HATS N.Jwhaucoii CLOTHES Thd JWHAU Cqfti
'V Average Dally Circulation Jlawteiltit gyrttitto wromssbAT, m A ndti Um Moptli of March, 164X X 8,105 toBlgkt wUh Hght alwwcLca/' Mra. Cllflord McNamara of S3 S. Moora, aoa at Mr. and lam eneoimigipbd during the eariy Meoibw at the Audit ^ < i / Mra. T9f6maa Moora, of 4 Oakland part of tbe/ypar. , H i t DIelalaa atraat Mitaitalned with a Johnison H[eads BareMB a< drentetlaaa.' Town card party a^^ar laat night atraatjf^Vho left two weaka ago yaa* The/ flo w in g delegates were MaiuftieHa^A City of ViUftge Chanty X for tha benalft' of the convention terday' with 82 Inductaaa from thta appothM to the Hartford County LDREN’ X t e taivEft «!• o( tha- fund of i t Margaret*a. Clrcla, town, la atatlenad at Miami Beach, Junior G. O. P. ^ n i^ tio n to be held in the Hotel ^oapiUI Euxmarjr win Daughtara of laaballA The eonfer- with the Army Air Corpb. Bafo|W Bond, Hartford, Thursday.. April II'fecU tonorrow from nine win take place in MllwaUkea. leaving ha waa honored with,^n 18; Margaret Rlstau, Ullllan Rey- / ■ JULPUNO.155 ( OB in the atora at 1069 Main WM, tha coming aummar. Tha df* parly by hla friends and preaepted RepubliCans Here Select sweida, Emest da.win bo rninraaented and at^eral with gifts. Ritchie, Frances Balllano and dele/ of tha mambara are giving benefit Tiie(r Officers at Tbeb* gates were appointed to the Stete ____ Claaa Beaman RubmU H. aodala. Wtnnera at bridge were Troop 11, Girl Scouts, will pre- •Convention to be held In the Hotel B,x*wl» haa bean home on a Mra; Feltar McEvltt and Mra.
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