 p.m. Leonard Wood, Mo., Nov. 17 for Phone 224-4459 Members of St. Sylvia's Guild cooperative supper, David* initial processing into the U.S. Showers will furnish the eve­ Army, By MRS. JOSEPH FEDEWA, Correspondent of St. Joseph's Catholic Church (omitted last week) of St, Johns met at the home-of nings entertainment when he pre­ Box 147, Westphalia—Phone 587-3682. Mr and Mrs John Jamo of Mrs Albert Kufnagel, Thursday sents a program on his recent MUSICAL PTA PROGRAM European trip, starting at 8:30 Grand RapidswereSaturday eve­ evening, Nov. 17. A Christmas musical program Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs Rosaline Spitzley of Detroit ning callers at,the home of Mr Included in the regular busi- The -public .is invited to either or both. presented by a group from the Richard Schneider, Mr and Mrs spent the weekend with her and Mrs Hay Hamer of N. Wat­ ness,was the report ofasuccess- local Mennonite Church will high­ Ed Schneider, Mr and Mrs Leo­ father, Joseph Spitzley. She also son Road. ful sale of vanilla, the annual Bill Fox and his son Bob of light the Dec. 5 meeting of the nard Schneider, Mr and Mrs attended the wedding of her, money making project of the this area returned home each Fulton Schools PTA.ThemeetIng Gerald Pung, Mr and Mrs John niece, Miss Mary Lee Spitzley * Thursday Mr and Mrs Isadore guUd. ' with a buck after spending last will be held' in the high school Nurenberg and Miss Linda and Mark Schafer at St. Mary's Smith entertained their family Mrs Tony Hunagel will host week in the UP deer hunting. commons at 8 p.m. Schneider and Stanley Schnei­ Church Saturday. at a Thanksgiving dinner. aJ~Christmas card party in her der attended the Holiday On Ice Mr and Mrs Ben Pero and During the past week Mr and home on the evening of Dec. 14. show at the Civic Center In family of Flint and Mr and Mrs Mrs Charles Ray Myers and Invitations are extended to guild Lansing. Walter Rademacher were Sun­ daughter moved into their new members and their husbands. Recently Fr. Spillane offered day dinner guests of Mr and home which was recently com­ MEMBERS WERE reminded an evening mass at the home Mrs Louis Rademacher and fam­ pleted. ^ of the annual bazaar to be held NOTICE of Mr and Mrs Joseph Bengel. ily, r Mr and Mrs Stanley Fedewa at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Present for the mass were mem- Saturday Mr and Mrs Frank and family of Plymouth spent Thursday, Dec. 8 from 11 a.m. 'bers of the Bengel family; Mr Pung, of Fowler visited at the the weekend with his mother, to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. To the Residents of Bengal, Bingham, and Mrs Vern Schneider, Mr and Peter Witgen home. Mrs Margaret Fedewa. A new booth will be added to the Dallas, Riley and Westphalia Town­ Mrs Robert J. Bengel, Mr and Mrs Elizabeth Fedewa and Peter Witgen was discharged" x many regular booths ^his year, Mrs Richard Bengel, Mr and Leo, Mr and Mrs Jim Fedewa from Clinton Memorial Hospital being a "Teen and Young Adult" ships: Mrs Donald Weber, Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Joe Fedewa Friday where he had been a booth. - Jerome Smith, Miss Agnes Ben­ attended a Thanksgiving gather­ patient for several days. t Mrs David (Judy) Rademacher THE BENGAL TOWNSHIP DUMP gel and Charles George. Fol­ ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Attentionj men, there is still 'and Shirley Moon entertained the lowing the mass the group held John VanAcker Thursday eve­ time to make reservations to women as they participated in a discussion. ning. attend the retreat attheTJeWitt a demonstration on styles and Mr and Mrs Dennis Arens Mr ancL Mrs Robert Siebert Retreat House Dec..2, 3 and 4. care of the hair. WILL BE CLOSED and son* and Mr and Mrs Joseph and family, formerly of St. Johns, Reservations can be made by The next regular meeting will Nurenberg and son were Thanks­ recently moved into the Louis calling .Roman Pohl. be held at the home of Pat Pur- giving dinner guests of their Rademacher tenent home on Mrs Anthony Martin was able tili Feb. 16^ Thursday evening. After Saturday, Dec. 10 until Further parents Mr and Mrs Leo Ko- Parks road. to leave Clinton Memorial Hos­ * * watch of Pewamo. Paul Gerard was, the name pital Monday. Emerson Dunham served as Notice. Mr and Mrs Ted Simon of given to the infant son recently Art Wirth moved into the John auctioneer for the old fashioned born to Mr "and Mrs Francis Droste apartments Saturday. HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS Lansing spent the weekend with box - social sponsored by the her mother Mrs Dorothy Platte. Trlerweiler (Wilma Cook) at St. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Rochester Colony Community RUDOLPH MOHNKE, Clerk Santa Claus sits high up on the 40 & 8 The Catholic Order of For­ Lawrence Hospital. Mr and Mrs Dennis Thelen and Club at Community Hall Satur­ esters Communion Breakfast Mrs Robert Wirth underwent family were Mr and Mrs Edward day evening. A business meet-' Bengal Township train which delivered him to St. Johns will be held Sunday Dec. 4, fol­ surgery at St. Lawrence Hos­ Wieber and family and Mr and ing will be held at Community / 32-2 Friday night for the official lighting of lowing the 10 a.m. mass. pital Tuesday. Mrs Joseph Fedewa and family. Hall Dec. 17 at 8:30 p.m.- the Christmas tree on the courthouse square. North Bengal C of C member By Mrs Wm. Ernst drive nets 6 CLINTON AREA SHOPPING GUIDE 'Pvt J. D. Bancroft and Mrs With only three of eight teams 'Bancroft from Oceanport, N. J., reporting so far, the Chamber spent from Friday night until of Commerce membership drive Monday night with their parents, has recruited six new members Mr and Mrs A. D. Bancroft of and eight others were brought back into good standing. GET ACQUAINTED rural Maple Rapids and Mr and Mrs Fred W. Pasch. They at­ The drive, through Monday, tended the 25th wedding anniver­ netted a little over $1,000 in Now is the time to take that short drive and sary celebration for Pvt. Ban­ memberships. shop the Clinton area. You will find wonder­ croft's parents Sunday, Retail Division members are Mr and Mrs Douglas Gwyer being asked to pay their retail ful selections and many bargains from dozens of Benton Harbor were guests dues to help pay for the Christ­ of merchants who over the years have Wednesday night and Thanks­ mas promotion. Merchants who giving Day of his parents, Mr aren't members are also being developed some of the finest shops in the area, and Mrs Leo C. Fox and sons. asked to contribute toward the or for that matter anywhere. Enjoy the ride Mr and Mrs William S. Ernst Christmas lighting. and the new discoveries. and family of Battle Creek spent Thanksgiving Day and Friday Rossow and family of Fort with Mr and Mrs William Ernst Wayne, Irid., visited his mother, and Maxlne. They recently werei Mfe cHet*mair"**-Rossow' and "his informed that their son, William brother, Rev and Mrs Herman K. Ernst, who is witluthe Ma­ Rossow Jr. and family for the rines in Viet Nam was promoted weekend. to Lance Corporal and their other son, Robert, stationed in Mrs Henry Schrader of Riley San Diego in the Marines is now spent Thanksgiving with her son- a Pfc. in-law and daughter, Mr and Prof. Francis RossoWandMrs Mrs Rudolph Tiedt and Philip. By the Time Your Car Needs a Replacement Battery... Luke Becker, owner of Becker's Furniture Store, Fowler extends an invitation to do your Christmas shopping here. Over the many years in business an enviable reputation Looking for gift items usual and unusual? Then stop in at Levey's Jewelry in Elsie, Mich. Since 1949 Dale has been built on honesty, top merchandise and sincere Keith Blizzard of Dewitt Pharmacy has stocked his desire to please. You'll enjoy shopping here for every Levey has offered brand names as Orange Blossom diamonds, Bulova, Onieda and many more to make this establishment with Christmas Gifts for thewholefamily. member of the family. Living room, dining room and From granddaughter to grandmother and grandson to bedroom suites, dinette, sets, occasional chairs, FM-AM one of the most loyally patronized businesses in the area. Especially wide selection of personal jewelry gift items. grandfather, Dewitt Pharmacy has a gift to fill every 8 and stereo record players, television sets, rugs and a Christmas wish. host of other wanted gifts. DOG'n SUDS TABOR'S FINKBEINER'S WOOLEY'S DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT PHARMACY is the place for VARIETY STORE Light Lunches, Dinners Hundreds of Gift Ideas CHRISTMAS Variety our Specialty World's Creamiest Cosmetics - men, women One of the best-stocked Root Beer Hallmark Cards SAVINGS and merchandised variety Famous Coney Dog Registered Pharmacist stores in the area FOWLER, MICH its* electrical system . . , to operate N. US-27. ' ST. JOHNS MIDDLETON, MICH. ELSIE, MICH. at peak performance . . . needs a battery stronger than the original DODGE FURNITURE For— L&L RESTAURANT CHRISTMAS equipment! T-V - RADIO Great Gift Ideas in REFRIGERATORS GOURMET DINING GIFTS? FAMOUS BRAND NAME Dining 5:30 to 8 p.m. Sun­ We Have Them— FURNITURE, CARPETS WASHERS - DRYERS lO/o more day, 11:30 to 2:30 at Moderate Prices it's Would you like to make one shopping stop to buy gifts for the whole family? You can ,at Tabor's Pharmacy in electrical ' "Our 51st Year" DeWITT Middleton. Jim Tabor will personally help you choose DOWNTOWN ST. JOHNS energy MIDDLETON, MICH. KECK'S-DeWITT that sure-to-please gift, even for those hard to please PHARMACY for up to. people. Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday until 9p.m. 1HVERSAL Discover the What to Get— THE 50% DALEY'S LEVEY'S MOTHER, FATHER WILLIAM'S WONDERFUL WORLD C&MSHOP Faster Starts! OF GIFTS BROTHER, t SISTER HARDWARE FINE FOODS JEWELRY GENERAL ELECTRIC for all members of your See Us .,. For Women's Fashions and COCKTAIL LOUNGE Brand names since 1949 APPLIANCES-T-V MASTER DUTY family at— ^ Sporting Goods, House­ Complete Jewelry FASHIONS - SPORTSWEAR Hi-Voltage Powerlock Excellent Dining wares LINGERIE - ACCESSORIES Our 50th Anniversary YOU can buy the "MASTER DUTY" BECKER'S STORE and Cocktails Store Gift Selection FOWLER ST.JOHNS . HARDWARE ELSIE, MICH. OVID, MICH. with a full 48 month GUARANTEE ELSIE, MICH. FOR AS LOW AS. . . GIFT IDEAS MIDDLETON THE VILLAGE INN GIFT YOUR ASHLEY HARDWARE WES'GULF SERVICE 6 Volt 1495 95 FOR EVERY HOME exchange 12 Volt 19 exchange LUMBER Complete Dinner Menu HOME THIS YEAR! FURNITURE ANNEX Great Service and Gulf Family style Chicken Sun­ Gasoline and Products AT fits most cars Great Gift Ideas in day—Fish Fry Fridays From a New Room to a Area's most complete PANELING, TOOLS, Hardware and Gift Store WINTER TUNE-UPS I Hours'6 a.m. to 11 p.m. New Home, it's BECKER HARDWARE SUPPLIES 5,000 sq. ft. of Furniture ROAD SERVICE 133 W. MAIN ST I Gift Certificates and Appliances on display LIGHT REPAIR FURNITURE, HARRIS OIL CO. ELSIE, MICH. :s. US-27 St. Johns 224-2212 MIDDLETON, MICH. DeWITT LUMBER ASHLEY, MICH. FOWLER "Next to Eberhards" I E. M-21 ST. JOHNS Phone 224-4726 s«z«;^:»;!«;!»^ Page 10 B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan Thursday, December 1, 1966

58* cows and the farm 265 acres. Dairymen Brown estimates the hourly In­ come of the operator for labor and nJ manisement will reach $2.16 an ASCS community elections Dec. 6 hour. ''This is a great Increase & show over the 81 cents an hour he Election of ASCS community This year one member will be ment Program. Other duties may actually earned In in 1965," the WWWK agricultural economist explain­ and county committeemen will be elected for a three-year term. be assigned to thecommltteesby recovery held in December. Two alternates will be elected for the secretary of agriculture as ed. Community committeemen 6ne-year terms. Two members the need arises.' Michigan dairy farmers have smarted showing some recovery THESE ESTIMATES apply only' will be selectedatelectlonmeet- of this year's ASCS county com­ William M. Smith, office man­ to the farms in the sample, and an Checkerboard News mittee remainon the county com­ from the depressed prices for ings Dec. 6 at 2 p.m. in each com­ ager at the local ASCS office, wholesale milk during 1964 and estimate for all dairy farms in from munity. Notices of the election mittee due to the staggered terms urged all farm owners and op­ Michigan would be considerably sites for each'community were put • into effect "last year. Both erators to attend their commu­ 1965. L. H (Hi) Brown, Michigan below these, the agricultural eco­ mailed Nov. 22 to eacji farm own­ county and community commit­ nity elections Dec- 6. Elections t nomist indicated. er and operator in the county. teemen will take office Jan. 1. will be held in township halls State University Extension agri­ cultural economist, believes Brown says: "The operator's Mathews Elevator The elected chairman, vice j with the exception of Bath and 1 average prices in 1967 will be investment in his business in in­ ; chairman, and regular member PROGRAMS administered by Essex . Bath will be held in the creasing and will continue to do FOWLER ' Phone'582-2551 the committeemen Include: Agri­ fire hall in Bath, and Essex will about 80 to 90 cents a hundred­ 1 of the community committees weight higher than 1964. so. Inflation in the prices for will serve as delegates to the cultural Conservation Program, be held in the Maple Rapids Vil­ Although total Michigan milk cows, land, feed, equipment and ' i ASCS county convention. Commodity Loans, Voluntary lage Hall. All elections will be at & labor all'enter into Increased Wheat and Feed Grain Program, 2 p.m. production continues to be lower than it was for the same month a costs . Average investment of Ovid Roller Mills THE COUNTY convention will Sugar Act Program, National Any farm owner or operator in these 116 farmers was $102,000 f Wool-Program, Farm Storage a community who is eligible to year ago, fewer farmers are be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. leaving the dairy enterprise. It is in 1964 andwillreach$125,000by OVID Phone 834-5111 15, at Smith Hall in St. Johns and Facility Loans, Conservation participate in any one of the farm