Plays Its Cards Right
SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT BY UPPER REACH Tuesday, December 23 2014 M A LTA PLAYS ITS CARDS RIGHT This island nation has had much to celebrate in 2014, including being one of Europe’s top economic performers, as well as several milestone anniversaries: independence, becoming a republic and EU entry his is a banner year in Malta and the island na- recognising that Malta is moving in the right direc- tion strategically located smack in the centre tion. This in no way means that we have achieved Tof the Mediterranean has had a lot to celebrate enough. We will aim higher,” Dr Muscat promises. in 2014 – and not only its decade of European Un- International investors are taking the PM at his ion membership, 40 years as a republic and a half word. The most recent IBM Global Location Trends century of independence from the United Kingdom. Report ranked Malta as number two in the world Another reason for hoisting the champagne for the quality of the foreign direct investment (FDI) glasses is that last year the country registered GDP it attracts, just behind leader Ireland but ahead of growth of 2.4 per cent, one of the highest growth such stellar investment destinations as Denmark, rates among the 27 members of the European Union South Korea, Japan and Sweden. while the other Eurozone economies contracted by Well-trained workers, low labour costs and mem- 0.4 per cent. bership in the European Union are just some of And little Malta, along with European powerhouse the factors attracting FDI, along with the country’s Germany, were the only EU states to experience geographic location, English as an official language almost continuous job growth from 2002 to 2013, and a tight, yet flexible regulatory regime.
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