RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXX, NO. 23. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1947 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO Christinas Seal Sale Opens \.->ks Aiil To Japan's Future Highlands Again Through "Silent (iiii-ml" Board Studies Mayor Ch.iilcs n. Kniilinh or Heel Bright, Chaplain Is Faced With Bank linn rcrrivfvl the fotloviing School Switch More Facilities telesrnm fimn (lovcinor Alfred IS. Driscoll: Titus Declares Water Problem "Will yo\i join me in program At Middletowu Immediately i :ihaied by nil governors to send food to Htnrvintf ISuropcnnK. All People Waul To Make l-!x|i<-ii»<- Hinders Mew Jersey families to share their Arcliitrr in-liliilion Should B« | Thnnskivlng dinner with a silent !• I'iiKtiifrli 'l'» Take Country A Laud Of Court Injunction guest. "Guest is symbolically war or- For I II I II IT IMun* In .'{.> More 1'utinitA Peace And Culture Over-all Project phan or hungry adult abroad. Cost of euch dinner if mailed to Treas- ! 1 .-• f J i; Ayilii TMerson. school arrhttoct of '"•'•' ii' - il ihouid at thft The Japan of today is a democ- Court action concerning the urer of State of New Jersey, State r racy whose masses of people seek Highlands water contract has cost House, Trenton, will be used fur Wood bridge, advised tho Middle- ;i;i-^ Y '" i u.T** enough to to make their country into the tho borough money which it wai to town township .school board TIIIIIK- "'»;r.;iHi i -:..on.i fnr ?~> mom food packages to bn sent abroad. f "Switzerland of Asia," a land of use for water improvements and "Grateful for your co-operation". day nij.;ht thai the l> method to '•'>i i!:n,' "> :t i-r-ocnt survey peace, culture, manufacturing:, (low- necessarily will hinder progress of cnl'.tv^o s-'luioi physical f uritivir;'. '. ' ". i C 1 • ir.v •--t.K'itoi s on b-»- ers and beauty, according to Rev. the overall project, it, was revealed would Ije i<) Lonvprt the Leonardo ' "i "• f i a 1 government. n Frank L. Titus of New York, assist- Monday night at a special session jjrade school into a hi^h school rind •.• r :• ; - Ij-'f-'i 'l nn population ant secretary nf thn oversows' de- of the mayor and council. Five More New tlic hi^li .tcliuul thin a H-'--d<* school. m which the insti- : j,,, -,t , ,1 partment of the Protestant Epis- At this stage, with the pipe The suggest luii mailo \w- copal church. cleaning in progress and the (Miurii! Lliu Kraile .school has, accord- M Ilvt nr- v to Kivcr\-iew The churchman's observation is new well dug, the borough is River Oaks Homes ing to Mr. I'iiMKoii, DO in ore yo:n s .ri:].'.:"it If •5 a i tllPV* hav« a considered one. He saw nearly taking stock of its resources nnd | of use, is proof and ia more D.'.!" I fo, a lontf time four years of what he termed "the is determining how much more it modnrn llinn the \\\«\\ school. The :i ivin^ Lil'Hi.;!) b*:ds In can spend on the wntcr project and Sold Recently arcliiU'cL almi .stated Hint tho con- of tl:' p'iii*?n!.i who de- hell of war" before he covikl form i an opinion, and then only after ser- how much of the original plan can .sti'uction of thn f;ra(!i' -'f:hfjol would .'i i.Tiittffl nor pdpquate ious study in Japan iiself. In war be completed. b(! ens icr to enlai^fl than of tho ;r;; rat'f of addi- The court action was started by VaiiHorn A^rnry Ol' In'Kh school. Bradlcy's Radio •ii'i ^ iii'-li lucnl doc to in he was a combat chaplain; after c surrender he was one of the army's Thft annual Christmas senl sale in Monmoulh county, to vaisn the Property Owners association, ]t was rrvoalod that 20 morr \ i .''~nd ''J riivcrview first chaplains to be flown to the funds for the tuberculosis control work of the New Jersey Tuber- who opposed Ibc awarding of the I air llavon KO|MM U rno ni.i won 1<1 be n no (led io con vert ! hut :uv Service JVlarkini*; 1 iEland£. culosis league, opened Monday on a. county-wide basis with Mrs. well construction job to the Laync Vrry Active Murkrt Jie Imildinf; into H hi^h school with Th" (*;,- wa:i nindo on behalf Speaking last Thursday night at Leon W. Conrow of Red Bank as chairman. Pictured above is Mrs. company of I.imlen. Though the capacity to accommodate the rx- uf thr- j mtnent upon which fed- Conrow's uon, Whitney Conrow, selling the first block of scnls to borough won the the cost of .yjcetml in(n-n:ised enrollment. Mr. t'vnl mil -.'.•injltl bo forthromtng to the November meeting of the Men's 15th Anniversary 1 fellowship of Trinity Episcopal Miss Margaret Francis, supervisor of the tuberculosis control pro- the action is being felt. Arrangements from plans for^hc IMernon stated thut the walls In the V-'IM'JU i in.-' it iit inn.- in proportion church, Rev, Mr. Titus told of con- pnini of the Monmouth County Organization for Social Service. Several bills resulting from the sale of ilvo nip re houses in thn high school would have to lie rai&r.l I t>i .^:/.c of tiie institution and ditions and Japanese attitudes both The photo was taken in Miss Francis' ollice, and looking on is Mrs. Court action were brought up at the River Oaltfl section of Fair Haven, from nine to twelve feet. It would Slaiii'ii j : ii" aii'l-d fn*• 1111 :n.i anticipated at Geraldine L. Thompson, president of the M.C.O.S.S., nnd Mrs. meeting, Those included $2,500 for part of tho former Honglund nnd he casiey ;ind morn cccinnmica 1 to 1 the Urn:* I hi:--, aiU wovild be eought. on the war fronts and on Nippon's Conrow. defeated lalco. Eattlc front scenes fcRal fees, $153 for copies of legal McCarlcr estate, wliic.i extends accomplish this ta«U in the fcrnde I 'HIM f-titoni»mt was m.ide by wers grim and the enemy was documents and evidence, $355 for from the North Shrewsbury river Tr.^t.iiin-r rfpolcy H. Tuthill at the to Uidge road, have been completed brutal. The post-surrender scene engineering fees nnd $77.75 for the The board, nt its meeting Ucconi- ll.v V.fti. I). Minuting of the buard of trustees waa one of shocked calm, but the **nploynient of a court clerk. Thesu by the Kay Van Horn agency, held .it liiveivi'"'.- Monday night. ll.s are paid trom the water i\c- re&Rovs of fair Haven, which im- ber 11, ia expected to reci'ivc a nlnn 1 Nrw- M'1- Tuthill .submitted his monthly people moved in respect nnd friend- Fencing Beach liriulh-y'rt Radto Scivifc at ; nut. ports continued strong demand for for the ftUdition from Air. Tim^on. : i.'p-H-t, ,-i copy of uhich was mailed liness for their conqucrcr. m.'iii .Springs iu;ul -ind Sluc\v.'b;ii y ; Councilman Herbert Hartsgrove larger house in tho new home mar- 1 to every nifnihei- of thfi hoard prior Early in September, 1943, soon Held Illegal I .vised the council that a compres- ket. The construe lion of these .iVL'niii , wliich Wfw i\stnblishrd No- i to the mnrting to permit Its peru- after the surrender and a few days f :•. used to open parts of the con- houses is now well under way by vpmhor 2,S. 1032. hy \Villi;im I». j .i;al at their leisure. The report not after U. S. Marines landed in Allen Brothers, Inc., owners nnd Active Realty Br.-ulley, will ot»s<>rv it.i l-M h an- Ji;Cte streets, purchased fiom Mi- niver.sfiry, .starting inmnnow ;uni ; only covered th**. scope of work at Tokyo Bay at the Yokosukn. naval i' :iol Cuomo of Englishtown for builders of tho Rlvrr Onks com- ' thn h»3p!Lnl hut also the financial Council Of Key|M>rt : cominuinjj through Nnturduy, Uc- ba3«, Chaplain Titus, who was at- !-',il), bus not stood tho test. To munity. • cntidition of Jtivfirvicw. tached to the 105th Infantry, "Now 1 Market Along retnber 6. Oltslriictioii ;•- oitl further comment, Councilman The variou.1 building project. ; nnd Tim r:»tlio .sorvicp war. stnJtr»l by [ For ttifj Ri-jt ten months of thi« York's Own" division, flew into the ; TII-RC V. Brown moved that the the new owners include (bo follow- ' yi:ar, compared with a similar per- Atsugi air base, near Tokyo, and 1 Mr. liraiilcy in n nniall buildinj; at ; A irous:h pet a refund and turn the ing: Mr. nnd Mr. *. Jamos M.Thoino Shore Districts 1 iixi in IUtc>, Jtivrrview his had 1,- Albert M. Curlcy will be require : T!i Nt!\vnian Hprin;; - rnad, mnv Ain- joined units of the 11th Airborne mprcpfor back to the original of Fair Haven aie building a resi- |l(il additional pnticnt days, 93 »d- division for the opening phase of to icmove fences and a jetty b;i MI .Soden'.s Horiat shop. The rapid- linfr the public from the bear ••ncr. dence of rambling deji^n on a balf- ly £ rowing radio hus.inrsA wan th« occupation. acve plot located on the west side IWnlliy Lztlilla mat emit icss, 147 additional "It was the end of a long and front, between Cedar and Wain nioved July I, 10,'KJ, to n one-story n nnd 1^ additional tmir- streets in Knyport in violation of Woodlnnd drive. .-ilurcij buildi;i); \\ liich th« owner bitter road," said the chaplain. "We Mrs. Mni-joric Thieis Klin^ of a borough ordinance, the Keypt led Bank Bookies |{c|xni8 Many Sales had built on tho present .site. Thn Mrs. Julia Throckmorton, iuper- did not know what was coming or council decided at a meeting Mr Fair Haven is completing a houan •what lay ahead. But something new ncw pl.'int had frontn^e of 301 i[Uc^dcnt"Jf the'hoa day niffht. with alx rooms, two hay windows, In Knstcrn Muiiiiiftutli font nnd n depth of VAZ0 l!'loot. IThr l u j and strange was seen. As the porch and paiMge on the west .side mil and supplemented Mr. TuthlU'ft American stepped forward, many Tl decision was made on rep innl $7,500 yenrs later Mm huildiny was double! llnnn*:ial .statement with txplana* actuations by Edward Currie, M of Rur-na Vista avDimn, A very active real catatc mm-krt in »,/.(\ In nrcoiiiinud.'itii lho ^lu'ttly Japanese turned their backs In rev- Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren G. Hone of Liona rcgaidinff tho fast increasing ' ftrence," feeling themselves un- awan attorney, who stated that for nrupcrtioa in the vicinity of onlnrBCd stock nnd extrusive sn- ctpenso account for the hospital* represented 278 residents of the c 10 Defendants Pay Elizabeth and Long Branch have i'ortaupeck, Monmovitlv Heiicli jvlul virc. in 101ft Mr. Bradley wan worthy to look into the Americans' just taken possession of their new operation. Uuring her cxplanatioa section of Keyport, who wish Long Brunei) l.i reported by Doro- obliged to m.'ilcc the third addition j of the expenses of tha Institution, face*. call the attention of the. coui $250 To $3,000 Each seven-room house of Colonial de- thy Uzdllla, reultor, trading as the to Mia building, wlilrli now IKI.I a But, he said he grew to learn, sign located on a half-acre plot .she brought out that during tha , g to the fact that the erection I'lnrfi aggregating $7,500 were as- Marie Cox aRcney, with olllccs on frontaKo of 90 feet on .Shicw.ibury • year the nursiM at ftiverview, "the friendliness shown to the Mr. Curlcy of three-foot jetties . on the west side of Woodland Comiincho drive, Poitaupcck. The avcntio nnd In ». modern ftstablish- iscd against 10 Red Bank resi- drive. all of whom are graduate nuries, Americana immediately was not fences IWe-fcet high on his pi npeney reports tlir. recent transac- niont in every particular. no fltudnnt nurses being used at the something just put oh for show. It crty, obstructing access to nts last week In Freehold by Col. Clarence R. Halg of Cali- tions enumerated below: idgc John C. Qiordano on gamb- •Spccinllzin^ In radio aurvlca for institution, have been on an eight- waa In obedience to the order of beach was in violation of a b fornia 1ms recently closed title on Charles G. Pyle, Jr., of New York the home and auto, this well-known ig charges Involving the rnid big attractive new seven-room Co- hour period of duty instead of a 12- Emperor Hirohito that tht Amer- OURII ordinance which provic has purchased tho soven-room concern i-nrries nil n:it ionnlly ad- hour period. She said many per- icana wer§ coming in as guests that no structure may be erect minded In Red Bank July 21*. lonla.1 residence located on the, west house • on Valentine street, Mon- vertised lines of radio. Two trucks Pines imposed were aa follows: aide of Buena Vista avenue. sons .'onfuried the terma "gradual* and should be so treated. on the bcacli without authority mouth Beach, from Joseph IS. and three, private cara ate kept nurse" ami "registered nurse" and "That was why the emperor was the mayor nnd council. •nest Smith, 56. 26 Wallace etrcct, The ilais and 11 or re residences Ward, nssi.'itant sales manager of busy taking rare of patrons" needs kept," he sakl, "the people followed On vote of the council, BorotiK 000 for lottery and ?l,000 for have the attractive feature of a the Bankers' Indemnity Insurance In tho radio and service line. How- explained that a graduate nur Dkmaklng; his sons, Walter, 32, den located on the first floor, his every command." Attorney Howard W. RobcrU wn company. The propevty is located iird Haven* jfl service manager in | JiH the professional qualifications of Chaplain Titus said that aa he instructed to take steps to hah v ;• (I Iycstcr, 20, SBOO each for lot Another s:ilf. arranged by the Vnn on tho river-front on n|.|.rox!mato- cliarjje of homo and auto radius !-'i registered nuine with the excep- and his group moved about Japan, the borough ordinance enforcer y; Michael Carluzzi, 36, of 10 Horn agency w;is that of a pnrtly ly .'in acre and Is liulkhrv-dcd. *•••'• Jind Alexander Oaprcy i^ in charge I tion that in New Jersey a reglfr- he was accorded high respect and after it had been revealed that Mi cn.**t avenue, and Mario Rowt, completed one and one-half story 1'yle la Installln-; licatand will make of tf-levlsiun servicn, each ho ing as-1 tcrcd nurse must have .ja^s«d a full co-opcratlon. Even some ns yet Curlcy had made no request to til of 0B Wnverly place, 1250 each residence of rambling design locat- it liis nil-year residence. wi.-itcd hy two employees at the s certain stato examination to b« undltarmed troops turned their at- mayor and council for permisslo • po?so.«sion of lottery slips as ed on the west side of Bucnn Vista (.luatnvc A, Jolinson of frvington Him. U.N. in Xcw Jcvary hospitals. tention to helping the Americans," I to build the disputed jetties nn rnber runners for the Smiths: avenue, which wan purchased by hiui sold liia seven-room bungalow Mr. Uradley completed a picpar- Mayor Charles It. Knplish, vie* h» said, "and one little girl gave I fences, which wcro erected seven thur Dillard, 41, of 248 Shrews- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E, Gorman on I'ocano avenuo, Porimipcck, to atory COUIKO in radio at this Bulfalo president of the board of trufltee*. of New York city and completed me her tiny doll to bring home to months ago. V a venue, $1,000 for bookmak- Thomas I,. Masson, formerly of Institute of Technology and gained presided at the meeting in the ab- my own daughter and insisted that Announcement of a public hoa WilUam H. Moorcliead, 25, ot by Allen Brothers, Inc., accord.nt£ Montelair. Mr. Mnason i» ndvertls- four years of practical .nencfi of President Newton Dore- to the purchaser's .specifications. 1 I keep it. It ifl a.t home now." Ing on tho matter was made at Tiiton avenue, Ralph Reovcy, 26, Ing mannKer of the House Ucaulilul as sales nnd .service* manager of nui- , who has hp^n unahlo to attend "How different this was," sai'l previous council meeting, at whl 102 West Bergen place, and VI* muiiiizliio, and will niiiliu I'urtau- Lbu I'lainlleld r;-.dio shop before .several recent meetings of the the speaker, "from the days that time n communication was re Mitchell, 42, of 145 Lcighton pock his all-year residence. Mr. coming to Red Hank l'i yens a^o. board duo to ill health. followed Pearl Harbor. from the Keyport harbor comm nup, $500 each for lottery and Mortgage Burned .John-snn is president of the Amer- Active also in tho civic-, lod^e and j There will be no meeting of th« "Americana today do not Unow sion, stating that the Rooks, uC, of 13 Central avc- ican Metnl Molding company, and club life o; llnd Uank, Mr. l-iradley ; tru.«teefl during December. They how serious the conditions were af- had no objection to the erection SiiOO for possession of number has Just, completed the buildinpr of M a dirrctor and former priv-iidem ! will meet, again in monthly session ter that attack. We were a lot the barriers. i Kdward V, Juska represented At Lincroft ,i $50,001) dwelling on n la-^e tract of the Ked iiank Community Cham-1 Monday nlffht, January 26, at worse off than we care to admit." Mr. Currie stressed the fact tl defendants. of rtver-frnnt proiiclty. which the her of Commerce, a director uf lied ! which time the nominating com- prior to tho building of jetties n Marie Cox agency sold him last Hank Community Y.M.C.A., zone 1 H» told of terrific American naval Ihcis lined were: Rosario M^R- mmittee1 , including Thomas Irving' losses as he saw them, and assert- fences on the Curley property, i Liikcwood, $1,000 for book- June. chairman of the Lion.s club and aj '. ^ public had not been barred fii 70 Walter Lulkcn and his aunt. Mrs. member or the Mnsonic and E\kn /.'° ed that U. S. successes at the battle n;r in Bclrnur August 9; Ed- ! Alrrt< T. Linton, will present of Midway, costing the Japanese use of that portion of the hea (I Colton, Long Branch, $1,000 "3.Mic Northrop, have purchased lodges and Tall Cndnrn. the Mai-rled Annual Ilaiiijtict Couples' IJibln ulnss nf Red Bank a plate to be considered at the an* an estimated 10,000 killed and loss within the memory of any of t bookmaklng at Sixth and Hol- •e river-front property of Henry nuMl older Keyport residents. He s .till. The house has five bedrooms Methodist church. Uttln Kilvn- il.r j Section of the board of trus- of aeveral major warships in an en- on streets, Long Branch, Sep- tc0Bt gagement running from June S to Rested, as a solution to the c jcr 22, and Joseph Schubert, The Lincroft flrc company l,urn:.'

I Mllis, t Lorraine Andcjson and Henry lion held by the students of the Bishops In a round robin tourna- for the Red Bank high school girls. also selling Christmas wrapping C.A. It will be sponsored by the i DcLueea. Coffee, tra and cake were rhib undrr the direction of An- ment. The members of the present The girls play Tuesday and Thurs- paper and cards. Rumson Hi-Y. Tickets are on sale School News thnny Trufulo, their advisee. Other BAD SKIN—PIMPLES | served. —Barbara Kuhl. sriuntl Bie Pilchard Mnstria, Fred day of each week. Each girl can The Red Bank high school band for stag or drag.—Lois Cook. Here's a new way to help rid yuurseH »»f ofllcns clrctrd were: Harry Dutchy- Mazxucca, Mike Toscano, Jack Ja- choose her own team, and they has ctarted to practice in the jun- tortjroua Uchin« pimple-^, eczema, -ralee, KlClt BANK SK.VIOR HIGH Weslside "1"' Majorette* son. vice president nnd Joanne M;i- coubs. Pete I-'rostcr, Tom West, each play for about five minutes. ior high auditorium. They are un- We Manufacture Our Own ht-able*. ocne, blotches and blemi-hes uf Ten gills interested in the forma- drrperl, Ireapurcr. ex tem a! nature. Your money bnck if Vrarhook Dance Ray Schmidt, Charlie Dudley, Mor- Two teachers of high echool have der the direction of John Lucken- pure MEIJREX OINTMENT fail* to zh« The Hod Bank hiph school year- tion of a group of drum majorettes, j ArLiviiirs planned for the .stud- ris Hoffman, nichard Burns and hill, the band leader. you quick moling relief from itchinu. book stnfl will give n semi-formal met at the %Vcst.**!dc Y.M.C.A. re- ents of the flu I) this year consist Charlie Patterson. been absent recently because of ill- Venetian Blinds MEDREX OINTMENT i* blended sriei l- cently. They are being taught by nes«. They are Miss Ruth Williams Monday, November 17, was re- tificaily from rixht tested ineicdient* to dance Friday, December 19, in the I of tnliing nnd developing their own — Richard Maetria. port card day. This is the second To give, you same day service. h=!t" you. Be HUIT and get a jar of gen- high trhool gymnasium. Klla Spinney nnd Hetty Schrmck. pictures. and Anthony Trufulo. marking period of the school year. uine fle?h colored. KreasclcsB MEDREX The music will be supplied by Al- Present were Geneva Davit, Ros- Sjircial photographic paper ha3 School BrIO Competion for the senior class There will be a Thanksgiving MOBILE V. B. CO.OIN'TMEMT todRy. bert Fazzonc and bis orehrMra. amond Ncal, Mavjorie Clarke, Dor- been purchasrd to ntukc Cliristma.« j Noontirnu bafikctbal! has started has started. The junior class Is now day dance at the Red Bank Y.M.- 49c a jar nt ail Sun Ray llrug SUnt* Tickets nrc beinp sold by all othy Avers. Peggy Schanck, Louise j cards with porsoniil pictures on RKD BANK O-.TOS-K members of the yearbook staff. The Jones, Lorraine Morrie. Jean Haw- thorn. I'cjTKy Coneontino. decorations will be in keeping with kins. Mabel Shomo and Ann Worm- the Christmas season. ley. rliciTli adcru" tinui-o —Joan Willthlrc. They were taught to strut and Thr "JJUCM* Annual", a dance were watched closely by the coach- fpontiorcrl by the Red I3ank high es.. The best strutters were Judged chccilenders vvrin held on November Mi.« UhUakr-r to be Geneva Davis and Peggy 21, Jit the hi^h school gym. THANKSGIVING • FOR CHRISTMAS Mies Betty Lou Whitaktr of I.onp Schanck. Decora lions constated of white Kranch is a new student teacher in All girls will be required to bring goal posts n nd maroon nnd white the Enplish and P.A.n. classes. Mi?* a broom handle or round stick to y\ rramrrs earning down frum tlic WhitnUfr attended Long Branch practice twirlinj; at future meet- balcony. 2 lb. GALES CALIFORNIA high school. She Is now attending Ings.—Vilma Dnvis. Music was furnished by Jack State Teachers college. Trenton. Mazzarcjii and his orchestra. Mitis In addition to teaching she Is a Auloniotivr dull Lori-nine Andoison M*na adviser for rum W bwftor FRUIT CAKE member of the Photographers club. The automotive club, under the the affairs-Barbara Estolle. Her hobble* arc swimming, bowl- i direction of Stanley Carhnrt, has 63% fRUITS AND NUTS Last than $1 par pound ine photography and horflebaclt- j many objectives for the yonr. The JlasKcth:ill S(|uud ridin.e. She \e also a member of Twelve candidntc. answered thfl I club plans to learn about the Mate Evtiy bite it chockfwl *f crvnchy English walnvts and IwKiews ^B A A Theta Phi sorority. j license and inspection reriuire- call for biiskcihall practice Issuud Miss Whilakcr 'nvn that the stu- ; merits, and wants to discuse gener- last weeU by William Pazit-ky, jun- dent* of R«d Bank are very co- • al automobile problems and emer- ior varsity conrh ;il Jietl Bnnlt hl^li Colrfomia pras«rv*d fruits . . cherries, pineapple, raisin*; can- ^" ' ™ operative nnd she enjoys worhing gency road repairs. The club also /icliOOl. 2 US. with thcni.—Cecelia Marmelsteln. plans to go into the causes of acci- The ;if|uad IK not at its normal died lemon, orange and grapefruit peel, blended with spices. size because (jf the JI'I^TJIC? ni luot- 1 Oiiflrrf Talk ! dents. ( The members of the ntilcimntivr- hall pluyviii v,-hw .ire vs|>m:ici! U> r«- Mn^ John K. TTnbe?ts nt the N*a- lurn afirr thy Th.'inkesivinK foot- lonal CJllard ppoke to tho boy* of ' club are Robert Sumrncifi, William 1 the Senior hiirh school Friday after- Thorpe, Noininn Hnlvrrsun, Wil- ball Kami . noon on Ihp National Guard. liam Gnnlcy, Charles Lc Valley, Wal- Thi: Hi Hi Kiiini! will lake plane ! Mai. TJobcrts, wlin is « graduate lace Pohl, Jurats Biancy , Mario Dccrmbcr 8, when thr IJin-cnncer.^ ' of West Point academy, said that Trimlioli, Joseph Vetrano, Kny will face the Asbury Pal k Jjluo ! tho Xatiunal Guard offers grunt op- Schmidt George Hpring.Htcin, .Sum .. . . FOR CHRfSTMAS GIFTS poriunitv to the boys of today. He Harper, Louie Dirnolo, Hill Athins. !.aid. "H any hoy is Interested 'n. Bob Schmidt, Hick K?:,nett, Nick ITS any kind of trade and doesn't Snmaro, Robert Scott nnd John have the money to go to college, Alcxa.— Howard Kennedy. Genuine Ludff# he would strongly ndvise him to CHEN YU •tatfe I* U.S.*. enlist in the National Guard," Student Coiiiic-il t "The National Guard," he said, The itrd Bank Senior high school HAIR BRUSHES "provide* for the young men of Student council visited RmiiBon , . eoffum* ft today. It IcMches them In .similar i high school recently. A hand-spme quintet of Chen Yu's ways to thnt of the army." Five representatives nml the acl- $3*00 and $3.50 VAUflf Maj. Roberta sflid that the Na- ] v'.scr went to the meeting of tho lacquers in eostume-comple- tional GunriT linfl si'hools In the i.Monmouth County Student Council ry colors, and "Twincole." truininp camps for the boys who association. The following students $3.90 VALUI . . Nyton briitlts art firmly s«t in arc interested. j attended Ihc mrctlnR: Nina Kgi- After M:ij- Huberts finished, a I land, John Cvnielly, Pegpy ban- DIAMOND RING b«autiful Lucit* back with modtrn-ityl* movie reel on the National Guard ner, Veronica Htubfos nnd Dorothy dew drop handle. Assorted colors & cltar. was shown. It depleted the train- Kerr. IS BRILLIANT HHYOND RA NOME Ing nnd schooling In the National Durlnc thr course of the meet- COMPARISON! Guard.—Charles Dudley. ing officers were elected for the fol- $3.50 VALUI . . A D«rf«ct giftl 107 glaaming . . . cofogn* lowing year. They nlso plcltcd rep- nylon bristle knots closely stt in lucit* . . oro Nome to her cologne Student Council resentatives from each school to Professional style. Assorted colors or clear. The Student council recently con- serve on the executive board. Ver- ion and you give a lingering ducted the Ked Croai drive, which •J- Slltk>4r Irrtflf onica Stubbs wan chosen from Red the will cherish. 4 ounces started November 8 and ended No- Bank high school Student council. vember 15. Eight rooms were —Helen Reynolds. 100 per cent, and the amount col- 1U VALUE NYLON UISTLID UAKt MVSN lerlctl was $22.53. lied Rank l/.ginti IMnvrm ' The. clean-vip committee has re- Many Hod Bank high alumni are VLON .portctl an Improvement In the con- now playing with the Ret! Bank dition of the front hall and lunch ijCglon football team. Most mem- FOR A SWEET THAN . . color ch«st rooms In the Senior building. The bers of the Legion tciim have grad- committee In under the leademhlp uated from Tied Bank high achool leight-of-hand by Revlon— of Ralph Accrra. and are once again playing on the Ten members of the Student same field where in the past yearn s of nail enamel le ipice council went to Princeton Friday they pave their all for their Alma new colon; plui Adheron. to participate In a state Student Mater. council mcclng. Helen Lauber wa» The team is coached by Thomas a speaker on the topic, "How Can Phlpps, a Red Bank teacher. The TVe Overcome Racial Prejudice ! business manager is Napoleon 6ALIS AMERICAN through the Student council?" Tlie iPlngltor, another lied Bunk grad- NKY CLOVER Red Bank Student council shared uate. The Legion holds practice CUSTOM CMOCOLATIS PATTIEf Buses with Long Branch nnd Nep- behind the Hcd Bank high school toffef wafer tune hlpli school student*. "Blue print" in box describes Galei HarHiemald Chotolofe WeclncEdHy and Friday nlghta. each delicious piece. Covered Peppefmirtl i —Audrey Wellner. When asked "What do you think •adow-sweet fragrance far of this type of football, and if there Big 18 or. box, only Potties. 1 pound, only Teachem' Social ift any difference in the game?" e-in-Januory mood through- '• Sixty teachers of the Red Bank r faculty met November 20 In the George Wld^ er, stnr center, said, WHITMAN'S SAMPLE* he yearl 3V4 ounce boHle gymnasium for a "Coffee Class," "Yes. I like playing IIRII with the under the auspice* of the teachers Legion much hettcr than with the CHOCOLATES • • • V of the Branch avenue Junior high high school because the game pro- vides better competition, it Is tough- 26 atltlilinnffl nrlivf f«c*t« — ririi 1IMITED TIME ONLY school. er, and you are playing ball because r The Coffee clait is an entertain- you want to for the love of the n\\*t\\ni • I""" "I tiglit—«nJ you ment for th« teacher* of all the game and not just because you |i«v« lti« fi»( rntjor improvement in RK. $100 ELMO lied Bank schooLs and will be spon- think you owe something to the id* ctittinU rj n the afternoon in order that —Don Patterson. Reussilles' SAVE $2! HELEN CORNELL the teacher! will be free In ho Camera Club evenings. '', Anthony Bruno was elected pres- •> The Branch avenue Junior high ident of the Camera club of Red 36 BROAD • RED BANK School committee was headed by Bank high school at. a recent elec- CHRIST Reg. $3,001 Now try eitregenic hormones on your thin- % regular price. M0* limited time only. I % ounce*, I

•eauliful ossertment co NEW! RENOIR'S CLEAR graphed cards with m designs—including A i LIQUID LV-STAE Outdoor snow icenes, Applied over lipstick with attached brush, it really keeps lipstick on for OTHER MUD ASSORTMENTS hours longer,- no smeary stains.

Up and P«p Up

Rox-My 12-liKh PLENAMINS le vitamin protection plus liv- ROOM HEATIR itrate l> Iron In Chrome-plated reflector, fo- n a day. 72's. cused heat element. [iNS.ramllySlits: 144's . .4.7t Ill's 7etS. 600 watt. Ul o.k'd.

PURHEST rOLYCAK children's muM-vltamln . . 72's


II" chromed reflector. Real AVIS C0MHX KAPSEALS *-te»pl.x cop,-lM. 100'. 4.3S nichrome element. Thermostat Telephone Service is Mostly People 1-A.OAY CAPSULES eceneitrfcssl •miM-vitamln cop... M's !.•• 600 watt. Ul o.Vd. temperature, cover. Ul • Your telephone instru- is an important call, and we Rox-R«y 14-Inch iXTAIUTS supply txIraHilamin for more energy. . |4's 1*09 ment is only about six per get it through as fust ns cent of the equipment it possible. While we're doing ROOM NEATER aw* mi ttow TNIN takes to give you service. The tluft job, we are also work- 1000 wan heater for larger ATM VnARUN CANftY UHvmkie^i^m. . . 104'. other 94% is wires, cables, ing to expand the system to rooms. Chromed re- INFRA- switchboards and other ap- make telephone service even fleclor. Ul e.k'd. RED paratus • . . Back of all this better and extend it io more HEAT arc 25,000 trained men and and more people. 0. E. Sunbowl women here In New Jersey. LAMP NEW JERSEY BELL ROOM HEATER Penetrating hegt; 2J0 watt infra- • To us, every call you make TELEPHONE COMPANY 1000 watt heater with 14" red bulb in white enamel, adjust- LIGGETT copper plated re- able ttand. Wire guard. flector. Ut opprov'd: Six-foot cord attached. ' DRUGS IUK0INO A •MATH TI1IPH0NI IIRVICI tOR A ORIATIR NIW JMSIY Sltilrli rmi *»«etf> • «»« l»4t,ml im» COR. BROAD §L MONMOUTH STS. PHONE 6-1444 R. D. RED DANK REGISTER, XOVEMDEIt 27, 1917 Page Three Pvt. Becktiian Calls duration and that the reception becomes too wet for proper hand- was clear. ling. YOU MAY PURCHASE Farm News Windo12-lliiuwr SorvircShade. . PIANO TEACHER His Mother From Korea <;ra AT HOSIITAI, 'Double duty toe Rubber factories out. If corn is in .single cribs, push Henry StooeUci1, <(4, of Holnidol, caps and counters tho nlr through t he slatted duct wa.s troatnd at Monmoul h Momor- mndp in squaru or "A"-shapod form inl hospitnl Sunday aftornonn for 65 Broad St. and of lht» crib lib Injuring he. roceivrd in an unto- nlon# tho Moor. mobile aceldenl at Kliznhelli. Kli/.- Red Bank NOLDE abelli police brought him (o the THE BENTON Corn in ii filled crib can .still he CUSTOM FIT cured if the crib hna a wire, or hnspitnl. slutted Moor, nnyw thn nnginecrr. NYLONS In thla, enclose the four aides "SNYDEK'S" from the floor to the ground nnd BANTAMAC blow air into this enclosure so that They are made in three lengths and each length it will KO up through the corn. A Here'i • Banttmic. rather tight covering i.s nt'inled to sheath tho mitslde wall of thn crib. conies in two widths — ahmrt slender, thort thai beili (he Hoofing paper or fiber lira ft paj>or mverm§e, medium slender, medium mver- can bo used. Some, farmers have thermometer and the used corrugated iron sheets. mge, long mverm§e, tmmg ample. They are pro- barometer.'The rich, Any fun designed for high vol- unio air capacity against pressure portioned to fit the six basic leg types. Come in and thickJy-plled Alpaca lining will do for drying corn, Krueger SH.VB. It should have .1 capacity of I «£#*» inititatM you againri be typed for stockings that will fit with smoothness live to ten cubic feet per minute Irosly gilet and bliitardi. per bushel of ear corn or two cuhic and comfort—^Nolde Custom Fit Nylons! feet per minute capacity per cubic The Beaton ii rayon ind foot of crib volume. wool gabardine, aipa closed If fall weather does not permit complete curing, tho drying enn be 1 riaht op io;ttw ckla. ' completed in the early spring. Using warmed air with the fun where the Alpaca collar protects your tact, shortens drying time considerably, Try it on today. Blucj.iy and Brownstone... Krueger points out. Any ordinary hot air typo furnace is satisfac- tory. Medium to largo cribs nerd a furnacn with a (Ire pot 24 to 30 incbe.4 across. Furnace nnd fan usually nrc lo- cated so that air is drawn from the jacket enclosure of the furnace in- Full Cut And to the fan, thn engineer rxpin ins. 32-34 Broad St. II Red Bank From the fun the- warmed air ia forced into the corn crib or bin. Skillfully Styled! 151 Broadway, Lone Branch Use. fire precautions, he warns, in- 5 ST. II RED BANK cluding metal ducts and a V2. or 14- inch mesh screen across the duct • Broadcloths between furnace and blower. Some Idea of the cost of drying sort corn may be had from reports o Oxfords .showing that 1,000 bushels of enr corn having 30 per cent moisture content can be dried in four to six o Fancies days, using an oil furnace having a fuel burning rnte of four gallons an hour, coupled with a blower de- livering 5,400 cubic feet of air a minute. Sash Circe nil 011 HI- Most Popular Tho sash—or .small greenhouse leads all other types of structures in popularity for sowing seed and starting young plants. These struc- tures have distinct ndvnntiiges over j the old-fashioned hot-beds nnd cold- j frames, according to M. A. Clark, i agricultural agent. They are cheaper to operate. Temperature, molsiure and venti- lation can be controlled easier and better because of the large air What's been going on at space available under the glass and Here arc shirt buys you can't beat! We liavi also the beat which can be regu- lated. There is also less danger of a wide selection of durable, good looking fabrics, 69 Broad Street for the tho plants being frosted during severe cold weather because of this precisely cut into perfect filling shirts, and tailorej controlled heat. More Important, to give you that desired look of distinction. past eight weeks can now the grower can sow seed and trans- plant plants during cold, rainy, or Choose the collar style most becoming to you— finowy weather when it is not pos- be told. sible to work hotbeds or cold- we have them all—choose your favorite colors. frames. All at these low prices! Blueprints arc available from the Agricultural Agents for the con- DECEMBER 5th IS THE DATE struction of sash greenhouses. A brief visit to your neighbor who has successfully operated a struc- Com* Jn ... «•• for yourself, test for yourself our delicious ture of this kind, at the same time receiving his suggestions for im- $995 „ $095 home-made candies, lunches and after-the-movie snacks. Don't provements, will do much to avoid mistakes in construction. forget to tell your friends,about our Why Plant Soil* Are So Important Soils for sowing seed and grow- Complete your wardrobe with ing young tender-rooted plants muat receive special attention and BIG OPENING should be selected with care. They must be free from disease, Insects, and preferably weed seeds, and in good physical condition, warns C. famous NAME BRANDS H. Ntesley, Rutgers vegetable spe- cialist. If tho soil has not been composed a year in advance, a grower should select the soil from a high produc- Wings Botany Swank ing field on the farm where a crop robes, tics similar to the crop to be grown in shirts, pajamas jewelry the plantbed haa not been grown SWEET SHOPPE. recently. Instances have occurred where soils taken from cabbage Siteof'thaold J@%M fields and pinced in hotbeds or Ricss Bantamac McGregor coldframes worn not capable of pro- I Bank Candy. Kitchcnyffegyg- ducing good cabbnge or cauliflower undencear jackets sportswear seedlings. As soils are taken from the field, screening at the time ia worth- while because It will remove the larger atones, roots, and even grubs and some of the larger insect lar- Vne which may hrc present, These soils should test a pH of about 6 to 6.5. If the soil Is strong- ly acid, pulvorizod limestone nt the rate of onn pound to every cubic yard of soil should be thoroughly 32-34 Broad St. Red Bank mixed with it before it Is placed in tho heap. Hydrated lime In largo 151 Broadway, Long Branch quantities never should be used Im- mediately heforo Heed-sowing or IS E. Main St., Freehold transplanting. If tho sot) has not been Kathured already for next spring's hotbeds or coldfrnmes, it Ol'ES FRIDAYS TILL 9 /'. ,»/. should be selected at once boforr the ground freezes and before It Page Four RED BANK REGISTER. NOVEMBER 27. 1917 Farmers Work Venetian Blind Plant Opened On Broad Street BtundRelief Commercial Art Seymour Lap id us of 97 Linden MOM iNlfFlY. STUFFY DISTRESS OF 69 Hours Week place, who has been operating a ATLANTIC HOTEL one-man Venetian blind manufact- uring business from his home the Mechanical Photo Retouching TVo-Tliirdi Longer past 15 months, announces the Head Colds I 121 Fair Haven Road Fair Haven opening of a plant for full scale Rendering and Negative Blocking Than Factory Workers operation. TELEPHONE RED BANK 6-3925 Tiie new office, which opened this Despite a slight reduction In week, is located at the old Finckncy • • • houra ppr week, the average work dairy farm building un upper I day on New Jersey farma remains Broad street. Mr. Lapidus has I nearly two-thirds longer than the eased the building from David Instantly relief from head cold dis- WILLIAM KNIGHT ANNOUNCES Steinberg. Tho new plant contains tress starts to come when you put a j schedule in effect in the manufac- little Vicks Va-tro-nol in each nostril. turing industries of the state. New the latest equipment for manufact- And if used in time, Va-tro-nol also IIS HIOHLAND AVI. HIGHLANDS, N. J. Jersey farm operators averaged 69 uring Venetian blinds and window helps prevent many colds from devel- OPENING OF NEW BAR hours per week of sir days during shades. Two employees have been oping. Follow directions in package. Ph*m Highland* 3-1447 M September, according lo estimates hired to help the owner. made available to the State Depart- Mr. Lapldus, a native Rod Bank- After Extensive Alterations ment or Agriculture by the federal er arir! a graduate of the local high VKKS VATROHOL crop-reportlni? service. In the Sep- school, served two years in the tember report of the State Depart- army and spent one year overseas ment of Labor, the average factory with the Ninth and Third Armiei. on work week Is stated ta b» 41.2 IOUI-S. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th Although New Jersey farmers have adopted most of the modern Favors Made For labor-saving device! and are in- slalllriff new and mechanized equip- Given Away .r JVCs/l!* ROBERT L. EDWARDS AT THE PIANO ment as rapidly as possible, ls.bor Thanksgiving Day remains an Important fnctor in the Intensive types of agriculture which are characteristic of the Garden Junior Red Cross Sandwiches Served At The Bar State. Each year more of the operations Hat Active Program on Mew Jersey farms are performed PHILCO MADELEINE D. HUBBARD, Proprietor. mechanically. However, no device* Through the efforts of the Jun- have been perfected for nuch tasks ior Red Cross members of the EDGAR and BUDDIE DENNIS AT THE BAR na pictsinsi peach«B, tomatoeB, ber- Monmouth County Red Cross chap- iles, green beans, cutting aspara- ter, trays of servicemen pntlents gus, gathering eggs or packing ap- at Fort Monmouth station hospital, ples. Digger* lire used to harvest will be decorated with favors and both white and .sweet potatoes but fancy menu covers Thanksgiving. TELEVISION SET they must he gathered by hand. Mrs. J. Henry O'Hcrn, county Jun- Little relief has followed the end ior Red Cross chairman, announced of tho war and labor costs have thin week that pupils in schools in advanced aharply. In September of Middletown township and Fair Ha- AND last year the New Jersey farmers ven participated in tbie project. averaged a 12-hour day In their Attractive menu covers and a fields, burns, poultry homes and wide variety of candy and nut cup greenhouses. Tho 72-hour work favors were made by Middletown week wan common for the state's township high school art pupils. 10 EMERSON RADIOS ALTERATIONS farmers during the fall seasons of Pupils at Willow Street school, 1944 lots and 1946. Records for Fair Haven, made Thanksgiving 1M3 Indicate that a 75-hour week greeting cards and nut cups, as A KINDS prevailed for operators and hired their contribution. The Juniors al- Again...PHILCOlMditTtlevltloa For Information Call Asbury Park 2-6000 help worked CO hours per week so supplied mint* and other can- •s you drtamut it would be ... during those years. dies to go in the favors. clear, bright, sharp, steady pic- Economists point out that output The college unit of the Junior tures, (ten in lighted rooms! As would decline nnd the cost of foods •imple as a radio to operate OR Red Cross at Highland Manor Jun- thanks to PHILCO'j exclusive ONEY hO would undoubtedly increase If the ior college at West Long Branch Electronic Control system, lixqui- farmers worked on the same sched- on Monday wont to the'tubcrculosls ule that average factory employees situ modern cabinet oi finest f \ D follow. The reports of working preventorium for children at Farm- tnshopsnj'. Atk Any Representative schedules do not estimate the ad- ingdale with Thanksgiving baskets ditional time a farmer spends on •filled with fresh fruits. This i8 the holidays and Sundays, when, m on first college unit of Junior Red any othor day, chores, such a« feed- Cross established In Monmoutn ROOMNC £ SIDING ing livestock, milking and watering county. must \x done, regardless of the Pupils at Oakland and Mechanic day. street schools in Red Bank, at Bel- In New Jersey farmers are giv- ford school in Middletown town- KEYSTONE LAUNDRIES, INC. ing more thought to ways In which ship and at Bradley Park school, GDf.RN ! KM Neptune, made similar favors, they can streamline their opera- tions to shorten workdays, provide which were used on the patients' 1000 SECOND AVE. ASBURY PARK II I WE" o T Bh ;tlN PLACE ' a higher hourly income and allow supper trays, Hallowoen night tit mote relaxation.. Time and motion the station hospital, Fort Mon- studies of farm chore* are being mouth. 6-4O<3<3 conducted to determine where re- Tuesday, River Plaza Junior Red ! RFD BANK duction., in routine can be made Cross members, took their enroll- for speed and economy. ment money to the chapter head- How to reduce the number of quarters, nnd at the same time steps taken for various farm presented their Christmas boxen, chores will be a problem to which which they have packed for ship- farmers will give attention during ment overseas. They were accom- PUBLIC SALE TODAY'S HOUSEHOLD HINT meetings .scheduled for Farmers' panied by Mrs. Lawrence A. Car- week to bo held at Trenton Janu- ton, Jr., who with Mrs. Edwin L. Because of my inability to care for my home at I Wave been accut* ary 26 through 31. Best, Is Junior Red Cross chair- man In Middletown township. tomed to, I will disperie at Public Auction my entire Household Good*, POWERS FINED 111* Antiques, Furnishings and Real Estate on John Powers of Broad street, SIIOWKK FOll ANN 1IKOMOHO See the two great Shrewsbury, who was injured No- A miscellaneous shower was giv- .•ember 8 when he was reported to en Thuritlay evening for Miss Ann have driven his car into a moving Hromoho, who will be married Sat- Saturday, November 29th train at the Patterson avenue urday at St. Mary's church, New crossing, Shrewsbury, was given a Monmouth, to Frank T. Vosk, Mid- $100 line Sunday afternoon by Re- dletown township. The shower, giv- starting 1 P. M. on the premises at corder William Parker of Shrews- en by Mrs. Vera Malecpi, Mrs. Mary bury on a charge of driving a car Kane, Mlsa Dorothy Lnfeyette and after his license had been revoked. Miss Angle Tomalno, wns held at HOOVER Pnwprs plead utility to this charge the home of Mrs. William H. Kane, He nlso plead guilty to a charge of Gillville, State Highway 35. reckless driving, for which he was lined $10. Turtles have no teeth, but their Cleaners jawbones nre often very sharp and The Romans used cotton for the jaw muscles extremely power- tents. ful.

Popular-priced Hoover Cleaner, Model 28, with exclusive "Positive Is Your Present Oil Burner Agitation" (it beats... as it sweeps 7 ... as it deans*). Gleaner alone Performing Like THIS 6995 Cleaning tools—$18.00. REPLACED DELCO-HEAT Conversion Burner New Hoover Cylinder Cleaner, Model 50—cleans by If your present burner suffer! fre- quent and costly breakdowns, take powerful suction. Featuring the Dirt Ejector, a new the advice of a home heating expert, your local Delco-Heat dealer! Re- idea in dirt disposal. Complete with cleaning tools place such obsolete or inefficient 84 East Main St., Freehold, N. J. equipment with a modern Delco- Heat Conversion Burner. Built and Household floods and Furnishings! Two Early American Secretaries in backed by General Motors, here is excellent condition, Hush Bottom Chairs, Dropleaf Table, Empire Mantle Clock, the oil burner you want—for fuel Empire Mirror, Antique Side Chairs, Old Chinawarc and Glassware, .lugs and Crocks. economy, dependability, value! Hugs: Room nnd Scatter sizes, all in good condition; Vacuum Cleaner (GE) like now; OKI.Pino Ghosts, Slant, Top Desk, Gas Hange, Ice Box, Beds in Maple, Mahog-

Tail the him! Come m today and see tbest great nttt' Hooter Cltitnerf, or phone ut for

A GENERAL MOTOM VAIUI Real Estate: Two nnd one-half story frame dwelling, slate roof, ten rooms, At V*«w SMVICC 'in C/».« five bed rooms, one bath, Hot Water Heat fired by Automatic Coal Stoker, full base- •n«" Uwm fnm CQAiT l» COMT incut, with concrete lloor, Stone Foundation. Open front porch. Located at, 84 If your present heating plant East, Main Street on a plot haying 105 foet frontage by 320 feet in dopth. The is inadequate, ask your local Pirate make s free lusting dwelling is surrounded by majestic maplo and- oak. shade trees that stand like a Delco-Heat dealer about re- a survey in my home. guard of hnnor about it. Its Early American Architecture gives it an atmosphere placing it with a Delco-Heat Send me descriptive litera- of continuity, of richness and spirit of the simple, practical home of the early Boiler or Conditioner—for u ture on Dclco-Hrat. American days. This dwelling with its subtle contours will heighten the possessive steam, hot water or warm urge in nny prospective homeowner. Jersey Central Appliance Co. air heating systems. NAMI The property will be offered at 3 P. M. and sold without reserve to thn highest bidder. A deposit by the purchaser of 10% ($1,200 minimum) ia required MUTING SUIVIY | in cash (or by certified check) when the property is struck off and this deposit 76 Monmouth Street, Red Bank jrieii AND NtiMBta must, bo paid to tho Auctioneer. Title to be conveyed will be that, of Warranty Clip coupon and mail to your Unnct. Possession upon conveyance of title. If you arc unable to attend this sale nearest Delco-Heat dialer. 'CITY ZONI in person tho. Auctioneer will faithfully execute all mail'and telegraph bids. 11 MEMORIAL PARKWAY, LONG BRANCH 701 MAIN ST., ASBURY PARK PLEASE NOTEi All items are to be removed from the premises at con- 41 E. MAIN ST., FREEHOLD 64 WASHINGTON 8T., TOMS RIVER $•• Your Local DELCO-HEAT D«aUr clusion of snle. You can attend this sale in comfort us it will bo hold indoors and will InUo plnco on dnlo nnd timo above set forth .regardless of weather conditions. 707 ARNOLD AVE., POINT PLEA8ANT Owner and Auctioneer shall not be responsible in ease of accident or injury to any Anthony's Plumbing & Louis Stultz, Jr., person in, on or about the premises. Heating Co., Inc. Inc. By Order Of: MISS AUGUSTA R. THOMPSON 59 Maple Ave., Red Bank 213 Broad St., Keyport Sale Under the Direction ofi B. Q. COAT8, Auctioneer. 480 Bath Ave.| It Pays To Advertise In The Register Red Bank 6-1041 Keyport 7-0120 Long Branch, H. J. Frank Woolley Phone fl-389» * Parker KED HANK IlECiISTKH, XOVEMKRR 27, 10t7 Page five Student council, attended the State Student council convention Novem- Window Shades Rtd Bank Auto Glass Co. School News ber 21 at Princeton university. The YOU M,\Y PURCHASE 12-llour Sen Ire. RliMSON HIGH. following made the trip: Catherine 21 MAPLE AVE. Mazza, Joan Dangler, Ronald Clay- No Malting. tHANfCSGlVlNG • Cor. Maple Ave. & White St. "Star Light, Star Bright," a com- GUARANTEED edy in three acts, wai presented by ton, Elna Noonan and Joseph. Cas- Rumson high school in the audi- sell. MOBILE V. B. CO. WINDSHIELD 4LASS torium November 13 and 14. The VENETIAN BLINDS production played to full houses HKI) RANK 6-3332-H on both nights and was acclaimed AT WHOI.KSAir: PRICKS DESK TOPS a great success. The audience had Craft Choristers Ai.r.Mi.VE.'M « n>;a - WOOD many favorable comments on the entire play. TRAVEL I.STI.M.VIKS I-KKI. ' SI.MI'I.V I'HONR DOOR GLASS To Give Concert Book Vour Fall and Winter The story itself took place in any reservations Now ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS typically American city. It told of Air • Si-a - Unto] anil Tour I • ! .» I 7 a teen-age girl's wish for her boy BOAT GLASS friend's class ring, and the prob- At Baptist Church Bonded Agent UAKAMKK VENETIAN HUM) CO. lems confronting her family. No Charge fur Itrarrvutlcns TABLE TOPS A* Mary DIFiore put it in the Sunday Evening program, "The first sprinkle of T. H. O'DONNEU Installed While You Wait Stardust goes to Miss Agnes B. Th« Craft Choristers will present Downey. Without her wonderful a> concert of sacred music Sunday TRAVEL AGENCY Rod Bank Auto Glass Co. direction and unending patience, evening at 8 o'clock in the Red ? Mechanic St. lied Bank 21 MAPLE AVE. this play could not have been pro- Bank Baptist church under the di- •JiiHt off Itroad St. tour Uitndlv s>«y*r O.afor hoi your choice of 6 popular flavan ,'n Ihlt duced." rection of Allan R. Woolley. Fran- Tel. II. II. G-2«fiG economical gallon container. TEL. ft. B. S-3800 Selections by the Glee club, un- cis Kodama will be pianist and Wil- der the direction of Augustine liam Crawford organist. Mis. J. Sagan, helped to make the evening William Helm and Mrs. Theresa AT YOUR UQUOR STORE all the more enjoyable. McClintock will be soloists. The cast was as follows: Mary The program will be as follows: ENJOY YOUIl Robinson played Susan Townsend; Organ iireludi Ronald Clayton, Chuck Llndley; ProceiBion of Choristers Mary DiFlore, Jennifer Clayton; Cull to worship, invocation John Dlxon, Gordon Hale; Doris Hymn, "Glorious Things of The* Arc Spoken"' Cherry, Mrs. Townsend; Bob Mc"Thank- s Be To Thee." Handel, A. Lo- Nally, Mr. Townsend; Connie Roy Bak««- and KOURUI Chirk, soloists Bowcn, Nelle Macon; Janet Gor- "Great and tJlorious," man, Lucy Macon; Roland Nordlie, Hnycin, Ornft Choristers ScTipturc lesson Buddy; Carol Billings, Joan, and Soprano solo, "Soi.x of lluth," Dick Hubbard, George, Gounod, Mrs. Hcini Prayer Congratulations go to a well Negro Spiritual. "Steal Away" chosen cast, and a special bouquet Gospel Hymn, "Softly ami Tenderly" to Robert McNally for his fine job Cnift Chorister.* on a part with only two and a half Hymn. "O Kor n Closi-r Wnlk With Coil" Contralto solo, "Out of the DIMII. CHILD ADULT AND WEDDING weeks' rehearnal time. Murks Mrs. MrCliiitoik The make-up, costumes, pro- "Laudftmus i'rothuroi! grams and set were all excellent. "The Lord Is My Shepherd" PORTRAITURE Knsrhllt TOP VALUIS IN PINI Marna Feldt, as stage manager, Pslilni 150, Frunek Craft Chorister contributed a great deal to theIleni'ilietion, response 35 SILVliRTON AVIINUE, LITTLE SILVER, N. J. production. Tho Art department, Oman postludc Commercial department and Home K KliP RANK 6-0232 WHISKIES Economics departments also did grand jobs. Jcr§ey Stale Service FOR THANKSGIVING At the Rumson P.T.A. meeting Tuesday, December 2, the follow- To Place Farm Labor ing program will be sung by the The New Jersey State Employ- ! Girls' Glee club: "Tho Lass 'With ment Service •will assume Uwv func- This Modern and Conveniently Located Diner CHRYSLER AIRTEMP Try THREE , the Delicate Air," Michael Arne; tion of farm labor recruitment iind i FEATHERS "Smolte Gets In Your Eyes," Jer-placement January 1 in view of tho . RESERVE. | cme Knrn; "March of the Little Tin Healing siiid Air Coinlilioniii^, Oil Itiirncr Service. Soldiers." Bryceaon Treharne. closing of the Extension Service ' "First Among Fine Farm Labor ollicc in Freehold, Itus- l'url.-> lor inu*t inaKts of IIIIIIK r-. in .-.lock. , Whiskies Since The members of the Girls' Glee sell J. Eldridgc, state dircctoi- of 1882",isyour"nrsi club are Grace Healy, Florence the N.J.S.E.S., has announced. Tho OPEN ALL NIGHT choice" for mag-Johnson, Delia Leggc, Phyllis Mc- employment service formerly exor- Oil lliiriu'i'M • Slokci'K • Air Ci(iiiiin^ I ntiniccs nificent flavor.Thi s Isaac, Joyce Anderson, Joan Dang- cised this function until it was dis- grand pre-war ler, Pearl Romenko, Sue Schenck, continued Juno 1, 1943, as a war- and llol Wuli-r Itoilcrs in -.tork. quality whiskeyi Constance Bowen, Maria Foderaro, time measure. Always serving excellent food at reasonable prices blended with fineit Juan Hogan and Elna Noonan. The GRAINneu- accompanist is Sharon Hower. Beginning the first of next year iral spirits, is Sharon will also play ft solo. farmers and veterans engaged in You'll enjoy a dinner or just a snack at the richly ro- farm training in the Monmouth- bust, yet A team of ninth grade girls and Ocean area will have available the FARWELL'S SALES AND SERVICE "light as aa combination of 11th and 12thfollowing full-time offices or N.J. feather!" grade girls from Rumson, traveled S.E.S.: Red Bank, Freehold, AH-. Telephone Uiimsoii 1-1 !•*>•> to Anbury Park, Monday, Novem- bury Park, Long Branch, Toms MONMOUTH DINER $4-04 ber IT, to play hockey. Asbury River and part-time otlices at Key- Parlf was victorious in both games, port, Lakewood, Manahawkin and 65 MONMOUTH STREET 31 HIN<;iIAM AVi;. Itl'MSON, N. J. 9th grade 2-1, and 11th and 12thPoint Pleasant. RED BANK, N. J. grade combination team 4-0. Wed- nesday, November 19, Asbury Park came to Rumson to play a return match with a combination 11th and 12th grade team. Asbury won again, 2-0. The 10th grade of Rum- son and Asbury also played. Rum- son was the victor with a score of 1-0. Girls' hockey lntra-mura.1 games were completed Tuesday for 9th to 12th grade girls. The final scores of all the games for each claas are as follows: 10 vs. 12, won by 12th, 7-0; 9 vs. 11, won by 11th, 2-0; 9 vs. 12, won by 12th, 3-1; 10 vs. 12, THREE FEATHERS won by 12th, 4-3; 9 vs. 10, won by V.S.R. BOURBON 10th, 3-1, and 11 vs. 12, won by 12th, WHISKEY. A BLEND, is today's 4-0. best Bourbon "buy' The senior class now holds the Bottled in Kentucky, field hockey championship for the it gives you superb school year 1947-1948. quality at» genuinely The Camera club which has been moderate price. inactive since the beginning of 90 PROOF. school, Is about to resume function- ing. The members interested will $4-42 ^ meet with the sponsor soon. At that time reorganization will take place, 4/6 QL the program for the year will be discussed, and overtures made to the various other organizations In the school for their co-operation and assistance. One purpose of the Camera club thla year will be to complete the Try GOLDEN furnishing of their dark room so WEDDING that development of films, printing ANNIVERSARY... of pictures, and enlarging may be an extra quality carried on. It is hoped that other whiskey (or your piujecia will develop lu LliuUfciige "white tie " the interest and attention of the occasions. Enjoy this members. superlatively* fine whiskey .. • worthy Five representatives of the R.H.S. companion to the original GOLDEN WEDDING!

4/5 QL

OLD CHARTER is Kentucky's finest Straight Bourbon Whiskey,6jearsold, 86 proof. You'll find nothing finer than this luxuriously rich, til pre-war uhiikty! ... WE THANK THEE O LORD

WAVNNII PIATHRIH t FOR THIS OUR AMERICA AND ASK THY BLESSING » f This is the time of year when we pause to offer prayers of thankfulness for our American JAMES E. PEPPER ilit, Dollled.jn-Bond NCORD PUIl ICONOMV blessings . . . for the past with its rich heritage of freedom and opportunity . . . for the Kentucky Straight Talt staipMt tN "ailMr" nmm Bourbon is 6 years •nrr M *f vrtUaM* *Mt tnm present gift of courage and strength to work, progress and sacrifice . . . for the future with old. 100pfoof...a Imrtr aftot* fatl *is «• sMlit y*tr precious prewar ll 4i IW^ Mtl* whiskey of luperb 6-FLOORS-6 its promise of a brighter, better world ... for everything that is American! flavor. 90 CHOCK FULL OF HBATIKa BOIU11M AND USE WIUTE'H USE WFllTE'S 4/bQt FURNITURE BADIATION INSTALLED. UUDGET PLAN UUDGET PLAN ELEVATOR SERVICE DESIGNED TO WHITE DESIGNED TO American Freezer FIT YOU It PURSE FIT YOU It PURSE TO ALL FLOORS FURNITURE AND BEDDING CO. THREE FEATHMS tlSTIIIUTOIJ, INC, N, T., R, T. & Appliance Co. 1HUE FEamtl V.S.I. IOUIIOK WHISKEY, ft Authorised •LEND. Jl% Slroliht liuibtn Whlikir, 41% r«'" Monmouth County's Largest and Finest Furniture House •wlnl iplilli. TMREE KATHEIS RESERVE IIENOED Warn* Dealer WHISKEY, It pr»l, *(% anln niul'll tslilli. Route U A Oakhlll Road, 170 MONMOUTH ST. PHONE 6-1038 or 6-0327 RED BANK COltEK WEDDIHt MHIVEMM1 IIEIIMI WHIMEY, Red Bank II putt, U% |r«tn mulnl iilillt. ASIIUL'Y PARK. STOKE, M7-1J9 MA IK STREET Phnnn Red Bank (-M77 'I ho MIMI Itjink Il«?uUtrr h auiHiortol Ity IUL'HI HH Mttl WH UUI*U(-IIAML lm*ll\eba mtn—AdvirtJauaanb Page Six RED BASK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 27, 1947

Uauk ;IIII] iK'i(flihoring inuniripalitiog should POLLY WANTS A CRACK-DOWN RED BANK REGISTER kick tliis in-djcct to the hilt and oxen all EVENTS OF YEARS AQO ESTABLISHED M» 1 |ni^silp|i_' pi-i-si-iii'i* on tin fodernl jrnvci'iiinciif Editorial Views : B> Julio H. Cook Md Henry CUj to Imilil ihc missing canal link ;<>• MHHI ;IS THOMAS UtVBfG BROWN' Of Other Papers FROM REQISTER FILES Editor and rabUaher Fitly Ve»r. Ago. The sales of all the \-arious things (Tk> opinion. wvrwiM t> eh* til. There was opposition to paying aggregated $3,000. Mr. Wilson JAMLa J. HU(VA.S. Assoetata Editor In Ca»r You Didn't Know lorlil Vltin btMundtr do not niwiir. ta-xes in Middletown township on leased the farm to Michael Dork M. HAIIOI.O li£LLY. AHitUnt Editor is" "V" •ndorMBtat ol Th» 8cc the part of some of the property of Stoutwood Park. The ypw .lerscy couneil. department of owners. The rate of tax was said A barn, which was the last word M'. IIAKlit I'KNNIMiTOX, riant Sunl. S.NOW DUST TIME. to be wrong and a demand was in dairy barn construction, had jujit. '.-t. Aifvtf'.m.B l;»i"«M»t«tive, t,'r«a:ar ceoiioinic dcvi'lo|iuii'lil of Tl-eiilon. pulilished made that it be corrected. Some been completed on Mrs. Robert E. 1 1 November is the bruwn month. Wttl;'.;r ^ <*: ol '.! Sine:. S«T Verk CUJ Drummond's farm at Eatontown. It *,:.>-1'tv.mlt .phi&-D«l.c.'.. recfiitlv a liriK-hurc entitled. "New .lerscy. There is brownness on the meadow*, of the taxpayers of the township swamps and uplands. Brittle brown pro; jsed to have the matter taken was a model building, containing Member Audit llurrau of Circulation* Mij-hly Alum of Induslry."' The painphlcl leaves cling to the scrub oaks on into court. many labor-saving and sanitary de- sets forth many interesting facts, of which pasture hillsides and brown win- Robert Hance bought four lots vices and it attracted much atten- Membel ot the Aisociatrd l'r«»» near the railroad station at Red tion. Experts from various places •|'n« Al:or^:eil !':»•!. ! t.i!:!:nl n.r;uiiv«;j so lot Ult we may lie proud. rowa of leaves are banked against for npjblicji'. u:. i,f n. :h« '.oca! tfivs prr.ted in :h:i niwt- walls, rail fences and In ravines at Bank from Thomas H. Grant for had been in Eatontown to see it Piprr. £• we'' " * fl' M' icv.e ir*p;iiLlu *. New .lcr.»cy occiipii'S a fourth of line tile edge of sideliill orchards. Fur- $4,000. He bought them for his and it had been the subject of sev- rows of fall plowing are moist two sons, Robert and Borden eral articles in dairy papers. I'nii .|.or.i.b!l!tl«t per ceni of I lie nut inn's area, hns three per of ^p.i^L'M i brown ribbons carved in precise Hnnce. The young men expected Alfred Spinney sold his double i-riil uf tin- Uiili"uV pupiiliUioii. pi-oduces winding rows along the contours. to build a big storehouse on th* store on the south side of Shrews- liajcd \V(^!), • r.'ernj m Sfcuril-Clmi Mn'.'.fr m th« Pott* property In the spring. bury avenue to Michael Dclguidic* oSics •! Rtn Bunk. N. J.,! ih> Act of Murcti 3. IITt. six per cent of the value of miililll'ai'l ill'i'il Each day the sun circles lower in tlie sky and e3ch day time drops A gun club was organised at Lo- for $10,000. Mr. Spinney had pur- Sub>tr;|ii:on I'si;t> :n Ad>»i,.<-. On >•»!, S2.S0 : .:i products and pays out ."i.7 p'-r cent of Ihe cust Point. The members were Ar- chased the property about a year monlhj. II.oU; shrrt mon-hv 75 ctuU; «:ns.ti inn, 6 ctnl». farther downhill. Among northern thur Brower, J. H. Bralnard, C. previous from Trevonian Bennett nation'* WIIJJCS. hills and valleys countrymen lift Mel Johnson, Lewis Williams, fop $8,500, pnd Mr. Bennett had Tht Red Bat.h lif* s'.t' fl*«am(» no nr.amifii re»poin:b;i:- their eyes each morning to the li«a Tor '.} puersphlf-r.. rr-tirn :'. art eertise m«nts bjt will rft- New Jersey has an alniiidanee of im- ffinnite ledges thnt nap evergreen Charles Boeckel and William Kelly. bought it two or three years pre- pr.n' thjl pan ot »r. «-ii crliitmer.! :r. » hich '.In irnoyraph. C. A. Lebaire was elected captain. vious for *6,5OO. ical crrn. orci.-.*. AoM-:>t:l ".. I'.' *e r.olif> tht mm. port HID raw niaiei'ials uilhin the stale and mountain elopes. This is jnow dust F.gemtr.l immcchn'.i.v oj r.r* e.--u- "tuci rn.;j occiir. William VanDyk« was building a Arden M. Ellis, who had been store on the corner of Leighton superintendent of Melvln A. Rice's avenue and Hiver street. The new Drynoch farm at Leonardo four dusti-y. The principal 'mineral products of and nimhus clouds lightly brush building was 18x30 feet and cost Tl-ILT.PPAY. NOVKMBER 2T, 1917. tho hilltops with enow dust. At years, leased the farm for a term our state, in order of value, arc zinc, sand $1,200. Mr. VanDyke was going of years with the Intention of mak- j day's beginning a. man pauses to to occupy the building himself and and jiravel, clay products and stone. The I look across the valley to the moun- ing the farm a headquarters for open a grocery store there. this part of the state for the dis- slate ranks lirst in peal and .urrensand pro- ) tain;. Captain William H. Seeley's sloon 25 Year* A- A Councilman tribution of high gradt cattle iltietiou. and second in zinc ami silica sand. IToydm of Belford, broke her gait cliffs with whiteness. I[ the day ratt has Increased from 265 per while dredging In the bay. The A. T. King, who was employed Tin1 III'U'IM jciins with tin' linroii of The stale is Messed with an nhumlancc Is bright the sun's rays light 100,000 of the population, to 3G0. wind was free and the sloop made at the Aeromarlne Plane and Mo- jugged penks of gleaming white In proportion to tho population, Hobnobbing With Birds tor plant at Keyport, was badly l-'aii- lliivcii i K Tuny Ii. of pure wilier for industries that use water there arc many more elderly people tho creek without much trouble. i against a blue sky. If the day la By Charlie Cake A new football tram waj organ- cut on his head and face by a LI mi t iiijijr ii|iin| i -.'»tli iiiinivci'Siiry ;i.« a as a solvent, cleaner, coolant or as steam. | cloudy the gray-white peaks re- today than there were 47 years ago. propeller blade. Ho was testing This accounts In part for the in- ized at Shrewsbury. The players an airplane engine when the acci- nicnibi'i' of liii! .li'ii'iinjjli riMincll uf ltuil • 'erlain of its communities owe their indus- crease in the heart mortality rale, were Joseph Hcaly, William Sut- CAI'KTKRIA phln, Arthur Swift, Georco Stlll- dent occurred. Ha was taken to Miiiik's fiin-LTuwiii'.: iii'i^hliuriiig connmln- trial prcslij;e in no small measure to the Somctlmes the Frost Kiny shakes for the heart In continuously at th* Lone; Branch hospital. I work and la likely to by down Its Winter i.s around the corner, and v.-cll, O. Hazard, Thomas Conover, it.v. Itcinn ii i-niiiii ilniiin rnrrii'M with it u chemical purity and uniformity of Iheir wa- John Cavanaugh, John VanVliet, William Dowens of Port Mon- ! burden, at last, while other organs FOUII his snowy breath will be upon t.Inden Shoemaker, John I-dke and mouth was doing a big business in certain ilifiiiiiy :nnl .<-t!iiuliiijr in the i.-oin- ter supply —an importanl factor for process- nnd the frost-bleached fields look ; of the body arc more nearly norrmil I in and upon the birds. Seeing them killing pigs for the farmers of Mid- 1 ; Hit nbout when tlie mercury s;i£.s Franl; Borden. munity. Inn linw iiuiny ri'iilly Mpprccialc 111c• ing or fund industries which otherwise must as if they had been heavily I and offer no threat of death. "Died Victor Frnton and William Ma- dletown township. More swine sprinkled with salt. As the eleventh ! of heart disease" is a common obii- ' luw. ;md ice 1.- on the pround, were on the farms that year than uerviccs i-i.-m.liTi'> 1 i" tIn- I'luiiiiiiiiiity in I his* consider the eosl of ci|lli|illlrllt and opera- honey of wciil eodflii'ii.-if; . month works alons to the tl:»tes uary of old people. • m»iif« a person wonder ho'.v the outride the inlet. They caught 135 was usually the case. George W. tion of a purification or water-sofieiiinu i when or.p ni.'iy expect ;i succession : Nervuuji tension immediately nf- rt.-iKilp, pin-IoyjiccJ creatures endure. pounds of codfish and -=hot a loon Kinncy of Port Monmouth was one | feds the heart, speeds up its wurli hut they cm if thci-r hi tuod lo of the largest breeders of hogs in a I'lnnii'il meoiiiij! nvice a plant. The slate lias an adequate and de- whicli weighed 13 pounds. morning |.« a reminder that Nature •find shortens its life. One of the Mixtiiln them. They ccneially find Five persons died in this vicinity the township. He did his own kill- month if uiilv a Mini 11 pun, and in most pendable, supply of electric power In Illl'll | is posting its hooks. Chickadees Ricntest causes of tension Is wor- filitllriently protcctivr havens for ing. One day he killed 17 porkers, ry. Many poodle acquire a luiljil of fircpinr; the cold nights through. during the week. They were Miss I lie i-nMcNt purl, uf tlie job. Thr the wheels of induslry. and is a liij; produ- ' .'itul nuth.-itchfs come around the Fannie Scott, daughter of John which he sold to various butchers. I farmstead. A few melancholy worrying. One of the best preven- I Freezing depletes or diminishes Scott of Headden'a Corner: Eli Little Sliver voted unanimously, Ilium's leisure linurs m-e inicrrupieil cer of ctiKc and manufactured j;iis for indus- I crows stnlk slowly over the corn tives If heart disease, and a grand 'the supply of insects. A blanket of Conrow of Oceanport, Gerome Hill, but not officially, to become a bor- 1 aid to long and hcaltful living. Is 13no\v makes access to food on the fri'(|UL-lil Iv cvi'iiinjjx i si inn. times lute lit trial uses. The proximity of the stale to the I stubble. Bluojny* have ceased their ased five years, son of Mr. and Mrs. ough. This was done at a meeting Hinting «ml woodchucUs have be- to substitute faith for wony. 'ground nnd wrcd seeds-on withered Whitall S. Hill of Broad street; at tha village schoolhouse. J. El- niglil i liv plinni' i-iills from citizens ro^is- anthracite and liiluminmis coal lields as- Klin their Ions .ilcrp hcncnlh slime One ran fnne the serious i.'-talks impossible. Our plumsigcd wood Harvey, chairman of the friends depend on us for help, and Mrs. Rhodn. A. Chadwick, wife of terinj: I'uinphiiiits. MMIM of tlicin unjust itieil. sures industry of adecpialc supplies. | walls. Day by day the red line in problem with cnlm logic, delciniin- Captain Chadwick of Keyport, and meeting, was authorized to appoint , thr thermometer drops lower. Win- iation and faith, without getting it is ohviou.- that many me enn- a committee of five to make pre- Maiiv uf tlie plume i-iills pertain to lililtlel'N (UU'.rit of our hospunlUy. Klennh Phillips, aged three years. The new tax laws, enacted hy the 1111.1 ter marshals its ^eRioiiK. Kor ;in nvei-nnxious about it. Fretful v/ot- .Bon of John Phillips of Atlantic [ llminary plans- for a borough. ©f little or no inipurliim-e, bill tlie couni-il- ! interlude before the major assault I ry reduces clear thinking about any Tlte easiest way in ::ivp thnu ;i I A miscellaneous shower Was stale legislature, were designed to correct "handout" i^ to .scatter crumbs on Highland.". nan must listen to them. Then tliere are 1 thrre ia snow dust on the moun- 'problem. Don't worry! Your heart Joseph Mouscr. a«ed 11 years, given by the Fnir Haven Firemen's existing iuei|iiities and |o pronmie a healthy , tains. Xew York Times. 1 does not lilte. it. Detroit News. th? ground, hard snow or porch or I auxiliary for Miss Beatrice Becker, •pccinl ineeiin,i:s. strei.'t surveys (usually on window.iill. A mixture of bird seed son of Adam Mouscr of Tjlncroft, tinanciiil atmosplcre for industry and was accidentally shot In the arm. who was to wed Joseph Cook, a I? hotter, iind anlmnl food i.< need- i New York .judge. • Suiuliiv i ami oilier niiilteris pertniiiing to eoinnieree in the postwar era. We have no I TRICKS CAN'T FI.V WAGES OF WISDOM. ,cd by other.'. Some people arc 1T»; was climbing a tree witli a rifle the luun's jjoveiiiiiinni which the council- I .Most birds, of course, can and do Hold It, everybody. Stop the ; thoughtful enough to .snvr rant.'i- in his hand when a limb broke Mi?3 Melon Lind?ley, daughter of individual slate ii me tax. no state cor- | so South every winter. .Many a presses. Call ofr your man sir, and ] loupe seeds in s'.ir.imrr for tho birds i and he-fell lo the ground. The rifle ' Allen I.indslry, and David A. Pox- mail must, utU'iid to. When a crowd at- |i(ii-atuni income tax, no state uuiucoi'porat- Kingfisher, for instance, )g now ta)<- take care of that rip In the don's i in winter. They like them atiout a.s wns (Vischargod when it struck the ' on, both of Ked Bank, were mar- ground nnd the bullet entered the tend* a eoiincil tiieeliiijr, it's a 100 to .1 shot ed business lax. im stale sales lax. anil com- ! ins "P on a Florida bayou the re- trousri-s.' It's new?. "Workers Re- I well a.s sunflower scert.s. They arc I ricd at Catontown. The couple took ] servntious lie hud arranged for be- fuse a Wnjjc Boost" there's a si-p-iKitcd with a .>sii'nlMci', rinsed arm nrnr the shoulder. I up their -residence in Red Bank, that it is on liniul to "liurv Ihe official* plete exemption of intangible personal prop- fore starting north last .spring, lint hc.idline to j;rip a C.reeley. Jind dried in the sun. and put fiway Married during the week were where* Mr,, Poxon was employed in and not to praise them" iwith apologies to erty from local property tuxes. trees have no wings. They have to It has happened, really happened in ii jyr. Kfctlin^ liny.-, or boxes Mies Ella McCormick, daughter of I the ofllce of the New York Tele- Slijikespeiit'i1. i stay put when ice begins to rim in the Slate of Washington Cnr- j may be purchased, or home-made, Mr.?. Marin McCormick. and Peter | phono company. The pamphlet aptly points out thai, in- | ;:nnd^ and tho first .Knuw!Iakes rc- penters in unions of the Aincrican | for setting tin a pole or sill or in Mnhcr, both of Holmdel, and Miss While on hit way home from ' The eotineilman serves without pay. • place leaves which have been federation of Labor are the heroes 'a tree. Mary A. Glennon and John F. Reil- school, Harry Pitcher, son of Wil- dustrially, there are no closed frontiers in Most birds are omnivorous, but ly, h'olh of Red Bank, Jfow and then a couuciiiimu will ascoud scurrying and drifting under bu« ol Uic piece. But they arc not in- liam Pitcher of Holmdel, was New Jersey. Tliere is plenty of elbow-room ' bough!:. A tree, we think, \vatcln:s duljtlns in nny heroic;. It's just -sonic e:it more animal food than The MorrlsvillB school children knocked .down by another boy who '. th« political liidiler to a lucrative cuiiniy. for growth and expansion. The smaller j with regret and considerable envy common sense, they say. When vegetable matter. Some >no more celebrated Thanksgiving with an .was on a bicycle. Harry t ve^ctai-Kin thnn insecti!>or trncher. for-Its success. Those not serious. with shrcd.s of meat on it, crushed who took part were Misses Carrie , tion in liaviiijL! ilone their liest lo serve their frankly rural--oll'cr a healthy industrial i longer termed occupants who add the cost of a wage rise to the .stayed for wovcral months nficr camel's buck. So the carpenter* 'doi; biscuit or a clLiu-;hnut. A flic; nnd Sarah Steinberg, Jano Rep- community. climate. };ond living conditions, n friend ly they had signed up for the bridal will not take advantage of an esca- j of £cr.'ipplc was offered for twu rea- phard, Emma and Lizzie Repphnrd, 1 son tir?t to rice v.-iiat. wouUt luni- Laura Antonide?, Mamie Rogers Wife Receives Mr. l:limtinj;'s i]iinvtcr century as a tax policy, nnd normally the sii]>ply of suite. lator clnuse in their contracts pro- pend nnd secundly, it wa.s a cer- I A spruce or a hemlock, a pine or viding for a 13-ccnt-per hour in- and Stelln Vernell, Francis An- public oftii.-itil niiiy mil have brought, him available labor is ei|tial to Ihe demand. . tainty they would enjoy it more a juniper -thcee ran get through a crease nt this time. thnn their host. It ninde an excit- Estate fame or ridie*. lint he has hecn a loyal and Many of these communities possess I winter nicely and not even be lone- That's hitting the high price nail ing event while it lasted, which was 1 some. Each stays Just ns much of Louia Coyne. efficient meiulivi of Hio ItuvmigU council and on the head. Thnt's putting a beam not long. \Vithiu their own boundaries the I'itw mater- a grecn-roofed tourist home in Jan- tinder the business floor before It Eunice Lucas of Locus.t avenue, Newspaperman Named is held in hijili e>lecm by his fellow citizens. uary ns it nut in June. Each can sags too far. Thnt's planinj? « celebrated her birthday with a ials for specialized operations; all are close The Snatcher party. Among those present were In the lonjr run is there any greater honor? take in a new winter guest* nnd l.e smooth surface for level prosper- By Keyport Woman lo main highways, rail lines and waler able to listen to the chatter of bar-' ity. Now. U the butcher, the baker, Seed eaters nppicciute oat flakes Flossie Fountain, Margaretta Ma- transportation and within t|iiiek pmxi mity i dy chic.adees and nuthatches who I nnd the modern equivalent of the or meal, raisins, peanuts (prefer- Ioney, Josie Mouscr, Mary Head- John T. Lawlcy of Conover lane, | wouldn't take the whole Gulf of. cnndleiiiicli-mnlicr will nnvrtnli ably raw}, cornmeal, popcorn ley, Marietta Lucw, Millie Lu- Middletown townohip, former Mon> of tho New York and Philadelphia iiiiii'Let«. j .Mexico as a gift. (popped), ahil other cereals, but ca?, Susie Wolt, Allie Thompson, Eventually. Why Not >W? their policies with carpenters, may- when the \vi atiicr ia at its worst month county sheriff, who died Sep. Kxecutives cunsideriu.a; the decentrali- I However, trees differ as much sa be the rest of us will he .ihle to re- May Applegate, Anna Hackett, tember 22, named his wife, Mrs. ! nlrds do. A white oak, with roots the jum:o and Kong sparrow, mostly Emma Murphy, Lillian Hackett, fuse the nPXt raise the boss offers vegetarian, will nubble suel, too. Pearl F. Lawley, sole beneficiary A tentative route has been announced zation of their operations will do well lo in- j c'amped around a rock or two, \i us.—Christian Science Monitor. Bessie Hackett, Marlon McQueen, in a will filed November 19. Mrs. for the proposed missing link in the inland vestigate tlie favorable factors in these I tough enough to atund any sieru Peanut butter i.* another special Arthur Lucas, George Hurley, Her- Lawley was also named executrix. treat. A small jar top packed with bert Scott, Frnnk Murphy, Arthur Mrs. Elizabeth A, Heyer, wife of waterway, a upon which is sched- smaller communities, ninny of which have HUNTING ECOS It was being monopolized by a McQueen. Fred Hurley and Wil- James J. Heyer of Keyport, who uled for Monday morning. iJecemher S. at been hilling their light under a basket. pasture fronting a wide and windy Tho countryman readily admits tijuirrcl. L'pun Ijciny admonished, liam Hackett. died November 8, left the bulk of [he prcedily grabbed ihe wliolo Trenton by the army engineer corps. The vallsy is badly off. It looks bare, the intelligence quotient of the The homestead farm of James C her estate to her nephew, Douglas- To those industrialists who are seeking lender-boughed and mighty cold average hen tond3 toward the low ! thing between his teeth and ran, Cottrell in Marlboro township, con- Park Sentell, a Keyport newspaper- hearing is to determine the advisability of side. Anyone who has tried In 'Afterward it Wii.s packed in one- taining GO acres, wu sold at auc- a manufacturing or warehousing; location and shiversome. A white birch, we | inch holes bored into a small brick man. Her sister, Elinor H. Sentell, aaurrey by the engineer corps. believe, cught to have winga and drive a hen in n straight line will tion at the Globe hotel by Charles and Mr. Sentell were named exec- and to those communities who would wel- corroborate that point of view. lof llitwuuci, which was fastened to If. Ivins, a special master In chan- bo able to start South now. We have ! the tree. utors of the will, filed for probate The proposed route connecting the come such projects, the New Jersey council a notion that a mountainside white But there's something about a hen cery, appointed to sell the property November 13. I that gives her an affectionate place ] Birds aeon at our modest cafe- for the heirs. Jacob C. Shutts was headwaters of the Manasqtian river with will be. helpful, I birch would like nothing better Mrs. Heyer directed her execu- j than to get down to a bayou, be j in « mini's regard. A hen tisvur ; tcria. last tail and winter: downy auctioneer. The farm waa bought tors to erect a suitable monument Swimming river will take the canal through The council is a state agency, financed able to enst thin «hadows on sunny I talks baclt except In an optimistic i woodpecker, tufted titmouse, song by John Bailey for Andrew C. Cot- on ber father's grave at Green I vein. She la always glad to see sparrow, myrtle warbler, mocking- trell, one of the heirs of the estate, Allaire, cast of I'armiiigdale. through 8haf- by state funds. It has Ihe full eo-opcrntiou waters, and not conic back until a ' one when he comes Into the pen. Grove cemetery, Keyport, not to budding April had ended the run ut bird, ruby-crowned kinglet, blue- who bid $5,140. A dwelling house cost In excess of $200. She also ;to',Corners and Ueevytown. west of Pine She sings her alto song when she's jay white-breasted nuthatch, starl- and store at Oceanic on the Main of the New Jersey State <.'hiiniber of t'nni- s:i.p in a northern sugar bush. For making up her mind to lay an egg left $200 to the trustees of the cem- Brook and Tin tun Falls and befween Swim- a leafless white birch in winter is ing, junco, white-throated sparrow, road from Oceania to Red Bank, r'—v for the upkeep of the family inerce, the Society of Industrial Keallors, and cackles for a few minutes af- cardinal and common sparrow. No was bought by Mary A. Cottrell, just about what a snow bunting | ter she has accomplished the feat. plot. »-..| ming river bridge and Hit/.all's bridge on local chambers uf commerce, industrial coin- i would be with its feathers oft". We doubt this list compares poorly Garrctt Cottrell and Laura, P. Cot- ! On modern poultry farms every- with feeding stations in vicinities trell, who paid f2,TS0, A vacant bus left an Amrod cabinet radio Riterdale avenue to Swimming river. This missions, railroads, hunks, public utilities I really feel sorry that nature ana i thing is very scientific, with ultra- and $5 to her husband, and $200 men have arranged that trees can't less urban. However, we feel es- lot adjoining the atore was bought route will cany tJic 120-foot wide, 12-foot and municipal, comity and slate officials, ' violet llphts, running water, cod pecially lucky to have been fa- by Andrew C, Cottrell for W0, to the Keyport Presbyterian Hy until they get turned into ply- livei- oil and a plethora of vita- vored with steady visits by the church. deep canal for tlie most part through gravel wood-bodied planes. mins. But on many a farm a small tlev. W. H. J. Parker waa elected David Noonan of Everett road, kinglet for almost two months, president of the Christian En- pits, waste meadow land and marginal land. —Xcsv York. Hcvtild Ti-ibunt. flock of hens has the run of thft and hope he ia among the custom- Middletown township, who died Oc- yard and barn. Only an occa- deavor society of Middletown vil- The proposed route is east of N.A.D. Karle ers this year. Their credit is good. tober 27, left his estate to his wife, More Friendship Trains Needed slonnl cpg is expected In the win- lage. Henry W. Stark was elected Mrs. Catherine Xoonah, who' was •and its railroad to the pier area at Leon- S.WKO FROM THE LAW tertime. But in spring and sum- vice president, Kate C. Frost treas- named sole executrix of a will, filed The response of the American people A Georgia court has ruled that mer the hens fly Into the mows and Poelry urer and Mnsgls Morford corres- November 15. ardo. ponding secretary. for food for tlie slarvinj: peoples of Kurope, courtesy is outside the law. That is onto the scaffolds: they hide their A THANKSGIVING FANTASY Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson of Sea to say, no law compel* its exercise. nesti behind the machinery In th* TVa.-* a day 'L-J-O T:iii;ik.-v:U nig, Richard Allaire of Fair-Haven, Bright, who died October 25, named As it stands this is the only missing through the Friendship train, vas ma^nifi- tool nhed and in dark corners of Anil nil ilii-uuxli th' f.-u-ir. was building a large lee house on .\'or, we hopefully assume, does the No thouKlils entered therein , her grandson, Lester Kenneth link in the inland waterway from New ling- cent. It should be repeated time and ajjain law frown upon it. Jurisprudence the grain room and the unused ealf Ot slnuuiiter or liai-m. his lot In which to harvest hl« crop Johnson, sole beneficiary in a will pens. of ice. L. H. Smith was also build- land to Florida, which is used twice a year during; the coining year, for we feel thai this just majestically Ignores it, The turkeys had utrutted filed November 20. Mr. Johnson We admit that this bit of news From mid-March on hunting Anil gobbled Kalore, in;; an ice house. waa also named executor. by approximately 3.000 motor boat owners. kind of an appeal i.s more to our liking than eggs la a daily task for a young Ami tho [tumnkina and 'tat«r« An application for the appoint- strikes us as no cataclysmic sur- Had Bottled to snore. Mrs. Sarah J. Motoring of Mata- At present the boat* have to use the ocean prise. Probably we had always as- young man. As soon as warm ment of commissioners to assess wan township, who died June 9, asking lor regimentation of our lives, which weather comes some of the hens All let-ens and welt bedded the benefits for th« aewera In Red for a 25-mile stretch from Sandy Hook to sumed these things to be so, but The tut-nhi* and corn left her entire estate to her sister, we dout like and dont want. Communists had somehow managed to toddle find secluded spots along the stone Heaved niirhii of contentment Bank was made before Judg* Col- Duckle Atlanta Watson of Dawson, :Manas(]uan. This ocean route is only avail- along the path with fair success walls, in the tangle of blackberry In Aheltcr nnd warm. lins. The application was opposed Georgia. Ezra W. Karkus, Keyport and their fellow travelers in this country vines behind the ice house and In able to snia 11 craft when weather conditions without ever having to yank the But thor« lurked one old gobbler by James E. Degnan, who repre- attorney, was named sole executor are clamoring for rationing, which is down the lilac hedge at the end of the Who- lone knew his RtulT, sented several persons who were are just right. In certain winds small craft matter out of the subconscious and woodshed. Usually a lad discovers of a will filed November 17. their alley, but. when un American wisheH look It In the aye. That Thnnkajrivinp wns coming, . fighting the construction of the •cannot use the s-Miurl; river and Mana.«i|tian the nests before a hen goes broody And that was enoiiKh. sewers. One of the claims made to help others he wants to do it of Ills own Now this Georgia judge has and begins her three-week vigil. He Rtartfid the grapevine, was that the sewer law of 1890, un- New Library For .riTer inlets, and travel around Sandy Hook done It for us. And the more we Sometimes a hen Is successful and From peanut to ynm; free will. And, we can proudly say, no think about It the happier and more It sent them n'shivcrinff der which sewers In Red Bank ii eitretnelj; dangerous. on a summer day comes proudly Anil \vnry nf man. wer» constructed, had ht»n re- Marlboro Residents good cause has ever gone unanswered, relieved we feel. Suppose the beneh forth with s flock of baby chickens. had ruled that the law did demand They gathered In corners pealed by a later law. There were The Monmouth county library of- The project in by no menus exclusively Nothing very exciting or moment- And whlnpci-ec] theii- fear*. a number of other objections made Any future fund drives .should be regu- courtesy, Would it remain courtesy ous by the gauge of contemporary That forced tho tllrks blushing flee announces the opening of a local, having the endorsement of ihe Power any more? We doubt it. And Ui« oniom to toarq. to the appointment of the commis- library station Monday, December lated in time ami size so a.s to make ship- goings-on. But for generations sioners, but this was the principal 1) at the home ot Mrs. E. C, Saul Boat squadron and pleasure and coniiner- That other driver who could farm boys and girls have enjoyed Thin a campaign ni started ments immediately available. The country the Hay-to-day game with the bid- To ««cni>e and hide one. on Main street, Marlboro. The li- ,cial boat interests throughout the East. It have bluffed us out of the right of Prom tha mnn who had gathered them The barn and wagon house of brary will be ope"n Monday nights could be divided into sections, in proportion way, but didn't. We might be say- dies. Hunting eggi la one ef tho For hla dinner table's pride. Charles H. Okerson of Jerseyvllle between 7 and 8 o'clock and Tues- Vould be extremely advantageous to lied ing to ourselves, "Maybe he's right pleasant and essential tasks that to the population, to insure a uniform and makes farm life lnttrestlng.—New Spoke forth Grandpa Gobbler; were destroyed by fire. A little son day and Thursday afternoons be- fBanls. opening up a part of our river, which on hla traffic rules. But ht smiled "It wa all hltlc away of Mr. Okerson, five years old, was tween 2 and 4 o'clock. Hteudy supply. Perhaps it would be a good and waved just because he's afraid York Times, We may still foe a tun-inn Some other d:iy," playing with matches and set (Ire The county library trailer service, is now virtually a nnidllat and has become idea to send the food over on one or several we'd have the law on him If he to a stack of cornstalks. Mr. Oksr- which has been bringing books to didn't. So, in scampcilng twoa 'to be known as "The Jungle." Most of the of our battleships. It might knock .some School Health Council And threes, they crept . son's loss was $1,000. Marlboro, will be discontinued up- —The Christian Science Monitor. To the nclKborlng woods on the opening of the library, Mra. 'river on which l»ed Bank proper is located sense into the heads of a few of the Com- Meeting December 11 An the farmer slept. Twenty-Flvs Team Ago. Saul, who has been a Marlboro resi- i'is only nccessibfe by canoe, rowboat or by mies ami their sympathizers, At least it DON'T WORRY Now you may think thla gtory Cattle, horses, farm machinery dent the past two years, has given The first meeting of Monmouth Mny have n xnd end. and other personal property were part of her antique shop for the < out bun rd inotoi'boal at high tide. will shfiw them we have .something for them Since 1900 there has been an in- County School Health Council will Hut the iH'itiluclH nf fni'minjE bo held Thursday night, December Vre- not friend* ot colt! wind, struclt off by Auctioneer George H. library and provided bookcases for (. The necessary disposal urea is owned to think and worry about, crease of 25 per cent In the mortal- Roberta on Lawyor Edmund Wil- tho collodion of fiction, non-fiction ity ratu of heart disease In the 11, In tho otnff librnry nt Mon- And nlthnuRh they had AcnmpfiL'i] jb.y the borough, having been donated by mouth Memorial hospital, The meet- Away in tho night, son's farm at NuUwamp. Henry and children's books. Miss Julia Our first Friendship train was a great United Statce, despite the tremend- They returned In the morn, D. Brlnley, who was associated Killian, county librarian, has naked jMre. Alien Cook' I'arr. and has been dedicat- ous advances of preventive and ing is one of the new public rela- Hnlf frotim with friwht. with Mr. Wilson In the law bus- Marlboro residents to mnlto use ot success. Mut we have only seralehed the curative medicine In thla period. tions project of Hanmouth County .Much better to be roll~tcd iness, was outside clerk, and Alex the book/i provided, and upon re- jed for use as a public piirk. Mndlcnl society auxiliary. Anil honored In story surface when it. comes in helping those ''over The health o' the people la far bet- Thnn lo turn hlnrk u-tlh cotd, L. McClces of Holmdel was Inside quest will obtain specinl 'books '• The advantages in peace time alone ter than It was nt the turn of the The council will study and dls- which may not be In tho library. there" in the front line llglniug the Com- rus.i school health prosrums, And n>- Membership Is made up of educa- Su wlinn you cnt tin-key. munists. Our food may save the day and Tho tuberculosis mortality rate Anil all things Hint Brew, each; three horses were struck off The Philippine Independent ;jeet, which will be extremely advantageous tors, members uf boards of educa- Remembdr their life for S75 to 1100 each; corn fetched I hereby save Kiirupp from the bondage of ha.i dropped, since then, from 220 tion and Parent-Teacher associa- They are irivInK for you, church, which separated itself from per 100,0000 of tho population to 90. 7D to 81 cents a bushel, and corn- the Church of Roma in 1901, has • to oar national defense in time uf war. Ked Oomuiuniaui, tions and professional men and CHARUVTTK B. CONOVER., •talks broufht flve cents a sh«af. But till htart dlnus mortality , womttt. approximately 1,500,000 followers, RED BAXK KEGISTER. NOVEMBER 27. 191T Page Seven Jean Palmer Engaged I WOMAN CAL'SKO AKKKST Shower Tendered I Thomajs Williams of Red Bank, PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE To Hubert S. Allen I who had pleaded non vult to a Mr. and Mrs. Donald Q. Palmer I charge of having a concealed pis- Rumson Bride of Washington, D. C, formerly of tol October «*ae giveg n a one to New York city, announce the en- j three-ye;ir suspwndrd sentence, gagement of their daughter, Miss 'placed on probation for two year.1;, Mr*. Harry Bradley Jean Elizabeth Palmer, to Robert land fined $100 Friday at Freehold SAVE Stephen Allen, son of Harold S. Al- Honored By Friends I by Judge John C. Giordano. len of Irving place, and the late ; Through his attorney, Harry Klat- On Mrs. Allen. The wedding will take Mr«. H«rry Bradley, the former !skyr of the Rod Bank firm of Klnt- Miss Rita Sammon of Rumson, via place early next year. i sky, Grny and Klauky, William* YeS_We are Celebrating claimed he was arrested hecnusc of i given a miscellaneous ihower last 1 ; week at th« Rumson inn. The par- I th« "ire' of a girl friend. Accord- j ty wa» held in the dining room, ing to Williams, he visited friends RADIOS in New Brunswick with the wo- ; which wai decorated with wedding I bells, and gift* for the recent bride man in her car. While there hfi ac- quired a gun. The car waa involved • • • • it's Our And J were placed beneath a «ho\ver um- i brella. A buffet supper was served. In an accident with a truck, which I Guests were Mrs. Fred Russell, fled the scene, and Williams clr- ! Mrs. Joseph Desmond, Mrs. Mary clined to pay for the damage tu i Desmond, Mr«. Stephen Cooke, Mrs. the car, hence, the arrest. Electrical Appliances Sadie Conice, Mrs. Jimei Halligran, I Mrs. John Patey, Mre. Edward Hire. Thomas Antlrmvs • Bond, Mrs. George Grauso, Mrs. | William Jennings, Mr*. Orrin G. Entertain* At 'IVa During Our Soule, MrB. Evelyn Hartman, Mrs. Thomas H. Andrews of 111 | Mil. James Butler, Mrs. Herbcit Main street, Matauan, entertained Langler, Mrs. Thoma* Oakea, Mi's. at tea Sunday afternoon, Novem- 15th ANNIVERSARY Edward Mullln, Mrs. Harry C0III3, ber 16, for Mis* Joan DeMont, Mrs. William Jay, Mis. Roccn (laughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. I Cioffl, Mrs. Frank Slezak, Mrs. Wll- DeMont, who is to bo married ! Ham Finnesan. shortly to Timothy Kdward Hu.sfloy, SALE Mrs. Raymond Desmond, (Mr9. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Jlut;- ' John Madden, Mrs. Joseph Du'ryea, sey of Little Silver. ] Mrs. John Scheldt, Mrs. Neal Shay, Mrs. Everett Cartoon and Mrs. j Mr*. James C. Dclaney, Mrs. John Charles Clouph poitrod. Other • Sammon, Mrs. Joseph Higgins, Mrs. guests were Mr*. Jolin J. DeMont, Thomas Bond, Mrs. Carl Despre- Mtes Jean K. Palmer LIBERAL ALLOWANCE Mi>-. Kenneth DeMont, -Mia-. John aus, Mrs. Charles Wilson and C, DeMont, Mrs. Ii:uiy Morse, Mrs. Mis* Palmer jit tended Friends Misses Mary Cookc, Kathleen Bo- J.imca Doolan, Mrs. Curnelius- snminary in New York city, St. ON YOUR OLD RADIO han, Margaret Connell, Josephine Shnrkoy, Mia. John Shailcov. Mrs. Margaret's school at Tappahan- Pullen, Betty Hartman, Elizabeth James Shnvhcy nnd Mrs. ICuyi'ni! nock, Va., and was graduated tfotti Hanley, lCathcrlne Mitchell and Sharkcy or Buyonnc; Mrs. rtufus Vassar college She heads the radio Ada Sweeney. Ulevin.';. Jci'Kcyvillc: Mr.-. Clifford copy department of a Wnnhngton SchencU nnd Mrs. John HCM nh.udt, advertising firm. Highlands; Mrs. I«ouia Muhtikcn, Apollo Club To Give Mr. Allen is associated with the Staten Island; Mrs. Herbert Fish, I ..a tin American division of Pan Anniversary Concert Rhode Island; Mrs. Anthony (Juad- American airwave, and is presently nj;no, Miss Anne Guadagno nn n (jiuidHKiio, WIM Ov- the guest artist Rt the opening con- ti tiring the Wai', flying in overseas cert of the Apollo club of A^hury areas. \ ange, and Mir, Morilti Kord, Mr?. Park Thursday night, December 11, I Krnnk MJIIZ, Mr.s. ph Kan oil, at the Berkeley Carterct hotel. This Decent her llrith season. Is A Showr Guest Mont, Matawan. The club, made up of a chorus of 52 voices, will be directed by Allan A rsuriiriso bridal shower was that we have been serving the R. Woolley. Solos will be sung l>y given recently for Alls? Jean Sa- linulclriiV lirr !'«». A. L.eRoy Baker and Ronald wicka of Wrst Front street, by a To Hold \nias lkarty ONE (1) NEWMAN SPRINGS KOAD Clark. Dancing will follow the con- group of friends at Crystal Brook Public the best in cert in the hotel's Crystal terrace inn, Katontown. MJs.s Sawicka will Middletown township fire enm- KED BANK room. be married next month. pany No. 1, State Highway "ft, Guests were Mrs. Troy Young, Hnndden'a Corner, set Deconihci1 10 OPEN EVENINGS DUItlNG SALE Tea is grown in Ceylon, India, Mrs. Patrick Kanpoli, Mrs. Gene Ins the date for its nnniml C'hrist- Java, Sumtiti'R, China, Japan and Klold, Mrs, Gcorg'u GIUIJ, Jr., Mt«. i iitM.s parly at a nirnting \Vc

Cralf, MM. V*t<* Mcfealft Mm. atlurch. Mr. Welch presented a Sunday with Mr. and Mr». Edward Malayan J?ena*«]a«r Chrtan «M Mi* RaJph motion picture entitled "Did It Daum of Newark. Mn. Dium met UM Esther Blau will tpenS W. Harriet a>n*nM • c»r« party Pay?" Hi* address was entitled with a painful but not eerlou* ac- Thanksgiving week-end with rela- Thuradajr at ManhattanvllU col- "Modern Highway." cident a few dny* ago when she fell tives in Buffalo. leg*, N«w York, for the ben.flt of A «on, Robert, was born to Mr. and broke the little finger of her The Polly Pigtail club held a par- EtudrnU In Europe. Ml** Jane and Mrs. Benjamin Siea of 33 Val- ! left hand. ty at the home of Miss Jane Pengel Devlin l» a aophomor* *t tht col- ley drive November 17 at River- [ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Haat cele- MOUNT ENGLISH SALES CO. Saturday evening attended by Jo lege. vlpw hospital. Mrs. Sica, a war'bratcil their 15th wedding annlver- Ann Lazow. Jane Anderson, Cnrol Mn. Robert Miller of Manaaquan bride, rame to the United States sary Sunday with a family dinner. GOOD LUCK FORDS MERCURYS LINCOLNS Craljr. Joan Huphe*. Patricia Egan, a guc»t of Mr. and Mn. WIN | from Milan, Italy, William P. N'cstcr of Foreat Hills Kichard Bader, Daniel Matthews, liam Tltrney for tevtral day* re- spent Sunday with hifi mother, Mrs. Jack Shafto, Knlph Srbrr, Robert cently. William Neater and family. 90 MOINMOUTH ST. RED BANK Emerson, William Vrecland and Mis. Albert Knimons and Mn. Lcwiiartlu Mr. and Mrs. P. Maughcy spent Ronald White. I'\ ft. Thompson of freehold were Thursday with Mm. Hauphey's sis- Mjfs Mary Welles, Matnwan high gueels Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. «nd Mrs. Joseph Wade Ind ter, Mrs. Wllllnm O. MacPhces and cchool teacher, «ill pprnd Thanks- Michael J. KovinO. as Clients Sunday, Mr. and Mm. family of Maplewood. giving week-pnd at her home in Mr;. Frank Bills and Mlu Ger- Frc of Newark, Mrs. Frotl- ...... JJ,.^- .,,» ...... ~*. ?. Mr. and Mm. Thomas Huston and BEST WISHES Volcott, N. Y. trude Higgin* .pent Saturday in • wr r- w.T"' °.. r".°. !' " hal,y son. who have been vlsitins; Peter Kovino, sun of Mr. and f EXTENDS Nk Y. Mr. WadT e who° ha ""n "lipn """"In ill n Newark, bnve returned home. Mis, MU'had Kovino, colebvate^ his Mre. Channing Clapp entertsined . . . j Gclllrin and flrat birthday at a family party her bridge club And an extra table or the past .seven weeks in slightly Mr- iml Ml Si amcg I improved. d.luB|llon Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jacoby of and daughter, Mit-'s i.illian I.arsen. BruUiis and family (if Clifton. Jlonmoulh Mcnujiiiil hospital. New York city will epend Thanks- Mr. and Mrs. William A*t bad a« Mrs. U'illKim Wasnnith was hos- 1 dailghtor, .Mrs. giving with Mr. and Mrs. Harry ' -^ Jacob,on> of ,„,„,,,„„ wcre Kiie.sts Sunday, Mrs. A.«f» brother BRADLEY'S RADIO SERVICE tess Wednesday evening tu mem- Kahn - . guest* Wednesday, November 19, of mill Ills «'ifB, Mr. and Mrs. CharlM RADIO SERVICE bers of the Junior Women's club Mrs. William R. Craig , j Kuglcr, Mis. Mary Dtanrow, Mrs. I and the Sub-Junior club at her tnincd the Thursday •nernoon |Mr«. r. Uolierand Mrst Scnrch. Sidne.y Herman and '-N^Hic anand MMra. A. D. home. bridge club M J b at luncheon and bridge Id a „,„ Bnl.,iar(l or t|,,, ,,,„„ N. Wyckoff of Somervllle. ON THEIR Mrs. Joseph has been con- la*t week. Prizes were won by , . week-end as quests ' Mr.. aan d Mrs. Michael As of Lit- fined to her home by illness fur thy Mis. Harrryy KalinKalin , MrsMrs . Hichard , of c''allsl ,,n CoaI,, : tiei KnllKlla visiteiitd unn SundaSundayy Mr. piwt wock. of callsl n CoaI ON THEIR ErdmannErdmann , JJr.r ,, and MrsMrs , John Kg-Kg-.. Raymond DowneS| yollng son of Asf.i mother,, who is a patient< at Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heller at- M Raymon^ d DowneS| yollng son of h . wjll ^ ,h[, m>lUr „,'l||e llM, of Jo5,,,h Mrs, AtTuwtuuith's bilthday. Guests Zone, Panama, is spending • |K0 to Florida and later lo Callfor- Kmiie iv.tuisui. Notice tt, month's Vacation With hit parents, I ni. . rrolitir* in iiiTsrnl rlninn nKnln»trbtnl«. were Mrs. Walter hambertson of 1'nrKi I to 111 cr of Keyporl; Mr. and Mis. Chillies W. Mr. and Mrs. Milton F. Stevenson. |JiiM KMI,,yn (i.itlnrmsrn of !i I'lUlilili, .Surriiuiili; tit the Couniy of Lynch, Mrs. William Lynch and " W"LrllUrn °ra"*™* ' Washington, D. C, made a surprise I Mnniimiitli, mails .ii Ills fifth tiny of Miami by plane December 5. 1 Novcmlj.i. 1 'J IT. otn tile aupllcntioti of children, Carolyn ami Theodore, of nipn, solf1 exot-utor of Parlin, and Mr, ;ind Mrs. Fred Miss Sarah Howard has returned Mr. nnd Mrs. B. P. Guttormscn, for I |Vo" r.'.t;'ioB".fT] ac [ill Hmile 1'crluiscL, Marz, Mrs. Ada Ai ruwsmith anil to her home at Seaford, Del., after her tnuther'A birthday Friday, No- | .ir,-i,s(.i, notior « lirrrl,y yiven to thc spending a vacation with Mr, and ilci-Tusrrf to r!.hlhit tu daughter Frances of this place. vembcr 21. ^Ton(lay was the birth- \crulor, Mrs. R. L. Cartan. Ihr WE ARE HAPPY TO EXTEND day of her grandmother, Mre. Linn The Young Women's circle uf the Members of Boy Scout troop No. { suid, their ilrbta n'i'l ilomniiils iivrmilHl Presbyterian church met ut the Gulbransen, who was SI. Uhe mill cutlilr. miilrr until, wilhill *;x 73 and their leader* went swim niolilhs from lllf iliilt* of Ills nforeftftitl ' home of Mrs. Paul Weiss last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horn of --•'-•• or Ihfy will bo fnrevnr b»rrnl of I mlng at the Y.M.C.A. in Perth Am- Irvlngton were Friday guests of ordt, or y Mr. and Mrs. J. Donnld Miller boy Friday night. tlifir niMUmM thtiefor ' t thc mill ! and son Jack attended the Prince- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Knight. Mrs. Miss J. Mabel Brown la attend- Knight entertained Thursday even- ton-Dailmmith football game Sat- s N. J., November 8,1 urday at Princeton. ng special sessions of the National In,„g Mr(i Willlam Lawler, Mrs. Kditorial association in Chicago. AI.HKIIT HlJliO TROMl'A, Mr. and .Mrs. B. W. Orr of Ked Frank Patterson, Mrs-. Olaf Chiw- Vn\ Id, K»M Kuiiii.l>iii'it, N. Bank were guests recently of Mr. Leo B. Welch of the department t . Rnll Mrs. nichard Neu. Mcsni-i. Itolicrii,. l'll!»bnry. Cartoa • nd Mrs. Frank Bliss. of motor vehicles wai speaker | Ml. nn(1 MrR Ed,vtl.d Bryan and Wednesday evening at a meeting of ' _ F, hnhoefcr and chil- Coin' rllors »L l,;uv Mrs. Gerard Devlin, Mrs. William MrB FrHnk o Atlantic H lil:iinls. J. the Men's club of thc Presbyterian drcn, Janic and Patricia, spent i'roctu i.




UPON THEIR Our 15 years of pleasant business associa- tion with the Bradley Radio Service is cherished by us and we sincerely wish for 15th Anniversary their continued success in the years to come.


OPEN EVENINGS DURING SALE Open Evenings at our 15th During .Sale ANNIVERSARY SALE Any Emerson It's the Talk of Radio _ Time Payments As Low As Monmouth For Your 1 Christmas County MODEL 517-FAMOUS

h'lnrrum Knttio AC-UC Suprrhet* erottynr* "Mmlcnie" in concept u illi >upfr p*M'fnrni;u]Cfl nutl tono RADIO J 11 Mil III if\- — iimv III!\;UII r rlcrl nitiii: tlrvrlnpninil*. K\>|iii.-il<' |mli0iftl rlmiiy pl.-i-iii* ciliinct. A "MUSI" In tec iiml |ir;ir. and JI 2995 Television Set

Phone Attend Bradley's Red Bank STYLE-TONE For Pick up 6-3300 PERFORMANCE MLIE 15 th

The World's Leading

AMERICA'S No. 1 COMPACT RADIO RADIOS MODEL 547- CHOICE OF 5 OEM-LIKE COLORS ' Kmtrtan Radio AC-IK'. Superbmli-radynr. Tliink of •ueh features as Alnico 5 A VIEW OF THE BRADLEY LABORATORY Pcrmtnent Magnet l)y. & Television mmic Speaker —oversize built'in Super*Loop Ati* WHERE OUR TECHNICIANS ARE AT WORK lenna-Sliderulo Uial- Anlomalle Volume Control —all these and more are Motorola homed In (he linmlsome • TUNE-UP! compact plastic cabinet. • Emerson • TUBE-UP! America's Most Popular • CHECK-UP.! Personal Portable THEM MODEL 5ZR-ICmcrmn Sel/.Poui^rrtt "Pocket Site" Pmtnblr. Amazing BIG net POWER, TONE ami SENSITIVITY ON • R C A with new larger Alnic-ci 5 Permanent Magnet Dynamic Speaker, liipli effi- "A Service With A ciency Lnop Anlciinn, new Sliderule Dial and other NEW DISPLAY IMPROVED fca u:-c». Less Batteries • Arvin GUARANTEE

MODEL 543 "BLACK and COLD" During Our Sale THAT COUNTS" Emenon Radio AC-DC Suptrhrttra- itynt, in handiome pladic cabinet. Wide, ly featured m the "Black Cold" model- :i luper performer with all new —and Bradley Radio means just that—when you electronic development!, ft fit JQ Time Payments As Low As buy a radio, refrigerator or an electric appliance An onmtindini value at v^^"1' (Alls iraillble in attrarlive colom) $ 00 here, you can depend upon our service. We don't Hear lh«« n«e F.mrrnin Rndion- and other new maieU give you just promises, we mean exactly that. Ask —tar eeery purpaie and every purte. 1 Down the hundreds of satisfied customers who have had 25 dealings with us and they will verify our claims. Tel. Red Bank 6-3300 *|- A Week So when you buy from Bradley's, our association with you is just beginning, so GO TO BRADLEY'S! DURING OUR ANNIVERSARY TIME PAYMENTS

AS LOW AS ONE NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD One (1) Newman Springs .00 Down 125 A Week ONE NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD RED BANK, N. J. Road, Red Bank 1 RED BANK PLENTY OI PAKKIW; SI'ACK Pace Ten BED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 27, 1947 celebrated thelf blfthdaya recently. I'orin Pistol Club Lincroft Sheila her first November 21 and Everett The P»rent-Teacher «isociatlon Sandra her ninth November 25. Mr. and Mrs. R M. Slanton of At Wegt Long Branch OPEN EVENINGS DURING SALE Mrs. Charles Lum and daughter tent a. delegation Wednesday of Oil City. Pa., have been visiting I The Wcat Long Branch' Pistol Plenty Of Parking Space last week to Allentown- to attend Oonie attended the wedding of Miss "r. snd Mr.. J. Daniel Tuller. club was formed recently at the an all-day meeting of the Parent- Doris Mclnlcuh at the Red Bank Martin McDonald of Ideal Bench .hnnl e of j^^, Rose. officer.! elect- Teachers' council. Those attendinK Reformed church Sunday. visited with Max Gould, son of Mr. cd WPre Herbert Parkell of Red were Mrs. Leslie Cornell, Mrs. Ed- Mrs. J. Rhcn Walling of Phalanx id Mr.. W. G. Gould, Saturday. Banki prwjdent and Robert C. win Prescott. Mr*. Charles Toop. gave a surprise bridal shower at Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parker of Edw,irds of Rum5On secretary. S"rard Domldion «d Mr^ThimTslher home for Miss Anna Mlllan of Brooklyn have leased the Casavas A, a mating last Thursday at E. Kraan. Monday cveninp ;i P.T.A.> Phalanx Sunday evenm* The g.ft.residence for a year. the home of William Vonellaal executive meeting was held at Un- wcie_ presented in a clothe, hamp- Mr. and Mn. Clarence Jonc«, Jr.,, Long Blanch ,he club's by-laws, in Motorola croft school to decide on the Christ- er. Those present were Mn. Peter spent l«t week-end with friends in j accordance, with the National Rifle- Millen and children, Julia, Virginia, Bloomfleld. I ' association were approved. mas program. Viola and Peter, MM. Harry Ws.ll- mBn s Mrs. K. F. Powell of Brooklyn Misses Sarah and Lila Schanck ThB c|ub Wlll become afflllatcd with apent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.injf, Edward Millen, J. Rhea Wall- have returned from Holmdel, where J the .V.A.A. in the near future. It Delivers Charles Henschel. ing, Patty Walling and Miss Jane they were residing: at the Leonard' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halstead. Layton of Phalanx; Mr. and Mrs.Lsthrop residence. It pay! to advertise in Tht Rtffilt«r formerly employed by M. J- William Van Note of Chapel Hill, O'Leary, have gone to Belmont Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cicalese and Magnificent Entertainment k Neww YorYorkk. children, Tony, Joseph, Anna and Mrs Edwin Creswick attended a Pauline, of Vanderburir, and Mra. FOR AS LOW AS luncheon Tiiesdav of last week at Anne Rarnouta and daughter An- •the home of Mrs" E. H. Kiilenjian eelinr and George Franklin of HAPPY BIRTHDAY off PlainfielPlifildd whh o ntertaineentertained dfo for r Freehold. Miss Millen will become Mrs Fred Miller of Palo Alto. Cal. 'he bride of Edward Clinton of Sunday Mr. and Mis. Edwin Pine Brook at St. Msry's Catholic Creswick attended a double celebra- church, Colt's Neck Sunday. tion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The Sundny-school has sent a TO MKVUl Charles Kraft at Woodhavcn, U I. package of clothing and book* to Mr. Creswick's brother. Norman, needy families at Bean Station, became engaped to Miss Ntirma Tcnn. There will be no weekly 10- Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Crcswkk also .*il meeting at the chapel Thurs- celebrated their eighth wedding an- day because of Thanksgiving. The nivcrsarv Sunday. next meeting will be held Thursday, Mr. arid Mrs. w. JJntrnberjier at- December 4, at tile home of Mr. BRADLEYS RADIO SERVICE tended the funeral of his slstei in and Mrs. John Mauser. • V, *W Housf Brooklyn Monday. Mrs. J. Rhea Walling «ttcnded a Holmdel iocial Riven for the veterans at Lyons hospital,, Lyonsy . Friday, with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L>athrop » group off veteranst' ' wivei s frfromm have returned from a aix-week trip FROM Red Bank. to California. TIME PAYMENTS AS LOW AS iDeanne Mauser, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William Stevenson and Mrs. Clarence Mauser, is con-arc the parents of a son born No- Bred to her home by illness, vember 19, at Monmouth Memorial Roger Galli, who has been visit- hospital. ing Mr. and Mrs. Dnnte Paverio, Daniel Ely Is confined to his home DOUGLAS JLECTRIC CO. has returned to E.mhurst, L. I. by Illness. The Ladies' auxiliary of the fire Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pitcher and company have packed and sent four Mr. and Mr?. William Pitcher at- 35 EAST FRONT ST. KED BANK packages to Individual families in tended the hirthday parlpyy of Frank England, Italy antl Germany for Howard' Ijloyd" ' , Jr., given 'hiby s Christmas. They hope to srnd more rnthcr, F. Howard Lloydy , at his $1.25 packages as they receive more

$1.00 $1.25 A Down 1AWNk

Thh handsome, compod, table radio and automatic record changer is the Arvin 151TC. Plays 10' or 12* rec- Open Evenings During Sale ords. Mahogany or walnut YtMW BRADLEY'S RADIO SERVICE

We are proud of our 15 years of pleasant for more fun outdoors you'll want thb *•'•'* a An* 'round-the-houte model ettracKv* Arvin 3-woy portable In *•* iplendid ton* end power—NM relations with Bradley's Radio Service as o sturdy tan and silver-grey weather- *rvln Model 664. Ivory or walnut proof case. Arvin Medal 140P— elastic cabinet, enclosed back— Pliilco dealers, and it gives us great pleas- ure lu congratulate them. We sincerely wish for their continued DISPLAY success iii years to come. MOTOROLA Radio - Phonograph FINEBURGS S47 SOUTH BROAD STKEET TRENTON, N. J. ONE (1) NEWMAN SPRINGS PHILCO DISTRIBUTORS ONE (1) NEWMAN,SPRINGS ROAD RED BANK RED BANK PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE RED BANK REGISTER. XOVRMBER 27. 1947 Page Eleven NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. George Wagner, eecretary, and was discovered by a customer, who Notire is hpjvby given that Bealed Keyport Riverside Heights Mrs. Charles Scott, treasurer. A jCluli Ervel Held L|>, Vvds will be received by the Council of found Mrs. Powers on the floor. She lied l!ank BoruuEh for constructing" a Mrs. Floyd Brown entertained Thomas Francis Welch, Jr., son dinner followed the ceremony. $280 And Liquor Stolen was pushed to the wall by one of 2 (-inch reinforred concrete Pipe Storm her bridge club last week when of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Welch, Mra. Mae Schenck was a Wednes- the robbem an4 then fajntsxi. Police Itrnin and C.-urh Hasina In Hudson ave- day guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ar- Eatontown polic* report that |M0 have a description of tha thieves nue, in said borough. prizes were awarded Mrs. Carleton broke his arm recently when he in cash and two quartu of liquor rj'rfs will be opened at the Boroujrh R. Whatton, Mrs. Lester Dick and fell into a trench while watching nold Green of Oakhurst. and am invMtla-ating. HaU in Red Bank on December let, were stolen from Club Erv»l, Rout* At Monmouth County Water company 10 IT. .-it or about 8:00 P. M. Mrs. Daniel Hendrickson. Others 35. two miles siouth of Eatontosm, Mra. Powers is th« wife of Jinu Specifications for the work may be present were Mrs. James N'. \Vnrd, employees digging trenches for wa- Keantlturg Sunday afternoon. E. Pom-em, a reporter for the New oh::\'.r.c(l at the office of GeorKe K. Al- Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Harry ter pipes into his parents' home. York Tlmea, who waa in that rlty ien, Borough Engineer. 60 Broad street, Hughson, Mrs, Kenneth Wharton, A mass for deceased paatorg was According to policr, two men en- al the lime of the holdup. Sh». was Hed Brink, .*%. J., during business hours, Mie. Helen Pedee, Hazlet, was a upon payment of cost of preparation. and Mra. Hewitt Wharton. Wednesday guest at the home of said at 8 a. m. Sunday at St. Anne jterrr) Hip rlub, one pulling a gun a Judge in the annual Easter par- Bids must be made on the proposal The Keyport Book club of Mon- her mother. Mrs. Frank Scott. church at the request of Court Ann. Ion Mis. Ervel Powers, owner, while ade nt A-sbury Pirk in IMS. She form* film aheil b;1 the Engineer nnd mouth County American Associa- Headden'a Corner. i Mo. S' Catholic Daughters of i the other jumped over the bar and told polirp (hit the man who held GET YOUR iccompanicd by a certified check i Anievkv. i took the liquor, robbed the cash re- the pun was about 38 years old. r.hlo Boroush of Red Bank in tion of University Women mot Tho Uncroft Ladles' Aid eoclety n{ at least ten per cent of the amount Wednesday evening at the home of J Jamc* Grant, better known as I sister and took Mr*. Powers' poc- She faileri to get the number of bid, and in scaled envelope! with the Mra. H. G. Hartman. Others pic; .'.'ill hold a Christmas party Decem- the "mayor" of CaiT avenue, left | kctbook, which contained the pay- . the license pint* of the or In which name of the bidder and the proposed ber 11 at the home of Mrs. Ada K. roll for that week. The robbery I ths men made their escape. wcrk nn the, and delivered at ent w«ra Mrs. Herbert West, Mr.3. Woodward, Thursday to spend ten days with the place and by or before th« hour J. Harold Hendrickson, Mrs. J. friends in Richmond, Va. CHRISTMAS nbo\e named. Carls Anderson, Mrs. John O. Mrs. Albert E. Snyder was host- Mrs. Grace Haetead has been The Horoufth Council reservef tht ess to the Community Social club right to rejpiu nny or nil bids. Hartzler. Mrs. Henry E. Ackereon, ! confined to her home by illness. CHARLES 11. ENGLISH, Mayor. Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. William at her home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Florence KimiMkn, who has AMY E. SIir.NN, Clerk. C. Ludl, members, and a guest, Those present were Mra. Mabel been a surgical patient at Mon- Hurloy, and Mr*. George Hemblinjr, BLAISDELL LUMBER CO. Monmouth County SurrotatVs Offic*. Mia. Fred Marquardt, Haveiford, mouth Memorial hospital for the In the mailer of the estate of Emma Pa. Mra. John C. Anderson will be Little Silver; Mrs. Victor Satter, past month, has returned home. Kerney, doreaaed. Nutice to creditors to next hostess. Shrewsbury; Mrs. John Bamhack, The Willow Wood inn shullle 15 S. IIMIIH.F HKIJ BANK prtsent claims against estate, Red Brink. Mrs. Mac Srhcnck and a Pursuant to the order nf Dormm Me- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conway and board team won over the Ironsides RCA guest, Mrs. Amelia Johns, who was Fnddiii, Surroyute of the County of son William have returned from team of Union Beach Sunday night Monmouth, made on the Thirtieth d»y the prize winner. of October, 1947, on the application of visiting Mr. and Mr*. Granville Cul- of last week. ' Cassie Kerney nnd Charles T. Kerney, ver, Seaford, Del., former Keyport Mrs. Richard F. Bell is a surgi- Mrs. Kenneth McMechim ha« an executors, of the estate of Emma Ker- residents. cal patient at Monmouth Memorial attack of Influenza. ney, deceased, notice !• hereby given to the weditors of snid deceased to «x- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schneider hospital. The luncheon group of the Meth- Congratulates hil>H to the subscribers, executors, «• have returned from a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Larry G, Flanna- odist church began Its winter tif oresaid, their debts and demand* to Canada, luncheons Thursday at the home nunins! the Bald estnte, under oath, gan and son moved Saturday to VICTOR within alx months from the dnie of the Mrs. John Goett Is visiting at their newly-built home In Wilmort of Mrs. Florence Rattigan. aforesaid order, or they will be forever Glen Meyer, Ont., where ehe at- park. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Knoble barred of their actions therefor against tended the wedding Saturday of The Tuesday evening meeting: of celebrated their 24th wedding anni- the snid suhseribM-s. Miss Elizabeth Stumpf and Donald veraary Tuesday of last week. BRADLEVS RADIO SERVICE 'llntnl: Freehold, N. J., October 30th, the Sew and So club of Middlctown HIT. Jenkins. township was held last week at the Robert Thorne Is convalescing at CASS1B KEBNEY, RADIO Plans for a Christmas dinner the home of his parents on Stone 157 t.cijihton Avenue* home of Mrs. Edward Mcisler, State Reil Hank. N. J. were made by the auxiliary and highway, Headden'5 Corner. The road, West Keanalmrg. UPON THE COMPLETION OF CIIAULES T. KEKNEY, squad members of the Keyport First weekly .prize was won by Mrs. Mrs. Helen Heuser of Kenns- ir»7 Leipthton Avenue. Aid squad at the November meet- burg has announced the engage- Red Hank, N. J. Frank Hirst. Others present were Messrs. Wise * Wise, ing held In the First Aid huilding. Mrs. Angle Ward, Mis. Peter ment of her daughter, Ruth, tn Counsellors nt Law, Nomination and election of officers Grandinelti, Mrs. Marshall Smith, Privnte Alfred Wnlling of West TELEVISION lied Dunk, N. J. will be held at the next meeting, Keaneburg. Proctors. Mrs. Frank Hirst, Mrs. Donald December 16. Refreshments at the -Matthews, Sr., Mre. Thomas Sim- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomson have announced the marriage of 15 Years Of Service Notice of Settlement of Account. November meeting were served by mons, Mrs. Charles Scott, Mrs. Estate of Eleanor V. II. Reed, de- the hostesses, Mrs. George Smith their daughter, Sarah, to Victor K. ceased, Notire is hereby given that the Fred Brcmycr, Mrs. Martin Sic- HCL'ounls nf the subscriber, nctinK exec- and Mrs. William Nagle. Others Guii-e, Mm. Joe Chriaman, Mrs. Bayers of Providence, R. 1., on No- utor of the estate of said deceased, will present wera Mrs. Robert Johnson, vember 15 In St. Paul's church, Kl- lie audited and stated by the Surrogate Chris Jaeger, and two yuestd, Mrs. TO THK PKOI'LE OF THIS COMMUNITY of the County of Monmouth and report- Mrs. Lawrence Vecchio, Mrs. Har- Chris Chisman and Mrs. Ruth Wes- licott City, Md. The couple will live ed fo' r rcttletnent to the Orphans1 Court ry Roberts, Mrs, Earl Stultz, Miss terberg. in Providence. of, f:ihl County, on Thursiliiy, the Ellen Kelly, Mrs. Paul Pouzone, Mr. and Mrs, Salvatore Dl Gon- \ . . - .. Miss Mabel Hopkins, Mr*. Robert Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Schenck and nnro aro pnrents of a daughter, nt 1(1:00 o'clock n. m., nt which time daughter returned Saturday from nppliriitinn will bo made for the allow- .Wallace, Mrs. Vcrnon Ralph, Mis. born Monday of last week at Rl- ance of commissions and counsel fees. F. W. Holman, Mrs. Allyn Loo, Mm. Fort Knox, where Mr. Schenck bo- vcrvlew hospital. Dated: October 2.1, A. I).. 1947. Frank Dey and Mrs. Howard Creed. fore hia Army discharge, was based Due to overcrowded conditions in EDWIN I!. REED, for two years with the United the .public school, three new class- GOOD LUCK 11 Hiirvard Street, The engagement of Miss Shirley Slates Army. Temporarily, Mr. and Montclnir, New Jersey. Bolkum, daughter of Mrs. Bertha rooms have been made out of :i Actinp Executor. Mrs. Schenck will live with Mr. playroom. The work was completed Poyd, TJodd, Keer & Booth. Miester, Keansburg, to George S. fkhonclt's parents. Mr. and Mrs. AND 483 Hloomfield Avenue, Duncan, 3d., son of Mr. and Mrs. Monday when the new clashes Montclair, N. J. Herbert J. Schenck of Conover moved in. Proctors. George S. Duncan, Jr., Keyport, place. hag been announced. Trie 1047 Christmas club nt Notice of Settlement of Account Samuel Warwick was elected Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hallerhan Keanaburg National bank has Estate of W;.!t"r li. Allen, deceased. .president of the Couples club of of Perth Amboy worn Sunday closed and checks will be mailed BEST WISHES Notice Is hereby given that the Re- cnunts of the subscriber, administrator Calvary Methodist church, Key- guedls at the homo of Mr. Haller- about December 1. A new club for of tile estate of snid deceased, will be port, at a special meeting Monday han'5 parents, M#. anil Alia. Jolin ! 1048 opened Monday. audited nnd stated by the Surrogate of Hallerhan of Chapel Hill road. | The Ladies' auxiliary of the New the County of Monmouth and reported night of last week. Other officers TO for settlement to the Ornhani' Court of elected were Mrs. Warwick, vice Mis. Sophie Pittenger, l.onR Point Comfort lire company began said County, on Thursday, the eleventh meetings last month after a .sum- day of December, A. D. 1947, at 10:0(1 president; Earl Huber, treasurer, Blanch, lias moved to Hcnrlilen'a ol I'eccmtier, A. w. liMi, Rt 10:nil ! • _- , , • Corner to make her home with her mer- recess. Otllcers arc .Mrs. Wil- and Ml s iliani lialbuch, Sr., president; Mrs. madn.e , fontr whictha h-allowanc time application.wile of comsilellonl bae Mr. 'an- dHuber Mrs, . secretaryWaldron. Ehrlich sister, Mrs. Rose Woodward. and counsel fifes; . • - •• • have moved into their new home on |l.. Klotz, vice president; .Mis. Wil- RCA Victor is a name that Dated October 29. A. D. 194?.' Mr. and Mrs. Clyde. Miller, Kpy- liam Snyder, treasurer, nnu .Mra. BRADLEYS RADIO SERVICE :' -'MORTON B. ALLEN.' St. George place. port, spent the week-end with i William P.lst, secretary. " • -'• •'. Holmdel, New Jerser. Mian Marguerite Dolan, district Thomas Simmons and fnmily at ] .Mr. and Mis. Jiinm.s O-sbuino of Administrator. deputy of Rehckahs of MonmoutU has always insured top value WhlltaaaW'.Porter A Ho their home, Glcndale park, Middle- ' Hudson avenue, are parents of a Herdh, Tower Dldg., county, made her official visit at to'.vn township. (son born Friday at. Monmouth Me- FKOM E1i».l«lh 4, N. J., the meeting of the Rebefcah lodge in Television, Radio and : Installation of new officers of the ' morlal hospital, ' rV - . .; Proctori. Tuesday night of last week at Bradley Beach. Women's auxiliary of tho Fair View I Mr. nnd Mrs. Gustave Pnvlak of Monmo'uth; County Surrogate** Office*. First Aid squad was held Thursday i Liberty street, nre parents of a In. the mutter of the estate of Jos< Mrs. Benjamin Reyes was elected night at Lincroft inn. Olllcers, who Phonographs. «ph Mnrtin Lindner, deceaBed. Notice president of the Junior guild of St. \ daughter born Kridny at Monmouth creditors to present claims against took their oath by the now candle- | Memorial hospital. SATTER LUMBER CO. estate. Mary's Episcopal church at a meet- light ceremony were Mrs. William Puriuiint to the order of Dorman Me- ing held Thursday evening in the 205 W. I ronl Si. Red Bank Fnddin, Surrogate of the County of Mon* parish house. Others elected were Tallmnn, president. Mra. Peter I Production of new automobiles in mouth, ' irfnde on the Twertty-ieventh Mrs. Theodore Hulso, vice presi- Grandinettl, vice president; Mrs. 11)40 was 37% below pre-war output. day of October, I947t on the Ptpplica- In our Big tion of Harvey C. Tilton, Sr., executor, dent; Mrs. Emma Prlnz, secretary, of the estate of Joseph Martin Lindner, deceased, notice Is hereby i;lven to the and Mra. Sophie Wolfe, treasurer. creditors of an id deceased to exhibit A donation of $100 was voted to to the subscriber, executor as aforesaid, the church and it was announced their debts nnd dddemands s againsnKftlnst ththe that a Christmas party will be held anid under oath, within six in the parish house on December 15th months from thh e dfttdt e of thhe aforesaif d ordrr, or thfy will be forever barred of 17. Others present at the meeting their actions therefor against the mid were Mrs. Carrie Bauer, Mra. Clif- subscriber. ford Bray, Miss Emily Britton. Dated: Freehold, N. J:, October 27, Mrs. Alfred Chinery, Mrs. George HARVEY C TILTON, SB., Frank, Mrs. William Heil. Mrs. Ann Anniversary 2 Bruce Tlace. Mitzenius, Mrs. Charles Schwarz, i Rumson, N. J, Beekman & tie o km an, Esq«,, Mrs. tester Stoney, Jr., Mrs. Ste- 10 Brond Street, phen Stoney, Mrs. Chester Vnnder- Red Bank. N. J. bllt, Mrs. Sophie Whitlaker and We Offer Special Terms l'roct WE EXTEND Mrs. Joseph Scumock. Notice of Settlement of Account ;intp of Cieorjte H. Moore, decenscd. Finns for the Christmas party to Notice !• hereby given that th* ac be held in the classroom of Calvary counts of thf? siihscrihcrfi, trustee and Methodist church Tuesday night, executor of dccerised trustee of tht *•• tit to of snid decenscd, will be audited December 10, were made at a moot- nnd stated by the Surrogate of the ing of Tialoia claw last week. Mrs. County of Monmouth and reported for Henry Uhl will have charge of tho settlement to the Orphans' Court of laid County, on Thursday, the eighth day tree and decorations and Mra. Kd- of January, A. I). 1043, at 10:00 o'clock win Wharton will plan the pro a, m., nt which time npplicatlon wilt ht gram. Officers nominated fur the made fcr the nllawnnce at commiuiom and caunncl fees. coming year are Mrs. Alfred EcU- Dntfd Octnlirr 28, A. t». 1917. man for president; Mrs. Stella Wil- CITY BANK FARMERS TRUST son, vice president; Mrs. Charles COMPANY. Koenlg, secretary, and Mrs. Uhl, Ry; S. R, W»lker. TruH (Ifflffr. treasurer. Mrs. Whavton and MVE. 20 Williams St.. New York City. CENTRAL HANOVER BANK AND Jiutls Camp, assisted by Mis. Wil- TRUST COMPANY, son, will have charge of the Tia- On Any By. C. F. Mnncs. Aes't Vire Pres.. lols class food booth at the bazar "0 Broadway. New York City. Trutttee and Executor of Edith O. December 4. Present at last week's Moore, deceased trustee, respe- meeting were Mrs. Leonard Kalma, RCA lively. Mrs. Charles Kruser, Mrs. Ray- •\Vtnthrop Watson, E§1.| mond Kruser, Mrs. Flora Davis, Tassalc, New Jersey. 657 Main Avenue. Mrs. Eckman, Mrs. Frederick Wil- TO Time Payments Proctor. son, Mrs. Stella Wilson, Mrs. Les- ter Van Oleion, Mrs. Justus Camp, Monmouth County Surrotata'a OMe*. Mrs. Wharton, Mrs. Uhl and Mra. In the matter of the estate of David As Low As Noonnn,- deceased. Notlca to creditors Wayne Darland. to present claims against estate. Mrs. George Dowries and Mrs. Pursuant to the order of Dorman Me- Fiuldm, , Surrogate of the County ef I-Samuel Bchsnck were prize win- Monmouth, nlada on tha fifteenth day of ners at the bridge party last week November, 1947, on the application of at tha home of Mrs. Donald Lock- Drrothy L. Noonan, administratrix with «-*!! annexed, of the estate) of David wood. Others present were Mrs. Noonan, deceased, notice Ii hereby given Clarence Bahrenburg, Mrs. Joseph to the creditors of said deceased to ex- Falls, Mra. Cyrus Rosa, Mrs. John hibit to the subscriber, administratrix with will nnnexed, as aforesaid, their Roberti, Mra. Kenneth VanPelt and dehts and demands ngainst the snid es- Mra. Thomas Anderaon. tate, under oath, within six months from BRADLEYS RADIO SERVICE the date of the aforesaid order, or they wi.l he ftirovrr barred of their aetlom BABY CLINIC therefor ntrnlnst the snid subscriber. The Mlddletown baby clinic will Dated: Freehold, N. J., November 16th, 1 947. ba held Friday morning, December lOUnTHV L. NOONAN, 5, at 9 o'clock at the Health Center 11.25 Box 554. Everett Koad. at. Campbell's Junction. The clinic lied Hank, N. J., R. F. D. #1 will be held this day for December FOR Messrs, Beekmnn A Beekman, 1 Bed Bank, New Jeney. only, Instead of the usual iccond Proctors. Tuesday. — A Week MINER SUPPLY COMPANY 15 YEARS 129 West Front St. Red Bank SEE THEM ON DISPLAY COMMENDS OF SPLENDID SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF BRADLEVS RADIO SERVICE RED BANK AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES UPON 15 Years Of Successful

Business In Red Bank One (I) Newman Springs Road RED BANK OPKN KVKN1NI.S DIJtlNG SALE Page Twelve RED BAXK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 27, 19*7 gets only what pays for, and me»ni 4».ii paticnLs to bernds with high school, and added, Because recipes developed In to suit your taste by our courteous mixolo- blest and share with them our great plenty. Prevent taken to Munniuutli .Memorial hos- "A £ood curriculum should meet aluminum pans may give different gists. 1 the needs of different abilities, and waste now and in the coming year so that we can help pital'* .polio clinic. ! every day, and results In enamelware, glass or tin, moet of the patient trunapai tntion should try to approach the needs the cook may need to change bak- # NO CABARET TAX * Clocks Repaired and the starving people of other lands to find • better way is done by Ked Cross. Red Cross of present day demands." ing time and temperature accord- of life. also takes these polio patients for Mr. Warner said, "A community ingly. Sold, New and Old, special swimming instructions at Specializing in Grand- the Asbury Park "Y" pool several fathers' Clocks. times a week. Many "runs", as they are formed HE FORGOT by corps volunteers, ;ire made in a NANNA duy, I_,t:j3t Friday a motor corps worker left chapter hctidquurtcrs at TO ORDER Clock Shop Hagerman Lumber Co. 3 o'clock in Ihu morning for her polio "runM which covered north- Clocks called for and IX'MBKK, MILMVOKK, I'AIXTS. HAIUJWAKE em Monmouth county, and was delivered more than JO0 miles long. AMI MASON MATKKIAI.S. COAL! Call Red Bank 6-3111 The first stop was in Mulnwan, later patients were picked up in Don't be In hl» puslllon. There Carlton Theater Bldg. Red Bank 6-0242 — 6-0243 Cliff wood, Union J3fii"-;h, ICimt 59 Chestnut St. Keanfihurg1, fJt'lford urn! Highlands. may be a neve re ahortage of 99 Monmouth St. J'ntienl.i included 0111; aduK and enal thin .reur. May tafe . . . seven children, iind with the excep- tion of the ndtilt, all wore taken to' Monmouth Memorial for polio treatments. These children must be KEEP YOUR taken to the hospital every day if FOR IMPORTANT PEOPLE the polio treatment:? are to be 1=110 ccssful, .so it ia necessary for driv- BIN FILLED ers to work on a six-day nchodulc. "This is just one of the ly.pes of WIfH transportation jobs done by the motor corps", said Mrs. Klein. "Special runs can be worked out Heal Your Home for women who can give their time Automatically* in the morning or in the afternoon. Our only requirnmnnt i.s that ih« Install a applicant must ha an experienced HI; AT driver, willing to uivc her time and energy lo our program, and one KlftlJLATOK who will pledge her aervief.-.s fnr one eepclfic day a week, or mote often if it is possible". '

The bitterest civil war in Colom- SEABOARD §3 SERVICE bia's history started in l.S'JD, with 100,000 deaths in battle in three Plume Your Order Today—Ked Bank years,

MOUSE BEAUWUl rentiers saw them... • e JUI did YOU? I:•:§:§¥: " „.., Ig. ^•mw-v v • e e e • e e ** * '° CHRISTMAS I'M*!•!•!•!• uji" * to" -, • e • • e e e- * •X'**"«'«X ; • e"«*«"e*e e CLUB W«v!v! Designed and exaclingly made by RCXBILT. the brief (. •!•/!*!'!•!•! bag it the moil amazingly versatile carrying cose we've *";•;•!•;•; «ver offered. Steel-framed for durability, with 3 large vXv pockets, one with the very exclusive drop bottom. Bold w!v ifitching, custom-made locks and hardware, and lustrous We've mailed out huhdreds of checks to our >i ••.-.••!•!•>!• cowhides, pigskins, other choice leathers. Aisorted colors. Christmas Club members — and everyone of | $:$:.'•.'•:• 12V>" * l0" or u" * 18"• Thrt* r»<" S««»ron»eef them now has enough cash for generous Christ- Beautiful new KM IMPORTANT YOU FOR AN IMPORTANT GIFT mas shopping without budget-pinch ing. Be Saison his fingerprints wise — anticipate for '48 — join our Christmas as Club. The following Clubs are available for the fabric groups ensuing year:

Deposit Weekly Receive in 5U Weeks $ .50 25.00 1.00 50.00 2.00 100.00 5.00 250.00 10.00 500.00 •Trade Mark Rjg. Appl'd. for TRIUMPH At IndivMuel at Mt ptnonallty—o« dlitlnetlvely 20.00 1,000.00 Picture YOUR home looking like a page in House Beautiful! You CAN do it Mi ei Mt votet—thot't hit writing, at ftowtd onto with a Saison Fabric Croup! For instance, here are 3 tvonderful versions of pap*' by Slwaffer't '7RIUMPH" (quipped with th« larft, cylindrical 14-K gold point of his choke. the same design motif—each "Happily Married" in both design AND color: Thir* It e "TRIUMPH" pulnt—itrong«r, larger, Serenade LEA11' (striking for couches, large pieces) fer every writing style. And all of them, because ef 1948 Xmas Club Begins December 1, 1947 Serenade COLUMN (superb for smaller pieces) better botk design, write with a silent eaie and Serenade STRIPES (perfect background for the others) tmoethneii unapproached by any others. Your own All 3 arc available in 9 new decorator background colors: Evergreen, Smoke, Individual writing test will prove this—and it's a test Natural, Red, Rose Ueigc, Grey, Ivory, Chartreuse and Stucco. you should make If your ••lection ef a fine writing In. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK Urumfnt—toglve or to own—Is to be absolutely rlghtl & TRUST CO. Budget Terms Arranged A tmnll deposit will hold any article 'til Xtnat of RED BANK JADE'S HOME CRAFT INTERIOR DECORATORS Member of llw 1'c.ilvnd Dvpusit Inmruniu Cum/tuny 25 WEST FRONT STREET PHONE RED BANK 6-4137 (NEAR BROAD) 17 BROAD STREET RED BANK IW»e|>eiti»Bs^l^me^»)it»^> RED BANK REOTSTFIt, NOVEMBER 27, 1J>4T Page ThlrteM WHEN SPEAKING OF HEALTH Kcv|iurt P.T..V. Hans IT IS NOT TRUE TO SAV "WE DID EVEKVTH1NG TOSSIBLE" Sea Bright Croup UNLESS CHIBOFBACTIC WAS INCLUDED Xmas Party, Fnuii Sale Employment INSULATION Future, activities were planned LET us — BY — DR. WAUREN FOWLER Plans Xmas Party and committee* appointed at the postponed meeting of St. Joseph's Chiropractor PHONE Plan Your Future With 300 BBOAD ST. 6-3033 l'arcnt-Tcaclicr association, Key- JOHNS-MANVILLE Auxiliary port, in .St. Joseph's school Thuis- day evening. A party for member." ' REUPHOLSTER Fireproof • Waterproof To Exchange Gifts of the cast of the recent minstrel j A&M Karagheusian will be. held Tuesday evening with I — Permanent — Your Old Living Room Furnitur* INC. Plans for a Christmas and cov- Mr.". Dorothy Kelly i-haii ni.-n nf Jr- j Installed By ered dish party for Wednesday lnnitrmrnls. assisted hy -Mis. Mary I Maker* Of Harry's Lobster House night, December 17, were made at Short. ' j Old Sets Made Like New Johiis-Muuvillc the November meeting of the Ln- | A food pale and bazar ia HChed- Mechanics SEA BRIGHT, N. J. TEL. 2-0205 ciieg auxiliary of the Sea Bright i Hied Tor December II. with Mis. Recovered In Newest 1947-48 Fabrics GULISTAN RUGS lire department. jJolin Ui'nnduur us chairman, assist- Far KNlimatcs Gifts will be exchanged among ed hy Mrs. i-taw.ird Hyer and Mrs. | and Completely Rebuilt Without Obligation Open All Year the members and games will be :Jnlin I{nh>b. Mrs. Uranville Smith At Reasonable Prices. AND CARPETS • Phonrhonae Local Representative .played during the evening. The ! WIIM appointed historian for the or- committee in charge of the party liiioiization. Mrs. Lawrence Jnsley Young Men 1 Ji to 28 Lobsters, Stealis. Chicken includes MM. Florence Welch, Mrs. i gave a report on the Asbury IJark AH Work Guaranteed Eva Welch, Miss Mac Welch, Mrs. I rcRional meeting. Learn a. paod trade Pigh H. Tyndall Jr. Alice Weir, Mia. Alberta White, ! A Christmas covered dish supper UPHOLSTERY FABRICS AND SUPPLIES FOR SALE FOR A 40 HOUR WEEK Rumson 1-1399 and all Sea Foods Mrs. Lillian Young, Mrs. Emily j will be served at the next monthly Wlederstrom, Mrs. Elizabeth Pe- meeting, December 18, when Mrs. Learnen start at $32.00 or Johns-Manrille Music by Wilbur Gardner terson, Mr». Charlotte Robertson, Francis Lewicki will lie chairman,! FURNITURE AND RUGS CLEANED Sain Corporation Mrs. Mary Douglas and Mrs. Grace i assisted hy a. committee. Plans atou After 3 weeks 34.00 KITCHEN OPbN TO I A. 'I. Perotti. IS VOtK IIOMi: Union Place, Summit, IV. J. I were mnde for a children's party at After 6 wecki 36.00 GEORGE KRAUSS, Owner A donation of $50 to the firemen |St. Joseph's school on the afternoon PHONE SUMMIT 6-3830 for their annual party and treat for i of December 23. Arrangements will After 12 weeki .... 38.60 Beveme Charge* Accepted OPEN DAILY the kiddie* Christmas morning at I be in charge of Mrs. Ann Meier, 15 Mos. to Pay-as low as $1.25 per week After 1 year 41,00 the flre house was voted by the (chairman, assisted by Mrs. Mae auxiliary. Mrs. Ella Smack was Conroy and Mrs. John Kane. EXCKU.ENT WORKING reported on the sick list. The CALL R. B 6-4038 FOR FREE ESTIMATE Attendance, prize wits awarded to CONDITIONS charter wa« draped in memory of the sixth grade. After the meeting Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, the fourth there were motion pictures and re- HOLIDAY*! and VACATIONS member taken by death cince the freshments, arranKcd by the follow- WITH PAV organization of the auxiliary aix ing committee: Mi'H. Mary Thomp- CUSTOM MADE SLIP COVERS years ago. son, Mrs, Fred Tihbets, Mn. Joseph 1ATK and The refreshment committee for Saeco, Mrs. Steplianlc Stynnskl and OUR SPECIALITY INSI;BA.\CK lust wcok'd meeting Included Mrs. Mrs. Helen Segoski. Emily Wagner, Mrs. Gcnevievc * Tittoti and Mi's. Louise TtUax, lll.l.I) ON WIFE'S CIIA,KGK APPLY— Present at the meeting, in addi- FURNITURE & tion to those mentioned, were Mrs. Odrlnn Sargent of IS Bridge ave- PERSONNEL OFFICE I-.ella Reid, Mrs. Clnra Slocum, i nuc was sent to Freehold Sunday ABC DECORATING CO. Mrs. Inez Suttcr, Mre. Louise In default of payment of $1,000 bail JACKSON STREET, Fowler, Mrs. Margaret Fowler, i on a charge of assault and buttery. 106 Shrewsbury Ave. Miss Louise Douglas, Mtfl. Olive j Thn complaint wan made by hla Red Bank FREEHOLD, N. J. Kazzoln, Mrs. Adeline Covurt, Mr*. wife, Jessie, who claims he beat Viola Ncely, Mrs. Dorothy Earlcy, j hn- at their home. He was arraijrn- Mrs. Mildred Kanchl, Mra. Isobel ' ed before ilccorder John Y. Cro- Clino and Mrs. belma Swenson, wd 1.

Keyiiorl Literary Club Hears Hook Lecture JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY Mrs. Frederick Brunncr, Jr., chairman of the third district, New i Jersey State Federation of Worn- ' en's clubs, spoke on current books at the meeting of the Kcyport Lit- erary club Friday afternoon in Re- formed church house, Keypoit. Mrs. Hiirvey Bronncr was hustcas FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS and the program was arranged by Airs. Kruncia W. Stanhope and Mi-3. George 1'orter, chairman of the litcri'tiirc department. The specker reviowed "Mouse Illuki; Y our Divided" by Ben Ames Williams. She listed a3 her choice o£ current MALE Selection Now Before you're a day older—enjoy books: "House Divided," "Their Mother's Sons," "The Vixens," "The A Small 1) the hearty brisknets of Kn:::;:r Cream Ai Light Heart," "Prince of Foxes" ,'pnsit Try a gla»—today! and "Moneyman." A musical pro- Only • only Will iioid Any gram wa3 presented by Mi's. Ed- ] win F, Q'Hanlon, vocalist, accom- LIST Iti'.in Till (.lirisliiHi* panied by Mrs. Porter. Tenm Members present were Mrs. Pe- LESTER ter Sondcrgaard, Mrs. A. M. Brown, Mrs. William M. Ackcrson, Mra. J. Carlo Anderson, Mrs. Lloyd F. Arm- | builds I Botany Wool Robes strong, Mrs. Burton L, Bowne, Mrs. Walter B. Cherry, Mrs. LcRqy u. j Collins, MiBs Vcni A. Conovor, Mrs. | George H. Davis, Mrs. K. F. Elir- lich, Mrs. C. T^on Garrison, Mrs. the Albert M. Haigb, Mrs. John 13. Hoke, Mrs. William S. Holmes, Mrs. Henry T. Hopkins, Mrs. Kalph M. Leonard, Mrs. Normnn 13. Lock- famous wood, Mis. Adelc D. Schultz, Mrs. Flannel Pajamas Frank A. Smith, Mri. F. W. Stan- hope, Mrs. W. F. Stanhope, Mis. 95 00 Bernis Stone, Mrs. E. Murray Todd, BETSY Mrs. George C. Totten, Miss Elea- 3 to 5 head of its nor VanBialtle, Mrs. R. O. Wall- ing, Mrs. E. H. Wharton and Mrs. Edward W, TounR, ROSS G. Krucjor Snair.< Co.. t, N. J. BARBER SHOP KO1S1IKRV Broailcioth Pajamas Red Bank police report that SPINET thieves entered the barber shop of 95 00 Frank Nicoletti of 30 West Front And Only 3 to 6 street, last Thursday night and | stole 520 from the cash register, I nlso a pair of clippers valued at j J20. Entry was gained through a . rear window. Rayon Pajamas i • o i D 11 • i i r no nix n STOLEN CAR RECOVERED Arc Kxclusivc Agents for 50 A delivery truck, owned by the Monmouth Rctreadcrs of Long MIIIIIIIIIIIIII anil Ovvan Counties 7 BtiiUcU, hluWii fluiti Q4 Btldnu ftve- Formerly Storck t>r Cuurw nuc, between 8 nnd 10:45 a. m. Sat- urdny, w*n« recovered three hours | »»• •• I later on Locust avenue by Patrol- | * l UrOUU lied Bank Clove & Muffler Sets man Philip Jianninc. ^^^^^^^ 3 95 and 495

Raincoats 21 5° and 26 5° when we get your Overcoats Leather Coats • No need to tell you that pleasant winter Corduroy Coats Adjutt (Home Hide) driving calls for fall care. But that care 00 00 Carburotor should be the thorough care you get at your 40 *45 1.50 Ford dealers. It's Immediate service on easy 29 terms. Nowhere else can you get the safety and 4-way savings of Ford Dealer Service. /~[ Chan and Acf/vif Arrow Shirts Wool Plaid Shirts Spark Plug* All Wool Main Colors It's just like you said!" 1095*o1500 Flush and (III Radiator "My clothes are whiter, my dishes and glasses iparkle, and household chore* are done in a jiffy now with Anti-froozm that I have lots of hot water to work with. I wouldn't trade my hot water heater for anything—except Botany Shirts Chang* to maybe a million dollars. That's how much I think Botany Shirts Wintor Lubrication of it." All Wool Gabardine .All Wuul Klanurl "It's just the way you said it would be, mother. I haven't had a moment's trouble now that we have 12" 10" Chock hot water all the time. Distributor A PLENTIFUL supply of hot wa- Sweaters *££?5££ 5.50 to 12.50 ter makes household chores lighter, easier—helps your children keep clean, too. Sport Coats '^S 22.50 to 30.00 Ford cUakri know Fords best! Monmouth Consolidated Water Co. CLAYTON & MAGEE MOUNT-ENGLISH SALES COMPANY TEL MA) BANK 6-2315 An MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK Page Fourteen TIED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 27, 1947 Organ Recital Chambers Of Commerce Checked In . . . To Meet In Long Branch Have Those Christmas - HOME OWNERS - A delegation of Red Bank busi- j CHECKING Kill ficilltale At Middletown ness men, headed by David W. Rtu- idpntlficailon hut, n-memlwr, rcll, president of the local Com- j Photos Made Now/ You've Waited Long Enough munity Chamber of Commerce, will j fur» aiH je»vclr)-, too, may be attend the Monmouth and Ocean i V.hrrkiNl out" hy a thief. Kven counties regional national affairs | nl hnnie, they may not he 'rograin conference to be held in L-ong | REPAIR - IMPROVE safe, from Klrc or othrr diu*- Branch December 4 In the dining ; OUR STUDIO IS The seventh annual organ re- room of the Garflcld-Grant hotel, ] trr. jcital and concert, sponsored by the Long Branch, at 6:30 p. m. | YOUR HOME TODAY llouhle-rhpi'k the protection ! Middlctown Baptist church, will be Principal speaker will be J. Dan- | YOUR LIVING ROOM nf your valuable*! A>k thin ' held Wednesday night of next weols iel Tuller, Red Bank, president ut ' at 8:15 o'clock at the church. The Tuller Construction company. His Service Anywhere — Anytime Hartford agency about the I artists will bo Harry W. Camp- topic will be "The Business M«n'« MONMOUTH Jcu'rlry-Fur Floater Policy. i boll, organist; Jean Shaw, xylo- Stake in National Affairs." Other phonist, and-Lillian Hall, vocalist. speakers will be John T. Soltman j Mr. Campbell, who is a Bed Bank of New York City, of the Cham- LAWLEY AGENCY resident, is organtel at Had jo City ber of Commerce of the United Music hall, and his program liaa States, northeastern division, who CONSTRUCTION CO. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE will lead the discussion period, and , been arranged to appeal to all mu- RIVERSIDE DR. A HW'Y 35 TEL. R.B. 6-0410 | sic lovers. He is returning to the Truman D. Weller, national alfalrs RED BANK R.D. BOX SO j program by popular request, hav- advisor of the U. S. Chamber de- KEEPS BUILDING COSTS DOWN | ing appeared at one of the Middle- partment of governmental affairs, town concerts three years ago. who will speak on "The Road to EVERY JOB GUARANTEED I This Is Hiss Shaw's seventh op- Better Government." l.pearance by popular demand. Ke- The dinner meeting Is sponsored CONFIDENCE! j cently she was one of the assist- by the Chambers of Commerce of ing artists at a concert given by Red Bank, Long Branch, Asbury Helen Jepaon, Metropolitan Opera Park, Freehold. Brielle, Lakewood, star. She has also appeared on the Point Pleasant and Sea Bright, the QUALITY!! I Arthur Godfrey radio show, nnd Ocean county bureau of publicity, \ on Paul Whiteman's show, "On Toms Itiver. and the U. S. Cham- LOW Stage, America." Misa Shaw is ber. recognized as one of the leading The Ideal Gift! xylophone artists in the country, • 10,000 square feet of and has given recitals at many ot 1-H Hilltop Club It's so easy—we take your i.iiilil's plioln right i the large resort hotels in tliu hJaet, in your own home, wlicre In1 i-s coiiiplrli'ly it New and Used Furni- Elects At Cult's Neck 1 ^~^--^Ja : Including Haddon Hall in Atlantic case, Mew type lighting uml MM IH'WC-I IIMIIIITII **** tine. I City, and The Inn at Buck Hills Sandra GcmmeJl waa elected photogrnphiu cipjipmciit gives ymi clcir, Ini.1- 1 Kails. president of the Hilltop 4-H club of Colt's Nock at a meeting Wed- lo-life pictures. Appniiitint'iils miiy lie m.nlc I'nr • Antiques and House- Miss Hall majored in voice at the nuy time of the day or evening. llnve Jullllard School of Music, and was nesday of lafit week at the club hold Items. rooms in Colt's Neck. Other offi- Christmas photo made now. A fri-f1111' phiil/i I. heard last upring as soloist for the of the entire family mnkrs nn n.M• i• Iii• 111 fliiri-l- Monmouth Glee club concert at the cers chosen were Robert Halter- • Free Delivery. Middlctown Baptist church. Fol- nuinn vice president, Jane Opflahl mns card . . . there is still lime, MI plume us i lowing her Middletown appearance, secretary, Ingrid Bol'chardt treas- today. • Come in — blouse she will leave for a special concert urer, and John Martin reporter. engagement at Winston Salem, They will take office In January. Your Selection of Proofs around. N. C. Miss Doria Wylie resigned us club NO MONEY DOWN j president at last week's meeting. M= T j The following program will be given: Visitors at the meeting were MIS. Large 8 x 10 Photo $4.00 Irving Gcmmell uf Vanuerbur£ and ! WALNUT DUNCAN PHYFE Tocenta in I) I)uboi> s 7 Years To Pay)™ I Hurry W. Cnmpliell iiex Pltiiit uf Furt Munmouth. Next ' lIuiiBuiinn Dune. Uriiiiins meeting will*be December 16 and Drop Leaf Table 59.00 I SurnniLilu Schubert a girls' group project meeting will 1 II llacio D'ArJiti I J«iin Hhriw bu held Tuesday at the home of the What Is Your Problem? Kneehole Desks 39.50 : Think On Me - GirLs' club lender. Miss Priscilla : Tin. Wuiinclcil Birch nnil My Niillye .Martin of Colt's Neck. A Chrtal- imLS party is planned for December Maple Bedroom Suite .... 89.50 j Velvet Shoe.'.'"'-.'..' Thorn,,sun I Hall 18 from V to 10:30 p. m. at the club • Garages Minuet Mninrl rooms. 7 Piece Limed Oak I Aniimite Uni.liibi:.- Tichnikowsky .Members attending last week's 1 TtiiT;il:i for l-'luw» (Uinanu rrinipt.i- • Roofing • Siding | vci) Vo" meeting were Miss Martin, Eleanor Dinette Set 139.00 ! Iliu-iy W. Cuiniilirll Thojnpsun, Alms Borchardt, Ann • Lomlnmlrri'V Air Trnilitinniil i'loat, Carolyn Walthcr, Miss Op- • Extensions • Conversions . |l:uliiiiii:i. llirln ry . The l..,r,l KPIIIIVIIII Kahl, Lloyd Reynolds, Miss Wylie, - VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS -- ! Uniry W. Cnmi.l.rll .Miss CJcmmcll, Kmlly Pillls, Mr. • Improvements • Alterations ; Thil Uttlr l.iviht O'Mitif .... John Wi.rk Martin, Mr. Halterman. Mildred > : Hy nn" Hy Hiirlnirli — NO OBLIGATION — I..M IT« llri'itk Ilrunil Toaithrr on Our i'' and Jcseph Forman. • Porch Enclosures Knees Lnurcnce CANDID LEGAL Stud Ulllan Hall COMMEIICIAL Qualified mechanics, using only the best in mater- OPEN TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 Poet fvnil' Peasant Ovei-turt'....Viili Supiio New Station Wagon WEDDING ALBUMS Nnctilrni' ...:...„;...„ Chopin ials and equipment, can make your home more IJolrro I ""hl" lor Hed Cross Service Jcnn fihnw PARTY and BANQUET S rHOTOGRMPHIC livable, more beautiful inside and out. Repair the The Long Branch branch of the Spinning Sonir Mcnclrlmohn PHOTOGRAPHY ''CHRISTMAS^ CAIIU3 ravages of the past, protect your home for the . The Bitie Ininiibi' J. SUiuiHs Monmouth County Red Croes chap- Hairy W. Ciunnbcll ter has given the chapter a new future, at small monthly cost. No deposit neces- The accompanists will bo Jlllla 1948 Pontiac station wagon, which sary. RUSCILS Bang Reese and Evelyn S. Hart- is being used for daily rune from maim. the chapter headquarters at Shrews- Phone RED BANK 6-4444 25 EAST I KOINT STREET — KED BANK ters at Shrewsbury. PAN PHOTO Thread designated as "200" monns Gen. George L.. VanDueaen, chap- Or Mail Coupon—Our Representative Will Call Tel. li. B. 6-169S that the thread is MO times 840 ter chairman when he accepted the yards to the pound of cotton. new car from the Long Branch ( • chairman, Mrs. Robert H. Topping, said "You are helping us to meet SERVICE a great need. Our motor corps pro- ; Monmouth Construction Co. • gram, which Is three time* greater 157 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. i Highway 35 Heac!den's Corner, ' than it was during the war, has b?en seriously handicapped by lack Phone R. B. 6-4303 Hour* 9 to 12 & 1 to 5 • Red Bank, N. J. ' of transportation facilities". 1 Gentlemen: Flraso »pnd your rpprrsriiladvc to my home . I to give free estimate on Items checked below, nt nn'otillga- lion to me. I • Roofing • SidiiiB Q Extension* ' • Combination Window* • Improvement* I • Torch Enclosures • Alteration* |

• Rcpalri • Conversions ( Name i Address City rho-ne Best time to call _ 1947 TO:

TAX SALE NOTICE _ street, Hnnec Tnrk $2,us MR. & MRS. HOMEOWNER Of re»t (?«tntc in t lio Township of 1 nonius ],. Simmons, block 66, lot 7, ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF RED BANK Shrt »•*!>" t >' ("»• n on-1'ii >• me in of Uiacs Inml nn.I liulhlitiffi, Itcevrytown £61.!il and ;isst;*mc!il = . When thn tax m\n tnkei plneo, pay- Public nut iut is hi icby KIVCII that 1, ment i>f nil tu.\t-a or nHscssnieiits, costs Allen E. Cniwfuid, Co I lee* I or of l axes nnd tntrrrstts must OF mndo liy |he iiitr- MONMOVTH COUNTY o! ttte Town .shin uf .Sliit_\vsl>ury, Mori- rnaser iiciore the conrliiMon of the aalr>, AND THE SURROUNDIING TERRITORY motit-h comity. New Jersey, will sell nt otherwise the ]»ropcrty will bt itnmcdi- imlilir nut-;inn on ilic HHh ilny ttf Pc- ntrly resold. cembcr, 1'J47. at 1(> :'>(t ii. m., in Lhp Col- Al nny timp l>pfnre tlin §n!c the col- lect or'i ollicc, Tin ton Falls, N. .)., the lorlnr will rcrtlvf payment of thr following hfixiniifltr il escribed lands. nmount due, tuKcther with interest nnd The taiil lands will l>n soltl to ninke costs incurred tn th»> date nf payment. Dear Friends: , the amount of municipnl liens ch;irK«- Witness rny hand this 17th Hay of No- ablc nKu;ust the iitinc on the first diiy vember, 10.7. We Offer These Thanks of July, 1 y47. us romvutcil in the tnx ALLEN E. CRAWFORD, list, together with jtittrcfit on Riiid amount from the first day of July, 104", Collector. to the il.V.e of tnlr, nnd cost of «-;i!e fit public vend lit to Mich liersuiis us will SHERIFF'S SALE 1. FOR OUR SONS, DAUGHTERS, HUS- We have assembled thousands of yards of fine fabrics pttrrh-'ite :!n- mini' subject to redemption Common Law 1 /9 at tht lowest rate of interest, hut in By virtue of n writ of fl. fa. to me BANDS, WIVES AND LOVED ONES WHO no ciiia- in excL'hb of eight jicr cent i>cr directed, issued out of tho Monmouth from which you can match or contrast an entirely new color annum. County Circuit Court will hr exposed to ARE AT OUR SIDE THIS DAY. This t:ilo is mail* uutlcr the provisions siilo nt public vendue, on Mnndny, the of Article 4, Uuu.u-r '<. Title .'.1. of the first day of December, 1947, between Ktvl.-t I ritjit-jti-a uf New Jtrjry, 1U3", the hours of 12 o'clock and a o'clock 2. FOR OUR COUNTRY'S CONSTANT VIGIL scheme, and which will give you years more service from your onl'A .t-d "Salt of Keal jn-oiin*ty to en* (at 1! o'clock) in the afternoon of ini\ northwest corner of lot No, 4; thence Sincerely, (3) along the wctierly lint of lot No. Thomni Gunnon, block 47, lot 6, 21 \ south 30 degrees 15 minutes tast 190 WITH YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION. iicr*-s land, Sycamore avenue $'J2,26 feet to a point in tha northerly ildt of Mrs. John Ilretn Est., hlcielt ."fi, lot 3. Molly Rond: thence (I) along tht north* land and buildings, Pino Ikook ISJ.13 EllsahcUj S. Jones, block ."C, lot 20, ."»1 trly side nf Holly Rond 1011th fi9 dc- Hcrca I..1, i nnd building, )t!v(i-Ki, lot 0. Take notice that application has been lurid and bnildum*. I'iiif llrrtok SS.ll'J mruie to the Township Clerk of Mid* I.'nh Htrwy E,*., IJIUCU C7, lot Ii, Ii)n(|, dktown 1'ovvnflhip to transfer tu iMnitt Iti-viytdwn #19,IK nml Juilit llayko, T/A .Sen Horse Tnv- EST. ins L'hnrltH i». IJicvty, i.lork Rfi, pint ut ltit cm, 1 ft en 1 Uench, Knst Kcanshurfr, N, J., 1 1, land and buHilinK-;, Itui-veytnwn the Plenary Hrtull Consumption hi- tlfl.SC t'L-Hfift C-2, lidL'tofOlO IrtBllCll tit Jlirilt-H llattic Shotno, JC>[., block r>7, lot '.*, Intnl. CLEANERS INC. Kuril* T/A Hwi Hnrso Tiivt-rn, Menl I'lnt- llrook $'.'.,Ill llciii'h, Kiiht Ki-ftn.fbuiK, N, J. 70 SOUTH SEVENTH AVENUE, LONG BRANCH lU-rbiM'l I.. SchiiiDiin, l.lock ,','.*, lot 1'J, OlijectJofiM. If nny, should Itc mnde Int -I, land mill biii!-, Wiiysido irnmrdintfly In writliitf to Hovvnrd W. mu.G'.i ItobfitH, ri,,l( of Middlctown Township. 21 WEST FRONT STREET Albert L', .Siiiitmnti, bluch f)7, lot. .Iti, land Signed m;r> BANK LONG BRANCH 6-0350 r.r.d builditik'ft. Hamilton \Uttu\ S-JH.6M I>ANIKI< I>AVKO, |jnvlt| Tu.iur. Mock C.I. unit of lot tt, JUMA UAYKO. Innd, litcvt ytown Jl.U.'i Uriilty U'iiaton, 1)1 celt A, Iul 23, Chcny it vayi to ndvcitlti In 't'h$ TIED HANK KKtii^TKK, XOVH.UHKn 1'7. lllli Page Fifteen ANNUAL CLASSIC


Probable Starting Line-Up Probable Starting Line-Up LONG BRANCH WESTWOOD AVENUE RED BANK POS. PLAYER NO. POS. PLAYER NO. LI J. SANTORA 21 LONG BRANCH SUBSTITUTES: RED BANK SUBSTITUTES: W M LE J. WITK08KI 28 67 LT DEGNAN 48 P. Murray—30-51, D. Vaitl—22-87, D. Chad- LT A. McCORMICK 32 86 LQ •MITH 41 M. Zoppi—35, Devlto—38, Withoy—31, Bilotta wick—21-58, C. Bruno—30-60, W. Atkins—85, LO ' P. SMITH 24 66 0 CITTADINO 49 —30, Carelli—45, Bowie—50, Raymond—48, HI. Basso—25-68, I. Crotise—41-69, J. Vann— C A. DELL'OMO •28 41 RO CAPRIO 37 RO N. SAMA 29 SB RT PANDURE 52 Morris—33, N. Santora—20, Van Dyke—44, 27-70, H. Gibland—60-71, R. Romard—61-30, RT V. LENTINI 33 84 RE B. OXLEY 42 A. Spinning—69-34, C. Bublin—66-36, R. Harri- RE R. FRICK 31 80 Q» J. OXLEY n Gallo—43, Fornicola^BI, J. Zoppi—2B, Rizzo— lon—68-63, A. Booth—70-63, Q. Springsteen— QB W. SANBORN 39 64 LHB •DWARD8 24 62-41, V. Morris—61-64, 8. Jon«»—32, H. Bur- 47, Makris—32, Tarantola—26, Cagliano—23, LHB M. CANAPA 36 62 RHB PINQITORE 29 lett—33, D, Dillon—45, V. Mallaci—49, H. •wan- ra •PCRLINO 39 Mooney—36, Renzo—34, Hadley—27. RHB R. WILSON 36 86 son—46-62, N. Daniele—40. FB O. SOLDO 23 61


Robert Hance & Sons X Kridel Harry S. Fishman, Furrier Tetley's Good Housekeeping Shop Leon's Kirschbaum Silk Shop Wilbur's Dora's Photo Shop The Merchants Trust Co. Schulte-Unitcd Department Store Clayton & Magcc Sterling's Furniture Shop Red Bank Savings & Loan Assn. Davidson Bros. Straus Company Nat's Jewelers Albert S. Miller Shoe Co. Mainstay Federal Savings & Loan Assn. The Sherman Slum John B. Allen Shoe Co. Honey Bee Flowers Molly Pitcher Super Market Foot Craft Shoe Store Fred D. Wikoff Co. Liggett's Drug Store Goldin's Men's Shop Reeds Jewelers Victory Market J. H. Kelly Company Simon "Nice Things" Prown's National 5c, 10c & 1.00 Store Mokler's Bakery Sears, Roebuck & Co. Snyder's Second National Hank & Trust Co. Irwin's Yacht Works Factory Stores J. Yanko While Furniture Co. Pace Sixteen JlEY) V,\VK JiJXilsTKR, NOYIvMUKH 27. 19)7

Venetian Blinds ALL FORMS OF PLAN NOW Purcell Selected RF.™BO,SG r.ook ahmrt to learnliiK thnxn thfngn .you like, nr nerd for INSURANCE Mabel Coleman ••fc rAINTING your surrrss. For FBI Academy 1'nii run Ifarn mnro nhoiit thn things \(MI miss id In school LEONARD M. MARTHENS SCHOOL OF DANCING MOBILE V. B. CO. fiiroll in th(> Mnnniniiih Adult School. 81 HARDINC ISO AD BKI) HANK 8-3332-18 A«k your fririifln ar d jclathrs who jirn tnkinj; now, Long Branch Detective : RKI) BANK 6-18*7 31 RECTOR PLACE RED BANK IMIIIK* illUt M'r» III!* Hell"!) in a'li-m jn iUo h.'antifu!, p llti in son High ^('liool IM jr mi ."tltiiutay mid \\ rdnrsday 4>vpn- To Iteccive Training PHONE R. B. 6-2011 HEADACHE Intrs *»r writ** fur a. rrii»ii»n 11 ic* cuui'M's, linn-, ti.iay whpn I h Rt WH!iiil.K ram S. K. McKce, Xc-.v Jersey FBI Ballet, toe, tap, acrobatic and ballroom danclnf. >:i:ki«. You mnv s*t iirr.ini'1. *"i>'hii-ir chief, tonday announced that an in- Ciaftsei for children and adults. • ••li.-r «Mi i|f|..-n,l..l.: • M I.I'KY Monmouth Adult School viialion has bepn extended to Frank TAHI.KTS. a l:m«-lp-:i-il f'l.muln IIT.I JUMSO.V, .V. .1. Teen-age hallronm class Friduy evening- at ?:M for- nvf. flflV vrsr. |.v 1 ll f 11] .II !1 ft . l.f ItOX A, Brazo, director of Public safety, -..liflM-,1 . i.ti.iiiL-K Nl'l.I'KY TAIII.K'IS j Long Branch, by John Edpnr Hoo- r. M. V i. ii.r .r.l '^I'.'J,.1,!1^ I ver, director of ths Federal JJurcau TA11I.KI S»:o k-i»'»nt«Pil !o »nlisfv nr of J nvcetigation, for the attendance mei^'v linc^, i;»p only ns fulfil I rout Si roe I The FBI National academy was think and FROM NOON TO 10 P. M. Sancluiolies, I'lallers, Dinners founded July 29, 3935, by Director quickly find a KcI MARTIN j primary purpose of the academy is Dinner From $2.50. Alio a la Cart* i to instruct police officers in the When something goes wrong Served All Day nl I lie |iiiiiio I'ridav, Suliirdiiy nml SIMKIIIV l'!vri>. latest methods of crime detection with your rnr, you'll be thank- in order that training programs ful for our reliable service. Ex- Reserve your table early for Thanksgiving dinner TAKE NOTICE may be conducted in their respec- cellent repairs; prompt eervice; and for the tive departments. authorized parta; trained me- We Cater to Banqueti, Reception* or Any Mr. McKee stated there are S3 chanics . . . these are ths things Special Party Up to 100 Persons. r

ROOFING (FIRE RESISTANT) Modern Home uses Johni-Maiivillf. Flintkutc, Barrett, Bird, Rub- T-oitl, U. S C. Ccrliii'i-Tcsd mateiials. We also repair leak*, ..utters. leaders and skylights. FREE ESTIMATE. No obligation. fWO AUTOMATIC FURNACES (FIRE RESISTANT)

Eliminatr* ycitly painting expenses. Act* at. an Insulation tno— FOR VETERANS' HOMES cms furl enstft. We it;c only famous-make maietiaU: Johns* Manvillc. Fltntkote, etc FREE ESTIMATE. NO obligation. GAS or OIL... CONSTRUCTION This engineering develop- We otltt any size addition to your home mul •peciali/c in ment by Chrysler Airlemp porch enclosure*. brings fully automatic heat- More popular than ever—these dressy stripes in ing within the meant of small blue, grey, tan and brown, and tailored by na- QAR&CrES (BUILT IMMEDIATELY) home owner* and builders. tionally known manufacturers, they're the last These furnaces heat, filter, word in perfect fitting suits. and circulate air with the right amount of moisture Your reflection in our mirror will prove this FREE CONSULTATION statement absolutely coirect. The decision will added to all parts of your home. Gat model illustrated. be up to you. Tel.-R. B. 6-4088 *55oo or Mail This Coupon Now A Modern Development by Overcoats MODERN HOME | (HRVSIIR C AIRTEF.'P now have the call, and as usual we're ready if These warm air furnaces were especially engineered you are. Plain and fancy colors in single and for small, low-cost homes, such as those called for double breasted models that really fit and are IMPROVEMENT CO in the Veterans' Home Building Program. Mass pro- warm and comfortable. 1 W. BERGEN PL. RED BANK, N. J. duction brings prices down to low levels. Behind 00 00 Gentlemen: Please have your expert call tu discuss Hems these automatic home heating products is Chrysler *40 to*125 checked—without cibltil'itlan to me. Corporation, famous engineering and mass produc- • Construction D Roofing D Garages tion organization—your assurance of high quality nnn D Shingling -•'••d dependability at low cost See them today at...

Name „ „,. _ „ «„„. Add I ess . ______J.Kridel MARTIN HEATING AND City ..._ _ _ _ _. AIR CONDITIONING CO. RED BANK, N. J. .State ...... „,.„,.„„„ „ Phono . ~ 127 Oslxirn Strrcl Ki'vpm-t, N. ,|. Boat U-y Best Time - - RBR-0-ao Shop Fritlay* Till 9 P. M. I'liom: Kcv|ioil 7-O.iMO RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXX, NO. 23. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1947 SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Explains Proposal Sea Bright Wants County Firemen For Inland WatVrw ay Three Mayors Freeholder Joseph C. Irwin ex- Little Silver To Engineer Survey To Hold Election plained the proposed new water- Clarify Stand way connecting the Manasquan ri- ver with Swimming river last flight Of Low Moor Plan At Fair Haven at a montinff of the Red 13:ink On Rent Hike Lions club. He urged nfi ninny Red Study Gunning Nominations Made Bankers nnd lounl organizations as \ possible to attend a hearing to be At Meeting Monday held on the project next Monday Borough And County at Trenton by the army engineer T (1 iili'ml ih'darv( quest for an inlet at the Low Moor for the coming ycaj. The election ment, published last week, that in fnrrc to cxprrv^ opinion* on the Rotary club on the sjinie project, , r|u<"st:nni nf <»r|ing on S»vtn section of Sea Blight would be to will take place December 22 »t a. Mayor Kngli.'ih. with the mnyor.i At n rrcent innntinp thn di- meeting to be held In the fire house and arrangements are being nuuli! ' Fit i'Ij;e nn'1 -mi! the proposed or- write a petition to Rep. James C. for him to espeak to the ICxchnnge | of Ilumsnn and Sea lil'igllt. had rei'tnr •=s of tlu* S'-'cniul Nntir n:l! at Fair Haven. rncomniendrd a 10', icnl increase (itrvinrn prohibit in:,' gunning. Auchinc!os3 asking for a survey by club. Hani ;ind Trust company of army engineers to determine Ex-Chief Frederick W. Foersler in their respective boroughs. ; Councilman (Jh^-lrr Apy unfl- whether Low Moor is the best site WM re-nominated for president, A representative of P. Ballantinr j In his letter lo the rent advisory K"il 1 n nk tJrrliirtM, n i c-x\ lar ,v.erofl n .petitinfi.s-i^ned by 37 resi- for an inlet and If the construction County Fire Marshal Oliver Pres- & Sons will address next week's I board, which Mayor EnfiUli claim* divli e uJ of t \\vco pf\ cfln! iiul h dents concerning Hie speed on meeting of the Lions club on the n 1 of the inlet would In any way be ley of Long Branch, first vice pres- is the only statement hn ha^ made an P\ tra ilivif.pnrl of tl ren .S ven ntifl^i road. He said the po- ident; Ex-Chief Daniel D. Harris manufacture of beer. nn rents, ho recommended "a modi- i iii-r are conc.nntratinK tlwlr efforts harmful to property owners along per •( nl nn thf p w vnlu«* .if th» Shrewsbury river. of Keyport, second vice president; fication of existing regulations to 'o iMirh Hpeerl!n£ ari'l that varnlng tho ( nililllMn MnrJt of Thomas Leary, chairman of Hie Terry O'DonncIl, secretary, and 1'nrmulnlc a mum iu|iiilnblo system 111.' si^'ns will be placnd on tho miin Lilonn club Low Moor inlet commit- Walter L*ar£on, treasurer. '• of rates and controls." Hi: also i oni ny tu IT pnid J iprrm brr I !mrmii;ht\il r. with r:tnp sign.! on George W. Grimm : pointed out thai "a blanket Im-rrnse tee, outlined the advantages of the President Frederick W. Poerster, l.'i, I T. I.itMi* :*:IVuh- Sliiurory, K'etlhi'Di Mlililli. ter the survey is made, then and member of the former Lndles' Re- llc interest to continue some form Slur - Hltlini.l ll,jn-uii. l!,,l,ert John- St. James PTA only then, can concrete plans be Mr. England, who is 70 years old, In a bid for a session of the asso- Mr. Grimm was awarded the New of rent control, hut In na much as HO II, lief corps of the Grand Army at Jersey Distinguished Service Medal Merit buduei* —Klcliard HenAiin, llrst taken, h« stated. and his wife, who is 6T, are enjoy- Plainneld, her father having been ciation during 1948. this emergency may last many ing good health. Both expressed in 1941 for Ilia services in planning months, if not years, it. is my opin- uUI, lutthfiniliiik', l.nrnoliiil hi>nlth, [i.ilillv Men To Arrange Lionel W. Lancaster, Fair Haven a Civil war veteran. Daniel D. Harris of Keyport was health, mifpty; Kounctli Dullie, tithli'tli-.', their appreciation of the gift and named chairman of a committee to and organizing the Selective Ser- ion that it ia necessary to modify engineer, who worked with this " Fourteen children, including two the existing regulations to formu- safely; Jti>heil Jolinmin, tirm Hid, Inn... project before the war, stated that party arranged for them. sets of twin girls, were born to the formulate plans for organising a vice •yutem in this state. late a more equitable system ol le-iuiirr., |iei-t.i,nal liralth, iirlntliiK. I'Ulilic January Meeting county association of exempt fire- His wife is a niece of Richard henltli, sufeLy: Donald Merker, tivir/i; a minimum elevation of tide would Mr. England was born in Mil- couple. Of this large family elgrht fates and controls. llriirn MIMrr. Henri:,, rhillhx, result from the construction of an burn, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. children survive. They nre Edgar men. Farley of Fair Haven. The couple In Kcd Bank, as In other muni- nlhlcll.-., mitcly; Cinl Tainow, ntlilolli-, Michael Anderson was named inlet. Ht f«H the variation would Edgar England. Mrs. England is T., of Elizabeth; Hnrold nt home; John H. Wermert of Belford, ex- have a son, Clfford Grimm, a stud- cipalities, a certain number of rents lir.^i iiiil, i.rrHoniil henltli. imlilic hciilth. chairman of a special fathers' com- not be mori than one foot cither a native of Newark and a daugh- Lester H., of Fair Haven; Walter tended an invitation to alt Mon- ent at Brown university, and a are excessive and many arc not Hafely: Willium Thniiir-, snfety, nn>l mittee at a meeting of St. JameJ daughter, Mrs. John Deikacm, a sufficient to pav carrying charges. Kcniielh Siiuth, OCVMM\R1 h^nllh. Parent-Teacher association, held, way. ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry L., of Red Bank; Mrs. Flossia C. mouth county fire departments to Awards for troop 88 of Port Mon- Several residents from Little Sil- I. Brown. The family moved from Bennett, wife of Raymond Ben- aflillate with the firemen's relief o»- student at Penn Stale. A blanket increase of 5, 1(1 or Vi',r last week in the Catholic high in rent would only exaggerate niouth wore a« follows; school auditorium. Mr. Andereon'a ver said that during heavy storms Newark to Brookvillc, Mass., where nett of Eatontown; Albert P., of sociation. _c&l&Ua&-incngstrcet and Percy Hicks. Destroyed By Fire mov« and he was struck by a rear Ohio and Illinois to Klmball, S. D., back of him ask for a match. He New Sheridan Bar procession of the choirs. The junior wheel. Melting ice from a hand and returned via the southern headquarters December 4 to 8 p. m. Fire believed of incendiary origin choir will sing a special roll call The headquarters are located at turned around and saw two .sailors, To Arruign Pair destroyed the once famous New truck on the boat had formed a route through Oklahoma and Ten- about 20, who asked him for a Opening Saturday anthem under direction of Mrs. puddle on the deck, which Mr. building 7-703 In the old Camp At MiddletoKii York club. Ocean and Brighton Vivian Messier and Mrs. P. J. nessee. At times the hunter* ex- ligh'.. After he had Riven it to The official opening of the New Paynter maintained contributed to perienced extremely cold weather Wood area, Eatontown. Adolph Kaleta and Dean Harnoy. avenues, LonK Branch, Monday Myers, Recent developments in the them, they told him they needed night. Damage to the former lush Sheridan bar at S West Front street tho accident. and much of the hunting was ac- money to get back to the navy yard both of Newark, will ho arraigned will take place Saturday, accord- Supper will be served at 5:30 p. Suit was based on the premise complished in snow up to their Upltcd States Air Force reserve tonight (Wednesday), before Mici- {300.000 gambling casino where for- m. by the women of the church training program will lie discussed at Brooklyn. Klosnsr said he took tuned were won and lost during the Ing to an announcement elsewhere that the railroad company had not boot tops. out his wallet and the pair stole it dlctown township Recorder W. Gil- In this issue, under direction of Mrs. Pearl provided Mr. Paynter with a safe by Lieut. Col. Warren M. Drew, bert Mason on charges of breaking peak operation of the Old Mon- White, president of the Woman's and nn outline of the squadron's after they returned sonic papers It mouth Park track was estimated Since purchasing the business place to work under the provisions. contained. and entry into three summer bun- from Louis Prate, the new owners, Society of Christian Service. of the federal act known as the Young G.O.P. Group training program will be presented galows at Port Monmouth. They hy Fire Chief Edgar N. West at James Acerra and Anthony Maz- Rev. Herbert J. Smith, superin- by Lieut. Col. Frank Innacelli. Fol- Deputy Chief Frank Reuthcr and are alleged to have stolon several $25,000. Jones Law. Edmund J. Caniona To Elect Officers Klosner made a tour of Red Bank zocca, have conveited the place in- tendent of the New Brunswick dis- of the firm of Parsons, Labrecquc, lowing a showing of a sound pic- blankets, radios, other home be- The property, owned by Mrs. to one of the most modern of its trict, will bring the message at the The Young. Republicans or the ture entitled, "Airpowcr and tho bars, hut were not able to find the longings and an outboard motor. Lena Baker Ross of Florida, la not 7:30 o'clock evening service. Canzona & Combs, Red Bank, rep- men. Chief Reuthcr expressed kind in thig section. A brand, new resented Mr. Payntcr and J. Vic- Red Bank area will elect officers Armies", there will be a question They were arrested in Newark believed to bo covered by any fire 35-foot bar has been Installed, to- Vocal solos by John Ebner of for 1947-48 December 3 at Willow- and answer period. doubt as to whether the men were Tuesday by Police Chief Karl N. insurance. Shortly before World Long Branch and visiting and local tor Carton and William Hanlon the sailors. He felt they might have gether with attractive new booths railroad company. brook Inn, Fair Haven, at a din- Hoycr. War I, the club lost much of iu and tables. The walls and ceiling singers will be rendered at both ner meeting, it was announced this MURDEH SUSPECT JAILED been civilians in pea jackets, business as similar clubs in the of the large ground-floor room have services. The music committee com- week by Alston Bcekman, Jr., tem- Theodore Ennis, 30, of Matawan, IN.IUKKI> AT I'HALANX .South became the chief resorts on been newly painted and decorated, prises Mrs. Dora Barnes organist, Gift In Honor Of porary secretary of the group. TO HUV UAKKAiiK TKUCK the Atlantic const. Tho club subse- and indirect lighting has been in- Mrs. Tliclma Lcntz pianist and Mm. The club was formed about one who is charged with the November Four persons were injured Fri- Carol Caslcr directress of the adult 18 shotgun slaying of Mrs. Mary The Atlantic Highlands mayor day night when the car in which quently was known as the Club stalled. Judge Altraiu Elkus year ago and all present officers and council Tuesday night passed Maxinc and later as the Russian and intermediate choirs. arc serving in a temporary capac- Donahue Cooper, 41, has been sent they were riding hit an electric This proprietors took a long lease to the Vroom building for tho crim- an ordinance on Its first reading light pole on tho Phalanx road Eagle during prohibition years. on the building with an option to Ushers will be Alfred Richard- The Women's Democratic club of ity. These members are on the slate appropriating J4.D00 Tor the pur- son, William Bade, John Nash, Monmouth county, at a meeting for official election. They are inally insane in the state prison. near the Blackburn farm. Air. and buy the property. They are well He will be under observation until chase of a new garbage truck and Mrs. Abi'Hm Patterson of Pomhcr- known, particularly in bowling Samuel Myers, Nelson Baub, John Saturday at the Red Bank Wom- George A. Gray president, Louis also for a new sludge pump for the (Julliolic Alumni Lcntz and Harold Youngs.. Serving an's club gave a $10 contribution Drazin vice president, Alston Beek- declared fit to face a murder ton, formerly of Chapel Hill, were circles, having operated the Red charge. A former Marlboro State sewer plant. cut on the face, and Mrs. Patterson Curd I'iiiiy Monday Bank Recreation hall on Newman on the flower committee are Mrs. to the Monmouth County Organ- man, Jr., secretary, Thomas Oak- Tho job of resurfacing Avenue D Lydia Lyke, Mrs, Ella Bade and ization for Social Service as a me- ley treasurer and Peter Falco, Jo- hospital patient, Ennin pleaded not Injured her nose. Miss Margaret Springs road since 1929. guilty, maintaining the shotgun has been started by Charles Hesse. Red Bank Catholic high achool't Mrs. Bernlce Rutt. morial to the late Judge Abram I. seph Cnrlone and Chnrles M«trhe« Patloraon, lifted hy police ns tho alumni association will hold a card was aimed at a bush and that he Funds have been allotted by the driver of the car, Injured her rlDs, Elkus. The annual meeing was held directors. state to pay for the Improvement. party in the school auditorium Cards Needed For COUNTY BIRTHS. at this time, and the nominating had no intention of hitting Mrs. and another daughter, Mrs. Made- Cooper. Ervin Cooper, husband of line Duncan, hurt her elbow. The Monday at 8:30 p. m. Miss Patricia report was given by Mrs. Howard $100 SETTLEMENT FINKI> FOR FIGHTING Ruddy and John Finnegan are co- 1948 City Directory Mr, and Mrs. Olaf Axelson of Height of Sea Girt. the victim, Monday through his injured were treated at Rlvervlsw Ocean avenue, Sea Bright, are par- Harold E. Strumpf of Manasquan lawyer, Leon Welnstoin of Matn- Ruth Bellinger of Woodbine ave- hospital. The power line pole was chairmen of the event, which will The Bed Bank Community Cham- Officers nominated were Mrs. mark the close of the alumni'* ber* of Commerce has issued an ap- ents of a son, born Tuesday at received a $700 settlement In the wan, obtained a writ of attachment nue, Littlo Silver, and Georgia Lee napped off and the car was badly Hazard hospital. Adeline Barton of Asbury Park, New Jersey Supreme court for of the $2,000 found on Ennls nt damaged. llrst-year of activity. peal to all residents of Red Bank President; Mrs. Mary Maloney, Dorsey of 138 Mechanic street wuro who have received "urgent" city Mr. and Mrs. Donald Conroy of damages to his automobile due to the time of arrest. fined $10 and $25, respectively to- Refreshments "'111 be served and Avon, vice- president; Mrs. Rita H. negligence of the defendants, Har- SOCIAI, ACTIVITIES. prized ^warded each table. In ad- directory cards to return them as Thompson avenue, Kcansburg, are Douglas, Red Bank, treasurer, and dny (Wednesday), by. Red Bank parents of a daughter born Tues- old A. and Mae Clark of Long EXCHANGE CLUB MOVIES Recorder John V. Crowcll for fight- Mcmbcis of the auxiliary of In- dition, a 5-5 (,'ift certificate will b« soon as possible. Mrs. Cecile Frankel, Sea Bright, disposed of co-operatively. The »f- Th» Polk enumerators are in day at Itlvcrview hospital. Branch, in an accident November Members of the Red Bank Ex- ing In Blzzarro's bar, West Bergen dependent (Ire company will be secretary. Officers will be elected, 38, 1949 in Neptune township. fair has been staged us a general town compiling the 1918 city direc- and Installed at the January 24 change club Tuesday afternoon at place and Bridge avenue, Tuesday hostesses to the men members of tory, anti are asking for assistance MNCROFT F.T.A. MEET Stumpf was represented by Robert the Strand restaurant saw a scries night. the company at an informal party sct-toscther and William Ander- meeting by Mrs. Katharine Elkua H. Mnida of the Red Bank law flrm son, president, lias issued an invi- in getting the cards back. The December meeting of this White, Dcmocratio state commit- of motion pictures showing foot- Morlfata Money. at the fire house Saturday night, of Parsons, Labrecque, Canzona ball highlights, bo.\ing bouts and December 6. Sunday, December -1, tation to all former R.B.C'.H. grad- Parent-Teacher association of the tcewoman, and Combs. We have plenty ol money lo place on uates to attend, along with their Matle Wall Coverinf. Lincroft-Evcrctt area will be ' hold wild life. Final plans were made .. oil Ural bom! nnij moruiik'e. Ir run they will entertain at a Christmas Renew your unsightly bathroom, for Ladles' night which will ho held are In need of R muruuue, U would ouj party for the children of the com- families, friends und associates. kitchen mid othir walls In your home next Monday at B o'clock at the Jtreay Caniral Power A Ltlbt Company. Nutlet. vnu In ire us first. It. V. II. It. Stout, with Ion); lasting Lustrous Colorful Mr>- Ljncroft school, A fimttiro nf tho 4% preferred ntnrk i imr viilnn Sinn, I will hoL bb rL-tft'ulibltilu fur any debts In tho r.onr future at Old Orchard 77 111 on J street, lied tl.u.k. t'hone Red pany's members. Bank Stink Wanted. hiink Styron Will] Tile, Easily nliplled, meeting will be a short Christmas ror informntlon, write to First New Jer- other than Incurred by myself. Country club. At this time a tele- Uilnk 6-UHl.— Advei llsement, Willins lo [lurchtise up to 2,U00 iharft Siniirlsliinly tow cost. See your denier, sey Securities Co., Inc., 603 Mnttlsnn (Signed) Joseph C, SUnko Royal Typewriters. or uny pan of 2.UU0 shares of ttoca ol program, avenue, Anbury Turk, New Jersey,—Ad- vision set will be awarded. Louis If he cutinot Aiipply yiiil. write to Mo- 75 Chestnut Street, Drazin was a guest of the club HI Danls Slock Wanted. Portable und office models. Prompt Scuund Nntionnl Bank of Red B.inM. huwk Plastics, Inc. i!27 Mnln street, vertlsement. Fair Haven, N, J. Will purchase from one to 100 shares delivery: ulso niid'inK machine*, solil. John Wermerl. Telephone Atlantic Hlfcb* Uellt-vUlc, N, J,, fov nrkc, snmple, up- For S.It. Hated: November 25, 1947. Tuesday's meeting. of the Merchants Trust Comimny of rt'titpil nnd repaired. Knsy terms. All lunds 1.0008.— Advertisement. pllcntimi Instructions and other liter* Dinette Bet, Hollywood bed, new wash. Turkeya and Capans. —Advertisement. Hcil Unnk. Answers trentcd connden- mnktfl, Ht-rr-icn'a, 10,", Mot.ninilth street. nl ui c,—Advertisement. Inir machine, comhlnntlon nhonoifrnph Pnmotls White Acres home grown, Cont With The Wind. tiiilly. 'I'tiol'iHa Irvlnu Hrown, Red Unnk I'hnnc Kcd Hunk 6-O4SA.— Advertise- Men I Formal Clothe. Koi Hlrt. anil radio, mill commndes, Ht H uncljncr, milk fed, brond breasted, Order ynura Full Oil toHdc's Cnrlton, WrdlicKiliiy, tliroil^h HeKisler,—Advertisement. ment, Also iwceianrli'v l.urueNi stuck In Mliyiitnka srq just the thin** for ncr. I'hnnc Kill I! .ink ••2(111,—Advertise- nnw for the holidays, or fur Immodlnla to iiult your burner: beat tfradel and Sntllrdii}-, Dci-cmhrr !l tn 6, Two nhnWS Mutimutuh cuuuly. Setfull'*. lia'.tj North vout und nil forniB of liulliiotlun nail ment. delivery, Wlilln Acres Turkey Fiumi,, price*. Unexcelled survive, r'red l». vVI> ilnllv, One to It'iiltta (if Ihl* Triiliiir, Chrynltr, 1'ly iruiutii. Internntlonnl Chryilcr, Plymouth, I tlrniuhviiy, L.onu Urunch. Open tvenlnitl. •as. Par snle nl all licit Dank druidihtu NuUwHtnp romt, River IMnzii. Phon* knlf Co., Kcil Hunk. I'hons Red Bank mHtlncc nt I 130, cvcalnifa at 7 :J0,—Ad* •Sulm #i n tl itrvli'e. Mauri.'e S'hWMrlx •Snfci Hiid service. MnuriL-e S.'hw.uu Ad h —Advertisement, Public Salt. Red Bunk (I.12»7.—Advertisement. 6-0252.—Advertisement. vertUctnent. I'hoi.a lie.I Hon!< B-UT8 7.- AdverUse. I'hoi.e Wrd Unnli 6-0TB7.— Ad vertUe Household KUOIIS, f ut-nlahln vs. nn> ment. merit. GAS Nriiiifes. Chrriltr, riymoulli, Internnllonal. liqurs, rcnl estate Hi Enst Mnln street, Chrfsltr, Plymouth, Inlcrntulonnl. Aucllonitt and AaarsUsr. Frash Flnridn Fruit. I'uiu nnd tri». oil .mil KH*. ivilh nvil ftalea and atrvlca. Maurlca Si-hwailt 1'rcchalil, November UDlh. at 1 n. m, Silca and service, M*Hrtc» Sohwiirl*. H. II. Onats, 4UII Ruth nvenut, t.ona Tree s-Epcnrrt, iJlirrt hum KIMU* l» <», "Any kind of Mill. Cull Sin. Allan llmiilall, ltd Apply KuiiKl'Kne ft* ilircL'tcil. All drufi- r.iriiM ntilfiT.I. I'h.nic U0112 Umich IS Miinmuiltll street, Red Bunk, N. J.— •tut. auctioneer,—Advertisement, nitnt. suction inywhsre."—Advertlltnunl. Dank <<3J0U. Ailveitiicnient. His: s.—Advertisement. I* 160.1, --Advertisement, Advertisement, Pace Two Mil* liAMi REGISTER, NOVEMBER 27, V,H7 Weddings of I*uch Arbour, cousins of the Church News c bride, and Doris Martin of Wana- FIASCONARO-BORELLI NUPTIALS Mi. fi Lois Mae Macintosh, daugh- rnassa. Federation Day Will Be Married LAKREDA—WOODWOHTH ter of Mr. ,-ind Mrs. William Mac- CEKTBAITBAPTIST Anthony Btrnocco of Asbury Atlantic Highlands At the Long Branch Baptist ; intosh. Jr.. of Newman .Sprinjjs Paik was best man. James Poland, Thanksgiving Day church Sunday afternoon, Miss road, was mnrrifd Sunday nt th" ihe bride's brother, Paul Schulner Rev. Howard M. Ervin will bring Program Marks Sunshine LaFreda. daughter of Mr. j Red Bank Reformed church, to ?.nd Frankle Sennlng, a cousin of the message at Sunday's morning and Mrs. John LaFrcda of Mon- , Peter Jones Morctiu, son of Air. and the bridegroom, ushered, and evening services. Church- Hilda Kjro To mouth street, became the bride of i Mir. Jo?ep'i Monau, Si\, of Colt's school assembles at 10 a. m. The Club Birthday A reception was htld at the home, annual Christinas entertainment Juli s I). Ditirl Sgi. Charles E. Woodworth, U. P. | Neck. The ceremony was per- of the biidc's parents. The couple Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry i formed by Rev. Lcinnrd Sihlcy, are making their home with the will b* held Tuesday night, Decem- This 51st anniversary of the Red Miss Hilda C. Epe. daughter of Woodworth of San Pedro, Cal. The pastor of the Colt's Nrck Reformed bridegroom's parents at Port Mon- ber 33. Bank Woman's club was observed ceremony was performed by the chuich. assisted hy Rev, John neb- Youth fellowship meets Sunday at the annual Federation day meet- Mrs. Madeline Epc of Keyport, will u inouih. become the bride Thanksgiving day pastor, Rev. William Marion, and , hnrd, Jr.. pastor f the lied I'.anK at 7 p. m., and the adult fellow- ing of tho club Friday at the club- Of Jules Dnuplas Pistel, son of Mr. thf church v.';i* (ici'oratf i with ; Reformer! church. ship at the same hour, with Dea- house. The speakers were Mr3. a«d Mrs. Julius A. lUstcl of Vo\ pprays of autumn leaves rind chrys- | Thp church WHS drcnuited with con Corwin K. Linson us leader. Luto L. Spain, vicu president of the Hill, Little Silver. Msgr. Joseph T. anthemum.". ' fnll flowers and p.-ilni.1--. Urtrbarn Miss Dan-is Jo Smith and Don- The mid-week prayer fellowship northern section of tho Now Jer- ald E. Grllllths were married No- Casey will perform the ceremony The bride, who was given in mar- Addi.s of Long Branch wa.s and pastor's Bible class meet Wed- aey State Federation of Women'] in St. Jjmes icctory and a recep- riage by her father, wore her moth- ist, and Rosp Phillip.*, wns soloist. vember 3 at Boston, Mail., by Sam- nesdays at 8 p. m. cluba, and Mrs. T. Mount Apple- tion will follow nt the Willowbrook, er's wedding veil whirh was finger- A reception followed in the chuich upl O. Thorner, Justice of the peace. The Women'! MKslonary society gate, vice president of the third Fair Havrn. tip length nnd fell from n tiara of Fellowship hull. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. will meat next Thursday at 2:30 p. district of tho Stite Federation. rhlnestoncs. Her gown was white and Mrs. Howard Smith of Long m. at the home of Mrs. David Col- Francis Kodama, conceit pianist, brocaded taffeta, designed with a Branch, and the bridegroom's par- lins of Memorial parkway, with was guest artist. net yoke and nn overskirt of net. ents are Mr. and Mrs. William Mr«. W. Harry Posten as leader. The club was organized in 1896 She carried spray.* of white roses. Griffiths of Clinton place, Red The topic -win bt "FoUowing My as thn Philomathiiin Coterie, and Bank. Guiding Star". The love gift boxes was re-oi ffanized as the Woman's Mvt, Arllne Endrodl of Red Bank club in 10J6. The founder was Mrs. was thp bride's only attendant. Her The bride attended Long Branch arc to ba open at this meeting. high school, and the bridegroom Maty Wooster Sutton. Past presi- costume was rose taffeta, designed All stated meetings of the church dents include Mrs. John H. Gil- with an off-shoulder neckline, and Red Bank Catholic high school. have been postponed this week During the war Mr. Griffiths served bert, Mrs. Isiac Adlcni, Mrs. Alice a full skirt. She had a wreath of during the evangelistic services be- Cook Fnrr, Mrs. Louin J. Sicling, blue flower* in her hair, matching in thn navy, and is now employed ins conducted by Phil Dalnt, by Kay Dunhlll at Long Branch. Mrs. Frank S. Curtis, Mrs. .1. Dan- Jong blur gloves nnd her flowers lightning artist, who is presenting iel Tullcr. Mrs. Leon dc la Rcus- were pink rose*. Sir. and Mrs. Griffiths are mak- the gospel In art and song. ing their homr at S5 Fay street, sillc, Sr., Miss Florence R. Kridel, Chester Wolcott of Red Bank, Mrs. Clifford W. Humphrey, Mrs. the bride's brother, was best man. L*ong Branch. CHAPEL OF HOLY COMMUNION Mildred Archer House, Mrs. Thom- A reception for the Immediate TIIOMAS-^SOHROKDKR Fair Haven as Voorhis, Mrs. Ernest H. Boyn- families followed at the homr. of ton, Mrs. J. Ritchie Smith, Mrs. Miss Ann Thoman, daughter of A men's corporate communion the bride's parents. Mrs. LaFredn will be celebrated Sunday at 8 a. Benjamin Crate, I.Irs. Robert H. chose n dinner gown of forest green Mr. and Sirs. George Thomas, MR. AND MRS. JOHN BORF-L.LI Rogers and Mrs. Joseph E. Car- and a corsage of gardenias. Perth Amboy, was married to Capt. m., followed by a breakfast at the roll. parish house in charge of Miss The couple are now nt F'ott Alfred J. Schroeder of Fort Mon- Miss Julia J. Flasconaro and John The bridegroom's mother was Miss Flora Wfllguss presided, month in the po^t chapel November Elisabeth Scowcroft and Mrs. Ed- Brflgg, N. C, where the bridegroom Borclli were married Sunday after- dressed in aqua crepe with pink ward Bennett. Myron V. Brown and and piist presidents were hostesses. in rlatloned. A» her traveling cos-' 20. Maj. Richard W. Junfer, Jr., as- noon at St. Anthony's church by accessories and a matching hat of Club pici.idcr.t3 of the third dis- lume, tile bride wore a 'royal blue sistant post chaplain, officiated. the pastor, Rev. Snlvatore DILor- beige and aqua, with corsage of George Curchin are members of the trict attending were Miss Ruth suit with hrown accessories. Witnesses were .Miss Elizabeth E. enxo, before nn nltar decorated pink roses. arrangements committee. Alherton of Avon, Mrs. Harvey Van Krunt of Red Bnnk and Capt. wltH' bouf|ucls of chrysanthemums nev. Christopher H. Snydcr will Jones, Jfrsey Shore Woman's cluli The brld« attended Fled Bank William E. Lcary of Fort Mon- Upon their return from a Flor- high school and has hern employed in autumn colors nnd palms. The ida wedding trip, the couple will preach at the 11 o'clock morning nf Asbury Park; Mra, ,J. B. Lnucks, mnutli. service on "The Meaning of Ad- Miss Hilda ERC by the Schultc-United company. bride is the daughter of Mrs. Lcnn make their home with the bride- Asbury Park; Sirs. William T. Pln- S(rt. Woodworth, upon bin release Mrc. Pelcr J. Moreau Mrs. Schroedcr w»3 born in Perth Fiasconaro of River street, nnd the groom's parents, The bride wore a vent". The Olrls' Friendly society Itcrton, Oelmar; Mr?. Arthur Ellor, i Miss Dorothy Eft, sister of th* from the Army In January, will re- Amboy and her husband In Johan- late Vincent Fi.-isconnro, nnd the rreen ballerina suit with matching will meet Tuesday evening. Final Freehold: Mrs. Arthur R. Turner, Urlde, will he'mnid of honor and sume his studies at the University Tile bride's sntin gown was de- nesburg, South Africa. bridegroom's parents arc Mr. nnd accessories and a gray fur coat for arrangements for the annual Long Branch: Mrs. John D. Wil- Marvin Kicheal of Red Bank will signed with :in illusion yoke, Mrs. Patsy Borelli of West Front Christmas sale to be held Decem- l.'ird, Metuchen; Mrs. M. F. Ste- of California at Ix>s Angeles, where trimmed with bridal Ince. ami the traveling. be best man. he was a student when he entered STAIIAK—MONTGOMKRV. street. The bride attended Red Bank ber 8 between 7 and 9 o'clock and venson, Matawan; Miss Ruth M. The hride-elecl was graduated same lace trimmed the ed«c of the on the following day from 1 p. m. Reid, Mnnusquan; Miss Florence the service. The couple will make train. Her veil of French Illusion Miss Martha Stakah of Bound Miss Snnta Abraml of Brooklyn, high school and has been employed from Kcyport high school and St. their homr> in California. Krnok, daughter of the late Mr. the bridegroom's cousin, was solo- at the Signal Corps Publications until closing, will be made by the H. Stauffer, Perth Amboy; Mrs. M. Peter's school of nursing at New waa fingertip length, and was at- ladies' guild at a meeting next P. Pearson, Point Pleasant; Mrs. tached to a crown of oifingn blos- and Sirs. Anthony Stakah, and ist and Prof. D'Aur'n' organist. A agency nt Fort Monmouth. Mr. Brunswick and has been on the HlltAKIH—Mclill.VIII John L. Montgomery, county ad- reception for 400 guests followrd Borelli la an accountant with the Wednesday night. A home-made William P, Devine, Spring Lake; dursinp; staff of Riverview hospital. soms. She carried white chrysan- cake sale will be held Saturday, Mrs. Ernest C. Rurrows, Wood- Miss Rose Mary Birardl, (laugh- themums. justor of Riverside Gardens, West nt the Molly Pitcher hotel. Sears-Roebuck company at Perth Sir, Di.slcl was gtvuluntcd from Front street, were married Satur- The bride wns given In marriage Amboy. He wa» graduated from December 6. bridgij; Mrs. Edmund Olendenninp;, f*cddic school and served two and ter of Mrs. Domcnlcn fiirnrdi (if Miss Barbnrn potter w;is mniil of Red Bank high school, attended Avenol, nnd Mrs. Robert Bucrman, South Ambny and the lute Mr, Bl- honor, and Miss Dorothy l^ivcr- day nt St. Joseph's rectory, Bound by her brother, Joseph Kiasconaro Lnkewood; also Mrs. J. Daniel Tul- one-half years overseas with the Hrnok. Rev. Edmund W. Kregor, of Elberon. Her grown of cloud Drake's Business college nt Perth METHODIST frnfantry, receiving the Purple rardl, became the bride of Robert sidge, tho bride's cousin, wns a j Amboy and served throe years with Icr, the Aria club, a district club, ICmmett McGrnth, son of Mis. Au- bridesmaid. ML~.i Potter worn n pasLor of Pt. Joseph's church, pink satin was designed with an Sea Bright nnd Mrs. Stanley A. 0illicit, presi- Heart, infantryman's combat badge Bound Brook, performed the cere- Illusion top, a full skirt with a the Air Corps, He was stationed in and Presidential citation unit. He gusta McGrath, Cllffwootl, Snurday. gown of American Renuty. :ind cur- England 21 months. Sunday-school convenes at 0:uU dent of the club cvrnirip; group. A nuptial miM was celehiated at mony. bustle back, which formed a long a. nt. Parents are invited to cend fa no'.v a sophomore in Dickinson ried sprays of rose nntl while Last week the bride was given a More than 100 attended. Tea 10 n. m. St. Mary's I'liurrh, South chrysanthemum!', while Miss Lover- train. Her fingertip length veil was their children to the school, which iollcKc, Carlisle, PH., where he Is the same shade of plnli, and fell shower at Crystal Brook inn, Eat- was served in the club library, and Majoring in engineering. He Is a Amboy, with Rev. Francis P. Gun- sldge was dressed In French blur, Ha* Fifth Birthday is steadily growing. the table was docorntcd with a ner, officiating. from a crown of ornnge blossoms. ontov.n, hy Misses Theresa and jnember of Phi Kappa Psl frster- with si bouc_uct of yellow chrysan- Elaine Both Otdenaky, daughter Mars* Borelli, Lucy Cravalot, Mary Rev. Joseph S. Eldrlge will lnt-Re birthday enkc. Former pres- themums. Hoth had matching lace She carried a prnyerbook with a pity. The bride was given In marriage of Mis. Helen I. Oglenaky of Front marker of orchid.'. Trufolo nnd Rose Innncelll, Mrs. preach at the 11 o'clock Sunday idents attending: were Mi'3. Car- ; The couple will take an extended by her brother, Mario Birardl, mills nnd smull bonnets. street, was five years old Sunday, Nettle Mosca, Mrs. Rose Palumbo morning service and there will be roll, Mrs, Humphrey, Mrs. Tullcr, trip in their plane, "The Dlpsy- South Amboy. She wore a white Jean Macintosh, the bride's sis- and the occasion was marked with Miss Lucy Cravalot of Matawnn music by the choir. Mrs. Crnle nnd MI'ss Kridel. was maid of honor. Her gown was nnd Mrs. Mary Nannlnl. poodlc" and upon their return will satin nown with train, a fingertip ter, and Nancy Moreau, the bride- a birthday party at the home of her Guests included Mrs. Michael A large attendance Is expected at take up their residence in Carlisle. veil caught to a tiara of seed pearls groom's sister, were Junior brides- (trandparents, Mr. and Mra, Jacob aqua satin, made with a scalloped bolero jacket and a full skirt. Sho Ollmpl, Mrs. Thomas C'alandrlello, the gospel hymn sing to be held and carried a white prayer book on maids. They wore mulching gowns ]des of West Front street. Quests Mrs. Michael Calandrlello, Mrs. Tuesday night, December 9, in the Ol>ituarie§ which was fastened white roaea and of aqua, and carried bouquets of enjoyed games, and favors were had a matching bonnet, trimmed ; Pcrootiali with orstrich feathers and carried Fred Maffeo, Mrs. John Hahn, Mrs. church. bouvardia. She was attended by her yellow chrysanthemums. colorful bfiloons. Tha party table Carmine Genovese, Mrs. Ralph MRS. ISADORA ROGERS ; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Critton sister, Miss Antoinette Birardl, a bouquet of orchid chrysanthe- t>f Rumson place, are parents of a William Moreau of Freehold wns had as a centerpiece a three-tier Caliendo, Mrs. Chrla McAngelo, PRESBYTERIAN Bouth Amboy, maid-of-lionor, and floral decorated birthday cake, mums tied with yellow mallnu rib- Mrs. Isadora Ropers, widow of the (on, Kenneth G. Critton, Jr., born best mnn for his brother. Joseph bons, Linda Ann Mosca of Ocean- Mrs. Lewis Dal Pra, Mrs. Samuel Eatontown late Charles Roj-ers, died early Miss Catherine McGrath, Cliffwood, Moreau, Jr., of Long Branch, nnd Guests were L,|nda and Shelly Bencnati, Mrs. Connie Abbatemar- )ast Thursday at Riverview hos- liattr of the bridegroom, an brides- port, the bride's niece, was flower Tuesday mornlntr nt her home, 208 pital. Mrs. Critton i> the former Richard Moreau of Colt's Neck, the Melstrlch, Busan Gerard, Judy co, Mrs. Cecelia Talerlco, Mrs. Ed- John A, Westln, student pastor, maid. girl, and her frock was made like will speak at the Sunday morning Maple avenue. She was born In Jliss Carolyn R. Atwntcr, daughter bridegroom's brothers, and Theo- Lonp. Judy Wasser, Madelyn Kreig- the one worn by the maid of honor, mund Talerico, Mrs. Anthony Flas- Englishtpwn, daughter of the late Miss Birardi, wore American dore Murphy of Red Bank, the cr, Diana Krongelb, Diana Kosene, conaro, Mrs. Leonard Fi&aconaro, service on "The Importance of pt Mrs. Benjamin Atwater of Rea The bridesmaids worn Slisaea Andrew \V. and Susah M. Clark. IBank. beauty taffeta, a floral headdress bride's cousin, were ushers. Richard Welnstein, Sarann Often- Mrs. Patsy Borelli, Mrs, Edith Mon- Prayer" and at the evening wor- Slaty Trufolo and Misses Theresa ship on "The Gospel In Seven Mrsr Rqgcrs in survived by a ; Nelson Vandcrbcck of 25 Wallace and carried a colonial bouquet of Tho bride's mother was dressed sky, Marilyn ZaRcr, Diana Rubin tenegro, Mrs. Millie Citarella, Mrs. yellow rose*. MI69 McUrathV; dress and Irene Ritterman of Red Bank! and Mary Borelli, twin cousins of Frances Aquino, Mrs. Lucia Inna- Words." daugbtcf, Miss Viola E./Patter'son, ftreet is a patient at Fitkin hospi- in a forest green gown, trimmed the bridegroom, all of Red Bunk. and a st<\p-son. Enslcy .E. Rogers, tal. HP rollapsrd in Asbury Park wan of moss green taffeta and she with sequins, and a corsage- of yel- Bernard Hochbei-g, Freehold; Mar- cclli, Mrs. Millie PerrI, Mrs. Ann- Sunday-school convenes at 9:30 carried a bouquet of Talisman roses, shall Rosen, South River, and Their gown., were identical to that ette Flnsconsro, Mrs. Frances Sfer- , m., under leadership of James both of Red Banli; three sisters, [Thursday of last week. low roses. The bridegroom's tnuth- worn by the honor attendant, only Mrs. Harry Ivlns of Red Bank, ; 'Mr. and Mr*. George A. Stcck of Ftamuel Guisti, Cliffwood, was bent cr wore block crepe, trimmed at Paula, Florence »nd Philip Rosen, rino, Mrs, Joseph Innacelll, Mra. White. man and the usher was David Mc- Newark. in blush pink. They had matching Domonlc Acerra, Mrs. Mary Bruno, The Sunday Nighters meet at Mrs. Cbnrtea H. Shelters of Asbury puffalo, JC. Y., me parent* of a the neckline, with wide bands of bouquets. Grath, Cliffwood, brother of the pale pink, and her corsage was pale Mra. Anna Sacco, Mrs. Joseph Ros- 6-.30 o'clock with Miss Karl* Stockl Park and]"Mrs;. James G. Bennett flaughtcr, born Friday at Buffalo. Also Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mel- of Spotewood, and a brother, Theo- Jvtrs. Stock is the former Miss Glor- bridegroom. pink roses. atrich, Mrs. Milton Gerard, Mrs. Fred Maffeo of Fair Haven, the attl, Mrs. Susan Romeo, Mrs. Jean as leader. bridegroom's cousin, was beat man. dore F. Clark of Spotawood. ia Wolfkamp, daughter of Mr. and A reception for 200 was held at The couple nrc In the South on Milton Wasser. Mrs. Gertrude Cecero, Mrs, Anne Cnizr.ii and Mrs. Mrs. Victor Wolfkamp of Little We«t Amboy citizens club, Perth Krclger, Mrs. Morton Krongelb, The ushers were Gregory Fiascon- Frank Innacelll. REFORMED She was a member of the lied a wedding trip, and upon I heir re- aro, the bride's brother, and Thom- Bank Methodist church. The fu- feilver. Amboy. After a wedding trip to turn will make their home on Sun- Mrs. Albeit Weinatcin, Mrs. Abra- MIBSOJ Antoinette Abbatemarco, Colt's Neck New York city, the couple will re- hnm Zngnr, Mrs. Irving Rubin, Mr». as Cuslck, both of Red Bank, and Marjorie Earte, Mary Rose Maffeo, neral will bo held nt the late> resi- • Mrs. Lavinin. Chadwick of the set avenue, Red Hank. Both the Joseph Ferlno of Unluii City, the Sunday morning service at 11 a. side at 231 South Feltus street, bride and bridegroom nre gradu- Henry Ritterman, Mrs, Joseph Rose C. Abrnml, Fannie Sorrelli, dence Friday afternoon at 2 Slolly Pitcher hotel Is a guest at bride's cousin, m. with Rev. Leonard Slbley, Jr., o'clock with Rev. Roger J. Squire, Ihe Hotel Traymorc, Atlantic City. South Amboy. The bride, a grad- ates of Red Bank high school. The Ides, Misses Dorothy Xrongelb and Santa Abraml, Jill Portelli, Mary as minister. Sunday-school at 0:45 uate of St. Mary's high auhuul, bride is secretary to Mrs. Bessie T. Hannali Ides and Harold Ide* of The bride's mother chose a din- Blancamano, Ida Setaro, Nancy Se- pastor of the Methodist church, of- ! Mic3 Gertrude P. Hill and Mr. a. m. tor children of all ages in the ficiating;. Burial will be in Fair tind Mrs. Albert Williamson of New South Amboy, is employed at the Uue, tupervlBor of elementary Red Bank; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ner gown of coral crepe designed taro, Tonl Rampino, Dolores Tru- chapel rooms. Thanksgiving service JTork city wil spend the holiday First Bank & Trust company, grades of the Red Bank public Hochbcrgr, Freehold; Mr. and Mrs. with a side drape. Her hut was folo, Gloria Sacco, Adeline D'Ono- View cemetery, under the direction coral and purple, and she wore at » p. m. today in the church. of the Mount memorial home. (week-end with Mr. and Mil, Her- Perth Amboy. The bridegroom at- school system, and the bridegroom William Rosen, South River; Mr. frlo. Elvira Sacco, Anna Sacco, Thei« will be no meeting of the bert W. Hill of Reckless place. tended Key port schools, served in employed by Conover brothers nnd Mrs. .Won Rosen, Newark, and long, coral gloves with silver ac- Mary Abbatemarco and Gloria San- cessories and a corsage of orchids. | tomeno. Adult Bible class this evening and ! .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolbach, th« Navy and la now employed by of Wickatunk. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Rosen and choir rehearsal will not b« held to- MRS. GRACE W. PITCHER flr., of Throckmorton avenue are National Lead company, Perth Am- Frank Rosen, Plainfleld. boy. morrow night. Mrs. Grace W. Pitcher, 87, of the parents of a son born Saturday MORGAN—HURLKV, West Belmar, sister of Mrs. Leila at, Monmouth Memorial hospital, Eatontowi CHIUST~Er7sCOFAL, McCANUI.EsS-WILUAMSON. MIFS Marian Ruth Morgan, Birthday Party Guest Baptist Group Chadwick and Mr«. Elizabeth Al- i Mr. and Mrs. Edward Luedke of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill The Gleaners of the Presbyter- Shrewsbury len, both of 68 Wallace street, died fclutswamp lord, River Plasa, are Mrs. John Carlson ot Sea Bright Mr. and Mrs. James McCandlcss Morgan of Oceanport. and Freder- was hostess Saturday at a blrth- ian church will hold their annual A Thanksgiving service will be Sunday, ilio parents or a daughter born of Leonardo, have announced the ick Thompson Hurley, son of Mr. Christmas bazar Saturday after- She was born in Fair Haven, a Saturday at Monmouth Memorial dny party given at her home for Holds Dinner held at 10 a. m. Sunday's services marriage of their daughter, Miss and Mrs. George C. D. Hurley, also her granddaughter, Jeanne Ann noon nnd evening, December 6, in will Include Holy Communion at daughter of the late Benjamin and hospital. Mrs. Luedko is the former Eleanor McCandlcss, to Raymond uf Occanpoit, were married Satur- the chapel. Mrs. William Emmonj Rebecca Jones Doughty. Her hus- Jiliss Mollic Child* of Rumson and ARman, who was seven years old. g a. m., morning prayer and ser- C. Williamson, soft of Mrs. Sophie day at Oceanport Methodist church Durlnp; the afternoon guests en- Edwin W. Parsons is chairman in charge of the fancy mon by thi rector, Rev. J. Warren band, Harry Pltchci, died several {Atlantic Highlands. Williamson of Bclford. The couple by Rev. Paul Holland, pastor. A joyed motion pictures and kiddie table; Mrs. Eugene Viereck, apron Ware, at 11 o'clock. Sunday-school years ago. She had resided in Weft | Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kottler of were married Sunday, November reception followed at tho Mon- Main Speaker table; Sirs. Thomas Catchpole, [Hector place are parents of a cartoons, shown by Oarwood Phle- convenes at 10 a. m. Belmar the past year. 16, at Leonardo Baptist church by mouth Beach inn, Monmoutl. fer. white elephant booth, and Mrs. J. Mrs. Pitcher is survived by two jdaughter, born Monday at Mon- the pastor, Rev. Ellwood s. Wolf. Beach. Ely Miller, food table. Mrs. Ed- tnoutli Memorial hospital. Games were played and prizes Ths Men's Fellowship of the Red EMBURY^METHODIST sons, William S. and Frank Pitch- The bride wore a gown of white The bride, who was given In mar- were won by Roberta Robinson, Bank Baptist church heard Edwin ward Emmons Is in charge of the er, both of Holmdel, besides her ' Miss Nancy MacCloud, daughter sale of Christmas cards, Little Silver lof Jir. and Mrs. Cecil n. MacCloud satin, made princess style with a riage by her father, wns dressed Patricia Hartwick, Elaine Welch, W. Parsons, executive secretary of sisters. sweetheart neckline, nnd a full net the National Council of Northern A Thnnksglving day union serv- Rev. Dr. F. A. DeMaris will iof West Front street, is a surgical in a beige wool suit, with a match- Travis Thomas, Robert Hartwick preach Sunday morning on th^ The funeral was hold Tuesday af- jpatient at P-ivcrvic.v hcspltal. sKirt, Her veil fell tP her flnurr. Ing satin lint, and she carried a H»d Michael VanDoietn. Rettcah- Baptist uivti. at their annual din- l«o will be held at 10 a. m. In the ternoon at the Wordcn funeral tips, and was fastened to a pleated prayer book with a marker of ments were served by the hostess. ner at the church last Thursday Presbyterian church. topic, "Called From the Side home with Rev. John B. Kirby, Jr., f Mr. and Mrs. Jared Kcnyon of Lines," I\Vest I^ront street, arc parents of net head band. She carried white roses. Miss Virginia. Lee Others present were Roberta and evening. Joseph C. Williams, presi- Mrs. Claude Melone of 41 Throck- pastor of the Fair Haven Method- white Bible with markers of white Morgan was maid of honor for her Jock Stcelman, Hope and Pamela dent, was toastmastcr. morton avenue has been laid up Sunday-school convenes at 10 Itwin daughters, born Tuesday at - ist church, ofllciating. Burial was In JMonmouth Memorial hospital. roses. sister, and her suit was green, her Wood, Erick and Ed« ard Woods, Fifty men attended the dinner, with grip a. m. and youth fellowship meets at Fair View cemetery. MIES Georglanna Bryan of Leon accessories brown, and her corsage, Jack and Robert Alfsen, Patricia which was started with the singing John Barcume has gone to One- 8:30 p. m. yellow chrysanthemums, of "America". A prize to the per- onta, N. Y., to spend Thanksgiving ardo waj maid of honor, and was and Gary Phelfer. Marlon and Rob- BAPTIST MRS. HELENA M. FORD !T«o SIIOM* Daily For dressed in a fuchsia taffeta gown, George Hurley, Jr., was his ert Lovgreen, Joan and Robert son who made the bqst estimate as with his father, Arthur Barcume, i "Gone With The Wind" made princess style. She had a brother's best man. Lester Hurley, Davies, Lillian, Margot and Edwin to the number of Baptists in the Charles Schick has received a ' Middletown Mrs. Helena M. Ford, 77, widow matching flowered head piece with Gustafson, Karln Axelaen, Joy United States was won by Arnold pair of ducks from a nephew, John of Benjamin H. Ford and life-long ) Tony E. Hunting, manger of the another brother of the bridegroom, Miss Doris Baird will be In a shoulder length veil, and carried and Richard Morgan, the bride's West, Stanley Fowler, Mary Ellen- Ralph, who made the nearest gues« Helsenroder, who has been on a charge of the Sunday-school session resident of Red Bank, died Tues- •Carlton theater, has changed the a bouquet of yellow tea roses. hargor, Christine Young, Helen to the correct figure as given by the hunting trip to his summer home day night at "the home of her daugh- •daily timetable for the film "Gone brother, ushered, at »:45 a. m. Rev. William Hearn, Frederick Williamson of Leon Gnynor, Lois Covert, Jenny Covert, 1943 census of 14,282,000. in Barnegat. ter, Mrs. Walter Kinsman of Mal- (With The Wind'\ which will 'hi Both Mr, and Mrs. Hurley are Kenneth Fary has terminated his pastor, has chosen "Loyalty to ardo, the bridegroom's brother, was graduates of Long Branch high Roberta Robinson, Madeleine Nlcol- Mr. Parsons, a former merchant Christ," for his sermon topic at the vcrnc, L. I., where she had gone to •shown at the theater December 3 lettl, Gertrude Carlson and Kay army service and is employed at spend Thanksgiving. «o 6, inclusive. Owing to the fact best man, and the ushers were Wil- school. The bridegroom served in in New Hampshire, said that a It p. m. service. liam Stobo of River Plaza, and Le the Army, and was in the PacUlc and Virginia Chamberlain, men's fellowship should provide Henry Allen's coal and feed store. .Mrs. Ford was born in Red Bank, Jthat the picture will run three Also Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Altman, Fred Worthley of Oceanport, The first in a series of evening daughter of thn late Ambrose and Ihoura and 40 minutes, Mr. Hunting Roy McCandlcss of Leonardo. theater for more than three years. fellowship, inspiration and an op- services will start Sunday at 8 Miss Lois Malonson sang "Be He is employed by E. J. Bcalc of Mrs. Lee Sutter, Mrs. Ronald Early, portunity to study vital issues and brother of Mrs. Charles Schick, is Anna C. Blower. S!ic had resided [announces there will be only two Mrs. Walter Covert, Mrs. Edwin a patient at Hazard hospital, Long o'clock, Plans are also being made for many years on East Front knows dally, instead of the custom- cause" and "I Love You Truly," nc West Long Branch. practical projects, whereby men Gustafson, Mrs. Montrose Hart- may participate in Christian social Branch. for the Sunday-school Christmas street, but recently lived with her fery three performance*. While. companicd by the church organist, pageant, and a program of slides Mrs. Ralph Pca^e. The church was wick, Mrs, Robert Robinson and action. A ten-pound son was born No- niece, Mrs. Maud Ackcrman of f'Gonc With The. Wind" is being Mis. Louise Woods. vember 17 to Sgt. and Mrs. Fred of the Christmas story, Newman Springs road. ^hown the matinee will ctart at decorated with white fall flowers. Miss Conchctta Moccl, daughter Rev. W. Clinton Powers, pastor, A reception for 75 guests followed Sexton. The infant has been named She was a member of the Red 11:30 and the single evening per- of Sir. and Mrs. Joseph Moccl of told the men about plans for the Jackie Dale. Mrs. Sexton is with J.EFORMEI) formance at 7:30. at the home of the bride's parents. Expect Plans Shortly Crusade for Christ in evangelism. Bank Baptist church and of the so- Hazlct, became the bride of Frank her mother in Coeburn, Va. The Red Bank cieties of that church. The couple returned this week Dcvino, son of Sir. and Sirs. Thom- lor Highlands Field H« announced plans for the men father is stationed at Fort Mon- I INSTALL OFFICERS from a Canadian wedding trip, and of the Baptist church to assist In Rev. John G. Gebhard, Jr., will Besides her daughter Mrs. Ford as Devino of Matawan, Sunday at Officials of the Highlands Living mouth. is survived hy two brothers, Fred are now residing with the bride- St, Joseph's church, Keyport. Rev. Sunday afternoon, November 30. preach Sunday at 10:45 a. m. on i Douglas Jcrolomon wa« installed War Memorial committee are aoon Those celebrating birthdays re- th* subject, "Witnessing the Bi-owcr of 94 East Front street and ias president of the Married Cou- groom's mother on Clinton avenue, Joseph Hurley, pastor, performed to realize their goal of constructing Officers for the coming year w«r« - nived gifts at the PoMyanna and Belford. elected. Sidney Dull, executive vice Church's Method of Re-making Haloid Blower of Union. Iples Bible class of the Red Bank the ceremony. an athletic fleld for borough use. b.ithday party held Monday night Funeral arrangements art in j.lethodist church at a meeting last president of the Hardin Chemical r.nd attended by 30 members of Uvei." Church-school meets at SALAK^GARSIDE. Miss Elizabeth Moccl was maid Plans and specifications for Ka- 8:30 a. m. charge of the Wordcn home. Sveek in the church fellowship hall, of honor for her sister, and the voolijlan fleld on Naveslnk avenu* Co. was chosen president, Charles Pride of Crescent council, Sons and Stephens, vice president of the J. Vocal and instrumental numbers, !Othcr officers arc Everett Baynton, Mrs, Roie Salak of Brooklyn, an- bridesmaids were Misses Ann Moc- are expected to be presented short- Daughters of Liberty. About 20 GEORGE TAYLOR .Vice president, Mrs. Dorothy Me. C. Williams Advertising agency, members attended last Sunday a mock wedding and magic show nounces the marriage of her cl, also the bride's sister, Rose De- ly by Craig Flnnegan, Belford civil George Taylor, 67, of Birch ave- ;Coach, secretary, and Mrs. Cheater daughter, Miss Helen T. Salak of vino of Slatawan; Ann Eosso, Me- engineer, hired for the project. was chosen vice president and evening's service In the Presbyter- will feature the variety entertain- ;.7. Beaman, treasurer. Mrs. Fred tho church census of Red Bank Ian church, where the student pas- ment to be given tomorrow night nue, Little Silver, died this morn- Eatontown, to Raymond D. Gar- • -• •. ™.,,i ciorando Falco of New The elx-acre tract, donated to th« ing (Wednesday) at Monmouth |Fvlck was named chairman of a side, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- York city, Charles Miller was elected secre- tor, John A. Westln, delivered a by the youth fellowship group. committee by Halk Kavookjlan, tary-treasurer. Memorial hospital. He Is survived (committee to collcet Items for bas- mond D. Garsidc of Sunnycrest, w---.ii Devino of Mntnwnn was needs to be graded. It Is the hope patriotic sermon. Th* Christmas party of the jkcts for needy families to be dis- Forty-two children and five adults Ladies' Aid society will be held next by a son, Reuben Tnylor of Fair Little Silver, on Saturday, Novem- best mnn. The ushers were Sam- of the committee that the rear of Haven. Itrlbutcd at Christmas. ber 15, at the Catholic chapel at uel Lunno of Keyport, Rnlph Moccl, the field will be made In the shape Fair Haven Mayor were confirmed last Saturday at a Tuesday night at the home of Miss Fort Monmouth. The couple were special service nt St. Dorothea's Gertrude Normnn of 79 Maple ave- Funeral arrangements arc in the bride's brother, and Angclo of a bowl. When the plans are re- charge of the Worden funeral home. ; ivr.A. CAKII PABTV married by Rev. Aloyslus Traccy. Giamliottistn, Cliffwoocl. ceived, the work will b« advertised Names Library Board church by Bishop William A. Grif- nue. fin. Rev. Eugene Kelly spoke A consistory meeting will be held I St. James Parent-Teacher aaao- The bride was given in marriage A reception was held in the Ma- for bids, A library advisory board was ap- iciation started their annual series by h«r brother, M. Eugene Salak sonic temple nt Perth Amboy. briefly tn the group and the bishop next Thursday night In the church. Dorothy T. Stcffcr polned by Mayor Edgar V. Dtnisc delivered the sermon, The choir Jof monthly card parties Friday of Brooklyn, and Mn. Peter Cal- The couple will make their home Pastor Dies In lull at Monday night's meeting of the night. The party wan held In Red derone of Bruoklyn, was her only on Washington street, Slatawan, sang. ST. THOMAS' EIMSGOPAL Become* Engaged Funeral services were held Fair Haven borough council. Serv- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rubman of JBank Catholic high school auditor. attendant. Joseph Padalino of East ing on the committee are Mrs. Law- Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. Tony Stcffer of At- rOLANll— VOOEL. Thursday in Milltown for Rev. Alfred Vail apartments are the par- Jium, and pottery dishes were tablt Orange was best man, and William Dnnicl Perry Doyle, 78, former pa*- rence J. Schilling, chairman; Mrs. Rev. Charles H. Dukes, priest In lantic. Highlands have mado known jHwards. Committee members in- Conover of Red Bank, and Joseph ents of a son born Monday at Mon- Announcement is made of the tnv of Colt's Neck Reformed Arthur B, Sickles, Mrs. J. Roy A'.- mouth Memorial hospital. charge, will conduct Sunday's ser- the cngHKCincnt of tliclr rinughter, '.eluded Mrs. William Lynch, presi- C, Valleau of Asbury Park ushered, mnrrlnge of Miss Hli/.ahcth Vir- church, who died Monday at Kitkln gor and Mis. Grandean Jewclt. 1 Miss Dorothy Toni Stcrfor, to Ed- dent, and Mrs. George Hogan, Mr:, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moyes are vices which Include . a corporate A reception followed at the Mol- ginia Poland, daughter of Mr. and liospltal, Neptune, following a fall Frank Leslie, building inspector, the parents of a son born Monday Communion for men and boys of ward Rudlingcr, son of Mr, and Edward Healy and Mrs. Henry ly Pitcher hotel. The couple will Sirs. Hartson Poland. Jr., of Brad- at the home of his daughter, Mrs. reported building pormits totaling th* church and dedication of a per- Mrs. G. Rudllnger of Paterson. The •Clark. at Riverview hospital. reside at 12 Crawford street, Alfred ley Bench, nnd Raymond Vogel, Elvin Lnne of Freehold, A resident $68,350 the past month. Miss Gloria Malta, daughter of manent roll of honor at 9 a, m Wil- woddinK will talio plnco curly in Vail homes, Eatontown, son of Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Vuuol uf Mlllluwn, RBV, Mr. Doyle wa» the new year, HICKI.KS I Following the IT|JUII uf Council- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maiza of this liam Oreer is chairman of the The bride, who Is employed In of Port Monmouth, Tho couple visiting his daughter when the fa- mnn James A. Enrlgrht, road chair- place, wns a featured dancer In men'a service committee. Miss Htcffrr intended Atlantic ; Former Mayor Arthur B. Sickles the finance office nt Fort Mon- were married ut the Church of tho tal ticcidont occurred. man, on the "washed-out" shoulders "Show Boat," an entertainment Highlands high school and Red •of DeNornmndle. avenue, Fair Ha- mouth, was graduated from Thorn- Ascension nt Bradley Bench, No- Burial was in Atlantic View on Hancp. road, near Ridge road, It sponsored by the Jewish War Vet- GUIDANCE DIRECTOR SPEAKS Bank Business institute, tor u jven, underwent u chest operation AS Jefferson high school in Brook- vember 8, by Slsgr. John J. O'Mnra. cemetery, Colt's Neck, Besides Mrs. wan decided to remedy tho condi- orans of Asbury Park last week in sho was employed In the flnanno •yesterduy at the Presbyterian Mod- lyn. The bridegroom la nn en- Tho bride wns given in marriage I.nnc, Rev, Mr. Doyle Is survived tion by lnylng a permanent surfnee the Asbury Park high school audl- Willis Slmlon, guidance director oHlco ut Fort Monmouth, and la • leal Center, New York city, Every- gineer with the Telephone company by her fnther. Her sister, SIi«« hy three dnuithtara, Mrs, George B. next spring, liirlum, Gloria, who attends Baton- nf the Red Bank uchonl system, now a isod'iitnry with tho Mutual • thing is satisfactory, leport hos- at Newark. He was graduated Irene Pnlnnd nf Hrmlley Honch, Gordon, Irvlngton; Sirs, Frank A. town grammar school, is a pupil of spoke on "Vocational Outdance" at Contracting company of Atlantic from Red Bank high school and Councllmnn Tony Hunting re- a meeting of the Shrewsbury Town- Highlands, Mr, Rudlingor was a . !}iltal ntlthoiIties, who are encour- wns maid of honor. The oilier nl- Whltueck, Freehold; Mrs, Harry ported that the light company wus Cliff Crane of Interlaken. aged with Ihe progress e( Mr. i the Newark College of Englneer- tendants were Misses Jane Hnyer- W. Plni>, Milltown; and a son, Rob- ship Parent-Teacher aaeoclntlon, warrant ofllcer in the nrmy. Ho Is i ready to install four street light* last week at tht Tlnton Falls nn engineer with thn Budn Equip- iHicklc.' condition. inf. nun of Neptune >n

We Manufacture Our On PARTY AT CLUBHOUSE Vac III Clult Auxiliary Marine Student For The Bes* In Boxu of holiday gift wrappings Names r<»:niiiitters Venetian Blinds were table prizes at the card party Home Decoration To give you same day service. held Friday night at the Red Bank Committee nppoiii'mrnts wore Curt hint—Draperies— Rcdapz-cacla TSARS Woman's club by the club evening announced liy Mrs. .Inini'j H. Ward, Slintovcra — Vrnrtian Ullnda KNITTCD HOLii group with Mrs. Lawrence R. president, at a merlin;; of tlir 'iux- Burdge and Mrs. Burton Moore as iliary of the Keyport Yacht i iub The SHERMAN SHOP MOBILE V. B. CO. FOA INVISIBLE 50 llrnarl St. H,.d Hank HAN0WKAVIN6- chairmen. Special ' awards were held last wrel; in the chiblioii.-i\ BED BANK 6-3332-B won by Mrs. H. Conant Speer, Mrs. Those in ihiir^e of a Christmas Theodore Engberg, Mrs, Henry C. party Dectiv.l>rr IS include Mi.». Tilton, Mrs. Noel Lailaud, Mrs. Cuvurt Cnmptiell. Mrs. I!ul:orl Khr- TIUTI' \\n« nn »i|,| u'uiiinn w\\n li\ci| hy Ifi. ZJZ9J ten. Jack Bulger nnd Mrs. Arthur Sil- DON'T BUCK YOU UP cox. Tlic New Ycrira bul'IVt s:ip|ipr ; RADIO IliT CCUI-('|- \V|< t.111 f;t»|||«(HPi| will bn in ch.UKt' of Mis. Wnril, toy NUXATED IRON Ami lii'i" I.IKIIIMIMK W;I^ ile Irnp WIMB four doctor five* you ft medlclM IB4 It MM. Charles Moore, Mrs. Kloyd Tos- •Mao t help you, h* tile* knottier medicine. l>ike- ton, .Mrs. Edwnrd I,ork»-"o'l anil I Sales & Service Her Cntni>l II-IIMI 1,',' *lic, if tiumini don't buck you up. try NLXATEU IKON to belt? build more full red Mrs. Carleton Ii. Wh.-irinn nnd I AlP'l ll''f SlHVlklillX I'mli1 (lid lull' MU^ '• jour blood. For full red blood hejpi many «* vt to tv * I***1 *»nd«rful. Htlrk to KTXATED members of the? commi:-J Cull For ami IMIvrr tee nix' Mrs. Heninn Kcluiinai'lie,-, i At l.i-l -In' Iciok :i -If|.^ld ht-r I'.I- ,if (>]*•.•!«=ur**: Mrs. Chsirle.i Si'eox nnd .Mrs. I-or-l SINGER Sin- j!\wr .ill her hu.'il.-, lii I In- -criip ilnvi1 ;HII| hml » ifixnl rest Garrison. | ttttric S«wing Mochinei i Rcfrcshnwms at the nwotlni; GEORGE T. SCHMIDT oil'' in;iiii In mi'M-urt'. PORTABIE were servetl by the ho.-pit M I it y coni- 131 .SprlllK St. ||. H. IH 1.51-M raittci-, Mrs. Waj-d. Mrs. Tollnn MODIl nnd Mrs. .Moor.'. Present were Mrs. Floyd Brown, .Mrs. Stanley 1. Cun- Public Auction dey, Mrs. Kranlt M;uirer, Mrs. Lock- 39" PFC Martin W. Kuiue wood. Mrs. Gem-Re Tot'.i'n. Mrs. Ar- Red Bank Auto Glass Co. ••built thur Kilcox, Mrs. Charles Sili'ox. 10 DftY TRIAl PIAN PFC Martin W. Kunzc of Kemp Mrs. Moore, Mrs. llai-ulil Itnynicind, 21 MAPLE AVE. HOMf DEMONSTRATION avenue, Fair Haven, who enlisted Mrs. Vincent Ajiplettate, Mrs. Mer-j YANKEE TRADER — Sale — in the U. S. Marine Corps in Sep- rill Wallace, Mrs. fi.-irnsnn, Mrs.: Cor. Mnpln \\r. & While St. tember, 194U, is at BuinbridRO, Md., I Schumacher. Mrs. Kinnk KerKiison. ! Your Old Machine Mrs. OonrKc Wester and .Mrs. Jinn-! Complete Hou§ehold Goads, Furnishings, preparing for the forthcoming en- trance examinations to the U. S. \ aid Willis. | BOAT GLASS Penelope Snifflefoot ELECTRICALLY Naval academy at Annapolis. Porch Furniture, Garden Tools, Etc., of the twelve, A graduate of Kumson high MODERNIZED, Indiet Ned Hank Man : DESK TOPS room dwelling at: school, Kunze extended his enlist- Khenezer Shedfealher ment to three years after coinplet- l''or l.areciiy, Assault j DOOR GLASS inK his boot training at Parrifi la- [ John "IJehe" West, L'(i, u! 1 Ifi , |{.MI Bank land, S. C. I-.ast February he flew I l^oiphton avenue, Ked Jlanli, has j to Treasure Inland, California, from WINDSHIELD GLA8S 200 Ocean Ave., Deal, N. 1 been indicted by tho grand jury for , II isht's ,iul Dorr r'rendn en where he waft sent to Tientsin, 'larceny of a motor vehicle nnd us- \ TABLE TOPS Jnd House North of Roscld Ave., China. He was transferred to jsault with intent to rape. Accord- Guam in September. ling to Red Bank police, West hid fnMtillrd While Yon W.-iil, It-waa at Tientsin that he took j in lliu car uf Mrs. Hlliwlii'tli Ori'iin, a qualifying civil service examina- Spt'injid:\lo uvomu1, Klircwsimry, Red Bank Auto Glass Co. in Abundant? Tliunksgiviii Day tion, which resulted in his appoint- end ripped her clothins; an rhe lied fa Ml All MaliM 8fwin> .UacbinM ment as an alternate to the Naval from the car after lie had ordered 21 MAPLE AVE. Saturday, December 6th academy by Congressman James C. her to drive on. HJ drove the car TEL. R. B. 6-3860 Auchinclosfi. away but was subsequently iir- commencing at 1 p. m. BELMAR 6-7190 rcfited. At the time, lie was wanted Doctor* Discuss for an alleged rape of another wo- The premlnon having !>••»» "old suhject to Immediate posges- man July 2'J. slon, all ltem» must be removed at conclusion of *ale, This com- SELL US r SINGER Hospital 1\V«MIH Kdward liatcs, 21, and liis lirolh- er, Donald, lil, uf Orchard street. plete dispersion will be gold without reserve under the direction Monmouth county's urgent need of more hospital beds and addition- Matawnn, were indicti'd on seven of: al hospital facilities was the topic: 1 counts involving :\ riuL nt lj.'ilbach'.s $07.50 of discussion at a special mertini; ' auditoriuill. Kcan.slui:«, October B. G. COATS, Auctioneer, 490 Bath Ave., Lone Branch, N. J. fi I CA3II of the executive committoo of the i 18. lseansliuiK police dialled tho Frank Woollry Phone «-SSeo J. rarker Monmouth County Medical society I two brothers were principals in a held last week in Borden Memorial | brawl precipitated amiintr 2SU APP1IANCE pavillion at Monmouth Memorial jdanccrfi which"d callinit In whom authority to sell haa been vested and who shall not be STORES hospital. t Die police. SKt. Thruilorr l.mli'r, po- responsible in case of accident or Injury to any person or persons •19 101* Av«,, Bdmar Brlmar 6-7190 Discussed were the provisions of lice said, narrowly missed liuillK 1C04 Clinton Ave ES 2 0014 stahiied. Ulliest was chalked with In, on or about the premises. So that you may attend this sale in Newark the Hospital Survey nnd Construc- tion Act, also known as the Hill- assault and battery upon a police- 351 M'ket »t, I'atcraon; man and unlawful nllonipt to use comfort the house will be heated and the sale will take place on Armory 4-7997 Eurton Act, which provides federal man J9S3 Hud. Blvd., J. City; funds to states for tbe construction data and time above set forth, regardless of weather conditions. Jo. Sq. 2-S07S a dangerous wen.;:on and his brolli and expansion of hospital facilities. er Donald on both counts and also To be eligible for the federal funds for "sudden a IT ray". available under this act, commun- Ijeather .soles un shoos permit the ities muet provide two dollars for every dollar allocated by the fedci- passage of air through the natural al government, This plan, it was hide. *v pointed out at the meeting, makes no provision for funds to maintain any additional hospital facilities. The group agreed that the need of long term planning for the con- Bring struction and maintenance of addi- tional facilities in Monmouth Christmas county was very apparent at this Your time nnd successful planning re- sulting In the providing of much needed hospital facilities waa of prime importance to the general Cleaning-Dyeing means welfare of the people of thla coun- ty. Particularly emphasized was the current shortage of hospital beds And for the chronically ill and the over- loading of Juescnt hospital facili- ties. The president of the society, Dr. Louis F. Albright, Spring I.nke, will Laundering appoint a committee to conduct H survey of the hospital needs of the Src|»ar««(l to fill all of tliosn CliriHtmaM wishea to additional facilities needed and the means of obtaining funds to tlin easy >vay. assure the maintenance of euch DIRECTLY facilities. While selections are large, just brows* Highlands Civic Group To Our around and you'll find some wonderful Wfestinghouse Radi Wants Food Iii8|icctur The Highlands Property Owners i ideas. Hold your elioicci with a small de- association, at a meeting Wcdnes- | PLANT posit and pick them up—all gift wrapped— day night of last week at the American Legion hall, voted to ask Expert Advice—.No Obligation before Christmas. the borough council that a health Inspector, a physician, be appointed to inspect all ctores where food 1« handled.. ] In making the request, the group I also asked that health cards be ' LECNS necessary for all persons handling food. A plan to aid other borough civic groups In decorating Bay ave- 64-76 White Street nue for Christmas was endorsed. James Kinlan waa appointed chair- Red Bank man of a waya and means commit- tee. EST. 1912 More than 3,000 persona die in Vaults en Promise* rural fires each year. A CMSO/« CmblMtka H mak$a wih's html sing! Th« WcttlnoHouM 1M Is > radio- of pow«f attded foe ttue-to-life phonogrtph to nuke a wife's heart pcrforouiKt, the Electronic Feather ling! A magnificent bowfront cabi- tone inn, the Automix Changer and net (he'll be proud to hive in her exclusive new Welting- home—Plenii-powcr, the enu ftierve nouKlUiabowToneFM.

Announcing an Extended Bus Service on th* Asbury Park-Paterson Wattlnghwu Th« WMtlnoheuM 171, Route lh< CONSOLETTC' i» m fact inurumnt. It fcu il a tafclt-topptf to tike Junior by Moral! An automatic Bum Will Pick Up Pauengen At: Asbury a LIFT-OITT ladio. in iiito- iidio-phonoineh with > LIFT-OUT cadia that un b. Park, Eatontown, Red Bank, Middletown, pliiand in inrwkui. A record player which pliyi up mitlc ncord chingtr, bif-KI ra 90 minytei of uninterrupted recorded muiic. Stunning Keyport, Cliffwood Beach, Laurence Harbor, fccord MonfC ipicc. Th« record lii-mnm cibinrt in mahonny reneeri with mitchini crwiftr pli>l 50 ninum of uit- plattlc radio, or blond* Jniib, with ivory radio. Morgan... Intunipnd recorded mullc, Mi- For Discharge At: Woodbridge, Rahway, inr Ttnt cbinet with For Quality Gifts Long nitchlnf pintle ndio or listed Linden, Roielle, Rotelle Park, Union, Irving- lih Ivory plmlc ndio. ton, Newark, E. Orange, Bloomneld, Clif- ton, Pauaif, Patenon. Remembered For further information tee any ticket agent or call Paitaic 2-1512. EASY PAYMENTS ARRANGED 36 Red GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP Broad Reussilles'Bank 46 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK t*d Shor« Lines Inc. Monmouth'x' Leading Jewelers Since 1886 1B« •ROADWAY LONQ IRANCH Pace Fou* RED BAXK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 27, 194T — WINDOW SHADES — Margaret Post Wedt We are manufacturing all tilt* and all grtdo of lid* Boy Scouts Win Lo Piccolo Says: Hemmed shades in our own factory at the right price. Keyport Resident MARINE i He rrvorke your old »hade». Waahahle Shades our »|»rUHy. Announcement has been made of ATLANTIC Honor Awards the marriage of Ml&g Margaret Let's have a "sell"-e-bra- Globe Awning & Shade Co. Post, daughter of Mrs. Mary Chla- lion! We are moving- Jan. THEATRE mnn, South Amboy, to Russell Tra- 2nd, to our new location willi 117 W. FRONT ST. TEL.: RED BANK «-3M9 Aflvam-rinriil For vers, Jr., eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ru»- Highlands, N. J. EDDIE BRACKEN sell Travers, of Keyport, on No- larger display space to take Sea Bright Troop Frl.-Sat. s«t. Mat. PRISCILLA LANE vember 15. The ceremony took care of our ever increasing — IN plnce at Calvary Methodist church LJZABETH SCOTT PRESBYTERIAN NURSERY Twenty-four Boy Scout awards with Rev. Charles Smyth officiat- business, which yon, our val- "FUN ON A WEEKEND ing. ued customers, have madn JOHN HODIAK — AND — Atlantic Highlands Piesbyterlan Church, Monday thru Friday, were presented lo members of troop 62 of Sr:i Bright at the Court MIHS Jeanne Travers, Keyport, possible. BURT LANCASTER JON HALL 9 to 11:45 o'clock. Open to all children two and one-half years of Honor for difitrirt one, held re- sister of the bridegroom, and San- MICHAEL O'SHEA up. Every child covered by insurance. Dally Inspection by num. cently at Broadway school, Lorn; foid Hnrdy, South Amboy! a cou- To show our appreciation, 'we now offer you 10% — IN — Creative program, morning snack, outdoor play. Branch, The program was in sin of the bride, were attendant*. off on all purchases of 91.00 or more until Christmas! "LAST OF THE REDMEN" Transportation provided where necessary. charge of Harmon Bradford, coun- A reception was held at Button- —In Technleolar— cil chairman of advancement. wood manor, Matawan. The couple Xo extra charge for gift-wrapping/. —In Technicolor- Awards to troop G2 members fol- will reside In Keansburg, The bride $2.00 per week—includes everything. low: advancement to second class, attended South Amboy schools and Please visit our Christmas Candle display! Sun.-Mnn. Bun. Mat. Sun. Con't. from 2 r. M. the bridegroom, a graduate of Key- Charles Ellenhcrner, Donnld Mnn- m , BING CROSBY TYRONE POWER I'IKIII<> Atlantic Highlands 1-1515. nlnif, Harry Nelson, William I'ar- port high school, i« employed at DO COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND! ker and Samuel Rock; advance- Wallinjr's service station, Route 36, BARRY FITZGERALD JOAN BLONDELL ment to first class, Herbert Fow- Keyport. JOAN CAULFIELD COLEEN GRAY ler, Raymond Heliker, James Mc- Gulnese, Paul Peterson and Peter N Thomac', advancement to star, Selling XmaH Trees THE CANDLE LIGHT Wdcoimrltrangvr "Nightmo r« Allay" Frank Farbcr, Willinm Fowlur, I'or Welfare fund 767 River Road Fair Haven, N. J. *Tuea.-Wed. Richard Hubbard; advancement to Tue».-Wfd. JOHN HODIAK life, James A. Ryan; merit badges, Sale of Christmas treat ia tha Robert Davies, personal health, first major project of the newly. Phone: Red Bank 6-2144 MAUREEN OUARA GEORGE MURPHY SODEN'S formed Men's club, which la rail- FRANCES GIFFORD Mfety, woodwork; Kninlt Farber, DICK HAYMKS photography, safety, woodwuik; ing money for the welfare fund. In HARRY JAMES * ORCII. — IN _ William Fowler, athletics, physical order to make sure of disposing of — IN — "THE ARNELO AFFAIR" development, sufcty; Raymond Hcl- the trees the club Is selling advance Ikcr, rcadinfi; Richard Hublmrd, credit slips. The House of the Twin Bars "DO YOU LOVE ME" PRESTO.V FOSTER FLOWERS home repairs, life saving, machin- The club hat ordered 600 tree* —In Technicolor — ery, photography, rowing, safety, nnd to date has sold more than half "King Of TheWild Honct" swimming; Jnme.H McGuine.sfi, read- that number. The member* hop* ... th. GREEN GROVE MANOR Thuroday Thura. Mat. 79 NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD, RED BANK ing, safety; Paul Peterson, reading, to rnisc between $700 nnd $1,000 Tor .Thunday One Day the welfare fund. Because of their WILLIAM GARGAN safety; James Ryan, athletics, life A Distinctive Supper Club for Dining BKTTE*DAVIS saving, personal health, physical de- interest in the "Y," various Y.M.- IIUMrilREY BOGART velopment, .public health, safely; C.A. nativities will receive a eon- l'Olt YOU It HXTEItTAlNMEXT "RENDEZVOUS 24" Aflstatunt Scoutmasters Georj*c s'. Ulcrnhlo portion for their welfare THANKSGIVING DINNER MENU —an*— Bttz, bird study, pnthllntilng, pion- "MARKED WOMAN" CEI.KIIY OLIVES MONA FREEMAN —and— eering, and John Olsen, bookbind- Trees will be on sale at the APPETIZERS: Order your centerpieces for ing. Y.M.C'.A. home, 40 Riverside ave- SHRIMP COCKTAIL MtESH CHAB MEAT COCKTAIL RICIIABII DENNING JACK LEONARD nue, between December 10 and 2,1, KRUIT CUP CHILLEIJ HAW (JKAPEFRUIT TOMATO JUICE Star scout awards were presented CHOICE OF SOU!': hy William Smith, life scout awards nnd those who have not already ar- CItBAM OK MUSHROOM CHICKEN WITH RICK "BLACITBEAUTY" "Swing The Western Way" by Harold N. West, and apprecia- ranged to purchase trees nre attlced ENTREE-* Thanksgiving now. We have a tion of scoutmasters' achievement to contact any member of the club. BROILKI) SIKI.O1N OK FILET MIONON STEAK - M.M WHOLE HKOII.BIP LOHSTER WITH SAUCE i *•••»" hy Judge Alton V. ftvuns. (•21 1111011,1511 [iA.MIJ CHOPS - - - »«•«» n\i vmniNiA HAM—RAISIN SAUCE si on Speaker To Review IIHOILKn HALF CHICKEN S3.50 lovely selection of flowers. Sou llright KOAST TOM TUB-KEY WITH nKBSSIND I CBANItERRV NOW O/V THEA/K... Christmas Legends SAUCE - 13M Leroy J-.ayton left last Thursday (3) V«Kct»hl«« IncluilInK Pot«to«« by plane from I.n r.narclin held for Mrs. Mota Shiree of Elliabelh CHEFS SALAtl Dallas, Tex., which he reached in will lecture on "Christmas Tradi- CHOICE OF DESSERTS! eight hours. Ho made Ihe trip to tions and Legends" at the Tuesday, PUMPKIN PIE STRAWIWRBY OR OHOCOTATE PARFAIT see h!s son-in-law and dauRh'.rr, December 16, meeting of Garden MINCB PIE ICE (*BAM_ .. l'LUM PUII1HNG Mr. and Mi's. James Biivh and club, R.F.D., at Fellowship hall, ASBURY PARK HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM children. Mrs. Birch is recovering? Holmdcl. Members will exhibit ar- ASIIHRV PARK, N. ,1. from an illness and her (Ivp-year- rangements In a holiday motif, CLIFF WATROUS -X, HAMMOND ORGAN old dauKhter Patricia Ann undpr- suitable for a hall or living room DROP IN AND SEE THE TWO Thursday, D«c«mbtr 4th, at 1:30 P. M. went a throat operation la-st Satur- table. day at the Baylor university hospi- Mis. Fred Noble wu in charge IDENTICAL BARS The tal In Dallas. Mr. I.nylon expeets lo of a special exhibition of arrange- 4 OU return home the latter part of next ments of dried material* shown at ' * AMERICAN NATIONAL GRAND OPERA COMPANY week. u recent club meeting. Prije win- Arirary Avenun UK MOW STATION OP IMC OF XK.W YOKK Close to 200 persons attended the ners were Mrs. Noble, first; Mrs, PRESENTS barn dance held Saturday night by Elmer Bahrenburg, second, and Aahury Park the Left and Richt club nt the Mrs. Murray Todd and Mrs. Octav> Traffic Circle NEWARK NEWS ius Knight, third. American Legion home. Mock mar- (Follow lh« Sl|n« LA TRAVIATA riages and other humorous events Opera In Four Acts •>• O. Verdi to Crwn Grova were added fentures. T.T.A. MEETING TUESIIAY Road) Featuring I'asifiialc Fortunato, Tenor Judy Eilenberger entertained R Five members of the Red Bank f«w friends nt a party held Friday high school student council will ex- CI.OSKI1 KVKRV MONDAY Supported By All-Star Ca$t afternoon In celebration of her press their views on Red Bank ninth birthday. A birthday cake schools at a meeting of the Junior- Large Symphony Orcheitra with nine candles adorned the table Senior lMrents-Tcncher association GORGEOUS COSTUMES furnished by: SdvaneUs-CulcMl and Judy received many fine gifts. Tuesday nighl at Red Bank junior Ccmtiime Co. of »wr Vork Present were Barbara West, Les- high school auditorium. John O'Reil- Conductor: JOSEPH FURGIVIEMO • ter Covert, Jennie Covert, Jean ly will lead the discussion, assisted AMlfttttnt Conductor: FRANK BASEIJCE Altman, Helen Gaynur, Mary Elloti- by other council members, Louise Ellenberger and Mary Oaynor. Taylor. Sue Lechtrecker, Charles I! \ II I. I II \ Orchestra Seals: §2.00 • SI.50 Plug Tax The third and fourth grades In Bruno and Dominic Serrate WAUTER READS; THEATRE TICKETS ON SALE AT: school were awarded the carsh prize HUNT MUSIC SHOP, Brood * Monmouth Sta., Red Bank, hy the Home nnd School associa- Ntivcsink mm* SAT. r,l kfL) BANK t SUN. THRU TUIS. Phone 6-433G tion for bavins the Inrgcst repre- MUSIC SHOP, Long Branch sentation nt the Inst mnetins. In- Cadet David C. Swan, a student M. PORTUNATO, Main Olllce and General Information: stead of keeping the prize money at Marion Institute in Marion, Ala., 1301 - 4th Avenue, Anbury Park, Phone 2-6M2-W. for class activities, Ihc pupils has been named to the dean's li»t 40 bought food for the Friendship for October for maintaining an av- Train. erage of 85 per cent, with no grade GREAT Rev. Joseph S. Eldridge Us spend- in any subject below 80 per cent. ing part of this week at Burling- Cadet Swan Is the son of Mrs. Jos- STARS ton, where his wife has hocn visit- eph K. Johnson of Lakeside ave- ALMN inf a dnilghtcr who recently gave nue. HOW TO GET birth to a son. Members of the Navesink Junior ONE The local school closed at 12:30Garden club have started their p. m. Wednesday for the Thanks- Christmas project of collecting dis- GREAT uivinc vacation and will reopen carded toyo to repair and repaint. PICTURE! HKYWORTH MORE Monday morning. They will give the toys to the chil- dren in near-by hospital wards at a* UM«l»«t ." IMRY PARKS I*. | AT M«

We said to our engineers: "Give us proof that this new kind of oil burner will excel ordinary burners by a large margin." So they purchased five other oil burners—the most widely sold and most highly advertised burners^ and mode tests. All burners were carefully installed, according to their makers instructions in identical brand MATINEE DAILY 2i15 CONTINUOUS SATURDAY new boilers. EVENING8 7:00 * 9:00 SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS These tests were conducted on a scientific basis, each Ml. V \ II burner forced to do its best—a fair test in all respects. A WALTER READE THfATRF Buy bread so good you eat it down to the •aslast tiny piece of crust. Twice as many* raisins, extra NOW THRU SAT. SUN. THRU TUIS. HERE ARE THE FINAL FIGURES, honey, and a touch of pure cinnamon- PROVING THE SAVINGS THAT saves 33 percent of wheat flour in this loaf. MASTER KRAFT CAN GIVE COM- PARED TO THE BEST OTHER BURNERS.

You can S;,vingi In ' Savings in ' Savings In Gait. oi OH Dollar* Dottira »w save over per Yiap par ytar* $ yr, pirl«tj Burner No. 2: 15.8% 316 $31.60 $15t.O0 " No. 3: 14.6% 292 29.20 146.00 " No. 4: 13.0% 260 26.00 130.00 " No. 5: 9.8% 196 19.69 MOO " No. 6: 20.7% 414 41.40 207.00 •••••« an MM lallana »f ill par yair *t 10c tir ••Hail. with « Adele J »• Marc PLATT *j • •••"* • Oil Hear Midi with butor, honey, milk, eggs, nutritious unUtiehtd (lour, by Ihe Arnold Bakers family ATTRACTIONS NOW SHOWING AT WALTER READE ASBURY PARK THEATRES Stuffing surprise for die Thanksgiving Turkey... with i n*wft*v*rl Give jour favorite Muffin,, a new interest by combining Arnold SEABOARD U SERVICE MAYFA1R ST. JAMES PARAMOUNT ' LYRIC SAVOY Fine White Hrcad with RuisinTcti Loaf. Use proportion! of Vtto V« Fun - Fancy Free MERTON OF raisin to white—allow 2 slices of bread to the lb. of bird. Delicious.' GREEN Serving The Shore Tel. Red Bank 6-0248 —and— MAUIG TOWN WILD HARVEST THE MOVIES DOLPHIN STREET —and— Hat Box Mjntery The Arm-In Affair BED RANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 27, 1947 Page Five

for 84 years our store lias hern a center for fine Christmas J. YANKO gifts. Once again our three floors arc filled with exciting holiday merchandise. The selection is wide, and the quality 30 BROAD STREET surpasses our traditional (standard.

LADIES' HANDBAGS JEWEL1TE SETS Fine handbags for every oc- Famous nationally known sets by Pro-phy-lactic for casion. Smartly styled, in every woman on your list. In sapphire, ruby and all shapes and sizes. Calf, clear. I i 7. a r (I, suede, alligator, Stainless Steel CARVING SETS Priced from 1.7S to 12.95 a set broadcloth, corde, faille and CHILDREN'S SNOWS! ITS Three piece set* by Valley rnrp., linker, Hint and gold ami silver Whiting and Attractive as well as wurin, in water-rcpcllcm /clan National. Some are IIOIIOW-J.-TOIINII, nil arc sharpened Davis Mesh lings. lilnck, linisli, /ill wool and poplins. One and two-piccc HUHl- to razor-edge. Choice of nlag, bone. ImlValo or plastic brown and color*. els; .sonic with gay rinliroidcry. All colors. handles. From 5.00 to 69.00 lioia 10.95 l<> 25.O0 From 5.95 to 19.50

— 1ST FLOOR — — 1ST FLOOR — - BASEMENT — 1ST FLOOR — •OH MMMMMMI* FAMOUS COMPACTS INTIMATE LINGERIE Rex, Volupte and Elgin-American have pro- Select your Christ mas duced an outstanding selection in compacts. lingerie from such fa- You have your choice of round, oblong or mous names as Barbi- square shapes in gold, silver and colored Kon, Colony Club, Miss metals. •'.. , Swank, Lady Lynn, Priced from 1.00 up to 15.00 Shar-loo, Tula, Terriw and Trillium. Exquisite go w n s , il i pa, bed- COSTUME JEWELRY sucques Aid pajamas We are proud to offer sucli f;iiii

ly lace trimmed or tai- — 1ST FLOOR — — 1ST FLOOR — lored styles, in white, _ 1ST FLOOR — black and pastel colors. ISM In junior, misses' and SMART LUGGAGE LAMPS women's sizes. Always welcome is a set of fine luggage, or a lilted Leather lamps, plain and 2.S0 to 25.00 case. Give an over-night case, wardrobe or two-sniter. studded with parchment LADIES' GLOVES Priced from U.95 to 55.00 shades. r From 10.00 to 18.00 Select from liacmo's line suedes, /, Hrass lamps in Colonial capeskins, pigskins, fur-lined and and Cape Cod styles. Desk, table, student and floor wool-lined gloves—or Dnwnelle's lamps. fine double woven fabrics—or you I From 5.95 to 25.00 may prefer our smart wool gloves. / Prices range from 1.50 to / China lamps with hand- sewn shades. 7.50. From 8.95 to 25.00


SWEATERS HOUSECOATS Featuring three of the finest brand sweaters—Jantzeu, Garland and (Jotlinm. Soft Slidl:imis and Australian Luscious quilted yarns, classic designs in the short and longer .styles. housecoats in soft White, pastels and dark colors. pastel colors and dark From 3.95 to 10.95 prints. All sizes. 10.95 to 25.00

Wool robes in plaid and solid colors. 12.95 to 25.00 PERFUMES and SETS

LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS Featuring world-famous Lucien Lelong perfumes: Hostess robes in sat- ins and crepes. From 3.50 to 26.50 An unusually wide assortment of fine hand- 12.95 to 35.00 kerchiefs. Exquisite hand-embroidered white INDISCREET OPENING NIGHT linens, sheer dainty Swiss, chic and different JABOT WHISPER French prints, madeira and appenzel hand BALALAIKA TEMPEST Sunburst chenille embroideries, floral and geometric prints— TAILSPIN SIROCCO housecoats in pastels handkerchiefs for everyone. only. Toiletry sets by Lucien Lelong and Evening of Paris, 10.95 Priced from 25c to 5.00 each attractively boxed in gay holiday style. From 1.75 to 13.00


METHODIST Little Silver Foreign Wars auxiliary. She had a Fair Haven viait with Joseph Curtis of Church The youth fellowship group sang street, who is a patient in that In- Members and friends of the Cha* stitution. He was in fine spirits and pel of the Holy Communion will be a Thanksgiving hymn at Sunday Deaths In Red Bank and Vicinity morning's service in Embury Meth- was happy to greet some old special guests at a ftrvica at 10 friends from this section. o'clock Thanksgiving mornlnj. odist church. The members will W.S.C.S. A program of entertain- rBESBTTEBIA.V Rev. Chriitephcr H. Snyd«r, vlear hold a swimming party Saturday at The Woman's Society of Christ- FTKST ciuncH OF cmusT, ian Service will meet next Wednes- ment pertinent to carh calendar Rcd Bank ef the c-uaat church, «-ill preach on MRS. ELIZABETH «. rt.MI was In Mt. Olivet cemeteryy, under the Aabury Park natatorium. A SCI ICNTIST I month will be provided by various the thtma, '"Tnsnksflving Then business meeting will be held Sun- day at 2:30 p. m. at the home of r.ed 13a r'K 'A%\'. John A. Haye/< will preach Mrs. Ellaabeth Sheridan Elli*, TT, the direction of the Worden fun- Mrs. Fred Ellison of Fox Hill. ; i groups. Each mpnihor ii asked to T r n lud day at 6:30 p. m. in the church hall. Services :n !•'.: t Cl'.uroii of bring her "birthday" ro'lection. Sunday morning a£ 11 orlo'cTon j ?"*.*?*"• J?.« °. «» >« -? daughUr of the late James and Rev. Dr. F. A. DeMira is spend- .Christ. Sc:ent>:. ->"O B:-o;u; street. the subject, "What Is This Life ] b« "O«e to Thanksgiving, "Beeth- Mrs. Noel Nilson and Mrs. Wil- DicUcns' "Christmas Cniol" will 1 : Alice Hall gheridan, died Saturday MIMI E. riCiir.ER ing part of this week with his R*4 Banli. .-\:r V-.i-M Pundavr .11 II Abundant?" YoliinlLc :-:* :.IP uanted ' oven, and "Reverie", Ko^er/i, will liam T. Snwyer were hostesses at be prrfer.'rr! Sunday ni;r:i'. Decem- i be rendertd an the offertory. The Sirs. -Mimi Eugenia Pichler, wife - mectiiif...... f. —..-...Monday, ...nigho..t. —of th.....e. daughter, u, Miss Elizabeth DeMaris a. M. gur.d i\-w, ;oc.l n; 11 v. m. nr.d in th« imi'er! tn'vn-Wide , i j , ber 7, at S oflork in fellowship r :K OU senior choir will sins the anthem, of C. Edward Pichler, v.ho had rt- • youn^ adult fellowship in the , ,,,, I*"1 Waiaesday e\tn;r,j? nt R:1."J o'clock. hall. The J'l^y '..-5 bp: i « ,n,i i,,. CCIIHIS to be held ne\: Sunday af- months and was the widow of Wil- Mrs. Elvin Morris and son, El- )f> 13:.'.id sucot. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. ! cerebral hemorrhase. She resided A nursery has been started by to traffic. The TlninfcsfciV.ns .lay pvod»6ja- Church school v..:i meet nt 9Ao plclrd for n eocinl nffaij to be held service on the subject, "Holy Marie £1. Livcscy of Montclair; two on Hope road, Eatontown. 'a. nv with ft.*s«es for all ujres. Mrs. Pichler was born in New Mrs. Irving Summers in the Em- The interior of the Little Silvtr tion of the Pro.sidi'iv. o" '.hi* U:litPd the parish hui ISt RerUlrsK 'Ground". The organ prelude will be sons, William b. Ellis of Verona postofflce haft been painted and a Stale.! ami n lesson-.-!•: nmn cn:itl«d_ Rev. l"th m him. O. gilPM speaker. of the most comical hat. Rrooklyn, assisted by Rev. Edward j Episcopal church, Shrewtbuiy, of- : Morris, Mrs. Florence Summers and s Thp. Craft. Chorister* will present ha •«p«n«K. to br 4itn\hti Vm fear thp I.oid, vr hi" . ,Tin'..< for The union ThanksjTivin;: service Woman'* Society ot Christian J, Kane of Verona "a* deacon, anrl I ficiatinc. Burial w.13 in Fair View ; Mrs. Emerson Quackenbush. (an turn talaly lo Scott lor t therr, is no want :o them :ha* f?nr a concert of sacred music Sunday Service will mr-Pt next. Thursday at baaulifu! and dlanlfiaa funtral at i evening nt S o'clock under thp cli,- (if al! PrulcslaiH churches of Red 2:S0 m Rev. Joseph O'Connor of St. Agncn ' I'emnicry, under the direction of Miss -Winona Darrah of Sunny modtrata coit. him." IPJE. 31.1, ,v 9>. L'onoiati\'p JCank ^vi] 1 be tonight (Wcdnes- P- - »t th» home ot Mrs. Ed- church, ns sub-dee.con. Burial was j the Mount Memorial home. Crest drive, director of health and passages from ".*••!' -IT nnd Health , rcclion of Allan R. Woolley. The . ward A. Crozier. pianist will b* Francis Kodama. • d»>'p »'• R o'clock at Trinity Episco. n Mt. Olivet cemetery, under the ; SHKKIDAN. welfare of the Monmouth County ^"ith Key to t'ii- Scripture?,' by ; direction of the Martin funeral MKS. Social Service organization, was Mary Baker Eddy, •.r.tlurle: and William Crawford will be at P"' church. BAPTIST H. Lawrence Scott 1 the organ consols. Mrs. J. William Finwcis wore placed on the pul- home. Mrs. Catherine Sheridan, mother guest apeaker at the Engltshtown "God is not mo . >*d by the bieath 11 Sumlny by A. Trumbull Smith Leonardo Bearers were John and Walter of Mrs. Louis Wcrse of Port Mon- Parent-Teacher ascociatlon meeting of praise to do rr.oio [U:\:\ lip has lloim and Mrs. Theresa McCIln-, P Sunday by A. Trumhull Smith Scott Funeral Horn* lock will be soloists. A silver oT- family in memory of the late The Unio,n. Thanltsgivin, -,-,,•-•-g ervice Rowan• , William Kaiser,• Edward mouth, died of a heart attack Sun- Monday night in the Main street already donr\ r.oi- r-.n :!ir Infl-itc vioa Mlddlatown Taoinahlp fcrinc will he taken. .Mrs. A. Irumbull Smith. school auditorium". do lens than I.?.-! u.-. nl; i;wt\. rin« nardwill 0b»_held thus year Injhe I.eo- ; necasun, rhiliij O'.Ncill and John J clay at her home, S21-A Monmouth Conllnuaiialv For I] Vaart Charles Stephens is chairman of I ..,.„„„««• Baptist church at. 10 o'clock. Thon,R?. street, Jersey City, at the agoof | Mrs. Emerson Quackenbush vis- He is unchanpinfc u..-rloni and Love 1101, V Church Street, Belford. N. J. a group of about 2.1 men from the j .LIllhKAN H.ith mcmbt;1.s and f.i.nds of the 72 years. A nativi e of IIli elandd, she . itcd the Lyons Veterans hhospital .... AIT v.,-• renlly pratfful for Fhose Keansburt 64331 the good alrcnrly irrnved?" 'p. p. church who will assist with the re- lied Bank 'New Monmouth Bnptlit church at- josicri! J. MI;<.I.IO had lived at Jersey City 70 year*. [ recently with a representative of' I, Si. ! liRious census to be taken in Red Rev. Harold Hoinbeigtr_._ _.„_... pastor, , !, tending._ „.. The. sermon will be Joseph J. Mcglio, 34, who with j Surviving besides" Mrs. Werse are the sixth district of he Veteran* of Following a fo'.o, "Sonp of Rank Sunday afternoon, will administer Communion at. the ' brought by Rev. William D. Powell, his father operated a large truck three other daughters and six sons, 1 The class in religious instruction ji ,-,. m, .service Sunday. .New and the subject will be, "Thank farm at the coiner of Holmdel roaci ! Mig. Thoma.s Dojlo, Mrs. Helen Thanksgiving. ' hy riii-hnrd I... A. 1 Wallbridgp, trstimonir.- nppi'oprifitn i will be omitted this week for the members will hr. received into the Ciod and Take Courage". The and the Frcchold-Morganvillo high- ' Docker, Mrs. Vc i a Murphy and for the occ.sion "I'I be Kivcn by juniors because of the school holi-' fellowship of the church at this i church choir a* well as the pastor's way, Bradevelt, died suddemy u.' a ' John, William, Kd'.vnrd, Philip and Christian Scir-ntiMf. day. ; service. The churrh-tichool, with ' choir will sing appropriate scicc- heait attack at 10 o'clock Saturday Henry Shri idan. nil of Jersey City, MONMOUTH MONUMENT "Ancient and Modrrn .N'rrromaiv Thr Philathea society will meet Bible lions. ' find Robert Shrrldnn of Se;iltlt\ nUuR classes, convenes at night. An unusually haid wurkor. J COMPANY ,ey, Alias Me.= r.ier..-m rind Hypno- Monday evening at the huniu of m. Sunday morning. November 30, Mr. Meglio bad been accustomed lo Wasli.; -A sister. MI. . Pviiyinontl . Mrs. Harry O'Brien. Wallace street. tism, Denoucred" is the subject for M(,mln,,.s or lh(, cnurch working the. pastor, Rev. Ellwood S. Wolf, working all day on his farm, ami Bushy of Atlantic City, and ID Headden't Corner, Middletown, Route 35 IThrre will he n C'hrlstm ar j thm Sunday, N'uvpmbn .'10. P •* | on the hoiipc-to-housc church .sur- wrmon theme, then in ths evening driving a irucK (!iandchilflrcn. Golden Text: ''Let. not ynur pro- land gift* will ha enchan^e vey with members of other Red "When God H.iUV.nhb sermon, farm produce tu the ! The Woman's Missionary society uu phets find your diviners, that bo in iir.nk churi'lips Sunday will meet illl begihl n aatt 1U1 oo'clock clock . The church- i '"" " "' ' |--,I)WAKU~J.~<;'ON\OB. L. H. Francis, Manager will meet next Wednesday afternoon school will meet at 9;15 a. m. Jun- l>Ncw Wlt ral'm m«'-«et. He worked the midst, of you. deceive you. nl the home of Mi*. 11. E. Williams at the church nnrsonasr on Wal- Saturday night up until a few min- Edward J. Connor, 87, father of Formerly with Franc- O. Squires, Freehold neither hearken to your dreams I of I3road street. Love gift boxes lace strcrt at 1:10 p. m. l)efore ior Chrlctian Endeavor society will utes before he died. J. Joseph Connor of 90 Hrnnch Avhich ye cause to be drenmed. Kor | anil money for Christmas gi'ts for «taiting their canvafe. meet a.t fl:30 p. m., and the Baptist He luid experienced ditilcultiet | avenue, died Sunday of inst week PHONE KfcD BANK 6-3810 they prophecy falsely unto you in "others' will be hroueht in. Mrs. There will be a special Thanks- Youth FellowshiFellp will hold IUs ^^-ith labor the past few year.s, and j nt his homo at Lowoll, M;i.-3. my name: I have not sent them, Donrtld Crawford will present, thp giving; day KCHvii-o at. the church at meeting at. 7 o'clock. The evening hp. and hU father were uttcinplini K ! BesideBd s his scm, J . J . CConnor, who NIGHTS: POINT PLEASANT 5-0547 •alts the Lord", iJcr. 2ft:R. Bi. 10 a. ni. The public la invited. service! will be held at 8 o'clock, l0 scl1 lheir progfam. - , ., , ,.,,. -....pi, nn .),# ' farm. His father, John ; conducts a. ie:il estate business at Bermon: Pnssnecs from the King I when tho pastor «111 p.each on the . ^ ^.^ ^ ^ ^ Hrnnr.vick, Mr. Conner h sur- I flBH version of the Ribie include: j TRINITY KIMSCOPAI, |(j ST. GKORGK'S KPISCOr.%1. theme, 'Jesus bend.- Men . IM egli0 had planned tu g., an- ' vived hv two other for..=, Frrd Con- ' ••Beloved. follow not that which Red Bank Rumson ta evil, but that which is Rood. He The deaconess** of the cnutcn ot)l(,r Unr 0( buBlncss. ! nor. livir.K at home, mid Edward; Thp men of the parish will attend A community sprvice of Thanks- will mccl. Tuesday afternoon, Ut-, Mr. Meslio Is also survived by his Connor, Jr., of Winchester, Mns3.. I that doeth Rood is of God: but he remher 2, at 3 o'clock. thc Advent. Corporate Communion ff;vlnB will be licltl ,',t 10 o'clock a. rtifc, Mr?. Ross Alloccn Mcglio; '/ind two ti.«tcif, .Mi.i? Mary Connor, j that dosth evil hath not seen God" r ;-,t 8 o'clock Sunday morning. l ol- . n,_ Thursday. The choir of men and The pastor's choir rehearsal will two daughters, Dolorer. and The- I living nt homo and Sir.trr Mary I (III John 1:111. Correlative pass- 1 ! ages from "Science and Health lowing the service, ricv. Hcrbp.rt S. ' i)c,vs • sing a.nd the rector will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 i'os.1. and two son.", Charles and Florence tlonnnr of St. Vincent ^vith Key to the Scriptures" hy Craij:, former rector of the church, \ gjve brief .-nidi-ess. The music ! o'clock. Chinch choir rehearsal is , John. Ho also leaves three sisters, ' Ferr;iFrrrar of BrooklynBrooklyn., ' tLrerij dtviti »r t'tttti thai would Impr&it oaf Mary Baker Eddy include: j will hp. the speaker at th» Commun- will be Prelude, "Now Thank We at 7 o'clock in the evening, followed • Mrs. M.irie .N'cspole, Mrs. Fnnnlc ' The funeral was held Wcilnesdny ion breakfast in the parish house. All, Our Ciod", Kard-Elert; pro- by the weekly prayer meeting; at Romano and Mrs. Rose Lubrano, of In.-t wcrl; nl Lowell. "Animal magnetism has no and a brother, Dominick Mcglio. ieriict ii proviata that we ma'y'eonfinut fo Mtrit tht •cientific foundation, for God gov|- Thfi church school will meet. ' j cessional hymn, "Come Ye Thank- |S:15 o'clock M,HS, ANNA B. Wlll'ir. ern* all that is real, harmonious, 0:30. At the. 11 o'clock service Rev. , ful People"; "The Jubilate Deo", j The funeral was held this morn- Mr. CraiB will be the preacher. Spe- rRESEBVTERIAN ing (Wednesday) at St. Joseph's Mi*s. Anna B. White, 81, wifp. of (cnfitlcnct placid in Hi, and eternal, and His power is 1 by ICIvcy; hymn, "Jesus Shall neither animal nor human". ij>. clal tnusln will Include "Come Ye irieign"; offertory; "Prayer Atlantic Highlands church. Keypoit, and interment thp. ];itp Ellis fi Whlto uti'l mn'her M in tllethe church cemetery, under of Arthur H. Whitn of 50 West 3021. Blessed", with Heinz. Hilmer as ! T1,n"nk6sivinR» Kl:cmser; recession- Rev Cadv H Allen D D of Iran • «' '•> '''' soloist. A nursery »_P™^«>Jor „, h}.m« ..^.^ (0, GodJmmor_,?1 | ^.^^^i**,,."^*''!^^>orn|ng lh. direction of the Bodlc funeral Front street, died Monday morning METHODIST Wh attCml N W Th nk W at the Harlem hospita'. New York Bank the ^ofec^aeiv."! ' ° , ^^'"r^r ; » "h " « i -"- '.^«r «*»r=~h ".".^i-, and . home. city, after a long illncfs. Thanksgiving Day services will All, Our bod , J. fe. Bach. | ko a yg people'p s fellow- ANTIIOVV II. BKDIE Mrs. White, a frequent visitor in ftfount Iffvmorifi**J4omt "Behold Your God Will Come" Is akshipo aatt th<7 p). voun m. gThe pastor is on a Include Holy Communion at 8i HolSunday'y Communios servicen s atwill include Anthony- II. Berlin, S3, former j Red Bank, was born in Stamford, :; : the iermon theme for Sunday ' o'clock and morning prayer with 1 m.; • fe"\v days' Thanksgiving iiiuivacation! ™,^ member of the Kcyport school ' Conn. The. funeral was held Weil- «. .ThaV, prograI'fV'i™"m1 wil"'l" mainclud"ote I vice on the theme, "At the Feet of baptized Sunday afternoon in the She was born in Tippcrary, Ire- Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brascfleld. I p. m. in fellowship hall by 'the' t J Bry, who Is attending the 85 Riverside Avenue |a feature film" (rnd refreshments. ),,,the„ u,,,.,!Master."! TkTher»,.e. ...wilml ube. specia:-,l church by the minister in the pres- land, a daughter of Thomas and music. ence of a large number of rela- Mary McLaughlin. She came to the | Northampton ^school, 'Pent thr tives nnd friends. United States S3 years ago. wtoek-end at his home. Phone 6-0332 Red Bank Sunday-school convcnei at 9:45 Mrs. Edith Ford, mother of Mel- DISTINCTIVE a. m. Besides her parents and husband, Ml MAPLE PLACE. REV POET OLD BRICK REFORMED Mrs. Pclo is survived by a daugh- vln Ford, lias gone to Miami, Fla Woman's Society of Christian for tha winter. Service will meet Wednesday at Marlboro ter, Miss Mary L. Pclo; two sons, PHOM0 MSU ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS 2:30 p. m. Michael J. and Francis J. Pelo, Jr., School closed Wednesday for Church-school from 9:30 to 10:30 Thanksgiving and will reopen Mon- a. m. Sunday for children of nil living at home, and several broth- BAVSHOnk COMMUNTTV ers and sitters living in Ireland. day. Pelfaction ol Material and ages. Morning worship at 10:45 a. East Keansburg m. in the village chapel. Rev. E. The funeral was held Wednesday Rose blooms cut late In the after- Workmanship In Beautiful morning at St. James church, New A special service will be held Bert Bonte will preach. Men's club noon keep longer tlian those cut Thanksgiving day at 11 a. m. will meet at 8 p. m. today in the whera a requiem mats was offered early In the morning. We Would Church-school meets at 10 a. m. chapel. Girls' chorus will rehearse by Msgr. Joseph T. Casey. Burial (Xr memorials are manufactured Sunday. A sermon and special mu- at 7:30 p. m. today. Pre-Thankigiv- fey aklllM artisans tn our well sic will bo included at the 11 o'clock ing service at 8 p. m. today In th* Qhomiei. •(Uippsjd plant at West Long church service. The evening wor- cha.pel when a film, "Road We WHERE Be Most THE OROia Branch. ship Is at 7:45 o'clock. A prayer Walk", will be ahown. Consistory MONUMENTS Of THE meeting and hymn sing will b« held meeting will follow the Thanksgiv- OOJM.ll | Friday at 8 p. m. ing service at 9 a. m. Ungrateful LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO., Inc. Wall Street Tel. L.B. 6<3567 West Long Branch St. George's by the River If we were to fail in our band For nitutrated Catalogue Waterman Ate,, one block south of Riimioa Rd., gratitude to the Almighty this Rumson, (Take Sea Bright But) Thanksgiving Day, we would be The Revcrtnd George A. Robwtthaw, Rtctor daa a saoHBMtjt an ungrateful people indeed. Thanksgiving Day—Service of Thanksgiving. 10iS0 tftheafaletsway Let Egcms l> aeryet nete ee» lex — d these Not all things are as we would Full Choir of 40 Boys and Men—Address by the Rector. ••Ide•eldca sassaaaaaaorle* e ef happj Floral Spray Thin service wtll conclude promptly at 11:SO a. m. HaM together. Vour Expression of have them, of course, but our make your tribute Sunday—11 A. M. Morning Service and Sermon May we ih»w jom whjr Select True Remembrance lot is the envy of the world, and Carillon of U Bells played at 1«:» a. m. Bam Craatte aad Ike Ban* GaUd ScalaadbrtiMcate are so No other act of a normal we have great cause for thanks- Each bloom so fresh and Church School of M0 pupils and M teachers-maeta at e:M a. m. latporlaat whesi yea bay a man's life gives him mure lovely, and arranged with, •eaoriair complete soul satisfaction deft finger*. Egans are al- than the building of a Mem- giving. ways ready with plentiful orial to his loved ones who suggestions to make your se- have gona on. lection simple and swift. In Holy Trinity fact, all you need to do is Our atleel Bar re Memorials , call Matawan and Keyport bear the Guild mark of ap- Evangelical Lutheran Church proval—your guarantee of a KIVKK ItOAH, RBI> BANK, N. J. finer Memorial at no extra of Harding Rd. Monument Works coat. Visit our showroom GrcpnhoukeK on Harding lid. THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE and see our displays ot theae at Harrison Avc. Hwy. No. SB Keyport, N. J certified memorials. rhone Red Bank 6-1443 10 A. M. M'VnOVRlATE Phone Keyport 7-1124 FUNERAL HOME JOHN VAN KIRK ""jSmr*i». eoe.moNTST. MUSIC, 8I0KMON', PHAYRRH Nml lo Ml Olivtl C.m«l«ry tsrleton B. Hharton. Prop. RCBfRI r. RED BANK N.J. Phone Red Bank 6-0319 .4// arc welcome to give their thanks here. Edwin H. Wharion, Associate •aod lor Booklet R.F.D. Bos 108 Red Bank *Over(I Quarter C^urz/o/Dependableiconomical Servici* RED BAKK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 2T. 1947 Page Seven

Monmoutb County Surrogate'* Office. Fair Haven Lioiu Club Highlands In th« matter of the estate of CiForg* If. Reiss. derenned. Notire to creditor* To Give Mystery Show Mrs. Irving Parker, wife of the to prrsf-nt cinims fliliunst M M .^k. s^BaBaa^Hta A aV ^Lfe • • • V .^L^HflLM^^H fli^BBll^k Mr. and Mr». Edward Patterson borough water superintendent, re- Pursuant to the order of l)(«rnfin Mc- turned from Monmouth Memorial thr lwcnt.v-;hiri) tiny r Majiten of Amazement," will give ( hospital this week where she was of October. 1947. tin thr- application of HOTEL MOLLY PITCHER % mystery show, sponsored by the I a surgical patient. M;(;y Aona While (Inrm-rly M:uy Anna Reiss) and Joseph <;, lie *s, (xerijuira ON THE tHRCWSIURY RIO BANK, N. J. r Fair Haven Lions club, at 8:30 p. Andrew Horhlak was taken to of tli« ritnte <•( II. ll,;«, clr- m. Tuesday in the auditorium of 'Monmouth Memorial hospital Sat- ceahed. notice is hertby Riven to the | urday by the First Aid squad. He is creditors of >n;H rlfrpjisfri to exhibit tr, Frank B. Lawes Willow Street •chool. Proceed* will the subscriber.*, executors HI i>fore&n!'I, go to the Lioni' charity fund. A a surgical patient. the'r debt* R .itl dfmiuuls sur.iiini vh- Giv«, e thxnk'„a untto thh*L,.,H Lor4 sf Hold. , \|^M- NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD committee composed of Kenneth The school presented a special • aid estate, under onth. w.tliiu *\ By whom we are all tti, All W. Hartiell, Robert V. VanBrunt Thanksgiving program today. A months l:om 'he d;!tp of the aforesaid and Wilfred H. McCracken are in motion picture and special enter- Who granted us our daily prayer, AMM TEL. 6-2875 RED BANK tainment by the pupils will be pre- of their actions therefor asainsl the said TfniTfaiWTli charge of arrangement! for the en- subscribers. "Glv* ua our dally bread." t^aMsf < tertainment. sented. Hated: Freehold. N. J.. October 23rd. The borough council held a spe- 1047, A dinner meeting of the club was MARY ANNA WHITE, By ue and by our children, J^^H cial meeting Monday night at 3? Monmoiit!) Street, held Thursday night at the Willow- : I^«t this Hay be kept for aye, ^^^H brook, with Preiident John O. An- which time the water project "as Rc'l Unnk, N. J. I reviewed. The Lnyne company has JO.-'KPII C. KKISS. In memory of Hn bounty, ^^H EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR derxon in charge. Rev. Christopher completed drilling the well and a 3'J Moiimouth S!ni!, H. Snyder gave the Invocation, Wil- ]<-u Hank, N. J. As the Lord's Ihinksgivini diy. ^Hl Cran«, Bulldozer and Dump Truck Work, liam L. Bail)', Jr.. led the singing test Is expected to be made soon. Messrs. Wise JL Wise, j The Pittsburgh Pipe Cleaning com- lied Bank. New Jersey. and Barney T. Egcland led the Proctors. Alice William* Brother-ten ^H Excavations, Grading and Clearing of all salute to the American flag. Clif- | pany is working on Bay avenue types. ford W. Glimmer, 79 Willow street, | and Valley street. was a guest of Lion Egeland. Tony A special plan to decorate the Roadways Cut and Shaped Up, Cellars, E. Hunting, an active member of borough for Christmas is In charge Pools, Lakes and Ditching Done. the group, waa honored for his ser- of Councilman John Rast. Two For all operations on this type of work call vice on the Fair Haven council the | trees will be placed by the honor past 25 years. roll on Bay avenue and various er en us for our estimates. Leonard A. Mack reported plana civic organizations and service No Job Too Large or Too Small. for co-operative disposal of a gift chilis have pledged support in an basket of $23 worth of merchan- ali-out decorating plan for the en- Also a Full Line of Top Soil, Fill Dirt dise, plus a 12-pound tuikcy De- j tire borough. $2.50 and Gravel. cember 20 at 8:30 p. m. at the Wll- Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kwil;, con lowbrook. The Lions will bring and daughter-in-law of Mr. and food to the next two meetings, De- Mrs. John Kwik, me building a SI'KOIAI- r.OCKTAII, SrfiOKSTd'iNs home in Glengary park, Middle- M. J. STAVOLA cember 4 and 18, for the basket. riiil>niinot .T)0 Jnr!< Do = e .50 PHONE RED BANK 6-3556. Proceed* of the sole also will go town township. They are doing to the charity fund. A prize was most of the work themselves, Scnrlpl O'llara ,:>n Dniqiiiri .SO P. O. BOX 482, RED BANK, N. J. presented by William E. Beaty to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dennis of Bay Barney T. Egeland. The club went | avenue arc .parents of a son, born on record aji favoring the plan for Thursday %,l Riverview hospital. (Ihoiro nf 1 an inland waterway from the j Iluth Mcucs was hoeteas Wcdncs- r.hillprl Tnmaln .Iiii''' T llll Krufli llnrkl,.;! North Shrewsbury river to Manas- j day nisht of \nM week to the D.D. quan. Delegate* of the group will club, which met at the home of fi\-lrr CiOrktiiil MijiiniKlt" "t < rn 1) Meat Siir]iri«i> attend a hearing on the matter in Mrs. (Joldio Thompson. Trenton, December 8. I OHicials of the Ameilcan Legion <'c\e\-y Mi" C.hWr n|ivr.« Venetian Blinds The next dinner meeting will be post, after several months of walt- held December 4 In the Rathskcllar I ing, have received permission ot niiniro nf of Willowbrook. the Monmouth County Historical I Society, to move Huddy monument Crraiii of Chicken a la Flcine Con 'fimiii'' Vivnnp | from Water Witch avenue to the of the Better Class Red Cross Asks For | newly-established borough park at Clmifo nf Bay avenue. Tlic legion had re- i'nclic en Cis'trole Nfoniay Hospital Gift* i ceived porminsion of the borough A di8tiiigui»lic(l room begins at the Mr*. William T. Plum, chairman 'council, pending decision ot the Wnnle C.hii-k'n l.nli.r Tlnrmiflor of the camp and hospital service of Historical society. nn,i = l Srpinli Cliirkcn—rompnlo Mnrcdrliii'1 windows and distinguished windows begin the Monmouth County Red Cross '• lOdwnrd nncl John Kwik, sons of chapter, this week made an nppcal Mr, and .Mrs. John Kwik, will visit lio.i'l Qii.ikerfnrm Turkey—Rnglj>h .Sliillinif a ud with the better class Bliuds. When you shop for various articles for serviccm«n llicir parents Thanksgiving and patients at the station hospital at will be dinner gvicstfi. (!i',itil)«rrv Jelly Fort Monmouh. i The legion sponsored a Thanks- llmilcd Slenk Minnie—Frfi.«h Mu=liroom« for Blinds, don't make your decision until "Our camp and hospital service I giving dance Saturday night at the thia week received a special re- i poet home. Rraiserl SwefIhrfsrl rn Cassfrnli! Ivsrofl op you see our belter feature'! llfinc quest from the Red Cross Held di- I A uniformed firing squad Is avail- .Ma.= liPtl Pumpkin While. Small Onimv in r'.rp.'il'n i*ector at Fort Monmouth (talcing able for service at military funerala Remember, we arc the cheapest because for numerous articles which arc of returned war dead, it waa an- Three fini'ilrn I'eas (iHiulior) .Sweet PdUlne« ^ P1IO\\- T'ir'M'1'* needed for th« men In the hospital ! nouneed by Commander Bertram more helmoniro Polatoes of quality. there," Raid Mrs. Plum, "and all i Perry. precl5ion-mi«es thorw wishing to contribute niny I l'lans for the organization ot a for you. contact me here at Red Cross I junior police patrol, .which will re- Hot Minced I'ie I'iniii'kin I'i« headquarter*, and we will call for jcelve instructions in police meth- th* articles." lods, records, administration and Assnrled Ic« Cream Camp and hospital council serv- i handling of tratlic, were announced ('.ininmlirt- of Fresh r'niit and Mix^il Ni Globe Awning and ice has been asked to secure phono- i last week by Police Chief Howard CofTee graph records, both popular and i Monahnn. classical, old or new, and small I The I.ions club, sponsoring or- writing kits filled with writing ma- I Kanisation of the fishing derby Shade Co. terials, which may be used by bed I which endfi November 30, an- SEIIVBI) KHOM 12 NOON UNTIL » »'. M. patients. There !• also a need for nounced that the trophies have TIIUHSI.AY, NOVRMUKR 27, 1947 117 W. FRONT ST. It. B. 6-381W suitable pictures to decorate the been sent to Newark for lettering- walla of the patients' lounge at the The club also announced that four RIUAUD a. PAINK, "General Mnnagef hospial. Weekly game parties are enscs of food which missed the conducted at the hospital by Red flAKO MOOUCn CORPORATION Friendship train, were sent to New N«w •rwif»l;• game prizes. Methodist church. Rev. and Mrs. J. Kitlman Coffee, f AVi BY MAIL Colt's Neck and son, John, will leave today fo" Canton. Ohio, where they will visit Mm. Charles Wilson or Red Mrs. Coffee's parents, Rev. ami Tink, Mr. and Mrs. William Hcnip- Mrs. William !,. Gray. They will re- of ffo Dime Saving* Bank lill of Pina Brook and Mrs, Fred turn home Saturday. J*rost of Colt's Neck were Sunday ruests of Rodney William at Lau- .el gardens, Newark. Hazlcl Announcing.... Your nraretf mail box is our Miss Edna Frost bu accepted a position at Monmouth Memorial !.ivs. James Cadoo and infant ; teller't window... every inspltal. Uaui^litDj' liuve returned home from ! The Sewing club of Colt's Neck Riverview hosiptnl. payday is the day to deposit "Ictormed church sponsored a Stan- Miss Vivian Deon, a student at Icy Fioducta party at the parson- Cedar Crest college, Allentown, Pa., f THROUGH THE MAIL age on the Freehold-Colt's Neck 13 home with her parents, Mr. and J lighway at 2 p. m. yesterday. Mrs. Fred Dean, to spend Thanks- Frank Lukolc of Freehold, who giving vacation. has been a diabetic patient at Fit- Mr. and Mrs. John T. .Arl.erson l;in hospital the past wccli, is con- j rocenty visited their son and f TO OPIN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT .. . MAIL 1 daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- OFFICIAL OPENING valescing at the home of his par- I^THIS COUPON.... WE'U DO THi RIST J - ents, Mr, and Mrs. Adam Lukoic, in neth T. Ackerson and son in Bast Colt's Neck. j Aurora, N. Y. I Mr. and Mrs. John Maloney and Mrs. W. S. Marble of Augusta, 1 OfMff SAVINGS INSTITUTION 4flfflfc "•? ' Me., and Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll family spent the week-end at Bal- timore, Md. rao HW4D stun, NIWMK a, M. J. •Jlllllw m*_. • Marble of Slxfleld, Me., are spend- ing the, holiday season with Mr. Knrirj L. Ackerson is visiting his OF THE fntrfoitri it $_ and Mrs. Henry L. Haltermann. , cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Acker- C currency Ihoutsi b« rfglsttrtd ) The Youth Fellowship of Re- json and family, in Minnesota. open o Savings Account in my Nam* formed church hold n Thanksgiving Angela Dorothy Piscitelli, Kath- meeting at the Colt's Naclt parson- arine Theresa In.'anti, Rose Marie ige Sunday night. A Sunday-school Infant!, Rose S. Marie Infanti, An- officers and teachers meeting was toinette Nunziato, Lucille Casoa IMHt and Carmine Casola were confirmed I >l.B.k. I held Thursday night at the home at. St. Joseph's Catholic church,' of Harold Davia In Scobeyville. Keyport, Monday evening. onr •JSTATE- Discussions were on the Sunday- tr nod /ofaV "Nit Way To Jove 1/ Moil" J school building and plans for a In England, cotton was first Christmas party. used as candle wiclting. New Sheridan Bar AT 11 WEST FRONT ST., RED BANK

Saturday, Nov. 29th

Alton's Studio We will be glad to renew old acquaintances CHILD PORTRAITURE and to greet new friends. 6 MONTHS TO 12 YEARS ONLY

9 Robinson Place Barney and Werner, Jimmy Acerra and Tony Mazzocca, Call R. B. 6-2113 Bartender* Proprietors For Appointment Page Eight KED BANK REGISTER, !N'OVEMBER 27, 194T NOTICE Engaged To JOfiBFH J. RUVANC, ami* __ Venetian Blinds in. iniitit, EUZABKTH SIDLftft, In. trew *n4 orrhard vork. Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Hatty Boncore of dividual)? and •• a.d»iniitr«tri* of .CORU1NQ th* MtAU of Albert Sldl«r, 4«c«M«d; Unei cl»reet. M'ood sawed by When In Sea Bright Shrewsbury avonuo have announced DORIS RIDLM, CLARE SIDLER REAL ESTATE WANTED RE- PAINTING the engagement of their daughter, MUL.DOON, THOMAS J. MULDOON, the cord. No job too large unknown fraditora of Albert Sidle* Stop At • nd Elizabeth Sldler, indivldually and or too awiiill. i>tlni«t«« cheer- Large modern home on or near the river. Cash MOBILE V. B. CO. M administratrix of tht Estate of AN fully given. b*rt Sidler, daceated, whoai ntmt or Ole'f Sea Food Restaurant RKI) HANK 6-3332- R namaa th« complainant hm been un- buyers waiting, l.isl willi us. .No charge unlesi w« able to ...certain: EUGENE VIERECK. Broiled Lobster, Se« Food Dishes; Receiver of the Broad Street National HAMMONDS TREE sell. Bank of R«d Bank. N. J.. FEDERAL MERCANTILE AGENCIES, ft corpor- Also Chicken in the Rough; Delicious Steaks. EVERY SATURDAY NITE ation of tha State of New Jersey: and LAWN SERVICE TAKE NOTICE that bf report riitvd LOPATIN AGENCY OLAF .1. AXELSEJf, 1'rop. November 18th, 1147, I. MILTON M. US Mndcn Avc, Highland* ABRAMOFF. ont of the Mnatera In 37 Watt Main Street Freehold, N. 4. DANCE Chancery of tha Stata of New Jeriey, Phone 3-1423-M 1072 Ocean Ave. Phone Sea Bright 2-0102 to whom the abova matter wm referred, BAR-RESTAURANT have found th# amount due to com- plainant for principal und lnt*reat on OPEN ALL YEAR hi tux certificates, together with sub- sequent lfl\e» and liens and interest No Cover Charge thprton, an of November lat, 194". which r«rtillc«ta covera prc-mla«i In tht llorough of Ktimson, County of Mon- What People Say About MILTON mouth and State nf Ntw Jeraer, "«d SEA GIRT INN deorrihed aa foliowi: Route 4N • Sea Girl. N.l. "HK"$ GOOD AND LOUD*' Martin Hit A LL thote certain lota, tract! or par* Show-place of the Shore e*t* of land and pmmitafl •itnatf, lying and being in tha Borough of Rum son, "HK'S tXJKM" Tom Coliiinlui* County of Monmouth and Slit* of New Jeraey and hereinafter mon particular* iy deaeribad at follows; "HE STINKS'' Period Lot No. 4 on map entitled "Map nt Let a Singer Property of Th« Land and Loan Com- pany, nenr S«H Bright, N. J,." HeorK* .pert put ]). Conp»r. C. E., July IT, 1908. BEUINNINO at a paint in the mit^r- your Bit- Iy side of Waterman Avenue nt thr chin* ia first-das, running order. SECOND BIG WEEK! Miss Adeline Boncore and Raymond son thu esterlf corner of Lot No. S A yoj t iente'J ith Reasonable chirges. Estimate fur. zrm.i Binaco ihenra (1> easterly along corner of Lot nLhtfito'd ffuut, No. 5 200 feet more or less to the hiKh •ithed in advance. _...uptions. . ..ctnl itchitiKi rough water marie of the South Shrewsbury hfiriiln or f»it! nr nlhir nkln trouble* 7 Miss Adeline nnncore, to Raymond River, thenci (2) beginning ttTiiin at thf [ 1'W (jiiitk relief nri'l ^cimf result* U*C Hinaco, also or Hod Bank. MIM I Victory Ointment. l*rvrlt;pc.•** ani i- Bank hiKh nchool graduates. No MI tht northw»nt#rly rorntr of 1-ot No. SINGER frptic. moling. |,«in rcli.-vinjr. v.'tnuhinn. , l>ie« nn! ii ritnte .Sufp for < hililieti ntu\ date hns been set for the wedding. 7. thenr* (3) tnAterly nlona; the north- — AT THK PIANO — I Kir-t AM Muney lm. (Jet VIC nr IPSI to th» high Tntfr mnrk of the 1 South Shrewsbury Rlver^ thence (4) TUKY OINTMKN'I --the finr-at. Jnn or Sewing Center northerly alon« the high water mnrl Direct From Flynn'it Shamrock in Kcaiisburg tub*-. Sol.1 In Red Hank liy Liff^tt. D.A.R. Warned of tha South Shrewsbury Riv*r, 50 frel Whrlnn, Sun Kny or your homptnw^ to the onrling point of the first rourse. 43 Monmouth Street Toxathar with all th» *»tat*. ripht. KVKHV NIGHT EXCEPT MONDAY Of Communism !i!U nr intrrnt of the party of th« first pnrt in iinrl to the South Shrewsbury Red Bank BACKACHE, ~ Itiver «nH land und^r th# watera nf sairl at EDDIE'S on the HIGHWAY Mftiiiiiitiilh (Ihaplrr flivrr lylnt; in front fi( fl nd adjoining the prrmlien, above ducribed. Phone R. B. 6-3806 llcai'M Sliilr Chairman Lot No. 7 nn m«l> «ntitled "Map of LEG PAINS MAY Properly of Th* Lnnd urd! Loan Com- EDDIE'S Bar and Grill pany, rirnr Pra Bright, N. J." George Mis. Frederick UrlHwold, state I). Cooper. C. E., July 17, 1908. BET.INNlNli At a point In the easter- BKTWEKN KRVI'ORT and KRANHIIURU BE DANGER SIGN rhi'iirniftn of nntional dcfonKc of tho ly hide of Waterman Avenu« nt th" ON ROUTE 3t Of Tired Kidneys JiHURhtfTH American Ilnvolution, nt south weal rrly rorner nf Lot Nn. 6, If titrkache and lr* patni are mnMntr jroa a nicctlrirT uf Monmouth ulmpter, thctir* (1 ) *nsUrly nlonv the sr>uthei'- }y ftitl* gf Lcit No. It 200 fcrt more nr mlifrnhlK.ilotrtiUfltcuiniitiilnniiilUtjniiLliitiir p.A.It., Tliiit-silny nt the Hcrl Hank HE HAS THE CKOWD YELLING — about them. Nature may he wtrning you tlt&t less to thr hljrh writer mnrVc nf the your kidneys need attention. Woman's rluli, said "Communism is Smith Shrewsbury Blvrr, thrnre (2) he- ThekitlneyaareNaturfl'fichirfwnyortnklnir here (inionj; us :n om* ^ovcinment, winning nirain at the nfor^snid Itpiclnniiw for thrir nullify hack cxceii ftcida nnrt i>oinonuus waste out of tha point and r»nnin« southerly alonn thp blood. They hflp most people puss abuut 3 schools, labor unions, churches, vet- i nslirly i!d« of Wntermnn Avfniif, SI pints » day? nrans' organizations and nearly f(pt to a utalce in th# northwpstprly ror- If the 15 miles of kidney tubes ami filter* rvrry other activity in American nrr of I-ot No. X, thr nee (.1) unite rly don'twork well, poisonous wuatc matter Btiiya alonjr the northulIine8Bundert)ic eyen, headnches nnd diiii- "calls itself democracy, hut denies of th« South Shrewsbury River, F*0 fret nem. Frenurnlornon nty pn*ir,;wfl with smart- the ha.sic principles of democracy, to thu mdtnK point of the first course. »50 f '250 InRandbiirningmrnctimfBihowathercinflome- namely, Kovt?niment by the consent Tnc-th^f with all tha estate, ntrht. thinst wrnnjr with your kidneys or bladder. of I he Kuverned." Mi's. Griswold litU or int'rest nf th* i>art y nf thr Don't wait! Ailt your clrucrvist for Doan'a first part in nnd to th* South Khr^wa. namon, ifact* OR Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used liucecssf ully wni-ned thr- K>'UU|I by saying, "This lmrv Rlvrr, anri Ifltid uniler tha vntf-m by millions for over 60 yearn. Dunn'a itivs insldlotLs hipii.ico fri now on the happy relief and frill help tho 16 miles of of Fnid River lyinp in front of and ad- to the honored Longines, these Wittnauer de Luxe kidney tubas flush out poiionou* vrutm from march, Us heels have been planted join Intr thp p"-#mid*», above denerlheit. MORE tfaa blood. Get Doan'a FUlf. on our tdiure.s, and Rbroad one TAKB FURTHEIt NOTICE that 1 Presentation Watches have beautifully styled 14K cases hnv«; nppoint«d Sflturrlay, Haremhrr On Your Signature Only country after another is being 20th. 1917. at the hour of two o'clock and the superior nev; Wittnauer movements. Every crushed by Communist fear and in the afternonn. Eastern SLnndnrd Tim*-, an th« time nnd my ofnV« at No. one is made and guaranteed by Longines-Wittnauer. No <.c>iii;tkers—or Special Security force." 12 Brourl Street. Retl Rnnk, Monmnuth • NtW RAS Mis. Krnest M. Swinple, chapter County. New Jeraey. an the plnre. whm ladies' S62.50; Men's strap models 571.50, M.T«tn». l(ei|iiircd recent, reported gift hoxea of can- nnd wbctf you may pity to the com- EVERVESS plainant the turn re*t, atibteriuent tax*a PKOMP EJcrry school in Georgia, and and l!on« nnd interr^t thereon afore- • PRIVATE SERVICE clothing for children in D.A.R. ap- • tilil, tocclhcr with th* tanrrf rosta of • NEW 8BUSM suit. The aum to ha pnld i> $nS7.S« and CALL TEL. WRITE proved schools in the Soutlicrn S.TST.S6. rexpertlvely. together with In- Mountain district*, M'erc .shipped IrrcRt from November Int. 1047* pliM th* taxi-it costs of this suit. Th\* notice • NEWCMIONt l'ltlOKtlOI.I) OIFICK laflt wuck. The chapter liaa also in irivfn tri you so thnt you mny npn«ar sen I subscriptions for historical Mint mnlip rrtlrmntion of the property New end Rebuilt Vacuums magazines to Jlcd Bank Catholic or protect your Interest by- n'Ricnmcnt. For Sole $11.95 up hiKh school, Red J.:;m!; high .school MILTON M. ABRAMOFF. liljuiiy, and Jlcd Dank public li- Mniter in Chancery of N. .T. _WILBURS brary. COUNTY OF MONMOUTH Regents of various chn.pters in SiATt OF N*^W JEHSL.Y 15 BROAD ST JEWELERS RED BANK this area who were guects includ- Notice it hereby given that italed bidt onmouih ed Airs, John Cooper of Asbury will b« received by ttia Board ut Chosen . ESTABLISHED 64 Y£ARS Kre*lioldcr» at tha County of Monmoutn, Park; Mrs, Horton B. Garrison, for tht Improvement of Many Mind Hcd Brink; Airs. .Mary J^inihcrlaon, lirooh. Atlantic Migiilandt. New Jersey, 332 Bend St., Asbury Park FINEST l-'icehuld; Mkw Jlosclln Buck mini, and [ipcncU and read in public nt the Teltphone: A. P. 2-1427 Spring Lfike; Mrs. J'Yanltlyti Davis, Court nuut-c, 1'reel)old, New Jeracy, on COMPANY December 3rd, 1V4T. at 11 o'clock A. SPARKLING Tom.s lliver, n nd M ins Florence M,, t4btern ritiindBrd 'lime. 77 BRUAIi ST., KKIJ BANK Td. 6-1172 Say re ami Mrs. Philander Incite, rhe receipt Hiid opening of bids art Ocean Grove. Mrs. Rus.sell Adams siibjtct to tue protitr uUHliticjitiom ol WATER! the bidder in accordance with thu pro* 7 MAIN ST., I ItEEHOLD Tel. 8-1600 of New Hampshire ami Mrs. visiunt ol the i>rc-QUHlittciuion law anil Charles Hall of Alontclnir were al- the retfulatiuni adopted by the liuard ol ROTH OFFICES OVER .1. J. NEWBERBVS STORK so quests. Chosen iieeliolders. HERE'S YOUR ANSWER Chrg. 2!6# Mo. Bal. iJiawiiiKB, hptcilk-ationi ami form uf M iss Frances Hob beck, accom- bid a, conLincL and bond tor the pru* panied by Mrs. John H. O.sboin, imstd work, prepared by Otit K. £ea< rtat»K a group of Holoa. Ailss Uob- iiiHit, Cuutily i^iigltice)-, hMVt beta itied in the otlit's ot said tngjnccr at I he TO HIGH FOOD COSTS-- bccli is state culor benrer for the Cotijt House, rrcehold, Js. J., and mny Chlldran American Revolution so- bti insiitcted by prospeftive biildert dur- cicly. ing busine»a hour*, liiddert will b« tur* 1 ninned witti a copy ot the iiri mmt- ht !inrflmBftiiif»ri hy WILSON ZEROSAFE FREEZER SAN I TONE Mrs. Dorothy K. Berg, Riverview llonditiK Ccrtlflrnt« and a certified avenue. Little Silver, was advised jck drawn to the order of th« County 'J'renturcr for not lean than ten per a divorce from Paul A. Berg, U. S. cent (lVy'c t of the amount bid nnd be Take advantage of wholesale DRY CLEANING coast fruurd, last week by Advisory delivered at the {iUc« and on the hour Master Alexander Trapp at Free- nbuva named. prices of meats, fruits and vege* \ The Standard Tropoaal Forma will be hold on grounds of desertion. furnished upon application to the En- .A divorce decree also was ad- gineer. tables ... buy in quantities at the vised for Mrs. Muriel I£. Farrell, The right la reserved to reject any or nil bids, if deemed to the interett of peak of the season when the qual- Conover avenue, Middlctown town- the County to to do. ship, from Peter K. Karrcll, Shrews- By order of the Board of Chosen ity is best and the cost is lowest. bury towucihip, oil grounds of ex- Freeholders of the County of Monmouth, EUUAK U. MUltt'llY, Director, treme cruelty. They were married EDWARD C. BROEUE, Clerk. in Red Bunk January 26, 1034. Mrs. Dated: November 21, 1947. \ Farrell was given custody of her Monmouth County Surrogate'* Office. ACT NOW AND SAVE! ten-year-old daughter. In. th« matter of the estate of Elita* Frank Sullivan Carter, 142 Bel- hath 1). Shrcve. deceased. Notice to mont avenue, Long Branch, waa ad- creditors, to present claims againtt ea* SIDNEY W. REID late. vised a divorce decree from Rober- Pursuant to the order of Dorman Me ta Westbrool; Carter, Monmouth Kaddin, Surrogate of the County of Mon* The best in Farm Machinery avenue, Navesink, on grounds of mouth, made on the sixth day of No* vembcr. 1947, on the application of TELEPHONE 8-1441 1KEEHOLD, IN. .1. adultery. They were married June Sara U, Wilson, Adrainlatrattx, of the 23, 194i!, in Naveaink and a four- estate of Elisabeth D, Shreve, deceased, year-old daughter lives with her notirt it hereby given to the creditor! mother. of fta^l ileceaittl to exhibit to the tub- tcriher, Adminlstr.ttlx. as aforesaid, their A divorce on grounds of deser- debts nnd demand* ngntnst thf taid es- tion was advised for Albert O. An- tate, under oath, within lix months from 99 derson, 51 Firfit street, Highlands, the dnte nf the afor*nnld order, or they will be forever burred of their action I from Frances Roberts Anderson, "SUNHEAT therefor asnlnat the eald mbtcrlber, 308 Second avenue, Bradley Beach. Pntcd: Freehold, N, J. November •. Mr. Anderson was granted custody 194T, SARA B. WILSON, of a four-year-old son. Red Bank, N. J. BOROUGH OF LITTLE SILVER. NOIJCE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR NON-PAYMENT OF TAXES, ASSESS- MENTS AND OTHER MUNICIPAL LIENS, Public notice is horeliy KIVCI that I, Clnrk P. Kemp, Collector nf the T.xlntr Difitrict or the HnrmiKli of Little Silver, County of Monmouth, N«w Jeraey. puriu- »iit to the iiuthurity nf tltn StnUlm tn such case made and provided, will aetl at Public AHi'tlnn un the I'.'ih ijny of December, ist47, at the Iiorough Hall Jn Little .SilVfi' nt -;00 J', M,( tnr lunch nnd real esUte herenfttr deacribed: KEROSENE Nnr"«" Hciriintlnn U45 iflifi Unrria II. Hamiji, Block IT,, Lot 1H |i,07 I 43s M. I*. Uenaun, Uluuk :ifi. L»t fi . * ' J'..V John A. Kcniicr. Hlnck 37, l.ut. 5 AND 'SUNHEAT" FURNACE OIL A, Vitnlr 11111I .1. KiirSim, Hlnrk Itfl. Lot M '.".".'.."..."'.'.."7".' 1* 4 07 4.a,i A. Vitiili- nml J. l-'iirilin, Illurk ."t^. Lnl 1 ,'1 4 07 4.!t.*t A. Vilnl. \, Vilnl IIIKI .1. Kurtim, Hl.M-k Jill, Lnt u" IZZZllT."""""" 4 07 I A. Vila!. .-in.) J. l-'iiiinu, Ilhtrk Hit, (-of IT 4 07 1 ami .1, r'urliio, Hlnrk .'I!', I.r.t. 4.07 A. Vit,.|, J. iMI Ill lit . VihiU nml .1. I'm' Lot an.A 2,04 DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME A. VMM- IMIli ,1. F. A. Viliilr l J. Turin Hlurk ;i'i, |,nt 1211 . "04 i.uiyn L. |i;vitllnic for iln; cullfctton thereof by tho creation rind enforce- •

Ufilcli Nuvitnli

Window Shadtf MARRIED AT RUMSON ^T4" 12-Hour Service. HED No CARLTON BANK MOBILE V. B. CO. A WALTCR RIAOC THEATRE RED RANK «-S3St-R Please that r»rtaln som« one \ / MORTGAGES with ro't'imp j*"•••• T!r••,• fr'jrn \ . „ . -4- For The Best In our "A-id** n«»Iprtion of .... \^* '^ Home Decoration To WED. THRU SAT., DEC. 3 TO 6 Curtain.—Drap«riM Sllpionn—Vtniiis. alia*. Refinance your Tho SHBRMA.J SHOP present niurl|,age Due to the Length of Thit Feature M Rroad St. Build your INSUII YOU! HOMi own hump husinees, automobile and otticr "Gone With The Wind" property with 1'urrhaae your HAWKINS BROTHER* CARROLL HOSIERY SHOP •Ual Estate mnt Mertfage Lean* OMII Inline COKNKK OF HltO.M) AM) MDNMIII III STKKKT Will Be Shown Twice Daily 11 Broe4 Street, Re4 I'bone R. B. «-WM MAT. 1:30 SCHWARTZ- PIANO LISSONS -MACKLIN EVENING 7:30 Ai Yew HMM er My »(•«• Fred A. Wohlforth. B. S. U. • H'HITK STHKRT KO ADVANCE IN TRICES PUnl.l far Clu.t, IUca»li*a., «•«• Red Bank 6-3121 * • 0 * Silvtrwkiu Av... at PlucklMr *••* ft •. I.Z4MJ otr (iDo^ "COME COMK Are Your 11" Your Lucky Number 7-11 Front St. RUGS The Home of the Dr. and Mi». Harry F. Hutchinaon SOILED SURPRISE STORE MUs Catherine May Brigss, green »atln. They had matching The Store all the Veta are duuslitci- of Mr. and Mrs. Charles feathered hat*, trimmed with veil- Gloves are a talking about . . . l''ooti! Briggs of Piingham nvenue, ing, and carried crcacent bouqu«t» or Faded? It li jour lucky day when you Rum.son, became the bride of Dr. of flame colored sweet peas and Wonderful Xntas come to the Harry Francis HutclHnson, son of carnations. The gowns were de- CALL Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hutchlnson of signed with cap dcevei, tight Gift ! Knglishtnwn, Saturday at St. bodices and bouffant skirls. SURPRISE STORE George's Episcopal church, Rum- Charles D. Brigga of Fair Haven aon. The ceremony wan performed waii best man. The unhers \v«r* Dr. NO MOWN PAVMENT NECES- by tho rector, Rev. George II. Itob- Walker Hoanker oj Denver, Colo., Knltttd Wool by Fownes. ertshnu1. LEON'S SARY FOR VETS!! Oapt. Arthur V»nSchoick, We«t Maroon, Tan, Canary. I EQ.UAIXV GOOD TERMS TO The church was «lccornted with Point, N. Y., and Theodore L. NON-VETS!! while chrysanthemums. Miss Irene Brantly, Jr., Bloomfleld, Conn. (or $1.98 Robinson of Rumson sans "O Per- The bride'* mother wai attired In Three Rooms of furniture fect I^ove," and George Wilson of a plum colored enaemble mith black New York city, was organist. A necofsories, »nd a corsage of ihell Of nil Ilir (fifls rxrlinnpcfl nl f Uwi -1 m.T=. the for only reception followed at the Molly pink camellit*. The bridegroom's Pitcher hotel. mother was dressed in blue, her RUG gift nf I'iiilh lias lli»- iti, Mnkt; $265.00 The bride was given in marriage accessories -were gray, and her cor- yours ;i. llioiijrlilfiil, in-|iinn.L' jnl't . . . nnc, Woolen Gloves and by her father, and her attendants sage dark rose camellias. will i>lni|iir>ii||y r\|i|v-» \<>iir IHM' ;III>I I'lcnuil Only '2.82 Wodcly were her sisters, Mrs. Theodore li. The couple are on a wedding trip Cleaning 4 Dying in Ihe South, and will make their cliMOfiiin. SIKIWII ;ii'p ;i. I'I.'W fnuii iiur hii'^i; Muffler Sets Non-Vet* pay 4SI.M down Rrantly, Jr.. of Blnomfleld, Conn., the former Miss Muriel Brings, and home at Tampa, Fin. For travel- ns.-iirlmpnl fur your fimiily ,-iml i' i • i < • i n I -. l)i- M.00 Weekly—15 Months To ray Miss Lillian A. Briggs of Rumson. ing, the bride wore a slate colored \iili'd pnyiiicnts nvnilnhlc AuorUd color*. Price 99.9s * 95.00 Your living room, bfdrovm and kttcb«n blue suit with dubonnet accessories. Phone R. B. 6-2800 enHmbln, plus t«fclf»; lampf, anal all Tho bride chose a gown or white Mrs. Hutchlnnon was graduated icciiiorlii including an RCA radte and satin, designed with long sleeves, electric vacuum cleaner .... Wa have from Rumcon high school and Ann htlptd many eouplti g»t started In a sweetheart neckline* JV tight May School of Nursing, Fitkln hos- May we aho tuggctt a hat hatiiokMplna and can alto tivip yr». bodice and a full skirt which pltnl. She was until recently a LEON'S IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON PHILCO formed a train. Her full length AND ADMIRAL REFRIGERATORS. member of the nursing staff at Flt- veil was scalloped on the edges kin. Gift Certificate for a Ash our 91 teamen about the "Pay-Off1* with lace, and fell from a tiara of 64-76 White Street NATS Plan.—You pay WHAT yeu want, Dr. Hutchinson was graduated 309 6R0A0WAY WHEN you want until you ntW the orange blossoms. .She. carried a from Hanncmann Medical school 70 BROAD STREET Ifnox or a Loo furniture. crescent shaped bouquet of white in Philadelphia, and is a member Red Bank LONO BRANCH RED BANK. feathered and pom pom chiysan- of Phi Alpha Gamma fraternity. From 9M0 to 9*0.00 I He is a graduate of Jameaburg Since 1912 The matron of honor and maid I high school and Rutger* univers- Vaulta on Prcmlaca SURPRISE STORE of honor wore gowns of soafoam ity. 7-11 Front St. Kejport, N. J. Keyport 1-0*41 M Broad St., 195 Broadway, FrM Dilivtrir Free StortH I'air Haven 1 Rod Bank Long Branch W« Ar< Lout.* On T»» Hill; Ops. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Margoles Till Poal OIRM plan building a home on Grange A •mill deposit will hold any Horn till Xmat STORE HOURS: Monday Thru Tkur.J.r • lo • avcniii?. Friday ana Saturday a I* • Tho fire company will hold elec- tion of olllccrs Momlny night. The father and son banquet, in the hast-mnnt of the Methodist church will be held December 5 at 6:30 p. m. A turkey dinner will be served Friday is "Fun Night" In the basemont of the Methodint church. A prize will be nwnrded the person wearing the best hat. Anyone more than 20 years of age is welcome. SHOP Girr Allen Brothers, developers, have commented building on the former McCaiter estate. FRIDAY KLANG'S CHRISTMAS Headquarters Thcve will be congregational Thanksgiving day services in the TILL FOR ALL Methodist church at 10 a. m. Rev. Christopher Snyder, pastor of the Announce The Opening 9 P. M. SHOPPER'S GUIDE The Family Fair Haven Episcopal church, will deliver tho sermon. Dr. and Mrs. John Movellc arc OF THEIR parents of a daughter, Elizabeth, born Friday in Monmouth Mem- orial hospital. George V. Curchin, son of Mr. and Mrs, George W. Curchin, will For The Jr. Set Boys & Girls return home nftcr attending the NEW RED BANK FOR THE MAN IN Corncll-Pcnn game. He—is—a-stu- dent In the University of Pennsyl- THE FAMILY vania. Mrs. Rosens Hcyscr of Living- ston is visiting her sister, Mrs. George W. Curchin, for the holi- A set of sailcloth or days. Mr. and Mrs. Winfleld Howard SHOE STORE fibre seat covers in wide of William street are parents of a daughter born Friday at Mon- choice of colors and mouth Memorial hospital. designa. New Resident At Sea Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wetzcr o.* VELOCIPEDES and Ocean avenue are the parents of a Friday, December 5th "COLSON" son born Saturday at Monmouth Three-Wheel Chain Drira Memorial hospital. 115 SOUTH BROAD STREET RED BANK 26" BICYCLES "TRIKES" FliLLY EQUIPPED \Nhere'S €(mer?/ YOUR INSPECTION IS INVITED Stewart-Warner OF OUR NEW, MODERN STORK "THERMO" SAILCLOTH Type-N •EDANS "SOUTH ... WE FEEL IT IS ONE OF THE COACHES WIND" Ami-Freeze FINEST STORES IN THE STATE OODVES $3.95 Gasoline Sealed 1 O«l. Heater Container FIBRE Hot lii M Seconds r $1.55 Gal. SEDANS * $13.50 $29.75 COACHES JUNIOIl SHOES mademoiselle OOUPM $5.50 Installation Arranged KINK C;HIU)RF;.YS SHOWS "MOBOLITE" . . . where meats are to len- "' X-riAY FITTINO INSTALLATION der and juicy one hardly HADE INxL'Hi U.5.V Sealed HOT WATER "OX THE: IM.AZ.V 109 Spiei-Aw, Alle Beam needs a knife. Treat your- J.I'. SMITH SIIOK CO. Chios. FREE self to a delicioui dinner to- Spotlight $12.95 HEATERS $13.50 night! FOOT S50 COOKMAN AVE. MATCH IXO ACCKSSOIIIKS SAVERS KLANG'S AUTO SUPPLY ASBUKY PARK, N. J. HIIIMi Vnl'lt lill-T LIST 116 MONMOLTH STREET TEL. HED BANK 6-3663-J 6000 FOOD •WORINM BED BA>'K BEGffcTEB, XOVEMBEB 87,1947

BOROUGH or BUMSON. N. J. Colt'* Neck Couple Red Bank Man Notice of fafe of Pretwrtr for Sam, Fair Haven Guild Payment of Tafea. Aiieaments an4 Wed lift) Year. Injured In Crash Other Municipal Llene in the Borough of Kumaon, N. J, Something New PLAY BADMINTON Mr. and Mri. Jameji P. Desmond, Angelo Deponti of Fort Mon- PUBLIC NOTICE !> harabr «iven that Colt's Neck-Fr«ehold highway, Colt's Plans Xmas Sale I, Mary T. Murphr, Collector of th« AXU mouth and 95 Catherine street, Red Taxing District of Monmouth, New N»ck, celebrated their golden w«d- Bank, was injured' early Saturday Jcrser. pursuant to tha authority of tht ding anniver«ary Saturday with a Statutat in such cait madt and pro* THE IDEAL BAR morning in an automobile crash at vided, will stll at public auction on tha dinner and reception in their hon- Pre-Holiday Event Oceanport and Portaupeck ave- SQUASH RACKETS or at Colt's Neck Inn. Mass was 10th day of December. 1947, at tha AT THE nues, Oceanport. He was taken to Borough Council Ch&mbera, Memorial presents dancing every Friday and Saturday night. celebrated for the couple Wednes- Friday And Saturday the post hospital by the Uong Borough Rail, Ruinaon, N. J.. at 11 a. day of last week at St. Mary's m., tha landa and real estate herein' Branch first aid squad, where he after deacribed: Come and hear your favorite songs played by the Sea Bright Badiiiiiitun Club church, Colt'* Neck, by Rev. Joseph The annual Chrictmai sale of the ! was treated for a scalp wound. Nama Description Amount R. Brzoiowfki. Indies' guild of the Chapel of Holy According to Oceanport police, Dorothy Summara, Block 11 B. B. and C. Trio, on Port Monmouth Road, East Mr. and Mrs, Deimond were mar- lot le I 11.07 Communion at Fair Haven will be Deponti was a passenger In a car Gordon W. Writ-lit, Jr., Block Playing privileges Dn.vtlnir, Monday through Friday, with ried »t St. Hone of Lima church, held Friday and Saturday, Decem- tieansburg. j Freehold, by Mjgr. Frederick Kivel- driven by J. Lester Scott of Broad 22, Lot 2J 14I.J7 rackets provided, ftO cents prr pei'son. ber 5 and 6, in the parish house on street, Shrewsbury, when the vehi- Eatut* Charlee I. Taylor, iti November 24, 1897. Mr«. Des- Church street. A special award will Block 43. Lot 6-B 115.11 mond wa« the former Miss Cath- p cle collided with a car driven by That eaid landa altd real estate, will All other time.*, 75 cents per person, without rackets. ba aold to make tha amount of tha erine f'umminga of East Freehold, be on an old-fashioned patchwork Walter Johnson of HarrUon. The municipal liens chargtabl* againtt tha quilt to be awarded under the di- The couple have lived for the past Scott car overturned several times, lama on tha Brat day of July1 , 1947, YOU MAY PURCHASE I,OI KKKS . SIIOIVKRS - lNSTKlXTIOM? 50 years in Colt'jj Neck. rection of Mrs. Peter Kendrick and Johnson will be arraigned tonight ai computed in tha foregoing liat, to- gether with interest on said amount They had six children, five of Mm. Anne McGee. before Oceanport Recorder William from tha first day of July to tha data 1'IIUISK SKA KI.H.HT 2-0291 whom are living and 11 grandchil- The sale will feature fancy ar- Uhlman on a careless driving of ial«, and eosta of auch aale. GUARANTEED dren. The children are Mrs. Cath- ticles and aprons, made and con- charge. Said property will be told in faa to erine Kaehlcr and James A. Des- tributed by members, and will be such peraon as will purchase tha ••me, subject to redemption at the lowest VENETIAN BLINDS mond of Long Branch, Mrs. Marion open Friday night between 7 and Office Furniture Sale rnte of interest, hut tn no caae in «*• Kingabury of Lindhurst, Mrs. Doi- U o'clock. Cakes and pastries will ceil of 8*4) per annum. Tha payment AT WHOLESALE PRICES othey McClean of Fail field and be sold during the sale hours Sat- for th« aala shall ba mid* before tha At Walson Laboratories conclusion of the tale, or the property ALVNIN1JM - STEEL - WOOD Mrs. Ann* Heslln of Fordham, urday afternoon between 1 and 5 will b« reaold, ESTIMATES FREE SIMPLY PHONE j Bronx, N. T. o'clock. A bid sale of office furniture and The> said sal* !• held pursuant to Mr. Desmond has been registrar Mrs. Edward Bennett li chair- equipment open to everyone except Chapter t of Titla 14 of the Revised ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS for the board of health and tax aa- Statutes. man, assisted by Mrs. Charles war and air force department em- At any time before the eale the 1-15 17 ; sesor of Atlantic township 35 years, Cross and Mrs. Myron V. Brown, ployees and military personnel, will undersigned will receive payment of the amount due on any property, with the GUARANTEE VENETIAN BLIND CO. in charge of fancy articles; Mrs. be held at the Watson laboratories intereat and coats Incurred up to the Coll". Neck Church Ann Termccr, Mrs. James Werner, In Eatontown early next month. time of payment. Mrs. Je«se Bennett, Mrs. Harry The sale, which will be conducted (Signed) Party Nets $350 Vcroneau, Mrs. Marie Weber and on a sealed bid basil, is the second MARY T. MURPHY, Collector u! Tatea. More than 200 persons attended a Miss Bernadine Stewart, aprons, one to be held at the local air ma- Dated: November 13, 1947. card party given as a benefit for and Mrs. Russell Hendrickson and teriel command installation in the St. Mary's church, Colt's Neck, Misses Elizabeth Scowcroft, Mary past six month*. Prospective buy- Msnmoutli Ca»uMr Orphan*' Court. In the matter of the •aliita of Vic- Friday night in Atlantic township Urania Henrii ickson and Barbara ers nre invited to inspect the lots torin* Albert!, deceased. On petition for school under direction of Rev. Jos- Whytc, food, cake and pastries, any time from the first to the fifth anlt of landi to. pny Htbti,. Order tn eph H. Bizozowski of Faimihgdale. of December, between the hour* of show ciusr. Alpheuft M. .Unbarger, ad- Jersey Central Power mlniatrator of tht eitat* nf Victor.nt A «um of $350 cleared will be put 8:30 a. m. and 4 p, m. Albert!, d*c«ai«d, having exhibited un- FOB Clill.DRr.N 3 TO » VKAItK toward a new oil burner for the Atlantic Highlands The equipment which will be of der oath a trtit atcount of thi penonil church. eitat* and dcbti of laid intvstatt, TKAC.'OK S?2l.l-.» TKAILKK 810.95 The student council of the high fered for sale includes desks, exec- whereby it app^ari that th« ptrional «i* Tuz'keys were awarded on the co- school published programs which utive and typist, double and single tati nf tha .aid Victorine Albert!, He* Mtl.K IJKI'AltATEI.V operative plan to West Bergen mar- ceaitd, Ii inuifficlent to pay her debti Light Co. were distributed at the Leonardo- pedestal; all types of chairs, filing AIM. requesting tht aid ot tha court in TOYS • DOLLS • BOOKS • WHKEL GOODS ket, Red Bank; Mr«. Rita Holling Atlnntic Highlands football game cabinets, conference tables and tha prtmltea. and Margaret Ann Crine, Colt's SaturdHy, The program included miscellaneous office equipment. It 1% thereupon on thil Thirtieth day 49b PREFfMED SHARES Small llcpnuit Will Hold Any Itrm Neck; Joseph P. Menszopane, Red names and numbers of the players of October, 1947, ordered that atl t>tr- Hank, and Pat Zambrano, Little xnnt int«r«aterj in the land*, tenements, For Trier* and Full Information Oprn Friday isnil Saturday Till I). and listed members of the student hereditamenti nnd real palate of the Write or Phone Silver. Home made cakes were auc- councils and class advisers of both 1'Wnier fluid Victorint Albert), deceated, appear tioned by Walter D. Fields of Colt's schools. befor* thii Court at the Court House In FIDELITY SECURITIES A Neck, and David Timidaiskl acted School closed at 1 p. r tile Doroush of Freehold on the Eighth INVESTMENT CO., INC. Norman K. Freeman ns master of ceremonies. Chairman . wedne.- Critically I" day of Janunry, 1948 nt 10 a. m., to tiny for Thanksgiving vacation. The Register has received, show muse why IO much of tha aaid "Service to Inventor*" 121 FIRST AVE., ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS of the affnlr was Mrs. Gcoif;e III- Special musical and dramatic pro- Inndi, tenements, h* r*dltam«hts nnd re it] mensee, assisted liy Mies Ellziibcth through the courtesy of Mrs. Cora estate of the said Victorine Alherti, de> 601 Banff* Avt,, Anbury Park, N. J. grams wer© presented by the pu- Rugg of Railway, a former resi- reused, should not be sold A a will b* Tel. Atlantic Highlands 1-0761. Kaln, Mrs. Fred Porrottl, Mrs. Ed- pils in assembly. sulficU'nt to liny her debts. : Telephone* A. P. 2-8195 - 2-8IDS : ward Mchm, Mrs. Edward Flnnnl- dent of Red Bank, the cad news It In further ordered thnt this order gan, Mr.?. David Timidaiskl, Mrs. he published in the Red Hank Retti-' Agnes Martin, Mrs. Charles Crine ter, one nf the ntwB.nipora of tliift Btile and Mrs. Nicholas Harvey. for six weeks, at ten it once In encti week. J. EDWARD KNIGHT, Judge. Yacht Chili Arranges DORMAN Mct'ADDlN, en postponed I ' ,,, . , , , . Surrogate. twice because of lack of attendance. "ll; -ba Plea;ed t,° receive cards, Chrifttnias Parly Monmouth Count/ Surr»cate'« Office. The W.S.C.S. of the Methodist IlcUcrs- •tc- flom llcr many f'ienrt3 The annual meeting of the Fair church held a successful bazar in this vicinity. In th« matter of the citnte of Henry Haven Yacht club auxiliary will be lira. RuBg writes that «he re- H, Udell, dei-ensftd. Nutice tn creditors Wednesday night of last week at to present rlnlmi affainit eitat*. held Friday, December 19, at the the church. ceives the Register regularly and rursunnt to the order of Dormnn Me* home of Mrs. Edwin F. Stewart on Members of the Methodist con- it keeps her In touch with many of Ffiddtn, SurrogHte of the County of Mon- Fair Haven road, Fair Haven. A her old-time friends. She has been mouth, mnd«> on tSe fifth dny of No- gregation attended union scrvicos vembr r, 1947, on the a ppti cation ot Christmas party will he held, mem- at the Baptist church Sunday ni-ht. i a reader of the Register since 1902. (ieorKe V. Oriel), sole executor of the bers will exchange gifts, and of- Irving B. Zelchncr, local ultor- [ estate of Henry H, Odelt, deceased, no- ficers will be elected. tire is hereby Riven tn the creditor, nf ncy, has been named chairman of i KHM deceased to exhibit to the nub- Plans for the meeting were made the Sister Kenny campaign drive in i Named Instructor dcriber, iol> executor, ns nfore*aid. their at a session Friday nt the home of this borough. dehta «nd demnndn HKalnst the in id ts- Of Jewelry Class tnte, unilrr oath, within *lx months fron» Miss Elizabeth Scowcroft In Fair Mrs. Ella Clark returned home tlie date of tfje nforfsnld order, or they Haven. Others present were Mrs. from Monmouth Memorial hospital E. P. MacWIthey, an Industrial will hp forever bnrrrrl of their actions RISK) Leonard Mack, Mrs. George H. last week. She had been treated for therefor nun.nut the oiid nubscrthtr. arts teacher of I-iong Branch, IIHS Moxlcy, Mrs. M. Floyd Smith, Mrs. a hip injury. been secured as instructor of an Piited: Freehold, K. J., November 5th, All Mf Ml, Slir-STOMHG Robert Cameron, Mrs. T. Frazler, Miss Margaret B. McCrea, local 1947, adult jewelry making class at the (1EORGB V. ODELL, COMBINATION SCRUN Kingslnnd, Mrs. W. B. Little, Jr., high school teacher, will spend the Community Y.M.C.A., 40 Riverside Col It |re Avenue, Mrs. Jluseell Hendrickson, Mrs. M. Thanksgiving vacation at her home avenue. Eatontown, K. J, j AND STORM SASH J, Moore, Mrs. M. E. VanSautor in Ncwvlllc, Pa. F. Bli«. Prlee. E5.|., | The first ten weeks' series of 172 B'-nnd Street* With Ruico. Hit world's fir.! patented and Mica Bcrnadine Stewart. The Lions club met Monday night classes began November 10. They Eatontown, N. J, •11 metal, trlf-rtaring combination at Louis restaurant,- Middletown, are being held each Monday at Proctor. window, YOU'LL NEVER HAVE AIM SgilAU DINNER and discussed plans for tho Christ- TO THE 7:30 p, m. Enrollment for the Menmeutb County 5yrr«t«le*a OfAc*. TO CHANGE A STORM SASH OR Members of the Hazlet First Aid mas party. . Jack N. Kirk is in course nlll be limited to the first In the mMttir of tha attati of Thorn- charge of arrangements. m J. rhilli.n, declined. Notice to cred* GAME squad, their wives and guesta en- 12 who sign up. iiort to preient claimt against ettnte. joyed a tin key dinner Monday John Wernujrt reports that about 51,000 was realized on1' the pro- Pursuant to th« order of Dormnn Me BY BORO BUS night at the Courtesy house, Marl- CRKSCENT CLUB DINNER raddin, Surronate of the County of boro. Mrs. Walter Smale was >n gram fiaje at the rpcent min.strcl Monmouth. made on the Twenty-fourth show for the benefit of the local Members of the Crescent club of day of October, 1947, on the applica- You won't have to worry charge of arrangements. Following Sea Scout troop. A dinner for the tion of Anna A. flineitr, sole rxeeutrix, the dinner games were piayed and Ha/.lct held a covcrcd-diuli supper of the estate of Thomas J. Phillips, de- nbout parking and traffic cast was held Saturday night at at the Haslet fire house Thursday feated, notice Is hereby .riven to the jam*. If you ride a Bora prize winners were Mrs. Walter the Cedar Inn, Highlands. It was re- creditors of said deceased to exhibit to MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. Ackcrson, John B. Ackcrson and c\*ening. A business session follow- the subscriber, tola executrix as * fore- Bun to the Long Branch- HIGHWAY 35 AT HEDDENS CORNER ported that $1,250 was realized. ed the supper. The next meeting said, their debt* snd demands asainst Red Bank High School Robert E. Call. The (Jlinrlcs Hesse company of the said estate, under oath, within tin The group will hold a Ohriet- will be held at the home of Mrs. Football Game on Thanks- RED BANK, NEW JERSEY Bslford is restirfacing Avenue D. Frank McCleaMer of Keyport. At- nionth.3 from the ilnte of th( aforesaid giving Day at Long mas party December 16 at the lire Mrs. Julia Linzmaycr, who lias order, or they will h* forever barred Branch. house. tending the meeting were Mrs. of their actiom therefor against the MONMOI1TII CON'STailCTION CO. boon confined to her bed following Tlicodorc Q, Bailey, Miss Stella said subscriber. Attending the dinner were ii recent heart attack, is recovering Phone Highway .tr>. Heddem Corner Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ackcrson, Bailey, Miss Vela Tombleson, Mrs. Pnted: Freehold, N. J,, October 24th, Kril Bank, V J. rapidly. Joseph R. Peseux, Mrs. Walter 1047, Its Smart To Rid* A lut Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ackerson, Mr. Mrs. Adolc P. Moss and Thomas ANNA A. RINEAR. , "l?aKe send your rpi»rfsrMitallr« to my Smale, Mrs. Roland Emmone, Mrs. R. F. Ii. I, nox 234, led Bank nome to Etvp rstimate on RUSCO self- and Mrs. Walter Smale, Mr. anil Quinn, both of New York city, tlorlng windows at no obligation to me. Mrs. Robert E. Gait, Mr. and Mrs. William Uraadt, Mrs. Cyrus Ross, Keyport, N. J, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Neldinger, Mrs. John Cecil S. Ackerson. Eiq., 6-4444 Elmer A. Balucnburg, Mr. and Mrs. Danie-!-"Saffe*v—— Counsel lor at Law, • S'awr. Mis. Charlee Wahl, Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney, Mrs. George Emmons, Keyport, N. J. Ignnzio Polinct and family of Proctor. BORO BUSES Or Mail Coupon. Our Ernest E. Peseux, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Joseph I. I^ehnn, Mrs. J. Carle- Address Rochester, N. Y., are visiting Mr. ton Cherry, Mrs. Elwood I. Monoa- James Neldinger, Mrs. Joseph 11. and Mis. John M. Pillsbury. The Red Bank Register in supported GLOBE COURT RED BANK Will Call City Peseux, Mr.«. Cheater Matthews, ban, Mrs. Curtiaj Clayton, Mrs. Mar- y loral a* well fin out-of-town business man—Advertisement. Donald W. Peseux and Lester W. Medium-grey or buff paint will old Kite, Mrs. Frank McCleaster, Eahrenhurg. last considerably longer than white Mrs. Leonard Lufburrow, Mrs. paint of tho same kind, say chem- Maitland Walling, Mrs. James H. ists of the Department of Agricul- Ward, Mrs. William Lambertson, ture. More durable paints are dark Mrs. Jildson Hopla, Jr., Mre. Roe- 9 in color, like red barn paint. Dark lif H. LeRoy, Mrs. Frank FOES. pigments absorb the actinic rays of Mrs. Lillie Hughspn, Mrs. John H. llulit which are destructive to the Balueiibuig, and Mrs. Elmer A. Bahrenburg, hostess. HOLIDAY oil binder of the pnint. SUGGESTIONS

LADY ..UXTON MEN'S BUXTON WALLET* A KEY CASK SETS WALLETS A KEY CASES ELQIN-REX-BRENLIN A DORETTE RONSON COMPACTS A CIGARETTE CASES POCKET A TABLE LIGHTERS AND VANITY KITS DUKIT SMOKER'S STANDS LA CROStE A ORirrON HUMIDORS A PIPE RACKS MANICURE A NAIL POLISH SITS ASH TRAYS A TIE RACKS SHEAFrER A PARKER SHEAFFER-PARKER AND WE'VE EVERYTHING PEN A PENCIL SETS EVERSHARP PEN A PENCIL and MUSICAL POWDER A JEWEL BOXES DESK SETS TO LIVE FOR... COSTUME JEWELRY MEN'S JEWELRY What an age thi$ is! Hundreds of chore* PLASTIC PLAYING CARDS BUXTON A ROBINSON Like the charm of music, the which used to make housewives, farmers INITIALED STATIONERY POCKET SECRETARIES fashion for giving diamonds on and laborers age prematurely—are done ROSEVILLE POTTERY PLAYING OARDS Christmas is ageless and in- for them almost automatically. Our cars HAND WROUGHT ALUMINUMWARE CHIP RACKS spiring. Select Ihat mnster- can he driven effortlessly, and the plane craflcd engagement ring for WOODEN SALAD BOWL SETS BRONZE DESK OALENDARS cun make the world our oyster in mere HI JACK COASTER SETS BRONZE A WOOD BOOK ENDS jour Ulirisimns bride now, It hours. We enjoy better health because will truly symbolize -the deeper Orammci ColorplaU Etohwar* BRONZE HORSES A PLAQUES iiioiining of UhrUImtis for her modern science can diagnose and treat many ailments more successfully, and can CALIFORNIA A ENGLISH WARE PICTURE PRAMES nnii (.•nrry with it mum Minn its BOOK ENDS PHOTO ALBUMS iiilriii>ii: quality nntl bennly. even show us how to prevent others. Ami, uf course, you may use Thanks to radio none of us need be lack- PI0 SANKS (ALL COLORS) MEN'S STATIONERY our easy Christmas Las away ing education or entertainment* You bet RELIGIOUS ITEMS MUSICAL LIQUOR BOXES Plnn nt no extra cost! itc have everything to live for. Let's give COOKTAIL, HI BALL and RELISH SETS thanks tomorrow for these and other ben- •HALLMARK" and "ARS" SACRA XMAS OARDS .... So to SI.00 Divided 1'uyiiienls ivailable. efits of the modern age and be happy thai we live in a land where we are permitted CHBISTMAS BOX ASSORTMENT CARDS 50c to fUO to enjoy them.

209 BROADWAY 70 BROAD STREET FOX'S GIFT SHOP LONG BRANCH RED BANK. rnmmmm we HHSII eiraw lemsmr lawmime 41 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK I" RED BANK REGISTER, XOVEMBER 27, JD17 Pace Eleven ;ni\'« Trained Mechanics VlDctnt J McCu* Ernest Fftianc a EMimatrs Without Obligation William L. guucll. Jr. For iVfinneni and Advanced Student*. A** 10 to 7t. Advent Message Modern method* in A modern dual piano Mudlo. W. W. KENNEDY: Local Representative) ===== Thou-: Ited |!:ui\ 0-1133 PARSON8, LABREt^UE, For information and choice of ttin*\ phone nmr. CANZONA at COMBS Nation-Wide Commun- COUNSELLORS AT LAW . t Wallaca Si,. R.d Bank ion Set For Sunday, HOWARD ISAAC rkto'lor* I) Har.'on* Edmund J. Caniona Tnaudor* J. Utbrecgu* PIANO srinio EUton F. Comba Tboinat J. Smith November 30 • Broad St., Red Bank Thone K B. •:«!« Semng RED BANK Robtrt H Maldi William R Blallr It No Answer, Sea Bright Jnll»-.M IN ••Mill Abraham J. Zafer In his annual Advent message to AND JERSEY SHORE AREA AN* AT clergy and laity of the dtoceBt.the WILLIAM E. BEATY Rt. Rev. Wallace J. Gardner, D.D., FOUNTAINS the bishop of New Jersey, centered ATTORNEY AT LAW attention on the nationwide Cor- porate Communion set for Advent Income Taa Consultant Sunday, November 30, and «t the for NEON SIGNS Pepti («U Company. Lot* bland City. N. T. same time revealed the beginning of WE REPAIR rrancftlitea Bnttler: rrveMola (toUtlne <*. of Aaburv far*. SO Eaat From St., *•• B»na «-*J7T a wide-spread evangelization pro- gram. The latter will have Its inception and Fluorescent Lighting MILTON KOSENE in the dioceje December 4 when all Any Make Refrigerators clergy In the diocese will meet with ENGINEERED TO YOUR NEEDS ATTOBNKY-AT-LAW Bishop Gardner and Rt. Rev. Al- V'' toftr, fred U Bar.ya.rd, O.D., Suffragan Washing Machines 101 Monmouth St. Bed Bank bishop, all day at Trinity cathedral HI'*. In Trenton. The day's conference titty... R. a will begin with the celebration of the Holy Communion and It a part Vacuum Cleaners Ca£L ptiptrtf la tbt of the plan worked out by Rt. Rev. lirktliy DR. L. W. CARLBON, Henry Knox Sherill, presiding bish- BURGEON UHlKOroUIST, op, for an evangelisation campaign Electric Ranges •iiitr FOOT AILMENTS that will start with the clergy In Advent and continue with the par- Office Hourai ticipation of the laity in Epiphany Dally 9:Su a. m. to R:0O p. m. Electric Water Heaters Cvaninga: Tuaadajr and Thursday and Lent. ASBURY PARK Steak «the Berkeley Bar... * rare treat. The For appointment phone 8-244! "The Season of Advent la upon kind of steak planets that begin a reputation M BROAH 8TH BED BANK, N. J. us," wrote Bishop Gardner In nil 1-1180 letter to priests and people alike, Electric Ironers . . . keep connoisseurs returning time after DR. MILDRED HULSART. "and the besinnlns of a new year, time. Dance every evening to Don DeVito and and I pray that this year may be SPECIAL LIGHTING EFFECTS IN NEON SUKUKON ClIIBOPOIIISr one of hope and determination on Electric Motors his band in the gracious Berkeley Bar. Fc«t Orthopedlca—Eleclro-Therapj the part of us all in offering to AND FLUORESCENT DESIGNED AND Offlca Hour.: Pally » a. m. la S p. a>.Almighty God ourselves and our r MOffl Evening.) Tuaeday, Thursday, 7 te a services, In telling the story to nil — ETC. — MADE FOR YOU 4Claata We4n>aday and Friday) within our diocese of Jesus Christ •y appeinlmtnl only, Red Bank 6-oaoft and Him Crucified, and to help Him im BROAD ST. BED BANK. N J.bring into the closer fellowship the ASK FOR INFORMATION ON THE NEW SM§ BERKEIEY-CARTERET many hundreds, if not thousands, G & D APPLIANCE SERVICE CO. ON TMI.OCIAN AT A.aUIV f»««. N.i. DR. RAY DE CARLO who either do not know Him or LONG LIFE COLD-CATHODE LIGHTING hnve strayed from our Jellowshlp. 60 WHITE ST., RED BANK SUKIUCON CHIIIOFOIII8T 'Neva- before has the) nnnd of FOOT AILMENTS the Christ deemed *o imperative, PHO; _ RED BANK 6-2761 ROAD-AD SERVICE, INC. ASBURY PARK nirica Houra: and never has th« church had so 41) Si). MAIN ST. Dtilj t:0» a m. to 6:30 p. a. CvanUiii* by appointment clearly pointed out to her from Pbona e-057» every quarter that she, the church, 90 MAPLE AVE. RED BANI if she has a life to share, must do With Us it. now .... I tun now asking nil within this diocese, clergy and tatty I DR. WILLIAM WYLIE alike, to respond with me to the i CHIROPODIAL SURGEON presiding bishop's call to begin plan- Its a Gift ning now for the most significant ' Functional Foot Pi»ordara Lent we have known." 1 • Mechanic St., Red Bank, N i. , Hours • A. M. to a P. M. Tal. Lvaninta by Appointment, K.B. 8-J3S9-J We think we're wejlgifted to solve your gift problem". Freedoms Meaning AUDITS BOOKKEEPING BJi.Jull with preaents proudly presented . .. we invite HAROLD F. DOWSTRA Must Be Told you to come in and see our selection. Public Accountant 130 Broad StrMt Phone Mciyiillen Tells Group Had Oank. Naw Jlraay Had Bank 8JIS1P Belt* To Share Food > Blouse* I W*> Manufacture Our Own •".'*• we I r> Wheeler McMlllen of Hnpaw.11 H"*> n d b a ( a Venetian Blinds chairman of the new state .public Han'dkerchlefe Te> give you earn* day *ervlc«. health cgmmieslon and a possible Iteki OIo T e e candidate for the next U. S. Sena- Black* N«veltlr% torial election, told member* of the Compact! Scarf* MOBILE V. B. CO.United Women's Republican cluba Skirt* RED BANK 6-333MI of Monmouth county Friday that 8M Clothe* - America's main job is to sell to the Bath Kobe* world the true meaning of freedom, Lounging Con'« CHRISTIAN SCIENCE and to ehare It* rood to help thin government's program for feedine; Programs Europe. The speaker Is editor of The Farm Journal, and editorial di- WINS 9:45 A. M. rector of the magazine. Pathfinder. Kvtry Sunday The meeting was held at the Red Bank Community "Y" house. WNBC 8:30 A. M. '"We In the United States", said ARE AT THEIR BEST IN TETLEY'S TOYLAND Firit Sunday of Month Mr. McMillen, "have fallen ehort In selling to the people of the world CONSTRUCTIONEER AT THE WHITEHOUSE the true meaning of freedom. We 90 BROAD STREET Monitor Broadcast missed a great opportunity when OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. WJZ 8:1 B P. M. we failed to explain to the men in IT'S LIKE A Every Tuesday our army the real fundamental* of freedom, because they all could have been well trained mijslonar- »". aa^HiiasiaBi>MB*«*MB*«BMBHHaiBMBailBHBa.MB*i The editor further pointed out Here is the construc- COME TRUE! that this nation muit show the world that free .people are happier, tion set that is sMcep- • • more, productive and wealthier than other*, and said "We roust ing the country. Years clarify freedom to our own people and - to the rest of the world by of lasting enjoyment. showing them the true meaning of freedom'* blessing*, and allowing Will huilrl hundreds them how they can obtain them". 'No one In Europe need go hun- of IIMIIICIK. Packed in gry", said Mr. McMlllen, "because colorful lioxr.ti. Two m we can do something about it. No one can have a full heart for free- dom If he"i« hungry, so if we are sizes — S3.50 and to align ourselves with our friend* $1.50 in Europe, we must help them, we must send them food, and we must help them to make themselves In- PM! WhMfed. RuWm-iire*] So teat il hardly teemi true It thi« delif lit. dependent". DUMP TRUCK ful "Draom Hone" Doll Hcu;t by SbomBtcKtf—front view shown above. He suggested that all food aent . • AetMlly Dwnpa to Europe be labeled directly on an mpresslon on the metal container 'From the U.S.A., produced and * Be Thankful " given by free men and women", pointing out that this would prove to the world that a free people have food to spare, and that they are willing to help their lees fortunate That this week was a time for brothers. Mr. McMillen also *ug- geated that Congrecs aak all na- Thanksgiving,few could deny. iona, where food from America I* being distributed, to give special adlo time on that nation'* radio Thcia'i a thrill a ic:ond For little jlrli Production was up to 1939 plus networks to explain what we are who peek In the back way — open for doing with our food program for incieated play value and eaiy ananee* ment of furniture. 1947 exports-. People, had moro hem. money to sptnd and mora things Plans Xmu Party to buy, than ever before in history. For School Pupils A Christmas) party for all chil- And thoy had not forgotten thoir dren of Shrewsbury borough will be held Wednesday, December 17, at the school under aponaorshlp of traditional concepts of Freedom the Parent-Tf.icher association. Tht Cubs and Brownies will .pres- and of Friendship. In their time ent a program, after which re- freshment* will ba served. Santa "Oedlci of furniture" fumiih each room Claua will also put in an apptar- colorfully and tattefully — only a few of plenty they remembered that of the many pieces are thown above. anca. A Christmas turkey will be And there'* «ven an automobile to (• dispoied of that day. In dolly'i earaiel it is more blessed to give than to In an addrea* before the Parent- Teacher association given at tha receive. monthly meeting held Wednesday night of last week In tha Shrews- Snippie, the only safe electric scissors toy for bury school auditorium, Mrs. H. G. Hymer, author, lecturer and accre- cutting paper. Useful, enterlfliiiing, instructive And Onlv $3.19 Complete dited observer at the United Na- tions conference, said that the mo- —for children of all ages. $2.00 ral and spiritual development of the world must keep puce with the scientific development in order for it to survive. John Newman, presi- A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT (0. dent, presided and introduced the speaker. HOLD ANY AKTICLE Mr, Newman, president, an- IT Broad • ei Bank, nounced that the board of educa- UNTIL CHK1STMAS Street ew Jeraey ^^ I-U3-47 tion will hold a meeting Monday, • December 8, at the school at which time important school matter! will I be discussed which will affect every resident of Shrewsbury borough. ft'/''. Paee Twelve TIED HANK REGISTET., NOVEMBER 27, 1UH Caseys To Hear Rumson Defeats 7 Leonardo Field Club Legion Beats Asbury; Rams Danowski, Meets Atnboy Sunday Toms River. 14-7; Tied For Third Place Rutgers' Voliva The Leonardo Field club, fresh catching a pass on the one-foot line Tied For Third Red Bank Legion assured Itself placekick the extra point when As- from a 13 to 0 triumph ovor the in the second quarter. Bill Hem- of a first division berth in the Shore bury was offside on the first boot, Sl. .famrs CW V l»o«l Cliffwood Anjols. which clinched bersrer heaved the aerial, which was Players Vole To End Football league* Sunday afternoon which was wide. Hia next try also THANKSGIVING PAY FOOTBALL games In this section always second place in thn Shore Football ;;ood for a 20-yard gain. From that by defeating Asbury Park's Yellow failed. Except on klckoffs, Bran- To IVlc 0 new-found power an outfit tackled by Stewart, and fumbled, the pus from center was high, Jack Kaney was on the left and he Lonp Branch tn a ncorclew lie and ramlng mighty HUMS to that was given a hotter than even Stewart recovering. After Bolder KonowiU'» Torn* River eleveji. sailing far over Hedgepath's bead was In for two pass interceptions. posting a victory. That they might Hn tin- nainr thing thin year lo deliver an address is Richard L. Voliva, freshman coach of Rutgers chance of coming up with second kicked to the 35, the Field club The Vets moved out in front in into the end zone. The Red Bank Bennett was used more often than U evidenced hy tlic spirit tJimrn in holding Aabiiry l'ark to a place with a win. With Doug line tightened, taking the ball on the second quarter when John ace slipped in attempting to re- In recent games. He saw a great university. Stanley bulled his way for five 7 to 0 score. Aslmrv walked over I.un( Branch In winning, one of the all-time Craik and Foulkes out of tho line- downs. Thn defeat sent the Angels cover the ball and fell on it before amount of action after Hedgepath up, along with Hughes, Gilbert and in a three-way tie in the league yards to score. The play was set two Asbury men. was ejected by Referee Artie Mac- 1* to «. While victories have hren urarre thin year, lied Bank greats In Jim Crowloy's reign as up on a lateral from Harold Pet- Ram coach, has had a colorful Frank Kuhl, few expected anything with Red Bank Legion and Rum- The (sme was one of the best Donald for being involved in a mid- has shown the Mgm of class which might doom the Grern Wave. like what they saw at the Leonardo BDn Veterans. era, defensive mainstay of th« Rutn- field rhubarb. Hia heave-ho started At any rale, loyal lliir rnotrra will trek to the Westwood avenue career on th e gridiron. An All- sonians. Tony Mellacl dropped played on the local field this sea- American selection under Crowley, high field last Sunday, LEONARDO CLIFFWOOD ion. Red Sank paid high respect to a series of three 15-yard penalties. stadium In an attempt lo Bring home a winner. kicked the extra point, as he did All were for unnecessary roughness, he also was proclaimed All-League South Amtioy Tigers • boast the llallidny I.B L. MeGrtth again in the third quarter, follow- the expert passing attack of As- three times in his nine-year tour presence in their backfleld ot K. Winil.ii LT J. Zonltk bury, electing to play a defensive Asbury's passing attack wag as At l-cnnarilii high school, Coach Arnle True* win end hi* George Stadcr, star of the Fort (CShBUBhnraiT I.I! 0. DiGi»mli«ti»t« ing Harrington's score on a ten- classy as expected but Red Bank with the New York Giant football r,dli» V. Van S»nt yard pas from Peteri. game and taking advantage of the season hy trying tn dispose of Coach Joe RouU'i righting Bull- team, with which he held the all- Monmouth team that came up with Collinfl KC G. Kxpuahy B percentages. One of the highlights managed to contain the receivers dogs from liumsoii. The I.ions nrc favored to fop Mi* contest, lime passing record. He is now the Eastern Army chnmpiunshlp In Kryninikl 111' S. Zonlnk The Vets dominated play molt of well enough to prevent a score. Voiy RK .Iiickoon the afternoon, the losers' lone score were the quick kicks by Vern Ben- but it Is not cuing lo he an er • matter. It I* generally con- completing his second year as head 1IM1, the same year In which that Ulniit till S. Kapunhy neet, Legion triple threater. It was Sad part of the afternoon for the grid man on Rose Hill. outfit nlso handed the Field club a Ictlrry HI! D. MrGrath coming In the waning minutes of one of Bennett's quick kicks which visitors was an Injury to George ceilcil th:il llumsnu Is the must uuder-rated school team along trouncing. llnla.M- JIB llrudrr the game, Bob Moore tallied on a Morgan, outstanding right tackle. Voliva, a former Olympic wrest- Wlhnn VH KI»B»««O paved ths way for the lone T.D. tho Shore. Though wiiilem, the defeats were all hearlhreakera ler, who starred in foolball nnd Last week's touchdowns were plunge from tbe one-yard stripe. Morgan was attended by Dr. Ed- scored by Wilson and liolgn. The Toiirliilownn—fcnnnnlo. Bol«*r, Wil- Following the game Runuon Starting from the Asbury 45 Red win S. Ostcn, who directed his re- and hy narrow margins, By way or comparison, Kumson tied track for Indiana university, is Ron. Point nftor tourhiltnvn. (jrt.ti*, players announced they had played Bank tallied in live plays. First was Atlantic lllglilands, I.'! In 13, and l>nnardn and the Tlgera last Rutgei'3' wrestling coach as well as latter was first to hit pay dirt. Both .Substitutions—I.c'innnlo, rtrmbci-t, F. moval to Fitkin hospital by the Red the stars accounted for steady Trcir.u. Joluuon, J. Wind**, Miller, Sl.-w- their final game of the season. a nine-yard gallop by Hedgepath. Bank first aid squad. The hospital week went wurcli'sn. It is hound lo he a bruiser, with each freshman grid mentor. After com- nrt, JlnnrirErk*. V. Rnminnki, ifrmberiftr, They originally had been scheduled He had covered about 15 but Ihe peting in the '30 Olympics he was gains and Jake Jeffrey added a Itoilly. A. Trn.7.». Ki.»l«n. expects to have X-rays developed team trying In salvage an otherwise dismal season. Itunison 25-yard romp around end to aid the to meet Red Bank on their home ball was returned by Head Lines- this afternoon to determine the ex- appointed coach of wrestling nnd Cliffwood. J. riuiun, Palumbo, Serg- grounds Sunday. man Tindall, who dropped the red tent of the damage. A fractured him had lite losses and two ties, while Leonardo has had Iwo track and a-ssist-int football coach cause. Bolgor's counter came from wirh, Srllicli. CICIT, ZiUlnikl, I.cmbo handkerchief on the Red Bank 46. wins, four losses and a tie. of New Jersey Stale Teachers col- ton yards out. Neil Gcttis placed Mn7,i-owxki, A. I'ittitn. Cnrnfty, F,. K«- Coach Lou Jacoubs announced vertebra was the original diagnosis. kicked the extra point. im-Oiy, (Jrynri-. A. DiGlambatislA, that Bill Hoag, one of the Vet man- Boyd mad* It first down on the 40. Whichever of I he Turkey day classics you decide to lake in, It Is lege, where he remained until en- Kffetrr, Nicholn; umpire, llolmci; With their running attack clicking Whether Red Bank will be in ac- tering the army in 1942. He re- Jeffrey figured in tho next score. head linr-smnn, Pazlclty. agers, is in charge of ticket sales tion this week was not determined certain the lioyn will lie giving with all they have. All teams nre "up" for the banquet to be given the Red Bank crossed up the Jackets at press time. The Legionnaires for their Jinnies and anything may happen, including Red UJank nnd signed as dean of men and head team December 11 at Harry's Lob- by having Hedgepath fire a 25- Rumson returning home in the roles of conquering heroes. coach of football and baseball nt yard pan to Phil Sakowitz, who were to have played Rumson Vet- Teachers to go to Rutgers in 19IS. ster house, Sea Bright. A big night erans In a post-season clash but Vet is planned, with speakers including grabbed the ball between two de- Coach Lou Jacoubs announced Sun- Last year he led an Inexperienced a member of the professional foot- fenders, dragging them another A SENSE or HUMOR is n glent thing to own. Apparently Hie wrestling team tn the Middle At- five yards before he was down on day afternoon thnt his players had JDouglas K. Craiks uf Uuniison are among the foremost possessors of lantic collegiate title. Surf. Field ball ranks, a noted sports broad- voted to end the season with the same. Not that thn incident is so funny in itself, but John "I'y" Crnik, caster and a New York sports the ten. Little W*li£r_^Babe" Jack- end ot the league play. Napoleon Msjtr. Joseph T. Casey. SI. James writer. The club also announced son carried it over on two plays. a Rumson high si'lioul trickier, .••urferccl n "busted'' hone in his foot just pastor, who inaugurated a com- Pingitorc, Red Bank's penctal man- four days, nftrr hi'; lirnlher, Dour;, banned Ills' knee while playing for And Stream plans to change IU colors from the He hit left tackle and wiggled his ager, was contemplating another plete program of sports in the locr.l drab purple of the past season to way to the one, taking It through Leonardo Field rlul>. The .«clies (if sports necidents In such rapid .suc- parochial system two ycar.s a^-o, booking but may give his players cession should luvn liccn enough to enst n. spell of gloom over the Timely Note* a Dartmouth green and gold. New center on the next try. a rest before a week from Sunday will also address the nriddcrs. Spe- jackets will be obtained before the Craik home, hut it hasn't. cial guests include Row Leo M. Cox Jock Brandon had two chances to with Long Branch Field club. The other nij,'ht aflc-r the hoys had returned from the doctor, both banquet and new uniforms are ex- of Long Branch, diocesan director On the Great Outdoor* pected next year. sporting walking casts, .Mr. Craik gave an appraising look nt his six- of high school athletics; Rev. foot-plus sons ns they sprawled out in respective lounge chairs. The BY STI'-W VAN VI.IKT 1 Krancis .1. Dwycr of Monmou'.b "what ncKt' facial expression from the head of the family evoked a Beach, former fit. James curate and laugh from Sirs. Craik, which was quickly taken up by the rest of the diocesan director of boys' work, A Hay With Hie "Bostons" fellow on the other side of the boat. Long Branch F.C. Caseys End Season family. An active Red Cross worker, Mrs. Crnik is now putting "home and Rev. John II. Horan of Brade- Come on, fcliow.n, pile out from By early afternoon, as sacks and aervicc." into effect after hnvinjr practiced it in the Held for sonic time. vclt, diocesan youth co-ordinator. under the warm blankets nnd let tubs began to fill, there were mur- Friends of the family toll us the Craik telephone is being answered: Bishop William A. Grlllln has also ns tnlic! n run tlown tn rjrlnlle nl mcrs of "What do you say, fellows; Still Undefeated ''Craik Infirmary," been invited. Other than the clergy- spend a day off-shore niacketcl what, do you say?" And so when Saturday At Home men, invitations have been sent to ll.ihin£. There arc plenty of thorn Capl. Jack gave the whistle three INCIDENTS ANn INCIDENTALS:—Red Rank's Maureen O'Brien, Coaches Joe Rosati nnd Russ out there, at least there were last short loots, we were all ready to Coughlin Is Star; Th* Caseys will ring down the was grabbed on the five, but at 18-year-old daughter uf Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Brien, Is in the Kwlmmlng Wright of Ituinson and Lakewood, Thursday when "Butch" Jones or call it a day. When we reached the curtain on their 1MT football sea- Hanlon, Red Bank halfback, headlines apain. She won the 100-ynrd backstroke event in Philadel- respectively, and tho team captains lied Bank nnd your reporter dn dock we were unable to carry our Meet Asbury Sunday son Saturday at Red Bank when tackled him he lost the ball and phia Friday to set a new Middle Atlantic A.A.U. swimming record. Her of school, which wern on the elded to Blvo them n whirl. Wo :ir- catch, so "Butch" drovo tho car Big Ed Coughlin, Long Branch they play Mary Immaculate of Hanlon recovered on the one. How- tlm« wu 1:12:4 . , . Leigh Cotton, trainer for Hal Price Hcarlley stable, Cafieys' football schedule this year. rived nt the Paramount Hoot an. down and we loaded up. Field club 210-pound fullback, put Staten Island. From reports, the ever, after Black kicked out, Reil- la heading for California after having been at Churchill Downs, Ky. Frank T. Wise. C.W.V. command- chorale nl 7 a. in.—one hour bu- With this mackerel trip under on a one-man show at Dumont Sun- New York team has had a success- ly Once! again heaved a long aerial, • • • Joe Ghezzi, ace amateur golfer and brother of Pro Vic, has returned er, is chairman of the affair, asslsl- forc tho boats were scheduled to our bolt we havo decided to call It day afternoon to keep the Branch- ful season, but the fighting Green this one to Halfback Al Stintson, to a home in the metropolitan area after having been a resident of head out to sc.'i. Thero'is no other quits for this season. However, and Gold are a determined aggre- who moved to the five. Dick Op- ed by a general committee of Leslie il0 er's record clean of defeats. He Phllly* Now associated with Kuppert brewery, Joe and his wife nre MoBride, Arthur Slattery, Charles run of fish that has i|" Ihe ap- should Iherc be a heavy run of cod scored a touchdown and provided gation and the game ahould prove dyke, on an end-around play, tal- bappy to get closer to the shore . . , Incidentally, Ruppert brewery in Relss, John Corrlgnn, Joseph Lnu- peal to the rank and Illo of Ihn and we can pick a warm day, we the winning margin in the 8 to T interesting. lied, rtellly attempted to run for Kew York was the scone of the Eastern Ice Yachting association dln- rlno and Bernard Nelson. The open party bout fisherman. When possibly may decide to get the rod game by tackling a Dumont back Red Bank Catholic's lnjury-vld- the extra point but slipped on the Jier, at which Host GeorKe Kuppert was praised for his sportsmanship ticket and program committee is the mnckcrcl arc in you can be out of moth balls. in the home club's end tone. Next died eleven last week traveled to muddy turf. in general and his Interest in ico boating in particular. Guests of George Willinm McKenna, Vincent Arnone sura to find Brent numbers of ex- Sunday afternoon the Shore Foot- Lambertvllle io engage a red hot With the help of a 20-yard pass GilllK, former liumsonlan and well known among icebontcrs, were Al and Eugene LeBoiscniere, and seat- pectant fishermen from many ftotvn Iiurne'at Way ball league champions will meet Aa- Lambertvlll* high school squad. play from Maloney to his Left End Firth, Bill Ruswcll and Jim llogan , , . The fact thnt golf Is practically ing will bo In charge of John Mul- wall;s of life, flocking to the docks. Last Saturday Charley Dolbler of bury Park on ths Long Branch The Steel and Blue had won six Danny Welch, the Caseys mover} lo the forgotten sport in these parts has not bothered Rumson's golf pro, vlhill, Jr., and Ben Bcgcndorf. Therefore, if you wish to stake Monmouth Beach and your scribe field. games In succession and were sport- the 16, where Keelan swept his lift Jim Martyn. The likeable Scot has a couple good looking hounds and out your claim, this is done by went on a duck-scouting trip which ing a triple-threat all-state candi- end with no one near him for ths Conch Adam Kretowicz will award tylnR your sack and rod to the Dumont started off by scoring on spends most of Ills time hunting with members of that club. Martyn letters to the varsity. Among othar took us over 160 miles and the an 85-yard sprint before the game date in Frank Rcllly. This fullback score, A try by Keelan for the ad- disappointed an eager audience at Madden's Saturday when he renewed presentations will bo a C.W.V. tro- mil a cholci spat. H is nororaiiry greater part of the day In order was a minute away. Long Branch led his team t0 a 38 to 12 victory ditional marker failed. on singing "Waltzlnp; Matilda," tho Australian marching song. The phy to the outstanding all-round that you arrive nl Iciisl :in hour U> locate u spot where we will be stiffened from that point on, how- over thfi Caseys, putting on a bril- Lambertvillo struck twice again. pianist there, Tiny- Tuni Martin, surprised the pro by out the athlete in nil sports based on abil- early. However, no iiiiilU'f bow ruiiHunably suro of getting a crack ever, and the Bergen county champs liant exhibition before approxi- A 61-yard-march was featured by tune as soon as the title wis mentioned . . . Rumson Vets met last week ity, leadership and character; a early you arrive, there arc always at n few blacks, Mallards or teal. knew they were in a battle Besldts mately 400 fans, a large number of tho play of Hoagland. Taking a IT- and decided their colors would be Dartmouth preen and gold. New sweater to the best hlocker from a tot of other K"5'S ahead of you. We have found over a period of accounting for the safety, Cough- whom came from Red Bank. The yard pass from Reilly on the three jackets will be purchased. The Vets' banquet will be held December 11. Edward McDonouRh; a sweater to We picked tho "C'olumbin," Capt. years hunting and fishing that a lin set it up by punting out of game was played on a muddy field. he stepped out of bounds, but three Bill Hoag is sole ticket salesman. the best tackier from tbe school's Jack Bopan, and managed to sel n fellow has got to work In order to bounds on the Dumont one-foot Despits the score, it was anybody's plays later he plowed over for the athletic association, and a special pretty Rood spot near tho stern. bring home the bacon. Those who line. The home club decided to run game until the middle of the third score. With less than 30 seconds re- BOWLING NOTES:—Marion Francis topped the Friday Evening football ring to the "players' play- Wo have known Capt. Jack ninny net the most nut of It, whether it the ball out and Coughlin showed period, when the dam broke and maining, Casey Back Lcs Carbons Women bowlers at Red Bank Recreation with a 539 series. She had er" from Rov. Joseph Shechan, years, from the time he served as Is upland game, deer, wildfowl or them the of their ways. the Lambertvllle tide was loosed. rifled an aerial Intended for Welch games ot 202, 191 nnd 113 . . . Jim Tuttle rolled 235 Monday night to moderator of athletics at R.B.C.H. mate up until the present, when llsh, devote some time to mission- The winning tally came In the The flnt tally was made by the but McGulre Intercepted for Lam- win the prize tit a $15 pair of pants offered by Tony Boncore . . . Red The banquet is the first major he now occupies the No. 1 berth ot ary work. We know a number of third period, following a pass in- home team, as the result of a twist- bertville at the Casey 40 and went Bank lias five lady bowlers rolling in the fastest league for women in undertaking of the local post and the Paramount fleet. If there nrc sportsmen who spend considerable terception by Long Branch. Kenzo, ing, returning 15-yard run by tho distance. tho state. They arc Amy VanVliet, Pauline Minton, Elsie Cnrhart, Es- is expected to become an annual uny llsh tu bu caught ho usually Unit! before the season cultivating Reilly early in the opening stanza, RED HANK LAMBERTVILLE ther Frcneau and Helen Braney . . . Joe. Mcnzzopnnc and Nordy Aschet- friends among the farmcra and Billy Acerra, Les WilcoJt, Walt KerrlKnn LE Mcftuire event, lnviled as guests of the post gets his share. Fisher and Coughlin joined In Halfback Don Edwards tried for tino travel to Newark Monday nights to participate in the New Jersey will he the varsity cheer leaders The sky was overcast and there backwoods settlers. One hunter the point but his placement was Dombroekl LT DHVIS Jdajor league. Joe consistently shows the boys how it should he done. makes several trips a year to the bringing the ball the required 40 Holti 1,G Keener who have performed so faithfully was a cold, northeast wind which yards. wide. Bahr C Blair The Red Bank pair travel to Bethlehem, Pa., this Sunday . . . When alt season. promised snow, so we decided to back woods lo call on tho family Manning RGe Allen Tony Boncore asscmhlcd a team of southpaws to represent his tailor and tako them presents for the UlNG BRANCH DUMONT A. A. In the second quarter Lambert- McQuIra UT Cicchino •hop, everyone admitted it was n novel deal. Now, with the Lefties The committees wilt meet next visit the lunchroom and fortify WUeox LF. DavU vllle drove deep into Red Bank Molnkow TIG Opdyk* 1 Friday evening in St. James rectory ourselves with a little liquid bait. children. He always gets his deer. Strollo LT Petcnon Maloney Q I! Hoaiiland breathing down Globe Motors' neck, the boys arc' saying such an assem- Antaatnaio I.Q Stewsrt territory twice, but Casey Quarter- heolan LH StinUon blage was a shrewd move . . , More than one male kegler wants to give to complete arrangements. We found the room crowilcd to ca- On our trip we visited a number Salerno i; MElmscalio back Jack Maloney thefted a pass Hanlon RH Hubsr up the game when they look over the scores posted by the fail1 ses. pacity with a milling Hirong of of the most inaccessible spots we Dombrowskl KG Normtn as It bounced off Reilly on the 15 Tanner FB Relllr heavy coated and booted fishermen, could find located on the fingers of Tettl RT Scolpino Touchdown..—Red Bank Catholic, Mil. Hen are a few from Friday. Marge Wilson, 194; Ann Tighe, 192; la- llshtr RK Long to cancel one drive and Andy Man- loney, Keelan. Lambertvllle, Reilly (2), ther Frencau, 100; Dot Rynn, 187; Amy VanVliet, 184, nnd Grace Tur- all trying to absorb ns much heat the bay south of Tuckerton. We Condone QR tiSJBiuMen ning, Green and Gold guard, re- Opdylte, DeLcone, Hoagland, McGuire. noek, 181. Want lo hear more? . . . Max Safran offered his team beer Ice Yachtsmen ag possible before, thn i;crti hour. stopped and talked to the native Vtracola HR Tobin covered a fumble on the four to Point* after touchdown, LambartvMle, en the house If they could win three Monday night, but the boys got too Let us get acquainted with some baymen, who make their living out Rcnzo HR Jenkin> stymie the other. Hongland, Reilly. of our sailing mates. The last to of clamming, fishing and hunting. CouKhlin FB Boenau Substitutes—Red Bank, Kelly, Welch, thirsty on the last game and were shy a few pins . . . Millnrd Aumnck Dine At Ruppert's The opening kickoff of the second Pontecorvo, Hennessey. McLounhlin. Ho. mssures us we will hnve monthly averages of the Red Bank Bowling come aboard wtis n leal elderly l'cl- They arc a friendly lot of hard- half by Casey Left Halfback Jack Iran, Trrvo™, Joaeph Carroll. Jamea Car- league members . . . Fred Jones continues posting 200 scores . , . Be- low. Ho found a spot on tho rail working men and honest and fair Keelan was taken, on the five by roll, lrfbrecqiic, Hanlach, Stanhope, Foa- next to us. His clothing was any- Leonardo, Tigers tcr, Blnck, NnuKhton Largcy. Carbone, tween games at lied Bank Recreation, Johnnie Ellis tnlked ahout Lnm- EIYA I In* Dinner in their dealings. One old fellow Edwards, who went 39 yards be- Gargnnn. Lambcrtville, Pnlumba, Ed- bertvillc's Frank Reilly, stating that the boy hns to bo named all-state, thing but suited for the business who lived in a shack at the end fore being, stopped on the visitors' wards. Johnson, JcfTriea, Heath, De> if tho selection:', nrc to mean anything . . . Evcil AiiJeiaun may cuptuln Al N. Y. Brewery nt hand Hn worn an old, frnyccl- nf nnwhfirn, hnd iust what we were SS. The Camys Weed Ihei'e ami Leone, Gtmaon. Lebcl-tl, fiortere, EUlll- a team for John Gualtieri's Central bar, n Monmouth street establish- out summer suit, a light sweater looking for. Ho owns several hun- In Scoreless Tie mnn. Iceboal owners and skippers rep- took over on the 35, From this point Referee, Aekerman; umpire, Walter; ment1 which Sunday night began its 14th year of operation . . . Bill "Bad and a cotton shirt. His shoes were dred acres of meadow and swamp they marched 65 yards to knot the head linesman, Rlley. Foot ' Prate is available as bowlin;; coach foi beginners or for those resenting clubs in the Eastern Ice thin nnd worn, so that his socks land which contain numerous ponds Yachting association held their an- Riinison Visits Lions game. experts whore RIUIICS are ailing. After seeing Paul Alhrecht roll a 130 showed through in ninny places. nnd creeks. He keeps a duck boat Keelan pasted to Maloney for 16 SIDELIGHTS game, looks as though he should contact "Junior" . . . Doc Morgan Colio, nual gel-together and dinner last His flshins tackle wa-j pathetic and or two for his own use. After talk- an absentee member of the 200 club, about ready to take to heavy prac- week in the main dining room at In Season's Finale to Lambertville's 49, Keelan moved Watching from the sidelines were beyond description. In comparing ing with him for some time he of- six more yards, following which Capt. Sutphin, crippled center; Full- ticing. the Ruppert brewery in New York his setup with the average fisher- fered to let us have a boat and Atlantic Highlands and Leonardo city. The host was George Ruppert, there was a 15-yard penalty against back Hesslein and L*ft End Cough- man on the boat, we could not help decoys for a nominal sum. We are high schools played a hard-fought Lambertvllle and two more yards lin. Bob Black, because of a bad head of tho firm, and a keen ice- feeling sorry for the old fellow. We heading down that way next Satur- game to a scoreless tie Saturday boat enthusiast, who was the re- gained by Keelan. Maloney dis- shoulder, did not start and was THE GRID LINE:—Jimmy Tanner, the boy who was injured in had on two pairs of woolen socks, day. Even If wo don't get a «hot, afternoon at Leonardo, the Tigers played some brilliant running as he used sparingly. last week's game against Lambcrtvillc, will be a capable replacement cipient of a hand-lettered scroll, red flannels, hip boots, two woolen II will be fun to once again be in giving tho Lions the lame dosage lauding him for his intorost in ice- picked up the remaining yardage, for the Cnsnys nnxt your. In his few appearnncos for the Green and shirts,- heavy swqatcr and canvas a duck blind miles away from civil they had handed Kunuon the week plunging over from the three. An Jimmy Tanner, substituting for Gold, he has been outstanding . . . Ed Mooney, who was quarterback boating and for his sportsmanship coat, yet by the time the "Colum- ization and not be surrounded by before when those two clubs also Hesslein, suffered a badly twisted In general. Presentation of the end run by Keelan tor the extra lor Red Bank Legion until his position forced him to leave the team, bia" had reached the open sea, red-coated, trigger happy duck went to a 13 to 13 tie, Rumson will point failed. leg and had to be removed In an was on hand Sunday as public address announcer. Even though a few scroll was made by Richard J. cold shivers ran up and down our hunters who blaze away at every visit Leonardo for the turkey day ambulance. of his calls wcru inaccurate, tho boy performed capably. We finally Moollor, commodore of the Rumson spine. leaf that drops. clash. The Caseys no sooner kicked off learned why he repeatedly asked Skip Pingltore to report to the press Ice Yacht club, who was toastmas- than the Steel and Blue were on Coach Kretowicz used all his The old-timer stood there on the Each school had Its share of th* warpath one* again. On the box. The urgency of his messages indicated it was a matter of great ter. Mr. Ruppert accepted the scroll windward side of the boat and thrilling rung, with only the Tigers players. John Gargana, one of the Import. Actually It was nothing more than a demand on Skip to fur- In a brief talk, In which he paid Law Violators Apprehended first play from scrimmage, Reilly smallest men on the team, showed never batted an eye. We felt sorry making a definite scoring bid. Leo- tore loose and raced 70 yards for a nish him a hot dog and a coke, under threat of Skip's being called a tribute to another veteran iceboat for him, especially after ho got a Game wardens arc active in en- nardo halted that by intercepting a to good advantage on a kickoff re- cheap skate . . . Red Bank's victory over Asbury Park Sunday was a enthusiast—his cousin, George Gil- forcing the dusk laws throughout touchdown. A run for the extra turn. It was his first time In a bath of salt spray, so we picked up pass on the two-yard line. For ths point failed. reward for Coach Tom Phipps, who insisted on playing smart ball. The llR. Both formerly owned some of an acquaintance with a fellow the state and a number of arrests Tigers, Charlie Milli and Don Rack- game. Catching the kickoff he spun team operated in expert fashion to play what was probably their best the fastest iceboats on the North have been made. It is reported that A Green and Gold tumble then 22 yards before being dropped. Came of the year. Vernic Bennetts quick kicks were outstanding and Hibernian who had an extra rain- Icy were impressive, while for tbe gave Lambertvllle th* ball on the Shrewsbury. coat laying on the deeft, nnu asked on opening day some eight or ten Lions. Gene Darke and Tony Papa the Legion offensive in general was first rate. If they play the same Ray Rugo of Permont, N. Y., violators .were picked up on the Red Bankers' 31. A long pass from The Casey record is four victories, type game against Long Branch December 7, it will be a close affair. him If he minded lendins it to the offered a sparkling offensive. Reilly to his left end, Jim McGulre, Eastern's newly elected president, old gentleman. He readily agreed, Shrewsbury river' by Warden Karl Atlantic Highlands was playing three defeats and a tie. The Shorn Vnnllmll league Sunday ended Its first season. announced the appointment of Ad- and so we bundled him up- Kristiansen for shooting after legal its final game of the schedule. The From the brand nf fonthull dished out In loop play, it Is easy dlson J. Howland of Rumson, re- All the way out to the mackerel hours. Howard McKee-coached boys have to state that Ihc nreuuizutlnn is permanently established. Kach tiring president, as chalrmnn of the grounds everyone was busy assemb- a record of two wins, three losses Caaey Freshmen Lose regatta committee, with Herbert E. New Jersey has enacted a law year should tlnd it becoming successively stronger. Deserving ling their tackle, so that every thing allowing the hunting, of deer by and two ties. Truex's Lions will Red Bank Catholic high school's Keyport Ties high praise i* Lou .laciiubs. Besides being one uf the founder", Edwards of Red Bank and Homer would bo ready when tho whistle meet Rumson with two wins, four freshman team made It best show- he siK-ei-sKfully served as president of the loop during the dim- Cedar of Nctcong, tho association's the use of bow and arrow. The sea- tooted. We mingled among the rest son will open December 8 and con- losses and a tie, ing Friday when it isited Freehold cult days of urcunizlni; and through the even more difficult day* vice president, making up the rest of the crow. There were two gen- LBONAHDO ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS to engage the yearling eleven. The Freehold High of league play . . . Sorry that Rumson Vet players decided of tho committee. Also to be added tinue through December 11, which Keren LE Lorrl tlemen from Boston on their first gives the archers a chance before Motrell LT Burr Colonials won the game, 20 to 18. against playing the proposed game against Ked Bank Legion to this committee are four members mackerel fishing trip. Also there Scorers for Red Bank were Wal- this Sunday. With bulb rluhs tied far third plant, and consid- of tho Long Branch Iceboat and tho opening of the regular deer iea- H. Govcrnilt i,u Simmon wero fellows from Pennsylvania, son December 12. Wright C Smith ly Bauer, Jimmy Calver and John To Meet Matawan ering the other game which the Vets wen, the contest would Yacht club, the home club for the New York and many parts of New O'Brien RG Murphy Whelan. Whelan and Bauer caught have been a lulu. association's races this winter. In B»il«y RT Strylnr Jersey. Some had driven the great- A card has been received from Rosowrid RK &*& passes and Calver plunged for the In Final Contest Gardiner Mitrck of Atlantic Highlands last week received a the event there Is no Ice at Long er part of the night In order to be Charlie Hutz, editor of the Hook, Uuer O,B Carksrl counter. Th* Freehold team sewed Branch January 17 and 18, the on hand for their favorite sport. n«rt. l.H Kacktoy up the game in the final minutes Coach Stan "Tuffy" Baker's Key- class numeral for being freshman tackle at Susquehaiina uni- E.I.Y.A. regatta races will bn sailed Line and Sinker, that large, winter B«vl« HH C, Mill! versity. Amos Alonzo Stagg, the "grand, old man of football," There were many nationalities pros- flounders are being slaughtered at P«V» FIB O'N.II when two passes netted 55 yards. port high school gridiron squad made the presentation. He is head coach at the Pennsylvania at Lake Hopatcong. Mr. Moeller la ent and they were all swell fellows. Bclninr. He states that catchea of Saturday prepared to meet Mata- school . . . lied Hunk Iletectlvo George Clayton, a former Leon- tlic association's now commander Lines over and the chum strcuU 100 are not uncommon, WANT HOOF GAMES Shore Football wan high in the Thanksgiving day . ardci high thriller, admits Tuck Hanscn was a great hall player, and fleet captain. started. "Butch" tagged the. first The Bast Keansburg Royals are classic by holding a favored Free- Attending the dinner from tho mackerel of tho day. Others started seeking home-and-home haskettMll FINAL STANDINGS hut adds Hint Louis Steinmuller was as bright a shining star. 43-1'nund Striped Baas Earns W t, T P hold eleven to a 6 to 6 tic. Freehold Mr. Sti'liimiillcr nuiv owns a chicken farm in Tintnn Fall* . . . Rod Bank and Rumson clubs In ml- coming over the rail. It wasn't fast October State Award games with any New Jersey quin- Long1 Branch ~ '. 8 0 0 16 ends its season at Sayreville, At the Leonardo came Sunday, the lovely little blue-and-giild- ditiun to those already mentioned enough for Capt. Jaclt, so wo head- tets. Frank VanNortwIck of Lee Leonardo „_ „ 6 1 1 13 Both scores came after pass In- bedecked cheerleuderH were introduced over the p.a. system be- were Charles Bind, Dclford Fishci, ed out to sen, where there was a A 45-pound striped bass, largest avenue, Betford, Is the booking Red Bank 6 3 0 10 Rum«on 5 3 o 10 terceptions. Jack Johnson tallied fnr« lliii (tame and the novelty resulted In real support from Councilman Hnrold S. Allen, Everett larger fleet of bouts. When we ar- reported this year, was announced manager. Clllfwood _... J 3 0 10 for Keyport and Bruce Lykes did tho cheering section the rest of the afternoon. The girts are Asay, John Darling, Clinton Wllber, rived wo found thnt they were all today as winner of the salt water Aibviry Park -.._... 241 5 the trick for Freehold, Freehold at- Jonn Unrig, captuin; Hotly Carmen, Isabelle Hroderlck and John P. Mulvlhlll, Jr., Jenso How- drifting. As tho propellers stopped, "Fish of the Month" award for Oc- Ukewood 2 10 4 tempted to bring the game out of l/fl|n l.nw. land, Stephen Olnn"-, Frank V, tober in tho Now Jersey Governor's Inches in length and 39 Inches In Tome River I 7 0 2 thn fish started hitting. Two nt a girth. HlrhUnda •• o a 0 o the fire In the final minutea with Blaisdcll, Fred Hagnn, Donnld Asay, time, wns npl uncommon. We Fishing tournament, SUNDAY'S RESULTS a passing attack. A Duckenneld-to- Donald Lawes, Jr., nnd Willinm found the host rig wns n diamond The fresh-water bass was taken Rid Bank 6, Aibury Pnrk 2. F13VV PEOPLK REALIZE tlmt Joo Bolger, who showed suine of his Wlnnor of the Octobor fresh wa- October It at Greenwood Lake by Leonardo 13. CllfTwood 0. Scheidl aerial sonl the end Into puy Smith. Guests of Mr. GIIIIK wero Al gig with n Innso treble honlt. Above ter award Is a seven pound, eight- dirt, but a back In motion penalty old form Sunday for Leonardo Field club against Cllffwood Angels, Is Firth, William Roswoll and James this wo mounted two very smnll Simon Sachs of 545 East 24th street, Rumnon 14, Toma Rlvvr 7. nctunlly that organization's assistant joach. He has aided Couch Arnlc ounce large-mouth bass, Taterson. The nsh, which was tak- nullified the score. J. Hogan of Red Bnnk. hooks, bnllM with hunker hands. Tho pitzc-wlnnlng striper was HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FREEHOLD KEYPOBT Trues iiniiivusurably this Ketison, helping put together the combine that Representing tho Long Branch The only small hooks we hud ulong en on a pike minnow plug, meas- THANKSGIVING DAY came up with undisputed uecand place in tho Shore league. token October 16 by William M. ured 23 Inches In length and 17*4 Red Bank High at Long Branch, |var!i LE Melnnei club wore Richard C. Cliipp, com- wero flounder hooks hut they dl-l Cousins of Normandlo place, Sea inches in glrlh. ' Rumaon High at Leonardo, Stovemon LT MetiL-tr One of the club's most likeable fellows, Joo stems a "most likely" modore; F, Bliss Price, Everett the trick, BHKM, on a live eel rig and a rod Ne|>mno at Anbury Park, Keener LG Mallnconc" choice lei succeed Trues, If over Arnic decides to leave the club be- Qlllnni, John l-leyor, Jnmcs C. Price, Wo Isapt our nyc on the old fc|. of his own design and manufacture. An Orange Bowl team boxing Point Pleasant at Manattqunn. !?»"* £„ DIScltlllB cuunc of high fchool duties, A former alt-stater with the great Leon- James Price, Jr., Everett Throclf Lkkcwoail *t Toms River, H*rth I{G Davle nidi, Shuru Ccjnrciunci; champions of 1940, a Trucx-coachcd eleven, Bol- low next lo us. Although he KliWd Mr. Cousins made the cntch on a match between Syracuse and r'reehold at Saynvllle. morion, Russell Hngcrmnn, Ken- all tiny he never caught n llsh, The 3(i-pouml nylon lino under adverse Miami U. will be staged in con- MatRttan at Keyport. S«r hus learned n. lot from the Lion mentor and Is a strict Trucx-aystem nith D. Adams, Charles lluhn, John man. only llmo ho yot n thrill wns when conditions from tho jetty at Deal junction with the 18« New Year's SATURDAY SIM"' Hi "fin- T, Biillun and Luula A. Mlon. hi hooked * lino bclonrinn to a at night. Thi fish measured 46 Day football fame. Immaeulalt Conceptloa (Slatm bland) $£.»«.•. jjii ,W. al Red Bask Cttaellt, 8c" BED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 27, lUf Page Thirteen Belford Port Montuoulh members of her luncheon and inary at Bellevue, reviewed current JEWELRY REPAIRING bridge club at her home last week fiction and non-flctlon. MONEY LOANED Cutting Corners Can Mra. John Werner hu completed Miss Janice Bryk, daughter of when prizes were awarded to Mrs. It was reported that 11,300 was OB Jewelry, Silver, Musical Instruments). W.lcbM, Clock, ans J««nlrr Ctaa»»d a course in Brownie training ir. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bryk, who Lloyd F. Armstrong and Mrs. Ar- cleared at the recent holiday bazar Cameras, Binoculars, etc •ntf R«Mlr> •< IUs««nsM« Pric«i observed her birthday Sunday, was thur S. Van Busklrk. Others pres- snd supper. Ucmmma «nd bonded or Slat* al IV J. MAKE 'EM JUMP All Work Guaranteed for Out Y«.r Red Bank. The Brownie troop is hold a Christmas party guest at a party on that day jjiven ent were Mrs, Van B. Walker, Mrs. WE r*r CASH FOR OLD GOLD and Sll.VCit H. ROSIN, J.w.Wr at their next meeting December 22, for her at the home of Mr. andJohn C. Osborn, Mrs. Henry E. Ac- la WHI From St, at*4 Baac, N. J. Mrs. E. C Beam. Others present kenson. Mrs. E. F. Ehrllch, Mrs. J. at the Methodist church annex. Leon Schanck and Mrs. William Broadway Loan Co. T.I. 8-00T2-M. Mr. and Mrj. William Sutherland were Pamela Bryk, Janice i3ryk, WINTER vm Broadway l.nnsj Rranrh Ardith, Anne and Billy Ream, Rob- Hitchcock. Mre. Hitchcock will en- of Elieabeth spent Bunday with Mr. tertain at the next club meeting. Wiirdu and Mmlo and Mrs. John Hcin» and Carol ert 13eam, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beam "5- Sutherland, and Mr. end Mrs. Fred Beam. Plans for a covered-dish supper , llrrnllllf lluclon Th« lond Mia* Eleanor Neilson of Brook- The Women's Republican club December 4 were made at a m«t- I lyn spent three days last week with held a card party at the home of ins of the auxiliary of Lincoln hose Song for im*dliim or of Friendship Elwood Seeley. Mrs. A. 9. Maxson Tuesay of laM company held in the fire house low volet*, Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Schultz of week. Thursday evening. Final plans also lively, haunting mrlody. Your Photograph Jersey City are to be Thanksgiv- Mrs. Mary Werse has been ac- were discussed for the Christmas ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. William cepted as a member of the Scout parly to be hold December 18 at iSotv on slni'k . .. I5SHO/.0ST JEWELERS RED BANK at this hospitnl. December 20 a Harrison, Mrs. Kothcringham, Mrs. made at a meeting last week at Goorgp Lukcr, Mrs. Kenneth Luker the parish liouac when Mrs. Fred- •"•piT'inlly if vein |>l;in KTAIUSHED 64YBAHS WANTED FOK Christmas party will be held |jy the jrroup nt the hospital. and Miss Margaret Gaughran. all erick Adams, guild president, I to lllilil yipiii' |tili'fli:isi"~ or Port Monmouth; Mrs. George C. named the following committee: ' Red Bank Auto Glass Co. Mrs. J. Samuel of New York, Mrs. lu if ili>liinl .•nldrc"-. HVDRRUUC inunc Charles White or Little Silver and Scott, Sr., of East Keansburg, Mrs. Mrs. Frank F. Curtis, Mrs. Jay D. 21 MAPLE AVC. Vern. Gaughran, Mra. Alice Kuzna, Williams, Mrs. James llutner, Mrs. J. P. MacLcan of Leonardo will be Mrs. Helen Lynch, Mrs. E. Lynch Our ("-pi'ci.'il I.iiy-Aw.'iy Abo fcaovy Iron, Cor. Maple Are. * Whit* St. guests Thanksgiving at the home Edwin L. Beckett and Mrs. John and Miss Mary Fitzgerald of Jer- B. Ackley, Jr. I'liiii ciulilr^ \ i in In of Mr. and Mra. Joseph MacLcan. sey City, Mrs, Ann Gaughrnn of tt*»l and ell oth;. WINDSHIILP OLAM Mr. and Mra. John Fccny, Mr. Dr. Adolph Henry Bchrcnbcrg, I'CSCM'VI? llu1 Kill-- you and Mrs, Lester Walling and MrAudubon. , Mrs. Mary Mclntosh of president of the Presbyterian sem- irmtots New York and Mrs. Charles Ham- \v;ml unlil vim Hull it and Mrs. William Bodtman will mell of South Amboy. DESK TOPS spend Thanksgiving with Mra. Alva iMinviMiiiMil In |iick Mrs. Jane Downle of Koansburs Fleckenstein of Fair Haven. tllPtll lip. HPIMl'lllllpP, JW PMCCS PAID DOOR GLASS The mothers of the Bcltord school and Mrs. Helen Saxon wore re- Bring your served 155 turkey dinners Tuesdny ceived na new members of tho Me thi'rr is no I'linrge (nt to school children. Corqitodale lodge, Daughter* of I his serviri1, BOAT GLASS Mr. and Mrs. Dominlck Mul- Scotia, Monday morning. laney are spending Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. David Stcvcnsen with Mrs. Mary Finn of New York. and son David and Mr. and Mrs. If you iirn ]Hirlii;n1;irly HARRY G01DKRG; iS TABLE* TOPS George Scott, Jr., and son Glenn Soya Beans puzzled iihniil wlliil, In Hurley David Richardson cele- are spending Thanksgiving with IICOND, CO*. tEWIS it. Installed While You Wait brated his fifth birthday last week. ftive . . . it Cliinu Mini PIRTH AMIOY, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oranderth are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stcvcnsen of Red Bank Auto Glass Co. the parents of a daughter born at Brooklyn. An (ilsivs Pimp (.iift, Plrth Ambey 4-6500 Monmouth Memorial hospital last Mr. and Mrs. John L'.ihindriello of lilll'.'lll' W'ill |l|'nvil|i' !\ Wilson avenue are nnrcnts •/ a 1 44 YMtl «f Pali Dailfm al him SI MAPLE AVC. week. liMppy MM-WIM . Av.-iil- TEL. R. •. t-3M0 Mr. and Mrs. John Werner and daughter born Fri'/.-y at Monmouth daughter will spend ThanksRivlng Memorial hospital. Staten Island n 1 P11• in ,'iny ili'linuiiiia- with Mr. and Mrs. K. Norton of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chevalier tion. Shop At Colonial Flowers Kearny. of Poplnr avenue are the parents Mrs. Emma Morris celebrated her of a son born Sunday at Hiverview * (innri Prices birthday Saturday, November 15, hospital. THE CHINA AND For your friend* that arc flower BEAUTIFUL MUMS with a party. Those attending were * Short Haul GLASS SHOP tincrs. See aur large collection Rev. and Mrs. Paul Myers and Kcyport Eleanor Myers, Mrs. Sadie Hcins, * Prompt Unloading S7 Broad St. Koil Bank of anaorted and unusual pottery 1 for charming hostesses Carol Sutherland, Mrs. Lena Suth- The Ladiefi Aid society of Re- R. H. in all colon and desiunn. erland, Miss Marjorio Sutherland formed church will Rive a Christ- * Official Analysis Most thoughtful way of all and daughter, Barbara Anne, Mr. mas party in the parsonage on the to thank your holiday host- and Mrs. William Sutherland, Jr., evening of December 18 It was de- % Lewis Kaufman, Mr. Dietz and cided at a meeting held Thursday * Registered Scnl< Monnwuth County Surtojrntt't Offict. Copper Wall Brackets ess. Egans also have a good Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowles. nt the home of Miss Maude Ander- to Ui« matter of ihe .slnte of Frank selection of other cut flowers Mrs. Mary Richmond, Mrs. Rob-son. Mrs. John C. Osborn was as- Weights O'llrirn, ilccnnsnl, Notirn to creditors I'i i»r«i«tiL rlninia nRinnst entnte. 1.25 up to speak your gratitude and ert Bahler, Mrs. Charles Smith and sisting hostess. Plans also were ruMimttt in tilt nrrlrp r>f Iiormnn Mr- completed for the three-day sale of put her head in a whirl! Mrs. John Werner attended a Girl Fiulrilii, 8tirrnKnte of th^ County «>f Mon- Scout leaders' meeting, at Kcans- Christmas gifts which is being nioutli, imulc on the tuciity-.'.cconri Kast Front Street pital, where she had her leg umpu- son, Miss Emilie Baumfmrtrier, |,fnnnrdn. N. 4- the new floral !ms<.* vliidi requires mi container UU-J. Mrs. Augustus Boldt, Mrs. George WII«UAM J, O'RRIEN. Hed Bank Ellis, Mrs. David Schanck, Mrs. J. Port Richmond StAt«n Inland II. F. n. No. 1. Box 478. Mr. and Mrs. Arnanzo Romeo RrH Rnnk. N, J. Phone 6-2733 or water, nud keeps flowers fresh tlnys longer!! celebrated their 18th wedding an- Leon Schanck and Mrs. Albert G, Tel. Gibraltar NJCIKIIH" W. Knls#r, Esq., Shiphorst. Ftremen's HU\g., 7 86 Biond r>tr««t. niversary laat week with a dinner N%W»TV, NfW Jer»M'. at their home. Guesta were Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Haigh entertained CENTERPIECES $2.50 and up Mrs. Joseph Romeo of Atlantic Troctor, Highlands and Mr. and Mrs. John Bennlck. The Air Scouts received a gift of a flag recently from an East Kcans- EGANS of Harding Road burg friend. Greenhouse* on Harding Road at Ilarrltun Ave. Tel. R. K. MMI Kunison Mr. and Mrs. Carl Benson will observe their 23th wedding anniver- sary Friday and will leave on that day for a vacation in Washington, D, C. Mr, and Mrs. Benson, who were married at the Little Church Around the Corner, in New York city, have lived most of their mar- ried life in Rumson. The well baby conference of the Public Health Nursing association of Rumson, Sea Bright and Fair Haven, usually held the final Thursday of the month at Rumson borough hall, has been postponed because of the holiday. The date of the December conference will Our GIFT to YOU during this Event . . b« announced. Abraham Burlctt, chief engineer Your choice of popular at the borough Incinerator, was elected a contributing member of or clamical record* Rumson Are company at last 36 Records week's meeting. Ellsworth Soden, assistant chief of the department, with your purchase nf a waa nominated for chief for 19*8. Three have been nominated for the office of president, they being Ray- FREE radio-phonograph console ! mond Shea, wbo is running for re- election, Elmer Blumel and Wil- liam Phelan. ADMIRAL DE LUXE CONSOLE, UeB. 219.30 175.00 Mr. and Mra, Emerson Best of Automatic chunger plus stsndard and short imve, Naveslnk avenue are parents of a The Spirit of Thanksgiving son, born Saturday at Monmouth GAROD SHERATON CONSOLE 199.80 Memorial hospital. A classic beauty with t record albums fur 11 records, Just as tho Pilgrims Rave thanka by sharing their flnt Arthur E. Layton, aviation ma- bountiful harvest with the Indians, no should we, In thla chinists mate, U. S. Navy, who has STEWART.WARNER CONSOLE 219.50 glorious country of plenty, share with the unfortunate* of been 'stationed at Moffctt Field, BENDIX other lands, lot us nnt glvn up the traditional feast that Cal., Is home on leave, visiting his Short wave and standard hand In » hrautKul cabinet. binds Individual families hut, In line with the President's family on Rlack Point road. He CONSOLETTE policy let us avoid all watte. Prevent waste so that we can made his trip from the West coast WESTINGHOUSE CLASSIC CONSOLE 259.50 feed those starving', broken families and help them te • by plane. 199.95 I'M radio plus regular reception and uutoniatic chanfer. atronger, bettor way of life. Mr. and Mr*. Samuel Wetiel are parents of a son, born Saturday at Standard And short wave ;...'*o< ALSO A WIDE CHOICE OF TABLE MODELS from 97.S0 Monmouth Memorial hospital, Mrs, AVAII.AIH.l. O.N EASY Metzel is the former Miss Doris matte record changer, single ^d coanh Layton of this place, The baby has button control; styled in smart Dendlx, Zenith, R.C..V Westtmrhnuae combinations, PAYMENT TKKMS been named Samuel Arthur Wctzel. knotty pine, Emit F. Bochm, who Is the chef SAVINGS-LOAN ASSN. at the Carmel Nut' shop in Red IIADIOS, Third Moor Bank, has returned to his duties STORE HOURS DAILY 9J30 TO 5i30 — SAIURDAYS TILL 6;0Q — FRIDAYS \HK 9i00 ,0»OADSt. t» .A* N.J. there, following his recovery from serious burns on his armi, Page Fourteen' RED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 27, 1047

FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE BU5INESS NOTICES BUSINESS NOTICES WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED i 1 ALKALFA and timothy haj. bated or Hliill f'HAIK. lilayprn anil I>ad, 30-Gy\LlXJN hot wnter srai heater, com- ANTON HALVORSGN, paintins contrac ANTIQUE OH MODERN, 1«rg_ or imall. ATTENTION poultn__en. f«r__tr«. ttuUfc- EXPERIENCE!) FARMER and caretake standinandingg. Kind linger. Tho • Holm- i::i ill nk l Plilc. 310; ihr-t _int.ft baain kitchen tor, interior, exterior, uupcrtiati^lm 1 find .hitigt; EUend auctioni, itattb, •t«. h_v« fou mi poultrf to *• dcairea position. References. Write' de Jl-76ul._ il ItOUNII TOI" ' r lrli sink*; two new toilet bowl_ HIT. tanks; East Washington nvrnuc. Atlnntit shuwH. Whut can J find for FOUT Call dt.tied, if rou bav_, let ui do It fo- "fnrmer," Bo» nl J. Re. Bnnk. lKKS MOUNTAIN potatoes; who... y mb!., K»r 4 P. m. :,.ii\.rl > rt>, haliccs with r filmi. Fatit, caie CONTENTS OF ATTICS, antigua via,,, Bank 6-3363-W. ; LOST AND FOUND Clir'.>ll ioi.i., I. lit,II, Jr., M wait too lonsf to buy n frr_ ?.pr, We VtMJlk fill, rnr.ii.l< ntidl fiiilehintc fn our ow china lamps, furniture, buttona. jewel- Slinrt ^ Iwyj'tm. I'h iini, T.I.T.IJ-U. ba vc t htm. 'terms arrt.nKcd. Middle- J modtm lalj.irato Photo ry, pistol,, sold coina, clocka, book, of ment probtemu. Rolierla' £miiloynien{ nicril, styled JList for you, hasrri on HA V K VOt K liA"STi"i£fcdU'r» trees measure men: n nf our improved fl^urr. rrnm r i'tM-ti I-f_friK«T(ition, H'mhv-tty S3, I'honc c. \ 1 11 .iVVp-i:< U'i.«tt FronFrontt Btreet. Redd BanBank Monmouth county, anything* old; beat Aitency. 77 Broad street. Red Banki LOST—Pnssbnok*. No*. :W.M_! *nd Kits |ierfect!r all nvor. Call for frp* rr^ fir< moved by ex po no need riiryers. CONVKRT YOUR ATTIC or second floor pricca paid. Pear' •""- -- - • Phone 6-1 &Q5. lii.'l paid for old buildings- liiKhl -I Gllman, ~ 32 Spring _!0f>6_:. on Serin... N:.t:cn:.! Hank Jind (ittiiiKh. no oblisAtion to buy. Phona I.Mi ilili il. I'houc At- into apartments. Part of rent from Red Bank 6-0145. If. ililiim, _ET KI7ECTItIC" frnTn, with li,rhts. f35; Wrecking ft K^'gir.ji Co. i'hone H f PART-TIME WORK, morni-i .. or after Trust Co., lied Una. Finder i>!ea»e re- Kntontown a-QJfiit.M. nlro Rlti'ii liicyulc, balloon tirct, site _- .i._flmt_iit uaya fur the job. No dow 1'IANOS—(Irand, and Uprljht,. Phona noons. Phor.e turn to :iVimjr_ .u.tlrc?*. ^ Red Bank 6-4373-1. f CJ-Oril CO.\f,~»;ivir fnx rNpiT, -C, in very ifcmd rondition, at Swartr.'t ._ AM* septic tanks, cleaned payment, seven years to pay. Free e*t _Pjrth Am^oylJOSS.jny^ljine; WOMAN WISHES to do ironing a] COMPLETE BATHROOM oul«!s, size 11 <*• U, [\Mllin1. roniMtioti, T'J.', I'lirnituif istorr, Ili«hway Zi, opposite built and leiuir.'i. Modern .t,H Plion. I!..I Il:inli 6-j:iC«-H. Midillrtaun Klre Co. Pbone Rftl Bank installed. Uobt-rt Albe, I'ort Monmo_ith Highway 3.1, at Headden's Cotncr. Phon . old furniture, mantela, panelinaj, a, parking 1P; to I'ror.t s-irif t. Finder built-in call iron re ceiled bath- tubi, automatic hot water hea'*r», SUITS. tkirV«; liliiiiFcs, "ill f>>n I,IK| MIIIIC wel! a, pictures, china and slasa. Ar> PLUMBER'S HenFEsrfiinfiirr^ivS plettK I'bot.. Kfjl Hl.rA ft-K4fi. rilling vrst. fire lu-l-l, (MTlUnt roi,. TUU-BUJiNKR Florence oil heater, IS; tide, &a,oeiated with Hoppinar family experience. John JJrennan. Fhonil LOST—H.^ccV'.. "rollfd RoWm, *_CVHI_K, gut fir-d electric, kichen cfcbintV* tliliiui. Miijni,!y piirrhiini'il yrjir, «!1 onc-buriirr Flurtncc hentcr, 11, need,, r-ee pu.Hnif. .round rituf- l.UGS ANU UPHOLSTKR. cl»n«4 particularly dealred. William Macket, Middlctown 5-0366-W-t. I link, with thrtc blue lirrons. J.nst in BAY'S WORK, nr part-time. Phone Reft nnd links, link and laundry trsya, prirnl uii'lfr ?1..'I'I for uuiik sail : n!so Kood condition. Leon Levlnson, Hard- • Tig, »tc.; tractor «o in your home, or in tht pltnt. liox 120-A, Atlantic Highland., phone Bank 6-3437.* Rutmon nvff wcr k-cr.rf. I'honc .-lien, site 7 mill ;'.. A. like m-w. I'honc __cr_, hour ot contia-:!. Flr-t C>B-P Kennshuri. 6-0821-W. pipe. American Frees*r 4 Appli- wiirf, 2 Wrst Front street, Red Dank, A cm* Upholstery tnd Carpet Clean* MAJsT— With own car, will work niorrJf eon l-(t6"».« __ lijgil Ilnnk B.2li«:..W nflcr 3 |i. m.« yi^nrjS-« Oh 0.'_ -(junnnen*. Ralph Maher. Holm del N BEST PRICES PAID for icrap iron, FO'UN1J--Cci(k"rr Spiinit!. Owner "may ance Co.. Rnut* 35 and Oakhtll r h»T 'iH nrmtif B'tWI in* Co. Phone Red Bank <-«.CS, inita, 3 or 4 hours. 5 days per wc.kf COAT— Rnl." roachnian ptyli. .-izc 1^-M. ItCE living room scl, B°°** brass, copper, lead, batteries, junk ns driver or delivery. Write, "Morn! have (iimt l>y defcribinp nnd pitying road. Phone R«d Bank C-S87T. I'uichasi'il 3rs than our your HKO, < >>- NOTICE! Old fur touts m;i(le Uk_ new. cars, and farm machinery. Abe Simon. y otitUUan, ITT.. CRII Red Bunk f- 1 lnir»," Ho» r.n.HedHanlt.- ! for '.h:s nd. Ci, A Hr«l Han.. fi-fiMj;.» rrl!fnt rnnilition. I'ricil vriy rr;,sc»r.- MI-J nftrr .'» p, m.* remodckil, i ciinrd, rpeniulitjorit-d. A170" ~~TnTf~fiX fJlK~~Toorn to~roii •M Worthley street, Red Bank, Phone LOST- Bliu-t,. |..ri-k..;lilll.k"or. "Hardinn house. No down payment. im_ fi-01136. MOUSEWOPRkEk-COOK," white. Stead)' RADIO SERVICE of Iiighcu quality tx lililr; orrplinnnlly Kno.l liny fur vi,- Prices rcnsur.nble; nhn fiir hnts jtnd ronil, bc:wci 11 ISi-mrh n venue «nd •'iKfr or jiniiin- Mi**, r,-ft, 4-ilifhcR t;i!l. muffs. All work uuni aiitci-l. Itirj-Jire monthly payments. Monmouth Con position, live In. Write. "H. C," Bo^' '1 .ictir.B'p, If) Monmouth ntrect. We MANY SAVKD, so can you] So n IJlli s .ruction (Jo,, Hi^hwny 35, at Htad- ITOOO " USEir"fIRES Wttntidnrradenn 511. Red linnk.* J Broad line., dm hnd ten time .its.. spr fin lite in phonograph-radio combin- I'liiini Ilcil Hank C-2Cr,;.W aftu :, __L™___9" °_. -_ "" avenue. UHford. your old uaed tire, now for the high- VBIU£. Will finder i'!fnn return to The these valufs! Crib, complete, FOR YOUR "RnsiDKNTlAL "and ii.flli-'- den'it Corner. Phone Red Bank 6*4444, CHAUKr-EU IT-HANDYMAN. White. r,v ations. A»*ciils for Mak'navox, IIC A p._ni,« F i e,t prices. J. II. Mount Co., eorner Kcgntrr oflic. , or call Hn.mdc. 9-7601. Vlrlpr, Thilco, Emerson. Tustlng *•. 30 YCYUNO i'lGS. lw"o monl)i« i7lii, llii. Sl.r.'); yuulh l>cU, $9.50; Victorian trial itctl window friimc-.. h. e On- White atreet and Mapl, avenue, R«d liable, aoberminned: free to traveli Rrward.* __ _ table, !7,.'O; living room suite, $69; tury Wcldinig, Highway :(j.__\I_iddletnwn. flank. ' Call Red Bank --H1I3.M. I I'h.mfi Kr.1 Hank 6-0039. rocli nr,H Brrkshirr, innmlntcil. Miil- t'AI N TEU. ~ liECOHATOB «nd p»i>e L~t7s1'^-~Bro\\"n and white npiiiiurr illptown Stork i'arm, Bnl Hank. Tliomoi oiKiin, ? 10; smuker, $1.50; otk WE SPECIA"L!/.K"iirpI«"n"lIn'}r"«:i t.ind_, I,AI»;K SIZE CRIB,. with iprine and COOK AN1J FIRST FLOOR worker? Spn.r.el. Kewnid. Phone Rum Km I - KlAYTAG WASHER PARTS, ut Tiiit- hantter _$ yeari •spttrienft, #stl- ina't, 19 Monmouth •treel, Kimt-clnsi S. Kiilil^ Pliorii? IUII Ilnnk t.iiKtl. Bcrvcr, 5U.uO; wash1' stand, $3.50 i of youni; trees, fruit trees, cvr-r- matt* cheerl-uity given. Louis Ctivan, mattrcaa. Phone Red Dnr.k <-03o7-J-l. Write, "C. 0.." Box 511, lied Bank.' 07 5J% __ rrpnlriiifr. Genuine May la. parti used. FINEST QUALITY "in Af^it™Si a I Krcciis, shrubs, privet hedtft i also Inwr, CASHIER OR (iENERAI. office worker' LOST--\Vhf-rl »nd Ire, on iMiaurl Hill iniiiltlc tup drebBcr, <12.o0; marble formerly uf Atlantio Highland., now r« Work guarunVetd. Phone lied .{link :t. Cult 1'cedinir for hrtter Uwn ntxt BtcttiR. We siding Box 868, U. F. U. 1. Shrewsbur Can atan at once. Write, "Cashier,'!.. rond. Friday, Nov,r...>rr 14, size tire fi-0fi:_'j. Ltin wnsh Htnnd, J6.JO; mahogany stt out nil kinds of fencing. No job Bo*x 511,, Red BankBank.. f& 6:30*17. Upward. 1'honr Hrcl linnk 6- too large nr too small. Hammond's avenue, Ucd Hunk. Phon* fi-40ft4-W. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT EXi'E-H__RcETj~_fE!.ERAI. olliee miU> UOGS—IttHdy to ihoot ovc«- this OTTAWA nir-eoiilcd luK nnd ork 272 1, four-post bed, $16.50; love »cnt, Lawn Service. Phone Highlit ml a 3* 24-HOUR SERVICE on the ratnlr of er,; also receptionist nnd PBX Jail. All from chnmpiornhip tttnrk, aw. Kind Norman. II. I'. 1). No. Sl!<; oincc top desK, S39; 9xli I rrj:istf.rrd Rml inoculated. Can be leen waji.^Chfos.-.iuakr IIMiwuy. l_l_?__i _ __. _ radios and electrical applianre*. BAR AND RESTAURANT in hotel; all t desires liosition. Cnll Ked • ut;, ?!*'• consult table, 11.50. HAY UAi.lNG. "Cm.r_Tn"in'i:, niiTwit i_ii_ We call for and deliver. Harold'* 6-OO4S-MM, or writei . PP. O. Box oil, Hedi FOR SALE Saturday and Sunday. Fhont after 8 —tiond iisfd"nriil loromlitioneil euuipment; good location. ConUct Kank.* __^^ * nVlnrk «-vcnliiK". Mlddletown R-Olgf). liiali B. Lnutir Haby Crnnil, ebony Thousand other Items, nuicil's, 27 raklri.,; a)t>u t'luwing, dinciiiK, Radio and Electric Shop, 34 Weat Manager, Weat End Plata, 121 Brighton SlfiNI DU_~~f_1nE"Cfl—100% nil wool finish; J a: C Fi«her s-.tnall stuilio up. •lc. First cl.iin e-pilpmenL, B«nui avenue. Long Branch. REUAB1.E COMPETENT houjekSpfi! Ku'L Front street, Ked Bnnk. unt, Co 7 5K~" COL1J STOUAGK^dooii (nsulation and" Klet-trle Sh'>p. Bank; near school; 11.o per month. Bnnk 6-0067." I 1 Mnplc nvenue, Red Bank. Phone 6 r.idi'j antl iihonnttiflph ttu.oriui.ic n r- rnnL'hincry for that frtinter room that WH'ti- -.tig . vhunv anKinj:, plain and dec-trativ. I*ninting, J'honf FUd Hwnk S^HS.! you linve always wanted. Stop In at Call Ucd Hank 6-UG92. UlVire, 20 Mouni WHt^E^^^SURlB,_^J_^^_^ox_S!U!_Reil_Banl_ hnmly mun.. on! ehHiiyrr lor 1». nr 12-inrh ivcnriN. -'HE i-ESl I'HICEtt paid lor rnw»,"Iruii, Or FICE—Completely furniined. Rent Middle-n'.'fd mnn, witli yer.ii of rxpt-r.' ANTIQUES, imU:-*A".Hl!AC, furniture, •Middletown JtntriKcrution, Highway 3.1 mctitl and puper. Go'.t'S. junk dealer, bought und Mild. Snho House An- ninhriKiiny rnbinrt, $G.*>. Phonr Itrrl very rcnaonnble. Cnll Red Bnnk 6- ienre. Write or call Cnrlson, Box 110, I WE DUV AND SELL anything I l l JIT, SnrewHhury ivt-iri.-. I..-.I l!.,nk ^ Prospect nvenue. Little Silv tiques. (jeorKc Murtin, 1'rop, 74 J-Hir-Wi- ______! ___1* ___. (1__;N1CInl! I'rtmirr vacuum cleaner, floor polish WE HAVE 'IME "maU'fial lo d..~y^7Gr cinderb. travel, mttnure: also wouil £A'1'1)KTOWN—2.500 eauar. feet, avail- «trcet. I'h nionLhl,. > down put office equipment, now and uaed, f.ctlon wood ihinRlca; doors, tniiposfs, KiiKy way to earn pledges, IRON RAILINGS 'or porches, stair- adequate parkine space. Rental tl.SIl bought, bold ami repaired.'_.. brrti*. Huscil'i, 2." Enul Front street. m«nt. CHII licit C- I Ml Mun novtlty fiMin,*, mouldinKN; kiln tt, .•ttMJank. __ I'horm Rrd Rnnk 6-1603. r 1th Cam iy ways, etw Mad* to nrdei by See* Shrewsbury. I'hone Red Dank 6-16.1 1x10. 1 x I __. white pine. Natioiu.1 'l'yi fiWHrri5fisr~ Prnctlcni Chrlstm He. (Men's Cfirnri. |»rivhe:,'.K. In Shrewsbury. Call Kelt CALL US W HT.Sf "M.TrnH!~y^iTr" ifntnTuekT HiflK. Itpconditioned rind K^tirHntee dorf Comimny, HO year* at 9 Weat (ir_G. Ij. N'evius, Red Unnk d-1633-J. Bank B-IU)S4-\V.» chinu. l,r.<• „_•.,, tiniisflinld ___•- Lumlier Co., l-l.'i ltclmont avenur, WIlrTfljKN'ii I.ANIiSCAl'|K it'I "j awl street. Red Bnnk. Phon* «-_t 1 __>. 1X)Tirei: IIO'M_ KurnlsheTi BOO CLUCKS —All VinrlB. Nnnna Cloc! 5'.t'» nnd up. HunitutuFrr, Vineyard ave cnrt. K vctirrofjns and )n-ul. k>t; 'JJ s'.Ulll S TiihiK1. U.II:Ir.j, itu.itr ,,mt. tlclcf. Snt Uripht Anii, Knist KeansburK. Next neighborhood. From January 1st., t like ruuiin I'hone Red Bank II-.'IM. r St; i J| 0 July 1st., liMS, Four bedrooms, tw PliQDPr. I_'!___' > _._ .'_'• _. -I*..! '.: thi'fiter building. Thone Red Bank 6 to Ilrnwn's Diner, Phone Kcnmburu 6 iiARIiWOOIl FLOORS ncru|i YANKKK TRApKK l»uyfc and' sells iin- 3111. ished like new. John Thornpsou, 1 baths, living room, fireplace, automiiti il Hank. wiiterprodf, fire rctardinir, mildi wpinn as you use it. Middle! own HefriRer* and deliver. Harold'* Radio nr.d ..llfl lO » _:_:iC AND Apprai-er. ii. _. !!_Q£«LJ'_Jiank.* r t i'owatra. ture, "3 West i-'nuit street, lied Hunk. RLAfHOM^ItULDS.' Now lu(l "for 11 rnv.r* 1 __'x!>' Ctiil lt>K.I, 3H: )H*y atkin, Highway 3. i, I'hone Middtttuwu Kltctric Shop, 3| VVrsl Front itrort, Cimtit, 4iiU linth arem.-, Long Hrnnch, X)Wrnur mi uoo Phone Ufd llin.k _.._.__•_:, nmi _!__ Hluh- partly furnished, 7 V . -" By liny or week. Mapl_ (irn I'oclPitid. Tifiitrrt fur winter stornye (a61 M».s.), j:t.j.'.: i r.\'.i* (n:i lbs. .^-M2'jil.« •_ Red flank. Phone 6-_T44-. N. J. I'liona SS'J!*. |7.'>. Gri^enner Itnlian home cookhiK. SpnKhuttl mul wny .Shop, is niilffe nnrth of Kcd_H:mk I Hriliiiint v»ri l mm nmt .-plush .•ur.iiiii.i. $lii ynurs fin* the down niiynu'tit. Swartz's NOW IS THE TIMB for "iiltiTntlons tn ATLANTIC IIHIIILANDS, 'Funilahed~5 »8vinns. Atlantic Paint und Wall J'spor BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES with heat, furnished. IIS Center nvenue, WOOD—Sinnoiicd (ink, llreiilavo mn fi* t. Imrnc'dititr shipnirnt. Chirk wit FurnitLii-i! Stojr, lUxhwny Z:>, ujipofiite your (hoii!,c, Wo sire ijti.ililicd in.y r )(im home In line location ; ,1. AjUnm[c_iIu;li!niids._l'hono_ l^jiiSl. Co., ]|.i Wen Kront blirrt, I.'cd Ilnnk. fiirnncr; ;I!BO kindlini;, 1'hotie Jinton nrdir, Kct-ii, «'i I'inr Mnft, Nnv York MiddkUjwn Kirc Co. Phone Red Hunk job. No mum y d.iwn, !•>(••> ••*-1 i 11_ri i *•- months lease. -100 per month, Lonirei Phone _Kcd Mnnk 6-*."j:.l. W. i_owii :i • M n i !i. ."., N. Y. I'honc UO. IM."»: I. Wrllr fti Phone He,I Hank C-11 II. M(;ntnuuth YUUIt .1011 — l-'rte cntnloy desuribins lense nii'rht he n:-rnntfetl. Phnnp Rum YOU c.ET'MUKK " pay !..J, Cove Hcnuty, 1044 National Field Trial -1T2, Wtwrrn fi nnd 7 p. m.* porch nil v.-inti r luiit, I M.-tUriul.'. now n_ Market _-16t!4: evenings. Mont' stand. Located Frephold-Cnlt'l Necl on hand. No down luty/m-nt. Call Rrd ir a-i.-.a.-.. _ SUNSV COMrollTAULK"* rooms: con. Chjimiiioii, nuL of Shrlter Cove Rock CVlfCIVS "WINTKU COA'IV'K'IZC ~ 1.," l.tur ne ]lr>lm ^«i»« jl. Vte, iU.JUO heat, yenr-roilnd. Phone Monmouth Appliance Co., RnuiH it.'* nnd Uakhill mat iiiifl tiithl tnp runt. UnOi fir.; .H (icrra on highway. *5.riO0; rndic B 'iWO I.AHin; attractive li.ilrooms, Nntic I Champion. Shelter Cove Hcnuty p.'ip.icity; IrntHinNsiini purn|>, I'h _AK!U;.(KTORU and £h_1-^S4^R jinytjme after 2 p. m rusd. riioite lied Hank 6-y.STT. nisn navy blu.' tilths suit. J10. K, Krift- Quirk fliflniy wcir l n:n'ii;mcu business, $6,600. Weart semi-private linth, in privnte family: An rxctptiDiiolly nirc croup of pups rirr. pnrnrr Uray nnd Thompson avenues, 1 iAPEi; HILL" Comfortable CoionfSl" nenr bus lines, in nice Rt-ctinn. BiisineMi whnrft blood llntit rnuiiot be brat, J. Kler-tric Co., ."{.'i K st Fro it Ntrii"? .!) Atfoiicy, 42 lirond street, Ke( ik. Phciiif «-22 !n.- fnur bedrooms, unfurnished, Stnke man .preferred. Cnll t; iiiilK0 road, Victor Carton, As bury J'arK. I'hone 2- jink. IMi<>f,r_i;l_^. h(,,l. until June 1: tlnn monthly. Bow machines, iidjinc nmcliin<;H; hold, tent- ft 3 ii 0. iod cmutition, I |f>, A. (j , l.nnir CALi, K WART//S "Fu7niturc~if"yoil' have Ilum^on, fed anil te)i»itcd. HfViclcnt Et'ivic« tnmr- ru.tntvy Chili Kj$, I/ikr Shov Drive anything tn S'H. such an fur coats, ¥UUH SKWINfi" MA_'iriNK~rfinii tell Alicncy, Atlnntic H-jhlnnda. Phoni ITT LEONARDO — Livinsroom-l.edroom. 1 your nwn )n»mr; trii.tninit cil -.tvk. DKI.ICATESSBN, dairy and grocery 1-0116. «nteed. SOIL HBCIU Undvrwuoil type- TOYS IN TOYI.ANI)—BrinK nil the chil- _R»M| ilnnk. Phonr )i-l!tl_-M. _ f u mi I urn, din mini rls. rtwil rstiitr, hoises with kitchenette: heat, electric mid writers. Sund^tnind adding ninchiiied. dren tn see tnrxt. dlcplny of toys nnd KNflHE'HqUSKi.OLn'fiiniitnrr. Livinj,' Will buy nny Hinder m;.cliin.r i. tf. dUi-.i ioiu-1 tj.on fur Bale, In heart of —Comp tel furnished. R7n~ ajwl pnwf, |tr^_\___ of rnrnlUiun. Phnm. Kuyptri 7-_. -.U. gas furnished. No children or pets. EIIU Oltire Supply Co.. (Upstalril, 6» I rrn I IK h In nnd r>rt.nmen.F, Specinl re- room, (I in tnn room, kit dim and brd TllKKK'TtOOMS of"»iond in.(.ri"fiirnlturV Kcil Hank. Excellent proposition for ry reasonable. Cnil Red Bnnk 6 ilurrd primt. Also plenty Chrlntmn KI.KCTKIU MOTOl:"Vl»u"i!d;nV "i Phone Atlantic HJKhlnnds 1-061 1-M. Hroad -tn-i»j I'h»nr_l{ci! Hnnj;J^1«^!' room. All tn lx> finh i fur h.^t prii'f ol» such n« brdrnnm set, IIvim: room set ritdu p^irty. Inquire Fred I., Ayers, 2819. iriftn for nil tlie family. A. M. Quntl- 1 busincEs. (.'jill us fi i- ipiic!; s TWO KUIiNI.SHED licdrooniB. STin FARMAL!, TKACTOK. Model A, exceU tninnbl- - At 'If, ('aiptnifr- Ftrrr!, Hivp ntut kitchen yet, very rrnaonulite. At the I.Hllc Silver, l'hone Red Hank »- F lEmTE, Por younc couiSe kitchen pi-iviltKes. Innuire after 5 Hrtiy nvpniic, Kits. Ki-nml ~_ ^ Jiuttiiy. Ndvrmbrr _!!'. I |>. ni I>OUK1BS KU'.'tr)r Co.. ',','i VJust lent condition, with 16-inch plow find Kiiniiiiirc C.ntrr. 2!t East Front street, (J <[ preferably one with pre-school-ajri P. m. 276 Mechanic atreet. Hed Bank. culLivntnr; nlso oni> converted niou'rr. ANir"BUYNTON round *__!!_.* __ •!.'.'" _-.. P !>»' •. i • ft -1 il - *' 11-1, after 5:H0 |i, m,* child. Cnll Red Bank H-2545-J after 7 Bttnm hoiltr, one yenr old. Price |J0. IRISH SBTtKKaS," Cockers, Toy \'t,\ Ti-r HCMI t'.iuik. IMinno fi-1 fi47. Phon. 6-12_.• With two pxtrn knlvp* nnd hny rnck; llrtardilii:, hriTiIiliir. Unvirn YES, WE HAVE clT-rtric rnnuea. refriK- p. m., except Thuraday.* SMALL APARTMENT, coiivtniently lo- on»i SUinrli Coldwell pinver mower, nsr-il IMioiif Atlantic Hligblnndit 1-O'.t2ri-H, Kfiinols. l'h.inr_Miit» J^I 7 i»7-It-:i^ WAM.PAPF.U IIANGINC. paintrr >,.'-tniirnnt, fully ei|!lipped onlj once. Phone Allrnhurrt a-3^0S IRISH SETTERS, cockers, toy fosc», eenters, hot water hen tern, smnll cated In lied Bank. Kcccntly reilecor- ,SY WASHiNf. "liinrliin'r. Koiiircnn- rndinj, nnd Seth Thomas «lpctric alarm and decnralnr. Spci'iallzint; in re- li'ns'i JTifl monthly. For quick stile, atcd. Call Red Bank 6-4II73-J. for nt'pointmcrtt ntul vricc, from 9 a. hounds, Dalmatian, other brccdn» I)o«s modeling ot bathrooms, kitrhcrm -t.r.uci. Owntr m>mR to Florldn. Bow nt stud, rhnmnion stock. Rnvlne Ken [litlon. wi-inu'*r lypr, $"if. Cull En Ion • flocks for Immcrllntp deli vny. Middle- loll Aitcnry, Atlantic Hlxhlandi. Phon« AUTOMOBILES THHEK-HOOM SH. town_-l-0-60-M. ______Inwn ItefriKf.-ation. Ilighwny 3J. Phone and inntnlllng uf ntw t-uititiKB. C l-llllii. apnrtmcnt, In Keyport. Electric and 7othinglo PO*T I-KlXY STO'VK, ?.". I'Tiimc Hu/ Miilillrtnwn fi-0 20!!.^ store, with Ilusco nil metal aelf Blur* 1SU YGLLft'w LOCUST POBtB. H f(€ Jui. Smith. Phone lied Unnk 6- heat furnished: 173 monthly. Phone l.l_nk_fi-l-_! I-U'.' Ki.KC'i'iiH' KEY machine, and Fpvrrnl MAUIIICB SCHWA HIV.. Cbryaler. P., Keyport 7^1106. in* windows. ScictnK, storm sash nnd lonjr. 1'hnnc Rcil Biink_ 6-01»9.\V. blank Leys, renRonnblp. E. Kr:ftn*r, 0360, mouth and International truck Mle, weather strip pine In permanent unit. STEELCO'TE t-nnmcl, "The TWIN" HEDS. ' metal, pointed ' Ivory .'(irmrr Rsuy ntnl TUompwtn avonue, EsiRt MISCELUNEOUS •nd rarvlr* t)earuut;rt«ra. Pann« Had COMVOP.TAHLE rooms. Kftch". Free demons trHtioti. Muiiiniiuth Con- World's finest finish." One Hank 7«7 en prlvlleKcs: nenr Fort .Monmouth. •mplrtV |.in. 'phiVne I'tfd Hank f.- i.l all 219 Ernnchport avenue, Long BrnnchJ struction Co., Highwny 3S, I'honc lied crn, outdoors or Indoon, mi too, bouts, lfAI)K»~- PHONO(_H7i>H*"co~mT_Tn'nTiom It. H. Stout. I.. ti^ iVBiit-d, If yuu Qav, a uuuit CAtU .ought, iDld and aa Hank 6-4444. Tu nil lure, cabinet ft. 'i\ modrrn colors. New changed. Puntlac «,!•• and «arvir« Call Lonit Branch fi-Hias-J. S'iTMJn" I jTTfiTTKlT'iixriM"•rtTTniid. rn"." n'nii 17fi IIiiH-T: roacl, Fair Haven. Phnne h.-tiy -toi fur .ale. buyer. walUnit. R. V. K. H fiirnishi' YOU CAN*t GBf n iielti>"r"buy" ^iTTirrs Leon Lfvinson, Hnrtlware, 'i Wpat Front HANK- Sunn Urntt S 77 llroad tlreet. tihnn. R,d Ha •.erlB,, n. H. A. O. RKIII Hruther, tipai'lment, withl than nt J. H. Mount, V.t*. Srw tfontl- itrft't. llctl Ilnnk. I'lionr fi'3&S'.'. very fpnsonnl.'c. Kii--chl>iuim's, _!. .•it..ilt. • team hent, hot water nnd blnck and n t I Pt (I H WINhOWS. frnmitiK; nil nuiiit"'-.'• ! [i 1 •J!I M.rhanlf -tr»et, nnnn. loan y*Hr tirrs, RUiirantepd rccati tlrts, K*II\V- 6N<> ALl* Mft'VAl. v.-»tk-in cooUi ^ i i _.«i__ -__?' _ '>!__- r KUli wt-b 10 ,ell vom white tile biUh. Mrs. A. Mcisel, 23 nnteod used tirr-s: phiB n lihrnil nlli llOV'S SHOT. SifATEJ?, *'M H,'\\Vir~\ivvr bren uscci, New. nofnpletr. (ruti-lcHs nt n li 'Uvit. 1DU KAVJNli d I'arly •' Why nu Lawrence avenue, Kennsburg. i frecK^r, fomplftfi with unit; nhout one Plu , W.o 2' 8" xV 7". I nur ruth, w thnt aiiei-lal uc. bring It to ut Wt pat caak for Mr. nnce on your tires. J. H. Mount, Co., Pho?if|_ K.Htontown :i.n,v.iii-.l. i lawn H'IUIIH frmiipd inirro IMIL a Jukt L'lia tu vl-eabl- card HIS te 1941 mnit-l, PLEASANT -iEATETTToW nnd bath',, year, old. Perfect condition, c/o Joe T iippointinent Snlunlay, Rum- (.•asioii; or a 1'. A. ayatem for a nomina 11 Mnple nvenue. Red Ilnnk. Phone C Mnjri, Uccrs ftrect, Kcyimrl. Tho r^\rtY s~rucYcr-K; "iron/i •.•'>ri, nnrl ch inn , c.iinn orna- . Hill roml, llcail.lrn'a Con.i-i, ienced opcratur. new mnchine. Cellar THREE l'TJRNISIIED roomi. All fncll.i material, cement, lime, smid* one Red Ilnnk 6-0S06-W. -\cav;aiiiK. lam! clearing, itradiim, roail Rwnk. w,at of Mat>l* Avenue. PAN BEI/rs AND TULLEYS for elec hoy's rlntllintr for fi-7 yen.- old; ynutiK nirnts. platrs, old pressed K\nss; nlso Mhlillctown. l'hnno_l( llank «-1 (J-S. itics. Available December 1, Half! gravel, bricks, chimney flue, etc. lady's Un «f,f s; fvi-ninv ,.•-*..&; fonts. flit •_; 1 n.;s. lamps, iiicturos, oil pniniiiiffft ; rjiiiatrili.lloii. Phone Hed Hunk 6-.'l.74-M. block from nil biiBC!>. 18 Grand avenue, trie motora, in stock. Uoutrlai Eler- MODKI1N ciAliAlil. I'.Misiriii-tiiiii. Kx- VANtSSA KENNELS wlirtSke~irYew U3KI) CAR SELLERS. Will ply Phona Red Bnnk Ulock Co., 10 trie Co., 3& East Front street. Phone He 12-lfi: shor^, (,>.'.-M, nil very ls.i so mo furniliir.", fireptnrr Hnd'mns, l»crt raoAnic mul -Ulin«. Onnslnu-lion Lons Brunch. Phone Long Ernnch 6. full size oak Wil. Vehi^. »xl2 nd hcnclic.-. l.r.ififi cnndlps'-ickfi. Othor of alt type-: |i(ir-!l inriii.tlrv- mid till- liuni'dcra duriHK winter. The heat bighaat caah prica for your u_d 4924-M. Leonard street, Itcil Dunk. Phon* Itcd Ilnnk 6-OI'JB. corn mill fcoilin oITered In these part,. l'HEASA NTs-Choice 1B47 Rln«neck winter rnur, ?2 rnrh: lovely wliitc kitttn thitiKS too mtmrroiift tn mention, Ptnns- liliuns: convcnifiil iciins. J. anil U B ear. Packard 8ale, A larvle*, SINGLE ROOM, p 1-4194. lo jjond hnni)'. I 'u tin I mil ry's, Middlctown Five Corners, Route HJIlstrlH'tion Co.. Hicliwny 3;.. Keypnrt. Hues your pet neeil worminaT Ken- 1'hensnnts for huntinit. breeders, food. •la. 1'ive Curncr.% Mlddletown. Harding road, it Broad itrnt. •LI 2pte "fnmlly. Phone Full plumnKP. J. H. Hinemnn, Wood- Thiirstlny. 2_ Ceiitrr s'.retl, Sen llriKht. Minno Kcyimrt V - 'J - 7 7. .L-Iink 6-3-.23-J.' Phono _-•»! l___-_y. __. il burner, cnpnblp hratinK 1 WANT TO INVEST nomii money, Have Phon, Red Bank 4.8. FURNISHED ROOM, iTTpTivate home: TcyFaSsn-'amous White Innd Drive, Scobeyville, Phone Enton- .1C ACFC.iar yon n iiirod nropoBlllon? Let me know Acres hom« crown, milk fed, lirond town 3»0431-W, OTTAWA, ioi: saw. >, \\7V. i*"nVi"iir~.»*»i' fivp ronms, $60, in nood conilit.on, Andcrton, til Mchnivn stio.t, Convenient to buses, and Broad street, inn.- Hod Hank J_-2r.'_1. Writerite , "lnVL-stment,"lnVtment" Bofl x 511511 , BRed diUt.S tuuR CAP! Hard? Ho rui breasted, Ordtc yours now for the hol- FURNACE ULOWHRS, alno iff ut for f<;ct condition. E. It, I.ontilhon, Mid Ited Knnk _*303S. Will Itrtp all hot water. Call after ,i:,10 p. m., 15 idays or for Immediate delivery. White ill, tow n. llim'WN LAl'iN fur jack, t, till; two l*X3 T KIC MOTORS—Now ^ hn" ixlnn mi-chinos loft in ^tll^k; will j.rII UNIVBHSAI. Smm mnvlr proj-rtnr. l')0~ tor, exterior and interior p:untii.«. rs- Inc.. Hnrdins road, near Broad dlstriltutor'ji rnst; nn dnwn paympiit, watt, rxrnllrnt ronriitlnn. Phone Ret! Hnintcs aupplirii on IHIKK nr snuill jubs. (":tn- tivinnv. Kcnllsbll'K. Any site pet 06III-R. ^! •trect, foot of Biond street, Red Bank. plenty of new 1-fi. 1-4, 1-3, 1-2 H. 1 •treet, Red Bank. Phone 1-0428. Phone 6-S9S9.' .... yenr to p.ny: lifelimn Kiinrnnt in ; l..:i.'..1i-.?, after 4 p. m.* First cl»-3 work hy ini'intcra. lirmly. Hpikcd, anrl weathrrprooTeii: also THREE-ROOM unfurnished niinrTrncntT' 1*. Also uacd electric mot on. Dougl T r 7 .vniir t>ld pole reset. Phone KeaniburK Every woman's Christmas present. Act i T:KTNT;T:SE~ ur r"iKS~7n7 Chrlitmn*: In Red Hank. Tile hath, with shower,, Electric Co.. .1.* Enst Front street. Phone tiuii'kly. Phone R*''L'*nnl? 6**t(lWi>-M. AUTOMOBILES AND truck, financed. 15 Rteum heat, hot water, rlertric refriK-i orniiBe. Rrd Fnrtor niiilrs. Cnll Kcij Red HHnk_ 6- 01 2 8. inniti[C ffrown doits, with j, tlOXEK, h MONTHS old: A.K.C. ICK nts nn rhnmntonshin. mill reserve Brother, ».• Schwartz Auction tlnom, IJ'JI.I, ilOSPlTAI-—I, your fHVorlte do month, to pay. Sea Coaat Finance tor. janitor service; desirnhl, loca- Bank 6-13Pu-W, or nl Kendall resldenrr, DUHKRMA?rriNSCHRRS, AKC, reason tcrerl; cars cropped, tnnritlatnl nnd company, «u Broad ,tre,t. Pho tion. Cnll Mntanini 1-1 TBil-T* Longwood nvcniip, Wilmont Park, Mld- nblc. Plumt? Unlnidel 9-7 STOVKS, parts and repnlra. and 'TornnM.. _ I'hnnp Ln^iur Hraii^cti fi. (soil. FURNISHED ROOMS. 227 llerce >W~-(;ucrii!ip"y, six yriiw o I til"" c, v'itip I'fiRite Ulimn 1'npcr Co. Phone Red WELDING AND MACHINE! work, ill:lvTN(i I1AM-V to Plalnfleld vicinity. Ptlr tf^ck Plnrr. Phone Red Haul; 6-0fl7n.M. OUAKANTEfcU used pin KameT Tut irons, flreplnce prat?. frn> ffftter \\tnv l;i l.usu ,,,infu.lable cur. Can taki two BPKd rcsr 750..0 tires, high 60Tu*: lite In lUui recreation mom or tr. furnncc blower, chest of drawers, Iii qmvits ot mitk per tiny. Cnll Hc.l III-i,k 8^2.-.:!. •Uctric i m_ nc.iykne, t>romt>t APAnTMENT- Kour furnished MATifO CHEF OAS rnnitc, four-imrner, tew iiiisscnucra. I'hone Ked Bank 6 rack bbodyd , like new: onlly 11,0011000 0mllfs il . cellar bar room. Also utcd juke boxes, mnn's bicycle, old fRrm bell, lamps, new npiik ft• 3SIB-_W after .j_ p. m. •trvlct bj Seedurf Company, ?0 3'JSM Walter Ackfrson. Hn_!rt. Phon, Key. Kripida-fe. hent, hot wntrr, Bns and $100 and up, in guaranteed condition. stove nnd smoke pipe 116 Shrewsbury 150 EA'CLK WHITE 1-Tul, unopened; npnrtment type; ijoublt coil (fas hent- wt 7-0503-H. electric supplied. Ailults prp.'erred, 9 Cull or write, Mtijcatic Amusements, lft- fnr hot. wiiter tank. Phone ReU reari at 9 Wett itreet, Ked Bank, avenue. t a hips, rhnirs, hurrims, table lamp! l044S1J. »4. BUlCK SPECIAL four-door sednn, Morningsiile nvenue. Keanshurg.* 17 West BiTK>n place. RedIB nnk 6-8137. Pi A NO—Upri g h t, Ae'ollan, excellent lone nil metal In. by Btrollffr. new, mnde in j<__ Phone 6--18». BEVEI.EU cEIMK 8itilnB, select ^rndc. Ilelirlum: two Iniik- linen table cloths. Ki<;!IT-K6OT"~cH»ula]r case, double duty, WANTED TO RENT fully equipped, excellent condition. LARGE ROOM, nicely furnished, hot and key action, |50, 103 Hnrnion Appearance like new. Muat ,,, to a p. water and nilconveniences. Desirable 10-inch and 12-inch, 10 cents per nvenup. Fair Hnven. Phone Red Bank Pliittcfs, _ed quills, pillows, grey fox white. Int. model, with rufrlfrerator CEMENT WORK—Sldewnlha, b, bonrd foot, 1,000 feet or more. D. L. nit. 205 Bridge nvenue, R,d Bank. In cur Tor commuting. Phone Ked Bank «- G - 3 H *> 1 - J. Buyer to nrrangt for owinckotn , size SG, 31 Inches Innp. Phone drlveWMya. I'eter l>e I'onte, 245 KBWARDI— Permanent civil airvle, _m Will finance. Call Long Branch Il_37-W. Belletza, lumber and supplies. Cnrr aw. trnnsportntlon and^* Ruminn 1-03 73. Hickmnn, IS \Vnsliin_l- ^_ Shrewtbury avenue. Phono Red Bank ployeo 'for II year,, offer, reward. 822-J. nut, at railroad, Keansburg. Phone 6- ton street, Rumson. FUR COAT. Leonard cat. BiM 14, % resulting In renting of 4, 5 6-room un- RUMSON—Furnished apartment, ,l.i UOY'S PACKARD bicycle, and Martin ff-3012. 9«TBDlCK SUPER d.lux. convertlbla O47B. 22 repeater rifle. Phone Keansburir OLD IlE'FttlGBRATOli, runninn con- lennlh. Suitable lnr younii girl. Call UAKl'KNTKK WORK of any kind ,!„„. furnished house or apartment in Red rooma and bath. Immediate occu- tWPAXN'TEl) FURNITURE, all kind.. d'ttton, $25, 16 WUIinm strctt, Hetl Kcd Bunk 6-0.20-M.* Unnk nr vicinity. Thona Bed Bank •- coupe, fully equipped. Been driven 7,. pancy; yenr arovind, over Knrnce, only C-O04G. John Cooper, Thompson by day or contract, .lobbing A spe- 00 mile,: blnck paint, top black, radio, Knick-Knack ehtlvcs, niediclnt closet, nuc, Kb* Bank.* LARGE FATTElTTlOG, ready tn kilt. cialty. J O. Miuvin ft gun. Uox 43,3!M J-M. 'amily of two or three need npply. Phone kitchen tnltles, kitchen utility close'--, leater, defroater,, fof lights. Muat aee Rumaon 1-0420-W.* 1'KKiIHAIKr;—1'iic. . Cnll lied Bnnk JOUBLE HOUSE, all Impfnvement I'hone Atlantic Highland, 1-0SS9.* B-lford. Phone Ketneburs 6-0691.J or 1.0 REWARD I—For information re- 0. a'P?r"!»t«i l-i775 oa- b,at offer. Act flan.' tnrnifl, rhest on chest, chciit of with Income, nenr Red Unnk; nlso ..Q4IH.W. ticultin^ In tha renllnit uf a 4, 5 or 4- drawers, drciscr, night table, iltskt, g24»J. lUlck. Phone Liing Branch 4-0822-J. TWO-ROOM furnished npnrtment, avail- combination stove, $25; two frotit UUSSruU1_S cl.ati-tt and rtuilt, ^ptlc oom, unfurnlEhcd house or apartment able late in December, May be Boon- Wardrobe, nil sizes. O versmk cabinets AKCOI^A HEATEK—Nine Mctlon,. Call rloort, -1x7, with 1nn?p platp Klnss, $."• in Ilcil Hunk, or immediat, vicinity with 837 POrJTIAC four-door aedan 8, good made to order. AM furniture V-'inrh . 10 Lincolln Court, Kcnnnburg.* BUSINESS NOTICES tank* eteaaed «nd tn-it_U-d.. drain* In. rubber. Motor enmpletcV overhauled, er. Phone Red Bank 6-4178-J. 558 each. Inquire 39 Tin ton nvenue, Eaton- lulled. Phone any time dnv or ni_ht. year or longer lease for family of three, Rlver road. Red Bank.' [ ' plywood. Phone Kenn&bnrK 6-047*4, -1 UIKI7S COAT, hat nnd IciiBlnir «et, >U town.* who mils, vacate l>y December I. Beat heater and new seat covers. Car in ex- Brlnrwnod nvgnue, Krnnshnrg. t, like new! white ttddy b»nr, fur Rumion t*0740-J. Harvey C. Tilto 2 cellent condition, rhone anytime. Red TREE wood,. already trimnieil. MOVING AND HAULING. Attics and nnif# pin re, Ri.m*»n. references. Write, "FI," «02 Ocean ave- DOUBLE ROOM, with private kitchen! trimmcil with lalmon color. Mny be mie. Ken Uri_ht or phone Sea Bright Bank_«-il«8|i_jir Bad Bank 8-432',-J. 10 minute, walk to Fort Monmoiilh. i >ccn by cnlllnc lied Bunk »-0,'il7.M.* Twin Oak Knrms, Seobcyville, nhonc cellars, cleaned, odd job, of all kind,. MARINE ENGINES—N«w Packard Sntontown 3-(l|02-J-l!.« mis Showers, Box 468, K. P. !»., 1936 TWO-DOdr. Chevrolet, in JSSd 'Orn«r Branch avenue nnd Eatontnwn ' EASY WASHINi; muchlnc: miin-ilrycr, Pound,, dry clothca washed, rin-eii. condition, reasonable. Can he seen Boulevard, $10 weekly. CM Entonlown precision built marine cnulntt. llOP.SE. PIGS. rabbUs f sale. Mor- Kntontown.' Phon« Asbury Park 2- damn dried, In l.-hour, while you sliop. FOUR Oil :T B-ROUM apartment, or Now that I am promised delivery of or -482. ^ ny day except Sunday from S a. m, 260M tight* and bixea. Now available tt aiit'umnlic wn_hcr, will sell Easy, which ris, Wyckou* road, Eatontown, phone liaunderettc, IM Momnoutll atrcel, near Biniill hotiHe. furnished or unfurnished, 1 tNTKfiTbfi UBCORAtllRS. pnintlnir and 0 6 p. m., at Charlle'a Tire Store and 'I . C. Ouo, Inc., Packard, Red Bank. has worked faithfully for tome years. 02-M« th» A. & P. Market, Red Hank. kitchen facilities, by middlc-affed couple. •ervic- Station, White atreet, Red .ARfiR KRONT bedroom, clean anil ' Carefully ma... twined. Recently recon- PI.OWERS FOR"ThankschTnV; special v/allpaperliiK, Ask for.Jack or Ruck. tXl'Eur CAIIPBT Inyliis, rcpniriim, Pcrmnnrt tenants. Picply to F. O. Box comfortable: one block to town "3 i I Harding road, phone Ked Bank _<• 'hone Reel Dnnk 6-0T38-J, or Red Bnnk S4/.. l!cd_Hank._ flank. -Im Place. Red Hank. Phnnp 6-4_8'j-.l. ' ditioned, new ateitntor nnd hoae, nnd centerpieces: f'Z.'iQ up, Honey Dee frinflnj, binding anil reuovatlnil. 1937 SiULPKBAKEIt, rour-door le.lnn. O4'_S. motor checked. Price ITS, Phone Rum* Klnwcrn. nronil street. Slirr' l fi-nanj.j. . Parcy lirav. 45 Wavcrly lila.e. (ted VVILLTRENT KAIIM oT^O to IOO"icrcll SEAMSTRESS, altcrstlons aiiiH RsnT- house must have all improvement!; Inquire at 19 Locust Avenue, Fair WARM ROOMS lnr couu'eii. housekecp- i inn NO749-J. O POUHLE 'KiriiKf) iloors, complete Bank. Phona Hed Bank 6-3.26. Haven, or nhone Ked Bank «-OII8. ins privileges, electric Frlgidnlre, nenr | DiaCONiT^O^i^^nTplTijTrb, Was-iul-tt, with hardwnrp, fl'UM.\3'10", \2 liRhts; nitchins. Mr.. J. Sloye. 100 Wallace PAINfTNO and PA"PEnTrAN(ilN(i~IIavo Biinrnntee to put in eover crop. Writ, U>E-11AI- CEMfetfT mixer; 110-foot M itrtet. Red Bank. Phnn» tOiaJ l'nrm." llo_ all. Red Unnk. -ianora: also Rnrnse for rent. 63 Mor- •unfHKt. for eveiy rorwn in your home, met nl forms for concrete wall; R.n- doif trnvolinp; rrato, 5_I s30x2<: four- your painting done with white lead. 928 NASH, two-door coach. Priced ord Place. Red Bnnk. Across street from 10 rolls sid.wall, complete for J_i,y_l, crntor 2V_ K W, 110-V A C, rhone hole square coal stovr, 20x2-., Perfect: CAUPuMTRVUPuM , kitchen work, door,, Dulch Boy. Call for free estimate. Al. COUPM5—In their thirties, two children, rraaonabke. Call Keanaburg 6-1332-J. Holly Pitcher Hotel. Phone 6-I475-J patterns and quantity limited. Klurln'B "oldino curtain atretcher on cruel; white locks, ortil • o floor landing 7 ccnta ii square foot five year, and two month,, need four Paint Store, _c Motimoutb tired, Red M n t n w n n 1»2'_16-J-1, lk dd jobs. Phon* Rumson 1- IIEVROLET, 1041 \i panel. Need, THTTEETTCOLLS NO. 11 poultry floor Iron bcd-ttiad with New En gin n dor and up. Myron E. Morson, 11 Mount cr Hvr-room npnrtment or house. Phone body work. $250. Bank. Phone C3*,,Mfi.^.rs.. springs. Phone Fridny eveninu High- l Foir H1RE, with driver^ Ea> •treat, Red Bank. I'hone fi.__4^. Atlantic HlRhlandl 1-0731-M, t p, m. or Call Rid wire U4: No. U floor wire 1x12; 2 Inter.* ^___ lank _-U77. rl REAL ESTATE WANTED CONEY JACKET. Very cuod condition, rolls bnrbed wire; 2-inch, 4*foot chicken lands 3-1301-M, Dress limly. Louis showera, rtecvty- SUl'TIC TANKS anil t«.-i,uol. o;o»,,e,l Phone Ashury Park .-8.32. alw drj will,, drains Iiutallcd K,. IN7HE" BANK or Freehold. Bunsalow. 947 CROSLEY ,,dan, 6,000 I lie,, ex. reasonable. Phor.e Atlantic Hiiih- wire; fountains, electric brooders, coo pi. RADIO, $90; Phllco tnble model: push cellent condition. Phoni Innds 1 - 0 2T 0-W, _ Phone Mntawan 1-2'-18-J-l. button or dial o pern ted; nlso has UAYSTTOS RUGS'nnd cnrpetl. Run and tlmatn glran. O,car Herker. 47 Sec- house or apartment, unfurnished, no Gaynor, LIST VOUR PROPERTY for .ale or short wave find FM band. In cxcdletit enrpets cleaned and math-Moot,.. ond ,lr«»t, Fait Haven, nhnne Red flank children. Write, K. DeBloi,. Box 8«7. umaon 1-0641. '•nt. P. F. Kennedy, SI p.ttra place. 1,000 'HLS^ELS YELLOW curn,"~Aiio Co ..LAI'SI U _-_£ baby carrUgp, Complete Hed Hank. - Model 'J' dump truck. Walttr Acktr- with mntlreRs. Phone Keyport 7- condition; new tuhrs. Left Tor salo hy wnll to wall carpeting cleaned anil HUDSON SUPER aia coupe, In Una con- Phone Red Bnnk 6-11454. nothpioofed on location, fi Broad lon, JInzIfil, Phone Kvyport 7-n.jQH.K. 0.13J.W-I. Mrs. J. B, Ackerson, Holm- rivatD party for S_u. Cnn bo scon nnd COMPLETE LANDSOAI'K service. SMALL APARTMENT, furnished, vl.ln- dition, good tlrea, Inapected October, CONSTANCE SMITH Agency. 14 Mnpl. SAlilJUd HOUSE rV» i n tT, LTncir~iTnil del rond, Hmlct,* Hpmonstratpfl at Mnnmouth tlnr, Mon- tieet. Phone Red Bank «-HH(l2. l! R Bnl C Mldill 5, 11147, Call Bed Bank 6-O18D-R.' mouth street. Itrd Hank.' 85 rears' experience nil brnnrhe. ° ' " Fair Hnven. Phone R«'ii n.' white: or keep for wlntir. Not n CHINA CLUSEf, $2h; four stmlaht 931 PACKARD aedan. Martin Zimmer- -Cn for alilll type, of child's horse. Wnltcr Field, Unncc nvt- c»nirB, $2. Phone Konimburg fi-Q2;_3. YOUTH nfiO ?Vh, -iWy^nKwrTTolIpr I'LOOP.-WAXINO. Cull Fed Bank Harden work. Everirrccns, flowcrlnf; M married an, Laurel atreet, Shcewtbury.* real estate. nue, off Ntwmiin RnrinB^ rrnul, Wed JlTi, Atwnlrr.Kpnt taV.1t? radioadlo, nrcilnecils 6-2173. Superior Floor Waxing ihrubl, perennial,, bulb, Bupplleil, rouplp, no children, year-'round rental, f'un*L>INI_D Kcntlemnn'i overcoat, EnK- 935 CHEVROLET, in good condition, LAWLEY AGENCY ha, buyer, await. ! Bnnk. Phone Red Hunk c«341.1-W.* li-h brontlcloth, with Persian lamb col- some repairs but plays, S7; two lontrths Co, 1'rivnto home nur ipacialty. planted In leaaon, T. Stevens, both work. Anyone Interested, phone GHBAT DANE I'UI'PIBS. Make your trnrden. hose, *3, and Prnn Surf.Master Red Hank e-3295-J «fter 5 p. m. any S2-0. Phone Keamburir 6.1367-W. Ing fnr all type, of home,, ncreaga i lar, size 38; also two lady'i (ilntimim Fair Haven. Thnne Tied Unnk t- day. lentrnl avenue. Tort Monmouth,* ind lots. Llat your property with ua Chrifitmns cifl unusun] (and difTct-cnt) fox neck pieces. I'nlj-, I_ocu*t. 1*1. une reel J7.50. Phone Red Hunk n-4.1l.s-W, ACTOIiV-BUlLl «araBe«. foundation or quick ,«le. Highway So. Nave.lnk II1I3 yenr. Champion slock, limit iJimc AtlAiitic HtehlmiiU 1 -'11176,• SfSPtE YOUTH bed" and "white crib. constructed and garas, erected, 0852-11. bylll.Y OF 1.-OUR" urgently need 2-3 3.1,-) PLYMOUTH pick-up, $135. Phone In BOOII condition. Phone licit lltvnk hedroom house or npartment. prefer- River Rond. Phone Red Bank 6-0410. puppies will iidd thnt iicrsuruil touch. Alii. ]HON COAL."p"Dr^tf>v7("thieeTbufn". ixir anil 2-".x!0\ stttl overhead Rum-on l-033a-W.* Inquire Middle town o-OOCl nfter 7 p. r oil cool, stovr, white; nl_u fire cx- S-23CS.* 'i(it-5. asphalt »hin_leil roof, novelty LAWN AND I'OKCH rur.iitii,., iu| nlily unfurnlsheil. Best nf reterence«. OREENACRE AelENCY. Excellent proa- m., or_nnyilme Sundiiy. Phnnp Wondbrldc S-I07O-M or write, 937 OLDSMOBII.E. tnn-dnor icdan. tlitKiilfTier. 1ST Myrtle nveniir, Keana- 27-l'X)OT Hp iclinc. Phono Itcd Bank 6-1162 or Bel- Called for and delivered. Wllklna Mo- good condition, 16.5. 113 West Front pectii for rood llatlnRs. Call Allan. RfAftOtJANV"' GOVERNOR WlTITlmMi •K. Nnir raiVoml f-tntlnn. Only used slje iinr JU-SOC^J. tor Snlea Phone Red Bank 6-00 10. Ask "Family," Box Sll, Red Banli, c Hishlnnda 1-1573-M. 3 Naviilnk desk, nmplr nnd mnhutenny linccholc enue, Vail Hum for Mr, ^rltton^ reet, Red Bank, until . p. m,, except deska, crili nnd wurdrobc, Boston rocktr, SET OK STOCK nnd diei, U. U. "«. UNY KIN1I VKNETIAN~bl!nds wsshed 'hursday.* i: I.OCKBRS ATSuTliToTlerTi titul pnintcil, fl. Phone Kcamlturg €• GUTTERS, i_EAI/riIts7 in L-upiicjf or~i:uF htuh chturs, mmvlr Itt.i'ieer din'mv: room it SS; Mnrlhn WnsliiiiKton MivfinK 946 rl.YMOUTH, good condition, radio, WE HAVE A LARGE list of act;., suite, rmthoguiiy dinette sets, innho[;uiiy plant. Open dally from S a. m, in 7 vnnlzej. Cnll ua for _n aitimuto nn BOATS cabinet, IS; drcis form, site 31, 50 ni., Monday throutih Snlurday. Mill- nny Iheet nriHtnl work. J. V. lluxarl, 73 heater, all accesaorle,, Will Bell real* prospect, for Farms, Homes, El- and mnplc licdruuni Buitf.s, odd beds, ccnt«; ctllins l!Bht slobe, JO cent.; l'cr- ilXli'Tl service. Part, and inahly. Cnll Eatontown 3-.30.VW. chest, and burnuis, mault- porch seta. dletown ItefriRcratlon. HiRhway 35. tubes In stock, Foater atreet. River riar.n. Rod HnnK. tntes, Llat with ua, No cliarno un. fecllon kerosene heater, J2.50; FlnilHI Phone ^iilillt-towMi^ fi-02IlJl." Picked and dellv Phone Ked Ilnnk 6-0T9S-M. or Kaion- W1IAL.EBOATS— Poubl, end, all wood. cricket rhnirs, mnplr rockm G. K. elec- electric floor machine, eost S7S, |2,'ij •nl. Ildiablc radio, HIKh«ay !15, Head- nwn 3.11:1,10-M, 5 lch> St>uth B v 929 MODEL A Ford, motor tn cood leaa we acll. Lopntin Agency. IT tric refrictrntor. Other Itcina too num- mini's bicycle, fIS. I'honc Eatontown M"AL1/ TAHLE iViodel ~ra"iilo~peTfert i's L'ormr.Phon IIIin*??K hlnnils ". ** *» • «nu«. condition, upholttery like new, re_a- cninlitiim, *«; Ailmirnl 1»4» rmlin mill Red Rank 6-411.. Wost Main ilrctt, Fr.chold. erous to mention. Crtt]]i terms «r- 3-UHU-M.* [ihuLoalitU-u\ \i !'0• FOOT MATHIS deck hnu,e cruller. nable. C»n be aeen at 7 Wharf ave- ranEed. Opi-n Kriilny «vcn1n)ri to 9 ."ietroln combination, 1(10: nalnl carton hour, atrvlca at Dor i'a, la Wallact ue. Red Bank.* o'clnrk. llurd^f.-'ji Wnrphnuge, Clny EIGHT CENTS a year will protect « Ireplnee Rrate, like new, SG. Phone Consult me, I'hone Lonii _83.500 ensh. Phnne Red Bank 6.2057. man's or liuly'H milt frotn moth ilnm- Inuicli 6-4SII3. Ureet lied llnnK. •34 CHEVROLET Maater four-door WILI- BUY CHICKEN farm. Must have lirrrl, nr rrnr of 12.* Hrorul street, Rctl Rd Hank_J-217,-,.« good otitbulldintis, smnll liftiilit Turn lit the pnstnflUr, turn first HR« for five years. Unc sprayinK uf TKSTRRAI, COfrmSCTOR. Tmtklnn, KLOOIl SANDING and reljnTshlliiti e»- •ednn, heater, original finiah, very house, nil Hll KUnrantepd motlis;iray IIOPI it, or fl MAHoTiAfJV'h'eilfoonV'iieT;"com- fill illrt, ton soil, aanil, snivel, re- tlmntea cheerfully itlvcn: nn ioli too WANTED rond, good tlrea, 1300, Phone Enton- mproveircnts, In Amtricmi street 1o thfi riRht • _ llcrlou imys (or the dnronin. The' plete with sprlnk' and mattress, very irlnK unvi'Wnys, mnaon work; Innil- small: ulao nnlntlm; nmi ilecurn.ini!. own aonaoj mod. Wvitc, "ClilcU-n l-'nv]!, " Uox ill, LAIHiB WALNUT Vlt-lrohi rnl^fnpt, KV- Wrik'ht .Stores, 3fl Monmouth street, enionabie, left to sell at ywarls-.'s Kitr- TUPO service Plume Atlantic High- Phono ,|, L. f'undtihurlit, III Marlon l-cil flank. celletit rundltittn. Pr!c« ?^'J. Cnll Pj>one_Jled_ Bank Ji-2222. liture Store, Hi|[hvvay ,1:., o|iposlln Mlil- 1-lSfi'i-W, Ilnns Pnlme, Monmouth trcct. Red llank. l'hniij. H-(lj 1JI-M. KNOCK DOWN hulldlnir for use ns con- 936 PONTIAC, two-door ucdnn, radio, r Ictiiwn Fire Co. Phone Hcil Hank 0- lyinur. Ijcnniinlo. struction shnnty. Cnll Red Bank 6- heater. Cnll Rumaon 1-072.. I'FIOBR AND WIKK desire furnhlild ftvcnlnpt. lUfl Bank^^OOSfi.,],* TKAILKli" jiOin , onk,~6.f(7oTr~on-rnl 121.1. UUY ANI> aell leniniln(1-linntn i rliithes* «• unrurnlshril liourr, vinrly •'nt,, SET. OF sihVKit fnx fur-r":nr(i; biuck both ends. Never been uird. Will ill It) LOANS, ovei l.-ii unly. Pfwiti must bn In Bond condition. I.. KnrKnr-- 935 FORD Tudor Deluxe aedan, radio Iclnlty nf Fort Monmiiutli Wrltr tell relKonahle, J7.'i, I'hono Red Hank rnrvfroni, RUCS, iiirri«eX~!mpirT> r. '-09 Shrewsbury nvenue. Red Ilnnk. CuMSt'uTKH WISHES ride from Ited nnd xna heater, two new tire,, two l rnr aul.a flnanred for any amount, Ii llivnli tn vicinity of 'Olllcor," Box 511, lied Haul; • fitted fdiit, tiimnud with l»!nr!i I'rr- I).;i2) 2-J. 12xUi, \\\\'l, 7 .jX'.l, nt greatly ri-ilueeil Phone 1-0418-W. OrnnK«a. Will •ecapa, Hood condition. Phone Atlantic •Inn lamb, *,'iu- 1 •!, JJr,; nutn suit. 1 nitith, to pny. Soacoaat Finanra Com- expense, I'hone uwiN ruTTcoAT, .in RTJTTun irlcej. At Sft'iirtt'a Furnlturn Slnre. Pliny. DO Ornad atr«,t. Red flanli. COKN I'lUKINd. Uiirii'nuaked liy »,.,,., Red Bnnk 6- Hlnlllnndu I.0B94-J. HOUSE TO BE MOVED to nur liroperty. trlrnmfd with fur, size 1 J. S10, Cull Il.lhwny !IJ, npimtlli, Miilillelown l-'lrc • up ftnt Rnnk I an; . four rooms or Inrxer, liented, nnd in Kei) llnnk B-Hfi'l.'i n'lylimr.* rondltlun, SVI. I'hiini' It'll Hi nli (,. with new 'niiirhliipa: nlso |iut In ,-r|)>. -____ OKI) V-8 CONVBRTIBLK roadster. A.I VI conli lon Ilho 4.V 3n._ l'liniiv_l(|.|| llnnli 0-.'!2lll. .MSI(.\ i ('ONTi(Ai;Tiiir"«iiP7«^iwirin If requt,l-d. No Juli tun Inrno. lUlnli USfflT CAT.—Hy prlvut,. party, HKIB to condition, four new tlrea, good hont- Vo *ft 1 " ' "o Freehold 8. «ure tirr; wiimnn's, tmllonn tirtf, both TTJUIi-IIUIINKH KM* »luv,.. KUO.I uvui, ,VKS'ITN"!irfO I1.SR """VIi rTric^eTmrr^t',^ 'lcnn«: . car'lnii and n rail ing, UIII Mnhw- ll'ilmilnl. PI10115 ij.r.ilnl. iy:M Chevrolet or Plymouth coach or . I'hotlH Mnnmolllh neiich,S nf. wttli bllRkfU und. In ruciMltnt rondHlun: ll±:>'. eonl pot kUjvr, %:,>. 'in.gallon hot il apldlani'K for pnttielllar Christ- nil, munuK, f\\' dirt, rlnden, aciavsl and VVK ,'AV hiiihes"l iirli'ua Vur'Viiui puTil- Inn. MIIAI he En Koud cunilitlou mul r Ti p. m. •RTERAN'S FAMILY ateka amull five, ISO for both Wnlcuu, 33Ti llruud nter tank, 110, Tclciihont Lonn • hiipwn, nlillr Ihry Insl. .Mlibllr- —' K.ilmale. glv,n., R,d Rank try, Write ur phone, I.DIIK llriinch plci.' |-i'iisiinnblc. Apply or ahow car or alx-room home, In Red Bank, or atrett. i'hons lied Unuk £<0&9U,* ilranch t-0J39-J,' llelll«enition, lliuhway 33, i'llonc I.',110. Ha North Rrundwiy. Long Urancti 111 the J!rd Unnk Pm-ldnR Garngr, cor- OUII.DOOH Cndlllnc .ednn, Fleetwood H'i1" )',"r b'i" U"'- VriMi bcnutil l'rir. Si:.5U0. Weart-Ntm«th Agency, I mined! a U occupancy, fort Monmouth. ri rep tu to, onk floors. Nirr room a, th res • ALL MODELS H—truck _i»riiiK workT~ev- letting. We have them in .:uu-iu 42 Bruml street. Phone Red Bank 6 V.^_ tnodrrn bnthn, First (lonr m niter bed- TANK CLEANER |itntial welder, combination electric widths snd *bout V.-t acrch for ?-,!' J SACRIKICE—Fiva rooms snd batii, »t room and bnth. Oil burn-;-. k'flrago; • ALL MAKES acetylene machinUt, _t>oit all on Ho;ic rond, in Bhitv.-buvy Ai-rrs. K • 52 Art street, Long Branch. All new-uutbuililitiKt. Oivnc r nu>-.)!;„' out ot f.'ESSI'OOUi AM) SEPTIC id man. Good pay. steady job. C. Heed, Accmy. I'honc Hcd Bant H new,- moden ly remodeled with oil burner. Call Sam- town; $;!5..iiijit. Agency. Phone Kcd Hunk C-01-1. i-.ish neefssnry for Veteran. Srhwartx Hancock strett, Keins'uurjf. Phone Kelly Bulldlne ire unnecLsiary. Hij^heit commis- M.icldiii. 8 White strrct. lltd Bank W fjirt-Ncmct !i Airf rry. 4^ I!t*oml »trrrt. paid, tremendous opportunity, Ll'TTLE SILVER. Colon ill. ..u..,_ nililt I'hone ii-.'t l'Jl. Kcjinjiburif !iiiffitlo\v, with In'ill. !iu Ke u< R. B. 6 0428 Irk 1-0442. hrtphicc, sunporeh. dining room, moil nrtdinji ritn^iilt-'ritblo rcnnviUion. Scvn Piinsina nttir, nt.* UUV, _eM or rent #i) types of rest aaiat* bnth. retaininir enrly rhaitn, with all aniburtr. __ __ proximately 4'_ miles from Red Bunk BRA1TETETT-- •iV-Ticr.; farm, "rT»hl-roon through Constance Smith Atftncjr, 14 1 Excellent country eiUte nt $2.j,()yo modern convenience! , recently reno- A. A, DECORATING lOMAN—For general housework, age house, halll, oil-firrd stcum hent; four Maple uvtnue, Fair Haven, Phona Had vated ; beautiful one-ncr* yUil. AikinK 1between 25-SO. Muil be experienced. Contult C, F. Borden, Shrewtbut-y. Phon car naraup, two-room, hath, H pa rim en Bank 6--3U8, $16,000. Wearl.Ncmeth Apency. 4- Red Bnnk 6-US1, or O. H. Neviui, Re nvcrhead; many inubuildiiii:*. hrook NOW IS THE TI.Mi: TO HAVE |ione Rtd Bunk 6-3-'lil, Bank _-U38.J.« BEAU IIFUL three-bedroom house; sl- Brltrft Phn Ii| Btk fi240/ ALCOHOLICS NCEP LOCAL ba£«\ lied 1'iice S-tl.'iOO, John L. Minuk'h. broker tnchdl tfurnicc, hoi heat, oil iprunirji vont INSIDI; WOKK DOM-: iBank City Bakery. 6* Broad ttrcet. OAKHllmT AREA. Modern bungalow Runi"on rond. Phone Rumson 1-0716. fired, tiled bath, ahowir, powder room. lows, new, living room, kitchen, two Jione Red Bunk 6-28.9-M. with three acres. Four rou ma, tilet Be four-room bu nwn low, stove, Venetian blinds, beautifully land- bedrooms snd bath, nu loin-tic oil heat, ANONYMOUS MIIIIKKAIK H.AIKS—NO IIIIIV.V I'AVMKNT bath and kitchen, fully excavated cemen in delightful wiHulod setting. Needs scaped, neiir school and busca, phona modern kitchen ami bnth; ..i-yenr niort* floored cellar. Modern hcuting system bath, heat, and rcnavation. Fine o. Ked Bank 6.3H74-M. gnge. Small down payment. I'ric« $9,. TIIKKK VKAKS TO 1'AV R—Full chnrtfe. Auto- with instantaneous hot water, ovcraiz riortuiiity foi' h«IItJy ni;in. Price $3,000, NEW BUN(jAI_OW,~a I-M <>r MY2.12 compels sale at 112,500. C. K. tlnrden PTnoOM Tioni<.;""~ne"iii-" kV,\ P. O. Box 49 Ith. (live njcr, siilary nnd references. Shrewsbury, {'hone Red Rank 6-1661, a hunt. Cull Henry C. Uobinaun, Red Bank, Living ronm, kitchr n -din ptte • rite, '-Housekeeper," Box 511, RedCJ. H. Ncvlun, Red Bank fi-163.'j-J.» THKIOK-lToTFM, P.-story bunKnlow. Pry Utink fi-"46fl. _ n, m. to C y, m. complete with caltlncli, tcm rniiKe, two |link. EXPERIENCE* __ D operators o_____n chil- _ rellar. dot apprnximJitcly '_.*ix 1 (10. IU LOTS—Will irll any amount. Have bed room a, bnth nnd shower, luird wrmil COLT'S NECK —Well proportioned C< Cfntrnlly locntt <1, See by ntipointmet dren't drenet. Mar Fame Man- utl improvennrtUs. WU1 t«ll with tm*U floors, hot sir virr-ulalinu ht'ftl, ilnnioviir lonlfil homtstead, with approilmntely only. I'll one l-cuii»o II. Hcyrr, Konn amount down, balance monthly. Phona hot water _ns rr. (Jriulnl plot N. J. Information Offlc* ufacturing Co., 98 Leonard street, one acre on paved hi^hwHy. Living burn 1-1 I.'"'.' Norinnn K. IVpcnmti, 121 First nvehile. and ttock room of Incur cor porn tlon, hoiisfi and flnnting dork, Nrw rlcctric ItWM.SO N " "A rm\" in v, ^tmoii) I |.nrKt Attantir Ilivhlnnrjii. Plimi* I-II7H1. ('client working conditions, (tooil Currier forced hent. I'tiwrr htm liniiir di vidnl into tin-": nttniclivr SHADOW" LAKK 1'ARK-Aipxnnder »ec'- LLA WILTSHIRE AGENCY lartin? pflj'i nnd e.srHlcnt chanrc fnr nvnilable at low tost. I'roinpt occu • •Dill iitrt r ;ip:H't liirnt-:. K'•''*" tie ill bil«inpt.h tioii, arje t'lotb; a mud-in resliicted it. Write, "MnU-Stock," Box pnnry. Price JO.'ioO, C 1". Ittmlf n Inrutiim. I'irlriM COIMI jllim. A«V rc-idrntijil development; K. H. A, up. J 1. Hfil Hunk. Shrrwnbury. 1'hunc Hed Hnnk li-UCI JIS.iHMi. Hymr A«tMwy. PIUHIP Kiim- proved; ftchuol adjoiniiiK. clour, to rntl- |AN—2T-3I), for office work, in Urff- _ " _ijis,_ Red Bunk 6-U.'l3-J.* rond stntifii: lake priviUnc.-i. A Tew flue J corporation. Good salary at ntnrt, AT BKLKORT^-Si-x-rodrn biitigiil HlTjHLANn.S—At last liome sites Etlll nvnilnlilr, See .our real- • ith chance for advHnci-niriit. Write, hcttt, bath, full cellar; nbotn !i-i "irnnil, IMIJ"1 I-'inrst Inratinn. I-' tor; a!«o K, Alexander, on th* t'r_miicit. Real Estate and Insurance- G. I. Loan* lime* Work." Rox fill, Ttrd Bnnk. of land: fi'if> nciRhborhnod. 1'rico l:irKQ i-nrnpr hr.lnu.nis. !,«,-«« liv l_J_ol!_JlriiilnllI< 6-4l_0-M. The Richard Ltiker .\_-enpy. State room with lirrpliuT, dinintr rnom wllh " i l*AN~'i 10 IliOliLANT)-! '^wo-lamily Hill HANK'S ONI.V 17 llltOAIl STKEF.T | EXPERIENCED sfllcsEirt, In ladiet* •ny '16, Bclford. IMionc Kcans sun drck. iinMlrrn Kitchni, I ivn luitlip.. house, all improvcn.ciUn, one apart- WU.1IAN RKAl.TOIt ftI-.I> HANK. N. ,1. wear ihop. Good pay, steady miml'ft riMini ami bnlh ; H utiini.'it ic hlf-mi ment ready for o erupt ncy, excellent hfiit ; nttnrhrd «»••»""• : Inr^p hnuUriipri condition, best location in town, one Tclcphoiw |(rrt Hank (1-illll I work. Kirschbaiim'i, 53 Broad It!V rlR P!JA/A — Good six*room hon bath, a team hcHt, gas ninis'c. Nerds pint. Vrry line vipvv, Thin houpr h» bloi-k from beach. Will tnke mortgnKc. •trtet, Rtd Bank, rid \% in ptrfiTt romlHloi 46 Third nvemi*. V'or mnrc Information, some decorHlinui one-cnr KuraK*; lo 1 1 COxlOO. Aikinu t8,r>nO. Walktr k Tin insicio and nut. Adkint: $lli..'i»n. Hyrnr I. *! ."wnfj:, Atlantic Highland* l-'i.TlO, ACESWAK, commissions terrific, c.iirn. dall, Realtors, 10 F-nsL Front street, Red J ins i>o*r«r unlimited, Rolling combln- Ba_nk._ Phone 6-.776.* F7\~iIT|TA"V F5N—"Ifrnml~IH\V I" Wr!\~\m\It MAH1B COX ACKNCY. rttltor. hion wjndowi: leads Klven. territory home of five larKP rooms, l.jirtie liv- Itiver front ind country proper- Blotted. Mint have rnr. Apply !?«*- JMSON—-Five-room bungalow, bnth screen*, tntulnted, hot nir ctrculHlinK irin room nnd t wo vpry IJIIV brdron ties. Hale* and rental*, Cornanch* Ide Bullden, 42 Church street, Kcnni- dining rnnm and kitchen. Exrpllrnl In. he tit, oil, ifns water hentrr. ir»s rnn^c Drive, Portaupeck, Ocean port Bor- f lot ,r)0.\lO0; low tuxes. Immcdlntc oc- cut ion; Jl I ..ion. Byrne Aur ncy. 1'hoiic VOMAN—For gcncrnl housework. Must cupancy. Aaklnji $8,GOO. « I__i__n___b1 ir''I-* — ough. 1'hont Long Branch Cl«f)_. J b« not iinr! »onrt' houw»kp«in-r. Hour*; TlttdtUI, Hcultni'B, 19 Knit Fro tit street A HEAL H"UMK-.Situ7iT<;(r'in" Wumnnn. |:30 to S. Good salnry to right pcriott. Red BHnlt. Phone