RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXX, NO. 23. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1947 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO Christinas Seal Sale Opens \.->ks Aiil To Japan's Future Highlands Again Through "Silent (iiii-ml" Board Studies Mayor Ch.iilcs n. Kniilinh or Heel Bright, Chaplain Is Faced With Bank linn rcrrivfvl the fotloviing School Switch More Facilities telesrnm fimn (lovcinor Alfred IS. Driscoll: Titus Declares Water Problem "Will yo\i join me in program At Middletowu Immediately i :ihaied by nil governors to send food to Htnrvintf ISuropcnnK. All People Waul To Make l-!x|i<-ii»<- Hinders Mew Jersey families to share their Arcliitrr in-liliilion Should B« | Thnnskivlng dinner with a silent !• I'iiKtiifrli 'l'» Take Country A Laud Of Court Injunction guest. "Guest is symbolically war or- For I II I II IT IMun* In .'{.> More 1'utinitA Peace And Culture Over-all Project phan or hungry adult abroad. Cost of euch dinner if mailed to Treas- ! 1 .-• f J i; Ayilii TMerson. school arrhttoct of '"•'•' ii' - il ihouid at thft The Japan of today is a democ- Court action concerning the urer of State of New Jersey, State r racy whose masses of people seek Highlands water contract has cost House, Trenton, will be used fur Wood bridge, advised tho Middle- ;i;i-^ Y '" i u.T** enough to to make their country into the tho borough money which it wai to town township .school board TIIIIIK- "'»;r.;iHi i -:..on.i fnr ?~> mom food packages to bn sent abroad. f "Switzerland of Asia," a land of use for water improvements and "Grateful for your co-operation". day nij.;ht thai the l>c.st method to '•'>i i!:n,' "> :t i-r-ocnt survey peace, culture, manufacturing:, (low- necessarily will hinder progress of cnl'.tv^o s-'luioi physical f uritivir;'. '. ' ". i C 1 • ir.v •--t.K'itoi s on b-»- ers and beauty, according to Rev. the overall project, it, was revealed would Ije i<) Lonvprt the Leonardo ' "i "• f i a 1 government. n Frank L. Titus of New York, assist- Monday night at a special session jjrade school into a hi^h school rind •.• r :• ; - Ij-'f-'i 'l nn population ant secretary nf thn oversows' de- of the mayor and council. Five More New tlic hi^li .tcliuul thin a H-'--d<* school. m which the insti- : j,,, -,t , ,1 partment of the Protestant Epis- At this stage, with the pipe The suggest luii w.ir. mailo \w- copal church. cleaning in progress and the (Miurii! Lliu Kraile .school has, accord- M Ilvt nr- v to Kivcr\-iew The churchman's observation is new well dug, the borough is River Oaks Homes ing to Mr. I'iiMKoii, DO in ore yo:n s .ri:].'.:"it If •5 a i tllPV* hav« a considered one. He saw nearly taking stock of its resources nnd | of use, is HIT proof and ia more D.'.!" I fo, a lontf time four years of what he termed "the is determining how much more it modnrn llinn the \\\«\\ school. The :i ivin^ Lil'Hi.;!) b*:ds In can spend on the wntcr project and Sold Recently arcliiU'cL almi .stated Hint tho con- of tl:' p'iii*?n!.i who de- hell of war" before he covikl form i an opinion, and then only after ser- how much of the original plan can .sti'uction of thn f;ra(!i' -'f:hfjol would .'i i.Tiittffl nor pdpquate ious study in Japan iiself. In war be completed. b(! ens icr to enlai^fl than of tho ;r t.-il.in;; rat'f of addi- The court action was started by VaiiHorn A^rnry Ol' In'Kh school. Bradlcy's Radio •ii'i ^ iii'-li lucnl doc to in he was a combat chaplain; after c surrender he was one of the army's Thft annual Christmas senl sale in Monmoulh county, to vaisn the Property Owners association, ]t was rrvoalod that 20 morr \ i .''~nd ''J riivcrview first chaplains to be flown to the funds for the tuberculosis control work of the New Jersey Tuber- who opposed Ibc awarding of the I air llavon KO|MM U rno ni.i won 1<1 be n no (led io con vert ! hut :uv Service JVlarkini*; 1 iEland£. culosis league, opened Monday on a. county-wide basis with Mrs. well construction job to the Laync Vrry Active Murkrt Jie Imildinf; into H hi^h school with Th" (*;,- wa:i nindo on behalf Speaking last Thursday night at Leon W. Conrow of Red Bank as chairman. Pictured above is Mrs. company of I.imlen. Though the capacity to accommodate the rx- uf thr- j mtnent upon which fed- Conrow's uon, Whitney Conrow, selling the first block of scnls to borough won the cn.se the cost of .yjcetml in(n-n:ised enrollment. Mr. t'vnl mil -.'.•injltl bo forthromtng to the November meeting of the Men's 15th Anniversary 1 fellowship of Trinity Episcopal Miss Margaret Francis, supervisor of the tuberculosis control pro- the action is being felt. Arrangements from plans for^hc IMernon stated thut the walls In the V-'IM'JU i in.-' it iit inn.- in proportion church, Rev, Mr. Titus told of con- pnini of the Monmouth County Organization for Social Service. Several bills resulting from the sale of ilvo nip re houses in thn high school would have to lie rai&r.l I t>i t.ir .^:/.c of tiie institution and ditions and Japanese attitudes both The photo was taken in Miss Francis' ollice, and looking on is Mrs. Court action were brought up at the River Oaltfl section of Fair Haven, from nine to twelve feet. It would Slaiii'ii j : ii" aii'l-d fn*• 1111 :n.i anticipated at Geraldine L. Thompson, president of the M.C.O.S.S., nnd Mrs. meeting, Those included $2,500 for part of tho former Honglund nnd he casiey ;ind morn cccinnmica 1 to 1 the Urn:* I hi:--, aiU wovild be eought. on the war fronts and on Nippon's Conrow. defeated lalco. Eattlc front scenes fcRal fees, $153 for copies of legal McCarlcr estate, wliic.i extends accomplish this ta«U in the fcrnde I 'HIM f-titoni»mt was m.ide by wers grim and the enemy was documents and evidence, $355 for from the North Shrewsbury river Tr.^t.iiin-r rfpolcy H. Tuthill at the to Uidge road, have been completed brutal. The post-surrender scene engineering fees nnd $77.75 for the The board, nt its meeting Ucconi- ll.v V.fti. I). Minuting of the buard of trustees waa one of shocked calm, but the **nploynient of a court clerk. Thesu by the Kay Van Horn agency, held .it liiveivi'"'.- Monday night. ll.s are paid trom the water i\c- re&Rovs of fair Haven, which im- ber 11, ia expected to reci'ivc a nlnn 1 Nrw- M'1- Tuthill .submitted his monthly people moved in respect nnd friend- Fencing Beach liriulh-y'rt Radto Scivifc at ; nut. ports continued strong demand for for the ftUdition from Air. Tim^on. : i.'p-H-t, ,-i copy of uhich was mailed liness for their conqucrcr. m.'iii .Springs iu;ul -ind Sluc\v.'b;ii y ; Councilman Herbert Hartsgrove larger house in tho new home mar- 1 to every nifnihei- of thfi hoard prior Early in September, 1943, soon Held Illegal I .vised the council that a compres- ket. The construe lion of these .iVL'niii , wliich Wfw i\stnblishrd No- i to the mnrting to permit Its peru- after the surrender and a few days f :•. used to open parts of the con- houses is now well under way by vpmhor 2,S. 1032. hy \Villi;im I». j .i;al at their leisure. The report not after U. S. Marines landed in Allen Brothers, Inc., owners nnd Active Realty Br.-ulley, will ot»s<>rv it.i l-M h an- Ji;Cte streets, purchased fiom Mi- niver.sfiry, .starting inmnnow ;uni ; only covered th**. scope of work at Tokyo Bay at the Yokosukn. naval i' :iol Cuomo of Englishtown for builders of tho Rlvrr Onks com- ' thn h»3p!Lnl hut also the financial Council Of Key|M>rt : cominuinjj through Nnturduy, Uc- ba3«, Chaplain Titus, who was at- !-',il), bus not stood tho test. To munity. • cntidition of Jtivfirvicw. tached to the 105th Infantry, "Now 1 Market Along retnber 6. Oltslriictioii ;•- oitl further comment, Councilman The variou.1 building project. ; nnd Tim r:»tlio .sorvicp war. stnJtr»l by [ For ttifj Ri-jt ten months of thi« York's Own" division, flew into the ; TII-RC V. Brown moved that the the new owners include (bo follow- ' yi:ar, compared with a similar per- Atsugi air base, near Tokyo, and 1 Mr. liraiilcy in n nniall buildinj; at ; A irous:h pet a refund and turn the ing: Mr. nnd Mr. *. Jamos M.Thoino Shore Districts 1 iixi in IUtc>, Jtivrrview his had 1,- Albert M. Curlcy will be require : T!i Nt!\vnian Hprin;; - rnad, mnv Ain- joined units of the 11th Airborne mprcpfor back to the original of Fair Haven aie building a resi- |l(il additional pnticnt days, 93 »d- division for the opening phase of to icmove fences and a jetty b;i MI .Soden'.s Horiat shop. The rapid- linfr the public from the bear ••ncr. dence of rambling deji^n on a balf- ly £ rowing radio hus.inrsA wan th« occupation.
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