Thursday, September 3, 2009 Serving San José State University since 1934 Volume 133, Issue 6


Henry’s offers a spicy Mexico legalizes small Spartans face daunting and tangy taste of the past amounts of drugs challenge against Trojans Page 4 Page 7 Page 5

Federal stimulus funds fail to reach SJSU student workers

$200 million may have gone to other schools with first-time, work-study programs By Leonard Lai time to earn money toward their Staff Writer college education. “It’s a little early in the semes- resident Barack Obama’s plan ter to tell if the number of stu- Pto bolster the Federal Work- dents who would want to join Study Program from his econom- the work-study program would ic recovery plan, by supplying an increase,” Bettencourt said. “It is additional $200 million, has not a very popular program.” reached SJSU. Students can look online on “We have not received any of the Career Center’s Web site to see the extra stimulus funds,” said An- which job openings are still avail- thony Bettencourt, student servic- able, Bettencourt said. es professional and work-study co- He said he isn’t expecting the ordinator. “We have received our number of students in the pro- full allocation for the fall 2009 to gram to change, because it has spring 2010 school year.” averaged 500 students for the past He said that SJSU has not several years. received the funds, because the “If we do get additional funds money may have gone to some- though, one of two things could where else. happen,” Bettencourt said. “We “Certain schools are receiving would get new employers to of- the work-study program for the fer more jobs or increase variety of fi rst time, so they may have got- jobs off ered. Work-study students ten the money.” Bettencourt said. can choose jobs that are both on “Or other schools that received campus and off campus and still smaller allocations are now getting earn the same amount of money.” more money.” “Th e Student Union takes [ Chad Ziemendorf / Spartan Daily ] He said the university currently great pride in hiring as many fi - SJSU Jamba Juice employees Cesar Benito (left) and Eric Chin prepare a smoothie for a late-afternoon patron Monday in employs around 500 students on nancial aid students as the fund- the Student Center. Benito is a junior art major who has worked at Jamba Juice for more than two years, while Chin is a the work-study program, a pro- senior recreation therapy major in his fourth year behind the counter. gram where students work part- See WORK STUDY, Page 8 Advisers to push superseniors Echo Pass usage continues Events planned toward commencement exit for 9/11 National to rise among SJSU students Day of Service By Elisha Maldonado forced to look at students with a and Remembrance Senior Staff Writer high number of units, typically known as superseniors. By Marcos Blanco n an attempt to minimize the What they found, he said, Staff Writer Inumber of prospective SJSU were nearly 5,000 students who students declined admission in had more than the 120 units JSU will be holding a couple the coming years, the univer- needed for a degree. And, re- Sof community events next sity has implemented a plan that garding the “supersuperseniors,” week leading up to the 9/11 would require intrusive advising he said, most had three or more National Day of Service and Re- for students with a high number semester’s worth of work than is membrance. of units. required for them to graduate. Th e Center for Community Whether it is the 120 units “Th at’s 5,000 students for Learning and Leadership and needed for a bachelor’s degree, or three extra semesters that didn’t the Cesar E. Chavez Commu- 20 percent more than required get to come here because the nity Action Center will be hold- for a degree, university offi cials people already here were just ing their sixth annual nonprofi t say it is a must to intrude on stu- spinning around, for whatever Community Connections Fair dents’ academic path to ensure reason,” Jaehne said. next Th ursday and Friday. progress is being made to fulfi ll Th e university’s intrusive Michael Fallon, associate di- degree objectives, and to allow advising plan, developed by rector for the Center for Com- other students a chance. members of the advising coun- [ Chad Ziemendorf / Spartan Daily ] munity Learning and Leader- “Enrolled students who are cil, would combine advising by Pathik Shah, an electronic engineering graduate student, boards the VTA light rail in ship, said the purpose for the not making progress toward a advisers within departments and downtown San Jose as he said he has every day for the past year. event is to connect faculty, stu- degree in the current environ- those in academic advising and dents and organizations to com- ment clearly keep other students retention services. By Angela Marino Zonobi, a transportation solutions manager. munity needs, using available from having an opportunity for Phillips said some students Staff Writer “Th ere is new negotiation of the Eco Pass resources. higher education,” said Veril would not be permitted to enroll working with Amtrak,” he said. “We are in the “It enables our students to Phillips, vice president for stu- themselves in classes, “but will ore students are using their Santa Clara works to give a 20 percent discount to SJSU help in a myriad of ways,” Fallon dent aff airs, in a June e-mail to be required to have an adviser MValley Transportation Authority passes, students.” said. “Th ere is a genuine need to faculty and staff . “We are turn- from the advising and retention according to the Fall 2008 SJSU Student Com- Th e Eco Pass saves students money but also be involved in helping the great- ing away a signifi cant number center register them with input mute Survey Report. can help improve the environment, according to er community.” of well-qualifi ed applicants for from major advisers when ap- Th e commute survey states that ridership has the commute survey. Fallon said he expects to have admission.” propriate.” increased 4.9 percent since Fall 2007. “Th e environmental benefi t for using an Eco more than 35 nonprofi t organi- Dennis Jaehne, associate vice Th ough for some students, Some benefi ts for students include new dis- Pass is to reduce your carbon footprint,” Zonobi zations including AmeriCorps, president for undergraduate such as Reena Vandra, a senior counts with major transportation companies, said. “Also you save money.” Sacred Heart Community Ser- studies, said the California State biology major who said she is according to the transportation solutions Web “I use the Eco Pass everyday, the pass is easy vice and “Veggielution” for this University system is turning crossing her fi ngers and hoping site. to use,” said Lidya Lidya, a senior graphic design year’s event. Fallon said the eco- away 40,000 students next year. to graduate in an extra year and “Th is year Transportation Solutions has major. ”You don’t have to have cash and don’t nomic crisis and budget cuts In order to make sure the uni- a half, the university intruding signed a contract with Altamont Commuter have to fi nd parking.” have aff ected the organizations versity and its students operate Express to give a 50 percent discount to stu- effi ciently, he said offi cials were See SENIORS, Page 8 dents and employees at SJSU,” said Eyedin See VTA, Page 2 See SERVICES, Page 2

Visit us @ 64 The Spartan Daily will not Video Two people came to class with H1N1 flu last be printing on the week. See how other students are preparing. following days: 83 News Blog Why you should be a nosey neighbor Don’t Google your favorite celebrity Sept. 7, 8 spartandailynews.wordpress Virgo Photo Blog Our next issue will be hit the stands F SATAT SUNUN M Wednesday, Sept. 9 77 76 75 78 Sports Blog 2[]NEWS Spartan Daily Thursday, September 3, 2009 Images anymore,” said Tiff any Rodri- Campus VTA guez, a sophomore business ma- From Page 1 jor. “I used it a lot during my fi rst semester, because it was conve- VTA passengers of buses and nient without the hassle of park- light rail are 29.8 percent of the ing — now I live near campus so, student population. About 44 I am able to walk to class.” percent of the students on campus Th e commute survey states use an alternate mode of transpor- that 38.4 percent of students tation, including buses, light rail, drive alone to campus, includ- Caltrain, ACE, bikes, etc. ing driving to a Park and Ride. According to the VTA Web Th e percentage has decreased site, fees for riding public trans- compared to Fall 2005, when 52 portation will increase on Oct. 1, percent of students were driving 2009. to campus alone, according to “Th e ridership for VTA has the survey. decreased outside of the SJSU Th e commute survey for Fall students — SJSU is the second 2009 is currently being pro- largest purchaser for VTA in cessed. Santa Clara County,” said Sarah Th e Transportation Solutions Bronstein, Associated Students Web site states that the Eco Pass director of community and en- is valid on VTA buses, VTA Light vironmental aff airs. “VTA is not Rail and AC Transit buses. Th e seeing a student perspective in Eco Pass is not valid on ACE, the fee increase.” Amtrak, BART, Caltrain, High- [ Chad Ziemendorf / Spartan Daily ] “Th e fee increase would way 17 Express, Dumbarton Three of the SJSU Society of Automotive Engineers members sit with their formula cars during the fi rst week of cost the Associated Students Express and Monterey-Salinas fall semester in an effort to promote Spartan Racing and SAE in general. Mechanical engineering majors David $180,000 more to cover the Eco Transit. Voth (in car), Silvo Perez (center) and Joey Penniman (right) will take part in the Club Auto Sport “Uncorked” event Pass campus wide,” Bronstein “We encourage students to on September 12 – 13 at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. said. “Th e VTA fee increase is use the Eco Pass — it is already determined by the population part of their fees,” Bronstein said. are our greatest resource.” for students to help their com- commitment to the commu- on campus, not the students “Students should take advantage SERVICES In addition to Community munities.” nity,” Ramos said. “You’re trying who use the Eco Pass.” and save money. It is a win-win From Page 1 Connections, Martinez said the Jeanette Ramos, a student to do something for the better- “I don’t use the Eco Pass much situation for everybody.” Cesar E. Chavez Community administrative assistant for the ment of people.” attending the fair. Action Center will be doing two Community Center for Learn- Ramos said both events will “It’s a small factor, but it community projects for Service ing and Leadership and the per- bring more people together. has impacted us,” Fallon said. Day on Sept. 11: bridge painting son running Community Con- “If we look at history, great “It’ll be interesting to see what and cleaning restoration, and La nections this year, said this is a tragedies unite people,” she said. the response is to Community Mesa Verde — a beautifi cation good time for students to get “It inspires people to do some- Connections.” project cosponsored by Sacred involved with the community. thing more.” Maribel Martinez, program Heart Community Service to “I think it’s important that Martinez said she agreed. coordinator for the Cesar E. build raised-bed gardens in local students have an opportunity “(Th is) is to get students ex- Chavez Community Action neighborhoods. to meet community organiza- cited and motivated,” she said. Center, said she remains positive “Planting these gardens will tions,” she said. “It opens up the “It’s to continue to strengthen despite the eff ects of the crisis hopefully reach out to commu- options to see what other stuff the relationship with the com- and budgets cuts. nity building,” Martinez said. they can do.” munity in general.” “Th e students have some- Fallon said the two events Ramos, who has been involved “Some are doing it for vol- thing to contribute and make will benefi t each other. with Community Connections unteer work and some are do- positive changes in the com- “It’s a nice juxtaposition in 2007 and 2008, said she has ing it for a class,” Ramos said. munity,” she said. “We need to and one will reinforce the oth- always stayed connected. “It’s going to be a great experi- come together and we ourselves er,” he said. “Th is is a good call “I really believe in a goal, a ence for them.”

[ Chad Ziemendorf / Spartan Daily ] Wu spends summer in Foreign Service Andrew Caine, a SJSU junior business marketing major, waits for the VTA light rail train as it approaches the Paseo By Jill Abell top secret clearance,” according to de San Antonio platform in downtown San Jose. Staff Writer the Department of State Web Site. Applicants must meet all dead- After watching Colin Powell lines, they must be at the junior or speak to a crowd at the Special Li- senior level in college, they must brarian Association Conference in pass a background check and fi nally Washington D.C, Ryan Wu got interview with an agent, Wu said. to talk face to face with the retired According to an e-mail from four-star general. Christensen, Wu found, applied Ryan Wu, a senior global stud- and completed the internship with ies major, was the fi rst SJSU stu- the Department of State on his dent to participate in an internship own. with the Department of State in Wu said there were some diffi - the Foreign Service Institute. culties during the internship. Although he could not divulge “It’s not always easy to work for the details of his internship proj- the government,” Wu said. “You ects, Wu said that he tutored dip- have to follow a step by step pro- lomats and Foreign Service offi cers cedure even though it will take you in two diff erent languages. much longer and costly to com- During his internship, Wu said plete even a simple task. Expecta- he had the opportunity to meet tions are set very high.” with Powell. “I never had a typical day. It “I spoke with him and took was always depending on who you photos,” Wu said. “I told him who encounter or who you are working I work for. He said, ‘Th ank you’ for with,” Wu said. your service, shook my hand and Cox said that he has known Wu gave me a one hand hug.” for three years. “I had a chance to go to the VIP “I think what really makes him reception right after his keynote re- stand out as a student is that he’s re- mark — I didn’t have an invite to ally smart and that he speaks mul- go in but he got us in.” tiple languages,” Cox said. Wu said he was overwhelmed “Ryan is a motivated student that when he met Colin Powell and was has many connections all around taken aback by the experience. the United States,” said Nick Gal- “Ivy league schools mostly par- lucci. an electrical engineer major. ticipated in the internship,” said Wu said he came back from the Chris Cox, professor of global internship with invaluable contacts studies and sociology. “He was able and as a result, with a diff erent po- to represent for San Jose State. Not sition as the foreign aff airs campus just privileged kids from Yale that coordinator with the Department get to participate. He was able to of State for 2009-10. do that and also to hold his own,” Wu said that out of the forty in- [ Photo courtesy of Ryan Wu ] Cox said. terns who received the title, he was Ryan Wu stands in front of the U.S. Capitol Building. Terry Christensen, a political one of the two from California. science professor, confi rmed in an e-mail that Wu is the fi rst SJSU student to get an internship with the Department of State. Wu applied for the internship last summer. He said the applica- tion process was lengthy. Wu said more than 700 other students across the country applied for the internship. Approximately 100 to 200 students were accepted into the program. Half of those students were assigned to U.S. em- bassies around the world. “U.S. citizenship and good aca- demic standing are required, along with the successful completion of a background investigation and the ability to receive either a secret or Thursday, September 3, 2009 Spartan Daily []NEWS 3 Campus Voices How are you preparing for the H1N1 virus? Feature and Photos By Leonard Lai

Aaron Gravelle Alex Calerdine David Silva Senior, Business Management Junior, Liberal Studies Sophomore, Graphic Design

I was actually at a bachelor party about a month ago, and every- I work at the bookstore, and we have to wash our hands every So few people die from it — I think it’s blown out of one on the trip contracted the swine fl u. 10 minutes, and avoid touching our eyes or face. proportion.

Brittany Tran Alexander Lu Caroline Calderon Freshman, Child and Adolescent Development Senior, Computer Engineering Freshman, Nursing

Well, my mom is a nurse, and she tells me to get a fl u shot. I don’t go to places with a lot of people — try to avoid really I’m not concerned about it. I never really took the time to think large crowds. about it.

New industrial and technology concentrations are green and mobile

[ Chad Ziemendorf / Spartan Daily ] David Pereira, a junior industrial manufacturing major, saws a piece of metal during technology Professor Samuel Obi’s class in SJSU’s Industrial Studies building Wednesday afternoon. By Suzanne Yada courses have been revamped, Bates said. required to complete it, Bates said. Staff Writer Samuel Obi, a professor in the manufac- Mobile technology turing systems concentration, said he teaches For students interested in wireless technol- Two new concentrations that refl ect chang- students how to think green when choosing ogy, the industrial technology degree now of- ing times were added to the industrial tech- materials to develop products. fers a computer electronics and network tech- nology degree this semester, said Seth Bates, “It can be biodegradable, it can be recy- nology concentration, Bates said. department chair of aviation and technology. clable, it can be reusable,” he said. “Th ere are Technology Professor Julio Garcia helped One new concentration focuses on green many ways to make something environmen- develop the program, which was previously product design, and the other focuses on mo- tally friendly.” named electronics and computer technology, bile technology, Bates said. Bates said it’s the fi rst degree concentration Garcia said. Brandon Pratt, a senior who switched on campus completely reworked to address One of the major changes is the addition to the new sustainable manufacturing and green and sustainability issues. of electives so students can choose their own green product design concentration, said the “It used to be the word ‘green’ was always specialization, he said. change will make him more marketable to associated with the term ‘environmental,’ and Joyce Doctor, who switched to the new employers. the world was divided into tree-huggers and concentration, said that much of her course- “Green is the new thing,” he said. “You conservatives,” Bates said. “Th at division has work remains similar to her previous courses have to go green or else you won’t be up with mostly disappeared.” but with an added emphasis on networks. She the times.” An advisory board and a group of eight stu- said the program still provides a solid begin- Joyce Doctor, a senior in the computer dents from a variety of backgrounds worked ning for students. electronics and network technology concen- to develop the new program over two years, “Tech changes every day,” she said. “But it tration, said it was good that SJSU is updating Bates said. (the program) does give you a good founda- the curriculum to address mobile technology. Th e team of students started working on tion for what you have to do. Th e rest you “Everything is going wireless now,” she the project in Spring 2007 and researched have to learn on the job.” said. “Whether I do it at work or at home, how other schools have taught sustainability, Garcia said his revamped program prepares everyone is going to work with wireless at Bates said. students for the future. one point.” Th e team’s input was used directly into the “Based on my experience, and I’ve been Manufacturing goes green new curriculum, along with input from the teaching for over 25 years, this is quite inter- Th e manufacturing systems concentration industry, he said. esting, challenging, and it will prepare who- has the same offi cial title as previous semesters, Th e program itself was designed to be ever takes this program for anything in life,” but new courses have been added and existing more effi cient — there are six less units he said. 4 A & E [] Spartan Daily Thursday, September 3, 2009 Restaurant of the Week: Henry’s World Famous Hi-Life CD Review: “New Again” Taste the hi-life of Henry’s barbecue Hating ’s new sound

By Jill Abell Staff Writer

Consisting of 11 nearly iden- tical songs, Taking Back Sunday’s , “New Again,” might as well have been a 38-min- ute track titled, “We Don’t like Variety.” With a few exceptions, the breaks between the tracks are the only warning that a “diff erent” song will begin. If the title track “New Again” was intended to be the frame of the entire album, it would ap- pear that the listener was in for a [ My Nguyen / Spartan Daily ] thin slice of formulaic punk-rock Henry’s World Famous Hi-life is located at 301 West St. John near downtown San Jose. with lyrics that don’t beg to be heard twice. By My Nguyen came out in thick slices and was drenched in garlic Th e formula is: contradictory Staff Writer and butter — I could feel my arteries clogging up. lyrics, literally line-to-line non- Th e barbecue sauce was smoky and spicy with a tangy sense, along with an unnecessary Vegetarians, be warned — this article is dripping citrus aftertaste. use of repetition. of red, juicy, meaty goodness. I could have made a meal out of the A perfect example of nonsense Henry’s World Famous Hi-Life is located in bread and sauce alone. Th at would have been lyrics are from the track “Summer, downtown San Jose and has been serving it up since easier on my wallet. Man” that state: “Technicolored 1960. My order of baby back ribs came with a large kind of black and white type / Featured on the Travel Channel’s “Man v. Food,” baked potato, smothered in seasoned butter and Counting one to seven through Henry’s specializes in steaks, ribs, chicken and pork chives. I’m not a baked potato fan. I like my potato the roof.” [Photo courtesy of Taking Back Sunday official Web site ] chops, but is most famous for its baby back ribs. fried, mashed, or hashed, but I ate the entire potato, More cryptic lyrics that repeat Taking Back Sunday released its CD “New Again” on June 2. Th e building is bright red and resembles an old- skin and all. throughout the song “Swing” are: fashioned barn with neon signs and lights. If a night My meal also came with a typical salad with dress- “Lover, lover, on the fence / Bat lowing track “Lonely, Lonely” is in version, “Swing.” Th is track mir- club and a barn married and had kids, Henry’s would ing. I’m not a fresh produce kind of person — give your eyes, ball a fi st / And sing no way vague. Th ere is no need to rors the All American Rejects ver- be the off spring. me a slab of meat, and I’m one happy carnivore. (swing) swing (swing) / Before listen through the entire song to sion with the ability to disregard According to its Web site, the restaurant is an Th e ribs were juicy and tender. Th e meat literally you leave.” fi gure out that Taking Back Sun- the English language. Unlike the “example of a neighborhood of working men and fell off the bones and melted in my mouth. Th e ribs Pair titles such as, “Cut me day is feeling lonely. All American Rejects version, this their families who immigrated to San Jose from were grilled in a brick barbecue, which intensifi ed Up”, “Catholic Knees” and Th e proceeding only gets worse song is a swing and a miss. Europe.” Th e bar area looks like a Wild West sa- the authentic smoky fl avor. “Where my Mouth is” with skilled with their song “Capital M-E.” If “New Again” is literally the loon with its wood bars and geezers packed onto Th e food was defi nitely plentiful and hearty — it instrumentals and you get the Lyrics include: “Th e vanities fell band’s new sound or style, I want the stools. better be considering the price. I had a lot of left- punk-rock experience familiar to correctly beneath / Th e receding the old style back. I wouldn’t be surprise to hear someone yell out overs, as everyone else did. any fan. part of his twenties was capital Granted, I am unfamiliar with “howdy.” Th e only way I could tell that this place Th e atmosphere and people at Henry’s alone will “” is the featured M-E.” I guess “Capital M-E” rep- other works by Taking Back Sun- was in the 20th century was the San Jose Sharks, bring you back but if they don’t, the food will. Th e song on the album cover. It would resents a father fi gure and seems day, but I feel Blink-182 selected SJSU Spartans and signs plas- price is a bit hefty — you’ll get a half rack of baby be perfect for the “Twilight,” vam- like another case of daddy issues. the band as an opener under a tered on the walls. back ribs for $14.50. pire-fanatic audience, with lyrics Similiar to the All American ruse, possibly to induce punk-rock Th e servers were very friendly and effi cient. My Th e restaurant was clean and well maintained, such as, “You’re all I see / Sink into Rejects, the band has the ability to chaos that can only be put back to water glass was always fi lled and the servers stopped but the parking was limited. I wouldn’t recommend me / Sharpen your teeth.” Th e whine about practically any topic. order by a world class, headlining, by often to ask how everything was. parking on the streets, because my car got sideswiped introduction demands attention, Taking Back Sunday attempt- punk-rock band. Ordering was a bit odd. I ordered off a menu on the when I did — at least I had a good meal. and the track seems to promise a ed to cash in on a song by the All Taking Back Sunday, feel free wall and was seated after I received my food. Th ere’s Don’t be skeptical about the appearance — I’ve continuum of ear-catching songs. American Rejects called, “Swing, to “take back” this album. I want not a lot of choose from, but everything was done always found that seemingly odd places are always Unfortunately, the rest of the Swing.” Th e band chopped off my 38 minutes back. I’ll use my exceptionally well. Th e soft, warm and crusty bread the best for good food. Henry’s is no exception. album does not deliver. Th e fol- one “swing” to create its bland Sunday to rest my bleeding ears. Hungry for more?

Best barbecue in San Jose:

Texas Smokehouse BBQ 1091 S. Capitol Ave.

Sam’s Bar-B-Que 1110 S. Bascom Ave.

Jon-Jon’s 1305 Oakland Road

Malibu Grill & B-B-Q 5735 Camden

Blue Rock BBQ 3001 Meridian Ave.

According to reviews from the Web site Yelp.

TICKETS AVAILABLE AT EVENT CENTER BOX OFFICE 408.924.6333 OR TICKETMASTER.COM SAN JOSÉ STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT UNION, INC. WWW.UNION.SJSU.EDU Thursday, September 3, 2009 Spartan Daily SPORTS [] 5 Spartans prepare for battle against Trojans By Ryan Buchan Senior Staff Writer blood. Th ey have committed a lot knee injury, but he has returned. of time and energy to help develop He is bigger, faster, stronger and Th e Spartans face their biggest this program.” more elusive than ever.” challenge of the season in their Starting defensive tackle Kal- At , Tomey will fi rst game, heading to Los Ange- vin Cressel said he expects to cre- play multiple players for the fi rst les to play the No. 4 ranked USC ate a lot of pressure for the Trojans game like he did last year. Trojans on Saturday. freshman quarterback. “We don’t scrimmage enough “We are not interested in lose “Last year when we are at Ne- in the off season to have the bap- or draw right now,” said Spartans braska … we had a lot of pres- tism of fi re to take place signifi - head coach Dick Tomey. “We are sure on the quarterback,” Cressel cantly enough to determine this interested in winning. We’re in- said. “You can see that, just sitting guy is the best,” Tomey said. “And terested in fi nding out about our- in the pocket for a while, he was so we are going to let competition selves … so we can solve whatever scared and a little jumpy, because determine that. By the time we get issues we have.” he knew we were coming fast, and into conference we want to have a USC fi nished in the top fi ve that is how we are going to make number-one quarterback.” in the AP Coaches’ Poll every year feel.” Tomey said senior Kyle Reed since 2002. On the other side of the ball, and junior Jordan La Secla will “We are talking about the team the Spartans look to improve from split time during the game at the that is the deepest and most tal- last year’s off ense, which ranked quarterback position. Tomey did ented in ,” Tomey 112th out of 119 teams in total not say who would start. said. “We’re not talking about off ense. Cressel said this off season he some outfi t that has trouble in “I think we have more weapons has seen a lot of teammates work taking their scholarships.” this year,” Tomey said. “We have harder than previous years. Th is year the Trojans will have more weapons up front, we have “Th ere were more people try- a diff erent look after losing eight an experienced group of receivers, ing to come by and come down players on defense to the NFL and and we have a couple of new guys and work harder,” Cressel said. starting a true freshman at quar- “Most people say it is because who Junior Lamon Muldrow gains a few extra yards while carrying a pile of defenders during a terback, said Trojans head coach “I think we have a chance we are playing. I think it’s just we practice. Muldrow, who transferred from Sierra College, was rated as a four-out-of-fi ve star . to go out there and shock the want to be good. recruit by the Web site Rivals, a site that rates collegiate players. He said sophomore quarter- world.” “I think it is more on how we back Aaron Corp sustained an Kalvin Cressel fi nished the season last year — we injury during camp, and freshman Defensive tackle defi nitely took that to heart and quarterback Matt Barkley handled we defi nitely worked on that and the pressure “beyond the expecta- that are pretty good. Th e running we had more people fi nish this tions for fi rst-time quarterback.” back position is the deepest we summer than we had.” Tomey said he still expects the have had.” Cressel said he thinks the hard Trojans to fi eld a very talented Only four football bowl sub- work in the off season can pay off team, even with the changes. division teams averaged less rush- in the form of an upset. “Th ey do the same thing,” ing yards per game than SJSU last “To them it’s another game, Tomey said. “It may be diff er- season. but for us it’s like our Super Bowl,” ent people, but they do the same Against USC, the Spartans will Cressel said. “And we also know thing.” have senior Patrick Perry, who that they have Ohio State the very Th e Spartans fi eld a veteran missed the last two seasons be- next game, and they probably are group, including an all-senior de- cause of a knee injury, taking most thinking about them. I think we fensive line. of the carries, Tomey said. have a chance to go out there and “I think this is the right time “Pat Perry was our best down- shock the world.” Kevin Jurovich, who missed to play this game, because this is hill runner that we have ever had at Game Info most of the 2008 season the biggest group of seniors we San Jose State,” Tomey said. “We Time: Saturday at 12:30 [ Photos by Joe Proudman / Spartan Daily ] because of mononucleo- have had,” Tomey said. “Th ese had no idea that he would return, TV: Comcast Sports Net sis, breaks a tackle during guys have spilled a lot of Spartan because he suff ered such a serious Radio: KLIV 1590 AM Sophomore running back Brandon Rutley, No. 15, throws practice. Jurovich led the a stiff arm during practice. Rutley led the team in kickoff Spartans in receptions and return yards last season and was also second in rushing. receiving yards in 2007. 6[]SPORTS Spartan Daily Thursday, September 3, 2009 Prediction – just short of the playoffs Sports Commentary Th e 49ers off ensive line has receiver and 10th overall pick Mi- Defensive end Justin Smith injury, the 49ers have a hole at been in disarray for years now, par- chael Crabtree is still not signed. will continue to demand double cornerback. 49ers Schedule By Joey Akeley Sports Editor ticularly last season when they al- Expect wide receiver Josh Mor- teams by opposing players. He Th e 49ers signed veteran Dre lowed more sacks than any team. gan and tight end was second on the team in sacks a Bly to fi ll the void, but he is coming 09/13 @ Arizona After fi nishing with four wins Starting left tackle Joe Staley to step up and make plays in the off an awful season in Denver. 09/20 vs. Seattle in fi ve games to end last year’s was one of the worst off ensive passing game this season. Th e free safety position 09/27 @ Minnesota 7-9 season, the feeling among tackles last year in terms of sacks Th e defense was in- lacks play-making abil- 10/04 vs. St. Louis San Francisco 49ers fans is that allowed. strumental in the ity. Th e combina- 10/11 vs. Atlanta this is the year the team can make Th e retirement of right tackle 49ers 4-1 fi nish last tion of Mark Ro- 10/25 @ Houston the jump to NFC West Division Marvel Smith makes this off ensive season, allowing man and Dashon 11/01 @ Indianapolis Champions. line very young and thin. Adam just over 16 points Goldson has only 11/08 vs. Tennessee Yet, with so many question Snyder has the talent to fi ll the per game in that one 11/15 vs. Chicago marks on the off ensive line and in void at right tackle, but he lacks span. San Francis- in the last three 11/22 @ Green Bay the defensive backfi eld, expect an- experience. co’s heart and soul is seasons. 11/29 vs. Jacksonville other 49ers season ending too soon. Frank Gore leads a rushing at- middle linebacker Pat- What does it all 12/06 @ Seattle Th e off ense is led by Shaun tack that has been mediocre since rick Willis. mean? Th e 49ers aren’t 12/14 vs. Arizona Hill, who was announced as the the retirement of Larry Allen in Over the last two seasons, far away from being a playoff 12/20 @ Philadelphia team’s starting quarterback after 2006. Gore has rushed for more Willis has led the league in solo team. Th ey have a solid front seven 12/27 vs. Detroit the 49ers preseason victory over than 1,000 yards in three con- tackles and total tackles. Joined [ Courtesy of ] on defense, a great running back 01/03 @ St. Louis the Oakland Raiders. secutive seasons, and it has been by veteran Takeo Spikes, pass rush and an improving off ensive line. Hill went 7-3 as the starting reported that he expects a big year specialist Parys Haralson and ris- season ago with seven. But, you can expect Shaun Hill quarterback for the 49ers over the under run-heavy off ensive coordi- ing star , the line- Th e defensive problem is the to have some bumps in the road, line of defense scares me. last two seasons, far and away the nator Jimmy Raye. backer corps has a chance to be secondary. With Walt Harris out and the thought of Mark Roman An 8-8 season sounds about best record of any 49ers start. It won’t help Hill that wide one of the best in the league. for the year after a training camp or Dashon Goldson being the last right to me. Raiders continue losing tradition in 2009 Sports Commentary age, then why can’t the Raiders? is the strength of this team, but in the box every play, but the Let me tell you why they can’t. that is only because the defense is Raiders would be handing the ball It’s hard to single in on one so bad. to the other team if they try to run By Adam Murphy area that makes the Raiders so Run defense is a phrase unfa- play action or throw consistently. Sports Editor consistently bad. miliar to Al Davis. Other teams Russell doesn’t have any weap- A combined 24 wins the past run at will against the Raiders. ons to throw at. His arm is freak- Th e Oakland Raiders are the fi ve seasons gives a good indica- According to the NFL Web ishly strong, but he hasn’t shown Nicole Richies of the NFL. Th ey tion of just how bad this team has site, the Raiders allowed the sec- the fi nesse or accuracy needed to are pure trash. been for half a decade. ond most yards on the ground last be a top passer in the NFL. But if a trashy socialite like Ni- An average team, going 8-8, season — 159.7 yards per game. Th e Raiders can run, but they cole Richie can clean up her im- would take three years to get to Running the ball against the can’t stop the run. Th ey can’t pass, 24 wins. Head coach Tom Cable Raiders makes sense not just be- but they can stop the pass. Raiders Schedule allegedly attacked assistant coach cause they can’t stop the run, but If the Raiders somehow man- Randy Hanson, tarnishing the also because the Raiders second- age to get a lead, they can hold 09/14 vs. San Diego Raiders name to a level previously ary is one of the better units in the onto it, limiting any aerial damage 09/20 @ Kansas City thought unreachable. league. and burning through the clock. 09/27 vs. Denver It seems as if every year the Th e Raiders saving grace is the If the Raiders get behind early, 10/04 @ Houston Raiders sign middle of the road run game. Th ree studs are capable which happens more often than 10/11 @ New York Giants players to lavish contracts, only to of breaking the game open at any not, they are going to have a hard 10/18 vs. Philadelphia release them later. time. time coming back. 10/25 vs. New York Jets Th e blame rests on the droop- Justin Fargas is the starter, and Two of the best Raiders are 11/01 @ San Diego ing shoulders of one man, and one he may be the least talented of the their kickers, place kicker Sebas- 11/15 vs. Kansas City man only. three. What Fargas doesn’t have in tian Janikowski and punter Shane [ Courtesy of ] 11/22 vs. Cincinnati Owner Al Davis is pushing skill or athleticism he makes up Lechler. 11/26 @ Dallas 80-years-old, and it appears that for his heart and toughness. Lechler has the highest career 12/06 @ Pittsburgh he lost any sensibility quite some Darren McFadden and Mi- punting average in history of the practice to become what he is and Shane Lechler will again have 12/13 vs. Washington time ago. chael Bush are number two and NFL at 46.8 yards, according to today. a career year. 12/20 @ Denver Davis has bungled free agent three on the depth chart respec- the ESPN Web site. He will most likely get plenty Th e black and silver will go 12/27 @ Cleveland signings and draft picks almost tively, but both could take starting Lechler has benefi tted from of kicks next year as well. Th e 4-12 in the 2009 football season 01/03 vs. Baltimore as much as quarterback JaMarcus snaps for other teams. so many three-and-outs over the Raiders will continue being bot- and the rebuilding process will be Russell bungles a play. Th e off ense So teams may stack nine guys years, giving him the necessary tom dwellers in a weak AFC West started all over again. 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Thursday, September 3, 2009 Spartan Daily OPINION [] 7 Letter to the Editor Because I got high in Mexico I am an SJSU English student and I feel as if I’ve been exploited by the Spartan Bookstore, which, as we all know, is tion, rather a regulation issue, of Mexico’s test run and do the overpriced. Th ey have a program called “Double The Diff er- Scott Reyburn that gives citizens greater legal same in the United States. ence.” Taken from the yellow bookmark they attach all receipts certainty. A theory I’ve had all along is to, the program reads: “Buy your textbooks at the Spartan Grinds My Gears Is he serious? make everything legal and the Bookstore. If you fi nd the same book (same ISBN and edition) I’m sorry, but there is no gray “illegal” edgy factor of being a in the same condition (new or used) at any other Bay Area area when it comes to the posses- druggy wouldn’t stick. brick and mortar bookstore or at at a lower price sion of something illegal. Th ere could potentially be a within two weeks of purchase, return to Spartan Bookstore You know what really grinds Prosecutors said the new law If it’s legal, it’s legal. If it’s il- reduction in drug use. with your original receipt. After verifying the other store’s price my gears? would set clear limits, keeping legal, it’s illegal. I’m not here to write about and availability, we’ll refund you double the diff erence!” Having Mexico beat us to the Mexico’s corruption-prone po- Clear as day and night. whether there are health benefi ts Th is applies only to’s retail price, and not to punch to decriminalize small lice from shaking down casual Forget the H1N1 virus scare or risks involved with marijuana, Amazon partners or other online retailers. amounts of drugs. users and off er addicts free treat- in Mexico. cocaine or heroine use. Recently, I ordered a used book online for $45, which the I’m being sarcastic, if you ment. Its tourism is going to go up Spartan Bookstore sells for $105. I simply do the math, and haven’t noticed. Are police offi cers going to one thousand percent because of Might as well take a fi gure that the Spartan Bookstore owes me a diff erence of $10 Jay and Silent Bob, pack your bust out an expensive scale to this law. vacation to Mexico dollars; and doubled makes $20 smackers. bags, because your business will weigh cocaine? Students at San Diego State and get the trifecta: Th e cashier tells me that I need to buy the book for $94 be booming in Mexico. According to the article, any- University and the University of get shitfaced, high from Amazon to even be eligible for Double Th e Diff erence. Why, you ask, would our one caught with drug amounts California San Diego will expe- as a kite, and po- After, I asked to speak to management but was denied access, beloved drug dealing fi ctional under this new personal-use rience a drop in grades. tentially try to catch they were “too swamped” to handle a customer complaint. Th e characters created by Kevin limit will be encouraged to “seek Might as well take a vacation swine flu. cashier had me fi ll out a paper requesting the Double Th e Dif- Smith be moving their business treatment.” to Mexico and get the trifecta: ference. Th e school offi cials who are nickel-and-diming stu- to Mexico? Th ose caught after their third get shitfaced, high as a kite and dents are hiding behind “Employees Only” signs and throw- Well, because handing small time will be assigned mandatory potentially try to catch swine I’ll leave that for the experts ing us forms to sign, and more bills to pay. Th eir Double eTh amounts of drugs is no longer an treatment. fl u. to determine or another opinion Diff erence policy makes no sense and is not even stated on the arrestable off ense! Police will just walk down It might add to the high, who piece to assess. bookmark clearly. Hooray beer! the street and shout, “Get help, knows? All I’m here for is to tell pot Th e DTD scheme was created to boost buyer confi dence Th anks to my boy, the man crackhead!” Maybe throw in a donkey smokers out there, smoke on — in the bookstore’s price system. Th ey don’t expect students to from the Red Stripe commer- Th e crackhead would reply, show to boot. in Mexico. even do it, and for most students, the price diff erence to be cials, for the saying. “Go suck on some donkey nip- After reading the article, the doubled isn’t even worth the time and eff ort for the few dollars According to an Associated ple!” And the offi cer would pro- fi rst song that popped into my it produces. Press article, Mexico decrimi- ceed to kindly walk away. head was Afroman’s “Because I Scott Reyburn is the Spartan nalized small amounts of mari- Bernardo Espino del Castillo Got High,” and I proceeded to Daily online editor. “Grinds Sincerely, juana, cocaine and heroine on of the Mexican attorney gen- sing it in my head all day. My Gears” appears every Abel Vera Aug. 21. eral’s offi ce said it’s not legaliza- Maybe we should take cue other Thursday. ‘Man Jose’: An ideal place to fi nd men or just a nickname hoax? Santa Clara is just around the to many students who are from Stephanie Vallejo corner and has a close call per- diff erent cities, states and coun- centage of men with 50.7 per- tries. I’m pretty sure students’ cent, according to the same cen- families don’t report them as not Bird’s The Word sus data. living at home at the time of the Th ese cities were lucky enough census. not to have two parts to their For me, I prefer the OG ver- “All the single ladies, put your OK, I know that isn’t too name. Especially without having sion of San Jose. El Pueblo de hands up!” much of a diff erence, but it does a word that rhymes with man. San Jose de Guadalupe. Doesn’t I have good news for you. provide evidence why San Jose In a way, “Man Jose” is a de- that just roll off the tip of your Beyonce must have been talking was deemed “Man Jose.” rogatory name. Why point out tongue? about the women in San Jose — Does it make a diff erence? the high number of dudes walk- Despite the corny and some- or should I say “Man Jose.” Even though our city’s nick- ing our streets? what embarrassing moniker, I It’s true. name is backed up with testoster- I suppose the reason is because wouldn’t rely on a dating scene Th ere are more men in San one, it doesn’t necessarily mean if our pet name was based on an- just because some desperate guy Jose than women. According to there are enough men for women other high percentage of the city, came up with a plan to lure un- the U. S. Census Bureau Web — or enough men for men for it would be race. illustration by Evan Suarez suspecting women to San Jose. site, there are 929,936 people to- that matter. And no one wants to go that tal in San Jose and 50.8 percent Our neighboring cities have road. 47.5 percent reported to the cen- Next year “Man Jose” may be- of those are male. more men too, such as Mil- Although, if San Jose’s nick- sus as being white. come “Woman Jose” or “Pacifi c Stephanie Vallejo is the Now dust off your calculators pitas, with 52.6 percent men, name is based on the highest Of course, the most recent Islander Jose” or “Black Jose. “ Spartan Daily opinion editor. and do the math. Th at means according to the Bay Area Census percentage of one race, the name census was in 2000, because they Of course, “Man Jose” may be “Bird’s The Word” appears 49.2 percent are female. Web site. would be “White Jose,” because only conduct one every 10 years. factually incorrect. SJSU is home every Thursday. Finding time to exercise isn’t working out Clarifi cation in my closet, and then I’ve got to than doing the actual workouts? In her article titled, “Suck my budget,” Minh Pham Amber Simons stagger to the gym. We falsely believe they will be clarifi es that her comment regarding the “poorly perform- I have asthma, and by the more benefi cial, and we usually ing staff ” was directed only to those who are “nodding off Staff Writer time I’ve puff ed my inhaler and only use them in times of need, in their chairs and staring blankly into their computers.” walked to the gym, I feel like the such as before a vacation or a spe- She recognizes the hard work and service others continue workout should be completed. cial event. to provide. Forget about that Butts and Guts If you’re like me, the only time I probably should go to the ties? Well, not last — last is visit- class I was planning on. you actually go to workout is gym. Actually, I know I should ing the dentist. It’s so much easier for me to when your much-more-in-shape go to the gym. I mean that’s why Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy walk to 7-Eleven to get a dough- friend forces you to join this or I’m paying $38 a month for my working out once I’m there, it’s nut. I love doughnuts. her workout. And then you prac- Did you know ... gym membership, right? the getting to the gym that’s the What I don’t love is going to tically die doing it because you’re If you’re like me, this thought problem. the beach in a bikini looking like not fi t enough. seems to go through your mind a I love to eat doughnuts. My friend Amanda told me Kissing is a good facial exercise? few times a day — when you’re Why is it that we And when I’m eating my to go with her to her gym for a driving home, when you’re sit- think the quick-fixes doughnut while watching TV, step class. “It’s easy,” she said. Th e Smooching puts 29 facial mus- ting on the couch watching TV, are so much easier every other commercial is about beginning was easy — I guess — when you’re laying in bed and than doing the some quick fi x to get rid of body but after I felt like a blind hippo cles in motion and a one minute even when you’re eating. actual workouts? fat: wraps, pills, diets, home vid- balancing on a skateboard. My nutrition and fi tness pro- eos — the list is endless. Amanda looked graceful and french kiss can burn up to 26 fessor mentioned in class how I have to get dressed, which is I know you’ve seen them. in shape, and I just looked a mess. important it is to make time to quite upsetting, because I can’t fi t We’re on the same page. Talk about stepping on my ego. calories. get a good workout each day. into anything without the bulge I want to pick up my phone Th en I became depressed, and I’m pretty sure you’re sup- I hate hanging over my pants or and buy everything. It’s so much I wanted a doughnut — the vi- posed to get about 20 minutes a my thighs rubbing together in easier to do than practically cious cycle repeats. day, or something like that. my gym shorts. crawling to my gym. So why is it that working out Th en I have to worry about Why is it that we think the Amber Simons is a Spartan is always last on my list of priori- fi nding my buried tennis shoes quick-fi xes are so much easier Daily staff writer.

Spartan Daily Senior Staff Writers Advertising Staff Jan Shaw, News Letters to the editor must contain San Jose State University Ryan Buchan, Chris Curry , Elisha Mal- Joreen Bones, Leslie Chan, Vanessa Diaz , Kim Komenich, Photojournalism the author’sthorshorsorsrs name,naname,, aadaddaddress, phone San Jose, CA 95192-0149 donado, Tommy Wright, Jon Xavier Amy Donecho, Julie Hock, Joanna Jack- Tim Hendrick, Advertising number,ber,err, ssignaturegnaat re andndd majomajmamajor. Let- son, Jennifer Jenkins, Amy Kim, Shirlene Tim Burke, Production Chief ters becomecomcomeme prpropertyropperty of ththehee SpSpaSpartan Senior Editorial Staff Staff Writers Kwan, Jenny Ngo, Angel Perez, Joanna Lin, Tim Mitchell, Design Daily andd may bbe editedediteditedted forfor cclariclarity,larari Hank Drew, Executive Editor Jill Abell, Regina Aquino, Ben Cadena, Alison Reid, Annelie Stanley, Kathy Tran, Pat Wallraven, Business Manager grammar,ar, libel anandndd llelenlength.eneengthth. Only Julianne Shapiro, Managing Editor Dominique Dumadaug, Ryan Fernandez, James Yang letters of 300 wwordsd oror lessess will bee Mike Anderson, Multimedia Editor Jennifer Hadley, Alicia Johnson, Leonard Distribution consideredsidered forfo ppublication.catcaation Scott Reyburn, Online Editor Lai, Jhenene Louis, Angela Marino, Staff Photographers Piyush Bansal, Gurdip Chera PublishePublishedhedd opinopopinionsninioioononss andd adveradver-r- Stephanie Vallejo, Op/Ed Editor My Nguyen, Samantha Rivera, Amber Kirsten Aguilar, Dave Cabebe, Michelle tisementsementsm doo not nnecessarilyeec ilylyy reflfle ecect Adam Murphy, Sports Editor Simons, Kyle Szymanski, Husain Sumra, Gachet, Krustophie Uepitfa, Chad Opinion Page Policy theevi viewsiews of thee SparSpartaSpartan Daily,ailylyy, tthe Joey Akeley, Sports Editor Suzanne Yada Ziemendorf Letters to the editor may be placed SSchoolooloo of JournalismJour m and MMass Minh Pham, A & E Editor in the letters to the editor box in the CCoCommunicationmmmmunicationmunim on or SJSU.U. Th e Allie Figures, Features Editor Senior Advertising Staff Illustrators Spartan Daily offi ce in Dwight Bentel SpartanSSpppaparrtrtanan Dailyaily is a pubpupublic forum.forumorruum Elizabeth Kang, Copy Editor Samantha Inouye, Advertising Director Jenni Curtice, Carl Evans, Evan Suarez Hall, Room 209, sent by fax to (408) Sarah Kyo, Copy Editor Susana de Sousa, Asst. Advertising 924-3282, e-mailed to spartandaily@ Angelo Lanham, Copy Editor Director Advisers or mailed to the Spartan Joe Proudman, Photo Editor Vanessa Abiva, Creative Director Richard Craig, News Daily Opinion Editor, San Jose State Mauricio Garcia, Production Editor Leslie Ruckman, Asst. Creative Director Mack Lundstrom, News University, San Jose, CA 95192-0149.49.9. Rachel Peterson, Production Editor 8 NEWS [] Spartan Daily Thursday, September 3, 2009

WORK STUDY Today Tomorrow Wednesday 9 Thursday 10 Friday 11 From Page 1 Fall Welcome Days 2009: Fall Welcome Days 2009: Center for Community Brown Bag Lunch with Adventure Race 2009: ing allows,” said Mary Lewis, African-American New College of Engineering Learning and Leadership Dick Tomey from 12:30 Pillage and Plunder Each human resource manager of the Student Welcome Recep- New Student Welcome from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at p.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Stu- team will be faced with Student Union. tion from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Reception from 10 a.m. the Seventh Street plaza. For dent Union Amphitheater. diff erent physical challenges Lewis said the Student Union at the Student Union Ball- to 2 p.m. at the Student more information, contact Participate in the question and brain puzzles through- is considered an “off -campus” site room. For more informa- Union Ballroom. For more Jeanette and answer session with out the SJSU campus. Th is for fi nancial aid funds. tion, contact Hyon Baker information, contact Xuan at [email protected]. football coach Dick Tomey. event is free for student

Because of this the Student Guide at [email protected]. Francis at (408) 924-3978. Coach Tomey will preview teams of four and $20 for Union will not receive its funds Time Management at the upcoming home opener faculty and staff teams. until all other on-campus de- Fall Welcome Days 2009: 3 p.m. in Clark 118. For against Utah. For more in- Team leaders should visit partments receive their funding, Building BB Open House more information, contact formation, contact Lisa Vlay the second fl oor of Building Lewis said. from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Veronica Mendoza at [email protected]. BB before Sept. 8 to sign up Lewis said the Student Union Building BB. For more in- at veronica.mendoza@sjsu. their group. For more infor- employs about 40 work-study stu- formation, contact Maribel edu. mation, visit, dents each year. Martinez at (408) 924-4143. contact 408-924-6218.

Th e events department cannot Sparta hire work-study students because it operates as a for-profi t enter- prise, which goes against the poli- cies of the Financial Aid Offi ce, she said. Lewis said the Student Union off ers highly desirable jobs — students could work at the bowl- ing alley and an arcade to attract people. “We like students,” Lewis said. “Th ey are able-bodied people who are willing to work, and we want to put them to work.” “Without them there would only be 28 nonstudent employees, and it would be diffi cult to man- age the Student Union with only 28 of us.” Th e delayed funds do not seem to aff ect one student who is already in the program. “I don’t get paid more even if there is additional money to the program, everything is still the same to me,” said Martaleah Jackson, a senior biology major who works at the A.S. Com- puter Center. “Th e reason I like this program is because it’s close to my classes, and because I can walk to them.” Sophomore Emerald Green, a prenursing major who works at the on-campus Burger King, said she was going to be in the work- study program, but didn’t end up applying. “My boss originally told me that I should go get a slip signed, but somewhere along the way I lost it, and I didn’t bother to go back to look for it,” she said. Green said she didn’t seem to mind. “It’s better for me this way,” she said. “I would rather get paid ev- ery two weeks, instead of monthly from being in work-study.”

SENIORS From Page 1 on her educational journey suits her just fi ne. “I think it is great,” that the university will step in to help se- niors complete their education, Vandra said. Particularly because she said she thinks it is so dif- fi cult to choose the right classes that will count. “It’s hard trying to get into the classes I need, especially in the classes I am repeating,” she said. “ It’s good they are trying to do something about it, and try- ing to help.” Michael Espero, a senior global studies major entering his fourth and fi nal year at SJSU, said he can entertain both the student’s and the university’s points of view. “I suppose it should be up to students to make decisions to guide their education,” he said. “At the same time, I see they are trying to get students out of school, and perhaps the extra guidance is what they need.”

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