H2242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2019 military, I believe the need is clear and BACKGROUND CHECK BILL GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION pressing, the law supports immediate (Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Penn- (Ms. SCHAKOWSKY asked and was action, and ample funding exists to ad- sylvania asked and was given permis- given permission to address the House dress this crisis. sion to address the House for 1 minute.) for 1 minute.) f Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I vania. Mr. Speaker, more than 500 am so proud to stand here today as we b 1215 Pennsylvanians are murdered with work to pass gun violence prevention legislation. BACKGROUND CHECKS WORK guns each year, causing untold suf- fering and tearing our communities I would like to share a letter from a (Mrs. DAVIS of California asked and apart. Pennsylvanians are crying out fifth grader constituent of mine, Alex, was given permission to address the for commonsense legislation to stop from Northfield, Illinois, that perfectly House for 1 minute.) the bloodshed, legislation like H.R. 8, explains why we must pass H.R. 8 and Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speak- the bill before us today. H.R. 1112. Alex writes: ‘‘I don’t want to see in- er, today is a momentous day, one that Now, nobody thinks that universal nocent people dying for no reason. I makes me proud of this Chamber. After background checks would eliminate want all children to feel safe at school. years of inaction, Congress is moving gun violence, but the facts suggest that I want all adults to feel safe at work. I to address our country’s gun violence they would reduce it. want all people to feel safe in their problem. In 2017, the Pennsylvania State Po- city. I think stronger gun laws will We have seen some of the worst mass lice ran over a million background help and also make sure that everyone shootings in our Nation’s history in checks on would-be gun purchasers. that buys a gun has to have a thorough just the past few years. Las Vegas, The vast majority of purchases were background check.’’ Thousand Oaks, Sutherland Springs, approved within a few minutes. But Parkland, Sandy Hook—these are only Well, Alex, you are absolutely right, 13,000 were stopped, and the back- and we are about to finally ensure that a few of the names that recently ground checks led to the arrest of 150 shocked us to the core. And, sadly, everyone who purchases a gun under- wanted fugitives and the arrest and goes a comprehensive background each time, Congress failed to act. conviction of 500 other individuals for check. The next step is banning assault But today—today—we are offering illegally attempting to obtain a fire- weapons. more than thoughts and prayers. We arm. Those background checks put This fifth grader and students around are offering legislation. This bill has some bad guys in jail, and they prob- the country are telling us to do some- bipartisan support—finally, something ably saved some lives as well. thing real to make them safer, and fi- we can all agree on. Let’s help our police enforce the laws nally, at long last, the House of Rep- Strengthening our background check that keep guns out of dangerous hands. resentatives will take action today. system is a small but a very important Vote for the Bipartisan Background f first step. We simply cannot allow Checks Act of 2019. criminals to take advantage of loop- BEER CAN APPRECIATION/ holes. f ALUMINUM BILL Background checks work. They keep BALANCING GUN RIGHTS WITH (Mr. BUCK asked and was given per- guns out of the hands of criminals, and SAFE COMMUNITIES mission to address the House for 1 background checks will save lives. (Ms. UNDERWOOD asked and was minute.) No more excuses. It is just common given permission to address the House Mr. BUCK. Mr. Speaker, I would like sense. for 1 minute and to revise and extend to recognize the critical role that brew- ers and beer importers play in our Na- f her remarks.) Ms. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I tion’s economy. American beverage companies and CLOSING BACKGROUND CHECK rise today to take a stand in support of brewers employ more than 2.2 million LOOPHOLE IS LIFE SUPPORT H.R. 8, which takes a critical first step people nationwide, providing more (Mr. DOGGETT asked and was given to ensure that every person who pur- than $103 billion in wages and benefits. permission to address the House for 1 chases a gun undergoes a background In my home State of Colorado, brew- minute.) check. eries have become a significant compo- Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, selling People should have the right to feel nent of my State’s culture and econ- a gun to a convicted felon, to a perpe- safe from gun violence in their commu- omy. trator of domestic violence, to a fugi- nity, including at home, at work, and But in order to compete, American tive from justice, merits a jail term, at school. Unfortunately, that is not beverage companies and brewers need a but those who oppose this reasonable the case today in our country. Time fair and transparent pricing system for background check bill are enabling and time again, our communities have aluminum. That is why I along with just that. experienced gun violence due to the ab- my friend, Mr. LAWSON from Florida, Someone who couldn’t buy a .22 in- sence of commonsense gun safety are introducing legislation this week side a gun shop can, today, go outside measures. giving the U.S. Commodity Futures that shop and buy a military-style kill- Only 12 days ago, five people, four of Trading Commission oversight author- ing machine and get away with it. whom were my constituents, left their ity of the aluminum market. These un- Doctors Seth Goldstein and Lisa Ep- homes for work at the Henry Pratt fair market practices have not only stein, who visited my office this very Company in Aurora, Illinois, and never cost the beverage and brewing indus- week on behalf of Moms Demand Ac- returned. Their lives were taken by an tries hundreds of millions of dollars, tion, and 117 San Antonio physicians, unspeakably horrific act of gun vio- they have also had harmful effects on they have a view that is different from lence. consumers. Members of Congress concerning the It is time to take immediate action With the help of the CFTC, I hope we result of gun violence. They witness to help safeguard our communities can resolve these pricing irregularities this violence in the emergency room from gun violence, and today, for the that have been plaguing the market so after young bodies are torn apart. first time in more than two decades, our Nation’s beverage companies and What a different view this debate the House of Representatives will vote brewers can continue to produce some would have if it were occurring amidst on a major gun safety bill, and I will of America’s most popular beverages. the pain, violence, and blood in a hos- support it. f pital emergency room, because closing H.R. 8 is a strong step toward making this loophole is about life support. our communities safer, and I look for- BIPARTISAN BACKGROUND We have got to end the trauma. Let’s ward to continuing to work on com- CHECKS ACT OF 2019 join the doctors who are out there monsense legislation that balances gun GENERAL LEAVE seeking to save lives and do our part to rights with the safety of our commu- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask save lives by passing this bill. nities. unanimous consent that all Members VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:24 Feb 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.010 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2243 may have 5 legislative days in which to Under current law, only licensed fire- submit themselves to background revise and extend their remarks and in- arms dealers are required to conduct a checks. sert extraneous material on H.R. 8, the background check before transferring a Are Members who support this bill Bipartisan Background Checks Act of gun to another person. This means that delusional enough to think a criminal 2019. gun shows, online sales, and other pri- trading cocaine to another criminal for The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. vate sales can completely evade this a firearm will give consideration to CICILLINE). Is there objection to the re- vital tool for ensuring that guns do not H.R. 8 and go to the nearest gun store quest of the gentleman from New get into the wrong hands. It is time to to submit to a background check? That York? close this dangerous loophole. is absurd. There was no objection. This bill would make it illegal for Most of us will agree that criminals The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- any person who is not a licensed fire- are not going to do that anyway. My ant to House Resolution 145 and rule arm importer, manufacturer, or dealer concern is what it actually does in XVIII, the Chair declares the House in to transfer a firearm to any other per- practice to those who are not crimi- the Committee of the Whole House on son who is not so licensed without a nals. the state of the Union for the consider- background check. Individuals seeking Not only is it foolish to think they ation of the bill, H.R.
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