Ehrlichman Claims Dean Lied to Panel
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PAPE TWENTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., July 23. 1873 I. .. Obituaries Glastonbury Group Promotes White Mrs. Ellen B. Tedford Ed Coughlin Drownsf Mrs. Ellen Bulla Tedford, 80, House Enemies List MANCUIESTER, (X)NN., TUESDAY, JULY 24,1973 - VOL. XCn, No. 249 M anehesler-A City o f Village Charm of 35 Foster St., widow of GLASTONBURY (AP) - SIXTEEN PAGES George Tedford, died Sunday in and the gravity of the Roofing Contractor You too can be on a White situation.” PRICE: nFTEEN CENTS an East Hartfoid convalescent House enemies list just like the A nnall advertisement in the Edgar VanHorne Coughlin, several years. home. one given to the Senate New York Times Ju^ 8 has 60, of 390 Woodland St., He was also a charter She was bora in Northern Watergate committee by produced a disappointing To R*i drowned accidentally Sunday at member of the Manchester Ireland and lived here 60 years. former presidential counsel replies so far, Bastee said. - Laurel Ridge #ond, near Lodge of Elks, and a member of S ie was a member of the Salva John Dean. Another member of the Woodstock, about 3;30 p.m. He the Manchester Chamber of tion Army and its Women’s F w |5 a Glastonbury group group, Susan Harland, said she dove off h diving board and Commerce. Home League, both in Ehrlichman Claims called Enemies Unlimited will thinks people are afraid to never returned to the surface. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Manchester. put your name on a Itet to be write in. His body was found about 75 Doris Jlanson Coughlin; two Survivors are a daughter, sent to tee President, give you a feet from shore in about 12 to 15 sons, John M. Coughlin of Mrs.'. Bramwell Crawford of scroll stating you’re an offidal feet of water by persons at the Glastonbury and Dan Contain, West Hempstead, L.I., a "Most people are probably enemy of tee White House and afraid their tax return will be pond, police said. Dr. Rudolph at home; two daughters, Mrs. brigadier in the Salvation Ar send you a button saying, “ I’m audited,” she said. Klare pronounced Mr. Coughlin April Rasura of Oceana, Calif., m y; a brother, Alexander Hud on tee list.” Among tee responses was one dead at the scene, said police. and Christine Coughlin, at son of Alberta, Canada; two Dean Lied To Panel Robert Basine, a Glastonbury from Yellowstone Park, Wyo.: WASHINGTON (AP) - John He was bom Dec. 4, 1912 in home; two step-daughters, sisters, Mrs. '^ om a s Qiurch of attenUon at tee White House attorney, said he and four “ Please rush a scroll and but D. Ehrlichman today told tee said, “ I sincerely do not believe hush money to buy silence from Montclair, N.J. the son of the Mrs. Susan Rogers of East and Mrs. George Ivine, both in is “ falser than all the other “ Mr. Haldeman and I had friends formed the group to do ton to my brother who suffers Senate Watergate committee I am guilty of any wrongdoing.” the original Watergate defen late Dennis and Catherine Hampton and Mrs. Karen Northern Ireland; two falsehoods” Dean gave the vastly different duties, areas something about the Watergate from rejection evai when he teat Jedm W. Dean HI Ued. In a 30-page statement dants, among other things. VanHorne Coughlin, and had Parten of Lubbock, Tex.; one grandchildren and five great Senate panel. and methods of operation,” scandal. gets a busy signal on the prepared tor his appearance as Ehrlichman insisted that I been a resident of Manchester brother, Angus Coughlin of grandchildren. EhrUclunan, once tee chief “I do not suggest teat we Ehrlichman said. “ I had very “ The group felt it would have phpne.” a witness before the com Dean rarely informed him for 30 years. Hingham, Mass.; two sisters, Funeral services are Tuesday domestic adviser to President were aU just too busy to have little knowledge of what he was .vV no interest in forming another Another frwn Orange, N.J.: Nixon, said he and others in tee mittee, Ehrlichman defend^ about Watergate despite Dean’s Mr.Coughlin began a roofing Mrs. Ruth McGray of Jamaica, at 1:30 p.m. at the Holmes noticed,” Ehrlichman said. doing day by day.” political group,” he said. “ But “ Please put my name on the the Nixon adihinistration testimony teat tee cover-up business in Manchester in 1954 Vt., and Mrs. Edith Crockett of Funeral Home, 400 Main St. White House reUed on Dean for “ We^ld iKitice, and we kept in Ehrlichman appeared under we did hope to create an list of small-time enemies. against Dean. He accused Dean was a major concern of and in 1957, he formed The Linwood, N.J.; and eight Burial will be in East information about the formed terou ^ John Dean on subpoena, without any immuni organization that could walk Someday I hope to make it of a “ gallery-pleasing repeti Ehrlichman and staff chief Couglin Roofing Co., Inc., of grandchildren. Cemetery. Watergate wiretapping affair. ty from prosecution. He said he tee fine line between the humor big.” tee assumption teat he was tion of tee old story about fear Friends may call at the ElhrUcfaman said in prepared H.R. Haldeman. Ehrlichman would refute all allegations of which he was the president and Funeral services are giving us com plete and ac and paranoia in the White testimony ousted White House said his log shows 22 meetings treasurer. Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the funeral home today from 7 to 9 curate information.” House.” criminal activity against him. counsel Dean’s story that tee with Dean, eight of teem on He was a member of South Holmes Funeral Home, 400 p.m. For his own part, Ehrlichman “ I look forward to your Ehrlichman’s opening state non-Watergate subjects. "Of United Methodist Church, Main St., with the Rev. Dr. Watergate affair was tee center questions,” he said. ment contained no response to tee remainder,” he said, “ not Manchester Lodge of Masons, George Webb officiating. As Ehrlichman was sworn in, Senate Prepares tee specific allegations against all were devoted to talk about and the Sphinx Temple of Hart Burial will be in East he held his hand far above his Miss Martha T. Smith him. Dean' says Ehrlichman aspects of Watergate.” ford. He was a 32nd Degree Cemetery. S h- Passengers Evacuated head, his right arm almost fully ROCKVILLE - Miss Martha ordered him to destroy ~ ___ Ehrlichman complained that extended. He had said in ad Mason, and a former member Friends may call at the T. Smith, 84, of 172 Vernon To Debate material from wiretapper E. of the Omar Shrine Club of funeral home Tuesday from 2 to his name constantly was vance he was prepared to "trip Ave., Rockville, died at her Howard Hunt’s White House which he was secretary for 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. hyphenated with that of up” testimony implicating him home this morning. safe shortly after the Haldeman as if they were and Nixon in the cover-up. She was a lifelong resident of Campaign Bill Watergate break-in, and said Siamese twins. Rockville. Hijacked Jet Ehrlichman authorized use of r^jr. Survivors are five brothers, John S. Smith o f Pompano W a s h i n g t o n (A P ) — a Wll designed to hold down Karl Links Dead at 76; Beach, Fla., Andrew J. Smith, Welcome Home Newlyweds campaign expenditures Is set to come before the Senate Blown Up Watergate V Joseph J. Smith and Anthony T. and Is attracting a host of Watergate-related amendments. PZC Approves Smite, all of Rockville, and A Willinar, Minn., couple found quite a job waiting for them when they returned home Summary The Soiate was scheduled to Farmer, Legislator Michael T. Smite of Danbury; from a honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Groat discovered friends had filled their bedroom contributed in bote primary and BENGHAZI, Ubya (AP) - The hijackers of a Japanese' start working on the bill two sisters. Miss Julia Smite of from floor to ceiling with crumpled newspapers. (AP photo) general elections. jumho jetliner blew up the Boeing 747 today at the Wednesday, and was expected WASHINGTON (AP) - Here, First M Zone Rockville and Sister Anita The propos^ q>ending limits Beiighazi airport a few minutes after they and their 137 HEBRON - Karl H. Unks, Mr. Links was also a member Marie, O.T., of Newburgh, N.Y. to spend most of its time in tee bill are 15 coits foV each in brief, are developments in DAVID KNAPP hostages slid down an emergency chute. The hijackers ^tee Watergate case. 76, a former Republican state of Gilead Congregational The funeral is Wednesday at between then and a recess person of voting age for were arrested. (Herald Reporter) representative for eight years Church and was past president 8:15 a.m. from the Burke beginning Aug. 3 (m tee legisla primary elections and 20 cents T A P E S — W a t e r g a t e tion, but blood was spurting prosecutor Archibald Ck)x and P'SS Prices Scramble Upward and a retired dairy and chicken of the Gilead Cemetery Funeral Home, 76 Prospect St., tion. for edch person of voting age in Passengers and crew The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) Monday farmer, died Sunday in Rocky members who had been held from a cut above tee eye of one the Senate Watergate com Association. Rockville, with a Mass of tee Democratic leader Mike general elections.