Fragile Complexity of Adaptive Algorithms Prosenjit Bose1[0000−0002−1825−0097], Pilar Cano2[0000−0002−4318−5282], Rolf Fagerberg3[0000−0003−1004−3314], John Iacono2,4[0000−0001−8885−8172], Riko Jacob5[0000−0001−9470−1809], and Stefan Langerman2[0000−0001−6999−3088] 1 School of Computer Science, Carleton University, Canada.
[email protected] 2 Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. {pilar.cano, jiacono, stefan.langerman} 3 University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
[email protected] 4 New York University, USA 5 IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
[email protected] Abstract. The fragile complexity of a comparison-based algorithm is f(n) if each input element participates in O(f(n)) comparisons. In this paper, we explore the fragile complexity of algorithms adaptive to var- ious restrictions on the input, i.e., algorithms with a fragile complexity parameterized by a quantity other than the input size n. We show that searching for the predecessor in a sorted array has fragile complexity Θ(log k), where k is the rank of the query element, both in a random- ized and a deterministic setting. For predecessor searches, we also show how to optimally reduce the amortized fragile complexity of the ele- ments in the array. We also prove the following results: Selecting the kth smallest element has expected fragile complexity O(log log k) for the ele- ment selected. Deterministically finding the minimum element has fragile complexity Θ(log(Inv)) and Θ(log(Runs)), where Inv is the number of inversions in a sequence and Runs is the number of increasing runs in a sequence.