Cambridge South East Transport Evidence Base Appendices September 2013 Commercial Estates Group Cambridge South East FINAL Transport Evidence Base: Cambridge Local Plan 2014 South Cambridgeshire Local Plan September 2013 APPENDICES Produced by: Integrated Transport Planning Ltd 32a Stoney Street The Lace Market Nottingham NG1 1LL Tel: 0115 9886905 Contact: Jon Parker Email:
[email protected] Web: Appendix A: Detailed Analysis of Alternative Strategic Sites containing the following documents: A (i) Census 2011 Map-based analysis A (ii) Accession Mapping (Public Transport) and Core Accessibility Indicators A (iii) Analysis of CRSM 29013 Transport Modelling Projections for Fringe Sites and Rural Sites (Cambridgeshire County Council) A (iv) Assessment of alternative sites travel distances (by road) and\ emission levels A (v) Assessment of Local Plans and Alternative Sites against the Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire Draft Transport Strategy A (vi) Assessment of Local Plans and Alternative Sites against the Cambridgeshire County Council Local Transport Plan A (vii) Detailed Assessment of Local Plans and Alternative Sites against NPPF Criteria A (viii) Assessment of existing housing developments and their approach to transport promotion Appendix B: Deliverability Evidence containing the following documents: B (i) Note on deliverability and programming of A14 improvements B (ii) Note on deliverability of Hills Road cycle and bus improvements Appendix C: Cambourne Case Study - ‘Lessons from Cambourne’ Review Appendix