Presiderlt: Sir James Galway OBE The psychology of Vice-presihr: Albert Cooper cover is from the worlishops of sculptor flute teaching Acting Chairmat/: Kenneth Bell Jan van Nost and has been in the 24 grounds of Painswiclc House, Lucinda klackworth-Young shares Gloucestershire, since it was first some of the best-kept secrets of constructed in the 18th century. successful tlute teaching and ....................................... happy, motivated pupils. The Journal of The British Flute Society British Flute Society Sing alto flute! Volume 21 No. 1 Address Book 2 The sonoritv of the alto flute has 28 March 2002 enormous expressive possibilities. Carla Rees reveals its history and Editor& Committee Comment sings its praises in this first article Clare Roberts Editor 3 of a new series. Kenneth Bell ........................................ Christine Ring BFS news Brian Finnegan: a bit Helen Baker i\ new section to keep. .vou up to date 4 of a wizard with all BFS events, activities and 30 Contacting the BFS information, including memhers' noticeboard Funky tlute playing General enquiries ........................................ from a techno acrobat Kenneth Bell Acting Choir - to find out more E-mail: secretary@bfs, Flute news about the man and his Ben's diary, tlute days for young music, read I-Ielen- Membership enquiries 6 people, advice, rare crystal flute Louise Balter's interview John Rayworth A4en1bedip Secretary with the central figure The Nook, How Mill, of the folli band Flook! Brampton Letters ...................... Cumbria CA8 9JY Octotonic music, coping with Tel: 01228 670306 braces 11 Deafness no bar E-mail:
[email protected] this flautist All telephone enquiries regarding BFS June playing The flute is the best thing that has ever membership should be directed day with happened to Ruth Montgomery.