324-330 Index.Pdf
London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Transactions, 66 (2015), 324—30 INDEX Susan Vaughan Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics abbeys/religious houses, Anglo- Austin Friars 163 Bowsher, Julian, book review by Saxon 72, 82; see also axes, Neolithic 202 316—17 Austin Friars; Barking; Boyer, Peter, ‘Archaeological Bermondsey; Black Friars; Bachmann, Dr Elfriede 9—10, 11 Investigations at Ironmonger Charterhouse; Colchester; Bacon, James 62 Row Baths, 1—11 Ironmonger Crossed Friars; Holy Trinity Bankes, Thomas 18, 37 Row, Islington’ 199—265 Aldgate; Lilleshall; Merton; St Baret, Alianora and William 68 Bradshawe, Richard 177, 179 Helen Bishopsgate; St Mary Barking Abbey 146, 150, 152, 157, Bradshawe, William 180 Bethlehem; St Mary Grace; 161 Brand, John 284 Westminster; White Friars barrel binding, post-medieval 30 Brandon, Charles, Duke of Suffolk Abbott, John 300 Barrett, Joseph 37 292 Abernethy, John 298 Barry, Thomas 61 Brandon, David, & Brown, Alan, Abyndon (Abingdon), Saer de 151 basilica, Roman 290—1 Bankside: London’s Original Adam, Prior of Colchester 52 Basire, James, engraving by 21 District of Sin, reviewed 320 Aldgate, pothouse 298 Bauman see Bowman Brandon House, Southwark, All Hallows London Wall church 69 bead-making, post-medieval 246, excavations 292 Allan, John, book review by 317—19 260 brasses, memorial 60, 61 Allen, Sir John 176 beads, post-medieval Bread Street 19, 38 Alley, Elizabeth 61 glass 232, 244, 245, 246 bricks alleys (marbles) 244, 245, 246 jet 237, 238, 239 Roman 103—4, 233 almshouses,
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