H2242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2019 military, I believe the need is clear and BACKGROUND CHECK BILL GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION pressing, the law supports immediate (Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Penn- (Ms. SCHAKOWSKY asked and was action, and ample funding exists to ad- sylvania asked and was given permis- given permission to address the House dress this crisis. sion to address the House for 1 minute.) for 1 minute.) f Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I vania. Mr. Speaker, more than 500 am so proud to stand here today as we b 1215 Pennsylvanians are murdered with work to pass gun violence prevention legislation. BACKGROUND CHECKS WORK guns each year, causing untold suf- fering and tearing our communities I would like to share a letter from a (Mrs. DAVIS of California asked and apart. Pennsylvanians are crying out fifth grader constituent of mine, Alex, was given permission to address the for commonsense legislation to stop from Northfield, Illinois, that perfectly House for 1 minute.) the bloodshed, legislation like H.R. 8, explains why we must pass H.R. 8 and Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speak- the bill before us today. H.R. 1112. Alex writes: ‘‘I don’t want to see in- er, today is a momentous day, one that Now, nobody thinks that universal nocent people dying for no reason. I makes me proud of this Chamber. After background checks would eliminate want all children to feel safe at school. years of inaction, Congress is moving gun violence, but the facts suggest that I want all adults to feel safe at work. I to address our country’s gun violence they would reduce it. want all people to feel safe in their problem. In 2017, the Pennsylvania State Po- city. I think stronger gun laws will We have seen some of the worst mass lice ran over a million background help and also make sure that everyone shootings in our Nation’s history in checks on would-be gun purchasers. that buys a gun has to have a thorough just the past few years. Las Vegas, The vast majority of purchases were background check.’’ Thousand Oaks, Sutherland Springs, approved within a few minutes. But Parkland, Sandy Hook—these are only Well, Alex, you are absolutely right, 13,000 were stopped, and the back- and we are about to finally ensure that a few of the names that recently ground checks led to the arrest of 150 shocked us to the core. And, sadly, everyone who purchases a gun under- wanted fugitives and the arrest and goes a comprehensive background each time, Congress failed to act. conviction of 500 other individuals for check. The next step is banning assault But today—today—we are offering illegally attempting to obtain a fire- weapons. more than thoughts and prayers. We arm. Those background checks put This fifth grader and students around are offering legislation. This bill has some bad guys in jail, and they prob- the country are telling us to do some- bipartisan support—finally, something ably saved some lives as well. thing real to make them safer, and fi- we can all agree on. Let’s help our police enforce the laws nally, at long last, the House of Rep- Strengthening our background check that keep guns out of dangerous hands. resentatives will take action today. system is a small but a very important Vote for the Bipartisan Background f first step. We simply cannot allow Checks Act of 2019. criminals to take advantage of loop- BEER CAN APPRECIATION/ holes. f ALUMINUM BILL Background checks work. They keep BALANCING GUN RIGHTS WITH (Mr. BUCK asked and was given per- guns out of the hands of criminals, and SAFE COMMUNITIES mission to address the House for 1 background checks will save lives. (Ms. UNDERWOOD asked and was minute.) No more excuses. It is just common given permission to address the House Mr. BUCK. Mr. Speaker, I would like sense. for 1 minute and to revise and extend to recognize the critical role that brew- ers and beer importers play in our Na- f her remarks.) Ms. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I tion’s economy. American beverage companies and CLOSING BACKGROUND CHECK rise today to take a stand in support of brewers employ more than 2.2 million LOOPHOLE IS LIFE SUPPORT H.R. 8, which takes a critical first step people nationwide, providing more (Mr. DOGGETT asked and was given to ensure that every person who pur- than $103 billion in wages and benefits. permission to address the House for 1 chases a gun undergoes a background In my home State of Colorado, brew- minute.) check. eries have become a significant compo- Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, selling People should have the right to feel nent of my State’s culture and econ- a gun to a convicted felon, to a perpe- safe from gun violence in their commu- omy. trator of domestic violence, to a fugi- nity, including at home, at work, and But in order to compete, American tive from justice, merits a jail term, at school. Unfortunately, that is not beverage companies and brewers need a but those who oppose this reasonable the case today in our country. Time fair and transparent pricing system for background check bill are enabling and time again, our communities have aluminum. That is why I along with just that. experienced gun violence due to the ab- my friend, Mr. LAWSON from Florida, Someone who couldn’t buy a .22 in- sence of commonsense gun safety are introducing legislation this week side a gun shop can, today, go outside measures. giving the U.S. Commodity Futures that shop and buy a military-style kill- Only 12 days ago, five people, four of Trading Commission oversight author- ing machine and get away with it. whom were my constituents, left their ity of the aluminum market. These un- Doctors Seth Goldstein and Lisa Ep- homes for work at the Henry Pratt fair market practices have not only stein, who visited my office this very Company in Aurora, Illinois, and never cost the beverage and brewing indus- week on behalf of Moms Demand Ac- returned. Their lives were taken by an tries hundreds of millions of dollars, tion, and 117 San Antonio physicians, unspeakably horrific act of gun vio- they have also had harmful effects on they have a view that is different from lence. consumers. Members of Congress concerning the It is time to take immediate action With the help of the CFTC, I hope we result of gun violence. They witness to help safeguard our communities can resolve these pricing irregularities this violence in the emergency room from gun violence, and today, for the that have been plaguing the market so after young bodies are torn apart. first time in more than two decades, our Nation’s beverage companies and What a different view this debate the House of Representatives will vote brewers can continue to produce some would have if it were occurring amidst on a major gun safety bill, and I will of America’s most popular beverages. the pain, violence, and blood in a hos- support it. f pital emergency room, because closing H.R. 8 is a strong step toward making this loophole is about life support. our communities safer, and I look for- BIPARTISAN BACKGROUND We have got to end the trauma. Let’s ward to continuing to work on com- CHECKS ACT OF 2019 join the doctors who are out there monsense legislation that balances gun GENERAL LEAVE seeking to save lives and do our part to rights with the safety of our commu- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask save lives by passing this bill. nities. unanimous consent that all Members

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:24 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.010 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2243 may have 5 legislative days in which to Under current law, only licensed fire- submit themselves to background revise and extend their remarks and in- arms dealers are required to conduct a checks. sert extraneous material on H.R. 8, the background check before transferring a Are Members who support this bill Bipartisan Background Checks Act of gun to another person. This means that delusional enough to think a criminal 2019. gun shows, online sales, and other pri- trading cocaine to another criminal for The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. vate sales can completely evade this a firearm will give consideration to CICILLINE). Is there objection to the re- vital tool for ensuring that guns do not H.R. 8 and go to the nearest gun store quest of the gentleman from New get into the wrong hands. It is time to to submit to a background check? That York? close this dangerous loophole. is absurd. There was no objection. This bill would make it illegal for Most of us will agree that criminals The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- any person who is not a licensed fire- are not going to do that anyway. My ant to House Resolution 145 and rule arm importer, manufacturer, or dealer concern is what it actually does in XVIII, the Chair declares the House in to transfer a firearm to any other per- practice to those who are not crimi- the Committee of the Whole House on son who is not so licensed without a nals. the state of the Union for the consider- background check. Individuals seeking Not only is it foolish to think they ation of the bill, H.R. 8. to transfer a firearm under this meas- will start following the law, it is also The Chair appoints the gentleman ure would be required to visit a li- foolish to think it is going to in any from Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) to pre- censed firearms dealer to run the nec- way make our country safer. side over the Committee of the Whole. essary background check before the My Democratic friends have ex- b 1225 transfer could be finalized. ploited every , calling for The bill also provides a number of ex- universal background checks, but H.R. IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ceptions to this requirement, including 8 would not have stopped a single mass Accordingly, the House resolved gifts to family members and transfers shooting. itself into the Committee of the Whole for hunting, target shooting, and in- These strategies do, however, share House on the state of the Union for the stances of imminent death or great one thing in common. Over and over, consideration of the bill (H.R. 8) to re- bodily harm. we see issues of mental health and quire a background check for every The FBI’s internal assessment dem- missed opportunities for authorities to firearm sale, with Mr. BLUMENAUER in onstrated that checks processed intercede. the chair. through the National Instant Criminal Let me just say, Mr. Chair, I share The Clerk read the title of the bill. Background Check System, often The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the the concern. I am going to share, in called NICS, are approximately 99.3 just a moment, actual, real things that bill is considered read the first time. percent to 99.8 percent accurate, and in The gentleman from New York (Mr. actually could make a difference in 90 percent of cases, the background helping to stem the tide of mass vio- NADLER) and the gentleman from Geor- checks are completed within 90 sec- gia (Mr. COLLINS) each will control 30 lence in our country. But doing this, onds. H.R. 8 will provide an accurate we have to understand that this bill minutes. and speedy mechanism to help ensure The Chair recognizes the gentleman does not do that, and what may make firearms do not end up in the wrong you feel good may not heal you. That from New York. hands. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chairman, I yield has to be understood. There is no reason to continue to Look at the recent workplace shoot- myself such time as I may consume. make it easy for people who are legally Mr. Chairman, I am pleased that ing in Illinois, where the gunman mur- prohibited from possessing firearms to today we are considering H.R. 8, the Bi- dered five people. That could have been acquire them by circumventing the partisan Background Checks Act of prevented, but not by H.R. 8. All law background check process. H.R. 8 2019. We have promised the American enforcement had to do was enforce ex- would close this dangerous loophole people that Congress would take steps isting law. The gunman was prohibited and save many, many lives. That is to reduce gun violence, and this bill is from possessing firearms. why I urge my colleagues to vote in a critical first step toward doing so. In January 2014, he was issued an Illi- During the past 4 weeks, as the Judi- favor of this vital legislation today. nois firearm owner’s identification Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance ciary Committee, and now the full card. That March, he applied to buy a of my time. handgun from a gun dealer. Five days House, have discussed the issue of gun Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I later, he took possession of the gun, violence, I have cited grim statistics. yield myself such time as I may con- having inexplicably passed a back- Nearly 40,000 Americans lost their lives sume. because of guns in 2017. In fact, every Today I rise in strong opposition to ground check. That month, he applied day in America, on average, 34 people H.R. 8, the so-called Bipartisan Back- for a concealed carry permit. During a are murdered with a firearm, and more ground Checks Act of 2019. This is bad background check for the permit, his than 183 people are injured in an at- legislation that fails to make anyone felony conviction was flagged. Illinois police revoked his firearm tack. safer in any regard. Gun violence of this magnitude is a I have been listening here, sitting on card and sent him a letter telling him distinctly American problem. A coun- the floor for just the last few minutes to relinquish the firearm. Not surpris- try-to-country comparison is shocking. and listening to those who came up and ingly, the felon did not comply. Had For example, in 2011, the United King- were happy about this bill coming for- authorities seized the firearm between dom had 146 deaths due to gun vio- ward today, and they mentioned many March 2014 and February 2019, they lence; Denmark, 71; Portugal, 142; and acts of mass violence and situations could have saved five lives. Japan, just 30. The United States, that that have happened. The sad part about Aurora, Illinois, is not the only year, about 35,000. it is they claim this is the answer and missed opportunity to prevent tragedy. A recent study in the American Jour- the first step. In actuality, it is, at We know about missed opportunities in nal of Medicine found that, compared best, a side step, and it may actually Parkland; Aurora, Colorado; Suther- to 22 other high-income countries, the be a step backwards and will not do land Springs; Virginia Tech; and oth- gun-related murder rate in the United what it is being claimed to do. ers. States is 25 times higher. Even when All this legislation will do is burden The common problem here, Mr. you adjust for population differences, law-abiding citizens wishing to exer- Chair, is clear. It is not a lack of back- Americans are disproportionately cise their Second Amendment rights, ground checks. killed by gun violence. including defending themselves from With H.R. 8, Democrats refuse to ac- Almost 25 years to the day after the the gun-toting criminals this bill does knowledge the human factors leading Brady Act was first implemented, ex- nothing to combat. to these events, but Republicans have a panding our current background check bill to help law enforcement coordinate requirement to cover virtually all gun b 1230 responses to mental health concerns transfers is one of the steps we must H.R. 8 foolishly presumes criminals and other mass violent threat informa- take to address this crisis. who flout existing laws will suddenly tion.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:34 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.013 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2019 You know what else H.R. 8 doesn’t California (Ms. BASS), the chairperson that. So they do it through cynical address? The primary ways criminals of the Crime, Terrorism and Homeland measures like this, which weave a web acquire firearms. Last month, DOJ re- Security Subcommittee. of laws so intricate, that, sooner or vealed nearly half of criminals ob- Ms. BASS. Mr. Chair, I rise in strong later, everyone can be caught up in tained firearms via theft or the black support of H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Back- them. market. The survey also revealed that ground Checks Act of 2019, which will This law affects not just transfer of a mere 0.8 percent of criminals pur- extend the current Federal background ownership, but any transfer of weapon chased their firearms at gun shows. check requirement to unlicensed sell- for any period of time. Suppose you ex- If this bill won’t prevent mass shoot- ers of guns. change shotguns with a friend on a ings and address violent crime, what It is about time that Congress takes hunt and then separate for a period of will it do? It will keep law-abiding citi- this issue seriously, and I am pleased time, or you loan a gun to your next- zens from protecting themselves. Under that this bipartisan bill has been door neighbor of 20 years who is being this bill, Mr. Chair, a battered woman brought to the House floor with the ur- victimized by a stalker, or you give a with a protection order against her gency this issue deserves. gun to your stepson or your great- abuser who borrows a firearm for self- In recent years, our Nation has expe- grandson. Under any of these innocent defense would be a criminal. It would rienced an increase in mass shootings, scenarios and countless more like criminalize the selling of a firearm and our Nation is appropriately horri- them, you are guilty of a Federal without a background check to some- fied. However, mass shootings are just crime. one with a valid permit allowing them one symptom of our gun violence epi- These flaws were all pointed out to to possess, acquire, or carry a firearm. demic. The daily toll of shootings oc- the bill’s sponsors, and none were ad- If that person walked into a gun store, curs in communities across our coun- dressed. Why not? I think the reason they could present that permit and not try, on our streets, in our schools, and should be obvious. undergo a NICS check. even in our houses of worship. Last October, a 10-year study by On the other hand, there are solu- As testified be- Johns Hopkins and UC Davis concluded tions to prevent mass violence and gun fore the Judiciary Committee earlier that California’s universal background crime. The Mass Violence Prevention this month, 1 year after the terrible check law had no effect on gun homi- Act, which I introduced earlier this shooting that took the lives of 17 stu- cides or suicides—none. week, is one. The MVP Act directly ad- dents and staff and injured 17 others at The purpose of this bill is not public dresses challenges in law enforcement her high school in Parkland, Florida: safety. That is just a deceptive facade. coordination and response. It would re- ‘‘Minority communities bear the heavi- Its true purpose is to make gun owner- duce the flow of firearms into the est burden of gun violence in this coun- ship so legally hazardous, so fraught black market, and it would bolster law try.’’ with legal booby traps and draconian enforcement’s ability to prosecute The impact on our young people is penalties, that no honest and law-abid- criminals for firearm offenses. simply unacceptable. Every day, 47 ing citizen would want to take the risk If reducing gun violence, Mr. Chair, children and teens are shot in this of gun ownership. is the Democrats’ concern, the MVP country. Eight of these young people Most criminals already get their Act is legislation that we should be die, and 39 are shot and survive. guns illegally and are unconstrained by considering today, not H.R. 8. Talk to Citizens across this country such as laws like this. Make no mistake, this is me or my staff about cosponsoring this Diane Latiker, who also testified be- aimed squarely at law-abiding citizens, evidence-based, commonsense legisla- fore the committee, are taking it upon moving us closer to a society where de- tion. Unlike H.R. 8, the MVP Act could themselves to organize and engage in cent people are defenseless and armed have prevented tragedies such as Park- community-based efforts to reduce gun criminals are kings. land. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chairman, I yield Unfortunately, Mr. Chair, my Demo- violence and to assist the young people 1 minute to the gentleman from Rhode cratic colleagues, by putting this for- it affects. We in Congress must match Island (Mr. CICILLINE), a member of the ward and continuing the same nar- their courage and commitment with committee. rative, are not actually interested in action of our own. Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Chair, we have a stopping gun violence. I take the in- I support H.R. 8 because it will re- gun violence epidemic in this country. tent to be good; I do not question the duce gun violence by narrowing the For 8 years, we have marked it with motive. All of us in our life do not avenues for criminals and other prohib- moments of silence and doing nothing, want to see the tragedies unfold. But ited persons from obtaining guns. this is not the way forward. Certainly, there is no single change saying nothing and doing nothing. But This is another thing put out to the to our gun laws that will prevent every today, that changes with passage of very ones who have suffered, telling shooting, but enacting measures that H.R. 8 for universal background them we are helping them, while at the will help prevent some of them is clear- checks. same time not telling them the truth ly the right thing to do. We know universal background about the bill, a bill that guts its own Mr. Chair, that is why I support this checks work, because since the passage ability to enforce itself, a bill that ac- bill, and I ask my colleagues to do the of the Brady bill, 3.5 million illegal gun tually, possibly, would keep people same. sales were prevented. But, of course, from purchasing firearms because of an Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, there is a huge loophole. Millions and unlimited price of a background check. unfortunately, this bill does not nar- millions of gun sales happen without a The question that I have about this row—in fact, it continues the process background check at all. In fact, one in bill, Mr. Chair, is not what actually of those who are going to receive guns. five, 22 percent, of guns are sold with could happen with this. It is what actu- Much of the daily toll that we see is ac- no background check. That means ally will be hurt by this as we move tually coming from those who are al- criminals, domestic abusers, and peo- forward. ready violating laws currently on the ple prohibited due to mental illness With that, I believe that we are being books. It is time we actually enforce can get a gun. This bill changes that. misled. The victims of mass violence those as well. We also know that States that have are being misled by this bill, H.R. 8, be- Mr. Chair, I yield 2 minutes to the enhanced background checks have cause it would not stop what they have gentleman from California (Mr. lower rates of gun homicides, gun sui- been promised that it would stop. MCCLINTOCK). cide rates, and gun trafficking. Mr. Chair, for that, I am profoundly Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chair, I This is a commonsense bill to protect sorry. But because of that, I call on my thank the gentleman for yielding. the American people from the scourge colleagues to reject H.R. 8 and to sup- Mr. Chairman, H.R. 8 is brought to us of gun violence. port real solutions. by the same groups and politicians who Finally, after 8 years of pleading Mr. Chair, I reserve the balance of have made no secret of their desire to with our Republican colleagues to do my time. ultimately strip law-abiding citizens of something about gun violence in this Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chairman, I yield their right to defend themselves. Now, country, to take up a bill—we had a 2 minutes to the gentlewoman from they can’t do that outright; they know sit-in to try to force a vote—finally,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:34 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.014 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2245 today, we are taking our first step to that without a definition, this provi- Mr. Chairman, I rise to oppose H.R. 8, reduce gun violence in this country by sion would only provide protection in a bill that criminalizes gun transfers passing H.R. 8. instances where it is likely too late for between law-abiding citizens who have Finally, we will see Members of Con- the victim to make it out safely. no criminal record and no criminal in- gress standing up to the power of the Finally, H.R. 8 would not have pre- tent. gun lobby and doing what is right for vented any of the recent high-profile The bill includes several flawed and the American people. shootings. In those cases, the shooter unworkable exceptions. Take the law Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to either passed a Federal background enforcement exception. It allows the vote ‘‘yes.’’ check or stole the firearms they used. police to transfer a firearm, but crim- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chairman, I yield inalizes transfers to law enforcement. remind the Chair that we did pass Fix 2 minutes to the gentleman from Cali- Under this bill, a parent whose child NICS last year. We did take into ac- fornia (Mr. THOMPSON), the chief au- finds a gun in a park commits a Fed- count—those things have been done. thor of this legislation and the chair- eral crime if the parent surrenders the We just simply are not moving a bill man of the Gun Violence Prevention gun to police. that we don’t feel works, and we actu- Task Force. Under this bill, a citizen commits a ally have offered an alternative. Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Federal crime if they participate in a Mr. Chair, I yield 2 minutes to the Chair, I thank the gentleman for yield- local gun buy-back program. Under this bill, an attorney commits gentleman from Arizona (Mr. BIGGS). ing. a Federal crime when they turn a cli- Mr. BIGGS. Mr. Chair, I thank the Mr. Chair, I rise in strong support of ent’s gun over to the police to clear the gentleman for yielding. my bill, H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Back- Mr. Chairman, I tell you that H.R. 8 client through ballistics testing. ground Checks Act of 2019. Will criminalizing cooperation with will do little more than further burden Mr. Chair, first, I thank Speaker law-abiding gun owners. Without an law enforcement make us safer? The PELOSI and Chairman NADLER for their majority apparently thinks so, and I unconstitutional Federal gun registry, support. Gun violence is a true na- think it is crazy. this bill is impossible to enforce. tional emergency, and I am glad that The Democrats’ bill gives special There is no gun show loophole. Fed- we are moving so early in this Congress privileges to the bodyguards of the eral law is the same regardless of to address this crisis. wealthy elite, like former Mayor where a firearm sale takes place. Fed- Mr. Chair, I also thank my colleagues Bloomberg, who is funding the special eral law requires all firearms dealers to on the other side of the aisle who rec- interest advocacy for this bill. He can be licensed and to initiate a back- ognize the importance of passing this afford to hire bodyguards. But average ground check before transferring a fire- legislation, Representatives KING, Americans, who rely on the Second arm to a nondealer, regardless of where FITZPATRICK, MAST, UPTON, and SMITH, Amendment as their source of personal that transfer takes place. who stand with more than 90 percent of protection, are not given similar pro- As for nondealers, Federal law pro- Americans who support universal back- tections. hibits transferring a firearm to anyone ground checks. Nothing should be more offensive to known or believed to be prohibited b 1245 this body than a bill that denies citi- from possessing firearms. That is al- zens their endowed rights while giving This bill will require a background ready the law. wealthy elites special protections, check on all firearm sales and most According to DOJ, less than 1 percent privileges, and dispensations. But that transfers. Mr. Chairman, I am a life- of criminals in State prison for firearm is H.R. 8. crimes get their firearms from dealers long gun owner. I am a hunter and I Take the family exception; the rule or nondealers at gun shows. According support the Second Amendment. If this allows a vote on an amendment to en- to ATF, 6 percent of Federal armed ca- bill did anything to erode the rights of sure that transfers between parent and reer criminals got their firearms from lawful gun owners, I wouldn’t support child include stepparents and step- dealers or nondealers at gun shows. it and it wouldn’t have my name on it. children. What about transfers between Online sales loophole: There is no on- Background checks work. Every day, a foster parent and foster child? This line sales loophole. The Federal law is they stop 170 felons and 50 domestic bill says foster relationships are not the same regardless of how people com- abusers from getting a gun from a li- worthy of the same respect and equal municate about selling or buying a censed dealer. But, in some States, treatment. Every Member of this body firearm. those same people can go into a gun should be ashamed to vote for this bill Federal law prohibits anyone, li- show or go online and buy a gun with- that reflects such terrible policy and censed firearm dealer or not, from out a background check. This bill will discrimination. shipping a firearm to a person who help stop them from doing so. Take the Good Samaritan exception, lives in another State unless the re- Some will argue that criminals won’t allowing transfers where a threat of ceiver is also a dealer. Dealers must follow the law. If that is the case, then death or harm is imminent. Imminent document all firearms they receive. why do we have laws against murder? means death is menacingly near, a H.R. 8 also fails to include many of People still commit murder. Why do we standard so strict that it is, frankly, the realistic exceptions to the new have laws against stealing? People still too late to transfer a gun once it is ob- background check requirements for steal. This is flawed logic, and don’t vious a gun is needed for protection. private transfers, such as transfers be- fall for it. Under this standard, it is illegal to tween law enforcement officers outside This bill is supported by law enforce- loan a gun to a victim of domestic vio- of their duties, transfers to concealed ment, medical professionals, veterans, lence for her protection until the carry permit holders, transfers to mu- gun owners, religious leaders, and the transferor is practically witnessing a seums or licensed collectors, transfers millions of Americans who took to the murder in progress. to Active Duty military, and many streets in support of H.R. 8. This standard would also prevent a more. Mr. Chairman, I ask that my col- gun owner who has intermittent suici- H.R. 8 includes an exception to the leagues support this bill and honor the dal thoughts, a known side-effect of background check transfer if the trans- lives lost with action. No more mo- certain prescription medications, from fer is necessary to prevent imminent ments of silence with no action to fol- legally transferring a gun—his own death or great bodily harm. But that low. Today, your thoughts and your gun—to a friend for safekeeping. transfer is only allowed for the length prayers aren’t enough. Today, you can Because this bill criminalizes trans- of time that it is necessary to prevent vote, ‘‘yes’’. fers between law-abiding Americans, imminent death or great bodily harm. Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- while doing nothing to curb criminals’ It doesn’t even define those terms. man, I yield 5 minutes to the gen- access to guns, this bill provides the What about a false alarm? Does it ex- tleman from Colorado (Mr. BUCK). American public with a false sense of tend to domestic violence fears if the Mr. BUCK. Mr. Chairman, I thank security. person is not getting attacked imme- the gentleman from Georgia for yield- Because this bill includes unworkable diately? Gun rights groups have argued ing to me. exceptions that will mislead people

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:34 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.015 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2019 into thinking a gun transfer is legal does nothing to actually solve the real Mr. Chairman, I thank our distin- when it is not, this bill provides law- problems that contribute to this crisis. guished colleague from California, Mr. abiding gun owners with a false sense As it stands now, this legislation does MIKE THOMPSON, for his relentless, per- of immunity. nothing to make our schools, churches, sistent leadership to make America Mr. Chairman, I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on or communities safer. In fact, it only safer by bringing forth commonsense this totally and completely unconstitu- infringes on the constitutionally guar- background check legislation. He is a tional legislation that would deprive anteed Second Amendment rights of gun owner and a veteran. He has been people of their constitutional rights to law-abiding American citizens, some- on both sides of the gun. He is a hun- keep and bear arms. thing I cannot support. ter. He is an advocate for the Second Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chairman, I yield This bill will criminalize the private Amendment. And, as he said, if this 21⁄2 minutes to the gentlewoman from transfer of firearms and will make ex- had anything to diminish that, he Georgia (Mrs. MCBATH), a member of ercising basic constitutional rights im- would not have his name on it. the committee. possibly expensive for millions of law- Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of Mrs. MCBATH. Mr. Chairman, I abiding Americans. Not to mention, it this strong, bipartisan bill and join Mr. thank Chairman NADLER for yielding. is essentially unenforceable without a THOMPSON in commending Mr. KING of Mr. Chairman, today marks a very national gun registry. But, let’s be New York for making this initiative bi- pivotal moment in our fight to prevent honest, that is where my colleagues on partisan from the start, in the previous gun violence and to ensure the safety the other side of the aisle want to end Congress and now. It is a long, overdue of every community across our Nation. up: registering firearms so they can commonsense action to end the epi- I thank the more than 230 of my col- systematically take them away. We demic of gun violence in America. leagues who have cosponsored H.R. 8, must stop our Nation from falling Let us salute, again, the persistent the Bipartisan Background Checks Act down this slippery slope. leadership of so many in this body. of 2019. I thank Chairman NADLER, I think we can all agree that some- And, again, Mr. THOMPSON, as chair of Speaker PELOSI, Congressman THOMP- thing needs to be done to stop the ille- the Gun Violence Prevention Task SON, and Congressman KING for making gal ownership and misuse of firearms, Force; he has worked in a bipartisan gun violence prevention a priority in but H.R. 8 is not the answer. This legis- way to protect our communities, and this Congress. I am so proud to be an lation would have done nothing to pre- we are grateful to him for that. original cosponsor of this historic leg- vent many of the prominent tragedies We can do all the inside maneuvering islation. that occurred in my home State of that we want, and that is really impor- tant and essential, but, without the As many of you may know, gun vio- Florida. lence is an issue that is deeply personal The shooter at Marjorie Stoneman outside mobilization, we cannot enjoy for me. Gun violence prevention and a Douglas High School in Parkland the success of saving lives and making desire to make meaningful change is passed a background check. The shoot- progress. So I want to thank the coura- the very reason I am here today, in er at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando geous advocates who are here today, in the gallery, including March for Our this legislative body, speaking to every passed a background check. And, just Lives and Moms Demand Action for one of you. weeks ago, a man who murdered five Gun Sense in America, and so many In 2012, my son, Jordan Davis, was women in my district passed a back- more. They have made a complete dif- shot and killed by a man who opened ground check. fire on a car of unarmed teenagers at a H.R. 8 would have done nothing to ference. As President Lincoln said: ‘‘Public gas station in Jacksonville, Florida. stop these violent acts, just like the sentiment is everything. With it you My son was only 17 years of age. Jor- previous attempts to require universal can accomplish almost anything, with- dan would have turned 24 this month. background checks have done nothing out it almost nothing.’’ After my son’s death, I dedicated my to prevent actual crimes. I thank them for building public sen- entire life to advocating for common- If Democrats are serious about gun timent to a point where now about 90 sense gun safety solutions, but it was violence, they would have voted for my percent of the American people support the shooting at Marjory Stoneman amendment. I filed an amendment in commonsense background check legis- Douglas High School in Parkland, Flor- committee that would have required lation, including many members, cou- ida, last year, that finally motivated law enforcement to be notified upon rageously, of the National Rifle Asso- me to join this legislative body. the attempt of someone to purchase a ciation. The overwhelming bipartisan support firearm and failed a background check. This bill is proudly bipartisan be- for universal background checks sym- Law enforcement would have been no- cause gun violence prevention should bolizes the power of advocacy and the tified. But instead of supporting poli- not be a Democratic or Republican incredible power of the survivors, fam- cies that curtail legal possession of issue. Gun violence does not discrimi- ily members, and students who have firearms, the Democrats on both the nate by party or politics. It reaches shared their stories as they advocate Judiciary Committee and the Rules into all of our communities, our for commonsense gun safety solutions Committee rejected my proposal. How schools, our places of worship, our and demand that we act to address gun is that unreasonable? workplaces, and our streets, and it will violence. Mr. Chairman, I stand for the Con- require all of our courage to defeat it. Today, we are truly taking this ac- stitution. I stand for freedom. And I Last night, we were at an occasion to tion. H.R. 8 will ensure that mothers Amendment. That mark the 25th anniversary of the Brady and fathers have one less reason to is why I am not voting for this pro- Bill. Some of us were in Congress at worry. It will give students one less posal. that time. Many of us here, then or thing to fear when they walk into a Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chairman, I will not, admire the courageous work of school. Most importantly, it will make point out that the bill says: Sarah and Jim Brady to make the our communities and our Nation a Nothing in this act . . . shall be construed country a safer place by reducing gun safer place to live, and every human to authorize the establishment, directly or violence. being in America deserves such. indirectly, of a national firearms registry. Twenty-five years ago, we enacted Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 minute to the the Brady background check system, to vote ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 8, the Bipartisan gentlewoman from California (Ms. which has denied more than 3 million Background Checks Act of 2019. It is PELOSI), the distinguished Speaker of sales to potentially dangerous individ- time. the House. uals. Yet, the Brady Bill does not stop Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Chairman, I thank people from purchasing guns from unli- man, I yield 21⁄2 minutes to the gen- the gentleman for yielding and I thank censed sellers without a background tleman from Florida (Mr. STEUBE). him for his leadership as chair of the check at gun shows and online. Mr. STEUBE. Mr. Chairman, today, I Judiciary Committee, for bringing us We must pass H.R. 8 to close this rise in opposition to H.R. 8. to this place promptly. It is an historic dangerous loophole and keep our com- Mr. Chairman, this legislation claims day in the Congress of the United munities safe from gun violence. That to be a solution to gun violence, yet States. is what we are intending to do today.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:34 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.017 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2247 George Bernard Shaw said that: ‘‘It is that no one’s political survival here is permission to do. The Second Amend- the mark of a truly intelligent person more important than the survival of ment does not say that, after you get to be moved by statistics,’’ and here the American people—especially our permission from the government, your are the facts: children. right to keep and bear arms shall not Nearly 40,000 lives are cut short every I urge a strong bipartisan ‘‘yes’’ vote be infringed. year from gun violence. and pray that we can do the right thing Our Founding Fathers wrote the Con- An average of 47 children and teen- and send a clear message to the fami- stitution to protect us from the gov- agers are killed by guns every single lies of those who have lost their loved ernment and gave individuals the Sec- day. As I said, it is all about the chil- ones to gun violence, that we have ond Amendment to protect themselves. dren, the children, the children. crossed a threshold here today to re- I carry this Constitution every day We read about the tragic mass mur- duce gun violence in our country and on the campaign trail asphalt. I carry ders that have happened in our coun- take more steps to improve the safety it with me every day now to remind try, and they stir us to action, hope- of the American people, honoring the myself of those protections that were fully. Here it has been they stir us to a Constitution of the United States, re- given to us—not by government, but by moment of silence, and now, finally, to spectful of our hunters and the need for God. action. people to defend themselves, but doing This bill is nothing more than an at- so in a way that does not endanger oth- tempt to advance the agenda of radical b 1300 ers. gun-grabbers and lay the foundation But it is every day. Every day 47 chil- The CHAIR. Members are reminded for a national gun registration scheme. dren and teenagers killed by guns. to avoid referencing occupants of the Mr. Chair, I urge the House to reject And, again, another figure, heark- gallery. this misguided legislation so we can ening back to 90 percent of the Amer- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I begin having real discussions about ican people want commonsense uni- agree. I believe facts are important, ways to reduce crime across this great versal background checks. and I believe the strength to tell that. Nation. The statistics spell out the stories, I believe the chairman just redid that. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I yield 1 but it is the human personal stories He exactly explained why this bill will minute to the distinguished gentle- not operate because of the very fact that change minds. woman from Texas (Ms. GARCIA), a How moving it was to hear our col- that, inside the bill itself, it does not member of the committee. league, Congresswoman MCBATH, with have a registry, which I will remind Ms. GARCIA of Texas. Mr. Chair, I her generosity of spirit tell her per- the Chair that the Department of Jus- thank the chairman for yielding, and I sonal story of losing her son, Jordan— tice under President Obama said a uni- rise today to express my strong support I can’t even imagine carrying that bur- versal background check bill will not for this bill, the Bipartisan Back- den—but turning her grief and her work without a registry and is on the ground Checks Act. tragedy into action and courage to run websites of many advocates for this Since the Brady law was enacted in for Congress, to stand on this floor and bill. That is just one of the areas that 1994, many American lives have been share her personal story with us. That we look at as we go forward in real- saved, murders have fallen by at least takes real courage. izing that this has already gutted itself 32 percent, and our community streets when we look at the bill. Let’s hope that we all have the cour- are safer and stronger as a result. But Mr. Chair, I yield 3 minutes to the age to save children’s lives, everyone’s our work is not done. In Houston alone, lives in our country whose deaths can gentleman from Virginia (Mr. CLINE). Mr. CLINE. Mr. Chair, I want to we see an average of 550 acts of gun vi- be avoided. thank the previous speaker, the Speak- olence per year. There is no person in this body whose er of the House, reminding us all that Too many of our loved ones are lost political survival is more important it is California where Michael to senseless gun violence that could be than the survival of our children. Bloomberg and the gun control advo- prevented by keeping firearms out of We are grateful, again, to the young cates have established their utopia of a dangerous hands. We know expanded people, parents, survivors across Amer- land without guns. And what has it led background checks work. ica who have told their stories, us to? With some of the strictest gun States requiring background checks marched for their lives, and demanded control laws in the land, we have some on all handgun sales see half as many change. This bill delivers that change, of the worst incidents of gun violence mass shootings as States without the ensuring that people who are a danger in the country. expanded requirements. That is why I to themselves and others cannot pur- Gun control measures do not address am a proud cosponsor of H.R. 8. This chase a gun and perpetuate violence in the problems of gun violence, and this commonsense bill will prevent private our communities. bill will not address gun violence. firearm sales to prohibit purchasers This week, the House will build on Mr. Chair, I rise in strong opposition and close online and gun show loop- this progress by passing another bipar- to H.R. 8. The legislation is an attempt holes. tisan background check bill. We must to take away our Second Amendment While this bill does not cover every- close the Charleston loophole that en- rights, hidden under the guise that we thing, it is a step in the right direction abled the horrific hate crime at Eman- will see a reduction in violent crime. that will make my district—Houston, uel African Methodist Episcopal My colleagues on the other side of Texas—and this country safer. Church. the aisle claim the bill would save Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, We salute the majority whip, Mr. lives, but nothing in this bill would may I request the time for both sides, CLYBURN, for his leadership on H.R. have stopped any of the recent mass please. 1112. casualty shootings that have occurred The CHAIR. The gentleman from Tomorrow, we will vote on that. That in our country. The only thing this bill Georgia has 111⁄2 minutes remaining. is another part of strengthening the does is limit the Second Amendment The gentleman from New York has 163⁄4 background check provisions. rights of law-abiding citizens. minutes remaining. As Members of Congress, again, we They will tell you this bill closes Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I take an oath to protect and defend the loopholes; however, the loophole that yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from Constitution, the American people. To they believe exists is private gun own- Minnesota (Mr. STAUBER). honor that oath, to honor the victims ership, and what they really want is to Mr. STAUBER. Mr. Chair, my name of gun violence and their families, Con- regulate the private transfer of fire- is PETE STAUBER, and I was a law en- gress must take real action on this arms. If my neighbor is in trouble and forcement officer for 23 years in the floor. Today, we must pass this bill and needs to borrow a firearm to protect great State of Minnesota, the city of take the first steps toward ending the his family, I should be allowed to loan Duluth. senseless crisis of gun violence in our that firearm to my neighbor so that he In December of 1995, at 10:32 p.m., at Nation. can protect himself and his family. the intersection of 6th Avenue East Again, I hope that all of us will have This is not something we should need and 4th Street in Duluth, Minnesota, a the courage to save lives, remembering to go to the Federal Government to get criminal who should not have had a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:34 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.019 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2019 firearm tried to take my life. I was many funerals. I have marched with b 1315 shot in the head, and by the grace of too many student activists, and I have Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 God, I survived. bowed my head through too many mo- minutes to the distinguished gentle- A few years after that, while on duty ments of silence. woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE). in a hostage situation, another crimi- We know strong gun laws work. In Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I nal pulled a gun on me. Face-to-face, I the 25 years since the Brady law took thank the chairman, and I certainly was staring down the barrel of a hand- effect, background checks have stopped thank the ranking member for being gun. The suspect pulled the trigger. more than $3 million in gun sales and present here today. I hold up in my The gun malfunctioned, and I was in a have saved countless lives. hand pages and pages of mass shoot- fight for my life. When it was all over, It is time to expand the Brady law. It ings, which I will include in the is time to close the dangerous loop- by the grace of God, I was alive. The RECORD. individual was handcuffed. holes. It is past time for Congress to LIST OF MASS SHOOTINGS SINCE COLUMBINE Both those individuals were career take action to save lives from gun vio- MASSACRE criminals. lence. (By Zayed Abdalla, Feb 20, 2018) Back to when I was shot in the head, Mr. Chair, this is not a moment of si- Mr. Chair: I begged the U.S. attorney, lence. This is not a sit-in. This is ac- Below is a list of all mass shootings in the United States which occurred after the Col- along with our police department, to tion by the United States House of umbine High School Massacre. Dates and charge the individual with possession Representatives on behalf of everyone death tolls (excluding the shooter) are in- of a handgun by a felon. They didn’t do who has pled for that action after San cluded. Although many other mass shootings it. That individual was allowed to cir- Bernardino and after Sutherland have occurred, for the sake of time and phys- cumvent our community for another 8 Springs and after Fort Hood and after ical space, only shootings involving the years before he was finally put in pris- Virginia Tech and after Columbine and death of five or more people have been in- on, where he belonged. No more harm- Sandy Hook and Las Vegas and Pulse cluded in this article. ing other people. and everyday gun violence in our com- 1. Columbine High , Little- ton, Colorado—April 1999: 13 Dead Representative COLLINS’ Mass Vio- munities and, yes, after Parkland. 2. Atlanta Shootings, Atlanta, Georgia— lence Prevention Act gets the county Let’s represent the 95 percent of the July 1999: 12 Dead attorneys and our Federal attorneys American people who want us to take 3. Wedgwood Baptist Church shooting, Fort present to prosecute these individuals this action to help save lives. Let’s Worth, Texas—September 1999: 7 Dead who have no respect for life. pass H.R. 8. 4. Xerox Killings, Honolulu, Hawaii—No- I carried a handgun for 23 years, Mr. Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, vember 1999: 7 Dead Chair, as a tool to defend my life or before I yield to the gentlelady, it has 5. Tampa Hotel Shootings, Tampa, Flor- somebody else’s life from great bodily been quoted here, especially, 90 to 95 ida—December 1999: 5 Dead 6. Wakefield Massacre, Wakefield, Massa- harm. I support the individual right of percent of the people want universal chusetts—December 2000: 7 Dead law-abiding citizens, the right to keep background checks. And everything 7. Lockheed Martin Shooting, Median, Mis- and bear arms. has statistics, a poll, but when actually sissippi—July 2003: 6 Dead Both my wife and I live in rural Min- put to the voters of Maine, the voters 8. Living Church of God Shooting, Brook- nesota. When we need to protect our- of Maine actually rejected it, and I un- field, Wisconsin—March 2005: 7 Dead selves, when it takes awhile for law en- derstand where they are coming from 9. Red Lake High School, Red Lake Indian forcement to get there, we have the on that. Reservation, Minnesota—March 2005: 9 Dead ability. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 minutes to the 10. Goleta Postal Shootings, Goleta, Cali- fornia—January 2006: 7 Dead There is nobody I know who wants gentleman from (Mr. SMITH). 11. Capitol Hill Massacre, Wash- somebody who is going through a men- Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. Chair, I ington—March 2006: 6 Dead tal health issue or a career criminal or rise today to defend the Second 12. West Nickel Mines Amish School, Nick- a drug dealer to have these. Amendment rights of law-abiding Ne- el Mines, Pennsylvania—October 2006: 5 Dead We need to start respecting life. Life braskans. 13. Tolley Square Shooting, Salt Lake is precious, from conception to natural In Nebraska, the need for firearms is City, Utah—February 2007: 5 Dead death. I am a very proud husband of an the same today as it was even when the 14. Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, Iraq war veteran who understands the Second Amendment was enacted before Virginia—April 2007: 32 Dead 15. Crandon Shooting, Crandon Wisconsin— value of life. we were even a territory of the United October 2007: 6 Dead Mr. Chair, I rise against this. There States. 16. Shooting, Omaha Ne- are better ways to get mothers and fa- Rural Nebraskans depend on their braska—December 2007: 8 Dead thers, county attorneys, Federal pros- firearms for self-defense and for pro- 17. Kirkwood City Council Shooting, Kirk- ecutors, local police departments, and tecting their livestock. They also know wood, Missouri—February 2008: 6 Dead sheriff departments to work together how to handle firearms, to store them 18. Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Il- to have a fusion center so, when a securely, to handle them appropriately, linois—February 2008: 5 Dead young individual types into a computer and perhaps to even let neighbors who 19. Atlantis Plastics Shooting, Henderson ‘‘I want to be a mass school shooter,’’ are able to use them safely borrow Kentucky—June 2008: 5 Dead 20. Carthage Nursing Home Shooting— there is an instant response to identify them to meet their needs. Carthage, North Carolina—March 2009: 8 the individual and work through it. I have serious concerns. The bills we Dead Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I yield 11⁄2 are considering today and tomorrow 21. Geneva County Massacre, Geneva and minutes to the distinguished gen- are going to criminalize this behavior Samson, Alabama—March 2009: 10 Dead tleman from Florida (Mr. DEUTCH), a for Nebraskans who have done this for 22. Binghampton Shootings, member of the committee. generations and won’t even know that Binghampton—April 2009: 13 Dead Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Chair, we intro- they are breaking the law. 23. Fort Hood Shooting, Fort Hood, Texas— duced H.R. 8 8 years ago after our Should a rancher who lends a rifle to November 2009: 13 Dead 24. Hartford Beer Distributor Shooting, friend and former colleague, Gabby Gif- a neighbor to address threats from Manchester, Connecticut—August 2010: 8 fords, was shot and nearly killed. predatory animals face a year in prison Dead When she was by our side to intro- and a $100,000 fine? No. 25. Tucson Shooting, Tucson, Arizona— duce the bill, she said: ‘‘Speaking is Should a legally carrying farmer who January 2011: 6 Dead still difficult for me, but I don’t think is injured at work be subject to arrest 26. Seal Beach Shooting, Seal Beach, Cali- I can make myself more clear: Con- for handing his firearm off before being fornia—October 2011: 8 Dead gress must act to make our country taken to the hospital? No. 27. Oikos University, Oakland, California— safer from gun violence.’’ These are exactly the situations this April 2012: 7 Dead ´ Now is that time. We have waited too bill would create, while doing little to 28. Seattle Cafe Shooting, Seattle, Wash- ington—May 2012: 5 Dead long to close loopholes that let people address the real problems underlying 29. Aurora Shooting, Aurora, Colorado— easily avoid background checks crime in our society. July 2012: 12 Dead through private sales. I have cried with Mr. Chair, this is a bad bill, and I 30. Sikh Temple Shooting, Oak Creek, Wis- too many survivors and attended too urge its swift rejection. consin—August 2012: 6 Dead

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:34 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.021 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2249 31. Accent Signage Systems Shooting, Min- those for gun possession, but it begs and gun violence in our country that continue neapolis, Minnesota—September 2012: 6 Dead the question. What is the question? to claim so many innocent lives. 32. Sandy Hook Elementary School, New- The interpretation of the Second Newly released data from the Centers for town, Connecticut—December 2012: 27 Dead Amendment is no one should prohibit 33. Santa Monica College, Santa Monica, Disease Control and Prevention (‘‘CDC’’) California—June 2013: 5 Dead the right to bear arms. As I stand here found firearm-related deaths rose for the sec- 34. Hialeah Shooting, Hialeah, Florida— today, there is nothing in the under- ond-straight year in 2016, largely due to July 2013: 6 Dead lying bill that is prohibiting that. spikes in gun violence. 35. Navy Yard Shooting, Wash- It is simply common sense and giving In 2016, the new CDC report on preliminary ington D.C.—September 2013: 12 Dead dignity to those who died at the Col- mortality data shows that there were more 36. University of California Santa Barbara, umbine High School shooting, the At- than 38,000 gun-related deaths in the U.S.— Isla Vista, California—May 2014: 6 Dead lanta shooting, the Wedgwood Baptist 4,000 more than 2015. 37. Marysville Pilchuck High School, Church shooting, the Lockheed Martin An analysis of FBI data Marysville, Washington—October 2014: 4 shooting, the Living Church of God Dead shows there were about 11,000 gun-related 38. Charleston Church Shooting, Charles- shooting, the Red Lake High School homicides in 2016, up from 9,600 in 2015. ton, South Carolina—June 2015: 9 Dead shooting, the Northern Illinois Univer- Congress must act to keep our country safe 39. Chattanooga Military Recruitment Cen- sity shooting, the Santa Fe shooting in through gun safety and violence deterrence. ter, Chattanooga Tennessee—July 2015: 5 Texas, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas There is nearly one mass shooting per day Dead High School shooting, and the Suther- in the United States—355 mass shootings in 40. Umpqua Community College, Roseburg, land Springs church shooting in Texas. 2015. Oregon—October 2015: 9 Dead It says that you have to have a In December 2012, a gunman walked into 41. San Bernardino Attack, San check, a background check. It closes Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Bernardino, California—December 2015: 14 the gun show loophole. It gives exemp- Dead Connecticut, and killed 20 children, 6 adults, 42. Kalamazoo Shooting Spree, Kalamazoo tions for the issues of domestic vio- and himself. County, Michigan—February 2016: 6 Dead lence and sexual assault. It allows fam- Since December 2012, there have been at 43. Orlando Night-club Shooting, Orlando, ilies to transfer, and ranchers, farmers, least 1,518 mass shootings, with at least Florida—June 2016: 49 Dead and fishers to transfer. 1,715 people killed and 6,089 wounded. 44. Dallas Police Shooting, Dallas Texas— My God, what more do we want? Peo- On the night of October 1, 2017, a gunman July 2016: 5 Dead ple have died. Are we not going to show opened fire on a large crowd of concertgoers 45. Shooting, Burlington, that we are committed to saving lives, at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival on the Washington—September 2016: 5 Dead not to abuse the Second Amendment, 46. Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting, Fort Las Vegas Strip, leaving 58 people dead and to misuse it? We can bear arms. But 527 injured. Lauderdale, Florida- January 2017: 5 Dead the question is whether or not we will 47. Las Vegas Shooting, Las Vegas, Ne- On November 5, 2017, a mass shooting oc- recognize that there are 350-plus mil- vada—October 2017: 58 Dead curred at the First Baptist Church in Suther- lion Americans, and there are more 48. Sutherland Springs Church, Sutherland land Springs, Texas, where the gunman, 26– guns in this country than there are Springs, Texas—November 2017: 26 Dead year-old Devin Patrick Kelley, killed 26 and in- citizens. 49. Rancho Tehama Shooting, Rancho jured 20 others. Tehama, California—November 2017: 5 Dead I beg of my colleagues: Stop the vio- Every day, on average, 92 Americans are 50. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High lence. Vote for this bill. School, Parkland, Florida—February 2018: 17 Mr. Chair, as a senior member of the Judici- victims of gun violence, resulting in more than Dead ary Committee and an original co-sponsor, I 33,000 deaths annually. According to The Washington Post, since rise in strong of H.R. 8, the ‘‘Bipartisan Back- States with higher gun ownership rates have 1966, 1077 individuals have been fatally shot ground Checks Act of 2019,’’ legislation that higher gun murder rates—as much as 114 and wounded as a result of mass shootings in strengthens the background check system that percent higher than other states. which more than four people perished; Chil- A recent study by the CDC looking at 30 dren and teenagers compose about a tenth of is already in place to purchase a firearm. A 2013 study found that approximately 80 years of homicide data found that for every 1 these fatalities. Almost 300 guns have been percent increase in a state’s gun ownership obtained by authorities in these shootings, percent of all firearms acquired for criminal and over half of them were obtained legally. purposes were obtained from sources who rate, there is a nearly 1 percent increase in its The AR–15 rifle has been increasingly used in were not required to run a background check firearm homicide rate. such shootings, with the latest being in this and that 96 percent of inmates who were not Gun death rates are generally lower in month’s most recent high school shooting in prohibited from possessing a firearm at the states with restrictions such as safe storage Florida. It is estimated that more than 8 time they committed their crime obtained their requirements or assault weapons bans. million of these weapons are owned in Amer- gun this way. Mass shootings stopped by armed civilians ican households. The trend in mass shootings in the past 33 years: 0. has been rising notably since 2006–07. This loophole exists largely because unli- censed sellers need not conduct any back- This is why legislation put forward to arm Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I ground check under current law, even if the teachers is not the solution. thank Moms Demand Action, and I sellers sell a large number of guns. Stronger legislation is needed to prevent thank all those who have offered them- H.R. 8, the ‘‘Bipartisan Background Checks guns from getting into the wrong hands be- selves in this fight. I thank our chair, Act of 2019,’’ would make it illegal for any per- cause unfortunately, more than 75 percent of Mr. THOMPSON, for his constant and son who is not a licensed firearm importer, the weapons used in mass shootings between persistent work. manufacturer, or dealer to transfer a firearm to 1982 and 2012 were obtained legally. Through my tenure as ranking mem- any other person who is not so licensed with- We must look at gun violence in its totality ber of the Crime, Terrorism, Homeland out a background check. to determine what are the root causes of Security, and Investigations Sub- Individuals seeking to transfer a firearm these alarming rates of lives cut short. committee, and now third in seniority under this measure would be required to visit We are elected by our constituents to lead on the Judiciary Committee, it has a licensed firearms dealer to run the nec- in resolving the issues that plague our country, given me a picture that many have not essary background check before the transfer and the issue of gun violence is a definite seen, and that is that we have been could be finalized. plague across the nation. fighting for gun safety legislation for H.R. 8 is intended to provide an accurate My good friend, Houston Police Chief Art almost three decades. and speedy means of ensuring firearms do not Acevedo, gave a statement after four of his of- It seems that even though Mr. Cohen end up in the wrong hands. ficers were shot while on duty. is in a hearing right now where facts An internal assessment by the Federal Bu- He rightfully admonished us elected officials are being disputed, there are no facts reau of investigation (FBI) demonstrated that who, so far, have accomplished absolutely to dispute the fact that people die from the National Instant Criminal Background nothing about the public-health epidemic of guns. And those who get guns are never Checks System (‘‘NICS’’) yields results that gun violence. regulated. are approximately 99.3 percent to 99.8 per- Thanks to the new Democratic majority in By no means do I want you not to cent accurate, and in 90 percent of cases, are Congress, we had a long overdue Gun Safety have a handgun to protect yourself, or processed within 90 seconds. Hearing in the Judiciary Committee. to enforce gun trafficking laws, or to We must be constructive and proactive in That hearing is the first step in the legisla- make sure that prosecutors prosecute our response to the countless mass shootings tive process of addressing the epidemic.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27FE7.007 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2019 Chief Acevedo was a witness at that hear- is violate the constitutional rights of Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Chair, ing, testifying that if the proposed legislation millions of Americans. I rise in strong support of H.R. 8. I on background checks is enacted and saves Under this bill, almost every time a commend the efforts of Congressman at least one life, then it is worth it. lawful gun owner wants to transfer or MIKE THOMPSON from California for in- I want to take this opportunity to thank my sell a gun, he or she will have to go troducing this commonsense legisla- colleague, Congressman MIKE THOMPSON, for through a government-sanctioned tion. his leadership of the Gun Violence Prevention intermediary. Under this bill, no longer What it simply does is require that Task Force and for introducing this timely and could I let my cousin or my neighbor all sales of firearms go through a li- important legislation. borrow my gun. If this bill becomes censed firearms dealer who has to run Congressman THOMPSON sat in the audi- law, overnight, millions of law-abiding a background check. Current law man- ence during the entirety of the Gun Safety gun owners could suddenly be subject dates that all licensed gun dealers, be- Hearing on February 13, 2019, demonstrating to Federal prosecution. Of course, we fore transferring a weapon, have to per- his longstanding commitment to the issue. all know that criminals are going to do form a background check. Also helping to bring us to this point today what they already do: make illegal The problem we have in this country is the law allows unlicensed firearms is Congresswoman ROBIN KELLY of Illinois, transfers of firearms. We have heard a lot about how this is dealers competing with licensed fire- who represents one of the most affected dis- going to be the most open Congress in arms dealers to sell just as many fire- tricts when it comes to gun violence. history. Well, Mr. Chair, I filed an arms as a licensed gun dealer, but She is a valiant leader who will not rest until amendment that would strip out the without doing the background check. the Congress finds solutions for communities text of H.R. 8 and replace it with a na- That enables criminals and people who like hers and others all over this country. tionwide concealed carry reciprocity. should not have weapons to have fire- I want to thank Aalayah Eastmond, a sur- Mr. Chair, the Democratic leadership arms, and that contributes to the pro- vivor from the Parkland School Shooting, for blocked a vote on my amendment. liferation of weaponry on our streets in testifying as a witness at the House Judiciary What are they so afraid of? I guess they the hands of those who should not have Gun Safety Hearing. think they can shield their Members them. Her heartfelt and vivid testimony was met from votes to protect the Second It produces violence, and we are look- with a standing ovation by the crowded audi- Amendment and benefit our Nation’s ing to stop the violence with this legis- ence in the hearing. law-abiding gun owners. lation, and so I ask my colleagues to Back in my state, despite incident after inci- Mr. Chair, I have news for the major- support it. dent of rampant gun violence, Texas Governor ity. Gun owners of America are watch- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken ing this debate. They know what H.R. 8 reserve the balance of my time. Paxton, both prominent Republican opponents is all about, and they know that this is Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I yield 1 of gun control, issued the usual statements of- just a sham to chip away at the Second minute to the gentleman from Cali- fering the usual thoughts and prayers. Amendment and our Constitution. fornia (Mr. SWALWELL). Chief Acevedo said, ‘‘I appreciate your pray- I will oppose this bill and any bill Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. ers . . . but the question is, what are policy- that goes against the Second Amend- Chair, today, we tell our fellow Ameri- makers willing to do, besides prayers, to ad- ment rights of law-abiding Americans. cans that their children’s right to learn dress a public-health epidemic?’’ I urge my colleagues to join me in vot- without fear; that their own right to I want to answer his question—‘‘what ARE ing ‘‘no’’ and fighting against this as- dance at a concert, worship at a syna- we going to do?’’ sault on the Second Amendment. gogue, shop at the mall; that all those We are going to overcome the fierce oppo- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 rights to come home, to live, and to sition from House minority members. minutes to the distinguished gen- love are greater than any other right We are going to overcome a recalcitrant tleman from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS). in the Constitution. and reluctant Senate. Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Chair, I thank my This bill puts in place an expansion And finally, we are going to overcome the friend, the chairman, for yielding. of violent history checks on firearm opposition of the President and the gun lobby. Mr. Chair, I rise in strong support of purchases where there were too many I am a defender and supporter of the Con- this bipartisan bill. Atlanta, Chicago, gaps before. stitution. Pittsburgh, Parkland, Charleston, Oak It will not end every gun violence I appreciate the Second Amendment and Creek, Newtown, Orlando, Las Vegas, death in America, but we should try. It the right that it provides our citizens. and many other places: How many also will get rid of this argument about However, I am also a defender of the right more must suffer? How many more States like California and Illinois, to live, the greatest divine right of all. must die? where you have gun violence. You can I want all Americans to enjoy their Second For years, the people spoke up. Moth- no longer say, well, they have tough Amendment right, but not at the expense of ers called. Fathers cried. Students background checks there, so it is not the lives of our children, students, commu- marched. But Congress offered a blind working. Well, no, we are only as safe nities, and law enforcement officials. eye or a deaf ear to their cries. as the lowest common denominator. If Today, we say to those who begged Imagine going to grade school in this day our States like Nevada and Arizona and pleaded for us to act that we see and age and having to undergo ‘‘active shoot- have low restrictions when it comes to you. We feel your pain. We heard your er’’ drills. purchasing a firearm, we are only as cries, and we are going to answer Imagine having children in grade school safe as they are. today, now. We will have a nationwide back- today. We sat in on this floor. I want to ground check that will make sure that Imagine the anxiety parents feel knowing thank the chair of our task force, MIKE all of us are safe. We are here, Mr. that any day the precious lives of their children THOMPSON, for never giving up, for Chair, because of Mr. THOMPSON, be- may be interrupted by someone with an AK– never giving in, for keeping the faith, cause of Moms Demand Action, because 47 or AR–15. for keeping your eyes on the prize. We of Everytown for Gun Safety, and be- Imagine a brighter future for America’s chil- are doing the right thing today. cause of . dren, one that does not include active shooter We have a mission. We have an obli- Keep marching. You got us to this drills and funerals for adolescents. gation and a mandate to pass this bi- point. We can help make that future a reality and partisan bill that must become public Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I we can start by voting to pass H.R. 8, the ‘‘Bi- law. reserve the balance of my time. partisan Background Checks Act of 2019.’’ Today, I urge all my colleagues on Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, how much Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I both sides of the aisle to vote ‘‘yes.’’ It time is remaining? yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from is good. It is the right thing to do to The CHAIR. The gentleman from Alabama (Mr. BYRNE). save lives and to stop this madness. New York has 91⁄4 minutes remaining. Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Chair, I rise in Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I The gentleman from Georgia has 53⁄4 strong opposition to this bill. Let’s be reserve the balance of my time. minutes remaining. very clear on this: H.R. 8 will not pre- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I yield 1 Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I yield 1 vent criminals from getting their minute to the distinguished gentleman minute to the distinguished gentleman hands on firearms. What H.R. 8 will do from Georgia (Mr. JOHNSON). from Maryland (Mr. BROWN).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:34 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE7.002 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2251 Mr. BROWN of Maryland. Mr. Chair, woman from Pennsylvania (Ms. SCAN- Mr. Chairman, this House is finally I rise in support of H.R. 8. This bill is LON), a member of the committee. going to do its job and take action— long overdue. For too long, Congress Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Chair, just 2 not just a moment of silence, but ac- has failed to end the cycle of gun vio- weeks ago in my district, six lives and tion—to address the epidemic of gun vi- lence and death that too many families six families were forever changed by olence in our country. are now familiar with. gun violence in a 6-day period. Four After the tragedies at Sandy Hook, In 2017 alone, 40,000 people died from people were killed and two were injured Orlando, Las Vegas, Charleston, the gun violence. Congress did nothing. in six different shootings. One person Tree of Life synagogue, and Great Mills Last year, five reporters at the Capital was 28. The other five were 16, 17, and High School in my district, the House, Gazette in my district were murdered 18. They were teenagers. My heart goes under the previous leadership, did in cold blood in a mass shooting that out to all of those victims’ families. nothing. It didn’t work. took place in their newsroom. Congress Thoughts and prayers are no longer After the shooting just down the did nothing. enough. It is long past time that our street at the Washington Navy Yard, Gun violence is a crisis in our com- actions speak louder than our words. the Republican-controlled House did munities and a real national emer- No matter which State we are from, nothing. Three of the victims of that gency that will no longer be met with with over 40,000 gun violence deaths attack were constituents of mine living inaction. last year, every State has been se- in southern Maryland. Dr. Wendy Ed- For the first time since Congress verely impacted by gun violence. monds and Wanda Wallace are in the passed the Brady Handgun Violence The public health crisis has been po- gallery, Mr. Chairman. They are the Prevention Act of 1994, we will pass a liticized and weaponized as a means to sisters of Sylvia Fraser, a Navy Yard bill in pursuit of our effort to protect divide us, despite the fact that it is a shooting victim. our communities and end this scourge crisis that should bind us together, and Montana Geimer, daughter of Wendi of gun violence. we must come together. Winters, a writer for the Capital Ga- The American people overwhelm- zette of which my colleague, Mr. b 1330 ingly want us to act. For the people, BROWN, just spoke; and Mackenzie we will pass universal background Background checks are the founda- Boughey, a high school student who or- checks out of the House as our first tion of commonsense gun policy, and ganized a March for Our Lives rally in piece of comprehensive gun safety re- they are supported by the over- Anne Arundel County, are here with us form. whelming majority of Americans. Our today not to have a moment of silence, Mr. Chair, today is only the begin- current system fails us in two ways, but to have a moment of action. ning. but the bills we are looking at this Many of our districts have been pain- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I week are designed to address that. fully affected by gun violence. In St. continue to reserve the balance of my Under current law, firearm sales can Mary’s County in Maryland, as I told time. proceed regardless if a good back- you, Mr. Chairman, a student was Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 ground check comes back within a 3- killed by a shooter at Great Mills High minutes to the distinguished gentle- day period, and it doesn’t capture all School, and a courageous school re- woman from Pennsylvania (Ms. DEAN), the sales. So this puts an incredible sources officer there saved countless a member of the committee. burden on law enforcement and an in- other lives. In Annapolis, five staff Ms. DEAN. Mr. Chair, I am delighted credible burden on ATF agents who members of the Capital Gazette were that we are finally at this day, because have to go and reclaim guns that are gunned down in their newsroom. you know the tide, you know the toll sold, despite the owner of the gun not For years, the American people have that takes place every day. On average, being able to pass the background demanded action to address gun vio- every day in America, 342 people are check. So for too long those in a posi- lence. After the Parkland shooting, shot: murders, assaults, suicides, or tion to act have failed to do so. But just over a year ago, students marched suicide attempts. That means every that ends now. in cities from coast to coast to demand single day—yesterday, tomorrow, and I strongly support the commonsense that Congress protect them in the the next day, and the next day—100 gun legislation in H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112. classroom, in the streets, in houses of people, on average, will die of gun vio- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- worship, and in all public gathering lence and another 200 or more will lit- man, again, I agree with the sentiment places. erally be wounded or shot in the cross- that we need to actually fashion some- I, as I am sure many of you have, had fire. thing that will work. Unfortunately, the opportunity to meet with many of We know that, in 2017, more than this, for many reasons we have already the students who participated in the 39,000, nearly 40,000 people died of gun stated, will not. March for Our Lives and heard the de- violence, all kinds of gun violence. Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance termination in their voices as they That was an extraordinary uptick in of my time. spoke about working to achieve a fu- gun violence. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chairman, I yield ture where students would no longer I carry with me today the picture of 1 minute to the gentleman from Mary- have to practice active-shooter drills Ben Wheeler, whose courageous mother land (Mr. HOYER), who is the distin- in their schools. I found their courage testified before the Pennsylvania guished majority leader. and persistence deeply inspiring. House of Representatives in 2014. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Chairman, I thank Now, with a change in the majority I carry with me today a picture of the gentleman for yielding. control, we are bringing to the floor Ron, the son of my dear friend, Marge, My friend, the gentleman from Geor- legislation supported by, as I said, nine who died of gun violence by suicide. gia, just rose and said that this won’t out of ten Americans, including a ma- I carry with me, not by picture, but work. We have risen on this floor time jority of responsible gun owners to ex- in my heart, the 16-year-old son of my after time after time after time and pand criminal background checks to former student at La Salle University had a moment of silence followed by no make sure that those who have a who was shot in random gun violence action. criminal past, a past of violence—do- in the city of Philadelphia. As I said time after time, we have mestic or otherwise—a mental health Mr. Chair, I rise in strong support of had a moment of silence. I will tell my problem, or are on the no-fly list be- H.R. 8. In conclusion, Mr. Chair, I long friend from Georgia that it hasn’t cause they are perceived as possibly for the day when orange ribbons are ob- worked. It has been appropriate, but it terrorists, won’t be able to buy a gun. solete and when orange scarves are a has not worked. Does that mean they won’t get a fashion statement, not a cry for help. Can we guarantee that this will work gun? Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I to make every person safe? It does not. I understand that. But as continue to reserve the balance of my It cannot. It will not. But I rise in I told my friend from Georgia, the mo- time. strong support of doing something, and ments of silence have not worked. They Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I yield 11⁄2 in this case doing something that 90 were appropriate, I understand, but minutes to the distinguished gentle- percent of America supports. they didn’t work.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.026 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2019 We will also be voting this week on do under the Second Amendment of can become felons. We tried to fix it; legislation offered by our whip, Mr. this Constitution, loaning your gun to they wanted that to stay in place. CLYBURN, to close the loophole that that friend in that act would make you So what is that motivation? contributed to the horrific mass shoot- a felon subject to a year in jail and But then we identified another prob- ing at Mother Emanuel AME Church in subject to a $100,000 fine, Mr. Chair- lem. If someone who is in this country Charleston in 2015. man. illegally goes to buy a gun and the sys- Mr. Chairman, I urge the Senate to We tried to fix that. They shut that tem flags them, and it says: Wait a follow the House and pass the legisla- amendment out. minute, this person is not even here le- tion we advance, and I call on the In this bill, if you loan your gun to a gally. They are breaking Federal law President to sign it without delay. friend who maybe has been a victim of trying to buy a gun. We said that we Mr. Chairman, let us not have a mo- domestic violence—and one of my col- should notify ICE so at least our Bor- ment of silence for this legislation. Do leagues who is here in opposition to der Patrol agents in the interior can not let it die. Do not let the hope that this bill is one of those victims of do- deport them. They blocked that it provides die. Do not let us stand by mestic violence. She had an amend- amendment. one more time to lament the death of ment to fix this bill to say, if she has So now a law-abiding citizen can be- a constituent, a friend, a neighbor, a got a temporary restraining order come a felon under their bill, but some- fellow citizen, who dies at the hand of against her boyfriend who has been one who is here illegally trying to buy a gun purchased illegally or by some- beating her and she is afraid he is a gun in violation of the law can’t be one who should not have a gun. going to come back tonight, under one turned over to authorities. This is a This is not about taking away guns. of the bills, if she goes to buy a gun to- bad gun control bill, and we ought to It is about preventing guns getting in night and the Fix NICS system isn’t reject it. the hands of people who do bad things, working, she may have 20 business days Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chairman, I just and we can predict that they are a dan- to get that gun. want to point out the penalty in this ger to others. Let us not have a mo- Now, good luck if the boyfriend bill that is being cited as $100,000 is in ment of silence for this bill. Let us pass shows up to beat her up that night and fact $1,000. it. Let the Senate pass it. Let the she says: Don’t worry, I am on day 8. I Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance President sign it. Let’s make an effort only have another 12 days before I can of my time. at least to stop the carnage. buy the gun. Will you come back so I Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- can defend myself then? man, I request of the chairman: Does man, I yield myself such time as I may Do you really think that is going to he have any more speakers at this consume. happen? time? Mr. Chairman, I appreciate the words You know what that means to her. Mr. NADLER. Yes, I have one more. So in the bill we said: What if you of the majority leader. However, I will Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- can loan your gun to her? say that in the previous Congress, this man, I reserve the balance of my time. She goes to a friend and says: I know ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CHAIR Congress did pass Fix NICS. It also you have a gun. I don’t have a gun. I passed the STOP School Violence Act. The CHAIR. The Chair will remind am trying to protect myself because I all persons in the gallery that they are I am sure, among other reasons, it is have got a TRO, but I know he is prob- probably why the majority leader here as guests of the House and that ably going to come back. any manifestation of approval or dis- voted against those bills in which they Under this bill, you will be a felon, a were included. approval of proceedings is in violation year in jail, $100,000 fine. We tried to of the rules of the House. I do agree with him. The moments of fix that, too, Mr. Chairman, and they silence may not have stopped, but it Members are reminded to avoid ref- shut that amendment out. That is what erencing occupants of the gallery. did call upon a higher power to realize this bill does. that we are fragile human beings in- Oh, by the way, we are talking about b 1345 volved in tragedies. I will also remind law-abiding citizens here. If you go Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chairman, I yield the folks, and Mr. Chairman, yourself, hunting with a buddy and you try to 2 minutes to the gentleman from Cali- that this bill will also not do what it loan your gun to a buddy, Mr. Chair- fornia (Mr. THOMPSON), who is the dis- has many times been promoted for it to man, they say there is an exemption in tinguished author of the bill. do, because any of these mass violence the bill. But it is written so vaguely Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. episodes would not have been affected that you not only need to bring your Chair, I thank the gentleman for yield- by this bill. hunting partner, you might need to ing. Mr. Chairman, I yield 3 minutes to bring your attorney to find out if loan- I was asked to talk about some of the the gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. ing your shotgun to your friend makes outrageous allegations that were made SCALISE). you a felon under this bill. about this bill, and the chairman al- Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Chairman, I rise These are law-abiding citizens. These ready cleared one up, and that is the in strong opposition to these gun con- are people who use guns to defend $100,000 fine that we are hearing from trol bills that are being brought for- themselves, which is the basis of the the other side. It is $1,000, as was point- ward. They are brought forward under Second Amendment. Our Founding Fa- ed out. the guise of background checks. thers believed every American has the We also heard that this isn’t con- Let’s look at what these bills would right to defend themselves, because stitutional. Well, the Constitution is actually do. We had identified any every day, on average, in this country pretty clear: Individuals have a right number of problems with this bill that guns are used by good people to defend to bear arms. Nobody is disputing that. we were trying to improve, and every themselves against bad people, and it is As a matter of fact, it was settled in one of those was shut out, shut out by going to make it harder for them to get District of Columbia v. Heller. the Democratic majority who wanted access to these guns to defend them- But also in that opinion were Justice to try to stifle the opposing side’s de- selves. So, again, we tried to fix some Scalia’s remarks that stated that gov- bate because they think just saying of these problems. ernment also has a responsibility and a background checks makes this a good Mr. Chairman, let me tell you about right to regulate firearms. That is all bill. another problem we tried to identify we are doing. Let’s talk about what this bill will do and fix. If you loan your gun, you will We are saying that people who are to make criminals—felons—out of law- be a felon. felons, domestic abusers, dangerously abiding citizens. If you loan your gun The CHAIR. The time of the gen- mentally ill, a danger to themselves or to a friend under this bill, maybe they tleman has expired. others shouldn’t be able to have guns. I are thinking of buying a similar gun to Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- don’t think anybody can dispute that. protect themselves and they want to go man, I yield the gentleman from Lou- And how do you find out if you don’t do to a shooting range to see if this gun is isiana an additional 30 seconds. a background check? the right kind of gun to protect them- Mr. SCALISE. So now we have iden- My friends on the other side of the selves with, which they have a right to tified areas where law-abiding citizens aisle said this won’t work. We have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.027 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2253 heard it a hundred times: This won’t With that being said, this bill that effect on February 28, 1994—it was to keep work. Well, we have been working on we are voting on today would not have firearms out of the hands of dangerous per- this for 61⁄2 years, ever since Sandy done anything to stop that tragedy sons including felons and abusers. Hook. We have pleaded with the other from happening, nor would it have pre- Twenty-five years later—and 300 million side to work with us, have a hearing. vented any of those recent mass shoot- background checks that have blocked 3 million What are your ideas? ings. purchases to dangerous individuals—few if Absolute silence from them. Absolute The 19-year-old murderer in Parkland any today seriously suggest that the Brady law silence. passed a background check. should be repealed. This does work. We know that li- The man who murdered 26 innocent I support the Second Amendment. Universal censed dealers stop the sale of firearms people at First Baptist Church in Suth- background checks prescribed in H.R. 8 are to 170 felons every day and 50 domestic erland Springs also passed a back- an attempt to ensure that firearms are pro- abusers every day because they are re- ground check, although he wouldn’t cured, owned and used by responsible, law quired to do background checks. have if the Air Force had passed along abiding citizens. But in some States, that same indi- his criminal information like they According to the Brady Campaign, about 1 vidual can be found to be prohibited, were supposed to have done. in 5 guns now sold in America are done so walk outside and go to a gun show or And the evil that took place in Sandy without a background check. That’s a signifi- go online and buy a gun without the Hook wouldn’t have been stopped by cant loophole. benefit of a background check—and this bill either. The killer used his According to the CDC, there was a record that is wrong. mother’s guns to kill her and 26 others. 39,773 deaths from firearms in 2017—higher Countless speakers from the other They were bought legally. than in any other year—23,854 were self-in- side of the aisle said this wouldn’t have Mr. Chairman, the simple fact is that flicted and 14,542 were homicides. stopped this crime, this wouldn’t have criminals don’t abide by the law, and To mitigate gun violence in America, H.R. 8 stopped this mass shooting, this this would only create traps for law- expands Brady background checks to trans- wouldn’t have stopped that mass shoot- abiding gun owners. actions by private sellers not currently covered ing. Well, my friends, if that is your However, there are actions that we by the law. standard, if you will only support a bill can take, actions that we can do, that Multiple school shootings have led to robust, that will stop every mass shooting, would make meaningful strides in com- comprehensive action at every level to make that will stop every death by a firearm, bating the violence that we see today. classrooms safer. I have visited many schools that means you want to get rid of all One example of something we could in my district—and I have found that while the guns, and no one on this side of the do, improve information sharing be- threat is being taken seriously, no one policy, aisle is saying that. tween law enforcement officials across program or initiative can ensure the level of The CHAIR. The time of the gen- this country. protection our students need and deserve. tleman has expired. Mr. Chair, to close, I disagree with Mr. Chair, no constitutional right is absolute Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I yield the the policy of this bill. including the Second Amendment. The First gentleman an additional 1 minute. Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I Amendment’s freedom of speech, for example, Mr. THOMPSON of California. The yield back the balance of my time. has reasonable limits including the promulga- only way you can ensure that there Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I yield my- tion of slander and libel law. will never be another person murdered self the balance of my time. To preserve public order, we accept reason- by someone with a gun is to do away Mr. Chair, we have heard the other able restrictions on the freedom to assemble. with all guns. We recognized that from side here say that some people lie on Even freedom of religion isn’t without some day one. the forms; they are not prosecuted. Numerous speakers have said, just modest boundaries. Well, that may be, and maybe law en- today on this floor, this will not stop In like manner, universal background checks forcement ought to prosecute more every death. But it will stop some, and don’t erode Second Amendment rights but do people. it is certainly worth pursuing. help ensure much needed protection from gun That doesn’t negate the necessity for I urge your ‘‘aye’’ vote. violence for everyone. Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- the bill. It doesn’t negate the fact that Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Chair, I rise today in man, is this now the final speaker? too many people who shouldn’t have strong support of H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Back- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I am pre- guns, who are mentally unstable, who ground Checks Act. pared to close. have committed crimes, and who are This year, my State of the Union guest was Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I abusers get guns because they buy a Alexandria Goddard, a young activist who am prepared to close as well. gun at a gun show or not from a reg- helped organize Portland’s March for Our Mr. Chair, before I close, I would like istered gun dealer and, therefore, do Lives. to say that I agree with the statement not have to undergo a background Alexandria led thousands of Oregonians in a from the gentleman just now that check. march to demand that Congress take action to there are maybe the ones turned away Everyone who gets a gun should have prevent gun violence. every day. The problem is there are to undergo a background check, with By passing this bill we are heeding the call only 60 a year prosecuted for what is a the few exceptions we put in the bill. of the hundreds of thousands of students who crime. This doesn’t address that. Mr. Chairman, H.R. 8 is legislation marched for their lives. Mr. Chair, I yield the balance of my that is long overdue for passage by this They know—and we know—that this bill will time to the gentleman from North body and for enactment so that we can save lives because it requires a background Carolina (Mr. BUDD), a licensed fire- take a critical step overwhelmingly check for nearly all firearm sales and trans- arms dealer. supported by the American people to fers. Mr. BUDD. Mr. Chair, I thank my protect us from gun violence. The evidence shows that Oregon and the friend from Georgia (Mr. COLLINS) for We have had too many moments of other states that have already passed com- allowing me the time. silence, too many expressions of sym- prehensive background checks have 35 per- I rise today in opposition to H.R. 8 pathy, too many deaths—39,000 deaths cent fewer gun deaths, and 47 percent fewer and want to lay out a couple of reasons from guns last year—but little action women shot by their intimate partners. for my opposition. here in Congress on this issue. Congress is finally doing more than offering Before I do, I think it is important to Today we act. I urge my colleagues thoughts and prayers. acknowledge how polarizing this de- to vote in support of this vital bill to We are acting. We are acting for Parkland, bate has become over the last several start taking back our streets from the for Sandy Hook, for Umpqua Community Col- years. More specifically, I want this killers, to start blocking people who lege, and for the hundreds of thousands of body to know that, as a human being, shouldn’t have them from having guns. victims and survivors around the country. as an American, as a father, when I see Save our lives. I urge all of my colleagues to vote yes on the heartbreaking news of a mass Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of H.R. 8. shooting like the one we saw just 54 my time. Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Chair, I rise weeks ago in Parkland, it just breaks Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Chair, when today to voice my support for H.R. 8, The Bi- my heart. I voted for the Brady Law in 1993—which took partisan Background Check Act of 2019. This

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.029 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2019 common sense bipartisan legislation would ex- less a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, tion under paragraph (1), and such other person pand the current firearm background check or licensed dealer has first taken possession of has certified that such other person has been system to cover all commercial firearm sales the firearm for the purpose of complying with provided with this notice on a form prescribed subsection (s). by the Attorney General.’’. nationwide. ‘‘(B) Upon taking possession of a firearm SEC. 4. TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMEND- Our nation is currently enduring a crisis that under subparagraph (A), a licensee shall comply MENTS. is putting families and communities at risk. with all requirements of this chapter as if the li- (a) SECTION 922.—Section 922(y)(2) of title 18, Gun violence has become so commonplace in censee were transferring the firearm from the in- United States Code, is amended in the matter our society that we no longer seem to flinch ventory of the licensee to the unlicensed trans- preceding subparagraph (A) by striking ‘‘, whenever these events occur. Gun violence feree. (g)(5)(B), and (s)(3)(B)(v)(II)’’ and inserting threatens national security and inflicts a toll. ‘‘(C) If a transfer of a firearm described in ‘‘and (g)(5)(B)’’. 125,000 people are shot every year and more subparagraph (A) will not be completed for any (b) CONSOLIDATED AND FURTHER CONTINUING reason after a licensee takes possession of the than 36,000 people die as a result of these APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2012.—Section 511 of title firearm (including because the transfer of the V of division B of the Consolidated and Further shootings. A 2018 report conducted by the firearm to, or receipt of the firearm by, the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012 (18 U.S.C. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention re- transferee would violate this chapter), the re- 922 note) is amended by striking ‘‘subsection vealed that there were 3,353 firearm-related turn of the firearm to the transferor by the li- 922(t)’’ each place it appears and inserting deaths in my home state of Texas. 352 of censee shall not constitute the transfer of a fire- ‘‘subsection (s) or (t) of section 922’’. these were children and teenagers under 19 arm for purposes of this chapter. SEC. 5. RULE OF CONSTRUCTION. years old. Texas unfortunately has played host ‘‘(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to— Nothing in this Act, or any amendment made ‘‘(A) a law enforcement agency or any law en- by this Act, shall be construed to— to some of the most viscous recent mass forcement officer, armed private security profes- shootings, such as the 2009 Fort Hood shoot- (1) authorize the establishment, directly or in- sional, or member of the armed forces, to the ex- directly, of a national firearms registry; or ing, the Dallas police officer shooting in 2016, tent the officer, professional, or member is act- (2) interfere with the authority of a State, the Plano and Sutherland Springs Church ing within the course and scope of employment under section 927 of title 18, United States Code, shootings in 2017, and last year’s Santa Fe and official duties; to enact a law on the same subject matter as this High School shooting. ‘‘(B) a transfer that is a loan or bona fide gift Act. between spouses, between domestic partners, be- We have high levels of gun violence in this SEC. 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. tween parents and their children, between sib- country because we have weak laws that are The amendments made by this Act shall take lings, between aunts or uncles and their nieces effect 210 days after the date of the enactment riddled with loopholes. This bill will not only or nephews, or between grandparents and their of this Act. eliminate those loopholes, but it will do so grandchildren; without infringing upon second amendment ‘‘(C) a transfer to an executor, administrator, The CHAIR. No amendment to that rights. Implementing universal background trustee, or personal representative of an estate amendment in the nature of a sub- checks is supported by 97 percent of Ameri- or a trust that occurs by operation of law upon stitute shall be in order except those cans, including 97 percent of gun owners. the death of another person; printed in part A of House Report 116– The reality is that gun safety laws will re- ‘‘(D) a temporary transfer that is necessary to 14. Each such amendment may be of- prevent imminent death or great bodily harm, if duce violence and we must do everything in the possession by the transferee lasts only as fered only in the order printed in the our power to prevent the reoccurrence of un- long as immediately necessary to prevent the im- report, by a Member designated in the necessary tragedy and loss of life in this coun- minent death or great bodily harm; report, shall be considered read, shall try. I urge my colleagues to support this bill. ‘‘(E) a transfer that is approved by the Attor- be debatable for the time specified in The CHAIR. All time for general de- ney General under section 5812 of the Internal the report, equally divided and con- bate has expired. Revenue Code of 1986; or trolled by the proponent and an oppo- Pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be ‘‘(F) a temporary transfer if the transferor has nent, shall not be subject to amend- considered for amendment under the 5- no reason to believe that the transferee will use ment, and shall not be subject to a de- or intends to use the firearm in a crime or is pro- minute rule. hibited from possessing firearms under State or mand for division of the question. In lieu of the amendment in the na- Federal law, and the transfer takes place and AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MRS. LESKO ture of a substitute recommended by the transferee’s possession of the firearm is ex- The CHAIR. It is now in order to con- the Committee on the Judiciary, print- clusively— sider amendment No. 1 printed in part ed in the bill, it shall be in order to ‘‘(i) at a shooting range or in a shooting gal- A of House Report 116–14. consider as an original bill for the pur- lery or other area designated for the purpose of Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Chairman, I have target shooting; pose of amendment under the 5-minute an amendment at the desk. rule an amendment in the nature of a ‘‘(ii) while reasonably necessary for the pur- poses of hunting, trapping, or fishing, if the The CHAIR. The Clerk will designate substitute consisting of the text of transferor— the amendment. Rules Committee Print 116–5. That ‘‘(I) has no reason to believe that the trans- The text of the amendment is as fol- amendment in the nature of a sub- feree intends to use the firearm in a place where lows: stitute shall be considered as read. it is illegal; and Page 3, line 17, strike ‘‘or’’. The text of the amendment in the na- ‘‘(II) has reason to believe that the transferee Page 4, line 15, strike the period and insert ture of a substitute is as follows: will comply with all licensing and permit re- ‘‘; or’’. quirements for such hunting, trapping, or fish- Page 4, after line 15, insert the following: H.R. 8 ing; or ‘‘(G) a transfer to a participant in the Pre- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ‘‘(iii) while in the presence of the transferor. Check or successor trusted traveler program resentatives of the United States of America in ‘‘(3)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Department of Homeland Security.’’. Congress assembled, of this chapter, the Attorney General may im- plement this subsection with regulations. The CHAIR. Pursuant to House Reso- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. lution 145, the gentlewoman from Ari- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Bipartisan ‘‘(B) Regulations promulgated under this Background Checks Act of 2019’’. paragraph may not include any provision re- zona (Mrs. LESKO) and a Member op- quiring licensees to facilitate transfers in ac- posed each will control 5 minutes. SEC. 2. PURPOSE. cordance with paragraph (1). The Chair recognizes the gentle- The purpose of this Act is to utilize the cur- ‘‘(C) Regulations promulgated under this rent background checks process in the United woman from Arizona. paragraph may not include any provision re- Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Chairman, this States to ensure individuals prohibited from gun quiring persons not licensed under this chapter possession are not able to obtain firearms. to keep records of background checks or fire- amendment would allow gun owners to SEC. 3. FIREARMS TRANSFERS. arms transfers. legally transfer their firearms to indi- Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is ‘‘(D) Regulations promulgated under this viduals who have been approved and amended— paragraph may not include any provision plac- are participants in TSA’s PreCheck (1) by striking subsection (s); ing a cap on the fee licensees may charge to fa- program. (2) by redesignating subsection (t) as sub- cilitate transfers in accordance with paragraph TSA PreCheck identifies trusted section (s); and (1). travelers and, thus, allows expedited (3) by inserting after subsection (s), as redesig- ‘‘(4) It shall be unlawful for a licensed im- movement through airport security. In nated, the following: porter, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer ‘‘(t)(1)(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to transfer possession of, or title to, a firearm to order to receive TSA PreCheck, one who is not a licensed importer, licensed manu- another person who is not so licensed unless the must submit an application, have an facturer, or licensed dealer to transfer a firearm importer, manufacturer, or dealer has provided in-person interview, and go through a to any other person who is not so licensed, un- such other person with a notice of the prohibi- background check and fingerprinting.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE7.005 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2255 Fingerprinting is not required, cur- criminal convictions, to obtain fire- In other words, you get the TSA rently, to purchase a gun; thus, a TSA arms without a background check. PreCheck, and if you are convicted PreCheck background check is more The current background system, the afterwards, within 5 years, for a very stringent. If an individual can pass this National Instant Criminal Background serious crime, under this amendment, background check and be admitted to Check System, was designed specifi- you could get the gun, although, le- this Federal Government program, cally for background checks pursuant gally, you shouldn’t without a back- there is no reason why they shouldn’t to the Brady Handgun Violence Pre- ground check, and the TSA PreCheck be able to borrow a firearm from a vention Act. program would not have picked it up. The system, often called the NICS, friend. They have already gone through b 1400 a more extensive background check contains the information that no other system than to acquire a weapon. The Federal database contains, and the These shortcomings of the TSA current background check does not re- TSA does not check NICS when deter- PreCheck system make it an inad- quire fingerprints; a TSA PreCheck mining a person’s eligibility for the equate and dangerous substitute for a does. TSA PreCheck program. NICS background check. To prevent Membership to TSA PreCheck must Although participants in the TSA potentially prohibited purchasers from be renewed every 5 years. Again, the PreCheck program have had their obtaining firearms, licensed dealers TSA PreCheck process requires finger- criminal backgrounds vetted, the should conduct background checks on prints and an in-person interview. The standards for approval and participa- participants in the PreCheck program process, currently, for purchasing a tion in the TSA PreCheck program are as they would with any other member gun requires neither of those under not the same and, in many cases, are of the public. Federal law. It appears, then, that the more lenient than those which prohibit The blanket exception of this amend- TSA PreCheck process is a more exten- firearm possession and purchase. ment for anyone who participates in For example, the NICS searches the sive process. the TSA PreCheck program would un- records of people prohibited for mental H.R. 8 restricts not only the pur- dermine the bill’s ability to enhance health reasons during a firearms back- chase, but also the everyday gun trans- public safety because it would enable ground check. These mental health fer for law-abiding citizens. This people convicted of serious crimes, peo- reasons, though, are not part of the amendment and many other Repub- ple adjudicated to have serious mental TSA PreCheck search. illnesses, to purchase guns without a lican amendments—I think I had five As of January 31, there are more than others that were not made in order— background check, even though the 5.7 million of these mental health TSA system would not pick them up. seek to give some relief to law-abiding records in the NICS indexes, making it citizens from this overarching and bur- The TSA system is not a substitute the second most populous category of for the background check system. It densome legislation. prohibited records for firearm pur- In H.R. 8, we are not only talking doesn’t pick up many of the crimes. It chase. doesn’t carry it forward. And it is not about the purchase of firearms, we are Because the Department of Homeland a substitute for this system. talking about the transfer of firearms, Security does not have access to these To pass this amendment, which which includes lending your firearm. mental health records for TSA would allow people who have qualified The Democrats have proposed a bill PreCheck program purposes, individ- under the TSA PreCheck program not that would criminalize millions of law- uals who have been adjudicated to be to have background checks, would abiding Americans. Because this bill disqualified to own firearms for reasons allow a lot of people who shouldn’t uses ambiguous, overarching, and of mental condition or have been com- vague language, it encompasses so mitted to any mental institution may have guns to have them. Therefore, I many potential situations. This be accepted under the TSA PreCheck strongly oppose this amendment, and I amendment seeks to give some relief. program but are not legally able to ask that my colleagues vote ‘‘no’’ on If we are going to allow Americans to possess a gun. Under this amendment, this amendment. be given expedited and reduced screen- they would be legally exempted from Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- ing in our most sensitive and secure the background check requirement and ance of my time. environments in the U.S. airport get- would be able to get a gun, despite Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Chair, I yield 30 ting on a plane, why wouldn’t we allow being legally prohibited from doing so. seconds to the gentleman from Georgia them to lend a gun to their friend? The TSA bars people convicted of (Mr. COLLINS). H.R. 8 criminalizes me and others certain criminal offenses, such as rape Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- just for handing someone a firearm or aggravated sexual abuse, from par- man, I won’t take even the 30 seconds. who isn’t a direct family member or in ticipating in the TSA PreCheck pro- I just support the amendment. I think other very narrow situations. In fact, gram only temporarily. It doesn’t re- it is good. Many of the flaws that we as I said yesterday, the language in strict people convicted of these serious have seen in this bill so far, this is an this bill is so ambiguous. What is ‘‘im- crimes for more than 7 years, and it amendment that actually works. minent danger’’? There is no definition wouldn’t bar people released from pris- Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Chair, I yield my- in the bill. on for these crimes within the last 5 self such time as I may consume. Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance years. Mr. NADLER, in his statement, said of my time. Under current law, these felony con- that my amendment would allow dan- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I rise in op- victions prohibit possession or pur- gerous people to get guns. I have to say position to the amendment. chase of a weapon, but, under this I disagree. The CHAIR. The gentleman from amendment, people released from pris- I am the ranking member on the New York is recognized for 5 minutes. on within the last 5 years for these Committee on Homeland Security sub- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I rise in op- crimes could get the weapons—could committee that deals with TSA, and position to this amendment because it get the weapons. the TSA PreCheck system is more is fatally flawed and would undermine The TSA PreCheck program does not stringent than the background check the public safety impact of the bill. have a minimum age requirement, and currently required to obtain a gun, The amendment would add an excep- this amendment would allow people when you purchase it. Again, it re- tion to the background check require- under the ages of 18 and 21 to purchase quires a fingerprint background check ment for anyone who is a participant firearms illegally and without a NICS and an individual interview. Neither of in the TSA PreCheck program by the background check. those are required right now. Department of Homeland Security. Furthermore, the TSA PreCheck pro- We had offered a number of amend- By exempting those who have ob- gram only requires a background check ments to help this bill become less bur- tained a TSA PreCheck from the back- every 5 years, and the PreCheck sys- densome on law-abiding citizens, and ground check requirement, the amend- tem may not be advised that a firearms so I am happy that one was at least ment would allow many dangerous peo- disqualifying offense has taken place ruled in order, this TSA one, and I ple, including people with disqualifying after the initial PreCheck background would ask my colleagues to please vote mental health conditions and some check has occurred. ‘‘yes’’ on it.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.033 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2019 Mr. Chairman, I urge adoption of this hearts ache, people we wish we could that we can simply limit to: Yes, guns commonsense amendment, and I yield hold just one more time. are effective. But any method that back the balance of my time. I offer up a picture of a dear friend of someone uses to choose to end their The Acting CHAIR (Mr. PRICE of my family, Ron. life is sad and a struggle for those of us North Carolina). The question is on the Unfortunately, very few of us are left who have dealt with this. amendment offered by the gentle- unscathed by this problem. While there The term ‘‘imminent’’ here is prob- woman from Arizona (Mrs. LESKO). are many factors that contribute to lematic for those of us who have dealt The question was taken; and the Act- self-harm, the presence of a firearm in with those who are struggling with sui- ing Chair announced that the noes ap- the home increases the risk of suicide. cide because imminent to them and im- peared to have it. Not surprisingly, using a gun is the minent to a judge and imminent to Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Chairman, I de- method that most often ends in death. someone who wants to take his life, mand a recorded vote. Guns are dangerously effective at and to law enforcement, indicates The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to what they are designed to do. That is something precipitous that will happen clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- why this amendment is so important. in a very short amount of time, a very ceedings on the amendment offered by It ensures that those in crisis can tem- imminent act, something that is the gentlewoman from Arizona will be porarily transfer a firearm safely until maybe going to happen, Mr. Chairman, postponed. the crisis has passed. It clearly defines even before I finish my speech. That is AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MS. DEAN that a person can temporarily hand an imminent kind of act. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order over firearms to someone they trust Imminent does not extend to 12 hours to consider amendment No. 2 printed in while they work through this difficult or 24 hours or even 46 hours. That part A of House Report 116–14. time. would not fall under the definition of Ms. DEAN. Mr. Chairman, I have an This clarity is needed because, in ‘‘imminent.’’ And I am not willing to amendment at the desk. times of crisis, moments matter. It let a prosecutor or a judge who may The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will may literally be the difference between not like guns, who would actually say designate the amendment. life and death. that was an imminent threat, and by The text of the amendment is as fol- We are here today at a historic mo- transferring it for more than a short lows: ment to take action against the vio- amount of time, you have then fallen Page 3, line 11, after ‘‘harm,’’ insert ‘‘in- lence that plagues this country, our under and fall under this. cluding harm to self, family, household communities, and our loved ones. The Now, I would hope that would never members, or others,’’. Bipartisan Background Checks Act of happen, Mr. Chairman. But we have to The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to 2019, with this amendment, will keep be serious about this issue of immi- House Resolution 145, the gentlewoman guns out of the hands of those who le- nence. For those of us who have dealt with this, there may be, and I have had from Pennsylvania (Ms. DEAN) and a gally should not have them and also times when people would come to me Member opposed each will control 5 gives those who need a safe way to sep- and they were thinking about harming minutes. arate themselves from their guns a way themselves, but the imminence factor The Chair recognizes the gentle- to do so. woman from Pennsylvania. If we have the courage to pass this was not there. They were just trying to see if they could clear their head. It Ms. DEAN. Mr. Chair, I yield myself legislation, the courage here in the may be a week that would pass, and such time as I may consume. House and in the Senate and in the they came back and would say it was I rise to offer an amendment to H.R. White House, it will do just that. It 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks fine. will save lives. But in this issue, I understand the in- Act of 2019. My amendment clarifies Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance tent and the heart here, but it is a very that those at risk of committing sui- of my time. weak attempt to fix problems that we cide would be exempt from the back- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I had already pointed out in this bill. ground check requirement in instances claim time in opposition. And it will still not fix the problem, be- of imminent threats of death or great The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman cause the problem is the imminent from Georgia is recognized for 5 min- bodily harm. standard. That is the part that we are Specifically, this legislation amends utes. struggling with. the bill to insert the line ‘‘including Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- We can disagree about this, and I will harm to self, family, household mem- man, I appreciate the willingness of the respect the gentlewoman if she dis- bers, or others’’ to the list of instances amendment, I think, but I rise in that, agrees, and would expect her to. But when a person is exempt from the again, this is something discussed at let’s remember, this is carried out, if, background check requirement and committee. It was an attempt to—it is say—which I would hope would not may temporarily transfer away a fire- basically a failed attempt to fix one of happen—this bill actually becomes law. arm for safekeeping. the shortcomings of this legislation. It then will present a problem for those The spirit of this long overdue legis- I understand why they would bring who have to enforce it and those judges lation is to save lives, and I urge my it. I understand why they would want who would have to interpret it. colleagues to support my amendment, to fix it, because its existence indicates We have to remember that our ac- which will further achieve this goal by what we have been saying about the tions here, we vote on words on paper, addressing the leading instance of gun flaws in the bill, which we discussed at not aspirational ideas. Those are happy death in this country, suicide. committee. thoughts, not words on paper. The only Last year, nearly 40,000 people were Like other floor amendments that thing that the courts can do is vote on killed by gun violence, with another are going to be offered, this is nothing words on paper. 80,000 literally caught in the crossfire. more than trying to basically change I appreciate the gentlewoman bring- Of those killed, over half, more than the appearance of what is a flawed per- ing this. I support the intent, espe- 20,000, people tragically died by gun ception. The problem here is it address- cially dealing with suicide, which suicide. es the undefined term of ‘‘imminent’’ many of us have worked on, and the And the problem has grown. Nation- used in the bill. tragedy that it leaves in the wake of so ally, over the past years, the past dec- Mr. Chairman, it is well known, and many. But please understand my oppo- ade, the rate of suicide by gun death I have spoken about it many times, sition to this is it is still a flawed prod- has increased 19 percent. This is a prob- that I am still currently serving as a uct because we have not dealt with the lem that grips our entire Nation. United States Air Force chaplain. I very issue of imminence in this legisla- In my home State of Pennsylvania, have pastored for many years, and I tion and this amendment. there has been a 24 percent increase in have been on the other end of phone Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- gun suicides over the past 10 years, calls from those who were struggling ance of my time. claiming the lives of over 14,000 people. and thinking of taking their life. Ms. DEAN. Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 These are our friends, our loved ones, Suicide is not something that we can minute to the gentleman from New young and old, people for whom our define very easily. It is not something York (Mr. NADLER).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.034 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2257 Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chairman, I sup- and a Member opposed each will con- Oklahoma domestic violence pro- port the amendment, which clarifies trol 5 minutes. grams serve an average of 18,000 people the bill’s exemption for the background The Chair recognizes the gentle- annually, according to the YWCA. check requirement in instances of im- woman from Oklahoma. Oklahoma is not an exception. These minent threats or great bodily harm Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. problems persist. One in four women would apply to someone who is at risk Mr. Chairman, I yield myself such time and one in nine men experience inti- of committing suicide. as I may consume. mate partner physical violence; these The amendment makes clear that the H.R. 8 is a critical piece of legislation people deserve to be protected. limited number of exemptions to the that I am proud to support. Congress For us, that means many things, in- background check requirement include needs to act to cut down on our Na- cluding strengthening and reauthor- circumstances in which someone feels tion’s widespread gun violence. We izing the Violence Against Women Act that they are a danger to themselves. must close loopholes that give buyers and investing in support services and They may temporarily transfer a fire- and sellers a way around background family justice centers. But it also arm until the danger has passed. This checks. There is no reason vendors at means we need to empower people to is a limited and reasonable exemption gun shows or online should be exempt protect themselves. that only applies to those who fear from the safety measures other mer- That is why Congress should pass they will harm themselves, so that chants must obey. We should also vet laws to strengthen background checks they may temporary surrender their sales between two people. and create exceptions for those who weapon. That is not to say that there should truly need them. I listened to the gentleman from be no exceptions. My amendment Mr. Chair, I reserve the balance of Georgia, and I appreciate he doesn’t carves out protections for people who my time. think that the amendment goes far face risk of domestic violence, dating Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- enough or solves the underlying prob- partner violence, sexual assault, stalk- man, I claim the time in opposition to lems of the bill, as he sees it. But even ing, and domestic abuse. the amendment. from his point of view, it should go in The underlying bill, H.R. 8, already The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is the right direction. So I urge everyone creates an exception to the background recognized for 5 minutes. to support this amendment. check requirement when there is a Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- Ms. DEAN. Mr. Chairman, I yield my- temporary weapon transfer, if the man, again, I understand the need or self such time as I may consume. transferee is at imminent risk of death want to do this is to make many things Mr. Chairman, I thank the author of or great bodily harm. Our amendment that actually came in discussions in this bill, Representative THOMPSON, is meant to make it crystal clear and our committee about some of the prob- and I thank all the tireless advocates explicit that this exception applies lems that we found here, and the mere who have worked to bring us to this when the transferees are protecting submission is another tacit admission day. themselves from an abuser. It does not that the Democrats understand the I thank the good gentleman from expand the underlying exception; it of- flaws in this bill. Georgia for his comments. Clearly, he fers one critical example of where it Mr. Chairman, it is not something understands the gravity and the grave might apply. that I am going to relitigate here, but nature of gun death by suicide in this also, when debate is cut short, this is b 1415 country. As you can see, that number what happens when you get to the has been escalating over the past 10 When I talked to Oklahomans across floor. When debate is cut short in com- years. That includes more than 20,000 my district last year, they confided in mittee, this is what happens. people in a single year. me their concerns about gun violence. I They realize that good products were Gun violence by suicide is quite dead- promised to work towards policies that brought up, but yet they chose to push ly. We know it, and so I thank my col- would protect them. through a bill because they had a league from the other side of the aisle We need to protect our Second timeline. for at least supporting the spirit of Amendment right, but there is no cred- We went through this in the Rules what we are trying to do here. ible reason why we as a state and na- Committee. I get it. This is what is For the greater safety of our citizens, tion can’t acknowledge there are steps coming up. But, again, to put this in, our neighbors, our friends, and our we can take to save lives and find a ‘‘great bodily harm,’’ it is minimally family members, I urge my colleagues path forward to do so. helpful at this point. It goes back to to support this amendment and please H.R. 8 does just that. It increases the problem we had with ‘‘imminent’’ support this bill, H.R. 8. safety without limiting our Second in the last one. Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- Amendment rights by implementing These are all things, frankly, that ance of my time. commonsense policy. could have been—even in a bill that I The Acting CHAIR. The question is But when we take these common- would disagree with at the end of the on the amendment offered by the gen- sense steps, we need to acknowledge day on this—this is, again, not some- tlewoman from Pennsylvania (Ms. our power to create unintended con- thing that is going to fix it. A victim of DEAN). sequences, and to prevent them. domestic abuse can live in constant The amendment was agreed to. That is why I am offering this fear of her abuser and feel threatened AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MS. KENDRA S. amendment. In addition to my com- at all times. HORN OF OKLAHOMA mitment to gun safety, I have talked Again, Mr. Chairman, I understand at The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order about my devotion to helping protect least the attempt to fix something, be- to consider amendment No. 3 printed in women and families. cause they understand that there were part A of House Report 116–14. Between 1998 and 2017, the Oklahoma problems and they don’t want to make Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. Domestic Violence Fatality Review it worse, but I have advocated all along Mr. Chairman, I have an amendment at Board found nearly 1,700 people were that what this does help, it also hurts. the desk. killed in our State because of domestic And this is, again, just another at- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will violence. In 2017 alone, 91 Oklahomans tempt to do that. designate the amendment. were murdered. I appreciate that they are figuring The text of the amendment is as fol- The National Intimate Partner and out the problems now; I just would op- lows: Sexual Violence Survey found that pose this amendment, because, again, Page 3, line 14, insert ‘‘, including the nearly two in five Oklahoma women it does not completely fix the problems harm of domestic violence, dating partner will face some form of domestic abuse that we have seen, and would not in the violence, sexual assault, stalking, and do- or sexual violence during their life- bigger picture. mestic abuse’’ before the semicolon. times. Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Oklahoma is consistently ranked in ance of my time. House Resolution 145, the gentlewoman the top five States for women killed by Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. from Oklahoma (Ms. KENDRA S. HORN) men in one-on-one homicides. Mr. Chairman, I yield such time as she

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.037 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2019 may consume to the gentlewoman from The Acting CHAIR. The question is Mr. Chair, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on this Kansas (Ms. DAVIDS). on the amendment offered by the gen- amendment, and I reserve the balance Ms. DAVIDS of Kansas. Mr. Chair- tlewoman from Oklahoma (Ms. KENDRA of my time. man, I rise today to voice my support S. HORN). Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- for this amendment to H.R. 8 intro- The question was taken; and the Act- man, I claim the time in opposition to duced by Representatives HORN and ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- the amendment, even though I am not MURPHY. peared to have it. opposed to it. This amendment protects people fac- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I demand a The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- ing the threat of domestic violence, recorded vote. tion, the gentleman is recognized for 5 dating partner violence, sexual assault, The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to minutes. stalking, and domestic abuse. clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- There was no objection. I am the daughter of a military vet- ceedings on the amendment offered by Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair- eran, and like most Kansans, I respect the gentlewoman from Oklahoma will man, again, I am not opposing this the Second Amendment rights of law- be postponed. amendment, but like the previous abiding citizens. But also, like most AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MR. VAN DREW amendment, again, it is proof that this Kansans, I am tired of politicians doing The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order bill is still not ready for prime time nothing to stop senseless killings. to consider amendment No. 4 printed in and should have spent more time in- That is why I support commonsense part A of House Report 116–14. stead of moving a very ill-timed pre- solutions to keep our communities Mr. VAN DREW. Mr. Chairman, I vious question because of a timing safe, like expanding background checks have an amendment at the desk. deadline that they had to get to the and closing dangerous loopholes in our The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will floor. It fixes one of the many flaws in laws. designate the amendment. the bill. In our effort to ensure the safety of Again, Republicans had solutions to our communities, however, we can’t The text of the amendment is as fol- lows: these loose ends all over the bill, but forget the needs of those at risk of do- our debate time was stopped. But I do mestic violence to protect themselves Page 3, line 3, after ‘‘children,’’ insert ‘‘in- cluding step-parents and their step-chil- have just a question here. Although I from abuse. am not opposing this amendment, it According to the Kansas Bureau of dren’’. Page 3, line 5, insert ‘‘, if the transferor has merely adds the exchange between Investigation, in 2017 a domestic vio- no reason to believe that the transferee will stepparent and their stepchildren. lence incident was reported every 23 use or intends to use the firearm in a crime What about stepsiblings who also minutes and a domestic violence mur- or is prohibited from possessing firearms love each other dearly? But this der occurred every 9 days in the State under State or Federal law’’ before the semi- doesn’t include that. Stepgrandparents of Kansas. colon. and stepgrandchildren? What about fos- In the United States, more than 12 The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to ter families or adoptive families? million people experience some form of House Resolution 145, the gentleman It is a simple fix that, again, goes domestic violence by a current or from New Jersey (Mr. VAN DREW) and a forward and, again, struggles. former domestic partner every year. Member opposed each will control 5 But I do want to go back and address These women and men deserve our minutes. something, Mr. Chairman, that came support, which means we also need to The Chair recognizes the gentleman up earlier, and it seemed to get an in- reauthorize and strengthen the Vio- from New Jersey. teresting response from my friends lence Against Women Act. Mr. VAN DREW. Mr. Chair, I yield across the aisle, my colleague stated These men and women deserve to be myself as much time as I may con- that the appropriate fine is $1,000, not protected. I cannot emphasize that sume. $100,000. They cite the U.S. sentencing enough. Mr. Chair, my amendment clarifies Mr. Chair, I am proud to support H.R. guidelines for this number, but I do that the exceptions for gifts and loans 8. It is a critical piece of legislation have to remind the chairman that of firearms between parents and their that will save lives, and I urge my fel- since the Booker decision, of course, children applies to stepparents and low colleagues to stand up for sur- the guidelines are only advisory. And stepchildren. vivors and those at risk and support we need not look to the advisory guide- The reason I offer this amendment is this amendment. lines, but look at the statute the bill to recognize that the relationship be- Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. amends. tween stepparents and stepchildren is Mr. Chairman, I yield 15 seconds to the Remember, we do not vote on aspira- sometimes stronger than or as strong gentleman from New York (Mr. NAD- tions in this Chamber; we vote on as that of the biological parent-child LER). words on paper. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chair, I thank the relationship. 18 USC 924(a)(5) contains the penalty gentlewoman for yielding. The parents of one of my closest for violating part ‘‘(s) or (t) of section Mr. Chair, I simply want to say I sup- friends are technically stepparents, but 922 shall be fined under this title, im- port this amendment, which clarifies you would never know it, because they prisoned for not more than 1 year, or that great bodily harm is included in are all so close and love each other so both.’’ the exception to the bill’s background much. 18 USC 3571(b)(5) ‘‘for a Class A mis- check requirement, includes domestic The amendment also clarifies that demeanor’’, which this is, ‘‘that does violence, sexual assaults, stalking, et gifts and loans of firearms among fam- not result in death, not more than cetera. It is a good amendment. I urge ily members are still subject to the ex- $100,000.’’ people to support it. isting legal standard for all transfers. So it could be $1,000 or it could be up Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. Existing law states that no person to $100,000. Mr. Chairman, I would like to simply may deliver a firearm to someone if he I appreciate our confusion over this close by reiterating the importance of or she has a reason to believe that the issue, but unfortunately, as I stated be- H.R. 8 and my support for it in this person is prohibited from possessing a fore, this is what happens when a bill is amendment, and clarifying and pro- firearm. rushed to the floor, and it is why we tecting individuals who are at risk Consequently, even gifts and loans oppose this legislation. from domestic violence, stalking, and among family members are not permis- When we understand this, Mr. Chair- sexual assault. sible if the transferor has a reason to man, again, you can offer amendments Mr. Chair, I would like to thank Con- believe that the transferee may use the that make Members feel good, but feel- gresswoman STEPHANIE MURPHY, who firearm in a crime or is prohibited ing good doesn’t heal you and feeling cosponsored this amendment, as well from possessing firearms. good will not make this better. as Congresswoman DAVIDS and Con- Again, the amendment clarifies that I will not oppose this amendment, gressman NADLER for their remarks. while a background check is not re- but, again, I think in just the moments Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of quired for these transfers, the existing that I have had here, I raised enough my time. legal standard continues to apply. questions about this amendment to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.040 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2259 take up those very issues that were vote on the amendment offered by the Cleaver Johnson (TX) Plaskett Cline Kaptur Pocan spoken of about the love between step- gentlewoman from Arizona (Mrs. Clyburn Keating Porter parents and stepchildren. What about LESKO) on which further proceedings Cohen Kelly (IL) Pressley the stepsiblings? What about the were postponed and on which the noes Connolly Kennedy Price (NC) stepgrandparents? That is still part of prevailed by voice vote. Cooper Khanna Quigley Correa Kildee Raskin that device and not addressed in this. The Clerk will redesignate the Costa Kilmer Rice (NY) And, again, going back to the issue of amendment. Courtney Kim Richmond the fine: again, the statute and the bill The Clerk redesignated the amend- Cox (CA) Kind Rose (NY) Craig King (NY) Rouda itself are pretty clear; it is fined under ment. this process and not the guidelines that Crist Kirkpatrick Roy RECORDED VOTE Crow Krishnamoorthi Roybal-Allard are sentencing. Cummings Kuster (NH) Ruiz Mr. Chair, I reserve the balance of The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Cunningham Lamb Ruppersberger my time. has been demanded. Davids (KS) Langevin Rush Mr. VAN DREW. Mr. Chair, I yield A recorded vote was ordered. Davidson (OH) Larsen (WA) Rutherford Davis (CA) Larson (CT) Ryan myself as much time as I may con- The vote was taken by electronic de- Davis, Danny K. Lawrence Sablan sume. vice, and there were—ayes 182, noes 250, Dean Lawson (FL) Sa´ nchez Mr. Chair, I want to thank the body not voting 5, as follows: DeFazio Lee (CA) Sarbanes DeGette Lee (NV) Scanlon for its support of my amendment, and [Roll No. 96] I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on the Van Drew DeLauro Levin (CA) Schakowsky AYES—182 DelBene Levin (MI) Schiff amendment. Delgado Lewis Schneider Abraham Gonza´ lez-Colo´ n Nunes This is a good amendment, and I be- Demings Lieu, Ted Schrader Aderholt (PR) Olson DeSaulnier Lipinski Schrier lieve it will be helpful, and I believe it Allen Gooden Palazzo Deutch Loebsack Scott (VA) creates an atmosphere which is a fair Amodei Granger Palmer Dingell Lofgren Scott, David Armstrong Graves (GA) Pence atmosphere for everyone to increase Doggett Lowenthal Serrano Arrington Graves (LA) Posey safety and yet at the same time to un- Doyle, Michael Lowey Sewell (AL) Babin Graves (MO) Ratcliffe F. Luja´ n Shalala derstand the relationships that do exist Bacon Green (TN) Reed Engel Luria Sherman Baird Griffith Reschenthaler in stepfamilies. Escobar Lynch Sherrill Balderson Grothman Rice (SC) Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of Eshoo Malinowski Sires Banks Guest Riggleman my time. Espaillat Maloney, Slotkin Barr Guthrie Roby Evans Carolyn B. Smith (NJ) Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I Bergman Hagedorn Rodgers (WA) Finkenauer Maloney, Sean Smith (WA) yield myself as much time as I may Biggs Harris Roe, David P. Fitzpatrick Massie Soto Bilirakis Hartzler Rogers (AL) consume. Fletcher Matsui Spanberger Bishop (UT) Hern, Kevin Rogers (KY) Mr. Chairman, again, I appreciate the Foster McAdams Speier Bost Hice (GA) Rooney (FL) Fudge McBath Stanton gentleman bringing it, but as was said, Brady Higgins (LA) Rose, John W. Gabbard McCollum Stevens this is an attempt to make a bill that Brooks (AL) Hill (AR) Rouzer Gallagher McEachin Stivers Brooks (IN) Holding Scalise should have been vetted more in com- Gallego McGovern Suozzi Buck Hudson Schweikert mittee not be vetted more. And I ap- Garamendi McNerney Swalwell (CA) Bucshon Huizenga Scott, Austin Garcı´a (IL) Meeks Takano preciate that. Budd Hunter Sensenbrenner Garcia (TX) Meng Thompson (CA) I am not going to oppose the amend- Burchett Hurd (TX) Shimkus Golden Moore Thompson (MS) Burgess Johnson (LA) Simpson ment, but when I take it a step further, Gomez Morelle Titus Byrne Johnson (OH) Smith (MO) what about the stepparents and the Gonzalez (TX) Moulton Tlaib Calvert Johnson (SD) Smith (NE) stepsiblings between each other, and Gottheimer Mucarsel-Powell Tonko Carter (GA) Jordan Smucker Green (TX) Murphy Torres (CA) the stepgrandparents and Carter (TX) Joyce (OH) Spano Grijalva Nadler Torres Small Chabot Joyce (PA) Stauber stepgrandchildren? I have had a won- Haaland Napolitano (NM) Cheney Kelly (MS) Stefanik derful look at those families. Those are Harder (CA) Neal Trahan Cloud Kelly (PA) Steil Hastings Neguse Trone precious families. Why are we just Cole King (IA) Steube Hayes Norcross Underwood stopping at one? Collins (GA) Kinzinger Stewart Heck Norton Van Drew Again, it goes back to the heart. And Collins (NY) Kustoff (TN) Taylor Herrera Beutler O’Halleran Vargas Comer LaHood Thompson (PA) I understand the rush to get here, but, Higgins (NY) Ocasio-Cortez Veasey Conaway LaMalfa Thornberry again, what makes you feel better and Hill (CA) Omar Vela Cook Lamborn Timmons Himes Pallone Vela´ zquez makes you feel good does not always Crawford Latta Tipton Hollingsworth Panetta Visclosky Crenshaw Lesko Turner heal you. This is something that needs Horn, Kendra S. Pappas Wasserman Cuellar Long Upton to be addressed. Horsford Pascrell Schultz Curtis Loudermilk Wagner Mr. Chair, with this, I am not going Houlahan Payne Waters Davis, Rodney Lucas Walberg Hoyer Perlmutter Watson Coleman to oppose this amendment. It is unfor- DesJarlais Luetkemeyer Walden Huffman Perry Welch tunately very lacking in a bill that is Diaz-Balart Marchant Walker Jackson Lee Peters Wexton Duffy Marshall Walorski lacking on many points, but with that, Jayapal Peterson Wild Duncan Mast Waltz Jeffries Phillips Wilson (FL) I yield back the balance of my time. Dunn McCarthy Watkins Johnson (GA) Pingree Yarmuth The Acting CHAIR. The question is Emmer McCaul Weber (TX) on the amendment offered by the gen- Estes McClintock Webster (FL) NOT VOTING—5 Ferguson McHenry Wenstrup tleman from New Jersey (Mr. VAN Frankel Katko San Nicolas Fleischmann McKinley Westerman DREW). Gosar Radewagen Flores Meadows Williams The amendment was agreed to. Fortenberry Meuser Wilson (SC) b 1458 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Foxx (NC) Miller Wittman The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Fulcher Mitchell Womack Mr. RUSH, Ms. PLASKETT, Mr. Gaetz Moolenaar Woodall PETERS, Mses. PRESSLEY, SCAN- clause 6 of rule XVIII, proceedings will Gianforte Mooney (WV) Wright now resume on those amendments Gibbs Mullin Yoho LON, Messrs. KENNEDY, HECK, printed in part A of House Report 116– Gohmert Newhouse Young O’HALLERAN, Miss RICE of New 14 on which further proceedings were Gonzalez (OH) Norman Zeldin York, Messrs. PETERSON, GALLA- postponed, in the following order: NOES—250 GHER, CLINE, Ms. TLAIB, Mr. Amendment No. 1 by Mrs. LESKO of Adams Blunt Rochester Carson (IN) SUOZZI, Mrs. BEATTY, Ms. HERRERA Arizona. Aguilar Bonamici Cartwright BEUTLER, Messrs. PERRY and LEWIS Amendment No. 3 by Ms. KENDRA S. Allred Boyle, Brendan Case changed their vote from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ HORN of Oklahoma. Amash F. Casten (IL) Messrs. SPANO, GOHMERT, Miss Axne Brindisi Castor (FL) ´ ´ The Chair will reduce to 2 minutes Barraga´ n Brown (MD) Castro (TX) GONZALEZ-COLON of Puerto Rico, the minimum time for any electronic Bass Brownley (CA) Chu, Judy Messrs. KINZINGER and BUCK vote after the first vote in this series. Beatty Buchanan Cicilline changed their vote from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ Bera Bustos Cisneros AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MRS. LESKO So the amendment was rejected. Beyer Butterfield Clark (MA) The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Bishop (GA) Carbajal Clarke (NY) The result of the vote was announced business is the demand for a recorded Blumenauer Ca´ rdenas Clay as above recorded.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.043 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2260 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2019 AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MS. KENDRA S. Neguse Rush Thompson (PA) The Acting CHAIR. Under the rule, HORN OF OKLAHOMA Newhouse Ryan Tipton the Committee rises. Norcross Sablan Titus The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Norman Sa´ nchez Tlaib Accordingly, the Committee rose; business is the demand for a recorded Norton Sarbanes Tonko and the Speaker pro tempore (Ms. vote on the amendment offered by the O’Halleran Scanlon Torres (CA) KELLY of Illinois) having assumed the Ocasio-Cortez Schakowsky gentlewoman from Oklahoma (Ms. Torres Small chair, Mr. PRICE of North Carolina, Omar Schiff (NM) KENDRA S. HORN) on which further pro- Pallone Schneider Acting Chair of the Committee of the Trahan Panetta Schrader ceedings were postponed and on which Trone Whole House on the state of the Union, the ayes prevailed by voice vote. Pappas Schrier reported that that Committee, having Pascrell Schweikert Turner The Clerk will redesignate the Payne Scott (VA) Upton had under consideration the bill (H.R. amendment. Perlmutter Scott, David Van Drew 8) to require a background check for The Clerk redesignated the amend- Perry Serrano Vargas every firearm sale, and, pursuant to Peters Sewell (AL) Veasey ment. Peterson Shalala Vela House Resolution 145, he reported the RECORDED VOTE Phillips Sherman Vela´ zquez bill back to the House with an amend- The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Pingree Sherrill Visclosky ment adopted in the Committee of the Plaskett Shimkus Wagner Whole. has been demanded. Pocan Sires Walden A recorded vote was ordered. Porter Slotkin Wasserman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 2- Posey Smith (NJ) Schultz the rule, the previous question is or- Pressley Smith (WA) Waters dered. minute vote. Price (NC) Smucker The vote was taken by electronic de- Watson Coleman Is a separate vote demanded on any Quigley Soto Webster (FL) Raskin amendment to the amendment re- vice, and there were—ayes 310, noes 119, Spanberger Welch Reed Stanton not voting 8, as follows: Wexton ported from the Committee of the Rice (NY) Stauber Wild Whole? [Roll No. 97] Richmond Stefanik Wilson (FL) If not, the question is on the amend- AYES—310 Riggleman Steil Roe, David P. Stevens Wittman ment in the nature of a substitute, as Adams Davis, Danny K. Jeffries Rooney (FL) Stivers Womack amended. Aguilar Davis, Rodney Johnson (GA) Rose (NY) Suozzi Woodall Allred Dean Johnson (LA) The amendment was agreed to. Rouda Swalwell (CA) Wright The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Arrington DeFazio Johnson (TX) Roybal-Allard Takano Yarmuth Axne DeGette Joyce (OH) Ruiz Thompson (CA) Young question is on the engrossment and Bacon DeLauro Kaptur Ruppersberger Thompson (MS) Zeldin third reading of the bill. Balderson DelBene Keating Barraga´ n Delgado Kelly (IL) NOES—119 The bill was ordered to be engrossed Bass and read a third time, and was read the Demings Kennedy Abraham Granger Palazzo Beatty DeSaulnier Khanna Aderholt Graves (MO) Palmer third time. Bera Deutch Kildee Allen Green (TN) Pence MOTION TO RECOMMIT Beyer Diaz-Balart Kilmer Amash Grothman Ratcliffe Bilirakis Dingell Kim Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Madam Amodei Guest Reschenthaler Bishop (GA) Doggett Kind Armstrong Guthrie Speaker, I have a motion to recommit Blumenauer Rice (SC) Doyle, Michael King (IA) Babin Hagedorn at the desk. Blunt Rochester Roby F. King (NY) Baird Harris Bonamici Rodgers (WA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the Duncan Kirkpatrick Banks Hern, Kevin Bost Rogers (AL) gentleman opposed to the bill? Engel Krishnamoorthi Barr Higgins (LA) Boyle, Brendan Rogers (KY) Escobar Kuster (NH) Bergman Holding Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. I am. F. Rose, John W. Eshoo Lamb Biggs Hollingsworth Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, I re- Brindisi Rouzer Espaillat Langevin Bishop (UT) Hunter Brooks (IN) Roy serve a point of order. Evans Larsen (WA) Brady Johnson (OH) Brown (MD) Rutherford The SPEAKER pro tempore. A point Finkenauer Larson (CT) Brooks (AL) Johnson (SD) Brownley (CA) Scalise Fitzpatrick Lawrence Buck Jordan of order is reserved. Buchanan Scott, Austin Fletcher Lawson (FL) Budd Joyce (PA) The Clerk will report the motion. Bucshon Sensenbrenner Fortenberry Lee (CA) Byrne Kelly (MS) Burchett Simpson The Clerk read as follows: Foster Lee (NV) Calvert Kelly (PA) Burgess Smith (MO) Mr. Collins of Georgia moves to recommit Fudge Lesko Carter (GA) Kinzinger Bustos Smith (NE) Gabbard Levin (CA) Carter (TX) Kustoff (TN) the bill H.R. 8 to the Committee on the Judi- Butterfield Gaetz Levin (MI) Cheney LaHood Spano ciary with instructions to report the same to Carbajal Gallego Lewis Cline LaMalfa Speier the House forthwith with the following Ca´ rdenas Garamendi Lieu, Ted Collins (GA) Lamborn Steube amendment: Carson (IN) Garcia (TX) Lipinski Comer Latta Stewart Cartwright Page 5, after line 4, insert the following: Gianforte Loebsack Crawford Long Taylor Case ‘‘(E) Regulations promulgated under this Gohmert Lofgren Curtis Loudermilk Thornberry Casten (IL) paragraph shall include, in the case of a Golden Lowenthal DesJarlais Luetkemeyer Timmons Castor (FL) background check conducted by the national Gomez Lowey Duffy Marchant Underwood Chabot Gonzalez (OH) Lucas Dunn Marshall Walberg instant criminal background check system Chu, Judy ´ Gonzalez (TX) Lujan Emmer Massie Walker in response to a contact from a licensed im- Cicilline ´ ´ Gonzalez-Colon Luria Estes McCarthy Walorski porter, licensed manufacturer, or licensed Cisneros (PR) Lynch Ferguson McCaul Waltz dealer, which background check indicates Clark (MA) Gottheimer Malinowski Fleischmann Meuser Watkins Clarke (NY) that the receipt of a firearm by a person Graves (GA) Maloney, Flores Mitchell Weber (TX) Clay would violate subsection (g)(5), a require- Graves (LA) Carolyn B. Foxx (NC) Moolenaar Wenstrup Cleaver ment that the system notify U.S. Immigra- Green (TX) Maloney, Sean Fulcher Mooney (WV) Westerman Cloud Griffith Mast Gallagher Mullin Williams tion and Customs Enforcement.’’. Clyburn Haaland Matsui Gibbs Nunes Wilson (SC) Cohen The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Harder (CA) McAdams Gooden Olson Yoho Cole Hartzler McBath tleman from Georgia is recognized for 5 Collins (NY) Hastings McClintock NOT VOTING—8 minutes. Conaway Hayes McCollum Castro (TX) Gosar Radewagen Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Madam Connolly Heck McEachin Frankel Grijalva Cook Herrera Beutler McGovern San Nicolas Speaker, this motion to recommit will Garcı´a (IL) Katko Cooper Hice (GA) McHenry not kill the bill or send it back to com- Correa Higgins (NY) McKinley mittee. If adopted, the bill will imme- Costa Hill (AR) McNerney b 1509 diately proceed to final passage, as Courtney Hill (CA) Meadows Cox (CA) Himes Meeks Mr. CHABOT changed his vote from amended. Craig Horn, Kendra S. Meng ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ As was just read, the motion to re- Crenshaw Horsford Miller So the amendment was agreed to. commit will notify U.S. Immigration Crist Houlahan Moore Crow Hoyer Morelle The result of the vote was announced and Customs Enforcement, commonly Cuellar Hudson Moulton as above recorded. known as ICE, when an illegal alien Cummings Huffman Mucarsel-Powell The Acting CHAIR. The question is who is prohibited from possessing a Cunningham Huizenga Murphy on the amendment in the nature of a firearm attempts to purchase a firearm Davids (KS) Hurd (TX) Nadler Davidson (OH) Jackson Lee Napolitano substitute, as amended. by going through the process of appli- Davis (CA) Jayapal Neal The amendment was agreed to. cation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:31 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.046 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2261 Madam Speaker, I have been here all But, Madam Speaker and my col- country, that means the system knows afternoon, and we have heard time and leagues, please listen to me right now. he is illegally in the country. It means time again how we have had the prob- Hear me clearly. Hear me clearly. No they already know that. lem of mass violence. We have talked matter what will be said in just a mo- So what is the point of reporting about how to solve it, and, unfortu- ment, no matter what the chairman or him? He has to be in the system as ille- nately, this underlying bill, as I have anyone else will say about this bill, if gally in the country in order to fail the brought out many times already, will you vote ‘‘no,’’ you are voting to allow background check because of section not do this. We have heard that we someone who should not have a firearm (g)(5). So we already know that, and have to do something basically even if to get away with it and not be pros- this is totally circular, number one. it won’t work. ecuted for it. Number two, this is just a red herring Madam Speaker, I will remind this Be very clear, Madam Speaker. You to try to mix up the immigration issue House one more time that what makes can try and make it look better. You with the gun violence issue, and they you feel good does not always heal you. can try and say: ‘‘Well, it was not part really have nothing to do with each When we understand that, then we can of the bill. I have got to have the bill’’; other. begin to move forward. but never get away from the fact, Number three, for 8 years, we What we have found this day is that Madam Speaker, if you vote ‘‘no’’ on couldn’t get a hearing—not a hearing this bill has many problems because we this motion to recommit, you are mak- in a committee—on this bill or on any chose to rush it to the floor because we ing a choice to say: ‘‘I guess some real bill to stop the plague of handgun had a deadline, and we cut off debate in criminals can get away with trying to violence in this country. committee. get a firearm.’’ Madam Speaker, 150 people killed in We found amendments offered to fix That is why this motion to recommit Great Britain, 95 in Austria or wher- parts of this bill that do not fix them needs a ‘‘yes’’ vote. This is why we on ever, 39,000 in the United States—no but actually make them worse. this side stand for making sure that one will tell me that Americans are We have found out that the authors proper firearm safety is upheld while 10,000 times as mentally ill as Euro- of the bill did not even know how much our rights are being upheld and, at the peans or Japanese. The problem is we was going to be fined in the bill until same time, looking to find real solu- don’t have adequate protections on we actually pointed it out. tions, not perpetrating a fraud on those guns. This bill goes in the direction of Now we come to the biggest part: I who are scared simply to pass a piece doing it, and they want to sabotage the have been here all day listening to: We of legislation. bill with a phony issue raised by this have to keep criminals from having Madam Speaker, vote ‘‘yes’’ on the MTR. firearms. We have to keep criminals motion to recommit and actually keep Now, there is an issue. If people fail from having firearms. guns out of criminals’ hands. the background check for various rea- I will say it once more, Madam Madam Speaker, I yield back balance Speaker: We must keep criminals from sons, then you can make a case it of my time. should be reported to local law enforce- having firearms. Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, I ment agencies. Mr. CICILLINE has a bill I am glad to let you know, Madam withdraw my reservation. Speaker, we are now giving everyone in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The res- to do just that. I am going to yield to this body a chance to do just that. ervation of a point of order is with- him in a second. But the fact is it has A similar measure was promoted. drawn. nothing to do with this bill. It is just What we are simply saying is that, if Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, I rise an attempt to sabotage this bill. you have someone who is a criminal in opposition to the motion to recom- If you believe that we ought to cut who came into our country illegally— mit. down on the plague of gun violence in criminal time number one—if they The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- this country, that we ought to save then try to buy or purchase a firearm tleman from New York is recognized lives, that we ought to get rid of all which they are unable to do, that is the for 5 minutes. these people who shouldn’t have guns second strike as a criminal, and what Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, let’s having guns, and that we ought to have we are simply saying is, if they do remember what we are dealing with. background checks in sensible situa- that, they will be reported to ICE. We are dealing with the fact that cur- tions, then vote against the motion to Now, which Members in this body are rent Federal law with respect to fire- recommit and for the bill. opposed to notifying law enforcement arms background checks is dan- Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- when a person prohibited from pur- gerously limited and flawed because tleman from Rhode Island (Mr. chasing a firearm attempts to do so? background checks are only required CICILLINE). Are we against that? No. for sales by licensed gun dealers and Mr. CICILLINE. Madam Speaker, I I believe my friends across the aisle that many, many people get a gun at a thank the gentleman for yielding. are not. I have heard it all day: We gun show or from someone else. Some- We are on the precipice of passing the don’t want criminals to have firearms. thing like 20 percent, I think the figure first commonsense gun safety bill in But my question to you now, Madam is, or 25 percent of gun sales escape this Congress in 25 years. I have been Speaker, is—be very careful. If you background checks. here for 8 years. We begged and pleaded vote ‘‘no’’ on this motion to recommit, So all kinds of people who may be and had a sit-in to try to force Repub- you cannot go back to your constitu- criminals, who may be mentally ill, licans to take up some measure to re- ency, no matter what is said, and say: and who may be domestic abusers who duce gun violence in this country. I voted to keep illegal aliens, those shouldn’t have guns get guns, and that There are women, men, and families who should not have a firearm, from results in lives forfeited. It results in all across America who are demanding having a firearm. people killed. that Congress do something. We are We have heard it all day. And you This bill goes a long way toward solv- about to do this, and you raise a mo- can moan, you can talk, you can think ing that by saying we are going to re- tion to recommit on a phony issue to about it, but, again, Madam Speaker, I quire background checks of everyone try to muck this up with this gimmick. understand the sympathy and the con- who gets a gun, with some exceptions, If you were concerned about reducing cern and the pain upon this bill, but with some reasonable exceptions which gun violence in this country and pass- let’s not kid ourselves. The bill itself are in the bill. ing commonsense gun safety legisla- guts itself when it will not even allow Now, along comes this motion to re- tion, you had 8 years to bring a bill to a registry which the Obama adminis- commit, which is a total red herring the floor. tration said it had. having nothing to do with the purpose But if you are really concerned about Let’s actually get back to a point in of the bill, and says that, if someone this, I have good news for you. I have saying, if there is something about this fails a background check because he is legislation, because, in fact, if someone bill, give everybody an opportunity to illegally in this country, you should re- buys a gun who is a prohibited pur- actually keep a gun out of a criminal’s port that to ICE. chaser, whatever their immigration hands and actually have that criminal First of all, if he fails a background status is, if they have committed a punished for that by turning them in. check because he is illegally in the crime, then they should be arrested

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:31 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.049 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2019 and prosecuted. Every single Democrat Luetkemeyer Reschenthaler Stewart Titus Vargas Waters believes that. Luria Rice (SC) Stivers Tlaib Veasey Watson Coleman Marchant Riggleman Taylor Tonko Vela Welch So I have a piece of legislation that Marshall Roby Thompson (PA) Torres (CA) Vela´ zquez Wexton says, if that happens, notify the field Massie Rodgers (WA) Thornberry Trahan Visclosky Wild office of the Federal Bureau of Inves- Mast Roe, David P. Timmons Trone Wasserman Wilson (FL) Underwood Schultz Yarmuth tigation, the local law enforcement McAdams Rogers (AL) Tipton McCarthy Rogers (KY) Torres Small NOT VOTING—3 agency, and the State law enforcement McCaul Rooney (FL) (NM) agency, the agencies responsible for en- McClintock Rose (NY) Turner Frankel Gosar Katko forcing the criminal law, so they can McHenry Rose, John W. Upton McKinley Rouzer b 1533 arrest and prosecute that person. Van Drew Meadows Roy Wagner Mr. NEAL changed his vote from Meuser Rutherford I am looking for a Republican colead. Walberg Miller Scalise ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ I look forward to hearing from you. Walden Mitchell Schrader Messrs. DAVIDSON of Ohio and Walker Madam Speaker, defeat this phony Moolenaar Schweikert MASSIE changed their vote from ‘‘nay amendment and pass universal back- Mooney (WV) Scott, Austin Walorski Waltz to ‘‘yea.’’ ground checks. Mullin Sensenbrenner So the motion to recommit was Murphy Sherrill Watkins Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, let us Newhouse Shimkus Weber (TX) agreed to. not accept this red herring. Let us not Norman Simpson Webster (FL) The result of the vote was announced divert. Vote ‘‘no’’ on the motion to re- Nunes Slotkin Wenstrup as above recorded. Westerman commit and ‘‘yes’’ on the bill. O’Halleran Smith (MO) Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, pur- Olson Smith (NE) Williams Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- Palazzo Smith (NJ) Wilson (SC) suant to the instructions of the House ance of my time. Palmer Smucker Wittman on the motion to recommit, I report The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Pence Spanberger Womack the bill, H.R. 8, back to the House with Perry Spano Woodall an amendment. objection, the previous question is or- Peterson Stauber Wright dered on the motion to recommit. Posey Stefanik Yoho The SPEAKER pro tempore. The There was no objection. Ratcliffe Steil Young Clerk will report the amendment. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Reed Steube Zeldin The Clerk read as follows: Amendment offered by Mr. NADLER: question is on the motion to recommit. NAYS—209 The question was taken; and the Page 5, after line 4, insert the following: Adams Fletcher McEachin ‘‘(E) Regulations promulgated under this Speaker pro tempore announced that Aguilar Foster McGovern paragraph shall include, in the case of a the noes appeared to have it. Allred Fudge McNerney background check conducted by the national Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Madam Amash Gabbard Meeks instant criminal background check system Barraga´ n Gallego Meng Speaker, on that I demand the yeas Bass Garamendi Moore in response to a contact from a licensed im- and nays. Beatty Garcı´a (IL) Morelle porter, licensed manufacturer, or licensed The yeas and nays were ordered. Bera Garcia (TX) Moulton dealer, which background check indicates The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Beyer Gomez Mucarsel-Powell that the receipt of a firearm by a person Bishop (GA) Gonzalez (TX) Nadler ant to clause 9 of rule XX, the Chair would violate subsection (g)(5), a require- Blumenauer Green (TX) Napolitano ment that the system notify U.S. Immigra- will reduce to 5 minutes the minimum Blunt Rochester Grijalva Neal tion and Customs Enforcement.’’. time for any electronic vote on the Bonamici Haaland Neguse The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question of passage of the bill. Boyle, Brendan Harder (CA) Norcross F. Hastings Ocasio-Cortez question is on the amendment. This is a 5-minute vote. Brown (MD) Hayes Omar PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY The vote was taken by electronic de- Brownley (CA) Heck Pallone Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, par- vice, and there were—yeas 220, nays Bustos Higgins (NY) Panetta Butterfield Hill (CA) Pappas liamentary inquiry. 209, not voting 3, as follows: Carbajal Himes Pascrell The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- [Roll No. 98] Ca´ rdenas Horsford Payne Carson (IN) Houlahan Pelosi tleman from Maryland will state his YEAS—220 Cartwright Hoyer Perlmutter parliamentary inquiry. Abraham Cook Grothman Case Huffman Peters Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, in Aderholt Costa Guest Casten (IL) Jackson Lee Phillips order for the amendment that was just Allen Craig Guthrie Castor (FL) Jayapal Pingree Amodei Crawford Hagedorn Castro (TX) Jeffries Pocan passed to be passed, am I correct that Armstrong Crenshaw Harris Chu, Judy Johnson (GA) Porter you would have to vote for this bill Arrington Crist Hartzler Cicilline Johnson (TX) Pressley with that amendment now? Axne Cunningham Hern, Kevin Cisneros Kaptur Price (NC) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Babin Curtis Herrera Beutler Clark (MA) Keating Quigley Bacon Davidson (OH) Hice (GA) Clarke (NY) Kelly (IL) Raskin Chair will put the question on the Baird Davis, Rodney Higgins (LA) Clay Kennedy Rice (NY) amendment and then the question on Balderson Delgado Hill (AR) Cleaver Khanna Richmond passage. Banks DesJarlais Holding Clyburn Kildee Rouda Mr. HOYER. The vote now is to pass Barr Diaz-Balart Hollingsworth Cohen Kilmer Roybal-Allard Bergman Duffy Horn, Kendra S. Connolly Kind Ruiz the bill as amended. Am I correct? Biggs Duncan Hudson Cooper Kirkpatrick Ruppersberger My parliamentary inquiry is, if that Bilirakis Dunn Huizenga Correa Krishnamoorthi Rush does not pass, am I correct that the Bishop (UT) Emmer Hunter Courtney Kuster (NH) Ryan amendment that was just voted for by Bost Estes Hurd (TX) Cox (CA) Langevin Sa´ nchez Brady Ferguson Johnson (LA) Crow Larsen (WA) Sarbanes so many in this House, it would be de- Brindisi Finkenauer Johnson (OH) Cuellar Larson (CT) Scanlon feated if the bill is defeated? Brooks (AL) Fitzpatrick Johnson (SD) Cummings Lawrence Schakowsky The SPEAKER pro tempore. Fol- Brooks (IN) Fleischmann Jordan Davids (KS) Lawson (FL) Schiff lowing the disposition of the amend- Buchanan Flores Joyce (OH) Davis (CA) Lee (CA) Schneider Buck Fortenberry Joyce (PA) Davis, Danny K. Levin (CA) Schrier ment, the Chair will put the question Bucshon Foxx (NC) Kelly (MS) Dean Levin (MI) Scott (VA) on passage of the bill. Budd Fulcher Kelly (PA) DeFazio Lewis Scott, David The question is on the amendment. Burchett Gaetz Kim DeGette Lieu, Ted Serrano The amendment was agreed to. Burgess Gallagher King (IA) DeLauro Lipinski Sewell (AL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Byrne Gianforte King (NY) DelBene Loebsack Shalala Calvert Gibbs Kinzinger Demings Lofgren Sherman question is on the engrossment and Carter (GA) Gohmert Kustoff (TN) DeSaulnier Lowenthal Sires third reading of the bill. Carter (TX) Golden LaHood Deutch Lowey Smith (WA) The bill was ordered to be engrossed Chabot Gonzalez (OH) LaMalfa Dingell Luja´ n Soto and read a third time, and was read the Cheney Gooden Lamb Doggett Lynch Speier Cline Gottheimer Lamborn Doyle, Michael Malinowski Stanton third time. Cloud Granger Latta F. Maloney, Stevens The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Cole Graves (GA) Lee (NV) Engel Carolyn B. Suozzi question is on the passage of the bill. Collins (GA) Graves (LA) Lesko Escobar Maloney, Sean Swalwell (CA) The question was taken; and the Collins (NY) Graves (MO) Long Eshoo Matsui Takano Comer Green (TN) Loudermilk Espaillat McBath Thompson (CA) Speaker pro tempore announced that Conaway Griffith Lucas Evans McCollum Thompson (MS) the ayes appeared to have it.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:31 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.050 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2263 Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Madam NAYS—190 REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Speaker, on that I demand the yeas Abraham Gooden Palmer AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 787 and nays. Aderholt Gosar Pence Allen Granger Perry Ms. WILSON of Florida. Madam The yeas and nays were ordered. Amash Graves (GA) Peterson Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Amodei Graves (LA) Posey my name be removed as a cosponsor of The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Armstrong Graves (MO) Ratcliffe H.R. 787. 5-minute vote. Arrington Green (TN) Reed Babin Griffith Reschenthaler The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The vote was taken by electronic de- Bacon Grothman Rice (SC) objection to the request of the gentle- Baird Guest Riggleman woman from Florida? vice, and there were—yeas 240, nays Balderson Guthrie Roby 190, not voting 2, as follows: Banks Hagedorn There was no objection. Rodgers (WA) Barr Harris Roe, David P. f [Roll No. 99] Bergman Hartzler Rogers (AL) Biggs Hern, Kevin REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 962, YEAS—240 Bilirakis Herrera Beutler Rogers (KY) Rooney (FL) BORN-ALIVE ABORTION SUR- Adams Gomez Ocasio-Cortez Bishop (UT) Hice (GA) Rose, John W. Aguilar Gonzalez (TX) Omar Bost Higgins (LA) VIVORS PROTECTION ACT Rouzer Allred Gottheimer Pallone Brady Hill (AR) Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Madam Axne Green (TX) Panetta Brooks (AL) Holding Roy Barraga´ n Grijalva Pappas Brooks (IN) Hollingsworth Rutherford Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Bass Haaland Pascrell Buck Hudson Scalise the Committee on the Judiciary be dis- Beatty Harder (CA) Payne Bucshon Huizenga Schweikert charged from further consideration of a Scott, Austin Bera Hastings Pelosi Budd Hunter bill I sponsored, H.R. 962, the Born- Beyer Hayes Perlmutter Burchett Johnson (LA) Sensenbrenner Bishop (GA) Heck Peters Burgess Johnson (OH) Shimkus Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Blumenauer Higgins (NY) Phillips Byrne Johnson (SD) Simpson Act, to make sure that the most vul- Blunt Rochester Hill (CA) Pingree Calvert Jordan Smith (MO) nerable children in the United States Carter (GA) Joyce (OH) Smith (NE) Bonamici Himes Pocan have access to lifesaving medical care, Boyle, Brendan Horn, Kendra S. Porter Carter (TX) Joyce (PA) Smucker F. Horsford Pressley Chabot Kelly (MS) Spano and ask for its immediate consider- Brindisi Houlahan Price (NC) Cheney Kelly (PA) Stauber ation in the House. Brown (MD) Hoyer Quigley Cline King (IA) Stefanik The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Brownley (CA) Huffman Raskin Cloud Kinzinger Steil Buchanan Hurd (TX) Rice (NY) Cole Kustoff (TN) Steube the guidelines consistently issued by Bustos Jackson Lee Richmond Collins (GA) LaHood Stewart successive Speakers as recorded in sec- Collins (NY) LaMalfa Butterfield Jayapal Rose (NY) Stivers tion 956 of the House Rules and Man- Comer Lamborn Carbajal Jeffries Rouda Taylor Conaway Latta ual, the Chair is constrained not to en- Ca´ rdenas Johnson (GA) Roybal-Allard Thompson (PA) Cook Lesko Carson (IN) Johnson (TX) Ruiz Thornberry tertain the request unless it has been Crawford Long Cartwright Kaptur Ruppersberger Timmons cleared by the bipartisan floor and Crenshaw Loudermilk Case Keating Rush Tipton Curtis Lucas committee leaderships. Casten (IL) Kelly (IL) Ryan Turner Davidson (OH) Luetkemeyer Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Madam Castor (FL) Kennedy Sa´ nchez Wagner Davis, Rodney Marchant Castro (TX) Khanna Sarbanes Walberg Speaker, if this unanimous consent re- DesJarlais Marshall Chu, Judy Kildee Scanlon Walden quest cannot be entertained, I urge the Cicilline Kilmer Duffy Massie Schakowsky Walker Cisneros Kim Duncan McCarthy Speaker and the Majority Leader to Schiff Walorski Clark (MA) Kind Dunn McCaul immediately schedule a vote on the Schneider Waltz Clarke (NY) King (NY) Emmer McClintock Schrader Watkins Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protec- Clay Kirkpatrick Estes McHenry Schrier Weber (TX) tion Act so that we can protect the Cleaver Krishnamoorthi Ferguson McKinley Scott (VA) Webster (FL) Clyburn Kuster (NH) Fleischmann Meadows sanctity of human life. Scott, David Cohen Lamb Flores Meuser Wenstrup Serrano The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Connolly Langevin Fortenberry Miller Westerman Sewell (AL) tleman is not recognized for debate. Cooper Larsen (WA) Foxx (NC) Mitchell Williams Shalala Correa Larson (CT) Fulcher Moolenaar Wilson (SC) f Costa Lawrence Sherman Gaetz Mooney (WV) Wittman Courtney Lawson (FL) Sherrill Gallagher Mullin Womack HOUR OF MEETING ON TOMORROW Cox (CA) Lee (CA) Sires Gianforte Newhouse Woodall Craig Lee (NV) Slotkin Gibbs Norman Wright Mr. PAYNE. Madam Speaker, I ask Crist Levin (CA) Smith (NJ) Gohmert Nunes Yoho unanimous consent that when the Crow Levin (MI) Smith (WA) Golden Olson Young House adjourns today, it adjourn to Soto Cuellar Lewis Gonzalez (OH) Palazzo Zeldin meet at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Cummings Lieu, Ted Spanberger Cunningham Lipinski Speier NOT VOTING—2 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Stanton Davids (KS) Loebsack Frankel Katko objection to the request of the gen- Davis (CA) Lofgren Stevens Suozzi tleman from New Jersey? Davis, Danny K. Lowenthal There was no objection. Dean Lowey Swalwell (CA) b 1544 DeFazio Luja´ n Takano f DeGette Luria Thompson (CA) Mrs. BEATTY changed her vote from DeLauro Lynch Thompson (MS) ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ RECOGNIZING HEALTH AND DelBene Malinowski Titus WELLNESS COACHES Delgado Maloney, Tlaib So the bill was passed. Demings Carolyn B. Tonko (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given DeSaulnier Maloney, Sean Torres (CA) The result of the vote was announced permission to address the House for 1 Deutch Mast Torres Small as above recorded. Diaz-Balart Matsui (NM) minute and to revise and extend his re- Dingell McAdams Trahan A motion to reconsider was laid on marks.) Doggett McBath Trone the table. Mr. PAYNE. Madam Speaker, I rise Doyle, Michael McCollum Underwood F. McEachin Upton today to honor America’s health and Engel McGovern Van Drew f wellness coaches. Escobar McNerney Vargas Approximately 70 percent of Eshoo Meeks Veasey healthcare dollars in the United States Espaillat Meng Vela ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Evans Moore Vela´ zquez PRO TEMPORE are spent on lifestyle-related diseases; Finkenauer Morelle Visclosky but health and wellness coaches can de- Fitzpatrick Moulton Wasserman The SPEAKER pro tempore. The crease those costs by helping people Fletcher Mucarsel-Powell Schultz Foster Murphy Waters Chair will remind all persons in the achieve their personal health and Fudge Nadler Watson Coleman gallery that they are here as guests of wellness goals. Gabbard Napolitano Welch the House and that any manifestation Far too many people suffer and Gallego Neal Wexton of approval or disapproval of pro- struggle with poor health because they Garamendi Neguse Wild Garcı´a (IL) Norcross Wilson (FL) ceedings is in violation of the rules of don’t have the motivation and re- Garcia (TX) O’Halleran Yarmuth the House. sources or sustained support needed in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:31 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.054 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE