Ehrlichman Claims Dean Lied to Panel
PAPE TWENTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., July 23. 1873 I. .. Obituaries Glastonbury Group Promotes White Mrs. Ellen B. Tedford Ed Coughlin Drownsf Mrs. Ellen Bulla Tedford, 80, House Enemies List MANCUIESTER, (X)NN., TUESDAY, JULY 24,1973 - VOL. XCn, No. 249 M anehesler-A City o f Village Charm of 35 Foster St., widow of GLASTONBURY (AP) - SIXTEEN PAGES George Tedford, died Sunday in and the gravity of the Roofing Contractor You too can be on a White situation.” PRICE: nFTEEN CENTS an East Hartfoid convalescent House enemies list just like the A nnall advertisement in the Edgar VanHorne Coughlin, several years. home. one given to the Senate New York Times Ju^ 8 has 60, of 390 Woodland St., He was also a charter She was bora in Northern Watergate committee by produced a disappointing To R*i drowned accidentally Sunday at member of the Manchester Ireland and lived here 60 years. former presidential counsel replies so far, Bastee said. - Laurel Ridge #ond, near Lodge of Elks, and a member of S ie was a member of the Salva John Dean. Another member of the Woodstock, about 3;30 p.m. He the Manchester Chamber of tion Army and its Women’s F w |5 a Glastonbury group group, Susan Harland, said she dove off h diving board and Commerce. Home League, both in Ehrlichman Claims called Enemies Unlimited will thinks people are afraid to never returned to the surface. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Manchester. put your name on a Itet to be write in. His body was found about 75 Doris Jlanson Coughlin; two Survivors are a daughter, sent to tee President, give you a feet from shore in about 12 to 15 sons, John M.
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